1 CGMP Meeting d1s2 Quality-Overview Iser v3

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The key takeaways from the presentation are that a robust pharmaceutical quality system is critical to ensuring drug products meet quality standards, the quality system is evaluated during FDA inspections, and the presentation explores elements of a quality system, inspection strategies, and linking the quality system to submissions.

According to the presentation, a robust pharmaceutical quality system is in line with CGMPs, comprehensive, proactive, science and risk-based, and accountable.

The presentation states that patients and caregivers expect their drugs to be safe, efficacious, have the correct identity, deliver consistent performance as described in the label, be manufactured in a way that ensures quality, and be available when needed.

Regulatory Education

for Industry (REdI):

Focus on CGMPs & FDA Inspections
Sheraton | Silver Spring, MD | July 15-16, 2015

The Pharmaceutical Quality

System (PQS)
Robert Iser
Senior Scientific Advisor (acting)
Office of Process & Facilities / OPQ / CDER

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Introduction & Objectives
A robust PQS is critical to assuring drug products are
manufactured to meet the desired quality and
performance attributes

PQS is the key system evaluated during FDA

inspection, and is also key in providing FDA
confidence that appropriate (science and risk based)
support information is used to make decisions (e.g.,
in submissions).

This presentation will explore:

PQS Elements in ICH Q10
Inspection strategies in evaluating a PQS [CPGM 7356.002 ]
21 CFR 210 & 211 Components of the Quality System
Linkage of PQS to Submissions
Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
First Things First
What is Quality?

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
What is Quality [of a pharmaceutical product]?

It delivers the properties described on the

label and is not contaminated Dr. Woodcock
"fitness for intended use*
freedom from defects*
"meeting or exceeding customer expectations*
customer's definition of quality is the only one
that matters*

*Modified from Juran & Deming

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
What is Quality?

For a Drug Product, Typically the

Patient Cannot See Quality!
Which product is sub-potent?

High Concentration

Low Concentration

The Patient Expects Quality!!

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment 5Packaging and Labeling
Expectations for Quality

Patients and caregivers assume that their


Are safe,
efficacious, Deliver the
and have the same
correct Perform
performance consistently
identity as described over their Are made in
in the label a manner Will be
shelf life that ensures available
quality when

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Expectations for Quality
A single FDA reviewer does not get the
full picture of quality based on the

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Office of Pharmaceutical Quality
Immediate Office
Acting Director: Janet Woodcock
Deputy Director: Lawrence Yu

Office of Lifecycle Drug Products Office of New Drug Products Office of Biotech. Products
Acting Director: Acting Director: Director:
Susan Rosencrance Sarah Pope Miksinski Steven Kozlowski

Office of Surveillance
Office of Process and Facilities
Acting Director:
Acting Director: Christine Moore
Russell Wesdyk

Office of Program and Office of Policy for Pharma.

Office of Testing and Research
Regulatory Operations Quality Director:
Acting Director: Acting Director: Cindy Buhse
Giuseppe Randazzo Ashley Boam

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
What really assures Quality?

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
The Real Assurance of Quality
A robust pharmaceutical quality system!!!

3 Standards& Expectations Regulations


1 QS Elements / Framework - ICH Q10

2 FDA Evaluation Inspection & Review

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Background: ICH Q10 - Pharmaceutical Quality


Achieve product realization

Establish and maintain a state of control

Facilitate continual improvement

Facilitate effective knowledge transfer and



Knowledge & Quality Risk Management

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Background: ICH Q10 - Pharmaceutical Quality

The pharmaceutical quality system

assures that the desired product quality
is routinely met, suitable process
performance is achieved, the set of
controls are appropriate, improvement
opportunities are identified and evaluated,
and the body of knowledge is continually
ICH Q10, Section 3.1.3 Commercial Manufacturing

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
ICH Q10 - Pharmaceutical Quality System

Foundation of Q10 - Regional GMPs,


Augments GMPs by describing specific

quality system elements...helping
industry and regulators achieve

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
ICH Q10 - Pharmaceutical Quality System

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
ICH Q10 - Pharmaceutical Quality System
Lifecycle Stages - 1

Pharmaceutical Development
DS development; DP formulation
development (including IND & CCS)
Manufacturing process development
and scale-up
Analytical method development
Goal design a product and process that consistently
delivers intended performance and meets needs of customer

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
ICH Q10 - Pharmaceutical Quality System
Lifecycle Stages - 2

Technology Transfer
New product transfers during
development through manufacturing
Transfers within or between
manufacturing and testing sites for
marketed products

Goal transfer product and process knowledge

to achieve realization

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
ICH Q10 - Pharmaceutical Quality System
Lifecycle Stages - 3

Commercial Manufacturing
Acquisition and control of materials
Provision of facilities, utilities, and
Production (including packaging and
Quality control and assurance (including
release, storage, distribution)
Goal achieving realization, establishing and
maintaining a state of control and facilitating
continual improvement
Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
ICH Q10 - Pharmaceutical Quality System
Lifecycle Stages - 4

Product Discontinuation
Continued product assessment and
Document archiving; sample

Goal manage terminal stage of lifecycle


Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
ICH Q10 - Pharmaceutical Quality System

Four Pharmaceutical QS elements:

1. Process performance and product
quality monitoring system
2. Corrective action and preventive
action (CAPA) system
3. Change management system
4. Management review of process
performance and product quality

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Process & Product Monitoring

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Change Management

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Management Review

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
ICH Q10 - Pharmaceutical Quality System

Quality Manual or equivalent documentation

(a) The quality policy.
(b) The scope of the pharmaceutical quality system.
(c) Identification of the pharmaceutical quality system
processes, as well as their sequences, linkages, and
interdependencies. Process maps and flow charts
can be useful tools to facilitate depicting
pharmaceutical quality system processes in a visual
(d) Management responsibilities within the
pharmaceutical quality system.

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
ICH Q10 - Pharmaceutical Quality System

Management Responsibility
Leadership and commitment to quality
Quality Planning
Resource Management
Internal communication
Management Review
Oversight of Outsourced Activities

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
How is the PQS evaluated by
Has your PQS been

Were you concerned?

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
FDA Evaluation of PQS on Inspection

Compliance Program Guidance Manual (CPGM)

7356.002 - Quality System
The quality system (QS) includes the quality
control unit and all its review and approval duties
The QS assures / governs manufacture of quality
See CGMPs, 21 CFR 211 Subparts B, E ,F, G, I, J, K

The QS also assures overall compliance with

CGMPs and internal procedures and specifications

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
PQS FDA Inspection Coverage
QS assessment is two phased:
Quality (Control) Unit has fulfilled
responsibilities review & approve
Assess Data collected to ID quality issues
link to other systems
Facilities & Equipment
Packaging & Labeling
Laboratory Controls

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Quality Procedures Needed

Product Reviews at least annually [product

review, trending 21 CFR 211.180 (e)]

Product Issues - Complaint Reviews (quality &

medical), Discrepancy & Failure Investigations,
Reprocess/ Rework, Returns / Salvage, Rejects,
Stability Failures, Quarantine

Lifecycle Validation, Training / Qualification,

Change Control & Product Improvement Projects

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
What is the Quality (Control)
Unit and What Do They Do?

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
21 CFR 210.3 - Definitions

(15) Quality Control Unit:

Any person or organizational element

designated by the firm to be responsible
for the duties relating to quality control

Does this mean only the QC Unit

is responsible for quality?

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.22 Responsibilities of the
Quality Control Unit
a) Responsibility and authority to:
Approve or reject
Approve or reject drug product processed under
contract by another company
Review production records (e.g., identify errors)
Have the errors fully investigated (if errors occur)

b) Responsible for having adequate laboratory

facilities for testing and approval or rejection
c) Responsible for approving or rejecting all
procedures or specifications impacting the
quality of drug product
d) Responsibilities must be in writing and followed

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.42 (c)(1) Design and construction

Receipt, identification, storage, and

withholding from use of
components, drug product
containers, closures, and labeling,
pending the appropriate sampling,
testing, or examination by the
quality control unit before release
for manufacturing or packaging;

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.84 Testing and Approval or Rejection of
components, drug product containers, and closures

Each lot of components, drug

product containers, and closures
shall be withheld from use until the
lot has been sampled, tested, or
examined, as appropriate, and
released for use by the quality
control unit.

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.87 Retesting of approved components,
drug product containers, and closures

Components, drug product containers, and

closures shall be retested or reexamined, as
appropriate, for identity, strength, quality,
and purity and approved or rejected by the
quality control unit in accordance with
211.84 as necessary, e.g., after storage for
long periods or after exposure to air, heat or
other conditions that might adversely affect
the component, drug product container, or

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.100 Written procedures; deviations

(a) There shall be written procedures for production

and process control designed to assure that the drug
products have the identity, strength, quality, and purity
they purport or are represented to possess. These
written procedures, including any changes, shall be
drafted, reviewed, and approved by the appropriate
organizational units and reviewed and approved by the
quality control unit.

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.101 Charge-in of components

(c) Weighing, measuring, or subdividing

operations for components shall be
adequately supervised. Each container of
component dispensed to manufacturing
shall be examined by a second person to
assure that:
(1) The component was released by the quality
control unit

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.110 Sampling and testing of in-process
materials and drug products continued

(c) In-process materials shall be tested for

identity, strength, quality, and purity as
appropriate, and approved or rejected by
the quality control unit, during the
production process, e.g., at
commencement or completion of
significant phases or after storage for long

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.115 Reprocessing

(b) Reprocessing shall not be performed

without the review and approval of the
quality control unit.

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.142 Warehousing procedures

Written procedures describing the

warehousing of drug products shall be
established and followed.

They shall include:

(a) Quarantine of drug products before

release by the quality control unit.

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.160 General requirements

(a) The establishment of any specifications,

shall be drafted by the appropriate
organizational unit and reviewed and
approved by the quality control unit.

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.165 Testing and release for

(d) Acceptance criteria for the

sampling and testing conducted by
the quality control unit shall be
adequate to assure that batches of
drug products meet each appropriate
specification and appropriate
statistical quality control criteria as a
condition for their approval and

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.180 Testing and release for
(e) Written records required by this part shall be maintained so that
data therein can be used for evaluating, at least annually, the
quality standards of each drug product to determine the need for
changes in drug product specifications or manufacturing or control
procedures. Written procedures shall be established and followed
for such evaluations and shall include provisions for:
(1) A review of a representative number of batches, whether
approved or rejected, and, where applicable, records
associated with the batch.
(2) A review of complaints, recalls, returned or salvaged
drug products, and investigations conducted under
211.192 for each drug product.

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.192 Production record review

All drug product production and control records,

including those for packaging and labeling, shall be
reviewed and approved by the quality control unit....

Any unexplained discrepancy or the failureshall be

thoroughly investigated. The investigation shall extend
to other batches of the same drug product and other
drug products that may have been associated with the
specific failure or discrepancy. A written record.

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
211.198 Complaint files

Written procedurescomplaints regarding a drug

product shall be established and followed. Such
proceduresreview by the quality control unit, of any
complaint involving the possible failure of a drug
product to meet any of its specifications and, for such
drug products, a determination as to the need for an
investigation in accordance with 211.192.

Such procedures shall include provisions

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling

Wheres the Quality Unit?

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
CP 7356.002 Drug Manufacturing Inspections
Quality SystemDeficiencies

Identify any pattern of failure to:

Control batches before release to market

Conduct investigations and resolve

discrepancies, failures, deviations, complaints

Review/approve procedures

Document execution of operations, as required

Pattern of failure to assess other systems or areas

to assure conformance with SOPs and CGMP

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Example 211.22 Citations
You have not established a quality control unit with the
responsibility and authority to approve or reject, and
the authority to review production records to assure
that no errors have occurred. [21 CFR 211.22(a)]

Failure to have, and adequately follow, responsibilities

and procedures applicable to the quality control unit in
writing. [21 CFR 211.22(d)]

Failure of your quality control unit to fully investigate

errors such as laboratory deviations. [21 CFR

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
PQS & Quality Culture
Manufacturer responsible for quality

All manufacturing changes evaluated under robust PQS

Focus on meeting patients expectations
Regulators expectations considered minimal

Strive for continual improvement

Management and organizational commitment to

prioritizing quality

Each person in organization understands and embraces

their role in quality

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Lifecycle Aspects
Linking PQS to Submissions
Established conditions - the description
of the product, manufacturing process,
facilities and equipment, and elements of
the associated control strategy, as
defined in an application, that assure
process performance and quality of an
approved product.
From draft Established Conditions Guidance:

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Lifecycle Aspects
Linking PQS to Submissions
changes after approvalmust be
managed and executed in conformance
with current good manufacturing
practices (CGMP)
21 CFR 314.70 & 601.12 state thatan
applicant must notify FDA about each
change in each condition established in
an approved application beyond the
variations already provided

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Lifecycle Aspects
Linking PQS to Submissions
Applicants should use knowledge
obtained during transfer, scale up, and
commercial activities to improve the
control strategy.

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Lifecycle Aspects
Linking PQS to Submissions
During commercial manufacturing, per
21 CFR Part 211, the applicant must
the desired product quality is routinely met,
suitable process performance is achieved,
the set of controls are appropriate,
improvement opportunities are identified
and evaluated, and
the body of knowledge is continually
Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Lifecycle Aspects
Linking PQS to Submissions
Recommendations for product lifecycle
activities to monitor continual assurance of the
validated state and continual improvement

Guidance for industry on Process Validation: General Principles

and Practices,

Guidance for industry on Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System,


Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Lifecycle Aspects
Linking PQS to Submissions
Established conditions are evaluated as part
of an original application
The control strategy should be updated as
new knowledge is gained and/or as new risks
If control strategy or supporting information
is/was based upon inaccurate information or
evidence that the applicant lacks the ability
to adequately manage change, FDA may
reassess the established conditions

Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
A Robust PQS Fosters Excellence

A Robust PQS is:

In line with CGMPs
Science and risk-based

Benefits include:
Meeting Patient Needs More Effectively and
Flexible Regulatory Strategies
Increased Regulator Confidence
Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling
Thank you for your attention!

OPQ Questions?
[email protected]

Evaluation: surveymonkey.com/r/GDF-D1S2
Quality Production Laboratory Materials Facilities and Equipment Packaging and Labeling

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