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The passage discusses the French passé composé tense, including its uses and formation. It also lists verbs that take être instead of avoir in the passé composé.

The passé composé can express an action completed in the past, an action repeated in the past, or a series of actions completed in the past.

The two parts that make up the passé composé are the present tense of the auxiliary verb (avoir or être) and the past participle of the main verb.

French 8 Grammar

1. Le pass compos

The pass compos is the most common French past tense. The
pass compos can express any of the following:

I. An action completed in the II. An action repeated a III. A series of actions

past number of times in the past completed in the past

As-tu tudi ce weekend ? Oui, j'ai mang cinq fois Quand je suis arriv, j'ai vu
Did you study this hier. les fleurs.
weekend? Yes, I did eat five times When I arrived, I saw the
yesterday. flowers.
Ils ont dj mang.
They have already eaten. Nous avons visit Paris Samedi, il a vu sa mre, a
plusieurs fois. parl au mdicin et a trouv
We've visited Paris several un chat.
times. Saturday he saw his mother,
talked to the doctor, and found
a cat.

The pass compos has three possible English equivalents. For example, j'ai dans
can mean

1. I danced
2. I have danced
3. I did dance

The pass compos has two parts:

1. present tense of the auxiliary, or helping verb (either avoir or tre)

2. past participle of the main verb

The past participle of regular verbs is formed by dropping the infinitive ending of a verb
and adding , i, or u to -er, -ir, and -re verbs, respectively:

-ER verbs -IR verbs -RE verbs

Verb parler (to talk) Verb russir (to succeed) Verb vendre (to sell)
Remove er Remove ir Remove re
Add Add i Add u
Past participle parl Past participle russi Past participle vendu
(talked) (succeeded) (sold)
Most irregular verbs also have irregular past participles:

acqurir > acquis boire > bu comprendre > compris dcevoir > du
apprendre > appris conduire > conduit dcouvrir > dcouvert
atteindre > atteint connatre > connu devoir > d
avoir > eu construire > construit dire > dit
courir > couru
couvrir > couvert
craindre > craint
croire > cru
crire > crit faire > fait instruire > instruit joindre > joint
tre > t
lire > lu mettre > mis offrir > offert natre > n
mourir > mort ouvrir > ouvert
paratre > paru recevoir > reu savoir > su tenir > tenu
peindre > peint souffrir > souffert
pouvoir > pu suivre > suivi
prendre > pris
produire > produit
venir > venu
vivre > vcu
voir > vu
vouloir > voulu

French pass compos conjugations

AIMER (auxiliary verb is avoir) DEVENIR (auxiliary verb is tre)*

J ai aim Je suis devenu(e)

Tu as aim Tu es devenu(e)

Il/ Elle a aim Il est devenu

Nous avons aim Elle est devenue

Vous avez aim Nous sommes devenu(e)s

Ils/ ont aim Vous tes devenu(e)(s)

Ils sont devenus

Elles sont devenues

Most French verbs use avoir. The following is a list of verbs that require tre:

aller to go partir to leave

arriver to arrive passer to pass
descendre to descend / go downstairs rester to stay
entrer to enter retourner to return
monter to climb sortir to go out
mourir to die tomber to fall
natre to be born venir to come

Generally speaking, all of the tre verbs indicate a particular kind of movement, either
literal or figurative.

For all verbs conjugated with tre, the past participle has to agree with the subject in
gender and number in all of the compound tenses:
Il est all. - He went. Elle est alle. - She went.
Ils sont alls. - They went. Elles sont alles. - They went.

Eventually you will instinctively know which verbs take tre, but in the meantime,
you might want to try one of these mnemonic devices.

La Maison d'tre
The French teach tre verbs with a visual: La Maison d'tre. Draw a house with a door,
stairs, windows, etc. and then label it with the tre verbs. For example, put someone on
the stairs going up (monter) and another going down (descendre).


This is perhaps the most popular mnemonic device for tre verbs.



1. Nous _____ march la banque. (avons, sommes)

2. Frdrique _____ dmnag Toulouse. (a, est)
3. Vous _____ sortis sans me dire au revoir. (avez, tes)
4. Il _____ oubli mon anniversaire. (a, est)
5. Il _____ mort il y a trois ans. (a, est)
6. Les cyclistes _____ passs devant nous. (ont, sont)
7. T'_____-tu habill tout seul ? (as, es)
8. Le voleur _____ entr par la fentre. (a, est)
9. Quand est ce-que tu _____ entr chez toi ? (as, es)
10. Je (J') _____ nag pendant une heure. (ai, suis)
11. Le cheval _____ travers la rivire sans la moindre hsitation. (a, est)
12. Vous _____ conduit trop lentement. (avez, tes)
13. Ils _____ venus directement ici. (ont, sont)
14. Les enfants _____ jou pendant tout l'aprs midi. (ont, sont)
15. Je (J') _____ fini mon dessert. (ai, suis)
16. Linda et Paul _____ descendu tous les meubles de leur appartement. (ont, sont)
17. Cela _____ chapp mon attention. (a, est)
18. Nous _____ tombs dans la mme rivire trois fois. (avons, sommes)
19. Je (J') _____ descendu pour ouvrir la porte. (ai, suis)
20. Nous _____ voyag en Italie ensemble. (avons, sommes)

Answers are on the following page.

For interactive practice online, please go to

and type pass compos into the Keywords box before clicking on submit.

1. Nous _____ march la banque. (avons, sommes)

2. Frdrique _____ dmnag Toulouse. (a, est)
3. Vous _____ sortis sans me dire au revoir. (avez, tes)
4. Il _____ oubli mon anniversaire. (a, est)
5. Il _____ mort il y a trois ans. (a, est)
6. Les cyclistes _____ passs devant nous. (ont, sont)
7. T'_____-tu habill tout seul ? (as, es)
8. Le voleur _____ entr par la fentre. (a, est)
9. Quand est ce-que tu _____ entr chez toi ? (as, es)
10. Je (J') _____ nag pendant une heure. (ai, suis)
11. Le cheval _____ travers la rivire sans la moindre hsitation. (a, est)
12. Vous _____ conduit trop lentement. (avez, tes)
13. Ils _____ venus directement ici. (ont, sont)
14. Les enfants _____ jou pendant tout l'aprs midi. (ont, sont)
15. Je (J') _____ fini mon dessert. (ai, suis)
16. Linda et Paul _____ descendu tous les meubles de leur appartement. (ont, sont)
17. Cela _____ chapp mon attention. (a, est)
18. Nous _____ tombs dans la mme rivire trois fois. (avons, sommes)
19. Je (J') _____ descendu pour ouvrir la porte. (ai, suis)
20. Nous _____ voyag en Italie ensemble. (avons, sommes)
2. Imperative - l'impratif
The imperative, called l'impratif in French, is a verb mood which is used to

give an order
express a desire
make a request
offer advice
recommend something

Unlike all other French verb tenses and moods, the subject pronoun is not used with the

For example:
Fermez la porte. Ayez la bont de m'attendre.
Close the door. Please wait for me.

Mangeons maintenant. Veuillez m'excuser.

Let's eat now. Please excuse me.

The above are called "affirmative commands," because they are telling someone to do
something. "Negative commands," which tell someone not to do something, are made
by placing ne in front of the verb and the appropriate negative adverb after the verb:

Ne parle pas ! N'oublions pas les livres. N'ayez jamais peur.

Don't speak! Let's not forget the books. Never be afraid.

French imperative conjugations are relatively simple. There are only three grammatical
persons that can be used in the imperative: tu, nous, and vous, and most of the
conjugations are the same as the present tense - the only difference is that the subject
pronoun is not used in the imperative.
-ER verbs
The imperative conjugations for nous and vous are the same as the present tense, and
the tu form of the imperative is the present tense minus the final s:

parler aller
(tu) parle (tu) va
(nous) parlons (nous) allons
(vous) parlez (vous) allez
lever *ouvrir
(tu) lve (tu) ouvre
(nous) levons (nous) ouvrons
(vous) levez (vous) ouvrez

*Verbs which are conjugated like -ER verbs (meaning that in the indicative the tu form
ends in -es), such as ouvrir and souffrir, follow the same rules as -ER verbs.

-IR verbs and -RE verbs

The imperative conjugations for all regular and most* irregular -IR and -RE verbs are
the same as the present tense conjugations.

finir attendre faire

(tu) finis (tu) attends (tu) fais
(nous) finissons (nous) attendons (nous) faisons
(vous) finissez (vous) attendez (vous) faites

*Except for verbs conjugated like -ER verbs and the following four irregular imperative

avoir savoir
(tu) aie (tu) sache
(nous) ayons (nous) sachons
(vous) ayez (vous) sachez

tre vouloir
(tu) sois (tu) veuille
(nous) soyons (nous) n/a
(vous) soyez (vous) veuillez

Remember that there are two kinds of imperatives, affirmative and negative, and the
word order is different for each of them.

Test yourself on using the imperative - type each of the three imperative forms for the
following verbs.

1. manger - __________________, __________________, _________________

2. tre - __________________, __________________, _________________
3. comprendre - ________________, __________________, _________________
4. voir - __________________, __________________, _________________
5. punir - __________________, __________________, _________________
6. fermer - __________________, __________________, _________________
7. faire - __________________, __________________, _________________
8. aller - __________________, __________________, _________________
9. pretender - __________________, __________________, _________________
10. ouvrir - __________________, __________________, _________________
11. jouer - __________________, __________________, _________________
12. lire - __________________, __________________, _________________
13. sortir - __________________, __________________, _________________
14. avoir - __________________, __________________, _________________
15. marcher - __________________, __________________, _________________
16. mettre - __________________, __________________, _________________
17. partir - __________________, __________________, _________________
18. savoir - __________________, __________________, _________________
19. quitter - __________________, __________________, _________________
20. boire - __________________, __________________, _________________
Answers on the following page

1. manger - mange, mangeons, mangez

2. tre - sois, soyons, soyez
3. comprendre - comprends, comprenons, comprenez
4. voir - vois, voyons, voyez
5. punir - punis, punissons, punissez
6. fermer - ferme, fermons, fermez
7. faire - fais, faisons, faites
8. aller - va, allons, allez
9. prtendre - prtends, prtendons, prtendez
10. ouvrir - ouvre, ouvrons, ouvrez
11. jouer - joue, jouons, jouez
12. lire - lis, lisons, lisez
13. sortir - sors, sortons, sortez
14. avoir - aie, ayons, ayez
15. marcher - marche, marchons, marchez
16. mettre - mets, mettons, mettez
17. partir - pars, partons, partez
18. savoir - sache, sachons, sachez
19. quitter - quitte, quittons, quittez
20. boire - bois, buvons, buvez
3.Immediate Past Venir de

Venir is commonly used to express the recent past - the idea that one has just done
something. This construction is formed with the conjugated venir + de + the infinitive of
the action that has just occurred.

Je viens d'arriver Ils viennent de manger Nous venons de le faire

I (have) just arrived. They just ate. We just did it.

Present Tense Conjugations of Venir:

je viens tu viens elle vient nous venons vous venez

elles viennent


Fill in the blank with recent past ('venir' in present tense) of the verb indicated in parentheses.

1. Edouard ___________________ les clientes. (servir)

2. Corey et Pierre ___________________ un film. (regarder)

3. Tammy: Je ___________________ mes devoirs. (finir)

4. Bette: Tex, est-ce que tu _________________ un pome? (crire)

5. Tammy et Bette ___________________ Sandra Bullock. (voir)

6. Tex et Edouard: Nous ______________________ une bouteille de vin. (boire)

7. Pierre et Corey: Nous ______________________ . (manger)

8. Edouard: Bette et Tammy, est-ce que vous ________________ du shopping? (faire)

9. Fiona ________________________ une tarte piquante. (prparer)

10. Tammy: Je ______________________ la cathdrale. (visiter)

11. Corey ________________________ la piscine. (nager)

12. Tammy: Tex, est-ce que tu __________________________ avec Bette? (danser)


1. Edouard ______ les clientes. (servir)

correct answer: vient de servir

2. Corey et Pierre ______ un film. (regarder)

correct answer: viennent de regarder

3. Tammy: Je ______ mes devoirs. (finir)

correct answer: viens de finir

4. Bette: Tex, est-ce que tu ______ un pome? (crire)

correct answer: viens d'crire

5. Tammy et Bette ______ Sandra Bullock. (voir)

correct answer: viennent de voir

6. Tex et Edouard: Nous ______ une bouteille de vin. (boire)

correct answer: venons de boire

7. Pierre et Corey: Nous ______ . (manger)

correct answer: venons de manger

8. Edouard: Bette et Tammy, est-ce que vous ______ du shopping? (faire)

correct answer: venez de faire

9. Fiona ______ une tarte piquante. (prparer)

correct answer: vient de prparer

10. Tammy: Je ______ la cathdrale. (visiter)

correct answer: viens de visiter

11. Corey ______ la piscine. (nager)

correct answer: vient de nager

12. Tammy: Tex, est-ce que tu ______ avec Bette? (danser)

correct answer: viens de danser

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