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Secure Online Voting System Proposed by Biometrics and Steganography

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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)

Secure Online Voting System Proposed By Biometrics And

Malwade Nikita1, Patil Chetan2, Chavan Suruchi3, Prof. Raut S. Y4
BE Computer, P.R.E.C., Loni.
Abstract Now days it is very important to provide 2) Scalability.
security to any kind of data and it becomes more sensitive 3) Speed and accuracy and Authentication.
when we require this for voting system and mostly which is
online one. In this paper we route a technique to provide Online voting system is a web based that facilities the
security to an online voting system not only by Steganography running of elections and surveys online. This system has
concept but also combing Cryptography with this. been developed to simplify the process of organizing
Steganography and Cryptography is used together to provide elections and make it convenient for votes to vote remotely
security to user account. So for this images and keys get used from their home computers while taking into consideration
in combination first time. Here for steagnography main object security, anonymity and providing auditioning capabilities.
is image and for cryptography it is keys. Users are individuals who interact with the system through
To reduce the risk factor of such system proper use of web browsers.
cryptography is needed. So it strongly minimizes risks in these
Biometrics is the science that tries to fetch human
systems. This is because the hacker needs to find not only the
template but also the secret keys and it is not possible. Main biological features with an automated Machine either to
idea behind this is to combined secret key with the cover authentication or identification. Biometric systems try to
image on the basis of key image. As a result such system exchange Knowledge with an individual feature, e.g. finger
produces a new image known as stego image. This kind of print.
image is much more same as cover image. But human eyes are
not able to detect such kind of image. A. Necessity
This system mainly provide a authentication scheme for Electronic voting machines use in India , punch card
online voting system . systems, Global Election Management System used in
other countries have lack of indecisive or incorrect election
Keywords E-Voting, Steganography, Biometric. results.
So, we have present Online Voting System with
I. INTRODUCTION Biometric and Steganography, in order to avoid rigging and
Elections enable every citizen of the country to to enhance the accuracy and the speed of the process so
participate in the process of government formation. The that, one can cast his vote irrespective of his location.
constitution of India provides for an election commission
B. Advantages
of India which is responsible for superintendence direction
and control of all elections. Integrity of election process 1) Cost saving
will determine the integrity of democracy itself. So the 2) Reduced administration
election system must be secure against a variety of 3) Create and deploy ballot quickly and with ease,
fraudulent behaviors and should be transparent and integrity of the vote counting.
comprehensible that voters can accept the result of an 4) No need for renounces
election. 5) Greater performance
The election must be-
1) Sufficiently robust to withstand a variety of fraudulent

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
II. ARCHITECTURE A. Working Flow of the System:-


Fig.2 System Flow

1) Every individual in the country is first register for

voting. So, our first step is the registration.
2) At the time of registration each person give thumb
impression for the security purpose by using Digital
Persona Hardware.
3) After doing this system provide to person a personal
identification number(PIN) and secrete key is
generated as shown in figure.

Fig.1 System Architecture


Fig.3 Secret Key Generation

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
4) By using Personal identification number and secrete
key with thumb gives cover image as shown in fig.2.
5) After that stego image is generated by using cover
image as shown fig.2

Fig.6 Stego Image Decoding

Authentication Algorithm
Stego Image
Fig.4 Stego Image Creation

Stego Image Creation Algorithm

Fig. 7 Authentication Algorithm

8) Decoding the stego image details of the voter are find

from the database at the server side.
Fig. 5 Stego Image creation algorithm 9) If details are matched with the database stored then
voter will be authenticated for voting and caste the
6) The registered user login to the system for voting by vote.
entering PIN and secrete key with thumb impression. 10) Finally result is generated.
7) After login at the server side stego image will be
decoded by using authentication algorithm as shown
in fig.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
A. Client Side
1) Registration

4) Voting

2) Thumb Impression

B. Server side
1) Admin Login

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013)
2) Home Page V. CONCLUSION
The focus of this paper is on use of techniques like
cryptography and Steganography for fingerprint
recognition also by using these techniques the highly
secure voting system will be established. The security level
of our system is greatly improved by the new idea of
random cover image generation for each user.
By using the biometric and password security the
authentication process of system is highly improved. Thus
this strategy does not give any chance to steganalytic tools
of searching for predictable set of modifications. Thus
citizens can be sure that they alone can choose their
leaders, thus exercising their right in the democracy.
[1] International Conference on Computing and Control Engineering
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Technique based Bio-Secure Online Voting System Prabha Susy
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[2] E-Voting through Biometrics and Cryptography- Steganography
3) Result Technique with conjunction of GSM Modem Emerging Trends in
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BASED ON BIOMETRICS National Conference on Future
Computing Volume 1, March 2012 by Dr.K.Kuppusamy1 Associate
Professor Department of Computer Science Engineering Alagappa
University Karaikudi 630 003.& K.Kavitha 2 M.Phil Scholar
Department of Computer Science & Engineering Alagappa
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[4] E-Voting and Biometric Systems? Sonja Hof University of Linz,
Austria Institute of Applied Computer Science, Division: Business,
Administration and Society; University of Linz, AUSTRIA
[email protected]
[5] Highly Secure Online Voting System with Multi Security using
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Department of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of
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1. Handicapped people does not applicable for voting in
our system.
2. Hardware is required for taking thumb impression
which is costly.


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