Daily Lesson Plan/Learning Guide For 2/9/17: The Diary of Anne Frank

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Daily Lesson Plan/Learning Guide for 2/9/17

Course, Unit Theme and 8th Grade Core English

Grade Level The Diary of Anne Frank

Utah State Core Standard W.8.7

and Objective Conduct short research projects to answer a question
(numbers/letters are fine) (including a self-generated question), drawing on several
sources and generating additional related, focused questions
that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support
analysis, reflection, and research.

Understanding(s) for the Learning about past historical events is important, so

day that we can prevent these types of things from
happening again.

Essential Question(s) for What can we learn, in 2017, from terrible things that
the day happen in the past?

How do you anticipate Students have a basic understanding of

activities, materials etc. World War II, so this supplementary research
connect to students prior will strengthen their knowledge
knowledge? Students enjoy working in groups and
(academic, interests, being able to talk to their peers
learning styles, motivation, This activity speaks to visual, auditory,
Funds of Knowledge) and kinesthetic learners
Students were allowed to choose their
topics, so they are more invested

Daily Assessments Research Presentation

(formative and/or

Learning Activities: Introduce assignment/choose topics (5

(Include description and minutes)
time frame for each activity) Time to research and produce poster (45
Start presenting posters (10 minutes)
while finishing the next day
Accommodations made for Explicit review of instructions for all
struggling and accelerated students
learners Model of presentation format left on
(grouping patterns, content board
literacy strategies, etc.) Thoughtful, deliberate grouping

Differentiation Each student has to contribute to at least

one section of the presentation, so they are able
to choose how best they want to be involved.
Therefore, if students are strong artists, but not
strong researchers, they are still able to be

Resources Butcher paper

Markers/colored pencils

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