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Major (Dasa) and Sub-periods (Antar Dasas) of the Planets based on the

Method of Ansayurdaya April 2012

Understanding Badhakasthan and Badhkesh October 2011
Compatibility in Marriage and Divorce in Astrology July 2014
Major (Dasa) and Sub-periods (Antar Dasas) of the Planets based on the
Method of Ansayurdaya April 2012
G.K. Goyal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 840 |
Bhattotpalla, the famous commentator on the works of Varaha
Mihira has indicated that the prime role of following three
constituents in the predictive Astrology: 1. Planets: The planets
act as seeds and when are sprouted with the help of houses and
signs, they become fully grown trees and indicate the direction as
well as the nature in which the destiny of native will grow. As
such, planetary directional periods (compared to the Nakshatra or
sign dasa periods) play the vital and important role in
understanding the shape and direction through which fate and
destiny may unfold. 2. Signs (Rashis): Twelve (12) signs act like
manure, or fertilizer as well as right surroundings and
atmosphere, for the sprouting of the seed and growth of the trees.
3. Houses (Bhavas): The twelve houses act as ground where
planets (as seeds) are sown and then germinate and grow with
the help of signs. This is the reason; Sage Parasara teaches us
three kinds of main dasas periods: 1. The dasas of planets
(These are dealt in the separate chapter on Ayurdaya) 2. The
Nakshatra Dasa periods 3. The sign and House dasa periods On
account of some misplaced notions, the dasa system based on
planets is not widely in use, though Varaha Mihira has devoted
one complete chapter viii on this topic in Brihat Jataka. As
explained above the Dasas of planets hold the fundamental and
basic key of the Predictive Astrology. Brihat Parasara Hora
Sastra indicates three methods of directional (dasa) periods for
living beings in the chapter on Ayuradaya dasa system: 1.
Pindayurdaya 2. Nisargayurdya 3. Ansayurdaya Sage
Satyacharya and Acharya Varaha Mihira are of the view that
Ansayurdaya method yields better results compared to
pindayurdaya. (B.J. Ch. VIII Sl. 13). The purpose of
Nisargayurdya dasa system is different, wherein, each planet
controls the segment of life at a particular age. The effects of the
planets during these dasa periods have a overriding effects
irrespective of dasa periods under any other system. Thus
Nisargayurdya dasa system give a general direction of life pattern
synonym to the natural signification and characteristics of planets
which are directly linked with the age of the native. It is a general
assumption that the total sum of dasa periods of the planets and
the ascendant constitute the span of life of the native. This
assumption does not sound correct. As a matter of fact, the total
sum of dasa periods represents one cycle of dasa periods. After
completion of first cycle, the second and third cycles will
commence one after the other. (The similar method is adopted in
Nakshatra and sign dasas e.g. Yogni and char Dasas). The death
is ascertained based on different principles which are dealt in all
Jatak granths in separate chapters. Parasara and Varaha Mihira
have elaborated the dictums of death in separate chapters under
the heading of Balaristha and Maraka. In this appendix, the
following subjects will be explained so that the savants could
calculate the Dasa period of planets and ascendant by
Ansayurdaya method easily and without going into lengthy
calculations: (a) Method of calculating Dasa periods (b) Order of
fixing Dasa periods (c) Order of fixing Antardasa periods in Dasa
periods. A. Method of Calculating Dasa (Major) Periods. The
basic principles are: (1) Each of the seven planets, Sun, Moon,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Ascendant can
contribute maximum period of 12 years (solar), based on their
placement in respective Navamsa. This is called Basic Dasa
(Asanskrit Dasa) (2) Rahu and Ketu do not contribute any Dasa
period and as such they do not have Dasa and Antar-dasa
periods. (3) Each planet and ascendant will contribute dasa
periods equivalent to its placement in Navamsa sign in proportion
to its longitude, counted from sign Aries. In this method,
advancement of a planet or ascendant in one complete Navamsa
counted from sign Aries contribute one year each. When, the
planet obtains last degree of sign Pisces Navamsa, will contribute
full 12 years. (4) The Basic dasa periods of planets and Ascended
can easily be calculated from tables 1a and 1b without any
calculations. In Colum 1 of table Ia, the longitudes of planets and
ascendant are given at the interval of 320' (Navamsa) and
column 2 provide corresponding basic dasa-periods. Similarly,
column 1 of table 1b indicates the balance longitudes of planets
and ascendant in degrees and minutes in a Navamsa; and the
column 2 provides the corresponding remainder dasa periods in
month and days. The sum of the periods obtained from table Ia
and Ib will indicate the total basic dasa-periods of planets and
ascendant. (5) The special condition for Ascendant only: The
basic dasa-period of the Ascendant, as calculated from table Ia
and 1b, can be increased subject to certain rules specified below.
But this period will not be subject to any reduction. This is a
special condition applicable to the Ascendant only. (6) The special
condition for Planets only: The basic dasa-periods of planets will
be subjected to two(2) reductions and thereafter the reduced
Dasa period will be increased on account of two (2) factors,
whichever is applicable. (7) Basic Dasa-period is called
ASANSKRIT Dasa. The Basic Dasa after rectification called
Sanskrit Dasa periods (rectified Dasa periods). B. Rules for
increase of Basic Dasa-period of the Ascendant 1. If the
Ascendant has (a) adequate shad-bala (b) occupied or aspected
by its lord or benefic planets (Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus)
and (c) unaspected or occupied by malefics (Sun, Mars, Saturn,
Rahu and Ketu) (d) and Navamsa Lagna is also in auspicious
influence; the basic dasa period will be increased according to the
sign occupied by the Ascendant in main birth chart (nativity).
(Navamsa sign will not be considered for increase in Dasa-period
as Navamsa itself has contributed the basic dasa-period). 2. Each
sign will contribute one year counted from Aries. Table 2a is
constructed at a interval of 230' (Dwadasamsa). Each
Dwadasamsa will contribute for increase in dasa period of
Ascendant by One Month counted from sign Aries. As such 144
dwadasamsa will contribute 144 months or 12 years. Table 2b is
constructed at an interval of 5, and each 5 advance in the
longitude of Ascending degree will increase the Dasa period by
1(one) day. After adding up the contribution obtained from Table
2a and 2b, the Sum will represent total increase in Basic Dasa
period of Ascendant in years, months and days. This period will
be added to basic dasa period calculated from Table Ia and Ib.
This will yield to total Dasa period contributed by Ascendant. 3. In
case Ascendant is weak and afflicted on account of Malefics, the
Basic dasa period will remain unaltered and will also not
decrease. 4. There is no other rectification is basic dasa period of
Ascendant. C. Rectification of Basic Dasa Period of Planets The
basic dasa period is subjected to two kinds of reductions one after
the another applied in serial order. After reduction in dasa period,
the remainder period is increased. As such Basic dasa period of
each planet may suffer maximum of two kinds of reductions and
one kind of increase one after the other, in the serial order as
detailed below. Some authorities have indicated different
variations, but the method given below has the sanction of Sage
Parasara, Sage Satyacharya and Varaha Mihira (refer B.J.
Chapters VII and VIII). Saravali is not in full agreement with Varha
Mihira on this procedure. (1) Reduction in Basic Ayurdaya (a)
Chakrapatha (Harana) reduction This reduction is required on
account of placement of the planets in visible half of the Birth
Chart i.e. from 7th house to 12th house. This reduction is not
applicable on the plants placed from 1st house to 6th house. The
reduction will be applicable as per following rules. Table 3
Chakrapatha reduction of Basic longevity of Planets House 12 11
10 9 8 7 Malefic Full 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 Planets Benefic 1/2 1/4
1/6 1/8 1/10 1/12 Planets Malefics: Saturn, Mars and Sun are
considered Malefics for this purpose. Benefics: Moon, Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus are considered Benefic, Waning Moon, and
Mercury associated with malefics are also considered benefics. In
case more than one planet is placed in one house (sign), the
Chakrapatha reduction will be applicable only on one planet,
which is most powerful in shadh-bala. This reduction on other
planets, which are conjoining the strongest planet, will not be
applicable. The next reductions will be applicable only after
carrying out this reduction. (b) Reduction on account of placement
of planets in enemy signs and in combustion with Sun i. When the
planet is in direct motion (Margi) and is also placed in enemy sign,
it looses its one third (1/3) Dasa-period. If the planet is in
retrograde motion, this reduction is not applicable. Further, this
reduction is not applicable on Mars even if it is in direct motion
and placed in enemy sign. The reason is that Mars is called as
Vakra Graha. As such this reduction is applicable to Sun,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn only. This reduction is not
applicable on Moon as it does not have enmity with any planet.
Table 4-Natural enemies of Planets Planet Sun Mercury Jupiter
Venus Saturn Enemy Venus Moon Mercury Sun Sun Planets
Saturn Venus Moon Moon Mars ii. In case, Moon, Mars, Mercury,
and Jupiter are combust on account of the proximity with the Sun,
the Dasa-period is reduced by one half (). This reduction to not
applicable on Saturn and Venus even if these two planets are
combust. Similarly, this reduction is not applicable to Mercury,
when it is retrograde & combust. The planets will be considered
combust when they are within following degreed from the Sun on
either side: Table 5-Degree of combustion Planet Moon Mars
Jupiter Mercury When direct Degree 12 17 11 14 Both
reductions will not apply simultaneously. The planet will suffered
maximum reduction in Dasa period on account of one source
only. (c) (Virdhi) increase in the Dasa Period of Planets The
increase will be applied on the Dasa-period obtained after
applying the reductions on account of Chakrapatha and then on
account of placement of planets in enemy house or in combustion
with Sun. (1) The Dasa-period will be increased by three (3)
times, if the planet is in exaltation or in Retrograde motion. (2) If
the planet is in (a) own sign (b) own Navamsa, (c) Vargottama
Navamsa or (d) own Drekkana, the dasa period will be increased
two (2) times. If planet is entitled for increase on account of both
the counts, the maximum increase will only be applicable i.e. on
account of first source only. In that case, the increase on account
of second sources will not be applicable. The dasa period of any
planet will not be increased more than three (3) times is any case.
(D) Method of fixing Ansayurdaya Dasa order of Planets (Refer
main text of Brihat Jataka Chapter VIII slokas 1 and 2). The
following points are to be kept in view while fixing the order of
Major Dasas of planets: (1) The equal house division is only
applicable This means the middle point of each house will have
the same longitude as that of ascending degree. It is necessary
because dasa periods are being calculated based on Navamsa,
Drekkana and dwadasamsa divisions. The middle point of the
each house will have Deeptamsa of 15 on either side (refer
foreword). (2) Find out which of the three: The Ascendant, the
Sun or the Moon is strongest in Shadbala. Its period will come
first. Then the periods of the planets occupying the angular
houses from it will follow i.e. from such powerful the Ascendant,
the Sun or the Moon. Then comes the periods of the planets
occupying the Panphar or Apooklim houses successively from the
same. If there are no planets in the Kendra or Panphar or
Apooklim houses, then the periods of the other planets come in
the order stated above. (3) If more than one planet is occupying
the angular houses from each other, the dasa periods of planets
will follow based on their Dasa order Bala (Graha Krama Bala).
(a) The dasa order Bala will be calculated according to following
formula: Dasa order Bala = Shad bala of planet Factor K. Factor
K = 1 Angular distance of the planet from the middle point of
Bhava / 15 (b) Middle point of each Bhava will obtain the same
degrees as that of the Ascendant, having Deeptamsa of 15 on
either side. (c) Factor K can be calculated easily from table no. 6(
given below) which is based on angular distance of the plants
from the middle point. The procedure for calculating the factor K is
explained in table 6A and 6B, in detail. Table 6a and 6b : Factor
k based on longitudinal distance of planet on other side from the
middle point of the house Table 6A-Difference in degrees Table
6B-balance Difference Longitu Factor K Longitu Diff. Factor K
dinal dinal Min. 0 0 1 (+) 1.00 29 1' 0.001 2 0.934 28 2 0.002 3
0.867 27 3 0.003 4 0.800 26 4 0.004 5 0.734 25 5 0.005 6 0.667
24 6 0.006 7 0.600 23 7 0.007 8 0.534 22 8 0.008 9 0.467 21 9
0.010 10 0.400 20 10' 0.011 11 0.334 19 20' 0.022 12 0.267 18
30' 0.033 13 0.200 17 40' 0.044 14 0.067 16 50' 0.055 15 (+)
0.000 () 15 60' 0.067 Notes: (1) (2) (d) If the planet is more than
15 away from the middle point of the house, its dasa order bala
will become negative. (4) If Malefic is placed in 12th house, and if
this planet is subjected to Chakrapatha harana, its Major Dasa
period will become Zero (nil). As such, Dasa period of such planet
(which can be only one planet in a horoscope) will not operate.
However, Antardasa periods of such planet will be operative as
Antardasa periods depend on different rules. (5) If the planets
which are in angular houses to each other, be of equal power, the
Dasa period of the planet whose period is the longest, comes first,
and (6) If the planet be of equal power and Dasa period, the
period of the planet which rises first, will get precedence. (E) Sub-
periods of planets in the Major Period of Planets The procedure
may be seen in the main text of Brihat Jataka Chapter VIII slokas
3 and 4 : (1) First Antardasa will be of Major Dasa lord itself. The
Antardasa period will be say, one UNIT.. (2) If number of planets
are placed with dasa lord, the dasa of the most powerful planet
only which is with Dasa lord, will follow. In deciding the most
power full planet, shadbala will be the only basis(Dasa order Bala
is not applicable in choosing sub-dasa lords). If more then one
planet is placed with dasa lord, the sub-period of most powerful
planet will only be taken, other planets will not get sub- period.
The sub-period of this planet will be (one half) unit of the sub-
period of Dasa lord. (3) The next sub-period will be of one planet
each if placed in 5th and 9th house. The order will be decided by
the shad-bala of planets. Each of these two planets will have sub-
period equal to( one third) 1/3 unit off Antardasa period of the
Major Dasa lord. (4) Thereafter, the sub-dasa of strongest planet
placed in seventh house will operate. Its sub- period will be
1/7(one seventh) unit of the sub-period of Dasa lord. (5) Though,
the sub-dasa of strongest planet one each placed in 4th and 8th
houses will operate. These planets will follow the rule mentioned
in sl. 3 above. Their periods will be (one forth) unit of the sub-
period of dasa lord. (6) The total numbers of sub-periods of
planets in major dasa period will vary according to the
configuration of planets vis--vis Dasa lord. The minimum may be
one(1) only i.e. sub-period of Dasa lord only if there are no
planets either with Dasa lord or in 5th, 9th, 7th & 4th and 8th
house from it. The maximum number of sub-dasa periods can be
seven (7) in number. (7) Ascendant is treated as a planet for
calculating Dasa and Sub-Dasa period. (1) Example Horoscope-
Male Born on 23.04.1937 at 04.31 PM (IST) Log 79 E 23; lat 28 N
21; Time zone East of GMT: 5:30 Hrs. Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa
= 22 58 13" True longitude of Nodes are adopted Solar Year of
365.25 days is taken for Dasa and Antardasa calculations. Chart
No. 1 Planetary Longitudes Planet Longitude Shad-Bala of
Angular Asc. and Distance from Planets Mid point of the house
Ascendant 12 : 04 : 02 404.0 00 : 00 : 00 Sun 09 : 54 : 03 513.0
02 : 09 : 59 Moon 15 : 46 : 25 437.0 03 : 42 : 23 Mars (R) 12 : 04 :
36 374.0 00 : 00 : 34 Merc 29 : 12 : 58 404.0 17 : 08 : 56 Jup 03 :
35 : 12 432.0 08 : 28 : 50 Venus (R) 01 : 19 : 19 409.0 10 : 45 : 17
Saturn 06 : 49 : 50 483.1 5 : 14 : 46 Rahu 22 : 55 : 48 Ketu 22 :
55 : 48 (2) Calculation of Dasa Periods (A) Basic Dasa period of
Planets and Ascendant (1) Ascendant: Lagna is 120412" in
Virgo in Aries Navamsa. It will give basic period of less than one
year. Ascendant is advanced by 00412" in Aries Navamsa that
will give basic period of 0yrs 7 months 13 days (Refer Table 1b).
(2) Ascendant has Bhava Shad-Bala of 404.0 Virupa, and
occupied by Moon in sign chart and Venus in the ascendant of
Navamsa chart. As such, basic Dasa period of Ascendant will be
increased by 5 years 4 months (Table 2a) plus 26 days (Table
2b). Total increase will be 5 years 4 months 26 days. Thus
rectified dasa period of the Ascendant will be (0 yrs 7 month 13
days plus 5 years 4 m 26 day) = 6yrs 0 month 09 days. (3) In the
case of Ascendant , the increase in basic dasa period only is
possible. There can not be any decrease in basic dasa period of
ascendant. (B) Basic Dasa periods of planets (1) Jupiter is in
Aquarius Navamsa. it will give full 10 years. The Jupiter is
advanced in sign chart by 0:15':12"in the portion occupied by
Aquarius Navamsa. As such basic dasa period will increase by o
month 27days (Table-Ib). the basic dasa period of Jupiter will
work out 10 yrs o m 27 days. In this manner Basic dasa periods
can be calculated of remaining planets (See chart 1). (2)
Chakrapatha (Harana) Reduction Saturn is placed in 7th house
alone and will loose its 1/6 (one sixth) of basic dasa period, as
being malefic. Venus, Sun and Mercury are placed in eighth (8th)
house. As the Sun is most powerful in Shad-Bala, compared to
the Venus and the Mercury, the Sun will loose its 1/5 (one fifth) of
its Basic dasa period, being a malefic. Venus and Mercury will not
attract this reduction. No other planet is placed from 9th to 12th
houses. The Moon, Mars and Jupiter will not attract Chakrapatha
reduction as these planets are placed from 1st to 6th houses. (3)
Reduction on account of placement of planets in Enemy house or
combust with Sun In example horoscope, none of the planet is
either in enemy house or combust. As such no reduction will be
afflicable on account of these two sources of reductions. (c)
Increase in Basic dasa period after applying reduction Mars is in
own sign and is also retrograde motion. The dasa period will be
increased by three times. Venus is in Vargottama Navamsa and is
also in retrograde motion. Its dasa period will be increased by
three times. The Sun is in the sign of its exaltation, thus its dasa
period will be increased three times. Other planets; Moon, Jupiter,
Saturn and Mercury are not entitled for any increase. Order of
Planets for Major Dasa periods In the example Horoscope, the
Sun is most powerful in Shad-bala among the Sun (513.6), or the
Moon (437.3) or the Ascendant (404.0). Dasa order will be
controlled by and will also commence with the Sun. Three planets
are in angular houses from the Sun, namely; Jupiter, Venus and
Mercury. The planet order strength i.e. Graha Krama Bala of
these planets work out as under : Venus: Graha Kram Bala =
Shada Bala Factor K Graha Karam Bala of Venus = 409.4
0.285 = 116.7 (The Venus is away by 1045' from mid-point of the
house. (See chart 1). From table 6 A, the factor K is equivalent to
0.334 corresponding to 10 deg. From table 3b, we get the figure
of 0.049 corresponding 45'. This is to the deducted from 0.334 to
get the final value of K in case of Venus). Graha Krama bala of
Jupiter = 432.9 0.502 = 217.3 (Jupiter is away by 82850", thus
K = 0.5340.032 = 0.502 -Table 6a & 6b). Graha Krama Bala of
Mercury = 404.7 () 0.144 = () 58.2 (Mercury is more than 15
away from Mid-point of the house. Its factor K will become ()
negative. The values obtained from column 6a, will be added in
the figure obtained from Table 6B. Thus the value of factor K will
be (0.134+0.010= 0.144) Dasa Krama of planets in angular
house from the Sun will be as under: Planets Dasa Periods Sun
7yrs 4M 18 d. Jupiter (217.3) 10 yrs 0M 27 d Venus (116.7) 1 yr 2
M 9 d Mercury (58.2) 8 ys 9 M 5 d The Mars is only one planet
which is placed in Panphar houses from the Sun. As such next
Dasa will be of Mars. Mars 19 yrs 10m 12d In Apooklim houses
form the Sun two planets, Moon and Saturn and the Ascendant
are placed.Acendent will act as a planet.. Dasa Kram Bala
Ascendant = 404.0 1 = 404.0 (Ascendant has K equivalent to
one (1) as it is the mid point itself). Moon = 437.3 0.754 = 329.7
Saturn = 483.1 0.651 = 314.5 Thus order of Dasa period in
Apooklim houses from Sun will be as under. Ascendant (404.0) 6
yrs 0 M 9 days Moon (329.7) 1 yr 8 M 23 days Saturn (314.5) 4 yr
2 M 15 days Calculation of Antardasa periods In
Example horoscope, the calculations of Antar- Dasas in the major
period of Mars and Jupiter are shown below as an example: A.
Sub-periods in the Major period of Mars (1) There is no planet
with Mars except Rahu (2) Saturn is in Trine. (3) There is no
planet in seventh house except Ketu. (4) There is no planet in 4th
and 8th houses from Mars. As such sub-periods will be of the
Mars and Saturn only and guided by the formula (refer to Sloka
3&4 of CH. VIII of B.J.) Mars being major dasa lord will contribute
one unit of Antardasa period and Saturn will provide 1/3 unit of
Dasa period Mars being in trine to Mars. 1/1: 1/3=3/3:1/3=3+1/3
i.e. 3 : 1=4 After ignoring the denominator the sub period will be in
the Ratio of 3 : 1 Sub. Period of Mars will occur first will be of
duration 19 yr 10 M 12d x 3 = 14 yr 10 m 24days 4 Sub period of
Saturn 4 ys 11 m 18 days B. Sub-periods in the Major period of
Jupiter 10 yrs 0 m 27 days (1) There is no planet with Jupiter. (2)
Moon and ascendant are in 9th house from Jupiter. Moon is
stronger than Ascendant (only shad bala is compared in the case
of sub-periods). (3) No planet in seventh house. (4) In 4th house,
there are three planets-Sun, Mercury and Venus. Sun is most
strong. The equation of the sub-periods will work out as under:
1/1:1/3:1/4=(12:4:3)/12 i.e12:4:3=19 After ignoring common
denominator of 12, the final ratio of sub-dasa periods shall be
12:4:3 = 19 of Major Dasa period of Jupiter: Sub-period of Jupiter
= 10 yrs 0 M 27 days 12 /19 = 6 yrs 4 M 11 days Sub-period of
Moon = 10 yrs 0 M 27 days 4 /19 = 2yrs 1 M 14 days Sub-period
of Sun = 10 yr 0 M 27 days 3 /19 = 1yrs 7M 2 days Chart : Sub-
periods in the major period of Mars Antar Duration of Upto the
Age Up to the Dasas Sub-period of native Date (in A.D.) Planets
Yrs M days Yrs M days Mars 14 10 24 42 03 23 1979-8-17 Saturn
4 11 18 47 03 11 1984-10-05 Chart : Sub-periods in the major
period of Jupiter Antar Duration of Upto the Age Up to the Dasas
Sub-period of native Date (in A.D.) Planets Yrs M days Yrs M
days Yrs M days Yrs M days Jupiter 6 4 11 72 11 27 2010-6-24
Moon 2 1 14 75 1 11 2012-8-8 Moon 1 7 2 76 8 13 2014-3-10
Brief analysis of the some of the Major periods Mercury: (In first
cycle-1955 to 1964 commenced at the age of 18 years) :It is
significator of education and Lord of Ascendant and 10th house.
In Navamsa chart it is placed in Ninth house in sign Sagittarius.
This sign controls the fourth house in birth chart. In Chalit, it
moves to ninth house in birth chart. During the period of Mercury,
the native completed his graduation in engineering from a
renowned University, was married, got a job in electricity board
and blessed with a son. Thus, the Mercury dasa laid down the
foundation in life cycle. It acted as seed planet in the nativity and
provided every thing needed for sustenance of life in future. The
placement of Mercury in 8th house has given many hindrances
which the scribe was able to over come during the operation of
this Dasa period. Mars: (In first cycle-1964 to 1984-commenced at
the age of 27 years): It is lord of 3d and 8th house and placed in
3rd house with Rahu. It is in its own house and retrograde. In
Navamsa, it is in Libra sign, thus it will give the result of 2nd
house also which is in Libra in birth chart. In Navamsa, Mars is in
angular houses, and exchange signs with Venus and is also
aspected by both Venus and Jupiter. Mars is the lord of rising sign
in Navamsa and placed in sixth house from powerful Moon. On
Commencement of Mars Dasa, the native changed his job from
Govt. deptt. to a trading organization. The scribe was entrusted
with responsibility for executing contract on short and long term
basis. On one hand, it had given a job stationary in nature; though
full of short and long duration of touring responsibilities. Growth
was constant and regular but sluggish in nature. The native had to
fight his way sometimes for even smaller benefits. On negative
side his father, grand mother, sister-in-law and brother-in-low
expired in this period leaving a burden to marry four brothers and
sisters. He also acquired and suffered from high blood pressure
and developed heart problem. Jupiter: (In second cycle- 2004 to
2014 commences at the age of 66): It is in debility and also
Marka and badhaka lord. Jupiter obtains Neech bhang Raja-
yoga and exchanged signs with Saturn forming another raja-yoga.
Jupiter Dasa will see lot of activity on the front of property,
children and foreign travel. As Jupiter is placed in sign Aquarius in
Navamsa chart, which is placed is sixth house in the birth chart,
the general health of the native may further deteriorate. His elder
sibling may pass away. The Jupiter being the lord of 7th house is
not good for longevity. In second cycle the Jupiter will not provide
new avenues of further progress but make the native dependent
on past acquisitions and achievements. GENERAL
OBSERVATIONS The results of Ansayurdaya are to be
interpreted in the manner, that in the first cycle, the seed will
sprout and will take the shape of a tree, either to give benefits or
liabilities. In the second cycle, no seed will sprout as it has
already sprouted and grown in a full tree during the operation of
the first cycle. The benefits or disadvantages of the above tree will
only accrue in the operation of the second cycle. The intelligent
astrologer will be able to interpret the dasas in this manner.
Varaha Mihra has given the results of these planetary dasas in
chapter VIII of Brihat Jataka. This is the basic Dasa system and
gives tremendous foresight to interpret the other Dasas based on
Nakshatra or Signs.
Yashkaran Sharma
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Luminaries : Sun, Moon
Malefic Planets : Sun, Saturn, Mars, Waning Moon, (Rahu, Ketu,
Afflicted Mercury)
Benefic Planets : Jupiter, Venus, Waxing Moon, Well associated
Mercury (If waning Moon and Mercury are together, both become
Superior Planets : Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Inferior Planets : Mercury, Venus
Sex of Planets :
Sun, Mars, Jupiter : Males
Moon, Venus : Females
Mercury, Saturn : Neutrals
Caste of Planets :
Jupiter, Venus : Brahmins
Sun, Mars : Kshatriya
Mercury, Moon : Vaishya
Saturn : Shoodra
Qualities of planets
Sun, Moon, Jupiter : Satwik
Venus, Mercury : Rajsik
Mars, Saturn : Tamasik
Directions of Planets :
Sun : East
Moon : North -West
Mars : South
Mercury : North
Jupiter : North-East
Venus : South- East
Saturn : West
Rahu/Ketu : South-West
Abodes of Planets :
Sun : Temple
Moon : Watery Place
Mars : Place of Fire
Mercury : Playground
Jupiter : Treasure house
Venus : Bed Room
Saturn : Dirty Place
Seasons of Planets :
Venus : Vasant
Sun, Mars : Grishma
Moon : Varsha
Mercury : Sarad
Jupiter : Hemanta
Saturn : Sisir
Temperament of Planets :
Sun, Mars : Pitta or Bile
Saturn : Vata or wind
Jupiter, Moon, Venus : Kapha or phlegm
Mercury : Mixture of all
Taste of Planets :
Sun : Pungent
Moon : Saline
Mars : Bitter
Mercury : Mixed
Jupiter : Sweet
Venus : Sour
Saturn : Astringent
Elements of Planets :
Mercury : Prithivi
Moon, Venus : Jala
Sun, Mars : Agni
Saturn : Vayu
Jupiter : Akash
Complexion of Planets :
Mars and Sun : Blood- red
Moon : Tawny
Mercury : Green
Jupiter : Tawny
Venus : Variegated
Saturn : Dark
Physical constituents of Planets :
Sun : Bones
Moon : Blood
Mars : Marrow
Mercury : Skin
Jupiter : Fat
Venus : Semen
Saturn : Muscles
Cabinet of Planets :
Sun and Moon : Royal couple
Mars : Commander-in-chief
Mercury : Prince
Jupiter and Venus : Ministers
Saturn : Servant
Senses of planets :
Sun and Mars : Vision
Moon, Venus : Taste
Mercury : Smell
Jupiter : Hearing
Saturn : Touch
Periods of Planets :
Sun : Six Months
Moon : 48 Minutes
Mars : A day (Consisting of day and Night)
Mercury : Two Months
Jupiter : One Month
Venus : A Fortnight
Saturn : A Year
Gems of Planets :
Sun : Ruby
Moon : Pearl
Mars : Coral
Mercury : Emerald
Jupiter : Yellow Sapphire or Topaz
Venus : Diamond
Saturn : Blue Sapphire
Rahu : Gomed
Ketu : Cats eye
Metals of Planets :
Mars & Sun : Copper
Moon and Venus : Silver
Mercury : Bells metal
Jupiter : Gold
Saturn : Iron
Rahu and Ketu : Lead
Robes of Planets :
Sun : Coarse
Moon : New
Mars : Burnt
Mercury : Water soaked
Jupiter : Of recent origin but not new
Venus : Durable
Saturn : Torn
Trees of Planets :
Sun : Tree with stout trunks
Moon : Milky trees(e.g. rubber yielding plants)
Mars : Bitter trees (Like lemon plants)
Mercury : Fruitless trees
Jupiter : Fruitful trees
Venus : Floral Plants
Saturn : Useless trees
Other Characteristics of Planets
Average Daily motion of planets in zodiac :
Planets Degree Minute Second

Sun 00 59 08

Moon 13 10 35

Mars 00 31 26
Planets Degree Minute Second

Mercury 04 05 32

Jupiter 00 04 59

Venus 01 36 07

Saturn 00 02 02

Rahu /Ketu 00 03 11

Planetary Aspects
All Planets aspect 7th house from the position occupied by them.
However Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, have special aspect
besides 7th aspect. The planetary aspects are as under:-
Sun, Mercury, Venus 7th

Mars 4th, 7th, 8th

Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu 5th, 7th, 9th

Saturn 3rd, 7th, 10th

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Understanding Badhakasthan and Badhkesh October 2011
Amar Agrawal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 775 |
Many a times a person is under the period (Maha Dasha) of a
favourable planet and putting lots of efforts but to ones utter
disappointment one is not able to get desired results in all the
undertakings rather there are obstacles and failures in every
sphere and undertakings. A time comes when ones starts feeling
that the fate is being obstructed and infect. There is obstruction
which is being caused by a planet who is lord of Badhakasthan. I
am hesitatingly going to write here that most of well known
astrologers falter here since the implication of a Badhaka planet is
very difficult to understand due to non-availability of literature on
Badhkasthan and Badhkesh. Most of the classics simply tell about
the Badhaka planet but that too in limitations. But the experience
shows that a Badhaka planet is more harmful as compared to a
debilitated planet. A debilitated planet gets its debilitation
cancelled under certain norms as mentioned in classics. A lord of
a trik Bhava is not as dangerous as a Badhaka planet is. A
Badhaka planet is decided on the basis of sign falling in the
ascendant. Badhaka for Each Ascendant 1. For a Moveable (Char
sign rising in ascendant 11th house is termed, as Badhakasthan
and lord of sign falling in the 11th house is a Badhaka planet. 2.
For a Fixed (sthir) sign rising in ascendant 9th house is termed,
as Badhakasthan and lord of sign falling in the 9th house is a
Badhaka planet. 3. For a Dual (Dawisawbhav) sign rising in
ascendant 7th house is termed as Badhkasthan and lord of sign
falling in the 7th house is a Badhaka planet. Tabulation of
Badhkasthan and Badhaka Planet Sign in Badhk Sign falling
Badhksthan Asc. sthan in Badhkesh 1. Aries 11th Aquarius
Saturn 2. Taurus 9th Capricorn Saturn 3. Gemini 7th Sagittarius
Jupiter 4. Cancer 11th Taurus Venus 5. Leo 9th Aries Mars 6.
Virgo 7th Pisces Jupiter 7. Libra 11th Leo Sun 8. Scorpio 9th
Cancer Moon 9. Sagittarius 7th Gemeni Mercury 10. Capricorn
11th Scorpio Mars 11. Aquarius 9th Libra Venus 12. Pisces 7th
Virgo Mercury Note : If one notices the scheme of Badhaka
planets one will find Sun and the Moon do not escape th wrath of
being Badhaka planet where as the most of texts exempt the
lordship of Luminaries over trik bhavas. To make the things more
clear it will be better to draw charts for each ascendant so that
one can under stand the concept of Badhaka. Some of the
eminent astrologrs have written their findings about Badhakas
and complications created by the Badhaka planets.A very
prominent astrologer of yesteryears was very much critical about
the Badhaka planets. He was ready to compromise with
debilitated planets,combust planets and with the lords of trik
bahvas.While treating a debilitated planet he reconclied with
cancellation of debilitation,while dealing with the lords of trik
bhavas he opined that the planet looses some its vitality since the
second sign must be falling in a good bhava and the same way he
opined with combust planets(with due respect to the Sages who
laid down some rules and norms about the cancellation of
debilitation of planets but when applied in a practical way one will
find these rules and norms have their limitaions so is the case
with combust planets. The auther of Prasna Marga had different
approach about Badhakas. He allocated some fixed houses as
the houses of harm or Badhkasthans and lords of the signs falling
in these fixed houses termed as Badhaka plants. His views are
tabulated below: 1. For All Moveable SignsAquarius is
Badhkasthan.Saturn is Badhaka. 2. For
Leo/Virgo/Scorpio/Sagttarius Scorpio.. doMars is
Badhaka. 3. For Capricorn..Taurus is
Badhkasthan..Venus is Badhaka. 4. For
Gemini/Pisces..Sagittarius is Badhaksthan.Jupiter is
Badhaka. In this context one thing is discriminating and that is the
author has exempted the Sun,the Moon and Mercury from being
Badhaka lords,thus this findings of the author falters under so
many reasons. Under the circustances one should adhere to first
tabulated scheme of Badhkasthans and Badhaka Planets only.
Now a big question arises here that the houses which have been
marked as Badhkasthans are all very important houses when
studied under the light of the characterstics and portfolios alloted
to these houses. While to going into much detail the most
important portfolio will be dealt with: 1. In case the11th house
becomes a Badhkasthan one will suffer on account of gains
during the period of the lord of sign falling in this house being a
Badhaka lord. 2. In case 9th house becomes a Badhkasthan one
will suffer on account of good fortune during period of the lord of
sign falling in this house being a Badhaka lord. 3. In case the 7th
house becomes a Badhkasthan one will be bereft of marital bliss
during the period of the lord of sign falling in this house being a
Badhaka Lord. But in real practice it has not been found. If this is
the case then what about Badhkasthan and Badhaka lord?
Answer to this question is that the Badhaka planet gives bad to
worst results under some rules and when these rules are
applicable to the Badhaka lord in that case one will not get any
respite in ones undertakings with putting extra efforts. The author
of Jatka Parijat Volume2 and Sloka no.48 mentioned that a
Badhaka planet is complete Badhaka only when it is associated
with a Kharesh ie. Lord of Khara sign. Author has gone to te
extent that in case two or more than two Khara planets influence
the Badhaka lord by association or aspect the major period or the
sub period of this Badhaka planet may prove fatal even.
KHARESH DEFINED: 1. As per the author the lord of 22nd
Drekkana and lord of 64th Navmamsha is known as Khara
planets (Most of the authors suggest to reckon 22nd Drekkana
and 64th Navmamsha from the natal Moon only but many a times
64th Navmamsha from the natal ascendant play a major role) 2. A
Badhaka planet associated with or aspected by Gulika becomes a
prominent fatal. 3. A Badhaka planet under the aspect of or
associated with the lord of 22nd Star(Nakshatra) from ones natlal
Star(Here Star abhijit should be included). This 22nd
Star(Nakshtra) is known as Vainashishik Nakshtra. 4. A
Badhaka planet associated with or aspected by the lord 88th
Navamamsha is also harmful since 22nd Nakshtra(Vainashik
Nakshtra) falls in this Navamamsha. 5. A Badhaka planet
associated with or aspected by Rahu is equally fatal. In this
context Rahu is more dangrous to prduce evil as compared to
Ketu. AREA OF HARM: This is a generlised study which gives
appeciable results but even then it requires a lot of research so as
to make it a rule. A Badhaka planet invriably harms the house it is
placed in(in rules of becoming a Badhaka are met with) or a
house it aspects or the house in which a Badhaka is placed and
this house falling from a specific house under consideration when
counted in a Zodiacal order, to be more more clear in a Badhaka
planet is placed in the ascendant, it will give a bad constitution to
the native..Same way if a Badhaka planet is placed in the 8th
house it will give obstacles and loses in ones profession during
its period or sub period, a Badhka planet in 7th house when
counted from ascendant will deprive one of marital bliss and so
on. Now the question arises that one person is born with Saturn
as Badhaka, another with the Sun, another with Jupiter and so on
with all the seven planets (Here Rahu and Ketu are not included
since they do not have ruling on any sign and secondaly they are
known as shadowy planets(Chhaya Greh). Answer to this lies in
karma theory and it is due to ones past lifes karma one is born
with a specific planet as a Badhaka planet.What type of bad
karmas one has done in his past life so that one is born with that
very planet as a Badhaka.
Compatibility in Marriage and Divorce in Astrology July 2014
Anjna Agarwal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 772 |
''By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you will become
happy; if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher'' -
SOCRATES Marriage is one of the best relationships one goes
through during the life time. Divorce is a state in which a husband
and wife discover that they do not have compatibility or proper
understanding due to non co-operation of the other one. Divorce
is the fastest growing problem in our society today. In these
modern times, there are a large number of couples who dont
have a happy married life. They all face different issues in their
marriages and most of them seek advice from their lawyers for
Divorce. There is no classical combination in astrology for
divorce. But some points need to be noticed while doing match
making of horoscopes. Matching of the horoscopes of the boy and
girl is important for marital bliss. Proper matching should ensure
good marital life. A proper way of match making is to check the
position of Moon, Venus and Mars' position in the boy and girl's
horoscope as these three planets play an important role in making
marriage long lived. Then check moon signs and ascendant
signs. If ascendant lords are in good relationship it is good. Also
check relationship between Moon signs in the same way. 7th
house also have great significance in marriage as it is the house
of union between two persons. Its a house of marriage. If 7th
house have benefic influence then it is good for marriage/married
life but if there is malefic influence then it can cause threat to
married life. Marriage Conflicts Leading To Separation & Divorce
(between married couple and couple without marriage) The
Natural malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are the
agents of Divorce. Sun acts as a catalyst in divorce cases when
either it is placed in ascendant or 7th house specially when Sun is
in enemy sign and aspected by malefic then only it gives divorce
else it only creates a conflict and verbal words about divorce. The
houses 2nd, 4th, 5th 7th 8th, 11th and 12th are concerned with
marital affairs. When these houses become weak and their lords
associated with or aspected by malefics, they signify trouble in
married life. When malefic planets are placed in the crucial
houses like Mars occupying the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house is
sure sign of trouble. In Vedic astrology a horoscope with Mars in
these positions is marked as Maanglik which means one with
Martian blemish. This position of Mars signifies, divorce,
separation or death of partner if other malefic influences are also
there. 7th house is the house of marriage and partnership. Venus
is the karaka for 7th house. 6,8,12 houses are known as malefic
houses. Position of 7th lord and karaka of marriage is most
important for marriage. If 7th lord or Venus is in malefic houses
and afflicted with malefics, separations may occur. If 7th lord is
debilitated and afflicted by malefics or in close conjunction with
Sun then also separation may occur. When there is malefic
influence on 7th house or Venus or Mars or 7th lord is hemmed
between malefics or in conjunction with malefics then also
separation may occur. 7th Lord and Venus conjunction with
malefics is more important than aspect. This is not for married
couple only but also for the people undergoing relations without
marriage. Mars also play an important role in marriage. It is the
significator of energy. Its influence on 7th house is not considered
good. When Mars is placed in 1st, 4th, 7th, 12th houses it
influences 7th house and if there are other malefic influences also
without benefic aspect then it can ruin marriage which can lead to
divorce. Mars' placement from Venus in those houses also
considered bad specially in Kendra to Venus. Alongwith this,
Venus' position in gandmool nakshatras or in Rahu nakshatras or
in Sun nakshatras also add fuel to this. Saturn's impact on Venus
is also not considered good. More malefic influence on 7th house
can lead to divorce. Venus in conjunction with Sun or Mars may
also end up in divorce if no benefic influence is there. This
position of planets and 7th house must also be checked from
Moon sign and also in navamsha chart. From 8th house
happiness in marriage is seen, if it is also afflicted by malefics it
can lead to divorce. 8th house (quarrel, disappointment) is found
in support of divorce. 8th house (2nd to 7th) is supporting houses
for marriage, in addition to 2,7,11 main houses. Planets
occupying the 8th house suggests involvement of secret matters,
secret extramarital and sexual relationships. Major opportunities
for divorce are bhukti period of Ketu, karaka for disconnection,
disorientation, lord of the 12th from ascendant or Moon may also
cause separation. 12th from ascendant may cause loss or
detachment. A private experience is dissolution of identity during
the bhukti of 12th lord if under malefic influence. It is different from
the dissolution of the legal contract under the domain of the lord
of the 6th. 6th house lord and planet influencing 6th house may
cause the spouse behave like an enemy, conflict with spouse,
agreements feel unsustainable. In KP system, significators of
houses 6,8,12,10 are to be considered for divorce or separation
from the partner due to disharmony or difference of opinion. But if
quarrel is involved then 8th house is also to be considered. If
there are more differences between the points of ascendant and
7th from ascendant, Moon, Sun, Venus problems in married life
are expected. Quantum of problems depend upon the benefic and
malefic influence of planets on Venus, Moon and 7th house and
of course ascendant. Therefore, it is advisable to get the
horoscope analyzed and proper marriage compatibility be done
before going to enter for the most important and sophisticated
institute of marriage. Remedies Remedies can be done for
malefic influence. Remedies will mitigate the bad effects of
planets. Horoscopes should be matched before marriage.
Remedies, if any, in such situations should be performed
properly. Actually, all these points should be taken into account
only at the time of matching the horoscopes of both and before
marriage. After marriage, if such situation arises, it is sometimes
hard to rebuild the relationship even with the remedies unless
there is some auspicious planetary combination present in the
chart. Example Chart One: In this example chart, Rahu is placed
in 7th house. Mars is lord of 7th, placed in 4th causing mangalik
dosha and the same is under aspect of negative Jupiter and
Saturn. In August 2006 native got married with his friend who he
was knowing for 13 years. At that time dasha was of Jupiter and
bhukti of Mercury. During Ketu anterdasha marriage ended in
divorce. Ketu worked as agent of divorce. After that, native got
married in March 2010 again during Venus bhukti. In the above
example chart-2 Rahu is in 7th house. Mars' position in 2nd
house is not considered good as it aspects 8th house. Venus is
placed in 8th house with debilitated Moon 8th house is house of
secrets affairs & relations. Native had some secret relations
before marriage. Native got married in Venus dasha and Sun
bhukti. It was love marriage in same city. In Mars and Rahu bhukti
native had extra marital relations. Native had divorce in Jupiter
bhukti due to extra marital relations.

Pada or Arudha Lagna January 2006

Amar Agrawal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 772 |
Maharishi Jaimini suggests a unique method of deciphering
the horoscope. The sage suggests a method of determining the
Pada/Arudha lagna of each and every house and suggests that
matters pertaining to a specific house should be studied from the
arudha of that house instead of the concerned house itself. Before
coming to the calculation and determining the Pada/Arudha lagna
first of all readers should know what does Pada/Arudha lagna
means. Pada is actually a Sanskrit word Paad which means foot.
While commenting on Pada/Arudha lagnas the sage has used
three sutras which are as under : . 29
Pada lagna widely known as Arudha lagna is calculated by the
placement of lord of lagna from the lagna itself. Here neelkantha
uses ! that the number of
signs/houses from the sign/house to its lord's placement should
be counted and again that many houses ahead from that
sign/house lord should be counted to get the Pada/Arudha lagna
of a house. This method is applied to all the twelve houses. For
example, Aries is janma lagna and its lord Mars is placed in
Taurus. Since Taurus is one sign ahead of Aries hence count one
sign ahead of Taurus to get the Pada/Arudha lagna or first house
and it will be Gemini. Suppose this Mars, lord of lagna, is placed
in Gemini i.e. 3rd house from Aries, in that case count three signs
from Gemini to get Pada/Arudha lagna and it will be Leo since
Leo is 3rd sign/house when counted from Gemini. In case Mars is
placed in sign Cancer then Libra which is 4th sign/house from
Cancer will become Pada/Arudha lagna. In case Mars is placed in
sign Aries itself, now Aries will become the Pada/Arudha lagna.
Some commentators advocate that if the lord of lagna happens to
occupy lagna in that case treat 10th house from janma lagna as
Pada/Arudha lagna but neelkantha rejects it through sutra 29 as
mentioned above. The following points are to be kept in mind
while deciding or fixing the Pada/Arudha lagna : The
Pada/Arudha of lagna is the most important. But Padas/Arudhas
for all the houses should be determined. The two important
points should be given prime importance i.e. the sign/house and
its lord. Find out the position of the house lord with reference to
the house. Pada/Arudha of the referral house is located at the
same distance ahead from house lord as the house lord is from
the referral house. Lagna pada or Arudha lagna and
Pada/Arudha of 7th house in case fall in mutual kendras or trines
from each other, the native will maintain cordial relations with the
spouse. In case these two Padas/Arudhas are located at position
6th or 8th from each other the relation between native and spouse
will be hostile. These are the views of Neelkanttan. Sign Scorpio
rises in the lagna and lord of lagna Mars is placed in lagna itself.
Since Mars has not moved ahead in any other sign hence sign
Scorpio should be treated as Pada/Arudha lagna. Had Mars
would have gone in the 4th house where sign Aquarius falls, in
that case four signs ahead of Aquarius viz Taurus would have
become Pada/Arudha lagna. The next two sutras which are as
under : ## . 30 # ( . 31 Swasthe Darah :
The katapayadi pneumonic value of word Darah used in sutra 30
is (Da =8, Ya=2, 82>28/12 Q2, R4). Thus this means the 4th
house becomes Pada/Arudha lagna in case the lord of lagna is
placed in 4th house. But according to main sutra ";koknh'kkJ;a
ine`{kk.kke~"i.e. sutra No. 29 is clear about this that if lord of
lagna is placed in 4th house in that case 7th house i.e. 4th from
4th will become Pada/Arudha Lagna. Hence according to sutra 30
swasthe dara means 4th house will become Pada/Arudha lagna
in case it is having its own sign in the 4th house. Hence
Neelkantta and other commentators are clear about the sutra and
opines in case 4th house is having its own sign in that case it
qualifies to become Pada/Arudha lagna. Hence this rule is
applicable to Dual signs only since only dual signs viz. Gemini,
Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces when rise in lagna the second sign
ruled by the same planet falls in the Kendra/angle whereas it is
not possible in case of moveable or fixed signs when rising in
lagna cannot have their second sign in kendra/angle. Thus this
rule strictly adhered to while a dual sign rises in lagna and should
be applied as under : Virgo becomes Pada/Arudha lagna in case
janma Lagna is Gemini and its lord Mercury is placed in 4th house
in its own sign Virgo. Pisces becomes Pada/Arudha lagna in
case janma lagna is Sagittarius and its lord viz. Jupiter is placed
in 4th house in its own sign. Gemini becomes Pada/Arudha
lagna in case janma lagna is Virgo and lord thereof i.e. Mercury is
placed in lagna. Sagittarius becomes Pada/Arudha lagna in
case janma lagna is Pisces and lord there of i.e. Jupiter is placed
in Pisces. So this is the rule where 10th house becomes
Pada/Arudha lagna when the lord of lagna is placed in lagna itself
and 4th house becomes Pada/Arudha lagna in case lord of lagna
is placed in 4th house in its own sign. Here a question arises in
case of Gemini lagna if Mercury is placed in 7th house in sign
Sagittarius, how to calculate Pada/Arudha lagna. This doubt is
classified by the sage vide sutra "Sutasthe Janama" and
recommends to count Pada/Arudha lagna as under : In case
janma lagna is Gemini and lord of lagna Mercury is placed in 7th
house in sign Sagittarius, in that case 10th house i.e. Pisces will
become Pada/Arudha lagna. In case janma lagna is Virgo and
lord of lagna Mercury is placed in 7th house in sign Pisces in that
case 10th house from Pisces i.e Sagittarius will become
Pada/Arudha lagna. In case janma lagna is Sagittarius and lord
of lagna Jupiter is placed in 7th house in sign Gemini, in that case
10th house from janma lagna i.e. Virgo becomes Pada/Arudha
lagna. In case janama lagna is Pisces and lord of lagna Jupiter
is placed in 7th house in sign Virgo, in that case 10th house from
the 7th house viz Gemini will become Pada/Aruda lagna. These
rules are advocated by Neelkantta in case of Dual signs rising in
lagna and the reckoning of Pada/Arudha lagna in above said
order since they support the two sutras viz. 30 and 31, thus these
rules should be strictly adhered to. Note : Thus the general
misconception regarding the Pada/Arudha lagna has been
classified by the sage jaimini viz. The 4th house & 10th house can
become Arudha lagna only under the circumstances it is having
its own sign of the planet. In case the planet occupies the 7th
house from janma lagna in that case 2nd sign with reference to
7th house will become the Pada/Arudha lagna. To make it more
clear it is being explained through illustrations, however these
illustrations are imaginary. (a) Fig. No. 1&3 are having lord of
lagna in 4th house where second sign owned by lord of lagna viz.
Mercury & Jupiter respectively falls hence 4th house becomes
Pada/Arudha lagna. (b) Fig. 2&4 are having lord of lagna in lagna
itself viz. Mercury & Jupiter and their second sign fall in 10th
house hence 10th house will become Pada/Arudha lagna. (c) In
Figure 5&7 the lord of lagna Mercury & Jupiter respectively fall in
7th house. In this case 2nd sign lorded by planet whose sign falls
in 7th house will become Pada/Arudha lagna and it will be 4th
from the 7th viz. Pisces & Virgo respectively. (d) In figure 6&8 the
lord of lagna viz. Mercury & Jupiter respectively occupy the 7th
house, now the 2nd sign lorded by the planet whose sign falls in
the 7th house will become Pada/Arudha lagna and it will be 10th
from Pisces and Virgo respectively. This is the actual method of
calculating Pada/Arudha lagna for various sign rising in the lagna.
The same method should be adopted to calculate the
Padas/Arudhas of other houses also.

Shadbala Summary September 2014

Yashkaran Sharma
Related Articles | Views : 770 |
The exact potency or strength of a planet is determined by
analysing its various positions in zodiac. These various positions
are the various sources of strength known as Shadbala. The
methods of calculation of Shadbala can give a quick insight in the
state of planets and houses. The final sum of the calculations of
method of Shadbala gives a value to each planet. The more
points a planet gets in Shadbala the stronger it is.
Strength and weakness of the planets depend upon their net Bala
strength i.e. the sum of the Balas. The net strength is important
for the judgment of the effects during Dasas and transits.
Planets with high net Bala will have strong effects. These effects
will be auspicious in most cases. But strong planets can also have
strong inauspicious effects, especially Saturn and Mars. Planets
with low net Bala will prove inauspicious or harmless.
Shadbala Requirements
Strength and weakness of planets depend upon their total Shadbala.
Planets are considered to be strong if they meet the minimum
Shadbala requirements mentioned in Hora Shastra. The values are

Sun 6.5 390

Moon 6.0 360

Mars 5.0 300

Mercury 7.0 420

Jupiter 6.5 390

Venus 5.5 330

Saturn 5.0 300

A planet that has at least the required Shadbala Pinda is

considered to be strong and will show favorable results.
Nevertheless malefics like Saturn or Mars can give problems and
miseries, too.
Requirements for Individual Shadbala Types
There is another Shadbala requirement template that is based
upon individual requirements for different types of Sub-Balas. This
approach can be used as an alternative method for judgement of
strength, even if the requirements mentioned above do not match.
Planets are arranged in groups. The corresponding planet must
match all the requirements in order to be considered as strong.
The table shows the required Balas in Virupas.

Sun, Jupiter, 165 35 50 112 30


Moon, Venus 133 50 30 100 40

Mars, Saturn 96 30 40 67 20

It is important to have some insight in how the Shadbala value is

calculated. Only if you are aware of the method followed in this
system of calculation of Shadbala of planets you can easily have
an idea about the strength of it.
Positional Strength (STHANA BALA)
A planet gets positional strength by virtue of its occupying a
particular sign of zodiac. This may be exalted, debilitated, own,
Mool Trikona, friendly, neutral or enemy sign. The strength or
potency a planet gets due to its occupying a certain degree in a
sign is known as positional strength.
The positional strength of a planet consists of five components:
1. Oocha Bala, 2. Saptavargaja Bala, 3. Ojayugma Bala, 4. Kendra
Bala, 5. Drekkana Bala

Oocha Bala: When a planet occupies it exact degree of

exaltation the planet gets 60 Shashtiamsas (Shashtiamsas
are points). When it occupies the opposite point, its exact
point of fall, it does not get any Shashtiamsas. Of course
most of the time a planet will occupy a position somewhere
in between these points. In that case the points that it will get
will be calculated according to its position from the point of
exaltation and fall.
Saptavargaja Bala: To calculate this the position of planet
in following seven divisional charts is studied: Rasi, Hora,
Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and
Trimsamsa. In all these charts we look at what kind of sign a
certain planet is located. If a planet occupies in the
rashichart its Moolatrikona sign it gets 45 Shashtiamsas (this
is a special rule for the rashi chart only), if it is in its own sign
(of whatever varga) it gets 30 Shashtiamsas, in the sign of a
great friend 22.5 Shashtiamsas, in the sign of a friend 15
Shashtiamsas, in a neutral sign 7.5 Shashtiamsas, in the
sign of an enemy 3.75 Shashtiamsas and in the sign of a
great enemy 1.875 Shashtiamsas. This is one of the most
important parts of Shadbala because Saptavargaja bala can
give a lot of Shashtiamsas.
Ojayyugma Bala: A planet gains strength because it is in an
even or uneven sign or navamsa. The Moon and Venus get
15 Shashtiamsas when they are in an even sign. These
planets also get 15 Shastiamsas when they are in an even
navamsa. In totality the Moon or Venus may gain 30
Shashtiamsas if they are located in an even sign AND even
navamsa. The reason behind this is that the Moon and
Venus are female planets and are strong when they are in
female (even) signs or navamsas. Sun, Mars, Jupiter,
Mercury and Saturn get 15 Shastiamsas when they are in an
uneven sign. They also can get 15 Shashtiamsas when they
are in an uneven navamsa. These planets are male or
neutral and are strong in male (uneven) signs..
Kendra Bala:: A planet in a kendra house (1,4,7 and 10)
gets 60 Shashtiamsas, a planet in the house 2,5,8 or 11 gets
30 Shashtiamsas, a planet in the house 3,6,9 or 12 gets 15
Shashtiamsas. The planets in kendra houses can easily
express themselves and are therefore strong.
5. Drekkana Bala: Each of the male planets (Sun, Jupiter or
Mars), gets 15 Shashtiamsas in the first drekkana (0-10
degrees) of whatever sign it. Neutral planet (Saturn and
Mercury) in the middle drekkana of whatever sign (that
means it is located between 10-20 degrees of whatever sign)
gets 15 Shashtiamsas. If a female planet (Venus and the
Moon) is located in the last drekkana (the last 10 degrees) of
whatever sign it gets 15 Shashtiamsas. The first drekkana of
each sign is good for male planets, the middle drekkana for
neutral planets and the last drekkana for female planets.

Now add up all the Shashtiamsa values. The result is the total
Sthana Bala.
Directional Strength (DIG BALA)
Dig Bala means directional strength. The Sun and Mars are
powerful in the South i.e when they occupy the 10th house.
Saturn gets full directional strength in the West, the seventh
house. Moon and Venus get maximum directional strength
when positioned in the North (fourth house). Mercury and
Jupiter function well in the first house (the East).
The points opposite to powerful points are powerless points
which when occupied give no directional strength. Actually
180 th degree from powerful point is powerless point. For
example Sun gets maximum directional strength in the 10th
house i.e south and zero directional strength in 4th house i.e
north direction.
A planet gets maximum Dig Bala when it is in midpoint of the
bhava (house) where it functions especially well. If for
example the Sun is located right in the middle of the tenth
house it gets maximum Dig Bala and is given 60
Shashtiamsas. If the Sun is in the middle of the fourth house
it is given 0 Shashtiamsas.
Dig bala gives a good indication for how strong a planet is in
its house.
The morning is a great time for studying and learning. That is
why Mercury and Jupiter, planets which have to do with
studying and learning, are strong during that time of day (at
that time the Sun is near the ascendant). The Sun and Mars
are energetic planets which need the energy that is available
around noon (at that time the Sun is in the tenth house).
Saturn is the planet of shades, which are at its maximum
during the evening (when the Sun is opposite the
ascendant). Moon and Venus are soft planets which function
good during the time that is meant for sleeping and making
love (at midnight the Sun is in the fourth house).
Temporal Strength (KALA BALA)
This has to do with the strength which a planet has because
of the time of the day. It is strength of time.
It consists of following 9 different factors:

Divaratri Bala: According to this system the Moon, Saturn

and Mars are powerful during midnight. At noon they are
powerless. These are the natural malefics + the Moon. The
Sun, Jupiter and Venus are powerful during noon and are
powerless during midnight. These are the natural benefics +
the Sun. Adaptable Mercury is considered to be always
powerful. This means that in every chart Mercury gets the
maximum of 60 Shashtiamsas which can be gained by this
factor. The Moon, Saturn and Mars are given 60
Shashtiamsas only if the person is born at midnight and 0 if
the person is born at noon. Sun, Jupiter and Venus get 60
Shastiamsas if the person is born at noon and zero if he is
born at midnight. Of course if the person is born at a time
somewhere in between the value is interpolated.
Paksha Bala: A Paksha is equal to 15 lunar days. Moon
increases in Sukla Paksha and decreases in Krishna
Paksha.The benefics are Jupiter, Venus, Moon (from the 8th
day of the bright half of the lunar month to the 8th day of the
dark half of the lunar month) and good influenced Mercury
are powerful during Sukla Paksha. The malefics Sun, Mars,
Saturn, badly influenced Mercury and the Moon (from the 8th
day of the dark half of the lunar month to the 8th day of the
bright half of the lunar month) are powerful during Krishna
Paksha. The benefics get more Shastiamsas if a person is
born on Sukla Paksha and the malefics less. If a person is
born during Krishna Paksha the malefics get more points.
The maximum amount of Shashtiamsas to be gained is 60.
The value of the Shastiamsas of the malefics + the value of
the Shastiamsas of the benefics is always 60. The
Shastiamsas of the Moon are always doubled.
Thribhaga Bala: The day (that means the period of daylight)
is divided into three equal parts and the night (the period
without daylight) is divided into three equal parts. In this
system Jupiter is always given 60 Shastiamsas. In addition,
if someone is born during the first part of the day Mercury
gets 60 Shashtiamsas. If someone is born during the second
part of the day the Sun gets 60 Shashtiamsas. If born during
the last part of the day Saturn gets 60 Shashtiamsas. If born
during the first part of the night the Moon is given 60
Shashtiamsas. If born during the second part of the night
Venus gets 60 Shashtiamsas. If born during the last part of
the night Mars gets 60 Shashtiamsas.
Abda Bala: The planet which is the lord of the year will get
15 Shahtiamsas. The lord of the year is the planet which
belongs to the first day of the year. For example if the first
day of a certain year is Sunday the year is ruled by the Sun,
which receives 15 Shashtiamsas according to this method.
Masa Bala: The planet which is the lord of the first day of
the month in which a person is born receives 30
Vara Bala: The planet which rules the day at which the
person is born receives 45 Shashtiamsas. This planet is
found without calculations.
Hora Bala:: A day is divided into 24 hours or horas. Each
hora is ruled by a planet. The first hora is ruled by the planet
which rules the day. For example at Monday the first hora is
ruled by the Moon. Then the order is according to the days
of the week (next hora will be of Mars then of Mercury and
so on). If you are born at some distance from the equator the
horas are not of equal length. The period of daylight contains
12 horas and the period without daylight contains 12 horas.
The ruler of the hora when you were born gets 60
Ayana Bala: The strength of a planet on account of its
situation either towards north or south of celestial equator is
known as Ayan Bala. All hevenly bodies move northwards to
equator for some time & then southwards. This angular
distance from equinoctial or celestial equator is Kranti or
declination. The value a planet gets according to Ayana Bala
has to do with the declination it has from the equator. If a
planet has 0 declination the ayana bala is 30. For Venus, the
Sun, Mars and Jupiter the Northern declinations are added
to his value and the Southern declinations subtracted (the
consequence of this is that a planet has a low ayana bala if
the planet has a Southern declination and a high ayana bala
if the planet has a Northern declination). For Saturn and the
Moon it is the other way around. For Mercury declinations
are always added. The maximum amount of Shashtiamsas
to be gained is 60. The ayana bala of the Sun is always
Yuddha Bala:: Two planets are said to be in Yuddha when
they are in conjunction and distance between them is less
than 1 degree. Therefore we only encounter Yuddha bala
values if there are planets at war in the chart. First we have
to calculate the total Sthana bala value + Dig Bala + Kala
Bala till Hora Bala of the two fighting planets. Then we must
calculate the difference between these two values. This
difference must be divided by the difference between the
diameters of the two planets as seen in the sky. The result of
this calculation is the Yuddhabala. This must be added to the
Kala Bala total of the winning planet and subtracted to the
Kala Bala of the loosing planet.

After everything has been calculated we add it all up and get the
total Kala Bala.
Motional Strength (CHESTA BALA)
The Sun and Moon do not get Chesta Bala values. They
move in a fairly regular pattern and do not go retrograde
ever. The other planets turn retrograde when they are on a
specific distance from Sun. Planets which are relatively fast
get a low chesta bala value. The slow moving planets are
able to focus their energy more because they stay in one
place for longer duration. The maximum amount of
Shashtiamsas to be earned is 60.
Permanent Strength (NAISARGIKA BALA)
Each planet gets a certain amount of Shashtiamsas
according to the luminosity it has. Sun is the brightest planet
it is given 60 Shashtiamsas whereas Saturn is the faintest
and gets 8.57 Shashtiamsas. This means that the amount of
Shashtiamsas a planet receives according to Naisargika
Bala is in every chart the same.
Aspect Strength (DRIK BALA)
Drik Bala is called aspect strength. Planet aspect the
zodiacal degree in opposition (180 degrees from it). The
point which is 120 degrees from these planets get a partial
aspect of 50%, the point which is 90 degrees from the planet
gets a 75% aspect, the point which is 60 degrees gets a
25% aspect and the point which is 30 or 150 degrees from
the planet gets no aspect at all. If a planet is aspected by
benefics the planet receives a positive Shashtiamsa value. If
a planet is aspected by malefics than it gets negative Drik
Bala points.
In order to obtain the total Shadbala of each planet, all six
types of Balas are added. Drikbala is added or subtracted
depending upon whether it is positive or negative. The result
obtained is the Shadbala of planets in Shashtiamsa which
divided by 60 gives Shadbala in Rupas.
It is important to realize that the influence of certain
Shadbala factors is much greater than others. Simply
because the amount of Shashtiamsas to be gained by
certain Shadbala factors is much greater than by others. As
an example: the amount of Shashtiamsas which can be
gained by the factor Sthana Bala is a lot more than what can
be gained by Dig Bala. Therefore the six Shadbala factors
are not equally important.
Somebody has affirmed rightly,"The directional strength
of Sun is most important, in moon's case it is
Pakshabala which should be given prime importance
and for other planets it is Oochabala which should be
brought under consideration primarily."
According to the Shadbala rules every planet needs a
certain amount of Rupas to be strong. According to these
rules Mercury needs 7 Rupas, Jupiter needs 6 Rupas,
The Moon needs 6 Rupas, Venus needs 5 Rupas, Saturn,
the Sun and Mars need 5 Rupas. These values are seen as
the minimum requirement for a certain planet to be strong.
The total Shad Bala in Rupas is divided by this minimum
requirement and then we get the Shad Bala ratio. The most
interesting about this Shad Bala ratio is to see whether a
planet has more or less than the minimum requirement.

Foreign Travel Yoga : an Analysis May 2014

Future Point
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In the illusion of human life some survive, some succumb, some
procure super success and some fall down in dump. Politicians
are public figures as they get pomp and power. Astrologically,
politicians are blessed with nectar of the first house (place of self
strength), second house (place of eloquence), third house (place
of prowess), fourth house (place of faith of masses), fifth house
(place of analysis and logic), ninth house (place of augmentation
and auspiciousness) and tenth house (place of occupation and
administration). However, a person who is bestowed with the
benefics of major houses of the horoscope, is sometimes victim of
malefic houses, ie, 6, 8 and 12th. This is true - dominance of
propitious houses lifts the native to dazzling heights of name,
fame and prosperity but a little effect of the arrogance of these
malefic houses calls the moment when everything suddenly,
some how, changes to doom. A political assassination is such an
example. Let us make an astrological probe into the matter.
The mechanical and biological strength of physical body of the
native is represented by ascendant and its lord in the horoscope.
Influence of benefic planets - waxing Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus on ascendant and/or its lord is beneficial for the individual
to make him driven, energetic, ambitious, successful and long-
lived, but if the ascendant is related to 8th or 12th house, the
native suffers setbacks and unnatural death either by some sort of
accident or assassination. Generally, ascendants of politicians are
strong enough to bear various pressures, tensions and anxieties.
Even then, if ascendant or its lord is hemmed in by malefics or
related to 8th or 12th house or their lords, probability of
assassination of the native emerges out.
If we look into the chart of Morarji Desai, ex Prime Minister of
India, who enjoyed a long life of about 99 years and got a natural
death, the ascendant lord Mercury along with 12th lord Venus and
6th lord Mars is posited in 8th house. This is a crystal clear
relation of ascendant lord with malefic houses. Is it a sign of
assassination? No, because -
1. The ascendant lord and 8th lord both are not inimical to
2. The ascendant lord is influenced by two benefics - Jupiter
and Venus.
3. The destructive nature of the Mars and 8th house has been
suppressed by a combined influence of three benefic planets
- Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
4. The lord of the 8th house - Saturn is exalted in fifth house
and is free from any influence of the malefic association or
Hindu astrology reveals 8th house as a place of death and hence
considers the worst of all the three malefic houses - 6th, 8th and
12th. In fact, 8th house describes longevity and mode of the end
of the life. Mantreshwar in Phaladeepika says - If the ascendant
lord and 8th lord both are mutual friends, the native will be long
lived. Similar situation is created when the lord of the sign in
which Moon is posited and the lord of the 8th house from the
Moon sign are mutual friends. It is apparent in the chart of Morarji
Desai. Ascendant lord Mercury and 8th lord Saturn both are not
inimical to friendship. Also, the Sun (lord of the sign where Moon
is posited) and the Jupiter (lord of the 8th place from the Moon)
both are natural friends. Benefic planets - Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus in the 8th house increase the longevity and predict a
peaceful natural death while malefic planets such as Sun, Mars,
Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Uranus are indicative of unnatural death
either by accident, suicide, wounds, fire, weapon or electric
shock. Possibility of such mis-happening increases as the
affliction to the 8th place increases.
As per astrologer's view 12th house is the most unfortunate place
of the horoscope because it is related to delusion, seclusion, loss,
expense, secret enemies, imprisonment and unseen troubles. It is
the opinion that if there is no planet in the 12th house and its lord
is posited in 3rd or 8th house or aspected by Saturn (not by Mars
or Rahu), the evil characteristics of this house get minimised and
the horoscope gains some extra strength. Saturn is distinguished
from Mars and Rahu in the sense that while Saturn is a planet of
delay, harassment and punishment, Mars and Rahu are planets
of hurt, injury, arrogance, excitement, explosions and fire. Saturn
ultimately bestows peace and progress to the native but Mars and
Rahu lead to an awful situation. Thus the influence of the latter on
12 th house and its lord is not conduicive for peaceful life.*+-
We find 12th and 6th houses both signify enemies, injuries,
sorrows and obstacles but there is a little demarcation that while
the 12th house stands for secret enemies and their conspiracy,
the 6th house stands for open field enemies. If there is influence
of benefics on 6th house and its lord, the native gets rid of his
enemies. Thus it is the affliction to the 12th house or its lord that
stands for assassination.
Astrologers know that benefic or malefic functions of planets not
only depend upon their intrinsic nature but also on their lordship.
Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu are evil by nature, Sun being
the least and Rahu-Ketu being the most. Although the latter
shadowy planets denote poisoning, secret intrigues, sudden
events, assassination etc but they do not function independently.
If they occupy evil places or get associated with evil planets, their
adverse effect is increased tremendously. However, Saturn if
linked to fatal places is considered as a first grade killer. Whereas
Mars, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu are considered first grade malefics,
the natural benefics - waxing Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
synchronize them if they get posited in 2nd or 7th houses or get
lordship their of. Both these houses are called fatal places as
illustrated in Laghu Parashari-

" 8th house is a place of longevity. 8th place from the 8th house,
ie, the third house is also a place of longevity. The twelfth places
from both (8th and 3rd) are 7th and 2nd houses which act as killer
of the native, the 7th being more fatal than the 2nd"
It is observed that many politicians were assassinated when they
were undergoing the period of fatal planets, ie, lords of 2nd or 7th
houses. If Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu get involved with 2nd,
6th, 7th, 8th or 12th house or with their lord, the probability of
assassination is increased.
Chart of Mrs Indira Gandhi is strengthened by three exchanges of
planets, of which the two are making good Rajyogas. These are -
1. Exchange of ascendant lord Moon with seventh lord Saturn. 2.
Exchange of second lord Sun with fifth and tenth lord - auspicious
Mars. 3. Exchange of sixth lord Jupiter with eleventh lord Venus.
Although the ascendant is weakened by the influence of three first
grade malefics (hemmed by Mars and Ketu and occupied by 8th
lord Saturn), yet its vitality is animated by the aspect of its own
lord Moon which in turn is aspected by divine Jupiter. This
enabled Mrs Gandhi for hard decisions in crucial span of time. For
Cancer ascendants the Saturn is animator as well as detrimental
and fatal. Mrs Gandhi's political life was guided by the various
aspects of Saturn, the major period of which was started from
Dec. 1970 when she was in chair of PM. During the period of
Saturn - Ketu she lost her power, dignity and modesty of her
political life when she got defeated in the election to the
Parliament in March 1977 but in the period of Saturn Venus she
won the election to the Parliament and was sworn in for PM in
Jan. 1980. It was Saturn-Rahu-Rahu a crucial period when she
was assassinated at the age of 67 by her own body guard on Oct.
31, 1984. In her chart Saturn being the lord of 7th house is fatal
and Rahu - Ketu both are detrimental. Rahu occupies 6th house
from the ascendant and its dispositer Jupiter occupies the 6th
place from Rahu. In this way a cruel relationship among
ascendant, sixth and eighth houses is responsible for her
One should not get immediate conclusion for the time of death of
a person on the basis of the period of lord of 2nd or 7th house. It
is worth while to know a broad spectrum of the age of the native
by studying the nature of the sign that contains -
Lords of 1st and 8th houses.
Moon and Saturn
Lagna and Hora lagna
In the chart of Mrs. Gandhi the lords of 1st and 8th houses ie,
Moon and Saturn occupy movable signs indicating long life. Since
the ascendant is hemmed in between malefics, she might get
more than middle age.
In the chart of Rajiv Gandhi, ex Prime minister, the ascendant is
weakened (hemmed and aspected) by three malefic planets, but it
is augmented by the disposition of Moon in fixed and Saturn in
dual sign as well as conglomeration of five benefic planets - Sun,
Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. Moreover, the ascendant
being vargottam gets some extra strength that conferred on him
beauty, body and bravery. However, the lords of 1st and 8th
house being in a fixed sign and malefic influence of Mars and
Saturn on 8th house and its lord indicate his short life. Since the
ascendant is fortified by many benefics, the age might touch to
middle. He was at the age of 47 when assassinated on May 21,
1991 in a bomb explosion by a female militant of LTTE in the
period of Rahu - Mercury. Both these planets are inimical and
venomous because Rahu is in the place of secret enemy,
conspiracy and assassination while Mercury is fatal being the lord
of second house. The lord (Moon) of Rahu occupied sign in the
ascendant, aspect of 6th lord Saturn on the ascendant and aspect
of Mars on the 8th house show loss of life. In this way a cruel
relationship among ascendant, second, sixth, eighth and twelfth
houses is responsible for his assassination. It would have been in
the period of Rahu - Saturn from Jan 87 to Nov 89 because
Saturn also has sufficient fatal character.
Mahatma Gandhi at the age of 79 was assassinated on Jan. 31,
1948 in Delhi during Jupiter - Ketu. There has been some
ambiguity for his correct birth time and hence correct rising sign of
ascendant whether it is Virgo or Libra. I consider Virgo ascendant
which is benevolent for long life near to 80 years because lords of
1st and 8th houses are in movable signs but Jupiter being lord of
7th house is fatal. Ketu posited in 5th house (ie, 8th place from
10th house) is sufficiently inimical after receiving the aspect of 8th
lord Mars. For Virgo ascendant, Mars being the owner of 3rd and
8th houses is full of fatal characteristics such as fire, injury,
wound, accident, violence and destruction. So it vitiates the
aspected planets.
Shaikh Mujibur Rahman, Founder and President of Bangla Desh
was assassinated at the age of 55 on Aug. 15 1975 by an army
officer during the period of Saturn - Jupiter. In his chart Mars, lord
of ascendant has lost its vigour* because of two first grade
malefics (Saturn and Rahu). The 12th house* (assassination) is
highly afflicted by the presence of Mars - Rahu and Saturnine
aspect. Such combination of these three planets drains away the
comforts of the concerned house and hence in houses 1, 8, and
12 they are indicative of short or middle life. We know that Mars -
Rahu conjunction is synonym of a bomb or an explosion. An evil
aspect of Saturn on Mars or vice versa creeps into sudden
calamity. It is beyond doubt that in his chart Jupiter being lord of
2nd house is fatal but Saturn itself is not fatal. It is the Venus that
being owner of 7th and 12 houses incepts the instincts of being a
killer and instills its instincts by its direct aspect on Saturn.

"If malefics occupy 6th, 8th, or 12th houses and the lord of the
lagna is weak without any influence of benefics, the native is short
Benito Mussolini born in a poor black-smith family began his
carrier as a correspondent. He stirred the public for socialist
agitation by his revolutionary articles and speeches. For such
revolutionary activities he was arrested and got suffer
imprisonment. In his chart the ascendant is beset by the aspect of
errant, erratic, erroneous, agonist and revolutionary association of
3 planets - Moon-Mars-Saturn. It fascinated him to be a fascist
who believed in fight for the progress of a country. So he had
been an extreme socialist using extremism. In his view
democracy and peace are just like a stagnant water of a pond and
hence an inertia to the progress. This is comparable to some
other revolutionary union of planets observed in the charts of Karl
Marx (Sun, Moon and Rahu aspected by Saturn), Adolf Hitler
(Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus aspected by Saturn) and
Maharana Pratap (Mars, Saturn and Ketu). However, conjunction
of benevolent planets viz. Moon-Mars in 7th, Jupiter-Venus in 8th
and Sun-Mercury in 9th houses spread his popularity in masses
as much that the king of Italy invited him to be sworn in as the
head of the Govt. on Oct. 27, 1922 during Jupiter - Venus period.
In second word war he faced defeat everywhere. So he lost his
faith in masses and became the victim of public rage. He tried to
escape into Switzerland but he was arrested on 28 April 1945,
and, together with some members of his Fascist Cabinet was
executed by partisans and ultimately got assassinated. This is
noteworthy that Mars-Saturn conjunction like Mars-Rahu is violent
for causing sudden calamity like dog-death and Jupiter being lord
of 2nd (or 7th) house is highly fatal.
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of USA and one of the
greatest American heroes was born in a poor family who earned
his living by working on the river as a boatman, by splitting rails
and acting as postmaster. With little formal education he had all
the qualities of a good statesman. His humour, eloquence,
patience, courage, charity and kindness established him in
masses who one day elected him as President. He attended a
theatre on the night of April 14, 1865 where John Wilkes Booth,
an actor shot him through the brain and on the morning of 15th he
died. It was Saturn-Mercury period. At first instance both these
planets in his chart are not fatal like the lords of 2nd and 7th
houses but they are influenced by them. It is well known that
Mercury is a dependant planet that shows the characteristics of
conjoined planet. In his chart Sun-Mercury duo occupy the
ascendant. Therefore, Mercury squeezes the intrinsic fatality of
the 7th house through its lord Sun and becomes fatal indirectly.
Simultaneously, Saturn as a lord of ascendant is a producer of life
even then being a lord of 12th it is related to death. In Laghu-
Parashari Saturn is considered as a master of death and
becomes a first grade fatal planet among others.
If Saturn is related to a fatal place or fatal planet in any way, it
becomes itself a cruel fatal.
Pramod Mahajan, general secretary of BJP and a minister in A B
Vajpayee Govt. was grievously wounded by his younger brother
Pravin who shot at him at his residence on April 22, 2006 at about
7.30 AM. The three bullets caused internal damage to his body
that eventually led to his death during Saturn-Moon-Venus (or
Sun) period. According to sources although Pramod supported his
siblings morally, socially and financially yet the two brothers were
on bad terms for about two years as a consequence of sufferings
of Pravin from ill-treatment, humiliation, frustration and inferiority
complex of the feeling of a poor brother of a rich and powerful
man (Pramod). Astrologically, for Leo ascendant Saturn being
lord of 6th and 7th houses is a cruel fatal planet. In the chart of
the native Saturn in retrograde state is posited in 12th house and
by its aspect vitiating the Moon that has drawn the fatal
characteristics of 12th. The third vitious planet is either Venus or
Sun, neither is life saving because Venus being lord of 3rd has
lost its auspiciousness and further it is posited in 7th house, a
giver of death. If we look at Sun, it is in an embarrassed state
being occupying 6th and having aspect of fatal Saturn.

As the conclusion, for politicians Saturn is a significant planet that

in mundane astrology stands for destiny, misfortune, public and
democracy. The authoritarian action and philanthropical
behaviour of politicians are integral to public. Although in its
period Saturn induces the native to go to the high peak of power,
position and prosperity yet it does not act to the rescue of the
native who commit s mistake to be bereft of his duties and to
attack the honour, integrity, sentiments, conscience and
regalement of even a bit of the public. Therefore, as soon as the
period of Saturn (or any other) as a fatal planet starts, the
politician native can not get rid of the punishment of his misdeeds
and hence he must take
Studying the Arudha Lagna-I July 2008
Amar Agrawal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 761 |
. . , ./
0. 121. 3.5 7
8/,; . , In the earlier part results
pertaining to Karakamsha lagana and Uppapada lagna and the
various houses from these two lagans have been dealt with
exhaustively. Now the sage deals with Arudha Lagna/padda of
lagan. The method of reckoning Arudha lagna has been dealt
with. As per Jaimini astrology it is not the first house which holds
the key while determining various aspects of life but the Sage
advocates these should be studied from Arudha lagna instead.
. < /8 # #
@A . ( ( If 11th house from Arudha
lagna is occupied or aspected by the planets the native
concerned will be wealtthy. But the quantum of wealth is judged
as per the number of planets aspecting Arudha lagna. At the
same time the strength of planets placed or aspecting the 11th
house from Arudha lagna is also kept in reckoning. . /
8 # C DA , # E(
F GEH In case the 11th house is under the influence
of natural benefic planets (By placement or aspect), native will
earn/amass the wealth by fair means. . CI#
DA F ;; , 0 0E In case
the planets influencing the Arudha lagna are malefic, native will
adopt unfair/unlawful means in earning money. In case there is
involvement of both benefic as well as malefic planets on the 11th
house from Arudha Lagna, native will earn money by both ways.
. #H K #L3 C #(

C @8N
5## C@8 3 GEH 2

P The native earns and amasses lot of wealth in case the
planet/planets placed in or aspecting the Arudha Lagna is/are
exalted or in their own sign but at the same time the 12th house
from Arudha Lagana should free from any influence of
planet/planets by occupancy or aspect. Note: Here the sage
indicates that while the 11th house from Arudha Lagna should be
under the influence of planet/planets at the same time 12th house
from Arudha lagna should be free from any influence of
planet/planets by placement or aspect. Here one thing should
always be given due consideration that in case more planets
influence the 11th house from Arudha Lagna as compared to the
less number of planets influencing the 12th house from Arudha
Lagna even in that case too native will earn huge money but in
such a case it should always to be noted that planets influencing
the 11th house from Arudha Lagna should be stronger as
compared to the planets influencing the 12th house from Arudha
Lagna. However the Sage makes an extension of this concept by
suggesting eight alternatives as regards with influence of
planet/planets by placement or aspect on the 11th house from
Arudha Lagna in judging the quantum of wealth. the alternatives
given below are in increasing order i.e. First one is weakest while
the eighth is strongest: 1. More than two planets placed in or
aspecting the 11th house from Arudha Lagna. 2. Planets placed
in or aspecting the 11th houses from Arudha Lagna in their
exaltation sign. 3. Argala formed by the aspecting planet. 4. More
than two argalas formed by the aspecting planets. 5. Involvement
of benefic planets in forming of Argala. 6. Involvement of exalted
planets to the Argala forming planets. 7. Lagna lord becomes the
aspecting planet. 8. Lord of 9th becomes an aspecting planet. .
/ 5 C C@A ; < 1#
C #@< C @R F
<,2 Here Neeche means 12th house, as explained in
the Sutra, and not a debilitated planet. If there is influence of
planet/planets on the 12th house from Arudha Lagna, native
spends money extravagantly. The money spent is for good
purposes in case the influencing planet is benefic, while the
influencing planet is malefic it is otherwise. In case the influencing
planets are a mixture of benfics and malefics the money spent will
be for good and bad purposes both. . /8 5
S <# # 1;<# !
; K #, S 1. E # ;E In case
the Sun, Venus and Rahu, all of these three or two out of three or
even one out of three aspect the 12th house from Arudha lagna,
native loses money due to the wrath of gvernment. In case the
Sun and Rahu are the influencing planets native's money is
seized forcibly. In case Venus is the influencing planet native will
surrender money in shape of fines etc. willingly. . 5 T
D@A; .I 1; < D@A
# @ <# ; If the Moon also conjoin
combination as mentioned above the native will certainly loose
money on account of government. Here Sage opines that the
involvement of the Moon and the Sun in the 12th house from
Arudha lagna native looses money on account of punishment
levied by government. In absence of the Moon's influence as
mentioned above he may not be punished heavily or the
punishment to pay fine may not be from governmental side. .
5 5 .! 5 A . If
Mercury happens to occupy the 12th house from Arudha lagna,
disputes and litigations with blood relations may become cause of
loss of money. . 5 #I E < /
. ( WX If Jupiter happens to occupy the
12th house from Arudha lagna one may face heavy losses in
business or on some unwanted religious rites. But neelkanta is
strict about the loss by way of taxes. The word djewys clearly
indicates payment on account of taxes. . 5 #
Y3 5 < If Mars and Saturn happens to occupy
the 12th house from Arudha lagna one may incur losses on
account of one's brothers or co born. Just as the loss of money is
to be judged by the influence of various planets on the 12th house
from Arudha lagna, the same way one gains in case similar
planets ifluence the 11th house from Arudha lagna. The influence
of planets on the 11th house from Arudha lagna and means of
gains are listed below: Note : Here the learned Sage indicates
about the way and means of one's getting or earning money.
Sage opines that every thing pertaining to lagna should be
studied from Arudha lagna, thus the natal lagna does not hold any
importance as per Jaimini system of astrology. The planet/planets
placed in or aspects the 12th house from Arudha lagna shows the
way and means one will spend or waste one's money. Placement
or the aspect of similar planet on the 11th house from Arudha
lagna points forward the ways and means of one's getting or
earning money. The quantum of one's earnings will depend upon
the influence of planet/planets on the 11th house from Arudha
lagna while the 12th house from Arudha lagna should be vacant
from occupancy or the aspect of planet/planets. Here the words
used should not be applied verbatim since the meanings and the
course of earning has changed a lot from good old time. For
example the word treasure does not mean that one's going to get
a hidden treasure but it can be from a government operated
lottery and alike. Same word used that one gains from temples
means one can be a priest of a temple, one earns from wife
means one will get an earning wife etc.

Importance of Tithi in Predictive Astrology October 2004

Amar Agrawal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 749 |
Our sages, who made many contributions in the field
of Astrology and wrote about their experiences in the classics in
the shape of sutras or shlokas. Every body who worked on this
ancient subject had mastered different theories, as per their
expertise, to be used in delineating a birth chart, or horoscope,
thus provided the modern world with different tools to decipher a
birth chart. One of these tools is Tithi, which is of prime
importance in predictive astrology. Since this article is related to
the importance of Tithi in predictive astrology we shall restrict
ourselves to its use only, while ignoring the method of calculating
Tithi, since most of the learned fellows are aware of the method.
Tithi plays a very prominent role in predictive astrology whereas
most of the astrologers ignore 'its importance while making
predictions' since they have kept its limitations up to Muhurta
only. We have 14 Tithis of Shukla Paksha and 14 of Krishna
Paksha, thus making the total of 28. Since one Tithi comprises
Poornima and one Amavasya it a total 30 Tithis and these 30
Tithis make one lunar month. First Tithi is known as Pratipada
and the last one is Chaturdashi, excluding Poornima and
Amavasya. Every native is born on some Tithi from Pratipada to
Chaturdashi and of course on Poornima and Amavasya as well.
Now on every Tithi two Rashis (signs) are given the name of
Dagdha Rashis and on some Tithis four Rashis(signs) fall under
the category of Dagdha Rashis(signs). On Poornima and
Amavasya no Rashi is Dagdha Rashi(sign). The literal meaning of
Dagdha is burnt. One thing worth mentioning here is that Dagdha
Rashis and Rikta Tithis are two different things, which should
never be intermingled, while using Dagdha Rashis(signs). These
Dagdha Rashis give either excellent, or worst results under
certain conditions, as detailed below: It is always good if this
Dagdha Rashi(sign) falls in a Trik Bhava, since a negative Rashi
falling in a negative Bhava/house will give good results. In case
either of the Dagdha Rashi(sign) falls in a good Bhava/house, it is
destined to spoil some good traits of the concerned Bhava/house.
Apart from Sun and Moon, every planet has ownership over two
Rashis (signs) and the Rashi (sign), which is Dagdha, suffers and
not the other sign owned by the same planet. If a benefic planet
is posited in Dagdha Rashi (sign) at the same time it is in
retrograde motion, it will give excellent results during its period, or
sub period. But in case this benefic happens to be in its direct
motion it will give worst results in its period or sub period. Up to
some extent this rule is applicable during transit also. If a malefic
planet is posited in a Dagdha Rashi (sign) but in its direct motion
it will give excellent results during its period and its sub period.
But in case this malefic happens to be in its retrograde motion, it
will give worst results during its period and sub period. Again up
to some extent this rule applies during transit also. Since Rahus
and Ketus natural motion is retrograde only and they never move
in a direct motion, hence placement of these two planets in a
Dagdha Rashi (sign) will always give excellent results during their
periods and sub period. But out of the two, Rahu will give much
better results as compared to Ketu. In case a Dagdha Rashi
(sign) is occupied by two planets, out of which one is malefic and
other is benefic and this malefic is in direct motion and the benefic
in a retrograde motion, in such a case in one planets major
period the sub period of other planet will give excellent result. In
case, as per rules if malefic is in its direct motion and the benefic
is retrograde, a major period is that of malefic planet will give
excellent results, but as and when the sub period of benefic runs
it will give bad results and vice versa. The sun and the moon,
being luminaries and having only direct motion are exempted from
the rules mentioned above. To prove the importance of Tithi in
predictive astrology, as mentioned above, few horoscopes are
given below : Example No. 1 Male Native : DOB : 18.6.1975, TOB
: 10 Hrs. 10Mts PM IST, POB : Phagwara Asdt. 4s 03 33' Sun 2s
02 49' Moon 5s 23 30' Mars 11s 27 08' Mercury (R) 1s 22 12'
Jupiter 11s 26 13' Venus 3s 18 11' Saturn 2s 25 29' Rahu 7s
07 13' Ketu 1s 07 13' Tithi - Dashami (10th) Shukla Paksha,
Dagdha Rasis - Leo, Scorpio. Balance Dasa at birth : Native was
born with balance of Mar's Dasa for 6 y 3 m at the time of birth.
Next Dasha was that of Rahu, which ran for 24th years
approximately. The most important and crucial period of life
started after the Mars' Dasha and it was Rahu's period of 18
years. As per the version of most of the classics 4th house is
house of education and Rahu's placement in this house was
supposed to disturb his education along with the career, since
these 24 years are generally the period of settlement. For
discussion we shall stick to the point related with Dagdha Rashis
only. In this case Dagdha Rashis are Leo and Scorpio. While Leo
is vacant Scorpio is occupied by Rahu, a first date malefic. But
Rahus placement in Dagdha Rashi changed the characteristics of
Rahu and this Rahu became a Yoga Karaka. During the Rahu's
period native appeared for entrance examination for B.tech from a
prestigious institute. He cleared his examination in flying colours
and was placed 35th in ranking out of 6000 candidates. Native
cleared his degree in computer sciences in stipulated period with
flying colours. He selected in a multinational firm and later got a
government job with one the best companies of USA. It was
Rahu's period during which native travelled through almost whole
of the world. Example No. 2 Male Native : DOB : 12.12.1979,
TOB : 12 Hrs. 01Mts PM IST, POB : Chandigarh Asdt. 10s 14 34'
Sun 7s 26 02' Moon 5s 03 28' Mars 04s 15 17' Mercury (R) 7s
06 03' Jupiter 4s 16 20' Venus 8s 23 24' Saturn 5s 02 50'
Rahu 4s 08 46' Ketu 10s 08 46' Tithi - Navami (9th) Krishan
Paksha, Dagdha Rashis - Leo and Scorpio. Balance Dasha of
birth : Sun 2Y-11M-8 days The native is born with Aquarius sign
rising in ascendant. Tithi is Navami (9th) of Krishna Paksha.
Dagdha Rashis are Leo and Scorpio. At the time of birth balance
Dasha of the Sun was 2Yrs, 11 Months, 8 Days. Moons Dasha
ran up to the age of 13 years and up to 20 years native was under
the major period of Mars. Mars is placed in a Dagdha Rashi and
lord of 3rd and 10th, occupying 7th house. There is a powerful
exchange between 7 and 10th lords ie. Sun and Mars and both
the planets are posited in Dagdha Rashis. 7th house is 10th to
10th, meaning another house of profession. Involvement of 3rd
lord indicates valour and arms. Native took cricket as his career
and from 13th year of his age, when Mars major period started,
native started showing his talent. Though Mars owns 10th house,
it is a negative planet since its Mool trikona Rashi falls in 3rd
house. But due to the placement of this Mars in its direct motion in
Dagdha Rashi it started showing very good results. At his 20th
year Rahus major period started and this Rahu is posited in a
Dagdha Rashi native came into prominence and was chosen to
represent home team at international level. During Rahus sub
period in Rahus major period, native performed very well and
secured his place in international team. In Jupiters sub period
native's performance is not up to expectations, since Jupiter is a
benefic planet placed in its direct motion in a Dagdha Rashi. From
21st Dec.2004 sub period of Saturn will start in the major period
of Rahu. Saturn being Lagna lord will give excellent results in the
Mahadasha of Rahu. Example No.3 : Male Native
DOB:20.5.1948, TOB : 15.00PM 1ST, POB:Jullundur(Punjab)
Asdt. 05s 12 03' Sun 1s 06 07' Moon 06s 03 11' Mars 04s 07
29' Mercury (R) 1s 26 47' Jupiter 8s 03 58' Venus 2s 14 43'
Saturn 3s 23 35' Rahu 0s 20 56' Ketu 06s 20 56' Tithi -
Trayodashi(13th) Shukla Paksha Dagdha Rashis - Taurus and
Leo Native was born on Trayodashi (13th) Tithi of Shukla Paksha.
Taurus and Leo are Dagdha Rashis. Chart is highly delusive,
since lord of Lagna, a planet always considered good, is posited
in best trine ie.9th house, along with the Sun forming a powerful
Budhaditya Yoga. Further 9th lord Venus is placed in 10th house,
a best angle in any horoscope. This Venus is placed in 10th
house from Lagna giving rise to Amla Yoga. But above all these
there is exchange between 9th and 10th lords, giving rise to
Dharam-Karam Adhipati Yoga. This Yoga is most powerful Yoga
present in anyhoroscope. But Mercury, lord of lagna, most benefic
planet of horoscope is placed in a Dagdha Rashi but in direct
motion. A class one officer, on the onset of Mercurys major
period and during the sub period of Mercury was charge sheeted
and during that period and sub period he was put under
suspension. Up to 17.8.2005 he will be under the sub period of
Ketu will not get any respite and after that from 14.8.2006 he will
be under the sub period of Karaka planet Venus and this period
will provide the native a lot of relief

Learn: Advance Astrology May 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 739 |
Those people who are not beginners rather have sufficient knowledge
about astrology can further upgrade their astrological knowledge by
reading the articles which have been included in this section.
Astrology : First Healing Science
Secrets of Astrology Unveiled
Higher Education Gift of ninth House
Remedial aspect Of Astrology
What is Correct niryan or sayan
Timing of event through dasa and transit
Exaltation and debilitation of planets
Cast your Horoscope
Celestial Arthmatic
Date of birth and Calenders
Understanding Place of Birth,Time Zone and Time
Calculation of Sidereal Time and Ascendant
Calculation of House and Planet

Malific or Benefic effects of Sade-Dati May 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 718 |
The sade-sati or adhaiya of transit saturn makes terror among the
public . particularly public affrighted by sade-sati of saturn .The
long duration of 7.5 years of sade-sati sufficient to give malefic or
benific result . when the sade-sati gives good or bad result we can
estimate by following short procedure . There are three methods .
when the transit saturn inters previous sign of moon of
natal horoscope , the sade-sati of saturn starts to candidate . The
satun transits 2.5 years through each prefix and sufix sign of natal
moon , including moon sign. Note down the sign of transit moon
when the transit saturn crosses the natal moon at same degree .
When the transit moon passes through 1,6,and 11 house from
natal moon , the saturn enters in gold step ( sone ka paya) , which
gives mental tention and sick .
When the transit moon passes through 2,5,and 9 house from
natal moon , the saturn enters in silver step ( chandi ka paya) ,
which gives money , wealth,property and respect. .
When the transit moon passes through 3,7,and 10 house from
natal moon , the saturn inters in copper step (tambey ka paya) ,
which gives auspicious life .This sade-sati fulfil all the desires.
When the transit moon passes through 4,8,and 12 house from
natal moon , the saturn inters in Iron step ( Lohe ka paya) , which
gives Troublesome life and malifics effect .This sade-sati does not
fulfil the desires.
The saturn gives good or bad result according to friend or enemy
relation to lord of sign in which it transites during period of sade-
sati . when saturn passes through its friend or self sign ,it gives
benefic result during the period of sade-sati .When it passes
through Taurus ,Gemini ,Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius ,Capricorn and
Aqurius it gives benific result during sade-sati. When it passes
through Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio and Pisces it gives malefic
result. It should be noticed that saturn gives good result during
transition in mool trikon sign of jupiter sagittarius ,but during
transition in pisces it gives malefic result.
Note down the point of ashtak-varg of saturn is transiting through
sign .If the ashtak varg point of saturn is 4 the effect of sade-sati
will be neutral .If the ashtak-varg point is more than 4 it will give
benefic result and if the point is less than 4 it will give malefic
result .
If saturn gives result at least in two method out of above three ,the
sade-sati become benefic , otherwise malefic . For example
according to first method Let the moon situated in virgo at 27-
15-13 degree in natal Horoscope of candidate . the transit Saturn
reaches at same sign and same degree on 03.09.2011 at evening
16.50 PM. At this time moon transit through scorpio sign , which
lies at third house from natal moon . So Saturn enters in copper
steps (tambey ka paya ) . therefore this sade sati gives him
auspicious life.
According to second method the transition of Saturn in virgo
sign on 03.09.2011 is benefic According to third method the
ashtak-varg point of Saturn in virgo sign of natal horoscope of
candidate is 6 which is more than 4 point . So this Saturn gives
good result .
Above in all three method the sade-sati Saturn gives good result
.It should not worship .If the ascendant be Taurus ,Gemini, Libra,
Capricorn and Aqurius and Saturn does not lie at 6,8,and 12
house of horoscope then the candidate should wear the BLUE-
SAPHIRE for more benefic.

Concept of Vargottama January 2008

G.K. Goyal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 711 |
The Concept of Vargottama is a very important and powerful tool
in predictive Astrology. This concept can only be applied and
adopted if method of judgment of the nativity is based on
divisional charts. The predictive astrology is based on three main
pillars, namely, 1. Planets, 2. Signs, 3. Houses. Maharishi
Parasara has precisely explained this concept to his disciple
maitreya in chapter 3, slokas 4, 5 and 6 of BPHS: Those,
celestial bodies are called the planets (Grahas) that move through
the Nakshatras (or asterisms) along the Zodiac (Bhachakra). The
Zodiac comprises of 27 asterisms from Aswin to Revati and also
divided in 12 equal parts known as signs (Rashis) from Aries to
Pisces. The Zodiac sign which contains the rising (ascending)
point at the time of Birth is called Lagna (ascendant). Based on
the ascendant and the planets joining and separating from each
other, the natives good and bad fortune is deducted. Parasara
has given the concept of Bhavas (houses) along with 12 signs in
the above narration. This is called the compartmental system of
houses. In this, system the whole sign in which the degree of
ascendant falls is considered the first house and subsequent sign
as 2nd house and so on. The longitude of the ascending point
becomes the most sensitive points of the ascendant i.e.1st house,
and the sensitive points of other house will be 30 apart. The
sensitive point of 10th house will fall in 10th sign from ascending
sign and will have the same longitude as that of the ascending
point in Lagna. In this system M.C. is not considered as the Mid-
point or cusp of 10th house. M.C. is however given prime-
importance due to it and is widely used for many other important
purposes. Parasara continued to narrate the description of the
planets, signs, various Kinds of ascendants, up-Grahas and
importance of Deeptamsa of 15 on either side of sensitive-point
of ascendant and other houses etc. (Deeptamsa means an
effective Zone of 15 on either side of the sensitive-point of
ascendant ,or sensitive points of other houses). After listening to
the above narration, Maitreya enquired from Sage Parasara:
These Slokas are of great significance and lay down the basis of
Parasari Astrology: In this scheame, the nativity (sign chart) also
acts as one of the Bhava chart. The other 15 kinds of Bhava
Vargas (divisional charts) are for different purposes and these can
be obtained by dividing signs (Rashis) into components and then
arranging these components in a specified harmonic order. The
division of any Varga chart that contains ascending degree will act
first Bhava of that varga. Each Varga chart will have 12 Bhavas.
The each house of a varga will be identified by a Zodiac sign and
will be called the abode of the sign lord.
Brihatparasharhorashastra gives clear instruction for construction
of each Varga. In this manner each sign is divided in 150 unequal
parts (the arc of largest part is 30 and smallest is 140) and each
part will have specific characteristics, which could be ascertained
by constructing separate divisional charts. (This also laid down
the foundation of Nadi Astrology) in the life of the native. Each of
the 16 divisional charts consists of 12 houses, assigned to a
Zodiacal sign, which is in turn owned by a planet. (D-2 (Hora
chart) and D-30 (Trimsamsa chart) are exception to the rule. On
account of this reason, the concept of Vargottama is not studied
in this article w.r.t. Hora and Trimsamsa charts at this stage).
Importance of Vargottama Concept In chapter 14 (Ashraya
Adhyay), in Laghu Jataka, Varaha Mihira has mentioned Two
slokas (Verses) on Rajayoga, which are very significant. I am
reproducing both the slokas for the benefit of the Savants. ,dksfi
u`ifrtUeinks xzg% LoksPpx% lqn`"V%AA cfyfHk% dsUnzksixrS
fL=izHk`frfHkjofuikyHko%AA A person is born with kingly status
(or in the family of kings) even if one exalted planet is aspected by
SUHRADYA (friendly) planet(s). The commentator Bhattotpala
says even planets having temporal friendship with aspecting
planet will be enough to generate Raja-Yoga. If the planets are
more in number and are strongly placed, then a Raja-Yoga of a
higher order will be generated.(The natural friendly planets to
Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn are termed as suhradya planets.
Refer Laghu Jataka CH.3SL3&4 If three strong planets are
placed in Kendra (angular) houses, the Raja-Yoga will be
generated. The commentator says if there are more than three
Planets in angular houses, the quality of Raja-Yoga will be
proportionately enhanced. Sloka 6 oxksZkexs pUnzs
prqjk|SoksZf{krs foyXus okAA u`itUe Hkofr jkT;ks u`i;ksxs
cy;qrn'kk;ke~AA In this sloka, the following principles are
enunciated: 1. If Moon or Lagna Rashi is Vargottama and
aspected by four or more planets, the native becomes king if he is
born in kingly family. (Obviously if aspecting planets are friendly to
the aspected Planet or sign and if these are strongly disposed,
the powerful Raja-Yoga is bound to be generated). 2. The native
will attain or inherit the kingly status in the directional period of
most powerful planet forming the Raja-Yoga. 3. The Vargottama
Moon or Lagna help the native to attain the kingly status if they
receive the aspect of other planet (s). 4. Logically, whenever any
Vargottama planet (other than Moon or Lagan point) will be
aspected by other planet(s), auspicious results will also accrue
according to the signification of planet or Divisional Chart. 5. It
may be worth nothing that the exalted planet gives good results
when aspected by friendly planet (s). This is not the precondition
for Vargottama planet that they should be aspected by a friendly
planet (s). This means if a Vargottama planet is aspected by any
planet(s), the auspicious results will accrue. What is the concept
of Vargottama? As mentioned earlier in this article, the three basic
constituents which stimulate events in a nativity are (1) Houses
(Bhavas) (2) Signs (Rashis) (3) Planets. The native obtains the
results through houses, but with the active assistance of signs
and planets. The results of any planetary configuration or yogas
are felt by the native through the Bhavas (houses) only. In the
above context, the concept of Vargottama may be understood as
under:- 1. The planet is called Vargottama, when placed in same
zodiacal sign in any two Vargas. However, if planets become
Vargottama either in Sign/Navamsa charts or in Sign/Dreshkanna
charts, they become comparatively more auspicious and capable
to confer Raja-Yoga provided other conditions prevail (such as
aspect of other planets). 2. If Lagna Bhava of two Vargas obtains
the same sign, this is called Varga Vargottama, as all houses in
both Vargas will fall in same signs. 3. Similarly, if a planet is in
same house (Bhava) in the two Vargas, it also enhances the
auspicious results of these two Vargas according to specific
portfolios of the concerned Vargas, and these planets are called
Bhava Vargottama. The first two classification of Vargottama are
commonly discussed in Jatak Granths and subsequent
astrological literature. But, the third version of Vargottama, which
is also more powerful and equally important, does not get the
attention it deserves. This may have happened mainly on account
of the reason because a group of astrologers, in last 1500 years,
started suggesting number of ways for the construction of houses.
These methods are at variance with the method suggested by
Maharishi Parasara, sage Satyacharya and Acharya Varaha
Mihira. The method advocated by Parasara is already explained
in this article. I have made this study based on some specific
fundamental principles, norms and rules. These rules are based
on the dictums of Vedic Astrology and are elaborated below:
Signs and houses are inseparable from each other. In all varga
(divisional) charts, each house will be owned by a planet. The
rising (ascending point) falling in the sign will become the
ascendant of the respective varga chart. The study is made based
on Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa. This Ayanamsa value could be
obtained by deducting about 56 from the value of Lahiri
Ayanamsa for the years 1950 to 2050 AD. The astronomical
definition of Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa is given below: When
mean / true tropical longitude of star Chitra (Spica 16 Virgins) is
reduced by 180, the remainder will be the mean / true value of
Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa of the date. 3. True longitudes of Rahu
/ Ketu are adopted in this study. The presence of other auspicious
yogas will enhance the good results and vice-versa. The principle
of Argala and Upchaya will play important role in predicting the
events .e.g a malefic Vargottama planet in 3rd house will enhance
the significance of concerned varga chart,e.g. if such planet in
bhava vargottama in D-1 and D-24, this planet will enhance
educational prospects. Vargottama malefic planets in 3rd and 6th
houses show beneficial results. If planet is benefic and placed in
these houses, the good results may not occur easily. The
Vimshottari Dasa is adopted in this study. The events occur in
major, sub or sub-sub periods of Vargottama planets. Whenever a
planet is in sign vargottama, it enhances auspicious results
connected with its own signification as well as the significance of
concerned varga chart. If vargottama planet is aspected by other
planet(s), it may help to generate Raj-Yoga. Similarly, if
Ascendant of two Vargas fall in same sign and aspected by
planets in both vargas, it helps the native to enhance the status of
the native with the help of signification and portfolio of two
concerned Vargas, e.g. a house Vargottama planet in D-9 and D-
4 charts, may indicate acquisition of property and fortune with the
help of spouse or in-laws family. When a planet is in House
Vargottama, it helps to acquire the benefit results according to
signification of the Vargas. e.g. If a planet is in Bhava Vargottama
in D-1/D-9, it may help in marriage, in case of D-1/D-10 chart- rise
in professional status, in D-24 success in education and so on.
This study is made based on Vimshottari dasa system, therefore,
the planetary aspects are considered as per dictums of Laghu-
Parasari. All the nine planets will aspect seventh house. Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects. Mars aspects 4th and
8th houses also, Jupiter 5th and 9th houses and Saturn 3rd and
10th houses, in addition to their seventh house aspect. As per the
dictum of Laghu-Jataka, Raja-Yogas are examined vis--vis
Vargottama planets and signs. The Raja-Yoga will become
operative if other planet(s) aspect the Vargottama planets and/or
signs. If, the aspecting planets are in some kind of sambandha
(mutual relation-ship), the Raja-Yoga will be stronger, auspicious
and lasting. The Sambandha of three kinds are considered in this
study (a) mutual aspect (b) exchange of signs (c) conjunction of
planets in one sign. Illustrative Examples : Ex-1 Male: 27.01.1956,
23:00 hrs (1ST) 77E13, 28N39 Time Zone 5:30 hrs., Nakshatra:
Pushyami 4 charan, Balance Saturn period 2 yrs 3 Months 10
days. Saturn is in Bhava Vargottama in D-1, D-9 and D-24 charts
and is aspected by several planets. Saturn being a natural malefic
is giving strong and auspicious Argala to their respective
ascendants from 3rd house. The above combination will enhance
the educational carrier and the marriage prospects. The cancer
ascendant is Vargottama in D-9 and D-7 charts. This indicates the
marriage should be productive and the native will have inherent
creative capability. Educational Carrier : Mercury/Saturn Period
27.6.1972 to 7.3.1975. The native was successful in a tough
competitive examination and admitted in civil engineering course
in I.I.T. Ketu/Saturn period 30.1.1980 to 9.3.1981 The native
again joined the prestigious course in financial Management in
I.I.T. Venus/Saturn period 5.1.1995 to 6.3.1998 The native
joined courses in Astrology. Sun/Saturn period 10.1.2005 to
23.12.2005 The native joined law course of Delhi University
through competitive examination Marriage: In Navamsa chart,
Bhava Vargottama Saturn is aspected by exalted Venus and also
Jupiter. The Saturn is the lord of 7th house in D-9 chart and its
dispositor Mercury is again hammed by Venus and Jupiter. The
native was married in March 1985 in Venus/Venus/Mercury period
(5.11.1984 to 26.4.1985). Venus and Mercury are the part of yoga
formed in D-1 and D-9 charts. The spouse is very learned and
holds high position in a Medical Institute. Progeny : D-9 and D-7
are in Rashi Vargottama and Cancer sign is rising both in D-9 and
D-7 charts. The native was blessed with a son in Venus/Mars
dasa (6.3.1988 to 6.5.1989) on 26.10.1988. The ascendant of D-7
is hammed by Mars and Venus. Vargottam ascending sign both in
D-9 ad D-7 indicate the attachment among the spouse and
progeny. Mars is also sign Vargottama in D-1 and D-9 chart and
placed in fifth house in D-9 chart. Mars and owns fifth house in D-
7 chart. Example 2 : Male: 25.9.1980, 10.52.40 AM, 77E12,
28N36 TZ: 5.30 hrs. Nakshatra: Revati 1 charan Balance Dasa at
Birth: Mercury 14 yrs 0 months 19days, Ketu dasa ends on 13-10-
2001 Education :Mercury period was in operation upto the age of
14 years. Mercury is Atmakarka and is placed in the ascendant of
D-9 chart. Mercury is also sign Vargottama in D-9 and D-7 charts
and in its sign of exaltation. This is an auspicious placement,
particularly when Mercury is aspected and associated with other
planets This helps the native to improve his skills with the
assistance of his own inherent creativity. The placement of
Mercury in third house of D-7 chart is not very helpful being a
benefic in 3rd house. Major period of Ketu 14-10-1944 to 13-10-
2001. Ketu is in house Vargottama in D-1 and D-24 and providing
auspicious Argala from 3rd house on the ascendants of both
charts. Ketu is aspected by lagna lord Mars and Venus/Rahu in
D-1 chart. Ketu is conjoined with Venus, Mars and Rahu and also
aspected by Jupiter in D-24 Chart. Ketus major period was ruling
from the age of 14 to 21 years. Ketu provided the native with good
educational background which helped him to get good job in
respected private enterprise. Marriage of the Sister: The sign
Scorpio is rising both in D-1 and D-3 charts. The Sun and Saturn
are sign and house Vargottama in these charts and aspected by
several planets (Mercury and Moon in D-1 charts and Ketu,
Venus and Rahu in D-3 charts). Mercury is exalted in D-1 chart
and Venus is exalted in D-3 chart. Venus is Karka of sister and
strengthening the Yoga by its aspect on sun in D-3 chart. His
sister was married in Venus/Sun period (operating from 19-2-
2005 to 19-2-2006) with the active help and assistance of the
native. Example 3 and 4 Husband and wife The couple was
married on 27.11.2005. The husband was running Rahu major
period. Rahu is placed in 8th house in Navamsa chart but is
Bhava and sign Vargottama. The wife was running Ketu dasa.
Ketu is placed in 6th house, but in sign Vargottama. Husband:
26.8.1979, 16.43 PM 77E13, 28N39 TZ 5.30 hrs. Nakshatra:
Hasta 3 Charan. Moon- major period balance at Birth 2 yrs 7 m 15
days. The Capricorn sign is rising and Vargottama in both D-1
and D-9 charts. This indicates strong attachment among the
couple. Rahu and Ketu are in house and sign Vargottama and
placed in 2/8th house axis. Rahu is with 8th lord SUN, Yoga-
Karka Venus and Ascendant lord Saturn. The native was married
on 27.11.2005 in Rahu/Moon/Venus directional period though
Rahu is placed in 8th house in D-9 cart. Besides Rahu which is
Vargottama, Moon is the lord of Seventh house and conjunct with
Dara Karka SUN and Venus in D-9 chart. Wife: 1.10.1972, 15:45
PM, 77E13, 28N39 TZ. 5.30 hrs. Nakshatra: Pushyami 1 charan
Balance period of Saturn at Birth 16 yrs 1m 26days. There are
following interesting features in this nativity. Saturn is Atma Karka
and occupying Navamsa Lagna. Ascendant sign of wife in D-1
chart is the rising sign in Navamsa chart of husband. Rahu and
Ketu are Rashi Vargottama and Venus is Bhava Vargottama. All
these planets are aspected by Jupiter in D-1 chart. Rahu is Dara
Karka and is conjunct with Jupiter in D-1 chart and Ketu is
conjunct with Jupiter in D-9 chart. Jupiter is 7th lord in D-9 chart.
Jupiter is therefore very important and strong yoga-karta for the
marriage in this nativity. The marriage was negotiated in the
period of Mercury/Saturn/Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn are
Ascendant lords of D-9 and D-1 charts respectively. The Jupiter,
being the Yoga-Karta, has made all arrangements for marriage in
this nativity. The marriage was performed on 27.11.2005 on
commencement of Ketu/Ketu/Ketu period. The dasa of Ketu
commenced on the day of marriage. This example clearly
establishes the role of Rashi and Bhava Vargottama Planets
provided they are aspected by other planets. This also
establishes the validity of adopting true Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa
When ever Venus is in Leo, and sun and/or moon are in Cancer
sign, this yoga does not help marriage. But on account of strength
of Vargottama planets, the marriage did take place. Venus is
house Vargottama in D-1 and D-9 charts. Besides, 7th lord Moon
in D-1 chart is conjunct with up-pada lord Mercury in D-9 chart.
Because of placement of Moon and Mars in 7th house of D-1 and
D-9 charts respectively, the husband is much younger in age
compared to the age of native.
Selection of Remedies May 2014
Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 699 |
Life and Problems go hand in hand. Human is always in
search of remedies to come out of the problems of day to
day life. Though it is difficult to change one's destiny but it is
not impossible. Astrological remedies are the solutions
provided to overcome complicated situation. One can get
relief by chanting mantra, meditation, and by astrological
Are remedies effective? This question is often asked. Do we
certainly get relief by remedies? In my opinion one must have
faith in remedies? Everything that exists has in it a part of
Supreme Consciousness. If you believe in God, this is sure that
you will feel the effects of remedies and you get relief. The use of
remedies is based on faith. Remedy has got its place in all
Can remedies change one's destiny?
No doubt, destiny takes precedence over any other thing in life. It
is very difficult to change what is destined in one's life but not
impossible. Destiny and God are synonymous. So the God who is
the creator of destiny or incarnation of God or some God like
figure like saint or Sai Baba of Shirdi who is blessed by the God,
of course they can change destiny. Other ways like -Bhakti Yoga
(the path of devotion), Hath Yoga (a kind of austerity in which
body is subjected to severe pain), Mantra Yoga, Kundilini Yoga
and shree Vidya Upasana (upasana marg which is an
uninterrupted meditation upon a deity or a form or a sound like
'Om') For this one has to approach a 'Guru' with love, devotion
and total submission, one can change destiny.
How do remedies affect our life?
It is like a doctor, who is approached by a patient to cure the
disease. The doctor diagnoses the problem and recommends
some medicine to cure. If the disease is incurable, the patient is
left on the mercy of God. In the same manner, if one has the fear
of death or there are yogas of accident in kundli, by performing
Yagya and chanting of Maha Mrityunjaya mantra, this unexpected
death or accident could be overcome. Baglamukhi Yagya, helps
one to get relief of enemies and win the court cases. If
appropriate remedial measures are undertaken in due time the
said evil effects will be nullified and the person will be relieved of
all sufferings. Astrological remedies and medicine both are
ineffective in case, if in the kundli there is promise of short life and
defeat by enemies. In this condition, only God can save the
person, as Savitri saved her husband Satyavan from the jaws of
death. It is rightly said - Aushadhi, mani mantranam, Graha
Nakshatra Tarika, Bhagya kale Bhavet sidhi, Abhagyam
Nishphalam Bhavet.
This means, medicine, mantra and gemstone reduce the malefic
effects of inauspicious planets and nakshatras and enhance ones
luck. But all these remedial measures are effective only when the
time is favorable. Otherwise, they won't. How to select a remedy?
This is also an important question. In Indian astrology main
remedies include mantra, tantra , yantra, gemstones, rudraksha,
yagya, rosary etc. Out of these, if remedy is performed with full
faith and devotion, one can overcome the complicated situation.
The first and easiest remedy is to worship your Isht Dev or Devi
(God & Goddess) or to worship those deities who can reduce the
malefic impact of negative planets in the kundli.
For example-

To appease the malefic effects of Sun, worship Goddess

Matangi or Sun God.
To cast of the malefic effects of Moon, one should worship
Goddess Bhuvneshwari or Lord Shiva.
For Mars, worship Goddess Baglamukhi, Lord Hanuman or
lord Kartikeya etc.
To cast of the malefic effects of Rahu, worship Goddess
Chinnmasta, Durga or Saraswati.
For jupiter, Goddess Tara Devi is worshipped.
For Mercury, Tripur Bhairavi or lord Vishnu should be
For Ketu - Goddess Dhoomavati.
For Venus Goddess Kamala Devi or Maha Laxmi should be

These deities should be worshipped by chanting mantras, stotra

and Japam. According to Maharishi Parashar each planet has its
own deity, and by chanting mantras and stotras of the respective
deity one can come over various problems in life. Remedies are
selected on the nature of rashi. For example

For fiery rashis - Hawan, yagya and fasts enhance the

positive traits of the native and destroy negative influences
For earthy signs - wearing gemstone, yantra or metal is
For airy signs- chanting of mantras, japam, pooja and katha
are auspicious.
For watery sign- donation, immersion and herbal bath is
If yogakarak planet is strong in the kundali, wearing
gemstone and worshipping deity of that planet, will be
If Marak (killing) planet is strong in kundli, in that case
donation, immersion, chanting of mantras and view of deity
of that planet is auspicious.
Let us, now have a brief discussion of various astrological
remedies -

Gemstone: Gemstones provide us divine powers, auspicious

rays and energies. Various gemstones reflect different
energies which have the potential to bring changes in our
life. A gemstone of yogakari planet strengthens that planet
and brings auspiciousness in life.
Rudraksha- Rudraksha has magnetic properties which
increases positive energies and destroys negative energies.
For various planets a different rudraksha is worn. For

One mukhi Rudraksha - Sun

Two Mukhi Rudraksha- Moon
Three Mukhi Rudraksha- Mars
Four Mukhi Rudraksha -Mercury
Five Mukhi Rudraksha - Jupiter
Six Mukhi Rudraksha - Venus
Seven Mukhi Rudraksha- Saturn
Eight Mukhi Rudraksha -Rahu
Nine Mukhi Rudraksha- Ketu
Yantra - Yantras have powers and they protect us like shield.
Mantra Chanting of mantras creates vibration in our body. It
also enhances our intellectual capabilities and personality. Parad :
By worshipping parad (Mercury) Shivlinga one could get the
instant blessings by the lord. Crystal: Crystal is the powerful
source of energy and light.
Color therapy: Color Therapy brings balance in energy chakras
of our body and enhances them. Yagya: In Arthavveda, Yagya is
being considered a central point of this universe. It says- Ayam
yagyo Vishavasya Nabhih
Which means Yagya (Hawan and Homam) is most auspicious
and removes doshas.

Exaltation of Planets July 2005

Sitaram singh
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 699 |
The fundamentals of Indian Astrology are the twelve signs and
twenty-seven Nakshatras spread along the 360 Zodiac, seven
planets and two Chayagrahas (Nodes). Except the Sun and
Moon, the other five planets own two signs each. Being
mathematical points, the Chayagrahas have no mass and hence
no physical existence like other Grahas (planets). However, due
to their profound effect on human affairs, these have been
assigned the status of planets, though there is difference of
opinion among the ancient Rishis about the ownership and
exaltation signs of Rahu and Ketu. These nine planets own three
Nakshatras each. The traditional Indian astrologers regard only
these nine planets quite sufficient for making correct prediction
and consider reference to trans-Saturnine planets -Herschel,
Neptune and Pluto not necessary. The quality and quantity of the
result produced by the planets depends on their location in a sign
and house of the horoscope whether in own, mooltrikona,
exaltation, friendly or enemy sign and whether in a benefic or evil
house. The nine planets have their Ucchasthan (exaltation sign)
and the exact opposite sign is their Neechasthan (debilitation
sign). An exalted planet produces highly favourable results in its
dasa and bhukti. The exaltation of the Sun, Moon and Jupiter
improves their benefic qualities, while the exaltation of Mars,
Rahu and Ketu mellows down their evil propensities. The exalted
planets, however, fail to fulfil the expectations if these are
aspected by or associated with, strong malefics, or are debilitated
in Navamsa chart. The experience shows that if the horoscope on
the whole lacks strength, an exalted planet may not produce the
expected result. Moreover, the native should run the dasa of the
exalted planet at an appropriate age to enjoy the effect. The
rationale behind the exaltation of different planets is as follows :
Sun : The Vedic name of the Sun is Aditya that is, the son of
aditi, which means of unchangeable nature. Accordingly the
Sun symbolises (immortal soul) and heart. Whenever Sun, its sign
Leo, the 5th house and its lord are afflicted by malefic planets,
particularly by Rahu, one is prone to heart problem. Another
name of the Sun is Bhaskara, which means The source of light.
Since human eyes are the instruments for seeing light, there is an
intimate connection between the Sun and the eyes. Whenever the
second house, its lord and the Sun are afflicted by malefics, one
suffers from eye trouble. Yet another name of the Sun is Savitri
meaning The inspirer. Astrologically the Sun inspires spirituality
(Love of God ). The location of Sun in the 6th house destroys
enemies and in the 10th house the Sun gives power, authority,
name and fame. Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, owned by
Mars, is assigned the exaltation sign for the Sun. In the natural
Zodiac Aries is the 10th house from Leo and the Sun gets sthan
bala (positional strength) in the 10th house. Further, Aries is a
male, moveable, positive and fiery sign. The Sun is a fixed
luminary with fiery element. Mars, the owner of Aries is Suns
friend, whose qualities of courage and dynamism go well with the
Suns love of authority and supremacy. Aries is also a male and
positive sign which allows Sun a free play. The Sun in exaltation
gets dazzling power which adversely affects the eyesight of the
native or causes early demise of father for whom the Sun is
Karaka (significator). The native also becomes over-bearing and
pompous. The highest exaltation point of the Sun is 10 in Aries,
which falls in Aswini Nakshatra, whose lord Ketu is significator for
Moksha. Aries represents active surroundings. The Sun in
Aswini Nakshatra inclines to spirituality. In spite of active life, the
native remains conscious of the goal of his life, that is, liberation
or realization of God. The Sun is in deepest debilitation at 10 in
Libra sign owned by Venus, in Swati Nakshatra owned by Rahu.
Both the house lord and Nakshatra lord are inimical to the nature
of the Sun. The Sun is fiery whereas Venus is a watery planet and
Rahu causes grahana (eclipse) of the Sun. In such adverse
surrounding the Sun is not able to express its qualities which get
toned down. Hence the Sun is considered debilitated in Libra.
Moon : The Moon is called Soma in the Vedas. Soma means A
gentle refreshing drink. The other name Chandra conveys the
sense of pleasure. Hence happiness and pleasure (experienced
through mind) and gentle feelings and compassion (found in
mother) are astrologically related to the Moon. Whenever the
fourth house, its lord and the Moon are associated with, or
afflicted by malefics, or otherwise ill placed in the horoscope, the
health of mother suffers and the individual lacks peace of mind
and may even suffer from psychological and emotional problems.
While the Sun is the ring of the solar system, Moon is regarded
the queen. The Sun represents soul and the Moon symbolises
mind. As the Moon is Queen of the King Sun, adjacent second
sign of Zodiac is assigned to the Moon as its exaltation sign. In
the natural Zodiac from Cancer (the sign of Moon) Taurus is the
11th sign signifying fulfilment of desires. The highest exaltation
point of Moon is 3 in Taurus, in Kritika Nakshatra, whose lord is
Sun. The Sun, as stated earlier is Atma or the soul. The Moon
representing the mind is in its best state when it is in harmony
with the soul. Taurus is governed by Venus, the planet of luxuries.
In the fixed and earthy sign Taurus, the fickleness of the Moon is
not much tempted by the Venusian surroundings as fixed and
earthy sign Taurus controls Moons flight of imagination and
makes the native worldly wise and practical. The tender nature of
Moon finds an easy expression in the feminine Venusian sign of
Taurus. The watery nature of the Moon also finds a fertile ground
in the earthy sign Taurus. A strong Moon and strong Ascendant
make the native rich, famous and contented. One seldom finds a
poor or unhappy individual with Moon in Taurus. The Moon is in
deep debilitation at 3 in Scorpio, a watery, negative and fixed
sign owned by Mars, a fiery planet. Water and fire are inimical in
nature. In the selfish sign of Scorpio the sensitivity of Moon acts
tainted with selfishness. The Martian influence makes it excited
and reckless. The Moon is considered weak within 72 on either
side of the Sun. The Moon also represents lungs (4th house). A
weak and afflicted Moon in the 8th house makes the native
susceptible to dropsy and T.B., and indicates a sickly childhood.
An afflicted Moon in 12th house adversely affects the left eye.
Mars : The Vedic name of Mars is Angaraka, meaning burning
coal. The name amply describes the fiery nature of Mars and its
red colour. Red colour represents energy, blood, muscles,
ambition, enterprise, adventure, the army (who is after the blood
of the enemy), accidents (causing loss of blood) and mechanical
workshops using furnaces. A Martian native acts in haste without
thought. An afflicted or ill placed Mars causes quarrels, accidents
and injury commensurate with its affliction. Mars gets the highest
exaltation at 28 in Capricorn, in own Nakshatra Dhanishta. The
lord of Capricorn, Saturn is bitter enemy of Mars. Mars, as a true
soldier, is at its best in enemys camp when well guarded in own
Nakshatra, always alert and cautious. It is no more rash and
develops a sense of caution, reflection and restraint. The earthy
sign of Capricorn suits Mars who is Bhumiputra (The son of
earth). In the sign of cool and calculative Saturn, Mars gets the
virtue of reflection before action. In the natural Zodiac, from Aries
(the positive sign of Mars) Capricorn is the 10th house and Mars
gets sthanbala (positional strength) in the 10 house. Mars gets
deeply debilitated at 28 in Cancer, a watery sign, in the
Nakshatra of Ashlesha ruled by inimical Mercury. Such a setting
is detrimental to the energy and drive of Mars. In Cancer, the
house of imaginative Moon and inimical Mercurian Nakshatra, the
Martian characteristic of aggression gets accentuated into
recklessness. It is like applying brake to a vehicle running full
speed, which results in loss of balance. Hence Cancer is not
congenial to Mars and is regarded its debilitation sign. Mercury :
Buddhais the Vedic name of Mercury. Buddha means related to
Buddhi (intellect). Astrological works mention Mercury as
significator of education, speech and intellect. Because of the
relationship with knowledge, Mercury is known as the knower.
Mercury is a changeable planet, of dual nature, and also owns
two dual signs, namely, Gemini and Virgo. Mercury is also the
second quickest moving planet after the Moon. By virtue of
changeability, it lacks steadiness. In Indian astrology, Mercury is
called Kumara(young boy) who needs support. The Mercurians,
like creepers, require a strong support to bloom brilliantly.
Mercurians are very good advisers but seldom succeed
independently. Out of the four dual signs of the Zodiac, the fiery
sign of Sagittarius does not suit Mercurial nature. The watery and
mystic sign of Pisces is also not suitable. Both Sagittarius and
Pisces are opposite to Mercurys own signs of Gemini and Virgo.
Among the rest, Gemini is its own positive sign, an intellectual
sign, and helps in improving Mercurial imagination. Mercury finds
a better ground in its earthy and negative sign of Virgo where it
becomes practical and pragmatic. The highest point of exaltation
of Mercury at 15 Virgo, is in the Nakshatra of Hasta, owned by
Moon. Mercury represents intellect, while Moon represents
feelings and imagination. When intellect retains its logic and yet is
considerate to others, nothing could be more sublime than that.
The rationale of Mercurys exaltation in Virgo is therefore in
consonance with moral, spiritual and psychological principles. As
stated above, Pisces is not congenial to Mercury where it is
regarded debilitated. Its deepest debilitation point is 15. Although
it is a common belief that Mercury is enemy of Jupiter, yet when
Mercury is in association with Jupiter, the intellect is definitely
elevated. The intuition of Mercury combined with wisdom of
Jupiter produces learned scholars and successful astrologers.
Venus : The Vedic name of Venus is Shukra, which has a variety
of meanings, such as refined, sensual and seminal. Venus
represents everything that is refined, fine arts, ornaments, luxury
items, vehicles and all worldly comforts (Iha-Loka-Sukha). A
Venusian is handsome, graceful, full of joy, happiness, love and
sympathy, sociable and a person of aesthetic tastes, who
completely remains engrossed in enjoyment, which leaves him no
time for religion. Venus is also called Kalatra karaka, significator
for marriage. A Venusian generally marries early and leads a
happy married life. If ever unmarried, his private life will not be
above board. When Venus and 7th house are afflicted by
malefics, the native becomes a reckless profligate who satisfies
his physical passions somehow or the other and also suffers due
to over indulgence. According to Hindu mythology, Shukra
(Acharya of Asuras) was blinded in one eye by Lord Vishnu
during Vaman Avtar. If Venus is not well posited and is afflicted,
the eyes are affected. Venus when afflicted by Saturn and Ketu
causes skin trouble, being significator for beauty of the skin. The
highest exaltation point of Venus is at 27 in Pisces, owned by
Jupiter, in Revati Nakshatra, owned by Mercury. Pisces is the last
sign of the Zodiac and represents detachment from the worldly
pleasures after tasting them, and leads to Moksha. In Pisces the
sensuality of Venus gets disciplined, restrained and chastened
under the Satvik (Virtuous) influence of Jupiter and discrimination
of Mercury. This setting keeps sensual enjoyment within limit and
the humanitarian qualities of love, sympathy and compassion
become prominent. Venus becomes deeply debilitated at 27 in
the opposite sign of Virgo, which is the negative house of
Mercury, in Chitra Nakshatra owned by Mars. As Mercury and
Venus are natural friends and Virgo is an earthy and moveable
sign. Apparently Venus should not give bad results in Virgo. But
on deeper insight we notice that its location in Chitra Nakshatra
ruled by Mars provides energy to excite the Venusian sensuous
character. The changeable nature of Virgo and its imaginative lord
Mercury also give a fillip to Venusian indulgence. Hence the
debilitation of Venus in Virgo is logical. Jupiter : The Vedic name
of Jupiter is Brihaspati. Brihat means large and Pati means
protector. Jupiter is the most benefic planet. It protects and boosts
the affairs of the houses it aspects. In mythology, Jupiter is called
Deva Guru or preceptor of devatas. As Guru, Jupiter confers the
qualities of wisdom, learning and intellectual achievements. In the
horoscope of females, Jupiter is significator for husband.
According to the dictum .Sthan hani karoti Jivah, Jupiter does not
augment the affairs of the house where it is posited, but the
houses aspected by it prosper. As significator of progeny it
represents the son in particular. The highest exaltation point of
Jupiter is 5 in Cancer Sign, which is 5th from Jupiterian sign
Pisces. The 5th house denotes intelligence, success, fame and
purva punya. The highest exaltation point of Jupiter in Cancer
falls in Pushya Nakshatra. In Cancer, owned by Moon, the
emotional and imaginative quality of Jupiter gets a boost and
makes an idealist philosopher. Pushyas lord Saturn denotes
samadhi. The fickleness of Moon is not able to disturb the
spirituality of Jupiter in Pushya Nakshatra. Hence assigning
Cancer as the exaltation sign of Jupiter is quite appropriate for
blossoming the pious qualities of Jupiter. However, Jupiters
increased ethical and philosophical nature proves a handicap for
material progress. Such a person becomes averse to material
gains either for self or for his near and dear ones. This
characteristic is pronounced when exalted Jupiter is located in
Kendra or Kona in the horoscope. An exalted Jupiter in the 7th
house generally inclines a person to celibacy, because he
considers marriage and family a burden. Moon, lord of Cancer, is
a weak dispositor for exalted Jupiter. For Sagittarius Lagna,
Jupiters claim to exaltation becomes blemished with location in
the 8th house. Pisces lagna in that way is better, as Jupiter
occupies the 5th house from it. However, it suffers from the dicta
karko bhava nasya. Despite, all this, it is considered
advantageous to have an exalted Jupiter irrespective of its
placement, because then it unfolds humanitarian qualities of the
individual. Jupiters deepest debilitation point is 5 in Capricorn,
ruled by Saturn and in Uttarashada Nakshatra ruled by the Sun.
While Saturn is cold, self-centered and miserly, Jupiter is warm-
hearted, kind and charitable. Capricorn is the 10th sign of natural
Zodiac governing profession, position, prestige and status in life.
Nakshatra lord Sun also represents power and authority. Jupiters
nature does not fit in this worldly and materialistic sign. Jupiters
placement in Capricorn does accentuate materialistic tendencies,
but only through honest means and hard work. As Jupiter loses
much of its inherent philosophical and philanthropic qualities in
this sign, it is considered debilitated in Capricorn. Saturn : Saturn
is the fartherest planet from the Sun in the solar system. In Indian
mythology he has been assigned the role of the judge of our
karmas (actions) and dispenses reward or punishment. Saturns
distant location affects its movement. Due to slow motion it is also
called mandah (slow). Saturn (Shani) is described as Shaneh
Shaneh charatri iti Shaneshcharah. Due to its slow motion Saturn
is karaka (significator) for longevity. In the 8th house it increases
longevity as an exception to the dictum Karako bhava nasya. As
per another dictum Sthan Vriddhi karoti Mandah, Saturn
gradually augments through hard work the affairs of the house it
occupies in a horoscope, and harms the houses aspected
therefrom. Being away from the Sun (heat and light), Saturn is
cold, dark in complexion, lean, miser, introvert, melancholic,
lacking in warmth and happiness. If Saturn is afflicted in
the horoscope, the native becomes avaricious, deceitful and
conspirator. Thus Saturn stands for paucity, restriction, poverty
and turns one to religious pursuits. The effect of Saturn is
experienced late in life, generally after 36 year. Being cold,
contracting and karaka for 6th, 8th and 12th houses, Saturn
causes lingering chronic diseases like paralysis, rheumatism,
asthma, neurosis, constipation, tuberculosis, etc. Saturn is
exalted in Libra. In the natural zodiac, Libra happens to be the
10th sign from Capricorn and 9th sign from Aquarius, the two
houses owned by Saturn. The 10th and 9th houses are the most
powerful Kendra and Kona houses in a horoscope. Saturns
highest exaltation point is 20 in Libra, the positive sign of Venus,
in Swati Nakshatra owned by Rahu. Venus the lord of Libra, and
Rahu the Nakshatra lord, are Saturns friends (Shani vat Rahu).
Rahu is as much a factor for adversity as Saturn. The miser,
selfish and dry Saturn becomes considerably liberal in warm-
hearted, sympathetic and benevolent Venusian sign. The caution
and prudence of Saturn gains width of vision, expansiveness and
becomes charitable and benevolent. In the Nakshatra of Rahu, its
friend, Saturn does not forget its essential nature. When a poor
man does not get intoxicated on getting wealth, it becomes a rare
virtue. An exalted Saturn in Lagna (Libra) gives one high position
and comforts in life. Saturn is in deep debilitation at 20 in Aries,
the positive and fiery sign of Mars, his bitter enemy. Saturn
becomes cynical and foolhardy in Aries. Saturns association with
Mars produces sinful nature. Hence, debilitation of Saturn in Aries
is quite justified. Rahu and Ketu : During its movement around the
earth, the orbit of Moon intersects the path of the Sun (Ecliptic) at
two points which are exactly 180 apart. When the intersection
occurs during the Moons motion from South to North, it is called
ascending or North Node (Rahu) and when the Moons motion is
from North to South, the intersection point is called the
descending or Southern Node ( Ketu). When the New Moon (on
Amavasya) is within 5 from the Nodal point, it intercepts the light
of the Sun from reaching the Earth and the phenomenon is called
Solar Eclipse. The degree of proximity of the Moon to the Node
determines the extent of the eclipse. When the Full Moon (on
Purnima) crosses the Nodal point, the shadow of the earth falls on
the Moon and a Lunar Eclipse is the result. As the only apparent
phenomenon that can be connected with Rahu and Ketu are the
eclipses, when shadow (chaya) obscures the Sun or the Moon,
the savants of Indian astrology gave them the name of
chayagraha or shadowy planets. The Western astrologers have
named Rahu and Ketu as Dragons Head and Dragons Tail
respectively, thereby revealing their origin from the Hindu
mythology. They consider Rahu as benefic and Ketu as malefic,
while Indian authorities regard both Rahu and Ketu as tamsik
(malefic) in nature. Rahu is often described as giving the results
akin to Saturn according to the dictum Shani vat Rahu. However,
while Saturn is cool, clandestine and secretive, Rahu is ambitious,
practical and confrontist and believes in achieving the goal by
hook or crook. Ketu is said to give results similar to Mars -Kuja
vat Ketu. However, while Mars is active and argumentative, Ketu
is psychic and mystical. Rahu has rajsik relationship with Venus,
friendly relationship with Saturn and spoils Mercury and Jupiter.
Sun, Moon and Mars are Rahus enemies. Ketu has satvik
relationship with Jupiter and is friendly to the Sun, Moon and
Mars. It is neutral to Mercury, while Venus and Saturn are its
enemies. Some astrological works assign 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th
house full aspect to Rahu and Ketu from their location, while
others deny this on the ground that the Nodes are only
mathematical point without any mass, volume and light. As
malefics, Rahu and Ketu give good result when posited in the 3rd,
6th, 10th and 11th houses of thehoroscope. When well situated in
the horoscope, associated with or aspected by benefic and
Yogakarka planets, they give good results in the matter of finance
and prosperity in their ruling period. Rahu (like Saturn) gives
chronic diseases depending on its location, aspect and
association of malefics, and Ketu (like Mars)causes injury and
even death. The majority of Indian authorities have assigned
Virgo as own sign to Rahu, Aquarius as its Mooltrikona sign,
Gemini as its sign of exaltation and Sagittarius as the debilitation
sign of Rahu. Pisces is considered as own sign of Ketu, Leo as its
Mooltrikona sign, Sagittarius as its exaltation sign, and Gemini as
its house of debilitation. Some authorities consider Taurus as the
exaltation sign of Rahu and Scorpio as the exaltation sign of Ketu.
The opposite sign Scorpio becomes the sign of debilitation of
Rahu and Taurus becomes the sign of debilitation of Ketu.
Assigning Gemini as exaltation sign to Rahu appears more
logical. Rahu is sensitive in nature and acts as a catalyst in
fructification of good or bad events in human life. Gemini is an airy
sign owned by intelligent and volatile Mercury. Moreover, Gemini
contains the full Nakshatra Aridra owned by Rahu and three
Padas of Punarvasu owned by Jupiter. Rahu does not have
inimical relationship with Mercury. Rahu is scientific and practical
and is quite comfortable in Gemini. It gives the best results when
posited in own Nakshatra Aridra from 640 to 20 in Gemini.
Similarly Aquarius, the Mooltrikona sign, is also an airy and
intellectual sign owned by Rahus friend Saturn, and contains its
full Nakshatra Satabisha, and three-fourth of Purvabhadrapada
Nakshatra owned by Jupiter. In the light of the foregoing the own,
mooltrikona and exaltation signs allotted to Ketu, just opposite to
Rahu, also hold good. According to Hindu Karma Theory, Rahu
denotes the culmination of past sins committed within the family,
that give results in this life of the individual, whose destiny is
linked with the family. On the other hand, Ketu is the means
through which this family curse or destiny can be altered by
intelligent and constructive efforts directed into wholesome
channels for attaining liberation, after the prarabdha ( results of
past Karma) has been worked out in the pattern of destiny. Ketu
is, therefore, called Mokshakaraka. To conclude, exaltation sign
of the planets have been allotted on the basis of valid rationale
and logic. The result produced by an exalted planet is
commensurate with the nearness of the planet to its highest
exaltation point and are experienced during its dasa-bhukti,
provided it is not afflicted by malefics or debilitated in Navamsa
Chart. r

Mother's Death from Daughter's Chart by K.P July 2007

Sharad Tripathi
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 694 |
It is possible to read the death of mother from the chart of her
daughter? I got the time of birth at a girl and cast a chart as per
rules of K.P. I was requested to read from the chart the longevity
of her mother. The day of death was found and had come out
successful. The chart under reference is as follows. Considering
the 4th house to be the ascendant of mother, Pisces, will be her
birth sign. Let us take this as lagna and explain it. Pisces being a
common sign, the 7th house is the badhaka sthana. Besides, the
2nd and 7th houses are maraka sthanas. The significators of
these houses are as follows. 2nd house from 4th - Mars, Jupiter
(R) 7th house from 4th - Saturn, Mercury Rahu is in the house of
Saturn and associated with Mercury. So it represents these two
planets. The period, as per dasa system, she was running Jupiter
dasa, Saturn bhukti, Ketu antra and Saturn Sookshama from
9.8.74 to 16.8.74. The day was Thursday ruled by Jupiter, the star
was punarvasu ruled by Jupiter. She died at about 7.30 pm. on
the night at 15.8.74. The two luminaries the Sun and the moon
were in 118-58' and 87-30' respectively. The position with
regard to sign and star are as follows. Planets Sign lord Star lord
Sub lord Sun Moon Mercury Saturn Moon Mercury Jupiter Venus
The dasa lord Jupiter was retrograde and was transiting in 12th
house in Aquarius. It was in its own star and retrograde. The
bhukti lord Saturn was in Jupiter star and transiting Gemini, the
sign at Mercury. The bhukti lord Ketu, one at the powerful nodes
was in Taurus, the sign of Venus and transiting the Moon star.
The sign, that was rising in the east, at the time of event, was
Aquarius, ruled by Saturn. The star lord was Rahu, one at the
nodes representing Saturn and Mercury. A close study of the
above factors will reveal the accuracy of the prediction. Sickness :
The lady was above 50 years of age, the sickness, which lead to
the death, is to be ascertained. The sublord at 9th cusp (6th from
4th) is Mercury. He is in Sun star and Saturn sub. The sublord
Saturn shows prolonged sickness and choking etc. Mercury rules
Gemini which represents gullet. Mercury is himself posited in the
first house (10th from 4th) and shows no recovery. The 7th house
from 4th (10th house) is occupied by Saturn and Neptune which
confirms the end

Sarvashtakavarga and Marital Life January 2006

G. Sumathi
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 667 |
It is a known fact that 7th house deals with the married life of a
native. There are many factors that cause disturbances to the
married life, an unsuccessful marriage or a delayed marriage for a
very long time. Generally the factors for such things are analysed
by the planets in the 7th house and the aspects there on. On the
basis of the sarvashtakavarga each and every house has been
allotted a minimum of bindus in Prashna Marga. Accordingly the
minimum requirement for the 7th house to lead a happy married
life is 19 bindus. I have made a deep study in regard to this,
collected several cases and have done a research oriented work
which I would like to reveal in this article. If a chart is found with
less than 19 points in the 7th house of Sarvashtakavarga, the
marriage gets delayed. Also if the SAV points are more than 30
bindus even then the marriage is either delayed or becomes
unsuccessful, if married early. I would like to furnish few cases
regarding this as noted below : It can be noticed that in all the
above given examples, the SAV bindus in the 7th house exceed
29 points and all the natives are yet to get married. All the
persons have crossed the age of 30 yrs. Except examples 1 and
3, in all the remaining 7 horoscopes the 7th house is unoccupied
by any planet. In example 1, though Saturn is posited, it is
aspected by the natural benefic and lagna lord Jupiter. In example
3, the 7th house is occupied by natural benefic Jupiter and it has
gained the aspect of Mars, the yogakaraka for Leo lagna. More
than 30 Points and married after 30 Years : The following cases
are the horoscopes of the persons who have the SAV points of 30
and more. They have entered into the wedlock after their 30th
year of age and the marriage life is going well though it was
delayed. The couple entered into the wedlock in the year 1993, ie.
Before their 30th year of age. Here it can be noticed that in both
the cases the SAV bindus in 7th house exceed 30. But still there
is no understanding between them and they wish to go for the
separation. Hence with my observation and study I have analysed
that whenever the sav bindus of 7th house exceeds 30 or more,
the marriage taking place after the age of 30 yrs is safe. In case it
happens early, either it would be a love marriage or unsuccessful
marriage. When the girl becomes older than the boy then these
rules do not apply and the happy marital life is promised
according to divine law of compensation.

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Nakshatra Meditation October 2013

Ajay Bhambi
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 644 |
According to Kashmir Shaivism, Lord Shiva literally got bored of
being alone for an infi nite time. In his deep trance he thought that
he should create an image of himself. He immediately discarded
this thought on its face value because he thought that he will be
aware of his image so whats the point in making another image
of himself. Shiva contemplated more in his intense trance as to
what type of image or world that he should create. Shiva came
upon a wonderful idea that he would create an image of himself
like a human being but after creating it he would completely forget
it and in turn man may have only glimpses of his spiritual
belongings but will never know his connection without attaining
the same state as Lord Shiva has been in. Shiva Sutra further
emphasizes that Sada Shiva created another Shiva who had all
the qualities and embodied the Sada Shiva. This Shiva is fully
capable of creating and destroying the world at his will but has no
direct or indirect infl uence on Sada Shiva. On the contrary Sada
Shiva is absolutely independent and fully capable of controlling
the activities of this Shiva but this worldly Shiva will not have even
an iota of understanding of Sada Shiva. Kashmir Shaivism further
states that Shiva or Purush spirit- created the world with the
help of Prakriti matter or Parvati. Purush and Prakriti; spirit and
matter; are the primordial forces which have created infi nite
universes, solar system, mountains, deserts, different natural
regions, seas, rivers, fl ora and fauna, living creatures and human
beings. Before creating the world as we see it today, the primal
job was to create the present solar system which can in turn
create an environment for life, decay, growth and development.
To begin with Nakshatra Meditation Pt. Ajai Bhambi, New Delhi fi
xed stars or constellations were created in the skies and were
given a particular task to perform for all the "loks" or different
worlds like spiritual, ancestors and the living world. The zodiac
was divided into twelve parts and each part contains two and a
quarter nakshatra. As we know that the zodiac is of 360 degrees;
each part or sign is of thirty degrees and nakshatra resides over
130 20. There are twenty seven nakshatras or constellations. The
beginning of the universe was quite chaotic at a spiritual level
because positive and negative forces started colliding with each
other and did not allow the world to manifest easily. In other
words demigods, rishis and gurus and demons and their gurus
with boons from Gods were warring with each other for
supremacy. Both the negative and positive forces wanted to
overpower each other or failing which to destroy the other. At that
point each nakshatra was assigned with a task to hold this
universe with their sattvik and tamsik qualities. Each Nakshatra is
empowered by Demi-Gods or God himself to strengthen them so
life could manifest on this Universe despite negative forces being
at their optimum. In this process different nakshatras were given
the job to create or hold fi re, water, earth, air and space. After fi
xing the sky with their special power and energy the Sun and the
solar system was created along with eight planets which could
roam around the entire universe and control, maintain and destroy
life and maintain energy level throughout. Nakshatras are the
passive heightened energy fi elds which get activated when
planets touch its fi eld. The Moon represents the global universal
mind as well as the human mind. Ancient sages were of the
opinion that the world exists in mind. If we analyze it further then
the world has two minds. One mind belongs to the Universe which
is so awesome and inspiring that the human mind gets entangled,
excited and engrossed with the universal mind. People say that
human mind is infi nite and this analogy comes from the universal
mind because it is the universal mind that is infi nite not the
human mind. As a matter of fact human mind is very limited but
nobody believes it because ones inspiration comes from the
outer world or universal mind it becomes unlimited. Even a man
with limited intelligence will think and believe that he can grab the
world in his fi st which is of course impossible. Nakshatras and
planets played a major role in establishing the world and peace at
the spiritual level. Nakshatras were further given the role of
keeping a record of all the souls who visit this world. The
primordial desire of the soul is to experience different phases of
life in the human body. A soul cannot reveal itself unless and until
it resides in the human body and experiences the sufferings and
joys at various levels. The irony of fate is that the moment the
soul becomes body it forgets about the soul because that is what
Shiva wanted when he created the world. The basic idea of Shiva
was that the moment I create my image I will forget the image and
image (soul) will not remember me. Each human being becomes
an absolute independent entity with his unifi ed mind, body and
soul to do anything that he likes or doesnt like. Once man takes
birth in this world then he has the infl uence of fi ve elements
namely fi re (form), earth (smell), air (touch), water (taste), space
(word). These fi ve things are good enough to not only infl uence
but also entangle any human being. Man is also bestowed with
three more vital characteristics: mind, intellect and ego. The
combination of these eight elements gives rise to gunas in an
individuals personality. The three gunas are sattva, rajas and
tamas. Sattva means purity, truth, light, intelligence; rajas means
dynamism, action, aggression and I- ness, tamas: inertia, ego,
dullness, ignorance. The imbalance or excess of these gunas
leads one to form ones samskaras or attributes. All of us act in
this world based on ones samskaras or attributes. According to
Bhagwad Gita, an individual is himself his own friend and his own
enemy. Further, Lord Krishna says man has six enemies (ripus). If
other people become inimical then their enmity can be traced to
the root of their activities; but Krishna says the real danger of man
is man himself. These six ripus are: Kama or desire Krodha or
anger Lobh or greed Moha or delusion Madh or pride mixed with
arrogance Matsarya or jealousy Besides these six ripus, man has
three additional impediments. First is the impediment with outer
infl uence and due to this man drags himself into the outside
world. The second impediment is I-ness or mans I the ego. Due
to over indulgence Man usually forgets his real self and starts
believing that he is just a body. The third impediment is the mind
itself. Life is an eternal journey and it ceases only when you have
realized your own Shiva in yourself. Until then one has to go
through the karmic process of life. When a man takes birth in this
world then it occurs in some nakshatra and in a particular charan.
The birth in a particular nakshatra happens due to his own past
birth deeds. In one birth man experiences the hatred which has
been deep rooted in itself in the past many births. In another birth
he may be the most loved one and so on and so forth. There are
many desires and it is very seldom that all your desires are fulfi
lled in a single birth. Every desire has an equivalent and forceful
suffering also. The Nakshatra theory denotes that not only does
one takes birth according to past karmas but enjoys and suffers
due to his deeds. Buddha was aware 2500 years back that life is
a suffering. Vedanta said thousands years back that jeevan dukh
hai (life is sorrow). We have evolved a new technique called
Nakshatra Meditation or NM Technique. We suggest that
undoubtedly life is a suffering when you are ignorant and the
moment you are aware suffering drops automatically and life
becomes full of joy. At Nakshatra Meditation we suggest a
meditation technique for each and every nakshatra. Nakshatra
Meditation is a unique way of understanding our potential and
these techniques can bring forth the hidden potential of an
individual. The NM Technique can bring the hidden positive
qualities to the surface and at the same time help a person to rid
himself of his negative qualities which are an impediment to our
growth. Each technique needs just 40 minutes of your time. The fi
rst ten minutes are devoted to correct posture and breathing
techniques. Both inhaling and exhaling are important and you will
need to concentrate on your Sahasrar chakra, recite a mantra to
get a rhythm of breathing. This rhythmic breathing while in a
correct posture will help you clear your mind. As you get attuned
with your breathing your mind disassociates itself from worldly
affairs and connects you with your inner self. This yogic breathing
will help you to detoxify your body. The next ten minutes are to be
spent on focusing your mind to cleanse and heal your temple i.e.
your body. If any part of your body is troubling you then in this
stage it will help you relax and heal. Breathing will be relaxed with
focus on your third eye. The next ten minutes are spent on
concentrating on your karmas and getting letting go of your scars.
Once you rid yourself of this baggage you will fi nd yourself
vibrating with positivity and you will feel alive and pulsating in the
present. The fi nal ten minutes is when you are in the mode of
imagination. You connect with your nakshatra deity and imagine
what you want to be. Your mind is clear, your body is healed and
your focus becomes sharp. This way you connect with the cosmic
consciousness where the entire cosmic energies engulf you. You
are now connected with the oceanic cosmic consciousness. This
helps make your goals achievable and you can work on them and
attain them. This in general is the Nakshatra Meditation
Technique but the technique is tailored according to an
individuals birth Nakshatra. This unique technique has proven to
give remarkable results over a period of time. As one connects
with the Brahmand using the NM Technique it can bring about a
paradigm change in a person.

Horoscope of Business Magnets An Astrological Review October 2011

Kalpna Tiwari
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 643 |
Our astrology chart is a map of our karma. Karma basically
means action. When we talk about our karma we talk about the
actions we have performed in the past including our past lives.
These karmas are main cause of our current life situation. This
turn out to be our karmic burden or our karmic blessing depending
on whether we have performed positive or negative actions in the
past. These Karmic burdens and karmic blessings manifest in the
form of arishtha yoga and beniflc yogas in our horoscopes. These
benefic and malefic yogas in horoscopeplay an important role in
the success and growth of an individual. As we know that
Intelligence and hard work are most important ingredients for
success. But in our everyday life we see that there are hundreds
of people who are intelligent and hard working still they are
lagging behind and there are other people who get success
easily. What is the reason behind this? No other science except
astrology can answer this question. As an astrologer I believe that
hard work and intelligence alone are not enough for success. A
native gets desired results of his hard work only when his destiny
favours him. Thus we can make a simple airthmatic formula for
success. And that is- Success= Favorable fortune+ hard work
+intelligence I went through various Vedic astrology classical
texts to find out astrological combinations for name, fame, money
and success and I ended up with hundreds of hundreds classical
principals. It was very difficult to list all them out here so I shifted
my focus to study the horoscopes of four notable business
magnets by applying the parameters based on classical
astrological principles. Business magnets are the persons who
are world renowned, have achieved prominent position in the field
of industry and who have amassed huge amount of money and
fortune during the process of running their business. So let us see
how destiny favored these business magnets by analyzing the
map of their karma or their horoscope. Names of the business
magnets are - Bill Gates- American business magnet and
chairman of Micorsoft Company. He is consistently ranked among
worlds wealthiest people. And was wealthiest overall from 1995
to 2009. He is one of the best known entrepreneurs in the
personal computer revolution. His Family was upper middle class.
John D Rockefeller- ( July 8 1838 to May 23 1937) He was
German American oil business magnet. Founder of Standard Oil
Company. He became the worlds richest person and first
American worth more than a billion dollar. Adjusted to inflation he
is often regarded the richest person in the history. His first job was
assistant book keeper. Andrew Carnegie (Nov 25 1835 to Aug.
11, 1919) Scottish American industrialist and entrepreneur who
led the enormous expansion of American steel industry in the late
19th century. Built Pitts burgs Carnegie Steel Company. His first
job was in US as a factory worker. He is often regarded as the
second richest man in the history after John D Rockefeller. Dhiru
Bhai Ambani. ( 28 Dec 1930 to 6th July 2000) Indian business
magnet and entrepreneur who founded Reliance Industries. He
took his company public in 1984 and introduced the stock market
to the average investor. He started off as a small time worker with
Arab Merchants. There is one thing which is common in the life of
all these business magnets and that is they all are self made.
They have risen from poverty to wealth as well as from obscurity
to fame. There is no doubt that they have achieved this position
due to their hard work, entrepreneurship and intelligent planning.
But as an astrologer we can say that destiny also favored them
for success and money. So let us see how destiny favored these
business magnets by analyzing their horoscope. Parameters 1.
There is a simple classical principal that the Rashis or houses
which are aspected or associated by their lord or Karaka gets
strengthened. 2. There is another simple classical principal that
planets in exaltation, mool trikon, own house, friends house or
posited with their depositor are strong. 3. Strong Lagna and
Lagna Lord gives name, fame power position. 4. Paksha bali
Moon is good for success. 5. An astrologer can judge the luck of
the person by judging First house (name fame), second house
(accumulated wealth), third house (entrepreneurship, initiative
and hard work), fifth house (intelligence and planning), ninth
house (luck and fortune) and eleventh house (gain of wealth). If
these all houses are in strength we can predict that the person is
lucky. 6. Effect of Sun, Moon, Mars and Rahu (poorna parmatma
planets) on the first, fifth third or ninth house. Each planet
represents one amsnaavatara of lord Vishnu. The amshaavtara
represented by these planets have greatest proportion of
Parramatta amsa. So the strength of these planets in the
horoscooe and their association with 1, 3, 5, or 9th house or their
lords indicates gods blessing, karmic blessing or favourable
fortune. 7. When most of the planets are posited in the brighter
half of the horoscope i.e. from seventh house to lagna or from the
third house to tenth house. Such persons are more prone to get
success, name and fame. Planets from seventh house to lagna
means planets are around tenth house which is the house of
karma and planets from third to tenth house means planets are
around the lagna the house of name, fame, personality and
intelligence. When planets are in strength and posited around
lagna or tenth house naturally their significations will have greater
impact on the personality or karma of the native. 8. Planets in
strength in vimshopak bala and Vishaikamsha give very good
results. 9. Normally planets in the 1 (Kuber), 4 (kirit), 7 (mohan),
10 (indra), dwadasamsha give prosperity and growth. 10. Indu
Lagna and its lord should be in strength for financial gains and
success. Now let us analyze horoscopes of four business
magnets on the basis of above mentioned parameters-
Horoscope -1 Bill Gates 28 Oct 1955- 9 PM-(Time Zone 8.00.00
West of GMT)-122W20 47N36 Ascendant 22 Gemini 01' Sun 11
Libra 48' Moon 14 Pisces 28' Mars 16 Virgo 54' Mercury 23 Virgo
22' Jupiter 04 Leo 35' Venus 26 Libra 59' Saturn 28 Libra 24'
Rahu 26 Scorpio 16' Ketu 26 Taurus 16' Indu Lagna 14 Virgo 28'
Lagna Lord Mercury is exalted Indu Lagna in sign Virgo and Lord
of Indu Lagna is exalted. Third lord Sun in the fifth house Neech
bhang raj yoga. Fifth house lord is in the fifth house in Mool Trikon
with exalted ninth house lord. Ninth house lord is exalted in fifth
house. Paksha bali Moon in the tenth house. Bhadra Maha
purush yoga, Lakshmi yoga and parijat yoga in the horoscope.
Five planets in uttamansha. Second house lord Moon in the tenth
house and paksha bali. Eleventh house lord is in Kendra with its
exalted dispositor Mercury. Five planets aspecting eleventh
house. Most of the planets in the darker half but around posited
Lagna Lord Mercury and forming adhi yoga from natal Moon.
Strength of 12 houses Lagna Lord , Indu Lagna Lord exalted,
second house lord Moon in tenth house paksha bali,Neech bhang
for third house lord Sun in the fifth house,fourth house lord
Mercury is exalted, fifth hosue lord in the fifth house in Mool
Trikon, sixth house lord Mars in kendra with its exalted dispositor
Mercury, 7th house lord Jupiter is aspecting 7th house from third
house, 8th house lord Saturn is exalted, ninth house lord Saturn is
exalted, Though tenth lord is not aspecting tenth house but
exalted Lagna Lord Mercury aspecting 10th house alongwith 11th
lord Mars both planets are karaka of 10 house. 11th house lord
Mars is in Kendra with its exalted dispositor Mercury, 12th house
lord is in trine in its Mool trikona. Strength of Planets Neech
Bhang Raj yoga of Sun, Paksha Bali Moon, Exalted Mercury,
Mars with its exalted dispositor, Jupiter in the third house in
friendly sign, Venus in Mool Trikon, Saturn exalted. Horoscope -2
John D Rockfeller DOB -8 July 1838, TOB-11.55 19 PM POB -
76W12 42N21, Time Zone- 5.05 W. of GMT Ascendant 5 Aries
43' Sun 24 Gemini 55' Moon 16 Capricorn 32' Mars 24 Taurus 37'
Mercury 20 Gemini 21' Jupiter 22 Cancer 49' Venus 15 Taurus
45' Saturn 0 Scorpio 52' Rahu 16 Pisces 43' Ketu 16 Virgo 43'
Indu Lagna 16 Gemini 32' Lagna Lord Mars in the second house
with its dispositor Venus, Indu Lagna in Gemini and its lord
Mercury posited in this sign itself. Third house lord in the third
house. Fifth house lord Sun in the third house with its dispositor
Mercury. Ninth house lord Jupiter in the fifth house aspecting
ninth house. Paksha bali Moon in tenth house. Adhi yoga, Amla
yoga and vosi yoga. Second house lord in second house with
Lagna Lord. 11th house lord Saturn in 8th house aspected by its
dispositor Mars from second house. 6 planets are in tenth to third
house. Sun, Mars aspecting ninth house and Moon in the tenth
house. Strength of Houses Lagna Lord Mars is with its dispositor
Venus, Indu Lagna in Gemini and lord Mercury posited
there,Chandra lagna aspected by its lord Saturn, Surya lagna in
Gemini and its lord Mercury is in Surya lagna, second house lord
Venus in the second house, third house lord Mercury in the third
house, fourth house lord Moon aspecting fourth house, fifth house
lord Sun is with its dispositor Mercury, sixth house lord Mercury is
in its own sign in third house, seventh house lord Venus is in its
own sign in second house, 8th house lord Mars aspecting 8th
house, 9th house lord Jupiter aspecting 9th house, four planets
aspecting ninth house Karaka Sun is also aspecting this house,
tenth house lord Saturn aspecting tenth house, 11th house is
aspected by its karaka Jupiter. Strength of Planets Sun is posited
with its dispositor Mercury, Moon in tenth house aspected by its
dispositor Saturn, Mars is with its dispositor Venus, Mercury is in
its own sign, Jupiter in friendly sign, Venus in its own sign, Saturn
aspected by its dispositor and Lagna Lord Mars. Horoscope -3
Andrew Carnegie DOB - 25 Nov 1835, TOB - 6.00 AM POB -3
E2956N4, Time Zone - 0.13 West of GMT Ascendant 2 Scorpio
38' Sun 22 Scorpio 58' Moon 14 Gemini 56' Mars 26 Scorpio 29'
Mercury 06 Scorpio 52' Jupiter 22 Gemini 34' Venus 08
Sagittarius 43' Saturn 21 Libra 16' Rahu 06 Taurus 48' Ketu 06
Scorpio 48' Indu Lagna 14 Libra 56' Lagna Lord Mars and Ketu
(ketu is also assigned lordship of Scorpio) in Lagna with tenth
house lord Sun and digbali Mercury, Indu Lagna in the sign libra
with Exalted Saturn, third house lord Saturn exalted, fifth house
lord Jupiter forming Gaj kesari yoga with ninth house lord Moon,
ninth house lord Moon in Gajkesari yoga. Paksha bali Moon With
Adhi yoga and Gaj Kesari yoga. Strength of houses Lagna Lord in
lagna, second house is aspected by its lord Jupiter, third house
lord Saturn is exalted, fourth house lord Saturn is exalted, fifth
house lord in gaj kesari yoga, sixth house lord Mars in its own
sign in lagna, seventh house lord Venus in second house
aspected by its dispositor Jupiter, Exalted Rahu in the seventh
house, 8th house lord Merury in lagna with its dispositor Mars,
ninth house lord in gaj kesari yoga aspected by another natural
benific planet Venus. Tenth house lord Sun in lagna with its
dispositor Mars, 11th house lord Mercury in lagna with its
dispositor Mars, Exalted Saturn in 12th house aspected by
Jupiter. Strength of planets Sun is with its dispositor Mars, Moon
pakshabali posited with Jupiter and aspected by natural benefic
Venus, Mars in own sign, Mercury in lagna with its dispositor,
Venus aspected by its dispositor Jupiter, Saturn is exalted.
Horoscope -4 Dhiru Bhai Ambani DOB - 28 Dec 1932, TOB - 6
.57 AM POB - 70E26 20N53, Time Zone - 5.30 East of GMT
Ascendant 6 Sagittarius 20' Sun 13 Sagittarius 15' Moon 21
Sagittarius 22' Mars 24 Leo 12' Mercury 21 Scorpio 48' Jupiter 0
Virgo 12' Venus 15 Scorpio 30' Saturn 10 Capricorn 43' Rahu 18
Aquarius 14' Ketu 18 Leo 14' Indu Lagna 21 Scorpio 22' Sun
lagna, Moon lagna and janma lagna are same in Sagittarius,
Lagna Lord Jupiter in tenth house forming amla yoga from all
three lagnas. Vargottama Venus and Mercury in Indu Lagna. Indu
Lagna aspected by its lord Mars from ninth house. Rahu in third
house in its own sign Aquarius and Rahu in Devlokamsha. Saturn
the lord of second house is in its own sign in second house. Fifth
house lord in the ninth house. Ninth house lord Sun in lagna. No
pakshabala of Moon but Durghara and Amla yoga from Moon.
Maha bhagya yoga, Ubachayari yoga, Durdhara yoga, gaj kesari
yoga, harsha yoga. Strength of houses Lagna Lord in tenth
house, second house lord in the second house, third lord is in its
own sign, fourth house lord aspecting fourth house, fifth house
lord in ninth house, sixth house lord aspecting sixth house, Jupiter
aspecting sixth house, seventh house lord is with its Karaka
Venus, eighth house lord Moon is pakshabal less, ninth house
lord in lagna, tenth house lord Mercury is with Vargotama Venus
aspected by its dispositor Mars, Jupiter in tenth house forming
amla yoga. Findings 1. Maximum numbers of houses in all
horoscopes are associated in PAC (position, aspect, conjunction)
with their lords or karakas. I also found connections between
planet and their dispositors. 2. Paksha bali Moon in all the charts
with adhi yoga except Dhirubhai Ambanis horoscope. In his chart
Moon is posited in Lagna with Sun but it is in Durdhara yoga. With
Venus and Mercury in the 12th house and Saturn in the second
house in own sign Capricorn and Jupiter is forming Amla yoga
being in tenth from Moon. 3. Most of the planets in all these charts
are either exalted, own house or posited with their dispositors. 4.
In all the charts lagna and Lagna Lord is in strength Either
exalted, posited in lagna or with its dispositor or in tenth house. 5.
Lords of first, second, third, fifth, ninth and eleventh houses in
strength. They are either in Kendra or trine, or in mool trikon,
exaltation or friends house. Except Carnegie whose fifth lord and
ninth lord are posited in the eighth house in Gemini but forming
Gaja kesari yoga aspected by natural benefic Venus and Lagna
Lord Mars from lagna. 6. Most of the planets are posited either
between seventh house to lagna or between third house to tenth
house in all the horoscopes. Only In the horoscope of B Indu
Lagna Lord gates most of the planets are in the darker half i.e.
between lagna and seventh house, but they posited around
exalted Lagna Lord Mercury and tenth house lord Jupiter. 7. In
the vimshopak bala and Vishaikamsha also I got very good
results. In Dhirubhais chart Rahu is in the Devlokamsha A planet
in Devlokamsha means strong in 7 out of ten vargas. And a planet
in devlokamsa makes a native highly intelligent and he puts his
knowledge for the good of society in Rahu/ Rahu period he
founded Reliance indudtries in year 1966. 8. In his chart Jupiter
lord of his lagna, Sun lagna and Moon lagna is posited in the
tenth house from all these lagnas and aspecting fourth house,
even in all the varga charts in dasavarga Jupiter is either posited
in the 4th house or aspecting 4th house, or 4th house lord. Fourth
house shows public image of the native. Dhiru Bhai was the first
who introduces stock market to the average investor. Thousands
of the investors attened Reliance Annual Genral body Meeting
which was held in a football stadium with millions more watching
in TV. This AGM was held in 1986 in the Jupiter/ Jupiter period. 9.
In the horoscope of B Indu Lagna Lord gates Venus is with 16.27
points in vimshopak bala and it is posited in its Mool trikon in the
fifth house with exalted Ninth house lord Saturn. Next in order in
vimshopak bala is Mercury with 14.67 points. Mercury is exalted
in his horoscope. In Mercury/ Venus period in 1975 he founded
Microsoft Company. 10. In the horoscope of Andrew Carnegie
Saturn is exalted and it is with 16.95 points in vimshopak bala and
Saturn is in Parvatmsha ( strong in six out of ten vargas). He
excelled in Steel business. He founded Carnegie steel company
in Saturn / Moon period in the year 1870. Moon is lord of ninth
house forming gajkesari yoga with Jupiter and aspected by
another benefic Venus. Moon is paksha bali and in Adhi yoga
also. 11. Normally planets in the 1 Kuber, 4 kirit, 7 mohan, 10
indra. dwadamsha give prosperity and growth. John D Rockfeller
who is still considered worlds richest person (after adjusting to
inflation data) even after 70 (approximately) years of his death, In
his horoscope all the planets except Mercury are in 1,4,7, or 10
dwadasamsha. 12. Indu Lagna and its lord is in strength in all the
sample horoscopes.In Bill gates horoscope Indu Lagna is in Virgo
sign and Exalted Mercury posited there, In the horoscope of John
D Rockfeller Indu Lagna is in Gemini and its lord Mercury is
posited there, In the horoscope of Andrew Carnegie Indu Lagna is
in Libra with exalted Saturn and in the horoscope of Dhiru Bhai
Ambani horoscope Indu Lagna is in Scorpio, Vargottama Venus
and Mercury are in Indu Lagna aspected by its lord Mars. 13.
Mercury the planet of trade and commerce is in strength in all the
horoscopes. Exalted Mercury in the horoscope of Bill Gates,
Mercury in Gemini in the horoscope of John D Rockfeller, Digbali
Mercury in lagna in Scorpio with dispositor Mars in Andrew
Carnegie horoscope, and Mercury with Vargottama Venus
aspected by its dispositor Mars in Dhirubhai Ambani horoscope.
Thus after analyzing horoscopes of these business magnets I
have come to the conclusion that strength in lagna, lagnesh,
Moon is most important for success and fame and Planets in
strength in dasavarga gives success and recognition.
Marriages are Settled in Heaven and Celebrated on Earth July 2014
S. K. Sawhney
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 642 |
We all believe on above mentioned statement. According to this
principle Marriage of Boy and Girl are predetermined and decided
by almighty God. Now question is whether this statement is true?
After extensive research on more than 100 Horoscopes of
couples. This statement seems to be absolutely true. The
following principles have been found applicable on most of the
hooscopes of Boys and Girls who got married. Combination : 7th
Lord of Boy when encircled in the Horoscope of his Wife will make
contact with Sun, Moon, lagna and Lagnesh and 7th house or 7th
lord by PAC i.e. position, aspect and conjunction. In the same
way the 7th lord of wife when encircled in the horoscope of the
husband will have contact with Sun, Moon, lagna, lagnesh, 7th
house and 7th lord by PAC. The logic behind this combination is
that without contact of Sun the Soul, Lagna and lagnesh as the
Body, Moon the Mind and 7th house and 7th lord the house of
Marriage, it is not possible to become wife and husband. This
research will prove very beneficial for the family of bride and
groom who are searching match for their son or daughter. Case
Study - 1 : 7th lord of Boy and Girl are encircled in both the
horoscopes. In case of Boy the 7th lord of wife is aspecting the
Lagna and 7th lord. In Girl's horoscope 7th Lord of boy is conjunct
with Moon and aspecting 7th house. Case Study - 2 : In
Horoscope of Boy 7th Lord of Wife Venus is aspecting Moon and
in case of Girl the 7th Lord of Boy Saturn is aspecting the
Lagnesh of the girl. Case Study - 3 : In Husband's Horoscope 7th
Lord of Girl is aspecting Lagna and in Horoscope of Wife 7th lord
of Husband aspecing 7th house of Wife.Case Study - 4 :
In Horoscope of Boy 7th Lord of Wife Mercury is conjunct with
Sun. In horoscope of Wife 7th Lord of boy i.e. Venus is in Lagna
of Wife. Case Study - 5 : 7th Lord of Wife in Horoscope of Girl i.e.
Mars is aspecting Moon of the Boy and 7th Lord. In the
Horoscope of Wife 7th Lord i.e. Saturn is aspecting Lagna Lord of
wife. Case Study - 6 : In Horoscope of Husband 7th Lord of Girl is
conjunct with 7th Lord of Boy and in Horoscope of Wife 7th Lord
of boy is conjunct with Sun and 7th lord of Wife.
Prasna Marga - Pancha Sutras October 2006
K.V. Brahmam
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 632 |
Prasna Marga is an exhaustive treatise on various aspects of
Horary Astrology. This Sastra was written in 1649 A.D. at a place
called Edakad in Kerala. This sastra was written taking data from
the ancient sources. This sastra not only covers the entire range
of Astrology such as Jataka, Muhurta, parihara but also nimittas
and Mantra Sastra. This sastra is very popular in Kerala by name
Asta Mangala Prasna. Several methods were given in this sastra
to forecast the result of the prasna. One such important method is
based on Five Principles. Five Sutras Method : As usual rasi
chakra known as prasnachakra is cast, based on the time of the
question. Rising Lagna is also decided along with the positions of
the various grahas. There is another lagna by name Arudha
Lagna. The questioner will be asked to put his finger or some gold
piece blind fold in any square of the rasichakra. That rasi is called
as Arudha Lagna. From the below table, it can be learnt soon
what future result of Prasna is required, Amsaka and Maha Sutras
are to be considered. Samanya Sutra is decided by Arudha Rasi
and Lagna Rasi in Prasna Chakra. Adhipati Sutra is decided by
the Lords of Arudha Rasi and Lagna Rasi. Amsaka Sutra is
decided by the Lagna Navamsa Rasi and Arudha Navamsa Rasi.
Nakshatra sutra is decided by the Janma Nakshatra of the
questioner and the rising lagna Nakshatra at the time of question.
Maha Sutra is decided by the Arudha Rasi and the 10th rasi from
it. Again these sutras are resolved into Jeeva, Mritya and Roga
Sutras as detailed below . Method of Arriving Jeeva, Roga and
Mrityu Sutras 1. For Samanya and Amsaka Sutras : For Samanya
Sutra, Arudha Lagna and rising lagna rasis are considered. For
Amsaka Sutra, Navamsa rasis of Arudha and rising lagnas are
considered. The method of deciding the Jeeva/Mrityu/Roga
Sutras is given in the following Table: 2. For Adhipati Sutras : The
lords of Arudha and Lagna rasis are considered. a. If the Lords of
rising lagna and Arudha lagna are the same or Mutual friends,
then it is Jeeva Sutra. b. If they are neutral, then it is Roga Sutra.
c. If they are enemies, then it is Mrityu Sutra. 3. For nakshatra
Sutra : The Janma Nakshatra of the questioner and the prasna
lagna nakshatra are considered. Count from rising lagna
Nakshatra to Janma Nakshatra and divide it by 3. a. If the
remainder is 1, then it is Jeeva Sutra. b. If the remainder is 2, then
it is Roga Sutra. c. If the remainder is 0 then it is Mrityu Sutra. 4.
For Maha Sutra : Arudha Rasi and 10th Rasi from it are
considered. a. If both the rasis are lunar signs, then it is Jeeva
Sutra. b. If one rasi is lunar and the other is solar, then it is Roga
Sutra. c. If both are solar signs, then it is Mrityu Sutra. Mesha,
Vrishabha, Mithuna, Karkataka, Dhanus, Makara and Meena are
lunar basis. Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrischika and Kumbha are solar
rasis. 5. Results of Sutras: 1. For all questions, Jeeva Sutra
confers longevity, wealth, vitality and success in all undertakings.
2. Roga Sutra gives loss of money, mental worry and ill-health. 3.
Mrityu Sutra denotes increase of illness, fear, Mental Agony and
failure in all undertakings. Uses of this Methods : This method is
quite useful in questions regarding a particular business, career,
industry, shifting to a now place, selection of business partner or
life partner and new undertakings.

How to Judge the Effects from Divisional Charts April 2008

G.K. Goyal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 613 |
INTRODUCTION : Zodiac is a circular belt of 360, stretching
about 9 north and 9 south of the Ecliptic (apparent path of Sun
around earth) within which the planets and the moon remain in
course of their movement. The zodiac is divided into 12 equal
sectors, each of 30 and each sector is called a Rasi (sign). In
Indian astronomy, the initial point from which the longitude of the
Rasis is measured is a fixed point on the ecliptic (which is exactly
opposite to the reference star CHITRA - spices 16). This means
that Nirayana longitude of star Chitra will always be 180 for any
Epoch. This is the basis of calculating the true Chitrapaksha
Ayanamsa. Yet again, this belt is divided in 27 equal sectors,
each of 1320' and each of such sectors called Nakshatra. Rasis
and Nakshatras, though mathematical in nature, are recognised
by different set of stars in the sky. The astronomical
constellations, representing Rasis and Nakshatras, sometimes
overlap each other and sometimes are wide apart. The tropical
signs always commence from V.E.POINT, which is receding in
the back ground of stars with mean motion of about 50.3 per
year. This concept is beautifully explained by Varaha Mihira in
Chapter I Shloka 4 in Brihat Jataka as under: The (twelve) signs
of the Zodiac are commencing with the first point of Aries and of
(the asterism of) Aswini. Each sign consists nine stellar quarters.
The circle formed by the 12 signs represent the head, face,
breast, heart, belly, navel, abdomen, genital organ, two thighs,
two bones, two ankles and two feet of KALAPURUSHA. (The
terms) Rasi, Kshetra, Griha, Riksha, Bha, Bhavana are
synonymous terms. This Shloka consists of 72 letters, thus
indicates that Nirayana and Sayana Zodiac both consisting of
12 (twelve) signs are separating from each other by about one
degree in 72 years along the ecliptic (the total Dasa periods
assigned to seven planets from Sun onwards is also 72 years
(5+21+7+9+10+16+4) in Kalachakra Dasa Scheme of Maharishi
Parasara - BPHS - 47/33). 1. The Varga (Divisional) Charts It is
not possible to access subtle areas of the natives life with the
help of bare Sign Chart and Nakshatras. Sage Parasara teaches
us sixteen different Vargas. Each Varga chart is specific in itself,
and deals in some specific areas of life. Kalyan-Varma says in
Saravali : HkoukfniS% leLra tkrdfofgra fofpUr;sUefreku~A
,fHkfoZuk u 'kD;a inefi xUrqa egk'kkL=ksAA 3@12A "kf"VgksZjk
=;a'k% lksMqinka lk f}lIrfrlesrkA fyIrkuke"Vkn'k'krkfu ifjorZuS%
Lox`gkr~AA 3@17A In the above Shlokas, Saravali indicates that
each sign is getting divided in 150 parts with the help of
Shodhasvargas (the whole Zodiac is divided in 1800 parts). It is
just impossible to understand or move an inch in
HORASHASTRA without the help of these Vargas. The
predictive astrology is based on three main pillars, namely,1.
Planets 2. Signs3. Houses. Maharishi Parasara has precisely
explained this concept to his disciple Maitraye in chapter 3, slokas
4, 5 and 6 of BPHS:Those, celestial bodies are called the planets
(Grahas) that move through the Nakshatras (or asterisms) along
the Zodiac (Bhachakra). The Zodiac comprises of 27 asterisms
from Aswin to Revati and also divided in 12 equal parts known as
signs (Rashis) from Aries to Pisces. The Zodiac sign which
contains the rising (ascending) point at the time of Birth is called
Lagan (ascendant). Based on the ascendant and the planets
joining and separating from each other, the natives good and bad
fortune is deducted. Parasara has given the concept of Bhavas
(houses) along with 12 signs in the above narration. This is called
the compartmental system of houses. In this system the whole
sign in which the degree of ascendant falls is considered the first
house and subsequent sign as 2nd house and so on. The
longitude of the ascending point becomes the most sensitive point
of the ascendant i.e.1st house, and the sensitive points of other
house will be 30 apart. The sensitive point of 10th house will fall
in 10th sign from ascending sign and will have the same longitude
as that of the ascending point in Lagan. In this system M.C. is not
considered as the Mid-point or cusp of 10th house. M.C. is
however given prime-importance due to it and is widely used for
many other important purposes. Maitreya enquired from Sage
Parasara: 1. O sage, I have known from you about the planets,
signs and their descriptions. I want to know the details of various
divisions of a sign, please narrate this to us. oxkZu~ "kksM'k
;kukg czk yksdfirkeg%A rkuga lEizo{;kfe eS=ks;! Jw;rkfefrAA2AA
{ks=ka gksjk p nzs"dk.kLrq;kZ'k% lIreka'kd%A uoka'kks n'keka'k'p
lw;kZ'k% "kksM'kka'kd%AA3AA fo'kka'kks osn;ka'kks
Hkka'kfL=ka'kka'kdLrr%A [kosnka'kks{kkosnka'k% "k"B;a'k'p rr%
ije~AA4 2-4. Names of the 16 Vargas : Lord Brahma has
described 16 kinds of Vargas (Divisions) of each sign. which are :
Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Chathurthamsa, Sapthamamsa, Naamsa,
Dasamamsa, Dvadasamsa, Shodasamsa, Vimsamsa,
Chaturvimsamsa, Sapthavimsamsa, Trimsamsa, Khavedamsa,
Akshavedamsa and Shashtiamsa. In this scheme, the nativity
(sign chart) also acts as one of the Bhava chart. The other 15
kinds of Bhava Vargas (divisional charts) are for specific purposes
and these can be obtained by dividing signs (Rashis) into
components and then arranging these components in a specified
harmonic order.The division of any Varga chart that contains
ascending degree will act as the first Bhava of that varga. Each
Varga chart will have 12 Bhavas (with the exception in Hora-
Varga chart) Each house of a varga will be identified by a Zodiac
sign and will be called the abode or house of the sign lord. BPHS
gives clear instruction for construction of each Varga. In this
manner, each sign is divided in to 150 unequal parts (the arc of
largest part is 30 and smallest is 140) and each part will have
specific characteristics, which could be ascertained by
constructing separate divisional charts. (This also laid down the
foundation of Nadi Astrology). These Vargas are placed in four
schemes called Shadvarga, Saptavarga, Dasavarga and
Shodhasvarga. Hora-Shastra indicates resource, potential,
promise and materialization of an event with the help of these
Vargas. Resource is accessed with reference to a particular
bhava, its occupants ,lord , and planets associated with bhava
and with their Avasthas and various kinds of strengths. Thus Sign
and Bhava dasas play important role in indicating the resource
available to the native at a given point of time. Vyankatesh
Sharma in Sarvarth Chintmani has stressed the utmost
importance to Shadvargas and Shashtyamsa-varga to judge the
potential of the nativity. Each of the 16 Vargas indicate the
promise in some specific areas of life assigned to them. But the
real potential of each sign, house and planet with whose help the
promise is materialized in real life, can be judged with the help of
Shadvargas. This important difference in Shadvargas and
Shodhasvargas should always be remembered. BRIHAT
JATAKA, deals mainly in Shadvargas. Vimsopaka strength of 20
Rupas is divided in Shadvargas as under by Sage Parasara :
Rasi (Sign) D-1 6 Hora D-2 2 Drekkana D-3 4 Navamsa
D-9 5 Dwadasamsa D-12 2 Trimsamasa D-30 1 Total
20 Rupas 15 points of Vimsopaka Bala (out of total of 20 points)
is allotted to Rasi (6), Navamsa (5) and Drekkana (4). As such,
Navamsa and Drekkana Vargas hold prominent and important
place after Rasi chart in the Shadvarga scheme. LIST OF
SIXTEEN VARGA CHARTS Sage Parasara has narrated 16
varga charts which are given below. Each varga chart has a
specific portfolio, purpose and signification. 1. D-1, 30, Main Sign
(birth) chart. -This is the basic chart. Each sign is synonym to a
Bhava (house). This chart indicates physical body and its related
activities. The other divisional charts are sub-divisions of this
chart. 2. D-2, Hora chart - This chart deals with sustenance,
mannerism, and attributes of the native. Parasara says this chart
deals with Sampatti. The word Sampatti does not mean only
material wealth but all means of sustenance including mannerism,
nature and attitude towards life as a whole. 3. D-3, 10,
Dreshkanna- This chart deals with Co-born and sources of
happiness on account of inner posture of personality (Swaroopa).
4. D-4, 7 30, Chathurthamsa Turyeeamsa This chart indicates
fortune and fixed assets both in the form of property and worldly
attachments. Due to this reason, this chart is also called
Turyeeamsa as saints do not have worldly attachments. 5. D-7, 4
17 8.57 Saptamsa- This chart indicates progeny. Beside this ,it
indicates cosmic creative ability to maintain cosmic order. Thus,
this chart is indicative of God gifted creative imagination or
destructive illusion. 6. D-9 - 320 Navamsa Dharmamsa- This
chart is most important in predictive Astrology. If main sign chart
(D-1) is considered as body, then this chart will be synonym to
heart - the basic prime-mover.This chart indicates spouse,
partners and skills of the native. 7. D-10 - 3 - Dasamsa
(Swargamsa)- Parasara says that this chart indicates Mahat
Phalam (the result which indicates the standing and status of the
native in society on account of the interaction of fate and action).
8. D-12 - 230 Dwadasamsa (suryamsa).-Parents, elders and
heritage. 9. D-16 - 15230 Shodasamsa (Kalamsa)-Vehicles,
Luxuries, Happiness, Inner strength of the character. 10. D-20 -
130 Vimsamsa - Spiritualism, worship of deity, leaning towards
a particular sect. 11. D-24 - 115 (Siddhamsa) -
Chaturvimamsa- Education, Learning, success in competition. 12.
D-27-1640 Bhamsa Nakshatramsa Saptavisamsa
Strength and weakness indicated by planets. 13. D-30 - 1-
TrimsamsaIn this chart degrees are lumped together in a group
and each sign is divided in five such groups.This chart indicates
evils, inclination of natural traits based on Trigunas Satwic,
Rajas and Tamas.D-2 and D-30 charts are complimentary to each
other and act at different planes in the life. 14. D-40 45
Chatvarimsamsa (40th part of a sign) - Khavedamsa
(Swavedamsa)-Matrilineal legacy. 15. D-45-40 Akashvedamsa-
Patrilineal legacy 16. D-60-30 Shastyamsa Past Karma
rinanubandh, repayment of deeds of the past lives. D-1 and D-60
are complementary to each other. D-1 chart indicate when and D-
60 tells why, events happen in the life of the native. Each of the
16 divisional charts consist of 12 houses, assigned to a Zodiacal
sign, which is in turn owned by a planet. (D-2 (Hora chart) and D-
30 (Trimsamsa chart) are exception to this rule. In fact Varga
(harmonic) charts are considered at five levels, namely; 1.The
physical plane-the first cycle covers the charts D-1 to D-12 and
covers such matters as the physical body D-1, means of
sustenance (sampannata) D-2, Co-bornD-3, property and fortune
d-4, Power D-5, PHYSICAL LABOUR and disease D-6, Progeny
D-7, Death D-8, spouse D-9, Karma D-10, gains and punishment
D-11, parents D-12. However ,Parasara did not include Vargas
D5,D6,D8,AND D11 in shodhash varga scheme. 2.The conscious
mental plane-Twelve charts D13 to D24 are possible ,but
Parasara has restricted to- Shodasamsa (16=12+4) D16ruling
over mental happiness,luxuries,vehicles etc, VIMSAMSA
(20=12+8)D20 ruling over occult studies,spiritualism,religiosity etc
,and Chaturvimsamsa (24=12+12) D24-RULING
Siddhis,accomplishmentskill in any branch of learning and
vocational studies ,success in competitions. 3.Third cycle-the sub-
conscious mental plane : Out of possible D25 to D36 charts.
Parasara included , Sptavimsaamsa(27=24+3) D27 showing
strength and weaknesses of the native.e.g.Sun-soul,Moon-
mind,Mars-phyiscal strength,Mercury-speech,Jupiter-
wisdom,Venus happiness,Saturn-sorrow,Rahu-ego,Ketu-
mistakes.Trimsamsa (30=24+6) D30-Leo and Cancer, the signs
covered in D-2, are not included in D-30, which is dealing in
Naidhanam or Death and Disease. 4.Fourth level-World of spirit
or pitras-Only two charts are included namely-Khavedamsa
(40=36+4)D40 MATERNAL ANCESTORS, and
Akshavedamsa(45=36+9)D-45 Paternal ancestors. 5.Fifth level-
Past births of the native himself-The relevant chart here is
Shashtiamsa (60=48+12)D60-indicating heritage of the past
Karma, which are responsible for present birth. In Shodhas Varga
scheme , D60 is of prime importance. A planet in malefic
shashtiamsa is not capable to give lasting good results on
account of the past bad Karma. METHOD OF JUDGEMENT OF
DIVISIONAL CHARTS 1. D-1 is the basic and main birth chart. All
yogas are to be judged in this chart.. 2. D-1 is also one of the
divisional Bhava chart. The principle of compartmental house
division is to be applied, as explained above in this article. ALL
Planetary aspects : All 9(Nine) planets have full aspect on 7th
Rashi. Mars aspects 4th and 8th, Jup. 5th and 9th and Saturn 3rd
and 10th, in addition to 7th aspect, from its placement. These
aspects are also used for assessment of sambandha among
planets which results in formation of Rajyogas as well as khal
yogas in all Varga charts. The 4th and 8th aspects of all the seven
from Sun to Saturn also aspect with 75% strength ,which is also
of considerable importance , as such planets placed in 6th and
10h house from a house or planet exert considerable influence on
it Both the nodes have influence aspects on 5th ,9th and 12th
houses and do not form sambandha. 4. Rasi Dristi : (a) All rasis
aspect three Rasis. (b) Dual Rasis aspect each other (c) Fixed
Rasis aspect moveable Rasis except adjacent rasi (d) Moveable
Rasis aspect fixed Rasis except adjacent Rasis. 5. These aspects
will be applicable in all divisional charts, irrespective of their
method construction. 6. All yogas will be considered in divisional
charts also. 7. Functional Maleficance or Beneficence of planets
is accessed in D-1 chart only. Other divisional charts make them
more or less malefic or benefic depending on their placement in a
house or sign, keeping the basic functional nature of the planet
intact. 8. Thus, master the rules and principles as laid down by
Parasara, Jaimini, Varaha Mihira, Satyachariya and other classic
writers. 9. The effects of the yogas will be experienced in the
Dasa periods of planets and rasis. The following basic principles
should be noted for handling D-charts. 1. The most important
factors for consideration in D-charts are : (a) Placement of planets
in Kendra and Trikona houses and then in 2nd and 11th houses
(b) These placements are strengthened if the planets are in
Vargottama, Exaltation, Mooltrikona, own house, friends house, or
in the sign of natural benefics. (c) The planets in 3,6,8,12 houses
are of no avail even if their sign benefic. (d) Malefics in 3rd and
6th will strengthen the chart. But there are some exceptions: (i)
Mars in 6th house in all D- Charts is auspicious, as it aspects the
lagna. Other Malefics bring good results in the beginning only. (ii)
Mercury even in 8th house of D-4 charts gives good results. (iii)
Generally it is believed that Saturn's placement in 8th house is not
bad. Thus, Saturn in D-8 lagna also is not considered bad 2. Even
if a Planet is powerfully placed in D-1 Chart, it does not give good
results if badly placed in D chart for the specific portfolio of D
chart and vice versa. - Any incident, such as marriage, joining
service, birth of child - If dasa lord is placed in bad houses in
concerned D-chart, may not end in happiness. -Accession, victory
in election - should be judged from D-11. -UCHA with Neecha or
any planet with his enemy - not good. -Planet placed in 8th of D-
chart does not harm if aspected by Jupiter. -In the case of
housewife- D-9 should be studied. -In D-11 chart, a planet placed
in 4th house give property and vehicles, in 7th marriage, in 10th
status, in 5th progeny and so on. -Yoga, planetary conjunction,
mutual aspect, exchange in signs has its effects in D-charts also -
Yoga karaka planet of D-1 chart, will give some good effects even
if debilitated in other D- charts provided is placed in a good
house. -Karaka principle is also applicable to D-charts -OUT of all
powerful positions ,the most important are (i) Vargottama (both
rasi and Bhava), Kindly refer to an articleConcept of Vargottama
published in March 2008 issue of this Journal (ii) Exaltation (iii)
Mooltrikona (iv) Own house (v) Digbala (vi) Placement in kendra,
Trikona and 2nd and 11th houses. Even if planets are in
exaltation, Mooltrikona and own sign, but placed in 3,6,8 and 12
houses are of not much use. In Rasi chart, the signs which are
placed in 4,5,9 and 10 houses, the planets in such signs in
Vargas show merit, particularly if Kendra lords are placed in
Trikona and Vice versa. The planets placed in Rashis, which
occupy 6,8 and 12 houses in D-1 Rasi chart, loose lot of their
Beneficence even if strongly placed in D-charts.e.g. if sign Cancer
is falling in 6th house of D-1 chart, any planet placed in Cancer in
any Varga chart will give indications of 6th house. Please study
Madhya Parasari. If any yoga is formed in D-1 rasi chart, and
such yoga also manifests in D-Charts, then these yogas will
enhance the yoga results according to the portfolio of concerned
D-chart(s). This creates vargottama effect. The conjunction of
planets in D-charts modifies the effects. Guru, if not in debilitation
improves the results. In D-charts lords of lagna and karya bhava
are very important. A debilitated planet in D-chart gives bad
effects, even if placed in good Bhavas until debilitation is not
cancelled. If D-lagna is in vargottama, it is an indication of very
good effect, provided lagna lord is well placed. If lagna lord goes
to 8th house, the D-chart will give only dreamy effects. The
excellent results are felt if lagna lord is strong and placed in good
houses and signs.Vargottama lagna if aspected by more than one
planet, will yield to yoga results. BHAVA VARGOTTAMA GIVE
EXCELLENT RESULTS. If a planet is bhava vargottama in D-9
chart will give marriage,D-3 co-born, D-24 education etc
irrespective of house placement,, Exalted planet if aspected by
friendly planets will give excellent results (in such cases Moon ,
Mars , Saturn and Venus give yoga results and Sun ,Jupiter and
Mercury give only good results.) 3rd and 8th are death like
places. In D-9 to wife, in D-10 to profession etc. Death means
severance. A planet in 3rd in D-10 causes retirement from
service. 2nd house is neutral and planet placed there in gives
similar results. If more planets aspect D-Lagna, it becomes
strong. Benefic yogas in D-charts give immense benefit. Malefic
yogas spoil the results. 2nd and 12th place from any house is
very important for a Bhava. Similar to 2 and 12, 3-11, 4-10, 5-9,
6-8 and 1-7 places are also important. Argala and upchaya
places hold key to prediction because Argala places
intervene/influence the effect of a house and upchaya places are
responsible for the upliftment of the bhava in life. However 3 and
6 position should be malefic in influence. Similarly any planet
placed in a Bhava provides argala or becomes upchaya to some
bhavas. In D-12, association of ketu with Moon or Sun is bad for
parents. Malefics in 12,1,2 or 6,7,8 or 4,8,12 or 5,8,9 are bad for
the indication of bhava. Benefics in these places do good. The
bhava lord in a good Shashitiamsa D-60 will enhance the benefic
effects and vice-versa The bhava whose lord is in a benefic
SHODASAMSA D-16 ( Kalamsa) will flourish.
Matching of Horoscopes July 2004
Arun Bansal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 609 |
Q. : Can the future be made happy by matching horoscopes?
Ans. : future can certainly be made happy by matching
horoscopes. Destiny can be changed by actions. Fate is the result
of previous birth's actions, or we may say that by matching
horoscopes properly, future can be improved. Q. If the horoscope
spells doom for the native, how can the future be improved with
the help of horoscope matching ? Ans. : Vedas have directed that
every individual should make efforts to improve his, or her future.
Every work should be done at an auspicious moment by
considering the Muhurta, or adopting remedies to propitiate the
planets is also a step towards this end. Similarly, married life can
also be made happy by matching horoscopes. If a horoscope
shows ill effects, then a powerful horoscope can render it's
supports to it. Q. : To what extent is horoscope matching a
parameter of happy married life? If many 'Gunas' match and there
is no Manglik Dosha, will the married life of a couple be definitely
a happy one? Ans. : Possibility of a happy married life increases
manyfolds, if the horoscopes match with each other.
Nevertheless, there is no guarantee for it. Q. : If the horoscopes
do not match with each other, can the marriage be still
performed? Ans. : If the horoscopes do not match, but other
planetary combinations are favourable, marriage can be
considered. If very few Gunas match, like less than twelve, then it
is better to reject the match for lack of Gunas. Q.: If less than
eighteen Gunas, like sixteen or seventeen, match, will it be proper
to perform the marriage according to horoscope matching? Ans. :
If fifty percent Gunas match, it is considered to be a good match.
If only sixteen, or seventeen Gunas match, it does indicate that
matching is shifting from good to bad. Findings of a research
show that marks given to a happily married couple and marks
given to a divorced couple have a difference of only two to three
points. Thus matching of all the thirty six Gunas is not the
parameter of an ideal matching and matching of less than
eighteen Gunas can not be taken as the criteria of bad matching.
If the position and aspects of the planets are correct, then
matching of up to 15 Gunas can also be taken as right matching.
Q.: If Nadi Dosha is there in the horoscope and yet more than 18
Gunas match, then will it be proper to perform a marriage? Ans. :
If more than 18 Gunas match in horoscope matching, then it is not
necessary to consider any other favourable, or adverse condition
Nadi Dosha is harmful for the progeny, but if eighteen Gunas
match, no thought should be given to it. Q.: What is the outcome
of a marriage with Bhakoot Dosha? Ans. : There is difference of
opinion between husband and wife, due to Bhakoot Dosha. But if
the lords of their planets are friends, then this adversity becomes
less. Q. : If the bride, or the groom is Manglik, is it necessary for
the other one also to be a Manglik? Ans. : It is not necessary that
both of them are Manglik. Planetary position in one's own, or life
partner's horoscope, Manglik Dosha. Q.: Besides the ascendant,
should Manglik Dosha be considered from Moon, or Venus also.
Ans. : It is meaningless to consider Manglik Dosha from Venus. If
considered from Moon, results are much less. Manglik Dosha
should be considered from the ascendant only. Q.: Does Mars
'influence remains after the age of twenty eight also, or it lessens
with time? Ans. : It is incorrect to believe that Mars influence
vanishes after twenty eight years. Manglik Dosha remains forever,
but it's influence can be lessened by worship. Q. : Is wearing coral
necessary to get rid of Manglik Dosha, or fasting for Mars, or
worshipping it can be alternative remedies? Ans. : To get rid of
Manglik Dosha, wearing a coral is not always the remedy. If Mars
is debilitated and is benefic for the horoscope, then it is possible
to get rid of Manglik Dosha by wearing a coral, otherwise chanting
Hanuman Chalisa and fasting on Tuesday are the best remedies.
Q. : If the girl is strongly Manglik, can it influence the life span of
the groom? Ans.: Life span is linked with one's own destiny. But
company does have it's influence and it is not correct to perform
marriage between a strong Manglik girl and an ordinary boy. Q. :
Besides Mars, how much influence do the other planets have on
horoscope matching? Ans. : According to the researches done on
this subject during modern times, other planets have more
influence than Manglik Dosha and Guna matching. Q.: Various
Panchangs give different marks to the same Koot. Why does this
happen and which should be taken as authentic? Ans.: Often
there are differences in the calculations and beliefs in astrology.
Same differences remain in the matching tables. These
differences are found while considering Gana, yoni and Bhakoot.
But besides Bhakoot Dosha this difference is limited to half, or
one mark only. If friendly planets are posited in Bhakoot Dosha,
then, according to some sages, full marks are given and others do
not give any marks. This way there comes a difference of upto
seven marks. Q.: Is it necessary to match the horoscopes if it is a
love marriage, or an intercaste one? Ans. : Results of matching
are the same in love marriage, or intercaste marriage. Matching is
above religion or love of the native. Q. : What are the methods
followed, while matching horoscopes? Ans. : In India mostly two
methods are followed - North Indian and South Indian . In North
India thirty six Gunas are matched, whereas in South India only
ten Koots are considered. Q. : Can the horoscope matching done
by a computer be relied upon? Ans.: Matching done by a
computer, specially Leo Gold Astrological Software, is more
accurate than the matching done by hand. If computer rejects a
matching and marriage is mandatory, horoscopes should be
shown to some knowledgeable scholar and then the marriage
should be performed.
Programming of Child Birth and Matching of Marriages January 2012
S.N. Kapoor
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 603 |
Part I Birth Chart Consideration Birth Chart: Dr. B.V. Raman in
his how to judge Horoscope consider Birth Chart for happiness of
children three ways (a) placement of 5th Lord in Different Bhavas,
(b) Planets in 5th Bhava and (c) some important
combinations. We propose to deal with them very briefly one by
one. (a) Placement of 5th Lords in Different Bhavas In the first
house the native will have few children, in second well behaved
children, in 3rd many good children, in 4th a few sons, in 5th
number of sons, in 6th enmity with his own son; in 7th number
of issues; in the 8th extinction of the family; in the 9th one of
the sons attains distinction as an author or actor; in the 10th one
of the sons becomes gem of the family; in the 11th benefits
through sons; and if the 12th there is no happiness from
children, in view of life of detachment. So planning of child birth,
with 5th Lord in 6th, 8th and 12th is not conducive to happiness
from children. (b)Planets in 5th Bhava and long term happiness
The Sun in the 5th deprives the native of children and riches; the
Moon in the 5th gives a famous child amongst several; with the
Mars in 5th, native suffers misfortunes through children; Mercury
in 5th gives numerous children; Jupiter in the 5th also gives
numerous children and shall be happy with children; Venus in 5th
gives beautiful and it also indicates more female children; Saturn
in 5th denotes sorrow through children; Rahu, that is the 5th
causes loss of number of children; and Ketu also causes loss of
children. As regards various combinations for Santan Yoga, or
Nissantan Yoga, I may just refer to Jatak Tatwa Pancham Viveka.
And, in order to limit the space, I am leaving subject of Beeja
Sphuta and Kshetra Sphuta for the consideration of other
stalwarts. Santan Yogas: There are hundreds of Santan and
Nissantaan Yogas I am just reproducing some of the Yogas
referred to by Dr. B.V. Raman in his 300 important combinations
for ready reference. 220 and 221 Bhahuputra Yogas : Definition:
Rahu in the 5th house, in a Navamsa other than that of Saturn,
gives rise to this Yoga 220. The same Yoga arise if the Lord of
the Navamsa occupied by a planet who is in association with the
7th Lord is in the 1st, 2nd or 5th house 221. Results: The
person will have a large number of children. Dattaputra Yogas:
Definition: Mars and Saturn should occupy the 5th house and the
Lord of Lagna should be in a sign of Mercury, aspected by or in
association with the same planet 222 The Lord of the 7th must
be posited in the 11th, the 5th Lord must join a benefic and the
5th house must be occupied by Mars or Saturn 223. Results:
The person will have adopted children. Aputra Yoga: Definition:
The Lord of the 5th house should occupy a Dusthana. Results:
The person will have no issues. Ekaputra Yoga: Definition: Lord of
the 5th house should join a Kendra or Trikona. Results: The
person will have only one son. Suputra Yoga: Definition: If Jupiter
is Lord of the 5th house and the Sun occupies a favourable
position, this Yoga is caused. Results: The native will have a
worthy son. Kalanirdesat Putra Yogas: Definition: Jupiter should
be in the 5th house and the Lord of the 5th should join Venus
227 Jupiter must also occupy the 9th from Lagna and Venus
should be in the 9th from Jupiter, in conjunction with the Lord of
Lagna 228 Results: The native begets a son either in his 32nd,
33rd or 40th year. Kalanirdesat Putranasa Yogas: Definition:
Rahu must occupy the 5th house, the Lord of the 5th must be in
conjunction with a malefic and Jupiter should be debilitated 229
Malefics should be disposed in the 5th from Jupiter and Lagna
230 Results: The person will suffer loss of issues in his 32nd and
40th years respectively. NAVAMSA CONSIDERATION For
happiness from children, it would be better that: (i) Lagnesh,
Panchmesh, and Navmesh should not be in Navamsas of Saturn
and Mars on one hand excepting Saturn and Mars in their own
Navamsa as Lagnesh Panchamesh and Navmesh; (ii) Nor, they
should be 6th, 8th, and 12th; (iii) Nor, they should be combust,
nor debilitated (in Rasi and Navamsa), nor retrograde; It would be
desirable if (iv) They are in Pushkar Navamsa 7th and 9th in
Agni Tatwa Rasi; 3rd and 5th Prithvi Tatwa Rasi; 6th and 8th in
Vayu Tatwa Rasis; and 1st and 3rd in Jala Tatwa Rasis; (v) They
are in Vargottama Navamsa 1st in Chara Rasi, 5th in Sthir
Tatwa Rasis; and 9th in Dwiswabhava Rasi; (vi) They in
Pancham Navamsa in all Rasis. These Navamsa normally give
excellent results excepting when the planets in these Navamsa, is
weak in Asthaka Varga. In case of Farukh Abdulla Panchamamsa
Mars is in Sagittarius in 210 25 in Pushkar Navamsa. One may
correlate with birth of Omar Abdulla. In case of Nehru Mars
Panchamesh is in Virgo 9058 in Pushkar Navamsa. Appreciate
and connect with the birth Mrs. Indira Gandhi. One may plan child
birth also after considering 7th and 9th Lord of Birth chart and
Saptamamsa chart in the light of above factors, coupled with
Saptamamsa, consideration. Saptamamsa Consideration:
Purpose of ones planning of birth of child may be defeated, if
Saptmamsa does not permit happiness from children. For,
Parashar prescribed Saptmamsa consideration by saying
Putrpautradikanam vai chintanam Saptamamsake Ch. 8
Shloka 2 BPHS. i.e. sons and grandsons should be considered
from Saptamamsa chart. In so far as happiness and prosperity
through children is concerned, in Saptamamsa chart one must
consider following factors:- 1. Lagnesh of birth chart in Shubha
Saptamamsa and in Kendra or Trikona of Saptamamsa Lagna
chart avoiding 6th; 8th and 12th. 2. Similarly examine Jupiter,
Shiv Karaka of Saturn Sukha i.e. its placement in Shubha
Saptamamsa in Kendra or Trikona avoiding 6th, 8th, and 12th of
Saptamamsa. 3. Consider Lagna of Saptamesh for general
results of happiness and prosperity through children in general.
4. Consider 5th house of Saptamamsa for 1st child along with
Panchamesh of birth chart and of Saptamamsa chart.
5. Similarly consider 7th house of Saptmesh of birth chart and of
Saptamamsa chart. 6. Consider similarly 9th house of birth chart
and Saptamamsa chart along with 9th Lords of birth chart and
Saptamamsa for considering (a) 3rd child (b) first grandchild. The
great Parashar or Rishi has divided Rasis in 7 Divisions and has
named them. In it starts from the sign occupied by the Lagna and
the planet, while in even sign it starts from the 7th sign counted
from the sign of Lagna and occupied by the planet. It is
reproduced in Tabular from as under for ready reference: The
aforesaid names give results according to their names. Sage
Parashar has given an important clue through named
significators, to under stand the tendencies of a child and its
impact on the life of native for aforesaid purpose of happiness and
prosperity. However, a word of caution is essential for these
indications are relative and not absolute and stand modified by
benefic and malefic affluence seen through Shadbala,
Vaisheshikamsa and Asthakvarga Bala of Lagna and the
concerned planet, Mrutyu Bhagas and Arishthamsa of the Moon,
in case Moon is involved in any was with Lagna, 5th, 7th and 9th
of birth chart and Saptamamsa chart. The aforesaid significators
may be understood as per indications and results attributed to
them. Kshara - (00 to 4.17.8 57 in odd sign & 2504253" in even
signs): Kshar means corrosive, caustic, acid, pungent, and
saline. It is associated with Sanskrit proverbs which mean to
aggravate the pain which is already unbearable; to make bad
worse; and to add insult to injury. If the native is born in Kshar
Saptamamsa, he has no comfort from the children. They
aggravate the pain and agony as well as add insult to injury. The
native suffers humiliation, anxiety and grief because of them. This
rule is applicable not only to Lagna but also to 5th, 7th, and 9th
Lords of Birth chart as well as Saptamamsa chart, as well as Sthir
Karaka Jupiter. In case of a native Jupitor, the Sun and Ketu in
Kshar Saptamamsa in the 3rd from the Lagna in Meena in
Vargottama Navamsa the Jupiter is being combust, the native
has lost his only son. Ksheera - 4017.857" to 803417" in odd
signs and 2102543" to 2504252" in even signs): Ksheera means
milk. Milk is Satwik and nourishing in nature. If the natal
ascendant in Saptamamsa indicates that children of the native will
be of Satwik nature, and would provide nourishing care and
comforts of the native; and would enhance social and economic
status of the native. In the case of Shukh Abdullah Saturn in
Aquarius is of 4040 in Ksheer Saptamamsa. Just realize his
relations with his son Farukh Abdullah. Dadhi (801417" to
1205125 in odd signs and 170834" to 2102543 in even signs):
Dadhi is curd or yoghurt, coagulated milk, or say sour thick milk.
If the native is born in Dadhi Saptamamsa, the native is blessed
with steady, sober, soft and attractive children. Though children
maintain their identity by expressing their own independence
views but bow before the logic and decision of the native and thus
keep the prestige of the native rather they also try and tend to
enhance social and economic status of the native, by providing
disciplined nourishing care to the native. In the case of Sheikh
Abdulla Lagna Tula of 12005 is in Dadhi Saptamamsa and his
son Farukh Abdullah who himself is a doctor, one could imagine
the kind of care he would have provided to his father. Ajyam
(1205125" to 170834" in odd as well as even sign): Ajyam
means clarified butter, ghee and its purity is to be preserved for it
offered in obtain Ahuti in Havana to a deity. As such it is not just
clarified butter in everybodys kitchen. It implies that if the
Ascendant of a native falls in Ajyam Saptamamsa, he is blessed
with righteous, religiously, inclined, respectful and famous
children and nourish and nurse the native with name, fame, and
prosperity to the native as well as nourishment for Ajyam provides
nourishment to the body, mind and spirit, as well. Mrs. Indira
Gandhi had Mars, 5th Lord of Lagna in Scorpio 16022 and
Jupiter 9th Lord of Lagna as well as Saptamamsa in Taurus
15000 and connect with Rajiv Gandhi, as well as Rahul, Priyanka
and Varun Gandhi. However, I must draw attention to limits and
constraints of efficacy of Saptamamsa caused by Mrutyu
Bhaya, Gruha Yuddha, and Krura Shastiyamsa. In the case of a
Capricorn native Venus 5th Lord of Lagna and Mars 5th Lord of
Saptamamsa both are in Ajyam, but the only son was lost in
1984. Venus 14017 Taurus is in Mrutyu Bhaya. Mars 1303648"
also in Taurus, hence there is Gruha Yuddha between the two.
The Moon of 13023 is also in Taurus. All the three are in Krura
Shastiyamsa also: the Moon is in Ghora; Mars is in Davagani and
Venus is in Kaala Shastiyamsa. In Sarvashtakavarga there are
just 21 Bindus in 5th house. Moon has 3 Bindu in Taurus in its
own Ashtakavarga while Mars has also 3 there and Venus has 4
Bindu in its own Ashtakavarga all the three are in Ajyam
Saptamamsa. All the beneficence of the Moon, Venus and Mars
all the three in Pushkar Navamsa, Vargottama Navamsa, and
Panchamamsa, Ashwini, Dwadasamsa, Indra Trimsamsa could
not save the son of the native. It should mean that Mrutyu Bhaya
and Gruha Yuddha could wash off all the above said beneficence
of the three planets. Ikchhurasa (170834" to 2102543" in odd
signs and 803417" to 1205135" in even signs): Ikchhurasa
means sugarcane juice. It is sweet and nourishing. Children of a
native are born with Ascendant in Ikchhurasa Saptamamsa
though sweet in nature, and comforting, but firm and straight
forward, without showing total disregard to the native. They may
accept decisions of the native just for sheer regard to the native
despite disagreements. Sometimes disagreement may
predominate. If the 5th, 7th or 9th Lords of Saptamamsa are in
this Saptamamsa, the eldest, the second and 3rd child may be
behave in the same fashion respectively. Take the case of Vijay
Raj Scindhia her Venus in Leo 19039 for Gemini Ascendant
15034 and Ascendant of Saptamamsa Lagna is in Ikchhurasa, the
virtual tag end her life difference between the mother and her son
Madhav Rao Scindhia led to litigation between them. Maddya
Saptamamsa (2102543" to 2504252" in odd signs and
4017.857" to 801417" in even signs) Madhya means intoxicating,
gladdening, exhilarating effect caused by spirituous liquor, wine,
or any other intoxicating drink. If the native is born in Madhya
Saptamamsa his children may be from loving, easy going, joyful
and help the native to have an enjoyable life. Sheikh Abdullah had
Jupiter as well as Lagna Lord of Saptamamsa again Jupiter
7027 in Taurus in Maddya. Shuddha Jala (2504252" to 300 in
odd sign and 00 to 4017.8 57" in even signs): Shuddha Jala
means pure water. A native born with Ascendant in Shuddha Jala
Saptamamsa is blessed with chaste, religiously inclined,
transparent and innocent children with clean and upright habits.
Ordinarily such children are source soothing comfort, honour and
happiness to the native, if there is no affliction. But they are
proving to fall pray of mischievous, deceitful, devious friends.
They need protection against the company of bad people. Sheikh
Abdulla had his Lagna Lord Venus 02030 in Scorpio and this
Venus in Shuddha Jala influenced Mars, by occupying Scorpio
owned by Mars; and, in Saptamamsa Mars is 5th Lord influenced
by Venus. In case of Farukh Abdullah also Lagna Lord and
Karaka for children Jupiter in Sagittarius is of 26038 in Shuddha
Jala; is aspecting the Moon 5th Lord the 5th in Cancer in
Ikchhurasa Saptamamsa, by its 5th aspect. Dwadasamsa
Consideration: According to Shlokas of 66 to 69 of Ch. 36 Raja
Yogadhyaya of B.P.H.S of Dr. Suresh Chandra Misra, planets in
1st, 4th, 7th and 10th Dwadasamsa are Raj Yoga Kaaraka. They
fall in Kendra of Kaala Chakra i.e. natural zodiac. In the case of
Mrs. Indira Gandhi Mars 5th Lord is of 16022, hence in 7th
Dwadasamsa named as Mohan indicating nature of Rajiv
Gandhi and his Raja Yoga despite his initial reluctance to join
politics. Santan Karaka Jupiter (a) 150.0006" in Taurus in Mohan
Dwadasamsa is 9th Lord in Lagna as well as in Saptamamsa is
respectively placed in 11th and in 8th along with Rahu. In birth
chart he is in 11th and he is dispositor of Rahu indicating love
marriage of Rajiv as well as present status of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi
indicated by Jupiter aspected by the Sun and Mars in Mohan
Dwadasamsa. In Saptamamsa, Jupiter(R) being 9th Lord,
indicates Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka and Varun Gandhi.
Jupiter(R) is in 8th in Saptamamsa, with Rahu. Varga
Consideration, in my humble view, should not be made in isolated
consideration of one of the Vargas. It should be a composite
study of all related Vargas. Jai Muni of Dhruva Nadi II fame had
suggested minimum consideration of birth chart, Hora, Drekkana,
Trimsamsa and Navamsa. But my experiments on hundreds
of horoscope have led me to include in this consideration
Dasmamsa, Dwadasamsa, and Shastiyamsa. I never thought it
would be such a wonderfully rewarding experiment and
experience. Due to paucity of time, I could not take up Drekkana,
Trimsamsa, Dasmamsa, and just touched Dwadasamsa and
Shastiyamsa. Selecting Dasa in Programming Child Birth
According to Jataka Parijat, following house Lords are capable of
giving of birth to a child: (a) Jupiter himself, and 5th house Lord
from him; (b) Moon himself and 5th Lord from him; (c) 5th Lord
from Lagna; (d) 9th Lord from Jupiter; (e) 9th Lord from the Moon;
(f) 0th Lord from the Lagna; (g) Planet aspecting 5th house; (h)
Planet occupying 5th house; (i) One may add Jaiminis Putra
Kaaraka also. In addition to it is also said that Nakshatra Lord
indicated by Sphuta of Panchmesh plus Saptamesha is also
capable of giving a son, along with planet conjunct with it or
aspected by it. Jataka Parijat suggests that (a) 5th Lord, (b)
Putrakaraka Jupiter, (c) planet aspecting 5th, and (d) planet
occupying 5th house must be strong (in Shadbala, Varga Bala
and in Asthakavarga etc.) to bless the native with a son. But none
of these 4 should be Lord of 6th, 8th or 12th and none of them
should be weak for in that case instead of Putra Labha, loss of
son would be indicated. Select Dasa preferably within 5 to 7 years
from the date of marriage out of the above mentioned Dasas. In
selection it should be ensured that Dasa Lord and Antar Dasa
Lord should neither be debilitated, nor combust, nor involved in
Gruha Yuddha, nor in Mrutyu Bhaya, nor in Krura Shastiyamsa,
for such Dasa and Antar Dasa Lord shall be causing problems of
different kinds leading to anxiety. Similarly they should not
enemies of Lagna Lord and Rasi Lord for in that case they may
not be auspicious. Selecting Transit while programming Child
Birth: Another precaution in selecting Dasa and Antar Dasa is to
ensure at least one year trouble free period. For this we may take
resort to a Nadi Rule of Shubhabda. For finding Shubhabda, note
Rasi and Navamsa occupied by 8th Lord, and Rasi and Navamsa
in Trines to these Rasis and Navamsas; and also houses / Rasis
and Navamsa aspected by 8th Lord and Rasis and Navamsa in
Trials thereof. These Rasis and Navamsa indicate Krurabda when
Jupiter transits through them. Rasis and Navamsas other than
Krurabda indicating Rasi and Navamsa, become Shubhabda
when Jupiter transits, through them. Shubhabda shall be much
safer trouble free period and above one year. According to Jataka
Parijat add together Sphutas of Lagnesh and Panchmesh and find
out Rasi and Navamsa of this figure when Jupiter transits this
Rasi and Navamsa or trines thereof, one should expect birth of a
child (considering Desh Kaala and Patra). Child birth may also
be programmed in the light of circumspection and a Bhrigu Nadi
Rule. Shri C.S. Patel in his Nadi Astrology has translated this
rule as follows; Jupiters transit in the sign equal to Navamsa
occupied by ascendant Lord or a trine thereof on the degree of its
dispositor will cause birth of a son in 3rd Dasa (Vipattara
Dasa). Shri C.S. Patel referred to perhaps his own chart to
illustrate the point. In his case Lagna Lord Moon occupies Makar
Navamsa ( Tula 1205). Its trinal signs are Vrushabha and
Kanya. In the 3rd Dasa of Saturn when Jupiter was transiting
Kanya on it Lord Degrees 8s25013 a son was born on 19th
November 1945 and Jupiter on that date was of 25001 in Virgo.
Another Nadi rule of Deva Keralam (3) P.272 verse 5670-71 has
also been referred to by Shri. C.S. Patel. This rule directs us to
Note the Navamsa, occupied by the 5th Lord or the significator
Jupiter and then points out the probability of birth of a son by
saying when transit Jupiter comes to the sign identical with the
said Navamsa on the degree of that sign Lord, one will be get a
Important Points about Planets September 2014
Yashkaran Sharma
Related Articles | Views : 596 |
Planets and their Key Words

Planets Key Words

Sun Vital Energy

Moon Feelings

Mars Desire

Mercury Thoughts

Jupiter Faith

Venus Attraction

Saturn Boundaries

Rahu Life Goals

Ketu Karmic Past

Results of Planets Posited in Kendra as per Classical Authors

Planets Results
Planets Results

Sun Serves the King

Moon Business Minded

Mars Wrestler

Mercury Teacher

Jupiter Exceptionally Intelligent, Performs his task regularly

Venus Remains busy in conversation of laughter and pleasure

Saturn Servant of contemptible

Chakras & Ruling Planets

Chakra Position Planet

Mooladhara (bottom of spine, near the anus) Mercury

Swadhishthana (near private parts) Venus

Manipura (Navel) Mars

Anahata (Heart) Moon

Chakra Position Planet

Vishuddhi (Throat) Saturn

Agya (Centre of eyebrow) Jupiter

Sahasraar (top of head/Brahmarandhra) Sun

Sri Vishnu Dashavatar & Planets

Planets Dashavatar

Sun Lord Rama

Moon Lord Krishna

Mars Sri Narasimha

Mercury Lord Buddha

Jupiter Vamana

Venus Parshurama

Saturn Koorma

Rahu Varaha
Planets Dashavatar

Ketu Matsya

Planets & Deities

Planets Deities

Sun Agni (Fire)

Moon Jala (Water)

Mars Skanda (Kartikeya)

Mercury Vishnu

Jupiter Indra

Venus Shachi Devi

Saturn Brahma

Planets & Deities as per Jaimini Astrology

Planets Deities

Sun Shiva
Planets Deities

Moon Gauri

Mars Skanda

Mercury Vishnu

Jupiter Sambasiva

Venus Laxmi

Saturn Narayana

Rahu Durga

Ketu Ganesh

Planets & Deities as per Lal Kitab

Planets Deities Color Articles of Donationr

Sun Vishnu Wheatish Wheat, Copper

Moon Shiva Milky Rice, White articles, Silver, Pearl

Mars Hanuman Red Jaggery, Masoor Daal, Saunf

Planets Deities Color Articles of Donationr

Mercury Durga Green Moong Daal, Green articles

Jupiter Brahma Yellow Chana Daal, Saffron, Turmeric

Venus Laxmi Like Curd Rice, Shorghum(Jwar), Ghee

Saturn Bhairava Black Black Daal, Mustard oil, Iron

Rahu Saraswati Blue Barley, Mixed Grains, Blanket

Ketu Ganesh Black & White Til, Black saffron

Signs Ruled by Planets

Sign Planets

Sun Leo

Moon Cancer

Mars Aries, Scorpio

Mercury Gemini, Virgo

Jupiter Sagittarius, Pisces

Sign Planets

Venus Taurus, Libra

Saturn Capricorn, Aquarius

Constellation and Lords

Lord Constellation Constellation Constellation

Ketu 1. Aswini 10. Magha 19. Moola

Venus 2. Bharani 11. Purva phalguni 20. Purva-ashada

Sun 3. Krittika 12. Ut.phalguni 21. Uttara-ashada

Moon 4. Rohini 13. Hasta 22. Sharavana

Mars 5. Mrigsira 14. Chitra 23. Dhanishta

Rahu 6. Ardra 15. Swati 24. Satabhisha

Jupiter 7. Punarvasu 16. Visakha 25. Purvabhadrapada

Saturn 8. Pushya 17. Anuradha 26.Uttara-bhadrapada

Mercury 9. Aslesha 18. Jyeshta 27.Revati

Analysing a horoscope through Shashtimsha Chart, Panchanga Dosha
and Awastha of Planet November 2014
Raju Gupta
Related Articles | Views : 596 |

Shashtimsha Chart is among the finest division to study in Vedic

astrology. As calculations can be done precisely so to getting a
wide view of life is wasteful of astro techniques . Rather going in
for praising the use of D-60 verbally , I am presenting a model to
test it for yourself. Ask your astrologer to draw you D-60 chart and
give predictions accordingly. Its time to move on and leave the
wider view of D-1 Chart. Go for precious D-60 chart and get
accurate forecasting.
In D-60 chart do not use arudha lagna or arudhas as this chat is
realty and no illusion.
For example during a wedding ceremony its starts raining , then
every guest is targeted to get protection from rain but bride and
groom are the most important one. D-60 holds that importance in
Vedic astrology.
It is important to mention here that Mangalik effect , Maha dasha ,
Saturns dahiyas and every other aspect of chart should be looked
from D-60 chart and its moon . If this moon sign is also same in
D-9 chart then result will 100% fructify. For example chart of the
native used here , the native is passing through Venus MD and
Venus AD , with 4th laghu kalyankari dhiya of Saturn calculated
from moon of D-60 chart.
Before going to predict the results of various planets through D-60
chart and the profession applicable of various planets as per D-60
deities , first look at the panchang or the wide energies present at
the time of birth of native.
Panchang Details :- 19th August 1970 ; Time of Birth 11:06 AM
(+5:30 GMT) ; Place :- 80E2100 ; 26N2800 .
Panchang Dosha present at the time of natives birth :-
Dagdha yoga/Mritu yoga :- Vedic day Wednesday and 3rd tithi ;
Tithi Shoonya Rashis,Dagdha Rashis or burnt Rashis :-
TriteeyaTithi -Simha and Makara
Masa Soonya Nakshatra :- Shatbhisha and Revati.No planets in
these nakshatras.
Tithi Soonya Nakshatra:- Tritiya all three Uttara(Uttara - ashada,
phalguni, bhadrapada).
Masa Soonya Rashis :- Virgo
Now from the table given below we can find the planets and houses
having dosha :-
Body Longitude (in D-60 (Trd)) Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navams
Body Longitude (in D-60 (Trd)) Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navams

Lagna 23 Sg 40' 30.62" PSha 4 Sg Sc

Sun - AmK 24 Sg 02' 31.22" PSha 4 Sg Sc

Moon - MK 5 Cn 17' 18.15" Push 1 Cn Le

Mars - GK 2 Cp 31' 36.98" USha 2 Cp Cp

Mercury - PiK 4 Cn 39' 00.95" Push 1 Cn Le

Jupiter - PK 3 Sg 42' 15.01" Mool 2 Sg Ta

Venus - DK 1 Vi 18' 26.76" UPha 2 Vi Cp

Saturn - AK 27 Cp 04' 30.51" Dhan 2 Cp Vi

Rahu - BK 9 Vi 44' 42.38" UPha 4 Vi Pi

Ketu 9 Pi 44' 42.38" UBha 2 Pi Vi

Tithi Shoonya Rashis lords :-

Sun the lord of Leo the 9th lord placed in lagna and Saturn the
lord of Capricorn the 2nd house placed in 2nd house.
As Sun is 6th from moon so dosha get cancelled but 9th house
get destroyed so we had to look at karaka of 9th house for result
of 9th house . Sun and Jupiter are karaka for the 9th house and
there position will further tell about the 9th house result. Further
AmK , BK and PK also influence 9th house matters , so they has
to looked upon.
Now Saturn dosha also get cancelled because it is with natural
malefic Mars and in its nakshatra and Mars being a natural
malefic will give benefic results due to placement in Dagdha
Tithi Soonya Nakshatra:- Mars,Venus,Rahu and Ketu are in
Uttra nakshatras. So here Mars,Rahu,Ketu being natural benefic
will give good results where as Venus will give bad results.
Masa Soonya Rashis :- Rahu and Venus are placed in Virgo so
again Rahu will give good results and Venus will give bad results.
So based on the panchang dosha Venus is the most malefic
planet for this horoscope so matters related to relationship ,
business partnership , Spouse (as Venus is DK in D-60) will suffer
. So Adhi Devta Sachi and Pratyadi Devta Indra has to be
worshipped . Further Mars is also 12th lord and GK so it will bring
in diseases , competition etc. So Mars is also some what malefic
so worshipping of Lord Hanuman or Chetrapal devta is also
Now after determining the mood of planets we should look at in
what profession these planets are pushing the native. This can be
seen by the amasa ruler deties. Please look at both the amasa
rule in odd and even flow. Here you can get the idea in which
profession you can go and what success you can get as per you
dasa from D-60 moon. Below is the result of amasa ruler of
various planets for the native :-
Here native should avoid profession indicated by Venus and Mars
below as they are malefic for the chart.
56. Ati Shitala Amsa :- Shubha Amsa 'Yajika" Those who
perform Yagnas; Priests & Yagniks of any religion or tradition. 5.
Yakshamsa :- Traders of Elephants/vehicles: (Trucks); Plotters;
Cheats; Diplomats; Ambassadors; strategic minded.
56. Ati Shitala Amsa :- Shubha Amsa 'Yajika" Those who
perform Yagnas; Priests & Yagniks of any religion or tradition. 5.
Yakshamsa :- Traders of Elephants/vehicles: (Trucks);
Plotters;Cheats; Diplomats;Ambassadors; strategic minded.
6. Kinnaramsa :- Lipilekhana Tatparaha" Those Indulge in all
sorts of writing; writers poets, new journalists; typists; stenos &
clerks etc. 55. Krura Amsa :- KsheeradI Vikrayi" Those in
production and trading in relation to Milk, meat and soft drinks and
milk products / confectionaries/ / Hoteliers Coffee/ Teal Milk
houses etc.
6O. lndu Rekha :- Shubhamsa "phali" Those who trade in Pearls
and precious articles Fishermen; Owners of orchards or gardens.
46. Komala Amsa :- Shubha Amsa" Adhikari " : (Mudranadhikari)
; Those IAS, ICS, IPS and others Senior rank person elin
Govt/Civil Administration/Local bodies/Co-op bodies/ Autonomous
bodies / public sector ( Govt controlled units) etc.
15. Kala Amsa :- Papamsa
Vasanadhipa,Gamblers / Betters ; Drunkards; sudden fortune
mongers; Race goers; Bookies; Stock brokers; and windfall
mongers; all types of speculators etc.
24. Maheshwara Amsa :- Shubhamsha Gramanam
Adhikarakruta " Those landlords, heads of villages/ towns;
Jamindars; Elected local Admn. heads as Municipalities/Co-op
bodies etc. 57. Sudha Amsa Shubha Amsa :- "Panditaha"; A
scholar; A learned person well versed in Shastras; Professors /
Lecturers / Acharyas/gurus in different fields.
58. Payodhi Amsa :- Shubha Amsa "Adhyaksha" lns p e c t o r s
/ P r e s i dents/SuPerintendents/Chairmen Principals of
Institutions. 3. Devamsa :- Those who impart science of
Para/Apara vidyas purohits etc.
2O. Komala Amsa :- Shubhamsha "lata Pushpa Phala Yikrayi"
/Yaidyaha"All those dealing in fruits/Dry fruits/ Vegitables /llerbal
Medicines /Neutropathy/tlomeo pathy / Doctors /tlakims / Phakirs /
Veg. Vendors/All Production/Trading units in Food/ confe ctionary
related items; All physicians of Allopathy/Unani. 41.
Kulanasaamsa Papa Amsa " Vanik ' ; Those travel stay on other
places for trading/ business purposes; (Doora Desa
Vyaparasthulu) Dealers of import/ export goods; Travelling
business men / Representatives / in and abroad in journeys.
2O. Komala Amsa :- Shubhamsha "lata Pushpa Phala Yikrayi"
/Yaidyaha"All those dealing in fruits/Dry fruits/ Vegitables /llerbal
Medicines /Neutropathy/tlomeo pathy / Doctors /tlakims / Phakirs /
Veg. Vendors/All Production/Trading units in Food/ confe ctionary
related items; All physicians of Allopathy/Unani. 41.
Kulanasaamsa Papa Amsa " Vanik ' ; Those travel stay on other
places for trading/ business purposes; ( Doora Desa
Vyaparasthulu ) Dealers of import/ export goods; Travelling
business men / Representatives / in and abroad in journeys.
Now after determining the profession indicated by various planets
its time to see the Sayanadi wastha ( activity and state of planet
)and there intensity (strength).
If an auspicious planet is in good state and intensity then it will
give auspicious result , if in low intensity then vedic remedies to
mark up the intensity of planet will be suggested. If Planet is
inauspicious and in high intensity then vedic remedies to pacify
the planet will be suggested and if planet is inauspicious and in
low intensity or auspicious planet in high intensity then no vedic
remedies are required.
This is calculated as follows :-
[{Star number of the Planet(Starting from Ashwani) X Planet
Number(Starting from Sun) X Navamsa Number } + Moon Star
Number + Running Ghati at birth(convert sunrise time to birth time
in minutes and divide by 24) + lagna number] / (divide this for
each planet by 12) 12. The reminder will give Sayanadi awastha
of planet. If reminder is 0 then it means 12 .
To get the intensity of the planet multiply the awastha of planet by
itself and add value of 1st syllable on native name and divide it by
12 . If reminder is 0 than take it as 12.
To the reminder add for different planets as described below :-
( For Sun=5, Moon, Mars=2, Mercury, Venus, Saturn=3, Rahu,
Ketu=4 and Jupiter=5) and further divide by 3. The reminder if 0
means no intensity , 1 means half intensity and 2 means full
Syllable of name should be as mention below :-

1 for ,,,,, and

2 for ,,,,, and
3 for ,,,,, and
4 for ,,,,, and
5 for ,,,,, and

All these calculations are for D-60 chart .

For Example Sun is in Poorva Ashada Nakshatra the 20th
nakshatra, Scorpio Navamsa the 8th navmasa of Dhanus , Planet
number for Sun is 1 , Moon is in Pushya the 8th Nakshatra , birth
time is 11:06 AM and Sun Rise time is 05:46 AM so 13.30 Ghati
or 14th ghati running and lagna number is 9th the Dhanus. 20 X 1
X 8 = 160 + 8 + 14 + 9 = 191 / 12 = reminder 11 so Kauthuka .
Similarly for Moon=3 Netrapani ; Mars = 10 Nrityalipsa ; Mercury
= 11 Kauthuka ; Jupiter = 5 Gamana ; Venus = 7 Sabha ; Saturn
= 4 Prakasana ; Rahu = 7 Sabha ; Ketu = 1 Sayana .
Now intensity calculation for Sun. (11 X 11 X 4 )/12 = reminder 4.
( 4 + 5) / 3 = 0 means no capacity to give result.
Similarly Moon = 2 Full ; Mars = 0 Nil ; Mercury = 1 Medium ;
Jupiter = 0 Nil ;
Venus = 1 , Medium ; Saturn = 1 Medium ; Rahu = 2 Full ; Ketu =
0 Nil.
Sun = 11 Kauthuka , Sun = 0 Nil :- Will always be happy, will be
endowed with Vedic Knowledge and will perform Yagyas, will
move amidst kings, have fear from enemies, will be charming-
faced and be endowed with knowledge of poetry.
So applying the result of panchanga viz.. that Sun is auspicious
and lord of 9th house ; D-60 amasa lord result that native will be
of diplomatic mindset or dealer of big cars and vehicles or perform
vedic pooja and awastha being of getting knowledge and moving
among kings , the native can easily go for this profession by
strengthening the SUN as Sun has 0 or little intensity. Similarly
this can be interpretated for other planets and conclusion can be
Moon=3 Netrapani , Moon = 2 Full :- Will be troubled by great
diseases (long lasting in nature), be very garrulous, wicked and
will indulge in bad deeds.
Similarly if native wants to do profession of moon he can go for
but it will bring diseases along with as it is in full intensity.
Mars = 10 Nrityalipsa , Mars = 0 Nil :- The native will earn wealth
through the king and will be endowed with fullness of gold,
diamonds and corals in his house. Should Mangal be in Nritya
Lips and happens to be in Lagna, Dhan, Yuvati, or Karma, the
native will receive all kinds of happiness; there will be miseries in
abundance, if Mangal is in Nritya Lips and placed in Randhr, or
Dharm, apart from incurring untimely death. In other Bhavas
Nritya Lips of Mangal will make the native akin to Kuber.
Mars being a malefic planet for the native but desirous to give
happiness but has no strength , if native wants to be in profession
of clerk , books publication etc. then prayer to Lord Hanuman is
Mercury = 11 Kauthuka , Mercury = 1 Medium :- in Kautuk in
Lagn, the native will be skilful in music; if Budh is in Yuvati, or
Randhr with Kautuk, the native will be addicted to courtezans; if
Budh in Kautuk is placed in Dharm, the native will be meritorious
and attain heavens after death. No remedy required.
Jupiter = 5 Gamana , Jupiter = 0 Nil :- will be adventurous, happy
on account of friends, scholarly and endowed with Vedic learning
and with various kinds of wealth.
Here native can become top government office or gambler but
Jupiter has no intensity to give.
Venus = 7 Sabha , Venus = 1 Medium :- will earn eminence in the
kings court, will be very virtuous, will destroy enemies, be equal
to Kuber in wealth, will be charitable, will ride on horses and will
be excellent among men.
For Venus its amasa ruler is auspicious and its awastha and
intensity is also good , but being malefic the all goodies are
denied so worship Shri Sachi and Indra.
Saturn = 4 Prakasana , Saturn = 1 Medium :- will be very virtuous,
very wealthy, intelligent, sportive, splendourous, merciful and
devoted to Lord Shiva.
Importance of Nakshatra September 2014
Yashkaran Sharma
Related Articles | Views : 592 |
"Naksha" is "map" and "tara" is "star" and so Nakshatra is "Star Map."
In the eyes of the ancient Vedic (Indian) seers the 27 Nakshatras
(constellations) map the sky. 'Nakshatras' is the name given to the
constellations or mansions of the Moon, as the Moon resides in each of
these constellations for one day.
Predictive technique Based on a person's moon Nakshatra at the time of
birth, is most accurate as compared to other forms of astrology.
The Nakshatras are classified in various ways, according to basic
attribute, primary motivation (Kama - sensual desires; Artha - material
desires; Dharma - living life based on spiritual principles; Moksha -
liberation from birth and death), sex, caste, species and so on.
Nakshatras are particularly revealed by their presiding deities, ruling
planets and their symbolic form.
In Vedic astrology, for exploring the personality traits the birth star
(Nakshatra of the Moon) is taken under consideration primarily.
Nakshatra positions of planets are examined in the birth chart as well.
The use of Nakshatra is most important in Vedic astrology.
Indian seers say that the Nakshatras represent the abodes into which the
fruits of our labor (our Karma) is transferred and stored. The Nakshatras
dispense the fruits of Karma, the highest of which is the fruit of our
worship and meditation, our spiritual labor of life.
Vedic astrology uses a system of planetary periods called Dasha (Major
Period) of various planets based on the Moon Nakshatra at the time of
birth. Most important is Vimshottari Dasha, a 120-year-long cycle of
planetary positions based upon the birth Nakshatra, stars. The planetary
periods of Vedic astrology provide an easy and comprehensive system
for judging the effects of planets throughout out our lives. The planetary
periods are the most accurate system of how the planets distribute their
effects through time and different stages of our lives. The major seven
planets plus two lunar nodes are assigned periods ranging from 6 to 20
Since the constellation or nakshatra where moon finds its presence is
known as the Janma Nakshatra and as moon influences the mental
aspects of the native, nakshatra of the moon thus casts its indelible
influence on moon. With each nakshatra having a planetary lord, the
placement of the same (planetary lord) determines the initial dasa or
'phase' in the horoscope of a native. Nakshatra lords also play an
important role in determining the essential quality of a person besides
helping to assess the focal points of his energy and ambition.

Use of Astrology for Cure of Diseases October 2005

B.L Sharma
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 588 |
Science of astrology can foretell the probability of Health problem
likely in store for any individual. Astrologer can predict such event
in advance. Everybody wants to be happy and healthy. There is
one old saying that health is wealth. We know that systematic life-
style with regular physical exercise may keep us healthy. As per
chapter 251 of "MATASYA" Puran- gods and demons done the
churning of ocean. As a result of churning of ocean, Nectar and
poison were found. And Shri DHANWANTARI- the first Doctor of
this world came out of ocean. He took charge of Health Care in
this world. He propagated AYURVED as a system of medicine in
India, We know that even surgery was also successful during
vedic age. Transplantation of head of a baby elephant on the
body of Shri Lord Ganesh is very well known to all of us. Ashwini
Kumars are well known physicians of gods and goddesses.
Principles of Medicine and, surgery were well known to Nakul and
Sahdev youngest Pandav twin brothers. They know the principles
of Veterinary medicine. Other famous Arurved Doctors are
CHARAK and SUSHRUTA. Vedic astrology advocates remedial
Measures in the form of pleasing the planets, who are markesh
and troublesome by various methods well known to every
astrologer. Our ancient doctors had complete knowledge of
astrological principles. As per description given in VAMAN Puran,
lord Shri Shankar danced in anger with dead body of goddess
Mother Sati in his hands and his body was expanded so much
that it covered whole universe. His whole body was covering
twelve Rashi and all twenty-seven Nakshatra. Whatever part of
his body covering a particular rashi- became the basis of Medical
astrology. His Head covered Mesh Rashi, hence mesh rashi
represents Head of a person and so on. Doctor having knowledge
of principles of Medical astrology may be able to diagnose the
illness quickly. Similarly Astrologers, who are not doctors, should
have knowledge of Human Anatomy for better predictions about
nature of illness in store for any particular person. Sixth house in
birth chart represents House of illness and eighth house:)
represents death. These two houses maybe examined first in the
birth chart. Now I will describe the particulars of each Rashi
representing particular part of body. 1. First House/ Mesh lagna or
Rashi Head, brain, person having this rashi- lagna has high
resistance power. It is fiery sign and person is most active in life.
Ruby gem and Sun is helpful for him. It is Rajasik ( Active
passionate and agitated) sign. 2. Second house- or Vrish (Taurus)
Rashi lagna -Face, Neek throat, Right eye. It is earthy sign and
person concerned is like a businessman in his dealings. Such
person generally keeps sound health. Green colour and emerald
gem is helpful to such persons. Saturn is karaka planet for this
sign. It is tamsik (Dull and in active) sign. 3. Third house- or
Mithun (Gemini) Rash, lagna shoulders, Arms, hands, lungs and
breath. This is airy sign and may affect breathing system, green
colour, emerald gem and mercury are helpful to Gemini born
persons. It is sattvik (Pure, serene and harmonious) sign. 4.
Fourth house or Karka (Cancer) Rashi- lagna- chest-breast,
epigastri region, stomach and digestive organs. It is watery sign
and the person concerned possesses low resistance power. Red
coral is lucky and helpful for such persons. Mars is karaka planet
for them. It is Rajasik (active, passionate and agitated) sign. 5.
Fifth house simha (Leo) Rashi-lagna- spine, back and Heart. It is
Fiery sign persons of this sign have high resistance power. Red
Coral is helpful for them. Mars is Karaka planet for them. It is
tamsik (Dul and inactive) sign. 6. Sixth house or Kanya (Virgo)
Rashi- lagna- Abdominal and ambillical region and Bowels,
intestines. Sixth house and Kanya rashi in birth chart are house of
illness. These may be examined minutely in the birth chart to find
out probable illness in store for the person concerned. Virgo is
earthy sign- and person having this sign is having normal
resistance, green colour and green emerald are helpful to such
persons. Mercury is karka planet for them. It is sattvik ( Pure,
serene and harmonious) sign. 7. Seventh house or Tula (Libra)
Rashi- lagna Lumber region, Skin and Kidneys. It is airy sign that
is why it also affects breathing system. Saturn is karaka planet for
them. It is Rajasik (active,- passionate and agitated) sign. 8. Eight
house or Vrashchic(Scorpio) Rashi-lagna- urinary and sexual
organ, anus, generative organs and bladder. It is a watery sign
and person concerned has low resistance)jupiter is karaka planet
for them. It is tamasik (dull and inactive) sign. 9. Ninth house or
Dhanu (Sagittarius) Rashi lagna- hips, thighs, arterial system and
nerves. It is firy sign and the person concerned will have high
resistance. Yellow colour and pukhraj are helpful to such persons.
Jupiter is karaka planet for them it is sattavik (pure, serene, and
harmonious) sign. 10. Tenth house- maker (Capricorn) Rashi-
lagna knees, hams, bones and joints. It is earthy sign and person
concerned is hard working. Blue colour and blue sapphire are
helpful to such persons. Venus is karaka planet for them. It is
Rajasik ( active, passionate and agitated) sign. 11. Eleventh
house or Kumbh (Aquarius) Rashi- lagna- legs, ankles and blood .
circulation. It is airy sign and person concerned has low
resistance. Venus is karaka planet for them. It is tamasik (dultand
inactive) sign. 12. Twelfth house or Meena (Pisces) rashi- lagna
Feet, toes and lymphatic system. It is watery sign and person
concerned has low resistance. Pearl is most helpful to such
persons. Jupiter is karka planet for them. It is sattvik (pure, serene
and harmonious) sign. Now we will discuss the names of
particular health problems governed by each of nine planets.
They rule over certain aspect of Iife and health. We judge the
placement of "KARKA" planets for each birth sign to find out well
being of individual. Similarly we should judge placement of karka
planets in Medical Astrology generally the planets owning sixth,
eight and third house are responsible for any health problem.
Names of KARAKA planets are given in above paragraphs for
each lagna- Rashi for ready reference. Health problems governed
by each planet are detailed below for ready reference. . 1. Sun-
Stomach, right eye, heart, bile, bones, bums, injuries and
disturbances of blood circulation. Father may suffer if sun is under
Influence malefic planets. 2. Moon- Mind, blood, left eye, breast,
fluids in the body, emotions, menstrual cycle and mother may
suffer if moon is under influence of malefic planets. 3. Mars-
Head, High B.P., bums, injury surgical operation, miscarriage,
musculature, sound health and bile. 4. Mercury- Throat, ears,
nose, speech lungs, impotence and younger brothers/sisters may
suffer if mercury is under the influence of Malefic planets. 5.
Jupiter- Ear trouble, liver, gallbladder, diabetes, and FAT in the
body. 6. Venus- Veneral disease, seminal fluid intestines, sexual
act and pervasion, appendix, diabetes, stones in the urinary tract
and appendix. 7. Saturn- Feet, legs, paralysis, incurability,
exhaustion, melancholy and longevity. 8. Rahu- Snake bite,
incurable disease, phobias, bones, poisoning. 9. Ketu- Viral and
infective diseases epidemics, defective speech, surgical
operation, and diagnostic confusion. Wherever any plane( is
afflicted or is weak he may be responsible to give problems in the
part of body etc as we discussed in above paragraph. But each
planet governs many items, we should be careful to study the
aspect minutely before reaching any conclusion. If we are able to
know the name of any particular health problem likely for any
person, such person may be guided to take precautions for it.
Some rules of medical Astrology are also given In our
veda/purana. For example as per sloka 78 of chapter II of third
part of Vishnu purana, we should sit facing East or North while
taking meals. It may keep digestion system in proper order, which
may keep sound health) similarly as per sloka 111 of chapter 11
of Vishnu Purana (third part); we should keep head in east or
South while sleeping to keep sound Health. We should never
sleep keeping head in North. Our Head is Magnet in the body and
North Pole is having Magnetic power of Earth. If we sleep keeping
Head in North, the magnet of earth and magnet of body may epal
and we may not have sound sleep resulting in many health
problems like high B.P. etc. These simple rules given in Vishnu
Purana can be followed by every body without any difficulty to
keep sound Health. Astrological analysis is like medical diagnosis.
Astrologer cannot act as a Doctor, but he can give proper
indication for any ind. For example- if Tula lagna- rashi in any
birth chart is afflicted, such person may suffer from illness
indicated against this rashi in above paragraphs like problem in
Lumber region similarly suppose sun is afflicted in birth chart, it
may give heart problem etc. eight house in the birth chart is house
of longevity and third house is eight from eight house, hence it
may also be examined along with sixth, eight house and their
lords. If venus is afflicted in third house it may give diabetes- and
Moon in third house with affliction may give problems like T .B.
etc. Lord of eighth house is more harmful than rest. It becomes
more harmful, if owns. Third or seventh house as well. These
points may be kept in view at the time of analyzing birth chart
from Health point of view. We may also keep these points in view
that lords of third, sixth and eleventh are functional Malefices and
lords of sixth, eighth and twelfth are particularly adverse as far as
health is concerned. In the end I would like to give some
examples of real cases dealt with by me as per Medical Astrology.
Skin Problem: One female Asstt. Professor having dare of birth as
29-07-1965 with Aries birth sign and cancer birth rashi. Her eighth
lord mars is in sixth house owned by mercury (both enemy).
Mercury is for skin problem and mars is for blood related problem.
She had skin problem like white spots. Mantra lap for mars and
(gift) Dan for mars related Items cured the female completely.
Heart Problem :.Another case of one famous P .G. Doctor having
date of birth 10-10-1934 with Gemini birth sign and Tula Rashi-
head heart problem during 1974. He was in foreign count during
1972-73 and again from 1984 to 1990. In his case lord of sixth
house mars is in third house owned by Sun. In its turn lord of third
house Sun is in sixth rashi Kanya. Lord of fifth house venus as a
lord of twelfth is also afflicted by Sun in fourth house. This is
Astrological reason for heart problem- as fourth, fifth house and
Sun are responsible for heart problem. In this case Pooja for mars
and Sun was got done with gift (Dan) of items relating to these
planets. Person concerned is still active at the age of 68 years. It
may also be on account of puja of planets responsible for such
health problem. At present he is under the influence of venus
mahadas. High B.P.: One MOBS Doctor having his date of birth
as 17-04-1968 with Scorpio rashi and jyeshtha nakshatra. His
wife is also a doctor. He had problem of high B.P. during the year
1996-97 and was admitted in Hospitals at Bhopal and at Delhi. He
consulted me, I suggested him to wear pearl and also suggested
change of kitchen in his house form North -East to South -East.
He followed my instructions and now his high B.P. is in control
and he is practising physician. Breast Cancer: One female with
date of birth as 18-10-1960- Tula lagna and Taurus Rashi Jupiter
is markesh for her and she had to undergo surgical operation of
Breast Cancer on 12-12-2000 during Jupiter mahadasa and
Jupiter anterdasa. Lord of fourth house governing Breast is in
third house with markesh- Jupiter. It is eighth house lord from
rashi and third and sixth lord in third house from birth sign. Timing
of event of health problem can be judged with the help of dasa,
anterdasa periods. In this case it is explained that mahadasa and
anterdasa of markesh gave problem. She has been asked to
conduct pooja of Jupiter to avoid future complications. At present
she is having sound health and working in Govt. of India. Blood
Cancer : One boy having date of birth as 25-10- 1982 with Dhanu
lagna, maker rashi. Mars responsible for blood circulation is with
ketu in lagna with full aspect of Saturn on it is main cause of
blood cancer. This boy is under treatment at present. Sun is in
debility with Saturn in eleventh house is also cause of this illness.
Moon eighth lord is in second house. These are the factors mainly
responsible for blood cancer. At present he is having Rahu
Mahadasa and Jupiter anterdasa upto 10-05-2004. Rahu is
having full aspect on Moon responsible for defective blood ratio,
causing blood cancer proper remedial measures are being done
by him for relief. He is also under treatment of Allopathic Doctors
at Bombay. Kidney Problem: One person with date of birth as 24-
11-1971 having cancer birth sign and Capricorn rashi is suffering
from kidney problem. Seventh house governs kidney problem.
Venus governs kidney. Third and twelfth lord mercury is in sixth
house with eleventh lord Venus. That is why he is having kidney
problem. In this case lagna lord moon is with Rahu in seventh
house owned by eighth lord Saturn. Jupiter is sixth lord that is
why problem started during Jupiter M.D. and mercury A.D. from
18-3-2000 to 24-6-2002. At present he is having Jupiter MD &
Ketu AD. Hundreds of such cases were dealt with by me, but a
few are discussed here to save space. We should also remember
that persons having Agni Tatwa (Firy) sign- Rashi have got
highest resistance and these of watery sign have lowest
resistance. This point may also he kept in mind at the time of
analyzing birth chart.

Who will be a Successful Astrologer by K.P. System April 2007

Sharad Tripathi
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 579 |
To check up whether one will be a good astrologer or not,
the horoscope should be cast very correctly according to K.P.
According to Westerners, Uranus gives knowledge in astrology.
Good aspects between Jupiter and Mercury is good for study and
prediction. Uranus is good for invention and research, as such it is
not suited for practical purpose. The ascendant and the 9th cusp
it connected with Saturn and Mars, show that he will be a good
astrologer. Saturn and Moon in 1, 3, 9 or 10 give desire to learn
astrology. Uranus with good aspects with Jupiter makes on a
research scholar. Mercury forming good aspects with Uranus
produces one with deep consideration and ability to judge
properly and interpret correctly. Mars forming harmonious aspects
with mercury gives argumentative faculty, success in the material
field and leadership in all pursuits. Harmonious aspects between
Mercury and Moon, show clear exposition, proper wording and
intuition. The sub-lord of the ascendant should be the significator
of the 9th or 12th house the 12th house shows occult science
while the 9th shows higher studies of philosophy
religion, astrology etc. Jupiter should be in the sub, the lord of
which is the significator of the 9th or the 12th. Moon should be in
the sub of a planet who is significator of the 9th or the 12th. Any
of these planets in the subruled by the significator of 10th shows
name, fame, reputation and honour. Any of these in the sub
governed by the significator of the 11th, promises success. Saturn
in the sub of the significators of the 9th or the 12th gives sound
knowledge. Planets in the sub or constellation of occupants or
owner of the second house facilitate expression in meticulous
detail. Planets in the sub or constellation of occupants or owner of
the 3rd give opportunity to edit, print and publish if the 3rd house
is connected with mars. Otherwise one can only contribute
articles. Good aspects between Saturn and Mercury, show that
they will be exact, precise, methodical, good in mathematics
besides forethought, persistence and reasoning ability. Venus and
Uranus in good aspect will confer titles. If Jupiter and Venus form
a vignette aspect, the native will be conferred a title. If Jupiter and
Venus from a vigintihe aspect native will be conferred a title. If
Jupiter, Mercury and Mars are the significators of 2, 10 and 11, he
will be an editor or publisher. Jupiter and Mercury, significators of
3 and 9, will make him a journalist. According to the traditional
method, moon in cancer make the native an astrologer. Those
born in sathabisha star or sakuna karana can learn astrology.
Mercury in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 or the 11th house, Venus and
Mercury in 2nd and 3rd or Gemini with Jupiter in 2 or lord of 2nd
becoming strong make the native an Astrologer. If Mercury is in
lagna or 4th or 7 th or 10th or lord of 2nd is exalted or if Venus is
in mithuna or kanya or Dhanus or in its exalted position, the native
will be an astrologer. New Findings If the sub lord of the 2nd cusp
is in the 7th from 2nd and becomes a strong significator of the
2nd, the native will study or know the shastras the type of
shastras has to be decided by reference to the planets. If the
same sub lord aspects or becomes the significator of the 9th or
the 12th, it is definite that the he will be a good astrologer or good
in occult science. Sensitive Points in Astrology 18-00" to 18-
30' in odd signs and 11-30' to 12-00' in even signs denote
"learned in shastras", this may indicate scientists, professors etc.
20-30' to 21-00' in odd signs and 9-00' to 9-30' in even signs
denote "all scholars dealing with vedas and vedangas, will be
versed in astrology, ayurveda and such subjects which come
under vedangas". 21-00' to 21-30' in odd signs and 8-30' to
9-00' in even signs denote those "well versed in shastras,
scholars, teachers etc. 23-00' to 23-30' in odd signs and 6-30'
to 7-00' in even signs denote accountants, statisticians,
astrologers, astronomers etc.

Kaalsarp Yoga January 2014

Amar Agrawal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 578 |
Kaalsarpa yoga is said to be formed if all the planets are situated
on one side of Rahu/Ketu axis and fi ve houses on the other side
of Rahu/ Ketu axis lie vacant. Strictly speaking Kaalsarpa Yoga
does not fi nd a place in classical astrological literature. How this
yoga gained currency and gathered a sinister meaning is still a
unsolved riddle. As far as the defi nition of Kaalsarpa Yoga as
given above generally holds good but it does not mean that the
said Yoga is so dreadful as projected by fellow astrologers so as
to create a sense of fear in the minds of common men. Some of
the learned persons opine that if all the planets are situated
between Ketu and Rahu this yoga does not exist. But irrespective
of whether the planets are between Rahu and Ketu or Ketu and
Rahu the Yoga technically exists. The general belief is that
Kaasarpa Yoga is evil restraining all other good yogas present in
the horoscope and those having Kaalsarpa Yoga in
their horoscopes will have set-backs and reverses in life. Some
says that this yoga is capable of nullifying the most powerful
dhanayogas rendering a rich man poor. But it is not so. In
interpreting Kaalsarpa Yoga, consideration should be given to the
houses which are mainly involved, eg.1st and 7th, 2nd and 8th,
3rd and 9th, 4th and 10th, 5th and 11th, 6th and 12th. In each
case the results could be different depending upon other
horoscopic factors i.e if Rahu/Ketu axis involves 1st and 7th
house it is not good for marital happiness but this is natural
behaviour of nodes.In case lord of 7th house or Venus is powerful
and placed in any of favourable houses the evil results should not
be predicted.Hence one thing is very much clear that kaalsarpyog
does not cause any debacle but it is node's natural behaviour.Had
kaalsarpyog damaging effect then in presence of strong 7th lord
or Venus these are nullified is an indication that kaalsarp does not
harm but other planetary position in a horoscope can be the
cause of harm.This rule is applicable to each and every house.
Kaalsarpyog has its bright shades also. It makes one industrious,
hard-working and aware of one's own mental abilities. It raises the
native to top position in one's respective field provided of course
other Raja yogas are present in the horoscope. One thing worth
mentioning is Rahu-Ketu axis favour rise in mundane life while
Ketu-Rahu axis indicates elevation in spiritual matters. Note: After
reading above two paras one can conclude that Rahu-Ketu-Rahu
axis is not bad at all as it is being labelled. One thing is worth
remembering that suffering due to any reason strengthens the
mind and mellows one's outlook. This is blessing of Kaalsarp
yoga. There are some important factors to be noted and given
due importance: (1) In kaalsarpa yoga horoscope, the evil gets
intensified if the lagna is between Ketu-Rahu. But in case lagna
and its lord are strong and well placed these results should not be
pronounced. (2) The evil gets neutralised if lagna is between
Rahu-Ketu and lord of lagna is well placed in the horoscope. (3)
The yoga can be considered as defunct even if a single planet is
with Rahu or Ketu or out side the Rahu-Ketu-Rahu axis. Thus it is
very much loud and clear there is no place for "aanshik kaalsarp
yoga". The original sloka refers to 'agrerahu' i.e Rahu must be the
main or prominent planet meaning by the yoga is effective only if
planets are between Rahu and Ketu. Another factor worth
remembering is if the planet/planets associated with Rahu or Ketu
are strongly disposed by being in its sign of exaltation or in its
mooltrikona or in its own house the impact of Rahu and Ketu is
nullified. The common fear that if Kaalsarpa yoga is fully present
in the birth chart the effects of other good planetary combinations
get nullified, whereas this statement does not have any logic
since kaalsarpa yoga itself does not harm but problem arises
when the other planet/planets are not in state of delivering good
results. These are horoscopes having complete kaalsarpa yoga
but the native to whom chart belongs have progressed in every
sphere of life. NOTE: Here the studies have been restricted to the
outcome of Kaalsarpa Yoga only: ChartNo.1: Male Native
DOB:04/05/1973, TOB:01:15, POB:Chandigarh. This native has
Rahu in 12th house and Ketu in 6th house and rest of the planets
are scattered from house 1st to 5th house thus a complete
Kaalsarpa yoga (as defined) is present. Native after doing his post
graduation appeared for Punjab State Services and cleared the
examination for Tehsildar.Got selected and doing very well.It was
during Rahu's mahadsha.In this period native got married, was
blessed with a daughter and a son.Very shortly he will be
promoted as SDM. ChartNo.2: Female Native DOB:04/05/1973,
TOB:21:30, POB:Jullunder (Punjab) Chart belongs to a female
native.Rahu is in 2nd house and Ketu is in 8th house.Rest of the
planets are disposed in sign Capricorn to sign Taurus hence the
conditions for kaalsarpa yoga are fulfilled. Native did her
graduation in medicines from India and for her higher studies she
moved to Canada did her MD in Gynaecology and well employed
in a hospital in Canada. Happily married to a well qualified doctor
and having two kids. ChartNo.3:Female Native DOB15/02/1985,
TOB:03:35, POB: Rampuraphul(Punjab) The native of this chart is
having Rahu in 5th house in sign Aries while Ketu in 11th house
in sign Libra.Rest of the planets are in sign Scorpio to sign Pisces
thus the conditions are met with kaalsarp yoga in chart. Native did
her BTech in computer sciences and after that went for MBA after
completing her studies she is employed in a MNC and drawing a
handsome package. Chart No.4:Male Native. DOB:19/09/1933
TOB:20/10, POB:Bombay. This chart belongs to a male native
with sign Aries rising in lagna.Rahu is in 11th house in sign
Aquarius while Ketu is in 5th house in sign Leo. Rest of the
planets are disposed between sign Virgo to sign Capricorn thus
the conditions for kaalsarpa yoga are met . Native served in
Indian army and retired as chief of Army.Was decorated with
highest order of recognitions. After the retirement he got coveted
political post and his last posting was as governor of Punjab and
Chandigarh. Conclusion: In all the horoscopes discussed,
complete Kaalsarpa yoga is present.Inspite of kaalsarpa yoga all
the natives did well in all the spheres of life. Hence it can be
deduced that if otherwise horoscope is strong and it contain
positive yogas kaalsarp yoga fail to do any harm. In case other
planetary combinations are missing at the same time ascendant
and its lord are weak and ill disposed one is likely to suffer and
that too not due to kaalsarpa yoga but due to the weakness of
referral houses and their lords.

Extra Marital Relations October 2005

Rajinder Kapil
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 569 |
In marriage more attention must be given to the planets and their
positions and under no circumstances the following types of
combinations should appear in the matching of horoscope of the
boy and the girl since their mere existence shall spoil the married
life of the couple and shall tend to have extramarital relations.
12th house as counted from Lagna denotes the bed comforts of
the native and therefore the 6th being the 12th house to the 7th
house that is bed comforts of the spouse. In this way we have to
study the Lagna Lord of the Lagna, Sun and Moon of the native
along with the position of Venus in the case of
Male Horoscope and Mars in the female Horoscope. We shall
have separate set of rules for the both to judge their extra marital
relations, compatibility -with the husband and the compassionate
atmosphere between the husband and the wife balancing of
interpersonal relations and their joint working in society.
Male Horoscopes 1. Venus is the lord of 2nd and 7th sign is
exalted in the 12th sign and debilitation in the 6th sign and has
Libra as its Mool Trikon Sign. In case of Venus in any of these
signs the relations with the opposite partner are smooth and good
and if aspected by benefic planets or by Jupiter. This is the
situation under which the native enjoys the situation and is
satisfied with its Youth married life. It gets imbalanced if the
Planet Venus is associated with the malefic Planets or is
aspected by the malefic Planets or is posited in the trik houses. In
case Venus is aspected by the Planet Saturn, Mars, Rahu and
Ketu or is associated with any of the se planets the sexual/
Married life of the native is imbalanced and gets disturbed since
these planets have ill effect and the native looses its social
recognition in society. Waning Moon and Sun being the hot Planet
with Venus also do not provide sound position but if they are with
the Yogakarka Planets they loose their malfeasance. 2. The lord
of the lagna, the forth lord, the ninth lord, the tenth lord and lord of
the fifth house with Venus gives enjoyed life to the native where
as the association of the lord of the sixth house, lord of the eighth
house and lord of the Twelfth house is not good and the comforts
of the Youth is not enjoyed by the native. The life gets disturbed in
this case. 3. In case of Jupiter or any good aspect of the planets
shall make the position to pass a good and harmonious life with
the wife. On the contrary if Venus is in the combination or
aspected by the malefic planets then the life shall be imbalanced.
4. With regards good and harmonious relations between the
partners, the planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu play a
negative role. 5. In case of Venus in conjunction with Lord of
Lagna, lord of the 4th, 9th and 10th and Lord the 5th house
provide excellent relations with regards to sex life and on the
contrary Venus with the lord of the 6th house, 8th house and the
12th house reduces the impact and create an imbalance between
the partners. 6. Rahu and Venus related to the 7th and 8th
bhavas or are Lords of the 7th or 8th house make the people
more sexy. Any malefic aspect adds fuel to the fire and the native
tend to have illicit relations with ladies outside the wedlock. 7. In
case the lord of the 2nd and house is posited in the Lagna or
these planets are in the company of malefic, planets or are
aspected by any malefic planet the relations of the person are
considered to be suspicious. 8. In case lord of the Lagna and Lord
of the 2nd house are posited in the 7th house and are aspected
by the lord of the 6th house or conjunct with the 6th lord create an
atmosphere to have illicit relations and deeply disturb the married
life. 9. The relations of the 6th house with the malefic planets or
the relations of the malefic 6th lord with the karka of marriage or
karka of youth life is very cumbersome. Under such
circumstances the native does not care for any social bindings
and go to any extend to satisfy his lust. 10. In case of Venus
under the influence of the malefic planets and is related to the
seventh house then the native do get a virgin or gets an impure
female spouse. 11. In case of Mars or Saturn in the seventh
house conjunct with Moon or Venus or Mars with Saturn spoil the
youth, the married life and reputation under Indian system of
society. 12. Ninth lord conjunct with malefic planet and establish
relations with Venus or Moon, such person enjoys with his own
close relation such as aunt etc. or such relations And if Lord of the
forth house in conjunction with the malefic planets establish
relations with Saturn then the Native establish illicit relations with
his own /cousin sisters etc. 13. The native shall have a KEEP in
case of Malefic planets posited in the 12th house and the number
of such ladies depend on the number of malefic planets in the
12th house. 14. In case of debilitated Venus or Venus being a
looser under planetary war shall be a stumbling block in love
affairs. 15. In case of Jupiter establishing relations with the eighth
house eight sign or with the lord of the eight house the native
shall have a control on such activities. Example: In the horoscope
Venus is posited in the 12th house with Jupiter being the lord of
8th house. The sign of Aries exist there. Seventh sign is that of
Jupiter and Mars is posited there. Lords of Lagna is posited in the
malefic house and is aspecting the sign of Libra (Venus). Moon
posited in Lagna and is aspected by Mars from the seventh house
.Venus being the lord of the Lagna is being aspected by Saturn.
The native established illicit relations with many females without
bothering for the presence of his wife. Female horoscopes In the
female horoscope Mars is the karka for sex and such related if:,
affairs. Mars is in its own sign in the 8th sign Scorpio and is in
Mooltrikon in the Aries Sign and it is in exaltation point in
Capricorn Sign. Mars in conjunction with the benefice planets,
aspected by the benefics or being protected by the benefics is ai-
ways good in the female horoscope. In case of Mars being strong
in the female horoscope it gives a push to compassionate feeling
and attracts the opposite sex for fulfilment of mutual enjoyment
/sexual needs. But in the event of the spouse not being available
or not in a position to satisfy the native at proper time the native
may take a step in the direction not congenial to social
atmosphere. Underlined are certain yogas and combination found
most important in the female horoscope: 1. The native adopts
immoral character in case of Mars and Moon establish the
relationship with the seventh house and Saturn or Rahu not being
aspected by any benefic planet planets. 2. Under the
circumstances when Moon, Venus and Mars conjunct i) with each
other in the seventh house then the relations outside the wedlock
is possible. 3. In case of two or more malefic planets in the
seventh house. 4. In the event of Day time birth if Mars or Saturn
happens to be the i Lord of the Lagna and Venus is posited in the
Lagna or during the night time birth any of the above being the
Lagna Lord and Moon being posited in the Lagna the chances of
outside relations are more frequent. 5. In case the lagna or Moon
whichever is strong and is posited in the Leo, Capricorn or
Aquarius and in the trishamsha of Saturn and is not aspected by
any of the benefic planets rather being aspected by malefic
planets then the native shall lead a life of a prostitute. 6. In case
lagna is in any sign of the Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius
and Moon and Venus are posited in the Seventh house alongwith
malefic planets or being aspected by malefic planets, such native
shall undoubtedly keep illicit relations outside the marriage. 7. In
case Venus and Moon are posited in the sixth house not being
aspected by the benefic planets bound the native for illicit
relations. 8. In case Sun, Mars and Saturn are posited in the
seventh house not being aspected by the benefic planets such
native shall intent to have immoral relations with other men.
Example: In the horoscope Libra is the Lagna sign and Lord of
Lagna is posited in the Lagna alongwith Venus and Mars. Venus
is the Lord of the Eighth house also. Mars being the lord of the
Seventh house is aspecting the seventh and eighth house and
being further aspected by malefic Saturn. Saturn is aspecting the
eight Lord also and Rahu is aspecting the lagna being posited in
Aquarius sign. In thishoroscope Lagna, Lord of Lagna eighth hose
and eight Bhava, lagna and Lord of Lagna are under the malefic
influence of the malefic planets and accordingly the native had to
lead the life of an immoral Character Remedial Measures: When
the men and women are under the influences of either malefic
planets or combinations forcing the native to go for an alternative
artificial alternative to satisfy the lust should undertake any of the
following remedies: 1. Propitiate the malefic planets strictly in
accordance with the Vedic rituals in the presence of parents. 2.
Should go in for Suriya Shanti well before marriage. 3. In case of
Kaal -Sarp Dosh should go in for their Nivaran. Padditi. 4. For
Sahnti of Rahu the native should offer Pooja to Sarsawati Mata.
And offer four kg of Sikka (LED) to river water since it is being
tasted by the fish in -water and till such time the led shall be lying
in the water the good results are being felt by the native and even
after his death the Rahu may not create obstacles in the natives

Eye diseases or Blindness in Birth Chart April 2014

Anjna Agarwal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 568 |
Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars are the karakas for eye/eyesight.
Ascendant represents head/general health/overall health 2nd and
12th houses indicate right and left eye. Aries, Taurus, Pisces
signs are also related with eyes. 6th house/Virgo is the house of
diseases in general. 8th house/Scorpio is the house of long term
diseases. 12th house/Pisces is the house of loss/hospital. Venus
is also considered as eye sight/eye by some as it is the lord of
Taurus. Sun represents head, being the source of light and life,
represents right eye for males and left eye in case of females.
Weak placement of the Sun in the birth chart can cause the
problems/diseases related to eyes. Moon represents face, left eye
in case of males and right eye in case of females. It is responsible
for general weakness. Weak position of Moon in the horoscope of
native is responsible for problems like weak eyesight. Mars plays
a vital role in the health of the planet and is known as the
commander in-chief among the planets. It represents forehead,
acuity of vision. A weak position of Mars in the birth chart results
in diseases of eyes/operation. Mercury represents mind, nervous
system, senses/sight. A weak representation of the Mercury in the
chart is responsible for weak eyesight. Venus represents face,
eyes. A weak Venus in the horoscope may cause eye diseases.
Saturn is responsible for any prolonged disease. Saturn
represents darkness/ weakness/physical pain. Saturn and Sun in
evil aspect may cause eye diseases or darkness / blindness.
Rahu is the south node of Moon supposed to be a shadowy
planet and is phlegmatic in nature resulting in malignant growth.
Rahu represent smoke in astrology. Rahu with Sun/Moon causes
eclipse by preventing their rays/energy. Ketu is the north node of
Moon, a very dry planet. A weak Ketu gives emaciated body with
prominent veins. Ketu indicates Cataract/Surgery. Sun and Mars
mainly become responsible for eye- troubles. For eye troubles,
blindness or problems in eyes or eye-sight problems
in horoscope, the strength of 2nd and 12th houses is to be
analysed. When the planets, Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn, if
negatively related with 2nd and/or 12th house of a horoscope, can
cause problems/diseases related with eyes. When these houses,
its lords and karakas are afflicted with malefics and badhakesh
or/and placed in a malefic house or placed with malefics,
badhakesh in same sign specially affliction to Sun with nodes can
cause eye diseases/blindness. Role of divisional charts is also
very important for appropriately assessing eye problem
in horoscope. Example Chart: In the given chart Sun with ketu,
Moon debilitated in malefic house aspected by Saturn, 2nd lord
with 6th and 8th lord while 12th lord is placed in the house of
diseases aspected by Rahu and Mars. Moon and Sun both in the
nakshatra of Saturn indicating prolonged diseases of eyes. Saturn
is with Gulika and badhakesh too. In Navamsh chart Moon and
Venusconjunct with Saturn, lord of house of diseases. Saturn
conjuncts Gulika again. Sun in 12th house is aspected by the lord
of malefic house and node. In Trimshamsha Sun and Moon are
under the effect of nodes. 6th lord aspects Moon. Sun in Virgo
while Venus with Gulika. In Shashtiamsha 12th lord with 6th lord
is afflicted by nodes. Sun is aspected by south node of Moon.
Moon is aspected by Badhakesh. 2nd house has 8th lord and
there is also parivartan yoga between 8th and 2nd lord aspected
by badhakesh. 2nd lord is aspected by 12th lord. Native had eye
diseases/Cataract/Blindness. Native had two eye surgeries also.
Rahu - Ketu May 2014
Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 558 |
Varahmihir, the father of astrology in his famous book Brihat
Jataka did not recognise Rahu and Ketu but in his another book
Brihat Samhita he devoted one chapter to Rahu and Ketu and
considered them not any celestial physical body like other planets
but as the nodes of the Moon, ie, points of intersection of orbits of
the Moon and the Earth. The north point of this intersection is
called Rahu (north node) while the south point of that is called
Ketu (south node). In Surya Siddhanta (an antique book on
Astronomy) they are also considered as nodal points which are
now known as shadowy planets. Our learned astrologers found
their significant role in judging horoscope for ups and down in
ones life, these nodes have been referred to the class of planets.
Brief history : In the ancient scriptures on vedic astrology Rahu
and Ketu are not mentioned, instead, seven planets. The name,
Rahu appears in the Ramayana and Mahabharata, when we read
the story of the churning of the Ocean. In the Hindu Mythology,
there is a tale of terrible battle between deities and demons and
that during the churning of the ocean ({khj lkxj) they got ambrosia
- the elixir of immortality (immortal nectar) as one of the extracted
products. The deities as a heedful action against the scare of their
pernanent cruelties prayed to lord Vishnu for not distribution of the
nectar among the demons. Lord Vishnu concealed himself by
changing his appearance as a beautiful enchantress Mohini and
advised deities as well as demons to line up. One of the demon of
subtle thinking Swarbhanu understood the secret of Vishu and in
the guise of a deity infiltrated into the line of the deities. The two
deities Sun and Moon identified him and pointed out to the lord
who immediately strangled the demon Swarbhanu by his
famous weapon chakra. Since the demon had taken a drink of the
nectar before his strangled, he became immortal and then his
head was transplanted into the body of a dragon. As such a name
Rahu was originated for the chopped head of the demon and a
name Ketu for his headless body. Since then, Rahu and Ketu
developed bitter enemity against the Sun and the Moon.
According to Puranas Rahu was the son of demon Vipracitti by
his wife Simhika (D/0 Hiranyakashyap)
Scientific insight : The nodal points of the Moon what we call
Rahu and Ketu are, infact, clubs of magnetic and gravitational
forces of two celestial bodies, the Moon and the Earth and hence
are very influential on the life of mankind. These points affect our
central nervous system as well as sympathetic and para-
sympathetic nervous systems which work on the principles of
electro-magnetic systems. Consequently, they have direct
impacts on the generation of signals of informations in neurons
and neuro-transmitters and their movement from brain to various
parts of our body and back to the brain. In this way, these nodal
points (Rahu and Ketu) are psycho-somatic which govern not only
the stress level of our mind but also the activities of hormones,
blood circulation and function of the heart. This becomes more
important at present time of intense competition at various levels
of survival for gains of physical comforts when we have been very
prone to psycho-somatic problems which creep up cardiac
problems. In this scenario, astrological study of so called Rahu-
Ketu in ones horoscope is very note-worthy.
Astrological insight : Rahu and Ketu do not own any signs, but
they do own nakshatras, and hence are assigned appropriate
dasha periods in the Vimshottari dasha system. Rahu owns
Ardra, Swati and Shatabisha and has 18 years of Vimshottari
dasha. Ketu owns Ashvini, Magha and Moola nakshatras and has
7 years out of 120 years of Vinshottari dasha period. Although
Rahu and Ketu have not been assigned lordship of any sign and
house yet erudite astrologers like Parashar, Kalidas, Baidyanath,
Mantreshwar considered some signs of much importance.
Likewise, according to Parashar, Rahu is exalted in Taurus and
Ketu in Scorpio. Cancer is Mooltrikona and Virgo is own sign of
Rahu but for Ketu Gemini is Mooltrikona and Sagitattarius and
Pisces are his own signs. In this way if Tauras is the sign of
exaltation for Rahu, the 7th Scorpio is his sign of debilitation.

The great poet Kalidas in his script Uttar Kalamrita also accepted
Rahu exalted in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio but he considered
Gemini as mooltrikona for Rahu and Virgo for Ketu as well as own
sign Aquarius for Rahu and Scorpio for Ketu while other
astrologers expressed their ambiguity on this issue. A
comprehensive view of different astrologers on exalted,
mooltrikona and own signs of Rahu and Ketu appears in the box.
Similarly, there is an ambiguity for their aspect. Some consider
their aspect like Mars (4, 7 & 8) while some consider like Saturn
(3, 7, & 10) and others consider like Jupiter (5, 7 & 9th).
As per experiences, in ones horoscope, Rahu is considered
powerful to bestow fortune and success when exists in Aries,
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius while Ketu,
inturn, is powerful in the opposite signs, ie, Libra, Scorpio,
Sagittarius, Capricon, Aquarius and Pisces. Although Rahu
considers the lumaniries Sun and Moon as his enemy, but impart
successful results in their signs, Cancer and Leo. However,
Kalidas considered Cancer and Leo as enemy of Rahu and Ketu.
Rahu is a friend of Mercury, saturn and Ketu but Sun, Mars and
Venus are his enemy and Moon and Jupiter are neutral to him. If
Sun and Venus or Sun and Saturn associate together in a sign,
Rahu is considered to provide adverse results. In this state Rahu
spoils the good traits of his house and the native observes
obstacles in the path of progress and success. The cojunction of
Saturn-Rahu vitiates the horoscope with Shrapit Yoga which is
responsible for tremendous difficulties in the life of the native.
In general, Rahu carries the positive and beneficial tone of Jupiter
and hence stands for growth and development and self help while
Ketu expresses the restrictions and obstacles of Saturn and
hence thought to restrict growth. In this way Rahu represents
positive objectives and Ketu denotes the easy way out with little
opportunity for growth. Thus Rahu signifies materialism and
desires, whereas Ketu signifies spiritual tendencies and process
of the refinement of materialization to spirit but obstacles in the
material realm. Rahu is considered to be wile, deceitful and
dishonest. After all, Rahu did succeed in tricking Vishnu in serving
him immortal nectar. Therefore, Rahu is described as a liar, foul
mouth and full of criticism about others. He creates psychiatric
disorders and other diseases of mind, especially when conjunct
with Moon. However, if well placed in ones horoscope, Rahu
gives courage, prestige and fame. It can bring out extraordinary
qualities in terms of supernatural in an individual. Rahus negative
tendencies such as to destroy intelligence can be removed by
strengthening Mercury which represents intellect. Perhaps this is
the reason that Rahu is considered beneficial in Mercurys sign,
Gemini and Virgo.
Ketu is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow
and loss, and yet at the same time it turns the individual to God
and the final liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
Therefore, Ketu is an indicator of intelligence, wisdom, non-
attachment, penetrating insight, derangement, and psychic
abilities. Despite of such negative characteristics, we survive with
the wrath of these evil planets because they are bound to affect
one or more houses in our horoscopes.
Rahu-Ketus placement in horoscope
Since Rahu and Ketu do not own any particular house, the
question is how do they impart their good or bad effects ? The
answer was given by Maharishi Parashar in 13th and 21st dictum
of Laghu Parashari that they act as per their position in house as
well as association and relationship with planets.

That they give results-

1. Of the house which they occupy
2. As per the lord of that house with which they exist
3. If they occupy any angle or trine and get associated with the
lord of either angle or trine, they bestow benefic results. It is
surprising that Rahu and Ketu, by nature, are evil even then they
have been proved to be planets of success and fortune. It is
observed that they act as catalytic agent and hence have power
to intensify 10 times the good or bad results of the planet with
whom they exist or whose house they occupy.
Consider the horoscopes of Taurus, Cancer, and Libra
ascendants. In case of Taurus and Libra ascendants Saturn being
the lord of an angle and a trine is an auspicious planet. If Rahu or
Ketu occupies either an angle or a trine place alongwith the
Saturn, then their malefic nature would be sublimated and they
would bestow good name, fame, fortune and success. Similarly,
in Cancer ascendant Mars being a lord of an angle as well as a
trine is an auspicious planet. If either Rahu or Ketu joins Mars and
occupies either an angle or a trine place then the node would be
proved very beneficial in material world.
Rahu or Ketu bestows good success and fortunes in his period
when placed in either movable (Aries), fixed (Taurus, Leo,
Aquarius) or dual (Gemini, Virgo) sign in an angle (ie, 1, 4, 7, 10)
or trine (5 and 9th) places termed as benefic houses in the
asterism of the lord of either benefic houses and/or associated
with the lord of either benefic houses.
It means that the nodes become fruitful if they occupy an angle or
a trine and get associated by or aspected by their lord. It can be
concluded that they are optimum beneficial in angles than in trine.
Such natives get good opportunity and prosperity and become
rich, active and authoritative. By the aspect of the Jupiter the
nodes instill the native with philosophical and religious traits. The
nodes in benefic houses give a unique setup of thinking, working
and imaging and nourish the native with ingredients of creativity
as well as logic and decisive power which lead to progress and
Either of the two nodes become strongly fatal and give debt,
disease or death in its period,
if occupies any evil place such as 6th, 8th or 12th in association of
the lord of the evil place or even any naturally benefic planet
(Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus). The same bad effects are also
produced when either of the two nodes in association of the lord
of fatal place, ie, 2nd, 7th or 11th occupies any fatal place. The
node in association of the lords of either 2nd, 7th or 11th house
also become fatal even if it occupies house of fortune, ie, 5th and
9th. If one gets born in asterism Ashwini, Magha or Moola, he is
most likely to suffer in Rahus period. Similarly, Ketus period may
be proved bad if one borns in Aridra, Swati or Shatabhisha. It is
believed that Rahus period is more effective, powerful and
durable than that of the Ketu.

Rahu-Ketu axis in 1st and 7th houses : This place stands for self,
life, longevity, vitality, complexion, nature and out look towards life
of the native. Lal Kitab considers this place of Aries, a fiery sign.
In fact, all fiery signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) in ascendants give
independence, broad out look, outgoing personalities, courage,
enthusiasm and leadership qualities. An unafflicted Rahu in this
position augments these characteristics and gives opportunities of
earning wealth and property from unexpected sources. But, if
afflicted then he is not only responsible for ill temper but also
causes diseases of mouth and teeth. By the effect of Mars-Rahu,
the teeth of the native become weak and begin to fall at the age of
40 years. However, in 1st house Rahu is considered better than
Ketu for marital snugness and physical gains - accumulation of
wealth, position and prosperity. But, in 7th house Rahu becomes
exorbitant for sexual urge, especially when Rahu gets associated
with Mars or Venus. It is stated in astrological texts that if Rahu in
7th house is hemmed by malefics such as Sun, Mars or Saturn
then discord of married life and even danger to the life of life
partner is most likely to occure. In my experience, multiple
marriages of the native have been observed. In 1st house Ketu in
adverse position is not conducive to health, religious and
cheritable thinking and working.
In the chart of Salman Rushdie, an Indian-British novelist and
essayist, the 7th house is vitiated by Rahu-Venus conjunction
which is responsible for that Rushdie is fond of women and
practically has been married four times.
Rahu-Ketu axis in 2nd and 8th houses : The Second house
signifies tangible assets such as finances and intangible assets
such as eye sight, memory, tongue and eloquecy. Profoundly, this
is a place of accumulation of wealth, education, honor and
longevity where this axis is not considered good. Because, if
either node is afflicted (by any of Sun, Mars, Saturn) or
associated by Venus, the native develops bad habits and his
tongue is not praise-worthy. Businessmen, if have such afficted
Rahu-Ketu axis in 2nd and 8th houses, should be aware of heavy
loss of wealth.
Rahu-Ketu axis in 3rd and 9th houses : The 3rd house signifies
courage to implement the intelligence, younger brothers and
sisters and short journeys while 9th house is a place of destiny.
The axis in these houses gives a sharp, courageous, inventive
mind, progressive attitude and dedication to work. Thus Rahu-
Ketu do well in these houses, where they give lot of money,
movement in a direction selected to proceed towards progress,
victory and success. The person wears a golden crown, a symbol
of richness, power and triumph. When Rahu-Ketu are in 3rd and
9th houses and malefics in 6th and/or 8th, the axis cannot be
considered good for longevity of the native as well as his younger
brothers. If some-how the 3rd and 9th houses are bad, the 5th will
also prove bad. If the 9th is occupied by Sun or Moon, then Rahu
or Ketu in the 5th will neither affect the issues of the native or the
native himself adversely. Rahu or Ketu in watery sign in 9th house
provide opportunity for foreign travel.
The role of Rahu-Ketu in 3rd and 9th houses in ones life can be
illustrated by considering the chart of Adolf Hitler, born in a poor
family but was a veteran of world war 1 and got leadership of the
Nazi party in Germany. In his chart, Rahu occupies Gemini sign in
9th house, a trine place and receives benign aspect of Moon and
Jupiter. This is one of the best positions of Rahu in a horoscope,
under the influence of which the native gets name, fame,
prosperity, position, bravery, prowess and triumph in social and
political arrays. Hitler had progmatic ideas rather than dogmatic
and hence passion to do work of valour. He promoted
nationalism, antisemitism and anticommunism with his
charismatic oratory and then on the morning of 30th Jan 1933, in
the period of Rahu-Jupiter, he sworn in as Chancellor of
Germany. In his life, Rahus period was commenced in March
1933 for 18 years. It bizare that Hitler committed suicide on 30th
April 1945 in the period of Rahu-Moon, why? Rahu is at 7th
position (fatal place) from Moon.
Similarly, the chart of Industrialist Dhiru Bhai Ambani shows
Rahu-Ketu axis in 3rd and 9th houses. The native was born in a
family of poor school teacher but planetary forces made him
ambitious, materialistic, desirous of status and power and infact
he was proved goal oriented. No one can have as much energy.
Rahu-Ketu axis in 4th and 10th houses : This a very sensitive
place of the horoscope which signifies property, conveyance,
domestic happiness and wellbeings of mother.
Vedic astrology does not considere this axis good in 4th house
but Lal Kitab considers good. Phaldeepica says that with Rahu in
4th house, the native will have a short span of life and seldom
happiness. Similarly, Mansagari does not depict good results, ie,
the native shall be devoid of wealth, happiness and paternal
property. Actually, these adverse consequences are observed
when the node is influenced by another malefic such as Sun,
Mars or Saturn. I have found that Sun-Rahu Mars-Rahu and
Saturn-Rahu in 4th house squeeze the fragrance of life. A male
native of a chart with Sun-Mercury-Venus-Saturn-Rahu could not
accumulate wealth, property and conveyances, however, he is
bestowed with good family. A female native with Mars-Rahu in 4th
house could not avail domestic and marital happiness through out
her life. According to Lal Kitab 4th house belongs to Moon which
is an enemy of Rahu. If Rahu is alone (free from afliction) in 4th
house and Moon is strong, the native would be intelligent,
wealthy, prosperous and enjoying comfortable life. If Rahu is
malefic and Moon is weak then the native would lead his life full of
poverty and devoid of maternal happiness.
Rahu-Ketu axis in 5th and 11th houses : 5th house is a place of
intelligence, luck, speculation and progeny while 11th house is of
material gain. Lord of either an angle or a trine in 5th house
bestows Rajyoga to the native and, therefore, he would be
induced to use his potential for spiritual and matreial gain. Such
persons will be noble, learned, courageous and successful in their
life. If Rahu or Ketu be placed in the 5th and there are inimical
planets in the 8th then strokes of misfortune will hit the native
through the 11th house. The relatives indicated by the planets of
the 5th and 8th houses will also be affected. In this situation the
earnings of the native will also be affected very adversely, if the
2nd house is empty. Nothing will be able to save the native. Now
the planets of the 10th and 5th will also turn to be malefic
whatever be their natural character. Ketus placement in eleventh
and twelfth house is considered extremely auspicious, where it
gives results to make a persons worth equivalent to that of kings.
If Rahu and Ketu are with either Sun or Moon in 5th, 6th, 8th or
12th house, Pitru Dosha appears which destroys the benefics of
the horoscope of the native and create obstacles in the path of his
Rahu-Ketu axis in 6th and 12th houses : In horoscope, 6th house
denotes debt, disease, enemy, mental worries, extravagance,
obstacles and calamity in life while 12th house signifies
expenditure, loss, confinement, conjugal relations, secret enemy,
conspiracy, foreign travels, divine knowledge, emancipation and
renunciation. Since 6th house is considered a place of Virgo sign
ruled by Mercury and12th house a place of Picease ruled by
Jupiter, Rahu in 6th is in a state of exaltation and Ketu in 12th
house is an indication of emancipation and renunciation. It is
observed that Rahu-Ketu axis in 6th and 12th houses confers the
potential for good judgement of how to struggle in life. Such
natives have outstanding organisational and administrative
capabilities and hence conquer enemies in either battlefield of
business, politics and administration. The axis gives opportunities
of foreign travel. Ketu in sixth house is a good placement in
making an individual generous and famous. Infact, in 12th either
node when is free from Mars and Venus but receives aspect of
divine Jupiter, initiates the native towards spiritualism who triumph
himself over materialism. According to Lal Kitab 12th house is
Pakka Ghar of Rahu, from where the native gains divine
knowledge. but, if at this place, Rahu is associated with Mars or
Venus, then these adverse associations indice the native towards
extravegance. Such natives get entangled in licentious activities
and then they are stray dogs (drown in debt and disease).
For illustration if we consider the charts of Nehru family, we find
Rahu-Ketu axis in 6th and 12th houses in the charts of Pt. Motilal,
Pt. Jawaharlal, Smt Indira Gandhi and Sh Rajiv Gandhi. All of
them faced a lot of struggle in their life and scaled high of name
and fame as a major political leader of the Congress Party, a
pivotal figure in the Indian independence movement and Prime
Ministers of India (not Pt

Horary Astrology October 2013

O.D. Mande
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 555 |
The success of natal astrology is dependent on the accuracy of
natives birth data. In case of some of the natives, particularly the
aged ones, birth data is not reliable. This shortcoming makes the
predictions go wrong, which only illustrates the principle
Garbage in, garbage out! For such failures the concerned
astrologer or astrology itself is unfairly blamed. Secondaly,
natal astrology cannot provide answers to many questions e.g
Will my tender be accepted ? , Will I marry the person I am in
love with ?, Will the present marriage negotiations be successful
?, Will I get a lottery prize in near future ?, Is my wife infi del to
me ?, Which of the two ( or more) options -- say, job
opportunities, properties business opportunitiesis preferable ?
Will my brother ( with whom relations are strained) invite me on
his daughters marriage ? etc. etc. Answers to such questions
can be provided only by Horary Astrology. Normally a querist
poses a question to the astrologer. The horoscope cast for that
time & place, when analysed by the astrologer, shows the answer
to the question. But if an astrologer himself strongly feels about
an important issue, he can cast the chart and try to fi nd answer
concerning the issue. As long as one is truthful and sincere in his
approach the self prashna approach is equally valid and
rewarding. A few examples are given below. Example 1 :
Asarams Arrest In August 2013, the famous godman Asaram
became highly controversial as he was accused of sexual assault
on a minor girl. There was a strong public outrage and demand
for his immediate arrest. But the action was getting delayed,
apparently due to HoraryAstrology O.D. Mande, Delhi Asarams
political clout. The author, like all concerned citizens, was
watching this and getting restless. So, on August 23, 2013 a chart
was cast at 12:37 PM by the author for the query When will
Asaram be arrested ? The chart is shown below : Horay Chart (
Asarams Arrest ) Moon is in Uttarabhadrapad star ruled by
Saturn who, inter alia, signifi es misery & punishment. Lagnesh
Mars is debilitated and occupies ninth house, damaging fortune
and dharma. The placement of Rahu in the twelfth house
indicates strong possibility of police raid and arrest. The third
house ( valour) from Pakalagna contains debilitated Venus,
indicating the type of Asarams valorous act ! The fi fth and
ninth houses are occupied by one planet each forming a Bandhan
Yoga. Bandhan Saham, signifying arrest/ imprisonment, is at 22
Ge 49, ruled by Mercury who himself is posited alongwith Sun
(Govt authorities) in Magha star ruled by Ketu. The arrest, even if
delayed inordinately, is almost sure to take place within a month
at the most. So. let us consider the dasha as compressed into a
span of one month. The fi rst (balance) dasha ruled by Saturn
would end on August 27 followed by Mercury dasha up to August
31. One may expect Asarams arrest during Mercurys dasha as
he owns Bandhan Saham. But Mercury is combust (superior
conjunction) up to Aug 31 and hence may not prove effective till
that date. The next dasha is ruled by Ketu (star lord of Mercury)
up to Sept 2, followed by Venus dasha up to Sept 7, Sun dasha
up to Sept 9, Moon dasha up to Sept 11, Mars dasha up to Sept
13 and so on. But as public /media pressure is mounting up day
by day, his arrest would not be delayed indefi nitely and is very
likely soon after Aug 31, 2013. Actual position : Asaram was
arrested in the night of Aug. 31- Sept 1, during Ketu dasha and
after Mercury had come out of combust state. Ketu, being the star
lord of Mercury, has given the result of Mercury who (being
combust) could not give it during own dasa. Example 2 : Delhi
Bus Gangrape Courts Verdict On December 16, 2012 a young
girl nicknamed Damini was raped and brutally injured by a gang of
criminals in a moving bus in Delhi. The victim was fi rst treated in
a Delhi hospital and later fl own to a Singapore hospital but could
not be saved. This horrible incident had shaken the conscience of
entire nation. There was public outrage and demonstrations not
just in Delhi but all over the country, which led to the provision of
more stringent penalties for sexual offences. The culprits were
rounded up and put on trial in a fast track court. The trial went on
for over eight months and in Sept 2013 it was announced that the
Court would pronounce the verdict on Sept 13. This being a highly
publicised case, all people ( whether commoners or VIPs ) were
demanding death penalty for the accused. Yet, the possibility of
life term being given to them could not be ruled out. The author
cast a chart on Sept 11 at 4.07 PM for the query Will the
accused of Delhi Bus Gangrape be given death penalty ? The
horary chart and its navamsa are shown below. Moon is
debilitated and in Anuradha star ruled by Saturn, signifying misery
and punishment. Lagnesh Saturn is conjunct 2nd co-lord Rahu
(maarak), Venus & Gulika and aspected by Ketu from a dusthana
and by badhak & debilitated Mars from a maarak house. Jupiters
benefi c aspect

When Marital Life is Woeful October 2005

Arjun Kumar Garg
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 553 |
Men and women are prominent products of nature and their intimate
relationship is important to lead a life full of fragrance. To create this
life our ancients established a sacred institution of marriage that serves
the purpose of love, progeny and social agreement of sexual harmony.
Hindu mythology does not describe the marriage as merely a mean of
physical relations but to get harmony between two souls. It is customary
to match horoscopes of two individuals to explore their will, desire,
thoughts, behaviour, perceptions and compatibility. Often love
marriages are conducted without going through
the matching of horoscopes. What is the fate of such marriages? It is
observed that more than 75% cases rush to courts for separations.
However, repulsive conditions also develop in several cases of arranged
marriages of those individuals who have secured 30-32 gunas out of 36.
Simultaneously, some love marriages are praiseworthy, even when there
were 10-12 points out of 36. Then, where exists marital cord and
discord? Disasters in conjugal life are classified into 3 categories - 1.
Caused by ones past karmas. 2. Caused by irrational and irregular ways
of life. 3. Those caused by some deliberate acts of omission. The first
cause is incurable because it is imposed by nature, but the other two are
self manifested and hence are curable sooner or later in life. Hindu
mythology believes in past karmas, which are carried forward by the
nature from past to present life. Horoscope of a native may provide a
clue regarding his marital status. Ascendant and its lord represent
present life of the native. Their strong state is favourable functionally for
good health, courage, endurance, determination, organising ability and
capacity, independent spirits, confidence, self respect and personal
duties. Such natives carry on their social, political, domestic and marital
life with good imagination and philosophy. They satisfy their spouse
mentally and physically. On the other hand, a weak ascendant is surely a
significator of anger, strife, dispute, brutal force, sexual abuse, haughty
and fickle mind. Such natives are source of peril in life. Although 7th
house being at 10th place from 10th house may be considered to judge
professional carrier, yet it keeps priority to study ones marital
relationships and related problems. Ancient texts reveal that 7th house,
its lord and Venus are primary significators of lust and passion for men
and Jupiter is significant for marital harmony. When these factors get
sufficient strength and benefic influence, individuals are blessed with
virgin, venerable and venereal wife. (DL3
#H03#E E, 2 #3 EE
,(b, c 6, I 30 That is, If the lord of the 7th house
occupies an angel (dsUn Hkko) or a trine(f=dks.k Hkko) in its own,
friendly or exaltation sign and/or associated with lord of 10th house, the
native gets pleasures with many women. It is well known that lord of a
given house gets extra power by the association of lords of an angel,
trine or 11th house and it is boosted by the aspect of natural benefic,
especially Jupiter. This is a basic principle of astrology that a fortified
house and its lord both provide the benefits to the native. A house is
beneficial when, 1. It is occupied or aspected by its own lord or natural
benefics such as Full Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. 2. It is
hemmed between benefics. 3. It is free from the occupancy or aspect of
natural malefics. 4. Its lord occupies an angle or trine from the lagna. In
fact, sexual function of a native is determined by 7th house and sexual
pleasure by 12th house. The sensations of these places get destroyed by
the occupancy of malefics. Generally, malefics are beneficial in 3,6,10
and 11th house. The best placement of Rahu and Ketu is considered in
3rd and 9th house, where they do not cause any harm to conjugal
relations but boost mental, physical and divine strength of the native.
Without healthy sexual activity, there is no taste in the magnitude of
physical attraction and sexual pleasure. In 7th and 12th houses Mercury
and Saturn being impotant planets induce impotency to the native. In
this context Jatakalankara says, SC
# (( #( E
8 A;## 0 0
# E That is, If Venus
occupies a sign owned by a retrograde planet, the native is sexually
weak and hence can not satisfy the woman. If the lagna lord is present in
its own house (the lagna) and venus in 7th house, the native is unable to
satisfy the woman sexually. Similarly, if Moon-Saturn combination is in
4th or 10th place from the Mars, the native is sexually weak and hence
can not satisfy the woman. Eminent poet Kalidas in Uttar-Kalamarit,
Chapter 2 and Shloka 6 describes the properties of Retrograde planets
that they get strength as if they were exalted. The beneficial effects of
retrograde natural benefics and the malefic effects of natural malefics
get augmented. However, the retrograde planet whether it is benefic or
malefic alters the usual functions of the 7th house to smaller or greater
extent respectively. Moon is sensation, sentiments, fantasy, desire and
hopes to get some thing extra. Venus a most brilliant planet in the zodiac
is the significator of 7th house. It denotes beauty, comforts, happiness,
pleasure and romance. A strong venus promises a healthy marital life.
The light of both Moon and Venus is most fascinating and soothing for
the creation of love, attraction, physical comforts and sexual pleasures.
Full Moon and Venus make the man full of semen. The combination
Moon-Venus confers name, fame and prosperity in addition to artistic,
poetic and imaginative skills to the native but it is not fruitful for marital
harmony, particularly, when it is in lagna, seventh, eighth or twelfth
house. Malefic influence on this combination attributes to insatiable
sexual urge and loose morale and, thereby, marital relations may be
miserable. Women are biologically different from men mentally and
physically. Their mental aptitude and perceptions are too sensitive as
compared to men, With the emergence of global conceptions majority of
women are participating in critical, social, political and financial areas,
where their level of personality, wisdom, intellect, mental stamina,
nature and habits have been changed a lot. A slight disturbance in the
alignment of planetary position may cause marital discord. Scientifically
this is due to the disturbances in nervous complexity which, in turn, is
due to the disturbances in the secretions of hormones such as adrenaline
and other chemicals. Moon is a ruler of mind. Unless it is on a
sympathetic wave with Sun (ruler of heart) love and attraction may be
just a futile task for the spouse. Infact, Moon induces sesualism, Jupiter
induces virginity and venerability while Mars, Venus and Venus-Rahu
conjunctions denote a lot of mental agitations, arrogance, conflicts,
excitement and immorality, For such persons, virginity and venerability
are not an issue any more, definitely not for a majority of the big city
populace. It is not unusual for such women to lose their inhibitions and
they are vocal about their sexual desires. Such natives often lose their
mental balance and perseverance. Consequently, their marital bliss
moves towards conflicts, separation or divorce. They may suffer due to
hypertension, and other heart problems. Jupiters aspect on these
conjunctions decrease the magnitude of these aspersions. When lord of a
house occupies 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th position from its own house, the
strength of the house get diminished. Among these positions the 6th and
8th are worst. Therefore, in Aries lagna Venus, in Taurus lagna Mars, in
Gemini lagna Jupiter and in Cancer lagna Saturn and so on, if placed in
12th or 2nd house do not confer marital bliss. This is a punishment to the
native by nature due to his past undesirable acts. This is incurable. Pt.
Motilal Nehru, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Prince Charles and cricketer Imran
Khan (Chart No, 1-4) have suffered by this type of placement of the 7th
lord in 2nd house which is at 8th position from the 7th. Pt. Motilal was
married at the age of 17 and blessed with a son at the age of 20.
However; he got the setback of his marital life when his wife along with
his son died. Later on, he remarried Swarup Rani. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
did not get the fragrance of his married life for more than 20 years. He
was married with Kamala on Feb 8, 1916. She suffered tuberculosis and
then died on Feb 28, 1936. The marital cord of Prince Charles and Imran
Khan were under strain and their spouse walked out, never to return.
Prince Charles due to his beloved Camilla Parker lost love and faith in
his wife Daina who was living in a tense, nasty and lonely life.
Therefore, Diana left the comforts of palace and entangled with other
men, She along with her lover Dodi died dreadfully in a car accident in
Paris on Aug 31, 1997. Now Prince Charles remarried with Camilla
Parker on April 9, 2005. Jupiters aspect is nectar for the houses and
their lords as it boosts their intrinsic strength and the native attains social
grace and legitimacy. However, it is not good for female conjugal bliss
as its presence is poisonous to 7th house where it restrains the sexual
urge and delays or denies the marriage of the female native. Jupiter -
Rahu conjunction (called Guru-Chandal yoga) leads to non-
compatibility, conflicts, unhappy and inharmonious married life, Jupiter
vanishes the lust and passion of Venus. Thus Jupiters aspect or
association with Venus is not desirable in males horoscopes. Al- though
Jupiter-Venus combination ensures a virtuous wife but the native may be
involved in homo-sexuality. J. Jayalalitha, chief minister of Tamilnadu
is unmarried as her chart No.5 disclosed. Jupiter in 7th house in its own
sign Saggitarius blesses with Hamsa yoga. Chart No.6 of an ordinary
person is an example of homosexuality. It possesses Jupiter-Venus
conjunction. Lord of 7th house is afflicted by the aspect of Mars. He did
not drive sexual pleasure from his wife and therefore, after one year of
marriage, he left her. Ramanujacharya in Bhavarth Ratnakar stresses on
a dictum karko bhao nashay meaning if significator of a house is
placed in the same house, the basic comfort of that house get destroyed.
For example, Mars is a significator of 3rd house. When it is in the 3rd
house, it destroys the bliss of younger coborns. Jupiter is a significator
of 5th house for progeny. When Jupiter occupies 5th house, the bliss of
this house regarding progeny gets destroyed. Similarly, Venus is a
significator of 7th house and marital life. If venus occupies 7th house,
the basic comfort of this house related to marriage gets destroyed. There
are many examples of Venus present in 7th or 12th house, the natives
there of, were inclined to several women. Vyankatesh in Sarvarth
Chintamany says, 'kqs dy=s Rofrdkeqd% It means that Venus in 7th
house augments lust and passion. Such males have testosterone hormone
in plenty, which provides extra sexual strength. F #
;N 5 ## # d
E ; That is, If a planet is disposited in a house for which it
is the significator, the benefics of that house get suppressed. This is
called Karko bhao nashay. Princess Diana had lost pleasures of her
marital life and comforts of the palace. In her chart No. 7 Venus
occupies 7th house in its sign Taurus and hence it is forming Malavya
yoga which confers name, fame, prosperity and high position to the
native. But, under the influence of karko bhao nashay Venus has
destroyed the benefics of 7th house, i.e., conjugal bliss. Moreover, Moon
is highly afflicted by Mars and shadow planets. So she had developed
stubborn, immoral and insatiable nature. Jupiter is weakened by the
conjunction of Saturn and debilited in the sign Capricorn So, its aspect
could not rescue the 7th house to prevent her marital discord. Ancient
literature such as Jataka Parijat, Muhurt Parijat, Mansagari and Sarvartha
Chintamany reveal the woeful effects of Mars, which is known as
Mangal Dosh We know that Mars is hot, haughty, brave, spontaneous
and fighter planet It snatches the rights of others. When it is disposed in
1, 4, 7, 8 or 12 th house, it affects 7th house and hence become dominant
upon life partner. It spoils the harmony of married life when it seizes
his/her spouses imaginations, sentiments and desires unexpectedly,
Mars forms highly destructive combinations with Sun, Venus, Saturn,
Rahu and Ketu. In addition to, Sun-Saturn and Venus-Rahu have similar
destructive effects. In abovesaid places these combinations are
disastrous to marital harmony, due to which the native suffers separation
from his spouse. However, Jupiters aspect on these combinations
neutralizes the bad effects to some extent. Chart 8 belongs to a beautiful,
chaste, virtuous, venereal and highly educated woman. In the period of
Rahu-Mars she was married with a rich young man, but she became
annoyed by him and then she left him after few days of the marriage.
This is because of Rahu in 7th house, 7th lord in 8th house and Sun-
Saturn in 12th house aspected by Mars placed in the sign of Saturn in
9th house. It is observed that Sun-Saturn, Sun-Mars, Sun-Rahu
annihilate the benefits of their occupied place. The Sun and Saturn,
father and son are bitter enemies of each other. Their conjunction in 7th
or 12th is adverse for sexual and marital harmony damaging the
prospects of a happy married life. Since Jupiters aspect on Sun-Saturn
conjunction bestows some relief, as soon as the period of Jupiter started,
she got married again with an active and smart boy and is now enjoying
her marital bliss. The betrayer and condemnable effects of Sun-Saturn
conjunction appears in chart No. 9 of Capricorn ascendant, where both
are present in 12th house and also in the same house of the Navamnsh
chart of Mithun lagna. The Saturn 4 is combusted fully and hence a
source of adverse effect. In its period the native got high education. He
is hard working and God fearing. He is at the post of Principal in an
under graduate college and enjoying the comforts of his service and
family life comprising of three daughters and one son. In the period of
Rahu-Rahu-Saturn his wife complained trouble of pain in abdominal
part. After a series of investigations she was declared as suffering from
cancer. She lost her life after few days of an operation, unexpectedly.
The 8th place from the lagna, 7th house, Moon, and Venus are
considered for longevity of marital bliss. An affliction to this place is
responsible for marital discord. It is supported by a dictum of Manasagri,
Chapter 4, Shloka 11&13. (D5 8H 3 ( 3
(D3 3# #3 de
#11 That is, when malefics occupy 7th and 8th place from the
lagna or Moon, the wife of the native dies. When the Moon and Saturn
are present in 7th house, the native is married with a widow. If
the horoscope of the spouse is strong enough without the indication of
death, then separation or divorce takes place. Woman native of Chart
10 is highly educated and working at high post. She was born in a family
of high status as her father and brother are also at high posts. She was
married on 21 Oct. 1996 in Ketu-Rahu period but she was divorced in
Nov. 1998 in Ketu-Saturn period. The detrimental results are due to the
facts that all the malefics are crowded in 1, 2 and 12th houses hitting the
pleasures of marital life, The 7th house and Jupiter both are tormented
by the cruel aspect of Mars, the lord of the 7th house Sun is placed in
12th house and the 2nd house (8th place of mutual adjustment from the
7th) is afflicted by Saturn-Rahu conjunction. A G
f A d## E .13
, c 4 That is, when Mars occupies 6th, Rahu occupies
7th and Saturn the 8th, the wife of the native does not survive. Benazir
Bhutto, ex PM of Pakistan, Chart 11, did not enjoy her marital bliss. She
along with her husband Mr. Asif Zardari are facing many charges of
corruption. Mr. Zardari has been confined to jail for about 8 years. Now,
she is passing her lonesome life in Dubai and England. In this way she
has lost her marital, mental, social and political comforts. The 7th place
of her chart is perplexed by the conjunction of two dry and fiery planets
Sun-Mars. Similarly, a beautiful girl was put on severe pain by Sun.-
Mars present in 12th house of her chart No. 12. She left her husband just
in first night in Saturn-Mars period. Saturn placed in 7th house, is
affected by adverse aspect of Mars. She was remarried in the beginning
of Saturn-Jupiter period and is enjoying her marital bliss. Jupiter in 2nd
house is in its own sign Saggitarius. Smt. Menka Gandhi, Chart 13 was
married with Sanjay Gandhi on 29 Sept. 1974. She enjoyed her marital
bliss only for 5 years and 9 months because her husband died in an
aeroplane crash on 23 June 1980. She is widow due to the disposition of
Mars in 8th house. The 7th lord Saturn has become a malafic due to the
conjunction with Rahu. This is an example of a weak lord of 7th house
and dreaded Mangal dosh. Chart No. 14-17 explore the malefic effects
of fiery Mars and Rahu on marriage and marital bliss. Their conjunction
is full of, anguish and venom. Therefore, it dries mental, marital and
physical comforts of the native and his spouse. It makes one greedy,
hasty, haughty, immoral, jealous, licentious, selfish, tormenting and
wrathful. It brings mental agitation, hypertension and high rate of
palpitation, In house 1,4,7,8 and 12 it is detrimental to sensuous
enjoyment of the spouse. Cine artist Rekha, Chart No. 14, has
Saggitarius ascendant with Mars-Rahu conjunction that has blurred her
7th house. She tried to grow her marital status, but all in vain. Though
she accumulated fabulous amount of name, fame and prosperity, yet her
conjugal relations have been full of scandals with many persons. She
married with artist Vinod Mehra and a businessman Mukesh Aggarwal.
Vinod died by heart attack and Mukesh committed suicide. Now, she is
passing a lonesome life. A woman native of Chart 15 is deprived of
marital comforts owing to Mars-Rahu conjunction in the lagna affecting
the 7th house. Her husband is dull, lazy, careless, wandering and almost
uneducated. He is willing to survive on her income. Similarly, another
woman of Chart 16 is tomented by this conjunction disposited in 4th
house. She is hasty and haughty, so she does not care for her parents,
profession and family. She has refused for marriage marry and is living
with her parents without having speaking terms with them. Mars- Rahu
conjunction in the lagna of Chart No. 17 is making the native hasty,
jealous, sensitive and wrathful. His mind is imaginative, but always
under strain. So he is suffering by hypertension. His wife got ill health
and crushed soon after the marriage. In the period of Mars she went for
an operation for the removal of uterus. Astrologically, her survival
would not have been possible, if there were no benefic aspect of divine
Jupiter and Mercury on this malefic conjunction. Chart 18 belongs to a
female native born in an ordinary family. Due to the presence of Moon-
Mars conjunction in lagna, she is haughty, naughty, extremely
independent and quarrelsome in nature. Such natives are fearless, playful
and vibrant in the bedroom. The girl tends to be dominant over the
husband and his family members. Therefore, there is no compatibility
between the duo. She is so arrogant that she has lodged a complaint
against her husband and his parents in women cell and even in the police
station. Now, she has left her husband and is back to her parents. An
awful situation developed when her younger brother, a student of
engineering had suffured from depression and committed suicide. If we
look into her chart, there seems obvious astrological reasons for the
dreadful events developed after the marriage - 1. In the 7th house
malefic sign Capricorn rises, whose lord Saturn is placed at the 8th
position from the 7th. 2. Mars (or Rahu) conjoined with Moon unless it
is aspected by Jupiter shakes venerability of the native and when it
throws its malefic aspect on the 7th house from the lagna, 4th or 12th
house, marital discord is induced due to the aggression and short temper
suspicion and jealousy native of the native who always expects complete
loyalty from his mate. 4. The 4th house, place of comforts is afflicted by
three malefics - disposition of debilited Sun, aspects of Mars and Saturn.
We are aware that an evil aspect of Saturn on Sun, Mars and Rahu
brings sudden calamity. Its aspect on 2nd & 4th house drains away or
depletes the pleasures of money, property, vehicles and family. 5. The
lord of 4th house - Venus is debilited, conjoined with Rahu and
disposited at 12th place from the 4th house. The weakness of 3rd house
indicates the loss of younger coburn (brother or sister). We know that
Venus governs vitality, fertility, emotions, union, sex and family
harmony. Moreover Venus in Mercurys signs makes the one over sexy
and sex dwelling mind. Therefore, it promotes the lust for extra marital
relations. If we look into the Chart 19 of her husband, we find Mars in
8th house and lord of 7th in the 9th house, which is at 3rd place from the
7th. This is the worst placement of the significators of married life,
which denies for dutiful, intelligent, unselfish, religious, truthful and
virtuous wife. Chart 20 and 21 describe the similar examples of a couple
who married in Dec. 95. Soon, after 3-4 months of the marriage, their
conjugal relations were put on strain. In Sept. 99, the girl was back to
her parents and then divorced in April 2000. The females Chart 20
reveals the harmful nature of Mars and Saturn who are harmful the 7th
house and its lord by their evil aspects. Moreover, the 7th lord is placed
at 3rd place from the 7th. The males Chart 21 shows desponding,
despoiling and discarding nature of the Sun in 7th house and fiery Mars-
Rahu conjunction in 4th house. Both charts being afflicted by Mangal
Dosh should confer a successful marriage, but it is not so. In fact, both
charts are indicative of haughty, stubborn and wrathful nature of the
mind. However, the males chart is more drastic than that of the female
due to the disgraced and discourteous disposition of the Sun & Mars-
Rahu in sensitive & sensuous places. There, they reduce emotional
quotient and lose the intrinsic attribution of introspection of the native
who disparages and despises his spouse. There are many other cases of
woeful status of marital life due to the adverse disposition of the planets.
Singer, artist Anuradha Podwal has no marital bliss as she has lost her
two husbands due to the disposition of Jupiter in the 7th house. For the
same reason, cine artist Manisha Koirala has no marital bliss as she is
still unmarried at the age of 34 years. Recently, Karishma Kapoor has
been suffering from marital disgrace. She was married on 29th Sept.
2003 and blessed with a daughter on 9th March 2005. Since then, she is
Iiving with her parents and has put a demand of Rs. 7 crores to her
husband for complete separation. This is due to Sun-Saturn conjunction
in 12th house.
[ - ] Less
Education in Hotel Management January 2014
Manoj Kumar
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 545 |
This is a certified profession where education attained has a
direct connection with the profession. Therefore, a connection
between the 5th house (house of education) & 10th house (house
of profession) is essential. It means that education acquired is to
be put to use in the profession. The aim of a hotel is to provide
homely comforts and food to the customers so the role of 2nd, 4th
& 10th houses also come into play. The main significator for hotel
industry is Venus. Therefore, relationship of 2nd, 4th, 10th house
and Venus is essential. Jupiter is the planet which signifies the
study in Management. So, its connection is also essential. It has
been found in most of the cases that there is certainly a
connection between 5th house,10th house and Venus. Example :
11-09-1977, 20:44, Jalandhar The native of this chart has
successfully completed a three years course in Hotel Managment
in India and is presently working in a five star hotel in England. In
the birth chart, Sun is the 5th lord placed in 5th house in own sign,
Sun is also placed in the nakshatra of Venus who is 2nd & 7th
lord alongwith 10th & 11th lord Saturn, 4th lord Moon. So, the
connection here with 4th, 5th, 10th & Venus is established.
Besides that Venus, the 2nd & 7th lord is placed in 4th house and
aspecting the 10th house. Thus, the connection of 5th & 10th
house with the involvement of Venus is promising professional
course in the field of Hotel Management. In Navamsha chart, 5th
& 10th lord Mars is associated with Venus (4th & 11th lord) in the
7th house and is aspecting the 2nd house. Thus, Navamsha chart
confirms the promise of the birth chart. In the Dashamsha chart,
5th & 10th lord Mars is associated with 4th & 11th lord Venus in
the 4th house and is aspecting the 2nd lord Sun and 10th house.
So, the connection of 5th, 10th & Venus in all the three charts
shows the inclination of this person in the study of Hotel
Management. Connection of 2nd,4th,10th and Venus In D-1 chart
10th house is receiving the aspect of 2nd & 7th lord Venus from
the 4th house. Venus is influencing the houses 2nd, 4th & 10th
which are to be seen for the service in Hotel Management. 10th
lord Saturn is associated with 4th lord Moon and aspecting the
2nd house. Again the connection of 2nd, 4th and 10th house is
crystal clear. In Navamsha chart, 10th lord Mars is placed in 7th
house with 4th lord Venus and is aspecting the 2nd house.
Navamsha chart also confirms the promise of birth chart. Now,
let's see the Dashamsha chart. Here,10th house has 2nd lord Sun
and obtains the aspects of 10th lord Mars and 4th lord Venus
from the 4th house. 10th lord Mars occupies the 4th house with
4th lord Venus and aspects the 2nd lord Sun. So, the connection
of 2nd, 4th and 10th houses or their lords and connection of
Venus with 10th house or 10th lord in all the concerned charts
promises professional career in the field of Hotel Management.
Connection of Jupiter Jupiter is associated with lagna lord Mars in
D-1. Jupiter is aspecting the 10th house in Navamsha chart.
Jupiter is associated with lagna lord Moon in Dashamsha Chart.
Dasha From 01-11-1982, Venus Dasha for 20 years started to the
native. He joined Hotel Management Course in the Dasha of Ven-
Sat-Mer in April 1996 through competitive examination and
completed the course successfully. Mahadasha : Venus, the MD
lord is 2nd & 7th lord placed in 4th house and is aspecting the
10th house of distinction. Venus is also placed in the nakshatra of
Mercury who is the lord of 6th house of competition and is placed
in the 5th house of education. In Navamsha chart Venus is 4th &
11th lord and is placed in the 7th house with 5th & 10th lord Mars.
In Dashamsha chart, Venus is again associated with 5th & 10th
lord Mars and is aspecting the 10th house. Mahadasha of Venus
gave him the opportunity to join Hotel Management course as
Venus is connected with 5th & 10th houses or their lords in all the
three concerned Charts. Venus is also the significator of Hotel
Industry. Antardasha : Saturn, the AD lord is 10th lord of
distinction and is placed in the 5th house of education with 5th
lord Sun. In Navamsha chart, Saturn is placed in the 10th house
and is aspecting the 5th & 10th lord Mars and Venus, the
significator for hotel. In Dashamsha chart, Saturn is placed in the
2nd house and is aspecting the 5th & 10th lord Mars and
significator Venus. AD lord Saturn is again associated with 5th &
10th houses or their lords. Pratyantardasha : Mercury, the PD lord
is the third lord signifying self efforts and 6th lord of competition,
placed in the 5th house of education with 10th lord Saturn and is
in the nakshatra of Venus. In Navamsha chart, Mercury is placed
in the 2nd house and is receiving the aspect of 5th and 10th lord
Mars. In Dashamsha chart, Mercury is placed in the 6th house of
competition indicating success in competitive examination
required to be passed for admission in Hotel Management course.
The connection of Dasha lords with 5th & 10th houses and Venus
in the concerned charts gave this person an entry in Hotel
Management course through competitive examination. Thus we
find the following essential parameters which ensure the study in
Hotel Management : 1. Main significator- Venus 2. Connection of
5th lord of education with Venus. 3. Connection of 5th house and
10th house. 4. Connection of 2nd, 4th, 10th houses and Venus in
D-1, D-9 & D-10. 5. This is a Management Course therefore link
of Jupiter with lagna, 10th house or Venus should be there. 6. The
connection of MD, AD & PD lords with the concerned houses
mentioned above. 7. Connection of Dasha lords with Venus and
service giving houses at the time of joining service in hotel. Some
birth details of the natives are being presented here who took the
study of Hotel Management for the research and self study of the
students of Astrology : (i) 07-02-1974, 05:34, Delhi (ii) 02-11-
1961, 01:22, Delhi (iii) 20-02-19978, 09:15, Delhi (iv) 20-10-1979,
23:45, Kolkata
Transit of Saturn In Libra October 2011
Arun Bansal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 542 |
Saturn will transit into zodiac sign Libra on Tuesday 15th
November 2011 around 10.11 hrs. On that day there will be
Margshisha chaturthi, Ardra Nakshatra and Taitil karan. Saturn is
the lord of zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Aquarius is the
Mool Trikon sign of Saturn. Saturn gets exalted in zodiac sign
Libra and it is debilitated in Aries. Saturn is allocated three types
of aspects in Vedic astrology. Saturn aspects third, fifth and tenth
houses from its position. Saturns passage close to natal moon in
transit is called sadesati period. Sadesati means a period of 7
years. Saturn remains in a zodiac sign for approximately two and
half years. Sadesati period is the total time taken by Saturn to
transit the 12th, 1st, & 2nd houses from natal Moon. Right now
individuals with Moon signs as Leo, Virgo and Libra are going
through their Sade-Sati period as Saturn is transiting in zodiac
sign Virgo for last two and half years. Saturn is moving to Libra
from 15th Nov. 2011. This transit of Saturn will finally end
Sadesati period of Leo natives. Virgo sign natives will enter in the
last phase of sadesati and for Librans second phase of sadesati
will start with the entry of Saturn in Libra. First phase of sadedati
will start for Scorpions with the entry of Saturn in the sign Libra in
November which will last for next 7 years. There is a general
belief that Saturn is always harmful. In reality it is not true. Saturn
is the planet of justice and it is often called a hard task master in
astrology. Saturn loves hard work. Those who are hard working
and honest Saturn never harm them. Saturn impartially judges the
actions of the native and tries to make him free of sins and make
him pure. Saturn is never harmful for those who are hard working,
honest and truthful. Saturn confers happiness, high position,
progress and success to those who are hard working, sincere and
honest. Let us see how the transit of Saturn in the sign Libra will
affect 12 zodiac signs- Aries- Saturn will transit in the seventh
house from Aries. Seventh house is the house of partnership and
trade. Saturn transit in this house will unlock opportunities to trade
in foreign countries. Saturn is the lord of the house of profession
and gains in your horoscope. Some obstacles and problems may
surface in your professional life and this may adversely affect your
happiness and prosperity .There is a need to put extra efforts on
your part to get rid of all these obstacles from your professional
life. Saturn and Jupiter are in one seven axis during this period.
This indicates you will work hard and earn money, gain
knowledge and position. Saturn transit in the seventh house is
unfavorable for matrimonial life. This may adversely affect
matrimonial relationship. But there will be happiness from
children. Take care of your health during this period. Taurus-
Saturn is transiting in the sixth house from your natal Moon sign.
Saturn transit in the sixth house is benific and favorable transit.
This is the time of progress and growth for you. You will get relief
from your debt, disease and your enemies will be defeated. Thus
transit of Saturn in the sign Libra will help you to realize your
goals and wishes. Success in professional or business life is
indicated. Success in competitive exams is indicated. There may
be some worries in household matters. Gemini- Saturn is moving
in the fifth house from your natal Moon. This indicates Happiness
from children. Students who are pursuing in technical education
this period will be good for them. Those who are in research field
there will be very good prospects for them. Those who are
already in job will get an opportunity of professional training.
People who are related to insurance this period will be very good
for them. There will be domestic happiness, increase in earnings
and happiness from parents. There is a need to control unwanted
expenses. Cancer- Saturn will transit in the fourth house from
your natal Moon sign. This will be the period of Saturns dhaiya for
you. Dhaiya is also known as kanatk Saturn. If you are planning to
construct a house this period will be beneficial for you. There will
be materialistic gains and enemies will be defeated. There will be
some short-term worries which will be resolved easily. Impending
projects will be completed during this period. There will be victory
in court cases related to land. Excess work may give you
tiredness. Be careful about your eating habits. Leo- Saturn will
transit in your house of velour and strength. Saturns transit in
third house from natal moon sign is good. Your Sadesati period is
ending and this will give you relief from mental tension. The
anxiety, dilemma and strain you have been facing for last seven
and half years will come to an end up to a great extent. Saturn is
transiting in the third house from your natal Moon sign this
indicates that you will take initiative and interest in adventurous
tasks. Your efforts will fructify. There will be gain from journeys.
There will be happiness and prosperity in the family and your
desires will be fulfilled. Virgo- Saturn is moving in the second
house from your natal Moon sign. This two and half year transit of
Saturn will be your last phase of sadesati. There may be some
problems in your legs. There will be happiness and joy in family.
Put your best efforts to gain from trade, service and agriculture.
Those who are orators will get an opportunity to prove their ability.
This transit of Saturn will indulge you in some kind of intellectual
activities. Your wealth will increase and there will be Happiness in
matrimonial life. Your efforts will fructify. Mercury who is the lord
of sign Virgo is the friend of Saturn. That is why Saturn transit in
the sign Libra is very good for Virgo natives. Libra- Saturn will be
transiting on your natal Moon sign. Libra is the sign where Saturn
gets exalted. A planet posited in its exaltation sign gives best
results. Thus Saturn will give best results and your efforts will
fructify. Libra is also known as the sign of justice. Try to be just
and honest to get bet results of Saturn transit. Librans who are
judges, advocates, or working in courts next two and half years
will be beneficial for them. You will start getting results of the
projects which you have started in the recent past. This is the
period which indicates gain in profession and trade. You can be
elevated to a higher position. Social status and power will
improve. Scorpio- Sadesati period will start with the transit of
Saturn in the sign Libra. There will be some anxieties and stress
during this period but situation will not be very much troublesome.
There are chances of gain of movable and immovable property in
next two and half years. There will be growth and prosperity in
family and harmonious relations with friends and relatives.
Foreign travels are also indicated. This period will be very good
for long time investments. There may be gains from land
transactions. Your level of self confidence and belief in your worth
will help you remove all obstacles from your work and life.
Sagittarius- Saturn will transit in the eleventh house from your
natal Moon sign which is the house of gains. This will open new
avenues for gain and income. In Vedic astrology Saturn transit in
the eleventh house from natal Moon sign removes all obstacles
and enhances auspiciousness and welfare in the life of the native.
There will be Speedy accomplishments of Pending projects and
new projects will start. There will be gain on political, economic
and social front. Your health will improve. If you take initiative and
efforts on your part, you will get support and cooperation from
your subordinates. Give them your best support to get best
results. This is the time to show and prove your worth. Do not
retreat just go ahead. Your insight will help you to solve your
professional problems. Capricorn- Saturn is the lord of your natal
Moon sign. Saturn is transiting in your house of profession sign
Libra. This transit of Saturn is beneficial for you. There will be
economic gains. Family disputes may surface and that may be a
cause of concern for you. But overall this time is good for you.
There is a need to control your temper to get full support of your
subordinates and get your work done speedily. Your Health will
improve. This transit of Saturn will be good for intellectual
development. There can be transfer in your job, your desires will
be fulfilled, disputes will be resolved, and there will be happiness
from your children. Aquarius- Saturn transit in the sign Libra will
be good for you. There will be gain in business, rise in the
position, and removal of obstacles. There will be righteousness in
your behavior; you will indulge in intellectual activities, and there
will be happiness from children. Saturn the lord of your natal
Moon sign is transiting in the house of luck. This indicates that
your fate will favor you in next two and half years. You will gain
from your relations from abroad. Put your best efforts to get
desired results in the competitive exams. Pisces- Saturn will
transit in the eighth house from your natal Moon sign from
November. You will be having Dhaiya of Saturn for next two and
half years. This dhaiya may cause obstacles and delay in your
projects and plans. Be optimistic and keep on working as you will
gain ultimately. Take care of your health and wealth during this
period. There is a need to cooperate and obey the orders of your
superiors as this will improve your relations with your superiors.
Be kind and cooperative to your subordinates to remove ill effects
of Dhaiya of Saturn. There may be some changes in your working
place or working conditions. Remedies for Saturn : Donate
mustard oil, articles of Saturn. Recite Saturn mantra. Do
Dashansha Havan, Pray to lord Hanuman and do Saturn
abhishek. Offer Sindoor with oil to lord Hanuman and fast on
Saturday. Donate seven types of grains, worship Peepal tree in
the morning on Saturday. There is sadesati for natives with moon
in Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and dhaiya for Pisces natives. Natives
whose natal Moon sign falls in these signs, should essentially
perform above mentioned remedies.

Importance of Navamsha Chart July 2013

R. Balakrishna
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 538 |
Both, the Rasi-chart and the Navamsa chart are deemed equally
important and therefore, consulted together. Whereas the Rasi-
chart provides overall information regarding the location of planets
and sensitive-points such as the Lagna, the latter provides vital
information regarding their active quality and strength. A planet
may be well-placed in the natal-chart Rasi-wise but its full effects
may not materialise if its situation in the navamsa-chart is not
supportive. Navamsa means one-ninth part of a Zodiac Sign.
Navamsa literally means the Ninth Division. Thus, each
navamsa measures 3 degrees and 20 minutes in longitude or one
quarter of a Nakshatra (Constellation), and the Zodiac of Signs
comprises 108 navamsas divided into four groups, 1) Mesha
Aries), Simha (Leo) and Dhanus (Sagittarius) for which signs the
navamsas are from Aries to Dhanus, 2)Vrishibha (Taurus), Kanya
(Virgo) and Makara (Capricorn) they are from Makara to Kanya,
3) Mithuna (Gemini), Tula (Libra) and Kumbha (Aquarius) they
are from Tula to Mithuna, 4) Kataka (Cancer), Vrishchika
(Scorpio) and Meena (Pisces) they are from Kataka to Meena;
the Lagna (Ascendant)rising or the planet situated in the first
navamsa of Chara rasis(movable signs), in the 5th navamsa of
Sthira rasis (fixed signs) and in the 9th navamsa of
Dwisvabhava rasis (common signs) will be in Vargottama and
hence strong. The lords of 1st, 4th and 7th navamsa of a sign
represent the Deva (Divine beings and constructive forces);
persons born with any of these navamsas rising in the Lagna are
generous, religious, wealthy, powerful and influential. Persons
born in the 2nd, 5th or the 8th navamsa whose lords represent the
Naras (Human beings and their efforts) are generally kind, good
natured, engaged in the pursuits of human welfare and reputed;
and in the 3rd, the 6th or the 9th navamsa whose lords represent
the Rakshasas (Demonic beings and evil forces) are
selfish,cruel, violent, destructive and possess many negative
qualities. Moreover, the Lagna-rasi and the Lagna-lord should not
form or occupy the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhava in the Navamsa
Chart nor the lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th of the Rasi Chart
associate with the Navamsa Lagna or its lord. A Navamsa is
equal to one-ninth part of a sign or one nakshatra-pada (onefourth
part of a constellation) and is one of the Shodasvargas i.e. one of
the sixteen sub-divisions of a sign that give more and more
precise good or bad position of a planet or lagna-point in the
natal-chart vis--vis other signs and sign-lords. Birth in
Vargottama Lagna is considered very fortunate and planets in
Vargottama are very strong and confer benefic results if they do
not occupy inimical signs. The occupation of own navamsa by a
planet is superior to the occupation of its exaltationnavamsa. The
planet which is in its exaltation sign in the Rasi-chart but situated
in its neecha-navamsa (debilitated in Navamsa-chart) produces
its bad results very soon, however, a planet situated in its
debilitation sign in the Rasi-chart but in its ucchanavamsa(exalted
in Navamsa-chart) invariably confers auspicious results. If at the
time of birth planets are placed in inimical signs even if they be in
Vargottama they render all Raja yogas useless, the same is true if
many planets are in debilitation. The Rajayogakarakas cease to
be Rajayogakarakas if they happen to occupy their neecha-
navamsas. Saturn occupying its own or exaltation sign does not
afflict natural benefics or their yoga-formations provided it does
not simultaneously occupy its neechanavamsa but all planets
occupying navamsas ruled by Jupiter usually act as benefics and
if situated in a kendra, in the 9th or in the 2nd house from the
lagna make one very learned, famous and even establish a new
school of thought or system. Rahu and Ketu (mythology) do not
rule any navamsadivision but a navamsa of Mars is to be found in
all signs. Results of planetary periods (dashas) and sub-periods
(antra-dashas) vary in accordance with the particular location of
those bhava-lords in the Navamsachart. A planet otherwise
strongly placed in the Rasi-chart with reference to a specific
bhava or its lord does not produce in its own dasha/antra-dasha
the anticipated good results relating to that bhava in full if it
happens to be situated in the navamsa-chart in the 6th, the 8th or
the 12th from the sign occupied by that particular bhava-lord e.g.
the lord of the Lagna situated in the 3rd house in conjunction with
the lord of the 3rd gives prosperous, happy and helpful brothers
but if in the navamsa-chart the lord of the lagna is in the 6th, the
8th or the 12th from the lord of the 3rd then there may be enmity
with brothers or sorrow to them. If the lord of the 2nd house is in
conjunction with the lord of the 10th situated in the 10th house
and the lord of the lagna is involved in Rajayoga one secures a
high political or administrative position during the dasha/antar-
dasha of the lord of the 2nd house but in case in the navamsa-
chart the lord of the 2nd is in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the
lord of the 10th then contrary results will be experienced.

Remedial aspect Of Astrology May 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 533 |
Propose to deal with astrological remedies to combat and
overcome bad dasas, bad times and bad transits. There are ways
and means to mitigate the evils indicated in one's horoscope and
one should never shirk duty and responsibility to resort to
remedial astrology according to one's best ability.
When bed gochara or bad period or dasa is running for a man, he
should propitiate the planets in the following ways :
visit of suryanar temple near kumbakonam or the sun temple of
(Orissa) ad offer worship to the sun. When the sun is affli
the horoscope or his bad dasa is running, one should recite daily
Hridaya Stotra. For the sun one should wear his ring with a rub
gold, in the fourth finger of the right hand.
For Sun :
If the Moon is afflicted in the horoscope, one should periodically v
thirumalai Tirupati to have Darshan of Balaji or Lord Venkateswa
the Moon one should wear a ring or locket set with pearl or moons
Alternatively one can fast on each monday to propitiate the Moon
to the temple of Lord Shiva on every monday.
For Moon :

If Mars is afflicted one should propitiate Lord Muruga, observe fa

tuesday and wear a coral ring. The presiding deity for Mars is at P
(Madurai District).

For Mars :
The presiding deity of Mercury is considered to be chokkanathan o
Madurai. One should observe fast on every wednesday or visit Lo
Vishnu's temple on every wednesday and perform archana to him.
on the days of the stars governed by Mercury, Aslesha or Ailiyam
and Revati wear a ring with emerald set in gold.
For Mercury :
If Jupiter is afflicted or is badly placed in gochara or if adverse jup
dasa is running. One should visit tiruchendur and worship lord
subramanya. One should observe fast on thursday or on the days r
punarvasu, visakha and poor vabhadrapada and worship
dakshinamoorthy. To propitiate jupiter, one should wear a gold rin
with pushyaraga or yellow sapphire (Pukhraj)
For Jupiter :
Sri Ranganathaswami of srirangam is said to be the abode of venu
When one has adverse venus dasa, or when venus, kalatrakaraka, i
afflicted, one should visit this temple. One can observe fast on eve
friday or on the days ruled by Bharani, Pubba and Poorvashadha. O
every friday one can visit the temple of Lakshmi and recit Mahala
stotram and were a diamond ring and use silver vessels and worsh
For Venus :
This is the most dreadful planet in the sense that he is a stern taskm
renders justice and makes a man reap the consequence of his past
Seven and half year's period of Saturn (or sada sathi) is said to brin
untold misfortune. A visit to Tirunallur every year is a must to wa
the evil. The person must observe fast on every saturday, wear nee
ametuyst or blue supphire and every saturday should go to Navagr
temple and feed the crows. Observation of these are said to go a lo
in propitiating lord Saturn.
For Saturn :

Kalahasti where Lord Shiva temple is situated Rahu has to be prop

As no separate days are assigned for Rahu the days ruled by Aridr
Swati and Satabhisha may be taken as day for fasting. Gomedaka
precious stone to ward off the evil of Rahu.

For Rahu :
The presiding deity for ketu is supposed to be at Rameswaram wh
people often go to pray to propitiate sarpa dosha in order to hare p
For Ketu, cat's eye is a gemstone and one should fast on the days r
Aswini, Makha and Moola, It is said daily worship of snake made
silver also helps to propitiate Rahu and Ketu. Worship of Mahagan
or construction of Ganapati temple during Ketu Mahadasa brings
prosperity surely.
For Ketu :

1. Home

2. Astrology
3. Planets and Related Diseases

Planets and Related Diseases October 2006

Sharad Tripathi
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 533 |
Good health of body and mind are the prime attributes for
performing all religious and other duties of life. The two stages of
body i.e. healthy and unhealthy depend on the natal and transit
position of the planets. Now we shall discuss the various diseases
and the corresponding planets which cause or cure those
diseases. It may sound strange that our ailments have relation
with the natal and transit position of the planets. But it is a fact
which will become clear as we proceed with the discussion
further. GENERAL ANALYSIS In figure No. 1 the relation between
parts of the body and planets responsible for their function or
malfunction are given- Parts of the body and Related Planets
Cheeks - Mars (Internal) , Venus (External) Tongue - Jupiter Lips
- Venus Teeth - Saturn Nose - Mercury Eyes - Sun (Right) , Moon
(Left) Ears - Jupiter Arms - Mars Chest - Sun Heart - Sun , Moon ,
Mars Lungs - Mercury , Venus Small Intestine - Mercury Larger
Intestine - Rahu Ovary - Mars , Venus , Jupiter Brain - Jupiter
(Front and Middle) , Mercury (Hind) Pubic Glands - Venus,
Mercury Testes - Mars Testes Tube - Venus Genital Organs -
Mars (Internal) , Venus (External) Kidney - Jupiter Pancreas -
Mercury Knee - Saturn Thigh - Saturn Buttock - Mars, Saturn
Parts below Knee - Jupiter Waist - Mercury Tail bone - Saturn
Spinal Cord - Sun, Mercury Harmone and Nerves - Mercury,
Saturn Muscle - Mars Neck - Sun Medula - Mercury Specific
Analysis : After cursory analysis let us proceed to finer analysis of
the relationship between ailments and planets. For this we have
to divide the 12 houses of the horoscope into 36 divisions (Each
divided in 3 equal divisions); each corresponding to 10 degree.
Each of these 10 parts correspond to different parts of the body
as shown in figure 2 below In figure 3 given below the position
of the planets corresponding to each 10 part is shown. For
example in the 1st house Venus and Mars are responsible for
cheeks and for the central 10 Venus is responsible for face, nails
and hair. Similarly for rest of the planets the figure is itself
explanatory. If a planet representing a 10 part occupies the same
part the possibility of the ailment or disease corresponding to that
part will increase. By co-relating figures 2 and 3 we can connect
the disease with the corresponding planet. Diseases Caused by
Planets : SUN - If Sun, Moon and Venus are present either alone
or in conjunction in 10 space representing eye, then an ailment
in the eyes results. If Venus is in conjunction with either Moon and
Sun then a permanent ailment results e,g; colour blindness or
night blindness. Conjunction of Sun and Saturn causes Sambal
bai. Conjunction of Rahu which causes ulcer in eyes and
conjunction of Sun and Moon causes Cataract. If Venus is
present in the house representing eyes and is aspected by Moon
then, person becomes Myopic. In general the presence of
retrograde or debilitated Mars harms the eyes. MOON- Moon
when present in its 10 house may cause fever with cold.
Conjunction of Moon with Mercury in the conventional sixth and
second house may cause diseases like Influenza, Ulcer or
Cancer. It also reduces disease fighting capability of the person.
Moon when present in sixth , seventh or eighth house and
aspected by Lord of the sixth may cause diabetes and other
urinary system problems. MARS- Mars when exalted in sixth,
eighth, or seventh house creates high blood pressure. On the
other hand when debilitated, combust or in inimical sign in same
houses causes Low Blood Pressure. Conjunction of Mars and
Rahu in sixth house causes Leprosy whereas presence of Ketu
with Lord of the sixth house in sixth house or aspecting sixth
house causes Eczema. If lord of sixth house aspects first
Dreshkana of fourth house then it causes dahedi disease.
MERCURY- Mercury if present in Ascendent or twelfth house in
conjunction with Sun or aspected by Sun causes Migraine.
JUPITER Jupiter controls body weight, kidney, bile and calf
muscles. If Jupiter is present along with Saturn in sixth or eighth
house then increase in the body weight is indicated. Jupiters
presence in third or eleventh house indicates the possibility of a
problem in ears but the presence of any other planet except Rahu
in these houses removes this possibility. Exchange of the lord of
fourth and tenth houses or the presence of Jupiter in fourth, tenth
and first and last Dreshkana of seventh is indicative of kidney
problems. The presence of Jupiter in tenth and Sun in ascendant
may give rise to Jaundice. VENUS- Venus in conjunction with
Moon or Sun in second or twelfth house is indicative of problems
concerning eyes. Conjunction with other planets except Rahu also
creates the possibility of problems for eyes. Presence of Venus in
sixth , seventh or eighth or if these houses are aspected by Venus
indicates the possibility of diabetes or a problem in genital organ.
If Moon is in conjunction with Venus in these houses the intensity
of such disease might increase. However, if Jupiter is present in
these houses it removes the possibility of these ailments but
changes it to the possibility of diabetes and disease of the eye.
SATURN In second house Saturn indicates trouble in teeth, in
fourth house it indicates acidity and gastric problems, in sixth,
seventh and eighth house it produces trouble in knees and calf
muscles and its presence in seventh house produces enhanced
gastric problems. RAHU- Rahu along with Mercury controls the
production of hormones and functions of small and large intestine.
Nails and hair of the body are nourished by Mercury but their
diseases are controlled by Rahu. If Rahu and Mercury are badly
placed in fourth, sixth , eighth and twelfth from 11th lord, Then
diseases of nails and hair crop up. Rahu in fourth, fifth or sixth
house gives rise to stomach problems like swelling in intestine ,
enlargement of liver and piles. Rahu along with Venus in seventh
or along with a cruel planet in fourth house produces impotence
and related problems. Rahu in eighth house causes brittleness in
bones and in ninth house it produces pain in waist region. KETU -
Ketu is mainly responsible for tuberculosis. It indicates different
diseases in different houses e,g; in fourth house it creates the
probability of a gland in uterus, in fifth house it creates excess of
X- chromosomes which either gives more female children or no
children, in sixth house it indicates mental problems and in
seventh house it creates the possibility of tuberculosis. In eighth
house Ketu creates problems of swelling in glands and vibration
in different parts. When present in first and last Dreshkana of
seventh house along with Mars it may cause hydrocele. In ninth
house it causes Fracture and in tenth it produces acidity.
SPECIAL DISEASES Special diseases such as cancer,
tuberculosis , paralysis, heart problems etc. are determined by the
positions and relations among lords of lagna, sixth and twelfth
houses. In this connection the following yogas, have been found
to be true after the experimental and research analysis. While
considering the various special diseases and their intensity the
following should be kept in mind. 1. Grahan Yoga 2. Rahu Mars
vedh (obstruction) 3. Saturn Mars vedh 4. Sun Moon vedh 5.
1st lord-8th lord vedh and conjunction 6. Weak budhast yoga 7.
Kemdrum yoga 8. Shalya yoga (operation yoga) If Rahu or Mars
are not in 6th or 8th house and do not aspect the lagna then
Shalya Yoga is not effective. In this context it should be
remembered that for ladies Rahu in 5th and Mars in 12th
indicates the possibility of Shalya- Yoga SPECIAL DISEASES
present in Aries or it is in conjunction with 6th lord, it indicates a
disease corresponding to head. 8h 8 If cruel
planets are present in Mithun Rashi, This indicates possibility of
conception problems. F E If cancer sign is
affected by cruel planets there is a possibility of cancer or ulcer in
cancer related parts intensifies. 0E E K Leo, Sun,
Cancer and Moon when afflicted by cruel planets they cause
heart ailments. If Sun or Moon are creating Grahana Yoga in
the 4th house or they are aspecting the 4th house then this also
may cause heart ailments. 0 S i The presence of
cruel planets in Leo causes problems in vertebral column. G
dA The presence of Venus and Mars together
in 7th house creates the possibility of a specific disease of genital
organs. F Rahu and Mars Conjunction in
4th house causes appendicitis. 8 8 dA (
If the 6th and 12th lord exchange signs and Mercury is powerful
in Shad-bal and lagna lord is somehow related to Ast planet, this
may result in paralysis or coma. TIME AND INTENSITY OF
DISEASES TIME - When disease causing planets come in Natal
position or pass over the planet in Antar and Pratyantar Dasha,
that is the most probable time for the disease to occur.
INTENSITY - If 6th, 8th and 12th lords and disease causing
planet are in association in malefic Tara Nakshatra the
treatment of disease is not possible. If 6th lord is in Char- Rashi or
Char-Navmansha the disease is only for a short period. If 6th lord
is in Dwi- Swabhav sign the disease is cured in reasonable time
but if 6th lord in Sthir sign the disease lasts for a long time. The
above description gives only a general outline for deciding the
nature, time and intensity of disease. In deciding the cure and the
way of treatment, a detailed study would be more helpful
Basic Information about Planets September 2014
Yashkaran Sharma
Related Articles | Views : 532 |
The below mentioned information help in making predictions:
Auspicious Planets - Jupiter, Venus, Unafflicted Mercury,
Powerful Moon
Inauspicious Planets- Rahu, Saturn, Mars, Sun
Exalted/Debilitated Planets

Exalted Extreme Debilitated Mool Trikona

Planet Rashi Degree Planet Rashi D

Sun Aries 10 Libra Leo 0

Moon Taurus 3 Scorpio Taurus 4

Mars Capricorn 28 Cancer Aries 0

Mercury Virgo 15 Pisces Virgo 16


Jupiter Cancer 5 Capricorn Sagittarius 0

Exalted Extreme Debilitated Mool Trikona
Planet Rashi Degree Planet Rashi D

Venus Pisces 27 Virgo Libra 0

Saturn Libra 20 Aries Aquarius 0

Rahu Gemini 15 Sagittarius Virgo 0

Ketu Sagittarius 15 Gemini Pisces 0

Two Groups of Friends

Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars & Ketu are friends. All these are
enemies of the other group of friends.
Members of other group i.e. Rahu, Saturn, Venus & Mercury are
also friendly to each other

Psychology Problems & the Role of 4th House in Horoscope April 2012
Puneet Vohra
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 527 |
The Fourth House shows your home and how you tend to act
there. It also shows relationship with the parent of lesser
influence, usually the father, the first few years of your life and
paradoxically, the last years of your life, what we become as we
get older. The fourth house of yourhoroscope governs areas
related to home, family and property. Your roots, family
background, childhood, inner emotions, immovable possessions,
domestic life, the end of life and endings in general are covered
by this house. Psychological foundations and conditioning are
also found in the 4th house. There is some controversy as to
whether this house covers the Father or the Mother. One might
say that the parent with the most influence is covered by this
house. In my practice, the Mother is found in the fourth house and
the Father in the tenth house. Given that females are ruled by the
moon in your chart and the moon is the natural ruler of the fourth
house, I use the fourth house as a significant factor of the mother.
This house also covers the one that nurtures, which is primarily
the mother. The 4th house cusp is formed in your chart by the IC,
the Imum Coeli. This is the lowest point of the chart, the nadir, on
the zodiac wheel. This is why it is described as being our roots,
our foundation of life. This point is directly opposite the
Midheaven (MC) or the tenth house. Cancer is the sign that
governs the 4th house in the natural zodiac. Unhappy feelings are
a lot like weeds. Neglect to take them up by the roots and they'll
just grow back again. Yet who probes willingly into the soil where
emotions grow? Finding the roots of feeling can be hard. You
might learn this under the gray skies of a Saturn/Moon transit. If
you're like most people, you'll try to ignore your depression. You'll
put on a happy face for loved ones. You'll pretend to be caring,
cool-headed or commanding at work. You'll send energy to your
1st house image, your 7th house partner, or your 10th house
career. But eventually, inexorably, you'll fall. And the 4th house is
where you'll land. The 4th is where we go when we collapse. It
rules home and family, ancestors and homeland. It provides a
literal retreat. Push ourselves too hard and we'll likely end up at
home, sick in bed. Suffer a devastating loss and we may knock on
the door of a family member and ask to be taken in. But the 4th is
just as much a retreat of the imagination. It is our psychic hearth.
It holds the memories that both comfort and haunt us. As the base
of our chart, it represents both the ground and mystery of our
being. If we lean over the chasm of the 4th, we'll find, as the poet
Rilke wrote, something dark and like a web, where a hundred
roots are silently drinking. The 4th house in any birth chart has
various significations such as house, vehicles, peace of mind,
mother etc. Generally most astrologers look at the 4th house with
a view to deciphering whether the native will be blessed with
comforts and vehicles. A significant aspect of 4th house is
attributable to mental peace and inner purity. Generally 6th lord in
4 goes under the name "Kapata Yoga" or yoga for becoming a
thief. It generally refers to lack of cohesion in thought, word and
deed. Malefics in 4 or aspecting the 4th house make a person
deceitful in all dealings and this in turn deprives the native of
peace of mind. Mental stress is caused if the 4th house is
aspected by malefics. In medical astrology malefics in 4 can lead
to cardiac problems. Mars is "Bhoomi Karaka", if Mars is afflicted
in the 4th, one will be bereft of happiness and also property
related dealings will suffer. To understand the full features of 4th
house we need to look at Moon, Mars and Mercury. Moon is the
karaka for mother. So Moon and the 4th lord both afflicted lead to
deprivation of maternal happiness. The greatest source of joy and
comfort in this world is a loving mother. There is a saying that
when a person is born, God also designates a "Guardian Angel"
to look after that person. We know that a loving mother is the
physical equivalent of that Guardian Angel. When Moon is
afflicted, one's mother will not be of any help to the native. So that
could be one causative factor for mental anguish. "Insanity or
madness will not be present unless the Moon and Mercury are
involved in heavy afflictions". This is because Moon rules the
mind and Mercury rules certain emotions like sense of humour.
To conclude, one will be blessed with peace of mind, happiness
and comforts if the 4th house and 4th lord are free of any blamish
of any sort. Benefics such as Jupiter or Venus aspecting the 4th
house would also give a person, cheerfulness, joy and
enthusiasm.Today most doctors all over the world assess a
person's state of mind before writing out a prescription.Stress is
now considered as a serious causative factor in many
psychosomatic disorders.So all afflictions to the 4th need to be
reckoned before diagnosis of such disorders is made. REMEDIAL
MEASURES To treat often mental problems moon stone along
with panch mukhi rudraksha and yellow saffire are used for
healing. Silver made Chandra yantra is given to wear it in neck.

Preferential Methodology of Divisional Charts July 2014

Future Point
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 518 |
There are 16 Vargas (sub divisions) of ascendant and planets in
Vedic astrology, to pin point any prediction and making difference
between nativities. Planets stay at a sign for a long time and even
ascendant rises about two hours. Several births took place in this
duration. We can differentiate every birth by the use of Varga
charts. Most of them calculated on the basis of successive
counting making equal division equal to as desired division,
starting from the sign Aries or sign itself. But there is often more
than one method in vogue to calculate such divisions, resulting in
different conclusions. Often astrologers favour its scientific nature.
The entire astrological theme and its mechanism, even our whole
cosmos work in a regular and systematic order. So the methods
of calculating certain astrological figure must be logical and in
proper order. According to the preferential methodology, simply
multiply the Rasi figure by the numerical digit equal to desired
division and make the resultant figure within the range of zodiac.
A divisional chart mostly describes the result of house mainly, for
which it is known by the name. Such as Drekkana chart carries
the significance of 3rd house since it is a result of 3rd division of a
sign. The 2nd division Hora which is meant for wealth (2nd house
stands for wealth), Saptamsa the 7th division is for conception
(7th house stands for cohabitation), Dasamsa is for occupation
(10th house stands for occupation), Trisamsa is meant for ill
health or misfortune, when we allotted one degree (30th division
of a sign) to each house from ascendant, it falls at 6th house that
is known for ill health. Similarly Shodashamsa is for vehicle and
other divisions also work following this basic natural method.
Hora, Drekkana and Trisamsa divisions are very important
divisions. But these are victims of uncertainty obtained from the
mixture of calculation methods. Here the methods of Hora,
Drekkana and Dwadasamsa division have been discussed: Hora-
the Hora is 2nd division of a sign each of 15 degrees and known
for wealth as 2nd house represents wealth in a horoscope. There
are various methods and way of calculating Hora chart. We
cannot discuss each of them here but we are talking only two
mentioned in Parashar Hora. One of them supported by Varah
Mihir and in vogue nowadays. This Hora of Varah divides a sign
in two parts of Sun and Moon and ignoring sign at all. The logic
behind this type of Hora is available in the version of Parashar
Hora. The second method is also in the same book, which
suggests Hora of sign, continuously reckoning from sign Aries
repeating every sign two times. The second method is Vedic
method and fit at practical ground too. Related verses are ; 3
# # U # UP
5 I(D #
E j.E E
I E. #
d ;P
The greatest authority of astrology is in confusion! Which
one is correct method! This question does not stand before such
great sage. We find many old scriptures of Vedic culture as
contaminated so we can say that astrological literature may be
also haphazard mixture of Yavana's view and other. The line of
above Sloka that is under lined may be corrupt. If it is not so,
probably other hidden meaning of this line is same as next sloka.
First observe the Hora table of signs of both views together.
Brackets are showing view of Varah as per first Sloka. Sign
degrees 0-15 15-30 Aries 1(5) 2(4) Taurus 3(4) 4(5) Gemini 5(5)
6(4) Cancer 7(4) 8(5) Leo 9(5) 10(4) Virgo 11(4) 12(5) Libra 1(5)
2(4) Scorpio 3(4) 4(5) Sagittarus 5(5) 6(4) Capricorn 7(4) 8(5)
Aquarius 9(5) 10(4) Pisces 11(4) 12(5) Now observe the sign
involving in the Hora of Vedic method in the Sun and Moon Hora
as per Varah method of Hora. Moon Hora- Taurus, Gemini, Virgo,
Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius The owner of these signs is Venus,
Mercury and Saturn. All of them are mutually friends and become
mutual Yogakarak in the ascendant ruled by each other and all of
them either are female or hermaphrodite planet. Sun Hora- Aries,
Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces The owner of these
signs is Mars, Sun, Moon and Jupiter. All are mutually friend. All
of them are male planet except Moon. So perhaps Maharishi
Parashar called these signs by a single name of Sun and Moon
making two groups of planet in a literary way but misunderstood
later. Here we must consider their signs and not planets since
divisions are only possible of signs not of a planet. There is
another controversy which arises when we ignore Hora of signs
that is the theory obtaining Parijatadi Sanjya in Shada Vargas
(group of six divisions) or in Dasa Vargas (group of ten divisions)
became defunct because we have ignored an important division
of Hora. This is also a strong argument against popular division of
Trisamsa (D-30). Here we must keep in mind that we should
ignore the idea of calculating Vimshottari Dasa based on Moon's
longitude in divisional charts. This will be too much as there are
several divisional charts and become unbearable in the presence
of so many Ayanamsa. Secondly interpretation of Dasa also
depends upon the lordship of houses besides of planets
placement in particular house. But lordship of houses is not
recommended in divisional charts except divisional ascendant.
The methods of calculating houses are only possible in Rasi
chart. So we can take divisions of each house like ascendant but
this method cannot include all the twelve signs in a divisional
chart. If we adopt equal house division method it will defunct other
methods of calculating houses and also concept of Chalit chart. It
also ignores longitude of mid heaven that is an important factor.
So we cannot accept the idea of equal house division. So observe
the impact of Dasa (based on Rasi Moon) of a planet in Hora
chart only with placement of it in a particular house within other
influences. Chart 1: Bill Gate: Born October 28, 1955 at 21h 21m
(8 hours West of GMT) at 47N36, 122W20, Lahiri Ayanamsa
Balance of Dasa is Saturn 2 year 10 months 27 days The peak of
his wealth graph came during 1999-2002 when Microsoft stock
was at his apex. He was under the impact of sub period of
Mercury and Ketu under the major period of Venus. The Venus is
well posited with sign depositor Moon in the Hora ascendant as
per system of Varah but the sub period lords Mercury and Ketu in
the 12th house are not good within affliction at all, making 2-12
relationship with major dasa lord Venus. According to Vedic
system of Hora, Hora ascendant Virgo is within the aspect of its
lord Mercury. The major Dasa lord Venus is well posited in the 9th
house in his own sign. Lord of sub period, the Mercury is Hora
lord and in the 7th house and Ketu is in the 11th house This is
massive over Hora of Varah. Chart 2: Dhirubhai Ambani : Born
December 28, 1932 at 6h.37m at Chorwad, India (21N01, 70E14),
Ayanamsa-Lahiri Balance of Dasa- Venus 8y 3m 28days He
arose during the year 1965 to 1981 when he was under the
influence of Rahu Dasa. His successful ventures the Reliance
Textiles was started by him in 1966 when Rahu - Rahu was in
operation. According to Varah Hora, Rahu is posited in the 12th
house within malefic influence of Mars in debility, Saturn and
waning Moon. It cannot provide grand success. According to
Vedic system, Hora lord Sun in the Hora ascendant within the
aspect of Jupiter is very good. The Dasa lord Rahu posited in the
6th house with planet in exaltation is more over within the aspect
of benefic. The 2nd,6th and 11th house stand for monetary gain in
a horoscope. The 6th house also stands for loan. So selling out of
shares is a modern form of it. Loan pays interest and shares pays
profit. The Rahu in the 6th house in Hora chart can explain all of
this very well. Try following tips with Vedic Hora chart using Lahiri
Ayanamsa Calculate the Sign, Tithi and Yoga for Hora chart
through simply multiplying Rasi figure by two and making the
resultant figure within the range of zodiac. The Moon star and
Yoga falling in a benefic Tara from Hora Moon star and Yoga are
good to get financial gain. The Tithi of Mrita Vargas is avoidable
while Yuva and Briddha Vargas are suitable. Drekkana This
divisional chart is also victim of uncertainty obtained from the
mixture of calculation methods. We shall discuss only two
mentioned in Parashar Hora. 0L3D A#
kL3 d d ;3 #
I # E D AI The
Sloka six is suggesting three parts of a sign, counting from sign
Aries continuously and repeating every sign three times to
complete Drekkana table for all twelve signs. This is a valid Vedic
method. But what was the need to mention second method in
next Sloka! That is suggesting three part of a sign, counting from
sign itself with jumping to fifth sign for next. This method is
supported by Varah Mihir and the great impact of him on
Vedic astrology threw away Vedic method of Drekkana divisions.
Sign Varah System Vedic System Aries 1,5,9 1,2,3 Taurus 2,6,10
4,5,6 Gemini 3,7,11 7,8,9 Cancer 4,8,12 10,11,12 Leo 5,9,1 1,2,3
Virgo 6,10,2 4,5,6 Libra 7,11,3 7,8,9 Scorpio 8,12,4 10,11,12
Sagittarus 9,1,5 1,2,3 Capricorn 10,2,6 4,5,6 Aquarius 11,3,7
7,8,9 Pisces 12,4,8 10,11,12 In the second Sloka perhaps
Maharishi Parashar is saying same thing as previous Sloka but in
literary sense. He had to mention the owner of Drekkanas. So he
added this line in literary sense with the line mentioning owner of
Drekkanas. Observe the word Swa-Panch-Nav. This word is
telling about the nature of sign falling in the first, fifth and in the
ninth place from sign Aries. The first sign (Swa) is a Movable sign,
fifth (Panch) sign is fixed one and ninth sign (Nav) is of dual
nature. He also said in the same line Rashinam Krimshashch te.
Counting must be continuously. So First Drekkana for all sign is in
movable sign, second Drekkana should be in fix sign and third
Drekkana in dual signs. Adopting this meaning with continuous
reckoning from sign Aries shall draw only the table of Drekkana
as it is showing above the Vedic Drekkana table. Either this is the
proper meaning of line that is underlined or it is added later by
someone. There are some other controversies in the system of
Varah. Let us observe them. 1. First Drekkana of every sign
always becomes Vargottam. 2. It always falls in friendly sign. This
is an anomaly. Neighbours and sibling for which Drekkana chart
known for may be also unfavourable. It is also known for fruit of
action (Karma Phal) that is not generally so auspicious. 3. It
always falls in Trikona houses, the most benefic houses of
a horoscope. The result of Drekkana is not always so auspicious.
Secondly we cannot examine a planet just like Navamsa chart as
equal to eighth Navamsa from ascendant or planet himself. 4. A
male sign have all the three Drekkana in male sign and a female
sign have all the three Drekkana in female sign. So what is the
need of calculating Drekkana sign to determine the sex of a
concerned person. 5. Observe the following Sloka of Prashna
Marg. HkkuqjFksUnqxr{kZ rRlqrri% izkIrs n`xk.kekr~ pUnzs
L;kTtfu jsofeUnqjfo Hkkxs'ks cfy"Bs lfrA Author is suggesting
taking trine signs (rr~ lqr ri% 1st,5th,9th) from Drekkana of Sun or
Moon. According to scheme of Varah there is no need to draw
Drekkana signs of Sun or Moon. Since Drekkana signs are
always trine already and taking trine sign from there will be same
signs. It is out of question that the author of the Prashna Marg is
not aware of this. But he is talking about the Drekkana of Vedic
view. The most of predictive tools are developed within the
context of Varah Drekkana. However there are some which
supports only Vedic system of Drekkana. 1. Birth with cord (Naal)
like snake HkkSe=;'ks pUnzs ikiyXus 'kqHkk% Lok;xk%
liZosf"Brks tkr%A Moon in the Drekkana of Mars, ascendant
should belong to malefic and benefic in the second and eleventh
house results the birth with cord (Naal) like snake. There is
another Sloka with same meaning in the 3rd chapter, verse 38 of
Jatak Parijat. Chart 1: Male: Born July 7, 1971 at 10h.30m at
78E09, 26N12 (Gwalior), with balance of Dasa The Moon is in the
Drekkana of Mars in the Vedic Drekkana chart while she is
attaining the Drekkana of Jupiter under the scheme of Varah
Drekkana. Both type of Drekkana chart have a malefic in the 2nd
house while a benefic in the 11th is in the Vedic Drekkana chart.
The combination is only relevant with Vedic Drekkana chart. Chart
2: Female: Born January 25, 1956 at about 17h.45m at 77E13,
28N36 (New Delhi), Ayanamsa-Lahiri Ascendant- Cancer (3-
10/14), Moon Drekkana of Moon as per Varah is Libra but
according to Vedic scheme of Drekkana is Scorpio, as desired by
author of Jatak Tatvam and Jatak Parijat. Chart 3: Female: Born
October 3, 2007 at 22h.15m at 78E43, 23N08 (village Gorakhpur,
tehsil Udaipura, Dist-Raisen, M.P.), Ayanamsa-Lahiri Ascendant-
Taurus (1-29/09), Moon Drekkana of Moon as per Varah is Libra
but according to Vedic scheme of Drekkana it is Scorpio Here
neither ascendant nor Moon is in the Drekkana of Mars according
to scheme of Varah. Let us observe the situations of planet for
being a birth with cord, according to experience for Drekkana of
Vedic view. a. The Moon generally found in the Drekkana of Mars
but not necessarily. b. Ascendant not necessarily of malefic but
Drekkana must belong to Saturn, Mercury or Mars. Mercury is
well known for defective birth. Many combinations like birth with
teeth, birth with extra hands are made by the help of Mercury or
its sign. Observe a verse of Jatak Parijat that is asking for
Drekkana ascendant within the influence of these planets for birth
with cord like snake. The sign of mentioned planet should be
involved in Drekkana ascendant. yXuf=Hkkxs
cq/kliZdksykLrUukFk;qDrLrq rFkk f=Hkkx%A 'kqHkxzgk.kka p
n'kkfoghus tkrksjxkSosZf"Vrnsgoku~ L;kr~AA This situation
comes true only with Drekkana of Vedic system. c. The 2nd
house of Drekkana chart should be posited by Rahu or Saturn
and 11th or 12th house posited by any planet. d. Generally at
least one luminary falls in the square houses from Vedic
Drekkana chart. So we must accept the Vedic scheme of
Drekkana without hesitation. 2. Rajyoga and Drekkana Hence the
preferential methodology, of calculating divisional charts is it that
multiplies the Rasi figure by the numerical digit equal to desired
division and makes the resultant figure within the range of zodiac.
- * - The Sun and Moon occasionally becomes male or female as
per Krishneeyam. Loks{ks=s jfopUnzkS ukjhfpUrkdjkS
fofufnZ"VkSA rkoso iq#"kjk'kkS dq#r% iq#"kkJ;ka fpUrke~AA If
the Sun and Moon are posited in a trine or quadrant and if that
sign happen to be a feminine sign then the subject of query will be
a female. On the other hand, if they occupy a male sign, the
subject of query will be a male person.

Ephemeris April 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 513 |
What is Ephemeris
An Ephemeris is table of values which gives the information about
the position of planets, Nakshatras and Rashis. It also shows the
combustion, rise of planets, direct and retrograde motion of the
planets, entry of moon and other planets into sign. In Ephemeris
there is also in further about eclipses ie. Solar Eclipse and Lunar

Indian Ephemeris System

The major difference between all Ephemeris is degree of
ayanamsa. Our India astrologers mainly use ayanamsa values
Lahiri, Raman, K.P., or Zero Ayanamsa. Depending on degree of
Ayanamsa, calculation of Ephemeris change.
Right now ayanamsa value get approx 24, so we should
calculate or should make all the corrections based on 24 that will
be more accurate and authentic. For any horoscope calculation
the Ephemeris should be correct otherwise
complete horoscope can be wrong. Based on wronghoroscope all
predictions may go wrong. In each and every panchang we can
see the part of Ephemeris.

Jyotish & HIV July 2008

G.B. Rawat
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 509 |
AIDS or HIV is one of the most dreaded diseases in this world
and till date there is no vaccine for the same. There is no actual
treatment for AIDS/HIV, which can guarantee its cure. As per
latest data available there are 33.2 million or 3.32 crore adult &
children infected from HIV/AIDs. In the year 2007, 25 lacs/ or 2.5
million people have been found suffering from this disease. No. of
adults and children died till 2007 is 2.1 million. In India
approximately 2.5 million people are suffering from this incurable
diseases. There are no certain norms available for diagnosing the
dreaded disease of AIDS/HIV. But as per the symptoms available
an attempt has been made for further modification to finalise the
yogas/ combinations for AIDS/HIV. AIDS is a disease, which have
its roots in 1. Semen 2. Blood 3. Immune System getting weak 4.
Lagna 5. Sun 6. Moon 7. Mothers tattoos 8. Vaginal secretions
etc. Semen It is indicated by Venus and 5th house we will have
to see the position of Venus and 5th house, their weakness,
affliction etc. Blood : Mars represents blood and the weakness of
Mars is to be seen along with its affliction. The three pillars on
which Natives health is dependent they are lagna Moon & Sun.
The affliction of the three vital points in thehoroscope is to be
carefully studied. Immune System : Sun represents the vitality the
affliction of Sun its weakness has also to be carefully seen.
AIDS/HIV is infectious disease, which can get transmitted either
from blood or from semen. Even medical practitioner due to their
professional hazards can be victim of it due to infected blood.
Ordinarily the people getting HIV infected blood can be people,
which are one of the reasons. But the main reasons are due to
virus passed from one person to another infected bodily fluids
such as blood, semen breast milk, vaginal secretions usually
exchanged during unprotected sex relation, using infected blood,
during medical treatment, using in cleaned surgeons surgical
instruments, using contaminated IV or tattoo needles or from
mother to child. The number of patients is increasing every year
across the globe. To see the astrological effects on the human
beings we have to analyse few charts. Moon also represents fluid
in the body and sign cancer represents it. Sign Scorpio represents
stagnated water. Pisces is also a watery sign. The affliction of
concerned planets is to be studied minutely, i.e Rahu, Ketu,
Saturn, Mars, 22nd Drekkana lord, Gulika lord of 64th Navamsa,
6th lord, 8th lord etc. Further it is to be seen that what is the
position of krusa sastyamsha which gives long lasting incurable
diseases. Ketus affliction gives microbial infection Ketu/Rahus
affliction gives hard to diagnose and secret diseases. Mars
indicates diseases through blood, Saturn indicates long lasting
sufferings and all sorts of dissatisfaction from health point of view.
6th house is generally informer about diseases, 8th house
indicates diseases transmitted by the sex partner. 12th house
represents the diseases due to sex pleasures. Venus's affliction
by both Saturn and Mars indicates bisexual/ homosexual
tendencies, and multiple partners. 2nd house in D-9 chart when
having influence of Mars & Venus also represent multiple sex
relations due to strong desires. Last but not the least 4th house
and Moon indicates the character of a person. 8th house : It is to
be seen properly as it represents source of infection being the sex
organ of the sex partner i.e vaginal secretion or semen in addition
to 5th house in males. It also indicates long lasting incurable
diseases when related to 5th house. 5th and 8th houses :
Diseases arising out of relation of 5th and 8th houses are
incurable diseases. As 5th house represents poorva punya and it
is 12th house to 6th house which cures the diseases and 8th
house indicates long incurable diseases. If 5th house lord is
afflicted and debilitated in mrityuamsha etc and related to 8th
house and 6th house is related to 5th house it means diseases
are deep rooted and incurable and are due misdeeds of past
karmas. Planet Saturn also represents long lasting incurable
diseases and its role is also significant in such cases, and gives
lot of sorrows and diss-satisfaction from health point of view. 6th
and 9th house : It represents diseases due to misdeeds or
karmas of the present life. We are going to analyse following
few horoscopes in this connection. Example Horoscope 1
Female, DOB. 2.10.1955, TOB. 17.00 Hrs, POB : Long 77-13
Lat. 28-39 Readers are advised to note the positions of D-1, D-3
& D-9 charts i.e. Natal chart, Drekkana chart & Navamsa chart.
See the degrees of lagna & Mars, lagna is with in approximately
1 of fatal degree & Mars is in fatal degree. Her Husband is HIV
positive and her Husband died from HIV/AIDS. She has been
administered blood transmission as well as may the husband has
transmitting this Virus to her. Points to be noted. 1. 6th lord
degree wise opposite to Venus in debilitation in 2-8 Axis and Mars
in 7th house whose dispositor in 8th house with Venus, Ketu is
depositor of Venus and fully aspecting Venus. Thus it is fully
indicated that chances of transmission of disease is from the
husband as venus is also dispositor of Jupiter 011. See the
position of Venus which is in papa kartari of Mars & Saturn
combust with Sun. Again Venus is lord of 22nd Drekkana and
64th Navamsa. Mars : Significator for blood is in Mrityuamsha
fatal degrees on Rasi sandhi. Mars is getting Venus argala from
Sun, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. Lagna lord though exalted in 9th
house but again its dispositor is in 8th house in debilitation in
papakartari yoga. Lagna lord is also in papa kartari yoga. Lagna
getting malefic angular influence of Rahu, ketu and Mars and
Jupiter is 22 apart from lagna degrees. Moon is lord of 6th house
and aspected by markesh Sun, Rahu, lord of 22nd Drekkana and
64th Navamsa Venus in debilitation. Again Moon is debilitated in
D-3 chart. Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Moon, Mars and Jupiter are in
krura D-60 (Divisional part) Hence the long lasting dreadful
diseases. The role of 5th and 8th house is clearly indicated. It is
indicating incurable diseases(due to misdeeds from previous
karmas and from the life partner). Example Horoscope 2 Male,
DOB. 1st November 1947, TOB. 00.10 AM., POB. Lahore Native
was husband of the above female and died in March 2007 and
was a HIV +ive patient. Mars : Debilitated in lagna with lord of 8th
house markesh Saturn, in fatal degrees aspected by 6th lord
Jupiter and Ketu fully aspecting Venus in Rasi sandhi. Venus :
Malefic for cancer sign aspected by debilitated Mars and
conjoined with debilitated Sun. It is dispositor of Rahu and getting
malefic argala from Mars & Saturn and Ketu & Rahu with lord of
22nd Drekkana Merury. Moon with Rahu in badhak house
indicates that morbid imagination again. Except Jupiter all planets
are on one side of RahuKetu axis. Sun in debilitation in 4th
house, very bad position for Sun with 22nd lord and 64th
Navamsa lord Mercury and Malefic Venus for cancer sign. 5th
house with 6th lord Jupiter and Ketu and its lord is debilitated and
afflicted by bitter enemy Saturn. Again Mercury, Moon Jupiter and
Saturn are in krura D-60 indicating long lasting incurable
diseases. 5th lord Mars, 8th lord Saturn and afflicted Jupiter by
Ketu clearly indicating the incurable diseases from the sex partner
due to misdeeds of previous life. The native died on 11th March
2007 at 15.00 hrs (Delhi) and was suffering from the incurable
diseases on 8th tithi of Krishna paksha as Jupiter is present in the
fifth house. Example Horoscope No. 3 D.O.B : 5.3.1950, T.O.B.
00.00 hrs, P.O.B : 87W47, 41N53 Mars is afflicted degree wise by
ketu and between papa kartari yoga of Gulia and Saturn who is
also lagna lord and 6th lord and its dispositor Mercury is most
malefic for this lagna. Venus indicator of semen is with debilitated
Jupiter in 3rd house also lord of 22nd drekkana hence both
Jupiter and Venus are not placed properly, also aspected by Ketu,
Rahu is afflicting 5th house indicating semen, Venus is dispositor
of Gulika. The degrees of Venus are fatal. Again : Lagna, Venus,
Mercury, Sun lagna lord Mars and gulika are in krura D-60. Hence
long lasting incurable diseases. 5th lord Jupiter in the
constellation of 6th lord and lagna lord Mars and their dispositor
Mercury and Saturn are aspecting each other along with 10th lord
clearly indicating the role of previous karmas as well as karmas of
this birth and role of 8th lord and Saturn which is making the
diseases incurable.

Muhurat and Matritwa January 2012

Sharad Tripathi
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 498 |
In Astrology the place of Sanghita is more important than
'Sidhaanta' and 'Hora because according to shloka.It is not easy
to change the destiny. in fact, it is imp0ossible to do so.
In Astrology the place of Sanghita is more important than
Siddhanta and Hora because according to shloka l
0b AX D 0 it is not easy to change
the destiny, in fact, it is impossible to do so. It is, therefore,
necessary to give a good start to things which happen in our lives
rather than to make an attempt to rectify them later. Starting from
Adam and Eve, it has taken billions of years for the life to come to
the present stage but a man and woman have always been
responsible to give birth to a baby. However, the woman is the
more important than man because it is she who has to conceive,
from foetus and feed the baby in the womb, giving her own blood
till it comes to a stage when it is born and sees the light of the
day. Every girl with exception of a few become mother after a
certain age (after 12-15 years) and this age is attained after she
first menstruates and becomes capable of producing a baby. Now
the day of first menstruation, according to astrology is a very
important day in the life of a girl. This day may be auspicious or
otherwise. If it is auspicious it is good otherwise a good mother
should start programing the birth of future babies of her daughter.
In astrology the auspicious time of first menstruation is according
to shloka. 5 , E5 mA
2 P .
7 n# 0
c . . Y A According to this sloka,
auspicious Lunar Month, Paksha, Tithi, Var (day) and Nakshatra,
Lagna (sign) are :- Lunar month - Magh, Phalgun, Vaisakh,
Jyaistha, Shravan, Aswina, and Agrahayana Paksha - Shukla
Paksha (light half) of lunar months Tithi - 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13
and Purnima Var (days) - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday Nakshatra - Shrawan , Dhanistha, Satbhisha, Mrigshira,
Aswani, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha, Hasta, Pushya, Three Uttaras,
Rohini, Punarvasu, Moola Lagna (Sign) -Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces Clothes - White Inauspicious
time of the first menstruation for a girl are given below and the
corrective measures are mentioned against each forbidden yoga
Forbidden Yoga Corrective measures 1. Bhadra Swasti vachan,
Lord Ganesh Worship 2. Hidra 11 path of Shiva - Sankalp Sukta
3. Sankranti Amavasya Suryargh Dan 4. Rikta Tithi Dan of a pot-
full grain 5. Sandhya Floating of Deep in flowing water 6. Khasthi,
Dwadashi, Ashtami Gauri Poojan 7. Vaidhriti yoga Worshiping
Shivaling with milk, Durva and Belpatra 8. Illness Ahuti of yellow
mustard in fire 9. Solar and Lunar eclipse Dan of black horse
bean (black urad) 10. Pat yoga Dan of Rahu - Ketu 11.
Inauspicious Nakshatra Parthiva Poojan 12. Inauspicious Lagna
Navgrah Poojan In Modern days the production of test tube
babies is carried out in proper environment and specific
conditions thern why should proper astrological parameters be not
applied to the production of babies by mother in a natural way.
Hence the second step in the birth of the baby by a married
couple is the choice of proper timing of conception by a married
lady. In this connection the learned scholars of
Triskandha Astrology have given their opinion in the following
sloka. DAX E d2I c Eo5 I#
E (5p 3 qr# A#f
According to above shloka the best time of conception is to avoid
conception on Khashthi (6th), chaturdashi (14th), Ashtami (8th),
Amavasya (15th of Krishna Paksha), Purnima (Full moon),
Sankranti, Rikta Tithi, Evening time, Tuesday, Sunday, Saturday
and four days after menstruation. Avoiding the above days, time
and Bhadra parva, conception in three uttaras, Mrigshira, Hasta,
Anuradha, Rohini, Swati, Shrawan, Dhanishtha, and Shatbhisha
nakshatra, are favourable. After conception foetus formed needs
protection in the manner similar to a germinated seed during its
journey to formation of a plant. Hence during 9 to 10 months
period after conception different Dan and Poojan, as given below,
are needed for protection of baby being formed in the womb of
the mother. So that he/she may enjoy good life and fortune.
Month Planet Poojan and protective measures First Venus Gifting
of Sweets and perfumes and Ganesh Poojan Second Mars
Feeding of lentil (masur) to cow Third Jupiter Putting Tilak on the
forehead of seniors by Turmeric to get their blessings. Fourth Sun
Suryargh Dan Fifth Moon Chandrargh Dan Sixth Saturn Deep
Dan in the evening Seventh Mercury Lising and gifting away
green vegetables. Eighth Lagna lord Vishnu poojan and offering
water to Tulsi plant Ninth Moon Chandrargh Dan Tenth Surya
Surya-pranam and Ganesh Poojan

Houses-Their significations and significators April 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 491 |
Earth is moving on its axis from West to East. If we see towards
horizon, we find that signs of Zodiac rise one by one. Any
particular sign of the Zodiac will reappear at the east horizon after
approximately 24 hours. Ascendant is the sign of zodiac which is
rising in the eastern horizon at the time of occurrence of an event.
The Ascendant is also known as first house of the horoscope.
Second house means the second counted from first and so on.
Each house of the horoscope signifies certain aspects of life
which are as under:-
First House :
Body, appearance, personality, face, health, character,
temperament, intellect, longevity, fortune, honour, dignity,
Second House :
Wealth, family, speech, right eye, nail, tongue, nose, teeth,
ambition, food, imagination, power of observation, jewelry,
precious stones, unnatural sex, loss by cheating and violence
between life partners.
Third House :
Younger brothers and sisters, cousins, relatives, neighbors,
courage, firmness, valour, chest, right ear, hands, short journeys,
nervous system, communication, writing editing books, reporting
to newspapers, education, intellect.
Fourth House :
Mother, conveyance, relatives, domestic environment, treasure,
land, house, education, landed property, hereditary tendencies,
later portion of life, hidden treasure, private love affairs, chest,
interference in married life by parents-in laws and family,
ornaments, clothes.
Fifth House :
Progeny, intelligence, fame, position, stomach, love affairs,
pleasures, and amusements, speculation, past birth, soul, position
in life, artistic talent, heart and back, proficiency in games,
success in competition.
Sixth House :
Disease, debt, disputes, miseries, injuries, maternal aunt or uncle,
enemies, service, food, clothes, theft, ill fame, pet animals,
subordinates, tenants, waist.
Seventh House :
Spouse, personality of spouse, relations between life partners,
desires, partnership, open enemies, recovery, journey, litigation,
danger to life, influence in foreign countries and fame, relations
between self and public, sexual or urinary disease.
Eighth House :
Longevity, kind of death, sexual organs, obstacles, accident,
unearned wealth, inheritance, legacy, will, insurance, pension and
gratuity, theft, robbery, worries, delay, battles, enemies,
inheritance of money, mental affliction, extramarital life.
Ninth House :
Fortune, religion, character, grand parents, long journeys,
grandson, devotion towards elders and god, spiritual initiation,
dreams, higher education, wifes younger brother, brothers wife,
visit to holy places, philosophy, communication with spirits.
Tenth House :
Profession, fame, power, position, authority, honour, success,
status, knees, character, karmas, ambition in life, father,
employers and superiors, relationship between self and superiors,
success in business, promotion, recognition from government.
Eleventh House :
Gains, prosperity, fulfillment of desires, friends, elder brother,
ankles, left ear, advisers, favorites, recovery of illness,
expectation, sons wife, wishes, success in undertakings.
Twelfth House :
Harm, punishment, confinement, expenditure, donations (given),
marriage, work related to water resorts, vedic sacrifice, fines paid,
sexual enjoyment outside wedlock, contacting sexually
transmitted disease, weakness in sexual act, sleeping comforts,
enjoying luxuries, loss of spouse, losses in marriage, termination
of employment, separation from own people, long journeys,
settlement in foreign land.
Significators of Houses
The significators or karakas of various houses are as under:-
1st House Sun
2nd Jupiter
3rd Mars, Mercury
4th Moon, Venus
5th Jupiter
6th Mars, Saturn
7th Venus
8th Saturn
9th Sun, Jupiter
10th Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and Saturn
11th Jupiter
12th Saturn
Significations of Planets
Sun - Father, influence, energy
Moon - Mother, mind
Mars - Brothers, courage
Mercury - Profession, speech, education,
Jupiter - Progeny, wealth, prosperity wisdom
Venus - Marriage, material comforts, pleasures
Saturn - Longevity, sorrows, delays
Rahu - Maternal relations
Ketu - Paternal relations
Nakshatras and Navamsa October 2007
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 490 |
In this article I am trying to relate the Nakshatras to the Navamsa.
Nakshatras : According to mythology Nakshatras are the
daughters of Daksha Prajapati. They were 27 in number and were
married to Moon. The list of Nakshatras is available in Taittiriya
Samhita (A.V 19.7) and also in the Shatapatha Brahmana. Each
Nakshatra has one of the navagrahas as Lord and is totally
governed by them. The order for the first 9 nakshatras are Ketu,
Shukra(Venus), Surya(Sun), Chandra(Moon), Mangala(Mars),
Rahu, Guru(Jupiter), Shani(Saturn) and Budha(Mercury). This
cycle gets repeated two more times to cover all the 27
nakshatras. Based on this the Vimsottari Dasa System has been
built. In VedicAstrology the Zodiac comprises 360 degrees. By
making a 30 degree division we get the 12 Rasis. By making a 13
degree 20 minutes division we get the 27 Nakshatras. In fact the
first division was by means of Nakshatras only for which we find
references in Rig-Veda also. Moon takes 27 days and 7 hours
to make one round of the fixed Zodiac. Based on this the division
of 130 20 was made. Now we get a shortfall of 7 hour in the
lunar transit which was made up of an extra Nakshatra called
Abhijit. For the purpose of some special charts like Sarvobhadra
Chakra etc we consider 28 Nakshatras and for all other purposes
we take only 27 Nakshatras. The span from 2760 40 to 2800 54
13 that is to say the last pada of Uttarashada is known as Abhijit.
Details about each Nakshatra like, Symbol, Gotra, Gana, Lord,
Deity, Type, Yoni, Guna, Goal, Sex, Body Part, Caste etc. etc.
can be seen in any Standard beginners book. In most of the
Panchangas also these details are given. I am not going into the
details of these in this article. In the Gola Shastra we find a further
sub-division of this arc of 13 degrees 20 minutes into 4 parts of 3
degrees 20 minutes each. These are called padas that is legs or
feet. Why this was done? The arc of 13 degrees 20 minutes were
found to be insufficient for the ancient astrologers and get a better
and specific characteristic features of ruler-ship of the stars the
further sub-division was made. Thus each Rasi was allotted 9
padas each in the running order of the Nakshatra. Nakshatras
and their nature have volumes and volumes of information and it
is not possible to present here all of them. Like-wise Nakshatras
have deep relationships with various divisional charts, especially
the Navamsa called as D-9 chart and Nakshatramsa Chart called
as D-27 chart. Navamsa : Bhagavat Gita says that the first
symptom of fall in Dharma is when the women of the family
become corrupt and thus get polluted. Dharma is denoted by the
9th house. Hence one ninth division is called Navamsa to stress
the point that it is a Dharmamsa. That is why Navamsa gains
importance while matching charts for marriage. This is the chart
which gives out the inherent abilities of the native though in a
hidden form. Rasi chart is existence at the physical level. Moon
chart shows your mental abilities. Navamsa chart shows the
souls development through previous lives which are going to bear
fruit in the current life. The importance given to this chart by
Parasara, Jaimini, Varahamihira, Kalyana Varma and many more
astrologers including respected B.V.Raman point out that the
strength of the planets are to be judged taking into account both
Rasi and Navamsa chart together. How Navamsa chart is
constructed? Each Rasi of 300 is divided into 9 equal parts. So
each part will be 30 20. For Fiery Rasis (Mesha, Simha, Dhanus)
Navamsa starts from Mesha. For earthy signs (Vrishabha, Kanya,
Makara) Navamsa starts from Makara. For Airy signs (Mithuna,
Thula, Kumbha) the beginning is from Thula and for the watery
signs (Karka, Vrischika and Meena) the order starts from Karka.
An Example will clarify this point: Suppose a planet say Mercury
is in 150 25 at Kanya. Kanya is earthy sign. Hence starting point
for Navamsa will be Makara. 150 25 is in the 5th part of the rasi
by dividing it with 9. Hence counting 5 from Makara we come to
Vrishabha. In the Navamsa chart Mercury will be placed in
Vrishabha. Suppose Mars is in Karka 240 10 then it falls in the
8th part of the rasi. Karka being a watery sign counting is to begin
from Karka itself. 8th from Karka is Kumbha where Mars will be
placed in Navamsa chart. This is the way Navamsa chart is to be
constructed. Relationship of Nakshatra padas and Navamsa I
have already mentioned that each Nakshatra is divided into 4
padas and the pada has a characteristic of the sign of the zodiac
which starts from Mesha. If you take 3 nakshatras you get 12
padas (3 x 4) which can be equated to the 12 rasis. However
each rasi has been assigned only 2 Nakshatras or 9 padas only.
So counting from Mesha the 9th sign falls in Dhanus. So the next
Nakshatra pada should automatically start from Makara. Count 9
signs from Makara to end up in Kanya. The next Nakshatra pada
should start from Thula. Similarly counting from Thula the 9th sign
falls in Mithuna and naturally the next Nakshatra pada will begin
from Karka. So the order of beginning is Mesha, Makara, Thula
and Karka which tallies with the basic principle laid down in
scriptures and as explained above. To make matters simple I will
conclude that the signs of padas and the Navamsa signs are the
same. Now let us examine the sample calculation made above
according to this new rule: Mercury is in 150 25 in Kanya. The
Nakshatra is Hasta-2nd pada. Count the padas from Ashwini to
Hasta 2nd. Ashiwini to Uttaraphalguni it is 12 Nakshatras or 12
x 4 = 48 pada. Add 2 padas of hasta and the total pada is 50. For
the 12 rasis we are allotting 12 padas. Hence 4 x 12 = 48 padas
gets allotted to all the 12 rasis. 2 padas remain starting from
Mesha the 2nd rasi will be Vrishabha which gets the 50th pada.
So Mercury will be in Vrishabha in the Navamsa Chart which
tallies with our principle stated earlier. Let us take the 2nd
example also. Mars is in Karka 240 10. The Nakshatra is Aslesha
3rd pada. From Ashwini till pushyam 8 Nakshatras or 32 padas
are there. Adding the 3 padas of Aslesha we get 35 padas.
Staring from Mesha allot each pada and you will end up in
Kumbha as the 35th pada. This is what we have arrived at earlier.
To complete this calculation you should compute the Nakshatra
and the pada in which the planet is placed using the longitude of
the planet.

The Diseases of Kidney An Astrological View April 2006

Madan T. Kaushik
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 481 |
The Ayurveda (i.e the ancient indian medical science) and
the Astrology always had an integral relationship since its origin.
Both of the divine wisdoms have come from the Vedas. The
Ayurveda i.e. the ancient medical wisdom is supposed to have
come from the Atharva- Veda and the Astrology is considered the
6th organ (Shastam Anga) of the Veda and is supposed to have
originated from the Rig-Veda. It was compulsory to
study Astrology or its branch Chikitsa Jyotish for the medical
practitioners of the ancient times who were known as the
Vaidhyas or Baidyas. The kidney problems are very common
now a days. The %age of the people having kidney problems is
also very high after the cardiac patients. The common kidney
disease is Kidney -Stone. So many other kidney problems are
also there which are painful like kidney stone. Have a look on the
tables given below : The significations and rulerships etc. of the
houses and the planets which are given in the above tables are of
the Kaal-Purushas (The Supreme God) horoscope. The
significations of the bhavas (houses) will be fixed or same as the
Kaal-Purushas horoscope. For example the 1st house will always
indicate the natives head, brain, scull etc. and the brain
disorders, hysteria and the blood diseases (etc.) in
all horoscopes. In the same way the 12th house will signify
(represent) the left eye, sole (of the foot) and the problems of left
eye and sole (of the foot). In the same way we have to keep in the
mind the rulerships of the planets while forecasting the diseases
of a native which are given in the table below : After knowing the
significance and the rulerships of the planets, now let us see
those Yogas, which are responsible for the various kidney
problems. These are given below : 1. Mars, Saturn or Rahu in the
birth ascendant Or Moon ascendant, causes the disorders of the
urine bladder. This particular planetary situation in
the horoscope causes the sexual disorders also along with the
urinary problems. 2. If Sun, Mars, Venus & the 7th house are
afflicted, this situation gives the kidney problem in the form of the
Kidney Stones. In this yoga the basic condition is that the 7th
house and Venus both should be in the afflicted situation and Sun
and Mars should also be in the affliction. 3. When Mars, Saturn or
Rahu are in the birth Ascendant or in the Moon Ascendant, the
problems like bed wetting and frequent urine passage
(Bahumutra) arise with native in the early age(i.e. in childhood).
This situation can further lead to so many other kidney (Urinary
System) related problems. If these three (or even two) malefics
get placed in the 7th house, this situation also gives the same
problems. The urinary bladder (Mutrashaya) is regarded as
situated between the 7th to 8th house. 4. If the 5th, 6th or the 7th
house has Sun or Mars, it can be easily predicted that the native
will undergo kidney-related problems. If the 8th house is also
occupied with the malefics, then also there are chances of kidney
problems. 5. If Mercury is posited in Sagittarius or Pisces in
conjunction with Sun, chances of the kidney problems are very
high. Some astrologers say this condition is not enough because
it is very common (as it is easily possible in a number
of horoscopes). They say that the malefic aspect of the Rahu
should also be there. 6. The Sun, Mars, Saturn or Rahu placed in
7th house in a watery sign definitely give kidney problems. 7. If
lords of the 6th, 7th and 12th house are in conjunction & have full
aspect of the Saturn, the native will definitely suffer from kidney
diseases. 8. If the birth Ascendant and the 7th house both have
watery signs and the Ascendant has full aspect of any of the
Watery planet, there will be kidney problem definitely. 9. If the 7th
house has Mars with malefic influence on it, the native has kidney
problems. 10. If 7th house has a watery sign and a watery planet
the native will definitely have kidney problems. When the native
will suffer from these (kidney/urinary) problems? The chances of
suffering from any disease are maximum when the period (Maha-
Dasha) or the sub period (Antardasha) of the concerned planets
or the houses starts in horoscope. The effects of transit of
concerned planets or the disease significator planets(Rog karaka)
should also be considered

Shodash Sanskaars in Hindu Dharma April 2011

Anita Sharma
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 474 |
Sanskaars 1. Grabhaadhan: Conception 2. Punsavana: Fetus
protection 3. Simanta: Satisfying wishes of the pregnant Mother 4.
Jaat-Karmaa: Child Birth 5. Naamkarma: Naming Child 6.
Nishkramana: Taking the child outdoors 7. Annaprashana: Giving
the child solid food. 8. Mundan : Hair cutting. 9. Karnavedh: Ear
piercing 10. Yagyopaveet: Sacred thread 11. Vedarambh: Study
of Vedas and Scriptures 12. Samaavartana: Completing
education 13. Vivaah: Marriage 14. Sarvasanskaar: Preparing for
Renouncing 15. Sanyas (Awasthadhyan): Renouncing 16.
Antyeshti: Last rite, or funeral rites 1. Garbhaadhan : (Conception)
To produce a good child, mother and father should have pure
thoughts and observe the rules of Shastras. 2. Punsavana :
Brahaspati says that the rite should be performed before the baby
begins to grow and move in the womb. The word Punsvana
occurs in Atharvaveda, where it is used in the literal sense of
giving birth to a male child:. The word male means soul. The
Punsavana is used for welcoming the great soul. This is also
called Garbharakshan. Garbharakshana is performed to assure
that the infant is not miscarried. 3. Simanta : This ceremony
should be performed in the fourth month of pregnancy, in the
fortnight of waxing moon, when the moon is in conjunction with a
Nakshatra that is regarded as male or auspicious. A Puja is
performed for purification of the atmosphere and as an offering to
God for the peace of mother and infant, for giving birth to a
peaceful and holy child. This rite is primarily social and festival in
nature, intended to keep the pregnant woman in good spirits. The
pregnant woman gets gifts of rice and fruits from seven ladies.
Kumkum is applied on her cheek to keep her happy so that the
child will be affected by her happiness. A future mother should
have good thoughts at all times. She should place Picture of
Balgopal or Laddu Gopal in her home. She should read the Gita
and other religious books in addition to performing her daily work
and should avoid thrilling books and movies. During Solar and
lunar eclipses, a woman should not use any kind of weapons.
During normal times, she should avoid violent thoughts. Her
husband should help keep her peaceful and cheerful. 4. Jaat-
Karm : Jaat-karma performed on six or after 11 days from the
birth of a child, is for the purification of the house. This is done in
order to keep a child in a clean atmosphere where he may not
incur any physical or mental problems. It is also called Shashthi.
Goddess Shashthi is the protector of children. Jaat-karma is
followed with Grah Puja, Homa. 5. Naamkarn : (Naming)
Sometime Jaatkarma and Naamkarna are performed together.
This ceremony is performed to give a sacred name to the child,
assigned according to the 27 Nakshatra and the position of the
moon at the time of childs birth. An appropriate name is given to
the child according to the star of birth, and the first letter of the
name is taken from the Hora Shatra. 6. Nishkraman : (Taking the
child out of the house) This ceremony is performed on or after 40
days, but some shastras allow it at the time of naming ceremony.
The child must be blessed with the holy water and Surya
Darshan, with the prayer, salutation to you, Oh divine Sun, who
has hundreds of rays and who dispels darkness, may you bring
the brightness in the life of the child. 7. Annaprashana : (Making
a child eat cooked food for the first time) Most of the samitis
prescribe it the sixth month from birth, when the child first
develops teeth. Anna or food is considered as one of the main
reasons to make a person commence the good or bad things. The
body is made of chemicals, therefore, the kinds of chemical, we
put in our bodies will bring out their effect. Sweet porridge or rice
pudding can be given to the child if parents are desirous of
nourishment, holy luster, swiftness, or splendor. One of them with
curd, honey and ghee is given it to the child while reciting Prasad
Mantras. 8. Mundan : The ceremony is to be performed on an
auspicious day after the age of one year. This ceremony is
performed for the development of power better understanding,
and for long life. The hair must be disposed of at holy places
where no one can find them. 9. Karnavedh : (Piercing the childs
ear holes). With the commencement of Surya Puja; the father
should first address the right ear of the child with the mantra Oh
God may we hear bliss with our ears, performed so that child
may listen to good things and to have a good education. 10.
Yagyopaveet (Sacred Thread) : The sacred thread ceremony is
very significant in the life of a Hindu man. This ceremony initiates
the child into an intellectual and spiritual journey. The mother
gives birth to the child; this is natural birth. However, when the
Guru initiates him by giving Gayatri mantra, this prayer for Buddhi
is considered a second birth of the child. this ceremony is known
also as Upnayan, the sacred vision or new vision, the vision to
see things in a proper way and to know wrong and right.
Therefore, Upnayan is essential to handle household life.
Yagyopaveet (sacred thread) indicates that the child is qualified
to perform all the traditional Vedic rites including Pitra Kriya and
Tarpan for his forefathers. Yagyopaveet symbolizes three forms
of one supreme being, Satoguna Brahma (the creator), Rajoguna
Vishnu (the sustainor) and tamsoguna Shiva (the destroyer). The
knot is called Brahma-Knot, the Lord who controls these three
faces of nature. It also symbolizes the three duties for three debts.
(i) Pitra: Debt of parents and ancestors, (ii) Manushya: Debt of
society and humanity, (iii) Dev: Debt of Nature and God. The twist
in the thread symbolizes strength and honesty. Gayatri Mantra is
given to the child who promises to lead a good human life as per
the rules of Dharamshastras. Gayatri Mantra is simple prayer to
the Sun God to brighten the intellect. The sun represents the
creator of the Earth, God. Just as we bathe our body to keep
clean every day, so must we bathe our mind with the Gayatri
prayer, to keep our mind ever pure, ever inspired. Gayatri Mantra
is so powerful that it can destory all negative forces. The
ceremony has six parts: - Puja: worshipping the Gods, Havan:
sacrifice, Shiksha: teaching the morality and duties in life,
Bhiksha: begging as a renounced Brahmchari of Gurukula.
Teachers teaching has made him renounced minded that he has
accepted a life of Vairagya. Diksha: giving the most sacred
Gayatri Mantra to the child, and Blessings: child is blessed by all
Gods, Goddesses, ancestors, and elders. 11. Vidyaarambha :
(Commencement of learning of the alphabet) On the third or fifth
year, when Choula is performed, this important ceremony can
take place. the Brahman or teacher should start teaching the first
lesson after worshipping Saraswati, the Goddess of learning. 12.
Samavartan : (Taking the ceremonial bath after finishing Vedic
study and returning from the teachers house) After learning the
rules of life he returns home from his Teachers Ashram. When he
completes his education about and religion the law of life, his first
Ashram Brahmacharya is complete. He is now eligible to enter
into the householder stage, and considered a qualified man to get
married. 13. Vivah (the marriage) : Vedic Hindu marriage is
viewed as sacramental, which is a lifelong commitment of one
wife and one husband. It is the strongest bond between a man
and a woman, which takes place in the presence of their parents,
relatives, and friends. This a commitment for whole lifetime. For a
Hindu, marriage is the only way to continue the family, and
thereby repay, his debt to his ancestors. The most important thing
is that all the Hindu God and Goddesses are also united in this.
Marriage is for spiritual growth and a way of learning many things
in life through experience. In other words, it is a perfect way of
following the holy law of the Creator. There are eight ways of
getting married. They are: 1. Brahma: Kanyadan performed by
holy parents 2. Daiva: Kanyadan by God-fearing parents 3.
Aarsha: Kanyadan by parents with five other gifts 4. Prajaapatya:
Kanyadan by honor and respect 5. Asur: Love Marriage 6.
Gandharv: Marrying for money 7. Raakshas: Forceful abduction
of a maiden. 8. Paishaach: Intercourse in asleep, intoxicated
situation Steps to follow for the ceremony: - Vaag-daan, Tilak &
Sagun (Engagement): It is a commitment by the brides parents to
complete the marriage of a future date acceptance by the parents
of bridegroom. Ganesh, Navagrah Puja and Chura Saant or
Shantipath: Lord Ganesh is worshipped for success of the
ceremony. Chura is given by the brides maternal uncle (Mama)
as a blessing and well wishing for her married life. Offering
Chunni to the bride to signify that from this time onwards she is
the member of the grooms family. Sehra and vadhu
Grahaagaman: Grooms dressing with Sehra and Garland and
proceeding to the brides house. Milni: A warm welcome and
greeting of the grooms parents by brides parents and other close
family members with garlands and gifts mostly cash Aarti is
offered to the groom. Jaimala: Formal acceptance of each other
by bride and bridegroom with garlands. Madhupark: Reception of
bridegroom by brides father with yogurt and honey. Sarva Dev
Poojan: Lord Ganesh, nine planets, Varuna, Main Kalash, Sun
and Kula Devatas are invited and worshipped. In their presence
Kanyadan is performed. Kanyadan: (giving away of daughter)
Paanigrahan: (Taking the hand of the bride) seven sentences are
pronounced by both. Gathbandhan: (Sacred Union of two souls)
Aashirvaad: (Blessings) Homa and Laja Hom: (Baked rice grains
into the fire) Establishing the fire and offering of Samagri into the
fire. In the first four rounds grains are offered in the fire by the
bride and bridegroom which are given to her by her brother. That
signifies that she is leaving her family to join husbands family.
Parikrama: They take seven rounds around the fire. If all of these
are performed separately they take the only four rounds. First four
rounds are dedicated for four aims of life i.e. Dharma (follow the
rules of religion, duty, morality and spirituality) Artha (wealth for
livelihood, to work hard and to earn money with right means)
Kaam (love, physical and mental support and satisfaction,
dedication between husband and wife throughout life Moksha
(liberation from this world of suffering by abiding the law of
household life). Saat vachan (Main part of the wedding
ceremony): 1. In your grief, I shall fill your heart with courage and
strength. In your happiness, I shall rejoice, and I promise you that
I will please you always with sweet words and take care of the
family and children. 2. We promise that we shall discharge all
responsibilities of the household life. 3. You shall be the only
person to whom I shall love and respect as my life partner. I will
love you with single-minded devotion. 4. I will decorate your life.
5. I will share both in your joys and sorrows. Your love will make
me trust and honor you. I will carry out your wishes. 6. In all social
acts in every form of enjoyment, we promise that we shall
participate. 7. As per God and Holy flame I have become yours.
Whatever promises we gave, we have spoken in pure mind. We
will be truthful to each other in all things. We will love, respect and
honor each other and our marriage will be forever and ever.
Hridaya Sparsha: Groom touches the shoulder of bride. Sindhur,
Mangalsutra, Suhag, symbolizing her as a married woman and
joining of the grooms family. Blessings: Bride and bridegroom
are blessed and congratulated by all the participants. SHANTI
PATH : May there be peace in the heavenly region. May there be
peace in the atmosphere. May peace reign on the Earth. May the
water be soothing and plants be the source of peace to all. May
all the enlightened persons bring peace to us. May the vedas
spread peace throughout the Universe. May all other objects give
us peace and may peace even bring peace to all. May that peace
come to us. Om Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! 14. Sarvasanskar & 15.
Sanyas (Mahavakyaparisampti): This ceremony is performed at
the age of 50, in some cases at the age of 60. With the
commencement of this ceremony, a man completes his
Grehastha Dharma and enters inot Vanprastha Ashram (forest
hermit). Ganesh Puja, havan and Gayatri Yajna is performed. The
Priest gives the new uniform and the rules are explained.
Yajaman should agree to follow the rules of vanprastha life. There
are 17 rules for a Vanaprasthi. 1. No attachments with wife and
children. 2. Take bath three times a day and remain peaceful all
times. 3. Be satisfied with simplest food. 4. Eat fresh food, which
keep mind and body pure. 5. Use cheapest clothing just to cover
the body. 6. Accept the heat in summer and cold in winter. 7. Do
not do any hair dressing or unreal show. 8. Live in forest or in
most simple way. 9. Sleep on a simplest bed or on the floor. 10.
Think before consuming the things from where they are, and by
which mean they have come. 11. Stay away from violence and
the food earned by violent means. 12. Follow the system of
sacrifice, Full Moon day fasting, and other monthly observance.
13. Become weak by acceptance of hard penance. 14. Weak
body should start shaking with hard penance. 15. Always keep
the Lord in the mind. 16. To become a Sanyasi one should
perform Prajapatya Yajna and the eight kinds of Shradh before
death. 16. ANTYESTI (the Last Rites) 1. By and large, Hindus
adopt Cremation, i.e. burning at some specified place.
Christians bury the body under belief that on the Day of
Judgement, the dead body will be brought to life and given
judgement whether the person will go to eternal Heaven or to
eternal Hell. 2. Hindus believe that the dead body is like a piece of
cloth or dress which has been given up; that dead body is not
going to be revived. There is no particular Day of Judgement:
there is no eternal Heaven and no eternal Hell: Left to itself, the
dead body will decompose and pollute the environment. It has to
be disposed of in a manner which has following ingredients: (a)
Respect. (b) Hygienic principles of life. (c) Socially acceptable
and beneficial system. 3. Keeping these principles in view, Hindus
give ceremonial bath (cleaning) to the dead body, wrap the body
in clean cloth or dress, put garlands and sprinkle scents and
respectfully take the body to the cremation ground in the company
of relatives and friends. Very close and sensitive relatives who
cannot stand the sight of confining the body to flames do not
accompany the body to the cremation ground. On the way, the
accompanying persons chant the slogan: God is the companion
of the departed one. He will take care of the person. 4. At the
cremation ground, some ceremonies are performed with the help
of professional family priests and the body is respectfully placed
on the fire place. Fire is ignited among holy chantings and
prayers, bowing down before fire. Fire is worshipped as a
manifestation of God to whom the body is given as the last
offering of the human birth. 5. Those who have been to the
cremation ground are advised to take bath and change their
clothes before getting back to normal work. This is a part of
hygiene. In the process of touching the dead body or being close
to it, the person might be tainted by harmful bacteria, etc. Also, in
the cremation ground, we have dead bodies who are afflicted by
various types of diseases or the bodies which have undergone
decomposition due to delay in cremation. Fire and Water are the
cleaning and purifying Agents of Nature. 6. Ashes (bones) are
respectfully collected from the cremation place after 3 days and
immersed in holy places at suitable times, with appropriate
respect. 7. There are ceremonies for 12 to 13 days, Garud Puran
Path, Sapindi, Pind Dan, Kriya Shiv Puja, Narayan Bali for the
peaceful journey of the departed soul and with chanting of Gods
Names and singing of holy songs to create an atmosphere of soft
and soothing adjustment of family members and friends to the
new situation with loss of their close relative/friend. 8. There are
monthly and annual ceremonies with memories of respect,
affection and prayers for the welfare of the departed person. 9.
Hindus believe that broadly an individual is composed of: (a)
(Soul never gets destroyed: It is immortal. It witnesses birth and
death in various bodies. (b) Subtle Body accompanies the Soul,
birth after birth, till subtle body gets completely purified and soul
merges into the total Universal Consciousness. This subtle body
goes out of the gross body, in company of the soul at the time of
death. This (soul + subtle body) takes rebirth of a type
depending on the actions of the individual. A person with good
record of actions in the past takes birth in a beautiful, healthy
human body, in the family of pious and prosperous persons. A
person with record of evil and cruel actions in the past takes birth
in one of 84,00,000 types of bodies, including animals, insects,
etc. In each body, the person learns to do good in its own
capacity and progresses upward to take birth again in human
body, learns lessons of Nature and lives a life of nobleness, to be
one with God, the Universal Consciousness. 10. Hindus avoid
converting the whole or major part of our land surface on the
earth into a wide graveyard and to dump one dead body over the
other at one place. Cremation is the best method of disposal of a
dead body, with due respect, honour and affection Main Methods
of Disposal of Dead Body: 1. Bhoo Samadhi (burial underground)
2. Jala Samadhi (water burial) 3. Agni Dah (cremation) Apart
from the above three exposures of body for being consumed by
vultures and other birds or beasts, being preserved in caves, and
mummifying are the three methods which have been used since
the ancient times. To bury a holy body (according to Shastras)
one should go to the east or north of the village, dig a pit about
eight feet deep, then water thereon thrice, spread the dry grass
on the bottom of the pit, Deck the dead body with garlands,
sandalwood paste and salt, deposit the body in it with prayer, and
put a water pot next to the body while reciting the mantras.
ANTYESTI CREMATION: The main steps to be followed are as-
1. Bhumi Shuddhi: Purifying place with sesame seeds, Shaligram,
Tulasi, Gangajal and Kusha. 2. Kishor Karma: Eldest son with
shaved hair. Place on theYagyopaveet(Janeu). 3. Earthee
(casket): Under the open sky. 4. Deep Daan: Lighting a lamp
near the head of the deceased. 5. Bhuumi Shuddhi: Keeping the
floor clean. 6. Shav Sthapan: Deceaseds head should be facing
to the North. 7. Snan: Sprinkling the holy water. 8. Alankar:
Offering kumkum, sandle wood paste, basil leaves, gold, Ganga
water, flowers. 9. Pind Daan: Offering rice balls with sesame
seed and Gangajal. FIRST PIND: The first Pind is given in the
hand of the deceased at the place of death by the name of Pret,
to please the Devas of that place. SECOND PIND: At the door of
the place of death, the second pind should be offered by the
name Paanth to avoid the disturbance caused by the Bhoots and
Prets. The wife then takes four rounds with a coconut in her hand,
followed by the four hush carriers. The son first to follow her.
THIRD PIND: Half way to crematorium the third Pind should be
offered to avoid the disturbances coming from Pishach, Yakshas,
Khechars and Devils. At the crematorium the dead body should
have his head facing north. After doing a small havan in
crematorium, O fire God, you are in the five elements and
preserver of the world, may you take this soul to heaven.
FOURTH PIND AND FIFTH: After keeping the dead body on the
cremation pyre two Pinds should be offered by the name of the
deceased, one in the pyre by the name of Bhoot, Rudra daivato
and another by the name of Sadhak in the hand. PANCHAK: If a
body is being cremated in the Panchak (last five Nakshatras in
the almanac) another four pieces of grass must be kept beside
the dead body. Holding a fire lamp in his hand, the son should
walk around the fire and light the pyre. FOOD : Food is not
cooked at home between death and cremation, that can be
brought from outside. However, that depends upon individuals
situation. After cremation all the family members should take bath
and home cooked food must be offered to a cow. This system is
repeated for ten days. SUTAK NIVRITTI: Condolence should be
observed for nine nights, hence tenth day is Sutak Nirvitti day. On
that day Shiva Puja, Pipal Puja, is considered. SAPINDI: (on the
twelfth day) Pagadi is another important ceremony. By that the
rights are transeferred to the son and he then onwards performs
the ceremony till the 12th day, with 52 Pinds. CHAUTHA:
(collection of ashes): also known as Marka, Parchawani, and
Rasma Pagari. Usually performed on or after the third day of the
death. Eldest son or the next of the kin is declared for being
responsible in all the financial and other business matters of the
deceased. Eldest son is declared the successor. There is a Kriya
for thirteen days with daily mourning, Pind-dan, ten days Sutak
observance, eleventh day Narayan Bali, twelfth day Dwadashah,
and the final part on thirteenth day known as Uthala and Brahman
Bhojan. However, in modern days, due to lack of time, people are
completing everything in one day. KRIYA: Three Sodashies 52
Pinds) 17 MALIN PINDS: 1st, At the place of death, 2nd, At the
door, 3rd, Half the way to the crematorium, 4th & 5th, At the pyre
before lighting the pyre, 6th, On the third day at the time of the
ashes collection and 7th to 16th, Pinds of ten days given from the
first day of funeral rites for each day. MADHYAM PINDS: (On the
eleventh day 11 Pindas and 5 for Sapindi) 1. Vishnu, 2. Shiva, 3.
Yama, 4. Chandrama, 5. Agni, 6. Kaavya, 7. Kaal, 8. Rudra, 9.
Purush Parameshwar, 10. Preta, 11. Vishnu, 12. Brahma, 13.
Vishnu, 14. Shiva, 15. Yama, 16. Deceased. UTTAM SHODASHI:
Twelve Pinds for twelve months, and fifteenth day (Pakshik), one
and half month (tripaakshik), five and a half months (nyun
shanmaashik), and eleven and half months (nyunabadhik). These
sexteen Pinds are offered to the deceased. Also 4 Pinds for
Sapindi, 3 for Pret and one for 1 Adhik mas if that come within
one year after death. CHILD DEATH: Under the age of 27 months
a child must be buried under the ground. Milk is donated in the
name of the child. However, if a child is dead in the womb, no
rituals are performed. The more Vasana one has while living,
mind about the material things, more they need for proper way of
Antyesti. SANYASI: A Sanyasi (one who has renounced) needs
no Pinds Dan Kriyas. This rite is already performed for him at the
time of renouncement ceremony.

Instant prediction in Astrology April 2012

Arun Bansal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 462 |
We all live in an era of information. In this era television, internet
and Mobile are playing crucial role in the field of information and
broadcasting. We can contact instantly any person in the world
through mobile phone and we can easily get any kind of
information by internet. News of a particular incident is instantly
displayed on TV news channels. Like this people also want
instant predictions from astrologers as soon as they contact them
via mobile, TV or internet and they also expect a quick and right
answer of their query. They are ready to pay fee for this through
cash or credit card. Nowadays we see many interactive programs
related to astrology on TV and a person can directly ask a
question from the astrologer sitting in the studio via mobile phone.
Ramal method, gazing at Crystal ball and tarot card readings are
very popular methods which are used for giving instant
predictions. In these methods detailed calculations are not
required while giving predictions and predictions are entirely
based of observations. In astrology various planetary
combinations, planetary period and transit of planets are analyzed
along with many other astrological calculations which may cause
delay in giving predictions. So it has become very essential for
astrologers who are working in modern era of information and
technology to find out some techniques to give instant and
accurate predictions. Astrological softwares are being updated
with the advancement of computer technology.
Leo software developed by future point is proved very useful for
astrologers for this purpose. In this software as soon as we enter
birth details the horoscope, planetary period, planetary positions,
astrological predictions and remedies are immediately displayed
on the computer screen. Let us see how we can give instant
predictions by doing quick and accurate calculations.
Determination of Mook Prasna In astrology we can not only give
instant predictions but we can also judge the mental state of the
native. First of all make a horoscope of the time and place from
where the native is asking his question. You should keep in mind
that planetary position of that time are generating question in the
mind of the native and these planetary positions are also
responsible for the answer of this question not the astrologer.
Astrologer is only a medium to answer the question. If one is
asking question from India and astrologer is also based in India
than it does not make a big difference in the planetary positions
but if somebody asks question from a foreign country and
astrologer is based in India than it can make a big difference. In
this situation ascendant rising at the place from where the native
is asking question and the ascendant rising at the place of the
astrologer at the time of question may differ. Different houses of
the horoscope signify different aspects of human life. An
experienced astrologer should always keep in mind the specified
areas on which native can ask question. Broadly a native can ask
questions related to his health, education, work and profession,
economic and monetary conditions, family life, progeny, litigation,
children, marriage. First of all an astrologer should make horary
chart and assess the position of ascendant lord. The position of
ascendant lord can give a clue about the question. Normally
question is related to the house in which the lord of ascendant is
posited. First house Health Second house Money and Wealth
Third house dispute, courage and endeavor Fourth house Family,
happiness and education Fifth house Children, education, if the
questioner is female than the question is related to love affairs
Sixth house service or disputes Seventh house Marriage or
marital disputes Eighth house obstacle, transfer, court case Ninth
house success/profession Tenth house Service, business and
career Eleventh house Money and finance Twelfth house Travel,
investment or lost property. The result of question depends on the
position of significator of the question. If it is posited in the benefic
house than results will be favorable otherwise results may not be
very good. Moon shows the time of fructification of results. Work
will be completed in the number of days The Moon takes to pass
the ascendant. If Moon is in the ascendant at the time of question
then it indicates instant results. If Moon is posited in the twelfth
house it indicates result will come in three four days. If it is in the
second house then the results will come in one month. If the
result of question is to come in months then the distance of Sun
from ascendant indicates the fructification of results. If the results
are to come in a year or above than it is difficult to get results from
horary chart. The position of Moon in the horary chart gives
results as per the following manner. House Results First house
immediate results Second/third/fourth In a month or more than a
month. Fifth house Success will sure but it will be at the
appropriate time Sixth house Immediate and sure success
Seventh house There will be success but there will be tension and
trouble also. Eighth house Success is denied or delayed.
Ninth/tenth house Success will be in a few days Eleventh/twelfth
house Success within a week. Prediction
through Horoscope There are three important things we have to
consider while giving predictions by using horoscope of the
individual. These are planetary combinations, planetary periods
and planetary transit. Transit plays an important role in predicting
future. For this we have to see transit of Saturn. As Sun, Moon,
Mars, Mercury and Venus are fast moving planets and Rahu and
Ketu are shadow planets and Jupiter is benefic planet. As Saturn
is slow moving planet and this is the only planet which gives
sufferings and trouble to the native due to its transit. We can
assess the effect of Saturn transit by three methods. The transit of
Saturn in a sign The transit of Saturn with respect to the natal
Moon The transit of Saturn with respect to Ascendant The transit
of Saturn with respect to Moon indicates malefic or benefic
results. Transit of Saturn with respect to ascendant indicates the
part of life which is affected like health, wealth, marriage or
children etc. The transit of Saturn in different zodiac signs and its
results are like this Aries malefic Lirba Benefic Taurus benefic
Scorpio malefic Gemini Benefic Sagittarius Malefic Cancer
Malefic Capricorn Benefic Leo malefic Aquarius Benefic Virgo
benefic Pisces Malefic The transit of Saturn in the 12, 1, 2,4 and
8th house from the natal Moon sign or ascendant is considered
good and auspicious. In other houses the transit of Saturn is
normal or inauspicious. Normally a native gets relief after his the
dhaiya or sade sati of Saturn is over. His mental, physical,
emotional and monetary problems are reduced after this. In
addition to this native also gets relief if a bad phase of malefic
planetary period is over according to his horoscope. Thus an
astrologer can give instant predictions by focusing on the transit
of Saturn in the horoscope of the native. Predictions based on this
are very accurate and satisfactory. If Saturn is not favorable in
thehoroscope of the native then an astrologer can suggest
astrological remedies to reduce the sufferings of the native.

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3. Timing of event through dasa and transit

Timing of event through dasa and transit May 2014
Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 457 |
The birth chart of any native indicate the promise inherent in a
Horoscopic chart because of the position of planet in chart and other
qualifications that attend upon it, i.e., its location, conjuctions, aspects
and its position and location in divisional chart. the horoscope only
indicate the inherent promise. The time when promise will fructify
depend uopn dasha and transit of planets. The total dasha period of a
planet is divided in different parts and ruled by different planets. The
dasha operative at the time of a particular planet and the results will
pertains to natural signification, lordship, placements, aspects and
strength of planet. The major period is known as mahadasa, the major
period is further divideded into sub-period, and in Major dasha
subperiod of all the planets are operative. Whenever, any important
event is happening in the life of a native, the transit of planets play an
important role, particularly transit of SATURN and JUPITER is very
When SATURN and JUPITER both influence a house and house lord,
activity related to that house start happening. In transit SUN indicate the
month of event and the MOON indicate the day of event. In other word,
we can say SATURN approve and JUPITER bless the event. For
predicating any event in any natal chart, we have to study Dasha
Anterdashas of planets and transit of planets particularly transit of
SATURN/JUPITER.tc " he birth chart of any native indicate the promise
inherent in a Horoscopic chart because of the position of planet in chart
and other qualifications that attend upon it, i.e., its location, conjuctions,
aspects and its position and location in divisional chart.
thehoroscope only indicate the inherent promise.
The time when promise will fructify depend uopn dasha and transit of
planets. The total dasha period of a planet is divided in different parts
and ruled by different planets. The dasha operative at the time of a
particular planet and the results will pertains to natural signification,
lordship, placements, aspects and strength of planet. The major period is
known as mahadasa, the major period is further divideded into sub-
period, and in Major dasha subperiod of all the planets are operative.
Whenever, any important event is happening in the life of a native, the
transit of planets play an important role, particularly transit of SATURN
and JUPITER is very important. When SATURN and JUPITER both
influence a house and house lord, activity related to that house start
happening. In transit SUN indicate the month of event and the MOON
indicate the day of event. In other word, we can say SATURN approve
and JUPITER bless the event. For predicating any event in any natal
chart, we have to study Dasha Anterdashas of planets and transit of
planets particularly transit of SATURN/JUPITER."
I have studies number of horoscopes and developed certain principals
which clearly indicate as to when the particular event is likely to happen.
I am discussing below the principals applicable for happening of
following events by giving examples. These principals have been tested
on number of horoscope and found accurate.tc "
I have studies number of horoscopes and developed certain principals
which clearly indicate as to when the particular event is likely to happen.
I am discussing below the principals applicable for happening of
following events by giving examples. These principals have been tested
on number of horoscope and found accurate."
The Vimsotri and Yogni dasha has been used for analysing the events.
Following topics are being discussed in this article :
1. Birth of younger brother/sister.
2. Timing of marriage.
3. Birth of children.
Birth of Younger Brother/Sister
Operative Dasha
1. Dasha of IIIrd lord.
2. Dasha of Vth lord.
3. Dasha of Lagna Lord of D-3.
4. Dasha of planets posted in IIIrd house, aspecting IIIrd house.
5. Dasha of dispositer of IIIrd lord.
6. Dasha of Mars.
7. Dasha of IIIrd lord from Mars.
8. Planet posted in IIIrd house from Mars.
Transit of Planets
1. 1. SATURN and JUPITER will influence two conditions out of
four mentioed below:
o IIIrd House
o IIIrd Lord
o Vth House
o Vth Lord
2. The Sun may indicate month of birth of younger brother or sister
by influencing one of four conditions mentioed above by posting
or aspect.
3. The Moon may indicate date of birth of younger brother or sister
by influencing one of the conditions mentioned above by posting
or aspect.
Case Study-I
Date of Birth : 10.12.1984 Time of Birth : 12.55 AM
Place of Birth : Delhi
Dasha operative at the time of birth of younger sister of Case
Vimshotri : Rahu/Moon
Yognie Dasa: Ulka/Siddha
Date of Birth of younger sister : 31.8.1986
Time of Birth : 04.15 AM
Place of Birth : Delhi
Transit of birth of younger sister
The birth of younger sister has taken place in the dasha or RAHU
posted in IIIrd house, anterdasha operating was of MOON which is
lord of Vth house hence operating dasha and anterdasha are
covered under parameter 1 and 4 of dasha parameter.
Yogni Dasha
The yogni dasha operating was ULKA/SIDDHA, ULKA is
equilant of SATURN which is dispositer of IIIrd Lord VENUS.
The anterdasha was of SIDDHA equilant to VENUS which is lord
of IIIrd house hence operating dasha and anterdasha are covered
under parameter 5 and 1 of dasha parameter.
At the time of birth of younger sister Jupiter was transinting in
Aquraius from where it was apecting Vth Lord Moon, Saturn was
transiting SCORPIO and was aspecting venus the IIIrd lord hence
paraments set in transit conditions are fulfilled. The sun was in
LEO it has just passed through Vth house. The Moon was
transiting Zemini it was conjucted with Vth lord Moon.
Date of Birth : 31.08.1986 Time of Birth : 04.15 AM
Place of Birth : Delhi
Dasha operative at the time of birth of younger brother
Vimshotri : Jupiter/Mercury 14.05.1987 to 18.02.1990
Yognie : Dhanya/Bhadrika 24.10.1988 to 25.03.1989
Date of Birth of younger brother : 30.11.1988
Time of Birth : 04.15 AM Place of Birth : Delhi
Dasha Vimshotri
the dasha operative at the time of birth of younger brother was of
Jupiter which is aspecting IIIrd lord of Mercury, it is also lord of
D-3. The anterdasha operating was of Mercury which is IIIrd Lord.
Hence operating dasha and anterdasha are covered under parameter
3,4 and 1 of dasha parameter.
Yogni Dasha
The dasha operating was of Dhanya which is equilent to Jupiter
and anterdasha was of Bhadrika which is equivalent to Mercury.
The position under Vimshotri dasha hence operating dasha and
anterdashas are covered under parameter 1,3 and 4 of dasha
At the time of birth of younger brother the Saturn was transiting in
Saggitarius it was posted with Vth lord Mars and was aspectng
IIIrd house with Xth aspect. Jupiter was transiting is Taurus it was
aspecting IIIrd house and Vth house. Hence parameters set in
transit conditions are fulfilled. The Sun was in Scorpio i.e. in Vth
house, the Moon was is cancer likely to enter in Leo where IIIrd
lord Mercury is posted.
Timing of Marriage Operative Dasha
1. Dasha of VIIth Lord.
2. Dasha of Lagna Lord.
3. Lagna Lord of D-9.
4. Dasha of RAHU/VENUS natural significator.
5. Dasha of VIIth lord from VENUS.
6. Planet position VIIth from Venus.
7. Dasha of planet posted in VIIth house, aspecting VIIth house
or Lord.
8. Dispositer of VIIth Lord.
Transit of Planets
9. Saturn and Jupiter will influence two conditions out of four
mentioned below :
VIIth house
VIIth Lord
Lagna Lord
10. The Sun may indicate month of marriage by influincing
one of four conditions mentioned above by posting or aspect.
11. The Moon may indicate date of marriage by influincing
one of four conditions mentioed above by posting or aspect.
Date of Birth : 19.10.1952 Time of Birth : 15.15 PM
Place of Birth : Najibabad
Date of Marriage : 26.12.1983
Dasha operative at the time of marriage
Vimshotri : Jup/Rahu 09.05.1982 to 02.10.1984
Yognie : Samhta/Bhadrika
Dasha oerating at the time of marriage was of Jupiter which is
aspecting VIIth house and VIIth lord. Anterdasha operating was of
RAHU which is natural significator of marriage. Hence operating
Dasha and Anterdasha are covered under parameter 1 and 4 of
Dasha parameter.
Yogni Dasha
Yogni dasha operatinf at the time of marrige was of SANKTA
which is equivalent to RAHU the natural significator of marriage.
The anterdasha operating was Bhadrika equivalent to Mercury
which is posted with VIIth lord Sun. Hence dasha and anterdasha
operating at the time of marriage are covered under parameter 4
and 5 of Dasha parameter.
At the time of marriage Saturn was transmitting in Libra where
VIIth Lord Sun is posted. The Jupiter was transiting in Sagitarius
from where it is aspecting VIIth house. Hence paramaters set in
transit conditions are fulfilled. The Sun was transiting in Sagitarius
it has just passed through Libra where VIIth lord Sun was posted.
The moon at the day of marriage was in Cancer likely to enter Leo
which is VIIth house.
Date of Birth : 08.11.1955 Time of Birth : 14.33 PM
Place of Birth : Delhi
Date of Marriage : 07.02.1977
Dasha operative at the time of marriage
Vimshotri : VENUS/KETU 31.03.1976 to 31.05.1977
Yognie : SANKATA/SIDDHA 30.05.1976 to 19.12.1977
Dasha Vimshotri
Dasha operating at the time of marriage was Venus the natural
significator of marriage and anterdasha was of Ketu which is
posted in VIIth house from Venus in the sign of Venus which is
natural significator of marriage. Hence operating dasha and
anterdasha are covered under parameter 4 and 5 of dasha
Yogni Dasha
Dasha operating at the time of marriage was of Sankta which is
equivalent of Rahu, i.e., natural significator of marriage. The
anterdasha was of Siddha which is equivalent to Venus. The Venus
is the natural significator of marriage and is lord of VIIth from
Venus hence operating dasha and anterdasha are covered under
parameter 4 and 5 of dasha parameter.
Saturn was transiting in Cancer on date of marriage and was
aspecting VIIth house since Saturn was (R). The Jupiter was
transiting in Aries from where it was aspecting VIIth house and
VIIth lord Sun. The Sun was in Capricorn likely to enter in
Aquarius, i.e., in Lagna. The Moon was in Virgo it has just passed
through Leo which is VIIth house.
Birth of Children Operative Dasha
12. Dasha of Vth Lord.
13. Dasha of IXth Lord.
14. Lagna lord of D-7.
15. Dasha of Jupiter.
16. Dasha of Dispositer of Vth Lord.
17. 6. Dasha of Planet posted in Vth house or aspecting Vth
house or Vth Lord.
18. Saturn and Jupiter will influence two conditions out of
four mentioed below:
i. Vth House
ii. Vth Lord
iii. IXth House
iV. IXth Lord.
19. The Sun may indicate month of birth by children by
influencing one of four conditions mentioed above by posting
or aspect.
20. The Moon may indicate date of birth of children by
influncing one of the four conditions mentioed above.
The above principals/parameters have been analysed with the help
of horoscope of father and his three children.
Date of Birth : 19.10.1952 Time of Birth : 15.15 Hrs.
Place of Birth : Najibabad
First Child:
D.O.B. : 10.12.1984
Time of Birth : 12.55 AM
Place of Birth : Delhi
Dasa Vimshotri: SAT/SAT Yogini : SANKTA/ULKA
Second Child :
D.O.B. 31.08.1986
Time of Birth : 04.15 AM
Place of Birth : Delhi Dasa Vimsottari: SAT/SAT Yogini :
Third Child
D.O.B.: 30.11.1988
T.O.B.: 04.15 A.M.
Place of Birth : Delhi
Dasa Vimsottari: SAT/MER
Dasha (First Child) Vimshotri
Dasha at the time of birth of first child operating was of Saturn and
antardasha operating was also Saturn which is aspecting Vth house
by 10th aspect. Hence operating dasha and antardasha are covered
under parameter six of dasha.
Dasha operating was of SANKTA equivalent to Rahu which is in
sign of Saturn is apecting Vth house by Xth aspect. Antardasha
operating was of ULKA equivalent to Saturn which is aspecting
Vth house. Hence operating dasha and antardasha are covered
under parameter 2 and 6 of dasha.
Dasha (Second Child) Vimshotri
Dasha operating was Saturn and antardasha operating was also
Saturn which is aspecting Vth house by its Xth aspect. Hence
operating dasha and antardasha are covered under parameter 6 of
Dasha operating was of Sankta which is in sign of Saturn and is
aspecting Vth house by its Xth aspect and Antardasha was of Sidha
equivalent to Venus which is Lord of 9th house, i.e., Vth from vth
house and alternative house of children. Hence Dasha and
Antardasha operating are covered under parameter 2 and 6 of
Dasha (Third Child) Vimshotri
Dasha operating was Saturn which is aspecting vth house by its xth
aspect and antardasha was of Mercury which is Vth let. Hence
operating dasha and antardasha are covered under parameter 1 and
6 of dasha.
Dasha operating was Pingla equivalent to Sun posted in Vth Lord
Mercury and antardasha of ULKA which is equivalent to Vth
First Child : At the time of birth, the first child, i.e., 10.12.84.
Saturn was transiting in Libra. It was conjucted with Vth Lord
Mercury. Jupiter was transiting in Sagatarius from where it was
aspecting Vth house. The Sun was in Scorpio and it has just passed
through Libra where Vth Lord Mercury was posted. The moon was
in Sagitarius and it was aspecting Vth house. Hence parameters set
in transit conditions are fulfilled.
Second Child : Saturn was transiting in Scorpio. It was conjucted
with 9th lord Venus. Jupiter was in Aquarius from where it was
aspecting Vth house, Vth Lord and IXth house. The Sun was in
Leo with Mercury Vth lord of birth chart. Moon was in Gemini,
i.e., Vth house of birth chart. Hence, parameter set in transit
conditions are fulfilled.
Third Child : Transit - Saturn was transiting in Sagitarius from
where it was aspecting Vth house. The Jupiter (R) was in Taurus
where it was aspecting Mercury the Vth Lord. The Sun was in
Scorpio it has just passed through Libra where Vth lord Mercury is
posted in birth chart. The moon was in Cancer it has just passed the
Gemini which is Vth house of birth chart. hence parameter set in
transit conditions are fulfilled.
It is seen that the parameter set under dasha and transit have been
found accurate in case of birth of all the three children of a native.
Marriage Matching : Essential or Not July 2006
S.R. Swamy
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 454 |
The marriages are made in heaven. It means the marriage has
divine approval and blessings. Still one needs to look for the right
mate, only then he can find the true life partner. Male and female
are nothing but two aspects or two sides of nature. Hence it is
natural for them to be united into a holy wedlock. In our country
the marriage has been considered as a relationship which will last
till eternity. It confers equality on both the partners in matters of
DHARMA [ Right conduct], ARTHA [Financial position], KAMA
[Sex relation] and MOKSHA [Liberation or emancipation] The
family is the fundamental unit of the society. This unit is facing
great danger today. More or less it is in a state of disintegration
with more broken families everywhere. Reason for this sad state
of affairs can be traced to the increasing fragility of marriages
around the country. Divorce, separation and single parenting are
main problems in the society, which have damaged the happiness
of young couples. Stable married life can be achieved through
proper analysis of horoscopes of bride and groom before the
marriage. This practice is in existence even today in most of the
traditional families in our country. Matching of charts for marriage
is not an easy job. It requires many years of practical experience
as well as a good understanding of the theoretical aspects of the
Astrology. Many a time horoscope matching is entrusted to the
family priest or a friend, who on the basis of Koota agreement [
Gunank Matching ] which is found in every panchang, either
endorses or rejects the match outright. Such a snapshot approach
to the intricacies of horoscope matching many times leads to
disastrous results or brings a bad name to astrology. In cases of
marital disasters occurring in spite of matching the charts (
invariably done by those ill equipped to do it) this writer found that
the reasons for the mishap were inherent in the charts
themselves, and had been simply overlooked and not handled
properly by the person who had done such matching. Marriages
are sometimes finalised without matching of charts. This is
because of the wide ignorance amongst parents about
importance of matching of charts and its role in post marital
dangers are realised late. Sometimes matching is overlooked due
to a strong prejudice against astrology . But both situations can be
remedied by an open mind and diligent study of astrology. A
marriage is not an invitation for brute sense of gratification nor it is
a civil agreement that affects only the partners, but also the
parents, society and the country as it is the base for creating a
healthy future generation. To strengthen my above views, I am
presenting 10 sets of horoscopes of couples where the marital
happiness miserably failed in spite of the best Gunank obtained in
the matching. Study of individual cases will reveal the truth about
matching of horoscopes. Gunanka obtained : 30 Note : This
couple completed their eight years of married life but were
childless because of male impotence. Referring to above
horoscope, we find that Gunanka obtained is 30, which is
considered the best matching and the marriage is recommended.
Unfortunately the male partner is found to be impotent. Reasons
are as follows: Male Horoscope : A - Aspect of eunuch planets
like mercury, Ketu and Saturn on 5th house. B - Venus occupying
Leo is hemmed in between malefics. C - Saturn (a eunuch planet)
being the Lord of 7th is under 9th aspect of Ketu which is another
eunuch planet. D - 5th house is occupied by malefic planets and
the significator for progeny Jupiter which is also the lord of 5th
house is conjunct with eunuch planets mercury and Ketu and
aspected by malefics like mars and Rahu, which indicates that the
native can not become a father. E - Saturn is aspecting Mars in
the main chart, and in navamsha chart Ketu and Pluto occupy 7th
house which indicates divorce. Female Horoscope : A - Lord of
12th Jupiter has occupied 11th house (i.e. 12th to 12th house)
which denies bed comforts. B - Lord of 7th house Venus is
hemmed in between malefics and 7th house is occupied by strong
malefic sun (debilitated) and 7th is under the aspect of Saturn that
denies conjugal happiness and gives discomforts in married life.
C - Lord of 7th house Venus is occupying 8th house and is
hemmed in between malefics. D - Saturn is opposite Mars in main
chart, and Saturn and mars are in shadastaka (6th and 8th
position) in Navamsha chart that indicates divorce. Note : For an
Indian family progeny is a prime issue and if the family is deprived
of the happiness of progeny the couple faces rejection from own
family and also from the society. In this case 30 Gunank could not
save the married life and the couple got divorced after 8 years of
married life. Gunanka obtained : 20 Note : This couple did not
have any physical relation for more than two years. Finally the
relation ended in a divorce. Reasons analysed are as under :
Male Horoscope : A - In the male horoscope 7th house (The
house of conjugal happiness) is hemmed in between malefics. B -
6th and 12th houses (Houses of bed comforts) are also occupied
by malefics. C - Lord of 7th is weak being conjunct by an enemy
and aspected by a malefic planets Saturn and Rahu. D - In the
Navamsh chart Saturn and mars are conjunct in 12th house which
indicates the divorce. E - Venus, the significator of married life is
under the aspect of Saturn. Female Horoscope : A - Conjunction
of lords of 6th and 7th indicates divorce. B - Saturn and mars in
shadastaka ( 6th and 8th position) leads to divorce. Note : The
yogas for divorce are promptly seen in both male and female
horoscopes. This fact was ignored at the time of matching of
horoscopes and the marriage ended in divorce. Gunanka
obtained : 25 Note : Immediately after 3 months of marriage the
girl left her husband abruptly and went to her parents. Created lot
many problems to her husband with criminal cases and finally got
divorced after 5 years. Analyses of the horoscopes are as under :
Male Horoscope : A - Saturn and Mars in shadastaka (6th and 8th
position) and ketu in 7th house end the married life in divorce. B -
Lord of 5th in 12th denies affection and love from the life partner.
C - Ascendent in male's horoscope is a water element Rashi
whereas ascedent in the female horoscope is a fire element
Rashi, is a bad combination for good married life. D - Saturn
being lord of 7th occupying his own house and conjunct with a
malefic gives more than one life partner. E - Ascendent and 7th
house occupied by malefics and both the houses under aspect of
malefics gives more than one life partner. Female Horoscope : A -
Saturn and mars in shadastaka (6th and 8th position ) ends the
married life in divorce. B - Jupiter, the lord of 5th and 8th is
hemmed in between malefics which denies love, affection and
conjugal happiness from the life partner. C - Female born under
Daridra yoga and lord of 9th house is occupying the 6th from
the 9th house and having a malefic aspect of Rahu, denies
prosperity after marriage to the husband. D - Benefics in
ascendent, lord of ascendent occupying 12th house and a strong
malefic occupying 7th house gives more than one life partner.
Note : Though there were strong planetary possibilities for
divorce, the facts were ignored and matching was recommended
which has ended in divorce. Gunanka obtained : 31 Note : This
couple got married in the year 1992. The girl died in 1996 while
undergoing caesarean surgery. Analysis of above horoscopes is
as under. Male Horoscope : A - Powerful Mars in ascendent leads
to loss of wife. Also Mars Dosha in the horoscope is 100% as
the mars is in ascendent and is 5th from moon and Venus. B -
10th Aspect of Saturn on mars will give more than one wife. C -
Conjunction of Moon, Venus and Jupiter in 9th house gives more
than one wife. Female Horoscope : A - The female was born
under Alpayu (Early death) Yoga (Conjunction of mercury,
Jupiter and Venus in 12th house.) B - Conjunction of retrograde
Saturn with moon in 7th house and aspected by a malefic
indicates disturbed marital happiness. C - Comparing to male
chart Mars Dosha is only 33% in the female horoscope since
Mars is occupying 4th place from Venus. D - Lord of 5th being a
malefic planet under retrogression occupying 7th house and
under the aspect of a malefic planet and bad placement of Jupiter
indicates risk of life at the time of birth of a child. Gunanka
obtained : 32 Note : Girl married at the age of 20 years and
became a mother after one year and lost her husband at the age
of 24 years. The husband was drug addict. Male Horoscope : A -
Lord of the 12th in navamsha is hemmed between malefics and
rahu occupying 12th house makes the person a drug addict. B -
Two strong Alpayu (Early death) Yogas are found in the
horoscope. 1 - Lord of 2nd in conjunction of Ketu occupying 6th or
12th house gives Alpayu (Poor longevity) 2 - Ascendent and 8th
house are under the influence of malefic planets that makes
Alpayu. 3 - Lord of 8th house is enemy of the lord of the
ascendent (as per natural friendship) indicates Alpayu Yoga.
Female Horoscope : A - Mars Dosha is 66% where as the mars
dosha in male horoscope is only 33% which may lead to loss of
husband. B - Widowhood at a young age on account of following
Yogas : 1 - Jupiter being a lord of ascendent is also a lord of 12th
house in navmansha chart and occupies Aries navmansha
indicates widowhood at young age. 2 - Lord of 7th occupying 6th
house and aspected and conjunct by malefic planets gives
widowhood at young age. 3 - 7th house is hemmed in between
malefics and mars in 7th also gives widowhood. 4 - Conjunction of
Saturn and mars in 7th house and Jupiter placed in shadastaka to
7th house gives widowhood at young age. Gunanka obtained : 30
Note : Even after completing 15 yrs of married life the couple
does not have any progeny. The boy is the only son of his father.
Analysis of both the horoscopes is as under : Male Horoscope : A
- The native suffers with loss of vital power on account of sun in
5th as well as Saturn is 6th to Venus, Venus is hemmed in
between malefics. B - 9th house is occupied by malefics and lord
of 5th is conjunct with Saturn which indicates the Pitri Dosha,
also the lord of 5th is in conjunction with rahu indicates Sarp
Dosha Female Horoscope : A - Lord of 7th and 8th are badly
afflicted which gives dissatisfaction in conjugal happiness. B - In
the moonchart lords of ascendent and 5th house are badly
disposed and afflicted makes the female a barren woman. C -
Sun occupying 5th house and hemmed in between malefics and
Saturn and mars being weak, the lady will be a barren woman.
Note : It is clear that both male and female were not eligible to get
progeny. Gunanka obtained : 30 Note : This male person got
married very late. Wife being good looking he was always
suspicious of her character. After 16 years of married life, the
couple opted for divorce. Analysis of both the horoscopes is as
under : Male Horoscope: A - Moon is afflicted, also the lord of the
5th from moon is in afflicttion. B - Lord of 4th house is conjunct
with Ketu which denotes barriers in physical comforts. Female
Horoscope : A - Saturn and Mars are in shadastaka ( 6th and 8th
places) indicates separation in family life. B - 7th house is
hemmed in between malefic planets and the lord of 7th is also
hemmed in between malefics which indicate disturbances in
conjugal happiness and a disturbed marital life. C - Lord of 5th
house occupying 12th from 5th house gives denial of love and
affection. D - In Navmansha chart ascendent is occupied by Ketu
and is hemmed in between malefics, shows abnormal behavior
pattern of the female. Gunanka obtained : 27 Note : This couple
ended their married life after 12 years of marriage through court
and the lady got married immediately after the divorce with her old
lover. Analysis of both the horoscopes is as under Male
Horoscope : A - Conjunction of Saturn and mars indicate
separation (divorce ). B - Lord of 7th (Venus) is closely conjunct
with bitter enemy Sun, also Rahu is occupying 9th house, 9th
house is under the aspect of malefics shows disfavour of luck.
Female Horoscope : A - Conjunction of Saturn and Ketu in 8th
gives divorce. B - Venus occupying ascendent and mars
aspecting Venus tends to loose moral. C - Exchange of houses
between lord of ascendent and lord of 12th house also indicates
adultery. D - In Navmansha chart 5th and 11th houses are
occupied by malefics, also indicate pre marital and post marital
extra relations. Gunanka obtained : 30 Note : Immediately after 40
days of marriage the couple opted for divorce. The divorce was
obtained after 1 years of legal complications. Analysis of both
the horoscopes is as under: Male Horoscope : A - Conjunction of
Saturn, Venus and mars tends to divorce. B - Conjunction of lords
of 7th and 11th leads to adultery. C - Lord of 12th in 9th house
and lord of 6th in 12th also leads to adultery. D - In the moonchart
lord of 11th occupying 7th house leads to adultery. E - In
navmansha chart Saturn and mars are in shadastaka (6th and 8th
position) which leads to divorce. Female Horoscope : A - Lord of
5th occupying 12th from 5th house and its conjunction with
malefics leads to denial of love and affection from the partner. B -
Venus conjunct with Sun and mars in 4th house leads to divorce.
C - Saturn occupying ascendent and lord of 7th being retrograde
leads to divorce. D - Conjunction of lord of 6th with Venus
(significator of married life) leads to divorce. Gunanka obtained :
30 Note : This is a peculiar situation as both male and female are
having same lagna and rashi. Both partners did not have any
marital comfort and finally after six years decided to stay
separately. Now they are waiting for a court decision for a decree
of divorce. Analysis of both the horoscopes is as under: Male
Horoscope : A - Saturn and mars in shadastaka ( 6th and 8th
position) leads to divorce. B - Venus the significator of married life
is hemmed in between malefics which leads to disturbed marital
life. C - Ascendent and 7th houses are occupied by malefics and
moon also aspected by malefics leads to unhappy married life.
Female Horoscope : A - mars and Saturn are in shadastaka ( 6th
and 8th position) in birth chart and in conjunction in Navmansha
chart leading to divorce. B - Lord of 7th house and moon are
badly afflicted leading to divorce. C - Lord of 8th and the
significator of marriage Venus is under the aspect of rahu and is
under close conjunction with Uranus and Pluto which leads to an
unhappy married life. These ten sets of horoscope of couples
were analysed with the help of traditional astrological Yogas to
find out the disturbances in married life. With the facts explained
above it is understood that Gunanka matching is not the main
concept in marriage matching and Bhava Melapak (Matching of
Houses) is more important than gunanka matching. In our country
we are experiencing more and more marriage failures in recent
years, due to one or the other reasons explained as above. If a
proper matching could have been done in consultation of various
Bhavas, to accertain the longevity, progeny, love and affection,
conjugal happiness, adultery etc. the marriage would definitely
have lasted long, whether the gunanka matching is in order or
not. Out of my experience, I would like to emphasize that
importance should be given to the points given in table while
scrutinizing male and female horoscope for marriage. If the above
points are found satisfactorily in both the cases, the marriage can
be happily recommended whether gunank matching is in order or
not. Before concluding, I would like to give the following important
points which are the key factors for a happy married life. 1. If mars
of the female horoscope occupies the sign of Venus in the male
horoscope or vice versa. gives good physical attraction to both
the partners. 2. If mars and Venus occupy same house in male
and female horoscope there will be better physical attraction
between the partners and both will enjoy good conjugal
happiness. 3. In the male or female horoscope lord of ascendent
posited in a kendra and aspected by benefics will give good
marital happiness. 4. If there is exchange of houses between the
lord of 5th and 7th or if there is close conjunction of lord of 5th
and 7th the native will get a very good affectionate and lovable life
partner. 5. Lord of 7th occupying its own house and aspected by
benefics will lead to a good married life. 6. If lords of 5th, 7th, and
9th are occupying a kendra, the married life will be good. 7. The
longitude of the sun in the male horoscope equal to the longitude
of moon in the female horoscope will lead to good marital
happiness. 8. Longitude of the Venus in the male horoscope
equal to the longitude of the Venus of the female horoscope leads
to good marital happiness. If the above facts are taken into
consideration the disasters in the married life can be ruled out.
Planetary Co-operation January 2014
Sitaram singh
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 452 |
Co-operation between two planets 1. When one strong and
another weak planet occupy the same sign : For example, Jupiter
and Mars are in cancer sign. Here Jupiter is exalted, while Mars is
debilitated. Strong Jupiter forces debilitated Mars to co-operate
with him. 2. When one planet is exalted and the other is
debilitated in different sign : For example, Jupiter is posited in
Cancer and Moon is located in Scorpio. Here Jupiter is exalted,
while Moon is debilitated. Though in different signs, the debilitated
Moon co-operates with the exalted Jupiter posited in Moon's sign
Cancer. 3. When two planets are posited in different signs owned
by a third planet : For example, Mercury is in Pisces and Ketu in
Sagittarius, Which are owned by Jupiter. Here exalted Ketu forces
debilitated Mercury to cooperate with him even though the two are
inimical to each other. 4. Winner in planetary war dominates the
loser : In planetary fi ght, the planet in the North with positional
strength defeats the weak planet in the South. For example,
Mercury and Mars are in Virgo. Mercury is having positional
strength in virgo, while Mars is weak there. Mars is in the sphere
of infl uence of Mercury and will act according to the dictates of
Mercury. 5. Exchange of signs by two planets : For example, The
Moon is in Libra, while Venus is in Cancer. The Moon and Venus
have exchanged their ownership signs and as such they will co-
coperate. The question arises as to who will be the leader ? This
is decided on the basis of planetary strength coupled with location
in good or bad house depending upon the distance from the
Ascendant. Here Moon is one sign before his debilitation sign
(Scorpio) while Venus is located two signs before his debilitation
sign (Virgo). Venus is, Therefore, stronger than the Moon, and
acts as leader. 6. House-wise location of planets : For example, in
a chart with Pisces Ascendant, Venus is posited in the 5th house.
(Cancer) while the Moon is in the 8th house (Libra) . The 5th is a
good house, while the 8th house is a bad one. Hence, Venus is
more powerful than the Moon, and the latter will co-operate with

Kala Shatru Dasas, Maraka Dasas, etc. in a Horoscope April 2005

G. Sumathi
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 451 |
Kala Shatru Dasa means enmical planet obstructing a particular
dasa running only in certain age group. Maraka Dasas and
Bodhaka, Vedhaka, Pachaka and Karaka planets for each dasa
are same for the techniques in the determination of Dasa-Bhukthi
results as per the classical works in Astrology. Kala Shatru Dasas
: In this method, a particular planet will become an enemical
planet to a particular Dasa Lord whose Dasa is running only at a
particular age group and not for all persons running the same
dasa. If the shatru or enemical planet is placed in good position,
then there is no evil by that planet. But if it is placed in bad
position, then bad results will predominate even though the dasa
lord is well placed. The kala shatru dasa lords are noted as below
: Age Group Running Kala Shatru Dasa of a Person Dasa or
Enemical Dasa Lord. from birth Saturn Mars to 24 months 2-11
yrs. Rahu Mercury 11-18 " Sun Venus 18-34 " Moon Jupiter 34-52
" Venus Sun 52-68 " Ketu Saturn 68-100 " Mercury Rahu Maraka
Dasa (Death or Serious Danger Inflicting Dasas) At first the sl. no.
of dasa operating has to be noted. As we cannot expect good
results in the dasas of Janma, Vipat, Prathyak and Vadha (i.e.
1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th dasas) of nature, therefore if a dasa happens
to be of a particular sl. no. in order, our ancient sages have
assigned it as a maraka or death inflicting dasa. As such the
following are the maraka dasas for the native born in a particular
group of birth stars. Maraka dasa For whom Applicable (Natives
born in the stars of) 1. Saturn dasa Mrigasira, Chitra, as fourth
dasa Dhanishta 2. Mars dasa Aswini- Magha-Moola as fifth dasa
3. Jupiter dasa Bharani -P.Bhadrapada as 6th dasa Poorvashada
4. Rahu dasa Aslesha - Jyeshta as Seventh dasa Revathi The
maraka dasa may kill the native or may give death like dangers
according to the strength in the chart. For example if the native is
born in Mrigshira nakshatra, it is seen that he faces death like
suffering but if the same native is blessed to take birth in maraka
or kumbha lagna there he is not supposed to face such situation
as Saturn becomes the lagna lord. Similarly for Rishabha and
Thula lagna people Saturn becomes the yogakaraka. Badhaka,
Vedhaka, Pachaka & Karaka for each dasa In any dasa the
bhukthi or sub period of planet designated as Bodhaka will give
good results, the sub period of vedhaka planet will change good
results into very bad. The sub period of karaka planet will give
special benefits and profits. The relationship of the sub lord with
the dasa lord, his position in the chart, his malefic and benefic
influence to the particular lagna and other factors are also to be
carefully analysed and taken into consideration before interpreting
Dasa and Bhukthi results. Table of Bodhaka, Vedhaka, Pachaka
& Karakas for each dasa S. Dasas Bodhaka Vedhaka Pachaka
Karaka 1. Sun Mars Venus Saturn Jupiter 2. Moon Mars Mercury
Venus Saturn 3. Mars Moon Mercury Sun Saturn 4. Mercury
Jupiter Mars Moon Venus 5. Jupiter Mars Sun Saturn Moon 6.
Venus Jupiter Saturn Mercury Sun 7. Saturn Moon Mars Venus
Jupiter Sl. no. 7& 3 hold good for Rahu & Ketu respectively as the
astrological rule says that Sani vat Rahu & Kuja vat Ketu.
Stability in Married Life July 2007
Yashkaran Sharma
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 449 |
Before marriage an astrologer is consulted for analysis of the
horoscopes of boy and the girl who are about to get married. It is
done to ensure harmonious, balanced and healthy relationship
between husband and wife. If we compare the success rate of
marriages now a days as compared to older times say for
example during the last 50 or 100 years and more especially in
modern society, we will find out that the percentage is decreasing
drastically. Some would attribute this to increasing ego problems
and a feeling of independence in human beings especially
women. During ancient time, our ancestors gave special
attentions towards the match making criteria and always preferred
to consult a good astrologer about married life of the prospective
couple. Gradually, many people started neglecting the given
principles and many young people started marrying their lovers
without getting their charts checked from a good astrologer. The
result of this is unsuccessful marriage, and marital discords. Now
again, astrological consciousness about match making is
increasing day by day. More and more people are consulting
good astrologers for match making and usually it is done by
referring to Melapak Chart given in any Panchang. This Melapak
chart is calculated on the basis of eight factors. These eight
factors are known as Ashtakoota and considered in order to judge
the stability of married life for the couple. There is one other
important factor which is equally important and we call it promise
of healthy and stable married life in the horoscope. If this promise
in a given horoscope is weak in that case Ashtakoota Milan
results into a futile exercise. So, for the health and future of
married life promise of stable married life should also be
assessed in the horoscope. There are horoscopes in which the
probability of marriage is not indicated or else strong indications
of failure of marriage are there. For these horoscopes the perfect
ashtakoota and manglik dosa matching can not help to ensure the
happiness in marriage because basically the destiny to enjoy
marital happiness in these horoscopes is missing. Therefore, here
we shall discuss few combinations which are necessary for
marital happiness and for the stability of married life. In males
horoscope Venus is the chief Karaka of married life. The ideal
placement for Venus is in Lagna in an auspicious sign. The other
good condition which can promise a faithful wife is placement of
powerful Jupiter in 7th house. In girls horoscope Jupiter is the
chief Karaka of marital happiness and the ideal placement for
happy married life is considered to be in first house, similarly
Venus should be placed in its own rashi or navansha, in exalted
rashi or navansha or in a friendly sign in 7th house. The
placement of Jupiter and Venus both in 7th house is considered
extremely auspicious for happy married life. In addition to these
conditions the placement of 7th lord can not be overlooked. 7th
lord should not be combust or in debilitation and should be placed
in any Kendra aspected by benefic planet, should be in its exalted
rashi or navansha. It should not be afflicted by conjunction or
aspect of any malefic planet. 7th lord should not be placed in 6th,
8th, or 12th house and it shouldnt be hemmed between malefic
planets. It has been observed that Mars also plays a crucial role
in married life. Sometimes it ruins the married life specially when it
is in debilitation and aspects the 7th lord or 7th house. Further the
placement of malefic planets in 7th house specially when they are
in debilitation ruin the married life. The aspect of malefic planets
on 7th house can also ruin the married life specially if the position
of Jupiter, Venus and 7th lord is also bad in chart. One other blow
to the married life can come from Manglik Dosa therefore
astrologers always recommend that following three factors should
be given prime importance. 1. Promise of marital happiness 2.
Ashtakoota matching. 3. Manglik Dosa matching. It has been
observed that in spite of having all positive factors the married life
fails. According to scholars of astrology the main reason for it can
be the debilitation of Saturn in Navamsha chart because Saturn is
the star of stability and balance in our life and Navamsha is the
most important divisional chart for assessing married life therefore
debilitation of Saturn in Navamsha chart kills the stability of
married life in spite of having positive promises in the birth chart
for ones married life. This is considered a very big negative
factor. For the success and failure of ones married life the
horoscope of both husband and wife play equally important role. If
all the positive factors are there in the charts of both then chances
of success of marriage get increased if Manglik dosa matching
and Ashtakoota guna matching is also done under expert
astrological guidance. If 7th lord and 7th house in ones birth chart
have enough strength and the majority of planets specially
Saturn, Jupiter and Venus are exalted in Navamsha chart the
stability of married life remains intact. Example horoscope In Lata
Mangeshkars chart 7th lord is in 6th house and Saturn is in
debilitated Navamsha. She did not marry. Illustration 2 In the
above horoscope Saturn is in debilitated Navamsha therefore
Jupiter in 7th house failed to protect the marriage. Marriage
continued only for one year. Illustration 3 In this chart Venus and
Jupiter are properly placed but aspect of Rahu, Saturn and Mars
on 7th house is ruining the health of wife. If there is mutual
exchange in the houses of Mars and Venus in Navamsha i.e. if
Mars is in the Navamsha of Venus and Venus is in the Navamsha
of Mars the husband and wife both commit adultery. Sometimes
marital happiness is promised in one chart but denied in wifes
horoscope, this indication is not enough for a good match. If
marital happiness is indicated in both charts it can result in happy
and stable married life specially if Ashtakoota and Manglik dosa is
also not there. In some horoscopes there is indication of
polygamous tendency and multiple relations. Because of such
yogas which can cause probabilities of multiple relations the
person becomes over passionate and gets involved in more than
one relation and as a result fails to maintain healthy relationship
with spoue. The planetary combination for the formation of these
yogas is given below : 1 vf'oU;keqn ;fLFkrs Hk`xqlqrs
loZxzgjhf{krsA tkrks jktdqykxztks fjiqdqy oalh cgqL=hjr%AA If
Venus is placed in lagna in Ashwini Nakshatra and is aspected by
majority of planets 2- dsUnzxkS flrnsosT;kS LoksPps
dsUnzxrsdZtsA pj yXus ;nk tUe ;ksxks;eorkjt%AA iq.;'yksdh
rhFkZpkjh dykK% dkeklDr% dkydrkZ ftrkRekA osnkUrKks
osn'kkL=kfkdkjh tkrks jkt Jh kjks 'kkorkjsAA If ascendant sign
is a movable sign and Saturn, Jupiter and Venus are placed in
Kendras. This yoga is there in the horoscope of George VI the
ruler of British Empire and also Maharani Mysore. 3. If lagna lord,
2nd lord, 7th lord and 11th or 10th lord are together in conjunction
with Venus in some Kendra it can result in multiple relations. 4. If
powerful Venus and Moon are together. 5. If a planet is exalted or
in its own sign in Lagna can also cause this yoga, or 6. Powerful
Venus aspects the 7th house. 7. If 2nd lord and 12th lord are in
3rd house under the aspect of Jupiter or 9th lord. 8. If 7th lord is
very powerful and is aspected by 10th lord. 9. If lagna lord and 7th
lord are together or aspect each other. 10. 7th lord and 11th lord
are together or aspect each other. 11. If Navamsha lord of 7th
lord is powerfully placed in ones chart. All these above yogas can
also ruin ones married life because fidelity factor shall become
questionable. In nutshell we can say for marital happiness it is
very important that 7th house, 7th lord, Venus, Jupiter and power
of planets in Navamsha play a very important role in one's
married life therefore if there is some problem then effective
remedial measures should be recommended to ensure the marital
bliss and if there is some problem in matching like manglik dosha
or some problem in Ashtakoota then remedies should be
recommended for that too. r
Ayurdaya or Longevity July 2005
CSVLN Sharma
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 444 |
Ayurdaya or Longevity : In Astrology the prediction of longevity of
an individual is a very difficult and tough problem and a
complicated one. However great the astrologer may be, still the
result of prediction is never 100% accurate. It becomes
approximate only. While predicting or analyzing a chart it is best
suggested that first of all the longevity of the native must be
noticed since our ancient sages aptly sum up the theory in the
following sloka : purna mayuhu parikshaiv paschallakshna
muchate, ayurvina naranamtu lakshanaiah kim prayojanam . It
means if there is no longevity in the native's chart, there is no use
of having other yogas. In such circumstances hats off to the
greatest astrologer Varahamihara, who could predict the death of
the son of his king. This is the greatest proof of the greatness of
our ancient Vedic Astrology. Longevity (Human life span) can be
classified under four important types : 1. Balarishta (Infant
mortality) : It means the death before 8 years. 2. Alpayu (Short
life) : It means the death between 8 to 32 years. 3. Madhyayu (
Middle life) : The span of life between 33 to 75 years. 4. Purnayu (
Full life ) It is from 75 to 120 years. Some authors are of the
opinion that Madhyayu extends from 32 to 70 years. Purnayu
extends from 70 to 100 years. In accordance of Vimshottari dasa
Purnayu extends upto limit of 120 years i.e., Deerghayu. Balarista
(Infant Mortality) Balarishta is one of the four divisions of Span of
human life. It is otherwise known as infant mortality. The child
dies before the age of 8 years due to peculiar combinations of
planets in different bhavas. Some factors are mentioned below :
Chandrastamancha dharanisuta saptamancha Rahur
navamancha Sani janma Guru struteeye, Arkastu pancha Brughu
shatka Budha Chaturdhe Ketur vyayetu janitor maranaya
sadyaha." i.e., Moon in 8th, Mars in 7th, Rahu in 9th, Saturn in
lagna, Guru in 3rd, Sun in 5th, Venus in 6th, Budha in 4th, & Ketu
in 12th house cause Balarishta to the native. Following
combinations may also be considered : 1. Weak Moon in the
ascendant or in the 8th house. 2. Malefics in quadrants. 3.
Malefics in the last navamsa of the rasi. 4. Malefics in 2nd,6th,8th,
and 12th houses. 5. Lord of dasa at birth in conjunction with evil
planets. 6. Rahu in 7th house aspected by Sun and Moon. 7.
Saturn + Mars in lagna or 8th house or 7th house. 8. Balarista
stars and padas: Aswani 2,4. Bharani 2, Krithika 3, Rohini 1,2, &
4, Mrigasira 1, .Pushyami 1, Makha 2, Uttara 2, Hasta 3,& 4,
Chitra 2, Visakha 4, Anuradha 3, Jyesta 3, Moola 2,3;
Uttarashada 1, Dhanishta 2, Satabhisha 1, and Uttara-bhadra 4th
pada. Lagna, lagna lord, 8th house, lord of 8th house, Moon when
hemmed between malefic planets which is known as papa
karthari yoga cause balarishta which is a standard astrological
dictum. Counter Action of Balarishta: 1. Jupiter powerfully posited
in ascendant. 2. Lord of lagna when powerful. 3. Moon occupying
Dreshkhana of Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. 4. Full Moon between
two benefics. 5. Full Moon aspects lagna with Jupiter in a
quadrant. 6. Malefics in the beneficial shadvarg. All the above
combinations remove or nullify the so called Balarishta. Alpayu
Alpayu indicates life between 8 to 32 years of age due to peculiar
combinations of certain planets; 1. Saturn in 8th house. 2. Mars in
the 5th Bhava and Ketu in lagna. 3. Saturn in lagna & Sun, Moon,
and Mars in the 7th. 4. Malefics in the ascendant and Moon in
conjunction with evil planets. . 5. Malefics like Rahu, Ketu, Kuja in
6th, 8th & 12th houses. 6. If strong malefics occupy Kendras 4th,
7th, & 10th bhavas. 7. Rahu and Moon occupy 7th & 8th houses
and Jupiter is in the lagna. 8. If the lord of 8th bhava is in the
ascendant and the lagnathipathi is weak. Madhyayu Combination
or configuration of planets to give madhyayu : 1. If the lord of 3rd
or 6th bhava is in a Kendra sthan. 2. Mercury, Jupiter, & Venus in
2nd, 3rd &11th houses. 3. Lords of 1,8,10,11 are powerful. 4.
Birth lord in 6th or 8th house with malefics. 5. If Saturn dasa is at
birth time and Moon is in 8th or 12th bhava and other planets in
11. 6. For Scorpio lagna, Jupiter in lagna, Mars and Rahu are
placed in 11th house. 7. Mars & Mercury are in quadrants, Venus
is in ascendant & exalted planets in the 3rd and 11th houses. 8.
Mars in 5th, Sun in 7th and Saturn is debilitated. Purnayu The
planetary combinations for purnayu are as below : 1. Lagna is
aspected by the lagna lord. 2. 8th house aspected by the 8th lord
3. Jupiter in Kendra sthanas. 4. If Jupiter is in a quadrant from the
lord of the birth with no malefics in the quadrants. 5. Jupiter in
lagna, Venus in 4th & Saturn & Moon in 10th. 6. Jupiter in lagna,
Venus in 4th, Mercury in 5th & Sun in 6th give long life i.e.,
purnayu. 7. Benefic planets in quadrants & trines, malefics in 3,
6,10, & 11 bhavas, life is upto 98 years. 8. If all planets are in
quadrants, the person lives 100 years. It is further to state that in
Indian astrology the longevity is not beyond human control. The
lives of anti-social elements are lost by mix of violence, hate,
anger, jealousy, greed and by arrogance etc., On the other hand
there are countless examples where a life of spirituality, piety,
peace and piousness has given a span of ninety years and more.
In Jataka parijata the philosophy of longevity is explored in some
of following Slokas : Ye dharma kharma nirata dwijatevabhakta .
ye padhya bhojanarata vijitendriyascha. ye manavaa dadhati
satkula seelamaa steshamldam kadhita mayu rudardhibhihi This
Ayus has been declared by wise men in respect of those who are
engaged In the practice of virtuous actions, who are devoted to
the pious and to God, who eat wholesome food, who keep their
senses under control and who preserve the noble traditions of
character and conduct of their families. Ye papa lubdhachowraa
ye deva brahmana nimdakaha bavha sinascha ye teshamakaala
maranam nrunaam V -36. Premature death overtakes those who
are sinful, covetous, thievish, who revile God and the virtuous and
who are addicted to gluttony. Apamrutyu hetuvs Dhanne vikalpa
budhinam dhuseelanam cha vidwishaam brahmananam cha
devanaam para dravyapa hannaam -V.37 "Bhayam karaanaam
sarveshaam Murkhanaam pisunasya cha swa dharmachara
hinanam papa karmopajeevinaam. V- 38. "Sastreshwa
niyutaanaam cha mudhanamapa mrutyuvaha anyeshaa
muthamayuhu swadithi sastra vido vidhilhu. V- 39. Sudden death
seizes those who are sceptical of the force of moral law, who are
vicious and hateful of God and the pious, who steal others goods,
who are a source of dread to all, who are foolish and indulge in
calumny, who have abandoned their duties and observances,
who live by sinful sources, and those who would not wholly abide
by the tenets of the sacred scriptures. Those who excel ( in
astrology) regard the rules of Ayus as applying only to people
other than those declared as liable to untimely death. Astrologers
should make a careful study of the horoscope, first of all the
category of longevity should be fixed and then by study of maraka
dasas should predict with 100% caution.

Astrological Combinations for Brothers/Sisters July 2006

C.L. Asthana
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 442 |
For instilling confidence of public in general in astrology and
astrologers, certain principles described in the classics and
ancient texts ofastrology should be aptly kept in mind while
describing any aspect of human life; specially about siblings. The
prediction attains accuracy when dictums of classical text and
learned scholar's analysis are taken cognisance of after a
thorough research. This enhances the respect and goodwill of the
people for astrology and astrologers. Thumb Rules for Siblings 1.
Third house is considered for younger siblings whereas eleventh
house is explored for the elder siblings. Third house lord in
eleventh house or vice-versa indicates that the native is either the
youngest in the family or the eldest. 2. In most of the cases if
Rahu is posited in third house then the native is eldest in his sex.
However, Rahu in eleventh makes him eldest in the family. 3.
Elder sibling is denoted by Jupiter whereas the younger sibling is
devoted by Mars. 4. Rahu or Jupiter, if posited in the eleventh
house, the native may be either the youngest or the eldest. 5. If
relationship of either Jupiter or Mars by position, conjunction or
aspect is there in the horoscope with the third house, Native
enjoys siblings. 6. If in the same manner, if benefic planets are
related with third house in any manner, probability of siblings will
be very high. 7. If either Mars or 3rd lord makes a relationship
with the third house, it promises siblings. Mars denotes younger
siblings while Jupiter denotes elder siblings. 8. If male planets
(Sun, Jupiter, Mars) are posited in the third house or there is
aspect of these planets on the third house, there may be siblings
to the Native in all probability. 9. If the third house lord is in the
lagna (Ascendant) being exalted whereas Venus is in 3rd
aspected by Mars; Mars in turn aspected by Jupiter; give siblings
to the native. 10. Ketu in the eleventh aspected by Mars and
Saturn makes the native the eldest one. 11. Ketu and Mars in
eleventh aspected by Saturn give the native two elder sisters. 12.
Ketu's association with Saturn in the eleventh house by position
or aspect makes the native the eldest. 13. Association of Jupiter
and Ketu in eleventh house aspected by Saturn or Venus,
Mercury in the third being the lord of eleventh aspected by either
Moon or Sun, indicate that the eldest of the siblings will be a
sister. 14. Mars being the natural Karaka (significator) of the third
house, if relates itself to the concerned house by conjunction or
aspect, there is a sibling in the family. 15. If the Dasa lord,
Antardasa lord or Pratantyar Dasa lord makes a relationship with
the third lord, this period gives siblings to the native. 16. If in any
manner Jupiter and Saturn are related by conjunction or aspect,
this promises siblings also. 17. If in the D-3 chart (Dreshkan),
either the third house or its lord are influenced by Sun, Mars,
Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter then a brother will be born and the
influence of Moon, Venus and Ketu gives a sister. 18. Elder
sibling's Mahadasa of male planet promises a brother, however
elder sibling's mahadasa of a female planet gives. 19. If Saturn as
third house lord sister is related to lagna by aspect or conjunction
and aspects 5th lord Mars/Jupiter, it signifies the birth of a sibling.
20. If exalted Jupiter and Mars are in the angles and related to
each other, then a sibling might be born. 21. The native has five
siblings if the third lord is related with Jupiter and third house is
aspected by exalted Saturn. 22. If the third lord Jupiter is posited
in the Kendras being exalted, then two issues are promised after
the native. However, debilitated Jupiter would give only one issue.
Exalted Mars in angle here makes the native the youngest. 23.
Ketu in the third indicates first sibling to be a female one. The
second house tenanted by lagna lord, third lord and eleventh lord
makes the native the eldest one. 24. The eleventh lord in the sixth
is not good for the elder sibling. 25. If the lagna lord being
debilitated, tenants the eleventh house whose dispositor is
retrograde and aspected by Mars, then the sibling dies. 26. If the
Jupiter is posited in eleventh house and in horoscope there is
conjunction of eleventh lord and lagna lord, then the native is the
eldest one. 27. If the eleventh lord is in the sixth house in the rasi
chart as well as Dreskana chart, it indicates the native to be the
eldest. 28. If the Mars aspects either the eleventh house or its
lord, the native is the eldest one. 29. Rahu in the tenth house
provides a brother and in the fourth gives a sister. 30. If in the
transit Saturn/Jupiter or Mars make a relationship with third house
or its lord, this period may facilitate the birth of a sibling. 31. If
Ketu aspects eleventh house or its lord, the native might be the
youngest one. 32. Jupiter aspects the third house from the
eleventh, third lord is in third, fifth or seventh house, Mars in
eighth with nodes, show that only one sibling remains alive.
Alternate or Special Lagnas October 2007
Amar Agrawal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 441 |
If we peep through our classics on astrology, there are
innumerable yogas which are used in deciding rise in life and
quantum of rise as well. Apart from these yogas there are so
many divisional charts like Hora, Drekkana, Chaturthamsha,
Sapatamsha, Navamasha and many more as many as 24
divisional charts. As per traditional astrology to judge the rise of
native one has to study the natal chart along with referral
divisional chart and finally yogas present in the chart. Thus with
so many yogas and divisional charts as well it becomes
cumbersome task to accurately determine if a specific native will
have some great success in life, if so, exact timing and quantum
of rise. A careful study reveals that this can be predicted through
the Alternate or Special laganas like Hora lagna (of Jaimini),
Ghatika Lagna, Bahva lagna etc. If we peep through our classics
on astrology, there are innumerable yogas which are used in
deciding rise in life and quantum of rise as well. Apart from these
yogas there are so many divisional charts like Hora, Drekkana,
Chaturthamsha, Sapatamsha, Navamasha and many more as
many as 24 divisional charts. As per traditional astrology to judge
the rise of native one has to study the natal chart along with
referral divisional chart and finally yogas present in the chart.
Thus with so many yogas and divisional charts as well it becomes
cumbersome task to accurately determine if a specific native will
have some great success in life, if so, exact timing and quantum
of rise. A careful study reveals that this can be predicted through
the Alternate or Special laganas like Hora lagna (of Jaimini),
Ghatika Lagna, Bahva lagna etc. HORA LAGNA : The method of
calculating hora lagna as suggested by Vriddhakarikas is termed
as Parvritti Dawaya Hora Lagna. The twelve signs of zodiac have
24 Horas. As per method suggested the first six signs from Aries
to Virgo will have 12 Horas and the same are repeated from Libra
to Pisces. The first Hora in sign Aries is of Aries itself while the
second Hora is ruled by Taurus, the same way first Hora of
Taurus is Gemini while second Hora is Cancer. The method
suggested by Vriddhakarikas, Parvritti Dawaya Hora Lagna is
used for judging Rajayogas and longevity. Method of fixing
Parvritti Dawaya Hora Lagna Hora lagna is tabulated below.
Table of Horas Sign 1st Hora 2nd Hora (1-15) (15-30) Aries
Aries Taurus Taurus Gemini Cancer Gemini Leo Virgo Cancer
Libra Scorpio Leo Sagittarius Capricorn Virgo Aquarius Pisces
Libra Aries Taurus Scorpio Gemini Cancer Sagittarius Leo Virgo
Capricorn Libra Scorpio Aquarius Sagittarius Capricorn Pisces
Aquarius Pisces There is yet another method of calculating the
Hora lagna, which is mainly used in calculating the life span. This
is known as Savayava Hora Lagna. Calculating Alternate Lagna
Here is given an example chart to calculate various alternate
lagnas: (a) Find out the time difference between time of birth and
Sunrise. Time of birth-Sunrise. (b) Convert this time difference
into Ghati and Pals. In the exampled case time of birth is 06hrs.
50mnts AM IST and that days time of Sunrise is 05Hrs. 24mnts
AM IST. Thus: 06:50-05:24= 01hrs. 26mnts. Multiply this time
difference by 2.5 it will give Ishat Ghatis and Palas
01.26x2.5=3.35 Hora Lagna: Suns Longitude+(lshat Ghatis x
30) 2.5 1s24 + (3.35 x 30) 2.5 Note: While multiplying Ishat
Ghatis by 30 it is taken as Signs, degrees etc. Thus: 3.35 x 30 =
3s17 2.5 = 1s 19 Add the longitude of the Sun to the figure
obtained: 1s 24 + 1s 19 = 3s12 Thus Hora Lagna is Cancer
Ghatika Lagna : Sun's longitude +(Ishat Ghatis x 30) 1s 24
+(3.35 x 30) 3Gh. 35P x 30 = 3s 17 1s24+3s17=5s11 Thus
Ghatika Lagna is Virgo Bhava Lagna : Suns longitude + (Ishat
Ghatis x 30) 5 1s 24 +(3.35 x 30) 5 3Gh.35P x 30 = 3s17 1s
24+ 3s17 5 3s17 5 = 0s 21 1s 24 + 0s 21 = 2s 15 Thus
Bhava Lagna is Gemini 1. If janma lagna is an odd sign, count
from Aries to janma lagna in direct order and note the figure
obtained. Now count from Aries to Hora lagna in direct order and
note this figure also. If Hora too falls in an odd signs add the two
figures obtained above. In case the sum exceeds 12 expunge the
multiple of 12 other wise count from Aries to the sum number
obtained and this will be the Varnada lagna. In case Hora lagna
falls in an even sign subtract the smaller number from the larger
number and count from Aries to number obtained to get Varnada
lagna. 2. If janma lagna is an even sign count from Pisces to
janma lagna in reverse order and note the figure obtained. Now
count from Pisces to Hora lagna in a reverse order and note the
figure obtained. In case Hora lagna falls in an even sign add both
the figures obtained above and expunge the multiple of 12 and
count from Pisces up to the sum number obtained in a reverse
order to get Varnada lagna. In case Hora lagna falls in an odd
sign subtract the smaller number from the larger number as
obtained above. Count from Pisces till the number obtained to get
Varnada lagna. Example: In the exampled horoscope above
Janma lagna is Gemini, an odd sign, while counted from Aries to
janma lagna figure obtained is 3. Now when counted from Aries to
Hora lagna, figure obtained is 4 since Hora lagna falls in sign
Cancer. Since Hora lagna falls in an even sign and subtracting
the smaller number from the larger number we get (4-3=1), Now
count from Aries to the resultant number, since it 1, sign Aries will
become Varnada lagna. Divya Lagna: Calculation of Divya Lagna:
Add the longitude of janma lagna and Yogada. Expunge the
multiple of 12. Count the final figure obtained from janma lagna in
order of Padakrama. If Yogada is absent longitude of Kevala
should be considered if kevala is also absent take the longitude of
the Moon sign lord. The order of Padakarma is in case janma
lagna is a Moveable sign the counting will be direct. In case fixed
sign rises in lagna counting will be from the 6th house and in case
of dual sign in lagna the counting will be Kendra, Panaphara and
Apoklima ie. 1,5,9. Results of Divya Lagna : Divya aspected or
occupied by its own lord or by exalted planet/planets or by both
confer Rajayoga. In case Divya lagna in associated with or
aspected by malefic planet/planets, debilitated planet/planets
leads to poverty. Tripravana Lagna : Calculation of Tripravana
Lagna : Add the longitudes of lagna lord to the longitudes of the
Moon, expunge the multiple of 12. To the resultant figure add the
longitudes of the lord of lagna. The final figure arrived at will be
Tripmvana lagna. Results of Tripmvana Lagna: Tripmvna lagna
occupied or aspected by its own lord, by exalted planet/planets
confer Rajayoga. Aspect or association if malefic planet/planets
with Tripmvana lagna leads to poverty. If Rahu is placed in or
aspects the Tripmvana lagna it may cause danger from water. In
the chart of late Prime Minister janma lagna is Virgo. Hora lagna
is Pisces and Ghatika lagna is also Pisces. There are three
planets Viz. the Sun, Mars and Mercury are aspecting all three
lagans Viz. janma lagna, hora lagna and ghatika lagna. Out of
three Mercury is lagna lord also and placed in its own sign
Gemini, thus a powerful Rajyoga generates. Take the stronger of
lagna and its 7th house for further findings. In this case lagna is
stronger than the 7th house since it is being aspected by its own
lord. In case if the aspecting planet aspects janma lagna in natal
chart, Navamasa lagna in Navamasha chart and Drekkana lagna
In Drekkana chart again a powerful RaJayoga generates and the
planet is known as Yogda of first order. In case this aspecting
planet aspects the two lagans out of three it is termed as Yogda
of second order. In the exampled chart Mercury, the Sun and
Mars are aspecting janma lagna in natal chart. In Drekkana lagna
the Sun aspects the Drekkana and in Navamasha chart a
Vargottam Mercury aspects Navamsha lagna hence both of these
planets Viz. The .Sun and Mercury will be termed as Yogda
planets. Calculating Divya Lagna : Longitude of Lagna lord,
Mercury is 2s2740' Longitude of the Sun is 2s1317' By adding
both we get 5s1057' Longitude of Lagna lord, Mercury is
2s2740' Longitude of 2nd Yogda, Mercury is 2s2740' By adding
both we get 5s2520' The 6th sign in Padakanna from Virgo will
be Gemini hence Gemini will become Divya lagna. Calculating
Tripravna Lagna: Longitude of Lagna lord Mercury is 2s 2740'
Longitude of the Moon is 11s 1041' By adding we get 14s 0821'
Expunge the multiple of 12 ( -) 12s 0000' 2s 0821' Add to it
longitude of Lagna lord Mercury 2s 2740' By adding we get 5s
0601' Thus Tripravana lagna is Virgo. In P. V. Narsimha Raos
chart both Divya lagna as well as Tripravana lagna are being
aspected by the Sun, Mars and Mercury. Out of three the Sun is
significator of very high government rank( as per strength of the
Sun) is a Yogda planet and it is aspecting Divya lagna and
Tripravana lagna. While Mercury, another yogda planet, is
aspecting both the lagans Viz. Divya and Tripravana. This
Mercury is providing additional strength to the chart since it lord of
lagna, placed in its own sign and aspecting, both the lagans Viz.
Divya and Tripravana which contains its exaltation sign. Thus he
enjoyed Rajayoga results through out his life. Note: There are so
many other factors also which took the native to the highest
position but here we are restricting to the study of Divya lagna
and Tripravna lagna only just to cite an example. More examples
will be dealt with in the later part while judging financial rank,
political rank and other ranks of highest order.

Analysis of an Accident through Yogini Dasha & Varshaphala July

Future Point
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 440 |
Hindu astrology has so many techniques in its repertoire that it
sometimes astonish a student of astrology that an event can be
astrologically analysed or seen in so many ways. Varshaphala (or
Tajik) and Yogini dasha are also very useful snap shot methods of
identifying an event in ahoroscope. In the Northern states of India
traditional astrologers use Yogini dasha in both birth chart and
Varshaphala to make an astrological inference. Here the birth
chart of a woman is being discussed using Yogini dasha and
Varshaphala to show how it can be used as a composite
technique along with Vimshottari dasha to understand an
astrological point. Hindu astrology has so many techniques in its
repertoire that it sometimes astonish a student of astrology that
an event can be astrologically analysed or seen in so many ways.
Varshaphala (or Tajik) and Yogini dasha are also very useful snap
shot methods of identifying an event in a horoscope. In the
Northern states of India traditional astrologers use Yogini dasha in
both birth chart and Varshaphala to make an astrological
inference. Here the birth chart of a woman is being discussed
using Yogini dasha and Varshaphala to show how it can be used
as a composite technique along with Vimshottari dasha to
understand an astrological point.

Sadesati, a Bane or Boon ? April 2005

Amar Agrawal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 432 |
The name 'Sadesati' sends a chill in the spine of a common man.
Most of the astrologers take it as a dreadful occurrence and
ignore the good qualities of Saturn. Apart from seven and half
years transit of Saturn i.e. Sadesati, the Transit of Saturn over the
4th house from the radical Moon i.e. Ardhashtama Shani and over
the 8th house from the radical Moon i.e. Asthama Shani are also
considered bad. The native born under the above mentioned
disposition of Saturn with reference to Moon is likely to suffer
maximum during Saturn's transit over the sensitive houses. But
the experience shows otherwise. Before I share my findings I
would like to divide this paper into three parts which are as under
: Opinion of classics pertaining to transit of Saturn over the said
sensitive houses. Exact time of starting of Ardhashtama,
Ashtama and Sadesati. My findings with real life examples &
illustrations. All the classics attribute the transit of Saturn over the
4th, 8th, 12th, 1st, 2nd houses from the Moon as a period of
distress and misfortune. But our sages gave their views in a
generalized manner which cannot and should not be applied
verbatim. Given below are the views from the classics. Brihat
Samhita During the Saturn's transit over the natal Moon the
native concerned will be troubled by poison and fire, separated
from one's kith and kins, will wander in foreign countries, will
neither have friends nor a house to live in etc. During Saturn's
transit over the 2nd house from the natal Moon, the native will be
bereft of happiness and pride. Even if he earns much wealth
through many channels, it would not be sufficient to fulfil his
needs. During Saturn's transit over the 4th house from the natal
Moon, the native will be separated from his friends, wealth and
wife etc. Everything in his mind will be wicked, sinful and crooked.
During Saturn's transit over the 8th house from the natal Moon
the native will be without wife and children. He will engage himself
in mean activities. Yavana Jathaka When Saturn is transiting
over the natal Moon, the native has fear of imprisonment. There
will be danger from fire and weapons etc. Native will be deceived
by others and will have miseries. Native's spouse and child may
pass away or leave him alone. During Saturn's transit over the
2nd house from the natal Moon, native will have excess of
expenditure and loss of money. During Saturn's transit over the
4th house from the natal Moon, native suffers humiliation. He will
be running from pillar to post and will always be in difficulties.
During Saturn's transit over the 8th house from the natal Moon,
the native suffers a lot. During Saturn's transit over the 12th
house from natal Moon, all endeavours of native fail, his
intelligence and skill get diminished. His respect is affected and
he suffers humiliation. Jyotisharnava Navanitam During Saturn's
transit over the natal Moon the native loses his physical energy,
mental balance and is troubled from various diseases. During
Saturn's transit over the 2nd house of the natal Moon, the native
will be in grief, will incur losses in undertakings. There will be futile
wandering. During Saturn's transit over the 12th house from the
natal Moon one will lose his honour, be anguished, will have
limited gains. He will be in the grip of strife and penury. During
Saturn's transit over the 4th house from the natal Moon native will
have body troubles, mental distress and fear etc. During
Saturn's transit over the 8th house from the natal Moon, native
will face obstacles in his undertakings. He will be troubled from
diseases, there will be decline in his income etc. b. Exact time of
Ardhashtama Shani, Ashtama Shani & Sadesati : All the three
dreadful transit positions of Saturn are dependant upon the
placement of Moon in the horoscope, but what will be the exact
time of occurrence of above three position is a matter of debate. I
will discuss here the starting of Sadesati only and from that,
occurrence of Ardhasthama Shani and Ashtama Shani may be
ascertained. Most of the astrologers consider the starting point of
Sadesati on Saturn's entry into 12th house from natal Moon and
its ending point with leaving the 2nd house from the natal Moon,
thus comprising a cycle of 7 years spread over the three
houses. Some opine that the impact of Sadesati starts when it is
45 away, towards 12th house, from the natal Moon and it ends
when Saturn passes 45 from the radical Moon. Both statements
seem to be ambiguous and absurd. Since it is a known fact that
the occurrence of Sadesati or alike is dependent upon the exact
longitude of the Moon. Say in a horoscopeMoon's longitude is
310' in sign Cancer. Now as per theory No. 1 when Saturn will
enter signs Gemini the Sadesati will start and when it is leaving
the sign Leo the Sadesati will end. As per theory No. 2, Saturn's
entry into a sign 45 prior its placement means when Saturn will
be at 18 in sign Taurus the Sadesati will begin and when Saturn
will cross 18 in sign Leo the Sadesati will end. Here arises a
question that when Moon is pivotal point in deciding the
occurrence and ending of sadesati, under the circumstances only
Moon's longitude should be a pivot to decide the beginning and
ending of Sadesati. As we have taken Moon's longitude as
3s310' hence as and when transiting Saturn will be at 2s310' it
will be the beginning of Sadesati and the ending point should be
5s310' will reference to transiting Saturn. This method of
calculating Sadesati etc coincides with equal house division as
being adopted. c. Personal Findings with Real Life Examples
Case No. 1. Male native, DOB : 6.9.1953, TOB : 3:58am IST,
POB : Longitude 83 E53' Latitude : 18N52' Dagdha Rashi :
Taurus & Leo Yogi Planet : Mercury, Avayogi : Mars Current
Mahadasha : Mars, Antardasha : Mars Chart belongs to a very
senior IAS officer. Native was born under Ardhashtamsa Shani,
since Saturn is posited in 4th house from the natal Moon. For
Cancer born natives, Saturn is the most malefic planet due to its
lordship over 7th & 8th houses. Simultaneously transiting Saturn
was is sign Cancer in the month of October 2004 and the native
was under Sadesati. During this period native's name was
forwarded for a coveted post alongwith two other contenders even
when all the odds were against the native. On the onset of Mars
Mahadasa native got posting on the said post. Now in this case
Mars is Yogkarak planet thus most benefic of the chart. Mars is a
natural malefic. Leo is a dagdha Rashi. A natural malefic in a
dagdha Rasi but in its direct motion gives most auspicious results.
Further Mars is a Avayogi planet. Avayogi planet in a negative
Bhava or Rasi gives best results. Mars being Avayogi occupying a
negative Rasi, Dagdha Rasi became powerful to give most
auspicious results. Thus a powerful planet, placed positively is
destined to sideline the ill effects of Sadesati. Case No. 2 : Male
Native : DOB : 8.5.1965, TOB : 9:25 am, POB : Chandigarh
Dagdha Rasis : Gemini & Virgo Yogi Planet : Mercury, Avayogi
Planet : Mars Maha Dasha : Sun, Antardasha : Saturn Native was
born in sign Gemini rising in lagna. Lord of lagna i.e. Mercury is
placed in kendra i.e. 10th house. Native was born under Ashtama
Shani. On 1st October 2004 native purchased a bungalow costing
Rs. 2 crores and at that time native was under sadesati since
Saturn was transiting over his radical Moon. Again on 15-12-2004
when Saturn was transiting over his radical Moon he entered into
a consultation agreement with a multinational company and the
fee which the native will get in Rs. 30 lacs per annum. Thus
defying the impact of Sadesati this period of sadesati was a boon
for the native. Dagdha Rasis : Sagittarius & Pisces Yogi Planet :
Venus, Avayogi : Jupiter Mahadasa : Rahu , Antardasa : Venus
Native was born with Capricorn lagna. Lord of lagna i.e. Saturn
and that of 7th house Moon, both are conjunct in 5th house, thus
native was born under sadesati of shani. On 12.7.2001 when the
transiting Saturn was over the natal Moon, the native got married.
Again in the year 2002 on 15th August, native was blessed with a
daughter and at that time too the Saturn was transiting over 2nd
house from his natal Moon and finally in February 2004 when
Saturn was in its retrogression in sign Gemini i.e. 2nd house from
the natal moon, native appeared in Punjab state civil services for
the post of tehsildar and successfully cleared the examination and
ultimately he was selected for the post. Conclusion : In this
research paper we have selected three glaring examples . Out of
these three, one native was born under Ardhashtama Shani,
second was born under Ashtama Shani and third was born under
sadesati of Shani. Inspite of this configuration of the Moon &
Saturn all the three natives prospered during Sadesati. Now the
question arises if Sadesati is dreadful it should have given bad to
worst results to all of these three natives. Under the light of these
illustrations, I leave it to fellow astrologers to decide if sadesati is
a bane or boon.
Rahu- A dynamic planet April 2014
Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 427 |

R- Revolutionary mindset
A- Awful, gives awareness
H- Hallucinations, hypnotism, and hidden
U- Unexpected, unrecognized diseases.
While assessing a horoscope if we dont consider the role of the
nodes- Rahu and Ketu, efforts are a waste. Since these nodes
have not been assigned the ruler ship of any house, are generally
ignored by some of our esteemed astrologers, but these very
nodes have the potential of dynamite- either so called for good
and bad. Before we come to the conclusion let us first consider
the nature of the planet Rahu In this article.
Rahu comes from the sanskrit word Rah means hide - that
refers to what is secret, mysterious and profound. Rahu is the
luck factor behind instant success or failure. Rahu is supposed to
be the naughty though mighty child of Maya which is not only
illusion- but also any magical power or force or captivating
knowledge that can be capable to turn the life of a person like the
wheel of fortune for the best or the worst.
Rahu Naam Vipritam- Rahu can be compared with a coin having
two sides with opposite nature- Rahu represents criminals and at
the same time represents detective who pursues the criminal,
Rahu is the force acting through a healer, who cures the diseases
which Rahu itself signifies. So an important duality is attached to
Rahu - Poison neutralizing poison that must be understood.
Rahu is called a shadowy planet, a chaya graha, as it loves all
kinds of shadowy activities. It is the ruler of the artificial lighting as
it tries to imitate Sun, so all types of photography used by
television and cinema, are part of Rahus influence. It is the planet
of creativity and inspiration and is responsible for the information
technology i.e. the internet and the World Wide Web as it signifies
foreigners and combined activities.
Rahu is the planet of intuition, and may be called the master of
manipulation. Rahu can be considered to be expert among the
planets when it comes to scheming and plotting that is why it can
be said to be the better politician than Saturn. Rahu is the luck
factor behind instant success or failure, its result both good and
bad manifests in such an unexpected manner that the native
involved hardly has any time to react to the situation.
Rahu is supposed to maintain friendly relationship with Mercury,
Venus and Saturn. It is neutral towards Jupiter and Mars, and
maintains enmity with Sun and Moon. According to the ancient
Vedic system, nature has three major gunas- rajasic, satavic, and
tamasic. Rahu can function in all the three modes. Rahu gives
prosperity when functions in a rajasic mode, Rahu gives
knowledge and wisdom when functions in a satavic mode, Rahu
gives inertia, inactivity, demonic tendencies and destruction when
functions in tamasic mode. Rahu likes the night time - this is
probably the reason why most criminals choose night time for
their activities.
As it has not been assigned the ruler-ship of any houses, Rahu
takes the traits of the sign in which it is posited or with whom it is
posited. So the signification of Rahu follows directly from its
nature and disposition.
When Rahu combines Venus- sexual offences and deviation are
the results.
Rahu with Mars - brutality, revolution, insensitivity and
Rahu with Saturn- excessive rigidity and orthodoxy, unnecessary
Rahu with Jupiter -religious bigotry, misuse of position and
authority, excessive materialism.
Rahu with Sun- self aggrandizement, power and control games,
fascination for the unusual.
Rahu with Moon- fear and phobia, emotional and psychological
Rahu with Mercury- lying, deceit, trickery, harmful intent,
versatility, quickness of thoughts and communication ability.
It is generally seen that the house where this planet is posited
gets highlighted and the native usually experiences a certain
degree of luck or unusual happening as far as its signification is
concerned. In this topic we will discuss Rahus role placed in 4th
house with Venus in its debilitation, in Sagittarius and involve in
Kaal Sarpa dosha.
The native started Rahu major period when he was 18 years old,
because of its association with Venus, the native played the role
of revolutionary throughout the Rahu mahadasa, only to fulfill his
strong urge for comfort and luxury. It made him the slave of his
own desires and promoted greed and deceit to gain his own ends.
This is primarily materialistic placement which assures success in
Venusian pursuits that also proved that sex is the root of
everything. As this combination takes place in 4th house it helped
him gain the property but created immense troubles for the
mother and disturbed inner peace to the extent that his mother
lost her life, and because of Saturns placement in the 10th house
with Ketu , the native could not put his efforts to establish
professionally. He shattered the hopes and the expectations of
the parents.
Such is the intensity of this planet, by heart the native is good,
cant even think to harm others , but due to its illusory nature the
native was the victim in the hands of this planet, and all the
significations connected to the 4th house blown away like a
However to calm down the negative effects of the planet, one
must recite the following mantra 108 times (one mala) everyday-
Om Bhram Bhrim Bhraum Sah Rahve Namah
Wednesday and Saturday are the days assigned to the planet.
One must feed the birds with bajra on these days and must
worship Goddess Durga every day.
Note- The incident mentioned in this article is based on real life of
a native whose birth details are like these- DOB-19-02-1974,
POB-Meerut, TOB-20:00:00hrs
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Role of Saturn in Denying Marriage July 2006

Shailja Gaur
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 423 |
Saturn is the most malefic planet as far as its natural
characteristics are concerned. Saturn, though malefic, is a planet
which plays an important role in every event of life. It is the Saturn
which is a great giver and approver of marriage, in the life of each
and every human being. But this Saturn under certain conditions
can deny the marriage even. Being a separative planet by nature
it is capable of making a native to renounce the world to make
one an ascetic. It is a planet which under certain combinations
and configurations makes renowned saints and preachers of
religion. Since this paper is related with the role of Saturn
regarding the married life, we shall restrict ourselves to this
aspect of Saturn only. Since a natural significator or karaka of
sanyasa, for anything related to worldly pleasure and
sensuousness, it becomes highly detrimental, because yog and
bhog cannot live together. For these reasons, and under certain
combinations Saturn is capable of denying a native getting
married. The rules are as under : When the Sun and the Moon
are under the influence of Saturn by the aspect or association or
these planets are placed in the star/constellation of Saturn. Next
comes the Venus: In case along with the Sun and the Moon,
Venus is also influenced by the Saturn in a manner as discussed
above the things are worsened. Apart from the Sun, if the Moon
and the Venus, lord of 5th house or the 5th house itself come
under the influence of Saturn, the matter relating to marriage
worsens and it can become a case of even denial of marriage.
NOTE: It is very important that all the factors mentioned above
when come under the influence of Saturn, one can precisely say
that the marriage is denied. In case, one of the above factors
escapes the wrath of Saturn, in that case marriage may take
place but it will not survive. Now arises a point here as to why
these three factors? And these can be assessed as : The Sun is
a planet who represents soul (atma) and stands for moksha also.
When this Sun is under the grip of Saturn one stands detached
from worldly affairs. The Moon represents mind and stability of
mind. Hence when the Moon is afflicted by Saturn in any way as
detailed above ones mental stability gets disturbed which
hampers the pleasure of marriage. Venus apart from being a
natural significator of marriage, it also signifies all types of
luxuries of life along with one's sex life being a natural karka of
sex and sensual pleasure; where as Saturn has totally reverse
qualities in contravention of Venus. 5th house depicts one's love
life and emotions related to the same and when the 5th house or
the lord of 5th house are under the influence of Saturn all the
matters discussed get disturbed. This is just an approach to see
the behavior of Saturn as far as the marriage is concerned. We
are still working on this aspect, but what we have found in our
experience is being illustrated by examples given below: Example
No.1. DOB:6.3.1965, TOB:22.35PM IST, POB:Ambala(Haryna)
Longitude:76E49' Latitude:30N 19' Sign Libra rises in the
ascendant at 17deg.13mnts. planets, their longitudes and the sign
they posited in are shown in the chart. The Sun, Venus and
Saturn are placed in 5th house. The Moon is placed in the 7th
house with Jupiter. Now all the factors as discussed are
applicable. Chart belongs to a very well qualified and a beautiful
girl working in a public sector company drawing a handsome
salary. She crossed 41 years of her age but till now, she is not
married. Though other combinations of denial of marriage are
also visible, but we are restricting to the role of Saturn on the Sun,
the Moon, Venus and 5th house and its lord. Thus the rule applies
here also. Example No.2. Female, DOB:29.12.1966,
TOB:14.50PM IST, POB:Delhi Longitude : 77E13' Latitude:28N40'
Sign Taurus rises in ascendant at 04deg 47mnts. Saturn is placed
in 11th house. While the Sun, Venus and the lord of 5th house
Mercury, all are placed in 8th house. All these planets are under
the 10th house aspect of Saturn. Though the Moon is not under
the influence of Saturn directly, but it is posited in its own sign
Cancer in the 3rd house conjunct with an exalted Jupiter. This is
in the star/constellation Pushya ruled by Saturn. Thus all the
planets as discussed are under the influence of Saturn. The
native is a beautiful and well educated girl. She is in her 40th
year, but not married till now. Example No. 3 Male :
DOB:20.11.1966, TOB:21.45PM IST, POB:Ambala (Haryana)
Longitude:76E57' Latitude:30N55' Sign Cancer rises in the
Ascendant at 06deg 58mnts with exalted Jupiter posited there in.
The Sun and Venus are placed in 5th house in the sign Scorpio.
Both these planets are in the constellation Anuradha ruled by
Saturn, further both are being aspected by Saturn from 8th house.
The Moon is conjunct with Saturn while lord of 5th house i.e. Mars
is under the aspect of Saturn. The native is in his 40th year. He is
well educated and employed in Government sector earning well.
But till date he is unmarried. The rules pertaining to Saturns
influence on all the factors are visible which has denied marriage
to him. Example No.4. DOB:20.11.1968, TOB:23.50PM IST,
POB:Nabha(Punjab) Longitude:76E09' Latitude:30N22' Sign Leo
rises in the Ascendant at 02deg 55mnts. Saturn, lord of 6th and
7th is placed in 8th house. This Saturn is aspecting lord of 5th
house i.e. Jupiter by its 7th house aspect and it is further
aspecting Venus by its 10th house aspect. Both the Sun and the
Moon are conjunct in 4th house in sign Scorpio. Both these
planets the Sun and the Moon are placed in the star/constellation
Anuradha, ruled by Saturn. Thus all the relevant factors are being
influenced by Saturn. The native in her 38th year is still not
married. She is a beautiful and well educated girl working as an
lecturer in an prestigious Institute. Conclusion : During our
research it has been observed that whenever the Sun, the Moon,
Venus and the lord of 5th house or 5th house are under the
influence of Saturn directly or indirectly, marriage is denied and
this rule applies to both males and females. In case out of four
factors two or three are influenced by Saturn one may get married
but it will be a disturbed married life.
Saturn - A retrospective analysis of the planet April 2014
Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 421 |

S- self analyzing
A- administrative
T- tolerance
U- undaunted understanding
R- righteousness
N- non attachment
There have been innumerable discussions about the most
dreaded planet SATURN. People are scared when they come to
know that their Saturn dasha is about to start or they are
undergoing the Sade Sati or Dhaiya of Saturn. There is no doubt
that Saturn is called a malefic planet, who as a judge takes
control of our Karmic actions. He is a slow task master, who gives
the results very slowly. He has got tedi (vakri) drishti which is
supposed to have evil effects wherever it rests.
SATURN = SA+TURN as the name suggests- turns the things
around and brings adversities. There is no denying the fact that
due to its malefic nature it harms the native whenever its Dasa or
Antardasa comes. In its positive plane it makes the person Karma
oriented & makes life clear as a crystal. As you sow so shall you
reap. This planet takes away from you the most desirable things
of your life, gives you setbacks, but at the same time puts you on
the right path, gives you self realization. If you follow the right
path, this planet confers on you all the happiness & fills your life
with abundance.
In this topic we will discuss Saturns role in the horoscopes and
how this planet works for Aries & Taurus ascendant people. In
Aries ascendant, Saturn owns two houses 10th (karamsthan)
&11th house (labhsthan). The 11th house from any moveable
ascendants is the Badhaka Sthana and the lord of this house is
called Badhakadhipati (an obstructing force). Hence, the role of
Saturn for Aries ascendant is not good. Saturn gets exalted in
Venus sign- Libra and is debilitated in Mars sign Aries. Saturn
casts its aspect on 3rd, 7th, & 10th houses.
In Taurus ascendant, Saturn becomes a Yoga Karak planet. A
planet which is lord of Kendra Sthan and also of a Trikona Sthan
(because of the dual lordship of the houses) becomes Yogakarak
by itself, and confers good results in its Dasa and Antardasa. In
Taurus ascendant, Saturn owns two houses the 9th( Lakshmi)
sthan and 10th( Vishnu) sthan. Being Yogakarak, if it is placed in
kendra sthan from lagna, it gives good results concerning that
bhava. For example, in Taurus ascendant, if the Yogakari Saturn
is placed in 7th house, it enhances the good results of this bhava.
The spouse belongs to a good family with high ideals and
principals in life. From 7th bhava it aspects the lagna from its 7th
aspects, hence fortifies lagna, it casts its 3th aspect on the 9th
house, since it is its own house, it gives good results concerning
to 9th house. If any other planet is placed in the 9th house, Saturn
offers extremely good results through that planet. Also, whenever
Dasa and Antardasa arrive of that planet, Saturn aspects its 10th
aspect on 4th house and if any planet is positioned there that
planet is also fortified.
Lord Krishnas horoscope is the best example in this context. The
immortal Bhagvadgita, preached by the Lord, when Arjuna
became uncertain about his duty, Krishnas sermons inspired the
moral and spiritual thought and actions of innumerable persons
and offered solutions to their problems. He showed the way to do
the things and to do ones duty by being non-attached and further
illustrated this in His own life.
With this analysis of the planet Saturn, we sum up that we should
not be scared whenever there is dasa or antardasa, rather we
should prepare ourselves with the inherent qualities which this
planet has as the karmic controller of all the human beings on this
earth. It is endowed with the power to punish or reward according
to our karmas.
However, to ward off the evil effects of sade sati or dhaiya, we
should chant this mantra with great devotion on every Saturday-
Om Sham Shaneshcharay Namah, and do japa of 10 names of
Saturn everyday-
Om Konasthaye Namah
'Om Raudratamkay Namah'
'Om Yamay Namah'
'Om Babharve Namah'
'Om Manday Namah'
'Om Pipplaye Namah'
'Om Pinglaye Namah'
'Om Shaneshcharaye Namah'
'Om Saurye Namah'
'Om krishnaye Namah'
'Om chayaatamjaye Namah'
To learn more about astrology
Learn : What is Astrology?
Profession October 2004
N. C. Singal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 420 |
Man takes birth. The struggle for existence begins since then.
Fate and destiny bring him face to face with his
Karmas. Astrology would make us believe that ones past Karmas
as well as present Karmas conjoin to shape mans Karmakshetra.
The stage when the Karmas begin to manifest in rewards can be
tentatively called that portion of ones life when service begins, or
a shop is opened. Various careers await everybody. In
accordance with qualifications and experience, one enters the
professional field. In the Hindu way of life, there are the famous
sixteen Samskaras through which one human life passes.
Unfortunately, going to workplace is not one of those sixteen
Samskaras. All in all, the 12 houses of the horoscope reserves
the tenth house for ones professional life, from where we
delineate the multifarious facets of a career.Strictly speaking, in
the long-drawn struggle in every mans life span is the most trying
and demanding phase is his capability to earn money. And money
comes by toiling. Every activity performed be it a job, a contract,
a shop- results in reward of money. Therefore, predicting about
ones profession is quite a tricky affair. For the time being if it is
taken as granted that profession is another name for toil, then
necessarily there is element of Martian character creeping in. For
good reasons, we can ruminate that 10th House in the Kaal
Purush Kundli is the exalted Rashi of Mars, from where it aspects
the Lagna and the 4th House, as also the 5th House. Since
Jupiter occupies 4th House being in its exaltation, Rashi and
Jupiter is 9th lord, the link between 1st, 5th and 9th houses gets
established. The grand scheme of the Creator goes a little further
also. The 5th Lord Sun occupies, Lagna being its exaltation sign,
which Mars aspects. These three are the Dharma houses.
Performing our Karma is nothing but our Dharma. In delineating
profession, we have to scrutinize Rashi Chart, Navamsha and the
Dashamsha. A- Rashi chart Look for Lagna and its Lord.
Examine 10th from Lagna, the Moon and the Sun. See 10th
from Arudha Lagna also. Strength/weakness of dispositor of
Rashi 10th Lord be seen. B- Navamsha Chart 10th House,10th
Lord from Navamsha Lagna. 10th House, 10th Lord from
Karkamsha Lagna. whether 10th Lord of Rashi in friendly/enemy
Navamsha. C- Dashamsha Chart 10th House and its Lord.
Position of 10th Lord of D/1 in D/10 is also important. It ensures
good career, if in exaltation, own sign. Lagna and location of its
Lord also ensures good career. If a common planet emerges from
A,B,C above or two planets may have connections with each
other in Rashi chart and having relationship through their
Nakshatras, one is able to pinpoint the planet which is going to
influence the career profile of the native. Gains through Yogas
Parashari System : Wealth giving Yogas play an important part in
getting gains through profession. If planets connected with these
Yogas happen to be present at the start, or middle of profession,
one can get a boost in the career. Jaimini system : AK, AmK, PK,
DK and 5th Lords are the planets that are givers of gains. Any
two, or more out of five, if aspecting Chara Dasha, MP/AD shall
definitely give gains through profession. While examining the first
salary drawn, following rules are to be seen: Amk should
influence MP/AD, or be in 10th/11th from them. Indu
Lagna/Lagnesh should influence MP/AD, or be in 10th/11th from
them. AmK in transit is either influencing MP/AD, or is in 10th/11th
from them. Sat and Jup in transit show a connection with 10th
House, or 10th Lord from Lagna. Dashas and Transit Dasha of
Lagna Lord/10th Lord/exalted planets shall give gains. If benefic
Dashas succeed one after the other at prime time, one is poised
to make spectacular gains. Dasha of Lagna Nakshatra Lord
always gives gains in MP/AD. Dashas of Yogda planets of first
order are very beneficial for a boost in the profession. Yogda
planet is one which aspects by Jaimini method Lagnas of D/1, D/3
and D/9 charts. Dashas of Yogi Planets always give good results
(Yogi planet is calculated by adding longitudes of Sun and Moon
and a constant of 3Rashi-3 degree-20 Minutes. The star Lord of
the resultant is known as Yogi Planet. Transit of Saturn and
Jupiter should have a positive aspect of the planet that had
emerged as a profession Lord of the native or with 10th House, or
10th Lord. Ashtakavarga Bindus If Bindus in 5th House are less
than those in 10th House, one enjoys the career, because 10th
House is 6th from 5th House. If 11th House has more Bindus than
10th house, it is a good omen for better career, because it
suggests that gains are more than the effort Example In order to
understand the above mentioned principles chart of a female
native is given below for delineation of profession. DOB 15-10-
1984 at 12.33Hours. Lat 28N26 Long 77E19. Mercury is
appearing as the 10th Lord from Lagna, Moon Lagna, Arudh
Lagna in D/1 chart and Lagna, Karkamsha Lagna in D/9 chart.
Mercury, Moon and Sun are in the Nakshatra of Mars. Rahu is
placed in the Nakshatra of Sun. Moon and Mercury are
Vargottama. Native is presently doing MCA/BCA. Yogas:
Parashari: Powerful Vipreet Rajyoga. 8th lord Moon in 6th and 6th
lord in 12th. Also Dhana Yoga prevails because 2nd Lord Saturn
in 11th and the 10th Lord Mercury in 11th. Jaimini : AK Sun, PK
Jupiter and 5th lord Mars aspect each other and Thereby form a
powerful Rajyoga. Yogda Planet : There is no Yogda of the first
order. But Jup and Mars are in Lagna of D/1 and D/3 plus Sun
aspects Lagnas of D/1 and D/9. These three-Jupiter, Mars and
Sun qualify to become Yogdas of the second order and contain a
promise to help the native in career. Yogi Planet is Jupiter in the
Nakshatra of Ketu. Nakshatra lord of ascendant is Venus and its
placement in Rashi chart with Ketu in 12th house is considered to
be good. Exalted planets are Rahu, Moon and Saturn in Rashi
chart. Ashtakavarga Bindus in 5th, 10th and 11th houses
respectively are 22,. 31 and 38. Parashari Method Dasha system:
Native is likely to pass out in Rahu-Moon and Rahu-Mars periods
( 1/2005 to 8/2007). Since Rahu and Moon both are exalted, they
will most likely assist the native in clearing the MCA in 4/2007.
Soon after the native clears the MCA, a job placement may be
awaiting in the wings, because the period shall be Rahu-Mars
(7/2006 to 8/2007). Two factors are likely to trigger this event: (a)
Rahu is 6th lord, which represents service and in Nakshatra of
Sun (9th lord) and aspecting 10th and 2nd houses. (b) Mars is
5th/12th lord in Lagna, with powerful Lagna lord and also Yogda
planet of second order. Transit: Transit and sojourn of Saturn in
Cancer wef 9/2004 to3/2007 aspecting 10th house and 2nd house
is auspicious. Later when Saturn reaches Leo in March, 2007, it
will aspect 2nd lord, 3rd house and MP lord Rahu. Transit of
Jupiter in Scorpio takes place in 8/2006, from where it aspects
MP lord Rahu and the 6th House. Thus it is seen that this transit
is helping and aiding Dashas in getting promised results in Lagna
chart. Ashtakavarga Bindus: 5th house down and 10th up. 22 vs
31 Bindus with support of 38 in 11th house tell their own story in
respect of rewards from career. SPECTACULAR gains, if
supported by good Dashas one after the other at proper time.
When MP of Rahu ends in 8/2007 at the age of 23, Jup shall
operate upto 2023. Jupiter is Lagna lord and 4th lord in Lagna
with Mars (5th and 12th Lord) and aspect of Saturn (2nd and 3rd
Lord) Jupiter is Yogda planet of 2nd order and a Yogi Planet in
the Nakshatra of Ketu. Ketu is exalted in 12th house with 6th and
12th lord Venus and it is likely to support Jupiter. Thus the
Mahadasha of Jupiter should see the native scaling new heights
of career. Mallika Yoga : When 7 or more planets are posited in
continuous houses, Mallika Yoga is formed. In this case 9th lord is
in 10th, 10th lord is in 11th, 11th lord is in 12rth, 12th lord is in
Lagna and Lagna Lord in Lagna itself. It is quite a feature that 4
planets are posited in progression, forming the famous Mallika
Yoga, which promises high financial status and popularity to the
native. Jaiminis Principals and Applications In order to work out
first salary income of the native, following steps should be studied
(as already pointed out in this essay) : Moon the AmK should
influence MP/AD or be in 10th or 11th from them. The Chara
Dasha of Virgo runs from 10/1998 to 10/2009, while the AD of
Gemini operates from 2/2006 to 1/2007, thereafter Cancer takes
over wef 1/2007 to 12/2007. Moon misses to influence the Virgo
Rashi but definitely does so in the case of Cancer, which it
aspects and is 11th from it. Indu Lagna Scorpio aspects Lord of
Virgo (Mercury) as well as Cancer the AD Lord. Indu Lagnesh
Mars aspects Virgo the MP Rashi and 10th from it. Out of 5
forceful stations which matter, AK AMK PK -DK and 5th Lord,
3 are aspecting MP Virgo and majority aspect the AD of Gemini
and Cancer. AmK in transit, i.e. Moon, shall always influence
MP of Virgo and the AD Rashis, since it is a fast moving planet.
The transit of major planets Saturn and Jupiter is, however, not so
clear in aspecting the 10th House, or the 10th Lord, although the
transit of Jupiter on 28th Aug 2004 in Virgo is positing of Jupiter in
10th House itself. AK (Sun) PK(Jupiter)and 5th lord (Mars) are
all aspecting each other from powerful positions, thus making a
grand Rajyoga. This combination is relevant not only in the MP of
Virgo, but shall also continue to dominate in the MP of Sagittarius.

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3. Secrets of Saturn

Secrets of Saturn October 2004

Vinay Garg
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Astronomical facts : Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and is
also the second largest planet, with a radius of 37,366 miles. It is
said to have a small core of rock and iron, then a layer of ice and
lastly topped by a deep layer of liquid hydrogen. Saturn is
different from other known planets for the rings it has. No planet in
this solar system has rings like Saturn has. The rings consist of
small pieces of ice and rock, are 62,000 kilometers wide, but just
100 meters thick. The rings are actually made of thousands of
closely spaced ringlets, looking like a gramophone record disk.
Saturn has 22 known natural satellites, more than any other
planet has. Vedic Astrological view : From the Vedic point of view,
the physical Saturn is only a representation of Shani Dev /
Shanaischaram (Saturn God). By the movement of the physical
Saturn, we understand the intention of Saturn God (Shani) about
us. Saturn God is the natural ruler of Karma and to understand
our Karma, we must first understand Shani. Shani is one of the
three children of Sun and Chhaya Devi. From the Vedic texts, we
can learn a lot about Shani. Many times the power of his gaze has
been mentioned in the classics. We learn that right after Shani
was born, his gaze caused Suns charioteer to fall down and
break his thigh. Suns horses to get blind and Sun himself caught
slowed down because of Shanis powerful gaze on him. They
were healed only when Shani moved his gaze away and looked
somewhere else. This clarifies the power which Shani has in his
gaze. In Jyotish, Shani is considered a very malefic planet. The
nine planets are the incarnation of Lord to bestow on us the result
of our Karma, which are the lessons we need to learn. And most
of the times, the toughest lessons are taught by Shani. In our
school, we always have different teachers for different subjects
like Maths, Physics, Language etc. Just like that, different planets
teach us different kinds of lessons and most of the times Shani
the teacher teaches us very painful lessons. This is not something
to be doubted when we learn from Parashar's Hora Shastra that
Shani is the natural giver of grief. In general, Shani is considered
the most malefic planet, and the most painful, stressful Yogas
involve Shani most of the times. When Shani maleficaly affect
something, it slows the matter down and causes obstructions and
delays in its fruitfulness. Shani also rules separation. It hurts us
by taking things away from us. When we face a painful separation
from our parents, spouse, friends, or anyone we care for, Shani is
always a possibile cause for that. Ketu also causes separation as
it rules non-attachment, but separations and delays are among
the main significations of Shani. Its association with Venus / 7th
lord causes separation from spouse most of the time. Though the
final comment should be made seeing Shanis strength,
placement and lordship, as for Taurus and Libra natives, Shani is
a functional benefic being a Yoga Karaka. But even then Shani
will not forget to remind his nature sometimes. That is my
personal view on this. Shani is a planet of Tamasik quality. It is a
planet of extreme nature. When it favours someone, it gives very
favourable effects. On the other hand, when anyone receives its
curse, he or she faces indescribable pain and miseries in life.
Shani purifies a person by giving immense sorrow and pain, like
fire purifies the gold. Favourable effects of Shani on ones nature
include in-depth knowledge, sensibility, wisdom, justice,
broadness of mind, honesty, patience, ability to work hard etc. In
life, he may give wealth, fortune, long life etc. when auspicious
and well placed. On the other hand, when badly afflicting a
persons nature, Shani can make one sadistic, greedy, lazy,
dishonest, fearful, irresponsible and even addicted to drugs.
Shani causes obstruction, delay, grief, poverty, short life etc. It
makes a person totally lonely, helpless and can make one suffer
from enmity, theft, lawsuits etc. Shani can also give imprisonment,
since it rules obstruction, loneliness and grief. When causing
diseases, Shani generally gives chronic diseases, which the
person suffers for a long time. By this it shows again it's nature of
slowness and delays. When badly affecting ones profession,
Shani makes one work very hard, but does not give proper reward
he deserves. That is why social servants and people, who earn
their living by physical labour, are ruled by Shani. For the same
reason Shani rules the Shudras (4th caste) and abodes in filthy
places. For the power of his gaze, Shani has tremendous afflicting
ability by it's mere aspects, which it casts on 3rd, 7th and 10th
houses from his own position. Among other planets used in Vedic
astrology, Saturn is the last one counted from Suns position. That
is why Shani Dev rules The last or the end of anything. It is the
Last answer in anything. In our material world, death is the end
of everything and that is why, Shani rules death and longevity
issues. It is the natural significator of 8th house in Astrology. We
know that 8th house deals with sorrows, shock, pain, depressions
and also occult. That is why Shani also deals with magic, Tantra
Jyotish etc. Shani was lamed by another son of the Sun, named
Yama (God of death) when he hit Shani's leg. So Shani is always
very slow in it's movement. One name of Shani, as already
mentioned, is Shanaischaram, which means the slow mover. It
takes around 2.5 years to pass through a sign. Thus it takes
around 30 years to complete it's travel over the whole zodiac. So
it rules slowness and delays and it teaches us how to tolerate
slowness and delays, by patience. It is generally pleased with
people having patience. The great phase (Mahadasha) of Shani
lasts for 19 years. Even during Mahadasha, Shani gets the strong
hold of a person by his transit over the 12th, 1st and 2nd signs
from it's or her natal Moon. This is called Sade Sati, since it lasts
for about 7.5 years. Shani lords over the signs Capricorn
(Makara) and Aquarius (Kumbha) with Aquarius being his Mool
Trikona sign. It is exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. It's
natural friends are Mercury, Venus and Rahu, while enemies are
Sun, Moon, Mars and Ketu. It has neutral relationship with Deva
Guru Jupiter. It is ruler of the three Nakshatras named Pushya (8)
Anuradha (17) and Uttara Bhadrapada (26). It rules 8 in the
numbers, saturday in the weekdays and aqua blue and black in
colours. It's favourite gemstone is blue sapphire, strengthens
Shanis effect on a person. To pecify Shani Dev donate black
clothes, mustard oil, black gram, sesame etc. to the poor and help
and serve the old and needy people, since Shani signifies all
these. Maharishi Parashara suggests donating a black cow, or
feeding Brahmins with rice cooked with powder of sesame seeds
to appease Shani Dev. Shani Dev is a great devotee of Lord
Krishna. That is why it has been said that Shani Dev does not
create problems for people who worships Lord Krishna (especially
on Saturdays) It should be also mentioned that Krishna is another
name of Shani Dev. Shani Dev is also appeased if one recites
Shani Stotram, as follows : OM PRAM PREEM PRAUM SAH

Grouping of signs April 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 415 |
The 12 signs are grouped as under :-
Masculine or Odd Signs : Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius,
Feminine or Even Signs : Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio,
Capricorn, Pisces.
Movable Signs : Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Fixed Signs : Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Dual or common Signs : Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Fiery Signs : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earthy Signs : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Airy Signs : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Watery Signs : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Signs of Long Ascension : Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra, Sagittarius

Mangal-The lord of strength April 2014

Future Point
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M- motivation, Movement, Masculinity

A- Action, aggression, Accident, Ambition
R- Rashness, Ruthlessness
S-Strength, Stamina, Sports
Mars as we know is fiery, cruel, masculine, ruling & vigorous
planet. Mars is the commander in chief in planetary cabinet,
hence is considered a ruling planet and often commands one to
stand up & get things done. Mars is called the action planet of
zodiac, God of war.
In Indian astrology mars has been given several names like
Mangal (auspicious), Angarak (one who is red in color), Bhauma
(son of Bhumi and so on. It is considered a malefic of the highest
Mars takes nearly two years to complete its orbit in the Zodiac.
This fiery & masculine energy rules Aries & Scorpio in the First
and Eight house of Kalpurush kundali, exalts in Saturns sign
Capricorn, debilitates in moon sign Cancer. In a way Mars is the
Lord of birth and death, as first house of the Zodiac from where
the life begins and the eight house where it ends.
When we talk about its traits, Mars is responsible for building the
energy, passion and determination in a persons life. A strong and
well placed Mars in birth chart indicates - a person with
surmountable will power to fight the difficulties & enemies of life,
courage, lack of fear, initiation to start a venture, control over the
own body, aggressiveness, & spiritual warrior, as Mars is known
as the protector of the righteous. Mars also presents brothers,
technology, technical skills, mathematic, computing, medicine,
sports, blood pressure, police, military people, dictators, fire &
So a benefic Mars in the horoscope can drive the person to climb
the Mount Everest, or it can produce a good sports person like
boxer Mohammed Ali & tennis star Sania Mirza. Mohammed Ali
had powerful Mars in 10th house in Aries. Whereas Sania Mirzas
Mars is exalted & posited in Ascendent, bestowing her untiring
stamina required for the sport. Mars is like the volcano of vitality
inside us which must be released & channeled properly.
Otherwise we have the example of negative & ruthlessness of this
energy used by Adolf Hitler, which made him the dictator of the
highest order. His Mars though strongly posited in 7th house in
Aries, was aspected by malefic Ketu, which made his Mars
unpredictable with unbounded energy for fighting & violence.
Whereas benefic influence on Mars, aspected by Jupiter, Moon or
Venus not only makes an expert fighter, but Venus Moon
influence means, fighting would be appreciated for its aesthetic
side. Bruce lee became famous for his Kung Fu in movies. So it is
the placement of Mars in thehoroscope which decides its true
traits whether good or bad for the person. The conclusion is, if fire
of Mars is not there in the natal chart, the native will be a dreamer
only, will be lacking the practical initiation & brilliance needed for
Cuts, wounds, sore eyes, boils, burns, piles, sores, bone fracture,
jaundice, oozing blood, tumours & epilepsy diseases are caused
by this planet. To ward off the evil effects & for the blessings of
Mars one should worship Pawansut Hanuman, Ganpati &
Kartikay. One should donate- copper, wheat, ghee, red cloth,
sandal wood, red masoor dal (on Tuesday, within 48 minutes
before sunset and recite this mantra-

Surya Mantra for Overall Well Being January 2015

Raju Gupta
Related Articles | Views : 411 |
Today i will tell you about the surya mantra .This mantra is
advised for career growth, job , health , etc and for the destruction
of poverty and diseases . Sun is our atma and source of existence
and light which can pass through the rapped karmas on our soul .
Sun also cleans our soul . It is a must mantra for every one .
Although it should be chanted at sunrise but still it can be chanted
at any time of day and in any number such as 21,54,108 times. If
you want to chant more than 108 times than do in multiple of 108
Dhyan Mantra :-
This is to be chant at the start for 1 time . It is preferable to chant
but you can skip this is you find it difficult . Just understanding the
meaning and remembring it before the chant , which is written
below is sufficient .
sonambhoruhasamsthiiam trinayanam vedatrayivigraham danam
bhojayugabhayanidadhatam hastaih praualaprabham,
keyurangadaharakam kanadharam kar nollasatkundalam
lokotpattivinasapalanakaram suryyam gunabdhim bhaje
Oh Surya, The Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer of the worlds
,We meditate on Thee. Thou art three eyed with the luster as of
the Red coral and are seated on the pink lotus throne. The three
Vedas are Thy body. Thy hind hands hold the lotus while Thy fore
hands are in the postures called Abhaya (Fearlessness) and
Dana (benevolence) Mudra(posture) . Armlets, bracelets ,
necklace and bangles adorn Thy body and ear-rings shine in Thy
(a) For all Businessmen & Professionals :-
Om Hrim Ghrinih Surya Aaditya Shrim.
(b) For Priests :-
Om Hrim Ghrinih Surya Aaditya Om.
You can modify the mantra as per your sun sign in rashi chart or
more precisly as per your sun sign in D-60 chart. Those who do
not have their sun sign should chant the above mentioned mantra
as per their work .
Just replace the word Surya with the corresponding 12 Surya name as
mentioned below :-
Rashi Surya Name

Aries Aryama

Taurus Mitra

Gemini Varun

Cancer Indra

Leo Vivaswan

Virgo Pusha

Libra Parjanya

Scorpio Anshuman

Sagittarius Bhaga

Capricorn Twastha

Aquarius Vishnu

Pisces Dhata
Significance of Gulika April 2012
Suresh Chandra Mishra
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 410 |
Gulika also called as Maandi, holds a position of prime
importance in the evaluation of a natal chart. Like Rahu and Ketu,
having no physical existence it always makes a difference in the
natal chart output. By nature it surpasses all natural or functional
malefics. Gulika or Maandi In Vedic astrology, Gulika or Maandi
are considered synonymous although some people consider them
as different entity differentiate between them. Gulika denotes a
certain segment of time ruled by Saturn. The word 'Maandi' is
derived from Manda, another name of Saturn. According to the
Brihat Prashara Hora Shastra ( #
(d;0 Fixing the Gulika The position of Gulika is
different for daytime (from sunrise to sunset) and night-time (from
sunset to sunrise). The duration of the day or of the night(as the
case may be) is divided into eight parts. The segment belonging
to Saturn is known as Gulika. For daytime, the first segment
belongs to the planetary lord of the weekday on which Gulika is to
be determined. The next segment belongs to the planetary lord of
the subsequent weekday and so on till the seventh segment
belongs to the planetary lord of the weekday that falls fifth from
the weekday under consideration. The subsequent segments
belong similarly to other planets that rule the weekdays in natural
order. The eighth part here too is without a lord. In each case the
part belonging to Saturn is called as Gulika. The Controversy
Some people opine that the cusp for the ending moment of
Saturn's part is the Gulika Sphut. However, this concept results in
an erroneous understanding of the following shloka from the
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. 0f #
m(0 0 1H # That is : The
cusp of the sign rising at the beginning of the Gulika segment is
considered as Gulika. From this the chart must be analysed.
Results of Gulika Gulika in the first house most certainly reduces
the good results of the chart. The impact is maximum in terms of
malevolence when the cusp of the lagna and the Gulika are close
in degrees. This means that birth taking place at the
commencement of the Gulika -Kaala suffers the maximum
affiction. In such a situation, the Raja-yogas or other benefic
yogas lose their potence. The phaladeepika states. 0 #
(3 . E When the nakshatra of the lagna and
Gulika are mutually trinal, the basic benevolence of the lagna
nakshatra lord (LNL) is lost. Nakshatras 1,10 and 19 from each
other are mutually trinal. Gulika spoils the benefic significations of
most of the houses by occupying them. Thus, all troubles ensue
when Gulika occupies the lagna. In the second house, it curtails
family comforts and financial savings. Poor social status results
when Gulika occupies the fourth house. In the fifth, it leads to
troubles from progeny And so on. Of all the sub-planets, Gulika
and Yamakantaka (the sub-planet represented by Jupiter's
segment) surpass all others in maleficence and beneficence
respectively. Only in house 3,6,10 and 11 Gulika generates
beneficial results. In the tenth house, however, it indicates delay
in getting established in a career. The good results of Gulika
(from its placement in the above houses) are lost when the rashi
and navamsha lords of Gulika are neecha (debilitated) or
combust. Gulika with natural Karakas The association of Gulika
with a natural Karaka always destroys the good effects of that
Karaka. Classics hold the opinion that Gulika conjunct with the
Sun creates lack of comforts for father, with the Moon it is bad for
mother, and with Mars it is adverse for brother. when Gulika joins
Mercury, the native becomes mentally disturbed. With Jupiter, the
native becomes a hypocrite. Gulika with Venus brings troubles
from women and ruins marital life. Association with Saturn leads
to disease and skin disorder, with Rahu it leads to proneness to
infection, and with Ketu fear from fire. Gulika can alter the results
of other planetary yogas in the chart. All good yogas are lost
when the birth time and the gulika-kaala coincide together with
another inauspicious factor like Mahapaata, Gandanta, Visha-
Ghati, etc. (refer to our book : Panchadhyayee) A Special Rule A
point 180 from Gulika is also considered as acutely malefic in the
natal chart. This point must be taken into consideration when the
lethal potential of a planet is to be determined. This is better
known as the Pramaana Gulika in Vedic astrology. The dispositor
of Gulika or Pramaana Gulika may prove fatal during its dasha,
etc., displacing the other maraka or killer planets. Dashas and
Transits The dasha periods of the dispositor of Gulika or its
navamsha lord may prove hazardous. Gulika in houses 1,5 or 9
authorises the lagna lord to disburse the maraka effect during its
dasha. Trouble results during the dasha of a planet that happens
to be an associate of Gulika in the rashi chart. Severe troubles
are also likely during the dasha of any planet associating with
Gulika in the navamsha or the dwadashamsha charts. Specially
adverse results ensure during the dasha periods, of Jupiter or
Saturn when they associate with Gulika in the navamsha, or the
dasha of the Sun when it associates with Gulika in the
dwadashamsha, or that of the Moon associating with Gulika in the
Trimshamsha chart. The Pramaana Gulika deserves the same
treatment as Gulika (vide supra). The transit of Saturn and
Jupiter over the navamsha sign lord of gulika, that of the Sun over
the Dwadashamsha sign lord of Gulika, and that of the Moon over
the Trimshamsha sign lord of Gulika, put the native in trouble.
This is according to the prashna Marrga, which states. (A
; 1 / Es,
All trikona (1,5,9) rashis should be considered in
application of transits. Gulika and accidents Gulika is extremely
important as an active killer in vedic astrology. It is used in the
judgement of longevity, along with dasha and transit. The latna,
the Moon and Gulika falling in Dwiswabha (dual) or Sthira (fixed)
signs prompt multiple ailments and fatality. In Chara (movable)
signs, they lead to good health and long life. The lagna, the
Moon and Gulika falling in mutual trikonas in the navamsha chart,
particularly in rashis 4,8 and 12 are fatal. Such a native is disease
prone and accident prone. This is according to the following
dictum of the Prashna Margga : (( L3
@A uEL3 @ Gulika and
Longevity For the calculation of longevity, the lagna, the Moon,
the Sun and Gulika are all important. A special rule for
assessment of longevity involves using the cusp of the lagna and
the longitudes of the Sun, the Moon and Gulika. This is as follows
: Lagna + 5 +Gulika = Prana Sphut. Moon + 8 + Gulika = Deha
Sphut Gulika + 7 + Sun = Mrityu Sphut When the sum of Prana
and Deha is more than the Mrityu, the native is likely to live long.
However, if Mrityu is bigger than the sum of Prana and Deha, a
sudden end of life is indicated. In the chart of late Indian Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi (November 19, 1917, at 23:11 hours IST :
at 25 N27', 81E51') the lagna is 3s2722', the Sun is 7s0407',
the Moon 9s0535' and Gulika 1s2923'. The sum of Prana and
Deha is 1s0216' while Mrityu is 2s1504'. The native met a tragic
end. Although Gulika is favoured in the third house, it turns
death-inflicting when joined by or aspected by Saturn. Gulika in
the third with the Moon or receiving the full aspect of the Moon
causes tuberculosis or other internal fatal disease. Daily Results
of Gulika Add the cusp of the lagna to the 'longitude' of Gulika.
The month when the Sun transits the resultant sign leads to
troubles and miseries. The most hazardous day is when the
Moon transits the sign obtained from adding the longitude of the
Moon to that of Gulika. Add the lagna, the Moon and Gulika. The
resulttant 'rashi' is to be considered fata. The month, the day and
the lagna indicated by the sum obtained above must be avoided
in all major ventures. Gulika may ensure successful conception
when : (i) Gulika and the Moon are in the same sign, (ii) Gulika is
with the fifth lord, (iii) Gulika is aspected by the fifth lord, (iv)
Gulika is in the other sign of the fifth lord, (v) Navamsha lords of
Gulika and the Moon are related mutually. A successful
conception results when Jupiter transits the trines of Gulika rashi
or Gulika navamsha rashi. When Gulika is in any of the first six
rashis (Mesha to Kanya), consider the transit of Jupiter from the
Gulika rashi. When it is in the last six signs (Tula to Meena),
consider the transit from Gulika navamsha rashi. Raja -yoga from
Gulika The Phaladeepika states. The dispositor of Gulika, or its
navamsha lord, placed in a kendra or trikona, or in its own sign or
in exaltation, nullifies the adverse effects of Gulika and gives yoga
effects, though its lethal propensity (markatwa) would remain
intact. To mitigate the Evil The evil of Gulika must be neutralised
by prescribed remedies, Says Prashara : 0 2;

1 Prashara thus recommends that one should
worship lord Shiva regularly in the evening, bow down to the Sun-
god and lord Vishnu in the morning, and light a holy lamp of 'ghee'
before Lord Shiva in a temple. This would defy the evil arising out
of an adverse disposition of Gulika.

Saturn-Moon Combination and Cancer Disease July 2004

S. K. Sawhney
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 407 |
Cancer, the dreaded term for malignant growths and lumps,
seems to be of unusually common occurrence in recent times.
More people than ever before seem to be struck by the disease,
which carries with it a near pall of death, if not checked in the
initial stage. Saturn, Moon and Dusthanas 6th, 8th and 12th seem
to figure prominently in the charts of cancer patients. This
maiming, or disfiguration of the body, relates the Ascendant, or its
lord to the 6th, 8th and 12th houses, or their lords. These
Dusthanas rule such traumatic situations, or events, that would
change the entire course of ones life. Many who had to suffer
from cancer, their lives changed overnight from laughter and
sunshine to gloom. Saturn, which characterises all that hardens,
hinders, depletes and suppresses, would seem to be the best
fitted planet to be associated with cancer. It would also explain
very well the mental anguish and depression, that follow the
biopsy, confirming the malignant nature of lump, or growth. The
Moon, ruling the mind and also all the excretions in the body
system, would also fit well in this context. All lumps and tumours
are nothing but the accumulations of secretions, that have been
clogged, or otherwise prevented from normal movement. A study
of several charts of cancer patients has shown a link between
MOON AND SATRUN. This link is found in the Navmasha chart.
This does not necessarily mean that all charts where the Moon
and Saturn are correlated are cases of cancer. But the majority of
cancer cases have the Moon-Saturn disposition. If Moon is
afflicted by Saturn in Navamasha chart through posting, aspect,
or conjunction, it indicates the disease of cancer. More important,
Dashas or directional influences must also warrant the disease of
cancer Now, I will discuss the various case studies of the natives
who have suffered from cancer, to prove the combination of
Saturn and Moon, a combination responsible for the disease of
cancer. CASE STUDY 1 4. Number sign., Lord of 1st sign,
Moon, 4th house and its lord Moon, all the representatives of 4th
organ chest are under influence of malefic planets SATURN and
MARS. 4th sign, significator of chest is aspected by Saturn (R)
4th house is also aspected by Saturn, 4th lord Moon is aspected
by Mars. D-9 The Moon is conjuncted with Saturn in Navmasha,
therefore there is a definite link between Saturn and Moon, result
being the disease of cancer. CHANDRA LAGNA 4th sign Cancer,
it's lord Moon, the 4th house and it's Lord Jupiter, all are under
the influence of malefic planets, indicating problem in 4th organ
i.e. chest. DRESHKAN 4th sign Cancer, it's lord Moon, the 4th
house and it's lord Mars are under the influence of malefic
planets, indicating problem in 4th organ i.e. chest.
DWADASHAMSHA 4th sign Cancer, it's lord Moon, the 4th house
and its lord Jupiter, Saturn are under the influence of malefic
planets, indicating problem in 4th organ i.e. chest. TRISHAMSHA
4th sign Cancer, it's lord Moon, the 4th house and it's lord Jupiter
are under the influence of malefic planets, indicating problem in
4th organ i.e. chest. CASE STUDY-2: BIRTH CHART OF SH.
RAM KRISHNA PARAM HANS D.O.B. 18.02.1838 T.O.B. 6.23
CANCER D-9. NAVAMSHA CHART The Moon is aspected by
Saturn by 3rd aspect. Therefore, there is a definite link between
Moon and Saturn, result being the disease of Cancer. CASE
GOLVALKER D.O.B. 30.12.1879 T.O.B. 1.00 AM LAT. 9N50
The Moon is aspected by Saturn. Therefore, there is a definite link
between Saturn and Moon, resulting in cancer. CASE STUDY -4
D.O.B. 01.09.1968 .O.B. 10.30 AM LAT. 13N LONG. 77E30 DIED
NAVAMSHA CHART The Moon is conjuncted with Saturn in 8th
house. Therefore, conjunction of Saturn with Moon creates direct
link, resulting in cancer. CASE STUDY-5 D.O.B. 19.02.1906
T.O.B. 4.34 AM LONG. 78E5 LAT. 21N8 D-9 NAVAMSHA
CHART Moon in the 7th house is directly aspected by Saturn,
posted in Lagn. Hence, there is a direct link between Saturn and
Moon, resulting in cancer.
Progeny by Choice January 2012
Suresh Chandra Mishra
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 406 |
A worthy human life consists of fulfillment of desires which
primarily concentrate around all worldly comforts. This mainly
covers the three alshanas or aspirations, viz., the Lokeshana
(desire for recognition or reputation), Vitteshan,i (desire to
become wealthy) and Putreshana (desire to have progeny). Here
we have to delve in to the specific canons of astrology which help
us to determine whether the native can enjoy the bliss of
fulfillment of Putreshana. The following is a methodical description
for deducing the right moment of conception under astrological
guidance. Moon and Mars: The Menstrual Cycle The classics
reveal that in female natives, the Moon and Mars together are
responsible for their menstrual cycle. The existence of this cycle
is a prerequisite for conception. dqtsUnqgsrq izfreklekrZoe~A
That is: 'Every month, females undergo the Aartava (bleeding)
and this is because of the disposition of the Moon and Mars in
natal chart as well as the then transit of Mars and the Moon. In
this natural process, their cycle may vary by three
days.'(Maasam, i.e., 75, divided by 12, with a remainder of 3,
according to the Katapayadi method) We know that, having
obtained adequate direction from the Pituitary gland, the
hormones estrogen and progesterone in a female body undergo
activation. This promotes the development of the internal layer of
the uterus or womb. And that melts and flows out in the form of
'blood' if the ovum is not fertilized within the cycle. An average
period of the cycle (28 days) fairly corresponds with the duration
of a sidereal lunar month (27 days and 7hours). Hence, in a
female, the ability to menstruate depends on Mars and the Moon,
respectively signifying blood and hormones. The transit of these
two is also to be considered at the appearance of the menses. In
a female chart, any relation between the Moon and Mars is
mandatory for menstruation. In this connection, five types of
planetary relations should be considered. These are: 1. Mutual
exchange of rashis; 2. Mutual aspect; 3. Aspect from the
dispositor; 4. Conjunction; 5. Placement in mutual Kendras or
Trikonas. These relations should also be checked in Saptamsha
(which indicates about comforts from descendants), navamsha
(the soul of the chart) and Dwadashamsha (the division
prescribed for parenthood). When the above-mentioned relation
between Mars and the Moon is absent in a female's natal chart,
the cycle remains disturbed and the capacity for childbearing is
questionable. Jupiter and Venus: Ovum and Sperms In the
female, under a natural process every month, the ovarian follicle
ruptures and releases the ovum, which moves through either of
the two Fallopian tubes toward the lumen of the uterus. The
conception occurs when the ovum meets with the sperm. A fruitful
union of the two depends on the coincidence of Aadhana (fertile
sexual union) within a prescribed limit of time. However, the
longevity of an ovum and sperrn, after their release, is estimated
to be seventy two hours and thirty-six hours respectively, but the
conception from an aged sperm and ovum may lead to
abnormalities in a child, Therefore, an early meeting of the two is
highly desirable. We know that Jupiter and Venus represent
progeny as well as the generative organs, their adequate function
and fertility According to Badarayana, 'From the natal Moon of a
male, the Moon transiting in 3, 6, 10, 11 rash is, gives rise to a
successful conception when it receives aspect from Jupiter or
Venus,' Classics establish that a weak Jupiter for females and a
weak Venus for males, particularly in houses 7 and 8, manifests
as disturbed function of the ovary (factory of ovam) and testis
(factory of sperms). Saturn and Gulika: Death and Birth Saturn
and Gulika together signify the negative aspects of life, hence
they are the Kaarakas of life and longevity, creation and
annihilation, or birth and death in their interrelated forms. Saturn
and Gulika, in a favourable disposition, are essential for these
aspects. Saturn controls the nervous system and, therefore, a
proper functioning of all organs depends on it. Classics reveal that
Saturn alone can manifest bliss of parentage, altering any
adverse planetary combinations for progeny. lkSjksfi iqatUedj%
izfn"V%A Sun: The God of Delivery In the Vedas, the Sun, being
lord of generation, is described as the god of delivery of a child. It
controls smoothness and success in this venture. It is stated thus
in the Vedas: lfork izlokukef/kifr% l ekeoRofLeu~A That is: 'I (the
expectant mother) pray to the Sun for bestowing the fullest
protection upon me during pregnancy as well as at the time of
delivery'.' Although the Sun rules specifically over the fourth as
well as the last month of pregnancy, a good disposition of the Sun
is essential also for conception as well as a successful delivery. It
has been thus made clear in an ancient classic: 'The Sun
represents ability of conception, Venus the sperms, Mars the
menses and the Moon the overall welfare of the foetus.' Mercury:
The Umbilical Cord The umbilical cord is ruled by Mercury.
Through this umbilical cord, the foetus gets life from the body of
the mother. Hence, Mercury, being significator of our mind and
brain, also represents the umbilical cord as well as the circulation
of the baby, thus signifying a link between the mother and the
baby. Child-Birth: A Composite Scheme It would now be apparent
that the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
together render their support to the new arrival even as they
determine the fixation of the moment of successful or fertile union.
Therefore, the sages state that this entire creation or Jagat falls
under the command of planets. They ranked all the seven planets
as Month-lords for the first seven months of pregnancy and the
Sun, the Moon and the lord of the lagna (at conception) have rule
over the remaining three months. During pregnancy, a weak
planet falling in association with Rahu/Ketu, Gulika or its
dispositor, leads to trouble for the baby as well as for the mother.
Detecting the Release of a Fertile Ovum We know that a female
gf:neraliy produces one ovum a month while a drop of semen
generally has thousands of sperms. During the process of
ovulation, when the egg or the ovum sets out with aspiration of
being united with one of the millions of sperms, one cannot
predict the fate of that ovum. Whether it will fertilize or die before
arriving at its destination is too difficult to say. It is commonly
known that it comes out almost at the middle of the menstrual
cycle. A simple way of fixing the day is in practice. When a female
in the mornings tends to have her body temperature about 0.5
degree higher, that is the likely day of its release from the ovary.
Although any sort of sensual play is prohibited during menses, but
pregnancy (fertilization of j the ovum by the sperm) in this period
is not impossible. Similarly instances of conception taking place in
the last week of the cycle are not unknown. The classics state
that 'For about three or four days, females undergo the bleeding
every month. This cycle starts at around the twelfth year and
stops around the age of fifty-one. In the case of a normal cycle,
sages had considered prime likelihood of bearing a child right
from the fifth to the twenty-first day of the cycle. Astrology might
help determine the day of ovulation with some ease as well as
accuracy. An Obvious Question Answered While several fertile
couples enjoy their sexual life without any protection, not all of
such sexual unions end up as conceptions. It is fate or destiny
only that makes the ovum meet a lucky sperm! Sages establish
that the planetary position at the commencement of menses is
responsible for whether or not the ovum would successfully meet
a sperm and end up fertilized. A successful conception is assured
only when it is supported by a favourable planetary transit. The
following description is applicable to those who are physically
intact, with their generative organs anatomically and
physiologically normal. Step-1 Take note of the rashis (of the
natal Moon) of the couple. Erect a chart of the planetary position
for the moment of starting of menses. Check for whether the
Moon transits in 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 rashis from the natal Moon
of the female. In that month, the ovum has great possibility of
getting fertilized as and when the Moon establishes any of the
above-mentioned relation with Mars. Without relation with Mars,
the ovum ends in nullity. Step-2 Similarly the Moon should
transit in 3, 6, 10, 11 rashis from the natal Moon of the male.
The fertilization ensues when such a Moon establishes any
relation with Jupiter and/or Venus. Especially, relation of the
Moon with a strong Venus is highly extolled. Without relation
with Jupiter/Venus, conception does not occur even if the couple
enjoy sensual pleasures normally. This method may be applied
to check at the time of conception. Contrary is the result if the
Moon obtains a reverse position. In simple words, we can grasp
the matter in this manner. When the natal Moon of the couple
meets the above-mentioned conditions, they should proceed
further for parentage. The Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Venus should
be strong in disposition and free from any malefic conjunction.
Any weakness of these planets may give rise to adverse
situations in conception or in gestation. The Ovum Unites Sages
state that the ovum can unite with the sperm when it appears on
the day arrived at in a manner as follows. Add together the
longitudes of the Moon, Mars and Gulika at the moment when
menses break out for the month. Find the Nakshatra of the sum
thus obtained and check whether it is associated with Jupiter.
Also find the nakshatra occupied by Jupiter at the same moment
and its Trikona as well as the fourteenth nakshatras. Now, thus,
five nakshatras would be in hand. When the Moon transits in
any of these nakshatras, the ovum may be released from the
ovary subject to its relation with Jupiter and Mars. Support from
Venus will be an additional qualification. The ovum fertilizes
when the male and female both fulfil the above conditions in
regard to their natal Moons. From the commencement of
menses, four days are prohibited for conception. The day number
should be known by repeatedly adding twenty-four hours to the
time of menses. Alternate Method-1 Lagna at menses should be
added to Yamakantaka (one-eighth part of a day or night ruled by
Jupiter); Consider rashi itself or navamsha rashi in the sum thus
obtained; Alternate Method-2 Add Lagna, Yamakantaka, Gulika
and the Moon at menses. Similarly consider the rashi in the sum
for the Moon. Supportive Yogas The following Yogas at the time
of commencement of the menses support successful conception:
1. Conjunction of Gulika and the Moon; 2. Conjunction of any two
of the fifth lords from the lagna, the Moon and Jupiter; 3.
Conjunction of Mars and the Moon, 4. Mars aspecting the Moon.
5. Natural benefics in house 9, 6. Conjunction of Gulika and the
fifth lord, 7. Aspect of the fifth lord on Gulika, 8. Any of the above
in the navamsha, 9. Venus in house 5 or 1, 10. Lagna lord and
Gulika in mutual kendras, 11. Jupiter in houses 1,5,7 or 9 12.
Strong house 5 and its lord, 13. Mars in house 5 in Mesha,
Simha, Vrishchika or Meena and aspected by or associated with
Jupiter. These supportive yogas are also to be considered at the
time of union. In absence of any supportive yoga at union, the
conception may lead to a miscarriage.

Basic Principles to Determine Profession and Income May 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 402 |
This is very important to find out all the ways and means by which a
man earns his money and livelihood. Take the Lagna or the Moon at
birth and see who occupies tenth house from it. If the Sun is in the 10th
house the person inherits paternal property, if the Moon is there, he gets
money through the mother, if Mars occupies it, he procures wealth
through his enemy, if Mercury joins the tenth, he gets money through
friends, if Jupiter is found there, the person has wealth through brothers,
if Venus is in the 10th, then money comes through women, and if Saturn
occupies it, servants fetch him money.
Some astrologers say that the most powerful among the two must be
found out and then the source of wealth predicted from the planet who
occupies the 10th from it. Suppose there are two or more planets in the
10th from Lagna or Chandra or from both, then money flows in through
those channels which are ascribed to the planets in their Dasas and
Antardasas. If there is no planet in the 10th house from Lagna or
Chandra, take the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 10th
from Lagna, Moon and Sun, and ascribe the acquisition of wealth to
such methods or processes which are controlled by that planet.
If the lord of the Navamsa is the Sun, the person makes money by
scented articles, gold, wool and medicines. He may be a medical man
himself or may be an attendant or nurse upon patients. If lord of the
navamsa of 10th lord is the Moon, he gets money by dealing in corals,
pearls, shells, agricultural products and dependence upon women. If
Mars owns that navamsa, he will make money by minerals, ores, or
compounds, by weapons of various kinds, by fire in being engaged in
fireworks, kitchens, engine driving or wherever there is work connected
with fire and by rash adventures or speculations and venturesome deeds
or such actions, in which physical strength and courage is utilized.
If Mercury becomes the lord of that Navamsa, the person becomes a
writer, mechanic, painter, sculptor, engraver, poet, mathematician,
architect or scent maker.
When Jupiter becomes the lord of that Navamsa the person gets money
through Brahmins, priests, educated classes, temples and charities,
mining operations and manufacturers, sacrifices, discipleship and
pilgrimage. When Shukra becomes the lord of that navamsa he gets
money by gems, metals, cows and buffaloes. When he is Saturn the man
earns money by labour, such as travelling and carrying, by being an
executioner or hangman, and such mean travels which are against the
traditions of his family.
Planets give wealth similar to the houses they occupy. Take those lords
in the 10th from lagna or chandra and find out in what house he is. If the
house he occupies is his own he gets money in his house. If it is his
friend's then he gets money through friends. If he occupies unfriendly
houses, then he makes money through his enemies. If he happens to be
Sun, and is in his exaltation and is otherwise powerful the person
acquires wealth by self exertions. If all the benefic planets are powerful
and occupy the lagna, 2nd and 11th houses, the person will make money
by various means. Such a person will succeed in any business he
undertakes, however divergent it may be from his original work. If there
are no planets in the 10th house, find out where the lord of the 10th from
Sun, or Moon or Lagna is situated in the navamsa and if he is in a
friendly or inimical sign predict as above. To the above must be added
the fact of the Sun being exalted, i.e., in Aries, to make the man acquire
wealth by self-exertion.
According to one classical author if Jupiter occupies 10th house from
Janmalagna the native attains glory by involving himself in the activities
of public welfare. Similarly if Saturn occupies 10th house, the native
gets reputation and recognition by working for the poor people.
For making more accurate analysis we can also analyse that which
planets occupy or aspect 10th house from Karkamsha lagna and Arudha
According to Rishi Gemini when the 10th house from Karkamsha is
occupied or aspected by benefic planets other than Mercury, the native is
firm minded or the native becomes either a priest or one who settles the
disputes of other people.
If the 10th house from Karkamsha is aspected by only Jupiter and Sun,
the person will be a cowherd (Dairying, or dealing in milk products.
Note :- The term Agriculturist and cow herd can cover a lot more than it
did in the older days because these areas have become specialised with
If there are two malefics in the 6th house from Karkamsha lagna the
person is an agriculturist.
If Jupiter is the ninth from karkamsha the person is an agriculturist.
If Sun and Venus aspect the Karkamsha the person is in government
service, or has connections in the government.
If 10th house from Karkamsha is occupied or aspected by Mercury the
person will be in government service.
If Saturn is in the Karkamsha lagna the person will make a living
through a famous occupation. (This is a combination for fame).
If Ketu is in the K.L and is aspected by only Venus then the person is a
If the K.L. is aspected by Mercury, Moon and Venus and if second lord
is in the 7th house then the person is a doctor.
If K.L is occupied by Sun and Rahu and they are associated with benefic
and malefic planets then the person will be a doctor or vaidya who is
expert in poison cure.
If K.L is aspected by Venus and Moon the person is an alchemist (one
who deals with chemicals)
For rapid growth in one's career it is essential to have powerful planetary
combinations for the acquisition of wealth in
his/her horoscope(Janmakundli). Here we shall give few important
If lord of 2nd house, lord of 11th house and lord of 1st house are
together in any Kendra and one of these three are exalted in that case a
person succeeds to make unlimited wealth in his life.
If Lagna lord is placed in lagna native gets the blessings of Goddess
Laxmi throughout his life.
If auspicious planets are there in 2nd house and Jupiter is exalted.
If all the auspicious planets occupy all 4 kendras of horoscope.
If 2nd lord, 9th lord and 11th lord all are in kendras.
If ascendant sign is Aries and Jupiter is in 11th house and Sun in 5th
If lord of 2nd house is exalted and several planets are there in 2nd house.
If lord of 1st house is in 2nd and the lord of 2nd house is in 1st house.
If Lagna lord, 2nd lord, 9th lord and 11th lord all are exalted.
If ascendant sign is Aries or Scorpio and Mars, Mercury, Venus and
Saturn are in first house.
If ascendant sign is Sagittarius or Pisces, Jupiter, Moon and Mars are in
If Rahu, Venus, Mars and Saturn all are in Virgo.
If 2nd lord is powerful and Jupiter, Moon and Sun are placed in 5th, 9th
and 3rd house.
If Mars is in its own sign or in exaltation and occupies any kendra.
If all planets are there in 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th houses.
Different professions signified by different planets in modern context are
as follows -
The Sun is the significator of Administration, Government and
profession relating to medicine.
The Moon signifies profession related to hospitality and public relations.
Mars signifies the armed forces, police, entrepreneurship.
Mercury signifies finance, structural designing, writing and Astrology.
Jupiter signifies education, legal profession, consultants, spirituality
related profession and financial management.
Venus signifies TV and film industry, life saving drugs, financial
advisor, music, dealing in luxurious items.
Saturn signifies industries, service, dealing with labour, industrial
workers and leadership for politician.
Birth chart only indicate the professional field of the native, the timing
of rise in profession is indicated by Dasha of planets operating during a
particular period.
Number of factors are associated with determining the professional field
of a native and timing for events for rise in profession. The 10th house is
the most important house for profession, however due importance is to
be given to 9th house being the house of luck and 2nd house being the
house of status. While analysing the house of profession of the native,
we should assess 10th hose alongwith 9th, 11th and 2nd houses.
Dashmamsa is the concerned divisional chart for the profession. The
strength of 10th lord in Dashmamsa (D-10) chart i.e D-10 and position
and strength of lagna lord of D-10 should be given equal importance.
While analysing the profession, otherwise the results can be misleading.
Dasha parameters for determining timing of rise in profession -
1. Dasha of 10th lord of Birth chart.
2. Dasha of the dispositor of 10th lord.
3. Dasha of Lagna lord of Dashmamsha.
4. Dasha of a planet occupying or aspecting 10th house of
Dashmamsa or birth chart.
5. Dasha of a planet who is exalted in Dashmamsa.
6. Dasha of planets aspecting 10th houe, 10th lord, planets conjoined
with 10th lord and planets placed in 10th house. Planets aspecting
or conjoined with dispositor of 10th lord.
7. Dasha of 7th lord.
Transit parameters- Jupiter and Saturn must make a contact by way of
conjunction or aspect with the two conditions out of four mentioned
below :
1. 10th house
2. 10th lord
3. 7th house
4. 7th lord from lagna or Moon.
5. Home
6. Astrology

7. Nabhasa Yogas

Nabhasa Yogas July 2008

G.K. Goyal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 401 |
Part-I INTRODUCTION Each planet, Rasi (Sign) and Bhava
(house) are assigned natural signification (Naisargika Karkatva).
Similarly, the each nativity also has its own natural signification as
a whole. This signification is indicated by Nabhasa Yogas. What
is the universe? The Bhagwatam Purana says the Universe is
bigeningless, endless (Sanatana) and immortal cycle of Karma. It
has only two fruits (1) Renunciation - be part of the one (Self), (2)
or be part of the immortal cycle of Karma (unending Vasanas). All
Jeevas (living beings) are a part of this immortal cycle of Karma.
No one seems to be aware of the purpose of human existence.
Most of the human beings crave to get something material,
something gross, and something substantial. Humans are
attracted by superficiality like other creatures, but in a more
sophisticated manner. Ancient seers and sages had experienced
within themselves deep personal knowledge of the Self. Sound
logic and reason supported every statement. They went about it
with mathematical precision. They teach us gAction is the
insignia of life. h The law of life proclaims that none can remain
even for a moment without performing activity. Everyone is made
to act helplessly according to one's own inner temperament.
Natural law indicates that if one chooses to remain idle one is
petrified and perishes. The basic nature of man is the cumulative
effect of all his past thoughts, desires and actions. Past activities
are the cause. Present nature or constitution is the effect. This is
indicated by Nabhas Yogas. Vedic astrology divides the Karma
(action) in three categories namely: i. Sanchit - Total
accumulated Karma or remaining unexhausted Karma Phala
(Fruits of action) from all previous births. These are identified with
the help of various Yogas formed in the nativity. ii. Prarabdha -
Bhagya (Fate and Destiny) - This is indicated by various Dasas
(directions) operating at a given time. iii. Kriyaman - Actions that
manifest into fruits in a given period on a specific time of the life of
individual. These are ascertained with the help of Transit of
planets. The word 'Yoga' is derived from its root Yuj, which means
to join, to unite. In astrology, Yogas means a special planetary
combination, which reveals inherent inclinations, possibilities of
political power and influence, wealth, asceticism, misery, debts,
dishonesty, corruption etc. If special Yogas for aristas or
misfortune are present in a horoscope, the person will face
miseries in life, even though according to ordinary astrological
rules, such a horoscope is a promising one. Thus extensive
knowledge of Yoga is very necessary for proper assessment of
horoscop's indications. There are innumerable Yogas expounded
in Jataka Granthas. Dr. Sukhadev Chaturvedi, head of
the astrologydepartment of Shri Lal Bahadur Sanskrit Vidyapeeth,
New Delhi, made a compilation of 832 main Yogas. Even, these
do not include such Yogas which are based on some specific
principles like :(1) Yogas of two, three planets and so on, (2)
Yogas in Vargas, (Divisional Charts), (3) Raj Yogas, (4) Sanyas
Yogas, (5) Female Jataka Yogas, (6) Yogas for finance and
poverty, (7) Yogas for service and business, (8) Yogas based on
Char Karkas, (9) Yogas based on Pada Lagans and (10) Graha
Arudhas. Prasana Marga gives the following definition on the
formation of astrological Yogas of various categories in Chapter 9:
# #I # N
49 # w 5 #! G
L3 C #H
50 8 12
# #C 12 5
E #; # 152 There are seven ways
for formation of various Yogas: (I) Those formed by position, (ii)
by houses, (iii) by planets, (iv) formed with the help of all the three
- position, houses and planets, (v) by position and houses only,
(vi) by position and planets, (vii) and those formed by houses and
planets. The position means the placement in 12 Rasis(signs)-
Aries etc. (The signs are also identified as Exaltation, Mool -
Trikona etc. for planets). The houses mean the 12 houses
commencing from the Ascendant (Lagna). The planets mean the
nine planets Sun etc. The combination of these constituents
causes the formation of various Yogas of different categories. The
strongest constituent in forming a particular Yoga is called the
Yogakarta and it is this which gives the results of Yoga (in its
directional piriod-dasa and during transit). Brihat Parasara Hora
Shastra' is an ancient and extremely comprehensive treatise on
Vedic Astrology. In fact, this book lays down the basic
fundamentals of Indian Astrology. Maharishi Parasara narrated
this Shastra to his disciple Maitraye around 1800 B.C. (According
to Vishnu Purana, V.E. point was in first quarter of Krittika
Nakshatra in that Era). After describing the characteristics and
effects of (i) planets, (ii) signs-rasis, and (iii) houses or bhavas (in
fact Sixteen Division Charts are basically bhava charts of different
categories), Maharishi Parasara expresses the importance of
Yogas in following words as a concluding remark in Chapter 36 of
'BPHS': c; (8 ;; C
1. 45 1(E U ,(;
H 1x0 46 Up till now, I have
explained the methods to judge the auspicious and inauspicious
results of planets based on the twine principles: number one,
based on the ascendant (Lagna), the rising sign at the time of
birth; and number two, based on the lordship of the houses.
However, there are different categories of Yogas like Nabhasa
Yoga etc., which are to be considered in depth before arriving at a
final judgment and prediction for a nativity. Parasara has,
therefore, laid extra emphasis on the consideration of Yogas, out
which the Nabhasa Yogas attain an apex position. NABHAS
YOGA There are 32 main Nabhasa Yogas, which are classified in
four categories. The word Nabhasa means the sky. As such, the
Yogas are formed in the sky with the help of all the three
constituents, namely all the seven planets (excluding Rahu and
Ketu), all the 12 signs and the 12 houses (including all shodhas
vargas - 16 divisional charts), are called the Nabhasa Yogas. In
these Yogas, all seven planets participate simultaneously. Each
nativity will have at least one yoga out of 32 main Nabhasa
Yogas. The main question which arises is that why are only seven
planets are considered and Rahu and Ketu are excluded ? There
are fundamental reasons for excluding these two Chhaya Grahas
(nodes of the moon). This aspect needs to be examined in some
detail as it contains the key to understand the purpose and utility
of the Nabhasa Yogas . The Jeeva or the individual soul or self is
in reality Pursha , who operates in this world through the causal,
subtle and gross (physical) body. The causal body is the
combination of soul and the mind (manah) - the sun and the
Moon. This represents the creative principle in the Universe .The
causal body is constituted of mere desires (Vasanas). Therefore
this body is the seed of one's personality in the unmanifested
form. The causal body manifests and functions itself as the subtle
(astral) body (the linga sareer), which operates with the help of
five senses of perception represented by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn. In other words, the subtle body is composed of
feelings, emotions and thoughts generated on account of
accumulated Vasanas from past births. Thus, the linga sareera
represents the personality of an individual. This personality
functions through the Gross body. Nabhasa Yogas indicate basic
traits and personality represented by the subtle body. The subtle
body is like a sapling. It can be made to grow any way one likes.
Similarly, the indications given by Nabhasa Yogas can be
changed, modified or molded into any direction based on the
vibration generated by the placement of Rahu and Ketu along
with other Yogas in the nativity operating from time to time. The
causal and subtle body operates through the Gross body. The
gross body is like fully grown tree, which cannot be modified. As
much, you can change or modify your feeling, emotions and
thoughts manifesting in the Gross body, if you can control at the
level of the subtle body, which supports the Gross body. Thus,
Nabhasa Yogas contain and provide basic information that
ultimately helps the individual to operate and use his own free will
for the improvement of his lot. Parasara narrated 32 Nabhasa
Yogas. These are divided in four categories; there (3) are called
Ashraya Yoga, two (2) Dala Yogas, twenty (20) Akriti Yoga and 7
(seven) Sankhya Yogas. These 32 Nabhasa Yogas again have
1800 different varieties (sub-divisions). These numbers-32 and
1800 are of mystic nature as they represent subtle body (and not
the gross body). The soul is immortal and never changes, it is the
manah- mind that is responsible for the cycle of Birth and death,
creation and destruction. The Moon returns to the same point in
the Zodiac in about 18.60 years, (which is the sidereal the period
of Rahu and Ketu). If 32 is divided by number 1800, the
remainder will always be 14. The number 14 represents 14
bhuvans(mansions) in which soul reappears as jeeva to exhaust
his accumulated karma . Therefore, these numbers indicate the
universal and immortal cycle of Karma. Even, in the days of
Varaha-Mihira and Kalyan Varma, the Nabhasa Yoga are given
due importance. But, it is little surprising that Saravali says;
5 E# , # f A
b# 5L3 x22/2 "Yavan and other
Acharyas indicated 1800 Nabhasa Yoga. I, Kalyan Varma indicate
their 32 main categories." Bhattotpala in his famous commentary
on 'Brihat Jataka', mentions that he could not get the opportunity
to study such monumental work- "Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra".
There was a state of neglect of Nabhasa Yogas in last 1500
years. We have even forgotten that Parasara was actually the
original and primary source of information on Nabhasa Yogas.
This article is mainly based on following classics: 1. "Brihat
Parasara Hora Shastra, translated by Girish Chandra Sharma-
Chapter 37. (Published by Sagar Publication New Delhi) 2.
"Brihat Jataka by Varaha-Mihira, Chapter12 3. "Saravali by
Kalyan Varma-Chapter 21 4. "Horaratnam" by Balbhadra,
Chapter 6 (Published in Hindi by Motilal Banarasi Das, Delhi) 5.
"Hora Sara" by Prithuyasas-Chapter 19 The Sanskrit Slokas are
not included is this article. These can be referred from original
texts. The following points are very important and should always
be kept in mind while considering Nabhasa Yogas : 1. All the
seven planets-Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and
Saturn take part in these Yogas. Any Yoga, which considers less
than seven planets or also includes Rahu and Ketu, will not
generally be considered in the category of Nabhasa Yoga. This
principle is adopted at many places in Hora Shastra e.g. (1)
Determination of the longevity (Ayurdaya) of planets by the
methods of Pindayu, Nasargayu and Ansayu (2) Astaka Varga
System. 2. Nabhasa Yogas basically recognize three groups of
signs moveable, Fixed and dual. The signs of a particular group
always fall in angular Houses from each other. The emphasis is
not placed on the signs of exaltation, mooltrikona etc. of the
planets. This is on account of the fact that Nabhasa Yogas
indicate basic traits of personality i.e. the feelings, emotions and
thoughts generated in the subtle body (linga Sareera) on account
of one's sanchit karmas. The other Yoga tries to amend or mould
these traits. 3. Similarly Parasara gives importance to angular
houses and the Graha Mallika Yogas. All indications of the subtle
body manifest in the Gross body, through the actions of
individuals. This makes the angular houses most important.
Furthermore, the angular houses are greatly influenced by the
planets, which are placed in their adjacent houses. This is the
principal that makes the Graha Mallika Yogas very important and
effective. 4. The Sun and the Moon operate on the level of
creative Principle. They cannot be branded either Malefic or
Benefic while considering Nabhasa Yogas. The Sun will act as
Malefic or Benefic if it is conjoined with Malefics or Benefics
respectively. The Sun, when placed alone in a house, will act as
krura (a mild malefic) as Atman-the Soul is neither enemy nor
friend of the Jeeva. The Moon is the cosmic and pure Mother and
, as such,will act as benefic; the principle of waxing or waning
Moon does not apply while considering Nabhasa Yogas. 5.
Jupiter, Mercury and Venus will act as benefic, and Mars and
Saturn will act as malefic. 6. Lordships of planets, their
combustion, interplanetary war etc are also not considered in
Nabhasa Yogas. 7. The above observations may be explained in
another manner. The natural signification of planets, signs and
also houses do not change but the same manifest with the help of
other Yoga's or placement of planets in certain houses or signs.
Similarly, Nabhasa Yogas indicate the natural traits of the
personality of an individual and these never change. These traits
manifest in the life of an individual with the help or
superimposition of other Yogas. This is an important point, which
should not be lost sight of. NABHASA YOGAS AND THEIR
SIGNIFICATIONS (EFFECTS) Parasara indicted following 32
Nabhasa Yogas, devided in 4 categories: 1. 3 (Three) Asharya
Yogas: Rajju, Musala and Nala. 2. 2 (Two) Dal Yogas: Maala
(Srik)and Sarpa(Bhujang). 3. 20 (Twenty) Akriti Yogas: Gada,
Shakata,Vihag(Pakshi), Shringataka, Hala, Vajra, Yava,
Kamala(Abja), Vapi, Yupa, Shara(Ishu or Vana), Shakti, Danda,
Nauka, Koota, Chattara, Dhanushi(Chapa), Ardha Chandra,
Chakra, and Samudra. 4. 7 (Seven) Sankhya Yogas: Vallaki,
Daama, Pasha, Kedara, Shoola, Yuga, and Gola.
Venus- The lord of morality April 2014
Future Point

Related Articles | Views : 395 |

V- Vibrations, Vanity, Vehicles, Venereal

E- Ease, Emotions, Entertainment
N- Nuptial ( marriage)
S-Sensuality, Sexuality, Social life
All the nine planets in Indian astrology (including the nodes) have
distinct qualities, so their effects on our lives are also different and play
a significant role to determine our paths of lives. In this article we are
talking about the planet Venus. Venus is called the planet of beauty, the
jewel of the sky, the planet of love, the planet of luxuries, entertainment
and so on. There is no denying the fact that astronomically this is the
most beautiful and brightest celestial object, next to only the Sun and the
Moon, therefore it is natural to name it after Goddess of love and beauty.
It is also known as the morning and evening star because at sun rise it
appears in the east and at the sun set it appears in the west. Venus and
earth are close together and similar in size which is the reason Venus is
called earth's sister planet.
In Indian astrology, Venus is known as SHUKRA and has its domain on
Friday. Hindu mythology describes Shukra as the son of the great sage -
Bhrigu. Sage Bhrigu himself taught his son all the spiritual sciences and
Vedic scriptures. Shukracharya is the one who founded Shilpashastra
(Architecture),Vimanas (Airships), and Jyotish ( astrology).
Shukracharya is also known as the teacher of demons who taught this
science to Rahu, Ketu, and Shani. So as planet Jupiter is the Guru of
gods, planet Venus Is called Guru of Demons whose ruling colour is
Astrologically, when we talk about the traits of this planet, Venus is
karaka of beauty, love and fertility. It is associated with the principle of
harmony, balance, feeling and affection and the urge to unite with
others. It is involved with the desire for pleasure, sensuality, personal
possessions, comfort and ease. It governs romantic relations, marriage,
business partnership, sex, art, drama, music, cinema, fashion and social
life. Hotels, good food, vehicles, painting, poetry, singing and all the
luxurious things in life are the domain of this planet.
In kalpurush kundali Venus rules the 7th house of marriage and
partnership; he is the lord of Taurus and Libra rashi. Venus exalts in the
Jupitarian sign- Pisces, and debilitates in Mercurian sign- Virgo. In
Males horoscope Venus is the karaka of wife and semen. An exalted
Venus gives beautiful wife with fine tastes.
No doubt a strong Venus in the horoscope enriches the native with
beauty, arts, love, knowledge, conjugal happiness, wealth, physical
beauty and all the materialistic pleasures in life. The most important
thing it gives a good moral character to the native. But a weak Venus
placed in inauspicious house and having the malefic influence can create
havoc in the persons life. He will be lustful, devoid of strength with
venereal diseases, his character may be questioned and this way he can
lose the reputation and bring the bad name for himself as well as for his
However, to get the divine blessings from this planet one must donate -
white flower, curd, silver, white chandan, sugar, rice, and white cow and
recite this Mantra-
Om Dram Drim Drom sah Shukray Namah 108 times.
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Ketu April 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 392 |

K- Karmas of past life, knowledge

E- Extremes, emancipation, enlightenment
T- Tail, tamas, turmoil
U- Unexpected gains & losses
Ketu as we know, the southern node of Moon, is as dynamic as
the planet Rahu. A sudden mystic force which we associate with
Rahu, goes with this planet as well. Rahu & Ketu always move in
retrograde motion and are always 180 degrees apart from each
other. Rahu bestows material prosperity but Ketus dimension is
different, Ketu makes one go through material adversity.
Ketu is the beginning & end of all things. In Vedic traditions Ketu
is directly linked with Lord Ganesha, the first born child of the
universe. The word Ketu translates into the banner as its main
symbol. Sage Parashar says Ketu is akin to Rahu & so most of
the names and qualities associated with Rahu apply to Ketu as
well. Ancient seers also gave it different names like Shikhi (one
having a tail), Dhawaja (flag) attached to a pole, and tamas
(darkness). Ketu governs all the subjects like occult, magic and
alchemy etc. It is the significator of our psychic faculties and the
phenomena like telepathy, hypnotism etc. Since Ketu is the strong
significator of our intuitive powers or the so called sixth sense. It
represents psychics, tarot card readers, hypnotists and all other
people involved in similar professions. Being the planet of the
past it is a special significator of past life regression.
Ketu is a fiery planet like Sun & Mars. It is a planet signifying all
types of catastrophes & represents natures destructive aspect.
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, asteroid hitting
earth are all examples of ketus energy at work. Ketu has a
religious side to it like Jupiter and Sun so it signifies all places of
religion & occult significance. A strong Ketu in the chart gives
visionary power, awareness & a great level of insight.
Like Mars, Ketu behaves like a military man who inflicts extreme
torture on an enemy soldier in the name of war and patriotism. In
its other aspect it also produces individuals like Mother Teresa
who highlight the other extremes like selfless service. Adolf Hitler
has Ketu in his third house (prakaram bhava), while Mother
Teresa has Ketu in her Twelfth house (moksha bhava).
Ketu is a cosmic force which represents the beginning and ending
of our existence. We can term it as malefic, demonic or even evil,
but the fact is that this force displays all the possibilities and
extremes within the realm of existence. It is, we can say, a
benefic force which represents the cycle of birth & death.
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3. Guiding Principles of Healthy Progeny

Guiding Principles of Healthy Progeny January 2012

S.R. Swamy
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 392 |
The Academy of Vedic Astrology, Ahmedabad has organised an
International Symposium on Astrological Sciences at Ahmedabad
on 26th and 27th of December 2011 under the banner of All India
Federation of Astrologers Societies, New Delhi and the theme of
the Symposium is Programming the Birth of a Child,
Astrologically. I take this opportunity to highlight the subject of
procreation as explained in our ancient scriptures of Vedas
(Ayurveda) and Charaka Samhita, which shall be be very much
useful to young couples who plan for good progeny. All couples
desire procreation of male and female progeny endowed with
excellent qualities. Sons and daughters who are unintelligent,
unhealthy, without healthy qualities or Eunuchs are never
desired. The method of procreating sons and daughters of
excellent qualities is described in this article Preparatory
Measures The couple should be treated to eliminate the
TriDoshas like VATA, PITTA and KAPHA by Vamana (Emesis)
and Virechana (Purgation) therapies. Then the lady should be
brought to a healthy condition in stages by administering
prescribed diet and Ayurvedic Kaashayam etc. and the couple
should be treated with specific type of enema. The male should
also be administered with ghee and milk boiled with herbs. This
will help the male and female to get healthy, unafflicted and
unimpaired ovum. Sweet tasting vitalising drugs should be
administered to the male. They promote production of semen of
good quality. COHABITATION For three days right from the day
of onset of menstruation the woman should observe celibacy till
the time of intercourse. As per the latest medical principles, the
lady should consult her Gynaecologist/Physician and understand
her ovulation period. The intercourse should take place strictly
according to medical advice. During the intercourse the woman
should not adopt a prone posture (lying face down), nor should be
on her sides. If she maintains a prone posture during the union,
then VATA gets aggravated and afflicts her uterus. If she remains
on her right side during the union then KAPHA which remains in
that area gets displaced and blocks the uterus. The left side is the
abode of PITTA. If pressure is applied on that side during union
then the ovum and sperm get burnt up. Therefore the woman
should receive the seed while lying on her backside and in this
posture doshas remain in their respective sites. After the process
of union the lady should allow her body to cool down. Intake of
excess food, fasting, thirst, fear, dejection, grief, anger, hidden
desire for another man, excessive desire for more sexual activity
during or before intercourse, prevent conception or produces a
deformed child. Couples who suffer from chronic ailments, and
deep mental agony should not try for progeny during such period.
determine the state of the mental faculty of the child: 1. The
mental faculty of parents 2. The sounds, music and speech heard
repeatedly by the pregnant woman. 3. Actions performed by the
embryo in its previous life 4. Frequent desires for a particular type
of mental faculty by the progeny in its previous life. MEASURES
pregnancy is equally important and carries an important role in
the life of every lady. As such, every lady should study the
following factors, which are injurious to the foetus. The male
members should help their wives to take utmost care on the
following factors causing damage to pregnancy: 1. Miscarriage: a.
Using seats which are uncomfortable, irregular and high. b. Doing
difficult and unsuitable exercises. c. Intake of hot food, excessive
food, or very little food. d. Injury or frequent pressure on the body.
e. Frequently looking inside an abyss, deep wells and place of
waterfall. f. Travelling in rides, which are very cramped,
uncomfortable and bumpy. g. Excessive exposure to unfamiliar
and unfriendly sounds. If the expectant mother resorts to the
above-mentioned factors, it may result in a miscarriage. 2.
Constantly sleeping on her back may result in twisting of the
umbilical cord around the neck of the child. 3. Sleeping in open
air, and moving alone during nighttime may result in insane
progeny or attack of evil spirits on the mothers body. 4. Vocal
abuses and physical assaults may result in an epileptic progeny.
5. Habitually having excessive sex makes an ill-formed and
shameless progeny. 6. Constantly given to grief makes the
progeny fearful, thin and short lived. 7. Thinking ill of others
makes the offspring antisocial, envious and subjugated to women.
8. Constantly given to sleep makes the offspring drowsy, dull and
deficient in digestive powers. 9. Addiction to wine makes the
offspring constantly thirsty, short of memory and fickle minded.
10. Addiction to non-vegetarian food makes the offspring to suffer
from, diabetes, stone in bladder, roughness of hair, delayed
closure or non closure of eyes. 11. Intake of excess salt will make
the offspring to suffer from early onset of wrinkles in the skin,
graying of hair and baldness. 12. Intake if more sour food makes
the offspring to suffer from diseases of skin and eyes. 13.
Addiction to pungent and stale food makes the offspring to suffer
from weak body, deficient in semen or impotent. 14. Addiction to
bitter food makes the offspring cachectic, weak and emaciated.
Thus the parents, especially the mother desirous of an offspring
endowed with excellent qualities should refrain from
unwholesome diet and regimen. They should perform virtuous
acts that are beneficial. Over and above that, the father should
also take care to maintain healthy practices and should avoid the
factors which damage the quality of semen. Guidelines given
above will definitely help the prospective parents to get good and
healthy progeny, there by bringing happiness in the family.

The Utility of Drekkanas in Prediction April 2007

V. Kumar
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 390 |
The Utility of Drekkanas in prediction is multifarious. Although
,usually ,delineation - of the influence of ones co-borns on the
native is done using the drekkana chart, it has also been found
very useful in medical astrology for predicting the diseases. The
timing of death through Khara drekkana (22nd Dk) and Mrutyu
Drekkanas (the three drekkanas falling in the sign of Khara
drekkanas has been found very effective. In Prashna shastra,
Drekkana Swaroopa is highly useful in knowing the physical
features of the thief. Also, the placement of moon in a chart in
Rasi Tulya Drekkanas and Bhava Suchaka Drekkanas is said to
indicate the pattern of thinking as well as the nature of the native.
These applications of Drekkanas have been discussed
elaborately by many writers and the readers are perhaps well
aware of them. This article of mine proceeds further to examine
the utility of Drekkanas in an over all assessment of the chart in
terms of finance , name and fame, Status etc. Uttama Drekkanas
: The first Drekkana of a Chara Rasi, the second Drekkana of a
Sthira Rasi and the third Drekkana of a Dwiswabhava Rasi are
classified as Uttama Drekkanas. As the very name suggests, the
whole of 10 degrees of these Drekkanas exert a very special
influence on the native. The three nakshatra padas falling in each
of these Uttama Drekkanas are exceptional ones in the life of a
native due to the following reason: In Chara Rasis, Out of the
three nakshatra padas falling within the Uttama. Drekkanas the
1st Nakshatra pada is a vargottama pada while the 2nd and 3rd
are parivarthana padas. In Sthira Rasis, the 1st and 3rd nakshatra
padas within the Uttama Drekkanas are parivarthana padas while
the 2nd Nakshatra pada is a Vargottama pada. In Dwiswabhava
Rasis, the 1st and 2nd nakshatra padas with the Uttama
Drekkanas are parivarthana padas while the third nakshatra pada
is a vargottama pada. As such, each of these Uttama Drekkanas
contain one vargottama Pada and two parivarthana padas and
hence are capable of awarding exceptionally favourable results to
the native except under some special conditions which would be
explained later. The Swaroopa of Uttama Drekkanas : In order to
understand the utilitarian aspects of these drekkanas, let us first
have a look at their Swaroopas(shapes and characteristics) as
defined in Chapter 27 of Brihat Jataka by Varahamihira
(Translation by late Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao, founder of the
Astrological Magazine) . 1. Mesha 1st DK: A man with a white
cloth round his waist, dark complexion, pretending to protect, of
fearful red eyes and a lifted axe . 2. Vrishaba 2nd DK: A Man
possessing knowledge of lands, grains, houses, cows, arts,
ploughing and carts, hungry ,sheep faced, dirty clothes and
shoulders like the hump of an ox. 3. Mithuna 3rd DK: A Man
adorned and decked with gems, armoured with quiver and bow,
skilled in dancing, drumming and arts, and poet. 4. Karkataka 1st
DK: A Man holding fruits, roots and leaves, elephant bodied,
residing on sandal trees in the forest, legs like that of Sarabha
(Camel) and horse-necked. 5. Simha 2nd DK: A Man resembling
a horses body with white garlands on the head, wearing
Krishnajina and kambalam, fierce as a lion with a bow in the hand
and bent nose. 6. Kanya 3rd DK: A female ,yellowish, covered by
a white silk cloth, tall, holding a pot and a spoon, going to temple
with great sanctity. 7. Thula 1st DK: A Man seated ill a shop in the
middle of the road, holding balances, clever in weighing and
measuring with a small scale for gold, diamonds, and thinking of
his capital, and the prices of articles in the shop. 8. Vrischika 2nd
DK : A Woman fond of home and happiness for her husbands
sake and covered by serpents with a body resembling a tortoise
and a pot. 9. Dhanus 3rd DK: A Marl with along beard,
complexion like that of Champaka or gold, holding a stick, sitting
in a splendid posture and keeping silks and deer skins. 10.
Makara 1st DK: A Man covered with much hair, teeth like those of
a crocodile, body like that of a pig, keeping yokes, nets and
bandages and with a cruel face. 11. Kumbha 2nd DK: A woman
covered with a dirty cloth in a forest, bearing pots on head and
dragging metals in a burnt cart loaded with cotton trees in it. 12.
Meena 3rd DK: A Man carrying in a pit in a forest, naked and
covered over his body by serpents and with a mind distracted by
thieves and fire. Guidelines for utility : The following points may
be used as guidelines for applying and delineating the influence of
Uttama Drekkanas in a horoscope: 1. If the Drekkana swaroopa
be of agreeable appearance (eg. carrying fruits, flowers, Gems,
Pots, etc) and aspected by natural benefics, then the natives born
in such Drekkanas generally lead a prominent life in the society.
They get name, fame and status apart from an affluent way of
living. They may be highly educated with sharp intellect and
refilled culture. 2. In the analysis of Bhava results, the swaroopa
of the drekkana in which the cuspal point or bhava Madhya falls
has a very significant role in making the bhava flourish. Generally,
the significations of the bhavas are boosted if the bhava Madhya
falls in any of the uttama drekkanas and renders positive in
influencing the native, unless otherwise marred by any
simultaneous negative influence of all the three basic deciding
factors viz., Bhava, Bhava lord and Bhava Karaka. 3. Birth in
uttama drekkanas exerts an overall positive influence on the
native which has its impact at all times through out his life. It
works as a pattern-maker or a trend-setter in shaping the
destiny of the native from the very beginning, unlike the
occasional boosting effect of the Yogas in the chart which operate
primarily during the Dasa/Bhukti/ Antara periods of the yoga
forming planets. The nature and results of yogas vary from person
to person depending upon age, living environment, etc. But, the
influence of a uttama drekkana on either the Janma Rasi or the
Janma lagna or the cusp of a Bhava exerts a special superlative
influence due to which the results experienced by the native are
bound to be quite favourable. 4. a. If the lagna lord or the lord of
the star in which lagna cusp falls is posited in a uttama drekkana
then such natives become popular in the society gaining name,
fame and status. They are likely to become powerful, educated
and wealthy as well. b. Similarly, if a bhava lord or the lord of the
star in which bhava Madhya falls is posited in a uttama drekkana ,
then the significations of the bhava flourish well. Even if the bhava
is otherwise spoiled in the conventional sense by the afflictions on
the Bhava and its karaka , the native finds a saving grace in the
bhava lord or the bhava star lord as the case may be by virtue of
its placement in Uttama Drekkanas. 5. Out of the above
vargottama padas, if a planet attains debilitation in Navamsa ,it
does not offer good results inspite of its placement in a
vargottama pada. For example, if Shani gets posited in Ashwini 1
pada , Kuja gets posited in Punarvasu 4 pada, Sukra gets posited
in Chitta 2 pada, Sun gets posited in Chitta 3 pada, Moon gets
posited in Anuradha 4 pada, Guru gets posited in Uttarashada
2pada and Budha gets posited in Revathi 4 pada they attain
neecha vargottama which is considered to be bad for the native
for such planets do not offer good results during their periods and
sub periods. 6. Out of the parivarthana padas also if a planet
attains debilitation in navamsa it may offer only ordinary results. In
this case, the magnitude of results depends on the dignities of the
planet such as its position in a Kendra trikona, Exaltation/own!
Friend enemys house, etc.,. For example, if Kuja is in Rohini 1
pada and Sukra is in Aswini 2 pada it is certainly favourable
because both planets will be occupying their own houses in
navamsa whereas if Kuja gets posited in Aswini 2 pada and Sukra
gets posited in Rohini 1 pada it will be detrimental to both the
planets despite their placements in own houses in Rasi chart
because of their placement in enemys house in navamsa. The
results should be gauged only by assessing all attendant
conditions. Before taking up a few example charts for discussion,
one important point is to be noted. That is, this concept of Uttama
drekkanas is only an additional tool for higher accuracy of
prediction. It should be judiciously used in unison with all other
standard principles of astrology. Before taking a final decision, all
types of influences such as dignities of planets, modification of
influences due to dual lordship, Position, aspect, conjunction,
combustion, retrogression, etc. must be carefully considered.
Although it can be proved beyond doubt that all those born in
uttama drekkanas have certainly achieved name, fame, status,
wealth, etc., in their lives, it surely cannot be claimed that all those
who were/are learned, rich and popular forming the higher strata
of society were/are born in uttama drekkanas only. In almost all
the charts of the rich and famous personalities the influence of
many powerful yogas are certainly evident. But, in some charts,
even in the absence of such powerful yogas the natives enjoy
excellent honours for which one of the reasons is the superlative
influence of uttama drekkanas in such charts. The concept of
uttama drekkanas comes in handy in providing a clear clue in
such charts. Let us study some examples : Ex. H.1: Horoscope of
LATHA MANGESHKAR, the renowned singer. DOB. 28.09.1929,
TOB : 09.51 PM (IST), POB: Indore, Ayanamsa : KP (22 Deg. 46
min.) Ex. H.1 : Analysis : Lagna of the native falls in Rohini 2nd
Pada which is a vargottama pada of the uttama drekkana of
Vrishaba Rasi.. Lagna lord sukra is posited in 2nd Drekkana of
simha (mekha 4 pada) which is a uttama Drekkana. Sukra is also
the karaka for music and other performing arts and is strongly
placed in a Kendra with Digbala i.e, in 4th house. 2nd and 5th lord
Budha is posited in own house in Kanya in Chitta 2nd Pada which
is a Vargottama pada of the Uttama Drekkana in Kanya Rasi..
Budha , as lord of 2nd house signifies Speech! Vak sthana of the
native and as 5th lord signifies art and entertainment fields. Also
the swaroopa of the lagna drekkana of the native ( Vrishabha 2nd
Drekkana) described above indicates skills in Music, Dance, etc.
and the swaroopa of the third Drekkana of Kanya (in which Budha
is posited) indicates a pure lady proceeding to a temple. These
descriptions are pleasant and agreeable ones thus indicating a
favourable influence on the native. Thus the influence of uttama
drekkanas on the lagna , lord of Lagna and lords of 2nd and 5th
houses including the karakas for music i.e, budha and sukra have
bestowed the native a matchless career in music field being the
only singer in the world to have achieved more than 60,000
recordings in vocal music. Ex. H.2: Horoscope of P. V. Narasimha
Rao , Former Prime Minister of India. DOB. 28.06.1921, TOB :
01.02 PM (IST), POB : Warangal (A.P) Lat:17-58 N Long: 79-40 E
Ex. H.2 : Analysis : Lagna falls in the third Drekkana of Kanya
which is a uttama drekkana. Lord of lagna (Budha , who is also
the 10th lord) is posited in own house (Mithuna) in Punarvasu 3
pada which is a vargottama pada falling within the uttama
drekkana of Mithuna Rasi. These superlative influences have
conferred a long and illustrious political career to the native
despite the adverse influences of a strong (with digbala) 3rd and
8th lord Kuja and 12th lord Sun besides the placement of
Bhagyadhipathi sukra III 8th house indicating loss of luck. The
natural malefics -Rahu ( in 2nd house signifying family, finance,
etc,) and Ketu ( in 8th house signifying longevity, etc) -have not
adversely affected the native because of their placement in
Uttama drekkanas. The swaroopa of the uttama drekkana in
Mithuna described above indicated a man wearing ornaments,
possessing many gems, wearing a mail coat and target, learned
in all arts and a literary writer. What a close description of the
Polyglot prime minister who was nicknamed as the modern
chanakya by the then political observers. Ex. H.3:Horoscope of
BILL BATES, the Computer Wizard. DOB. 29.10.1955, TOB :
10.00 PM (PST), POB : Seattle (USA) Lat: 47.31N Long:
120.00W Ex. H.3 : Analysis : Lagna falls in the first Drekkana of
Karkataka which is a uttama Drekkana .Lagna lord Moon is
posited in Meena in Revathi 4 pada which is a vargottama pada
falling within the uttama drekkana of Meena Rasi. 4th lord Budha
is posited in a uttama drekkana in own house and 9th cusp falls in
a uttama Drekkana .As a result of these influences by the uttama
drekkanas, despite being a school dropout, luck has favoured him
and made him one of the richest men in the world. The swaroopa
of the third drekkana of Meena indicates a suffering from thieves,
etc., Who else other than Bill Gates faces the greatest challenge
posed by piracy of computer software? Ex. H.4: Horoscope of
AMITABH BACHHAN, the renowned Actor. DOB. 11.10.1942,
TOB : 04.00 PM (IST), P.O.B : Allahabad, Lat: 25-57 N Long: 81-
50 E Ex. H.4 : Analysis: The above horoscope is an excellent
example for the superlative influence of Uttamma Drekkanas. Out
of the 12 Bhava madhyas, four are falling in Uttama Drekkanas.
4th Bhava falling in Vrishaba, 6th Bhava falling in Karkataka, 10th
Bhava Falling in Vrischika and 12th Bhava falling in Makara are
all falling in Uttama drekkanas. Out of the nine planets, other than
Chandra and Sukra, remaining seven planets are occupying
uttama drekkanas. The negative influence of Badhak Sukra is well
under the control of three planets posited in the uttama drekkana
of Kanya Rasi with whom the former is conjoined. Although the
position of 6th lord Chandra in 9th house has created some
problems in finance for him, the placement of Guru in its Kendra
in a uttama drekkana has brought him back on track. The four
planets in 8th house ( five in Bhava , because chandra also
moves to 8th in Bhava chart) have not caused any major adverse
effect on the native despite their placement in a Dussthana
because three out of these four planets are posited in a Uttama
Drekkana. Despite having five planets in 8th house in the Bhava
chart, the native is enjoying a place of pride in the Indian Cinema
even to day at the age of 64 years solely due to the superlative
influence of Uttama Drekkanas in his horoscope. These examples
have been chosen arbitrarily. Readers are requested to examine
the horoscopes of other rich and famous personalities on the
above lines and see for themselves the utility of uttama drekkanas
in arriving at a clear picture on the general financial status and the
popularity levels of the concerned natives.

Astrology - An Asset for Assessing January 2012

K. Santhanam
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 388 |
Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devao, Mahaeshwara I Guru
Sakshath Param Brahma, thasmai Shri Guruve namah II The
above so commonly used sloka, reveals that the holistic use of
the inert and developed energy in one, properly converted into
constructive energy through the operational tools within oneself
can alone lead to steadfast Bliss or Happiness even while
achieving monumentous tasks against various hurdles. Moreover,
thereafter one possesses the ability to transmit such power to the
worldly beings to take them on the road to successful life journey.
In order to achieve the above objective, Nature has provided
multiple means. One such tool to assist one to overcome
deficiencies within oneself and thereafter enhance their inert
operating strength to fulfill endeavours with satisfaction and
enjoyment, is promulgated in the Sanatana Dharma, of
Hinduism, which provides us with ideal Icons ( Devathas ) each
of high intrinsic Value and shape, capable of absorbing the vast
cosmic energy and transmitting the same at the proper place to
the individual who is sincerely engrossed in them. Temples in
India and abroad are designed in a Pyramidal mode to enable
proficient absorption of this power by the Icon. The ability to beget
this precious power so dearly needed by one and all today, by
skillfully utilizing the Ideal Icon, is more a matter of realization
than of conjecture! Natural devices are the easiest and optimum
means to rejuvenate oneself for fulfilling efficiently the duties in
this journey of Life.Astrology is an ideal means for assessing the
prevalent weaknesses in the operating system of the human
being. In essence Astra means the Human outfit and Logy its
holistic operation. We are well aware that the cosmic energy is
the primary resource for the operation of the human
system. Astrology is a mode above normal science to modulate
this system effectively to generate positive power for human
growth. The prevalent weaknesses in the present human working
process are as follows:- 1. Unstable conceivement and poor
progression in the Mothers womb due to woman being burdened
by stresses in offices caused by material craze. 2. The processes
of education of young kids, oriented towards more material growth
rather than human development. 3. Development of a house with
a tendency to social exhibitionism of material growth rather than
build a Home for optimal human growth which is the main
purpose of Birth. 4. Quantum and not quality has become a say
word in the preset run of life. 5. Tendency to project others
weaknesses to limelight oneself causing both mental and physical
degradation of the human working system and in the process
causing unwanted stresses in the aging body. Moral acquisition
disappears in this mode. 6. Realization when too late that the
journey of Life has been anfractuous and unfruitful. Though many
of the above mentioned points are present in the prevailing
environment itself, it tends to deplete both the mental and
physical stability of the Human working system, right from the
birth itself. Frustration = Expectations Achievements is an ideal
principle to be remembered. It could be observed that inert talents
of young children are curbed, in an attempt by the modern world
to orient it towards achieving larger materialism. The world is the
greatest loser in the bargain. Astrology serves as an effective tool
to determine that talent and to reorient the life of an individual to
more effective and contented output.The Human Resources
department can fruitfully utilize this suggestion and endeavour to
uniformly reward materially all talents equally, as every one of
them are required for human welfare. It may not be possible to do
in depth analysis of the innumerable combinations of planets that
provide the strength or weakness of an individual in the present
article, which will mainly deal with the various precious Icons /
Devathas that enable easy access to constructive human growth.
However suffice it to state that all planets are Param Purusha ie
every One of the planets is totally benevolent to Human Growth!
The adjectives prefixed for different planets by astrologers are
purely relative in character and Superficially apply only for the
relative purpose concerning the working environment. Various
Spiritual doctrines, the world over strive to overcome these
deficiencies in one form or the other. Hinduism adopts an easier
and more adaptable mode in the prevailing environment for
overcoming these deficiencies by the use of Icons, Ritualism and
stringent yogas. Of the innumerable means adopted in this
process , temples provide the easiest mode to a constraint and
turbulent human being to overcome the stresses within and
without, by just standing in front of the Idol. The first and foremost
of the instruments within the temple which plays an important role
are the Deepas or the oil lit Lights. The yellow Radiation that
emanates from these lamps fall in the positive middle half of the
visible frame of light ie VIBGYOR. Radiations are energy
transmitters. This radiation travels around 450-500 nanometers,
and modulates the blood flow in the human system to a smooth
and non turbulent . It could be observed that when the brain or
body of the human system is under strain the breathing and blood
flow becomes highly turbulent in an attempt to naturally control
and overcome it. However, the mind is not so easily subject to this
and continuous stress prevails thereby creating a hindrance to
proper and enjoyable working of the human system. Temples are
thus an automatic effortless reliever of stress within. Of course,
this could be done at home; but the Icon with the various
technicalities followed, modulates by reflection and refraction
incident on it, to maximize the benevolent rays to the person
standing in front of it. Special oil lit lamps are used for some Icons
to generate energy that is required to heal an individual as we
shall see below. The next is the Pradhakshina or the circular
movement clockwise around the Vigraha or Icon. This enables
uniform distribution of absorbed energy within the body received
through the Icon. Blood is energy. It is well known that if blood
gets clotted at one spot it leads to enormous problems. Similarly
energy needs to be always uniformly distributed in the operating
system. Thereafter, one should do the Namaskaraka or prostrate
in front of the Idol. While the male prostrates totally with all parts
of his body touching the earth, however the genetic portions
below the waist and the breasts of the woman should not touch
the earth. The reason is that these portions are highly sensitive
and deflate the energy to the floor. In case of a male it removes
unwanted energy and stabilizes the system. NAMASKAR,in
essence means NA- MA-SU- KARA done with folded hands ( the
five organs of action and the five Indrias/ senses which are the
ten fingers) ,If something is good for you I shall whole heartedly
fulfill the same come what may to me. While prostrating before
the Lord, the Palms under the little fingers should touch the
ground and the fingers should move inwards within oneself. The
reason being that the concerned Icon is a giver of energy and we
are the absorbers of the same. The acupressure on the lower half
of the palm near the little fingers affects the manipura chakra
which is the ideal source for absorption of energy. Namaskara is
a yoga in itself and the pressures of the two arteries below the
thighs, while doing this, generate optimal impulses for the flow of
energy (normally termed as Kundalini Shakthi) in the operating
system. Finally we reach the process of Prathna or Prayer. A
prayer is basically selfish. The ten fingers as mentioned above
are instigators of the five organs of action and of the five sensory
organs that are primarily required for constructive operation of the
human system. The maximum energy absorbed through the icon
reaches that portion that reacts to the prayer of the devotee. The
fulfillment ensues depending on whether the prayer is beneficial
or not, to the individual. A palmist should be aware of this
technique as the palm covers the complete body and mind.
THITHIS and MANTHRAS : The relation between the Sun and the
Moon known as Thithis affect the tidal waves of the enormous
oceans. Our body contains 70% fluid and is consequently also
affected daily by the angular relation between the Sun and Moon.
Thus Thithis constitute an essential ingredient of the Ephemeris.
Manthras offer two fold benefits of sound energy vibrations and
production of acupressure of the tongue and lip. Aksharas are
precious acupressure tools that operate through the lip and
tongue the most sensitive acupressure organs in the human
system. Namaha frequently used in all prayers Is the reverse
restructuring of Mann or the Ego /Bottlenecks within the body. In
other words this akshara is an ideal mode to overcome internal
deficiencies in our working System. OM is an internal resource
oriented Akshara of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva or the potential
power, kinetic power and constructive utilization of power. This is
also termed as GOD or generation, operation and destruction of
Maya. Specialties of some DEVATHAS / ICONS NAVAGRAHAS
Basically, the Navgrahas are planets in the galaxy, astrologically
/astronomically. However.In view of the intrinsic benefits that
accrue from them for the operating system of human beings they
have occupied a sanctified zone within a temple. All planets if
placed with proper mode and in correct direction start possessing
immense power after due abhishekas / Prana pradishta and have
practically benefited innumerable persons from internal/external
stresses. Being Vaasthu oriented they absorb solar radiation of a
particular wave length and transmit it to the individual standing in
front of it. If you pour, pure drinking water in a dirty bucket that too
will be polluted. Similarly the highly polluted and vibrant human
system is unable to absorb the beneficent energy provided by the
Almighty via the Icon. The Navagrahas enables cleansing every
part of the body and thereby enjoy totally the Blessings of the
concerned Devatha. To ensure holistic intake for the Body and
the Mind and the movement of the Prana from the mooladhara to
the sahasra chakra in the individual, the order of the Parikrama
should be Sun, Moon, Saturn, Kethu, Jupiter, Rahu, Mars, Venus
and Mercury. As the Navagrahas are facing different directions,
one must therefore do at least 14 Pradhakshinas circular
movement around the planets, and only clockwise to enable full
cleansing of the system. Mantras do improve the absorbing power
of the cosmic energy through these icons although mere
Parikrama also helps extensively. While Sun provides the blood to
the operating system for the proper functioning of the body, the
moon generates energy to stimulate the five sensory organs
within the body. Saturn provides the potential power while Kethu
is the path towards attainment of Wisdom generated by Jupiter.
The path towards fruitful and dynamic implementation provided by
Mars is through Rahu. The planets Mercury and Venus rotating
between the earth and the sun are generators of earthly
knowledge and its positive utilization. Incidentally,Thil Deep is
frequently used for invoking the Blessings of Saturn. The radiation
emanating from this lamp and reflected through the Saturn Icon,
reduces considerably the turbulence within the body paving the
way for generating pure potential power within. This can be
observed on the changes or disappearance of light lines
(indicating turbulence) that have crept up on the palm, after
parikrama of Saturn with this lamp. MAHA GANAPATHY OM
GHAM GHANAPATHAI NAMAH Om is the resource instigator,
gham the akhasa or galaxy, ghan are the various glands, veins,
cells and nervous configuration of the working system, pathai the
lordship or holder. Thus we see that this Icon is capable of
absorbing that cosmic power that invigorates the software within
the body for more efficient output. The benign face with large ears
for absorption of high utility oriented sound vibrations, intricate
and investigative eyes for intensive observation and analysis
through radiations, long static cum dynamic trunk for inhalation of
oxygen and subsequent constructive implementation, forms an
ideal resource for useful gain of knowledge through acquirement
and by experience. Chathurthi thithi which falls in the 48 to 60
degree zone between the Sun (Heart) and the Moon (Pituitary
cum Pineal system) is and ideal occasion for optimum flow of
energy to the brain. Devi Saraswathi : Sarasa in essence means
juice and vath knowledge. Acquirement of vast knowledge alone
does not upgrade oneself nor does it help society. The total
understanding and proper utilisation of the knowledge acquired, is
the secret to eminence in Life. For this we resort to the
Saraswathi Icon which is as follows:- Pashaanghusha dhara
Vaani, Veena Pusthak Dharini I Mma Vakthrai Vasennithyam,
Santhushta Sarvatha Shiva II The ability to relish and proper
utilization of acquired knowledge brings enlightenment within
oneself and to others leading to immense happiness even to the
extent of attaining Supreme Bliss. The japa mala and the veena in
the hands of this Vigraha are both acupressure points of the
forefinger (JUPITER finger) for instigating the multiple veins in the
brain to holistic approach (both internal and external) of acquiring
and utilization of intrinsic knowledge. This Icon is well designed
for activating the pituitary system Murugan / Kathikeya :
Acquirement of knowledge - whether purified or not, alone does
not suffice. Its utilization for karma is a necessity. For the skillful
operation of the five senses and instigating the growth of the sixth
sense together with the five organs of action, the six faced Lord
Murugha is resorted to. This icon is charge / energy oriented as it
has emanated from Agni / Fire. Shdananam kumkuma raktha
varnam , mahamathim divya myurvahanam I Rudrasya sunum
sursainiya nadham, guham sadha sharnamaham prapadhai II I
bow to that sixfaced Lord who provides that calorie possessed
blood to generate immense strength and wisdom, to sustain and
conquer the strongest of foes and attain constructive targets. This
Icon possesses the peacock the instigator of sustainable energy
and Shkthi Vel the ability to attain that urge oriented endeavours
successfully. The radiation emanating from these two are
pronounced and are capable of fulfilling these tasks. Murugha
when recited in shiva-asna while lying in bed will give a pleasant
sleep even to a most troubled mind; in an erect posture this
mantra stimulates successful fulfillment ofthe tasks undertaken
during the day. Hanumanji : All activities be it mental or physical
have a direct impact on the breathing process of the human
being. In order to obtain fruitful thought and constructive
Implementation we must achieve stable breathing. The Vayu
Putra Hanuman helps attaining this. Vayu is Breath and Putra is
breathing! Budhiballam Yasho Dairiyam, Nirbhaya thwam
Arogatha I Ajadyam Vakpato Thwam cha, Hanumath Smarnath
Bhaveth II Blessings of Hanumanji shower upon one, self
confidence, fame, strength, fearlessness, good health, clarity and
dynamism together with authoritative speech. The maximum
energy begot from this icon is through its mouth and tail. The
monkey oriented face develops ability to conserve valuable
energy for use when necessary. If developed with faith it is seen
that this can be transmitted to remote parts of the earth with ease.
Maha Laxmi : Financial Wealth, as the modern world conceives
was never in the vocabulary of the Almighty! Devotees who
worshipped Goddess Laxmi for acquiring this have miserably
failed. Laxmi i.e. Lax Aham I, which means the attainment of
constructive targets giving rise to supreme contentment within, or
otherwise known as Manushya nama Anandam, is the sole
purpose for worshiping Goddess Laxmi Padhma asnai, Padhma
karai, Sarva Lokkaika pujithai I Narayana Priyee Devi, Supritha
Bhava Sarvadha II Optimal utility of the kinetic energy generated
{Narayanai priyee) un- affected by the surrounding ,
implementation without selfishness or prejudice enables me to
reach the pinnacle of prosperity where the world bows before you
This is what I require of You OH Goddess Laxmi! This vigraha
amply supplies us that prosperity engrossed with divine powers.
The lotus which is the main ingredient in the Laxmi Vigraha, is the
embodiment of attainment of big targets without being affected by
the environment of dirt, filth, and corruption surrounding it. Lord
Shiva : Shiva in essence means Total Bliss and is situated in the
Sahasra chakra whereto the Prana has to travel to enjoy it fully.
The purpose of the lingam is clearly projected in the following
sloka:- Val ambikesa vaidyesha bhav roga harothi cha i Japan
nama thriyam nithyam maha roga nivaranam ii Val-the 62 dwarf
rishis indicating the essential organs of the body.Indira scoffed at
them. These rishis then created the garuda (Conscious) to
oversee the working of the senses (Indiras). Ambikesa is the
pranas movement to the sahasra. Vaidyesha is over coming
internal disabilities and building the vigour of the operating
system; Bhava Roga Harothi is not only to destroy the weakness
but not allow it to reoccur. These benefits arise by reciting three
times the Japa Om Namah Shivaye which is a yoga in itself,
leads one to ultimate peace and tranquility and thereby to higher
achievements in life The above Japa should not be recited by
women as it emanates from the mooladhara. Mooladhara
dharana should never be done by females as it has negative
impact on their highly sensitive genetic organs. However Shivaye
namah Om could be used fruitfully as it emanates from the
Manipura. The Lingam serves as ideal antenna for the abortion of
the high wave length radiations of the setting sun during
Pradosha kala , normally done on Thriyodashi thithi .On this day
all the five sensory organs, five organs of action, the body, the
mind and kudalini shakti (13 Operating Organs) gets revitalised
simultaneously to enable a distressed and depressed person to
confidently step into a positive path in life. This puja has borne
extraordinary results. The purpose of doing it three times at least,
is to revitalize the Brahma kundam, the Vishnu kundam and the
Rudhra kundam which are otherwise termed as Krishna, Rama,
and Govinda-the area below the Naval, from the naval to the
pituitary system and thereon to the pineal system respectively.
Durga : This Icon concerns the Shushmana Nadi and plays an
important role in the maximization of oxygen input and its proper
utilization. Obviously, it helps in overcoming large hurdles in life.
Durga Devi SarvaRoga Durith Nivarineem A Deep (Light) lit in the
lemon is frequently offered to this Devi during Rahu kala. This has
two fold benefits of radiation and colour therapy, to integrate the
three nadis namely Shushmana, Ida and the Pingla thereby
producing additional strength within. Conclusion:- Though it would
not be possible to cover all the Icons in this short article , the
above shows the valuable treasure left behind by our ancestors,
which could be profitably used the world over for better
optimization of ones energy and attainment of fruitful output. Most
temples posses lakes which develop chemicals and absorb
cosmic radiation that go to remove multiple diseases created
within the human system during the journey of life.

Jupiter-The lord of furtune April 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 386 |

J- Judicious, joy
U- Upliftment
P- Priest, Progeny, Profit, Personal Growth
I- Income, intellectual, incarnation
T- Teacher, truthfulness
E- Expansion, elevation
R- Religious, righteous
Jupiter is the largest planet of Solar system and karaka of all the
attributes listed above. Jupiter is highly benefic, auspicious,
devotional planet and is often called the planet of fortune, the
Guru of God. He is the significator (karaka) of prosperity,
marriage, progeny and for all good things in life as well. People
take sigh of relief when they come to know that they are under the
influence of dasha of Jupiter. If Sun & Moon are like the King and
Queen of the Royal family, Mercury the Prince, Mars the
Commander In Chief, Venus for all the luxuries, Saturn for all the
subordinates, Jupiter is the Priest - who is divine, true & sattavik
by nature. Jupiter in Sanskrit is known as Brahaspati or GURU
and GURU holds a prime importance in anyones life, sometimes
more than mother & father.
In Kalapurush Kundli, Jupiter is the Lord of 9th (Bhagyasthan) &
12th(vyayasthan) houses. It aspects 5th, 7th, & 9th houses. His
aspect is more benefic than His placement, wherever His aspect
goes, those houses flourish & expand. For ex if Jupiter is placed
in 9th house, 1st, 3rd, & 5th houses. For example, wherever
a horoscope gets aspects of Jupiter, it become auspicious.
There is always a feel good factor with this Planet. A true
Jupitarian ( in whose horoscope Jupiter is well placed without any
malefic influence) is not only blessed with a certain kind of aura &
a divine spark in his personality, but if there are any doshas in
his horoscope , they also get cancelled and the native leads a
smooth & happy life.
Jupiter represents the drive for insight on an intellectual,
philosophical, & religious level. Jupiter is said to bring great good
fortune, & his influence is to expand the effect of everything that
come into contact with it. Jupiter takes 12 years to orbit the Sun,
He spends almost one year in each sign. Therefore, his influence
is very important & more inclined to the collective rather than
However, in todays fast life where Mercury s gifts-
communication gadgets are plenty, Venus blooms with all its
materialistic comforts, Mars and Saturns energy heat up the
environment with all their machines & atomic bombs, there is
urgent call for Jupiters calm & peaceful bliss.

Yogas for Success and Fame in Life July 2007

Sitaram singh
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 385 |
The term 'Yoga' means union or association of two things. In
Vedic Astrology 'Yoga' refers to association of planets, which
yields specific results. The association of planets may primarily
occur through (i) conjunction, (ii) mutual location in each other's
sign, and (iii) by mutual aspect. Among the 12 houses of
the horoscope the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house are regarded
Triksthana (inauspicious). Among these the 6th, 8th and 12th
houses are regarded Dushsthana (evil). The rest of the houses
(i.e., 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th 9th, 10th and 11th are regarded as
good houses. Among these also kendras (1, 4, 7, 10) are called
Vishnusthana (sonferring happiness), and (1, 5, 9) are termed as
Lakshmisthana (Conferring wealth. Thus Kendras and Trikonas
are regarded as the most benefic houses. The astrological
classics describe the 'Yoga' (combination) of strong lords of
benefic houses as Raja Yoga or Dhana Yoga, and mention the
benefic results produced by these. The Yoga formed by the lords
of malefic houses are called Duryoga (malefic) or Arishta Yoga
(destructive). For some Lagnas, a single planet becomes lord of
both a Trikona and Kendra. For example, for Taurus Lagna,
Saturn is lord of 9th and 10th house; for Leo Taurus Lagna,
Saturn is lord of 9th and 10th house; for Leo Lagna, mars is the
lord of 4th and 9th house; for Libra Lagna Saturn is the lord of 4th
and 5th house; and for Aquarius Lagna, Venus is the lord of 4th
and 9th house. Such a planet is called yogakarka for
the horoscope and produces very good result. When a yogakarka
associates with other benefic planets, then better results are
experienced by the native. According to Laghu Parasari
f=dks.kkfki;kse;s lacaks ;su dsufpr~A cfyu% dsUnzukFkL;
Hkos|fn lq;ksxrA meaning, "If the powerful lord of a Kendra is
associated with a Trikona lord, it produces Raja yoga and gives
auspicious results to the native." The 10th house is the most
powerful kendra, and the 9th house is the strongest Trikona.
These houses relate to the most important aspects of life. The 9th
house relates to Dharma (religion), Bhagya (Luck), etc. while the
10th house relates to Karma (profession), status, honour, etc.
According to Phaladeepika (6.37) : keZdeZHkoukfkirkS }kS
la;qrkS efgrHkkoerkSps=A jkt;ksx bfrr}fng L;kr~ dsUnzdks.k;qfr;Zfr
'ka[k%A meaning, "When in a horoscope the lords of the 9th and
the 10th house together occupy an auspicious house, it
constitutes a Raja Yogaa. When the lords of other Kendra and
Trikona houses are similarly placed, i.e., join together in an
auspicious house, the resulting Yoga is called 'Sankha'. The Raj
Yoga formed by the 9th (dharma) and 10th (Karma) lords is
famous as Dharma-Karmadhipati Raja Yoga (DKRY).The native
with strong DKRY in his horoscope attains high status, success
and fame in his profession. The native born with Sankha Yoga is
blessed with all types of comforts in life. Uttarakalamrita further
elucidates : HkkX;s deZf.k rRirks fuolrkosd= ok O;R;;s
okU;ksU;{kZxrkS fujh{k.k;qrkS rkS jkt;ksxiznkSA
khtk;ksn;cUkqiS'p lfgrkS rknx`gs ok fLFkrkS lEiRlks[;djks
r;ksfuZkuYykHkkfkiR; foukAA meaning, "The Raja Yoga
formed by the following planetary combinations in
a horoscopeconfers wealth and happiness to the native : The
lords of the 9th and 10th house are in their own house. These
lords are together in the 9th or 10th house. These exchange
houses or Nakshatra. These aspect each other. These are with
the lords of 1, 4, 5, 7 house. These are in 1, 4, 5, 7 house. But
these two lords should not own the 8th or 11th house." It further
adds. yXukn~HkkX;.kdeZiS ;fn rnk rn~HkkX;dekZfkikS ekukn~
HkkX;deZ ikS ojleLoYikfkdkjk% ekrA lEcUk =;lafLFkrkS p
lcykoU;ksU;dsUnzkfkzrkS yXukkh'ojkf'kuk;d;qrkS tkrks kh
Hkwifr%AA (Ch. iV.4) that is, "the three pairs of planets : The
owners of the 9th and 10th houses from Lagna The owners of
the 9th and the 10th from the 9th house, and Lords of the 9th
and 10th house from the 10th house respectively give high,
medium and small position to the native." To produce the best
result, the Yoga should be formed in a benefic house. Further,
according to the ownership of planets for different Lagnas: The
Raja Yoga gives best result for Virgo and Pisces Lagna, as the
9th lord is a benefic for the Lagna and the 10th lord is also the
Lagna lord. It produces very good result for Taurus, Cancer,
Sagittarius and Capricorn Lagna. In Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra,
Scorpio and Aquarius Lagna, the 9th, 10th and Lagna lord are not
friendly to one another. Hence, only mixed results are
experienced by the natives. In modern scenario, a native with
strong DKRY in his horoscope may become a prosperous
businessman, successful politician, scientist, Cinema Star, etc.,
and achieve great success and fame in his field of activity.
The horoscopes of some famous personalities having DRKY are
discussed below. 1. Shri Rattan Tata, Leading Industrialist. The
combination of lords 9th (sun), 10 (Mercury) and 11th (Venus) in
Lagna, aspected by 2nd lord Saturn has made him a successful
and famous industrialist. There is exchange of lords of 2nd and
4th house, and Gajakesari Yoga formed by Jupiter in 2nd and
Moon in 11th house. Lagna Lord Jupiter and 5th Lord Mars
aspect 10th house. 2. Shri Arjun Singh, former Governor, and
Central Minister. The 9th lord Saturn is in 7th house, and the 10th
lord Jupiter is in Lagna. Both aspect each other. The 10th lord
Jupiter aspects 9th house and 9th lord. from Moon Rasi also the
9th lord Jupiter and 10th lord Saturn aspect each other. The Yoga
result has given him political success. As from Lagna the 9th lord
Saturn is also lord of 8th, he had to face many ups and downs in
his political career. 3. Shri Anil Kapoor, Film Actor Yogakarka and
9th lord Venus is in 9th house itself. 10th lord Mars is in 10th
house, with 2nd 11th lord Jupiter and 5th lord Mercury. This
planetary position has made him a successful, wealthy and
famous Cinema Actor of Bollywood. 4. Shri Amitabh Bachchan,
Film Star. 9th lord Venus and 10th lord Mars are conjoined in the
8th house. Venus gets Neechabhanga being with exalted
Mercury. He has enjoyed great success in life. There is Gajkesari
Yoga . The aspect of 5th lord Mercury, 9th lord Venus and 2nd
and 11th lord Jupiter on 2nd house (face and speech) has been
instrumental in his success in films. As the DKRY occurred in 8th
house, he also had to face serious physical and financial set-
backs in life. 5. Murli Manohar Joshi, ex-President BJP and
Minister The Buddha-Aditya Yoga in 11 the house aspecting 5th
house has made the native a scholar. The 9th lord and Yogakarka
Venus and exalted 10th lord Mars conjoin in 12th house, with
Lagna lord Saturn and Rahu. The combination is aspected by
Jupiter located in 8th house, and also by Ketu from 6th house.
The conjunction of powerful 9th and 10 th lord in 12th house did
confer high status and fame to him after great struggle, and he
had to face secret opposition from own party colleagues against
further rise. r

Higher Education Gift of 9th House April 2006

Future Point
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 385 |
Education is essential for everybody. The 4th house indicates
school and college eduction whereas higher education and
research are denoted by the 9th house. The 4th house indicates
one's regular attendance in a school or a college and studies. 3rd
house shows one's inclination to specialise in any subject,
whereas the combined effect of 3rd and 5th shows one's
intelligence. But 4th is a must to develop habit to study and hard
work. Besides these houses, there is one house i.e. 9th which
indicates chances for studies further or higher education. Mercury
is the planet of intelligence, which when combined with Sun in
rapt conjunction causes Nipuna Yoga. If 3rd house is concerned
with ordinary mental inclinations, 9th house is higher education,
higher knowledge and higher thought. In the light of above
principles, we shall study the prospects of a doctor, who is
wishing to get higher education in medicine after completing
MBBS course. He had appeared in the written test for diploma in
medicine course during the year 1995, but did not receive any
information till April '98. So, he was disappointed and hence was
serious to know his fate about higher education. The birth details
along with the chart are as follows : In the chart, the lord of 4th in
4th along with lord of 3rd can be seen. Lord of 6th and 11th Mars
is in Ist; a good combination for success. Mars is aspecting
Mercury and Saturn. Saturn the lord of 8th and 9th in 8th is good
for longevity but delaying for other things. But as it is strong due
to occupancy in its own house, it will cause delay but not deny the
portfolio of 9th house, in which higher education also comes. The
next thing is the owner of 10th is in 9th which means a Yoga
comprising house of fate and the house of Karma. So the chart,
as per house position, is good and strong. The sublord of the 4th
is Jupiter, posited in 9th and sublord of 9th is Mercury, posited in
4th, a good change in the house of general education and higher
education. Here Mars is in the star of Jupiter, the occupant of 9th
and sub of Mercury, the occupant of 4th, is much stronger to give
higher education. So, any planet in the star of sub of Mars will be
able to give higher education. Jupiter Dasha was ending on
22.07.98 and there after the major period of Saturn was to come.
Jupiter, though posited in 9th house, did not give the chance only
due to Saturn which was the owner and occupant of 8th, a house
of delay and disappointment. But Saturn himself in the star of
Moon and sub of Mars was suitable to give higher education.
Hence, Moon is conjoined with Mars and in the star of Mars is
also not bad. So, the native was told that he will get diploma in
medicine. Same thing happened with the end of Jupiter Dasha on
22.7.98. The native, a doctor, received a letter for interview on
27.7.98. Delaying tendency of Saturn did not end even after
getting an interview letter. But now the doctor is happy knowing
that he will get diploma in medicine.

Narendra Damodar Modi January 2004

Raju Gupta

Related Articles | Views : 384 |

Narendra Modis evolution from quintessential Organization Man of the
BJP to one of Indias best known leaders recognized for his Good
Governance over a span of a decade tells a story of grit, determination
and Strong Leadership in the face of grave adversity. Narendra Modis
transition from the world of Political Organizing to the realm of
Administration and Governance neither had the luxury of time nor the
benefit of training. Shri Modi had to learn the ropes of Administration
while on the job right from Day One.
Narendra Modis path to creating a Vibrant Gujarat as a shining example
of Development and Governance did not come easy. It was a path
littered with adversities and challenges. Through the last decade if there
is one constant trait of Narendra Modi that has stood out it is his Strong
Leadership in the face of grave adversity. Shri Narendra Modis
approach to governance has always been viewed as being above politics.
Shri Modi never let political differences get in the way of pursuing
solutions to developmental challenges. As Shri Narendra Modi prepares
to assume Office as Indias next Prime Minister, his approach to
Administration and Governance stands out for its convergent thinking.
The finest manifestation of Shri Modis philosophy of Minimum
Government, Maximum Governance is his Pancha-Amrut construct for
convergent Governance.
His performance is reflected in the many Awards his government
received from both National and International media. Shri Narendra
Modi as Indias Prime Minister brings with him a rich and hands-on
experience as one of Indias most successful Chief Ministers and one of
its finest of Administrators.
Date: September 17, 1950

Time: 11:05:00

Time Zone : 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Place: Vadnagar, India

Long. & Latt. 72 E 38' 00", 23 N 47' 00"

Altitude: 0.00 meters

Lunar Yr-Mo: Vikriti Bhadrapada

Tithi: Sukla Shashthi (Ve) (31.19% left)

Vedic Weekday: Sunday (Su)

Nakshatra: Anuraadha (Sa) (58.45% left)

Yoga: Vishkambha (Sa) (28.83% left)

Karana: Taitula (Me) (62.38% left)

Hora Lord: Saturn (5 min sign: Vi)

Mahakala Hora: Saturn (5 min sign: Cn)

Kaala Lord: Mercury (Mahakala: Mercury)

Sunrise: 6:29:48

Sunset: 18:38:15

Janma Ghatis: 11.4669

Ayanamsa: 23-09-12.51

Sidereal Time: 10:07:53

Body Longitude (in D-60 (Trd)) Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navam

Lagna 21 Pi 18' 13.71" Reva 2 Pi Cp

Sun - GK 6 Li 57' 28.79" Swat 1 Li Sg

Moon - AmK 22 Ar 23' 34.74" Bhar 3 Ar Li

Mars - AK 27 Sg 13' 32.95" USha 1 Sg Sg

Mercury (R) - BK 17 Li 32' 24.81" Swat 4 Li Pi

Jupiter (R) - DK 6 Pi 25' 12.85" UBha 1 Pi Le

Venus - PK 13 Pi 06' 31.99" UBha 3 Pi Li

Saturn - PiK 10 Cn 28' 15.38" Push 3 Cn Li

Rahu - MK 13 Cp 56' 33.80" Srav 2 Cp Ta

Ketu 13 Cn 56' 33.80" Push 4 Cn Sc

Maandi 15 Sg 23' 02.51" PSha 1 Sg Le

Gulika 11 Sc 30' 01.41" Anu 3 Sc Li

Bhava Lagna 13 Ta 51' 03.16" Rohi 2 Ta Ta

Hora Lagna 1 Cp 55' 57.80" USha 2 Cp Cp

Ghati Lagna 26 Sg 10' 41.71" PSha 4 Sg Sc

Yoga Sphuta 19 Le 21' 03.53" PPha 2 Le Vi

Avayoga Sphuta 29 Pi 21' 03.53" Reva 4 Pi Pi

D-60 (Trd) of the Natal Chart

Bhinna ashtakavarga (BAV) - with reference to Pisces. Positions in D-
60 (Trd) are highlighted.

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Maha Dasas:
Ven: 1937-02-10 (17:46:17) - 1957-02-10 (20:53:20)

Sun: 1957-02-10 (20:53:20) - 1963-02-11 (9:56:17)

Moon: 1963-02-11 (9:56:17) - 1973-02-10 (23:18:12)

Mars: 1973-02-10 (23:18:12) - 1980-02-11 (18:35:10)

Rah: 1980-02-11 (18:35:10) - 1998-02-11 (9:21:59)

Jup: 1998-02-11 (9:21:59) - 2014-02-11 (11:49:56)

Sat: 2014-02-11 (11:49:56) - 2033-02-11 (8:42:37)

Merc: 2033-02-11 (8:42:37) - 2050-02-11 (17:28:21)

Ket: 2050-02-11 (17:28:21) - 2057-02-11 (12:26:03)

Vimsottari Dasa (using D-60 (Trd)):

Sat MD: 2014-02-11 (11:49:56) - 2033-02-11 (8:42:37)
Antardasas in this MD:

Sat: 2014-02-11 (11:49:56) - 2017-02-14 (5:29:40)

Merc: 2017-02-14 (5:29:40) - 2019-10-28 (11:25:21)

Ket: 2019-10-28 (11:25:21) - 2020-12-05 (10:50:06)

Ven: 2020-12-05 (10:50:06) - 2024-02-03 (4:14:36)

Sun: 2024-02-03 (4:14:36) - 2025-01-15 (17:31:09)

Moon: 2025-01-15 (17:31:09) - 2026-08-18 (18:29:01)

Mars: 2026-08-18 (18:29:01) - 2027-09-28 (4:56:37)

Rah: 2027-09-28 (4:56:37) - 2030-08-03 (3:49:17)

Jup: 2030-08-03 (3:49:17) - 2033-02-11 (8:42:37)

D-60 Kala Chakra From Lagna .

D-60 amasa rulers indications :-
Lagna :-
56. Ati Shitala Amsa :-
Shubha Amsa 'Yajika" Those who perform Yagnas; Priests & Yagniks
of any religion or tradition.
5. Yakshamsa :-
Traders of Elephants/vehicles: (Trucks); Plotters; Cheats; Diplomats;
Ambassadors; strategic minded.
Its a world wide fact that Shri Modi is diplomat/strategic minded
Sun :-
2. Rakshasamsa :- Servants, Darners, Tailors etc.
59. Brahmana Amsa Papa Amsa :-
Pratigrah apara" Those take gifts as Part of charity ; (Dana Sweekaram);
Beggers also.
Shri Modiji himself calls a servant and he takes donations for his
Moon :-
18. Chandra Amsa :- Raja Karya Rataha"; "Udyogi"; Those in
profession o f Government /public sector employment in different
cadres; Persons in civil service.
45. Utpathaka Papa Amsa :- " Shastrangnaha" : All Scientists of
scholarly disposition ; One who knows veda/Vedanga; In such relation
to Atharvana Veda Mundane sciences.
Shri Modiji is in highest office of government also well know for his
Gita understanding .
Mars :-
2. Rakshasamsa :- Servants, Darners, Tailors etc.
59. BrahmanaAmsa PapaAmsa :- Pratigrah apara" Those take gifts as
Part of charity ; (Dana Sweekaram); Beggers also.
Shri Modiji himself calls a servant and he takes donations for his
Mercury :-
2. Rakshasamsa :- Servants, Darners, Tailors etc.
59. BrahmanaAmsa PapaAmsa :- Pratigrah apara" Those take gifts as
Part of charity ; (Dana Sweekaram); Beggers also.
Shri Modiji himself calls a servant and he takes donations for his
Jupiter :-
14. Devagana Amsa :- Marut pradhana". This includes those in
profession of Heads of villages, towns, municipalities, Village barbers,
village revenue collectors etc.
46. Komala Amsa Shubha Amsa :- Adhikari " : (Mudranadhikari ) ;
Those IAS, ICS, IPS and other senior rank personel in Govt/Civil
Administration/Local bodies/Co-op bodies/Autonomous bodies / public
sector ( Govt. controlled units) etc.
Shri Modiji is in highest office of government.
Venus :-
29. Kamalakara Amsa Subhamsa :- Oushadha Kriya": All those
producers of medicine units/surgical instruments; Pharmaceutical units;
medicalshops ; Pathological/Xray units / Allopathy / Homeo / Drugs
/Herbs / Tonics /Unani etc.
32. Kala Amsa Papa Amsa :- Vandra Vikrayi " Those who produce,
trade and engaged in jobs in relation to pottery, crockery/cuttlary/
kitchenware; clay pots ; porcelain utensils; ceramics etc.
Gujarat is know for manufacturing of medicines and sanitary ware
and ceramics and as a Chief Minister he promoted it.
Saturn :-
60. lndu Rekha :- Shubhamsa "phali" Those who trade in Pearls and
precious articles Fishermen; Owners of orchards or gardens.
1. Ghoramsa :- Adhyapakastu Vedanam " Vedic preceptors.
Shri Modiji is well know RSS Pracharak.
Rahu :-
11. Maya Amsa :- Mata Prabhodhakaha " Preceptors Heads and
propogationists of religion.
50. Pravina Amsa Papa Amsa :- lndhanahari " Those who are engaged
in product ion / distribution / trading of fuel; wood; coal; wood cutters;
Dealers in petrol/gas cylinders kerosene / electric
lighting/heaters/furnaces etc.
Shri Modiji is well known for his worship of Deviji / Goddess / Mata .
Oil and Gas sector is well associated with Shri Modiji.
Ketu :-
11. Maya Amsa :- Mata Prabhodhakaha " Preceptors Heads and
propogationists of religion.
50. Pravina Amsa Papa Amsa :- lndhanahari " Those who are engaged
in product ion / distribution / trading of fuel; wood; coal; wood cutters;
Dealers in petrol/gas cylinders kerosene / electric
lighting/heaters/furnaces etc.
Shri Modiji is well known for his worship of Deviji / Goddess / Mata .
Oil and Gas sector is well associated with Shri Modiji.
Yogas as per Panchang :-
1). Mrityu Yoga :- Nanda tithi on Sunday.
2). Dagdha Rashi :- Mesh(Moon in Mesha the lord of 5th house so
moon inauspicious for Shri Modi Ji , and lord of 2nd house in 10th
house , so for 2nd house no good results for Shri Modiji . i. no wealth
and no child ) , Simha( No planet and lord Sun in 8th house creating a
raj yoga for him ).
3). Maasa Soonya Nakshatra :- lagna in Revati nakshatra so he cannot
have fruits of Jupiter and Mercury.
In kala Chakra Chart from lagna it can be seen that no planet is wasting
energy in any direction. Jupiter and Venus are exhausting his energy in
blessings of god direction. More over his Moon is also aligned with
lagna so thinking and action in same direction, although moon as Amk
and malefic and lord of 5th house placed in 2nd house will not provide
him wealth, child etc.
His Saturn Mahadasa and AD till 2024 are perfect. In Start of 2025 he
will face problems of all shorts when Moon AD begins.
To ward off evils he has to worship goddess and a Trident as his deity
for moon in d-10 chart is Ishana.
His ashtakvarga are also great for work. 10th house is having 31 points
whereas 11th house having 36 points.
Naadi System-Stellar Effects January 2012
N.V.R.A. Raja
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 380 |
The constellations have a major role to play in deciding the
strength of the planets as far as the digbala and power of planets
whether they are in exaltation or debilitation signs. Some
astrologers of view that exalted planet give good results and
debilitated planets give bad results, but this is not correct. When
the lord of 6th, 8th and 12th house becomes exalted it may not be
beneficial to the native, as far as the prosperity in the material
world is concerned. We will have give importance to the
constellations and how their lords are placed in the chart to arrive
proper results and the outcome from the chart. As we know that
the usual order of strength of the planets as follows: 1. Rahu and
Ketu are most powerful 2. The Sun, 3. The Moon, 4. Venus, 5.
Jupiter, 6. Saturn, 7. Mars 8. Mercury is the least powerful It may
be notices that the power or strength of the planets decreases
gradually from Rahu and Ketu to Mercury as stated above. In
charts where there are combinations or conjunctions of planets
and also in cases where the house occupied by them is not their
neither own nor exaltation houses, the aforesaid rule will be useful
to assess the strength of weakness of the planets. We should
consider the Moolatrikona sings and their importance in
predictions and evaluating the strength of the planets.
Moolatrikona refers to the strongest sign owned by a planet.
Moolatrikona sings are for The sun is Leo, Moon is Taurus,
Marss is Aries, Mercurys is Virgo, Jupiters is Sagittarius,
Venuss is Libra, Saturns is Aquarius. We should note that the
five planets Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn own one
odd sign and one even sign. The natural benefic are more
powerful in odd signs and the natural malefic are more powerful
or strong in even signs. This article is totally based on the
calculation of strength of the planets using method given by Guruji
Sri NV Raghava Chary (Meena2). Meena2 further states that
whenever one or two planets control a chart or rather
the horoscope of person such a native is prominent, powerful,
affluent, distinguished in life and society. Nobody should jump to a
conclusion that on account of such control one is bestowed with
all good, but it depends on the factors whether the planet or
planets are beneficially or malefically disposed of in the particular
chart in question. Benefics confer good and favourable results
where as on the other hand malefic shower bad, distressing and
troublesome results. In case of yoga operating on the controlling
planet the native is well placed in life will all good1. Here I have
analysed two charts and given two principles for the benefit of
astrologers to apply these principles to analsyse the strength of
the planets and the chart to arrive proper results. Principle: 1 If
a horoscope is controlled by one planet and that too by a yoga
karaka planet then that native will be very well known, famous,
very rich and notable personality. - Meena2 Naadi William
Henry Bill Gates III (born October 28, 1955, 21.15.00, Zone
8.00, Lahiri 23.14.39 Seattle WA USA 122W 19 47N 36. Tithi
13th, Trayodashi of Waxing, yoga Moon, Karan 14th Harshana,
Sun rise 06.51.02, Sunset 16.54.18 is an American business
magnate, investor, philanthropist, author, and former CEO and
current chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded
with Paul Allen. He is consistently ranked among the worlds
wealthiest people 1and he was ranked third. During his career at
Microsoft, Gates held the positions of CEO
and chief software architect, and remains the largest individual
shareholder. He has also authored or co-authored several books.
Gates is one of the best-known entrepreneurs of the personal
computer revolution. In the later stages of his career, Gates has
pursued a number of philanthropic endeavours, donating large
amounts of money to various charitable organizations and
scientific research programs through the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, established in 2000. In 2011, Bill Gates was ranked
as the fifth most powerful person in the world, according to
rankings by Forbes magazine. Venus is strong in Libra than in
Taurus, since benefices are stronger in odd sign. In Libra Saturn
and Sun are there so they are under the control of Venus. Jupiter
is in the house of Leo whose lord is sun is under the control of
Venus hence Jupiter is also under the control of Venus. Moon is
in the house of Jupiter and Jupiter is already under the control of
Venus and hence Moon is under the control of Venus. Mercury
and Mars are in the naksatra of Moon and already Moon is under
the control of Venus hence both these planets are under the
control of Venus. Rahu is in the house of Scorpio whose lord is
Mars and Mars is under the control of Venus hence Rahu is also
under the control of Venus. Ketu is in the house of Venus and
having the influence of Venus. Lagnathipathi is Mercury through
the Moon is under the control of Venus. Note here that almost all
the planets are under the control of Venus the lord of 5th house
and the Venus is yoga karaka for Gemini Lagna. This (house lord)
type of control of one planet is called Sthoola control of one planet
on the native. Note here that every house has connection of the
yoga karaka planet Venus hence the native is multi millionaire
and philanthropist, industrialist, powerful personality, charitable in
nature etc. Principle: 2 If all the houses or planets controlled by a
single most powerful planet then that native attains prominence
and gets elevation, success and recognitions in their respective
fields linked with the significators or karakatwas of that powerful
planet. Mother Teresa 27.8.1910, 10.25.00, Zone 2.00, Lahiri
22.36.20, Yugoslavia, 21E 26 41N 59, Tithi - 8 of Waning Moon,
Yoga - 13th - Vyaghata, Karan 45th Balava, Sun rise 05.59.39,
Sunset 19.12.40 Life Events: She was a Noble prize winner for
peace on 10-12-1979 and Bharat Ratna award winner from
Government of India. A great spiritual leader, charitable, helped
the needy, had run a number of educational, medical institutions
and orphanage, old age homes etc Mother Teresa, of Calcutta,
born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, was an Albanian Roman Catholic
nun with Indian citizenship [4] who founded the Missionaries of
Charity in Kolkata (Calcutta), India in 1950. For over 45 years she
ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying, while guiding
the Missionaries of Charitys expansion, first throughout India and
then in other countries.1 By the 1970s she had become
internationally famed as a humanitarian and advocate for the poor
and helpless. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and Indias
highest civilian honor, the Bharat Ratna, in 1980 for her
humanitarian work. Mother Teresas Missionaries of Charity
continued to expand, and at the time of her death it was operating
610 missions in 123 countries, including hospitals and homes for
people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis, soup kitchens,
childrens and family counseling programs, orphanages, and
schools. Spiritual life : Analyzing her deeds and achievements,
John Paul II asked: Where did Mother Teresa find the strength
and perseverance to place her completely at the service of
others? Moon, Mercury and Rahu are in the star of the Sun, the
Sun is posited in its own house and also in the 10th house from
lagna and got digbhala and most powerful, hence Sun is
controlling them. Ketu is in the star of Jupiter and the Jupiter is
with Mercury who is already conrolled by the Sun so Jupiter and
Ketu are under the controll of the Sun. The lagnathipathi Mars is
with the Sun and he is controlled by the Sun. Venus is in the star
of Mercury , since Mercury is under the control of the Sun, so
Venus is also under the control of the Sun. Saturn is in the house
of Mars and also in the star of Venus, both the planets are under
the control of the Sun hence the Saturn is also under the control
of the Sun. Note here that all the planets are under the control of
the most poweful planet the Sun through naksatras (stellar
effects), this type control is called Sookshama control, this is most
poweful control than sthoola control of planets. The most powerful
planet the Sun is in the star of exalted Ketu (as per Meena1 &
Meena2) is posited (Scorpio) in the Lagna. Ketu is in the star of
Jupiter and this link of Jupiter and Ketu had given her spiritual
bent of mind and service to others. This service was recognised
by the world due to most powerful the Sun posited in the 10th
house having digbala. This single planet the Sun, who controls
her chart, had given her the name, fame, respect and spiritual
recognition by the world (Noble Prize) and also by the
Government of India (Bharat Ratna).

Education of Biotechnology: An Astrological Introspection October

Dr. Manoj Kumar
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 379 |
In the present atmosphere numerous macro and micro branches
and faculties of education have emerged. Several minute
branches have come out of a particular subject. So it has become
difficult for the astrologers to find out astrologically the subject, a
native will choose. Biotechnology is one such subject which has
become popular in recent times. Let us try to find out the
planetary significations and combinations for the study of
Biotechnology in the present research article. Biotechnology
consists of two terms Biology and technology. It is the use of
living systems and organisms to develop or manufacture useful
products. Biotechnology encompasses a wide range of
procedures for modifying living organisms according to human
purposes. Biotechnology has applications in four major varied
industrial areas including healthcare, agriculture, industries and
foodstuffs. Thus Biotechnology is the application of science and
technology to living organisms. Therefore, the role of many
important planets signifying the particular area come into play.
Jupiter is the planet of living organisms (the Jeeva). Saturn and
Mars are considered to be the technical planets, so their role is
also prominent. In Biotechnology chemical processing also takes
place, so the Rashis and the Planets representing water element
also come to the forefront. Moon is considered to be the planet
representing water elements. So, it is essential to take into
accounts the combination of all above mentioned factors while
deciding the study of Biotechnology by a particular native. For the
knowledge and convenience of the readers, it has been illustrated
by the following two examples where the natives got the
education of Biotechnology due to the combined effects of various
astrological factors viz. the concerned planets, rashis and the
favourable dashas for the study of Biotechnology. Example 1 :
DOB : Oct. 25, 1984, TOB : 7.00 hrs, POB : Secunderabad
B.Sc. (Biotechnology) in 2002 and M.Sc. (Biotechnology) in 2005.
In Birth Chart, fifth house from Lagna and Mercury is Aquarius.
Fifth lord, Saturn is exalted in Lagna and is in nakshatra of
Jupiter, the planet of living organisms (the Jeeva). Saturn is
conjoined with Moon, Mercury and debilitated Sun making neech
bhanga Raja yoga in lagna and exalted Saturn is also aspecting
Jupiter and Mars. Thus there is combined influence of all the
planets required for the study of Biotechnology i.e. Jupiter,
Saturn, Mars and Moon. In Navamsha chart, 5th house is Cancer,
a watery sign owned by the Moon and aspected by Saturn. Fifth
lord Moon is placed in Aquarius with Rahu and aspected by
Saturn and Jupiter. So, all the parameters and conditions are
fulfilled which clearly confirm the study of Biotechnology. The
native got admitted in B.Sc. (Biotechnology) in 2002 in the dasha
of Jupiter/Moon/Ketu. Maha Dasha Lord, Jupiter is placed in its
moolatrikona sign, in association with Mars and is aspected by
the fifth lord, Saturn. Antar Dasha lord, the Moon is 10th lord and
is associated with exalted fifth lord, Saturn. Maha Dasha and
Antar Dasha lords are in 3-11 axis, an excellent position for giving
favourable results. P.D. lord Ketu is conjoined with lagna lord
Venus in second house in Scorpio sign, a sign of Mars who is
associated with Jupiter and is aspected by 5th lord Saturn. In
Navamsha chart, M.D. lord Jupiter is 10th lord associated with
Ketu and is aspected by the fifth lord, the Moon. A.D. lord, the
Moon is the 5th lord and is placed in Aquarius, the sign of Saturn
with Rahu. Moon is also aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. P.D.
lord, Ketu is associated with 10th lord, Jupiter and is aspected by
Moon, the fifth lord. The native joined M.Sc. (Biotechnology) in
2005 in the dasha of Jupiter /Rahu/Venus. The role of jupiter is
already discussed. In lagna chart, A.D. lord Rahu is aspected by
the lagna lord, Venus. The dispositor of Rahu is placed in the sign
of Mars. In Navamsha chart, Rahu is associated with 5th lord
Moon and is aspected by the 10th lord Jupiter and Saturn. P.D.
lord, Venus is placed in own sign and conjoined with the ninth lord
Mars. Example 2 : DOB - Oct. 23, 1971, TOB - 00.45hrs, POB-
Meerut In Lagna chart, 5th house is Scorpio, a watery sign of
Mars. 5th house is occupied by Jupiter and Moon and is aspected
by Saturn. The Moon and Jupiter both are vargottama. 5th lord,
Mars is exalted and is in own nakshatra. 5th house from Mercury
is aspected by its own lord, Saturn. 5th lord, Saturn is in the
nakshatra of Moon and is aspected by powerful Jupiter and Moon.
So the combination clearly indicates the study of Biotechnology.
In Navamsha chart, 5th house is aspected by Jupiter, Moon and
Sun 5th lord, Venus is conjoined with Saturn in the sign of Mars
and is aspected by Mars. So, Navamsha chart also confirms the
study of Biotechnology. The native joined M.tech (Biotechnology)
at IIT, Delhi in 1989 in the dasha of Mercury/Jupiter/Venus. In
lagna chart M.D. and P.D. lords, Mercury and Venus are placed in
4th house and are aspecting the 10th house of high honour and
distinction. A.D. lord Jupiter is conjoined with Moon in 5th house,
forming an excellent Rajayoga in the house of education. In
Navamsha chart, M.D. lord Mercury is 9th lord. A.D. lord Jupiter is
conjoined with the Sun and the Moon and is aspecting the 5th
house. P.D. lord, Venus is 5th and 10th lord placed in 4th house
with Saturn and is aspected by Mars. Hence all the parameters of
the study of Biotechnology is fulfilled.

Importance of Lagna and Lagna Lord October 2008

Sitaram singh
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 372 |
Lagna is the pivot of an individual's horoscope. It indicates in brief
the pattern of native's life in this birth. Strong Lagna and Lagna
lord are invariably accompanied with benefic yogas in
the horoscope. Hence a strong Lagna and its lord is a must for
enjoying a healthy, wealthy and successful life. According to
Sarvartha Chintamani (Ch. II.5), every house (including lagna)
that contains its lord or is aspected by its lord and benefics, or
from which there are benefic planets in 5th, 9th, 2nd, 4th, 7th or
10th house and is not influenced by malefic planets, it gets
strengthened to yield good result of that house matters. It further
states : 8,. @A (D#
2 ;
E 0/E f ; GG 107P meaning, "If the
lord of the lagna is very strong, without the aspect of any malefic
on it and is located in any of the Kendras under the aspect of
benefic planets, it confers long life, virtues and wealth." The
aspect of lagna lord, whether benefic or malefic, on lagna is
always desirable. According to Saravali: I C #8
E 5. Tz 1
; 34 8P meaning, "If a planet whether natural malefic or
benefic aspects the lagna identical with its own sign, that confers
happiness and wealth, apart from close association with the King
(State authorities). If the lagna is not owned by the aspecting
planet, then the aspect of a benefic planet confers auspicious
effect, while the aspect of a malefic planet produces evil result."
Even one benefic aspecting the lagna is auspicious, while a
malefic so aspecting is inauspicious.
A .N The normal influence of planets aspecting
lagna is as under. When the aspecting planet is benefic to lagna,
the result will be better, and vice versa. The aspect of more than
one planet on lagna has to be intelligently amalgamated. The
effect is as under : The Sun : The native will be valorous, hot-
tempered, gains wealth from parents and serves the King (Govt.).
The Moon : The native will be fortunate, courteous, sympathetic,
wealthy and gain by dealing in liquid items. Mars : The native is
adventurous, hot-tempered, righteous and earns from acts of
bravery. He is injury prone. Mercury : makes the native quite
intelligent, learned and earns thereby, is famous and honorable.
Jupiter : The native is religious, learned, keeps company of
virtuous, is famous and honored by the King (State). Venus : The
native has youthful looks, is handsome, wealthy and favourite of
ladies. Saturn : The native is troubled by heavy odds and
diseases. Does more labour and earns less. He lacks happiness,
is dirty, foolish and attached to elderly women. The unfavourable
aspect of Hershel, pluto and Neptune proves problematic.
Describing the result of strong lagna and lagna lord succinctly,
phaladeepika states : T um #
E # T@ .A # ## .
2; PEA /E# .2 . .N
b( (Ch. 16.4) meaning, "When in a nativity the lord
of the lagna has brilliant rays (i.e., not eclimpsed), the man
concerned becomes famous. When the lagna lord is well placed
(i.e., in own sign, exalted, vargottam, in kendra or trikona), the
native is happy and prosperous. Should it be in dussthana
(6/8/12) or in the house of a malefic, or that of an enemy or be in
its debilitation sign, the individual concerned will lead a miserable
life and live in a despicable place, amidst outcast or vile people.
When Lagna is powerful (i.e., occupied or aspected by own lord
or benefics), the native is happy, thrives well, gains power and
prominence, and if it is without strength, he will suffer constantly
facing many calamities, remains sad and sick."
Example Horoscope 1. The 9th lord (Bhagyesh) is exalted in
lagna and forms hans panchmahapurusha yoga. There is
Buddhaaditya yoga in 4th house as well as Sasa yoga formed by
Saturn in exaltation there. Yogakaraka Mars is exalted in 7th
house from Ruchuka yoga and aspects lagna. The native was
born in a well to do family. He was a brilliant student and
completed his C.A. Examination in record time. At the beginning
of Jupiter dasa he got an opening in an MNC in Dubei, and is now
head of Finance Division of the Company, drawing handsome pay
packet. 2. Lagna lord Mars is debilitated and combust. Lord of
2nd and 5th Jupiter is in 12th with 9th lord Moon and afflicted by
Rahu and Saturn. The 7th lord Venus is with Hershel and Pluto in
11th house. As a result, the native runs a small cloth shop and is
leading an ordinary life. Dr. B.V. Raman, famous South Indian
Astrologer, has mentioned in " 300 Important Combinations"
(Yogas 123-126) that when Lagna lord is in lagana and aspected
by, or in association with friendly planets, the native acquires
immense wealth. The details are tabulated below : Lagna Lord
Conjoined with or aspected by friendly planets in lagna Leo Sun
Mars, Jupiter Cancer Moon Mars, Jupiter Aries & Scorpio Mars
Moon, Venus, Saturn Gemini & Virgo Mercury Venus and Saturn
Sagi. & Pisces Jupiter Mars, Mercury Taurus & Libra Venus
Mercury and Saturn Note : Capricorn and Aquarius lagnas have
not been mentioned) The features of Aries lagna stated above are
present in the following horoscope of founder of an industrial
empire in India. 3. Lagna lord Mars is in Aries lagna and forms
Ruchak yoga. Mars is conjoined with 4th lord moon and 5th lord
Sun. The Sun is also exalted. Lagna receives the support of karak
planet Saturn in 10th house in own sign and also forms sasa
yoga. Venus lord of 2nd and 7th house is exalted in 12th house
Pisces with 9th and 12th lord Jupiter, and Ketu. These boost
Lagna, Lagna lord and other planets located there, besides giving
a religious and humanitarian approach. Effect of Lagna lord in
Lagna in different Drekkana According to Uttarakalamrita (Ch. IV,
Sl. 7) 8# c( 8, S E|W.
W. C, H S
, I
I;fE# #H b0 (5
(Ch. 16.4) meaning, "When in a nativity the lord of the
lagna has brilliant rays (i.e., not eclimpsed), the man concerned
becomes famous. When the lagna lord is well placed (i.e., in own
sign, exalted, vargottam, in kendra or trikona), the native is happy
and prosperous. Should it be in dussthana (6/8/12) or in the
house of a malefic, or that of an enemy or be in its debilitation
sign, the individual concerned will lead a miserable life and live in
a despicable place, amidst outcast or vile people. When Lagna is
powerful (i.e., occupied or aspected by own lord or benefics), the
native is happy, thrives well, gains power and prominence, and if
it is without strength, he will suffer constantly facing many
calamities, remains sad and sick." Example Horoscope 1. The 9th
lord (Bhagyesh) is exalted in lagna and forms hans
panchmahapurusha yoga. There is Buddhaaditya yoga in 4th
house as well as Sasa yoga formed by Saturn in exaltation there.
Yogakaraka Mars is exalted in 7th house from Ruchuka yoga and
aspects lagna. The native was born in a well to do family. He was
a brilliant student and completed his C.A. Examination in record
time. At the beginning of Jupiter dasa he got an opening in an
MNC in Dubei, and is now head of Finance Division of the
Company, drawing handsome pay packet. 2. Lagna lord Mars is
debilitated and combust. Lord of 2nd and 5th Jupiter is in 12th
with 9th lord Moon and afflicted by Rahu and Saturn. The 7th lord
Venus is with Hershel and Pluto in 11th house. As a result, the
native runs a small cloth shop and is leading an ordinary life. Dr.
B.V. Raman, famous South Indian Astrologer, has mentioned in "
300 Important Combinations" (Yogas 123-126) that when Lagna
lord is in lagana and aspected by, or in association with friendly
planets, the native acquires immense wealth. The details are
tabulated below : Lagna Lord Conjoined with or aspected by
friendly planets in lagna Leo Sun Mars, Jupiter Cancer Moon
Mars, Jupiter Aries & Scorpio Mars Moon, Venus, Saturn Gemini
& Virgo Mercury Venus and Saturn Sagi. & Pisces Jupiter Mars,
Mercury Taurus & Libra Venus Mercury and Saturn Note :
Capricorn and Aquarius lagnas have not been mentioned) The
features of Aries lagna stated above are present in the
following horoscope of founder of an industrial empire in India. 3.
Lagna lord Mars is in Aries lagna and forms Ruchak yoga. Mars is
conjoined with 4th lord moon and 5th lord Sun. The Sun is also
exalted. Lagna receives the support of karak planet Saturn in 10th
house in own sign and also forms sasa yoga. Venus lord of 2nd
and 7th house is exalted in 12th house Pisces with 9th and 12th
lord Jupiter, and Ketu. These boost Lagna, Lagna lord and other
planets located there, besides giving a religious and humanitarian
approach. Effect of Lagna lord in Lagna in different Drekkana
According to Uttarakalamrita (Ch. IV, Sl. 7)
yXuL;kfnee/;ekfUre;qrks yXukf/kukFk% ekr~ dq;kZ.Mifra p
e.Myifra xzkekf/kia rfPN'kqHk~A 'kqk;sZUnqtohfJr'p
lfgr'psRlkSE;oxZfLFkr% LoksPps okf[kyHkwfeikrdeea HkwikyoU|a
ojeAA meaning, "The lord of lagna occupying the first (0 to 10),
second (11 to 20), or third (21 to 30), Drekkana will make the
native respectively a judge, ruler or a mandala (district), or a head
of a village. If this lord of lagna is with or aspected by benefics
Venus, Jupiter or Mercury, or if it occupies the vargas of a
benefic, or if it is exalted, then the native becomes the chief ruler
of the land and he will be respected by other rulers." 4. One
such horoscope of late Shri Bansi lal, former C.M. of Haryana and
Central Minister, is discussed below . Leo lagna in shubhkartari
yoga, with moon in 12th and Venus in 2nd house, makes it strong.
Moon in 12th is in its own sign and is aspected by Jupiter in
Pisces. Yogakarka Mars and Mercury are in 2nd from Moon
forming a powerful Sunfa yoga. Jupiter also aspects
neechabhanga Venus in 2nd house in a friendly sign. Rahu and
Ketu are exalted in 11th and 5th house respectively. The native
was born in a middle class family and, after completion of his
studies, started his career as an advocate. The lagna lord Sun is
in lagna itself with yogakarka Mars and Mercury. Lagna degree is
8 14', while the Sun is posited at 856', that is in 1st Drekkana,
and is expected to make the native a judge (post of high
authority). He became M.L.A. in Haryana Assembly and also
became Minister in State Government during 1961-67 (Sun dasa).
He remained Chief Minister of Haryana in two spells during 1968-
75. He was authoritative, good administrator, and is remembered
as the architect, of modern industrialised Haryana. He remained
Minister without portfolio at the Centre during emergency in 1975
and wielded enormous power as right hand man of Sanjay
Gandhi. He remained Minister of Defence at the Centre from
December, 1975 till March, 1977. His Moon dasa operated from
1967 to 1977. He again became Chief Minister during 1985-87 in
Rahu dasa. He left Congress Party in 1996 and formed his own
Haryana Vikas Party, won Assembly election and again remained
Chief Minister of Haryana during 1996-99. He rejoined Congress
in 2004, just before Lok Sabha and State elections, and helped in
Congress Victory. His son was made a Minsiter in state, and he
remained a force to reckon with in State politics till his death on
28th March, 2006. Lagna lord Sun in Lagna, with 2nd and 11th
lord Mercury and 4th and 9th lord Mars forms, an excellent Dhana
Yogas. The 10th lord Venus in 2nd house, aspected by Jupiter
gave him much wealth. Exalted Rahu in 11th house also gave him
wealth from different source. Strong Lagna and Lagna lord, Raja
yoga nad Dhana Yogas in the horoscope bestowed high status
and abundant wealth to the native. It may be reiterated that while
making prediction about extent of prosperity, the native's family,
social status and over all strength of the horoscope should always
be kept in view, because a person born with strong yogas in a
royal family becomes a king, while another one born with similar
yogas in other family becomes only rich. The dasa of vavourable
planets should come in active years of the natives life to lift him

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Astrology and Diagnosis of Diseaes January 2012

Sandeep V. Binodkar
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 366 |
Our ancient Rishis have given us knowledge of Chakras. Just like
the Sun being centre of Solar System, in our body, the centre
portion is our heart signified by the Sun. Through Chakra related
analysis of the horoscope an astrologer can precisely diagnose
the health related problems in a particular area or region of the
body. Which could be the source of the problem while the
symptom may appear elsewhere. The Divine Science of
Astrology, considered as a branch of Veda, is given to the
Mankind by great Sages like Maharshi Parashara, Jaimini,
Varaha Mihira and many others. It has its strong foundation on
the widely accepted fact that Planets do certainly exercise their
influence on all phases of Human life. It may not be out of place to
mention here that the growing tendency amongst people to
approach Astrologers seeking guidance and more particularly
remedies in the light of vicious circle of obstacles encountered in
their day-to-day life is a testimony of the popularity gained rather
the necessity highlighted by this great Science. The popularity
gained by live programmes on Astrology widely telecast in
different channels needs no emphasis. Notwithstanding the fact
that Astrology is not an exception to have critics too as it happens
in any divine missions, the growing aspirants to learn this Subject
year by year can be marked from the increasing number of
faculties and different Institutions to spread this Divine knowledge
across the country. It should therefore be our endeavour to give a
serious thought to the subject of Astrology and create awareness
amongst people. It is obvious that in order to achieve this every
one of us should go in deep into the subject with a research
oriented mind so as to unearth the hidden secrets for the benefit
of mankind. To start with, we should not forget that the very basis
or foundation or root of Astrology is Karma Siddantha. What is
this Karma Siddantha? Karma Siddantha Basis of Astrology The
study of Human life reveals the probable happenings in ones life
resulting in either a happy and comfortable life or a struggled life.
The life may be a boon to some one or a bane to another. Why is
it so? The answer is simple; ones present conditions are
attributed to ones accumulated past deeds undoubtedly. In other
words, it is Sanchita Karma. If one goes a step further and try to
ascertain any tool to measure our past karma i.e. past deeds one
will be astounded to know that it could be obtained from none
other than the only Divine Science that is Astrology. It is at this
juncture that the influence exercised by planets comes into
picture. On the basis of Birth Charts erected its analysis gives a
transparent vision of ones karma accumulated over past lives
which is termed as Sanchita Karma. If one has performed good
deeds in past life he will enjoy the result in the present life; on the
other hand, in case of evil deeds, one has to suffer accordingly.
The nature of sufferings is varied. It differs from one person to
another. Rarely do we come across any person who declares that
he is the happiest person. Broadly we can categorise the
sufferings into those arising out of Health disorders and secondly
those arising out of materialistic comforts. You will agree with me
that certain people inspite of having all comforts and even luxuries
remain unhappy either because they have chronic ailments
thereby not able to enjoy Or on the other hand, even if physically
fit their family or even working environment may be miserable
affecting mental plane thereby they will not have an iota of
inclination to enjoy their life. Having known the pulse of ones
sufferings, naturally the question comes to our mind as to how an
astrologer could guide and convince the clients in successfully
dealing with the precarious situation and to come out of the
vicious circle of sufferings. The question therefore arises how
are we to assess the strength of anyhoroscope? Is it possible to
have any test check to know the level of ones fate revealed in the
chart? The answer is in the affirmative. The Sanchita Karma is
mainly revealed from the 5th house and therefore it is called the
house of Poorva Punya. The ability or capability of an individual in
facing the constraints of course depends on three vital
parameters viz. the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant. We may
therefore conclude that the foundation of any chart lies in the
strength of body, soul and mind of an individual. Body, Soul and
Mind concept An astrologer should at first sight assess the
foundation of the horoscope. It is based on mainly on the Lagna
signifying Body, the Sun signifying the Soul and more important
the Moon called Manokaraka. It is a widely accepted fact that for
the proper functioning of our activities, there should be a
harmonious relation between these three vital parameters viz. the
Body, the Mind and the Soul. The Body is akin to a mobile
instrument, the Soul being its Sim card whereas the operator, its
mind. Body should be fit and healthy to carry out any activity;
while the Soul to boost ones initiative and confidence and more
important the Mind should be strong and determined to
successfully complete the task undertaken. It is like a driver to
take us to the destination. The planets influencing these factors
are the Atmakaraka Sun (Soul), the Manokaraka Moon (Mind)
and finally the strength of the Ascendant governs the body. All
these three factors are not independent but inter dependent. Any
sort of affliction to the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant affects
the natives Soul strength, mental stability which coupled with
afflicted lagna causes untold misery and sufferings. It is at this
juncture, this Divine Science enters as a beacon light to guide us
the path to overcome the sufferings. Undoubtedly, one can lessen
the severity of the sufferings if not its eradication in Toto. How
does it work? Towards this, I would like to discuss from a new
dimension or outlook. That is the effectiveness of Chakras in our
body and the influence of their rulers in other words controlling
planets on Human System. I am sure every one of you will find it
quite interesting and appropriate for implementation in the present
environment. Chakras and Human System Our ancient Rishis
have given us knowledge of Chakras in the form of a Sloka which
reads as under: Aadhare Prathamam Sahasra Kiranam
Taranathavam Swa Aashraye Maaheyam Manipurake Hridi
Budham Kanthe Vachaspatim Bhroomadhye Bhrigunandanan
Cha Dinamani putram trikootasthale Naadi Sandhishu Rahu Ketu
Guluikan Nityam Smarami Ashraye According to this Sloka, all the
Nine Planets in the Solar System exercise their role on different
organs of the body. You may observe from the Sloka that the root
of all Chakras is Mooladhara ruled by the Sun, the centre of Solar
system controlling all other planets. Which are the organs
controlled by Mooladhara Chakra? Just like the Sun being centre
of Solar System, in our body, the centre portion is our heart
signified by the Sun. Similarly, as the Sun gives brightness to the
Universe, the Eyes give brightness or vision. Mooladhara chakra
is related to organs below navel portion. In case the Sun is
afflicted in any chart it is an indication of problems in the lower
portion like Constipation, Rectum problem etc. It is a well
established fact in Medical field that the root cause of all diseases
is constipation. When the toxins are not released from the body
they cause diversified problems to ones health. People having
heart problems have to be utmost careful if they have constipation
problem too. It is therefore the most important chakra deserving
attention. Next to Mooladhara Chakra lies Swadhishtana Chakra
mainly controlling Kidney and private parts of the body. It is
related to Watery element thereby ruling ones emotions too. We
are aware that it is the Moon, a watery planet who is responsible
for tides in Sea on full moon day. Our body has more than 80%
watery element. In view of this the influence of Moon on the
functions of Human system is predominant. If Swadhishtana
chakra is not functioning properly, native will have problems
connected to filtration of blood and toxins, urinary problems,
Semen counts, Uterus problems in females, menses problems
etc. Needless to say how significant it is to ensure proper
functioning of this chakra. The position of Moon in the chart
determines the status of this chakra. The third chakra deserving
our attention is Manipura Chakra. This chakra is ruled by the
planet of energy that is Mars. The organs connected with this
chakra are those located in the stomach region. Whatever food
we consume they are first stored in the stomach. Later on, the
food gets digested by digestive fire of Mars. We consider Mars as
the planet of energy. None of us will be able to carry out any of
the daily activities without energy. Who is the producer of energy?
Energy will be produced only when the food is properly digested
in the stomach region where after the waste products are sent
out. If the digestive juices are not produced, it may cause ulcer,
appendicitis etc.; on the other hand if required food intake is not
there in time, the juices produced cause Gastric problems. On this
analogy, it is possible to determine the status of Manipura chakra
from the position of Mars. The fourth chakra in order is Anahata
chakra controlling heart region. This chakra is ruled by Budha
who signifies the entire nervous system in the body. It is the heart
region where from blood is circulated to the entire body. Any
blockage in the circulation damages the heart function. Variation
in heart beats can also be accounted due to irregular function of
this chakra. Anahata region extends to the back i.e. spinal chord
area also. Whenever Mercury is not placed well or afflicted in the
chart, it gives an indication of problems in heart region or spinal
chord. It extends to the chest, lungs also causing respiratory
problems. The next chakra after Anahata is Vishudha chakra.
Organs around throat region are ruled by Vishudha chakra. It is
ruled by the most benefic planet Jupiter. As Jupiter signifies ether
element (Akasha Tatwa), he represents sound associated with it.
Although generally we consider Mercury as the significator for
Speech, it may be noted that the sound emanates or originates in
throat region. On this basis, Jupiter is rightly categorized as the
significator for the source of speech. In Medical field the three
organs viz. throat, ears and nose are inter connected by nerves
and hence doctors specialize in ENT. Jupiter is the significator for
ears also because they are the sound receiving organs.
Whenever Anahata chakra is disturbed, obviously the concerned
organs fail to function or become weak. Affliction to Jupiter
indicates such a situation. The chakra located in between the Eye
brows is called the Ajna Chakra ruled by Venus. It is from this
focal point the nerves are connected to all parts of the body. As
we are aware, all Saints, Yogis concentrate on this chakra during
meditation. It has an upward direction. It elevates the spiritual
seeker to Self realization. In fact the six chakras from Mooladhara
to Ajna are called Shatchakras in the body. The Seventh one
named Sahasrara chakra is not linked to any of the other chakras.
As this chakra regulates the nerve centres, obstruction to its
function may cause nervous disorders. Whichever part of the
body does not get proper connection to Ajna chakra, that part
becomes weak. For example, paralysis, numbness are caused by
non-functioning of this chakra. The last chakra is Sahasrara
chakra located in the head region. Any individual activating his
energy to this level will be a Yogi. Ordinarily, it is difficult to attain
this position. It is the Saturn who rules this chakra. Sani is known
as the significator for Central nervous system located in the head
region. It is therefore said that any serious injury to the skull
portion may endanger ones life. Sani is also a philosophical
planet. We have so far seen how the different organs of the body
are controlled by the chakras located in their respective region
and also the planets ruling those chakras. Of the Navagrahas (9
planets), the Seven chakras are ruled by Seven planets other
than nodes or shadow planets. Even the shadow planets Rahu
and Ketu are not less significant in influencing Human systems.
As expressed in the Sloka Naadi Sandhishu Rahu Ketu Gulikan
meaning all the joints in the body are ruled by these planets.
The significance of chakras lies in the fact that the weakness and
affliction of planets in any chart clearly depicts the problems
related to specific chakras. Doctors diagnose the disease based
on laboratory report. For astrologers, chakra methodology serves
as lab report through the horoscope. This is helpful in suggesting
remedial measures by treatment to the affected chakras. It may
not be out of place to mention that at times native may have
symptoms of some disease where as the chart indicates affliction
to Chakras pertaining to different region. One need not become
panicky. If the analysis is perfect, one can certainly declare that
although symptoms of disease appear else where, the root cause
of disease based on chakras is perfect. Remedies based on
Chakra analysis Having come to know the importance of Chakra
analysis in identifying the diseases in a particular region of the
body, we shall now proceed to examine the ways and means to
give treatment to overcome the affected chakras. Activation of the
chakra is of paramount importance. What we should remember at
this stage is not the treatment exactly to the affected chakra as
apparent from the chart but to the one below that chakra. To
clarify, suppose the Vishddha chakra is not functioning properly,
then the one below that i.e. Anahata should be activated. It is
based on the simple reasoning that the first 6 chakras are inter-
related. In other words, the activation at one level elevates energy
to the next higher chakra. Affliction to the first three chakras viz.
Mooladhara, Swadhishtana and Manipura makes the living
unhappy or below average. Atleast where a person is at Manipura
and above will be able to elevate his energy for a fruitful living.
Chanting of the Sloka given above on Chakras regularly besides
regular meditation concentrating on all chakras in a systematic
way helps one to activate the chakras gradually; it also serves as
propitiation to Navagrahas. Colour Theraphy is quite useful in
giving treatment to chakras. The Seven Chakras discussed above
are connected to seven colors popularly termed as VIBGYOR
indicating Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red
signifying the colors of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn respectively. Based on the analysis of the
chart, if a particular planet is afflicted, we may suggest the colour
theraphy suitable to that planet; When any of the chakras is found
to be disturbed and not functioning, we have to check if the
energy is produced or not in the chakra; Secondly, if the energy is
produced and being passed on to the next higher chakra. In the
latter case, remedy lies in activating the nerves through
Acupressure or Acupuncture. These points are represented by
Analysis of the Chart: : In chart analysis, we have to give first
prominence to the analysis of Lagna as it represents the native.
The success or failure of an individual depends on the strength of
lagna. More strong the lagna is, more potentiality the native will
be in all his endeavours in life and success is assured. Whenever
the lagna and lagnadhipathi are weak or afflicted by malefics and
connected to Dusthanas or afflicted, it indicates failure or Success
after hurdles depending upon the extent of affliction. Matters
connected with diseases are indicated on the strength of 6th
house and the Rashis as reckoned from Natural Zodiac i.e.
Kalapurusha. Affliction Rashis indicate the problems connected to
the organs such Rashis denote. After analysis of Lagna Bhava
and the Rogasthana, we have to go ahead with the status of
Chakras in the body. Affliction to any planet indicates that the
deficiency in the functioning of the Chakra it signifies. On this
basis, we shall be able to predict the source of the disease than
merely the symptom. Lagna bhava analysis: The native is born
in Vrishabha lagna signifying Earthy element. Natives born in this
lagna with predominance of earthy element shows practical ability
and sustenance power; The controller of Lagna i.e. Nakshatra
lord of lagna sphuta is the Sun. The Sun is also significator of
Lagna bhava as well as Arogya karaka. It can be seen that the
Sun is severely afflicted due to deep conjunction with Rahu,
planet of venom. The position of lagna controller in Nodal axis is
not a favourable feature; The Lagnadhipathi Venus of course is
well posited in his bosom friends house in Trikona to Lagna
afflicted by malefic Mars. Its star dispositor is also the Sun who is
afflicted as seen already. However, the positional strength of
Lagna Lord protects the native; No planets are posited in lagna
but it is aspected by Mars from Roga sthana. Mars is owning both
2nd and 7th maraka houses. There is no influence of any benefics
to the lagna bhava; hence the native will be influenced by the
maraka effects of Mars. On the whole, it can be said that due to
afflicted Karaka the Sun with moderate strength of Lagna shows
health related problems to the native; but the native is able to
overcome due to the positional strength of Lagna lord in
strongest Trikona 9th house. Earthy elements predominance is
also a relieving factor. Analysis of Roga bhava It may be seen
that the lagnadhipathi Venus himself owns the 6th house lordship
too. Such a condition shows that the native is also responsible for
his health problems. It is quite possible that such natives do not
take proper care and do not follow proper life style leading to one
or the other health problems at a later stage Roga bhava is
occupied by the dire malefic Saturn who has become more
harmful as Avayogi to this native. Like adding fuel to the fire, he is
vakri too making him more damaging; Roga bhava is aspected
by the lord of Venom Rahu strongly posited in Dasama Kendra in
own Star. There is aspect of Ashtamadhipathi Jupiter also on
Roga bhava which indicates chronic or long ailments. To sum
up, the Roga bhava is afflicted by Strong Malefics Saturn and
Rahu besides affliction by 8th lord Jupiter. It indicates that the
native will be suffering from health related problems quite often
and will be chronic too. Analysis on Chakra system We have
already discussed how the chakras are related to the Human
System and that how the afflicted chakras are going to cause
health problems. As the different chakras from Mooladhara to
Sahasrara are controlled by planets, it is quite easy for us to pin
point the health related problems based on affliction to the
respective planets. We shall analyse each of the planets in the
chart so as to know the extent of affliction to different chakras in
the body. The Sun: The Sun controls Mooladhara chakra. In this
chart, the Sun is posited in Dasama Kendra from Lagna with
digbala. He is Janma Yogi also. Despite this, his position is
alarming due to deep conjunction with the planet of venom Rahu.
It is further posited in Rahu star. Rahu being placed in own star is
quite strong in causing damage to the Sun. In fact, both the Sun
and Rahu are in the same degree. The Suns affliction coupled
with its position in nodal axis indicates the problems in
Mooladhara chakra. Improper functioning of Mooladhara chakra
indicates Constipation problem, rectum problem, non-releasing of
toxins in the body and such other related organs in the lower
portion. The Moon: The Moon controls the Swadhishtana
chakra. It may be seen that the Moon is in its debilitated Sign
Scorpio and in Ashtama bhava to lagna. It is on Jyesta star ruled
by Mercury. Even Mercury is afflicted due to combustion with Sun
and close conjunction with the planet of venom Rahu. The worst
part is that the karaka for diseases and misery Saturn labeled with
Ayayogi and Retrogration has afflicted Moon by its 3rd aspect that
too from Rogasthana. Thus, the Moon does not have Rasi bala
and Sthana bala besides affliction by dire malefic Saturn. It goes
without saying that Swadhisthana chakra is undoubtedly
damaged causing weakness of the Urinary bladder, non expulsion
of toxins and problems of other related organs in the lower
abdomen. Mars: Mars controls Manipura chakra in the body.
Mars is posited in 7th, the maraka sthana in Swathi nakshatra
ruled by the planet of venom Rahu and is aspected too by Rahu.
It is hemmed between Avayogi and dire enemy Saturn on the one
side and Neecha, afflicted Moon on the other. Here again
affliction to Mars by Rahu certainly damages the functioning of
Manipura chakra which relate to stomach region. In other words, it
affects the digestive system in the body as Mars is a fiery planet
and his affliction only affects the production of digestive juices in
the body. Organs related to abdomen region get affected.
Mercury: In the ladder of chakras, Mercury controls the Anahata
chakra located in the chest region. It may be observed that
Mercury though posited in Kendra identical with friendly house, it
has become weak and afflicted due to combustion with Sun.
Additionally, it is closely conjunct with the Venom planet Rahu.
Such a situation has affected the functioning of Anahata chakra
ruled by Mercury. The native therefore suffers from chest
congestion, respiratory problems and other related ailments.
Jupiter: Jupiter controls the Vishuddha chakra located in the
throat region. Jupiter signifies Akasha tatwa and thus the sound
produced the throat region. It is also responsible for the
functioning of ears and nose as they are inter-connected. Jupiter
in the chart is afflicted by Malefic, Avayogi and Retrograde Saturn
directly by 7th aspect. Such an affliction to Jupiter indicates
functioning of organs related to Visudha chakra; Venus: Venus
controls the Ajna chakra located between eye brows. It controls
the entire nerves in the body. In the chart, Venus as Lagna lord is
well posited in Trikona sthana without any conjunction of malefic.
Although aspect of Mars is there, it will not affect much due to
distance in degrees. It may be concluded that Ajna chakra is not
affected much; Saturn: In the Sapta chakras, the highest one is
Sahasrara chakra controlled by Saturn. It is the central nervous
system in the body. In the chart, of all the planets, Saturn is most
afflicted as he is in retrograde motion, secondly, he is Avayogi;
thirdly it is afflicted by aspect of Ashtamadhipathi Jupiter; fourthly
it is posited in Hasta nakshatra ruled by Neecha and afflicted
Moon; and finally such an afflicted and AY Saturn is posited in
Rogasthana. It is crystal clear as to how much it has caused
damage to the functioning of Sahasrara chakra. Summary of
Chakra analysis: From the analysis of functioning of various
chakras in the body, we have come to know that the natives
chakras from Mooladhara followed by Swadhishtana, Manipura
and Anahata are most afflicted. The energy which is supposed to
elevate to the higher ladder from one chakra to the higher chakra
level is in fact going in the reverse direction to the lower level. In
view of this, the native will be suffering from one or the other
health problem related to these chakras due to their improper
functioning. It means that the native will have basically digestion
problems, urinary bladder related problems, chest congestion,
respiratory problem, non release of toxins etc. For activation of
functioning of any chakra the lower one to that must be activated
first. As all the four chakras from Mooladhara onwards are
afflicted, primarily Mooladhara chakra should be corrected.
Affliction to these chakras only indicate that the energy is moving
in the bottom direction instead of elevating and that the natives
energy is going out unnecessarily through Mooladhara chakra.
Conclusion : From the above discussion on chakra related
analysis of horoscopes we have seen that it is possible to
precisely diagnose the health related problems in a particular area
or region of the body which could be the source of the problem
while the symptom may appear elsewhere. In the absence of
proper diagnosis, treatment however good it may be will not be of
any avail. In this direction, chakra system may be regarded as a
unique system in Predictive Astrology.

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Grouping of Planets April 2014

Future Point

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Luminaries : Sun, Moon
Malefic Planets : Sun, Saturn, Mars, Waning Moon, (Rahu, Ketu,
Afflicted Mercury)
Benefic Planets : Jupiter, Venus, Waxing Moon, Well associated
Mercury (If waning Moon and Mercury are together, both become
Superior Planets : Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Inferior Planets : Mercury, Venus
Sex of Planets :
Sun, Mars, Jupiter : Males
Moon, Venus : Females
Mercury, Saturn : Neutrals
Caste of Planets :
Jupiter, Venus : Brahmins
Sun, Mars : Kshatriya
Mercury, Moon : Vaishya
Saturn : Shoodra
Qualities of planets:
Sun, Moon, Jupiter : Satwik
Venus, Mercury : Rajsik
Mars, Saturn : Tamasik
Directions of Planets :
Sun : East
Moon : North -West
Mars : South
Mercury : North
Jupiter : North-East
Venus : South- East
Saturn : West
Rahu/Ketu : South-West
Abodes of Planets :
Sun : Temple
Moon : Watery Place
Mars : Place of Fire
Mercury : Play ground
Jupiter : Treasure house
Venus : Bed Room
Saturn : Dirty Place
Seasons of Planets :
Venus : Vasant
Sun, Mars : Grishma Moon : Varsha Mercury : Sarad Jupiter :
Hemanta Saturn : Sisir

Temperament of Planets :
Sun, Mars : Pitta or Bile Saturn : Vata or wind Jupiter, Moon,
Venus : Kapha or phlegm Mercury : Mixture of all
Taste of Planets :
Sun : Pungent
Moon : Saline
Mars : Bitter
Mercury : Mixed
Jupiter : Sweet
Venus : Sour
Saturn : Astringent
Elements of Planets :
Mercury : Prithivi
Moon, Venus : Jala
Sun, Mars : Agni
Saturn : Vayu
Jupiter : Akash
Complexion of Planets :
Mars and Sun : Blood- red
Moon : Tawny
Mercury : Green
Jupiter : Tawny
Venus : Variegated
Saturn : Dark
Physical constituents of Planets :
Sun : Bones
Moon : Blood
Mars : Marrow
Mercury : Skin
Jupiter : Fat
Venus : Semen
Saturn : Muscles
Cabinet of Planets :
Sun and Moon : Royal couple
Mars : Commander-in-chief
Mercury : Prince
Jupiter and Venus : Ministers
Saturn : Servant
Senses of planets :
Sun and Mars : Vision
Moon, Venus : Taste
Mercury : Smell
Jupiter : Hearing
Saturn : Touch
Periods of Planets :
Sun : Six Months
Moon : 48 Minutes
Mars : A day (Consisting of day and Night)
Mercury : Two Months
Jupiter : One Month
Venus : A Fortnight
Saturn : A Year
Gems of Planets :
Sun : Ruby
Moon : Pearl
Mars : Coral
Mercury : Emerald
Jupiter : Yellow Sapphire or Topaz
Venus : Diamond
Saturn : Blue Sapphire
Rahu : Gomed
Ketu : Cats eye
Metals of Planets :
Mars & Sun : Copper
Moon and Venus : Silver
Mercury : Bells metal
Jupiter : Gold
Saturn : Iron
Rahu and Ketu : Lead
Robes of Planets :
Sun : Coarse
Moon : New
Mars : Burnt
Mercury : Water soaked
Jupiter : Of recent origin but not new
Venus : Durable
Saturn : Torn
Trees of Planets :
Sun : Tree with stout trunks
Moon : Milky trees(e.g. rubber yielding plants)
Mars : Bitter trees (Like lemon plants)
Mercury : Fruitless trees
Jupiter : Fruitful trees
Venus : Floral Plants
Saturn : Useless trees

Other Characteristics of Planets :

Average Daily motion of planets in zodiac :

Planetary Aspects
All Planets aspect 7th house from the position occupied by them.
However Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, have special aspect
besides 7th aspect. The planetary aspects are as under:-
Sun, Mercury, Venus - 7th
Mars - 4th, 7th, 8th,
Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu - 5th, 7th, 9th
Saturn - 3rd, 7th, 10th

To learn more about astrology

Learn : What is Astrology?

Kaal Sarp Yoga in Computer Software April 2005

Vinay Garg
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 364 |
What is Kaal Sarp Yoga ? C F c C
ET } When Rahu is ahead,
Ketu is last, and 7 planets are situated in between, Kaal Sarp
Yoga is formed. Kaal Sarp means a snake who can swallow all
planets. When all the planets will be eaten away by a poisonous
snake then how the native can flourish due to planets ? It means
a person whose horoscope has Kaal Sarp Yoga, suffers due to
hurdles in all endeavors and experiences failure, worries, poor
health, irritation etc. However it is also a fact that many leaders
who have Kaal Sarp Yoga in their horoscopes have achieved
unparalleled success in politics in spite of passing through many
hardships. For example, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, George Bush,
Mulayam Singh Yadav, Narayan Dutt Tiwari, Mohan Lal
Sukhadia, Abraham Lincoln, Margaret Thacher, Dr. S.
Radhakrishan, T.N. Sheshan, Ajit Singh etc. have Kaal Sarp Yoga
in their horoscopes. Kaal Sarp Yoga can be of 2 types : 1. Udit
Golardh (Risen Hemisphere) Kaal Sarp 2. Anudit Golardh (Not
Risen Hemisphere) Kaal Sarp In Kaal Sarp Rahu is regarded as
head and Ketu as tail. Rahu and Ketu move in retrograde motion.
Both remain at a distance of 1800 between them i.e. they remain
opposite to each other. For example it Rahu is situated in Aries,
Ketu will be in Libra. The next sign of Rahus stay will be Pisces
and for Ketu it will be Virgo. Rahu will move next in signs
Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Scorpio. In this manner if
Rahu is in Aries and Ketu in Libra and all planets are situated in
signs Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio and
Libra then it is Udit Kaal Sarp Yoga. In opposite example, it Rahu
is in Aries and Ketu in Libra and all other planets are posited in
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra then it is
Anudit Kaal Sarp Yoga. When even a single planet is situated
outside the axis of Rahu and Ketu, it is called Partial Kaal Sarp
Yoga. If few planets are posited with Rahu and Ketu, it must be
ascertained whether their degrees are more or less than degrees
of Rahu or Ketu. This will decide if the posited planet is situated
between Rahu and Ketu or is outside. When more than one
planets are situated outside Rahu-Ketu, it is not considered Kaal
Sarp Yoga. When all planets are posited between Rahu & Ketu in
such manner that at least one planet is situated in every house
between Rahu- Ketu, this Kaal Sarp Yoga is regarded as more
harmful. It becomes more detrimental when Sun or Moon is
conjunct with Rahu or Ketu. Most difficult combination is formed
when Sun and Moon are posited with Rahu and Ketu and at least
one planet is situated in every house between Rahu and Ketu.
When Rahu, Moon and Sun are placed together, it is Grahan Kaal
Sarp Yoga. Its adversity increases 1000 times. Such natives
must arrange for the appeasement of Kaal Sarp Yoga. Kaal Sarp
Yoga is of 12 types according to the situation of Rahu in 12
houses. These are : 1. Anant 2. Kulik 3. Vasuki 4. Shankhpal 5.
Padma 6. Mahapadma 7. Takshak 8. Karkotak 9. Shankhchur 10.
Ghaatak 11. Vishdhar 12. Naag Normally it is considered that if
chief of a family has this evil, the whole family suffers. This is not
true. It is not necessary that if the father is suffering from Kaal
Sarp Yoga, children will also suffer. However it is observed that
many persons of a family sometimes have this combination in
their horoscopes. It is better to arrange for appeasement of Kaal
Saarp Yoga so that children are not born with this evil. A question
may arise in mind that if Kaal Sarp Yoga is present in horoscope,
it must be causing problems all the times. This can be clarified by
stating that there are 2 types of difficulties according to astrology.
Certain adversities are for a short period according to transit or
dasha. Certain adversities are permanent due to combinations
present in horoscope. Kaal Sarp Yoga is one such combination,
that continues to cause agony to the native whole life. Whenever
there is Mahadasha or Antardasha of Rahu or Ketu, its influence
increases. Apart from it when along with dasha, Rahu and Ketu
transit over natal Rahu and Ketu, Kaal Sarp Yoga becomes fully
effective. A person suffering from Kaal Sarp Yoga has to try again
and again for achieving success. Sometimes success comes in
sight but the native is not able to get it. It does not imply that if a
person has Kaal Sarp Yoga in his horoscope, he will not be able
to get success in life ever. There are many examples when such
persons have occupied the highest position in the country as has
been explained before. Effect of Kaal Sarp Yoga : Persons born in
this combination have mental unrest, hurdles in gain of wealth or
birth of a child. There is disharmony in married life. The native
may have bad dreams. He has continuous fear of mishappenings.
He does not get full returns for his talent and hard work. There
could be sudden loss of money or reputation. The native may
suffer due to various diseases that may not be cured by medicine.
The remedies of Kaal Sarp Yoga may provide relief from its
troubles. Whenever there is mahadarsha, antardasha or transit of
Rahu or Ketu then prescribed worship and rituals should be
performed with faith and devotion. Lighting a lamp containing
mustard oil for 43 days before Kaal Sarp Yoga Yantra gives relief.
Remedies of Kaal Sarp Yoga : The main remedies for Kaal Sarp
Yoga are as below: Recite Batuk Bhairav mantra 1,25,000 times
Perform prescribed pujas of Kaal Sarp Yoga at
Triyambakeshwar near Nasik. Offer a couple of snakes made of
silver in flowing water Recite Om Namah Shivay as much as
possible. Offer a snake made of gold or silver to a shivling with
prescribed prayers. Establish a Kaal Sarp Yoga Remedial
Yantra. Worship Lord Shiva and perform his abhishek. Donate
grains equal to natives weight. Perform the pran pratishtha of
Kaal Sarp Yoga Yantra. Worship it daily. Wear Kaal Sarp ring
made of gold, silver or 8 metals. Observe fast on Naag
Panchami and Mahashivratri. Wear Kaal Sarp Yantra in neck.
Wear rudraksha beads having one faceted rudraksh, as it is a
symbol of Lord Shiva Computer Astrology Kaal Sarp Yoga has
been included in popular softwares Leo Gold and Leo Palm. By
merely filling up of Date of Birth, Time of Birth and Place of Birth,
the computer makes not only the horoscope, it also tells in details
about the Kaal Sarp Yoga if it is present in thathoroscope. If this
Yoga is not present, it is also stated. In addition to above, details
of influence of Kaal Sarp Yoga are informed. Remedies for this
Yoga are suggested. Samples can be seen in the illustrations. For
details, please consult any office of Future Point.
Yogas for Success and Fame in Life May 2014
Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 363 |
The term 'Yoga' means union or association of two things. In
Vedic Astrology 'Yoga' refers to association of planets, which yields
specific results. The association of planets may primarily occur through
(i) conjunction, (ii) mutual location in each other's sign, and (iii) by
mutual aspect.
Among the 12 houses of the horoscope the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house
are regarded Triksthana (inauspicious). Among these the 6th, 8th and
12th houses are regarded Dushsthana (evil). The rest of the houses (i.e.,
1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th 9th, 10th and 11th are regarded as good houses.
Among these also kendras (1, 4, 7, 10) are called Vishnusthana
(sonferring happiness), and (1, 5, 9) are termed as Lakshmisthana
(Conferring wealth. Thus Kendras and Trikonas are regarded as the most
benefic houses.
The astrological classics describe the 'Yoga' (combination) of strong
lords of benefic houses as Raja Yoga or Dhana Yoga, and mention the
benefic results produced by these. The Yoga formed by the lords of
malefic houses are called Duryoga (malefic) or Arishta Yoga
For some Lagnas, a single planet becomes lord of both a Trikona and
Kendra. For example, for Taurus Lagna, Saturn is lord of 9th and 10th
house; for Leo Taurus Lagna, Saturn is lord of 9th and 10th house; for
Leo Lagna, mars is the lord of 4th and 9th house; for Libra Lagna Saturn
is the lord of 4th and 5th house; and for Aquarius Lagna, Venus is the
lord of 4th and 9th house. Such a planet is called Yogakarka for
thehoroscope and produces very good result. When a yogakarka
associates with other benefic planets, then better results are experienced
by the native.
According to Laghu Parasari
meaning, "If the powerful lord of a Kendra is associated with a Trikona
lord, it produces Raja yoga and gives auspicious results to the native."
The 10th house is the most powerful kendra, and the 9th house is the
strongest Trikona. These houses relate to the most important aspects of
life. The 9th house relates to Dharma (religion), Bhagya (Luck), etc.
while the 10th house relates to Karma (profession), status, honour, etc.
According to Phaladeepika (6.37) :

meaning, "When in a horoscope the lords of the 9th and the 10th house
together occupy an auspicious house, it constitutes a Raja Yogaa. When
the lords of other Kendra and Trikona houses are similarly placed, i.e.,
join together in an auspicious house, the resulting Yoga is called
'Sankha'. The Raj Yoga formed by the 9th (dharma) and 10th (Karma)
lords is famous as Dharma-Karmadhipati Raja Yoga (DKRY).The native
with strong DKRY in his horoscope attains high status, success and
fame in his profession. The native born with Sankha Yoga is blessed
with all types of comforts in life.
Uttarakalamrita further elucidates :

meaning, "The Raja Yoga formed by the following planetary

combinations in a horoscope confers wealth and happiness to the native :
The lords of the 9th and 10th house are in their own house.
These lords are together in the 9th or 10th house.
These exchange houses or Nakshatra.
These aspect each other.
These are with the lords of 1, 4, 5, 7 house.
These are in 1, 4, 5, 7 house.
But these two lords should not own the 8th or 11th house." It further
that is, "the three pairs of planets :
The owners of the 9th and 10th houses from Lagna
The owners of the 9th and the 10th from the 9th house, and
Lords of the 9th and 10th house from the 10th house respectively
give high, medium and small position to the native."
To produce the best result, the Yoga should be formed in a benefic
house. Further, according to the ownership of planets for different
The Raja Yoga gives best result for Virgo and Pisces Lagna, as the
9th lord is a benefic for the Lagna and the 10th lord is also the
Lagna lord.
It produces very good result for Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and
Capricorn Lagna.
In Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius Lagna, the 9th,
10th and Lagna lord are not friendly to one another. Hence, only
mixed results are experienced by the natives.
In modern scenario, a native with strong DKRY in his horoscope may
become a prosperous businessman, successful politician, scientist,
Cinema Star, etc., and achieve great success and fame in his field of

The horoscopes of some famous personalities having DRKY are

discussed below.
1. Shri Rattan Tata, Leading Industrialist.
The combination of lords 9th (sun), 10 (Mercury) and 11th
(Venus) in Lagna, aspected by 2nd lord Saturn has made him a
successful and famous industrialist.
There is exchange of lords of 2nd and 4th house, and Gajakesari
Yoga formed by Jupiter in 2nd and Moon in 11th house. Lagna
Lord Jupiter and 5th Lord Mars aspect 10th house.
2. Shri Arjun Singh, former Governor, and Central Minister.
The 9th lord Saturn is in 7th house, and the 10th lord Jupiter is in
Lagna. Both aspect each other. The 10th lord Jupiter aspects 9th
house and 9th lord.
from Moon Rasi also the 9th lord Jupiter and 10th lord Saturn
aspect each other.
The Yoga result has given him political success. As from Lagna
the 9th lord Saturn is also lord of 8th, he had to face many ups and
downs in his political career.
3. Shri Anil Kapoor, Film Actor
Yogakarka and 9th lord Venus is in 9th house itself. 10th lord
Mars is in 10th house, with 2nd 11th lord Jupiter and 5th lord
Mercury. This planetary position has made him a successful,
wealthy and famous Cinema Actor of Bollywood.
4. Shri Amitabh Bachchan, Film Star.
9th lord Venus and 10th lord Mars are conjoined in the 8th house.
Venus gets Neechabhanga being with exalted Mercury. He has
enjoyed great success in life. There is Gajkesari Yoga . The aspect
of 5th lord Mercury, 9th lord Venus and 2nd and 11th lord Jupiter
on 2nd house (face and speech) has been instrumental in his
success in films. As the DKRY occurred in 8th house, he also had
to face serious physical and financial set-backs in life.
5. Murli Manohar Joshi, ex-President BJP and Minister
The Buddha-Aditya Yoga in 11 the house aspecting 5th house has made
the native a scholar.
The 9th lord and Yogakarka Venus and exalted 10th lord Mars conjoin
in 12th house, with Lagna lord Saturn and Rahu. The combination is
aspected by Jupiter located in 8th house, and also by Ketu from 6th
The conjunction of powerful 9th and 10 th lord in 12th house did confer
high status and fame to him after great struggle, and he had to face secret
opposition from own party colleagues against further rise.

Marriage and Jyotish January 2005

Vinay Garg
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 352 |
Vivaha or Marriage, according to Indian ethos is a Sanskar, a
sacrament. The aims of Indian marriage are said to be Dharma,
Virtue, Progeny and Pleasure. It is both a religious duty and a
social obligation towards the family and the community. The most
conventional type of an Indian marriage is arranged by parents.
Parents have great influence and control over choice of partner.
Otherwise, it may be love marriage or the partners themselves
based on their likes and dislikes may exercise the choice. Lastly,
the choice may be exercised by careful consideration of qualities
that one may want from a partner. The light that Astrology can
throw upon marriage, the help it can give in forming a union or
making the best of an unhappy one is an important reason
that Astrology appeals to the average person. Astrology is
concerned with fundamental facts and principles, and deals with
the laws of nature rather than the customs and habits of different
races and religions. The legality or otherwise of a union is a
matter of secondary importance from the point of view of
the horoscope. It should always be borne in mind that, for
astrological purposes the word marriage is to be taken in its
widest sense as covering all unions irrespective of their legal
standing. Jyotish is NOT concerned with man made laws which
differ in different ages, races and religions. The Indian Method of
Comparisons : A considerable portion of Jyotish is based upon
the Moon and the Nakshatras which constitute a zodiac of 27
signs, each division consisting of 1320'. The following list
contains the number and name of each Nakshatras. 01. Aswini
15. Swati 02. Bharni 16. Vishakha 03. Krittika 17. Anuradha 04.
Rohini 18. Jyestha 05. Mrigsira 19. Moola 06. Ardra 20. Purva
Ashadha 07. Punarvasu 21. Uttara Ashadha 08. Pushya 22.
Sravana 09. Aslesha 23. Dhanistha 10. Magha 24. Satabhisha
11. Purva Phal. 25. Purva Bhadrapada 12. Uttra Phal. 26. U.
Bhadrapada 13. Hasta 27. Revati 14. Chitra In Astrology, there
are eight primary considerations for the comparisons
of horoscopes, which are known as: 01. Varna 05. Graha Mitra
02. Vasya 06. Gana 03. Tara 07. Bhakoot 04. Yoni 08. Nadi The
rules are summarized below for each type of comparison as:
Varna: This is based upon caste. The signs Cancer, Scorpio and
Pisces represent the learned or Brahmin caste. Leo, Libra and
Sagittarius the Kshatriya caste; Aries, Gemini and Aquarius the
Vaisya caste; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn the Shudra caste. The
rule is that the husbands Moon must be in a sign of equal or
higher caste than the wifes Moon. If the wifes Moon is of higher
caste than the husbands, she cannot adjust soon with the family.
Vasya: The Moon in the horoscopes of the man and woman
should be in harmonizing signs in accordance with the following
list : Aries Harmonizes Leo and Scorpio with Taurus Cancer and
Libra Gemini Virgo Cancer Scorpio and Sagittarius Leo Libra
Virgo Gemini and Pisces Libra Virgo and Capricorn Scorpio
Cancer Sagittarius Pisces Capricorn Aries and Aquarius
Aquarius Aries Pisces Capricorn If the Moon of man and
woman are in harmony, there will be agreement and happiness,
otherwise quarrels may arise. Tara: Take the number of the
Nakshatra containing the womans Moon and count from it to
nakshatra of the mans Moon, include both Nakshatras in the
count. Divide the total by 9. If the remainder is either 3, 5 or 7,
marriage between the couple is not favorable, otherwise with any
other remainder it will be successful Yoni: This is concerned with
sexual adaptability, and is expressed in the terms of the animal
kingdom as represented by the Nakshatras. When the mans
Moon is in Nakshatra of a male animal, and the womans in a
female yoni, the marriage will produce happiness and success,
provided the animals concerned are not inimical (enemy) to each
other. When both Moons are in the Nakshatra of female animals,
the union will be of average success. Finally, when both yonis are
in the Nakshatra of male animals the result will be financial loss
and unhappiness. For example the mans Moon in Nakshatra No.
16, and the womans in Nakshatra No. 12 would lead to an
unhappy marriage, as it would be the union of a tiger and a cow.
Graha Mitra: This is concerned with the natural friendship and
enmity existing among the various planets. Sun friendly Jupiter
with Moon Mercury/Jupiter Mercury Moon/Venus/Mars/Jupiter
Venus Mercury/Mar/Jupiter/Saturn Mars Mercury/Venus Jupiter
Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Saturn Saturn
Mercury/Venus/Jupiter For a happy and successful marriage the
rulers of the signs having Moons of man and woman must be
friendly planets. Gana: The Nakshatras are divided into three
groups in accordance with their nature, namely: Deva : Nak
Nos.1, 5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 22 and 27. Manushya: Nos.2, 4, 6, 11,
12, 20, 21, 25 and 26. Rakshas: Nos. 3, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 19, 23
and 24. Two people whose Moons fall in the same group may
successfully marry. If one of the couple belongs to the Deva
group and the other to the Manushya the marriage will be of
average success. In no circumstances should a person of the
Deva or Manushya group marry a member of the Rakshas group.
Bhakoot: This refers to the relation between the signs in which the
mans and womans Moon are situated. If the mans Moon is in,
the second sign from the womans, or hers is in the 12th from his,
early death will result from the marriage. If the positions are
reversed and the womans Moon is in the second sign from the
mans, or his is in the 12th from hers, the result will be length of
life for both. If the mans Moon is in the 3rd sign from the
womans, there will be misery and sorrow. The reverse position
indicates happiness. The mans Moon in the 4th sign indicates
great poverty, and the reverse shows great wealth. In the 5th
sign, unhappiness, but if reversed, happiness. In the 6th sign, loss
of children, but if reversed the children will prosper. Finally, when
both Moons are in the 7th sign from each other there will be
health, prosperity and happiness. In all cases, the counting is
inclusive of both signs. If the mans Moon is in Virgo, and the
womans in Scorpio, her Moon is in the 3rd sign from his, and a
happy and prosperous marriage is indicated. Nadi: This is based
upon the temperaments of the Asterisms, as follows: Aadi
Madhya Antya 01 02 03 06 05 04 07 08 09 12 11 10 13 14 15 18
17 16 19 20 21 24 23 22 25 26 27 If both Moons fall in the Aadi,
or both in the Antya group the marriage is an indifferent one. If
both fall in the Madhya group there will be great misery and
disagreement. If the Moons fall in different groups the marriage
will be productive and joyous Having obtained the testimonies of
all these eight methods of comparisons, Astrologers next task is
to determine the final result. This is done numerically. To each
class is allocated a number of points which is the same as the
numerical order in which they have been dealt with above, Varna
receiving 1 point, Vasya 2 points, and so on down to Nadi with 8
points, thus making a total of 36 points altogether. The points of
agreement between the horoscopes are then added together. If
the total of points is found to be less than 18 the marriage should
NOT take place as it would result in danger, disagreement, or
early death of the partners. If points obtained are between 18 and
27 the marriage will be one of success, while if the points produce
a total higher than 27, the marriage will be one of great
happiness, prosperity, blessed with children, long life, and wealth.
Multiple Relationships January 2007
S.K. Jhingan
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 351 |
This is the horoscope of a decent, emotionally balanced lady who
is well versed in traditional Hindu ethos. She is kind hearted, well
educated, has refined tastes and pleasing personality. The native
lost her father in the childhood and her childhood was wrapped in
poverty. She was married during Sun-Ketu period. She had a
miserable married life and became widow after 18 years of
marriage. Her married life was full of miseries as her husband
remained under depression and ultimately died during Mars-Moon
period. She had to look after her children alone. Soon after she
lost her job too and she had to confront dire financial crises. None
of her relative ever came forward for any sort of support and help.
In the meanwhile she happened to be acquaint with an equally
decent married man. As love recognizes no social norms, both fell
in love and shared together their moments of glory, ecstasies,
and, intacies. This is a peculiar case of love affair where none of
them had any guilt consciousness, and both consider their affair
pure and pious and sublime. To give moral strength to their
extramarital relationship they entered into a secret Gandharva
Vivah by garlanding each other in a temple. Let us look into the
astrological combinations responsible for love, extramarital
relation and secret Gandharva Vivah. Eighth house signifies sex
life of a native. Ketu in conjunction with Venus in eighth house
and aspected by Saturn is the sure indication of secret carnal
episodes, Ketu providing the secret angle. Conjunction of Venus-
Mars-Ketu in the Bhava Kundali again reinforces the carnality of
the native. In Navamsa Kundali too, Mercury, Venus and Rahu
are situated together in Pisces in 6th house. Venus is exalted in
Navamsa whereas lord of 7th , Mercury, is debilitated.
Conjunction of Mercury and Venus in 6th house in Navamsa chart
leads to adultery and extramarital relations whereas association
of Rahu signify unconventional angle; now treating such
relationship as pious and sublime requires unconventional attitude
and ethos. Gandharva Vivah is also unconventional in present
soqiety.It would not be out of place to opine here that presence of
Jupiter- the planet of conventional morality in 7th house might
have contributed to her sense of purity and sublimity of the
relationship. As per Sarvarth Chintamani occupation of 10th
house by either of the lords of 2nd, 7th and 10th house leads to
extra marital relationship. Here Mercury as lord of 7th and 10th is
in 10th house. Rahu in the 2nd too indicates adultery. It was
during Rahu-Rahu dasha that her relationship began and they
resorted to Gandharva Vivah. Second house also signify marriage
whereas Rahu signify unconventional acts. Lord of 7th in 10th
shows extra marital relations with a man who treats and cares for
her as his wife. Here 7th lord Mercury is in 10th house. Mercury,
lord of 7th; though exalted is further afflicted due to strong
Papakartari Yoga. Also, Mercury is debilitated in Navamsa chart.
These factors, along with Ketu-Venus in 8th and Jupiter as
ascendant lord in 7th are responsible for her widowhood.

Profession Through Astrology October 2004

Rekha Kaushik
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 346 |
It is not possible for an embodied soul to remain without work. He
who renounces the fruits of action achieves renunciation" The
Gita 18:11 We perform our Karmic duties as designed by the
supreme power. But by performing the multifarious jobs we fulfil
our Karmic obligations. In ancient time profession was destined.
Jatak was forced to be in the same profession in which his fore
fathers were engaged. But in the modern era, when professions
are mushrooming and we all are finding new and varied ways of
earning a living, deciding profession is decidedly not an easy
exercise for an astrologer. Increasing competition and resultant
specialization has opened up new and newer branches of career
and vocation, which were unexplored in ancient time. In fact the
number of avocations today is so vast and varied, that it is nearly
impossible to ascertain, with any degree of accuracy, the exact
nature of profession. It, therefore, requires intelligent
interpretation of behaviour of planets and their combinations and
permutations, as modified according to the present context. The
judgement of profession begins with the analysis of 10th house.
But practically this has been observed that some more factors are
equally important and among them it is necessary to ascertain the
intellectual, mental and physical ability of the native, by a careful
examination of the strength, or the weakness of the Sun the Moon
and Lagna respectively. The position of Mars is equally important.
In Skand 10/chapter 47/ Shloka -67 - "our Karmas are desired by
HIM, but the vibrations directing the inner self towards Karma are
conveyed by Mangal, the planet Mars. When either Moon or
Mercury receives a series of evil aspects, particularly those of
Rahu and Saturn, one lacks the strength of mind, required to face
adverse situations. In broad spectrum Jupiter and Mercury refer to
intellectual avocations, Venus to aesthetic professions, Sun,
Moon and Mars to economic occupations, Mercury to traders,
Saturn to laborious jobs and Rahu/Ketu to routine Workers. But
we can not draw any line of distinction between these categories.
For instance, a doctor by profession may become a businessman.
Therefore in his occupation both intellectual skill as well as
economic aspect come in. The general significators in
any horoscope are the ascendant, the tenth house, the Sun and
the Moon. These signs are respectively known as the Lagna, the
Dashama Lagna, the Surya Lagna and the Chandra Lagna. They
exercise profound influence on one's life. But eastern as well as
western astrologers recommended their consideration and careful
judgement for arriving at correct conclusions. Besides these
points, the lord of 10th house, the Karaka of 10th house and Mars
also play a significant role in establishing the profession. Firstly
note which planets are placed in the house, planets aspecting
10th house, the placement of 10th lord in Rasi and Navamsha
and it's stellar position, its association and aspects with other
planets. Lastly, the Karaka for profession is Sun. But if we are
interested in the income from the profession, we must study
Jupiter. According to "Jatak Parijata" , the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter
and Saturn are the Karaka of different professions. But the
question is how to find out the correct karaka of a birth chart, if the
native is young and is in a state of utter confusion. The 2nd house
and 10th house from Lagna have a control over occupation of the
native, whereas the lords of 2nd and 10th signs of the natural
zodiac i.e. Venus and Saturn are causative, or Karaka of career.
No vocation can be decided by any single planet or it's
placement. There is a group of planets whose influence over the
planet's association or conjunction may determine one's vocation.
Which planet helps to acquire wealth? Which planet is in the 10th
house to the Lagna, or Moon? Whoever is stronger, acquisition of
wealth will be through father if the planet is Sun, through mother if
the planet is Moon, through an enemy if the planet is Mars,
through friend if the planet is Mercury, through brother if the
planet is Jupiter, through wife if the planet is Venus, through
subordinates if the planet is Saturn. There are instances when a
person suddenly changes his career from one field to another.
This is explained by the fact that there is a special stimulus to
certain qualities at certain ages, probably depending upon the
directional influences (Dashas and Bhuktis) operating them. One
of the abiding curiosities that has intrigued man since times,
immemorial is why does a man do what he does? Why is a
person inclined towards a particular profession? Why some
natives are not satisfied with their jobs? While under same
circumstances others enjoy? These whys, very pertinent, very
important, can be answered by Vedic astrology. Each action of
the native is controlled by the planets. The planetary configuration
in a horoscope induces inclination towards a particular
occupation. These inclinations fructify in a matching Dasha
sequence, supported by transit that comes to pass the
appropriate chronological age of that person. A mismatch of these
indicators lead to fitting of square pegs in round holes. Connected
to these whys is a when. When could a person join a profession
and begin to earn money? Vedicastrology has answer to this
query also. To answer this "when" the sages have devised a
celestial clock- Dasha system. It is this timer which permits
planets to cause an act to be performed, as well as it's effects on
the performer. The frequent job changes in today's world result
from greater opportunities, better information and superior
communications. Thus, slight mismatch in Dasha, transit and
planets now give stronger indication for a job change than, what it
did a few decades earlier. In this the study of Lagna, lagnalord,
the 6th house, 6th lord, the 10th house and the 10th lord, PAC
association with Mars, has been taken as the planets and the
houses that promote the profession. To get the measure of level
of fructification and duration of career, the strength of planetary
influence on the professional houses and planets become critical.
Divisional charts give us the measure of planetary strength. From
this base level the strength wanes and waxes, increases and
decreases , in conformity with the unfolding Dashas. In divisional
charts Navamsha chart indicates to us the debilitation of the
planet's strength as assessed from the natal chart. Further, we
add Dashamamsha chart to the natal and Navamsha chart.
During the Dasha periods also, one experiences the results of the
star lords. Hindu Astrology gives great importance to Yogas or
special combinations, or configuration of planets in horoscope to
decide one's profession. Presence of benefic Yogas greatly
enhance the merit and status of the person, while bad Yogas
bring discredit, obstacles to progress. Astrology works at two
levels& the gross and the subtle. At the gross level it is mere
desire. The subtle level desires are conditioned by duties and
values, resulting in form of Karmas. Synthesising the two, we are
made aware of the fact that actions will fructify through the body
but not all the seeds will sprout and we also do not know which
seed will spring when. In Vedicastrology our endeavour has
always been to get astrology it's rightful place, that is the science
which harmonieses life by showing the path to achieve the
meshing of our desires with our capabilities.

Budha-Aditya Yoga July 2007

Arjun Kumar Garg
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 345 |
Whereas Sun emits energy, Mercury instills this energy to
neurons for the development of brain cells. If Sun is freedom of
self, sense of ego and generous traits, Mercury is consciousness,
sanctity of existence, sober and wit, wise and wisdom. The
conjunction of both Sun and Mercury constitutes a famous,
proverbial, philanthropic, prowess and praiseworthy association
what is called Budha-Aditya Yoga, an asset of
the horoscope under which a native is born. It is synonymous to
Bhadra Yoga, (one of Pancha-Mahapurusha yogas) that has been
energised. The legitimacy of this yoga is when it gets extra
strength from the sign of own, exaltation or friends such as Aries,
Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Saggitarius. Then, it uplifts the
life of the native with certainity. If the yoga germinates in sign of
debilitation such as Libra or Pisces or it is ruined by the
association or aspect of malefics such as Mars, Saturn, Rahu or
Ketu, its natural strength is pitiful. It is a general rule
of astrologythat the Sun is exalted in Aries and debilitated in
Libra. Similarly, Mercury is exalted in Virgo and debilitated in
Pisces. Therefore, this is apprehensible how Sun-Mercury in
Libra, Capricorn and Pisces will enmoure the native what they do
in Aries, Gemini, Leo, and Virgo. Kalyan Verma in Saravali,
Baidyanath in Jataka Parijat and Prithuyasas in Horasar give
detailed description of this conjunction. All the learned ancient
astrologers consider it as a pious, sensible, humorous, instinctive
and benevolent yoga in almost all houses of horoscope. Although
the houses 6th, 8th and 12th are the places of atrocities, yet if the
conjunction Sun-Mercury is disposed in the sign of own or
exaltation, the enigma of malefic places is reduced. For an
illustration, see Saravali, Chapter 31 kKks cgqykih dfBukax
'kwjoYyHkks efrekuA yXus cq/kfnudj;ks nh?kkZ;q laHkosr~
iq#"k%AA 10 If this yoga appears in the ascendant, the native is
erudite, talkative, stout body, bold, intelligent and long lived. The
best example of this dictum is the chart of Abrahm Lincoln where
Sun-Mercury occupies ascendant and is free from all the malefics.
He was a son of poor and illiterate father who could not serve any
help to his son. Even then, Abrahm was inspired by inherent
energy of harmonious disposition of strong ascendant, Sun-
Mercury conjunction and aspect of divine Jupiter on ascendant
lord Saturn. As a result his mind was equipped with active,
sensible, endurent and humourous brain cells. He studied in the
light of lamp posts on road. His dream was to reshape his country
with hunkey-dory and bonhomie. One day he sworn in as the
president of most powerful country America. u`ifrleks fo[;krks
x`ghrdkO;% dqcsj lefoHko%A jfo 'kf'kru;ks fgcqds LFkwyruq
oukl% pAA 11 If it is in 4th, (8th or 10th) house, the native is
fond of poems(literature), famous, wealthy and has king like
qualities. His body may be heavy with unsymmetrical nose.
o/kcU/kud`Ue`R;qx`ZghrOkD;ks u pkfr/kuyqC/k%A L=h jfrghu%
pksjks |wus cq/klw;Z;ksHkZofrAA 12 The yoga in other houses
make the native virtuous. However, it is not believed good in 7th
house because such a native is sexually weak and may get jail
sentence for his unsocial mis-deeds (the native may be a thief,
smugler, fraudy, murderer or agonised dictator). The good and
bad aspects of this yoga disposited in 7th house and malafied by
the proximity of Mars and aspect of Saturn, appear in the life of
Adolf Hitler who started his carear as a house-painter. Mars-
Saturn relation is pernicious and cause sudden calamity. Hitler
was appointed Chancellor of Germany on 30th Jan. 1933. Earlier,
he was a soldier of exorbitant valour and, therefore, was awarded
the Iron Cross for bravery and distinguished military service. In
1923 he was arrested and confined to jail because he participated
in the abortive Nationalist coup. After having consolidated power
he embarked upon schemes to unite all the people of his country
to revive Germany great, that lost her honour due to obnoxious
shackles imposed on her by the Treaty of Versailles. Although he
exceedingly loved his country, yet he could not get name and
fame because of his agonised dictatorship and exodus of
Yahudis. f="kq yksds"kq [;krks xtk'oukFkks HkosUegksiky%A
fnudj cq/k;ksnZ'kes u uhpjkf'kLFk;ksjsoAA 13 The disposition of
the Sun-Mercury in 10th house bestows the native name, fame
and prosperity all over the word and he enjoys the life like a king
provided the conjunction does not appear in debilitated sign. It is
observed that natives bestowed with Budha-Aditya yoga are bold,
sincere, efficient, eloquent and erudite. They have an inharent
source of energy which engross them to achieve the goals of their
life. They have amazing endurance and hence never
disheartened or degraded on failure. They augur what they want
in their life. Siri Mao Bhandarnaike, the first Prime Minister of Sri
Lanka benedicted of this sacred yoga in the 9th house of
her horoscope and in 5th house of the horoscope of Benito
Mussolini . Smt Bhandarnaike is a name of repute but the name
Mussolini is of hate, why? In the chart of Smt Bhandarnaike the
yoga is free from any affliction and gets strengthened being arisen
in Aries, the sign of exaltation of the Sun. She had ceremonied
highest position three times in 1960-65, 1970 and 1994-2000.She
has been known for her sobriety, sociability, and auspicious and
gracious work to initiate the non-alliance countries to assemble on
a common platform to put and solve their problems. She never
dismayed in her social, political and family life even after when
her husband was assassinated in 1959. In Indian political realm
we observe the vivid array of Sun-Mercury on our president Dr
Abdul Kalam (Sun-Mercury-Ketu in Virgo in 10th house), prime
minister PV Narsimha Rao (Sun-Mercury-Mars in Gemini in 10th
house) and Dr. Man Mohan Singh (Sun-Mercury in Virgo in 10th
house), election commissioner Shri T N Shesan (Sun-Mercury in
Scorpio in 12th house) and film actor Amitabh Bachchan (Sun-
Mercury-Mars-Venus in Virgo in 8th house). The yoga benedicted
them compassion, compatibility, benevolence, philanthropy and
unscrupulous venerable mental structure. They are proverbial in
their high education, performing duties and achievements to
occupy high position because they left no stone unturned in their
respective fields. If Sun-Mercury conjunction is affected by aspect
or association of either Jupiter or Venus, the person gets spiritual
evolution and gets augural traits. Such persons do not have any
fear and do not evade from tremors of life because they have
stable mind which engross to target of life. Mercury reflects the
fifth Principle in us - Manas (eu). When mercury radiates positive
rays of thinking and wisdom, the passion of Venus is sublimated
completely and the brain is activated to focus the radiations to
target. This is the highest position of men's mind (eu) when it gets
rid of materialism and divert to get absolute calm and salvation. If
a person has weak mind, ie, weak Mercury, he should improve by
taking meditation and some Ayurvedic medicines such as Brahmi
and Shankhapushpi. r

Sensitive Year in Various Types of Arishtas of Longevity January 2008

G. Sumathi
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 342 |
The classical works of Astrology have emphasized certain basic
principles for the Arishtas of various types of age group of
longevity. To the best of my humble experience I have gone
through the tamil classical works like Kumaraswamiyam etc., in
which a standard dictom has been mentioned to determine the
various year of Balarishta, AlpAyu, Madyama Ayu and Deerga
Ayu combinations. It is neatly followed by traditional astrologers to
predict the particular age or year of Balarishta on the various
principles mentioned here under. Accordingly the rule 1. says that
from the first year to the 12th year of age is termed as Balarishta .
And from 13-32 is AlpAyu. 33-70 is Madyama Ayu. 71-80 is
DeergAyu. To find out which year of age will be the most
disturbing year of causing death like dangers the following rule is
applied . Rule 1. : According to the degrees of the moon the year
of Balarishta is determined. As such the following table will denote
for ready reference. Rasi Degree of Sensitive year Moon of
Balarishta Kanya 1degree 1st year of age Vrischika 2 2nd year
Dhanus 3 3rd year Thula 4 4th year Simha 5 5th year Makara 6
6th year Kumbha 7 7th year Mesha 8 8th year Rishaba 9 9th year
Meena 10 10th year Mithuna 11 11th year Kataka 12 12th year
Apart from this to note down the very particular year in respect of
Alpayu group the following rule is applied. Rule2: when a
particular planet is posited in ascendant. A particular year is held
to be the most sensitive year for the native of Alpayu as noted
below (Planet in Ascendant & Arishta year). Asc. Mer. Rah Ven.
Jup. Sun Mars Sat. Moon Year 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th
20th In respect of the year from 21 onwards the following rule
holds good with reference to the birth stars noted below. Mrig.
Ash. Push. Ash. Punar. Krit. Roh. Bhar. Ardra 21st 22nd 23rd
24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th Birth during the Exact sunrise time
30th year Birth during the Exact midday 31st year Birth during the
Exact sunset time 32nd year Thus ends the Alpayu combination
of the year. Now in respect of Madhyama Ayu dosha from 33rd
year to 70th year we have to calculate with reference to the 27
Vishkumbadi yogas, 11 Bhavadi karanas, which will totally cover
the remaining 38 years as noted above. Thus the particulars of
Madhyama Ayu dosha year can be arrived. In respect of
Deergayu from 71st year to 80th year , the 10 year period has to
be apportioned with Krishna Paksha Prathima to Dasami. So in
each and every segmentation a careful calculation should be
applied instead of going through the hasty decision of predicting
with reference to a particular rule alone. Remedial measures for
Ayushkanda doshas : Venerable Varahamihira in his valuable
work Brihat Jataka has clearly given various combinations for
arishta or death in chapter no. 5. A valuable and authentic
guidelines to perform timely Durga poojas in Sathwik way
avoiding vamacharas is suggested by sripathi following which one
can ward of,counteract or overcome the Arishtas.

Rahu, Ketu & Spirituality October 2005

Vinay Garg
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 342 |
Western view of Rahu/Ketu : It is well known in
Western Astrology that the North Node of the Moon (Rahu)
represents a spiritual target, souls mission to accomplish in this
life. It is the direction of evolution. It is therefore spiritual. The
South Node of the Moon (Ketu), on the other hand represents an
accumulation of experiences from past lives, a charted territory
that we are familiar with and find it attractive and there is the
tendency of sticking to it and refusing the evolution through new
experiences and challenges. It is therefore considered
materialistic. VedicAstrology on Rahu & Ketu : The
Vedic Astrology has very different view on things: it considers as
materialistic the North Node (Rahu) which is mitologically
associated with the dragons huge head, breathing fire through its
nostrils, and using its wide, open mouth to eat voraciously, gobble
and control. Disconnected from the rest of its body, the dragons
head, or North Node, obviously has no mechanism for feeling
(heart), digesting (stomach), or eliminating (colon), thus holding
on to everything as tightly as it can. With a propensity for
devouring everything in sight, Rahu is materialistic, greedy,
potentially ruthless, controlling, and manipulative. On the other
hand, the South Node (Ketu) is highly inspiring and creative, but it
can be equally destructive and obliterating. As the dragons tail
without the head, the South Node desires total freedom, and yet
there is no conscience, nor is there any logic or reasoning power.
At its best, it is highly instinctual, sensual, creative and spiritual.
The necessary reconciliation for Rahu & Ketu : Can these two
different views be conciliated ? In reaching this ideal, it is
important to remind the two philosophic and religious
backgrounds that generated these differences in understanding
the same astrological elements: the Western civilization, under
the influence of the Christianity consideres as spiritual the higher
impulses of a person, and in its aspiration to the Divinity rejects
the sexuality or the material prosperity. Thats why the chastity is
so highly valued by the priests and monks, thats why the angels
are represented always as children without a defined sex. On the
other hand, the Oriental world, valued as spiritual the family, the
sexual instincts considering them as a path to the higher states of
counsciousness and ultimately to the Divinity. Think of the refined
and complicated sexual rituals and techniques in Tantra (India) or
Tao (China), think of the numerous energetic and spiritual
techniques develloped for instance in China or Japan (Tai Chi, the
martial arts). It is time to holistically understand this situation, and
to harmoniously mix the two philosophies in astrology as well, as
it was already done in other fields or sciences. It is time accept
ourselves as spiritual beings with both instincts Ketu and
intentions Rahu, to accept that the Rahu Ketu can be equally
spiritualising and helpful for an overall evolution of our being. It is
time to practice both a spiritual sexuality and to learn to trust our
higher instincts and intuition, while still being focused on realising
spiritual or material objectives, transforming the world and the
self. This is the true spirit. We should consider as spiritual both
Rahu and Ketu each one with its own wonderful features.

Karma October 2004

V. K. Sharma
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 335 |
The horoscope is a microscopic epitome of multifaceted long life.
Various aspects of life have been divided into twelve houses
(Bhavas) of natal chart (Janmalagan) of horoscope. Nine planets -
Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and
Ketu -take their position in respective houses in accordance with
the time of birth. Position of planets in different houses (Bhavas)
and their power (Bal) by virtue of their position in particular sign
(Rashi) and aspect (Drishti) and conjuction (Yuti) with
malefic/benefic planet form combination/promises (Yogas) like
Rajyoga, Panch Mahapurush Yoga, Dhan Yoga, Budhaditya
Yoga, Gaj Kesari Yoga, and so on. There are 108 Rajyogas and
many more Yogas provided in scriptures. Such Rajyogas show
promise of good health, wealth, achievements in different aspects
of life and high status in society and politics, etc. Now the
question arises as to how and when the result of the Yogas will
materialize? It depends on MahaDasha/Anter Dasha/ Pratyanter
Dasha and transit (Gochar) of the planets involved in forming the
Rajyoga. The Dashas (period) will occur and the planet involved
will transit the house concerned to bring the results. Dasha : A
period of 120 years has been earmarked as life span in the form
of Vimshottari Dasha. This 120 years Vimshottari Dasha again
has been divided into Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu -nine planets. During the long span of life
from birth to death, these planets come by turn with specific
number of years as their Maha Dasha, Antar Dasha for shorter
span and Pratyanter Dasha as again shorter span. Karmas
(deeds) play very important role in whatsever we are receiving, or
losing in life. Different times of birth form the different map of
planets in the natal chart, hence different combinations. Some of
them form very good Rajyoga for very healthy and wealthy life,
while others bring Daridra (pauper) yog. It is only because of
slight difference in time of birth which can very well be the result
of past Karmas. With the difference of few minutes in time of birth,
one will become the king and the other will be doomed. It is all
past Karmas that govern the date of birth and accordingly the
promises in the natal chart. Karma is the panacea and the Karma
is the root cause of all pains and problems too. It is a time tested
fact that venom can be treated with the same venom. While
nothing can undo the destiny, the good Karmas can relax the ill
effect of past Karmas to some extent. Through the mirror of natal
chart and with the help of planets posited on constellations
(Nakshatra) with some specific longitude, whatsever good, or bad
lies in the destiny, could well be seen through. The small map of
planetary positions reflects various aspects of life, like past
Karmas, health and wealth, wife/husband relationship, relation
with parents, with children, with co-borns with friends, gains &
losses in business, status in society, success in. politics,
education and profession, visit abroad, nature and speech,
character and chastity, illness and even death. It all needs a
thorough concentration and proper usage of the astrological
means and supports. Astrology has been very much in practice
and accepted by the society since time immemorial. Many mystics
and sages have left the plethora of scriptures on Astrology as
legacy to the present generation. It becomes our moral
responsibility to preserve it. We must learn and practise difference
ways and means provided in the basic compilation Brihat
Parashar Hora Shastra. All astrological tools, like natal chart,
Navansh, Chalit, Dreshkan, Saptamansh Varga, Dasha, - Antar
Dasha, transit, Shad Bal and Bhav Bal, Disha Bal, Ashtakvarga,
exaltation & debilitation of planets, exchange of planets and
aspect and conjuction etc. must be given due consideration
before coming to a conclusion. We should strengthen the sanctity
of our ancestral heritage of astrology

Autism April 2008

S.C. Kursija
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 333 |
AAlthough the autistic spectrum covers a wide range of disorders
and disability, individuals with Autism have difficulties in three
main areas: social interaction, communication and imaginative
play. They also exhibit repetitive behaviour and a resistance to
change. It is a developmental disorder of the central nervous
system. The first signs of this disorder typically appear before 3
years of age. Although treatment has improved greatly in the past
few decades, autism cannot be cured. It persists throughout life.
Its estimated that three to six of every 1,000 children have
autism. A recent increase in the number of autism cases in the
United States may be the result of improved diagnosis and
changes in diagnostic criteria. The disorder occurs three to four
times more often in boys than in girls. The severity of symptoms is
variable. Some children with autism will grow up able to live
independently, while others may always need supportive living
and working environments. The cause of autism isnt clear, and
theres no cure. But intensive, early treatment can make a
difference. Autism is called a spectrum disorder, and also called a
brain disorder where the victim displays very restricted and
repetitive behaviour. They have social interaction problems
because others do not know how to relate to them. Some autistic
children are just brilliant in whatever they do, because they learn
continuously. They are highly focused, do not fit into the school
system and have poor social relationships and eyes contact. They
can be quite paranoid and oppositional, and high moral and
ethical. They can persist with a topic for 20-30 years without being
distracted by what other people think. They can produce in one
lifetime the work of three or four other person. The Autistic
repetitiveness and focused on one subject is key to their success.
The politicians such as Charles de Gaulle, US president Thomas
Jefferson were autistic. Their biggest handicap is that they dont
understand social interaction the way we normal people
understand it. What is humorous to us is not humourous to them
and on the contrary, they find humour in something that we take
as very serious. This is just an instance. Signs and Symptoms : If
your child has autism, he or she may develop normally for the first
few months or years of life and then later become less
responsive to other people, including you. You may recognize the
following signs in the areas of social skills, language and
behavior: Social skills Fails to respond to his or her name Has
poor eye contact Appears not to hear you at times Resists
cuddling and holding Appears unaware of others feelings
Seems to prefer playing alone retreats into his or her own
world Language Starts talking later than other children Loses
previously acquired ability to say words or sentences Does not
make eye contact while making requests Speaks with an
abnormal tone or rhythm may use a singsong voice or robot-
like speech Cant start a conversation or keep one going May
repeat words or phrases verbatim, but doesnt understand how to
use them Behavior Performs repetitive movements, such as
rocking, spinning or hand-flapping. Develops specific routines or
rituals. Becomes disturbed at the slightest change in routines or
rituals. Moves constantly. May be fascinated by parts of an
object, such as the spinning wheels of a toy car. May be
unusually sensitive to light, sound & touch. This is a type of
psychological disorder. It has negative and positive aspects also.
The research over 1600 Autistic patient have proved that many
leading figures in the field of science, arts, politics and other fields
of society had success because they had Autism. The genius
Newton and Einstein had ASD. Newton was known to work non-
stop for three consecutive days without recognising day or night,
often forgetting to eat and even his name. Can we diagnose these
natives astrologically? According to astrology 2nd house is house
of social contact and speech (kutamb and Vani) If 2nd house and
Karaka Mercury for Vani are afflicted, one suffers from defect in
social behavior and speech or does not like to talk much. He
desires to focus on one subject. The prominent among various
things that can be examined from the 5th house is intellect.
Jupiter is karaka for intellect who discriminates right and wrong
and gives capacity to understand. Moon is karaka for childhood.
The prominent things that can be examined from Moon, are
firmness or wavering of mind, impatience, stamina of the
individual. It gives mental tranquility and inner quietness or
restlessness. After going through various classics, the disease
Autism was found in the following shloka: Vak Sthanesh Gururva,
Vyaya, Ripu, Vilaya Sthanago, VAGVIHINA. Meaning, If 2nd
house lord or Guru is in 6th, 8th or 12th house, the person is
without speech. This is because, Guru is also 2nd house Karaka
and this house represents speech. We have to interpret Vagvihina
in modern context. Vagvihina does not means only without
speech but also means that the native does not like to mix up and
gossip. Quality of speech is governed by Mercury. Afflicted
Mercury makes one a rank liar a Shatha, Dhurta and a Gambler.
The 8th house is 7th from 2nd house and planet in 8th has full
aspect on 2nd. The 8th house is the house of research, meaning
hard and continuous work, focus on one subject and
repetitiveness. The 8th house is 4th from 5th, indicating purva
punya of education. If there is aspect of strong benefic on 8th
house, it makes the native very genius in research matter. If 8th
house is strong and its lord is well placed, it produces genius like
Newton and Einstein. It gives positive aspect of Autism. If 8th
house is afflicted and lord is weak and ill placed, it produces
negative aspect of Autism. The 2nd house is occupied by Ketu
and 2nd lord Moon is posited in 6th house in debilitation and
receive the aspect of Ketu with out any benefic aspect and in
Navamsha Moon is posited in lagna in the sign of enemy Saturn.
Therefore 2nd house and 2nd lord Moon are afflicted. The 5th
house is aspected by its karaka Jupiter and 5th lord is posited in
exaltation in 10th house, the strongest kendra along with 3rd lord
Sun gives stamina to work hard, Mercury the lagna lord and 4th
lord, and Saturn the 8th and 9th lord. There is exchange between
9th lord Saturn and 10th lord Jupiter, forming the Raja yoga. We
find that the 8th house is occupied by exalted Mars in the axis of
Rahu/ Ketu. The lagna lord Mercury is combust and debilitated in
10th house, but posited with exalted Venus. So has neecha
bhang Raja yoga. Similarly Saturn is combust, but exalted in
Navamsha in 10th house fully influencing the horoscope. A genius
is born when Sun, Mercury and Venus are posited in the kendra
in the sign of benefic planets i.e. Jupiter, Mercury, or Venus. He
has Sun, Mercury and Venus in the strongest kendra 10th in the
sign of Jupiter. The Ketu is Ganesha, or tail of dragon. He has no
tongue to speak. i. e. concentration on one subject for research,
continuous work for hours with out any distraction is in 2nd in the
house of social relations. So he has no connection with the
society, so he remained absorbed in his subject. Rahu/Ketu are
also strong in Navamsha. So he was a genius, but Moon is
debilitated in 6th house and strong in paksha bala giving stamina
to work hard for hours together. Due to his stamina and hard
work, concentration only on his work, no distraction of family and
society he gave the world the theory of Relativity. He became
immortal due to strong influence of 8th house. It is a positive
effect of Autism that so many scientists, politicians, artists and
writers have, with out autism i.e hard work, focus on one subject
no research can be made and no heights can be touched. But in
general Autism has negative effect also. The child and young
person is problematic for the parent and the society. It is
diagnosed in childhood generally. Autism case No.1 : The 2nd
house is aspected by Mars, the 8th lord, associated with Rahu,
The 2nd lord is posited in 10th with Mercury the lagna lord.
Mercury and Venus are aspected by Mars again. Mercury and
Venus are sandwiched in between Sun, the 12th lord and Saturn,
the 6th lord. The lagna lord Mercury is posited 12th in the sigh of
Saturn in navamsha. The Mercury is 2nd lord from Moon so
Mercury is afflicted. The 5th house is aspected by its own lord
Saturn who is 6th lord also and posited in 6th in Navamsha. The
mool trikona sign is in 6th so Saturn represents 6th house in
principal. The karaka Jupiter is afflicted as said earlier. Jupiter is
posited in lagna in the axis of Rahu/Ketu and aspected by Mars.
Moon is posited in 12th in the sign of Sun, Agni tattwa and
debilitated in Navamsha. So we find that lagna, Mercury, Jupiter,
2nd house and 5th house are afflicted. The native suffers from
Autism. Autism case No.2 : The native was born in Jupiter/Moon
dasha. The Jupiter is lagna lord, posited in 6th and aspected by
Moon and Rahu. Lagna is occupied by Mars. Jupiter is posited
with Rahu and Mars in Navamsha in 3rd house. The 2nd house is
occupied by Rahu, its lord Mars is posited in 12th from its sign
and aspected by retrograde Saturn. Saturn also aspects 2nd
house. Saturn is 12th lord. Saturn is posited in 6th in Navamsha
in own sign 5th house is aspected by Venus, the 8th lord and
dispositor of Ketu. 5th lord is posited in 12th in the sign of Saturn.
The Mercury is retrograde posited with Sun and combust.
Mercury is posited in own sign in Navamsha. The lagna, 2nd, and
5th house are afflicted . Mercury, Jupiter and Moon are also
afflicted. Autism Case No. 3 : He was born in Ketu/Ketu dasha.
The lagna is aspected by Saturn and lagna lord Venus is posited
in 8th with Mars, the 2nd and 7th lord, Maraka for the lagna. 2nd
house is aspected by own lord Mars from 8th, 2nd lord is posited
in 8th, with 8th lord, Mars is posited in friends sign Sun, dispositor
of Rahu., in Navamsha, aspected by 6th lord Jupiter. 5th house is
occupied by Ketu and 5th lord Saturn is posited in 7th, Maraka, in
debilitation and posited in 2nd in sign of Mercury in Navamsha.
Moon is posited in 7th with debilitated Saturn. Mercury is combust
and Jupiter is malefic for the lagna being 3rd and 6th lord and
posited in 6th house. So all the factors are afflicted in the chart
and native is suffering from Autism.

Kala Sarpa Yoga (KSY) July 2007

S.C. Kursija
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 331 |
Much has been said and written in support of or against Kala
Sarpa Yoga. Neither the Maharishi Parashar, Jaimini,
Mantreshawara, Kalyan Verma, Vyankatesh Sharma, Varahamihir
and other classic writers have not mentioned about it. But the
concept of Kala Sarpa yoga exists in the society as the Manglika
dosha. Vedic Beliefs The great importa +-nce has been given to
snakes in Vedic period. Not only in India but the ancient culture of
America, Australia, Africa, Egypt, and other cultures also worship
serpents. They symbolise the snake with fertility due to their
appearance as umbilical cord, birth and regeneration, immortality,
symbol of eternity, healing, gods, wisdom and knowledge. It is
believed that snake coils the earth. The biting of his tails by his
mouth symbolises ocean. Indian mythology is full of such myths.
In Indian mythology, the sustainer Vishnu is taking rest on the coil
of Shesh naga, Goddess Lakshmi is serving him on his feet,
creator Brahma is sitting on Kamal/ lotus flower coming out of
umbilical of Vishnu. The Shesh naga in turn is supported by
Kurma, another part of Vishnu. Lord Shiva has worn ornaments of
serpents around his neck and arms. What does it symbolise?
According to me, it symbolise that the sustainer Vishnu has
created world /Universe according the Karma. You will also find
picture of Bhagavana Narayan standing on the coil of snake in
Satya Narayan puja on puranmasi. So serpent symbolises Karma.
The picture of Lord Shiva indicates the cure of KSY. The Kala is
time, moving like a snake, ups and downs. The Kala Sarpa yoga
indicates that the native has to suffer like a snake due to his past
Karma in his present life. The Kala Sarpa Yoga is found, some
time in all the members of a family. It is Karmic representation.
These native have come to fulfill some specific work in his life. He
has to struggle hard to achieve his aim in his life. While surfing
internet or different groups on internet, we find that the enquiry
about Kala Sarpa yoga is sought and discussed by different
surfer. The Kala Sarpa Yoga has become the most common point
of discussion in the country. It is said that this is most ominous
combination, all the beneficial roles of planets are destroyed & the
native having Kala Sarpa yoga in his chart is said to be suffering
through all kind of hardships throughout his life, while his hardship
doesnt yield any good result. Respected Shri K.N.Rao, an
eminent and renowned astrologer of International fame, my
teacher, and guide in Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, frankly refute the
existence of Kala Sarpa yoga and written a book on it. But the
refutation of the yoga is mainly based on that it did not have been
mentioned in classical works. What is not mentioned in classics
has no existence? It is not a scientific logic. The Astrology is a
science. The classical works are not the beginning or the end of
Astrology. It is only a basis on which we are standing and to move
further and solve the problems of time and space of present. On
the other hand, Dr. B.V. Raman, the father of revival of
Indian astrology and the founder-editor of THE ASTROLOGICAL
MAGAZINE) accepts the KSY. He opines that KSY arises
irrespective of whether all the planets are in between Rahu and
Ketu or Ketu and Rahu. Dr. B.V. Raman is of the opinion that if all
the planets are hemmed in one side of the axis and Ascendant is
on the other side of the axis, the evil arising out of KSY almost
gets neutralised. It is a sort of cancellation of the yoga. Sh.
P.S.Shastri, another a highly qualified, learned and renowned
astrologer who has translated Jaimini Sutram and Uttar Kalamrita
has also subscribed to the KSY. He discussed about KSY in
Astrological Magazine from Bangalore, in December 1964,
October 1987, and September 1994. While discussing KSY he
quoted a shloka, but did not mention the root. The same shloka is
also found in Panchangs. The shloka has nothing to do with jatak
astrology, but with mundane astrology. However he has accepted
that classics did not mention about the same. In the same
magazine, another writer has mentioned about the Sarpa yoga
when Sun, Mars and Saturn occupied Kendra. Here again there is
no mention of Rahu and Ketu. This yoga has been mentioned in
many classics like Brahat Parashar Hora Shastra, etc. Some
astrologers have divided the yoga in Kala Sarpa yoga (KSY) and
Kala Amrita Yoga (KAY). It is to be remembered that Rahu/Ketu
are always in retrograde motion. When all the planets are
hemmed in between Rahu and Ketu counted in clockwise motion
in North Indian chart, it is Kala Sarpa Yoga. When all the planets
are hemmed in between Ketu and Rahu counted in clockwise
direction in North Indian chart, it is called Kala Amrita yoga. The
KSY enhances materialism and comfort in the life of the individual
and KAY enhances spiritualism and renunciation in the life of the
individual. The KSY raises the individual from rags to heights then
to rags again, snake and ladder game. The KAY keeps the
individual contented and satisfied in rags. So the end results of
both the yogas is the same. The life is full of struggles. We will not
be able to appreciate the yoga till we understand the principle
working behind the same. It is well known principle
of astrology that when ever a planet or a house is hemmed in
between the malefic planets the significations of the planet or the
house suffers. Naturally when all planets are hemmed in between
Rahu and Ketu, the malefic by nature, the significations of the
nativity suffers. The most powerful planet Sun suffers when Rahu
eclipses the same. According to our mythology, Rahu signifies our
Karma. Therefore KSY/KAY signifies our Karma, good or bad.
Laghu Parasari says that Rahu & Ketu if occupies the Kendra &
Kona and even if they are not related to kendra or trikona lords,
still in their own antar dasha will give results similar to Raja Yogas
(chapter 4, shloka 8). While discussing about Rahu bhukti under
Rahu dasha, Maharishi Parashar says in his book that it is always
auspicious to have Rahu in Cancer, Sagittarius, Virgo or Taurus
(chapter 41 shloka 1) & in Shani Dasha Rahu Bhukti, he says that
it is auspicious to have Rahu in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo,
Sagittarius, or Pisces. (chapter 43 shloka 67). As you all know
that Sarvarth Chintamani is a good reference while analysing
dasha results. In the same text the dasha results of Rahu has
been said to be good, provided it is posted in Aries, Taurus,
Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces. (chapter 16, shloka 21 &
22). Moreover according to Maharishi Parashara, one should
predict about ones wealth from the position of Rahu (chapter 14
shloka 19). It is expected from a learner of Jyotish to know that a
well-placed Rahu in his dasha gives wealth. Therefore Rahu does
not give only malefic results. How can its yoga give only malefic
results? It gives benefic results also. An ounce of experience is
worth tones of theory. No detailed study has been under taken to
search the life pattern of such natives who suffer from Kala Sarpa
yoga. I have taken up the study of such persons and have found
that the Kala Sarpa yoga has its effects. So I have classified it
under Nabhas yoga. According to Sage Parashar, the Nabhas
yogas are those yogas which are formed due to the position of
planets or appearance of planet from each other in the chart. If
the appearance of planet is like a Snake, Sarpa yoga name has
been give. If it appears like a Musala, Musala yoga name has
been given etc. On the basis of appearance of the planet, name
of the Yoga has been given as Kala Sarpa yoga. The Kala Sarpa
yoga is a yoga. The effect of yoga depends on the strength of the
planets which forms it. The strength of the planet depends on
bhava, sign they occupy and conjunction with or aspected by
other planet. The yoga can be cancelled as there is cancellation
of Raja Yogas and Neech Bhanga raja yoga and other
cancellations. Similarly Kala Sarpa yoga can be cancelled. As we
say that if you want to condemn astrology, first
study Astrology and then condemn it. Similarly if one wants to
condemn Kala Sarpa yoga, first study the life pattern of those who
have Kala Sarpa yoga, then condemn it. Late Sh Jawaharlal
Nehru, India Independence chart, Sh Morarji Desai, Osho
Rajneesh, Lata Mangeshkar, Dhirubhai Ambani, Kuldip Sing Jain,
Margaret Thatcher, Sachin Tendulkar, Atal Behari Vajpai and
many other prominent personalities have Kala Sarpa Yoga. They
have touched the Everest heights in their life. I do not like to fill
the pages by giving theirhoroscopes. But they have KSY in their
birth chart. If we study the life pattern of these eminent
personalities we find that they have life full of struggles to achieve
goal of life. They have risen to heights through ups and downs in
life. So Kala Sarpa yoga indicates struggles in life and ups and
downs in life as in the game of snake and ladder. It is not a
malefic yoga. It is not a benefic yoga. It only indicates that the
whole life is full of struggles. Those natives who have the yoga in
good house, sign, and planets are strong, they are raised to the
heights and those who have the yoga in malefic house, sign, and
planets are weak and afflicted, they suffer through out life. It is
similar to Raja Yoga where the native will have wealth, name and
fame and other facilities of life. It is Daridra Yoga in which the
native suffers humility, penury, and diseases. But all these results
are dependent on the strength of planets who form the yoga and
in which house and sign the yoga is formed. More over it is also
dependent on the dasha pattern of the native. If the dasha of yoga
karaka planet does not come during his life time, the native will
not have the results of the yoga karaka planets. According to the
available literature on KSY, it is of main twelve type with Rahu
posited in Lagna to 12th house, (1) Anant, (2) Kulik, (3) Vasuki (4)
Shankhpal (5) Padma (6) Mahapadma (7) Takshat (8) Karkatak
(9) Shankhanaad (10) Patak (11) Vishakta (12) Sheshnaga
respectively. It can be extended with many more numbers with
the conjunction with and aspected by different planets. The effect
of the KSY can be summarised as follows: (I have given in detail
about KSY in my book Kala Sarpa yoga in Hindi) (1) The effects
of KSY should be judged from the position of Rahu in the chart.
(2) We should see whether the Rahu is posited in Udita part of the
chart or Unudita part of the chart. Rahu is more powerful in Udita
part of the chart. (3) Whether the planets are posited in clockwise
direction in the North Indian chart from Rahu or Ketu. If the
planets are posited in clockwise direction from Rahu it is KSY. If
the planets are posited in clockwise direction from Ketu, it is KAY.
The KSY is more powerful. (4) Rahu in female signs is mild. In
male signs it is more powerful (5) Rahu in Kendra or trine is
benefic planet. (6) Rahu posited in own nakshatra does not scare
the native. (7) If the dispositor of Rahu is posited in Kendra in his
own, or exalted sign in that condition Rahu does not scare the
native. (8) The navamshesha of Rahu also play an important role
to give malefic or auspicious results. There is cancellation of Kala
Sarpa Yoga, (1) If Lagna, lagna lord, Sun and Moon, any two are
strong. (2) If there are benefic planets in Kendras or trines. (3) If
there are malefic planets in Upachaya houses. (4) If there is
Panch Mahapurush yoga in the chart. (5) If Venus is posited in
2nd or 12th without any conjunction or aspect. (6) If Jupiter is
posited in Lagna, 4th or 10th without any conjunction or aspect.
(7) If there is Budha-Aditya yoga in Kendra or trine with out
conjunction or aspect. (8) If a planet has Dikbala and not
conjuncted or aspected by any planet. (9) If Lagna does not fall in
between KSY. (10) If a planet is out of KSY except Moon and
Moon is not afflicted or the planet is not in the nakshtra of Rahu or
aspected by Rahu. The main question of controversy is the
remedial measures in Kala Sarpa yoga. The most of the
astrologers accept that there is KSY/KAY. Can we escape the
results of KSY, our Karmic results, by performing remedial
measures? My answer will be yes. I believe that it is a karmic
yoga. It can be cancelled only by Karmas. AS shown in figure the
past Karma can not be touched. We have to endure the results of
Past Karma Past Karma Present Karma
It is shown by a small straight line. But by
doing auspicious Karmas, we can draw a bigger line which will
make the past karmas smaller than the present Karmas. The
native will be able to endure them with out much suffering. It is
saying Sooli ka Kanta ho jana What are the auspicious Karmas
for KSY? Always remember that the yoga has formed due to your
past karmas and it can be cancelled only by your auspicious
karma. Due to pursuit of materialism, the human lost his peace of
mind. He is full of fear. His family life has disturbed. His children
do not obey or respect him. His wife has adulterous behavior. He
has adulterous behavior. He does not have respect for his
parents. He has fluctuations in his business. Though he is having
all types of comforts of life and money but does not have peace of
mind. He earnestly desires peace of mind. He has fear that he
may not lose all these comforts and money. He is scared, as he
knows that the means of earning of all these comforts are not fair.
On the other hand, religion has become a big trade/ business.
The people know that Astrologycan indicate the future events in
time. They read and learn astrology for a few months and get title
of expert astrologer. They start their own business with out any
experience. These cheats and unscrupulous people start minting
money by taking advantage of above fear on the name of KSY,
Sade Saati, Manglik dosha, Pitri dosha and what not. They
prescribe Yantra, Mantra. Precious stone, Rudraksha, etc to
remove the fear of the native against large sum of money. We will
enter into ugly controversy if we say that karmas can be
destroyed by Shanti Patha by a karma kanda pundit and visiting
this or that temple. It will mean that only rich and resourceful
person who has plenty of money and can spend it will be able to
overcome it The poor person can not get rid of malefic karmas
and have to suffer from them because they have no sufficient
amount of money to spend on costly shanti patha and to pay to
karma kanda pundits. But they do not advise to improve his
behavior, their Karma. Where as according to astrology all type of
yogas are the result of past karma of the native. So if any one
desirous of good yoga in the chart of his children or desirous of
removing obstacles in his business, job, children and family or
desirous of peace of mind has to improve his behavior with love
and compassion. He has to help the needy with donation. He has
to keep fast to punish himself voluntarily and remember his
offence. He has to remember that Life is a continuous process
and changes every minute. So please, (1) Lead a simple and
ethical life with compassion and love for others. (2) Pay respect to
your elders persons. (3) Control your Kaama, Krodha, Lobha,
Moha, and Ahankaara. (4) Help needy and suffering persons with
love and compassion. (5) Chant Om Namah Shivay daily to
purify yourself and get control over your instincts. Lord Shiva is
the symbol of control on Indriyas and basic instincts and
renunciation. Lord Shiva is the controller of all the planets and will
bless you. He will help you to improve your behaviour. r

Horoscope - Male or Female ? April 2008

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The astrologers must know how to find out whether the given
horoscope is of a male or a female. This is considered to be quite
a tough job. Hence the astrologers, when preparing a birth chart,
in order to ascertain, whether the birth chart is of a male or a
female adjust the Navamsa to odd(male) or even(female) even by
changing the time of birth and this trick enables them to know
immediately whether the native is male or female. This technique
impresses the people greatly, but the astrologers themselves
know their weaknesses quite well. Principle I This is a general
principle which is found in the book titled Book of Correct
Astrological Predictions. Some of the rules are not acceptable in
the present day context as much research has been made in the
field of Astrology which is contradictory to the rules in this
principle. Here Rahu and Ketu are not considered for
determination of sex as they are only mathematical points.
Another deviation you will find here is that Mercury and Saturn
though termed as Eunuchs by all ancient texts, are treated here
as female. Finally the rules do not fit properly in some of
the horoscopes and there seems to be some link missing in the
principle. However it may be, let us apply this principle to some
charts and come to a conclusion thereafter. Rules: 1. Sun, Mars
and Jupiter indicate male gender and Saturn, Venus and Moon
indicate Female gender. Mercury with Saturn or Venus indicates
Female and with Sun, Mars and Jupiter indicate male gender. It is
to be noted that the planets of male sign i.e. Sun, Mars and
Jupiter are more powerful and victorious than the planets of
female sign (except the Moon). It is also to be noted that the
planets which aspect the house or a planet conjoined is more
powerful. 2. The Moon is loved and honoured by every planet.
Hence other planets allow her to act according to her desire. If
there is combination of 7th house or the lord of the 7th house with
Moon, the native is female even if there are other combinations of
male sex. In the same way, the signs ruled by the planets Sun,
Mars and Jupiter i,e. 5, 1, 8, 9 and 12 of the Natural Zodiac are
considered to be male signs and 4, 2, 7, 10 and 11 as female
signs. Gemini sign is to be understood as male while Virgo is
female. So Male signs are Leo, Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Pisces and Gemini Female signs are Cancer, Taurus, Libra,
Capricorn, Aquarius and Virgo. Combinations for male: 1. 7th
house + Sun, Mars or Jupiter or his signs 2. 7th lord + Sun, Mars
or Jupiter or his signs Combinations for female: 1. 7th house +
Moon, Venus, Mercury or Saturn or her or his sign. 2. 7th Lord +
Moon, Mercury, Venus or Saturn or her or his sign. List of
abbreviations used in the charts: As Lagna or Ascendant; Su
Sun; Mo Moon; Ma Mars; Me Mercury; Ju- Jupiter; Ve
Venus; Sa Saturn; Ra Rahu; Ke Ketu. Chart 01: Sri Satya
Sai Baba (Puttaparthi) 1. 7th house is Taurus with no planets in
it. Hence cannot be taken for consideration. 2. 7th Lord Venus is
in Scorpio along with a male planet Sun. Mercury and Saturn thus
conjoin one male planet Sun and one female planet Venus. In
such a situation the house will decide the nature of the sex.
Scorpio is a Male sign. Hence the horoscope is of male. Chart 02
Mahatma Gandhi 1. 7th house is Aries with Jupiter in it. Hence
this is a male horoscope. 2. 7th Lord Mars is conjoined with a
female planet Venus. Mercury, which also conjoins Mars is thus
with one male planet Mars and one female planet Venus. Mars is
also aspected by a male planet Jupiter. Since male planets
predominate, Mercury will have no say. Chart 03 Author of this
article 1. 7th house is Cancer occupied by Mars a male Planet.
Hence horoscope is of Male. 2. 7th Lord Moon is in Aquarius and
aspected by Saturn and Mars. Whenever Moon is involved other
planets allow her to act according to her desire. However, since
male planets are more powerful, Moon subjected itself to Mars
and produced a male. Chart 04 Prof. B.V. Raman 1. 7th house is
Leo with Mars a male planet. Mercury is thus conjoined with a
male and a female planet. Further 7th house is also aspected by
Jupiter and the house itself is a male sign (Leo). Hence male
predominates. 2. 7th Lord Sun is not subject to any conjunction or
Aspect. Hence indicative of Male. Female Horoscopes: Chart 05
Shoba De 1. 7th house is Gemini with no planets in it. 2. 7th Lord
Mercury is conjoined with Sun a male planet. This is not aspected
by any female planet. 3. If the house is taken into consideration
Gemini indicates male and Sagittarius also indicate male. Hence
the test fails as far as this horoscope is concerned. Chart 06
Indira Gandhi 1. 7th house is Capricorn with Moon in it. Thus
indicating a female. 2. 7th Lord Saturn is in Cancer in opposition
to Moon confirming the horoscope as that of female. Chart 07
Mother Saratha (Wife of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa) 1. 7th
house is Capricorn with Venus in it indicating female. 2. 7th Lord
Saturn is with Rahu which is not to be taken into account and he
is aspected by Mercury all point out to female. Conclusion:
From the forgoing, you will observe that the system though prove
to be correct in some cases, It looks as though we are trying to
justify the principle one way or the other. There are many loose
ends. There is no clear cut result in some of the cases. But the
real value of astrology lies in the application of a principle and
predicts an event that is to happen in future. Hence in view of the
limitations of the principle we cannot rely on the above system
fully. Principle II : Jaimini Sutras Chapter IV Quarter 3 sex of
child There are 3 Sutras 4.3.10 to 4.3.12 where it is stated that
Male child is born if the planet is male, otherwise female child is
born and if the planet is Eunuch, an eunuch is born. These sutras
have reference to sutras 4.3.3 to 4.3.9 wherein the method of
arriving at the planet is given. Noted astrologer Mr. R.Santhanam
in his research paper published in his book Essentials of Hindu
Predictive Astrology has given a real life case and has thoroughly
analyzed the Sutra. I am not going into the details of the Sutra
here as the same can be read from various translations available.
Maharishi has stated that the Sutras are applicable to Adhana or
conception chart. We all know very well how difficult it is to
construct an Adhana Chart. Here I am going to examine the same
principles as stated in the above Sutras with respect to a Natal
Chart and see whether we are able to fix up the sex of the native.
Principles as stated by Jaimini: 1. The time of birth be reckoned
from sunrise to sunset depending on the birth being at day
time/night time. i.e. if the birth is in the day time before Sun set,
calculate the day duration from Sun rise to Birth time. If it is during
night time, the duration is to be calculated from Sun set to Birth
time. 2. The duration so calculated as above must be converted
into vighatis. For this you must know the relation between hours,
minutes and ghatis and vighatis. 1 day = 60 ghatis 1 ghati = 60
vighatis and so the table goes on to liptas, viliptas, paras and
tatparas. The duration as obtained as per rule 1 will be in Hours-
Minutes-Seconds. Convert it into decimals. Formula is Hours +
Minutes/60 + Seconds/3600) This gives the duration as so many
hours. 1 day consist of 24 hours or 60 ghatis and hence one hour
= 60/24 = 2.5 ghatis. So multiplying the converted decimal hours
by 2.5 we get ghatis and multiplying this result by 60 we get
vighatis. This is called Janma vighati. 3. Divide the final figure
obtained as per rule 2 above by 9. Leave the integer portion and
take only the remainder. 4. If the remainder is not a whole number
then it must be rounded to the next whole number. If the
remainder comes to 2.4 or 2.6 then it must be taken as 3. If the
remainder is 0 then it must be taken as 9. 5. As per Sutra 4.3.9 to
4.3.12, the numbers so obtained above will indicate the sex,
complexion etc of the child. Counting the planets on the basis of
week days (7) and then adding Rahu and Ketu we get the number
nine. The order is as below: Number Planet Sex 1 Sun Male 2
Moon Female 3 Mars Male 4 Mercury Eunuch 5 Jupiter Male 6
Venus Female 7 Saturn Eunuch 8 Rahu Male 9 Ketu Female 6.
The saints call Mercury and Saturn Eunuchs. Normally Mercury
rules the female Eunuchs and Saturn male Eunuchs. However
this should be predicted only if specific combinations for such a
birth exist in the conception chart. Otherwise Mercury will indicate
a female child and Saturn indicate a male. 7. Further
qualifications in determining the sex of the child are Exalted
planets indicate male child and debilitated planets indicate female
child. Some people consider Rahu to be female but Parasara is
very clear that Rahu, Jupiter and Sun give illustrious son. 8. When
it comes to Eunuch planets Mercury and Saturn, if they are in
exaltation they indicate male sex and in debility denotes female
child. 9. Here some amount of confusion may arise. What
happens if a female planet is exalted or a male planet is
debilitated. Then the conjunction or aspect of planets of similar
nature will be the deciding factor. 10. Also the signs indicating
male sex are the odd signs excepting Gemini and Aquarius, while
the even signs are female except Cancer and Pisces. Male
Indicators: Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces
Female Indicators: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and
Aquarius. Consider the signs only when you have conflicting
results from the rules above especially when more than one
planet is conjoined or aspected. One important point to note here
is that the Sun rise mentioned here is the time when the tip of the
disk appears in the horizon. As said in the beginning itself the
above principles have been clearly stated as applicable to
Adhana or Conception chart. Now let us try to apply this principle
to a Natal Chart and see the result. Here I will take examples of
some well known persons chart (4 of male and 4 of female) The
Sun Rise and Sun Set are taken from Jagannath Hora software
selecting the preferences for sunrise and sunset as Tip of the
suns disk appears to be on the eastern horizon. Refer Chart 01
above: Name Sri Satya Sai Baba(Puttabarthi) Date of Birth 23rd
Nov. 1926 Time of Birth 06:26 Sun Rise 06:22:55 Sun Set
17:47:08 Calculations: Day time Birth. Hence Sun rise to be taken
to arrive at the Birth time duration. Sun Rise 06:22:55 (a) Time of
Birth 06:26:00 (b) Difference 00:03:05 (a) (b) Convert to decimal
00 + (03/60) + (05/3600) 0.0514 hrs (c) Convert to vighatis
0.0514x2.5x60 =7.7083 vighatis Divide by 9 7.7083/9 Remainder
is 7.7083 Rounded to next whole no. 8 From the table in Rule 5
Rahu Sex will have to be Male Rahu has conjoined Moon a
female planet. However Exaltation of Rahu has prevailed over
and the birth was of male. Conjunction or aspect need be
considered only when a female planet is exalted or a male planet
is debilitated. Refer Chart 02 above Name Mahatma Gandhi Date
of Birth 2nd Oct. 1869 Time of Birth 07:31 Sun Rise 05:51:09 Sun
Set 17:45:40 Calculations: Since birth is in day time Sun Rise is to
be taken Sun Rise 05:51:09 (a) Time of Birth 07:31:00 (b)
Difference 01:39:51 (b) (a) Convert to decimal 01 + (39/60) +
(51/3600) 1.6642 hrs (c) Convert to vighatis 1.6642x2.5x 60 =
249.6250 vighatis Divide by 9 249.6250/9 Remainder is 6.6250
Rounded to next whole number 7 From the table in Rule 5 Saturn
is the ruler Sex will have to be Eunuch As per rule No. 6 stated
above Saturn indicates a male. Rasi drishti by Ju a male planet
confirm the horoscope as that of Male. Refer Chart 3 above:
Name Yenbeeyes Date of Birth 5th Oct. 1949 Time of Birth
13:50:56 Sun Rise 06:01:18 Sun Set 18:00:08 Calculations: Since
the birth is in day time, Sun rise has to be considered occurring at
the Birth time duration. Sun Rise 06:01:18 (a) Time of Birth
13:50:56 (b) Difference 07:49:38 (b) (a) Convert to decimal 07 +
(49/60) + (38/3600) 7.8272 hrs (c) Convert to vighatis 7.8272 x
2.5 x 60 = 1174.0833 vighatis Divide by 9 1174.0833/9
Remainder is 4.0833 Rounded to next whole number 5 From the
table in Rule 5 Jupiter Sex will have to be Male Jupiter
representing male and also exalted in Sagittarius confirms
the horoscope as that of male. Other aspects not taken into
consideration. Refer Chart 04 above Name Prof. B.V.Raman Date
of Birth 8th Aug. 1912 Time of Birth 19:38:00 Sun Rise 06:06:11
Sun Set 18:43:35 Calculations: Since the birth is in night, time
Sun set is considered to have occuredat the Birth time duration.
Sun Set 18:43:35 (a) Time of Birth 19:38:00 (b) Difference
00:54:25 (b) (a) Convert to decimal 00 + (54/60) + (25/3600)
0.9069 hrs (c) Convert to vighatis 0.9069 x 2.5 x 60 = 136.0417
vighatis Divide by 9 136.0417/9 Remainder is 1.0417 Rounded to
next whole number 2 From the table in Rule 5 Moon Sex will have
to be Female Refer rule No. 9 above. A female Planet Moon is
exalted here. Also it is conjoined by a male planet Saturn and also
aspected by another male planet Sun (Rasi Drishti) confirming the
horoscope as that of a male. Note here conjunction and Aspect is
taken into consideration. Now let me take the femalehoroscopes
one by one. Refer chart 05 above Name Shoba De Date of Birth
07th Jan. 1948 Time of Birth 07:21:00 Sun Rise 07:13:49 Sun Set
18:15:47 Calculations: Since the birth is in day time Sun rise is
considered to have occured the Birth time duration. Sun Rise
05:51:09 (a) Sun Rise 07:13:49 (a) Time of Birth 07:21:00 (b)
Difference 00:07:11 (b) (a) Convert to decimal 0+(07/60)
+(11/3600) 0.1197 hrs (c) Convert to vighatis 0.1197 x 2.5 x 60 =
17.9583 vighatis Divide by 9 17.9583/9 Remainder is 8.9583
Rounded to next whole number 9 From the table in Rule 5 Ketu
Sex will have to be Female Ketu is not conjoined by any planet.
Refer Chart 06 above Name Indira Gandhi Date of Birth 19th Nov.
1917 Time of Birth 23:03:00 Sun Rise 06:22:25 Sun Set 17:12:28
Calculations: Since the birth took place at night ,Sun set is
considered to have occured at the Birth time duration. Sun Set
17:12:28 (a) Time of Birth 23:03:00 (b) Difference 05:50:32 (b)
(a) Convert to decimal 05 + (50/60) + (32/3600) 5.8422 hrs (c)
Convert to vighatis 5.8422 x 2.5 x 60 = 876.3333 vighatis Divide
by 9 876.3333 Remainder is 3.3333 Rounded to next whole
number 4 From the table in Rule 5 Mercury Sex will have to be
Female Here Mercury as well as the sign wherein Mercury is
placed viz. Scorpio indicate female. One thing to be noted is that
Mercury is conjoined by a male planet Sun and aspected by 2
male planets Jupiter and Saturn. Hence the sign Scorpio decides
the sex. Refer Chart 07 above Name Mother Saratha Date of
Birth 22nd Dec. 1853 Time of Birth 19:15:00 Sun Rise 06:19:32
Sun Set 17:01:12 Calculations: Since the birth is at night Sun set
is considered to have occured at the Birth time duration. Sun Set
17:01:12 (a) Time of Birth 19:15:00 (b) Difference 02:13:48 (b)
(a) Convert to decimal 02+(13/60)+(48/3600) 2.2300 hrs (c)
Convert to vighatis 2.2300 x 2.5 x 60 = 334.5000 vighatis Divide
by 9 334.5000/9 Remainder is 1.5000 Rounded to next whole
number 2 From the table in Rule 5 Moon Sex will have to be
Female Here Moon is placed with Mars a male planet. Venus
female planet is also aspecting it. Conjunction/aspect need not be
considered as no exaltation/debilitation of planet is involved.
Conclusion: Hence we can conclude that the ruling planet of the
birth vighati will determine the sex of the child. But vighati is a
time interval of only 24 seconds, it is highly doubtful that the
collected birth time information was accurate in all cases. In
addition to this, the noting of the birth time is always a subject of
controversy. But if we could take a case with accurate data, I am
sure they will confirm Maharishi Jaiminis principles. Before I
conclude I would like to mention one important point here that the
Sutras of Jaimini referred to above give the basis of the ruling
planet of each half of Nadi Amsa according to Sri Sanjay Rath.
Shri Rayudu, another noted Astrologer has stated in his article
Astrology and Human Life published in The Times of Astrology
magazine, July 1999 states: Quote: Each sign or rasi is divided
into 300 parts so that each part comes under the name of a Nadi
Amsa measuring 12 minutes of are in the sign or 48 seconds in
time. This minute division sets the seed of destiny of an
individual. If the correct Nadi is established then there is a birds
eye view of entire past including the past life and future of the
person concerned. Each Nadi Amsa is further divided into two
parts each of 6 minutes of arc in the sign or 24 seconds in time
and general pattern of life is given. Unquote : These 24 seconds
in time or 6minutes of arc is what is known as Artha Nadiamasa
about which Sri Sanjay Rath has also published a paper giving
lucid and clear explanations. I also would like to share some of
my findings in the application of this specific Sutra of the
Maharishi. I calculated the Vighati planet as explained above for
exactly 100 horoscopes. I summarize below my findings: 1. In 57
cases sex as obtained by the calculations above tallied perfectly.
In all the 57 cases, I did not take into consideration the
conjunction or aspect. I only verified for exaltation and debilitation
which revealed that some male horoscopes had exalted planets
(Male) and some female ones had debilitated planets (female). 2.
In 11 cases the test totally failed. None of the rules explained
above provided a correct result. This might be due to error in birth
time because when I changed the birth time by a few seconds
which ranged between 3 seconds to 16 seconds, it was found to
tally. 3. In 32 cases I got the contrary result that is native was a
male and the result was female and vice versa. In these cases I
then went to study the conjunction/aspect and also the nature of
sign. In 2 cases I noticed that when a female planet is exalted, it
was a male native and in 1 case where male planet was
debilitated, it was a female. For all aspects I considered only the
Rasi Drishti as given by Maharishi. No graha drishti was taken
into consideration. This topic is for further research and
discussion as the Retrograde position of planets, argala have not
been taken into account. Also it is to be studied whether the
position of the planet in Varga Charts especially Navamsa has
any bearing on the determination of the sex of the native.

Exaltations and Debilitation of Planets May 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 326 |

Astrologically planets are ascribed exaltation and debilitation

points in the zodiac. As a rule the Rasi (sign) in which the
exaltation and debilitation point is located is taken as a whole as
exalted or debilitated sign. The point of debilitation from the point
of exaltation is 180 degrees. The 7th sign from the sign of
exaltation is the debilitation sign.
Exaltation Debilitation
Sun Aries 100 Libra 100
Moon Taurus 30 Scorpio 30
Mars Capricorn 280 Cancer 280
Mercury Virgo 150 Pisces 150
Jupiter Cancer 50 Capricorn 50
Venus Pisces 270 Virgo 270
Saturn Libra 200 Aries 200
The why, how and what of exaltation and debilitation of planets
are not explained in any authoritative work of astrology.
The argument put forth by some is that the planet nearer to earth
is potentially strong and hence is exalted. A study of the following
dismisses that argument.
The distance and exaltation or debilitation of planets is not in any
way connected. Then what is debilitation and exaltation of planets
Exaltation means being in high position, exhileration and strength.
Debility means weakness, and humility .
The zodiac is the planetary cabinet. The first house or sign should
be occupied by protocol by the King as the Ist citizen. Sun is the
king of planetary cabinet. Hence he should be exalted on his
thrown in the Ist sign Aries. A king enjoys power and position only
when attended by the commander in chief Mars and the servant
Saturn. Aries is the sign owned by Mars, the commander in chief
of the planetary cabinet and Saturn the servant is debilitated
(humbled) in Aries due to the authority of the King and the
commander in chief. The King is attended on either side (Pisces
and Taurus by Venus the courtesan and the Queen Moon).
The place next to the King shall go only to the Queen. Hence
Moon is exalted in Taurus. Sun owns Leo and Moon owns Cancer
and get exalted in Aries and Taurus respectively. Next to Queen
no one can sit. Hence Gemini has neither exaltation or debilitation
of any planet in it. Cancer is owned by the Queen (Queen's place)
Moon. Jupiter is the preceptor and further has a respectable place
in the Queen's palace when he visits Cancer. Hence Jupiter is
exalted in Cancer. Mythologically Moon (as male disciple of
Jupiter) has an episode with Tara, the wife of Jupiter, which
culminated in the birth of a child Budha. Mars the commander in
chief visits the Queen's palace to carry out the commands or run
errands of the Queen. Hence he is debilitated in Cancer. In the
King's palace of Leo no planet can be exalted. Hence free from
exaltation or debilitation. Virgo is owned by Mercury. Mercury is
the finance minister in the planetary cabinet hence exalted in
Virgo. Venus the courtesan is debilitated in the house of the
finance minister, personally visiting for financial aid.
Libra is owned by courtesan (damsel). When the king visits the
court damsel, naturally he is accompanied by the servant Saturn.
In the house of a damsel the king looses his authority. Hence is
debilitated in Libra. The servant Saturn is the master of the
situation (arranging meeting of Damsel Venus and King Sun) and
is exalted. Scorpio is owned by Mars. When Moon the Queen
visits the quarters of subordinate commander in chief, she is
humbled. Hence is debilitated in Scorpio. In the mansion of the
Guru Jupiter no planet is exalted or debilitated. Capricorn is the
quarters of the servant and soldier Saturn. Mars visits the
barracks of soldier. He the commander in chief visits with
authority. Hence is exalted. Jupiter the preceptor and prime
minister by visiting the quarters of a servant looses his dignity and
Hence Jupiter is debilitated in the house of Saturn - Capricorn
Aquarius also is owned by Saturn. There is no debility or
exaltation of planets in it. Pisces is owned by Jupiter. Venus, the
damsel, being in the house of respected Jupiter in the proximity of
the king In Pisces naturally has power hence is exalted. Finance
Minister, and in the proximity of the king is subdued of his
authority and hence is debilitated in Pisces.
This is one line of explanation of exaltation and debilitation of
planets on the basis of planet politics.

Seventh Lord and Planetary promises resulting in spinstership October

Sanjana Mittal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 323 |
The first house in the Kundli is about identity and just opposite to
this house is the seventh house which shapes our destiny in
relationship. Do you find it easy to pair up or you remain a
singleton all through life depends on the position of seventh lord,
seventh house and planetary aspect on them in the kundli. The
prime factor in correct judgment of a particular house is to study
and to analyze the various influences in holistic manner keeping
in view the contemporary situation, period and country- There are
various factors which influence the 7th house and the related
aspects of life. 7th house does not only relate married life, but it
relates all issues related to marriage I.e. the beauty of the spouse,
the family of the spouse, the qualifications of the spouse, timing of
marriage, status of marriage, love marriage or arranged marriage
etc. The house also relates with delay in marriage or devoid of
marriage. The aspect of planets on 7th house or 7th lord may
materialize love affairs into marriage or may break happy life by
separating the husband and the wife or it may result spinster ship
for the whole life. Let us see which astrological yoga create
hurdles in materializing the marriage and one has to remain
bachelor - 1. If lagna, twelfth house and seventh houses have
Maraka planets and combust moon is in fifth or second house.
The native remains bachelor. 2. If moon and Venus are opposite
to Mars and Saturn (seventh house) the native either does not get
married or breaks marriage. 3. In a males kundli, if moon and
Saturn are posited in Seventh house, the marriage does not
happen. 4. If Saturn is in seventh or in lagna. 5. Saturn and Mars
are posited in Seventh house or aspect 7th house one faces
problems in getting married. 6. Sun in seventh house or aspects
the 7th house, the native will tend to lose sexual urge and even
loose his interest in marriage. 7. If fifth and seventh lord, both are
afflicted. 8. If Venus and 7th lord are not in favorable position one
is devoid of marriage. In the research work of the horoscopes of
some famous personalities belong to various fields it was found
that the planetary promises are huge and enough in
the horoscopes of these celebrities in grooming them into the
successful person in their respective fields but marriage yogas
are obstructed by one or other reasons. Lets find out those
astrological reasons in the horoscopes which make them
unmarried in their life. 1. Ratan Tata Ratan Tata is instrumental in
the setting up of the Tata foundation. He is a trained pilot who still
takes to the skies in his own aircraft. He is the receiver of a
number of awards like Padma Bhushan and forbes Asias
Businessman of the year. But marriage alluded to this person.
The man of this magnitude is spinster and leads alone life happy
with his two German shepherds in an apartment in down town
Mumbai. He was born in Vishakha Nakshatra, he could not enjoy
love & affection of mother, and right from the childhood he is a
hardworking and self made man. Lagna lord Jupiter is debilitated
and posited in second house. The seventh house has aspect of
three planets - Venus, Mercury and Sun. Seventh lord is Mercury
who is in close association with Sun hence it is combust and
weak. Due to the Suns aspect on seventh house gave him
disinterest for marriage. In Navamsha chart seventh house is in
Rahu and Ketu axis. 2. Lata Mangeshkar A singer par excellence,
great humanitarian, an ideal daughter and ideal sister, receiver of
Bharata Ratna and Dada Sahib Phalke Awards, who broke all
parameters in the field she chose and created magic by her voice
all over the globe. The recognition, appreciation and adoration
she has achieved is paramount and above all castes, creeds and
culture. The woman of substance is unmarried all through her life.
Her horoscope has Mars as the 7th lord. Mars is posited in sixth
house (twelfth from 7th house) with Ketu, and is third from Venus
which is not auspicious. 7th house is hemmed in between
malefics Ketu and Saturn. From Moon, 7th lord is Saturn who is
posited in sixth house. Mars and Ketu are posited in fourth house
aspect 7th house. Jupiter is akaraka planet for Taurus lagna
being the lord of eighth and eleventh houses. 3. Anna hazare An
Indian Social activist Kisan BaburaoHajare popularly known as
Anna Hazare recently brought revolution in India. Countrymen
united and rallied behind Annas fast like never before. Support
poured from business honchos to common man across the
country. The exact birth time of Anna Hazare is difficult but the
information gathered through the internet the chart was casted out
is like this- Seventh house in the kundli has Mercury who is
aspected by malefic Ketu from the gain house. Lagna is aspected
by debilitated Saturn and Navamsha lagna is occupied by
debilitated Saturn and Ketu itself. Seventh lord Jupiter is afflicted
by kendradhipatidosha, which caused an unmarried life for him.
Three planets in profession house Mars, Moon and Jupiter
making Rajyoga in his kundli. All planets have aspect on fourth
house which gave immense support for Anna Hazare in his anti
corruption protest. 4. Atal Bihari Bajpai BJP leader Atal Bihari
Bajpai is known as the famous politician of his time wasborn in
Anuradha Nakshatra. Rahu in tenth house confirms this. Moon
and Venus in speech house gave him good oratory skills. Sun
Jupiter & Mercury in third house gave him abundance courage
and ability to write poetry and use good words. But see the state
of seventh house. Seventh house has Aries sign. Lord Mars is
posited in sixth house (twelfth from its house) seventh house has
aspect of exalted Saturn. Mars has aspect of Rahu another
malefic. Mars lord of seventh and second house aspect Saturn in
lagna. All these yogas denied marriage for him. 5. Mayawati The
famous politician and BSP leader, chief minister of Uttar Pradesh
Mayavati is an icon and inspiration for millions of Indians Dalit.
She is often referred to as Behenji. A Dalit woman achieved
heights in her respective field, earned recognition but is
unmarried. In her kundli Jupiter is in lagna, and Venus is posited
in seventh house. Seventh house lord is Saturn who is posited
with Rahu and Mars in fourth house. Born in Dhanishtha nakshtra
she could achieve all prosperity in life, but marriage could not
happen. Her ascendant lord is Sun who is posited with Moon and
Mercury in sixth house. 6. Rahul Gandhi 7th Lord Saturn is
posited in 10th house that is in debilitation. Mars is posited in 12th
house and makes him Manglik. Lagna lord is Moon who is in
debilitation and placed in fifth house causes instability in mind.
Seventh house has aspect of Venus from lagna and Venus is
debilitated in Navamsha kundli. Seventh house from moon has
mercury and fourth house has Rahu. 7. Narendra Modi Veteran
politicians Narendra Modi has said to be the creator of Gujrat
state who brought significant changes and development schemes
for the state, but has remained bachelor all through his life.
Recently he was again in picture for Sadbhawna mission.
Seventh lord is Venus who is posited in tenth house in association
with Saturn. Aspect of debilitated Moon and Mars on the seventh
house played negative role. Sun, Mercury and Ketu in eleventh
house gave him good career in politics, and Rahu in fifth house
gave him recognition, Jupiter in fourth house gave him support of
the masses, but marriage could not happen to him. 8. Sushmita
Sen Sushmita Sen is the famous Indian actress who was crowned
Miss Universe in 1994. She was the first Indian woman who won
the contest.In 2000, she adopted a daughter named Renee, and
on 13 January 2010 she adopted a three months girl and named
her Alisah. The actress is spinster till age. Lets find out the
planetary configuration at the time of her birth which caused such
yogas in her kundli. She has Capricorn ascendant and lagna lord
Saturn is posited in seventh house. Exalted Moon is posited in
fifth house. And Sun is in eleventh house that is seventh from the
Moon. Venus the karaka of marriage is in debilitation. Rahu in
tenth house assures her international recognition. Exalted Moon
in fifth house makes her affectionate and loving nature, further
makes yogas for her to adopt two girls as without the wedlock.
But the position of Saturn in seventh house in the natal chart and
position of sun from moon in the seventh house cause yogas of
spinster ship.

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Astrology: An Introduction September 2014

Yashkaran Sharma
Related Articles | Views : 322 |
Nobody except the creator of this universe can tell that what
exactly is going to happen, however, ancient sages
created astrology to get an idea about future events. Astrology is
known as a science of probabilities in modern age. Astrology has
various branches.
Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of
celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human
affairs and the natural world. It is also known as Hindu astrology,
Indian astrology, and more recently Vedic astrology. The term
Hindu astrology has been in use as the English equivalent of
Jyotisa since the early 19th century, whereas Vedic astrology is a
relatively recent term, entering common usage in the 1980s.
Vedanga Jyotisha are one of the earliest writings
about astrology and astronomy within Vedas.
The eighteen sages namely i. e. Surya, Pitamah, Vyasa,
Vashishtha, Atree, Parashara, Kashyapa, Narada, Garga,
Marichi, Manu, Angira, Lomasha, Paulisha, Chyavan, Yavana,
Bhrigu and Saunaka have been recognized as the creators of
In astrological consultation people get predictions about their
future through horoscope (Birth Chart) which is popularly known
as Teva or Janamkunali in Indian Astrology. This horoscope is a
magical mirror in which the astrologer can read the past, present
and future of a person.
This practice is known as natal astrology too and involves the
analysis of this birth chart or natal chart of the client which is a
diagram that depicts where the planets were at the exact moment
of their birth. Consultations involving a clients birth chart are
useful for determining wide-ranging information about different
areas of their life.
In nutshell the premise of natal astrology is that the nature and
course of a persons life is reflected in the alignment of the
planets at the moment of their birth.
Natal astrology assumes, or implies, that our lives are largely
predetermined or mapped out ahead of time, to a greater or
lesser extent. The main goal of this form of astrology, then, is to
study what may be referred to as an individuals fate.
The primary tool (horoscope) used in order to accomplish this is
divided into 12 houses. The 12 Rashi and 9 planets are placed in
these houses. These 12 houses contain the significant, precise
and comprehensive information about the future of the native in
coded language. Each of the 12 houses of this horoscope holds a
different portfolio as depicted in the image given below-
Astrology has been divided into three main Skandhas:

Siddhanta: Indian Astronomy (Mathematics of Astrology)

Samhita: Mundane Astrology, predicting important events
related to countries such as war, earthquakes, political
events, financial positions, Electional Astrology, house and
construction related matters (Vastu Shastra), animals,
portents, omens, and so on.
Hora: ( Predictive Astrology):

This branch has the following different styles / sub branches:-

Jaatak Shaastra / Hora Shaastra (Natal Astrology /

horoscopy): Prediction based on individual horoscope.
Muhurt or Muhurtha (Electional astrology): Selection of
beneficial time to initiate an activity to get maximum fruition
from the life activities.
Swar Shaastra (Phonetical astrology): Predictions based on
name & sounds.
Prashna (Horary astrology): Predictions based on time when
a question is asked by querent / querist.
Ankjyotisha / Kabala (Numerology): A branch of astrology
based on numbers.
Nadi Astrology: An ancient treatise having detailed
predictions for individuals.
Tajik Shaastra / Varsha Phal (Annual
Horoscopy): Astrology based on annual solar returns.
Tajik Shaastra / Varsha Phal (Annual Horoscopy): Astrology
based on annual solar returns.

Mercury- The lord of intelligence April 2014

Future Point
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M- Memory, Message, Money(finance)

E- Eloquence, Expression, Emails
R- Reasoning, Restlessness
C- Curious, childish, Communication
U- Unisex (duality)
R- Research, Rational
Y- Youngish, Youthful
In todays world of globalization, planet Mercurys role is very
vast as this planet has the credit to connect the people from
all over the world through communication, emails,
telephones and all kinds of communicative gadgets which
are used extensively in day to day life. In Greek Mythology,
Mercury is called the Messenger of God, as this planet
really accomplishes this task. It is the karaka of speech,
writing, wit, communication and intelligence. In Indian
astrology- Mercury Is called Budh- a word related to Budhi
(intelligence), which governs Wednesday.
In planetary cabinet, Mercury is prince who is very young
and quick witted, restless, curious and childish. It is neither
masculine nor a feminine energy, and assumes the gender
of the sign it is in. Mercury is never more than 28 degrees
from the Sun and it takes about 28 days to complete its orbit
of the Sun. Because of its dual nature it rules Gemini and
Virgo signs, exalts in its own sign- Virgo and debilitates in
Pisces. In kalpurush kundali Mercury governs 3rd house
(writing, speaking, siblings) and 6th house (diseases, debt,
enemies, maternal uncle).
Well, in spite of its immaturity, Mercury is an intelligent,
thoughtful and social planet. It is intelligent because Mercury
is the restless mind of Virgo, always gathering information,
analyzing, and making connections. It determines how we
make sense of our world, formulate ideas and share them
with others. Our speech pattern, communication style, sense
of humor, quickness of thought- all these depend on the
placement of Mercury.
What we habitually say in our heads, we usually end up
saying with our lips which ultimately direct our feet. Such is
the power of our thinking. Well placed mercury is often seen
in the horoscopes of writers, astrologers, engineers,
mathematicians, chartered accountant businessman. A
Mercurian charms the people around him with playfulness,
enthusiasm, independent thinking and smooth talkativeness.
The person who has proficiency in multiple languages is the
result of the strong position of mercury in the horoscope.
Mercury rules over arms, speaking and hearing skills. Hence
salesman, sculptor, artists, lecturers are also the result of
well placed Mercury. In medical astrology Mercury is
associated with the nervous system, the brain, respiratory
system, thyroid, and sense organs. Malefic Mercury gives
the disorder in brain and vocal organs, mental diseases,
nervous breakdown, excessive sweating, piles, white
leprosy, liver and intestinal problems. Wavering mind,
trickery, deceit, non- commitment, impatient, manipulative,
impractical and dual personality are also the results of poor
Mercury in the horoscope.
However, to get the best results of this planet when afflicted,
one must donate- green cloth, whole moong, camphor, ivory
on Wednesday within two hours before sunset. Cows should
be fed with Green fodder on this day. One must recite this
mantra-Om bram breem braum se budhaye namah. (19000
times in 21 days)
To learn more about astrology
Learn : What is Astrology?

Janam Tithi and Success in Life April 2008

Sitaram singh
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 313 |
In Western Astrology, personality traits and success in life is
judged from the location of the Sun in the horoscope, which
remains in a sign for 30 days. As lakhs of individuals are
born in a month, such reading is of general nature. In
contrast, Indian Astrology gives primacy to the Moon which
covers one sign (30) in only two and a quarter days, and
completes one round of the Zodiac in approximately 28
days. Hence the assessment of individual character based
on Moon is more realistic and dependable. One cycle of
Moon through the Zodiac, or the lunar month, consists of two
parts, namely Shukla Paksha(bright half), and Krishna
paksha (dark half) Each Paksha- comprises 15 tithis. A tithi
is the duration during which Moon travels 12 away from the
Sun. For example, on Amavasya tithi the Sun and the Moon
have identical longitude. From that position upto 12 is 1st
tithi (pratipada) of Shukla Paksha. When Moon reaches 24
it is the end of 2nd tithi (Dwitiya), and so on. Thus tithi is an
index of Sun-Moon disposition. Tithi is also useful in judging
future. The addition of the longitudes of Tithi and Lagna
counted from Aries 0 yields a sensitive fortunate point in
the horoscope for judgement of gains about the house of
location. When benefics in transit form favourable aspect to,
or transit over, this point the native enjoys good result.
Adverse aspect to, and transit of malefic planets over, this
point produces unfavourable result. In
Western Astrology this point is called Pars Fortuna. Our
ancient Rishis were great visionaries, and through their
Divya drishti could look beyond Moons position in a sign,
and indicate specific characteristics of persons born on each
Tithi and also pointed out the important fact that the life
pattern follows the phases of the Moon. Though the basic
characteristics of the individuals born on the same tithi in
both Shukla and Krishna paksha are alike, except for
Amavasya and Poornima, those born during Shukla Paksha
have the capability to develop their potential to the fullest
and rise in life through their own effort. According to
Mansagri : E (D. 5 #3 5
f( 2 ( meaning, A person born in
Shukla Paksha is elegant like full Moon, wealthy, industrious,
well read in shastras, efficient and learned : On the
contrary, an individual born in Krishna Paksha is : .A

E I #35 . 1 2
1 cruel, harsh in speech, hates women, dull-witted,
earns livelihood with the help of others and has a big family.
It is observed that the culmination of progress in an
individuals life is directly related to the tithi on which the birth
takes place in Shukla Paksha from the New Moon till the Full
Moon. On the other hand, those born in Krishna paksha
seem to have difficulty in adjusting themselves in their
environment and subject to other indications in
the horoscope, are not as successful. Krishna Paksha
people born in wealthy families in many cases end up in
poverty or lose their authority and power, unless there are
other strong favourable Yogas to sustain them in life. To
elaborate the point further, a person born at the New Moon
in a poor family rises slowly and surely through his own
efforts to a position of prominence and fame. His progress
would extend over his entire life, and at the time of death he
would be in a much higher position than at any other
previous time In his life. A person born midway between
Shukla Pratipada and Poornima would peak at about middle
age and start decline from that time till the close of his life.
An individual born at Full Moon or a few tithis before it, is
quite likely to be born in a wealthy and distinguished family
and starts his life full of promise and opportunities, but
somehow experiences decline and might fade away into
insignificance. Conversely, persons born in Krishna Paksha
immediately after Full Moon show a gradual decline
extending over a long period. When the birth takes place
half-way between Poornima and Amavasya, this
degeneration will culminate at middle age and from that point
the person will experience a gradual rise. An individual born
just before Amavasya will be frivolous and dull in early years,
but near about his youth his life will take a positive turn for
the better. The growth of those born in Shukla Paksha and
the decadence and degeneration of those born in Krishna
Paksha according to Hinduism is the result of ones
prarabdha (result of deeds of past lives) which is working out
in this life, beyond the control of the individual. This is
reflected through the location of the Moon at birth. Other
planetary position and operation of dasa-bhukti of planets
generally corroborate the findings based on birth tithi. In
case of Krishna Paksha birth, benefic dasas generally come
late in life. Discussion of Horoscopes 1) Shri Atal Behari
Vajpayee was born on Krishna Chaturdasi, just before
Shukla Paksha, in a mediocre family. After completing his
education he made steady rise in his political career. Exalted
Yogakarka Saturn in Lagna forming Sas Yoga gave its
result during Rahu dasa(Sani vat Rahu). After holding many
ministerial posts, and remaining Leader of Opposition he
became Prime Minister of India. He is respected by all the
parties. 2) Smt. Indira Gandhi was born on Shukla Shasti
with 9th lord Jupiter aspecting 2nd lord Sun in 5th house,
she was born in a prosperous and powerful family. After
Independence, she worked behind the scene for her
illustrious father and first Prime Minister of India. On her
fathers death in 1964 she was elected M.P. for the first time
and remained Minister for Information and Broadcasting in
Shri Lal Bahadurs Ministry. On his death she assumed the
office of Prime Minister in 1966 and held it till 1977 when she
lost election. She regained office during 1980, and was
assasinated in October, l984. Being born in about middle of
Shukla Paksha she had charming personality and enjoyed
affluence. She came into limelight in middle age after her
fathers death and after two years became P.M. The end
came suddenly and removed her from Indian political scene.
3) Male: The native was born during middle of Krishna
Paksha, in: an ordinary family, due to which he could not
study after Matriculation. He started his career as typist in a
Govt. office and by the dint of his hard work retired as private
Secretary. As 5th lord Jupiter and 9th lord Moon are forming
Gajkesari Yoga in 10th house, after retirement, at the
beginning of Jupiter dasa, he joined a Private Firm drawing
more pay than he was drawing at retirement. His two sons
are well placed and look after him and his wife very well. The
native is leading a comfortable life. It may be noted that the
best dasa of Jupiter came after retirement and gave its
benefic result in his old age. 4. Female: The lady was born
on Shukla Chaturdasi in Sun dasa. Her education suffered
due to her mothers illness, yet she completed her
M.A.(Eng.), B. Ed. She had to leave teaching assignments
due to some reason or the other. In short she did not get
result commensurate with her efforts so far. Shortly after
birth started Krishna Paksha, the sequence of dasas has not
been helpful, and she has struggled in life.

Light on Progeny : A compact Approach to Conception October

Suresh Chandra Mishra
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 312 |
In the classics, there are certain specific canons
of astrology which help us to determine whether the native
can enjoy the bliss of a child. The Shastra deals with
Aadhana or conception in a scientific manner so as to help
us achieve a child of good qualities as well as to plan our
family by choice. The following is a methodical description
for deducing the right moment of conception under
astrological guidance. Moon and Mars : The Menstrual Cycle
The classics reveal that in female natives, the Moon and
Mars together are responsible for their menstrual cycles
occurring at approximately monthly intervals. The existence
of this cycle is a prerequisite for conception. Varah Mihir
states that every month, females undergo the Aartava
(bleeding) and this is because of the disposition of the Moon
and Mars in natal chart as well as the then transit of Mars
and the Moon. Jupiter and Venus: Ovum and Sperms In the
female, under a natural process every month, the ovarian
follicle ruptures and releases the ovum, which moves
through either of the two Fallopian tubes toward the lumen of
the uterus. The conception occurs when the ovum meets
with the sperm. A fruitful union of the two depends on the
coincidence of Aadhana (fertile sexual union) within a
prescribed limit of time. However, the longevity of an ovum
and sperm, after their release, is estimated to be seventy-
two hours and thirty-six hours respectively, but the
conception from an aged sperm and ovum may lead to
abnormalities in a child. Therefore, an early meeting of the
two is highly desirable. In astrological terms, Jupiter and
Venus represent progeny as well as the generative organs,
their adequate function and fertility. Badrayana states that
from the natal Moon of a male, the Moon transitting in 3, 6,
10, 11 rashis, gives rise to a successful conception when it
receives aspect from Jupiter or Venus. Classics establish
that a weak Jupiter for females and a weak Venus for males,
particularly in houses 7 and 8, manifests as disturbed
function of the ovary (factory of ova) and testis (factory of
sperms). Saturn and Gullika : Death and Birth Saturn and
Gullika together signify the negative aspects of life, hence
they are the Kaarakas of life and longevity, creation and
annihilation, or birth and death in their interrelated forms.
Saturn and Gullika, in a favourable disposition, are essential
for these aspects.Saturn controls the nervous system and,
therefore, a proper functioning of all organs depends on
it.Classics reveal that Saturn alone can manifest bliss of
parentage, altering any adverse planetary combinations for
progeny. Sun: The God of Delivery In the Vedas, the Sun,
being lord of generation, is described as the god of delivery
of a child. It controls smoothness and success in this
venture.Although the Sun rules specifically over the fourth as
well as the last month of pregnancy, a good disposition of
the Sun is essential also for conception as well as a
successful delivery. The Sun represents ability of
conception, Venus the sperms, Mars the menses and the
Moon the overall welfare of the foetus. Mercury: The
Umbilical Cord The umbilical cord is ruled by Mercury.
Through this umbilical cord, the foetus gets life from the
body of the mother. Hence, Mercury, being significator of our
mind and brain, also represents the umbilical cord as well as
the circulation of the baby, thus signifying a link between the
mother and the baby. Detecting the Release of a Fertile
Ovum We know that a female generally produces one ovum
a month while a drop of semen generally has thousands of
sperms. During the process of ovulation, when the egg or
the ovum sets out with aspiration of being united with one of
the millions of sperms, one cannot predict the fate of that
ovum. Whether it will fertilize or die before arriving at its
destination is too difficult to say. It is commonly known that it
comes out almost at the middle of the menstrual cycle. A
simple way of fixing the day is in practice. When a female in
the mornings tends to have her body temperature about 0.5
degree higher, that is the likely day of its release from the
ovary. Although any sort of sensual play is prohibited during
menses, but pregnancy (fertilization of the ovum by the
sperm) in this period is not impossible. Similarly instances of
conception taking place in the last week of the cycle are not
unknown. In the case of a normal cycle, sages had
considered prime likelihood of bearing a child right from the
fifth to the twenty-first day of the cycle. Astrology might help
determine the day of ovulation with some ease as well as
accuracy. Progeny by Choice The following description is
applicable to those who are physically intact, with their
generative organs anatomically and physiologically normal.
For full details, readers are advised to go through our book
written in Hindi, viz., Sukha Santana Deepika. Step-1 Take
note of the rashis (of the natal Moon) of the couple. Erect a
chart of the planetary position for the moment of starting of
menses. Check for whether the Moon transits in 1, 2, 4, 5,
7, 8, 9, 12 rashis from the natal Moon of the female. In that
month, the ovum has great possibility of getting fertilized as
and when the Moon establishes any of the above-mentioned
relation with Mars. Without relation with Mars, the ovum
ends in nullity. Badarayana states At the time of menses,
the Moon transiting in any of the Anupachaya rashis from the
natal Moon of a female, and having relation with Mars,
manifests conception of a child. This is not to be applied to
those who suffer from infertility or disease, have achieved
menopause, or are with undeveloped organs. Step-2
Similarly the Moon should transit in 3, 6, 10, 11 rashis from
the natal Moon of the male. The fertilization ensues when
such a Moon establishes any relation with Jupiter and/or
Venus. Especially, relation of the Moon with a strong Venus
is highly extolled. Without relation with Jupiter/Venus,
conception does not occur even if the couple enjoy sensual
pleasures normally. This method may be applied to check
at the time of conception. Contrary is the result if the Moon
obtains a reverse position. In simple words, we can grasp
the matter in this manner. When the natal Moon of the
couple meets the above-mentioned conditions, they should
proceed further for parentage. The Moon, Mars, Jupiter and
Venus should be strong in disposition and free from any
malefic conjunction. Any weakness of these planets may
give rise to adverse situations in conception or in gestation.
Alternate Method-1 Lagna at menses should be added to
Yamakantaka (one-eighth part of a day or night ruled by
Jupiter); Consider rashi itself or navamsha rashi in the sum
thus obtained; The ovum appears when the Moon transits
in this rashi or in a kendra or trikona rashi from it. The
Santana Deepika, manifests: Alternate Method-2 Add Lagna,
Yamakantaka, Gullika and the Moon at menses. Similarly
consider the rashi in the sum for the Moon. Supportive
Yogas Aartava (menstrual bleeding) happening every month
means an ineffective menstrual cycle while the same
indicating conception is labelled as Garbhartava (the cycle
promising conception). The following Yogas at the time of
commencement of the menses support successful
conception: 1. Conjunction of Gullika and the Moon; 2.
Conjunction of any two of the fifth lords from the lagna, the
Moon and Jupiter; 3. Conjunction of Mars and the Moon; 4.
Mars aspecting the Moon. 5. Natural benefics in house 9; 6.
Conjunction of Gulika and the fifth lord; 7. Aspect of the fifth
lord on Gulika; 8. Any of the above in the navamsha. 9.
Venus in house 5 or 1; 10. Lagna lord and Gulika in mutual
kendras; 11. Jupiter in houses 1, 5, 7 or 9; 12. Strong house
5 and its lord; 13. Mars in house 5 in Mesha, Simha,
Vrishchika or Meena and aspected by or associated with
Jupiter; These supportive yogas are also to be considered at
the time of union. In absence of any supportive yoga at
union, the conception may lead to a miscarriage.

Calculation of House of a Planet May 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 309 |
It is very important to consider the house division for correct
predictions. The planets show their behavior according to the
house they occupy. This lesson describes the method to calculate
the dimensions of the house and thus determine in which house the
planet lies. It also describes the Western or K P Method of house
By now we have learnt how to calculate ascendant, tenth house and
planets' position. Using this data, we shall now determine the span
of a house and in which house a planet is posited.

What is a House?
The circle of the zodiac is divided into 12 divisions called houses.
Each house does not necessarily extend to 300 - it is either less or
more. According to the Vedic astrology, ascendant is the mid point
of the first house and mid heaven is the mid point of the tenth
house. A house starts approximately 150 before the mid point and
extends about 150 beyond the mid point. The point at which the
first house ends and next house starts is called "Bhava Sandhi" and
the house extends from first Sandhi to the next. However, the
whole sign does not fall in one house. A house normally extends
over two signs. Each planet, depending upon its degree, falls in one
sign and one house. The house as visible in the Lagna chart is not
the planet's actual house position.
House division
For any date, time and place, there are some stars rising in the
eastern origin and some stars setting in the western horizon. This is
because of the earth's rotation around its axis. The eastern horizon
is called the first house, whereas the western horizon is the 7th
house. The point above the head of the person is called the mid
heaven or the 10th house. In Indian system of house division the
rising point, the setting point and the mid heaven point are
considered the center of the 1st house, 7th house and 10th house
respectively, whereas in the western system these are considered
the starting points of the houses.

Why do we calculate houseIn astrology, we describe the planet's

results in a particular house. The planets are known to give results
according to the house in which they live. The Lagna chart only
tells us in which sign a planet is posited. It also tells us about the
aspects of a planet on the other planets. However, it does not
confirm the house in which a planet is situated. So we make
another chart called Chalit, which gives us the information about
the house in which a planet is posited.
To draw the Chalit chart, determine the starting point of the twelve
houses as described and if the planet degree lies in the extent of the
house, then place the planet in that house. Normally the house
position derived in such a manner and the house occupied by the
planet in the Lagna chart are same. But they tend to differ if the
ascendant degree is high and planet degree is low or vice versa. To
represent this situation, sometimes we place the planet in Bhava
Sandhi. We draw a chart with twelve houses and twelve Bhava
Sandhis. The planet which is in the same house in Lagna or as per
house degrees, it is placed in the house; else it is placed in the
Bhava Sandhi.
In the South Indian style where each box represents a sign (not a
house) we mark the houses with degrees and place the planets and
houses in the order of the degree they own. If a planet is beyond
the limit of the house we take it in the next house.
Different methods are in vogue to determine the extent of the
house. However, only two systems of house division are common.
Indian system of house division : In this system ascendant and the
mid heaven are calculated and the difference between them is
divided into six equal parts. The mid heaven is the center of 10th
house. Adding the sixth part gives the ending of 10th house or
starting of 11th house. Adding of sixth part again and again gives
11th house middle, 12th house beginning, 12th house middle, 1st
house beginning and 1st house middle. In a similar way adding to
the ascendant successively the sixth part of the difference between
4th house and the ascendant, longitudes of the 2nd and 3rd houses
are obtained. The remaining houses can be calculated by adding 6
signs to each of the opposite house.
Example : Compute house degrees for native born on 15.01.1970
at 11.30 AM at Delhi.
From the previous lessons we have :
Ascendant : Pisces 220 51'Tenth house : Sagittarius 170
7'Subtracting 10th house degree from ascendant
We get 3520 51'
2570 07'950 44'
Dividing by 6 we get 150 57'20"
Adding this to 10th house degree we get
10th house Sag. 170 7111th house beginning Cap. 30 4'11th house
middle Cap. 190 2'12th house beginning Aqu. 40 59'12th house
middle Aqu. 200 56'1st house beginning Pisc. 60 54'1st house
middle Pisc. 220 51'
Similarly computing other house degrees we get :
House House Start House Middle
1 Pis. 60 54' Pis. 220 51'
2 Ari. 60 54' Ari. 200 56'
3 Tau. 40 59' Tau 190 2'
4 Gem. 30 4' Gem 170 7'
5 Can. 30 4' Can 190 2'
6 Leo. 40 59' Leo 200 56'
7 Vir. 60 54' Vir 220 51'
8 Lib. 60 54' Lib. 200 56'
9 Sco. 40 59' Sco. 190 2'
10 Sag. 30 4' Sag. 170 7'
11 Cap. 30 4' Cap. 190 2'
12 Aqu. 40 59 Aqu. 200 56'
Western system or placidus system of house division : In this
system, the star rising in the eastern horizon is on the ascendant. It
then passes over the 12th house, the 11th house, the 10th house etc.
in equal intervals of time, until it sets when it reaches the
descendant. The ascendant and mid heaven are taken as start of the
respective house and not the center. The exact method of
calculation of house degrees is difficult and tables are available to
compute it on the basis of the sidereal time or the 10th house.
Krishnamurthy System uses the above system of house division
The values calculated for the model horoscope for the twelve
cusps, as per placidus system, are :
Cusp Sign Cusp degree
1 Pis. 220 51'2 Ari. 270 17'3 Tau. 230 36'4 Gem. 170 7'5 Can. 120
6'6 Leo 120 55'7 Vir. 220 51'8 Lib. 270 17'9 Sco. 230 36'10 Sag.
170 7'11 Cap. 120 6'12 Aqu. 120 55'
The model horoscope planet degrees are as follows :
Planet Sign Degree
Sun Cap 10 14'Mon Ari 90 36'Mar Aqu 290 24'Mer-R Sag 260
54'Jup Lib 100 36'Ven Sag 250 15'Sat Ari 80 44'Rah-R Aqu 190
41'Ket -R Leo 190 41'Ura-R Vir 150 14'Nep Sco 60 48'Plu-R Vir
30 49'
The Lagna chart is as below :

The planets Sun and Pluto to move to previous house as per Indian
system of house division, because Sun is at Cap 1014' and the 11th
house starts from Cap 30 5', hence leaving Sun in the 10th house.
Similarly Pluto is at Virgo 30 49', 7th house starts from Virgo 60
54' thus leaving Pluto in the 6th house. Hence Chalit chart is as

It is also represented as-->

In the Chalit Chakra, it is clear from the placement that Sun and
Pluto to have moved out from their house to the previous house.
The cusp chart as per the western system is shown as follows :

Here Sat and Mon move to the 1st Cusp, Plu and Uranus in 6th
cusp Jupiter in 7th, Neptune in 8th and Sun in 10th, rest in the
same cusp as in Lagna.
If we do a comparative study we find the house of the planets in
the given horoscope in Lagna, Chalit and cuspal charts as follows:
Planet Lagna Chalit Cusp (Ind.Sys.) (Wes. Sys.)
Sun 11 10 10Mon 2 2 1Mar 12 12 12Mer 10 10 10Jup 8 8 7Ven 10
10 10Sat 2 2 1Rah 12 12 12Ket 6 6 6Ura 7 7 6Nep 9 9 8Plu 7 6 6
From the table we notice that many planets change their cuspal
position compared to Lagna chart whereas only a few change in
the Chalit chart. This is because in the cuspal chart ascendant
degree is taken as the start of the house and not the middle. So the
probability of change of house is increased. Secondly, in cusp
more planets move to the previous house, again because the start of
house in cusp is higher than in chalit.
It is very important to consider the house division for correct
predictions. The planets show their behavior according to the
house they occupy. The behavior is enhanced depending upon its
strength, which is determined depending upon the sign or
Nakshatra it occupies. Hence use Lagna chart only to know the
sign in which a planet is posited and use Chalit chart to confirm the
house position of the planet. Do not take the aspects as per the
house or Lagna chart. Look at the degrees to determine if there is
any aspect between two planets.

The role of Karma in programming the birth of a child

astrologicallly January 2012
Roshan Singh
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 309 |
The Law of Karma : Our astrology chart is a map, plan and
blueprint of our karma which means action. It refers to the
actions that we have sown in our past whether in this life
time or in previous lifes, this can be positive or negative and
follows us possibly in many life times until it is reaped. Just
as a calf can find its mother even if its wondered into another
herd. This is called the infallible justice and will be metered
out to us exactly at the time when it is due. On the other
hand the present life is experiences of the past and doings of
the present which make it flexible and can be changed by
our own free will. This can happen to that individual who is
aware of his sufferings or enjoyment as a result of past
action and makes amends accordingly. This is the purpose
of human life, to look at our defects and remedy them so as
not to incur bad Karma once again and to end the vicious
cycle of birth, old age, disease and finally death. The Four
Kinds of Karma : Our karma consists of that which is our fate
and our free will. There are four kinds of karma two that
represent our fate and two that represent our free will. The
two kinds of karma that represent our fate are: 1. Sanchita
Karma All the actions weve performed in all our past
lifetimes. 2. Prarabdha Karma Our current life karma. The
two kinds of karma that represent our free will are: 3.
Kriyamana Karma This is our free will to take current
actions to change our current life situation. 4. Agama Karma
This is our free will to make a choice and firmly act
accordingly in the future. The dasa shows how our karma
unfolds in Astrology. Of the many dasa systems the
Vimshottari dasa system is the most prominent and most
widely used by astrologers. It makes use of a 120 year cycle
where each planet rules a certain number of years. This is
broken down into sub periods called bhuktis which appear in
the same order as the dashas and are divided relative to the
dasa length as will be decribed hereafter. For instance Ketu
dasa starts with Ketu / Ketu, then Ketu / Venus, then Ketu /
Sun. From this combination of the Dasha and Bhukti one is
able to precisely predict the unfoldment of ones karma now
and always. The following indicate the unfoldment of the
dasha system. Ketu 7 years, Venus 20 years, Sun 6 years,
Moon 10 years, Mars 7 years, Rahu 18 years, Jupiter 16
years, Saturn 19 years, Mercury 17 years From time
immemorial many theories of exactly why the dashas unfold
in this order have been thrown around but this is totally
unknown. What is amazing is that they seem to work
perfectly and this can only be attributed to something that is
divine and beyond understanding. Karma and Free Will : In
the Western world they seem to believe that they create their
our own destinies and are able to do as they choose
however in the east it is firmly believed that one has to walk
on the path of his Karma that has been created by him in his
previous life. The difference in the two ways of thinking can
largely be attributed to cultural conditioning. The dasa
system starts with Ketu, when the child is closest to God in
and in a state of purity and love. Therefore Ketu is the dasa
where we are satisfied with the basic essentials like a child
that is satisfied with what is offered to him. Age 0-1 years
Venus dasa is when the child is being nurtured and cared for
as she is the nurturer. It is during this most important period
of cultivation that one goes through the paces of learning
about life and to love and care for others. Age 1 -3 years
Sun dasa bring about the emergence of our individual
identities where one does not require the support of anyone
and is able to grow on ones own strength and ability. The
individual becomes strong and empowered to act as he
pleases. Age 4-12 years Moon dasa brings about a deep
sense of wanting to connect the individual mood with others
as we see ourselves and compare them with the
experiences of others. It is a period of sensitivity like that of a
teenager. Age 13 - 19 years Mars dasa is when we learn
through courage and discipline about the world and our
interaction with it. This is when one is faced with the realities
of this material world and its temporary nature. Age 20 - 27
years Rahu dasha bring about a complete change after
enjoying our youthfulness one becomes absorbed in the
illusion of the material existence and is trapped in Maya.
Here the individuals energy is sapped in accumulating
wealth and worldly possession, Marriage, children and
career advancement clouds the ability to recognize the inner
being, the soul and the purpose of life. Age 28 - 40 Jupiter
dasa is where we feel that we are back in control after Rahu
has pushed us through the paces. He is the Guru and the
teacher and comes in our life to impart wisdom and insight
into life and its lessons. Age 40-55 Saturn dasa makes us
fully aware of our limitations and how we have to face the
dark realities of birth, old age, disease and death. It is a time
to work through our Karma individually,as it bring us to the
ground. Age 55 - 65 Mercury dasa follows after the deep
cleansing period of Saturn. One becomes fully aware,
practical, full of knowledge and at the same time down to
earth like a child. He is non-judgmental and an advisor full of
discrimination and clear thinking. Age 65 onwards A Janam
Kundali draw up at the time of birth is able to predict
precisely every happening of the future. From
the horoscope one is able to relate to ones past life and
determine the nature and qualities of the individual as he
was and what is to become of him in this lifetime. One
spends and entire lifetime preparing for the moment of
death. All our actions in the entire lifetime manifest as a
singular thought at the time of death and this takes the living
entity, the soul, to that part of the universe, to that country, to
that city to be born to a particular set of parents who will
become part of the Karma of the newborn child that enters
this world. This is so perfect therefore one can be born either
in a well to do home or in an environment where they are
poverty stricken and that can change at any given time
during the lifetime of the individual depending upon the
unfoldment of ones Karma. Therefore Karma
and astrology are partners and go hand in hand forever. In
predicting the birth of a child astrologically one becomes fully
aware of the past, present and future of the living entity. It
therefore becomes the duty initially of the parents and later
that of the child to be fully aware of our actions at every
moment of our life, to be aware that we are reaping the fruit
of our past actions and simultaneously sowing seeds for our
future life. Astrology is that blue print that is able to guide the
individual to plan for a brighter and better future. I bring good
tidings and felicitations from the people of South Africa and
pray that the historical bond that exists between our sister
lands will grow from strength to strength. May the good
karmas of great personalities like Gandhiji shine like
beacons of light in the lives of generations to come forever.

Sex of Child Through Ruling Planets April 2006

B,R. Tanwar
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 296 |
Horary is a method based on the ruling planet. A number
between 1 and 249 is selected by the querist along with
his/her specific question. The query is then tallied with the
relevant houses connected with the subject. The delivery of
a lady was expected in two or three days, when her mother-
in-law approached an astrologer to know the sex of the child
and position of delivery. The mother-in-law gave Horary No.
50 (between 1 to 249) on 9-10-98 at 12-42 PM. The
astrologer drew the map of the planetary position prevailing
at that time. According to No. 50, the ascendant falls in
Gemini sign. Since the query pertains to her son's wife the
matter was analysed by taking the 11th house as ascendant
(5th house is her son and 11th house is his wife). First the
query should be confirmed whether the Moon tallies with the
relevant houses connected with the subject. Moon reveals
the mind of a person. In this case, Moon is situated in 2nd
house and is owner of 5th (besides the 4th house). Moon as
per degrees is in own star and sub. 5th house stands for
progeny and delivery. Moon is being aspected by Ketu by
evil aspect (considering western aspects' theory) who is a
significator of 5th and 8th houses i.e. 5th progeny and 8th
worries. Hence Moon confirms the query. Such type of
confirmation of a query assures the astrologer that the
querist has given the Horary number with full and sincere
urge in respect of his/her problem. The ruling planets in
operation at that time were as under: What are the ruling
planets? A particular moment is ruled by a group of planets
at a certain latitude. They are : Lord of the week day. Lord
of the Moon sign. Lord of the Moon's constellation. Lord of
Lagna rising at the time of query or analysis or birth time.
Lord of the constellation, where the degree is formed
Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) in the signs of the ruling planets.
Here is a short cut formula based on ruling planets, which is
as follows : Find out in which sub each the ruling planet is,
then that sub-lord is in which constellation, whether that star
lord is posited in male sign or in female sign. If more planets
out of the ruling planet indicate a male child then a male
child will be born, otherwise a female child will take birth. Let
us examine it in the present case : Jupiter is in the sub of
Ketu and Ketu is in the star of Mars, posited in Leo sign,
which indicates male child. Venus, as ascendant star lord, is
in Sub of Saturn and Saturn is in the star of Ketu, posited in
Aquarius sign, which indicates a male child. Venus as Moon
sign lord, as discussed above. Venus as day lord, as
discussed above. Moon is in the star and sub of Moon itself
situated in Taurus sign, indicating female sex. Therefore,
four ruling planets indicate male sex, while only one
indicates female sex. Accordingly the querist was told that
male child will be born. next query was whether the delivery
will be safe and when the delivery is expected. With regards
to safe delivery, the sublord of 5th house is to be analysed.
5th sublord is Saturn in 1st house and there is no planet in
it's three stars on the day of analysis. Saturn is lord of 10th,
11th as well as 12th houses. Saturn is in sub of Rahu, which
signifies 5 and 11. Rahu is posited in 5th and he is in the star
of Ketu in 11th. Here 12th house indicates some
complication and worries during delivery. 12th also indicates
hospitalisation. 5th sub lord Saturn signifies 1 and II houses
starwise and 5 and 11 subwise. It was predicted that the
delivery will be safe and the problem will be solved
automatically and immediately. The query was put on Friday
and the delivery was expected in 2 or 3 days. The next-day
happened to be Saturday. After that it was Sunday. Neither
Saturn nor Sun has appeared as ruling planet, while Venus
has appeared thrice among the ruling planets. Therefore, it
was predicted that the delivery will take place on Friday,
before mid night. (12.00 a.m.) The lady was admitted in Loke
Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital in the afternoon of 9th Oct'98
and she delivered a male child safely on the same day at 17-

Moon-A mindful planet April 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 292 |

M Mother, Mind, Moods

O Ocean (water), ovaries
O Optimism, obedience
N Nurse, Nurture
Moon is the only natural satellite of the planet earth, where a
human has set foot upon. The Moon is the second luminary
in astrology, the other being the Sun. If Sun is masculine &
cruel, karaka of father and the king of planetary cabinet,
Moon is feminine, cool & benefic, karaka of mother and the
queen of planetary cabinet. Besides the Sun, the Moon is
the brightest object in the sky though it radiates because of
the light of the Sun & can be very easily seen with the naked
If Sun is the soulful planet, Moon is the mindful planet in
Indian astrology. If Suns energy works as a life force,
Moons cool & benefic temperament maintains the balance &
controls the rate of flow of vital energy. Moon is called
chandra or Soma & represents Monday. The famous Vedic
verse Purush Sukta describing the Cosmic man, states-
Chandrama Manso Jatak. Moon was born from the mind of
the Cosmic man i.e. Kal Purush. Moon is the presiding deity
of the element water. The Sun has governance over all
those places like temples, mosques, & churches etc. The
Moon has her domain in bathrooms, inside & outside the
house, over tanks, wells, seas, rivers & any other water
Moon plays a central role; or rather you can say the pivotal
role in Indian astrology. As from starting making
the horoscope to the prediction, muhurats for all occasions,
festivals as well as in Mundane astrology, we follow Moon &
take into consideration Moons position at that particular
time. Moon sign or the sign in which moon is placed at the
time of the birth is of utmost importance. Moon sign is
neither the Zodiac sign nor the ascendant, which it has been
mistaken for. The prediction is done on the basis of the
Janam Rasi or the sign in which Moon is placed in the birth
chart. The star constellation in which Moon is placed is
called Janma Nakshatra.
Moon governs the 4th house of Kalpurush kundali & owns
the sign Cancer. Moon exalts at 3 degree Taurus and is in
deep debilitation at 3 degree Scorpio. Its mooltrikona sign is
Taurus. When the Sun & Moon are in the same rashi, it is
called Amavasya. When the Sun & Moon are in the exact
opposite signs or 180 degrees apart it is called Purnima or
full Moon day. Moon is the fastest moving planet which stays
in one sign in two to two & half days, & completes the Zodiac
in 28 days.
To learn more about astrology
Learn : What is Astrology?

How To Read Horoscope? April 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 292 |
In Astrology it is understood that at any point of time nature
is governed by a planet and the position of that planet in
the horoscopedetermines how the native will feel or behave.
This chapter details the calculation of the planet acting at
any point of time and the period for which the planet rules.
There are three basic parameters in a horoscope : 1. planet
2. house and 3. Rashi (sign). Twelve rashis are spread over
twelve houses; on an average one rashi occupies one
house. However, rashi is exactly 300, whereas a house may
vary in size and the starting of house may fall at any rashi at
any point. It is equivalent to placing one circle over the other,
both having same dimensions, but any one point on
circumference of one circle can be made to align with any
point on circumference of the other circle. The rest of the
circle gets automatically placed. Similarly in a horoscope we
determine the Lagna (first house position) and place the
rashi circle over the rest of the twelve houses.
After fixing the signs over houses we place the planets in the
various houses. Since there are only nine planets and some
planets combine together in a house, some houses are left
empty. The planets possess some intrinsic properties and
when mixed with the color of sign and house they occupy,
they change their color, leading to different behavior, at
different time of births. Study of this change in behavior of
the planets is basic astrology.
There are three basic reasons why planets behave
differently, like
1. the house in which it is placed.
2. sign in which it is placed
3. other planets associated with it.
Once the planet's behavior is ascertained because of its
placement, the results are changed with time, depending
upon Dasha operating at that time. Dasha tells us which
planet is effective to give results at what time.
To understand what the horoscope has in store for a native,
let us study how the planets have co-relation with life. We
give below the basic nature of planets and houses and also
what they signify.
Signification of Planets
Sun : Sun is the king, soul, father, will power, life, glory,
health, sovereignty and clothes. Its colour is pink or red. It
has anger but momentary. Its element is gold and gem ruby.
East is represented by Sun.
Moon : It is a cold, calm and quiet planet and represents
mind, mother, motherland, money, eyes, lungs, liquids and
nurses. Its color is white, direction north-east, element is
silver and gem pearl.
Mars : Mars is a soldier and represents land, boldness,
younger brothers and sisters, chemists, fire, anger, surgery.
It has anger which stays for a long time. Its element is
copper and gem coral. Its color is red and direction south.
Mercury : Mercury is talkative and tactful, but not harmful. It
is a good trader, mathematician, editor and publisher. It has
excellent argumentative and analytical power. It represents
memory, throat, arms, maternal uncles and short journeys.
Its element is bronze and gem is emerald. color is green and
direction north.
Jupiter : It is the heaviest and the most benefic planet and
represents Guru. It is very polite and religious and
represents education, school, temples, oils, fats, sugar, long
journeys, judges, priests and scientists. It's color is yellow,
metal platinum, gem yellow sapphire and direction north -
Venus : Venus is a planet of sex, love and beauty. It is a
poet, dancer, singer, wife, actor or driver. It represents
luxury, vehicles, kidney, silver, diamond, south-east direction
and white colour.
Saturn : It is the most malefic planet and very selfish and
cunning. It represents death, politics, gas, airplanes, poverty,
servants, electronics and legs. Its color is blue, element iron,
gem blue sapphire and direction is west.
Rahu : Rahu is an expansionist planet and represents
smoke, mental disturbance, loss, theft, death of a family
member. It also represents sudden gain through lottery,
gambling or speculation. Its color is black, element mixed
metal and gem gored.
Ketu : It has tail but no head and represents broken
relationships, changing events, accidents. It represents
electronics, brown color. gem is cat's eye.
Signification of House
1st house : 1st house or so called Lagna is the most
important of all the houses and determines the longevity,
health, character and nature of the native. It specifically
signifies the head.
2nd house : This house is also called 'Dhan' house and
deals with money matters, one's deposits, income tax,
customs, computers. It represents one's family and face,
speech, food habits and left eye.
3rd house : Called 'Bhratra' house, this is the house of
brothers and sisters, signifies courage, boldness, short
journeys and throat. one is made singer by this house only.
4th house : 4th house represents mother, motherland,
house, mental peace, vehicles and education. It is also
called 'Matra Bhava'. It represents chest, particularly lungs.
5th house : This house is also called as 'Putra Bhava' and
represents children, intelligence, speculation and love
affairs. It indicates stomach and gives professions of
teacher, principal and gynecologists.
6th house : This house is called 'Ripu Bhava', that is house
of enemies. It governs digestive system, quarrels court and
jobs done by hand, like typing.
7th house : Also called 'Kalatra Bhava', it represents wife,
business partner, marriage, business or employment in a
private firm. It governs sexual organs and diseases thereof.
8thhouse: Called 'Ayusthan' it represents death, reasons of
death, underground wealth, historical things and
monuments. It represents accidents, parental property, life
insurance, mining and anus.
9th house : Called house of luck and religion, it represents
pilgrimage, higher studies like doctorate, long journeys,
languages like Sanskrit, Roman and Hebrew. It also
indicates grand parents and mental aptitude towards Yoga
and sadhana. It represents hips.
10th house : This house is called 'Karma sthana' and
represents the acts one does. It signifies father, government,
politics, management. It governs knees and defines the
profession of a person.
11th house : 11th house is house of gains or 'Labha' and
represents sources of income, elder brothers and sisters,
friend's circle and legs.
12 th house : The house of loss and expenses is called
'Vyaya sthana' and covers bad habits, hospital, jail, long
journeys and quests. It also indicates export and import, also
Strength of Planets The planets gain strength at certain
points and behave differently in different signs and houses.
They show different relationships with different planets.
Planets own certain signs. Sun and Moon own one sign and
other planets own two signs each. Rahu - ketu, being
pseudo planets, do not own any sign. Planets get exalted or
become powerful at certain points and get debilitated exactly
1800 away. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are benefic
by nature and others are malefic as shown in the table below
For any ascendant, some planets become Yogakaraka or
maraka, depending upon the house they own. This is one of
the most important factor in prediction. A yogakaraka planet
shows good results in its dasha or antar Dasha. Stones are
suggested only for a yogakaraka planet. if a planet is benefic
only then it is good to make it strong ; else it will harm the
native. planets which are yogakaraka for each ascendant is
given in the table below.
Benefics - Lords of 1,5,9
Yogakaraka and lords of 4, 7, 10, if natural malefic.
Malefics - Lords of 3,6,
Maraka 11and lords of 4,7,10,if natural benefic
Neutral - Lord of 2,8, 12.

Planet Ownership ExaltationDebilitation Aspects Nature Sex

Sun Leo Aries Libra 7 Malefic Male
Mon Cancer Taurus Scorpio 7 Benefic Female
Mars Scorpio Capricorn Cancer 4,7,8 Malefic Male
Mercury Virgo Virgo Pisces 7 Benefic Female
Jupiter Pisces Cancer Capricorn 5,7,9 Benefic Male
Venus Libra Pisces Virgo 7 Benefic Female
Saturn Aquarius Libra Aries 3,7,10 Malefic Impotant
Rahu - Taurus Scorpio - Malefic -
Ketu - Scorpio Taurus - Malefic -
Planet Ownership Exaltation Debilitation Aspects Nature Sex
Sun Leo Aries Libra 7 Malefic Male Mon Cancer Taurus
Scorpio 7 Benefic Female Mars Aries/
Scorpio Capricorn Cancer 4,7,10 Malefic Male Mercury
Virgo Virgo Pisces 7 Benefic Female Jupiter Sagittaris/
Pisces Cancer Capricorn 5,7,9 Benefic Male Venus Taurus/
Libra Pisces Virgo 7 Benefic Female Saturn Capricorn/
Aquarius Libra Aries 3,7,10 Malefic Impotant
Rahu - Taurus Scorpio - Malefic -
Ketu - Scorpio Taurus - Malefic -

Ascendant Maraka (Malefic) Neutral
Mer, Mon,
Aries Sun, Mar, Jup
Sun, Mar, Mer,
Taurus Mon Jup. Ven
Mar, Sun, Sat,
Gemini Ven Mon, Mer
Cancer Mon, Mar, Jup Mer, Ven Sun, Sat
Leo Sun, Mar Mer, Ven Jup. Mon, Sat
Virgo Ven Jup, Mon, Mar Sat, Sun, Mer
Mar, Mer, Ven,
Libra Mon, Jup, Sun -
Scorpio Sun, Mon, Jup Mer, Ven Sat, Mar
Sagittarius Sun, Mar Mer, Ven, Sat Jup, Moon
Capricorn Mer, Sat, Ven Mer, Mon, Jup Sun
Ven, Sun, Sat,
Aquarius Jup, Mon Mer
Sun, Mer, Sat,
Pisces Mon, Mar Jup
the next lesson we shall study how to use these data for

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3. Mystic powers of Kaal Sarp Yoga

Mystic powers of Kaal Sarp Yoga May 2014
Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 292 |
Rahu and Ketu are two modes of Moon and they are regarded as
full-fledged planets in Astrology. They are considered as most
dreaded planets. Rahu is the Dragons head and Ketu as
Dragons tail. Both of them form a malefic yoga, known as Kal-
Sarp Yoga. In Astrology, this Yoga is supposed to have direct
impact on the following events :
It causes deterioration of health and reduces longevity.
It causes imprisonment or serious accident.
It causes separation, divorce and marital discord.
It causes poverty and destruction of wealth.
It causes destruction of business and loss of job.
It causes destruction of kingdoms and rulers.
It causes downfall of most powerful persons in politics.

When Kaal Sarp Yog is formed :

All the planets should be within the orbit of Rahu and Ketu.

Rahu should be at the upper end and ketu at the lower end.
There is no planet outside the arch.
That there is no planet conjuncting with Rahu or Ketu.
That all the seven planets should face Rahu,which is always
What is Kaal Sarp Yog result :
Rahu in first house and Ketu in 7th house: Downfall, loss of
position and reputation, mishappening, marital discord, loss
of wife and children.
Rahu in second house and Ketu in 8th house : Reduction in
wealth and health causes poverty, worries defects in body
and lot of travelling.
Rahu in 3rd house and Ketu in 9th house : Involved in
criminal activities, unpopular, waste energy and wealth,
selfish, accident prone and paralysis is possible.
Rahu in 4th house and Ketu in 10th house : Loss of property,
disappoint-ment, loss of job and business, unhappiness,
sarpdosha unhappy and unsettled life.
Rahu in 5th and Ketu in 11th house : Heavy losses in
litigation, failure in love affair, loss of children and betrayal by
Rahu in 6th house and Ketu in 12th house : imprisonment,
secret enemies, bad health and serious sickness and set
backs in married life.
Note : The impact is more severe if Rahu has support of Sun
and Saturn.
Duration of Kal-Sarpn Yoga :
Rahu in 1st house: upto 27 years of age.
Rahu in 2nd house: upto 33 years of age.
Rahu in 3rd house: upto 36 years of age.
Rahu in 4th house: upto 42 years of age.
Rahu in 5th house: upto 48 years of age.
Rahu in 6th house: upto 54 years of age.
Notes :
It causes malefic impact on houses occupied by Rahu and
It causes malefic impact on houses aspected by Rahu and
It spoils the benefic planets joining with Rahu and Ketu.
It causes severe hardship when related with Sun and Saturn
or the lords of the houses occupied by Sun, Saturn,Rahu
and Ketu.
Its impact will be clearly noticed during periods and
interperiods of Rahu and Ketu.
Its impact is more severe when Rahu/Ketu are in 1,5 or 9th
position from themselves or Sun, Mars and Saturn.
Sometimes it pushes a man to great heights.
Sometimes it gives benefic results, when Rahu/Ketu are
aspected by benefic planets, specially Jupiter or Venus.
Ketu is always 180 degrees from the longitude of Rahu
In case Uranus, Neptune or Pluto are outside the arch of
Rahu and Ketu, no Kal-Sarp Yoga is formed.
Ketus aspect is less malefic than Rahu
Raja Yogas in the chart are more effective than Kal-Sarp
This Yoga causes great harm to th4e family, society and
nation through the person who has Kal-Sarp Yoga
This Yoga plays important role in Mundane Astrology
Rahu joining ninth Mars in any chart create criminals or
suicide or serious accident or murder
Rahu and Saturn joining in any house destroy the 7th house,
the house opposite them
Rahu in transit creating relations with Jupiter or Venus gives
benefic results
Ketu moving over any planet is evil for the significations of
the concerned house
Rahu and Ketu generally behaves like lord of the sign
occupied by them or the planet conjuncting with them.
If Ascendant is outside the arch of Kal-Sarp Yoga, the
malefic impact is reduced.
The dispositors of Rahu and Ketu also play important role in
determining the benefic or malefic impact.
Rahu in 3rd or 6th house in Aries, Taurus or Cancer sign
does not give malefic results. It is benefic and gives benefic
Rahu in 10th house or aspecting 10th house and its lord
along with Sun and Saturn destroy the natives career. In
case of 7th house separation and divorce id possible
Rahu and Mars in 3rd house causes accident and damages
to life.
Rahu + Mars + Sat in ascendant: Dangerous personality.

Relationship between Astrology and Diseases April 2006

Satyanarayan Sharma
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 288 |
As far as astrology is concerned, it will be better to recall the
names of Indian sagese specially Mahatma Bhragu Rishi,
Bharagu has given us Bhragu Samhita an astrological
treatise. Through this we are able to decipher the past,
present and future incidents of each and every human being
on this earth. This is really amazing that thousand of years in
advance an Indian Rishi by the study of stars ruling at the
time of birth and their constant movements could perfectly
predict all the important incidents and aspects of Individuals
living on this earth for all times to come. As such
when astrology can pointedly discover in advance all the
happenings relating to man, then certainly it can give us full
information about the birth-span of each individual and the
diseases he is going to contact. It can definitely tell as to
when, how and which part of his body will be affected by the
disease. It will also specifically announce as to how and in
what manner astrology is going to remedy the inflections.
Sages have provided us all those remedies on the basis of
their knowledge, spiritual practices, sadhnas and isht bal etc.
Through these, they have composed Mantras which are
efficacious in relieving persons from diseases and
tribulations. These Mantras comprise of smaller ones as well
as bigger ones. The smaller ones work wonder in some
particular ailment and the bigger ones are all pervading and
are efficacious for all and sundry ailments and for all times.
Maha Mrytyunjay is the most efficacious and the most
powerful of the mantras. As the name itself shows it can
conquer death itself. This mantra is dedicated to Lord Shiva
who in Indian mythology is the God having all the three
powers Creation, Propitiation and Distraction. It has been a
practical experience in India that by chanting this Mantra a
man who is decried to die instantly can be bestowed with a
longer life. Each planet has a different speed of travel round
the Sun. The planet which is nearest to Sun, takes the
shortest time to complete its round of the Sun. Planets
bestow good or bad effects on a person as per his birth chart
and rashi. Natives diseases also appear according to the
rashies or planets in each house of the horoscope. The
combinations and permutations of the stars and planets with
the rashies in the twelve houses of the birth-chart have to tell
the story of the natives health and corresponding disease
and disorders in the past, present and future. For instance if
Moon is positioned in Lagna Dhanu i.e. Sagittarius or
Kumbha i.e. Aquarius it will be responsible for disease
relating to water like coryza etc, if he is running under the
main or sub period of Moon. If this disease occurs to an
individual in an ordinary way, doctors say that he will be
cured within three days. Since Moon is responsible for this
disease and Moon takes fifty four hours or two & one fourth
of a day to take a round of one Rashi, native automatically
gets cured and becomes normal within three days. Such
type of diseases relate to water and cold and influence of
Moon is evident. Since Moon moves speedily, its afflictions
too get cured soon. Moon represents coolness. If a native is
passing under the influence of the Lord of the sixth house it
means he is under the influence of a planet giving rise to
disease. If according to the birth chart Saturn or Rahu are
related to sixth house, the house of disease or they are
related to the Lord of the tenth house, the native is sure to
be afflicted by a disease which is to last for a long time. Just
as Moon being a fast moving planet, diseases are cured
soon, so Saturn & Rahu being slow moving planet diseases
caused due to their influence last long. Diseases like
Cancer, Asthma, Ulcer, T. B. are related to planet Saturn. If
a person is afflicted by such type of diseases its treatment
has to be very lengthy and he cannot expect to be rescued
soon. He has to endure for a long time due to the bad effects
of slow moving planets like Saturn and Rahu. Further it has
been seen that during the period of planet Rahu a native
contacts mental disease, stress, blood cancer etc. which too
are serious long time diseases and they are not cured soon.
While a person is being treated for certain diseases by
medical persons it is always fruitful to follow the path shown
by our Rishies and Sages for speedy and successful
recovery. For this our saints have devised different types of
Mantras for different ailments and also different sorts of
worshiping methods and processes, ways of charity and
other systems for appeasing the bad influencing planets
responsible for particular diseases. These astrological
remedies do promote the effectiveness of the medicines in a
big way. This is not to be discarded as superstition. Our
maharshies and astrologers have suggested three ways for
the treatment of a patient. They are mantra, mani (stones)
and medicines. This means that one can be benefited by all
these three means. From times immemorial many problems
are being solved by using different stones for different set of
diseases and problems. The stones and their colours have a
great relationship with the planets governing a native
through his birth chart & horoscope. Maha Mrytyunjaya
Mantra as said above is really a talisman which is remedial
in combating untimely death. This is on age old method of
cure. It has also come to notice that as soon as the influence
of main period or sub period or transit period of a particular
planet is over, the patient automatically gets cured without
any treatment or medicine. As such there exists a deep
relationship between astrology, planets and diseases.
Diseases occur according to nature of planets and their
transits and periods of their influence. In the year 1920 a
Russian scientist Chijevaski had discovered that every
eleventh year there occurs a big atomic blast on the sun.
This blast has always given rise to war, pestilence and
disease on this earth. Dr. Perasailisus of Sweden had also
endorsed the above view. It we study his findings and rely on
his view we shall soon discover that the entire medical
science of today is going to change all together. This
swedish doctor had come to the conclusion that man falls
sick when he loses his affinity with the stars reigning at the
time of his birth. There is a relationship of musical harmony
amongst stars and planets in the sky, and correspondingly
this harmony influences the individual birth on the earth. If
the harmony amongst stars is disturbed, the birth on the
earth cannot remain unaffected.

Some Tips for Matching of Charts January 2007

S.R. Swamy
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 287 |
Many learned people say that the marriages are made in
heaven, but if a proper comparing is not done before
finalizing the marriage it will be a disaster. Day by day
problems in marital understandings are increasing and
young couple opt for divorce, which not only disturbs their
life but also a problem to their parents. After studying
thousands of horoscopes of young males and females, for
their marital problems and finding solutions to their problems
with the help of different texts, I have arrived at many
conclusions and principles for the use and practice of our up
coming Astrologers and students. Which are enumerated
hereunder. 1. If lord of lagna occupies 7th house the native
will get a good wife. 2. If there is parivarthana (exchange of
houses) between lord of lagna and 7th, the native will be
affectionate towards his wife, provided the planets are not
enemical to each other. If they are enemies the native will
suffer from marital problems. 3. If there is conjunction of lord
of 5th and 7th the native shows greater affection towards his
wife. If there is exchange of houses between these lords the
native may marry a person whom he loves. 4. Mars
occupying 7th house in a male horoscope may lead to
Kalatra Dosha provided Mars is not in his own or exaltation
house, if such Dosh a occurs it may lead to separation. If
mars is badly afflicted, the native may loose his wife. 5. If
malefics in 2nd, 4th, 7th,8th and 12th houses from lagna,
Moon or Venus in a male horoscope will lead to KALATRA
DOSHA. To neutralize this effect the native should choose a
partner with Mangalya Dosha. 6. Venus in Malefic Signs or
under papakartari, or under the aspect of Mars or Saturn, will
not only delay the marriage but also leads to unhappy
married life (For both male and female) 7. Venus in a malefic
sign or occupying the sign of her enemy, and Saturn
occupying 7th or 8th place from Venus in a male or female
horoscope will lead to unduly delay in Marriage. 8. Rahu or
Ketu occupying 7th from Venus in a male horoscope or 8th
from Venus in a female horoscope may lead to break the
marriage agreement. (Engagement). 9. Venus occupying the
sign of Mars or Saturn and aspected by either of them
makes the native immoral. Same will be the result if venus is
under the aspect of Mars or Saturn either in a Male or
female horoscope. 10. If there is relation between the Moon
and Venus in comparison of a Male and female horoscope,
Both the partners will be mutually loving. 11. If Lord of 5th,
Moon and Venus are strong in a horoscope and have mutual
relation, happy marital life is indicated. 12. If there is a strong
influence of malefics on second house in a female
horoscope, the native will not have good marital life and she
will be in the habit of suarelling with her husband on very
trivial matters and will be of very sensitive nature. 13. If Mars
and Saturn occupy malefic houses and both aspects the 7th
house in a male horoscope the native will dislike his wife and
develop hatred for her. If there is a benefic influence also on
7th house than this problem will not be of serious nature and
the same nature may not be continued for ever. 14. Sun
being the lord of 6th house (In Meena lagna) and occupies
7th in a Male or female horoscope, the native will behave
very badly with his life partner. 15. In a female horoscope
second house from Venus is badly afflicted or the lord of
second and Venus are in Shadashtak (6 and 8 Position), the
lady will face problems from her inlaws or from close
relatives of her husband. 16. 6th or 8th lord occupying 7th
house in a female horoscope will lead to disturbed conjugal
happiness. 17. Sun in Kanya Lagna opposite to Saturn in 7th
house in a male horoscope will lead to unhappy married life.
If rahu or ketu occupy. 7th house conjuncting sun there
house the native will loose his wealth through women. 18. As
a remedy to Doshas stated in para 17, The male horoscope
should be matched with a female horoscope, where there is
a strong and friendly aspect of Jupiter on Venus is found. 19.
If 10th house and its lord in a female horoscope is under
strong influence of malefics, the girl may be forced to face
separation on account of the influence of her in laws on her
husband. 20. If Venus is very strong with benefic influence in
both the Male and female horoscope, most of the above evil
yogas get nullified. A strong Hansa yoga or Malavya yoga
will also lead to destroy the evil yogas and will help to
maintain good marital happiness. These are some of the
practical hints to be noticed in general while matching the
male and female horoscopes for marriage. Apart from the
above, Mangaldosh, Ketu dosh, Sarpa dosh etc. also to be
verified carefully before recommending the marriage. q


Saturn- The Potential Force

Saturn- The Potential Force April 2004

K. Santhanam
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 279 |
The Sun Lord was married to Swarchala, daughter of Dwashta
and they had three children, namely: -(i)Yaman (ii) Vaiwastha
Manu and (iii) Yamuna. The Sun Lord bestowed great love and
affection on his wife, but the inherent heat of her husband was
unbearable for her. She therefore produced a woman out of her
own shadow and directed her to fulfil all the wishes of her
husband till her return from her Thapas. This woman was known
as Chayadevi, alias Vindai. The Sun Lord had three Children
through Chayadevi, namely- (i)Tapti alias Pathirai (ii) Sawarnika
Manu and (iii) Shiruthakarma. On knowing the history of
Chayadevi , the Sun Lord forgave her and went in quest of
Swarchala .The children of Swarchala were known as Aswini
Devas. All the children of Sun Lord became famous in their own
way, except the youngest child of Chayadevi i.e.Shiruthakarma,
otherwise known as Sanieashwar .He was strong, but wherever
his vision fell certain stress was felt. One day the whole world
went to celebrate the birthday of Lord Ganesha in Kailash.
Sanieashwara expressed his desire to attend the celebration.
Chayadevi knowing the characteristics of her youngest son kept
him in the house, but at his strong persistence allowed him to go,
advising him to stay aloof and watch the festival from a distance.
As Lord Sani entered, the whole Kailash shook. Lord Shiva,
visualizing what had happened, warned Shakthi to keep her child
away from the sight of Sanieashwara. However, Sanieashwaras
sight fell on Lord Ganesha and the latters head rolled down. Lord
Shiva soothed Shakthi Devi saying how could her son have an
ordinary human form? He called for Bhairavan and asked him to
bring the head of an elephant lying with its head facing the North,
which he then placed on Lord Vinayaka and thus He obtained the
name Ganesha the one to demolish Gajamukha Asuran.
Parvathi Devis anger however did not subside and she cursed
Sani Bhaghwan, and disabled those legs that brought him to
Kailash. Seeing the fate of her son, Chayadevi in return cursed
Lord Ganesha, that a crocodile should enter his stomach and He
thereby attained the name Lambhodharan. Saturn is known for
desertion of his father the Sun Lord, in view of his utter dislike of
outward show, without internal strength. Saturn is therefore
characteristically renowned for his humbleness. Saturn is the
farthest planet among the Navagrahas, whose radiations affect
the day-to-day operative functions of plants and living creatures
on this earth. It is about 886,000,000 miles from the Sun and its
diameter is around 74.100 miles. It is hallowed by a number of
rings and has ten satellites. Saturn has been defined as Vayu
Karaka. Of the three pulses indicating Kaf, Pithamand Vayu,
which are used by intelligent doctors to determine the working
efficiency of the constitution of a human being, malfunctioning of
Vayu is the predominant cause for majority of the diseases in the
system. It is therefore, the main function for optimizing and
strengthening of the human system. Any stress on the dynamic
system reflects on the breathing of a living being and the
breathing process is immediately appreciated, the highly
important role of Saturn, as Vayu Karaka, in the life of a living
being. Saturn is indeed the potential force of all living creatures.
The mode of its profitable utilisation could be ascertained by an
intricate study of ones horoscope. It is embedded with both the
Jupitorian and Maritian effects. It therefore becomes the potential
resource for Gyanam and Karma. Saturnical radiations help to
stabilize the human system by overcoming turbulence. The
presiding deity is Lord Hanuman. Puranas define a close
relationship between Saturn and Lord Hanuman. When the
Navagrahas were tied up by Ravana, Lord Indra pleaded with
Lord Vishnu to relieve them, as the world would become numb
and void without the Navagrahas. Lord Vishnu sent Hanumanji to
liberate them from the clutches of Ravana, as none other could do
it. Lord Hanuman freed the Navagrahas. However, it was only
Saturn who returned the gratitude for freedom by bestowing on
Hanumanji a boon, which stated that if one were to worship Lord
Hanuman , he would automatically receive the blessings of
Sanieashwara. In the objective scenario, it would mean that while
Sanieashwara being Vayu Karaka i.e. the generator of unpolluted
air, Hanumanji is Vayu Putra, which means breathing, or the
proper utilisation of this air. These two therefore form the primary
ingredients to optimize the living force. The Saptha Swaras i.e.
Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha and Ni, the basic absorbers and
transmitters of health giving ingredients to the human being, are
enveloped within the word Sa-Ni. The Saturn governs the
Swadhishta Sthana of the human system. The rigidity of this
Sthana would signify the sustenance ability of internal stress of
the body. This Sthana also defines the working of the pancreas,
gonads, kidneys and the digestive portion directly and indirectly
upon the genetic organs of the living creatures. Saturn influences
the growth of the hair and the cells beneath it during the sixth
month of pregnancy. Hair is the ideal tool for sensitive functions of
the human body, as also everybody is aware of the immense
strength of matted hair of erstwhile Rishis. For improving the
sensitivity of the would-be child, mothers are advised to do at
least eleven Pradhakshinas a week of Lord Sanieashwara during
the sixth month of pregnancy. It must be mentioned that those
who light lamps for Sani Bhaghwan on Saturdays should sit for at
least five minutes in front of the lamp and the Vigraha, so as to
reap the full benefits, thereby accrued. This icon faces West,
which is air element and its Lord is Varuna. It absorbs and
transmits the high wave radiations of the setting Sun in totality,
giving thereby vitality to both the mental and the physical faculties
of all the living beings an important ingredient indeed to enable
recompense energy, which we are losing daily. The inert meaning
of the following Sloka to attain the benediction of Lord Saturn
aptly supports the above conclusions:- Neelanjanasamabasam,
Suryaputhram,Yamagrajam / Chayamarthandasambhutham,
Tham Namami Shaneswaram [Bow to Lord Sanieaswara,
cleanser of the living system, giver of potential power both, during
the day and as well as during the night. With the above
background let us analyse the effects of a few combinations of
other planets with the above planet, that cause great concern to
the general public. /(i) The advent of the Gochara Saturn on the
earlier Rasi from the position where the natal Moon is situated in
ones horoscope and its transit to the next two Rasis thereafter,
commonly known as Sade Sathi. The importance given to the
Saturn -Moon combination in Astrologyis immediately evident.
While the former i.e. Saturn, is the potential force for the operating
functions of the human system, the latter i.e. the Moon is the
integrated force for propulsion of the operating system i.e. the
mind. Normally, the human being sees a transit of three Sade
Sathis, during its life journey. They are respectively known as
Mangu Sani-realisation of ones own true strength, Pongu Sani -
boosts ones inert abilities to attain higher achievements, Thangu
Sani -the one to carry over the developed Punyas to the next
birth. The fruits of the movement of Saturn in ones own Rasi and
the two adjoining Rasis, varies vastly and is to be observed
generally as given below: RASI(Moons position) 1st 2 2nd 2
3rd 2 Mesha moderate stressful gainful Rishabha stressful
gainful moderate Mithuna moderate gainful gainful Kataka gainful
moderate moderate Simha stressful stressful gainful Kanya
stressful moderate gainful Thula moderate gainful moderate
Vrishchika gainful stressful moderate Dhanus moderate moderate
gainful Makara stressful gainful gainful Kumbha moderate gainful
gainful Meena gainful moderate stressful The above effects are
also subject to whether Jupiter, or Mars, or both of them are
conjoined with the transiting Saturn. While the former subdues the
malefic effects the latter tends to aggravate it. The line of direction
of action, on which it is stressful/moderate/gainful mentioned
above would be defined by the individual horoscope. (ii) Ashtami
Saturn - The position of Saturn in the eighth (Ashtama) Sthana
from the natal Lagna does invariably create a weakness in the
operating system. When positioned in a Chara Rasi in the eighth
house the person has weak pancreas, leading to susceptibility to
diabetes. If placed in the eighth house in an earthly sign, it leads
to weak pigments feeding blood to the muscular system and
thereby fragile human body. Saturn in the eighth position in airy
Rasis leads to high constipation and frequent joint pains. Saturn
in the eighth house in a watery sign has a tendency to create
migrane problems. Though all such weaknesses tend to project
themselves at the middle, or latter part of life, they can be
effectively removed, if diagnosed at an early age of below seven
years, by astute astrologers. It must be kept in view that Saturn in
the sixth house also aspects the eighth house and plays an
important role in defining the physical fitness of individuals. (iii)
Saturn/Mars in a Kendra Sthana from each other does create a
cause of acute concern in one field or the other, depending upon
the placement and strength of either of the planets and the
operating Lagna. Saturns aspect on Mars, or visa versa, other
than the above, may be providential and would elevate one to
high levels of achievement. The timing would again be governed
by the Vimshotri Dasa Bhukthi and the Gochara transits with
respect to the natal positioning of these planets. Thus though the
line of discussion is endless, it could be seen that Saturn gives
monumentous gains, but calls for hard toil which indirectly leads
to sustenance of high physical and mental abilities. It is here that
the Kali Yuga human beings, who expect extraordinary profits
without putting the required efforts, feel the strains of the watchful

Lack of Harmony in Married Life July 2006

N. K. Mittal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 278 |
In order to arrive at a realistic assessment of a horoscope it is
very important for an astrologer to give due weightage to the
environment in which the native is placed and also to the type of
discipline he is subjected to. With this background let us analyse
astrologically the compatibility between the natives of the
following charts with the actual case history. The birth star of girl
Poorva phalguni compares very favourably with the birth star of
boy which is Aridra. As per reckoning of Koota Agreement Method
it scores 27.5 points out of a total of 36. The alliance was
accordingly cleared by the astrologers and the marriage took
place in May, 1972. It was an arranged marriage between
tradition bound families. Socially they are well placed, the boy
holding a coveted job with a salary of four figures, while the girl is
the younger among the two sisters with no brothers and brought
up under affluent conditions. At the time of marriage it was
considered an ideal combination from all aspects. The parents
had a shock when their daughter returned from her husband's
home with the intent of not going back. This was about one and
half years after marriage. She expressed that her husband was
impotent and incapable of sex act. In sympathy with the feelings
of their daughter and in due the adherence to the advice of friends
and well-wishers, the court was moved for legal separation. In
contesting the case, it was made out by the other party that the
boy is capable of normal sex life as per medical opinion, though
the boy was not subjected to any medical examination by the
court. An astrological analysis of the sexual compatibility should
prove interesting. In astrological parlance, 8th house is associated
with sex-organ, while the 7th house is said to reveal the native's
approach to sex-life. In the male chart the lord of 8th house is
Ravi (Sun). Sun is, of course, associated with an impotent planet
Budha (Mercury). But Budha is debilitated while the lord of the
house in which Ravi is posited is fully aspecting both Ravi and
Budha. The eighth house itself is free from any relationship of
impotent planets. On the other hand it is aspected by Sukra
(Venus) a benefic and a karaka for love and sex. Astrologically
the conclusion would be that there cannot be any physical
handicap with reference to sex-organ. Whereas the presence of
Rahu in the 7th house aspected by Shani (Saturn) are
combinations which make the native shy in his approach to sex
and lukewarm in expression. Added to it Sukra in 2nd gives
inhibition of inferiority complex in presence of wife, popularly
termed as "hen-pecked". Moon's position in Rahu's star makes
him hypersensitive. The same moon by virtue of its position in
Mithuna (Gemini) sign infuses over-sex instinct. Guru (Jupiter) as
lord of 12th indicating bed comforts is associated with the shadow
planet Rahu (Guru Chandal Yoga). Cumulative effect of these
planetary influences would be withdrawal from normal sex at the
slightest opposition from the partner and possible indulgence in
artificial means of gratification. In contrast, the female chart
indicates her to be an aggressive and forward type as a sex
partner. Combination of Sukra and Kuja in the eighth house
makes her free from any inhibitions and bold in her approach.
Presence of Rahu there fires her imagination in the context of
sex. Presence of Ketu in 2nd aspected by Kuja sharpens her
tongue and makes her outspoken. Lagna lord Budha's
association with lord of the 3rd house standing for courage, who
happens to be Ravi representing self-ego, obliterates the natural
feelings of feminine tenderness and shyness. She can be
expected to be demanding and also uncompromising with regard
to sexual desires and satisfaction. The outcome of such a
combination from the sexual compatibility point of view could be
devastating. The male partner being shy, hen pecked and
hypersensitive when confronted with a demanding, passionate
and sexually turbulent partner may fail to live up to the demands
and end in premature ejaculation. Bitten with frustration, were she
to taunt the male partner and question his competence, there is
every likelihood of the male partner getting into his shell and feel
psychological impotence. His condition needs an understanding
and compassionate partner, while a superiority approach would
unnerve him and kill his manliness as such. The astrological
conclusion, therefore, is a possibility of the boy suffering from
psychological impotence which is curable and would respond to
tender treatment at the hands of a female partner who can boost
his ego by her amorous acts. One such combination which has
been tested and found to hold true in maximum number of cases
for disharmony in married life is the one relating to the affliction of
Chandra (Moon) and Sukra (Venus). Karakas or significators of
Mind and sexual love. In any horoscope, male or female, if the
Moon (Chandra) and Venus (Sukra) are afflicted by Saturn
(Shani) and or Kuja (Mars) through conjuction or aspect then it
can be safely surmised that the native would have chequered
married life and it would be a life of tension and
misunderstanding. It is important to note that both Chandra and
Sukra should not be badly afflicted. The affliction could be from
Shani or Kuja and it could also be in such a way as one is afflicted
by Shani while the other by Kuja. Depending upon the extent of
benefic influence on the seventh house and Lagna, the adverse
effects would not be reduced but their presence would however
be felt invariably. In such cases, wherein the seventh house and
seventh lord also suffer from malefic affliction, the condition is
bound to get aggravated. In addition to such an affliction, should
there be a planetary set up by which the lagna lord and seventh
lord are posited six-eight to each other or two-twelve position to
each other, the possibility of seperation would be more
pronounced. In the case under reference, we can observe that in
the female chart, Lagna lord Budha and 7th lord Guru are posited
six and eight position from each other, while in the male Chart the
lagna lord Shani and 7th lord Chandra are in two-twelve position.
We can summarize that the marriage is bound to end in
separation as there is no other redeeming feature in this context.

Basic Principles to Determine Profession and Income April 2007

Yashkaran Sharma
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 278 |
This is very important to find out all the ways and means by which
a man earns his money and livelihood. Take the Lagna or the
Moon at birth and see who occupies tenth house from it. If the
Sun is in the 10th house the person inherits paternal property, if
the Moon is there, he gets money through the mother, if Mars
occupies it, he procures wealth through his enemy, if Mercury
joins the tenth, he gets money through friends, if Jupiter is found
there, the person has wealth through brothers, if Venus is in the
10th, then money comes through women, and if Saturn occupies
it, servants fetch him money. Some astrologers say that the most
powerful among the two must be found out and then the source of
wealth predicted from the planet who occupies the 10th from it.
Suppose there are two or more planets in the 10th from Lagna or
Chandra or from both, then money flows in through those
channels which are ascribed to the planets in their Dasas and
Antardasas. If there is no planet in the 10th house from Lagna or
Chandra, take the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the
10th from Lagna, Moon and Sun, and ascribe the acquisition of
wealth to such methods or processes which are controlled by that
planet. If the lord of the Navamsa is the Sun, the person makes
money by scented articles, gold, wool and medicines. He may be
a medical man himself or may be an attendant or nurse upon
patients. If lord of the navamsa of 10th lord is the Moon, he gets
money by dealing in corals, pearls, shells, agricultural products
and dependence upon women. If Mars owns that navamsa, he
will make money by minerals, ores, or compounds, by weapons of
various kinds, by fire in being engaged in fireworks, kitchens,
engine driving or wherever there is work connected with fire and
by rash adventures or speculations and venturesome deeds or
such actions, in which physical strength and courage is utilized. If
Mercury becomes the lord of that Navamsa, the person becomes
a writer, mechanic, painter, sculptor, engraver, poet,
mathematician, architect or scent maker. When Jupiter becomes
the lord of that Navamsa the person gets money through
Brahmins, priests, educated classes, temples and charities,
mining operations and manufacturers, sacrifices, discipleship and
pilgrimage. When Shukra becomes the lord of that navamsa he
gets money by gems, metals, cows and buffaloes. When he is
Saturn the man earns money by labour, such as travelling and
carrying, by being an executioner or hangman, and such mean
travels which are against the traditions of his family. Planets give
wealth similar to the houses they occupy. Take those lords in the
10th from lagna or chandra and find out in what house he is. If the
house he occupies is his own he gets money in his house. If it is
his friend's then he gets money through friends. If he occupies
unfriendly houses, then he makes money through his enemies. If
he happens to be Sun, and is in his exaltation and is otherwise
powerful the person acquires wealth by self exertions. If all the
benefic planets are powerful and occupy the lagna, 2nd and 11th
houses, the person will make money by various means. Such a
person will succeed in any business he undertakes, however
divergent it may be from his original work. If there are no planets
in the 10th house, find out where the lord of the 10th from Sun, or
Moon or Lagna is situated in the navamsa and if he is in a friendly
or inimical sign predict as above. To the above must be added the
fact of the Sun being exalted, i.e., in Aries, to make the man
acquire wealth by self-exertion. According to one classical author
if Jupiter occupies 10th house from Janmalagna the native attains
glory by involving himself in the activities of public welfare.
Similarly if Saturn occupies 10th house, the native gets reputation
and recognition by working for the poor people. For making more
accurate analysis we can also analyse that which planets occupy
or aspect 10th house from Karkamsha lagna and Arudha lagna.
According to Rishi Gemini when the 10th house from Karkamsha
is occupied or aspected by benefic planets other than Mercury,
the native is firm minded or the native becomes either a priest or
one who settles the disputes of other people. If the 10th house
from Karkamsha is aspected by only Jupiter and Sun, the person
will be a cowherd (Dairying, or dealing in milk products. Note :-
The term Agriculturist and cow herd can cover a lot more than it
did in the older days because these areas have become
specialised with time. If there are two malefics in the 6th house
from Karkamsha lagna the person is an agriculturist. If Jupiter is
the ninth from karkamsha the person is an agriculturist. If Sun and
Venus aspect the Karkamsha the person is in government
service, or has connections in the government. If 10th house from
Karkamsha is occupied or aspected by Mercury the person will be
in government service. If Saturn is in the Karkamsha lagna the
person will make a living through a famous occupation. (This is a
combination for fame). If Ketu is in the K.L and is aspected by
only Venus then the person is a priest. If the K.L. is aspected by
Mercury, Moon and Venus and if second lord is in the 7th house
then the person is a doctor. If K.L is occupied by Sun and Rahu
and they are associated with benefic and malefic planets then the
person will be a doctor or vaidya who is expert in poison cure. If
K.L is aspected by Venus and Moon the person is an alchemist
(one who deals with chemicals) For rapid growth in one's career it
is essential to have powerful planetary combinations for the
acquisition of wealth in his/her horoscope (Janmakundli). Here we
shall give few important combinations. If lord of 2nd house, lord of
11th house and lord of 1st house are together in any Kendra and
one of these three are exalted in that case a person succeeds to
make unlimited wealth in his life. If Lagna lord is placed in lagna
native gets the blessings of Goddess Laxmi throughout his life. If
auspicious planets are there in 2nd house and Jupiter is exalted.
If all the auspicious planets occupy all 4 kendras ofhoroscope. If
2nd lord, 9th lord and 11th lord all are in kendras. If ascendant
sign is Aries and Jupiter is in 11th house and Sun in 5th house. If
lord of 2nd house is exalted and several planets are there in 2nd
house. If lord of 1st house is in 2nd and the lord of 2nd house is in
1st house. If Lagna lord, 2nd lord, 9th lord and 11th lord all are
exalted. If ascendant sign is Aries or Scorpio and Mars, Mercury,
Venus and Saturn are in first house. If ascendant sign is
Sagittarius or Pisces, Jupiter, Moon and Mars are in Lagna. If
Rahu, Venus, Mars and Saturn all are in Virgo. If 2nd lord is
powerful and Jupiter, Moon and Sun are placed in 5th, 9th and
3rd house. If Mars is in its own sign or in exaltation and occupies
any kendra. If all planets are there in 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th
and 11th houses. Different professions signified by different
planets in modern context are as follows - The Sun is the
significator of Administration, Government and profession relating
to medicine. The Moon signifies profession related to hospitality
and public relations. Mars signifies the armed forces, police,
entrepreneurship. Mercury signifies finance, structural designing,
writing and Astrology. Jupiter signifies education, legal profession,
consultants, spirituality related profession and financial
management. Venus signifies TV and film industry, life saving
drugs, financial advisor, music, dealing in luxurious items. Saturn
signifies industries, service, dealing with labour, industrial workers
and leadership for politician. Birth chart only indicate the
professional field of the native, the timing of rise in profession is
indicated by Dasha of planets operating during a particular period.
Number of factors are associated with determining the
professional field of a native and timing for events for rise in
profession. The 10th house is the most important house for
profession, however due importance is to be given to 9th house
being the house of luck and 2nd house being the house of status.
While analysing the house of profession of the native, we should
assess 10th hose alongwith 9th, 11th and 2nd houses.
Dashmamsa is the concerned divisional chart for the profession.
The strength of 10th lord in Dashmamsa (D-10) chart i.e D-10 and
position and strength of lagna lord of D-10 should be given equal
importance. While analysing the profession, otherwise the results
can be misleading. Dasha parameters for determining timing of
rise in profession - 1. Dasha of 10th lord of Birth chart. 2. Dasha
of the dispositor of 10th lord. 3. Dasha of Lagna lord of
Dashmamsha. 4. Dasha of a planet occupying or aspecting 10th
house of Dashmamsa or birth chart. 5. Dasha of a planet who is
exalted in Dashmamsa. 6. Dasha of planets aspecting 10th houe,
10th lord, planets conjoined with 10th lord and planets placed in
10th house. Planets aspecting or conjoined with dispositor of 10th
lord. 7. Dasha of 7th lord. Transit parameters- Jupiter and Saturn
must make a contact by way of conjunction or aspect with the two
conditions out of four mentioned below : 1. 10th house 2. 10th
lord 3. 7th house 4. 7th lord from lagna or Moon. q

Up-pada : Arudha of 12th House May 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 278 |
After dealing Arudha lagna and Karakamsha Lagna now the Sage deals
with Up-pada which in fact nothing but Arudha of 12th house. Since Up-
pada deals with various aspects relating to spouse, health of spouse and
the longevity of marriage hence the Sage considers it as important as the
Arudha lagna and the Karakamsha lagna are. Before moving on to the
results pertaining to Up-pada, it is important to define the meaning of the
sutra "Up-padam Padam pitranucharat". The word "pitru" used in sutra
means lagna or ascendant while the word "anuchara" means 12th house.
As we all know that the 12th house is behind lagna when counted in
zodiacal order. There are several controversies while deciding the Up-
pada but we shall stick to the rules discussed in earlier parts while
deciding Arudha lagna. Here again original sutras are not being quoted
but the real meaning in forms transliteration are being given and the
word used Hkk means HkkokFkZ or transliteration of original sutra.
Example to calculate Up-pada :
No. 1 : The Sun Lord of 12th is placed in its own sign has not moved
any sign ahead thus Leo- will be Up-pada
No. 2 : Sign Libra falls in 12th house and its lord has gone 4 signs ahead
when counted from Libra therefore 4 signs ahead from Venus i.e, Aries
shall be Up-pada.

In case Up-pada or its 2nd house is occupied by malefic planet/planets

make prediction as : in case the planet/planets are between 1 deg. to 15
deg. One is likely to renunciate the wordily attachments in case these are
between 15 deg. to 30 degrees one is likely to suffer on account of
bereavement of one's spouse. In case Up-pada or its 2nd house falls in an
even sign the order of above prediction should be reversed.
Note : The Sage has used word renunciation, which does mean that it is
applicable vertatim. The word renunciation is applicable to good old
days. In today's parlance the Sage wants to say that in presence of this
type of Yoga native is likely to get separated from his/her spouse. In
case this Up-pada or its 2nd house happens to be tenanted with malefic
planets but at the same time these are under the influence of benefic
planets by association or aspect, native may live away from his/her
spouse but they will not be legally separated.
Sign Scorpio rises in lagna and lord of 12th house is Venus. This Venus
is placed in sign Sagittarius along with the Sun and Mercury. When
counted from 12th house its lord Venus is three signs away from Libra
thus 3rd from Sagittarius is Aquarius. Now the 2nd house Aquarius is
Pisces which is tenanted by Rahu and its 7th house contains Saturn and
Ketu thus giving affliction to the 2nd and its 7th house from Up-pada.
The Native got married about 26 years ago has two children. Native and
his wife are living separately just after 5 years of their marriage but they
are not legally separated till date. Here Up-pada is occupied by benefic
Jupiter while its 2nd house is under the aspect of the Sun, Venus and
mercury. Here Venus is aspecting its sign of exaltation while the 7th
house from Up-pada. The Native got married about 26 years ago has two
children. Native and his wife are living separately just after 5 years of
their marriage but they are not legally separated till date. Here Up-pada
is occupied by benefic Jupiter while its 2nd house is under the aspect of
the Sun, Venus and Mercury. Here Venus is aspecting its sign of
exaltation while the 7th house from 2nd of Up-pada is again under the
aspect of all these three planets and out the three Mercury is aspecting its
sign of exhalation. Thus the presence of benefic Jupiter in Up-pada and
the aspect of benefic planets on the 2nd and 8th house from Up-pada
saved the separation.

In above mentioned yoga the Sun is not treated as a malefic planet and
so is the case with sign Leo. Thus the malefic signs are Aries, Scorpio,
Capricorn and Aquarius while the malefic planets are Mars, Saturn and

Further the Sage opines that results mentioned in first sutra are not to be
pronounced in case the planets involved are benefics and same holds
good by the aspect or by occupancy of the Sun.

If the Up-pada or its 2nd house is occupied or aspected by debilitated

planet/planets one will loose his/her spouse soon.

When Up-pada or its 2nd house is occupied or aspected by exalted

planet/planets the native will be polygamist. Here the exalted planet can
be a malefic or benefic but results are same.

When the Up-pada itself or its 2nd house contains sign Gemini even
then the native will be a polygamist.
The sign rising in ascendant is Gemini While 12th contain sign Taurus.
This 12th house is tenanted by three planets viz. Jupiter, Venus and
Rahu. Since the lord of 12th house has not moved hence Up-pada is
Taurus it self. Now the 2nd house from Up-pada has sign Gemini and
the native is known polygamist.

In case Up-pada or its 2nd house is tenanted by the lord of sign falling in
said houses or lord of Up-pada or its 2nd house be placed in its own sign
native is likely to loose his/her spouse after the age of 50 years. Here the
meanings of sutra are bit confusing. Sage wants to say that suppose Up-
pada contains sign Aries in that case the 2nd house will contain sign
Taurus. In case the either of lords of these houses happens to occupy its
own sign Viz. Mars, lord of Up-pada, be posited in Aries or lord or 2nd
Viz. Venus happens to occupy Taurus or these lords viz. Mars or Venus
be posited in the second sign of these two planets viz. Scorpio in case of
Mars and Libra in case of Venus is capable of giving native a successful
married life. There is a third condition also in case the variable
darakarka is placed in its own sign the results are same as mentioned

Note: Here again the above example meets with requisitions. Up-pada,
though in Rahu/Ketu axis but the native has a successful married life. It
is due to the presence of lord of sign falling in Up-pada is posited here
along with best benefic Jupiter.
Native is born with sign Aquarius rising in ascendant with lord of
ascendant viz. Saturn placed there in. This Saturn happens to be the lord
of 12th house and it has travelled one sign ahead thus one sign ahead of
this Saturn sign Pisces will be Up-pada. Lord of Up-pada is Jupiter and
this Jupiter in turn is placed in 11th house in its own sign thus the rule as
mentioned above applies here. Native is leading a happy married life for
more than 50 years of marriage.
If the lord of Up-pada is debilitated or aspected by debilitated
planet/planets, the spouse of native will come from lower status than that
of native.
If Up-pada or its 2nd house is occupied or aspected by benefic
planet/planets, spouse of the native will have beautiful and attractive
looks. Same rule will apply in cas lord of Up-pada or its 2nd house or
variable darakarka conjoins with benefic planet/planets.
Sign Virgo rises in ascendant. Lord of 12th house viz. the Sun is placed
in sign Scorpio which is four signs away from Leo. Fourth from Scorpio
is Aquarius. Thus Aquarius becomes Up-pada. 2nd house from Up-pada
contains sign Pisces which is occupied by its own lord Jupiter and
aspected by Venus and Moon. The Moon is variable darakaraka also it is
conjunct with Venus while aspected by Jupiter. Due to the influence of
benefic planets on the 2nd house from Up-pada and on the variable
darakarka native got a very beautiful and charming wife.

In case Up-pada and its 7th house or its 2nd house and its 7th house
(which shall be 8th house from Up-pada) are under the influence of
Saturn and Rahu or Saturn and Mars by placement or aspect the native
will be separated from his/her spouse with in a short period after
marriage. The separation can be due to divorce or sudden demise of the

Sign Gemini rises in ascendant. Lord of 12th house viz. Venus is posited
in 10th house and this Venus is 11 signs away from Taurus the sign
falling in 12th house. Now 11th house from this Venus is 8th house from
natal ascendant, thus Capricorn becomes Up-pada. The Up-pada is
occupied by Mars and its 7th house by Saturn. The native got legally
separated from his wife just after two months of marriage.
When Up-pada or its 2nd house is tenanted by or aspected by Venus and
Ketu the spouse of native is likely to suffer from urinary, kidney disease
which leads to passing out of blood along with urine.
Sign Scorpio rises in ascendant and the 12th house from ascendant is
having sign Libra in it. Lord of 12th house Venus has moved one sign
and placed in Scorpio. Now one sign ahead of this Venus is sign
Sagittarius, thus Sagittarius becomes Up-pada. The 2nd house from Up-
pada is occupied by Ketu and aspected by Venus. Native's husband
suffers from serious kidney affliction which leads to passing out of
blood along with urine.
Sign Gemini rises in ascendant while its 12th house contains sign
Taurus, whose lord Venus is posited in sign Leo i,e. four signs away
from Leo. Now the 4th sign from Leo is Scorpio, thus Scorpio becomes
Up-pada. Lord of Up-pada viz. Mars occupies its own sign Aries and
this Mars aspects Up-pada. Thus by the placement of Up-pada is under
the aspect of Jupiter and Saturn as well. This aspect causes nervous
breakdown to the wife of native and she suffers from severe depression.

If the Up-pada or its 2nd house is connected with Mercury and Ketu by
placement or aspect the spouse of native is likely to suffer from known
as "Asthistrava". This is a bone disease which leads to discharge from
bones due to some severe affliction of bones.
In case Up-pada or its 2nd house is under the combine influence of the
Sun, Saturn and Rahu, the spouse of native will suffer from bone fever
In case Up-pada or its 2nd house happens to be any of sing ruled by
Mercury viz. Gemini or Virgo and these are further occupied or aspected
by Saturn and Mars, the spouse of native will suffer from one or other
disease related with nose.
In case Up-pada or its 2nd house are influenced by Jupiter and Saturn by
placement or aspect the spouse of native is likely to suffer from disease
related to nervous system.
In case Up-pada or its 2nd house are influenced by Jupiter and Rahu by
placement or aspect the spouse of native is likely to suffer from dental
If sign Virgo or Libra happens to become Up-pada or its 2nd house and
either of this is influenced by Saturn and Rahu by placement or aspect
the spouse of native will be lame or will suffer from arthritis/gouts.

Note : Some of commentators take Aquarius and Pisces instead of Virgo

and Libra by taking pneumonic value of words Kanya and Tula used in
sutra. Since the Sage has been using the names of Various signs in
almost all the sutras and it has been dealt as it is hence in this case also it
should be Virgo and Libra.
All the above mentioned yogas concerning the spouse of the native will
stand cancel in case Up-pada or its 2nd house is being influenced by
benefic planet/planets.
All the results/yogas mentioned above required to be studied from the
7th house of Up-pada, 7th house from 2nd house to Up-pada. It is further
emphasized that due attention should be given to Karakamsha lagna and
its 7th house this is the view of Vridhas. This has been supported by
Neelkanta also.
Note : Before pronouncing, any result may be good or bad it is
suggested that result as mentioned above should not be applied with out
carefully studying the influence of various planet/planets. For example
the yoga indicating that one's spouse will be lame appears to be present
as per sutras but at the same time Up-pada or its 2nd house receive some
respite due to influence of benefic planet/planets or Up-pada or its 2nd
house is being influenced by its own lord, under such case one should
not predict that the spouse of native will be lame in that case one may
suffer from swelling of bones or bone joints.

Decisive Factors in Marriage April 2005

Krishna Kumar
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 273 |
As delayed marriages are one of the biggest problems an
astrologer has to confront, this topic is a small attempt to answer
this question based on my humble experience over 15 years.
In astrology no event can occur unless and until three conditions
given below are fulfilled. Before making any predictions first
ensure: Whether the marriage is promised to the native? In the
absence of combinations of planets essential for marriage, any
forecast is going to meet a failure. If planetary combinations are
available, whether the period capable of conferring marriage is
operating at an appropriate age? In case the period is going to
operate quite late in life, the yogas present are almost negated.
Whether the current transit of the planet is also supporting the
period operating? Marriage Promised or Not? This is the question,
answer to which is the most tedious. The standard text books are
replete with numerous combinations for denial of marriage. It is
neither possible nor practical to memorize all these combinations.
Moreover, most of the combinations appear to be self-
contradicting when applied to practical horoscopes. However, the
following factors can be successfully applied to judge the denial of
marriage. Before this consider the following planets as the most
dangerous planets for marriage or married life in order of
decreasing evil. These are Jupiter, Sun, Saturn, Rahu and lord of
the 12th house. Sun, Saturn, Rahu and the 12th lord are the
planets capable of causing separations and their combined
influence on any house (indisputably) denies the results of that
particular house. Jupiter in this category is a recent discovery
because Jupiter is a natural benefic and its aspect on any house
is supposed to increase the fruits of that house. Perhaps being a
spiritual planet and planet relating to saintly life, it is not good for
marriages at prime age (20 -27 years). For seeing the denial of
marriage please check, in addition to other tools at your hand, the
following factors: Both lagan and navmansa chart- navmansa
charts particularly for denial of marriages. Whether in Navmansa
chart Jupiter is located or aspecting the 7th house or its lord or its
significator Venus (both male and female nativities). Whether in
Navmansa chart Mars or other planets capable of causing
separations as stated above also aspect Jupiter, 7th house or its
lord singly or jointly. If 7th lord of navmansa chart is posited in
6th or 12th house. If any debilitated planet is located in 7th
house in navmansa? If answer to any of the 3 factors is yes, then
it is going to be a case of denial of marriage. Otherwise marriage
may not be denied, though it may be delayed. Marriage Delayed
In addition to many other factors one factor surely plays a big role
in delaying the marriage. Jupiter located in 7th house or its aspect
on 7th house definitely delays the marriage beyond 28 years if
Jupiter is associated or aspected by either Mars or Rahu or
Saturn. The more the influence, the more the delay. Their
influence on 7th house, 7th lord or the significator of 7th house
can delay the marriage beyond 36 years also. Any attempt to
strengthen Jupiter by topaz etc may only multiply the problem.
Marriage When ? Most prominent factor to decide this question is,
of course, dasa operation of the planets capable of conferring
marriage. If between the age of 18 to 28 any of the following sub
dasa is operating (in order of decreasing significance) then
marriage can be safely predicted during that period: 1. Of 7th lord,
2. Lagan lord, 3. Planet occupying the 1st house, 4. Planet
occupying the lagan, 5. Dasa of significator of marriage. In
addition to this, it is part of my observations that in female
nativities, sub dasa of Rahu is also responsible for marriages.
Disharmonious Marriages The ultimate purpose of marriage is the
comforts derived from it. Following factors play a great role in
disharmonious married lives: Marriage between persons whose
lagan lords, not signs, are permanent enemies. Lord of 7th
disposed in 6th or 12th house Influence of planets capable of
causing separations (Sun, Saturn, Rahu and lord of 12th House)
on 7th house or its lord or on both. Jupiter influencing the 7th
house if married between 18-22 years of age. Harmonious
Marriages Jupiter delays the marriages but it does not cause
discomforts to married life itself. Influence of benefics including
Jupiter on 7th house or its lord promises a good married life. In
addition to this, if in twohoroscopes ones lagan is others 7th lord
then other negative factors in the horoscopes are greatly
eliminated. Manglik dosa has no role in preventing the
comfortable married life. Manglik dosa can be ignored if other
factors are favorable. Role of Compatibility The discussion on the
topic will be incomplete without a comment on compatibility.
Though proper care should be taken to see gunas but more
important thing is the compatibility of horoscopes. In the absence
of a strong foundation of horoscopes, compatibility even with 30
gunas or more becomes meaningless. A strong horoscope with
18 or even less gunas will ensure good married life. Out of the 8
types of compatibilities only Gan, Bhakut and Nadi play bigger
role. Even out of these Nadi Dosa and Bhakut dosa of 6-8 are
almost without any solution. Middle Nadi particularly affects the
health of either of the spouse and Bhakut of 6-8 is most damaging
even if a single planet capable of causing separations is
influencing the 7th house or its lord.

Pars Fortuna or the Point of Fortune April 2006

Shivram Laxman Joshi
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 268 |
When all the other planets fail to give beneficence for the
individual his point of cosmos gives a new destiny. It may appear
at any point of cosmic sphere. It can be computed to a specific
point in one of the twelve bhavas. The longitude of lagna plus the
longitude of Moon minus the longitude of Sun gives Fortuna Point
of the horoscope. This point is always benefic and therefore every
planet that passes through this point gives benefic results. The
Pars Fortuna is signified as (+) as the sign of Earth in
the horoscope. The most important factor is that the 'Pars
Fortuna' rises every day according to its position in the bhava
chakra. Its rising time is very auspicious, so also the benefic
angles of thehoroscope. It is signified by the Zodiac longitude and
it also indicates the Rasi (Bhava) nakshatra & the star. So the
significations of Fortuna point can be read as the other Bhava
Sandhis, cusps, planets. The Moon passes over the F.P. once in
every month, the Sun every year, so also Venus & Mercury once
a year. Mars once in every 18 months or 1 year. Jupiter once in
12 years, Saturn 30 years. Rahu & Ketu 18 years. F.P. gives a
beneficial result at every stage of evolution. It is the nectar of
energy for one's life. The placement of F.P. in Twelve Bhavas 1st
Bhava (Lagna) : Name and fame, dynamic personal efforts,
ambitious and useful deeds. 2nd Bhava (Dhana) : Wealth through
business & career, attainment of riches and power. 3rd Bhava
(Sahaj) : Friends and cooperation. Help through brothers and
relations. A great thinker and godly feelings of love & affection.
4th Bhava (Sukha) : Wealth and prosperity through land and
property. Happy home, mother and mind. Good thoughts, good
relations. 5th Bhava (Suta) : Art, music, entertainment, thinker
and philosopher, religion, good in speculation, profitable ventures,
good children. education. 6th Bhava (Ripu) : Help through
enemies, easy loans from bankers, enterprise. 7th Bhava (Jaaya)
: Wealth through marriage. Rich life partner. Journey abroad,
favour from superiors, success in politics etc. 8th Bhava
(Randhra) : Wealth and property from ancestors, wife, legal
matters and unexpected money from various sources. 9th Bhava
(Dharma) : Luck through foreign connections. Export & import,
religious tradition, good and pious father, long life to father. 10th
Bhava (Karma) : Good career, profession, business, successful
and capable in duty. Honour, status and power. A high position.
11th Bhava (Labha) : Profit, good for brothers & sons.
Accomplishment of hopes & desires, success in politics. 12th
Bhava (Vyaya) : Purchase & sales - commerce, profit from foreign
connections & secret activities. There are many such nector
points in a horoscope. According to sage Parasara all these
points relate to the events in life of an individual according to his
deeds in past life. When malefic planets pass over F.P.,
propitiation of evil planets may be done. Even one may wear a
lucky gem for F.P. Prayer, meditation, fasting, charity, faith, etc
are the simple remedial measures for all. One may perform homa
and haven or abhishek for eradicating evil results just as people
do at the time of eclipse. Divine luck always smiles on those who
adhere to good deeds in their lives. This life is a mission.
Complete it by adopting Yama and Nyama from Astang yoga.
Mission in life achieved is life accomplished. This is real yoga of
life to relieve ourselves from miseries & troubles.

Timing of Marriage January 2005

N. C. Singal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 267 |
Like in other fields, astrology plays an important role in arriving at
the timing of marriage by adopting different tools available in this
divine science. A technical examination of the birth charts
establishes the parameters by which it can be known as to
whether the native carries the promise of early marriage, late
marriage, abnormally delayed marriage or no marriage at all. In
the last case, it will be a futile exercise to sit down and start
calculating the timing of marriage. There are fundamentally
significant factors which must be considered in determining the
timing of marriages. These are: I. AGE : Following indicators, in
sequence, are to be kept in mind : Early marriage : 18 to 25
years. Delayed marriage : 25 to 30 years. Abnormally delayed
marriage : 31 to 38 years. In the current scenario and
circumstances, the happening of early marriage has become a
thing of the past. Besides, the legal angle that 18 years has been
made the cutoff stage for a marriage to be solemnized has also
contributed to the absence of early marriage syndrome. The
young men and women of the country are fairly settled to the idea
that the time and stage of getting into the wedlock depends upon
their capacity to be economically independent and other several
factors. II. DASHA : The Dasha and Antardasha Lords trigger the
event of marriage. Therefore, these Lords have a role to play in
one of the following manners: Dasha period of the 7th Lord
Dasha Lord is aspecting the 7th House Dasha Lord is posited in
the 7th House Dasha Lord is the dispositor of the 7th House
Dasha Lord is the Lord of Navamsa occupied by the 7th Lord
Dasha Lord is the star lord of the 7th House III. Natural Givers of
Marriage : It is the general belief of vedic astrology that Moon,
Venus and Rahu are the natural givers of marriage. Moreover,
main period of Lagnesh and Bhukti of 7th Lord also pitches in with
their role as marriage givers. Similarly, main period of 7th Lord
and bhukti of the lagna Lord are known for their effort in granting
the marriage to the native. Some research scholars suggest that
the Lord of 2nd House (Kutumb sthan) and 11th Lord (fulfillment
of desires) have a significant role in marriage. IV. TRANSIT : Two
methods are commonly used under Transit for reading the
timing of marriage. Lagan Chart : Transiting Saturn and Transiting
Jupiter must aspect the Lagna or Lagna Lord as well as the 7th
House or 7th Lord. This aspect of the two major planets shortens
the period of marriage to one year because their influence stays
valid for that much time. In order to further fine tune the timing of
marriage, the aspect of transiting Mars on the 7th House or 7th
Lord further reduces the period of marriage possibility to 45 days.
Similarly the role of transit Moon and its aspect on the 7th
House/7th Lord brings down the period of marriage to two days.
Navamsa Chart : If we note the position of 9th house Rashi in this
chart and secondly its Lord plus the other Rashi (applicable to
those planets who have two rashis under their domain), this will
make a threesome combination. If any one out of the three
aforesaid are aspected by transiting Saturn and Jupiter, the
marriage period is brought down to one year. For fine tuning, we
have to see the aspect of Mars and Moon on 9th House or 9th
Lord, which will then bring down the timing to two days.

Foreign Travel Yoga : an Analysis October 2006

Arun Bansal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 265 |
Recently a delegation comprising 97 people from India had gone
to Thailand and Singapore to participate in International
Astrological Conferences on 22nd-23rd July 2006 in Bangkok and
on 30th July 2006 in Singapore. A large number of people went
together on this journey abroad. There must be some astrological
planetary combination or yoga responsible for this phenomenon.
According to Astrology, planetary yoga (planetary combinations)
for travel abroad is studied from 7th, 9th or 12th houses of
the horoscope. In the main period or sub period of planets owning
or occupying these houses there may be foreign tours. Even the
transit of Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter from these houses facilitates
forei gn tours. On the basis of the statistics of birth details of these
persons a comprehensive study was made as follows - Most of
the people were of Cancer, Leo or Libra ascendants. Persons of
Pisces ascendant were only a few in number. Aries was the Moon
sign of most of them. For Cancer Ascendant Saturn was in
ascendant, Jupiter in 4th house and Rahu was in 9th house in
transit. For Leo ascendant Saturn was in 12th house in transit.
For Moon in Aries, Rahu was in 12th house and Jupiter was in 7th
house in transit. In the horoscopes of most of the people the
Mahadasas (Major Period) of Rahu, Jupiter or Saturn were going
on without any instance of Sun's major period. Most of the major
period lords were the lords of 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th or 10th houses and
were occupying 6th or 9th house, whereas sub-period lords were
the lords of 2nd, 4th, 9th or 12th house and were posited in 5th or
8th house. Rahu is the significator of foreign travel whereas
Jupiter is that ofAstrology and Saturn is that of Vedic knowledge.
If a person is going through Rahu Mahadasa, it would enhance
the possibilities of journey abroad because after this he would be
going through the major periods of Jupiter and Saturn which
would facilitate foreign journey. In most of the horoscopes, Sun
was in 1st, 6th, 7th or 12th house, Moon was in 3rd and 8th, Mars
was in 2nd and 5th, Mercury was in 1st, 5th, 6th, 9th, 12th, Jupiter
was in 2nd and 10th, Saturn was in 2nd and 7th and Rahu was in
9th house. The placement of Sun, Mercury and Saturn in these
different houses was showing larger difference than average
which indicate that these three planets are chief significators of
travel abroad. Incidence of some planets in some particular
signs was conspicious e.g. in most of the cases Sun and Mars
were in Cancer and Leo whereas their placement in Sagittarius
and Pisces was a few. Moon was in Aries in most of the charts,
Mercury was in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Saturn in Aries and Cancer
with Rahu in Libra. Majority of the Group had either Ashwani or
Bharani as their birth constellation with none having Vishakha or
Dhanistha. Sun and Mercury were found in Chitra constellation
(Nakshatra) in most of the horoscopes. Mars was in
Purvaphalguni and Dhanishta in most of them. Saturn was in
Jyeshta and Purvabhadrapada whereas Venus was in Ardra or
Punarvasu constellation in most of the charts. In Navansha
Chart Aries, Cancer and Leo ascendants were more in number
and Virgo ascendant was minimum in number. Sun was in 8th or
10th house in Navamsha, Moon was in Pisces and was placed in
9th or 12th houses in most of the cases. Mars was in the
Navamsha of Libra in most of the charts whereas its placement in
Taurus and Aries was minimum. Saturn in majority of cases was
placed in 10th house in Aries Navamsha. In number
of horoscopes, Ascendant Lord was in 6th house, 2nd lord was in
7th, 5th lord was in 6th, 9th lord was in 9th, 10th lord was in 6th,
9th and 10th whereas 12th lord was in 1st, 5th, 8th or 12th
houses. Ascendant lord was in Cancer, Leo and Virgo sign, 5th
lord was in Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, 6th lord was in Scorpio, 7th lord
was in Leo and Virgo,11th lord was in Cancer and Virgo
whereas12th lord was in Cancer in most of the charts. The above
mentioned statistics is quite at variance with the classical ethos.
So, if research oriented studies are made, then predictions
in astrology can defenitely be made nearer to accuracy.

Planets and Heart Diseases October 2007

S.C. Kursija
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 265 |
Now a days most of the urban citizens are suffering from one or
other heart diseases due to modern style of living, less exercise
and lack of good rich diet. They do not like to take leafy
vegetables, but only junk food and cold drinks which are nothing
but chemicals only. The heart is the chief organ of the cardio-
vascular system. It starts functioning around the 5th month in the
fetus and continues till the individual expires. It has 4 chambers, 2
upper ones called the Atria and 2 lower ones called the
Ventricles. Each chamber is well demarcated by muscular walls
called the Septum and Valves. During embryonic development,
the failure of the septum to close results in congenital heart
disease called the Atria Sepal Defect,(ASD) wherein the blood
gets shunted through the defect from the left atrium to the right
atrium and Ventricular Sepal Defect, in which the blood is shunted
from left ventricle to right ventricle. In both cases, there is mixing
up of pure blood with impure blood. Rheumatic fever is a disease
of childhood and adolescence related to infection with group a
hemolytic streptococci, which may affect the heart leading to
carditis stenosis (inflammation of the heart) or narrowing of the
mitral valve, resulting in decrease of blood flow from the left
atrium to the left ventricle. If left untreated, it will lead to failure of
the left side of the heart and consequently the right side also. The
tricuspid valve may also be involved in rheumatic fever, causing
its stenosis. Apart from these cases, there are also aortic valve
stenosis and pulmonary valve stenosis leading to heart failures.
Infective diseases of the heart may involve all the 3 layers of the
heart called endocardium, myocardium and pericardium. Infective
endocarditis is an infective disease of the heart caused by
different organisms. The most common heart ailment these days
is the ischemic heart disease, wherein there is reduction in the
lumen of coronary arteries due to deposition of fat in its walls
called atheroma or platelet deposition. This reduces the flow of
blood in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart.
When there is a mismatch between the supply and demand it
causes a feeling of tightness in the middle of the chest called
angina pectoris. The different types of angina pectoris are angina
decubitus, nocturnal angina and unstable angina. The most
common cause of death, among people today, is the heart
attack or myocardial infarction wherein the total blockage of 2 or
3 major coronary arteries leads to necrosis of the myocardium,
when there is imbalance between coronary blood supply and
myocardial demand. The heart muscles are in need of blood
supply itself. Astrological Factors: The karaka for heart disease
are Sun, Moon and Mars according to my observations.
According to other astrologers Sun and Moon are the karaka. Sun
is the karaka for digestive system and lord of 5th house of
Kalapurusha which is 2nd from 4th, Maraka house. Moon is
karaka for blood circulation, mind, and lord of 4th house of
Kalapurusha. The diseases of heart and mind are co-related. The
stress, strain, mental tension and worries are one of the causes of
heart trouble. The excess production of gas due to mental worries
or indigestion produces pressure on heart. Mars is karaka for
muscle of arteries and blood and lord of 1st and 8th house of
Kalapurusha. He causes hypertension, stress, and rupture of
arteries. The first house indicates the head and receives the
purest blood supply from the heart. Similarly 1st, 4th, and 5th
house of the natal chart are to be taken care of. The affliction to
these factors by natural or function malefic during dasha and
bhukti and transit causes heart diseases. But there should be
yoga for heart disease present in the natal chart. If there is no
yoga for heart diseases in the natal chart, dasha and transit have
no affect what so ever. Rheumatic fever is caused by Mars and
Saturn. Stenotic lesions are caused by Saturn, infective heart
diseases are the result of Rahu, ischemic heart diseases are
caused by natural malefics. Enlargement or cardio-myopathy is
due to a bad aspect from a weak or malefic Jupiter. Mars causes
stress, tension, emotional troubles and hypertension and
bleeding. Mars any relation with 4th or Sun indicates surgery
Saturn leads to occlusion of the coronary arteries. The fifth house
is a Maraka house for heart muscle being second house from
fourth house and 2nd house from lagna is 11th from 4th forming
argala on 4th. We should take 7th house as 4th from 4th as
indicator of heart. Nakshatra Anuradha: Anuradha is Heart of the
Kalapurusha Thus this Nakshatra acts as significator of Heart.
Some specific yoga: (1) The 6th lord in the 4th or conjuncted with
4th lord, and affliction of Sun causes heart troubles. (2) The lords
of the 5th and the 12th in the 12th. (3) The 6th, lagna and 8th
lords in 2nd. (4) Malefics in the 4th and 5th in cruel D/30, not
aspected by benefics. (5) Saturn, Jupiter and Mars or Saturn,
Mars and Rahu in the 4th. (6) The Moon in Taurus, Cancer,
Scorpio, or Capricorn with a malefic planet. (7) The Moon, Mars,
Saturn and Rahu in the 12th (8) Saturn, Jupiter and 6th lord in the
4th. (9) The 5th lord in combustion, debilitation or in an inimical
sign. (10) The Moon and Rahu in the 7th and Saturn in a Kendra.
(11) Afflicted Moon in the 4th and 3 malefics in one house. (12)
The Sun in Scorpio, Jupiter afflicted by weak Mars and the 6th
lord joining a malefic. (13) 2nd dreshkona: The dreshkon indicates
parts of the body. The first part of the dreshkon indicates parts of
body up to chin of the body. The second dreshkon indicates from
chin to the waist of the body and third part of dreshkon indicates
below waist to feet. So 2nd part of dreshkon indicates heart of the
body. In case, ascendant falls in the 2nd dreshkona of the rising
sign, the fifth and the ninth houses in rashi chart become the
indicator of Right and left sides of the heart muscle respectively.
In that case, any affliction to these houses indicates the strong
possibility of heart disease depending upon the type of malefic
influences operating on these houses. (14) Sign Aquarius: In
chapter I, shloka 8 of Brihat Jatak, Varahamihira identified
Aquarius as Hirdya Roga. The placement of Sun in this sign
does not indicate well for heart. (15) The Eleventh House:
Eleventh House is the natural seat of sign Aquarius of
Kalapurusha. This is the house of fulfillment of desire, which has
a strong bearing both on mind and intellect. The two calf-muscles
of both legs are also signified by eleventh house and sign
Aquarius. Thus, this house becomes one of the strong significator
for heart disease. This house is 8th from the forth house. Any
affliction to the Fifth and eleventh house axis may cause heart
disease. (16) Nakshatra Magha (Leo 0 degree - 13 degree 20)
(Yavan jatak): An afflicted planet in this nakshatra may cause
sudden shock and problem to the heart. Ketu is the ruler of this
Nakshatra and triggers accidents and sudden events. (17)
Nakshatra Purva Phalguni (Leo 13 degree 20 to 26 degree 40)
(Yavan jatak): This star has a strong signification over heart and
generates swelling of heart muscles (18) Dhanista - Last two
charan (Aquarius 0 degree - 6 degree 40): This star may trigger
sudden failure of heart and carries the influence of sign Aquarius
and Mars. (19) Shatabhisha (Aqarius 6 degree 40 - 20 degree):
This star rules over Electricity, which is vital for proper and regular
functioning of the heart. Both Rahu and Hershel rule over
Electricity and are the co-rulers of sign Aquarius. This star rules
Rheumatic heart disease, high blood pressure, palpitation and
other mall-functioning in the heart on account of its electrical
system. Both Rahu and Hershel play vital Role for such problems
in the heart. (20) Poorva-Bhadarpad: First three Quarters:
(Aquarius 20 degree to 30 degree) It rules over the irregularities in
function, swelling and dilation of heart muscle. The Jupiter is the
ruler of this star and represents expansion, swelling, dilation etc
when afflicted. (21) The heart attack may come in the periods and
sub-periods of planets owning or occupying 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th
house from the Sun and the 4th. (22) The heart surgery is
indicated when Mars has any relation with 4th, 4th lord or sign
Leo or Sun or dasha lord or others. The following are indications
for strong and healthy heart. 1. In case 4th and 5th house, and
its Lord, its Karaka Sun and Moon, and Mars, sign Cancer and
Leo and Aquarius, and have benefic aspect or posited in
auspicious houses and Nakshatra Anuradha is in auspicious
influence, the heart would be strong and would resist any
indications and yoga (s) which may exist in the birth chart for the
disease of heart. These are summarized as under: (1) If Moon,
Sun, Mars and the Lord of the fourth and fifth house are posited in
i. In their Exaltation, Mooltrikona and own rashi(s), ii. Conjunct,
hemmed or/and aspected by benefic planets. iii. Placed in
auspicious house -kendra and trikona (it would be better if both
from Ascendant and fourth house) iv. Moving towards their
exaltation sign. v. Vargottama, exaltation or own Navamsha. vi.
With six or more bindu in their own Ashtak Vargas and more than
32 bindu in Sarva-Ashtak varga. vii. Dispositor of these planets is
similarly in auspicious influence. viii. Placed in auspicious
Trimshamsha (30th part of the rashi). It is my own observation
that the Dreshkon and Trimshamsha give excellent results in
medical part of astrology, when they are constructed in cyclic
order. Some astrologers call them as Arsh dreshkona and Arsh
trimshamsha. I have come to know that Sh.Iyer has also used
these in cyclic order. Let us see some practical examples. Chart
1: The native was born on May 24, 1965, at 17:50 IST 75E02,
12N53 He suffered from heart stroke. The native suffered from
heart stroke in the month of July, 2007 when the dasha of
Mercury/ Sun/ Venus is running. Mercury is posited in 7th ; Sun
and Venus in 8th house. The Mercury the dasha nath is aspected
by Saturn and is 4th lord. Saturn is aspected by 7th lord Mars, the
Maraka. Sun the Karaka for heart is with lagna lord, Venus, Rahu
and 6th lord Jupiter. The 2nd house is occupied by Ketu. The
Moon another karaka for heart is conjuncted with Saturn, 4th lord
and Moon are aspected by Mars. Jupiter the 6th lord is aspecting
4th house also. The 4th house from Moon is also afflicted. So 4th
house 5th house, their lords and Karaka Sun, Moon, and Mars
are afflicted. The dasha is also not favourable. The transit is also
not favourable. All planets are concentrating in 5th and 11th. The
6th lord Jupiter is transiting 2nd, the Maraka, Scorpio. The lord of
Scorpio, Mars is posited in Badhaka house Leo. The lagna is in
2nd dreshkona. Chart 2: The native was born on Jan 13, 1928, at
20-30 Delhi. and died in Oct, 1980 due to heart attack. The native
died in the dasha of Saturn/ Ketu/ Mercury. The Saturn, the 6th
lord and Ketu are posited in 4th in the sign of Mars. Mars and Sun
are posited in 5th in the sign of Jupiter the 8th lord. Mercury is
posited in 6th in the sign of Saturn. Moon is posited in 2nd in
enemy sign Mercury and Mars and Sun are posited in 4th from
Moon. Lagna is aspected by Saturn. In 1980 Jupiter and Saturn
were transiting Virgo sign, 2nd from Leo, Maraka house, over
Moon. Saturn the 7th lord, Maraka house, was aspecting 4th
house. The Saturn is mahadasha nath also. It is well known
dictum of astrology that when the span of life is ending, if no other
planet is able to cause death, Saturn causes death. Chart 3 The
native was born in March 13, 1949, at 5:10, Delhi. His heart
problems started in Sep, 1978. In September, 1978 the native
was running Sun/Mercury. There is a debilitated Jupiter, 12th lord,
in Lagna. Sun the 8th lord, in 2nd in sign of Aquarius conjuncted
with Venus, Mercury, 6th lord and Mars the 4th lord, The Moon,
the 7th lord in 8th with retrograde Saturn. The Saturn is Lagna
lord and posited in 8th in the sign of enemy Sun. Therefore
Aquarius and Leo sign, 4th and 4th lord, Sun, Moon and Mars are
afflicted. Chart 4 The native was born on Jan 16, 1943, at 01-30,
Delhi. The native died of heart attach in August 1985, during
Jupiter/Saturn dasha. The lagna lord Venus is posited in 4th with
Sun and 12th lord Mercury. The 6th lord Jupiter is retrograde and
aspecting 4th from 8th house with Moon, and Saturn. The 4th lord
Saturn is retrograde and posited in 8th with Moon. The Saturn is
aspected by Mars from 2nd. Therefore 4th, 4th lord, 5th and 5th
lord, Aquarius and Leo sigh, Sun, Moon and Mars are afflicted.
Chart 5: The native was born in Oct 11, 1988 at 11-44-21 IST at
Delhi The child was having congenital heart trouble. It is the
dictum of astrology that the birth during the dasha and antar
dasha of malefic planets indicating some diseases the native will
suffer from the disease at the time of birth if lagna, lagna lord and
Moon are afflicted. The lagna lord Jupiter is retrograde and
posited in 6th, lagna is occupied by Saturn, Moon is with Sun. The
4th lord Jupiter, 4th house, Sun, Moon (aspected by Saturn) and
Mars (is in 4th and retrograde and is 5th and 12th lord) are all
afflicted. Aquarius and Leo are afflicted. Chart 6: The native was
born in Dec 8, 1975, at 11:05 IST at Srikakulam. The native was
born with congenital heart disease. The native was born in dasha
of Mars/Mars/ Ketu/venus. Venus is 4th lord; The 4th house is
hemmed in between malefic planets Mars and Ketu; aspected by
Sun and 8th lord Mercury. The 4th lord Venus is in Rahu-Ketu
axis. Moon is posited in 12th in the nakshtra of Mars and sub of
Rahu; aspected by Saturn the lagna lord in retrograde motion,
aspecting 5th and 2nd house with 10th aspect. Mars is also
retrograde afflicting the 4th house. So the native was born in the
dasha and bhukti of malefic planets. The operation was done on
Feb 26, 1979. during the dasha of Mars/Mercury/ Saturn and
transit of Saturn in Leo; Jupiter in Cancer and Rahu in Leo.
Saturn was aspecting his own Lagna and Jupiter was aspecting
Moon. Both were strong. Chart 7: The native was born on Nov15,
1948, at 19-30 at Srikakulam. The native was suffering from
congenital heart disease and surgery was advised. He refused
heart surgery and died. The native was born in the dasha of
Venus/ Sun/ Mercury. The Venus is posited in 4th in debilitation,
Sun is again debilitation with Mercury and Ketu. Rahu is posited
in 11th with Moon in the sign of Mars, the 6th lord posited in own
sign in 6th. The dasha was running of Maraka planets. The 4th
house is hemmed in between Saturn, the 8th lord, The 4th lord,
Mercury, though not combust, but is conjuncted with Sun and
Ketu, therefore afflicted. Similarly Sun is also afflicted being in
Rahu Ketu axis, Leo is occupied by Saturn, the 8th lord and
aspecting Aquarius. The lagna is also afflicted by 6th lord Mars.
So all factors of heart disease, 4th, 4th lord, Sun, Moon, and
Mars, Leo and Aquarius, are afflicted, but the Mars has no
relation with 4th or Sun. He did not go for heart surgery and died.
In the previous chart 6, Mars is posited in 5th house and is
retrograde, so moving toward 4th house and native under went for
surgery and survived. Similarly we can study more charts, but
result will be the same and write up will become voluminous. The
affliction of 4th, 4th lord, Sun, Moon, Mars, sign Leo and Aquarius
cause heart trouble. The relation of Mars with 4th or Sun with
heart disease will indicate surgery.

Fruitful Transit of Jupiter October 2014

Sitaram singh
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 265 |
When each planet transits over other planets and its natal position
in birth chart this also produces signifi cant effect in the life of the
individual. But this transit has not been discussed in detail in
astrological classics like transit of planets from the Moon sign.
Phaladeepika (Ch. XXVI. 34), Jatak Parijat (Ch. XVII. 34-36), and
Prasna Marga (Ch. X. 56-57) have briefl y stated in almost
identical terms the malefi c effects of transit of planets from Moon
sign (Rashi). For instance, Phaladeepika (Ch. XXVI. 34) States :
pUnzk"VHks p /kj.khru;% dy=s jkgq% 'kqHks dfojjkS p
xq#Lr`rh;sA vdZ% lqrsfdZ#n;s p cq/k'prqFksZ ekukFkZ gkfu
Hkj.kkfu onsf}'ks"kkrAA meaning, "The period when transit Moon
is in 8th sign from her natal sign, Mars in the 7th sign, Rahu in the
9th sign, Venus in the 6th sign, Jupiter in the 3rd sign, the Sun in
the 5th sign, Saturn in the 1st sign (Saturn over Moon) and
Mercury in the 4th sign, these cause loss of honour and wealth.
When majority of these transits occur simultaneously there is also
danger to one's life." Learned scholars have shared their views
about these transits in their articles in different magazines earlier,
which has inspired the author to attempt this article on the transit
of Deva Guru Jupiter, without whose blessings it is impossible to
lead a happy, prosperous and contented life. Jupiter is the most
benefi c planet of our solar system. A strong and favourable
Jupiter in the birth chart is an asset to that individual and indicates
Divine Grace. Such a native gets providential help when his own
efforts fail to solve his problems. Jupiter is signifi cator for
wisdom, knowledge, wealth, children (son), prosperity, expansion,
status, honour, devotion to God, and in a
female horoscope shows the happiness of husband. From 19th
June 2014 Jupiter is transitting through Cancer, his exaltation
sign. Jupiter's favourable transit augments the result of a house
and its lord which for some reason was delayed or withheld.
Jupiter transits a sign for nearly a year. It retrogrades for nearly
120 days in a year while transitting through the 6th to 9th sign
from the Sun. It remains stationary for about four days before and
after retrogression. During the fi rst few months of his transit in a
house Jupiter fi rst acclimatises with that house and then releases
his benefi c infl uence. Jupiter produces benefi c result when he
reaches the middle portion (10-20) of that house. Jupiter
produces unfavourable result when he is posited in the 6th, 8th or
12th house, or is conjoined with, or aspected by, the lords of
these houses. If these signs happen to be his own, then the
suffering is bearable. A weak or affl icted Jupiter becomes
polluted and makes the individual irreligious, cruel and
extravagant, and he suffers due to over-indulgence. Jupiter's
transit from the Moon According to astrological classics, Jupiter
gives very favourable result while transitting through the 2nd, 5th,
7th, 9th and 11th house from the Moon sign, provided no other
planet transits through 12th, 4th, 3rd, 10th and 11th house
respectively at that time, which is called Vedha (obstructive)
position. However, there is no Vedha between the Sun and
Saturn, and the Moon and Mercury, who in Hindu mythology are
said to be father and son respectively. Benefi c transit of Jupiter
and respective Vedha position are tabulated below for clarity and
ready reference. Benefic transit 2nd 5th 7th 9th 11th V e d h a
position 12th 4th 3rd 10th 8th The specifi c result of Jupiter's
transit from Moon sign are as follows : Jupiter's transit through the
Moon sign (Janma Rasi) causes the native to leave his
established residence, incur heavy expenditure, suffer from fear
and anxiety, develop ill-will and quarrel with others. During
Jupiter's transit through the 2nd house, the individual earns more
money, receives reward and appreciation, enjoys speculative
gains and domestic happiness. Adversaries disappear and the
native enjoys good company. Jupiter's transit through the 3rd
house causes loss of status, separation from dear ones,
impediments in business and indisposition. While transitting
through the 4th house Jupiter causes disturbence in family life
and loss. The individual develops a feeling of disenchantment
with worldly affl uence and he takes no delight in anything around
him. Jupiter's transit through the 5th house blesses the native with
child birth, friendship with noble persons, favour from those in
authority, unexpected honours, happiness and all round
prosperity. In the 6th house the native faces impediments,
increased enmity, grief and serious illness requiring
hospitalisation. Jupiter's transit through 7th house from the Moon
gives fruitful travels. The native gets good wealth, fortune,
recognition and enjoys with his wife and children. Jupiter's transit
through the 8th house from Moon causes fruitless journeys,
fatigue, bad luck, loss of money and resultant frustration. In the
9th house from Moon, Jupiter gives success, wealth, honour and
all round prosperity. His transit through 10th house causes loss of
position, prosperity and children. In 11th house Jupiter blesses
the native with child birth, higher income, position, honour and
happiness. In the 12th house the native suffers from illness, loss
of wealth, property and resultant grief. According to Phaladeepika
(Ch. XXVI. 33), "When Jupiter, Sun, Mars and Saturn transit
through the 12th, 8th or the 1st house from Moon's position, there
is fall from position, loss of money and danger to life." Jupiter's
Transit vis-s-vis other planets When during transit Jupiter makes
connection with a planet in the birth chart through conjunction,
opposition or trine aspect, the karkatwa (signifi cations) of that
planets gets a boost. The result corresponds to the strength of
Jupiter and the aspected planet, their house location and dasa-
bhukti in operation. Through his growth inducing benefi c aspect
Jupiter helps in unfolding the potential of the aspected planet,
leading to happy events, provided there is no simultaneous evil
infl uence of Saturn and / or Rahu on that planet which curbs
Jupiter's favourable effect. Jupiter transits identical position after
every 12 years, but he may not produce similar favourable result
every time, because Saturn, Rahu and Mars will not occupy the
same sign as before. Hence the transit of other planets should
always be kept in view while assessing the result of Jupiter's
transit. Jupiter's transit vis-a-vis Sun When Jupiter transits over
natal Sun or any of his favourable position (especially 5th, 9th and
11th), the native becomes permanent in job, gets promotion or a
good posting and recognition. The native wins over his
adversaries and succeeds in litigation. He enjoys good health,
success and prosperity. But when Jupiter transits through
unfavourable places (aspecially 6th, 8th or 12th) from the natal
Sun, during this period the individual should be careful in dealing
with his superiors, otherwise he may suffer loss of position and
reputation. He should be careful in his fi nancial matters and avoid
speculation. He should also take care of his own and father's
health. Jupiter's Transit vis-a-vis Moon As stated earlier Jupiter
does not give good result while transitting through Moon sign.
When Jupiter transits through any favourable place from Moon,
the native is successful in dealing with ladies and general public.
It is favourable time for marriage and business. The native
develops good and helpful contacts which open new avenues for
success. Female natives enjoy good health and prosperity. But
when Jupiter transits through Moon sign or any of the
unfavourable places from Moon, the native remains mentally
disturbed and faces diffi culty in dealing with ladies, public, in
business and real estate. He should control his emotions, avoid
speculation and misunderstanding with others. His fi nances and
health suffer. If the Moon is located in the 6th house in birth chart,
the native may suffer from blood related, stomach and liver
diseases. Jupiter's transit vis-a-vis Mars When Jupiter transits
over natal Mars or any of his favourable places, it increases
vigour and dynamism in the individual and he achieves success
through self enterprise. He increases his business, but he should
avoid haste and over enthusiasm, lest it proves counter -
productive. When Jupiter crosses any of Mars' unfavourable
places then the individual should be careful about accidents and
injuries during travel. This period causes loss and trouble in legal
matters, loss due to hasty decision, over confi dence and
miscalculation. The native should avoid carelessness and take
care of his health. Jupiter's transit vis-a-vis Mercury When
Mercury is well placed in a wealth producing house (2nd, 5th, 8th,
9th, and 11th) in the birth charts and Jupiter crosses Mercury or
any of its favourable position, then one is sure to experience
pleasure and recognition in the fi eld of literature, art, music,
reporting or publishing. It is good time to undertake journeys and
gain through contracts. If Venus and Mercury are conjoined in
natal chart, then the gains are much more. When Jupiter transits
any unfavourable position from Mercury at that time one should
be careful in signing documents, otherwise he may be a victim of
fraud and suffer loss. He should avoid criticism which may prove
harmful. Jupiter's transit vis-a-vis Jupiter In a horoscope, strong
Jupiter placed in an angle or trine acts as protector of the native.
When transit Jupiter transits over natal Jupiter or aspects from a
good house without any adverse transit, then the individual attains
higher status and recognition. There is gain and success in all fi
nancial matters, including speculation. It is good time for religious
pursuits. Jupiter gives very good result when he transits the 5th
sign from natal position. But when Jupiter transits through
unfavourable angles from his natal position, one should be careful
about loss of wealth, honour, fame and position. There may be
differences with those in higher position. There may be ill health,
loss in litigation and speculation and diffi culty in religious
pursuits. According to Phaladeepika (Ch. XXVI. 34) Jupiter gives
very bad result about health, wealth and honour when transitting
in 3rd sign from natal position. Jupiter's transit vis-a-vis Venus
Jupiter activates Venus, the planet of luxury, love and sex,
through his transit over natal Venus or aspects from favourable
places to Venus. It is a favourable time for engagement, marriage,
birth of child, happy events, gain through women and acquisition
of luxury items. There is improvement in native's reputation, social
standing and gain in business. The person undertakes successful
voyages. The time is favourable for profession and legal matters.
When Jupiter transits through unfavourable positions to natal
Venus, the native should avoid carelessness, over indulgence, as
there may be loss of wealth or trouble through females. Jupiter's
transit vis-a-vis Saturn When Jupiter transits over natal Saturn or
any of Saturn's favourable angles, then one receives much help
and gain through elderly persons and gets long-term gainful
contracts. It is a time to deal in real estate and property. It favours
promotion and success time for all matters. When Jupiter transits
through unfavourable angles from natal Saturn, one should be
very careful about loss of profession, reputation and personal
matters. There is loss of property and wealth. Speculation should
be avoided. Responsibilities increase and one suffers ill health.
Jupiter's transit vis-a-vis Rahu Jupiter is the life force and Rahu is
the mouth of dragon. In a horoscope if Rahu is placed next to
Jupiter with no other planet in between, then Jupiter in its fi rst
transit would approach Rahu, i.e., the life force will enter dragon's
mouth and loses his power. This transit lowers vitality and causes
health problems during childhood. The condition becomes acute
when Jupiter comes in close contact with natal Rahu. As Jupiter
moves away from Rahu, there is gradual improvement and there
is complete recovery when Jupiter reaches Ketu. When Jupiter
transits any of the favourable angles from Rahu, it promotes new
ideas, success in scientifi c and occult affairs. It is good time for
scientifi c research and investigations and to demonstrate one's
talent and knowledge. If one leads a pure life then he can
advance in spiritual direction. When Jupiter transits through
unfavourable angles from natal Rahu, it will be a critical period
and one should strictly watch his personal affairs. One may face
fraud in business and trouble in religious matters. Use of alcohol
will prove harmful. Jupiter's transit vis-a-vis Ketu Jupiter depicts
knowledge and Ketu shows keen intellect and methodical
approach. When Ketu is placed next to Jupiter in the birth chart,
during fi rst 12 years' transit of Jupiter, it is a period of active
intellect, an inquisitive mind and quick grasp and the child has
success in educational career initially. When Jupiter transits
through any of Ketu's favourable angles, one gets opportunities of
unusual nature. There is development of intellectual and higher
sense and gain in money matters. The period favours success in
research studies. There is expansion of business and religious
matters. It favours success in educational and social work. When
Jupiter transits through Ketu's unfavourable angles, one should
avoid starting any new business, as it may end in loss and
disappointment. There is problem in law-suits and fi nancial
matters. There is unexpected break up in family, change of
residence, loss of parents or relatives. One should be careful
about possible scandal. In lucky births the planets are so
arranged in thehoroscope that Jupiter's transit infl uences and
activates benefi c planets in the horoscope one after another, and
the individual enjoys success, name, fame and status for a long

Saturn's Role as a Disciplinarian October 2004

M. L. Agarwal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 257 |
Apreliminary approach to the science of Vedic astrology tells us
that out of seven main planets and the additional two shadow
ones, clear benefics are only Jupiter and Venus. The behaviour of
Moon and Mercury depends on several factors, before these can
be classified as benefics. The remaining five, namely Sun, Mars,
Saturn, Rahu and Ketu belong to the clan of malefics. In terms of
mathematical calculations, the share of benefics computes to just
44 percent in human life. When we cut across the demagogical
divide of the population, it is seen that the affluents pass through
the natures metal detector as the elite of the society. They
appear to be unaffected by the vicissitudes of life. They pose as if
they have no ups and downs. We are not here to dissect the
actual type of life they lead and the less said the better. In this
essay, the attempt is to see and establish the true role of these so
called malefics, particularly Saturn and realistically quantify all
prevailing misgivings. In doing so, let us quickly run through the
brief pen sketches of Sun, Mars, Rahu and Ketu, before
embarking upon the detailed expose on Saturn. SUN : It is
associated with causing haughtiness among natives. Their nature
gets pickled with a false sense of ego. Drunk with this false
intoxication, an adversely placed Sun causes separation in
married lives and in business partners. MARS : Its significations
are to cause mass scale destruction through fires, accidents,
natural catastrophes etc. Characteristically, Mars creates and
nurtures tensions in mutual relations and if badly placed in the
birth chart, it even causes the demise of the spouse. RAHU &
KETU : Ever since the churning of the ocean, these are endowed
with powers to promote ill will. Never satisfied with any bounty of
nature, these are proverbially the trouble-makers of the zodiac.
The eclipse to Sun and Moon is considered to be their handiwork.
Epidemics are commonly associated with these astral bodies.
They attack in a highly clandestine manner. The native pines for
happiness and becomes a recluse, always cursing his/her fate.
SATURN : It's place stands in the coterie of malefics. It has come
to be known as an unpopular planet and nicknamed as the king of
melancholy. In the ancient classics of Hindu / Vedic astrology,
there is a tale about Saturn: He had a beautiful wife who craved
for union with her husband (Saturn) On being constantly ignored,
she felt jilted and threw a curse on her husband : THINGS YOU
application of this curse is further to be found in the classics
where the stage has been set for celebrations in the abode of
Lord Shiva on the birth of Ganesha. To partake in this great
celestial event, all the bigwigs of heaven, including lord Brahma,
Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Yama, Surya, Indra etc assembled at
the entrance to welcome the guests. Saturn simply paid
obeisance and never looked at the child. Divine mother Parvati
persisted and insisted that he must look at Ganesha and
appreciate the halo around his face. Thus impelled by Parvati,
Satrun cast a glance at the child and Lo! the childs head got
severed from his body. Parvati fainted. There was mayhem all
around. In order to restore normalcy, Lord Vishnu lost no time to
fly out on his Garuda and spotted a herd of elephants. Using his
Sudershan Chakra He flew back with the head of an elephant,
which was placed in position on Ganeshas body. Parvati
accepted this marvel of surgery with all humility but she,too,
hurled a curse on hapless Saturn : BE THOU A CRIPPLE. All
major Gods and Goddesses beseeched Parvati to take back the
curse. It was on Brahmas intervention that Parvati agreed to
modify the curse as : MY CURSE WILL BUT HAVE IT'S
but interesting tale from the legends typifies the temperament and
disposition of Saturn. The price for having a look at Ganesha
resulted in the afore mentioned curse. But because the curse
comes from the senior hierarchy of the Hindu pantheon, Saturn
could do precious little. We all lead tasked lives on this earth. This
contains the temper of destiny, which Saturn received for no fault
of his. Through divine intervention, Saturn earned the sobriquet of
a master Yogi and the king among the Grahas. Now we know
Saturn as the planet of detachment. Its own suffering has become
the scion of human tribulations and has come to be accepted as a
signification of the planet Saturn . The rule of law eternally
prevails in the regime of Saturn. High or low, no compunction is
shown to anyone. The law of Saturn appears to be that everyone
reaps the rewards of his Karmas. Omar Khayyam, the
astronomer-poet of the 11th century in Persia seems to have
been impressed by the tinge of Saturnian law to pen down his
associated with the adage : It delays, but does not deny. Being
the unquestioned king of melancholy, every human being
essentially develops a philosophical trait in their thinking that the
Karma leads to Destiny. Definitely, though invisibly, a link exists
between what one does and what one reaps. The exalted chair of
Chief Justice is definitely occupied by Saturn in his court. By his
diktat, man has come to possess the temper not to tolerate
injustice or cause injustice, to any one. The whip rod of the
master Yogi is everready to administer justice to all and sundry.
Saturn tumbles and humbles the mighty. One hidden beauty in
the Indian mythology is the use of parables. In Jaimini astrology, if
the Atmakaraka falls in Aquarius Navamsha, the native shows
charities in the form of constructing wells, gardens, temples, inns
etc for the maximum good of the maximum people. This Rashi is
lorded by the great Yogi Saturn. Modern day political science is all
about aiming at the maximum good of maximum numbers. Today
Saturn governs general masses, elected, legislatures, parliaments
etc. Saturn, willy or nilly, flashes one clear message that human
life is an ongoing seminar. It is the theatre of suffering, which acts
as the ultimate teacher and eye-opener. The seminal influence of
Saturn is so immense that one tends to get over the side effects
of even big tragedies of life. These are Yogic powers in full play.
Every suffering brings discipline alongwith. Human beings who
have graduated in life through such seminal influence of Saturn
cultivate the habit of facing the rough and the tumble of life with
equanimity and poise and without doubt, or debate. Human
beings close ranks in adversity. Not so in comfort. Gold becomes
purified after passing through fire. Human beings emulate the
example of gold. They are known to shed their impurities, like
vanity or ego. Man is the student and Saturn is the teacher, the
master Yogi, the terse disciplinarian. His ways are inscrutable. A
grain of corn will not create hundreds more of such grains, without
dissolving itself in the soil. It is quite relevant to quote Napoleon
SUFFER THAN TO DIE, Years later, Mahatma Gandhi said
about human suffering: "SUFFERRING IS THE BADGE OF
HUMAN RACE, NOT THE SWORD.Fortitude becomes the
corner stone of lifes edifice. Thanks to the seeping, creeping and
sweeping powers of Saturn. THE SAINTLINESS OF SATURN In
a Dreshkana chart, when Saturn aspects Moon (and vice versa)
the native acquires the powers to become a saint of high order.
Saturn invests the person with a fillip to meditate. The Moon
installs the persons mind in the ultimate Lord PARMATMA.
Saturn is also packed with the power to open ones third eye the
Gyan Chakshu. In the great hall of fame, Shani rules over
longevity, Moksha, detach-ment etc. The sledge hammer of Shani
Dev does not spare any one. Rulers, monarchs, ministers, wrong
doers of any hue are shown the path to righteous attitude by
Shani Dev. He rules. All others simply obey. Such is the
impeccable discipline of Saturn. This is more why his name has
come to be associated with fear, despair, loss of fame and what
not. He is the dreaded one. He commands respect by being
ruthless. He possesses the powers to delay. He never denies,
though. Justice is Saturns most flaunted badge.

Understanding Place of Birth, Time Zone and Time Correction May

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 255 |
In astrology place of birth is equally important as date and time of
birth. This lesson tells you how the place of birth affects the
calculations and how much precise we should be in specifying the
place of birth - whether a street, a colony, a city or a country.
Some important formulas to compute distance are described
when longitudes and latitudes are known. The lesson also
explains importance of time zone and time correction.
In astrology place of birth plays an important role. If it is day in
India, it is night in America. So the effect of Sun is reversed.
Similarly effect of other planets also change.
This change in effect is more prominent longitudinally and is
comparatively much less latitudinal e.g. it remains day if we move
South to North - Sri Lanka to Russia. But there is still a difference
in sunrise marginally from one Latitude to other even if longitude
remains the same.
Let us understand what is longitude or latitude; how we measure
it and how much distance has how much effect in calculation
of horoscopes.

These are imaginary lines, parallel to equator. The equator
represents zero degree latitude.
North pole is 900N and South Pole is 900S.
Longitude :
These are imaginary vertical lines parallel to the prime meridian,
which pass through Greenwich where the British Royal
Observatory is located. The prime meridian is at 00 longitude and
we count 1800E in East, to 1800W in West. 1800E and 1800W
coincide and represent the same vertical line just opposite to
prime meridian.
Unlike parallel of latitude, all meridians are of equal length. Any
place on earth can be uniquely assigned a longitude and latitude
and any such coordinates define a single point on earth. Delhi has
a longitude of 77013'E and latitude of 28039'N.
Since earth is spherical, every degree of longitude does not
represent equal distances.
Span of 1' of Longitude or Latitude :
Let us determine the distance represented by 1' of the longitude
or latitude; that is, how much distance changes the coordinates by
Earth's mean radius "a" = 6371 km.
Considering the earth as sphere 10 of longitude at latitude f= p.
acos.km. .........1 180
At Delhi (f = 280 39' N) 10 of longitude = 97.6 Km.
Thus 1' of longitude at Delhi
=1.626Km. 1 mileand 10 of latitude = p x a Km. .........2 180
For all longitudes
10 of latitude = 111.2 Km.or 1' of latitude= 1.853 Km. 1.16 mile
For all practical purposes, in India we can consider 1 mile, making
a difference of 1' in longitude or latitude or combined difference of
From formula 1 and 2 it is obvious that the distance in North or
South makes a variation in latitude, which is constant for all
places on earth. However the longitude at least changes as much
as latitude and the variation becomes more and more prominent
as latitude increases. This is obvious because of the fact that
equator the circumference of earth is maximum, where as it
reduces as latitude increases and rate of change of circumference
also increases with the increase in latitude.
A table can be drawn for distance covered by 1' of longitude at
different latitudes.
Latitude 00 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
by 1' of 1.853 1.825 1.741 1.605 1.419 1.191 0.926 0.634 0.321
Distance covered by 1' of LatitudeFor all Longitudes 1.853 Km. in
N-S direction
Variation of Longitude and Latitude in a City
For latitudes like in India a city, which has span of 40 Kms. or a
distance of 25 miles, can make a difference of 25' in longitude
and latitude. This is particularly so in case of Delhi and Mumbai,
where the city stretches to over 40 kms. diagonally. In Delhi,
where the accepted coordinates 280 39' N & 770 13' E are for
New Delhi Railway Station, easily makes a difference of over 25'
in longitude and latitude from one end to the other.
For example Nangal in South-West of Delhi has coordinates 280
33'N and 770 06'E, whereas Vikas Kunj in North-East coordinates
of 280 45'N and 770 18'E, thus reflecting a difference of 12' in
longitude and 12' in latitude, with a total difference of 24'. Similarly
in Bombay Dahisar in North has coordinates 190 16'N and 720
51'E, whereas Colaba in South has coordinates 180 54'N and 720
49'E, making a difference of 22' in latitude and 2' in longitude,
again making a total difference of 24'.
However small cities are normally only half or even less than half
the size of Delhi or Bombay. Towns are only a few kms. in length
or breadth, thus making a total difference of few minutes in all. If a
centre point is chosen then the difference does not exceed more
than 1' or 2' in latitude and longitude combined. For this reason
for most of the towns and places, 1' accuracy in longitude or
latitude is just sufficient, whereas in metropolitan cities a further
breakup into small area is advisable.
To understand the total difference caused by longitude and
latitude, let us convert the maximum combined difference in Delhi
or Bombay (~25') into time. We find it is equivalent to 100s of
time. And from a centre point it is only 50s. i.e. less than a
minute! Thus when time of birth is accurate only to a minute level,
taking the center point of even the metros for longitude or latitude
is not going to add much to the inaccuracy in results.
Computation of Distance:
We have seen above that there is a direct relationship between
distance and the longitude or latitude. We can easily compute the
aerial distance between the two points on earth if we know their
coordinates accurately.
For rough computations of distance, we may simply add up the
difference of longitude and latitude and equate that to miles.
Example : Calculate the distance between Delhi and Mumbai
Coordinates of Delhi 280 39' N 770 13'ECoordinates of Mumbai
180 58' N 720 50' EDifference 90 41' and 40 23'or 581' and
263'adding the two, distance between Delhi and Mumbai is 844'
844 milesTaking 1 mile = 1.6 Km. difference between Delhi and
Mumbai is 1350 Km. approximately.
Distance between two points on the earth's surface having
longitude and latitude L1, f1 and L2, f2 respectively can be
computed accurately by first computing the angular distance
between the following points by the following formula :
Cos d = Sin1.Sin2+Cos1.Cos2.Cos (L1-L2)
then computing the required linear distance by the following
formula S = 6371p d/180 kms.where d is expressed in degrees.
(Note: The formula does not work well for very small values of d)
Example : Calculate the distance between Delhi and Mumbai,
taking the following coordinates.
Delhi : L1 = 770 13' E 1= 280 39' N Mumbai: L2 = 720 50'
E 2 = 180 58' N
Cosd = Sin280 39'.Sin180 58'+Cos280 39'. Cos180
58'.Cos(770 13'-720 50')
on solving, Cosd = 0.983324945
or d = 10.477956950
so, s = (6371*p*10.47795695)/180
or s = 1165 kms.
Note : - The result is accurate up to a few Kms. The inaccuracy is
mainly due to flattening of the earth, which has been ignored in
the present formula.
Longitude and Time
Sun is the best time-keeper throughout the world. It Sun regularly
rises and sets every day. Local time can be measured by the
shadow cast by the sun. All the places on a meridian have midday
at the same moment. If the earth rotates from West to East,
places East of Greenwich are ahead of Greenwich time and those
in the West behind it. Since the earth rotates 3600 in 24 hours,
every 150 there is a difference of 1 hour.
Standard Time
Local time of places which are on different meridians differ. In
India there will be a time difference of about 1 hour and 45
minutes in the local time of Dwarka in Gujarat and Dibrugarh in
Assam. It will be difficult to prepare a time-table of trains which
move from one corner to another. It is therefore necessary to
adopt the local time of some central meridian of a country as the
standard time for the country. In India 820 30'E is treated as the
standard meridian. The local time at this meridian is taken as the
standard time for the whole country.
Some countries have a great longitudinal extent and so they
adopt more than one standard time. For example USA has as
many as 5 standard times. The earth has been divided into 24
time zones of one hour each. A few countries like India adopt a
time zone in between the two, like 5 hour zone.
Time Correction
In countries with high latitudes, day duration changes drastically
from say 6 hours in winters to 18 hours in summers. At poles this
difference becomes so large that there is day for six months and
night for six months.
In Northern latitude May, June are longer, whereas in Southern
latitude December January are longer and they have summer at
this time. In summer the sun rises very early. To take the
advantage of sun light, the clocks are advanced by one hour
during summer for about six months and it is set back to original
position during winter. This advanced time is called "summer
time" or "day light saving time". At some places the correction is
done for 2 hours and it is called as "double summer time".
Similarly sometimes it is only half an hour correction. Since this
adjustment is only to save light, it is subtracted before we do any
astronomical calculation.
For astrological purposes we need date, time and place of birth.
City of birth is normally sufficient as place of birth. Along with this
one should know the standard time zone and the day light saving
time correction to know exactly and correct the time of birth.
With the knowledge of coordinates we can even determine the
distance between two points. Longitudinal distance play vital role
in time gap

Remedy : For Whom, What and Why? October 2006

Vinay Garg
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 249 |
First of all it is very important to analyse which planet is causing
problem to the native. Very often it happens that the problem is
different and its cause is different. For example, if a native is
facing marriage problem due to mental disorder, in that case we
have to his mental affliction, not the marriage problem. If we try
directly for the problem of marriage , its significator planet or
house, then it is quite possible that this improvement may be
temporary and transitory, because the treatment of the mental
affliction is not done. In that case after sometime due to mental
affliction it may again cause problem in married life. So, initially if
we provide treatment for his mental affliction and subsequently a
treatment for improvement of the married life is applied the
married life will be strong, stable, happy and prosperous. For
above case first of all a remedy for ascendant lord for mental
affliction and after that remedy for seventh house lord is applied.
Remedy for which planet ? Inastrology there are views of two
types. First is the planets who are favourable, Bhaghyesh,
Yogakarak and friendly planets as they are already in favour, so
there is no need for their remedy. So a remedy should be applied
for that planet which is not favourable i.e. marak, badhak,
debilitated, enemy or a negative planet. According to the other
opinion, planets that are favourable are friends, are yogkarak, are
lord of trine or angular houses or are lagna lord, the native should
arrange remedy for these planets only, because these planets
can help or only these planets can think for the benefit. Enmical
planets can never be beneficial just as a friendly person only can
be beneficial to us and not an enemy. So we should never
welcome an enemy. Wearing of any stone means we welcome
the planet in our home. Here we have to see which planet will do
favour to us - which planet is enemy or which planet is friend. We
will find that it is certain that planets that are friend and favourable
to us only can think for our favour and benefit. Experience says
that we have to try the remedy for both benefics as well as
malefics. However the method of remedy will be different. The
planets that are favourable to us we should try to bring them
nearer to us and planets that are against or malefic for us, we
should try to keep them away from us. How to do it? If we wear
the gem or stone of a favourable planet then it is obvious that we
are bringing that planet closer to us. It means that we are inviting
our friend to come to our home to help us. Here we should keep
in mind that only friendly planets can help us, not enemy planets
because the enemy will always look for a chance and when he
gets the chance, will certainly attack us. We have to keep him
away from us. For this purpose we should donate the items
related with that planet or we should offer water related to that
planets items. For example, if a natives ascendant is ruled by
Mercury i.e. Gemini or Virgo, so Jupiter will be Badhak
(obstructer) and Marak (killer) for him. Also Jupiter will be afflicted
due to Kendradhipati Dosh for ascendant of planet Mercury. In
that case the native should not wear yellow clothes on Thursday
and should never wear the Yellow Sapphire. Generally, it is
advocated that the native should wear clothes according to the
day of the week. But here it is important to remember that a
planet that is Marak, Badhak or malefic to the native, cannot be
beneficial or helpful to him, therefore colour of clothes concerned
to that planet must not be used. Generally it is thought that we
should wear the stone of an exalted planet. Here it is useful to
understand that it is not necessary that an exalted planet is
always beneficial. The exalted planet means that the planet is in a
position that it can give more results to the earth, where the native
lives and a debilitated planet means he is unable to give more
powerful results on the earth. Now, we shall discuss how an
exalted planet can give malefic effects. Before considering about
the remedy of a planet we should find which planet is benefic or
malefic, weak or strong. There may be following situations : A
benefic planet will always give benefic results, whether he is weak
or strong and a planet that is malefic will always give malefic
results, whether he is strong or weak. A planet which is benefic
and strong will give very good results. If ruling dasa of such a
planet is on, we should take advantage and should get more
benefits by wearing a stone of this planet. If the planet is benefic
and weak then we should also wear its stone, because by
wearing its stone we will give more energy to that planet. It means
if a beneficial planet is situated in its debilitated sign then it is but
obvious that he is a friendly planet, who can help us and can be
beneficial to us but he is in a weak and miserable position. He
wants to give beneficial results desires or to help us, but he is
unable to do so. So, by wearing the stone of such a planet we can
obtain more beneficial results. To judge that a planet is malefic or
benefic, there are two methods - first, Natural Benefic or Malefic
and secondly according to lordship of houses. Here we should
remember that the position of a planet in a particular house is less
important than the lordship of the house. It is like that if the person
of one country goes to a foreign country, lives and works there,
then first he works according to the system of his country, society,
family or culture, after that he works according to the place where
he lives. Hence the lordship is more important than the position of
planet in a house. The lord of a benefic house always gives
benefic effects and lord of a malefic house always gives malefic
effects even if he is a natural benefic or a natural malefic. But still
we cannot discard its natural effects totally. If according to
lordship of houses a malefic planet is strong, it means he has
more strength to give malefic effects. It means if planet is exalted
but malefic then we should never wear the stone of such a planet.
Now question arises that if a planet is lord of a benefic house as
well as a malefic house then what should we do? Should we wear
the stone or donate for such a planet? In that case it is but
obvious that the mantra chanting or worship of this planet is the
best remedy. Because by worshipping or mantra chanting we
make a request to the planet and invite him for our help and we
request him to leave our way and remove obstacles from our path
of success. Mantras have miraculous powers. If any person takes
oath for HathYoga and chants the mantra, there is no power
which can prevent the native from getting his goal.

Transit of Saturn January 2007

Arun Bansal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 248 |
Saturn plays an important role is Astrology. Now that it has moved
from Cancer to Leo, is an important event for the astrologers. This
time its motion is quite erratic. It moved to Leo on 1st November
2006 but it is getting retrograde on 6th December 2006 and
coming back to Cancer on 10th January 2007. It will become
direct on 20 April 2007 and will reenter Leo after six months on 16
July 2007. On the retrogression of a planet we get a question in
our mind. When all the planets are revolving straight around the
Sun then how the planet gets retrograde? What is the effect of
retrogression of a planet? Secondly when Saturn moves out of
Leo sign and comes back to Cancer again, what is the effect of
sade-sati. Will the effect of sade-sati for Virgo rasi subside or will
it continue? Will the sade-sati for Gemini rasi restart? How the
Saturn affects the married or sex life? Why it is always Saturn
who is prayed? Let us answer the above common queries in the
proceeding paragraphs. Saturn takes 30 years to take a circle
around Sun and earth takes only 1 year. Therefore, the speed of
Saturn is very small compared to that of earth and if we consider
Saturn to be stationary, then as earth moves from point 1 to point
2, Saturns angle seems to be reducing or to say it seems to be
retrograde. At point 2, it becomes stationary for a short while and
as earth moves from point 2 to point 8 it gains angle and thus
moves forward. At point 8 it becomes stationary and with earth
moving from point 8 to 1, it again seem to be moving in retrograde
direction. Saturn becomes retrograde once every 1 year 12 days
and stays retrograde for about 134 days, whereas it moves in
direct motion for 243 days. Once it becomes retrograde it goes
back up to 7o. Saturns average forward motion is only 2' per day,
but since it remains retrograde for about 134 days, therefore to
cover the distance it moves fast with a speed of 4' to 8' per day
when it becomes direct. Sade-sati starts when Saturn moves into
12th house with respect to natal moon and it endsafter Saturn
crosses the 2nd house from moon. But Moon can be at any angle
between 0 o and 30 o in the sign, and it take 2 years for Saturn
to cross over the sign. Therefore to be more precise in
computations of sade-sati we count 45o on either side of the
moon as the orb of sade-sati. As and when Saturn enters into this
orb sade-sati starts. Native with moon in the initial degrees of
Gemini find effect of sade-sati ending even before Saturn moving
to Leo sign. For natives having moon in Gemini at high degrees,
Saturn, even after moving to Leo sign, is still within the orb of 45o
and thus the sade-sati continues till Saturn returns to Leo sign
after retrogression and attains some degrees. Similarly for natives
with Virgo sign, sade-sati has started only for those whose moon
is at low degrees. For those who have Moon at high degrees in
Virgo sade-sati is yet to start. It will start only after July 2007. To
understand the effect of retrograde planet, consider a moving
tanker full of water with an open tap. The quantity of water flowing
may be considered as a measure of effect of the planet because
planets are nothing but heavenly bodies spilling their radiance on
earth. Hence as the tanker moves in forward direction there in
some quantity of water on the road. But when it stops to move
backward, there spills a large quantity of water. As it moves
backwards slowly the water spillage is more than when it was
moving forward. Similarly the planets have their enhanced effect
when they move in the retrograde direction. The effect is
maximum when they are stationery or to say when they change
their direction and become stationary for a little while. The quality
of effect remains the same, whether good or bad. It depends on
the sign in which it is located and the houses it owns in a
natives horoscope. The planets close to it or aspecting it also
make a change in the results of the planet. Now that Saturn is
moving from Cancer - the sign of moon to Leo - the sign of Sun,
the results are going to be quite different. In cancer it gives mental
agonies or worries to the native and makes the native
sentimental. In Leo, it is in the house of his father because Sun is
father of Saturn. It enjoys all the liberties, though it does not carry
good relations with Sun. So even in confusions, things move to a
positive side giving relief from time to time. Saturn is a major
planet to hit anybodys married life. First of all, if placed in 7th
house, delays marriage. It also causes break in marriage. If it
aspects 7th house from 5th house, and if 7th and 5th houses are
its inimical houses, it even kills the spouse at an early age, as and
when it is activated by transit or Dasa. Saturn is the planet, which
acts openly. If it has influence on Venus it makes the person open
in his sex life. He does not mind telling all about his private life to
others. It is unlike Rahu whose influence on Venus makes person
conservative in private matters. Saturn-Venus close conjunction
or exchange is famous to make the native extra sexy. Saturn is
the planet which people talk about and pray most. This is only
because the evil effects on Saturn get neutralised easily by
propitiation. It does not happen so with other evil planets. So pray
for Saturn and be happy !

All about Karakamsha-III April 2007

Amar Agrawal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 246 |
As already mentioned that Karakamsha is most important part of
Jaimini Astrology hence it will be dealt exhaustively. In the last part we
had mentioned about the results of various planets when influencing the
first to third houses from Karakamsha lagna. In this part we shall discuss
about the influence of planets on the rest of houses from Karakamsha
lagna and their results. 4th house from Karakamsha lama : Sutra No.45
to 50 deals with the influence of various planets on the 4th house from
Karakamsha lagna. Being sukh sathana the Sage has emphasized and
restricted only to the house one will live in with reference to 4th house
from Karakamsha lagna. First of all we shall deal with the commentary
only and in the end we shall be giving example. . F
(DS@A! 1 . When the Moon and Venus
influence the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna, here influence of
planets as mentioned can be by placement or aspect, one will have a
palatial building/house to live in. The Sage has some restrictions but it is
very much clear that in modem era looking into the cost and paucity of
land we shall enunciate that one having the combination as mentioned
above may have ones limitations but at the same time in spite of a small
house it will look like a palace. One more worth mentioning is that the
Sage requires the influence of both the Moon and Venus on the 4th
house from Karakamsha lagna but in actual practice it has been found
that even one planet out of two if powerfully disposed in the chart is
capable to give above results. . F (DS
H C # . 1 . When the 4th house from
Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by an exalted planets and
there is no influence of the Moon or/and Venus on the 4th house from
Karakamsha lagna one owns a palatial building to live in. Here again the
Sage is silent about the influence of exalted malefic or a benefic. It
should be taken as that a benefic will improve the results as compared
with a malefic planet. . F (DS HC #
( @A ; 02.0E . When the 4th house
from Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by the Moon and Venus
or an exalted planet This combination being influenced by Saturn and
Rahu one will possess a palatial building built of stones. . 2
( # ; @A ; A .0E
. When Mars and Ketu replace Saturn and Rahu in the yoga as
mentioned in previous sutra one owns a building built of bricks. .
F . / .0EC . Jupiters
influence on the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna gives one a building
built of wood. Here the Sage has mentioned the influence of Jupiter only
and he is silent about the involvement of the Moon and/or Venus as it is
in previous sutras. . F # .0E C .
The Sun in the 4th house of Karakamsha lagna gives the native a hut to
live in. Comments: In all the six sutras the Sage emphatically mentions
about the various types of buildings or houses one will live in. If
analyzed carefully one will be able to categorize the role various planets
in giving the kind of house as mentioned. If the qualities as indicated by
the Moon and Venus it is sufficient to agree with the views of the
learned Sage since the Moon and Venus are natural significators of 4th
house and beauty as well, hence the influence of these two planets will
give the native a beautiful as well as a palatial building to live in.
However these rules as mentioned in sutras cannot be applied verbatim
since in modem era each and every house is built of material as indicated
by various planets while dealing these sutras, however the beauty of
main building will depend upon the influence of the Moon and/or Venus
on the 4th house from Karakamsha lagna. 1 0A
1 E (D @A #E # I
( 7 ( 1A . G
E3 The word 1 . (65/12=5) 3
(61/12=1Rem) (D/! #!
C( C(E . 5 ;, .
;( q
( ./2E 0PI. (
When the Moon and Jupiter happens to occupy Karakamsha lagna or 5th
house from Karakamsha lagna makes the native a research scholar or
one may become an author of many books. Some of the commentators
on Jaimini astrology advocate for authorship 2, 5 & 10th houses from
Karakamsha lagna should be studied. . ;
(DS! u,(C( E; # (E e
. SC# x; 3 .
S; 3 3A (. When the Moon and Venus or Jupiter
and Venus (the pair of planets should be like this only) happens to
occupy the Karakamsha lagna or its 5th house can also make I the native
an author but here one will not be as proficient as mentioned in previous
sutra. . 3 C # 2<; ;3
(D! /! C; H 5
S ( C( <E When the Moon and Mercury
happens to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it makes
the native a journalist. In case there is involvement of Jupiter also one
may become an author also along with journalism. . ;
S L3; 3b. : (0-10)8 (10-
20)< (10-30) When Venus alone happens to occupy the
Karakamsha lagna or 5th house from it one should consider it like this.
(a) If Venus is between 0deg to10deg. one will be a poet.(b) If Venus is
between 10deg to 20 deg. it will make the native a proficient orator.(c) If
Venus is between 20deg to 30deg it will make the native an author of
poetic compositions. . ; / 5
E (1-15) C( (20-30) When Jupiter alone happens to
occupy the Karakamsha lagna or 5th house from it and this Jupiter is
between (a) 1 deg to 15deg one will be a versatile scholar (b) 15deg to
30deg one will be an author / writer. . ; /
(C @A 2 . Jupiter alone in the Karakamsha
lagna or in 5th house from it is not capable of making the native an
orator. . Jupiter alone in the Karakamsha
lagna or in the 5th house from it will make the native a scholar of Veda
Vedangas. Sage perhaps wants to clarify here that one with this
configuration may not be an author but one will be proficient in the
knowledge of Vedas. (112) I. When Saturn happens
to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it the native will
not be able to speak in assemblies. (113) When
Mercury happens to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from
it will make the native mimamsaka (one having knowledge of
philosophical literature) . (114) . When Mars happens
to occupy the Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it. The native is a
logician or a lawyer. (115) (D T ; I
. ; (D 2 T , E
; I When the Moon alone is occupant of the
Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it one can deduce in case this
Moon is between 1 deg to 15deg one will be conversant with Sankhya
yoga. In case this Moon is between 15deg to 30deg. word (F) can
make the native a man of literature or a musician. .
5 ( I When the Sun happens to occupy the
Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it and this Sun is between 1 deg
to 15deg makes the native a philosopher and in case this Sun is between
15deg to 30deg one will be inclined in reading Vedic literature however
the word ( I) used in sutra means Bhagwadgeeta. . (117)
b . #A When Ketu happens to occupy the
Karakamsha lagna or the 5th house from it the native will be proficient
mathematician. Note : Sage is silent about the results pertaining to 6th
and 8th houses from the Karakamsha lagna hence we shall be dealing
with the rest of houses from the Karakamsha lagna. 7th house from the
Karakamsha lagna . ;G (D/!, #!
( . ; 3 @A 1 . , When the
Moon and Jupiter are posited in or aspect the 7th house from the
Karakamsha lagna natives wife will be beautiful. . ;G
8 . #3 U . When the 7th house
from the Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by Rahu the native
will have a widow as ones spouse or one will debauch with a widow.
Some of the commentators strictly speak of debauchery only. .
;G 3b . 1 ,, 5 ,

# 3 . ,, , # When Saturn
occupies or aspect the 7th house from the Karakamsha lagna predict (a)
if this Saturn is between 0deg to 10deg the natives wife will be older
than the native (here one thing is to be kept in mind that in case the
native wife is not older age per age even than by looks she will look
older than the native). (b) if this Saturn is between 10deg to 20 deg
natives wife will have a sickly constitution. (c) if this Saturn is between
20deg to 30deg the natives wife will have oppressive sexual habits. .
;G . When Mars is posited in
or aspects the 7th house from the Karakamsha lagna the spouse of the
native will be bodily deformed. . ;G #
G /
2 1
E G 7 # #
# G . X
When the Sun occupies or aspects the 7th house from the Karakamsha
lagna the spouse of native will maintain physical relations with in the
family. Some of the commentators opine that the Sun in such a condition
makes the spouse deformed and one is restricted to live in the
boundaries of the house. . ;G
; . When Mercury is posited in or aspects the 7th
house from the Karakamsha lagna the spouse of the native will be well
educated and will be good at dance and music. Note : Since 7th house
mainly deals with the sexual life of the native hence sage does not
hesitate in mentioning about place of the first sexual union. However it
is just for the academic purposes only and in this context the sutra its
teeka and sloka are as under : #3 1G
; 10 # F 0A .
. HF (D . 2
; H #3 1 I;G
(D . E 3E 10 E #31
- I: # E 5x , (D F
N 1( (D
# #
( S Sj (
/ @A , ( The following
are the versions form sutrardha prakasika If the Moon occupies the 4th
house from Karakamsha lagna identical to sign Sagittarius the native
will have first union in an open space outside ones house and near a
watery region. The Sun similarly disosed indicates the garden as place of
first union. next given are results of all other planets when these are
posited in the 4th house from the Karakamsha lagna. mars indicates a
place near a wall or boundary. Mercury indicates a park or garden.
Jupiter indicates a temple or a place of worship. Venus indicates union
in water can be pool within the house or bath room itself. Saturn and
Rahu indicate the tavernor any place where low born people live. 9th
house from karakamsha lagna . ( @8 .
3b . E # E.;, # ; , #
/2 The word used in the sutra means 9th sign from the
Karakamsha lagna. Now the Sage suggests that if this 9th house from the
Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by benefic plnets one make
three type of predictions (a) 0deg. to 10 deg. one will be virtuous (b)
10deg. to 20 deg. Truthful and (c) 20 deg. to 30deg. devoted to
preceptors. here the Sage has not given stress on any specific benefic
planet; hence any of benefic planet influencing as above will give results
as detailed. But in case of more than one benefic planets influencing as
above the nature and qualities will enhance. . (
C@8 . E.; . In case the 9th house
from the karakamsha lagna is influenced by benefic as well as malefic
planets the results pronounced in first sutra will reduce. In case the
planets involved as mentioned above are malefic planets only the
positive results are nullified. . ( . ! 00;
#! / D Incase the 9th house from the karakamsha lagna is
being influenced by Saturn and Rahu he will be treacherous to ones
teachers and preceptors. . ( /!
I . In case the 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna is
occupied or aspected the Sun and Jupiter both one will be ungrateful to
ones teachers and preceptors. In this sutra the Sage is categorically
critical about the intervention of the Sun to spoil the good qualities of
Jupiter. . ( S ( F . #32
wE ,! S@A! z d
. 5 ; S
wF . S
! z d . When the 9th house from the
Karakamsha lagna falls in the shadvargas of Venus and Mars will make
the native an adulterer. In case the 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna
falls in the shadvargas of Venus and Mars and it is further occupied or
aspected by Venus and Mars the native will remain an adulterer for
whole of life. In case of Atmakarka is occupying or aspecting the
shadvargas of Venus and Mars or it associated with Venus and mars the
native will remain an adulterer for whole of life. . (
@A ! 1.( d;# . ;
. When the above combination is present in the horoscope and it
is under the aspect of Ketu the above said qualities of planets are
negated. here the Sage has appreciated the intervention of Ketu to negate
the negative qualities of the planets and reason for this, perhaps, is the
inherent qualities of Ketu being a mokshakarka. . (
/ #3 . When the 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna
is occupied by Jupiter only the native is fond of women. This sutra is
contradictory to the first sutra since in that the sage has appreciated the
influence of benefic planets on the 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna
and Jupiter is most benefic planets of the all hence the word / used
in the sutra can be treated in a positive manner. . (
U2 S @A ! #3 .0; D<
. E d;# . ;d. , When
the 9th house from the Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by
Venus, Mars and Rahu (all the three together) one squanders ones
money for sexual gratification or sexual debauchery. Some of the
commentators on Jaimini astrology opine that one discontinues ones
debauchery after the middle age in case this combination is present. 10th
house from Karakamsha lagna Now the sage deals with the 10th house
from Karakamsha lagna but he has restricted himself to three sutras
only. The reason perhaps is this that various houses from Karakamsha
lagna depict the profession of the native and 10th house is karamsthana
or karamkashetra which with the help of other houses, their lords and
various planets depict the profession. . d
#;, @A ( . 10P E I .
3 H The word d (22/12=10) stands for 10th.
When Mercury is placed or aspects the 10th house from Karakamsha
lagna destine to give the results of Saturn as used in aphorism
Prasiddha karma jeevassnau. The word ( and . used in
sutra itself indicate like Saturn. . C@A
. # . # # .Fd
. # .F . H
@I 0. @A #2; When the 10th
house from Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by benefic
planets other than Mercury, the native is firm minded or the native
becomes either a priest or one who settles the disputes of other people.
In this sutra the sage has omitted the intervention of Mercury on the 10th
house from Karakamsha lagna and the reason of this omission can be
due to the vacillating nature of Mercury. . .
C(@A / @A . . When the 10th
house from Karakamsha lagna is occupied by the Sun and it is aspected
by Jupiter only, the native becomes a herdsman. Note : The sage has
omitted the mention of 11th house from Karakamsha lagna and it will be
dealt at later stage along with Arudha lagna while assessing ones wealth
or ones financial status. 12th house from Karakamsha lagna . H
5 C . 1G The word H
(60/12=12) used in sutra means 12th house. When the 12th house from
Karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by benefic planets only one
has the gains of happy and higher regions of universe. Here the word
used in the sutra is indicative of this. If applied in day to days
life perhaps the meanings of this sutra are that one will be happy and
well respected. . 5 . 2## <
( 3.A. . 1 ;
.#; 2;# 0;
#;3 7 When Ketu is posited in the 12th house
from Karakamsha lagna it gives moksha or the final emancipation of the
soul. The word 2 or < used in the sutra means the self
enjoyment of soul. . uS E
5 # . 2# 5
5 . < ;1G
qr 1;E The word stand for Pisces,E for
Cancer, for Aries and for Sagittarius. When out these four
sign any one falls in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna and it is
occupied by Ketu, the native attains moksha and perfect bliss of God.
sage appreciates the placement of Ketu in the 12th house from
Karakamsha lagna. In case this Ketu is under the aspect of benefic
planets especially Jupiter one is sure to attain moksha or the liberation of
soul. . 5 C 1G If the 12th
house from karakamsha lagna is occupied or aspected by malefic planets
only and these in no way are influenced by benefic planets one is sure to
go to the hell. This is the opinion of the sage. Note : Since 12th house is
known as mokshasthana apart from other things and Ketu is considered
first rate mokshakarka planet hence the sage requires the presence of
Ketu in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna to attain emancipation .
Sage has strictly adhered to some specific signs, as mentioned above,
falling in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna and the aspect of
Jupiter enhances the good qualities as described. In sutra 75 to 82 the
sage enunciate the Deity or God one will be devoted to by the presence
of various planets in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna. Sutra75
! 02 Sutra76 (D Sutra77 S
xf Sutra78 #( Sutra79 .! A
Sutra80 /
0 Sutra81 # Sutra82
#( Planet God/Deity Planet God/Deity Sun/Ketu -Shiva
Moon -Gauri Venus -Laxmi Mars -Skanda Mer/Sat -Vishnu Jupiter
Sambasiva Rahu -Durga Ketu -Ganesha In next two sutras sage puts
some restriction on Venus and Saturn as per sign occupied by these two
planets individually. The Sage opines if there is sign ruled by Saturn in
the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna and it occupied by either Venus
or Saturn the native shall worship a low based deity. The relevant sutras
are as under: . 5 . D 2##
Saturn in a malefic sign, especially its own sign, in the 12th house from
.Karakamsha lagna makes the native to worship low based deities. .
5 S Venus in a sign ruled by
Saturn in the 12th house from Karakamsha lagna makes the native to
worship low based deities. With this we end this part of Karakamsha
lagna. Examples relating to these sutras, various types of raja yogas,
profession from Karakamsha lagna and financial status of the native will
be dealt in coming part. All these promises will be studied along with
Arudha lagna simultaneously.
[ - ] Less
Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 244 |
1. Method of Preparation of Ascendant Horoscope of the

In the new year when Sun enters Aries (Aries Ingress), the
horoscope prepared on the basis of
it's time as ascendant is called Universal Horoscope. The
good-bad events of the world are analyzed on the basis of
this horoscope.
If in ascendant of this horoscope, there are benefic planets
or ascendant is aspected by benefics then crops of all things
are good.
The twelve houses of universal horoscope indicate 12
months of samvat as is depicted in illustrated horoscope.
The good-bad results are known by the planets situated in
various houses of horoscope. The house having benefics is
considered lucky.
The malefics indicate unlucky results. The results are
predicted on the basis of good-bad properties of planets.
The presence of malefics-Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu in 7th
house of universal horoscope damages the ripe crops.
If there are benefics in 2nd, 12th or quadrant houses in own
sign or friendly sign then good crops are indicated and prices
come down. Otherwise high prices or drought are likely.
Example : We wish to prepare the universal horoscope of
2059. By ephemeris it is found that Sun is entering Aries at
05.49 hrs on 14th April. The horoscope based on this time is
as shown.
In this horoscope there are malefics in 3rd and 9th houses.
Therefore unlucky events are predicted for Jyeshtha and

2. Method of Preparation of Annual Horoscope and its

When Chaitra Shukla Pratipada begins, at that time when
amavasya ends, the horoscope prepared for that time is
considered as New Year Entry Horoscope. The good/bad
results of world are predicted for the year on the basis of this

Example : Suppose the new year horoscope is to be

prepared for samvat 2059. For this we should look at
Samvat 2058 Chaitra Krishna amavasya Friday i.e 12 April
2002 at 47 ghati 01 pal ie midnight time. On this basis the
change over time is 13th April 2002 at 00.41 hrs. This is the
time for New Year entry and its ascendant was Sagittarius.
On this basis the horoscope prepared is as illustrated.

3. The Results of 12 Ascendants of New Year Horoscope

o Aries:
There is unrest or drought in the East. In South the
crops are good. The rains are more and ghee-oil are
costly. In North the crops are good but rulers remain
restless. In middle provinces the rains and crops are
o Taurus:
There is drought in the West, mutiny in East, poor crops
in North and South too has drought.
o Gemini:
There are wars between nations. The crops are
destroyed in East. In North and South, rains and crops
are good. In West rains are less and rulers are
changed. In middle provinces the crops yield is half and
cattles suffer due to diseases.
o Cancer :
There is prosperity in Eastern states, the Northern
states have turmoils while there is drought in West.
o Leo :
There is danger of floods etc. in Southern states, the
grains are cheap. Half of the year is comfortable and
prosperous. In Western states all metallic goods and
fruits are expensive. There are excessive rains in North
and people live with comforts and prosperity. Crops are
poor in Eastern states but last 5 months are
prosperous. There is revolt in middle provinces for five
o Virgo :
The situation is normal in Eastern states. Ghee prices
are high. In South, there is drought. There is revolt in
Easterm states. The West witnesses riots and grains
are expensive. The North-Eastern provinces experience
riots. In middle provinces the ghee is cheap, people are
dissatisfied and democracy is dissolved.
o Libra:
There is unrest in people in middle provinces and
government is dissolved. In East too the administration
is disbanded and riots spread widely. The rains are
less. The strong winds cause losses. There is drought.
In West, there could be war in two states. Goods are
costly. The South witnesses prosperity but there could
be rebellion for two months in West.
o Scorpio :
There is drought for nine months in West. In North the
crops yield is half, the metals are cheap. In East the
rulers have acrimony, people suffer for 3 months but
later on live comfortably. In middle provinces the crops
of grains are destroyed. In South, the rains are more.
The government is changed. The metals are profitable.
o Sagittarius:
There is prosperity in North-East. The middle provinces
suffer due to floods etc. There is danger of drought and
diseases. In West, the grains and ghee are expensive.
There is prosperity in South, but cattles suffer.
o Capricorn :
There is loss of lives and wealth due to natural
calamities in North. In West, the crops are good and
life is comfortable. In middle provinces the crops
are poor and grains costly. There are rains after a
spell of drought. The areas of other directions have
normal life.
o Aquarius :
There is prosperity in East while the North suffers
due to drought. The people in West remain
dissatisfied due to high prices. There is violence in
South but middle provinces have prosperity.
o Pisces:
There is prosperity in South but few places witness
change in government. In middle provinces the
crops are damaged. In other directions life is
comfortable and affluent.
4. Samvat Stambha
The existence of entire world is dependent on Water,
Air, Grains and Herbal planets. The good-bad results of
an year also depend on these elements and so are the
well being of human beings and advancement of a
nation. Each samvat has four stambhas:
I. Jal Stambha (Water Column)
II. Trin Stambha (Grass Column)
III. Vayu Stambha (Air Column)
IV. Anna Stambha (Grain Column)
The material that symbolizes the stambh is abundantly
available in the samvat. The more the stambhas, the
better it is. If stambhas are less, the result is medium.
Absence of stambhas indicates bad period.
Method of Determination of Samvat Stambha and Result
1. Jal Stambha : If there is Revti constellation on Chaitra
Shukla Pratipada the Jal Stambha is formed.
Result: The rains are more in that year.
2. Trin Stambha: The Bharni constellation on Baisakh
Shukla Pratipada forms Trin Stambha.
Result : During that year medicinal plants grow more.
3. Vayu Stambha : The Mrigshira constellation on
Jyeshtha Shukla Pratipada indicates Vayu Stambha.
Result: The wind speed is more in that year.
4. Anna Stambha: Punarvasu constellation on Aashadh
Shukla Pratipada forms Anna Stambha.
Result: The grains production is high during that year.
Now we shall discuss how percentage of a stambh for a
samvat is calculated. For this, duration of the
constellation in dates (tithis) mentioned above is taken
and on its basis the percentage of stambh is calculated.
Suppose we wish to analyse the jal stambha of 2059.
From ephemeris we find that Revti Chaitra Shukla
Pratipada 13 April 2002 beginning 00.51 hrs to 14th April
02.53 hrs. Therefore total duration of Pratipada is 26
hours 02 minutes = 1562 minutes. Now Revti
constellation is present on 13th April 2002 only till 03.13
Therefore Revti was in Pratipada for only 2 hours 22
minutes = 142 minutes. This is 9% of total duration of
1562 minutes.
Therefore Jal Stambha is 9% Similarly percentages of
other stambhas are determined.
An year comprising of all 4 stambhas is lucky and
prosperous. An year, devoid of all stambhas is unlucky
and painful.
Suppose in any samvat there are only Trin stambha and
Anna stambha. Therefore the result for that year will be
medium. In that samvat there will be sufficient Grasses,
medicinal plants and grains will be available at proper
time. However absence of Jal Stambha and Vayu
stambha will result in lack of rains. Therefore above
mentioned good results will be only medium and two
stambhas present in the year will not be able to render
full benefic results.
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The Upachaya Method October 2008

Girija Shankar Prasad
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 240 |
Each house in a chart is allocated some event in the life of an
individual. If you make a keen observation, you will find that the
result denoted by any house is the by-product of some other
house or a combination of houses. In addition, you can find that
all the houses are inter-related to each other in some way or
other. So here, we find two statements requiring further
explanation or proof: 1. Result of any house is the by-product of
some other house. 2. All the 12 houses are inter-related to each
other in one way or other. Let us examine the first statement:
Suppose we take the case of children in general. Usually children
are denoted by the fifth house. Therefore, the event - birth of a
child is a factor of the fifth house. How the child is conceived?
Without mating between a male and a female, it is not possible, at
least under normal circumstances keeping aside the modern
medical methods of conception. Therefore, the house of comforts
or pleasures of bed the 12th house becomes the factor or
karaka house for the birth of the child. Because of the birth of the
child, the male is elevated to the position of father and denotes
the continuation of heritage and its heirs. Therefore, the ninth
house comes into picture. (Keeping aside the controversy
whether ninth is father or 10th is father). One more addition to the
family comes in. The newborn child changes the relationship
making male as father and the female as mother. Thus, second
house comes into picture. Now the male member has to shoulder
more responsibility having become father. This added
responsibility is indicated by the 10th house. So the linkage can
be represented graphically as below: 12th-Sex 5th-Child 9th-
Father 2nd-Addition to family 10th-Added responsibility This
can be re-written as: 12th -> 6 houses away -> 5th -> 5 houses
away -> 9th -> 6 houses away -> 2nd -> 9 houses away-> Added
responsibility. Meaning that the 5th house is 6 houses away from
12th, 9th house is 5 houses away from 5th, 6 houses away from
9th is 2nd and 9 houses away from 2nd is 10th Therefore, the
pattern is - 6 -> 5 -> 6 -> 9 The next step is to determine who is
the karaka house for the event of childbirth. The 12th house being
the pleasures of bed naturally becomes the karaka house from
where we have started the link above. Therefore, for the focus
house (Childbirth) the karaka house is 8th from it. Remember this
rule, as we may have to apply this for finding the karaka house of
all the houses. Now let us find out the relationship of other houses
in the link given above, from the karaka house viz. 12th house
here. The 2nd house in the link becomes the 3rd house, 5th
house in the link becomes the 6th house, 9th house becomes the
10th and the 10th house becomes 11th all from the 12th house.
If we represent the same in a chart, it will be clearer. All the linked
houses are indicated with alphabets A, B, C, D and E for easy
reference. Therefore, the karaka house makes a 3 6 - 10 11
relationship, which is nothing but the Upachaya houses. The word
Upachaya means accumulation, excess, growth, heap,
prosperity. The 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th are the Upachaya houses.
So for children instead of looking at the 5th house, which we
normally do, consider the child to be the result of the 12th house,
and its Upachaya houses as indicated by the red numbers above.
We then see the 5th house is the 6th from 12th. Similarly, the 9th
house is the 10th from 12th house. The 2nd and 10th are 3 and
11 houses away from 12th. Thus, the birth of a child using
Upachaya method is the factor of the 12th, 2nd, 5th, 9th and 10th
house. Let us look at the 7th house and its group of Upachaya
houses. If we use the 7th house as the starting point, (see the
linear illustration below), then the 3rd from it will be the 9th (Good
fortune, fate). The 6th house from the 7th will be the 12th (bed
comforts and happiness). The 10th house from the 7th is the 4th
house (Family happiness) and the 11th from the 7th house is the
5th house (childbirth). 7th house starting point Upachaya
Placement 7, 8, 9 3rd 10, 11, 12 6th 1, 2, 3, 4 10th 5, 6 11th This
means that the Upachaya house placements from the 7th help to
increase the happiness of the person in the forms of good fortune,
bed comforts, family happiness, childbirth, etc.) Here the focus
house is the 12th house B. To get bed comforts and
happiness, marriage is necessary (at least in Indian customs), so
the 7th house here becomes karaka or house A. Then we go to
the 4th house (denoted as house C) as house, vehicles etc. are
essentials once you get married. Good fortune and fate is also
responsible for a happy married life which is indicated by the 9th
house (D). Then when everything is nicely settled, the marriage
leads to a childbirth indicated by the 5th house (E). So the
sequence becomes 7(house A)-12 (house B)-4(house C)-9(house
D)-5(house E). However, the other houses will act to reduce the
happiness and put obstacles in the way. Again, looking at the
following example: 7th house starting point Upachaya Placement
7, 8 2nd 9, 10 4th 11 5th 12,1 7th 2 8th 3 9th 4,5,6 12th In the
second linear example, we can see that the 8th house is the 2nd
house from the 7th and also 12 houses away from the 9th as well,
so it definitely reduces the overall good fortune of the person.
The 10th house, which indicates authority, is 4th from the 7th
house, but due to 10th house responsibilities, the overall
happiness is definitely reduced here. The 11th house is 5
houses away from the 7th and indicates a persons earning
abilities, the concept being that the more a person earns, the
more time and effort is usually spent making even more money,
automatically reducing the overall happiness in general. Although
earning is a must for acquiring material happiness, sacrifices
usually need to be made at the expense of that happiness. The
1st house or the ascendant is houses away from the 7th. This
also indicates ego and individuality. The person has to make
compromises with his spouse or this egoism may lead to
problems in the relationship. The 8th house from the 7th is the
2nd house. Death and separation may be indicated by this house.
The 9th house from the 7th is the 3rd and also the 12th from the
4th house, so overall, it reduces the family happiness. And last of
all, the 12th house from the 7th is the 6th house, which is also an
indicator of big obstructions in a persons marital life. Clearly, we
can see that the trouble creating houses are the ones that cause
the obstacles and reduce the overall happiness. In the same
way, we can make similar observations using any other house as
the starting point and counting the Upachaya placements from it
Well, this explains the Upachaya house qualities. Let us do
another example. 7th house is the focus house for marriage,
which we will call it as house B. In the example for children we
saw the 8th house from the focus house (i.e. 8th from 5th
i.,e.12th) is responsible for the event of child birth. In a similar
manner, if we take the 8th house form the 7th house, which is the
2nd house, will become the karaka house. We know that 2nd
house indicates addition of a family member. So the 2nd house
becomes house A. The Upachaya houses from the 2nd are 4th
(Denoted as house D); 7th (denoted as house B); 11th (denoted
as house C) and 12th (denoted as house E). So to get married
means you are going to add a new member to your family. And to
get married, you need comforts in the form of house, vehicles etc
indicated by the 4th house. To purchase house, vehicles etc., you
need more income and is indicated by the 11th house. Once you
get all these things, you get the pleasures of the bed also given
by the 12th house. Like this, we can go on building for each and
every house. The given below table will illustrate this principle
clearly. The focus house is denoted by B. House A is the 8th from
B and forms the karaka for the focus. The Upachaya houses from
the karaka house are 3rd denoted by D, 6th denoted by B, 10th
denoted by C and 11th denoted by E. Focus A B C D E Marriage
2nd 7th 11th 4th 12th Children 12th 5th 9th 2nd 10th Build
character 8th 1st 5th 10th 6th Family, loved ones 9th 2nd 6th 11th
7th Learn Communication 10th 3rd 7th 12th 8th House, property
11th 4th 8th 1st 9th Social status 1st 6th 10th 3rd 11th Hurdles &
obstacles 3rd 8th 12th 5th 1st Creative & positive 4th 9th 1st 6th
2nd philosophy More responsibility 5th 10th 2nd 7th 3rd Increase
Income 6th 11th 3rd 8th 4th Sex 7th 12th 4th 9th 5th If you
carefully study the relationship in the aforesaid manner taking
only the Upachaya houses from the karaka house (which will be
the 8th from the focus house), we will end with one cycle as
below: 1. 7th - Marriage, 2. 12th - Sex 3. 5th - Child 4. 10th - More
responsibility 5. 3rd - Learn Communication 6. 8th - Hurdles &
Obstacles 7. 1st - Build Character 8. 6th - Social Status 9. 11th -
Increase Income 10. 4th - House, property 11. 9th - Creative and
positive philosophy 12. 2nd - Family, loved ones 13. 7th - Back to
pavilion. In the above table, you will find that A is the cause and
B is the effect. The karaka indicated by A creates situation that
result in bad or good effect that comes about in the house
indicated as B. What caused the result being experienced in the
B house from house A? Why I am experiencing the results of B
Always look to its karaka for reason. Now can we say that the 2
statements mentioned at the beginning are amply clarified? Now
what is the result of such theories if it has no practical value? Yes.
However, this has been found to work in majority of charts. Just
as we study each Bhava or house for finding out a certain event,
here also we have to study all Upachaya houses for a particular
event, taking into account the nature of the signs, lord of the sign,
planets posited there in, aspects on the Upachaya houses and its
lords, Position in Navamsa etc. etc. all have to be seen. There is
also a Rajayoga formed by Upachaya houses and it is called
Vasumathi Yoga. Vasumathi means rich, indicating the
acquisition of wealth, from the fruits of their labour. It represents
the drive to improve lifes circumstances. This is when 3 benefics
occupy the Upachaya houses (3, 6, 10, 11) from the Moon. This
yoga gives wealth and life becomes very prosperous improving
with age. Any benefics in Upachaya houses will produce the
effect of wealth, only in varying degrees. Two benefics will be
good and one will be moderately good. Some look at the benefics
in Upachaya houses from the Ascendant as well as the Moon.
Some others add the position from Sun also. From the Moon, it is
definitely powerful since the Moon represents growth.

Planet, Transit and You July 2014

Arun Bansal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 238 |
The month of July is showing significant changes in transit. Rahu
shall enter into Virgo on 13th July at 21:43 hrs. Mars which was in
Virgo from last so many months w o u l d be entering into Libra on
14th July at 8:45 AM. Saturn shall go direct on 21st July at 02:05
AM. Jupiter would enter into its sign of exaltation on 19th June at
08:47 AM. In this way there is change in the position of all
important planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu. If we analyze
the planetary position in the horoscope of India we find that
Saturn shall be moving towards 5th house from Moon and Rahu
shall enter into 3rd from moon. In addition to that the Jupiter shall
come on the Rashi where 5 planets are placed in thehoroscope of
independent India. This planetary transit indicates that India is
about to see its good days and next one year shall be auspicious
and prosperous. The exalted Jupiter shall enhance the reputation
of India and the 3rd house Rahu would increase the influence of
India on its neighbouring countries. The fifth house Saturn shall
take the progress of industry to a new level. The exalted Jupiter
brings a downfall in real estate market. Therefore next one year
shall prove to be a difficult year for real estate inspite of all round
developments on all fronts. The auspicious transit of Jupiter is
bringing the promise of rapid progress in the development of
Indian civilization, culture, religion, knowledge and education. In
addition to that there shall be propagation of religious education,
Vedic culture, Vedas, Vedantic philosophy and Astrology on a
larger level. The incidents related to terrorism and crime in society
shall come under control. In the horoscope of Narendra Modi
Rahu shall be entering into 11th house. Therefore he would
definitely succeed in making stronger grip in his area of work and
as a result the people of India and the heads of various countries
shall honour him. Jupiter shall also transit into 9th house thereby
giving auspicious aspect to his Lagna and 5th house which would
enhance his reputation. He would be interested in religious
activities and work for the betterment of religious places and
Vedic sciences. His intelligence shall help him in getting success
in the accomplishment of various tasks. Saturn shall be moving
towards natal moon as a result of which there is strong probability
of anger and resentment in the party. The coming time period
especially October, November, December and January shall
prove to be highly difficult for him. Several people shall start
opposing and it would be a tough time for him. Probably there
shall be elections in Delhi and some other states in the month of
November. It is probable that a big dispute in party might get
erupted on the issue of allocation of seats. If we analyze the
planetary position in the horoscope of India we find that Saturn
shall be moving towards 5th house from Moon and Rahu shall
enter into 3rd from moon. In addition to that the Jupiter shall come
on the Rashi where 5 planets are placed in the horoscope of
independent India. This planetary transit indicates that India is
about to see its good days and next one year shall be auspicious
and prosperous. The exalted Jupiter shall enhance the reputation
of India and the 3rd house Rahu would increase the influence of
India on its neighbouring countries. The fifth house Saturn shall
take the progress of industry to a new level. The exalted Jupiter
brings a downfall in real estate market. Therefore next one year
shall prove to be a difficult year for real estate inspite of all round
developments on all fronts. The auspicious transit of Jupiter is
bringing the promise of rapid progress in the development of
Indian civilization, culture, religion, knowledge and education. In
addition to that there shall be propagation of religious education,
Vedic culture, Vedas, Vedantic philosophy and Astrology on a
larger level. The incidents related to terrorism and crime in society
shall come under control. In the horoscope of Narendra Modi
Rahu shall be entering into 11th house. Therefore he would
definitely succeed in making stronger grip in his area of work and
as a result the people of India and the heads of various countries
shall honour him. Jupiter shall also transit into 9th house thereby
giving auspicious aspect to his Lagna and 5th house which would
enhance his reputation. He would be interested in religious
activities and work for the betterment of religious places and
Vedic sciences. His intelligence shall help him in getting success
in the accomplishment of various tasks. Saturn shall be moving
towards natal moon as a result of which there is strong probability
of anger and resentment in the party. The coming time period
especially October, November, December and January shall
prove to be highly difficult for him. Several people shall start
opposing and it would be a tough time for him. Probably there
shall be elections in Delhi and some other states in the month of
November. It is probable that a big dispute in party might get
erupted on the issue of allocation of seats.

1. Home

2. Astrology

3. Enigmatic and Mysterious 11th House

Enigmatic and Mysterious 11th House April 2006
Amar Agrawal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 237 |
Each and every person attached to astrological pursuits holds
very high opinion whenever the 11th house of
the horoscope comes into picture. Under these circumstances
calling this house as enigmatic and mysterious sounds ridiculous.
But when carefully analyzed under the various norms one will find
that this house is worst among the 12 houses of horoscope.
Through this article I would like to share my findings with the
fellow astrologers, students of astrology and persons in any
capacity related with this sacred subject. First of all I would like to
quote some classics and the views of the seers which are as
under: The lord of 11th house or any planet posited therein or the
planet / planets associated with the lord of 11th house during its
dasa or bhukti is capable of improving natives acquisitions to a
better extent but at the same time during this dasa or bhukti the
same planet / planets give difficulties, litigations and serious
diseases etc. The tendency of giving such effects applies to the
main dasa of any of three planets and the bhukti of the others.
The careful study of 11th house reveals as under: (a) The 11th
house is 2nd from the 10th house hence it is a central point for
ones gains through the Karmas of present birth. (b) The 11th
house being 6th from the 6th house is an epicenter of diseases,
litigations, punishments and debts etc. hence malefic effects
predominate over the beneficence. Before coming to the essence
of article I would like to discuss all the twelve houses in a
systematic way to prove that out of the 12 houses of
the horoscope it is 11th house that stands out to be the worst
house: The lords of angles (Kendras) and trines (Konas) which
are six in all and the lords of these six houses are generally
considered auspicious apart from those who suffer from
Kendradhipati dosha which are capable of doing some good apart
from the harm they are destined to do. After these six houses we
are left with the remaining six houses and their lords and these
are 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, and 12th. Even by implication these
are adverse houses and so are their lords. Regarding this Sage
Parashara is very much clear about this. In the chapter 34 and
Sloka 4th of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra the sage states as
under: Trishadaayaadhiya Sarvegrahah Paapphalah Sma Tah
Meaning by whosoever owns 3rd, 6th, and 11th will produce sinful
effects i.e. such a planet is inauspicious and trouble maker. The
term Sarvagraha used include all the planets that have lordship
over the said house without giving any relief to even Jupiter,
Venus or Mercury as well. Note: It is very important that the above
said views should not be confused with the word Upachayas. In
this regard the benefic results pertaining to the Upachaya
houses would apply to the planets occupying these houses and
not to the lords of these houses and in most of the cases when
benefics occupy these Upachayas give rise to so called
Vasumati yoga. As regard the Upachaya lords the Sage has
exempted the 10th house since it is the best angle (Kendra) in
anyhoroscope. More so the concept of occupants of three out of
four Upachayas viz. 3rd, 6th and 11th being auspicious stands
demolished if one applies the rule as suggested by the sage.
Thus out of six houses viz. 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th,
Parashara, removes three house from the list labeled as good
ones and calls three houses as the evil houses. The remaining
three houses are 2nd, 8th and 12th, according to Parashara and
are not as bad as the 3rd, 6th and 11th. Parashara further
comments that the houses 2nd, 8th and 12th tend to modify their
attributes according to relationship the lords of these houses
establish with another planet who is lord of a good or bad house.
Vide Sloka 5th of Chapter 34 the sage quotes as under:
Vyayadwiteeya Randhreshah Saahcharyaat Phalpradah The
word O;; used in the Sloka represent 12th, f}rh; 2nd and jU/kzskk
the 8th and the word lkgp;kZr means association. Thus one has to
infer that the lords of 12th, 2nd and 8th (one should strictly adhere
to the order of these lords) will prove auspicious if they are
associated with the angular or the trinal lords. But they become
deadly inauspicious by their association with the lords of 3rd, 6th,
and 11th. While grading these two groups the sage states the
intensity of malfeasance will increase in the ascending order ie.
6th lord is more harmful as compared to 3rd lord while 11th lord is
most harmful / inauspicious of the three. Thus suitable inference
may be made pertaining to the lords of 12th, 2nd, and 8th houses
in this very order and their relationships with favourable or
unfavourable lords give good or bad results as detailed below:
2nd lord when associated with an favourable planet is more
auspicious as compared to the 12th lord associated with the same
favourable planet. 2nd lord when associated with an
unfavourable planet will be more harmful as compared to the 12th
lord when associated with the same unfavourable planet. 8th
lord in association with a favourable planet will be more
favourable as compared to the 2nd lord if associated with the
same favourable planet. 8th lord will be more harmful when
associated with an unfavourable planet as compared to the lord of
2nd house in case it is associated with same unfavourable planet.
Sage Parashara gives some relief to the lord of 8th house but with
certain conditions. That the said planet should have simultaneous
lordship over a trine i.e. Saturn in case of signs Gemini rising in
the lagna, Jupiter in case of Leo lagna and Mercury in case of
Capricorn lagna. Here the sage is silent about the Mercurys
lordship over 8th house and simultaneously its lordship over a
trine viz. 5th house in case of Aquarius lagna and the reason for
dropping this planet from the above list can be the exaltation as
well as mooltrikona sign of Mercury falling in the 8th house. In this
regard one can refer to Sloka 6 of Chapter 34 of Brihat Parsara
Hora Shastra which is as under: Tatra Bhagya
Vyeyashatvaadrandhesho Na Shubhpradah
Trikadaayadhishatvedho Konpatve Tu Satphalah The Sage is
highly critical and condemns the 8th house lordship of a planet
while the same planet simultaneously has lordship over either of
these houses viz. 3rd, 7th, or 11th. For Pisces lagna Venus while
becoming the lord of 8th house has lordship over the 3rd house,
for Virgo lagna it is Mars while owning 8th house becomes the
lord of 3rd house and finally for Cancer lagna Saturn though owns
7th house, an angle (Kendra) but it has lordship over the 8 house
also. Sloka No.7 of Chapter 34 of Brihat Prashara Hora Shastra
states as under: Laabhaadhidashaakaal Laabhovighno
Athrogabhi Means that the dasa of 11 th lord will be gainful
(Laabho) but it will cause obstacles (Vighno) and diseases
(Rogabhi) also. If we further refer to Sloka No.18 of Chapter
No.34 of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, which is as under:
Trishadlaabhagataanam Va Yutaanaam Tadadhishvareh
Sataamapi Na Bhognaam Twashubhdaamatah Meaning by that
the dasa of the lord of 3rd (Tri), 6th (Shad) and/or 11th (Labha)
and the dasa or bhukti of planet/planets joining (Yutaanaam) with
the lords of 3rd, 6th, and /or 11th will be inauspicious
(Shubhdaamatah). Since the focus of the article is 11th house
hence from the above sloka it can be deduced as under: That
the dasa of 11 th lord will be inauspicious. That the dasa of
planet/planets occupying the 11th house will be inauspicious.
That the dasa of planet/planets joining the 11th lord will be
inauspicious. Mantreshwara in his book Phaladeepika, vide Sloka
No.41 of Chapter No.20 states as under: Triveribhavyaay
Dhapyanarthpradah Means the lords of 3rd (Tri), 6th(Vairi) and
11th (Bhavyaay) produce evil. Thus the views are almost identical
to those of Sage Parshara. Vide Sloka No. 20th of Chapter No.20
of Phaladeepika the author further states as under:
Shravanamshubhvaachaam Bhraatrikashtam Sutarti Bhavavayari
Daitya Vachchanam Karnarog During the dasa of 11th lord one
begets evil news (Daitya Vachchanam). His co-borns will undergo
troubles (Bhraatrikashtam). His offspring (Sutarti) will fall ill. The
native himself/herself be miserable, be cheated and may suffer
from ear diseases (Karnarog) Thus the author is more critical
about the 11th house than the 3rd or 6th house. To prove the
above findings we will give few examples but restricting to the role
of 11th house and its dasa. We will not divulge in various
combinations, which caused disease or misery, present in the
charts/horoscope since that is not the part of the article and we
leave it to the readers to find those. Male Native DOB. :
31.01.1957, TOB.11:25 AM, POB : Ambala(Haryana) The Native
was born with sign Aries rising in ascendant and Mars the lord of
lagna placed in lagna itself which means the native will be long
lived and maintain a good health. The native is an MD(Ayurveda)
doctor and working as senior professor in a prestigious Ayurvedic
Institute in Chandigarh. Native was BAMS only at the time of
joining service and aspired to do MD. He appeared in the
entrance examination to do MD in the mahadasa of Jupiter, lord
of a trine, but could not qualify. In June, 2000 when the native
was under the mahadasa of Saturn and bhukti of Saturn the
native got selected for MD which he completed in a stipulated
period without any hassle. However in March 2000 native suffered
a massive heart attack. Thus as discussed in the article, on the
onset of Saturns maha dasa( 11th lord) native suffered
healthwise but at the same time he got professional elevation.
Male Native DOB:29.12.1972, TOB:03.05, POB: Chandigarh. The
native was born with Libra sign rising in ascendant. The native is
very well educated and working with a
multinational software company and earning a very handsome
amount. His married life is very good. In the beginning of year
2005 when the native was under the mahadasa of 3rd lord Jupiter
and under the bhukti of 11th lord Sun, he suffered a paralytic
attack which effected the lower portion of body. Before this
mishappening native got an elevation in the job with sufficient
increase in his emoluments. Male Native DOB:30.11.1964,
TOB:20.55, POB: Delhi The native was born with sign Cancer
rising in ascendant. Moon, lord of lagna is very well placed in
conjunction with 4th and 11th lord Venus thus forming a powerful
Rajayoga. Another powerful yoga is caused by the relations of
2nd lord Sun and 5th and 10th lord Mars. Further 9th lord Jupiter
is placed in 10th house in sign Aries and lord of 10th house viz.
Mars is aspecting the 9th house by its 8th aspect thus forming a
relation between 9th and 10th lords giving rise to the most
powerful Rajyoga. All these combinations took the native to dizzy
heights. Without any technical education and with simple
graduation the native is placed as an executive director with a
multinational company. It was during the maha dasa of Saturn,
7th and 8th lord, and in the bhukti of 11th lord Venus without any
previous history the native was detected of so many
complications viz. diabetes, rise in serum cholesterol, rise in blood
urea and serum creatinine. But during this bhukti only native got a
good jump in his emoluments. The crux of the article is that the
11th lord is capable of professional rise but at the same time it
gives diseases. r

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3. Cancer

Cancer October 2008

Pramod Kumar Sinha
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 231 |
Cancer is considered to be incurable disease, which proves fatal to life.
It becomes nightmarish for the family members of a patient undergoing
treatment of cancer, regarding the uncertainty about span of life of the
patient. Cancer is increasing now a days and it is said to be almost
incurable. It may spread very rapidly. It is an important topic in medical
Astrology. Different planets behind the possibility of this dreaded
disease can not be ruled out. Different parts of the body are ruled by
different planets which may have good or bad impact. I am presenting
here the malefic impact of different planets. Sun : May cause cancer in
heart, stomach, head etc. Moon : May cause blood cancer, breast cancer,
Lungs etc. Mars : May cause blood marrow, genitals, uterus, neck etc.
Mercury : May cause cancer of nose, naval, intestine, mouth etc. Jupiter
: May cause cancer in liver, ear, tongue, thigh etc. Venus : May cause
cancer in throat, external genital and prostate etc. Saturn : May cause
cancer in legs, hands, jaws etc. Rahu is responsible for all malignant
growth when a house is afflicted by most of the malefics and evil lords
particularly by Saturn, Rahu or Mars. Cancer may appear in the part of
the body ruled by the house afflicted or in the part ruled by the planets
afflicted. In case the house ruling the afflicted part of the body is found
not aspected by other malefics, the lagna or lagna lord might be affected
and karka planets are heavily afflicted. When sixth lord conjoins lagna
or eight or tenth house and malefic Rahu afflicts anyone of the house or
house lords Cancer may appear in the part of the body ruled by the
afflicted house or the planet. Some times planet afflicting or causing
disease gives rise to disease of its own character. Planets rule different
parts of the body, if afflicted by malefics may cause cancer in the part of
the body ruled by them. I am presenting here the case study of a person,
who got affected by cancer in intestine and ultimately died from this
dreaded disease. If we go through the lagna chart of Ramlal Dogra, It is
found that ketu was placed in the second house which is owned by
Mercury. On the other hand debiliated Mercury the owner of intestine is
posted in the eighth house (house of death) with Rahu. The eight house
is aspected by Saturn which is marka in this chart. This negative
combination of planets brought about a decline in his life span. Besides
in the navmasha chart debiliated Sun karaka of bowel and brain, is
posted in seventh house and aspected by Saturn. Debiliated Saturn is
also posted with Mars in this chart. All these became responsible for
intestine cancer travelling to brain. During the period from June 14th
2007 to Nov. 10th 2009, he was under going the mahadasha and
anterdasha period of Mercury when he died in April 2008 in the
pratyantardasha of Venus. Here I am presenting another case study of a
woman. In this Chart of Aries lagna Rahu is placed in cancer sign in
fourth house. Malefic Rahu caused breast cancer during the mahadasha
of marak Saturn and antersasha of Rahu (the period of 21.2.1998 to
28.12.2000). Although she was suffering from the dreaded disease she is
still alive because, Moon the owner of fourth house is in exalted
position. The affected part of the breast cancer was cut and removed by
an operation. After the operation the patient has recovered and has not
developed any trouble till now. This may be explained by the fact that
Lagna lord and 8th lord Mars placed in 6th house is aspecting its own
house the lagna, there by providing longevity.
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Validity of Timing of Events on the Basis of Natal Moon October 2008

V. Kumar
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 226 |
1. Introduction : The timing of an event in the life of a native is a
challenging task for any astrologer, be it a novice or an expert.
The westerners use a combination of results due to the major and
minor progressions as modified by various aspects of planets. In
Vedic Astrology, all practitioners employ only the Dasa and transit
method. The efficacy of the Dasa system which is unique to
Vedic Astrology has been proved beyond doubt over so many
centuries of its practice. In 'Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra', the
most acclaimed classic on Vedic Astrology, 32 types of dasha
systems have been prescribed for the purpose of timing events.
Out of these, as many as 13 Dasha systems are based on the
position of Moon at birth in the horoscope of the native. The
following table is illustrative: It is clear from the above table that
the most widely used Dasha systems in Parashara School such
as Vimshottari, Ashtottari, Kalachakra, yogini, etc are all based on
the natal position of Moon. Moon, although not considered as a
planet in Astronomy, has been rightly assigned a pride place in
Vedic Astrology with the V.I.P status of a planet indicating the
whole life events of a native. Now, some questions arise as to
why only Moon is considered for the purpose and not other
planets? What could be the unique influence of natal Moon to
qualify for such a priority treatment? This article is the result of my
efforts to find an answer to these questions. 2. Important
karakatwas of Moon : According to Kalidasa's Uttara Kalamrutha,
(Khanda-V, Slokas-25 to 29), the natural significations of Moon
include the following: Disposition of mind, heart, Woman, good or
bad, sleep, happiness, anything watery, travel, well, tank, mother,
impartiality, consumption, salt, mind, ability, belly, nourishment,
pleasure, splendor, quick in thought, fame, beauty, mendicant,
middle world, life, middle age, eating, going to distant countries,
Royal insignia, Good blood, vital energy, etc. These karakatwas
of Moon (selected out of a lengthy list) bear a unique relationship
with the physical existence of human life on Earth. Let us briefly
examine some of these important aspects which render Moon as
an unique planet singularly governing the whole life span of a
native. i. Moon, the Universal Mother: Moon plays a vital role in
the process of procreation of all living beings on Earth. Its lead
role is not only procreation but also nourishing and aiding the
growth of siblings as well as their sustenance till their last breadth
is indisputable. The following words from Brihat Jataka by
Varahamihira (Sloka 1 of Chapter 4) assert the role of moon in
human procreation: "Kujendhu hethu Prathimaasa maarthavam
Gathethu peedarksham anushna dheedhithou Atho'nyathaasthe
Shubapungrahekshithe Narena Samyogamupaithi Kaamini"
Meaning : Mars and Moon are the cause for monthly menses.
When Moon is in anupachaya rasis the menses for conception
occurs. When the reverse is the case, and the masculine benefic
aspects, the woman gets sexual union with man. (Translation by
late prof. B. Suryanarain Rao, Founder of the Astrological
Magazine). Mars rules heat and biliousness while Moon rules not
only motherhood but also 'all that is watery'. The Blood formed out
of the interaction of bilious Mars with watery Moon is said to
cause the menses in women. According to Saravali, Chapter 8
sloka no. 2, every month when moon is transiting in anupachaya
rasis (1,2,4,5,7,8,9,12 rasis) from janma lagna and is aspected by
mars then the menses suitable for conception occurs in the
woman. For actual conception to take place, aspect of benefic
Guru on the above combination is essential as only then she
would unite willingly with her husband. Also, according to chapter
4 sloka 4 of Hora Makarand by Gunakar, if sun, Moon, Venus and
mars are located in their own navamsha in upachaya houses
(3,6,10,11) from natal moon of a man or woman or if guru is in
lagna or 5th or 9th house, the pregnancy is predicted. Similar
information is obtaining in various other classics like
Jatakadeshmarga, Hora sara, etc. Here, we must observe that
Moon represents the female principle (Prakruthi, as Mother) and
Mars represents the male principle (Purusha, as father) the union
of which is paving way for procreation. It is a commonly known
biological fact that in the seminal Fluid sperm is engulfed in a
liquid medium which facilitates the actual fertilization of the ovum.
Even the ovum contains a protective sheath within which matter is
present in liquid form and only in this liquid the foetus is formed
after fertilization which ultimately grows in to the child. Although
the role of other panchabhutas like fire, Air, space and matter are
indisputably significant in the process of procreation, it is the role
of the Jala tatwa that is predominant being the facilitative medium
of the whole activity. Thus, the planet Moon happens to be one of
the two most important planets which rule not only the physical
manifestation of the soul of man but also its very beginning in any
particular birth. ii. Moon as Water, the nourishment for growth and
sustenance of life : In Vedic Astrology, Moon has been epitomized
as the symbol of Mother not merely as the vehicle for procreation
of life but also for its multiple roles in nursing and aiding the
growth of the physical form of all living things in nature. Moon, as
the significator of water and other potable liquids, undoubtedly
influences each and every activity of man on this earth. In mantra
89 of 4th sukta of 18th Kanda of Atharvana Veda, Moon is
described with the words "chandrama Apsu antara Suparnou...".
This means that the Moon is having a watery core and is the great
nourisher that brings us up. Also, in chapter 15 (sloka 13) of
Bhagavad Gita, it is stated as follows : "Pushnaameecha oushdhi
Sarvaa Somo Boothvaa Rasaathmaka" Meaning : I nourish all the
herbs having become the juicy Moon. (This directly alludes to the
fact that Moon is watery and is the essence or juice of all plants).
But, in actuality, water is essential for the whole Flora and Fauna
on the Earth. In the absence of water no plant ever grows. The
yield of crops depends on the quantum of water it received. If
seasonal rains are good, then only the yield of crops is plenty.
Any amount of reinforcements like manure, etc for increasing the
yield would be a waste if the supply of water is insufficient. As,
we, human beings are mainly dependent on seasonal crops and
other plants for our food, unless their yield is sufficient, our day to
day life itself would be at stake. That is why almost all civilizations
in the past have developed around the fertile river water basins of
the world, be it the Indus valley around the five rivers or the
Egyptian civilization around the river Nile, and so on. Water is an
inseparable ingredient of even the modern man. A life without
water is unthinkable. Almost every sphere of our life is dependent
on water. A thirsty man feels truly its importance more than
anybody else. Of course, not merely for drinking! All the
household chores like Cooking, Washing, Cleaning, etc depend
entirely on water. The hygiene of an individual which has a direct
bearing on his health and longevity depends on the availability of
enough water for all his needs. Water is essentially required in
almost all industries. The works like building construction,
manufacture of medicines, chemical engineering, textile dyeing,
etc which cater to the daily needs of human beings cannot be
done without water. In short, man would be dead without water
and this earth would become lifeless. Not only that 80% of human
body and two thirds of the earth are filled with water. Each plant
and animal is having its own characteristic essence called as
Rasa. The essence is invariably extracted only with use of water
in liquid form. The best use of these rasas is well established in
the Indian system of Medicine i.e., Ayurveda. The quantity of rasa
depends on the amount water content in them. Thus, Moon as the
significator of water is directly responsible for the birth, growth
and the nourishment of all the living and non-living things on the
earth. iii. Moon as the ruler of Physical manifestation, the Body :
Sun is the universal soul (Atmanam Jagat) and Moon is the ruler
of every physical incarnation of all human beings. We know that
Consequent on impregnation, the physical body of any offspring is
created and nursed fully inside the body of the Mother until its
delivery to the external world. Thus, the planet Moon being the
significator for mother directly rules the physical body of the native
also. E.H.Bailey in his popular Book titled-"The Pre-natal Epoch"
has propounded a theory which is outlined in chapter 1 (Book III)
in "The manual of Astrology" by Sepharial and also dealt with by
many other authors on WesternAstrology in their books. (Refer "A
to Z Horoscope maker and Delineator" by Llewelyn George.).
According to this 'Prenatal Epoch Theory', at or near the time of
conception the Moon must be posited in natal Ascendant or
descendant and the Ascendant at or near the time of conception
must be the Janma Rasi or the 7th Rasi from it. Accordingly, a
chart for the time of conception is also prepared which is used for
rectification of birth time. Sepharial, the noted author on Western
Astrology, names the chart calculated for the time of conception
based on prenatal epoch theory as 'The Lunar Horoscope' and
writes the following words in his book titled "The influence of Sun
in Horoscopes": "The LunarHoroscope is therefore seen to hold
definite astronomical relations to the horoscope of birth. It is
referred to the point of time at which the Psychoplasm or astral
eidolon forms a link with the physical basis of life or germ-cell."
He also contends that "... the birth horoscope is that of heredity
and environment. The Lunar horoscope is that of tradition and
inherent faculty. To the Lunar horoscope, therefore, we must refer
for the potential of the unit of life." These words clearly explain the
Moon's influence on human destiny. The methodology of
calculating the chart for the time of conception is based on the
natal positions of Sun, Moon and Lagna. Readers interested in
the actual method of calculation may refer to the sources
indicated above as the subject matter of this article does not
warrant any further elaboration on the concept. This reference is
made here only to impress upon the fact that Moon happens to be
the sole planet signifying a particular physical incarnation
(birth/life) of any individual. This Prenatal epoch theory is also
adopted by Prof. K.S. Krishnamurthy while devising the technique
of Ruling system. The above facts establish the intimate
relationship of the planet Moon with the life and destiny (physical
manifestation) of any individual. iv. Moon, the Mind, as a Karmic
agent: In Astrology, while Moon is the karaka for mind
(chandrama manaso jatah), the body is signified by lagna. The
body works due to the presence of Atma (soul) in it. But, without
the co-operation of the mind, the body cannot work. It is the mind
that initiates all actions and reactions. The tendencies of the mind
(eg. Likes and dislikes, hunger, anger greed, satisfaction,
contentment, etc, etc) are controlled by the soul's karmic
influences. The ability to comprehend the external world is
shrouded with the karmic veil as a result of which the mind tends
to 'see what it wants to see or what its prejudice makes it to see'
depending on the individual's upbringing and exposure to various
aspects of life in a particular incarnation. That is why our
ancestors have said : "Buddhi Karmaanusaarini" meaning that our
mind works as per the dictates of our karma. The upanishadic lore
is full of such allusions. They go to the extent of saying that
whatever is created or understood by the mind is only an illusion
while the truth is far beyond the Body-Mind intellectual frames of
reference. In the physical frame of existence, all the major
activities of the human body being directly related to the state of
the mind, each and every activity of an individual can be
controlled fully and effectively by the mind. It is the experience of
hundreds of yogis of our country that the various exercises
advocated in the yoga sashtra are nothing but the measures for
effectively controlling the mind which ensures control over our
activities. The human perception of the physical world is through
the panchendriyas. It is the mind that absorbs the signals input by
the panchendriyas and creates the effect of sensing (Mano-
matram jagat; Mano-kalpitam jagat). Without the role of mind no
sensing is possible. In the words of Sri Adi Shankaracharya -
Mano maatram Idam sarvam"- meaning, everything is this world
is projected by the Mind and Mind only (sloka 28 of Sadachara).
Thus , identifying all names and forms and understanding them
through the intellect is facilitated by Mind only without which even
if the indriyas sense them their comprehension would be
impossible. Thus, the mind works as an agent of karma the latter
being the primary cause of the very reincarnation of the soul of
the individual. Moon, as a karmic agent ensures that we reap our
karmic fruits by controlling not only our perception of the world but
also our response to any stimulus from it. v. Moon, the planet of
Wealth : According to Jataka Parijata (Ch. 2, Sl. 49) "
Sampathkara Chandrama" meaning Moon stands for abundance
of wealth. As already discussed above, Moon is the ruler of the
material facets of all the incarnations of the sold of a native. A
perusal of various combinations of Yogas discussed in Astrology
like Gajakesari, Sunapha, Anapha, Dhurdhura, Chandra mangala
and Adhi Yogas clearly indicate that if these yogas are unafflicted
in a horoscope, they are capable of conferring a high degree of
wealth and other material comforts to the native when they
operate. The benefic yogas like Vasumathi, Amala, Pushkala,
Kusuma, Indra, Garuda, Gola, Bhaskara, Marud, etc are effective
by the influence of Moon as well, apart from lagna and other
planetary or Bhava influences. Generally, the yogas caused by
Moon are said to be conferring wealth and material comforts while
that of Sun are capable of conferring mainly Power or Authority,
Status, etc to the native. Also, Sakata Yoga and Kemadruma
Yogas which cause loss of wealth and abject poverty and
miseries are directly linked to the placements of planets from
moon. It is also worthy to note that when Moon gets hemmed
between malefics or is in conjunction with or aspected by natural
malefics early loss of Mother results. Here, it is relevant to point
out that in the Hora Chart used for delineation of the wealth of a
native only Moon and Sun are taken as the lords governing the
wealth. Natural benefics when posited in Moons Hora and natural
malefics when posited in Sun's Hora confer good wealth to the
native. Thus, Moon undoubtedly signifies the wealth and material
comforts of an individual in his material plane of existence. 3.
Influence of Moon on the flora and fauna on the Earth : The
physical proximity of Moon to the Earth has rendered it the most
influential planet on Earth. It is a scientifically proven fact that
Moon is responsible for the ebb and flow of tides. All Life on Earth
has a direct correspondence with the different phases of moon. It
is proved beyond doubt that the abnormal activity of lunatics is on
the rise during the days near about Poornima and Amavasya. The
occurrence of eclipses have a far reaching impact on almost all
the global phenomena and affect the human beings in every
sphere of life ranging from changes in personal environment
(such as health, financial gains/losses, afflictions to family life,
etc) and changes in mundane matters (such as variation in prices
of commodities, changes in governments, wars between nations
& so on) to the nature as a whole causing devastating earth
quakes or other natural calamities like cyclones, floods, etc,.
Thus, moon exercises a vicegerent control over the day to day
affairs of not only the human beings on the Earth but also the
whole flora and fauna on it. 4. Role of other planets in shaping
human destiny : Before arriving at a conclusion on the validity of
moon in timing the events, let us examine the role of other
Planets in shaping human destiny. Sun, as the significator of the
universal soul in its infinite form, induces life or Jeeva in to every
animate or inanimate thing physically manifest in the universe.
The human beings, are no exception and are necessarily under
Sun's control at the subtler level. At the physical level, Sun as
Arogya karaka, is responsible for the physical health of the body
(Sthooa Deha). Sun works as the dormant spirit of the body (Atma
Saakshi) maintaining the subtle link of universal Soul with
individual Jeeva (ruled by Jupiter) and facilitates the completion of
the physical activities initiated by Moon. Hence, it cannot be
considered to be governing all the karmic activities of the
individual in his incarnation. The planet Mars signifies physical
energy, prowess, courage, etc needed for execution of the
thought generated by the influence of Moon and is not a party to
the decisions taken by the mind ruled by Moon. Although Mars is
a constituent factor in causing the very conception of an offspring
in the female, it only works in unison with Moon and not in
isolation while activating the sexual impulse responsible for such
procreative activity. Here also, it is moon that plays upon the mind
and facilitates the fruitful completion of the activity. Thus, mars is
not related to the karmic facets of physical manifestation.
Mercury, signifying the Buddhi or intellect and worldly knowledge
partakes in the decision taking process of the individual but
seldom creates a thought. It only induces the mind either to go
ahead with the activity or not rather than providing the initial pulse
which is responsible for the very commencement of the activity
which is provided by the Moon owing to its Karmic link. Budha
rules the intelligence and knowledge gained in this life. Gaining
such knowledge is only through the Mind. Budha handles the
thoughts after their generation while Moon rules the Mind, the
very seat of generation of thought. Hence, Moon takes
precedence over Mercury. Jupiter is the planet signifying the
metaphysical wisdom needed for the fruition of the karma. It
signifies the individual's life force (Jeeva). Although it does not
play any causative role, it deputises the universal soul in the form
of Divine Grace. It either boosts or retards the activity depending
on the karmic influence of the individual which we call generally
as Luck or providence. Jupiter indirectly influences the day to day
activities of the individual depending on one's prarabda. It, in fact,
guides the mind towards the karmic goal. As such, cannot be
taken as a direct timer of events in life. Sukra, ruling the sensual
comforts, is connected to the material facet of the individual's
existence in as much as it activates the Pitru Rina through the
realisation of Artha and Kama Purusharthas out of the chaturvida
purusharthas. Its role is limited and any excess indulgence would
only create Agami Karma which would work as the seed for future
births of the individual. As such, it has a limited role in activating
the karmic influence and hence cannot be taken as the timer of all
events in one's life. Sani is the 'Pay Master' working purely for the
fruition of the Prarabda karma of the individual the choice of which
is made by Moon at birth. Although Sani describes the ways and
means of fruition of the chosen karma, it by itself is in no way
responsible for the choice made by the mind ruled by Moon. Sani,
akin to the divine accountant Chitragupta, keeps an account of
the quantum of karmic influence either endured or added in
present incarnation. Hence, it doesnot qualify to be considered as
the sole timer of events in one's life. The shadow planets Rahu
and Ketu are no doubt karmic determinant being placed in the
common intersection plane of the orbit of Moon and eclicptic. But,
they are mathematically calculated points of sensitive energies.
Their roles in everybody's life are also predetermined at birth by
their cosmic link with Sun and Moon. They lack the originality and
dynamism of either the Moon or any other planet. Hence, they
donot qualify as timers of the whole life span of the individual
although they are at times capable of inflicting lasting karmic
injuries or gracing the native with superlative benefits. 5. Moon as
the timer of human destiny : In the foregoing discussion we have
seen that the planet moon rules the destiny of man right from the
moment of conception itself. It not only Governs the very physical
existence but also facilitates the fruition of man's karmic influence
in any chosen incarnation/birth. It is the Moon that exercises the
freewill of the discrete mind to operate one's karma while all other
planets create an environment that is conducive for reaping the
fruits of one's past actions during the present lifetime. Hence, to
facilitate a smooth interlink of Moon with other planets, Moon is
said to have No enemy among the planets. Therefore, Moon
being the ruler of the physical plane of existence and responsible
for creation, nourishment, length of life, material wealth, mind and
decision-making and above all the fruition of karma, its role as the
planet responsible for timing all the events that are to be
experienced with the coordination of other planets during an
individuals lifetime is undoubtedly valid. The division of Zodiac in
to 27 Stars or Lunar Mansions, the concept of Janma Nakshatra,
the sequence of Dasa/Bukthi and the technique of interpreting the
influence of transits of planets provide the foundation for
interpreting the roles of other planets in the destiny of the native.
The natal Moon position signifying the beginning point of the
present manifestation is rightly taken as the basis for defining the
starting point of nakshatra based dasa systems in vedic
Astrology. Finally, the fact that Moon itself forms the basis for
understanding the very concept of time right from times
immemorial and the extensive use of Lunar calendar by a vast
majority of the people of this country adds to the validity of Moon
as the timer of events in one's life.

Medical Astrology July 2006

I.B. Singh
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 225 |
In Medical Astrology basic stress lies on the identification of
diseases. From which disease, a native will suffer or which part of
body of the native will have an ailment is to be decided on the
basis of various factors of a horoscope. Horoscope is analysed
from various angles i.e. Natural Zodiac, House concerned,
Nakshatras, Dreshkanas, Planets etc. Position in this regard is
analysed as under. The malefics in concerned houses -Relevant
organs will be weak or abnormality or disease during its dasha.
Benefic exalted or in own house -Some healthy birth marks on the
relevant part of the body -moles/liaisons etc in white or brown
colour. Malefic exalted or in own houses -Black -Brown/Blue
marks. Note : Benefics placed in particular Nakshatra -provide
strength to relevant part of body. Where a malefic is placed in
particular Nakshatra the relevant part of body is afflicted. Transit
of a benefic over particular Nakshatra -provides strength to the
relevant part of the body. Transit of a malefic over particular
Nakshatra -afflicts particular part of the body. Significations of
Planets for Medical Astrology Sun : Pitta karaka, Right Eye,
Karaka for health in general, Rules over heart, stomach and
bones. A strong unblemished, unafflicted Sun gives strong health
to a native. An afflicted Sun causes the following diseases :
Headache, Melancholia, Sadness, Fever, Burns, Diseases
caused by inflammation of gallbladder and liver, Hepatitis, Heart
Trouble, Eye diseases, Stomach disorder/problem, Bone disorder,
Epilepsy. Moon : Kaph Karaka, Watery planet, Karaka of mind -
Indicates soundness of mind, Karaka of liquids in the body -blood
etc. Left eye. A strong unblemished, unafflicted Moon gives a
sound mind and unblemished liquids in the body to keep it fit and
free from any disease related to liquids in the body, A weak,
blemished and afflicted Moon causes the following diseases :
Psychiatric problems, Emotional problem, Lungs disorder,
Tuberculosis, Dropsy (Accumulation of fluid in the body), Pluracy
(Lungs filled with liquid/water), Stomach disorder (Inbalanced
mental order produces indigestion), Joints problem
(Inflammation), Feet problem (Inflammation), Jalodhur in the
Stomach. Any other waterborne diseases. Moon associated with
Mars in females causes disturbed menstrual cycle, diseases of
breast (Tumour, abscess). Mars : Pitta Karaka -Bilias by nature. A
strong, unblemished, and unafflicted Mars keeps the body
energetic, full of vigour and vitality, agile. A weak, afflicted and
blemished Mars becomes the cause of the following diseases in
the given parts of the body : Head, Bone Marrow, Haemoglobin,
Muscles in the body, Eudometrium (Innermost lining of Uterus),
Vigour and Vitality. Accidents, injuries, surgical operations, burns,
blood disorder, high blood pressure, Gall stones, Eruptive fever (it
produces Rashes on the body) Mars + Moon- cause aggression
leading to mental abrasion., Epilepsy, Fractures, Piles,
Miscarriage, abortions. Mercury : It denotes Vat, Pita, and Kaph. It
is Karaka for intelligence, skin, throat, nose, lungs, forebrain
(higher functions of body) A strong, unblemished and unaffected
Mercury provides highly intelligent brain, good texture of skin,
sweet voice, healthy throat, nose and lungs and highly active and
intelligent forebrain. A weak, blemished, and afflicted Mercury
causes the following diseases : Mental abrasion, Nervous
breakdown, Abusive language (influence of Mars and Saturn
increases it), Defective speech (dumb and stammering), Vertigo,
Skin diseases, Leukoderma, Impotence, Leprosy (Virgo Lagna,
Mars and Mercury sitting together in Lagna), Rashes, Itching,
Diseases of nose and throat, Ear diseases, Deafness. Jupiter :
Kaph karaka/Phlegmatic in nature. Also represents Liver, Gall
Bladder, Spleen, Pancreas, Ears, and Fat in the body. A strong,
unblemished and unafflicted Jupiter keeps the relevant organs of
the body physically fit and grants a strong fat body. A weak,
blemished and afflicted Jupiter gives the following diseases : Too
much fat in the body, Diabetes, Liver disorder, Cyst Cancer,
Hepatitis, Gall bladder diseases, Spleen diseases, Ear problems,
Stomach problem ( Ulcers). Venus : Venus is Vaat and Kaph
oriented and is karaka for sexual activities, reproductive organs,
eyesight and vision. A strong, unblemished and unafflicted Venus
keeps native free from Vaat and Kaph diseases and sexually
active and free from diseases of face, vision, fluids, reproductive
organs, urinary organs, intestines, appendices, endocrinal
system, lymphatic system, parts of pancreas etc, venereal
diseases. A weak, afflicted and unblemished Venus becomes the
cause of the following diseases : Sexual disorder, Genital system,
Urinary system, Diseases of face or eyes, Cataract, Venerial
diseases, Diabetes, Stones in Kidney and Urinary bladders,
Typhoid, Appendicitis, Sexual perversion, Seminal fluid disorder.
Saturn : It is windy by nature and represents legs and feet,
nerves, entry point of intestine and rectum. A strong, unblemished
and unafflicted Saturn keeps a native away from windy diseases
and diseases of the relevant organs/parts of the body. A weak,
blemished and afflicted Saturn causes the following diseases.
Chronic stage of a disease (Long lasting diseases incurable by
nature), Insanity and Depression particularly when Moon is also
afflicted, Paralysis, Tumor, Cancer, Exertion and Fatigue,
Diseases and injuries of legs and feet, Mental disorder, Stomach
problem, Injury from stones, Fall from trees, General stone
formation in relevant part of body. Rahu : Rahu is the karaka of
the following diseases : Slowness, Hiccup, Insanity and Phobia
(Preferably with the association of Moon), Unfounded fear,
Leprosy, Chronic boils and ulcers, Snake bites. Ketu : Ketu gives
all those ailments which Rahu gives. In addition the following
diseases also erupt due to Ketu : Diseases of unknown origin,
Eruptive fever, Viral Diseases, Helmetisus (Worm infestation),
Deafness, Defects of speech, Surgical intervention. It also causes
diagnostic confusion, undue apprehensions (when associated
with Moon). r

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3. Pitfalls in Astrology

Pitfalls in Astrology July 2005

N. C. Singal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 223 |
In predictive astrology, there are certain known parameters which
when applied to a chart yield results. Such results depend upon
the multiple yogas being formed in the chart. Other things which
influence the results/delineations as taught by the Gurus are
factors like operating dashas/antardashas -their Lords planetary
avasthas, shadbalas, ashtakvarga strength, transit of major
planets etc. The scope of this article is limited to share with
persons whose heart throbs for astrology few simple but effective
rules which possess the capacity to hijack the delineation of a
given chart. Every astrologer would have faced heartache in his
interpretations going awry. Such a situation is particularly
petrifying for a budding astrologer. The pitfalls which we ignore to
our peril may be numerous and would need dozens of pages to
be counted and recounted, but we have come across a simple
looking phenomenon which must not be lost sight of at the time of
delineating ahoroscope. It is the Muhurta at the time of the birth
which needs an incisive peep by an astrologer. The muhurta
factors are: Sarpa-sheersha Samkranti Vainashika Nakshatra
Yama-ghanta Gulika Kaala Gandanta Birth at eclipse time
Kshaya maas or tithi Visha ghati. Sarpa Sheersh In order to limit
the size of this article, we propose to deal with the sarpa-
sheersha factor with the promise to revert in the next issues
throwing light on the remaining factors. In literal translation, the
sarpa-sheersha would mean the cobra head. No doubt, the most
dreaded part of a cobra is its head where it deposits its venom
and this venom has the invincible power to extinguish the lamp of
a life. If we apply this parallel in astrology, it would bring us to
understand that any such formation in a chart which qualifies to
be known as the sarpa-sheersha has the capacity to extinguish all
seemingly good things which otherwise bestow grace and
happiness The sarpa-sheersha affliction is created if Sun and
Moon at the time of birth are in Scorpio and at the same time are
in Anuradha Nakshatra. The span of Anuradha is from 213
degrees 20 minutes to 226 degrees and 40 minutes in the zodiac.
It is stated in the ancient texts that the two luminaries in the above
formation obtain to themselves such lethality that the natives life
becomes a living hell. The situation worsens if this formation
should fall in the second half of Anuradha Nakshatra. The native
suffers from incurable diseases and is generally short-lived. His
destiny never flourishes. An example chart is discussed in this
context. The details are: Example 1 Place of birth : Calcutta Tue
20 Nov 1979 04:45:00 Longitude: 88E2200 Latitude : 22N32'00
On the face of it, we find the following seemingly excellent
formations : Exchange of 2nd and 11th Lords. Dharma-
Karmadhipati Yoga (9th and 10th Lords in 2nd House). Lagna
Lord and 11th Lord in the 2nd House (a powerful rajyog) The
Lord of two upachaya houses (3rd and 6th) in another upachaya
house, the11th. This is Jupiter on top of everything. Rahu is
Lagna Nakshatra Lord and is in 11th House where it doles out
nothing but bounties. This chart would pose a challenge to any
student of astrologybecause interpretations such as given below
would pour out automatically by glancing at the chart. To say the
least, the native should be:- -foreign educated -very well placed in
profession -all luxuries at his command -earnings from a foreign
source He is presently going though the Mahadasha of Mercury
with AD of Rahu from 22.6.2004 to 9.1.2007. The fact that
Mercury for this nativity is a malefic planet cannot be overlooked
but Rahus dominating presence in the 11th House plus it being
the lagna nakshatra lord and also its transit through the 6th House
must bring relief to the native. Unfortunately it is not so. For the
seeker of the deep truth of astrology, the horoscope contains the
affliction of the sarpa-sheersha factor which has swindled the
chart of all its beauty. The native is an ordinary person in life,
having graduate-level qualifications and working as a salesman
with private company with no obvious hope lurking for him to raise
the level of his living. The native was born with Sun and Moon in
Scorpio in the first part of Anuradha Nakshatra. Perhaps being in
the first half does not augur so evil as being in the second half
does. Example No. 2 D.O.B- 27.11.1981, T.O.B.- 04:07:00
P.O.B.- Jalandhar (Punjab) On the face of it, following excellent
formations are there : 1. Exchange of 3rd and 1st lords, 2nd and
11th lords. 2. Dharam-Karam Adlipati Yoga (9th and 10th lords in
2nd house). 3. Mars is lord of 2nd and 7th as well as lagna
nakshatra lord and is in 11th house. It is supposed to give
excellent results. 4. Rahu, Ketu, Venus and Asc are Vargottam. 5.
If a Yoga Karaka happens to be lord of Kendra first and trine later
and that planet happens to fall in 12th house gives excellent Raj
Yoga results. In this case, Saturn is the planet whose lordship is
falling in Kendra 1st and 2nd sign (Aq) falling in a trine and Saturn
himself is posited in 12th house. This Saturn becomes an
excellent rajayogakaraka apart from its yogakaraka qualities and
is supposed to give Raj Yoga results in its M.D. and A.D. periods.
These are the views of Keraliya Jyotisha. Above formations
should give following results : 1. Foreign education 2. Very well
placed in profession 3. AI I luxuries at his command 4. Earnings
and lot of gains with his own efforts. Native is presently going
through M.D. of Ketu and A.D. of Rahu (10/2004 to 10/2005).
Both are in their excellent signs and are vargottam. They should
give excellent results. Native is running in 24th year.
This horoscope has got affliction from Sarpa Sheersha as Sun
and Moon both are in 3rd and 4th charans of Anuradha Nakshatra
which has swindled all good formations/rajyogas of
the horoscope. After passing 10+2, native appeared in the
entrance test for engineering but could not qualify. However he
got admission in 2nd attempt and did graduation in Electrical
Engineering. While studying in engineering, he joined coaching
classes for I.A.S./Civil Services Examination and got coaching for
3 years and appeared in preliminaries in May, 2005 but could not
qualify. He is aimless, jobless and trying to appear in Civil
Services Exam in 2006. He neither got a profession in
Engineering nor lAS/Administration. This all is due to afflictions
from Sarpa Sheersha. This happened in Ketu M.D., though Ketu
is exalted in 3rd house in nakshatra of Sun and posited with
Lagna Lord Venus with no benefic/malefic influence and
supposed to give good results. Native is not suffering from
diseases at present and in the past also was not sick as per
dictum of Sarpa Sheersha afflictions. r

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3. The Importance of Saturn in Prediction

The Importance of Saturn in Prediction January 2006

Sitaram singh
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 223 |
Saturn as karaka (significator) of the malefic 6th, 8th and 12th
house in the horoscope is the most dreaded planet. It is assigned
19 years in Vimshottari Dasa and slowly transits through a house
in 2 years. Its transit through the 3rd, 6th and 11th house from
Moon, i.e., nearly 7 years out of 30 years that it takes to go
round the zodiac is favourable. Thus Saturn has the longest
influence, and its location and strength in a
persons horoscope indicates the pattern of events he will
experience in life according to his prarabdha (result of past
karma). However, Saturn gives the best result when it becomes
functional benefic for the horoscope. For example, for Tula (Libra)
lagna Saturn gives the best result, and second best for Vrishabha
(Taurus) lagna by virtue of becoming a Yogakaraka( Lord of
Kendra and Trikona houses). It gives good result for Makar
(Capricorn) and Kumbha ( Aquarius) lagna as lagna lord. When
for these four lagnas Saturn is also well posited and aspected by
benefics, it produces excellent results during its dasa-bhukti and
transit. Saturn gives mixed result for Mithuna ( Gemini), Kanya (
Virgo), Dhanu ( Sagittarius) and Meena (Pisces) lagnas, and
proves unfavourable for the remaining lagnas. Like other malefic
planets. Saturn gives good result when posited in an Upachaya (
3, 6, 10 or 11) house. In addition, Saturns location in any Kendra,
which is its own or exaltation sign, forms Sasa Yoga, one of the
Panchmahapurusha Yogas that bestows name, fame, wealth and
authority to the native during its dasa and bhukti. Lucky is the
person for whom Saturn is favourable and strong in
the horoscope. Saturn has special 10th and 3rd full aspects, in
addition to the normal 7th aspect. These aspects adversely affect
the affairs of the house receiving it, and afflict the planets posited
there, but these aspects are favourable when Saturn becomes a
functional benefic in the horoscope. Among these aspects, the
10th aspect is the most powerful, then comes the 7th , and the
3rd aspect is the weakest. Saturns aspect on Venus spoils the
conjugal life of the person. Its aspect on Jupiter induces the native
to self-abnegation in religious and spiritual pursuits and
sometimes causes compromise of moral principles. Saturns
aspect on the Sun makes the native toil hard in life and face
separation from, or even death of father in some cases. Saturns
aspect on Moon makes the native simple, calm and calculative
and gives distress to mother. Saturns aspect on Mars makes the
native aggressive and cruel, while their mutual aspect portends
violent end. Saturns aspect on Mercury gives crooked and selfish
mentality. Its aspect on Rahu makes the native shrewd and
causes chronic ailments. The benefic aspect of powerful Jupiter
and Venus on Saturn tones down its malefic effect. Saturn owns
two consecutive signs in the Zodiac, namely, Capricorn and
Aquarius. Capricorn being the 10th sign of the Zodiac represents
karma (action) and Aquarius the 11th sign denotes labh (gains).
Thus Saturn controls profession, status and financial position of
the native. It not only influences the affairs of the house of its
location, but also of the houses on both sides of its location.
Through its ownership, location and aspects, if there is no
overlapping of houses, Saturn influences as many as eight
houses in any horoscope. This makes the position of Saturn in
any horoscope decisive and it is prudent to properly assess the
disposition and strength of Saturn before making any prediction.
Saturn is a deterministic planet and acts for good or bad without
any restraint. In addition, Saturn has two special features. The
first one is the infamous Sadesati ( 7 years period) when Saturn
transits through the house prior to natal Moon, the Moon sign, and
the sign next to Moon. This cycle repeats in 30 years in
everybodys life. During Sadesati Saturn controls the flight of
imagination of the natives mind and makes him depressed, lonely
and self- dependent. If Moon in a horoscope is already afflicted by
Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu individually or jointly, or Moon is weak
and located in a trika ( 6/8/12) house, the effect of Sadesati is
severe. When Sadesati occurs during the dasa of Saturn, Sun,
Moon, Mars or Rahu, then it causes considerable hardship in
respect of the houses occupied and aspected by Saturn in the
natal horoscope, as well as those aspected during transit. The
astrologers are well aware of the trials and tribulations caused by
Saturn to an individual during Sadesati. The second special
feature is Shani vat Rahu, i.e. Rahu is like Saturn. It is observed
that in case of Tula lagna born, for which Saturn becomes
Yogakaraka, if its dasa comes very late in the natives life, then
Saturn confers its favourable result during the dasa of Rahu. If
such an individual has both Rahu and Saturn dasas in his life
time, then the results experienced are par excellence. The above
features are corroborated by the horoscopes of Emperor Akbar,
Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher and Atal Behari
Vajpayee, discussed below. (1) Emperor Akbar DOB: 24th
November, 1542, at 04.09 hrs. Lat. 25 19' N, Long. 69 47' E)
Rahu dasa balance at birth: 13 years, 3 months 1 day. Exalted
Yogakaraka Saturn in Lagna forms Sasa Yoga. It is conjoined
with Swakshetri Lagna lord Venus forming Malavya Yoga. This
shows high pedigree. Exalted Mars in 4th house forms Ruchaka
yoga, another Panchmahapurusha Yoga. Akbar was crowned as
king at the fag end of Rahu dasa, while still a minor. Rahu is in
5th house in Saturns sign and aspects Saturn. He won many
battles during Jupiter dasa, weak 6th house lord with strong lagna
lord in lagna. The aspect of exalted Saturn and exalted Mars on
the 10th house gave him success in expanding his empire.
Akbars rule reached its zenith in Saturn dasa. (2) Adolf Hitler
DOB: 20.4.1889, 18.30 hrs. Long 48N, Long 13E Venus dasa
balance : 16 yrs. 4 mths. 6 days. Mars in own sign in 7th house
forms Ruchak Yoga, one of the Panchmahapurusha Yoga. Yoga
karaka Saturn occupies 10th house, but in an unfriendly sign. The
aspect of Saturn on Sun in the 7th house caused death of his
father at the age of 13 years, due to which he had to face
hardships. During Mars dasa (in 7th house) in mutual aspect with
Saturn (in 10th house) he took part in agitation against the
Government in power and was jailed. His Rahu dasa operated
from August, 1928 during which he enjoyed Yogakaraka Saturns
result. During Rahu dasa-Jupiter bhukti in 1933 he became
Chancellor of Germany. The mutual square aspect between
Saturn and Mars not only made him inflict atrocities on the Jews,
but also brought about his violent end. He committed suicide at
the fag end of Rahu dasa- Moon bhukti on the fall of Berlin to
Allied forces. Rahu becomes maraka being in 7th house from
Moon, and Moon is samsaptak from dasa lord. The major events
in Hitlers life during Rahu dasa were dictated by Saturn. (3)
Mahatma Gandhi DOB: 2.10.1869, 07.45 hrs., Porbandar Ketu
dasa balance: 6 yrs. 10 months 28 days Yogakaraka Saturn is
posited in the 2nd house in inimical sign. This planetary setting
inclined Gandhiji towards austere spirituality. Rahu is in 10th
house. The commencement of Rahu dasa from August, 1919
coincided with Gandhijis active political career. In Rahu dasa
Rahu bhukti he was arrested for Civil Disobedience Movement
and on release became a national leader. The whole of Rahu
dasa kept him engaged in independence struggle, and he wielded
considerable influence in Government without occupying any
office. He was shot dead in Jupiter-Sun. His Rahu dasa was
influenced by Saturn. (4) Baroness Margaret Thatcher DOB:
13.10.1925, 09.00 hrs., London Ketu dasa balance: 3 yrs. 11
months 11 days Exalted Yogakaraka Saturn in lagna forms Sasa
Yoga. It is conjoined with 9th lord Mercury. Their location blessed
her with sharp intellect, confidence, fame and high status in life.
Rahu is posited in 10th house and aspected by Saturn. Rahu
dasa operated from September, 1972 to September, 1990. She
took over as Leader of Opposition in British Parliament in
February, 1975 during Rahu dasa-Rahu bhukti. After leading her
Conservative Party to victory in elections she became Prime
Minister in March, 1979 (Rahu dasa-Saturn bhukti). She ruled the
country for continuous 11 years with confidence and
determination and was regarded Iron Lady of U.K. She lost power
in 1990 with the start of Jupiter Dasa (lord of 3rd and 6th house in
3rd). Thus Rahu dasa gave her the result of exalted Saturn in
Lagna and she enjoyed name, fame and authority. (5) Shri Atal
Behari Vajpayee, ex-P.M. D.O.B.: 25.12.1924, 03.00 hrs., Gwalior
(MP) Mercury dasa balance: 10 yrs. 1 month 26 days Yogakaraka
Saturn posited in exaltation sign in Tula lagna forms Sasa Yoga. It
aspects Rahu in 10th house. Saturn dasa is not likely in his life.
Rahu dasa operated from February, 1985 to February, 2003 and
delivered the excellent result assured by exalted Yogakarka
Saturn and bestowed name, fame and political success. He
occupied different important positions in government, remained
leader of opposition in Lok Sabha, and finally became the Prime
Minister of India in 1999. He was voted out of office with the start
of Jupiter dasa.

Major Role of the Moon in any Dasa, Bhukthi Results July 2005
G. Sumathi
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 221 |
The Vedic Astrology strongly emphasises that Chandrama
Nakshtranamadhipathi means Moon is the significator or ruler of
the stars. Udu means the planet Moon. That is why the
Vimsotari Dasa system comprising 120 years is also called as
Udu Maha Dasa. In this method 9 planets are allotted with their
respective Number of years on the basis of a group of 3 stars
assigned to them , in which moon is posited at the time of birth.
As the mind is ruled by the planet moon Varaha mihira in his
valuable Brihat Jataka chapter VIII stanza 11 reiterates
Prarabdha himaghou dhasha swagrihe maanaarthasoukyaavaha
koujey dhooshayathi sthriyam budhagrahe vidhyasuhrdvikthadha
durgaranyapathaalayae krishikari simhe sitharkshennadha
kusthridha mrigakumbayorgurugrhe maanaarthasowkyavaha The
general meaning of the above sloka (not in the sense of verbatim)
indicates that whatever be a Dasa or bhukthi of any planet that
runs in a nativity , it is very important to note down the position of
the Moon on the date of such commencement of dasa and
bhukthi. Hereinafter the position of such moon gives clue to
interpret the entire dasa and bhukthi. This is a justified truth that
any amount of reaping the good or bad result is suppose to affect
directly the mind only, the ruler of which becomes the moon
alone. This apart Varahamihira in his very first sloka itself pray the
Sun God as Moorthithvey Parikalpathaha means Lord Shivas
Ashtamoorthis viz., The Sun, Water,Earth, Air, Fire, Sky ,
Yayajuka (sacrifice performer) and the Moon are the primary
agencies for the Creation , Protection and Destruction of the
Universe. Mihiras exemplory knowledge in having given greater
importance to the Moon is also a reason that while all the planets
are having debilitated Navamsa in their exalted sign, the planet
moon alone is not having debilitated Navamsa in her exaltation
sign Taurus.

The Impact of sub period July 2007

Abha Bansal
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 219 |
Uttarkalamrita' written by poet Kalidasa states that if yogakarka
Venus and Saturn both are exalted or in their own signs or in
Vargottama and are powerfully placed in a horoscope, in that
condition in the major and sub period of each other they produce
very negative results surprisingly. At that time even a Kuber like
king also turns into a beggar and goes through poverty and
sorrow. But if one of these is powerful and other is weak in that
case the powerful planet yields its results. Venus and Saturn are
friendly planets. If two friendly planets are powerfully placed they
yield very auspicious results in their major and sub periods. It is a
reasonable statement but contrary to this Venus and Saturn bring
surprisingly inauspicious results in each other's major and sub
periods according to this principle. That is why this principle of
Uttarkalamrita appears to be irrational but practically it has been
observed that if one of these planets is weak only then the other
powerful planet gives auspicious results. If Saturn and Venus both
are weak and are posited in 6th, 8th or 12th house or owning
these houses or in conjunction with the lords of 6th, 8th and 12th
houses then they give auspicious results, comforts and pleasures
in each other's major and sub period. If one of them is the lord of
an auspicious house and the other is that of an inauspicious
house then also auspicious results can be expected and if both of
them are extremely inauspicious then also they produce lot of
comforts and happiness. To justify these principles we shall
analyse few horoscopes Horoscope no. 1 In the given horoscope
this person suffered with fatal typhoid for 7 months continuously
(in Venus major, Saturn sub period) and as a result of it he faced
lot of physical and financial trouble. In this horoscope Saturn has
lost its general inauspiciousness by occupying trikona. Venus is
becoming yoga karka by virtue of its being in 12th house. Saturn
in exalted sign of Venus is getting auspicious aspect of exalted
Jupiter. So both are powerful and that is why they caused
financial and health problems to this native in each other's major
and sub period. Horoscope no. 2 This is the horoscope of our
former prime minister Smt. Indira Gandhi. In December 1976 the
sub period of Venus started in the major period of Saturn for her.
Saturn is powerfully placed in kendra. Venus is 6th from lagna
and 12th from Moon and becomes yoga karka by virtue of its
having lagnadhi, anphadi yoga etc. During this time she got
negative results like strong defeat in elections loss of position,
loss of authority, expulsion from parliament, mental torture, arrest
and crises of Shah commission. In thishoroscope Venus has
become very powerful because it is 12th from Moon and there is
mutual exchange between Venus and Jupiter because of which
she got more inauspicious results. Horoscope no. 3 For this
native in the major period of Venus sub period of Saturn started in
the year 1974 and continued till 1977. In this horoscope Saturn
and Venus both are in 6th and 8th house from each other. Saturn
is inauspicious in 8th house and Venus is powerfully placed in
lagna. As a result of which Venus produced auspicious results
and this person got elected for the parliament for the 1st time.
Horoscope no. 4 In this horoscope Venus and Saturn both are
powerful because 9th lord Venus is exalted and Saturn is in a
very auspicious sign and house in conjunction with auspicious
Jupiter. This native suffered a lot during Saturn's sub period in
major period of Venus'. He went through lots of problems and his
wife also got separated from him. Horoscope no. 5 This woman
got separated from her husband during sub period of Saturn in
major period of Venus although Saturn and Venus are yoga karka
and well placed in this chart. The auspicious position of these
planets brought inauspicious results for her and she got divorced.
Horoscope no. 6 In this horoscope Venus is powerfully placed in
its own sign in 6th house and retrograde Saturn well aspected by
Jupiter is also powerful in 10th house. Saturn and Venus are very
auspicious as they are in trikonas from each other. But Saturn's
sub period in major period of Venus resulted in accident and his
position at that time was almost like an handicapped person.
Horoscope no. 7 In this horoscope 9th, 10th and 11th all these
houses are very powerful. There is mutual exchange between
Jupiter and Saturn in 9th and 11th houses as a result of which
Saturn has become very powerful and lagna lord and 6th lord
Venus is placed in 10th house powerfully with Sun. But during
Venus' sub and Saturn's major period she became the victim of
very dangerous attack of paralysis and reached almost at the
door of death. Horoscope no. 8 In this horoscope Saturn and
Venus are inauspicious. Saturn is very inauspicious as it is 6th
and 7th lord and is placed in 4th house with Sun and Rahu so it
turns into akaraka and maraka. Venus is also inauspicious as it is
suffering from kendradhipati dosha, it is also getting very
inauspicious 8th aspect of Mars from 8th house. In addition to that
Saturn and Venus both are in 2nd and 12th house from each
other. But inspite of that he got very auspicious results in Venus'
major and Saturn's sub period. Got lot of upgradation, recognition
and promotion in his area of work. Horoscope no. 9 In
this horoscope 5th lord Venus is powerfully placed in lagna and
exalted Saturn is placed in 5th house and both have become very
powerful because of auspicious aspect of Jupiter from 9th house.
This native got negative results in Venus' major and Saturn's sub
period. He lost his position of ministry. He also became the victim
of raid of CBI and earned lot of infamy for him during this time.
Conclusion From all these horoscopes we found that this principle
of Uttar kalamrita is perfectly applicable on them. But even then it
is a matter of research whether we can apply this rule literally.
Analysis is always essential. Astrology would be earning its
greatness only if astrologers shall be scientific in their outlook. Is it
possible that some native might not get this type of results as are
stated by uttarkalamrita? If it happened then accuracy of this
principle shall really become doubtful which is already at stake
because of its being strange and irrational. Here we shall discuss
one horoscope given by senior astrologer Radha Aggarwal in this
connection- Horoscope no. 10 This person was about to get
retired in July 2007 and there was a probability of getting
extension but that was doubtful because of Saturn Venus period.
Saturn and Venus both are yogakaraka for this native and are
also positioned powerfully in Kendra and Trikona. But in March
2007 this native got extension for 3 years because of
Government's decision of increasing the retirement age of
professors of central university. According to this astrologer here
in this horoscope the principle of Uttar kalamrita has failed
completely but here I would like to point out that Saturn Venus
dasha of this native has recently started from March 2007.
Therefore lot of time is there to conclude about the failure of this
principle in thishoroscope. Moreover it was not the personal
destiny of the native to get extension rather it was the decision of
government from which everybody got benefitted.
Heart Disease - Can Astrology Help ? July 2007
Anil Kumar Jain
Articles in this Issue | Related Articles | Views : 217 |
Who predicts that India will have 100 million, or 60% of the
worlds heart patients by 2010. The scenario is of a nation
crippled by heart disease. While doctors tinker with the hows &
whys, each individual has the weapons to fight back. A major
heart study of over 5, 000 patients in the US in 1996 found that
only 14% of the Indian-American men and 5% of Indian-American
women had optimal HDLA cholesterol level. It is a triple,
sometimes quadruple. While Americans & Europeans often suffer
from one blocked artery, double or triple artery disease among
Indian is common. The study shows that Indian across the globe,
even third generation emigrants, fall like ninepins to cardiac
disease, they are at least four times more susceptible to Coronary
Artery Disease (CAI) than Europeans, Chinese or Blacks, and this
risk increases up to ten times in those younger than 40. Doctors
explain the proneness of Indian to CAD to the Starvation Gene
Theory. According to this India suffered drought for hundreds of
years. Fats & Carbohydrates provide energy to the body & so our
genes adapted to survive long periods of drought by consuming
fats & carbohydrates slowly to make them last longer. Although
now our bodies get adequate supplies of food, but these zenes
are still in action as they take a long time to adapt, so our food
continues to be metabolized slowly resulting in the dysfunctional
biochemical profile. Some cardiologists put the blame on stress &
life style changes due to rapid urbanization. Whatever may be the
reasons, the fact is that position is alarming. Most of the people
are unaware that Astrology which is a part of Indian Vedas can
play a vital role of an exact knowledge in predetermining ones
pre- disposition to any disease that may occur during the life span
of an individual. MedicalAstrology is very advanced. We can
locate the parts of the body affected, detect the disease & also
select right time for treatment. Most of the people refuse to
believe that planets on the humans can be easily understood by a
very common phenomenon of tides in sea. Planetary positions of
Sun & Moon affect sea water causing tides. Blood in the human
body is not only a fluid but contain the same salts that are
dissolved in the oceans & that too practically in the same
proportion. Therefore, our life is susceptible to same influence of
Sun & Moon. Similar is the position with the other planets.
In astrology the human body, for the purpose of identification of
body organs, has been divided into 12 parts & each part is ruled
by a particular sign of zodiac. Planets also have jurisdiction over
parts of the body and have certain inherent tendencies to produce
diseases. Basic astrological factors that may lead to heart
problems can be analyzed as under:- 1. The planet Sun governs
vitality which flows from a healthy heart. If Sun is strongly posited
in horoscope, unafflicted and is under benefic influence, you have
a vibrant heart. On the contrary, if Sun is weak, afflicted by
malefic planets, without any benefic influences, then you are
prone to heart problems. 2. The Zodiac sign Leo is the significator
of heart & should be critically examined for predicting heart
problems. 3. The 4th house in the horoscope represents heart.
Cancer as 4th sign of the zodiac has also bearing on the
problems concerned with the heart. 4. Lagna (Ascendant) the
rising sign of the Zodiac at the time of birth is an important factor
governing health of a person. 5. All kinds of diseases are
governed by 6th house. 5th and 11th houses stands for recovery
power. Therefore body recovery power in case of disease should
be judged from 5th & 11 th houses of horoscope. 8th house
of horoscope represents death, danger, surgical operations;
Diseases which call for long hospitalization are indicated by the
12th house of horoscope. There are nos. of planetary
combinations described in astrological texts which lead to heart
problems. Few of these can be mentioned here: 1. If 5th house is
hemmed -in between malefic planets & it is occupied by a -malefic
planet. 2. When planets Saturn or Jupiter owning the 6th house
gets posited in the 4th house with malefic aspect. 3. Sun & Saturn
posited in 4th house. 4. Sun in Aquarius sign. 5. Ketu & Mars in
the 4th house. 6. Mars, Saturn & Jupiter in 4th house. By
analyzing thehoroscope correctly & scientifically one can predict
about the proneness of a person of heart problems and the time
period. As explained above, the gravity of the problem is to be
understood. No doubt, researches in medical science may
provide remedies after the problem has precipitated but in a
critical expected scenario, medical science may not come to the
rescue of a common person. Astrology, no doubt, is a wonderful
tool & simple remedies prescribed in Astrology for heart problems
may be very handy. These remedies, if formed the part of life by
each individual, may provide excellent solution to the projected
scenario. Although each individual may get horoscope analyzed
by an expert astrologer to get acquainted with the problem, some
of the remedies listed here may also save you from dreaded heart
disease. 1. Do Surya Namaskar & offer water to the rising Sun. 2.
Take a small piece of Jaggery (Gur) after lunch. 3. Recite Gayatri
Mantra. 4. Give due respect to father & use few items in
Possession of your father. 5. Avoid taking cereals late in night. 6.
Recite Surya Sahasrenam Stotra. 7. Drink water kept in red
coloured bottle in Sun rays. 8. Keep your morals high. 9. Wear
ring of Ruby in gold in ring finger of right hand after consulting an
astrologer. 10. Once in a while donate wheat to poor on Sunday.
If above remedies are made part of life we can definitely eliminate
or at least reduce the heart problems.
The Moon's Effect on Health May 2014
Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 217 |
According to the Ayurvedic system of medicine every disease initially
affects the mind, then it spreads in the body and produces visible
symptoms coupled with discomfort. Astrology regards the Moon as the
karaka (significator) for mind pUnzek eulks tkr%. Being nearest to
the earth, the Moon influences earthly vegetation and living beings
through control of the water content in their system. The Moon draws
energy from the Sun and uses it for procreation and growth, a maternal
function, and is therefore, considered karaka for mother. As the fastest
moving planet, Moon is also responsible for fluctuations in human
The Moon is exalted in Taurus (3) and is debilitated in the opposite
sign Scorpio (3). It is considered to be of medium strength from Sukla
Paksha Pratipada (first lunar day of the bright half) upto Dasami; fully
strong from Shukla Ekadasi (11th lunar day of bright half) to Krishna
Panchami (5th lunar day of dark half), and weak from Krishna Shashti
(6th lunar day of dark half) to Amavasya (New Moon). The Moon
produces good results for Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces
Ascendant natives, being the lord of the 4th, 1st, 10th 9th and 5th house
respectively. When Moon is strong, free from malefic influence and
aspected by benefics, it cancels all the blemishes and makes the native
healthy, cheerful and prosperous.

The reason has been explained by Mantreswara in the sloka

(Phaladeepika , Ch.IV.11), meaning, the strength of the Moon boosts up

the strength of all other planets. The Moon primarily governs the
childhood period of life. Hence, when at birth Moon is weak, in Rasi
Sandhi, conjoined with malefics and without any benefic aspect or there
is no benefic in a Kendra, it shows danger to the life of the child.
According to Brihat Jataka (Ch. VI. 11):

"If the Moon with malefics occupies the 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 1st or 8th
house, and is not aspected by or combined with powerful Venus,
Mercury or Jupiter, death comes early."
Diseases and Signs : A weak and afflicted Moon in the 6th house causes
frequent illness and native does not enjoy good health.
According to Laghu Jataka (Ch. IV. 2) Moon is windy, phlegmatic and
controls blood Any affliction to Moon causes diseases due to these
factors. The likely diseases caused by Moon when in different signs are
as follows:
Moon in Aries : The health is average. Affliction to the Moon causes
disease of lungs, breathing problems and blood related ailments.
Moon in Taurus : Being exalted, the Moon gives good health and
endurance. When afflicted the native suffers from diseases of eyes,
throat, tonsils, speech and neck.
Moon in Gemini : The native is healthy, but the Moon's affliction causes
diseases of lungs, breathing problems and blood related ailments.
Moon in Cancer : Being in own sign, the Moon here gives good health.
If afflicted, it causes diseases of the chest, stomach and blood.
Moon in Leo : The native is healthy. If afflicted, the native suffers from
giddiness, heart and blood ailments.
Moon in Virgo: The native is healthy and has good resistance against
disease. An afflicted Moon causes stomach, digestive and skin problems.
Moon in Libra: The native is healthy and has good resistance. When
afflicted, the native suffers from kidney, blood, urinary and back
problems. He may also have head and stomach ailments.
Moon in Scorpio: The Moon is debilitated here and hence the native
falls sick frequently. Health i weak in childhood mostly. He suffers from
urinary troubles and diseases of private part.
Moon in Sagittarius: The native has a strong build, but if Moon is
afflicted he suffers from blood, liver and nerve ailments, sciatica and
lumbago pains.
Moon in Capricorn: The native has little resistance to diseases due to
which ill health torments him for long. He suffers from constipation,
urticaria and rheumatism.
Moon in Aquarius: The native has good resistance power, but if Moon is
afflicted he suffers from anaemia, giddiness and weakness. He may also
suffer from eyes and nervous complaints.
Moon in Pisces: Moon here attracts diseases and native catches infection
early. He suffers from blood related ailments, diseases of feet, soles and
Ailments in Moon Dasa : The Moon causes illness during his Dasa,
according to his location in the horoscope as follows:
If Moon as Ascendant lord is weak and afflicted in the 6th, the
native suffer from one or the other ailment.
If weak and afflicted Moon is in the 8th or 12th house with a
malefic, and there is no benefic in a Kendra then there is danger of
Balarishta (death in childhood).
Moon is the karaka for the right eye in female charts and the left
eye in male charts. When Moon is lord of the 2nd or the 12th
house and afflicted by Saturn or other melefics, the native suffers
from eye diseases which weaken the eyesight.
Moon covers the chest, and Mercury breathing. When Moon, sign
Cancer, Mercury and sign Gemini are afflicted by Rahu and
Saturn, the native suffers from asthama.
When Moon, Sun Mars are in the 6th, the native suffers from colic
When Moon and Cancer are afflicted by Saturn, Rahu and Mars
without any benefic aspect, the native gets tuberculosis.
Moon controls the flow of blood and Mercury the skin. When both
are afflicted by Saturn, Mars and Rahu, then the native suffers
from leucoderma ( white patches on skin).
When Moon is in the 5th, 8th or 12th with Rahu and afflicted by
any other malefic, then the native is psychiatric, timid, depressed
and has suicidal tendencies.
Effects of Transit : The transit of planets in different houses from natal
Moon causes illness related to the house occupied by the Moon and the
karkattwa of the transiting planet.
Name of Planet Transit from Natal Moon Causing Illne
Sun 2,5,8, and 12.
Moon 4,8 and 12
Mars 1,2,4,5,7,8, 10 and 12
Mercury 3,7,9 and 12.
Jupiter 3,6,8 and 12.
Venus 6,7 and 10
Saturn 1,2,4,7,8 and 12.
Rahu 1, 5, 7, 8,9 and 12
Ketu 1,4, 7, 8, 10 and 12.
Timing of Operation : According to classics, surgical operation of the
part of the body represented by the house through which Moon is
transiting on the date of surgery will not be successful. For example,
when Moon is transiting through Aries, then the operation of head and
eyes should be avoided. When Moon is transiting Taurus, then tonsils,
throat and mouth surgeries should be avoided. In addition, the sign
representing the part of the body being operated upon should be
occupied by or aspected by benefics and Mars and Saturn should not
aspect each other.
Taking of Medicine : Medicine taken when Moon transits Cancer and
Pisces (watery signs) produce good results. Though Scorpio is also a
watery sign it is excluded because Moon is debilitated there. Chaturthi,
Navami, Chaturdasi and Amavasya Tithis should be avoided for start of
medication. Similarly, taking medicine on Janma Nakshatra day is not
fruitful. While starting the medication the 7th, 8th and 12th houses
counted from the Moon and Ascendant should be without any planet.
During acute illness, condition improves when Moon in transit conjoins
benefic planets. When Moon conjoins with the lord of the 6th, 8th or
other malefics, then there is deterioration in one's condition and the
medicines taken may not produce the desired relief. For psychiatric
treatment, the transit of the Moon through Cancer and Pisces (watery
signs) and in Gemini, Libra and Aquarius (airy signs) is helpful.
Remedial Measures : When weak and afflicted Moon is causing disease,
the native should strengthen him by:
Wearing a good quality pearl of 6.25 to 6.5 ratti in silver on the
little finger of the right hand during Shukla Paksha on Monday
after Moonrise after due purification of the pearl.
The native should wear white clothes and donate white items
(milk, curd, rice, white flowers, white sandal, silver ring, etc.) on
Mondays to a young Brahmin lady.
The native should touch the feet of his mother (charansparsha)
daily in the morning and seek her blessings.
He should propitiate the malefics afflicting the Moon through Puja
and Mantra japa.
The following Sloka of Durga Saptasati is effective for early
recuperation. It should be- recited daily in morning after bath, lighting a
pure Ghee lamp and sitting in front of the photograph or idol of Goddess
Durga. One, three or eleven malas (108 times) of the Sloka using Tulsi
beads or Rudraksha should be done depending on the severity of the
disease. When the native is not able to do it himself, then a member of
the family can do it on his behalf after taking a Sankalpa to that effect.
The Mantra is as follows:
Diseases are the result of sins committed in past births. The remedial
measures are medicines, charity, Japa, Homa and Divine Worship.
Among other measures Mrityunjaya Mantra Homa has been regarded
panacea for all types of diseases.

The worship of Brahmins is essential for all Homas.

Discussion of Horoscopes
(1) Female: DOB: 6.11.1980, 5.45 AM, Delhi
The native was born in Chitra Nakshatra (2nd Pada). Mars as 2nd and
7th lord, is in 2nd house with Herschel and Neptune. It is aspected by
Rahu. Lagna is occupied by debilitated Sun lord of 11th (6th from 6th)

Lagna lord Venus is debilitated in 12th house. Moon is in 12th at Rasi

Sandhi (2957'). It is dispositor of Rahu and with 6th lord Jupiter,
debilitated Venus, Pluto and Saturn in 12th house. During whole of
Rahu dasa she has been suffering from one or the other ailment. Jupiter
dasa, which started on 15.5.2002, is also bad from health angle.
(2) Male: DOB: 5.9.1976, 5.30 PM, Mauranipur (UP)

Moon is in 12th house and aspected by Saturn from 6th house. Mars
aspects 2nd house (right eye) and Ketu aspects Sun. Sun though in own
house is in papkartari yoga. The native during Moon dasa had eye
problems for about 7 years. The next dasa was of Mars who is posited in
8th house and aspects 2nd house. Due to persistent eye problem and
weak eyesight, a checkup was done at AIIMS Delhi which diagnosed
weakness of optic nerve due to chronic eye ailments. The native cannot
move during bright Sun light.

(3) Female: 10.10.1982, 1.45 PM, Bareilly (UP)

Moon is with Rahu in 6th house and aspected by Mars from 11th house.
It is also aspected by Ketu and Neptune from 12th house. During Saturn
dasa-Rahu bhukti the native complained of frequent stomach ache and
vomiting which was initially diagonised as education and examination
stress. On not getting relief detailed tests were conducted which revealed
stones in gallbladder. On 22.6.04 (Saturn-Rahu-Mercury) her
gallbladder was removed through operation. As Moon is with Rahu, the
native gets nervous and worried quickly.

Know Your Profession with the Help of Karakamsha May 2014

Future Point
Related Articles | Views : 215 |
People are more anxious to seek guidance, well in advance about
the profession and careers of their children. Soon they attain a
particular stage in their education. It is the ignorance of the
parents, guardians and the teachers who contribute considerably
to the miserable failures of careers of the children. We have often
come across people, whose lives are a failure just because they
chose an unsuitable vocations. In other words, what we call
aptitude is completely ignored with the result ones talents are
suppressed and one is made to suffer apparently for no fault.
One of the most important uses of astrology is the guidance it
gives to the parents, who are more keen to know about the future
of their son or daughters educational career well in
advance. Astrology can guide a grown up man who is still
undecided about the occupation in his life. If a study of
astrological principles is taken up seriously, a more valuable
guidance can be given to an individual as to what vocation would
be suitable for him to achieve success. Required level of accuracy
in prediction of this subject is still awaited as it needs to be
strengthened with more research.
I shall endeavour to show in this article how far astrology enables
one to choose a successful vocation consistent with his aptitude.
The important considerations are
(a) In what occupations the child would take interest.
(b) what are the occupations in which the child can display his /
her ability and knack in a brilliant manner.
To begin with, consider Karakamsha chart as a pivotal point. A
planet in Karakamsha becomes the key planet. The dominant
planet having been thus discovered notice must be taken of the
blend, it makes with other planets, which is aspected, or with the
sign in which it is placed etc. In considering the blends care must
be taken to note which is stronger of the influences blended.
According to Jaimini the planet with highest longitude becomes
the Atmakaraka. The sign in which the Atmakaraka is situated in
the Navmansha becomes the Karakamsha. Association of various
planets with Atmakaraka either in the Rashi or Navmansha, we
can get a clue for the vocation of the native.
Here are some of the astrological combinations of planets, which
shall give a glimpse of the profession of the Native.
Sun is responsible to give more power, ability to rule and
command, will make the native to gain fitness for a Government
employment, or a high profile business executive with status and
(a) If Sun occupies the Karakamsha lagna, the native will be fond
of public work, and will take interest in political activities.
(b) If Sun and Venus aspect Karakamsha, the native will be
employed by Royal people or Top Class politicians.
(c) Sun occupying 10th house in Karakamsha chart and aspected
by Jupiter, the native will be a successful Trader of Cattle.
(d) If Sun occupies 5th house in Karakamsha chart the native will
become a Philosopher or a Musician.
(e) If Sun is in conjunction with Rahu and occupies Karakamsha,
and Sun being located in benefic vargas, the native will become a
Doctor treating poisonous afflictions.
Moon is responsible for fluctuations in occupation or business, but
encourages the native for business in aqua products, Marine
produces, Liquid chemicals, Restaurant, Dairy products etc.
(a) If full moon and Venus joins Atmakaraka in Navmansha
money will be earned by education.
(b) If Moon is conjunct with Jupiter in Karakamsha or in 5th from
Karakamsha, the native becomes a author and earns his
livelihood by authouring books.
(c) If Moon is alone in Karakamsha or in 5th from Karakamsha,
the native become a musician.
(d) Moon in Karakamsha aspected by Venus makes the native an
(e) Instead of Venus if aspected by mercury he will be a Doctor.
Mars denotes employment in the field where courage is required
and a need to be skillful, brave. Dentists, Surgeons, Engineers
are also part of this group.
(a) If mars occupies the Karkamsha the native earns his livelihood
by meta llurgy.
(b) If mars occupies the Karakamsha with benefic aspects, the
native will be a Judge.
(c) If mars occupies 5th place from Karakamsha under the aspect
of Saturn, the native will become a Mechanic.
Mercury is solely responsible for the field of literature, arts and
occupations requiring study, skill and intelligence.
(a) If mercury occupies the karakamsha the native becomes
Merchant and well versed in social and political matters.
(b) If mercury occupies 5th place from Karakamsha, the native will
become a Vedic Scholar.
Jupiter :
Usually Jupiter gives the profession of physicians, lawyers,
ministers, bankers, authors, journalists, philosophers etc.
(a) When Jupiter occupies the karakamsha the native becomes a
philosopher, religious head and will have good knowledge of
(b) If Jupiter occupies 5th place from karakamsha, he will be a
scholar in Vedas and Upnishads.
Venus is responsible to gain financial assistance through marital
sources, jewellery pleasure and luxury.
(a) If Venus joins Atmakaraka in Navmansha, the native will
become a big politician.
(b) If Venus joins karakamsha or the 5th from karakamsha, the
native will become a great poet.
Saturn is responsible to the professions, such as builders, miners,
land surveyors, agriculturists, labour contractors, municipal
officials etc.
(a) If Saturn occupies the Karakamsha the native will adopt the
profession of his forefathers.
(b) If Saturn alone occupies 4th or 5th place from karakamsha,
the native will be skillful in archery and will adopt the same skill for
(c) Saturn occupying karakamsha under the aspect of mars the
native will become a builder.
Indirectly Rahu will give results like Saturn but some of the
combination indicates different professions also.
(a) If rahu joins atmakaraka in navmansha, the native earns his
bread as a thief or decoit.
(b) Rahu having close association with Mandi and occupying 4th
place from karakamsha the native will be specialised to treat
snake bites and poisonous problems.
(c) Rahu in 5th from Karakamsha makes the native to be a good
Ketu will give results partially like Jupiter and mars.
(a) If ketu occupies 4th place from karakamsha the native will
become a clock maker Repairer.
(b) Ketu occupying karakamsha makes the native a
mathematician, if occupied in 5th house from karakamsha under
benefic aspects the results will be same.
(c) Ketu occupying karakamsha under malefic aspects makes the
native a thief.
(d) Ketu occupying 5th place from karakamsha under the aspect
of Jupiter makes the native an astrologer.
Combination of planets will give more than one activity with
relation to the occupation of the respective planet.
Apart from above there are other Methods are also available as
indicated by different schools of Astrology. In the matter of
determining the profession, importance has been given to the
Ascendant, 10th and 8th houses either from ascendant or Moon
and the planets occupying these houses, lordship of these houses
can also be taken in to consideration. In this article only a glimpse
on determination of profession has been taken, to give a general
idea of the subject with the help of karakamsha and Navamsha

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