Amorvet: 'AMORVET' An Attraction For Those Who Urge Quality..

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(Animal Health Division of AROSOL)

Research based Herbal Products & Nutritional Feed Supplements

Natural Lysine, Choline & Threonine
Herbal Respiratory, Diarrhoea & Anti-coccidials
Vitamins-Minerals Powder Premix & Liq. Blends
Herbal Vit. C & Vit. E Replacer Feed Additives for
Calcium based milk booster products Poultry & Swine
Electrolytes, Toxin Binders & Acidifiers
Disinfectants & Sanitizers

'AMORVET' an attraction for those who urge quality...

An ISO 9001:2000, HACCP as per EU & G.M.P Certified Company

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Ph. +91 9412233791, 011-41023959, 41323751,
Each 100 gm Contains:

Plant Powder of
Andrographis paniculata 35 gm
Ocimum sanctum 25 gm
Asparagus racemosus 10 gm
Replacer of Synthetic Methionine
Methorganic is the natural herbal alternate to dl-Methionine
that has same mechanism of action in the body as of the DOSAGE:
synthetic dl-methionine. The product makes the replacement Replace the usage of synthetic dl-Methionine with
and is more bio-available in the blood serum; the product is Herbal Methorganic. If farm uses 1kg dl-Methionine in
more heat stable and the perfect compound for the Pellet and per ton of feed then he must use 500 gm of herbal
mesh Feed. Methorganic helps in detoxification, protect from Methorganic + 500 gm of dl-Methionine in 1 ton of feed,
muscular weakness, scavenges oxygen free radicals, induces it will give the same results with better bioavailability
metabolic processes, encourages healthy collagen formation and economics.
and helps in proper bone formation.
Provides Methionine to the bird for optimum growth
Strengthen liver functioning
Maintain healthy & lively state
Support synthesis of newer cells. PRESENTATION:
Optimizes hatchability 1 Kg Pack, 20 Kg Pack and 25kg Pack
Improves skeletal & muscular growth
Improves FCR


Each 100 gm contains
Oryza sativa 30%

Andrographis paniculata 25%
Azadirachta indica 25%
Ocimum sanctum 20%
Natural replacement of l-Lysine upto 50%
LYSINEMOR is herbal blend of organic product for natural l-
Lysine supplement along with other growth promoting herbs. It
acts as liver protein donor, highly bioavailable and support liver DOSAGE:
functioning. LYSINEMOR ensures 50% replacement of l-
lysine with itself if used 1kg per ton of feed. It promotes proper If l-lysine is used 1 Kg MT of feed, then in the
growth, support conversion of fatty acids into energy, helping to case of LYSINEMOR 500gms of l-lysine and
lower cholesterol, enhance calcium absorption, and maintain 500gms of LYSINEMOR is recommended
strength of bones and connective tissues. or as directed by veterinary consultant

Improves metabolism & feed utilization ratio and results in better
feed conversion, growth and productivity
Enhance effective weight gain & better quality of egg in Layers
Enhance Body resistance & Immunity
Helpful in optimum cell synthesis hence it provides basic building PRESENTATION:
blocks for newer cells 1 Kg Pack and 20 Kg Pack
Healthy digestion, energy production & detoxification
Improve liver function
Each 100 gm. Powder contains
Ocimum sanctum 20 gms
Herbal Choline Powder Andrographis paniculata 35 gms
Silybum marianum 10 gms
Natural & Highly Bio-available replacement
Glycine max 15 gms
to synthetic Choline Chloride & Biotin Azadirachta indica 20 gms
Choline-H is a blend of herbal Choline and biotin that helps in
maintaining liver function, promote adequate protein synthesis
and its optimum utilization. Choline-H helps in scavenging
oxygen free radicals, promotes regeneration of damage tissues
and cells, protect from stress condition, maintain fertility and DOSAGE:
improve immunity. In poultry, it enhances egg production, 500 gm can replace 1 kg of synthetic
improve egg quality and hatchability, protect from feather loss choline chloride & 150mg of Biotin.
and early mortality.
Improve growth & performance
Maintain body weight
Reduces risk of liver disorders
Helps to cope with microbial infections
Helps to cope Anxiety, stress and pain PRESENTATION:
Enhances wound healing
Powder: 20 Kg & 25 kg bag
Enhances protein utilization
Enhances feed utilization & Feed Conversion Ratio


Chickyolk Liquid
Combination of rare Biological Herbs from Indian
Mountainous Forests.

Dissolve yolk in proper way and thus prevents
HERBAL YOLK bacterial infections
DISSOLVER Prevents Salmoneiosis
Helps in proper faecal discharge
IN CHICKS Stimulates metabolism thus improves
Chickyolk is a unique herbal product from Amorvet Improves gut function & FCR
which helps chicks at early age to dissolve yolk as well Replenish the lost nutrients and micro flora to
enhance nutrient utilization
prevent infection which are related with it. Chickyolk is a
Reduces stress due to over crowding,
healthy and safe parallel product against antibiotics which
transportation or weather changes
is common practice is poultry at early age.

10-15 ml per 100 chicks in the drinking water 500 ml., 1 Litre & 5 Litre
daily or as directed by veterinary consultant
Each 100 ml contains
Eucalyptus globulus 10 ml
Thymus vulgaris 03 ml
Mentha piperita 05 ml

Cinnamomum camphora
Ocimum sanctum
l0 ml
01 ml
08 ml
Eucalyptus Oil Based
Herbal Respiratory tonic
Oil Emuisitying Base q.s. to 100 ml

MINTORESP specially blended withnatural herbs to

support healthy lungs and respiratory tract of target
species. MINTORESP is an eminent natural expectorant, POULTRY & SWINE:
natural anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-coughing 2-3 ml per 100 birds
activity helps in liquefying thick and sticky mucous and 200-250 ml/1000Liters water for prevention in farms
ease the breathing process and protect from pain and recommended from 11-18 days then 28-35 days.
inflammation in respiratory tract. 250 ml/1000Liters water to support at initial stage
250 ml/1000Liters water as supportive with other therapy
BENEFITS: 500 Liter/1000Liters water to support at chronic stage or as
Support ease in respiration directed by veterinary consultant
Keep respiratory system free from mucus
Promote mucus dilution
Reduces risk of stress, inflammation and pain
Facilitates easy breathing with optimum uptake of oxygen PRESENTATION:
Maintain respiratory system during the changing weather 250ML, 500ML & 1 LTR


SUMMER Each 100 gm contains

Mangifera indica
Mentha piperita

SHIELD Powder & Liquid

Ocimum basilicum
Withania somnifera
Emblica officinalis
Convolvulus alsinoides 10%
Powerful Anti Heat & Oxidative LIQUID:
Stress with Growth Promoter Each 100 ml contains
Ocimum basilicum 10 gm
Summer Shield herbal feed supplement that helps in Withania somnifera 08 gm
increasing the non-specific resistance of organisms against Bacopa monnieri 10 gm
stress and anxiety. It efficiently helps to enhance stress Emblica officinalis 05 gm
tolerance and energy production. It support and helps in Electrolytes 01 gm
promoting the ability of organism to adapt harse Aq. Base q.s.
environmental factors. Summer Shield helps in maintaining
proper growth and performance. DOSAGE:
Inclusion rate:-
BENIFITS: Livestock feed :1- 2 Kg. Per MT of prepared
Adaptogen Poultry feed :1 Kg. Per MT of prepared
Helps normalize glucocorticoid levels direction for use
Detoxifier Liquid :1 Ltr/1000 Ltrs of drinking water
Improve FCR or as directed by veterinary consultant
Natural energizer
Supports stress adaptation PRESENTATION:
Maintains acid-base balance Powder : 1 Kg. & 25 Kg. Paper Bag
Reduces mortality rate Liquid : 1 Liter Bottle & 5 Liter Jar
Helpful in various stress like cold, hot & oxidative

Powder & Liquid
Each 100ml contains aqueous
extract of the following herbs:
Carduus marianus
Tephrosia purpurea

Herbal Liver Tonic Cichorium intybus

Picrorrhiza kurroa
Hepatostimulant, Hepatogenerative and Hepatoprotective Phyllanthus niruri 3%
Liver Tonic. Contains potent herbal extracts & formulate Eclipta alba 3%
specially for liver ailments in cattle with optimum utilization Boerhaavia diffusa 4%
and absorption for target oriented result. Andrographis paniculata 4%
Solanum nigrum 3%
BENEFITS: Terminalia chebula 3%
Improves liver functions
Enhances breeding and immunity performance
Better feed intake and nutrient metabolism
Enhances digestibility and keep animals active & alert FOR POWDER:
Better milk production, Stimulates appetite Each 100 gm. contains:
Better weight, Reduce mortality Tephrosia purpurea 40 gm
Andrographis paniculata 20 gm
DOSAGE: Eclipta alba 20 gm
Liquid (For Each 100 Birds) Taraxacum officinalis 04 gm
Chicks : 10 ml Daily Silybum marianum 04 gm
Growers & Broilers : 15- 20 ml Daily Picrorhiza kurroa 02 gm
Layers : 40 ml Daily Phyllanthus niruri 10 gm
Swine : 50 ml Daily
Inclusion: : 1 Ltr. in 1000 Ltr of drinking of
water or as directed by veterinary consultant
POWDER: 1 KG Per ton of feed PRESENTATION: 500 ml., 1 Litre & 5 Litre
or as directed by veterinary consultant

Am rGarlic Liquid & Powder

Each 100 gm Contains
Origanum vulgare
Allium sativum
Ocimum sanctum 15%
Combination of Oregano & Garlic Azadirachata indica 10%
Cinnamomum zeylanicum 10%
AMOR GARLC herbal preparation keeps poultry intestinal
and immune system healthy, stimulate gut motility, improve Trachyspermum ammi 10%
appetite, feed absorption and body weight. AMOR GARLC Excipients q.s.
exert stimulating effect on intestinal tract, promote growth of
intestinal villi, enhances energy level, helps in strengthening
body muscles and tissues, scavenge oxygen free radicals,
protect from respiratory disorders and risk of early death and DOSAGE:
supports high yield, quality and health of target species. Powder: 500 gm per tonne of prepared feed
Liquid : 1 ml per 2 litre of drinking water or as directed
by veterinary consultant.

Good for healthy gut functioning
Good to stimulate respiratory system
Good to maintain immunity and resist stress PRESENTATION:
Good to scavenge oxygen free radicals Powder : 1 kg & 20 kg bag.
Liquid : 500 ml, 1 liter & 5 liters
Good for better egg yield and quality
Good to protect from risk of harmful parasites

Each 100 ml contains
Punica granatum 10 %
Aegle marmelos 20 %
Tinospora cordifolia 10 %
Powder & Liquid Cyperus rotundus 10 %
Herbal protection to cope with Acacia catechu 05 %

Diarrhoea & Dysentery POWDER:

Desenta is combination of natural herbs phenomena of poultry Each 100 gm contains
care intend to keep them free from the digestive imbalance, Punica granatum 20%
acute diarrhoea and dysenteric conditions. The pathogenesis of Aegle marmelos 30%
diarrhoea and dysentery causing organism get adhere to Tinospora cordifolia 20%
intestinal tract and its membrane and obstruct intestinal Cyperus rotundus 20%
functioning and absorption that causes malabsorption and Acacia catechu 10%
diarrhoea as well as production of harmful toxins. It helps
inwound healing, induces clearing off toxin and microbes from
intestinal walls stimulate digestion and promote ease in DOSAGE:
intestinal functioning. 1-2 kg/ MT of feed
1-2 Ltr/1000 Ltrs of drinking of water
BENEFITS: or as directed by veterinary consultant.
Helps in maintaining gut health
Helps in maintain digestion
Helps in proper protein utilization PRESENTATION:
Helps in protecting from dehydration Powder : 1 Kg & 25 Kg
Helps in maintain appetite, FCR and feed absorption Liquid : 1 Ltr & 5 Ltr
Helps in enhancing growth and performance


Each 100 ml contains:
Calendula officinalis 02 gm
Emblica officinalis 05 gm
Allium sativum 05 gm
Ocimum basilicum 05 gm

IMMUMOR Liquid & Powder

Echinacea purpurea
Withania somnifera
Panax ginseng
05 gm
10 gm
10 gm
q.s. to 100 ml

Herbal Immuno booster & Growth Promoter POWDER:

IMMUMOR animal feed supplement helps to maintain a Each 100 gm contains:
disease free State, delays the ageing process, maintain Echinacea purpurea 10 gm
the growth and improve mental health, aid as natural Calendula officinalis 10 gm
Adaptogen, promotes FCR, Early Weight gain, stimulate Withania somnifera 20 gm
body tissues, enhances rejuvenation process and overall Panax ginseng 10 gm
improves immunity. Ocimum basilicum 20 gm
Emblica officinalis 15 gm
BENEFITS: Allium sativum 15 gm
Helps in improving immunity & growth
Helps to promote feed and nutrient absorption
Reduces recovering period
Natural way to protect from stress DOSAGE:
Improves vaccination efficiency Powder: Mix 1 Kg per MT of prepared feed
Liquid: 1-2 Ltr per 1000 Ltr of drinking water
PRESENTATION: or as directed by veterinary consultant
Powder: 1 Kg. pack & 20 Kg. pack
Liquid: 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr & 30 Ltr
Each 100 ml contains
Sensory Additives:
Flavoring compounds:

Citrus limon 10 %
Psidium guajava 10 %
Emblica officinalis 10 %
Powder & Liquid Citrus sinensis 10 %
Carica papaya 10 %
Natural replacement to synthetic Aqua q.s. 100 %
Vitamin C with bioflvonoids
Bio-C Complex natural Vitamin C replacer enriched with Each 100 gm contains
bioflavonoids helps in scavenging oxygen free radicals, Sensory Additives:
improves optimum cell synthesis, delayed ageing process and Flavoring compounds:
enhances shelf life. Bio-C Complex helps in strengthening Citrus limon 20 %
body muscles and connective tissues and improves immunity. Psidium guajava 10 %
Emblica officinalis 40 %
INDICATION: Citrus sinensis 20 %
Reduced growth & production Carica papaya 10 %
Oxidative and summer stress
Weak immune system Powder
Reduced rumen efficiency & nutrient utilization Poultry, Fish & Shrimp : 500 gms per MT of feed
Inflammation, Pain & microbial infections
Poultry: : 500 ml/1000 Ltr of water
PRESENTATION: Large Animals : 40-50 ml per day
Powder: 1 kg & 25 kg bag Small Animals : 20-30 ml per day
Liquid : 1 Ltr & 5 Ltr or as directed by veterinary consultant.


SEL-E-MOR Powder & Liquid

For Powder:
Withania somnifera
Wheat Germ
Emblica officinalis
Aloe vera 20%
Herbal Replacement to Vitamin-E & Sel. Asphaltum punjabinum 10%
SEL-E-MOR blend of selective herbs that help in fulfilling the
essential vitamin E & Selenium requirement and absorption. SEL- For Liquid:
E-MOR promote scavenging of oxygen free radicals, shows Each 100 ml contains
7.0 gms
Withania somnifera
antioxidant property, helps in formation and generation of new 4.0 gms
Wheat Germ
cells, maintain various metabolism processes. It improves Emblica officinalis 14.0 gms
reproductivity and performance andsupports overall profitability Aloe Vera 7.0 gms
in cattle and poultry farming. Asphaltum punjabinum 4.0 gms
Aq. Base q.s. to 100ml
Proper Growth, Shape & Size
Improve Strength ,vigor & Vitality
Enhance Body resistance & Immunity
Enhances production & performance DOSAGE:
Increase in Weight & Growth. POWDER:
Enhance egg/meat quality and output Poultry : 250- 500 gm per MT of prepared feed

PRESENTATION: Poultry: 250-500 ml in 1000 Liters of drinking Water
Powder: 500gm, 1 kg and 20 kg or as directed by veterinary consultant
Liquid: 500ml, 1 ltr and 5 ltr
Each ml contains:
Vitamin E 100 mg
Selenium 0.5 mg
Ocimum sanctum 20 mg
Withania somnifera 20 mg
Liquid Zingiber officinale 20 mg
Panax ginseng 50 mg
Vitamin E with Selenium & Herbs in stable 50 mg
Tinospora cordifolia
liquid form enhancing fertility & immunity. Sodium methyl paraben Preservative 0.2 mg
Sodium propyl paraben Preservative 0.05 mg
E-POWER is an advanced Feed supplement which has been 0.5 mg
Sodium Benzoate Preservative
prepared to complement the birds' natural ability to support Water Inactive q.s. to ml
fast growth, enhance egg production, egg quality and helps
them to cope stress and anxiety. E-POWER contains
vitamin E and selenium which shows recognizable role in DOSAGE:
the metabolic and immune systems of livestock and poultry. Through drinking water for 5-7 days, twice daily
Chicks: 2 ml per 100 birds
E-POWER support significant growth and performance.
Broilers: 2 ml per 75 birds
Growers: 2 ml per 100 birds
BENEFITS: Layers: 2 ml per 75 birds
Breeders: 4 ml per 25-50 birds
Proper growth, shape and size or as directed by veterinary consultant
Improved fertility and hatchability
Improve shell quality
Reduces risk of stress
Improved FCR and chick viability PRESENTATION:
Reduces mortality LIQUID: 500ml, 1 ltr and 5 ltr
Improve body resistance


Each 100 ml Contains:
Lactic acid 10 gm
Citric acid 15 gm

A MORCID Powder & Liquid

Formic acid
Phosphoric acid
Acitic acid
Buffered aqua base
10 gm
02 gm
15 gm
10 gm
q.s. 100 ml

Poultry feed acidifier, detoxifier & POWDER:

Each kg contains:
mould inhibitor promotes healthy gut Acetic Acid 50 gm
Citric acid 150 gm
AMORCID poultry feed acidifier which ensures hygiene by Propionic Acid 25 gm
reducing pathogen load and controls the pH of feeding birds Benzoic Acid 100 gm
and of drinking water. AMORCID helps in altering the Tartaric Acid 150 gm
physiology of bacterial cell into the body, helps in preventing Sorbic Acid 50 gm
their proliferation and promote their destruction, helps in Butyric Acid 02 gm
regulating gut microflora, enhances digestion and improves HSCAS q.s.
intestinal health and helps in enhancing immunity. PRESENTATION:
BENEFITS: POWDER: 1 kg and 25 kg bag
Reduces risk of pathogen load especially E. Coli LIQUID: 500 ml, 1 ltr & 5 ltr
Improve appetite, maintain gut pH & digestion
Promotes optimum nutrient utilization DOSAGE:
Helps in growth of Prebiotics & Probiotics Liquid: 1ml per liter of Drinking water and ensure
Encourages feed intake and weight gain proper addition of product in drinking water
Supports immune system Powder: 1 Kg. Per MT of feed
Enhance production & performance or as directed by veterinary consultant.
Each Kg contains:
Andrographis paniculata 10 gm
Azadirachta indica 10 gm
EDTA 5 gm
Additives per 1000 gm
Powder & Liquid Sensory additives:
Activated charcoal 10 gm
Natural product Non plant origin
Herbo mineral toxin binder for M.O.S. 50 gm
Technological additives:
optimum growth & performance Acidity Regulator
Benzoic acid (E210) 20 gm
Amotox is unique combination of buffered organic acids, MOS, BHA Preservatives
and activated charcoal, HSCAS aid as toxin binder, keeps feed free Acetic acid (E260) 20 gm
from toxins and safe. Molds and contaminated feed can lead to reduced Propionic acid (E280) 20 gm
immunity, performance and stressful condition. Dietary intake of Citric Acid (E330) 40 gm
Amotox strengthens intestinal system and it's functioning, shows Antioxidants:
excellent detoxification of various toxicities and efficiently supports B.H.A. (E 320) 05 gm
optimal growth and performance. Anticaking Agent
Sodium aluminosilicate (E 554) q.s. upto 1000gm
Reduced feed intake DOSAGE:
Powder :Mix 500 gm-1 kg per MT of feed.
Altered immune system Liquid : 1 ltr per 1000 litre of drinking water
Impaired nutrient absorption and metabolism or as directed by veterinary consultant.
Impaired organ and tissue necrosis
Infertility or abortion and performance loss PRESENTATION:
Powder: 1 Kg. pack & 20 Kg double liner paper bag
Early mortality Liquid : 1 Ltr, 5 Ltr, & 30 Ltr


Each 100 ml contains:

Sodium Chloride 0.8 gm
Potassium Chloride 5.0 gm
Sodium acid phosphate 0.8 gm
Sodium Citrate 1.5 gm
Calcium Lactate 1.7 gm
Liquid & Powder Vitamin C 300 mg
Magnesium Sulphate 1 gm

Electrolytes for stress & Dextrose

Aqueous base
30 gm
q.s. 100 ml

metabolism management POWDER:

Each 100 gm contains:
Maltodextrin 41 gm
Arolyte-C veterinary feed supplement enriched with optimum Sodium Citrate 6.5 gm
concentration of electrolytes to protect poultry and cattle from the Potassium Chloride 05 gm
risk of dehydration and acid/base imbalance. It helps in Sodium Bicarbonate 03 gm
maintaining body pH, protects body from water and salt loss, Calcium Lactate 1.7 gm
promotes replenishment of daily requirement of essential salts Magnesium Sulphate 01 gm
Sodium Chloride 0.8 gm
and ions, support better digestion, diminish chances of diarrhoea Sodium Acid Phosphate 0.8 gm
and dysentery, keeps animals hydrated and enhances strength and Vitamin C 600 mg
rigor. Lactobacillus Sporogenes 3000 million
Dextrose q.s.
Helps in stabilizing intestinal pH DOSAGE:
LIQUID :10-20 ml per 100 birds per day
Protect from dehydration, anxiety and stress
POWDER :1 Kg. mixed in each MT of
Improve the concentration of salts and ions Prepared Feed or as directed by veterinary consultant
Promotes growth and development
Promote intestinal absorption and assimilation PRESENTATION:
Improve appetite & strength LIQUID: 500 ml, 1ltr & 5 ltr
POWDER: 500gm, 1kg, and 25 kg
Each 100 ml contains:
Eucalyptus globulus 5ml
Achorus calamus 5ml
Adhatodavasica 5ml
Glycyrrhiza glabra 5ml
Powder & Liquid
Aqua q.s. to 100 ml
Herbal mint based respiratory tonic
Cuffsol herbal mint based preparation to support healthy
respiratory system and support ease in breathing.
High risk of respiratory problems
Respiratory tonic Cuffsol helps in stimulating functioning
Stress condition
of respiratory tract, protect from bacterial and viral Weak immune system
infections,reduces stress, improves feed consumption and
utilization, and helps in keeping breathing tract free from
cough & mucous.
For Each 100 birds daily
Chicks : 5ml daily
BENEFITS: Growers and Layers : 10ml daily
Strengthen respiratory tract Swine : 15 ml daily
Ease breathing Breeders : 15ml daily
Keep mucous free respiratory tract 1 Ltr in 1000 ltr of drinking water
Immunomodulator POWDER: : 1 Kg per ton of feed
Anti-stressor or as directed by veterinary consultant
Growth and weight gain

Each 100 ml contains
Asperagus racemosus 4 gm

Bergenia legulata 4 gm
Crataeva nurvala 4 gm
Tinospora cordifolia 4 gm
Boerhaavia diffusa 4 gm
Liquid Cyperus rotundus 1 gm
NEPHAMOR herbal combination of kidney stimulant and Aq. Base q.s. to 100 ml
protectant herbs, immuno modulator and toxin binders
keeps poultry and swine in safe and healthy state.
NEPHAMOR helpful in protecting from toxins and
harmful substances, strengthen the kidney, helpful in
management of renal impairment, improve bile Poultry
secretion,supports normal metabolism process, scavenge In mild condition mix 1 litre in 1000 litres of
oxygen free radicals and helps in regulating body excretory drinking water
system. In acute condition mix 2 litres in 1000 litres of
drinking water
BENEFITS: or as directed by veterinary consultant
Natural detoxifier
Helps to protect from stress
Keep renal system healthy
Reduces risk of kidney stones PRESENTATION: 500ml, 1ltr & 5 Ltr
Improves FCR and reduces mortality
Better growth and performance

Herbal threonine powder

1 kg of THREAMOR can replace 1 kg of 100% L-
ADVANTAGES: Threonine with better bioavailability and same
Support optimum protein utilization performance or as directed by veterinary consultant
Support metabolism process and immune system
Maintain gut functioning
Improves milk (swine) and egg (poultry) quality
Improve production and performance
Reduces risk of nitrogen loss, Infections or stress
Good Anti-oxidant PRESENTATION: 1 Kg & 25 Kg


Each 1 Ltr contains:
Glutaraldehyde 248 gm
Formaldehyde 184 gm
C12/C16 Alkyl dimethyl 25 gm

ammonium chloride
Iodine 15 gm
Aqua q.s.
Broad spectrum dis-infectant & biocide DOSAGE:
Amor Guard helps in reducing total microbes count and pathogen In presence of birds:
load from water based systems and exert broad spectrum biocidal 5ml to 10 ml/liter of water per 100 sq. feet area
effect as well as it is highly biodegradable. Amor Guard helps to Surface sanitization in other areas:5ml/ltr of water
protect water system, potent detoxifier and maintain health, Vehicle/ equipment/ Utensils cleaning:2ml/liter of water
growth and overall performance of growing and adult
animals/birds. It supports safe environment for both user and In empty Shed:
applier and reduces environment pollution. 5ml/liter of water per 50 sq. feet area
Hand or personnel sanitation :2ml/liter of water
BENEFITS: Egg wash/ Cleaning :7ml/10 ltr of water
Reduces pathogen load or as directed by veterinary consultant
Broad Spectrum antimicrobial
Keeps water microbe free
Support sanitizing process
Maintains quality of farm and environment PRESENTATION: 500 ml, 1 ltr and 5 ltr
Ease of storage & handling
Each 100 ml contains
Ocimum basilicum 10 gm
Withania somnifera 08 gm
Powder & Liquid Bacopa monnieri 10 gm
Emblica officinalis 05 gm
AROSTRESS herbal feed supplement helps in increasing
Each 100 gm contains
non-specific resistance of organisms against stress and
Ocimum basilicum 28 gm
anxiety. It efficiently helps to enhance stress tolerance and
Withania somnifera 20 gm
energy production. It support and helps in promoting the
Bacopa monnieri 30 gm
ability of organism to adapt harse environmental factors.
Emblica officinalis 17 gm
AROSTRESS helps in maintaining proper growth and
Electrolytes 05 gm
INDICATION: Poultry : 500 gm per MT of prepared food.
Adaptogen and Natural energizer FOR LIQUID:
Helps to normalize glucocorticoid levels HEAT & Poultry (Per 100 birds /day)
Potent Detoxifier OXIDATIVE Chicks: 5.0 ml.
Maintains acid-base balance STRESS Growers: 7.5 ml.
Helpful in various stress like cold, hot Layer/Broiler/Finishers: 10 ml.
& oxidative Dosage will be doubled for breeder stock
PRESENTATION: For Poultry and Livestock the mentioned dosage has
LIQUID: 500 ml, 1ltr and 5 ltr to be given in the water or as directed by veterinary
POWDER: 500gm, 1kg, and 25 kg consultant


Each 100 gm Powder Sensory Additives
Flavoring compounds, Natural products,
Botanically defined
Punica granatum 10 gm
Aegle marmelos 10 gm
Tinosporia cordifolia 05 gm
Cyperus rotundus 05 gm
Powder & liquid Acacia catechu 05 gm
Holarrhena antidysentrica 20 gm
Herbal Anti Coccidial Salmalia malabarica 05 gm
Ycox Premium herbal preparation supports good gut health in Trachyspermum ammi 10 gm
poultry. It helps in maintaining protective layer to keep the Calotropis procera 10 gm
functioning of intestinal tract free from the risk of microorganism Zingiber officinalis 10 gm
and contaminants. It helps in improving feed intake, increases Berberis aristata 10 gm
appetite, good for optimum feed utilization, increases feed
conversion ratio, and protect from the possible risk of diarrhea, COMPOSITION:
dysentery and watery stool. Each 100 ml Liquid
ADVANTAGES: Sensory Additives, Flavoring compounds,
Improves feed intake and appetite Natural products, Botanically defined
Improves digestion and gut functioning Punica granatum 5 gm
Improves meat and egg quality Aegle marmelos 5 gm
Improves body wt., production & performance Tinosporia cordifolia 2 gm
Improves immunity level Cyperus rotundus 2 gm
Improves stress resistance Acacia catechu 2 gm
Holarrhena antidysentrica 10 gm
DOSAGE: Powder Salmalia malabarica 2 gm
Regular: 1kg per MT of Feed, Health Risk: 2-3 kg per MT of Feed Trachyspermum ammi 5 gm
Liquid- Regular: 1 Liter in 1000 Liters of Drinking water Calotropis procera 5 gm
Health Risk: 2-3 Liter in 1000 Liters of Drinking water Zingiber officinalis 5 gm
or as directed by veterinary consultant. Berberis aristata 5 gm
Powder: 1 kg & 20 kg bag, Liquid: 500 ml, 1 liter & 5 liters

Ca lcimor-H Powder
Each 100 gm contains
Zingiber officinale
Cissus quadrangularis
20 gm
30 gm
Terminalia chebula 20 gm
Commiphoramukul 15 gm
Herbal preparation to enhance Shilajit 15 gm
absorption of Ca & P
CALCIMOR -H is a poly nutrient poultry feed supplement
that helps in maintaining body Calcium level, enhances its Growers and Broilers : 500 gm per tonne of
absorption, protect bones and muscles strength, maintain prepared feed
Layers and Turkeys : 1 kg per tonne of
body rigidity and keep them fit and healthy. It helps in
prepared feed
maintaining egg yield, protect egg shield, keep laying birds Lambs and Pigs : 1 kg per tonne of
free from risk of reduced immunity and enhance shelf life. prepared feed
or as directed by veterinary consultant.
Helps in strengthening bones and muscle tone
Helps in enhancing egg quality and quantity
Helps in improving productivity and performance PRESENTATION:
Helps to protect from liver ailments POWDER: 500 gm, 1 Kg and 25 Kg
Helps to support healthy laying process

P rebiosol
Each 100 gm. Contains :
Cichorium intybus 40 gm
Azadirachta indica 10 gm
Ocimum sanctum 08 gm
Prebiotic herbs that promote growth Asparagus racemosus 08 gm
of beneficiary microorganisms in gut Saussurea lappa 08 gm
Allium sativum 05 gm
Prebiosol Powder herbal feed added with prebiotic herbs Silybum marianum 06 gm
that helps in stimulating growth of beneficiary Emblica officinalis 05 gm
microorganisms in the target species intestinal system and
thus helps in supporting good digestion and other digestive Terminalia chebula 05 gm
processes. It supports the process of absorbtion, Glycine max 05 gm
assimilation and excretion, also improves appetite, protect
from risk of indigestion, constipation and provides good
health. DOSAGE:
INDICATION: 1 kg per metric tonne of prepared feed or as
Helps to stimulate appetite directed by veterinary consultant.
Helps in enhancing feed intake and FCR
Helps in maintaining gut functioning
Helps in boosting body wt. and growth PRESENTATION:
Helps in increasing egg output and quality POWDER: 500 gm, 1 Kg and 25 Kg
Helps to keep free from gut toxins

Ca lcimor Liquid
Each 05 ml contains
Calcium Glueonate
Vitamin D3
Heamatic herbal conc.
416.5 mg
800 I.U
250 mg
Ferric ammonium citrate 83.5 mg
Vitamin B-12 8.35 mcg
Clear Calcium Solution with
Phosphorus & Vitamins
CALCIMOR is a poly nutrient poultry feed
supplement that helps in maintaining body Calcium DOSAGE:
level, enhances its absorption, protect bones and For each 100 birds:
muscles strength, maintain body rigidity and keep Chick : 10 ml daily
them fit and healthy. It helps in maintaining egg Growers and Broilers: 20 ml daily
yield, protect egg shield, keep laying birds free from Layers and Breeders : 50 ml daily
risk of reduced immunity and enhance shelf life. or as directed by veterinary consultant.

Helps in strengthening bones and muscle tone
Helps in enhancing egg quality and quantity PRESENTATION:
Helps in improving productivity and performance
LIQUID: 500 ml, 1ltr and 5 ltr
Helps to protect from liver ailments
Helps to support healthy laying process

Composition 1

itmor-PWith Vitamin C & K Liquid

Content Per Liter
Vitamin A
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Aq. Base
25000000 IU
400000 IU
2500 mg
5000 mg
Qs. to 1L
Vitmor-P with Viramin C & K is a comprehensive
preparation to enhance natural protective mechanism and COMPOSITION 2
improves physiological resistance against infections. Content per Liter
Vitmor-P with C & K stimulate reproductivity and normal Vitamin A 125000000
growth, improves resistance against infection, enhances Vitamin D3 2500000
growth of intestinal microflora for better feed intake, Vitamin E 4500 mg
absorption and digestion. It improves milk production, Vitamin K3 700 mg
support breeders, helps to overcome stress, improve Zinc Sulphate 100 mg
endurance activity and strengthen udder tissues and muscles. Aq. Base Qs. to 1L
Strengthens immune system
Improves bone mineralization
Help in reducing stress Directions for use:
Improve growth and stamina Chicks : 1ml/4 ltr of drinking water
Improves nutrient absorption Growers and Broilers : 1ml/3 ltr of drinking water
Guards vital organs like liver and heart Layers and Breeders : 1ml/2 ltr of drinking water
Maintain fertility
or as directed by veterinary consultant
Helps in early wound healing
Fulfill body requirement for essential vitamins

DE XYM R Libido
Herbal Mixture of Potent Antioxidant
DEOXYMOR Powder is a unique antioxidant preparation
to the feed market that stimulate scavenging oxygen free
radicals, enhances new cell formation, protect nutritional
H eat
value and palatability, improves appetite and support
overall performance of growing and adult birds.
Herbal heat inducer Enriched
& fertility Enhancer With
It prevents free radical formation in the feed powder for Sow Minerals
It absorbs any free radicals that are formed & prevent
It ensure thorough and complete diffusion dispersion in feed ADVANTAGES :
It increases feed efficiency Stimulates release of gonadotropic hormones
It is free flowing and gets evenly distributed in the feed & is Regulates hormonal secretion
cost effective Stimulates genital system of females
COMPOSITION: Each 100 mg contains: Stimulates ovaries to regulate normal heat cycle
Emblica officinalis 30 gm
Citrus limon 20 gm
Citrus sinensis 20 gm DOSAGE:
Ocimum basilicum 15 gm 100-200 gm / Ton of feed
Carica papaya 15 gm
PRESENTATION: Powder: 1 kg & 20 kg bag. PRESENTATION:
Powder: 500 gm, 1 kg and 25 kg bag
DOSAGE: 500 gm - 1 kg per MT of prepared feed

Each 1 Kg contains
Vitamin A
Vitamin D3
700000 I.U
70000 I.U
Vitamin E 250 mg
Copper 1200 mg
MINMOR P Powder Multiminerals mixture specially Cobalt 150 mg
prepared to gear up the growth of poultry population. Added Manganese 1500 mg
minerals along with essential vitamins helps in gaining Selenium 20 mg
required immunity level, improves appetite, body weight, Potassium 100 mg
Sodium 5.9 mg
helps in proper body building, strengthen body system and Sulphur 0.75 mg
protect from various risk of deformities and infections. Iron 1500 mg
Zinc 9600 mg
INDICATION: Iodine 325 mg
Calcium 25.50 mg
Helps to attain optimum growth
Phosphorus 12.75 mg
Helps to improve productivity and performance Magnesium 6000 mg
Helps to attain maximum body weight Excipients q.s
Helps to promote appetite and FCR
Helps to cope summer/ environmental stress
PRESENTATION: 500 gm 1 kg per metric tonne of prepared feed
Powder: 500 gm, 1 kg and 25 kg bag or as directed by veterinary consultant.
Herbalean Powder
ArthtroSol Powder & Liquid

Herbal Formulation for Arthritis, Gout,

Herbal Preparation to make meat lean, Joint Degeneration & Rheumatism.....
less fatty and good taste
ADVANTAGES: Helps in relieving from pain soreness & inflammation
Promotes growth with least fat. Protect from fever & discomfort
Increases Blood Circulation. Enhances decalcification of calcified cartilage
Purifies Blood and enhance skin and Reduces risk of Arthritis, Gout and bone degeneration
Helps in bone strengthening and proper growth
body functions. Aid in lactating cows
Removes Toxins from body.
Increase taste & quality of meat. LIQUID:
Poultry :Mix 1 ltr in 1000 ltr of drinking water
COMPOSITION: Completly Herbal Composition Acute Condition :Mix 2 ltr in 1000 ltr of drinking water
POWDER : 1 kg per ton of feed
DOSAGES: 1-2 Kg. Per Metric tonne of feed
PRESENTATION: Powder : 1 Kg & 20 Kg pack
PRESENTATION: 1 Kg. Poly Bag 20 Kg. Bag Liquid : 500 ml, 1 Ltr & 5 Ltr

rowmor Liquid
GLUCONERGY Anabolite Tonic
Poultry growth promoter & immunity tonic
GROWMOR Liquid is a nutritional rich feed supplement that helps STRONG ENERGY BOOSTER
in stimulating proper growth and protect from early mortality risk. It
helps in formation of new body cell, enhances productivity and FOR POULTRY & SWINE
fertility, protect from risk of stunted growth and maintain required Liquid Gluconeogenic precursors with Niacinamide,
level of essentials minerals in body & support complete body system. Energy Booster Herbs and desired calcium.
Helps to attain optimum growth Helps to bring back animal to feed & optimum milk
Helps to improve productivity and performance & Egg production.
Helps to attain maximum body weight Helps to empowers animals against ketosis.
Helps to cope summer/ environmental stress Increases availability of energy.
Helps to support proper laying process Provides Energy to New Born and growing chicks.
Provides Energy to Layer for the active Egg Laying.
DOSAGE: For each 100 birds:
Broilers : 5 - 10 ml mix with POULTRY & SWINE:
Layers and Breeders : 10-20 ml mix with 1000 ml - 2000 ml per 1000 ltr of drinking Water.

(Animal Health Division of AROSOL)
Village Choli, Opposite RTO Check post, Bhagwanpur,
Roorkee, Haridwar, (Uttrakhand), INDIA,

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