Carboline Cathaloque

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INDEX BY GENERIC TYPE > LKYDS ADMIRAL GP-10, GP-20, 69-30 PRIMER CARBOLINE GP aT SHOP PRIMER T RUSTARNOR 23 CARBOLINE GP-a2 FINISH & ALUMINUM, ‘CARBOUNE DIM 53 RUSTARMOR 139 (Formerly Carboline 133) ] ‘SUBSH JO HS CARBOMASTIC | BITUMASTIC CARBOMASTIC 15 LOW ODOR CARBOMASTIC 90 AL UMINIUN CARBOMASTIC &01 BITUMASTIC SUPER SERVICE BLACK AITUNASTIC 300 M SHLORIMATED RUBBERS CARBOLINE 3631 HB PRIMER 1 CARBOLINE S631 HB 3 CARBOLINE 3690 FINISH El 1. CARBOLINE 187 SYSTEM 2 CARBOLINE 150 HB 4 CARBOLINE 193 PRIMER (Lead Free} 4, CARBOLINE 888 5, CARBOLINE 83 6. CARBOLINE 890 LT 7 GLAMORGLAZE 202 & SUPERHI-GARO™ 891 9. C-GARO 1207 10. CARBOGLAS 1209 11 REACTIC# 1210 ‘7. RUSTBOND PENETRATING SEALER SG. HIGH TEMPERATURE FINISHES: THERMALINE 450 CARBOLINE 1248 CARBOLINE 4831 CARBOLINE 4574 PHENOLINES PHENOLINE 300 PRIMER PLICNOLINE 300 FINISH PHENOLINE 302 PHENOLINE 368 Wa PHENOLINE 373SYSTEM PHENOLINE 1205 POLYURETHANES 1. CARBOLINE 133 HE 2 CARBOTHANE 833, 3. CARBOLINE 124 4, CARBOTHANE 124 HS SPECIALTIES 1. CARSOLINE METAL PREP # 1 2. CARBOLINE SURFACE PREP # 1 3. CARBOLINE SURFACE CLEANER 3 VINYLS 1. RUSTBONDS HB 2. CARBOLINE 1037 WP 3. POLYCLAD 936 ZINC PRIMERS ‘CARBO WELD 11 CAREO ZINC tt CARBO ZINC 12 CARBOLINE 658 CARBOLINE 676 CARBOLINE 859 carboline ; s CARBOLINE® GP-62 ALUMINIUM ‘SELECTION DATA GENERIC TYPE: Modified, medium oi ikye GENERAL PROPERTIES: CARBOLINE GP.62 Finish is » high lots, moderately fast drying enamel. it has excelten weathering properties, combining high initial gloss wth very good gloss retention. Can be applied over mast alka primers, Has excellant flexibility and weathering resistance ‘and good abrasion resistance RECOMMENDED USES: CARBOLINE GP62 Finish is de signed for use in any light industrial or light marine service whore chemical attack is not a factor and a glossy surface is desired, Specific recommendations include: atmospheric protection of plant equipment, drilliog eas, tain equ ment, road building machinery, pipe 1acks, exposed struct ural Steel, color coding in safely zones, t steel buildings, 1k exteriors and NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Immersion serview, o splash ‘ind spillage of acid alkalies ar solvents, CHEMICAL RESISTANCE GUIDE Splash and Exposure Spillage eds NA Alkali ne Solvents NA Sale Good Water Excollent TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE: (non smmersio] Continuous Non-continuous 20°F (93°C) 250°F (121°C) FLEXIBILITY: Excrllent WEATHERING: Excellent ABRASION RESISTANCE: Gros! SUBSTRATES: Apply over suitably primed metallic Cemutitigus surfaces, wnprine wae! ott tightly adher alleys or others a5 recommended, TOPCOAT REQUIRED: Normally non an optional secant! coat will enhanee serwire hie COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER COATINGS: May '» applies 0 kyl primers, Specific recanirmendat ion: nell CARBOLINE AD and GP primers. Othe coating as eeconmende Auy. 84 Replaces Feb, BON product data sheet CARBOLINE” GP-62 FINISH SPECIFICATION DATA THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONIENT OF MIXED MA. TERIAL By Volume CARBOLINE GP.62 Finish “40% + 2% CARBOLINE GP 62 Aluminum 35% 1 2% RECOMMENDED DRY FILM THICKNESS PEH COAT CARSOLINE GP 62 Finish 2 mils (50 microns} CARBOLINE GP62 Aluminum — 1.5 mils (37.8 micronst THEORETICAL COVERAGE PER GALLON:* CARBOLINE GP62 Finish 642 mil sq, ft (16.0 si.en/l at 25 microns} 321 sy. teat 2 anil (8.0 sa.en/l at $0 microns) CAR@OBLINE GP.62 Aluminum 561 mil sa. 1, (14.054, mil at 28 microns) 374 sq. fat 1.8 mils (8.8 sq.r/l at 40 microns) “NOTE: Material tosses during mixing and application will vary and must be taken inte consideration when estimating jot requirements SHELF LIFE: 24 mouths minisnurn coLors CARBOL INE GP-62 Finish: Available in a variety of colors Gonailt your local Carvolin Customer Service for availability Salo Represtintative of GLOSS: High ORDERING INFORMATION or Main. OH ior brain from Carb « Sales Reprosentativs SHIPPING WEIGHT: TOlos. (8.5 Ka) 50 Ths, (22.7 hy) 3s. (.1 kal 48 ths. (204g) CAROLE GP.62 Finish GAWBOLINE GP 62 Aluminum UAWBDLINE Thumper "45 Bibs (41 xg) $5 Nhs, (20-4 ka) CAROLINE Thinner 85 ibs. (AT hal $8 los (20.8 ka) FLASH POINT: (Pensky Mar tons Closed Cup) GARBOLINE GP.62 Fins 50°F (10°Ci CARBOLINE GP62 Aluminum 102°F (39°C) CARBOLINE Thinner 45, 105°F (ay"C) GAMBOL INE Thinner 40°F 14°C) qweoe9 ‘z949 GP-62, GP-OZAL CARBOLINE GP-62 FINISH ALUMINUM APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS SURFACE PREPARATION: Remove any oil or grease trom surtace to be coated with clean rags soaked in CAR- BOLINE Thinner #2 or toluol in accordance with SSPC- SP1 82. m pri hie Surfaces: Apply over clean and dry recommended andlor tie coat Ceimentitious Surfaces: Apply over clean and dry recom: enced alkali resistant sie coat/surfacer Wood: Apply directly to unprimed wood, First coat may be thinned up to 30% by volume for better penetration. Second coat will be cequired for uniform appearance. Aged Alkyds: Remove loose paint, dirt and oil or grease Surfacw snust be clean and dry prior to coating, Chalked paint must be removed. MIXING: ning, Power mix to uniform consistency before thin SPRAY: Thin up to 15% by volume with CARBOLINE Thinner #85. BRUSH OR ROLLER: Thin up to 10% by volume with, CARGOLINE Thinner #45. NOTE: Use of thinners other than those supplied or ap proved by Carboline may adversely affect product per formance and void product warranty, whether express or implied. APPLICATION TEMPERATURES: Materat Surfaces Normal s0g0rF 119326) — 9590°F 113:32%C) Minimues 35°F (2 35°F (2 Maximurn 120°F (49°C) Ambient Normal 55-100°F 13.38°C) Minium 35°F (20) Maximum 20°F (49°C) Dg not apply when the surface temperature is lass than 5°F [2°C} above the dew point. Special thinning required above or ‘and application techniques may be slow normal condition SPRAY: Use sufficient air volume for correct operation of equipment Use a 50% overlap with each pass of the gun, On irregular surfaces, coat the edges first, making an extra pass tater NOTE: Tho following equipment has been found suitable; however, equivalent equipment may be substituted. Conventional: Use 378” minimum 1,0, material hose, Hold gun approximately 12-14 inches from the surface and at @ Fight angle to the surface Mfr. & Gun Fluid Tip Air Cap DeVilbiss P>MBC or JGA FX” 70a Binks #18 or #62 53863. approx. 043" 1.0. Airless: Use 3/8" minimum 1.0, material hose. Hold gun ‘approximately 18-20 inches fram the surface and at a right, angle to the surface. Mfr, & Gun DeVilbiss JGB 510 Graco 205-591 Binks Mode! 700 Pump? OFAS14 or OFAS19 President 30:1 07 Bulldog 30:1 Mercury 88:36 37:1 “Teflon packings ate recommended and available from pump manufacturer, Use a 013-017" tip with 2000 ps BRUSH ROLLER: Use medium vap roller bristle brush or shor DRYING TIMES: © 2 mils (50 micron} DFT at 50% RLM. Temperature Retwoen Coats Final Cure 40°F (°C) 1218 hous 7284 hours 50°F (10°C) 1012 hours — 48-72 hours, 60°F (16°C) B10 hours 36-48 hours 78°F (24°C) 56hours 2438 hours 90°F (32°C B4hours 20-24 hours CLEAN UP: Use CARBOLINE Thinner 22 or xylo STORAGE CONDITIONS: 5 sack Temperature 35°F (2°C) to 110°F {43°C} Humidity: 0-100%% (CAUTION: CONTAINS FLAMMABLE SOLVENTS, KEEP AWAY FROM SPARKS AND OPEN FLAMES IN Con INED AREAS WORKMEN MUST VEAis FRESH AIRLINE RESMIATORS "VPERSENSIT IVE PERSONS SHOULD WEAR GLOVES OM Use PROTECTIVE CREAM ALLELECTRIC EQUIPMENT, AND INSTALLATIONS. SHOULO BE MADE AND GROUNDED IN AC COROANGE WITH! THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. IN AREAS WHERE USE NONFEAROUS TOOLS AND TO WEAR CONDUCTIVE. AND — carboline SELECTION DATA GENERIC TYPE: GP-10 Chromate Modified Alkyd Primer GP-20 Red Oxide Modifies Alkyd Primer GP-30 Red Lead Moaified Alkyd Primer GENERAL PROPERTIES: GP-10, GP-20 and GP-30 Primers are relatively fastdrying costings requiring a minimum down time. They dry to, touch in 10-12 minutes at 78°F (24°C) and are formulated, with special inhibitive pigments which make them very tesistant to atmospheric corrosion and rust undercutting The high solids content and excellent coversge make the GP-10, GP-20 and GP-30 more economical than competi tive alkyce in the same price-per-gallon range, They have excellent handling properties and trouble free application characteristics. RECOMMENDED USES: Recommended for use in any light industrial or light marine service where chemical attack is not 2 factor. When used with recommended topcoat, should be used for atmos: pheric protection of plant equipment, farm equipment, oad building machinery, pipe racks, exposed structural steel, color coding for safety zones, tenk exteriors, ladders and steel buildings. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Immersion service or splash & spillage of strong acids, alkalies or solvents. CHEMICAL RESISTANCE GUIDE (with recommended topcoat: Exposure Fumes Acids Poor Atkalies Poor Solvents Poor Salt (Brines) Good Water Excellent Excellent ‘TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE: Continuous 20°F ( 93°C) Non-Continuous 250°F (121°C) FLEXIBILITY: Excellent WEATHEKING: Excellent ABRASION RESISTANCE: Very good SUBSTRATES: Apply over properly prepared steel, treated galvanized oF aluminum, or others as recommended. TOPCOAT REQUIRED: May be topcoated with Carbotine alkyd, siliconealkyds, oiltbased paints or others a8 tecor Jan, 80-N pany twenty carta bore apectiyng orden. pata aca ‘OTierSE, NELUDING SERCHANTABKITY 243 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE product data sheet ADMIRAL GP-10, GP-20 GP-30 PRIMER mended. Specifie recommendations include Admiral AD ‘and GP finishes and Admiral HIV-70, De not topcoat with coatings containing strong solvents, such as epoxies or vinyls COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER COATINGS: Apply directly over steet substrate. Non-ferrous surfaces and new Galvanizing require a wash coat of Carboline 1037WVP prior tocoatirg, SPECIFICATION DATA THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONTENT OF MIXED MA. TERIAL: By Volume Admiral GP:10, GP-20, GP-30 40+ 2% RECOMMENDED DRY FILM THICKNESS PER COAT: 2 mils (50 microns) ‘THEORETICAL COVERAGE PER GALLON: 640 mil sq ft. (18.6 sg, m/l @ 25 microns) 320 sq. ft. at 2 mis (7.8 sq, m/l @ 50 microns) NOTE: Material losses during mixing and application will vary and must be taken into consideration when estimating job requirements, SHELF LIFE: 2 years minimum. COLORS: GP-10: Yellow 5602, Gray 5703, Green 6302 GP-20: Red 0600 GP.30: Orange 0400 ‘GLOSS: Flat ORDERING INFORMATION Prices may ve obzained from Carboline Sales Representative (or Main Office; Net 30 Days. ‘SHIPPING WEIGHT: % ‘Admiral GAO Primer 10-1/2 bs. (4.8 ka) 50-1/2bs. (22.8 ka) ‘Admiral ©P-20 Primer 10 Ibs. (4.5 kgh 50 the (22.7 kg) ‘Admiral GP-30 Primer 11 tbs. (5 kg 53. Tbe (24g) avboline Thinner #45 9 Ibs. {4.1 hg) 45 ths. (20.4 ke) Cammotine Thinner 385-9 bg. (AN) 45 ths. (20-4 ka) FLASH POINT: (Pensky-Martens Closed Cup) Carbatine GP-10, GP-20 & GP-30 ‘50°F t10°C) Carborine Thinner 45, 108°F (416) Carbotine Thinner #85 40°F (4°C) 49 ° oed9 oz-d9 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS ot intend ion, mining instruction SURFACE PREPARATION: Remove any oil or grease from surface to be coated with clean rags soaked in Carbatine Thinner #2 or Toluo! STEEL: For maximum protection dry abrasive blast to a ‘commercial blast finish in accordence with SSPC:$?6-83 to ‘a degree of cleanliness in accordance with NACE #3 to ‘obtain a profile less than 1-1/2 mil (40 microns). Merivparm surface preparation is hand tool clean in accordance with SSPC-SP2.63. MIXING: Mix to 2 uniform consistency before thinning SPRAY: Thin up to 20% by volume with Carboline Thinner #85. BRUSH: Thin up to 10% by volume with Carboline Thinner 45, APPLICATION TEMPERATURES: ‘Ma Surfaces Normat '50,90°F (10.32°C) 55,90" F (19.22°C) Minimum = 35°F (2°C) IF (2.0) Maximum — 120°F (49°C) 165°F (74°C) Ambient Humidity, Normal 55,100" F (13.36°C} 30.95% Minimum 35°F 2°C) Ox Maximum — 120°F_— (49°C) 98% Bg not apply when the surface temperature is less than 5°F (2°C) above the dew point Special thinning and application techniques may be re ‘uited above of below normal condition, SPRAY: Use od:quate air volume tor correct operation Hold gun 6-10 inches from the surtace and at ac glit angle to the surface. Use a 50% overlap with each pass of the gun, (On irregular surfaces, coat the edges first, making an extra pass later to show product recommanations fof spscific sprvice They ring inkractiont wa dopcat.on proctor mae that ie nope product mesmmandaons have an ade laned 9 an a1 in determining corrnce NOTE: The following equipment has been found suitable, ‘however, equivalent equipment may be substituted. CONVENTIONAL: Use 3/8 1.0, mininum, materiat hose, 46) Fi Air Cay Binks #18 or #62 638 63P8 Devitbiss PME or IGA Fx 704 Approx. 043" 1.0, AIRLESS: Use 3/8” LD. minimum material fine. Mir. & Gun Pump? DeVilbiss 164.5028 OFA sis Graco 205-162 President 30:1 or Bulldog 30:1 Binks 500 Mercury 6C “Teflon packings are recommended and available from ‘manufacturer. Use a 013" tip with 2000 psi. BRUSH: Use medium bristle brush. DRYING TIMES: @ 2 mil (50 micron) D.F.T. at 50% RH. Dy to DrvtoDryto_—_—Final Temperatures Touch Recoat Stack —_Cure 40°F (4°C) 30min. t2hvs, 24 hrs. BONE, 50°F (10°C) 20min. 10 hrs. «Bhs, 60 hes. BOSE (16°C) 15min. hes. 1Shrs, 4B rs, TSF (24°C) 12min. © Shes, 12 hrs, 24 hs, 90°F (32°C) 10 min. Bhs. 10s. 20 hes, CLEAN UP: Use Carboline Thinner #2 0° Xylot. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Temperature: 38°F (2°C) to 110"F (43°C) Humidity: 0-100% For moro detaited information, please consult specific Carboline Agplication Guides. ‘CAUTION: CONTAINS FLAMMABLE SOLVENTS. KEEP AWAY FROM SPARKS AND OPEN FLAMES IN CONFINED AREAS WORKMEN MUST WEAR FRESH AIRLINE RESPIRATORS. HYPERSENSITWWE PERSONS SHOULD WEAR GLOVES OR USE PROTECTIVE CREAM ALL ELSCTHIC EQUIPMENT [AND INSTALLATIONS. SHOULO BE UADE AND GROUNDED IN ACCOMDANCE WHITH VIE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ts ANEAS WMERE EXPLOSION HAZANOS EXIST. WORKMEN SHOULD SE REGUINED TO USE NONFERADUS TOOLS AND TO WEAR CONGUCTIVE AND NONSPARKING SHOES. oe carboline SELECTION DATA GENERIC TYPE: Modiied alkya GENERAL PROPERTIES: An economical, high solids, VOC compiant primer for protection of see! surfaces. Easy to apply by altess or conventional spray with fast dey charactensties for shop applications. Good resistance to general atmospheric weathering 190d weathering and flexibility High soids. fast dry primer Excelient in-shop characteristics ead and chromatetree Meets most VOC (Volaile Organic Content) regulations RECOMMENDED USES: As a shop primer for use with recommended topcoats on structural steel, railcar, tank fextenors, piping and equipenent NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Immersion sence, exposure 10 acid, alkalies or strong solvents, application over 2c nich primers oF concrete CHEMICAL RESISTANCE, CARBOLINE GPS not intended without a suitable to 18 PRIMER to be used as a chemical resistant coating sont’ Please refer to the topcoat product data sheet for system resistance, ‘TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE: (Dry) Continuous 200'F Non-continuous 50°F ( SUBSTRATES: Apply over properly prepared steal, other fetraus metals of wood as recommended COMPATIBLE COATINGS: prepared substrates Apply diectly to properly May be topcoated with alkyds, siicone-slkyds, olkbased coatings, acrylics or others as recommended’ A west patch 1 recommended when ropcoating with coatings canting strong solvents Aug 97 Replaces Aug 96 product data sheet CARBOLINE’ GP 818 PRIMER VOG> SPECIFICATION DATA ‘THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONTENT: By Volume CARBOLINE GP 818 PRIMER Bree VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENT (VOC): The following are nominal values al 399 RECOMMENDED DAY FILM THICKNESS PER COAT: 2 mas (60 microns} Total dry film thickness in excess of 4 mils (100 anictons) is ‘ol recommended THEORETICAL COVERAGE: 994 ipl (24.8 at 25 microns) 497 fat 2 mls (12.4 m fl at 50 microns) Muxing and application fosses will vary and must be taken Ito consideration when estimating jab requirements STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store widoors femperature: 40:1 10°F (4:43°C) Humidity 0-90) SHELF LIFE: 24 months when stored indoors at 75 (24G), COLORS: Fed (0500) Stan ‘upon special request Wd. Other colors avaliable GLOSS: Fist ORDERING INFORMATION Paces may be obtained from your Carboline Representative or Carbolino Customer Senvico APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT: Is 5s CARBOLINE GP 818 PRIMER, Ios 75 ths (7g) tg Thinner 10 Bibs 4s (akg) taka) FLASH POINT: (Setatlash} CARBOLINE GP 818 PRIMER, 82°F (28°C) Tanner 10 BaF (28°C) p28 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS CARBOLINE® GP 818 PRIMER Ines seston rr edo SURFACE PREPARATION: Flomove all ol orgiease trom the surface ta be coated with Thinner 2 or Carbolme ‘Surlace Cleaner 3 {refer to Surface Cleaner 3 Instructions) maceoedanes wih SSPC-SP 1 Sleek For maximum performance, abrasive blast to a Commeicial Fine wn accordance wih SSPC-SP 6 and obiain a We em (40 mvcion) profile, Minimum surtaca preparation 1 Hand Tool cleaning in accordance with SSPC-SP 2. MIXING: Powor mux to untorm consistency before using THINNING: May be thinned up to 13 ozigal with Thinner 10 for hot of windy Conettions or as ambient concitons dictate Use of thinners other than those supplied or approved by Carboline may adversely affect product performance and void product warranty, whottier expuss or implied. APPLICATION GONDITIONS: Material Surface Ambient Humidity Noma “S90 SEGDF 55.100 30-90% (oe (aE) SANE) Maman aD F oF ar om wo) 4G) Mammum — 120F 168 9% 9c) 4c) GD o not apply when the surlace temperature is less than 5°F 19r3°C above the dew point Special thinning and application techniques may be: required above or below normal condtions ‘Aug 97 Replaces Aug 96 TEINS a aryce They 3/8 i a kW Ate de ap meng Wanons and ric resommestns he vaen SPRAY: The folowing spray equypmient has been found suitable and is available trum manuaciarers such as Binks, DavVibiss and Graco, Conventional: Prassure pot equipped sath dual regulates, air pawored agitator, 38" .D. minimum material hose, 082" 11D. fad ip and appropriate air cap. Airtess: Pump Ratio 30:1 (mun) GPM Output 3.0 (mn) Matonal Hose "LD (rin) Tip Size o1a"-017) Output ps 1800-2000 ence Size 0 100 mesh “Toflon packings are recommencted and are available trom the pump manufacturer BRUSH OR ROLLER: For small areas or touctv-up only Use a natural bristle brush applying full stokes. Use a. short nap mohair rollar wth a phenolic core Avoid rebrushing or weralling DRYING TIMES: These tenes are based on a 2 mil (60 micron) dry fim thekness. Highor firs thickness, sufficient ventiation oF cooler temperatures wal longtion cure tine. ‘Surface Temperature 75°F (24°C) CLEAN UP: Use Thinner 2 CAUTION: READ ANO FOLLOW ALL CAUTION STATE- MENTS ON THIS PRODUCT DATA SHEET, THE PRODUCT LABEL AND ON THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR THIS PRODUCT. CAUTION: CONTANS FLAMMABLE SOLVENTS. KEEP AWAY FROM SPARKS AND OPEN FLAMES. IN CONFINED AREAS IN CONFIW'D AREAS: \WORKHEN MUST WEAR FRESH AIRLINE RESPIRATORS. HYPERSENSITIVE PERSONS SHOULD WE AR GLOVES Of USE PROTECTIVE CRFAW. ALL ELECTHIC EQUIPNENT AND INSTALLATIONS SHOULD BE MADE AND GROUNDED I ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC GOOF. ty ALAS WHERE EXPLOSAM HAZAROS Ex18T, WORKMEN SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO USE MONFENROUS TOOLS AND TO WEAR CONDIICTIVE a0 NONSPARKING SHOES oe carboline. VOGr SELECTION DATA GENERIC TYPE: Modties alkyd GENERAL PROPERTIES: Contains selected penetrating resins and inhibitive pigments which permit tight bonding to non-sandblasted surfaces and protoct the surface trom corrosion for extended peniods. Requires only 2 mils (50 ‘mictans} ot ary tim thickness to provide 6 to 12 months of ‘exterior weatitering prior to finish coating, Interior surfaces, in protected areas may not require topcoating unless desired tor color. RECOMMENDED USES: As a shop pimer for structural steel, pivts racks, tar joists, machinery, pipe exteriors, tank exteriors and equipment thal is to be finish coated at allater time. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Immersion service, or splash and spillage of acids, alkalies or solvents TYPICAL CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: Exposure Splash & Spillage Acids NAL Fair-Poor Alkalios NA NR Solvents NR Fair-Poor Salt Very Good Very Good Water Excellent Excellent NA = Not recommended ‘TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE (Non-immersion} Continuous: 200°F (93°C) Noa-Gontinuous: — 250°F (121°C) SUBSTRATES: Apply over properly prepared stee! surfaces or olhors as recommended COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER COATINGS: May be topcoated with alkyds, silicone-alkyds or others as recommended. Apri 97 Replaces DEC 95 product data sheet SHOP PRIMER 1 SPECIFICATION DATA ‘THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONTENT OF MIXED MATERIAL: By Volume SHOP PRIMER 155% + 3% VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENT: The following are nominal values As Supplied: 2.75 - 2.60 Ibsigal (330 - 335 gf} Thinner ——ozgal Sbsfaal a 45 13 308 364 a5 82 3.46 415 ECOWMENDED DAY FILM THICKNESS PER COAT: 2 mils (50 microns) ‘THEORETICAL COVERAGE PER MIXED GALLON: {882 mil (21.7 mM at 25 microns) 4411 at 2 mils (10.8 mi at 50 microns) Material losses during mixing and application will vary and must be taken into consideration when estimating job requirements STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store indoors. Temperature 40-110°F (4-49°C) Humidity: 0-95% SHELF LIFE. 24 montns when stored indoors at 75°F (240) COLORS: 9999 medium red to dark purple - color cannot bbe matched and varies trom batch to batch, GLOSS: Flat to Semi-gioss. ORDERING INFORMATION Prices may be obtained from your Carboline Sales Representative or Caiboline Customer Service. APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT: Is 58 SHOP PRIMER 1 14 Ibs (6.2kg) 86 Ibs (30.7 kg) Thine 45; Bibs (4.1 kg) 45 bs (20.4 kg) Thinner 85 ibs ( 45 lbs (20.4 kg) FLASH POINT: (Setatlash) SHOP PRIMER — 90°F (92°C) Thinner 45 10s"F (a1"G) Thinner 8s 40"F a") 9se¢ APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS SHOP PRIMER 1 SURFACE PREPARATION: Remove all oil or grease from the surface to be coated with Thinner 2 or Carbotine Surface Cleaner 3 refer to Surface Cleaner 3 instructions} in accordance with SSPC-SP 1 Steel: For maximum protection, abrasive blast to a Commercial Finish in accardance with SSPC-SP 6 and obtain a 1-1! mil (25-38 micron) blast profile. Minimum surface preparation is Hand Too! cleaning in accordance with SSPC-SP 2 MIXING: Power mix to a uniform consistency. Spray: May be thinned up to 32 o2/gal with Thinner 85. Brush/Roller: May be thinned up to 13 o2/gal with Thinner 48. Use of thinners other then those supplied or approved by Carboline may adversely affect product pertarmance and vord product warranty, whether express or implied APPLICATION CONDITIONS Moteria) Surface Humidity Noma “SOF SE Q0F 55 100F 30-80% (e320) 19420) (53.38°0) Minimum 35°F 36°F SSF o% oo) (ee) Maximum 120° 16551209 % rc) 74) BC) Do not apply when the surface temperature is less than 5°F of 3°C above the dew point Special thinning and application techniques may be required above or below normai conditions, April 97 Replaces DEC 95 sors Wr oui stv. Thy ae nd on aed dating are sae papain. ang sens and sacred mat eae aerators Fe bien my Ten melon old be lawed See aoa me sonar seece Fam SPRAY: The following equipment nas been found ‘suitable and is available from manufacturers such as Binks, DeVilbiss and Graco. Conventional: Pressure pot equipped with dual regulators, 3/8" minimum |,.D. maternal hose, 052" 1D. {luid tp and appropriate air cap. Airless: Pump Ratio: 30.1 (min) GPM Output 3.0 (min) Materia! Hose: 3/8" 1. (min} Tip Size. 013-017 Output PS——-2000-2300 “Teflon packings are recommended and are avai from the manutactuter. BRUSH OR ROLLER: Use medium bristle brush or a short nap raller. Avoid rebrushing or rerotling DRYING TIMES: These times are based on a 2 mil (50 micron} dry film thickness, Excessive film thickness, insufficient ventilation or cooler temperatures will require lorger cure timas and could result in solvent entrapment and premature failure. Dry ta touch at 75°F (24°C): 1 hour DrytoHandie Dry to Recoat 40°F (4°C) 24 hours 48 hours 50°F (10°C) 12hours 36 hours 80°F (16°C) B hours 24 hours 75° (24°C) 4 hours i2 hours 90°F (32°C) 2 hours Bhours CLEAN UP: Use Thinner 2. CAUTION. CONTAINS FLANMASLE SOLVENTS. AEE AWA) EROM SPARKS AND GPEN FLAMES. IN CONFINED AREAS WORKMEN MuST Weng PRES AIMNE RESEARTORS. HYPERGENSTIIVE PERSONS SHOUD WEAR GLOVES Of USE PROTECTIVE CREAM ALL" LECTRIC OUPMENT AND INSTALLATIONS SHOUL DBE MAG AND GROUNDED INACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL CLECTRICAE CODE "IV AREAS WHERE EXPLOSION PAZAROS EXIST. WORKMEN SHOULD Gi HEQUINED TO USE NONFERROUS TOOLS AND TO WEAR CONDUCTIVE AND NONSPARKING SHOES. a See, carboline product data sheet RUSTARMOR 29 VOG SELECTION DATA GENERIC TYPE: moditied alkyd GENERAL PROPERTIES: RUSTARMOR 29 primer has selected penetrating oils and inhibitive pigments which permit the coating to bond tightly to nor-sandblasted Multiinhibitive pigmented, soya surfaces and protect the surface fram further corrosion for extended periods. Because of its high volume solids content, it has an economical coverage rate. Can be applied by brush or spray, RECOMMENDFD USES: As a prime coat usually applied to steet structures in the field or shop, such as Structural steel, tank exteriors, machinery, equipment, pipe exteriors, pipe racks, bar joists and other ferrous. Surfaces not exposed to severe chemical attack, NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: immersion service, or splash and spillage of acids, alkalies or solvents. CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: RUSTARMOR 29 is not intended to be used aS a chemical resistant coating without @ suitable topcoat. Please refer to the topcoat product data sheet for system resistance. TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE (Non-immersion) Continuous: 200°F (93°C) Non-Continuous: 250°F (121°C) FLEXIBILITY: Good WEATHERING: Excellent ABRASION RESISTANCE: Good SUBSTRATES: Apply over properly prepared steel surfaces or others as recommended. TOPCOAT REQUIRED: May be topcoated with CARBO- LINE alkyds, silicone-alkyds, polyesters, and_many epoxies and polyurethanes, Contact Technical Service for further information. COMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER COATINGS: Apply directly to substrate, MARCH 95N «RO OTHER WARRANTY OW GUARANTWE Cr Nv x i RCUTABLITY AND FUMES FOR A PARIS Smeets SPECIFICATION DATA ‘THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONTENT OF MIXED. MATERIAL: Sy Volume RUSTARMOR 29 59% * 2% VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENT {voc}: The following aro nominal values: As supplied: 2.65 Insigal. {318 gramsfiter) THINNED: Utilizing Thinner #45 Fwd Pounds! — Grams/ % Thinned —_OuncesiGel 3% 10 348 RECOMMENDED DRY FILM THICKNESS PER COAT: 2- 3.5 mils THEORETICAL COVERAGE PER MIXED GALLON:* 846 mils sq. ft. (23.6 sq. mil at 25 microns) 473 59g, ft. at 2 mils (17.8 sq. anil at 50 «icrons} “NOTE: Materia! fusses during mixing application will vary and must be taken into consideration when estimating job requirements, SHELF UIFE: 24 months minimum when stored at 75°F (24°C COLORS: Red 0500, Gray 0700 GLoss: Flat ORDERING INFORMATION Prices may be obtained from your locat Carboline Sales Representative or Carboline Customer Service Depart ment APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT vs Bs USTARMOR 29 14 Ibs, (6 kal 66 Ibs. (30 kg) Trinner #45 9 Ibs. (4 kg) 45 ths. (20 kal Thinner #85 9 ths. (4 kg) 45 ths. (20 kal FLASH POINT: (Pensky-Martens Closed Cup! RUSTARMOR 29 BaF (29°C) CARBOLINE Thinner #45 1O5F (41°C) CARBOLINE Thinner #85 40°F {4"C) ezav AD29 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS RUSTARMOR 29 SURFACE PREPARATION: Remove any oil or grease from surface to be coated with clean rags soaked CARBOLINE Thinner #2 n accordance with SSPC-SP T- 82 Stool: For maximum protection, abrasive blast to a Commercial Blast Finish in accordance with SSPC'SP 6-82 to a degree of cleanliness in accordance with NACE #3 to optain a profile less than 1% mils (40 microns). Minimum surface preparation is hand tool cleaning in accordance with SSPC-SP 2-82. MIXING: Power mix to a uniform consistency before thinning ‘Spray: Thin up to 25% by volune with CARBOLINE Thinner #85. Brush: Thin up to 10% by volume with CARBOLINE Thinner #45, NOTE: Use of thinners other than those supplied ot approved by Carboline may adversely affect product Performance and void product warranty, whether express or unplied. APPLICATION TEMPERATURES: Moers! Surfaces, Norma) “50.90% 5.00% near = asse0 sae} Minimum 350") SSFING SSI Om Masium 1207189C)—L6BFIIATC) aH oH Do not apply when the surface temperature is less than 5°F, or 3°C above the dew point Special thinning and application techniques may be fequired above the dew point. SPRAY: Use sufficient air volume for carrect operation of equipment. Use a 50% averlap with each pass of the gun. On irregular surtaces, coat the eclges first, Making an extra pass later. NOTE: The following equipment has been found suit able, however, equivalent equinment may be substitut: eo, MARCH 95N CONTAINS FLaMnoLe SOLVENTS. KEEP AWAY FROM SPASMS AD OFON FLAMES Conventional: Use 3/6" minimum 1.D. material hose, Mold gun approxinately 12-14 inches from the surlace and at a right angle t0 the sutace. Mfr, & Gun uid Tip Air Cap Binks #18 or #62 6ac 63 PB DeVilbiss PMBC or JGA FF 704 Airless: Use 3/8" minimum 1.0. material hose. Hold gun approximately 18.20 inches tom the surtace and at a right angle to the swface. Mtr, & Guo DeVilbiss JGR-507 Graco 205-591 Binks Model 700 Pumps OFA514 or OFAS19 President 30:1 of Bulldog 30:1 Mescury 6C of BB-38 3/:1 recommended and are available Use a .013" - .017" tip with “Teflon packings a from manufacturer. 2000 psi BRUSH OR ROLLER; Use medium bristle brush or short nap roller. Avoid rebtushing or reroling. DRYING TIMES: 2 mils 150 micron} DFT at 60% RH. Dry to Touch at 75°F (24°C) - 1 how Dry to Handle at 75°F (26°C) - 4 hours Dry to Racost Dry to Recoat® wt kde Acrylics Fig Cue sor wc) abe. Beds SOF MOC) 36 hes 4 aay SOF (16) 28 us 3% dave 78 (240) 12 hs. 3 devs ‘Adhesion develops over a period of time. Wait 30 days before doing adhesinn testing. CLEAN UP: Use CARBOLINE Thinner #2. STORAGE CONDITIONS: (Store indoors) ‘Temperature: 35°F (2°C) to 110°%F (43°C) Humidity: 0-100% CAUTION: READ AND FOLLOW ALL CAUTION STATEMENTS ON THIS PRODUCT DATA SHEET AND (ON THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR THIS PRODUCT. carboline product data sheet CARBOLINE” DTM 58 VOC SELECTION DATA GENERIC TYPE: Modified medium oil atkyd. Leatt and chromate fee GENERAL PROPERTIES: A high solids, VOC complieat high gloss alkyd that dries 10a uniform tou tiem Provides good protection in mild environments without primer over sultably prepared metal surtaces. # High sotds, High glass alkya. ¢¢ Excetlent application properties, # Quick dry characteristics. © Good corrs.on protection and weatherability Excellent flexbalty © VOC (Volatile Organic Content) compliant RECOMMENDED USES: As a solf priming directto:metal finish for railcars, tank exteriors, piping, miscellaneous ‘metal partsand equipment, May be used over most alkyd primers for adkitional protection. To be used where a Cambinatian of high gloss appearance, single coat appl cation, moderate protection, and econorny dictate NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: immersion service or splash and spillage of acids, alkalies or strong solvents, TYPICAL CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: Exposure Splash & Spillage Fumes Acids NR Poor Alkalies NA Poor Solvents NR Poor Salt Good Good Water Excellent Excellent ‘TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE Continuous: 200 F (93 C) Non-continuous: 260 F £127" €) SUBSTRATES: Apply over properly prepared metal or oth fers as recommended TOPCOAT REQUIRED: None. Optional second coat 0 hv wise af a separate primer will give a longer serviee ite COMPATIBLE COATINGS: May ba applied ove: most aikyd primers oF direct to steet SPECIFICATION DATA ‘THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONTENT OF MIXED MATERIAL: CARBOUNE DTM 58 May 88. Replaces Apr 88.N VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENT? {As Supplied: 3.05 (366.91) Thinned: The following are nomina values ut CARBOLINE Thinner #10. Avia Pounds’ Grams! %Thinned —_OuncesGak_—_Gallon. 10% 3 aaa *May vary with certain colors, RECUMMENDED DRY FILM THICKNESS: 84 mils (78 100 microns). 2 3 mils (50-75 microns| when used with a primes Im thickness must be achioved with a special technique. See Spray section under Application Instructions. THEORETICAL COVERAGE PER MIXED GALLON. ‘840 mil sq.ft (23.2 sq, mt at 25 microns) 310 sq. ft at 3 mils (7-7 9a, mvt at 75 mierons) Mixing ane! application losses will vary and must be taken into consideration when estimating job requirements. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store Indoors Temperature: 35-110" (2-43°C) Humidity: 090% SHELF LIFE: Twenty tour months when stored at 75. (24 cy COLORS: Available in a variety of colors. Consult your local Caroline Representative or Customer Service Repre sentative for avaiability GLOSS: High ORDERING INFORMATION Prices may be obtained from your local Carboline Sales Representative or Customer Service Representative, APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT: vs Bs CARBOLINE DTM 58. T2ihs (kg) 57 ibs. 26 kal CARBOLINE Thinner #10 Bibs. (kg) 39s. (78 ka) FLASH POINT: (Pensky Martens Closed Cup) CARBOLINE DTM 58 CARBOLINE Thinner #10 45°F (°C) 83°F (28°C! sswa 8 & APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS SURFACE PREPARATION: Remove any oil or grease from surface 10 be coated with clean rags soaked in CARBOLINE Thinner #2 in accordance with SSPC-SP 1 Steol: For maximum protection, abrasive blast to a Commercial Finish in accordance with SSPC-SP 6 to obtain a profile of 7-1/2 mits (a0 microns}. Minimum surface preparations hand tool clean in accordance with SSPC-SP 2, MIXING: Pows mixto a uniform consistency before using THINNING: Thinning not normally requited of most appli ‘ations. May be thinned §-10% with CARBOLINE Thinner #Owhere conditions dictate. Refer to Spacification Data for VOC information, Use of thinners other than thase supplied or approved by Carbolinemay adversely affect product performance and will void product warranty whether express or implied. APPLICATION CONDITIONS: Su Normal S09 F SSE S510 F cose c) (133r 13.98) Minsum 35°F 2°O) FEC IFC) Oe Maximum —12EF (49°C) Yes" FAH Ch IIT FAB’ C) 5% Do not apply when the surface temperature is less than 5 For 2 C above the dew point ‘Special thinning and application techniques may be 1: {uited above or below normal conditions. SPRAY: The following spray equipment has been found Suitable and 1s available from manufacturers such as Binks, DeVilbiss and Graco specie seco. they aes Instructors an appicatan posedur ts assist he rope ruc tecamrcndavonshacetonensede indatermining covet sien areparaon mixing rucion shove folowed aosiioasteh A tack coat followed by a full coat technique is required for appearance and ease of application. Minimum time bbetwoen tock coat and full coal is one minute to allow solvent to flash, Conventional: Pressure pot equippad with dual regustors, 38D. minimum material hose, 0.052". lui tip and Sppropriat a-cap. Airless: Pump Ratio: 30:1 (min) GPM Output: 30(min. Material Hose: 3/81. (min.) Tip Size: 013.017" Output psi: 1800-2000 Filter: 60 mesh. Teflon packings are recommended and are available from the pur manufacturer. BRUSH OR ROLLER: For small aroas or touch uponty. Use ‘a medium bristle brush, applying with full strokes. Avoid rebrushing. DRYING TIMES: These times are hased on recommended dry film thicknoss at /3° F (24° C), To Touch: 40 mirutes To Recoat: 40 minutes To Stoneil: #12 hours ‘CLEANUP: Use CARBOLINE Thinner #2. CAUTION: READ AND FOLLOW ALL CAUTION STATE: MENTS ON THIS PRODUCT DATA SHEET AND ON THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR THIS PRODUCT. CAUTION: CONTAINS FLAMMABLE SOLVENTS. KEEP AWAY FROM SPARKS AND OPEN FLAMES. IN CONFINED AREAS WORKMEN MUST WEAR FRESH AIRLINE RESPIRATORS. HYPLREF NAIVE PEAGONS SHOULD WEAR GLOVES OR USE PROTECTIVE CREAM ALL ELECTING EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATIONS. SHOUD BE WADE AND GAOUNGED IN ACCORDANE T WITH THE NATIONAL ELEGTAIGAL CODE IN AREAS WHERE EXPLOSION HAZARDS EXIST WORKMEN SHOIILD BE REGLINED. TO USE NONFERAGUS TOOLS AND TO. WEAR CONDUCTIVE. AND RONSPARING SHOES,

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