Homeless Report by The Journal of Urban Affairs
Homeless Report by The Journal of Urban Affairs
Homeless Report by The Journal of Urban Affairs
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center on
Homelessness Among Veterans; University of Pennsylvania
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center on
Homelessness Among Veterans; Utah State University
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center on
Homelessness Among Veterans; University of Pennsylvania
ABSTRACT: Understanding the root causes of homelessness is important for developing effec-
tive solutions to the problem. This fact has not gone unnoticed by researchers, who have made
numerous attempts to identify the underlying structural determinants of homelessness by modeling
inter-community variation in the rate of homelessness as a function of community-level variables.
Yet, prior studies in this area have a number of serious limitations, principally their reliance on
methodologically flawed estimates of the size of the homeless population. The present study ad-
dresses this and other limitations by using newly available and more reliable estimates from the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to model variation in the rate of homelessness
across a large and diverse sample of communities throughout the United States. In doing so, this
study builds on the analysis conducted by Lee, Price-Spratlen, and Kanan (2003), and its findings
have implications for policy and future research.
Since its emergence as a public problem (Stern, 1984) in the 1980s, homelessness has
become an entrenched phenomenon, posing a consistent challenge to policymakers, advocates,
and service providers alike. According to the most recent estimates, on any given night in the
United States, there are roughly 645,000 persons residing in homeless shelters or in unsheltered
street locations. Over the course of a year, approximately 1.6 million persons, or about 1 in
every 195 Americansand 1 in every 25 persons living below the poverty thresholdexperience
homelessness (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2011). The sheer scope
of the problem as well as the myriad negative health, economic, and social outcomes linked to
Direct correspondence to: T. Byrne, National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans, 4100 Chester Avenue, Suite 201,
Philadelphia, PA 19104. E-mail: [email protected]
homelessness (Burt, 2001; Hawkins & Abrams, 2007; Hwang, 2001; Lee & Farrell, 2003; Lee &
Greif, 2008; Wolitski, Kidder, & Fenton, 2007; Zerger, 2002) underscore the need to develop and
implement effective policies to prevent and end homelessness.
The emergence and persistence of contemporary homelessness has been accompanied by a
proliferation of studies that seek to identify its causal mechanisms. One approach has been to
identify explanations for the geographic variation in the prevalence of homelessness. Researchers
have identified conditions that co-vary with levels of homelessness, and described these conditions
as possible causal factors of homelessness at the neighborhood, city, metropolitan, and state
The present study adds to the existing body of literature consisting of cross-sectional studies of
geographic variation in homelessness rates by (a) using more recent and reliable estimates of the
homeless population; (b) conducting the first analysis to date of community-level determinants
of homelessness that includes both metropolitan and non-metropolitan communities; and (c)
increasing the comparability of findings across studies.
Our specific objective is to replicate and extend the community-level model of homelessness
examined by Lee, Price-Spratlen, and Kanan (2003). Our goal is to assess whether using more
recent data and including a broader set of communities yields different, and potentially more
robust, findings than Lee et al. (2003). Our findings have potential implications for the use of
these data and sample of communities in future research and might shed new light on policy
changes that could reduce rates of homelessness.
has been used as the dependent variable has varied across studies. Table 1 provides a summary
of prior studies, including their measures of homelessness and the community-level factors that
they included as predictors of homelessness.
Economic Conditions
Local economic conditions also play an important role in determining the level of housing
affordability in an area. Individual-level studies have established that homelessness generally
occurs among people who are very poor (Burt & Cohen, 1989), suggesting that poverty rates
as well as additional factors that impact a households income should be included in predictive
models of homelessness rates. Prior studies on the community-level determinants of homelessness
have most frequently used poverty and unemployment rates as proxies for economic conditions,
and both have been found in numerous studies to be positively associated with the rate of
homelessness (Appelbaum, Dolny, Dreier, & Gilderbloom, 1991; Bohanon, 1991; Burt, 1993;
Early & Olsen, 2002; Quigley, 1990; Quigley & Raphael, 2002; Quigley et al., 2001; Troutman
et al., 1999).
Demographic Composition
While there is compelling evidence from other areas of literature on homelessness that de-
mographic characteristics affect risk of homelessness, studies of geographic variation in rates
Significant independent variables
of homelessness have found inconsistent results for the relationship between variation in demo-
graphic composition of the population and variation in the rate of homelessness.
Cross-sectional studies have shown demographic characteristics, including race, to affect risk
of homelessness among individuals. For example, African Americans have been consistently
shown to be overrepresented in the homeless population (Burt, 2001; Culhane & Metraux, 1999;
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD] 2011); therefore, areas with higher
proportions of African Americans may have higher rates of homelessness. In addition, evidence
from a study of intra-city homelessness variation suggests that the proportion of female-headed
households with young children is positively associated with homelessness (Culhane et al., 1996).
Similarly, the concentration of single-person households in a community may be an important
determinant of homelessness, both because single-person households cannot rely on the support
of a second wage earner, thereby placing them at an increased risk of homelessness, and because
communities with more single-person households may also face increased competition for low-
cost rental units. Finally, the age distribution of the population in a particular community may
affect the size of the homeless population, especially in light of evidence that members of the
latter half of the baby-boomer age cohortborn between 1946 and 1964make up a highly
disproportionate share of the single adult homeless population (Culhane, Metraux, Byrne, Stino,
& Bainbridge, in press).
Studies at the community level, in terms of the geographic variation in homelessness rates,
have found also significant relationships between increased rates of homelessness and increased
proportions of single-person and female-headed households (Burt, 1993; Elliott & Krivo, 1991;
Lee et al., 2003), African American households (Elliott & Krivo, 1991; Honig & Filer, 1993),
and Hispanic households (Elliott & Krivo, 1991). However, specific demographic measures have
not been consistently shown to be significant across studies, and no study has found evidence of
a relationship between a communitys age distribution and its rate of homelessness.
Safety Net
Studies of homeless individuals have provided evidence that the size of the social safety net and
the extent to which social safety net programs provide an adequate level of assistance can impact
the chances that households will experience homelessness (Burt, 1991; Koegel et al., 1996; Rossi,
1989). Under this line of reasoning, more generous and more widely available safety net programs
help protect low-income, disabled, and other vulnerable households from becoming homeless.
For example, the degree to which income support programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or General Assistance (GA), are able to
provide larger numbers of vulnerable households with resources adequate enough to help them
obtain or maintain housing may impact the rate of homelessness. Similarly, increased spending
on treatment programs and other services for persons with physical or mental disabilities, as
well as for those with substance abuse disorders, who are all overrepresented in the homeless
population, can provide households with supports that may keep them from becoming homeless.
However, because there are a variety of programs and ways to measure assistance, few studies
have consistently included a single measure for a single program. Despite this lack of consistent
results, studies have generally found that more extensive and more generous social safety net
programs have a negative relationship with homelessness (Burt, 1993; Elliott & Krivo, 1991;
Honig & Filer, 1993; Quigley & Raphael, 2002; Quigley et al., 2001; Troutman et al., 1999).
Some studies attempting to explain geographic variation in homelessness have also added
climate measures to models, hypothesizing that less precipitation or higher temperatures could
I New Perspectives on Community-Level Homelessness I 613
contribute to higher measured rates of homelessness by making homeless people more visible,
less vulnerable to mortality, or more likely to gravitate to a region. Among these studies, most
have found climate to have a significant relationship with rates of homelessness, and in the
expected direction, with higher temperatures and less precipitation associated with higher rates
of homelessness, and higher proportions of persons experiencing homelessness in unsheltered
locations (Appelbaum et al., 1991; Grimes & Chressanthis, 1997; Lee et al., 2003; Quigley, 1990;
Quigley & Raphael, 2002; Quigley et al., 2001; Raphael, 2010; Tucker, 1987, 1989).
Lee et al. (2003) also examined transience as a possible determinant of homelessness, including
the proportion of persons who have recently moved and the number of highways and railroads
serving an area. The authors argue that areas with high residential mobility have more competitive
housing and labor markets, which may increase the vulnerability to homelessness of those less
well-suited to compete in these arenas. In addition, the extent to which an area is a frequent
destination for tourists, migrant laborers, students, and others may have an impact on its rate of
homelessness as some of these persons may wind up stranded and become homeless. Lee et al.
find that the proportion of recently moved persons was a significant positive predictor, suggesting
the importance of the relationship between the degree of residential mobility in an area and its
rate of homelessness.
1. 1984 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimate, based on a
survey of local experts in 60 metropolitan areas, who reported the size of the homeless
population in their area (HUD, 1984);
2. 1989 Burt survey of shelter capacity, covering 182 cities with populations greater than
100,000 (Burt, 1993); and
3. 1990 Census S-Night Enumeration, which was an effort by the Census Bureau to include
more homeless people in the decennial census by counting homeless persons at emergency
shelters and outdoor locations within municipalities with populations greater than 50,000
(U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1990).
Census S-Night Enumeration improved on these two studies by relying on actual enumeration
of people experiencing homelessness. However, methodological flaws and inconsistency in how
enumeration protocols were implemented across communities may have resulted in an undercount
of the sheltered and unsheltered homeless population (Martin, 1992; U.S. General Accounting
Office, 1991).
Our dependent variables were estimates of the number of persons experiencing homelessness
in communities throughout the United States and our independent variables were characteristics
of these communities along the six domains described previously.
within their jurisdiction. CoCs vary in size and composition and can be comprised of single cities,
individual counties, several counties, or entire states. Regardless of their size and composition,
CoCs are geographically meaningful contexts for understanding the scope and determinants
of homelessness since they are themselves spatial manifestations of how efforts to address
homelessness are organized and administered. While 54 mainly rural counties are not part of a
CoC, more than 99% of the United States population lived within the boundaries of a CoC in
CoCs constitute the unit of analysis used in this study for assessing rates of homelessness. We
use the HUD PIT estimates to construct two measures of the rate of homelessness, which parallel
those used by Lee and colleagues: (1) the number of homeless adults per 10,000 adults in the
general population, and (2) the number of homeless adults per 10,000 adults in poverty. We use
homeless adults, which includes adults who are homeless as part of a family with children, rather
than the overall number of persons experiencing homelessness as our numerator in constructing
these rates to control for any potential variation in family size across CoCs. In addition, as persons
experiencing homelessness are nearly universally poor, the second measure approximates the rate
of homelessness among those who face the highest risk.
We used Geographic Information System (GIS) software to identify the appropriate CoC-
county relationship type for each CoC and, in turn, to match each CoC with its corresponding
HUD PIT Estimate = U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (PIT) estimate of persons experiencing homelessness.
HUD FMR = HUD Fair Market Rents database.
ACS = U.S. Census Bureau, 20052009 American Community Survey 5-year estimates.
I New Perspectives on Community-Level Homelessness I 617
county or counties. To complete the matches, we superimposed county centroids (i.e., points
representing the geographic center of counties) on a map of CoC boundaries. Approximately
51% (N = 227) of CoCs matched directly to one county while 38% (N = 171) of CoCs were
comprised of multiple counties. The remaining 11% (N = 49) of CoCs fit the third type of
CoC-county relationship described earlier. In these cases, the multiple CoCs that were fully
encompassed by a single county were merged into a single new CoC, with its boundaries being
coterminous with the county.
After appropriately matching CoCs and counties, we statistically adjusted the 171 CoCs that
fit the second type of relationship described above and the 49 CoCs that fit the third type to
complete the construction of CoC-level variables from county measures (no adjustments were
necessary for the 227 CoCs that met the criteria for the first type of relationship). In the case
of the second type of relationship, we constructed CoC-level variables from county measures
by taking either the sum or a population-weighted average of the county measures from all of
the counties within a given CoC. In the third type of relationship, where multiple CoCs within
a single county were merged, we summed the HUD PIT estimates of persons experiencing
homelessness from all of the CoCs located within a single county. In turn, county-level measures
then became CoC-level variables for these combined CoCs, with no statistical adjustment required.
The merging of several CoCs in this fashion resulted in a reduction in the number of CoCs
from 447 to 414, which we then stratified into metropolitan (N = 338) or non-metropolitan area
(N = 76) groups using the U.S. Department of Agricultures (USDA) Economic Research Service
definitions of rurality (USDA, 2003).
Although the CoC was the basic unit of analysis for this study, several variables of interest
(TANF payments, mental health expenditures) were only available at the state level. Variables
measured at the state level were not adjusted and therefore all CoCs within a state assumed the
same value.
Statistical Analysis
Because CoCs were nested within states, data from CoCs located within the same state were not
considered to be independent from one another and are likely to have more similar characteristics
than they would share with CoCs in different states. This clustering violates the basic assumption
of independence in ordinary least squares (OLS) regression and such clustering must be accounted
for in the statistical analysis to correctly model the variation in relationships between independent
and dependent variables. Using a multilevel modeling approach rather than OLS regressions
allowed us address this problem: we used the CoC as the first level of analysis and the state as
the second level of analysis.
We conducted a series of linear mixed-effects models to understand which CoC variables were
significantly associated with each homelessness outcome (homeless adults per 10,000 adults in the
[a] general population and [b] population in poverty). OLS models were also estimated for each
outcome, and had similar results to, but lower explanatory power than the linear mixed-effects
models, and therefore are not reported here. In addition, we stratified the sample into metropolitan
and non-metropolitan CoCs and conducted analyses separately for each subgroup. We applied a
natural logarithmic transformation to each outcome variable due to their highly skewed natures.
We included the following predictor variables in models with homeless adults per 10,000 adults in
the general population: rent level; homeownership rate; housing vacancy rate; unemployment rate;
extreme poverty rate; size of the Black, Hispanic, and baby boomer populations; public assistance
recipients; SSI recipients; TANF benefit level; mental health expenditures; and mobility rate. With
the exception of the percent of the population in extreme poverty, the same predictor variables
618 I JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS I Vol. 35/No. 5/2013
were included in models where the population in poverty served as the denominator of the
Random intercepts were specified in all models. Analyses were conducted using the R envi-
ronment for statistical computing (R Development Core Team, 2011). Due to difficulties inherent
in calculating accurate confidence intervals and p-values for mixed-effects models, we calculated
highest posterior density intervals and Monte Carlo derived p-values (Chen & Shao, 1999), which
are Bayesian analogues to these estimates.
Data were available for 414 CoCs (338 metropolitan, 76 non-metropolitan) and descrip-
tive statistics for all study variables are presented in Table 3, stratified by metropolitan/non-
metropolitan status.
Descriptive Statistics
Homelessness Rate
Homeless adults per 10,000 residents 20.60 15.92 18.77 0.91 137.78 19.55 9.00 30.86 0.00 157.50
Homeless adults per 10,000 adults in poverty 200.01 150.58 178.17 9.62 1198.74 159.13 72.33 244.51 0.00 1450.37
Housing Market
Rent level $ 699.17 640.21 193.51 384.83 1230.00 533.80 479.38 125.76 383.42 1006.00
Homeownership% 0.68 0.69 0.08 0.34 0.87 0.72 0.72 0.05 0.57 0.85
Vacancy% 0.11 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.54 0.17 0.15 0.08 0.07 0.43
Economic Conditions
Unemployment% 0.08 0.07 0.02 0.03 0.15 0.07 0.07 0.02 0.04 0.12
Extreme poverty% 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.21 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.13
Blacks% 0.12 0.09 0.12 0.00 0.64 0.07 0.03 0.10 0.00 0.42
Hispanics% 0.11 0.07 0.13 0.01 0.81 0.06 0.03 0.07 0.01 0.37
Baby boomers% 0.26 0.26 0.02 0.16 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.02 0.22 0.35
1-person households% 0.27 0.27 0.05 0.13 0.47 0.27 0.28 0.02 0.22 0.32
Safety Net
PA recipients% 0.21 0.20 0.09 0.03 0.88 0.19 0.18 0.09 0.06 0.68
SS recipients% 0.31 0.30 0.08 0.08 0.58 0.31 0.31 0.08 0.15 0.61
AFDC/TANF payment $ 449.34 426.00 171.31 170.00 923.00 452.78 432.00 189.98 170.00 923.00
MH expenditures $ 130.03 122.03 68.18 36.09 381.90 122.71 103.76 67.08 36.09 277.03
Mobility% 0.16 0.16 0.04 0.07 0.29 0.16 0.15 0.03 0.09 0.22
I New Perspectives on Community-Level Homelessness I 619
620 I JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS I Vol. 35/No. 5/2013
Summary of Mixed-Effects Model for Variables Predicting Adult Homelessness per 10,000 Adults in
General Population
The overarching objective of this study was to contribute to research on community-level
structural determinants of homelessness by introducing new perspectives and directions to this
body of research. On the whole, the use of HUD PIT data measuring homelessness rates has
allowed us to confirm some findings of Lee and colleagues, while increasing the explanatory
power of the model from 35% to 58%. Our analysis also confirms their findings that rent
level, single-person households, and recently moved households are positively associated with
the rate of homelessness in the general population. While the significance of the public assis-
tance receipt rate was not observed in our analysis, in both models a positive association was
found for this variable. As a new contribution to this body of research, we found the home-
ownership rate to be negatively associated, and the size of the Hispanic population and baby-
boomer age cohort to be positively associated with the rate of homelessness among the general
Our results also confirmed findings of Lee and colleagues on the rate of homelessness among
the population in poverty. Once again, rent level and the proportion of single-person households
were confirmed to be positive and highly significant predictors of homelessness in metropolitan
areas. In addition, we found the size of the Hispanic population and the baby-boomer cohort,
as well as the proportion of recently moved households to be positively associated, and mental
health expenditures to be negatively associated, with homelessness. One result contradicted
the findings of the earlier study: both studies found the public assistance receipt rate to be a
significant predictor, however, Lee and colleagues found it was negatively associated with the
I New Perspectives on Community-Level Homelessness I 621
Summary of Mixed-Effects Model for Variables Predicting Adult Homelessness per 10,000 Adults in
rate of homelessness among the poverty population while we found a positive association between
these rates. Using the HUD PIT data increased the models ability to explain overall variance in
homelessness from 49% to 52%.
Three primary points can be drawn from the results of our study. First, our findings provide
additional evidence that homelessness has its roots in housing market dynamics, and particularly
in the difficulty in obtaining affordable housing. Second, both of our metropolitan area models
find the size of the baby-boomer cohort, the size of the Hispanic population, and the number
of recently moved households to be positively associated with homelessness. Third, and finally,
our study points to the great potential in using the newly available HUD PIT estimates of the
homeless population to build on prior research and arrive at a better understanding of the structural
determinants of homelessness.
Each of these key findings suggests the need for further study or policy changes. Our findings
on the importance of affordable housing stock for decreasing homelessness underscore the need
for policies that either increase the supply of affordable housing or provide additional safety
net supports to households to help them afford housing and decrease competition for a finite
number of low-rent units. Given the finding that rates of homelessness were higher in areas
with relatively more single-person households, the need for additional safety net supports may
be particularly acute for persons in this group who are especially vulnerable to homelessness
in the event of job loss, illness, or other income shocks. While an expansion of the Section
8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, which is the primary federal housing assistance program
for low-income families, would be the most straightforward remedy to the affordable housing
problems that appear to be the most important drivers of homelessness, recent history and the
622 I JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS I Vol. 35/No. 5/2013
current political and fiscal environment provide little reason to believe that such an expansion is
likely to be forthcoming.
However, there are a number of pragmatic alternative options to a pure expansion of housing
subsidies that might help address the prevailing lack of affordable housing. For example, Khadduri
(2010) describes a plan for overhauling the Section 8 program such that subsidies are targeted
more directly to those individuals and jurisdictions at highest risk of or with the highest rates of
homelessness, thereby making it a more effective tool for preventing homelessness. Providing a tax
credit to all low-income renters similar to the existing Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), an idea
proposed by Landis and McClure (2010), would also go far in helping those at risk of homelessness
maintain housing. It would also serve as an important counterbalance to the mortgage interest
deduction, which almost exclusively benefits middle- and upper-income Americans. Others have
suggested that relaxing zoning requirements or other local regulations on housing construction
might encourage the creation of more affordable housing units (Joint Center for Housing Studies
at Harvard University, 2008). While these are just a sampling of the ideas that have been put forth
as potential solutions to problems related to housing affordability, they underscore the potential
effectiveness of creative housing policy reform.
Our findings on demographic groups and residential mobility merit closer attention, both in
future research and from a policy standpoint. The finding regarding the baby-boomer age group is
consistent with evidence that baby boomers are highly overrepresented in the homeless population,
and underscores the need to develop targeted interventions to address homelessness among
members of this population. Indeed, substantial reductions in the overall rate of homelessness
could be achieved by targeting this demographic sub group. Here, housing subsidies that offer a
more limited form of support than a full Section 8 voucher might be an especially viable approach,
but additional research is needed to test the effectiveness of such shallow subsidies. The findings
regarding Hispanic ethnicity and residential mobility suggest that migration patterns may have a
more important relationship with the rate of homelessness than has been previously considered.
Future research should delve more deeply into these issues, particularly the finding that rates of
homelessness were higher in areas with relatively more Hispanics. This finding seems inconsistent
with prior research showing Hispanics to be underrepresented in the homeless population, which
has been credited largely to their greater propensity for relying on informal housing arrangements
to avoid homelessness (Rosenheck, Bassuk, & Salomon, 1999). One plausible interpretation of
our finding that could be investigated by future studies is that the documented migration of
Hispanics out of large cities and into smaller communities and rural areas (Kandel & Cromartie,
2004), has strained their social and kinship networks, limiting their opportunities to rely on
informal housing arrangements when needed.
Although this study made progress towards its objective, it also had a few limitations that
bear mentioning. Similar to Lee and colleagues study, the present study does not control for
the capacity of homelessness assistance programs; therefore, our dependent variables may be
conflated with the magnitude of a communitys response to the problem. Even though this study
applies rigorous methods to match the geography at which homelessness is measured to the
geography at which structural factors are measured, the mismatch between the two continues to
present problems in identifying important community-level influences on these rates; alternative
methods to classify CoCs as urban or rural could yield different results.
While this is the first study to examine the structural determinants of homelessness using
a set of non-urban jurisdictions, we have merely taken the first step in expanding this body
of research. The HUD PIT estimates of homelessness used in this study are also available for
a range of sub-populations of persons experiencing homelessness, including families, persons
with serious mental illness, veterans, and persons experiencing chronic homelessness. It is likely
that community-level determinants of homelessness may operate differently for each of these
I New Perspectives on Community-Level Homelessness I 623
sub-populations, and this should be investigated in future research. Similarly, this study, by
design, considered a fairly small set of factors as potential community-level determinants of
homelessness; there is certainly room to expand research to include a wide range of additional
measures, including those that have received less attention in the literature.
The results of this study demonstrate that the dynamics operating at the macro level are impor-
tant for understanding homelessness and that, correspondingly, macro-level policy interventions
are ultimately necessary to prevent and end homelessness. Future research that expands on this
study and provides additional insight regarding structural factors that are important determinants
of homelessness would be crucial for informing policy-level interventions.
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