The Cold War 1945 - 1991 Assessment Task

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Krayem SID: 15209694

Appendix C2a: Assessment Task


THE COLD WAR 1945 1991.

This is a two-part source evaluation and extended response.

Due Date Monday 24th April 2017.
Outcomes to be assessed:
H1.1 describe the role of key features, issues, individuals, groups and events of selected
twentieth-century studies
H1.2 analyse and evaluate the role of key features, issues, individuals, groups and
events of selected twentieth-century studies
H2.1 explain forces and ideas and assess their significance in contributing to change and
continuity during the twentieth century
H3.1 ask relevant historical questions
H3.2 locate, select and organise relevant information from different types of sources
H3.3 analyse and evaluate sources for their usefulness and reliability
H3.4 explain and evaluate differing perspectives and interpretations of the past
H3.5 plan and present the findings of historical investigations, analysing and synthesising
information from different types of sources
H4.1 use historical terms and concepts appropriately
H4.2 communicate a knowledge and understanding of historical features and issues,
using appropriate and well-structured oral and written forms

Topic: The Cold War 1945 1991

The assessment complements the learning of the International study of

Context of the task: peace and conflict: The Cold War 1945-1991 and provides students with
knowledge and information required for their HSC examination.
Weighting: 25% Sources Date Due: Monday 12th April 2017
FINAL Date Due: Monday 24th April 2017

Feedback mode: Marking feedback sheet.

Submission Instructions:
Submit the final task in class by 5pm on Monday 24th April 2017.
Penalty for non-attendance on day of assessment or late submission:
Assessments submitted after 5.00pm on the due date will receive a zero-
mark pending Illness/Misadventure certification.

Student Confirmation:
By submitting the task for marking, I acknowledge the following:

1. The work submitted is my own work and appropriate acknowledgement of all
sources has been made.
2. I am aware that the work may be submitted to plagiarism detection processes for
detecting possible plagiarism.
3. Where the work of others is used and not acknowledged, a finding of plagiarism
will be made, a mark of zero awarded and I will have to resubmit the task.
4. I have a copy of this assessment if the original is lost or stolen.

Students name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________

Source Evaluation: Part A - 10%

Choose one of the following events.
Cuba Missile Crisis 1961
Vietnam War
The Domino theory
The Arms Race
Source Evaluation
Find one primary and one secondary source that highlights the significance of your event.
For each source, write a 500-word evaluation detailing the reliability, perspectives and
usefulness of each source in highlighting the significance of your chosen event.

Extended Response: Part B 15% 40 minutes. (in class).

Based on your chosen event you will be asked to compose an extended response from the
research in the context of the development of the Cold War. In your response, you will need
to refer to the two sources chosen for part A to support your perspective.
You will be required to compose an extended response based on the event you have
researched in the context of the development of the Cold War. In your response, you will be
required to refer to the two sources you have researched to support your perspective.
You will be allowed to bring in your chosen sources. (all sources will be checked before the
assessment task).

Assessment Task Marking Criteria

Marking Criteria Marks
Presents a complex, logical and cohesive argument drawing on
analysis of relevant key features and concepts of the conflict
A well-structured argument supported by detailed, relevant and 22-25
historical information using a range of historical terms.
Evaluates perceptively the sources and their usefulness in
highlighting the nature, significance and perspectives of the crisis

Presents a logical and sustained argument drawing on a detailed
explanation of relevant key features and concepts of the conflict
A structured argument supported by detailed, relevant and 18-21
historical information using appropriate historical terms and
Analyses the sources and their usefulness in highlighting the
nature, significance and perspectives of the crisis

Presents a logical and sustained argument drawing on an
explanation of relevant key features of the conflict.
Argument supported by relevant and accurate historical 14-17
information using appropriate historical terms.
Explains the sources and their usefulness in highlighting the
nature, significance and perspectives of the crisis

Presents a limited argument which describes relevant key
features of the conflict and provides accurate and adequate
historical information with some historical terms. 9-13
Describes the sources and their usefulness in highlighting the
nature, significance and perspectives of the crisis

Presents an extended description with some attempt at a limited
narrative of the relevant features of that period.
Narrative supported by basic use of historical information with
some attempt to incorporate historical terms.
Describes the sources and their usefulness in highlighting the 4-8
nature, significance and perspectives of the crisis

Appendix C2b: Assessment Task

Extended Response: Part B 15% 45 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time

Topic: The Cold War 1945 1991

The assessment complements the learning of the International study of

Context of the task: peace and conflict: The Cold War 1945-1991 and provides students with
knowledge and information required for their HSC examination.
Weighting: 25% Extended responses Sources Date Due: Monday 24th April 2017

Feedback mode: Marking feedback sheet.

Students have 40 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time to answer one of the following
questions from your research topic. Students are to refer to their primary and secondary
sources to assist in answering the questions.

Your answer will be assessed on how well you:

Demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question.
Use relevant sources to support your response.
Communicate ideas and information using historical terms and concepts appropriately.
Present a sustained, logical and cohesive response.

1. Using your chosen sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the effects
of the Arms race on US and Soviet relations?

2. Using your sources, assess the impact of the Vietnam War on East-West

3. Identify the issues surrounding Cuba missile crisis and what was the
impact on east-West relations refer to your chosen sources?

4. The Domino theory was to have a major impact on American policy
describe the reasoning behind the domino theory and how did it effect
policy? Refer to your chosen sources to support your reasoning.

Assessment Task Marking Criteria

Marking Criteria Marks
Presents a complex, logical and cohesive argument drawing on
analysis of relevant key features and concepts of the conflict
A well-structured argument supported by detailed, relevant and 22-25
historical information using a range of historical terms.
Evaluates perceptively the sources and their usefulness in
highlighting the nature, significance and perspectives of the crisis

Presents a logical and sustained argument drawing on a detailed
explanation of relevant key features and concepts of the conflict
A structured argument supported by detailed, relevant and 18-21
historical information using appropriate historical terms and
Analyses the sources and their usefulness in highlighting the
nature, significance and perspectives of the crisis

Presents a logical and sustained argument drawing on an
explanation of relevant key features of the conflict.
Argument supported by relevant and accurate historical 14-17
information using appropriate historical terms.
Explains the sources and their usefulness in highlighting the
nature, significance and perspectives of the crisis

Presents a limited argument which describes relevant key
features of the conflict and provides accurate and adequate
historical information with some historical terms. 9-13
Describes the sources and their usefulness in highlighting the
nature, significance and perspectives of the crisis

Presents an extended description with some attempt at a limited
narrative of the relevant features of that period.
Narrative supported by basic use of historical information with
some attempt to incorporate historical terms.
Describes the sources and their usefulness in highlighting the 4-8
nature, significance and perspectives of the crisis


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