Outline - 2017 - Draft - RevD

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Gas Turbine Design AERO465/MECH6161


Fellow of Aerodynamics &
Manager Installation & Turbine Aerodynamics
Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc.

Raja Ramamurthy
Senior Aerodynamicist, Installation Aerodynamics
Pratt & Whitney Canada

Tsukasa Yoshinaka
Aerodynamics Consultant to
Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc.

Gas Turbine Cycles: Review of Ideal and real cycles Effect of pressure ratio and turbine inlet temperature.
Propulsion: Thrust and propulsive efficiency Factors affecting thrust Turbojet, turbofan and turboprop Propelling
nozzle and thrust augmentation.
Aircraft Design: Factors affecting aircraft and propulsion system requirements and design.
Energy Transfer and Flow in Turbomachines: Euler equation Velocity triangles Reaction Blading terminology
Lift and drag Three-dimensional flow.
Aerodynamic Losses: Types Mechanisms Loss coefficients Stage and overall efficiencies Profile, annulus,
secondary and leakage losses Loss reduction.
Turbines: Characteristics and applications Axial and radial Stage and overall blade loading coefficient Specific
speed Compressor and power turbines Cooled schemes.
Compressors: Components and equations Axial and centrifugal Inlet guide vanes Slip factor Diffuser Stall and
choke margin.
Combustion: Combustion efficiency, smoke, emissions, temperature distribution
Air/Oil Systems: Cooling, anti-icing, ventilation, bearing compartments, cabin bleed
Engine Durability: Factors affecting critical component durability and design considerations.
Performance Characteristics: Dimensionless groups Stage characteristics Performance maps Limiting factors
Surge Component matching.
Design Process: Meanline, through-flow and airfoil design Selection of parameters Two and three dimensional
Technology and Industry Trends: Recent technology evolution and where the industry is likely to go in the near term

Design Report Part A 5% (Due: February 2, 2017)
Presentation of material + Final Exam Q&A 25% (Due: April 6 & 13, 2017)
Final Design Report with detailed calculations: 60% (Due: April 13, 2017)
Peer Review 10% (Due: April 20, 2017)

Additional Information:
1) Late Design Reports cannot be accepted.
2) Office Hours: Thursdays 5:15 -5:45pm in class (or in hallway just outside).
3) There will be an FAQ section set up online where you will find answers to frequently asked questions.
4) You can also e-mail your questions directly to [email protected], and if necessary arrange for a meeting in person.

Prerequisite: Turbomachinery & Propulsion

Lecture 1: Introduction January 12, 2017
- Course introduction

Lecture 2: Gas Turbine Cycles and Propulsion January 19, 2017

(Textbook Chapters 1-3)
- Compressible flow relations
- Brayton Cycle: thermal efficiency and specific work
- Closed and open cycles
- Gas turbine applications
- Efficiencies: overall, stage and polytropic
- Combustion efficiency, pressure losses and variation of specific heats
- Propulsion engines & Gross and net thrust
- Propulsive, thermal and overall efficiency
- Thrust specific fuel consumption and specific thrust
- Intake / Propelling nozzles
- Factors affecting thrust: cycle parameters, cruising speed, altitude and climate

Lecture 3: Flow in Turbomachines & Aero Losses January 26, 2017

(Textbook Chapter 7)
- Review of the Euler Equation
- Types of turbomachines: axial, radial and mixed
- Blading terminology: incidence and deviation
- Turbine and compressor airfoils
- Airfoil Mach number distribution
- Non-dimensional parameters
- Three-dimensional flow and performance characteristic

Lecture 4: Aero Losses in Turbines February 2, 2017

- Classification
- Loss coefficients and relations with efficiency
- Loss estimation: experiments, correlations and analyses
- Profile and annulus losses
- Secondary losses
- Tip leakage losses
- Additional losses: shock, cooling, incidence....

Lecture 5: Turbine Design February 9, 2017

(Textbook Chapter 7)
- Classification: high and low pressure turbines, unshrouded and shrouded....
- Energy transfer and degree of reaction
- Stage characteristics: stage loading and flow coefficient
- Airfoil loading: Zweifel coefficient
- Off-design performance
- Turbine cooling governing equations
- Turbine cooling schemes: internal, external, efficiency, effectiveness
- Flowchart for approaching term project on Turbines ***

Lecture 6: Gas Turbine Engine Design process February 16, 2017

- Design procedure, preliminary meanline design, throughflow
- Selection of parameters: speed, reaction, airfoil number, gaspath....
- Airfoil design, Stacking optimization, 2D & 3D design: multistage analysis
- Designing the 3D airfoil in CATIA and setting design trades
- Review of calculations for turbine and compressor design
Lecture 7 & 8: Fan & Compressor Design March 2 & 9, 2017
(Textbook Chapter 4 & 5)
- Review of aerodynamic losses as they pertain to Compressors
- Components and types
- Energy transfer, velocity triangles and reaction
- Inlet guide vanes
- Stage characteristics & off-design performance
- Stall and choke margin, compressor surge
- Impeller inlet/exit: pre-whirl and slip factor
- Diffuser: vaneless and vaned
- Sample problems

Lecture 9: Combustion Chambers and Engine Systems March 16, 2017

(Textbook Chapter 6)
- Combustor Requirements
- Combustor types
- Basic Aero-Thermo/Structural Design
- Fuel Injector design
- Environment/Emissions
- Air/Oil Systems
- Expectations from group presentation
- Course evaluation

Lecture 10: Design Project Q&A March 23, 2017

Lecture 11: Durability & Airworthiness & Technology Trends March 30, 2017
(Textbook Chapter 8)
- Failure mechanisms
- Structural analysis design process & requirements
- Creep & Oxidation
- Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF)
- High Cycle Fatigue (HCF)
- Material capabilities
- Installation considerations
- Airworthiness & industry regulations
- Technology developments and future trends

Lecture 12: Engine Design Review Meeting Part I April 6, 2017

- Group presentation for design review with a Panel of experts.

Lecture 13: Engine Design Review Meeting Part II April 13, 2017
- Group presentation for design review with a Panel of experts.
1. Course Handbooks with lecture material (will be made available for download)

2. Cohen H., Rogers G.F.C. & Saravanamuttoo H.H.I., Gas Turbine Theory, Longman.

3. Moustapha, H, Zelesky M, Baines N, Japikse D, Axial and Radial Turbines, Concepts NREC

4. Dixon S.L., Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery. Pergamon Press. -



1. Shepherd D.G., Principles of Turbomachinery, MacMillan.

2. Vavra H., Aeorthermodynamics & Flow in Turbomachines, J. Wiley.
3. Yoshinaka Y., Sampath P. & Moustapha H., Gas Turbines Handbook of Fluid Dynamics and Fluid
Machinery, J. Wiley.
4. Sawyers Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook, Volume 1.
5. Hill P.G. & Peterson C.R., Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion, Addison-Wesley
6. Balje P.E., Turbomachines: A Guide to Design, Selection and Theory, J. Wiley.
7. Lakshminarayana B., Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbomachinery, J. Wiley.
8. Turbine Design & Applications, NASA SP-290, Volume 1, 2 and 3.
9. Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors, NASA SP-36.
10. A Meanline Prediction Method for Axial Flow Turbine Efficiency, Kacker, S.C, Okapuu, U.,
Journal of Engineering for Power, Vol. 104, Jan. 1982
11. "Loss Sources and Magnitudes in Axial-Flow Compressors", Koch, C.C., and Smith Jr., L.H., ASME Journal of
Engineering for Power, Vol. 98, No. 3, July 1976.

Pratt & Whitney Canada is currently seeking risk sharing partners for the design, development and
eventual production of a new family of Gas Turbine Engines. The new family of engines will be based
upon a 2 shaft Turbofan arrangement with a bypass ratio of 3. This engine will be used mainly at 35K
feet altitude and will fly at a 0.75 Mn. The engine configuration will be a Fan driven by a one stage
shrouded axial Fan Turbine, 1 axial LPC stage plus 1 centrifugal HPC stage driven by a one stage
axial unshrouded high pressure axial turbine (HPT). Your contribution to the partnership will be the
design and development of the rotating components on the low spool of the engine (Fan Blade and
stator & LPT stage) that will potentially be used as a common core on 2 other derivatives of this
engine. The preliminary design review will be held on April 6 & 13 2017, and as a potential partner,
you will be expected to present your proposed design and trade studies to a panel of technical
experts who will be considering whether or not to consider you as a partner for this potential new and
lucrative engine program.

Key engine characteristics at its design point (35Kft Cruise) are as follows:

Engine inlet
Scoop Factor (Vinlet/V) = 0.9
Fan + Core Compressor:
Core Mass flow = 4.5 lb/sec
Fan PR = 1.63 (constant from hub to tip)
Fan Bypass Stage (Fan Rotor + bypass stator) PR = 1.6 (target)
Fan rotor adiabatic efficiency = 91.7% (constant hub to tip)
Fan bypass stage (Fan rotor + bypass stator) adiabatic efficiency = 88% (target)
Fan core stator PR = 0.98
Core massflow = 4.5 lbs/sec
LPC PR = 2.5
LPC efficiency = 85%
HPC PR = 4 and target efficiency of 81%
Bleed air taken at HPC exit (cabin bleed + turbine cooling) = 10% of core inlet flow
Additional HPC exit Bleed air when Active Clearance Control *** is turned on = 11% of core inlet flow
Fuel to air ratio = .02
Heating value = 21200 BTU/lb
Efficiency & pressure loss = 0.99 & 2% respectively
Radial Temperature Distribution factor (RTDF) = 5% (peaking at 50% of span)
HPT target efficiency of 85%-87% with ATCC ON (assume a value for your calculations)
HPT vane cooling air = 3.3%
HPT disk cooling air (ejected just downstream of the blade) = 3.0%
HPT Shroud Cooling air with ATCC OFF = 0.6%
HPT shroud Cooling air with ATCC ON = 1.6%
ITD loss = 1.5%
LPT target efficiency of 86%-88%
LPT disk cooling air (ejected just downstream of the blade) = 3.1%
Exhaust loss = 1.4%
Engine Exit
Bypass & core Nozzle efficiencies = 93%
PART A ENGINE DESIGN (at 35K Altitude Cruise)

From the parameters given, you will need to determine all of the relevant parameters of the cycle,
including temperature, pressure, component work, engine net thrust and SFC. You will need this
information in order to have a grasp of the boundary conditions which will exist for the components
you will be designing, and also to have a feel for how much your design may cost to produce.


(at 35K ft Altitude Cruise)

Up to Fan Rotor LE (Calculation Plane 1):

100% Ram recovery is assumed
No pressure loss in the fan intake (or sometimes called an inlet diffuser) is assumed

At Fan Rotor LE (Calculation Plane 1):

Rh = 2.6 inches (given)
Specific frontal area, [m*sqrt()//A] (lbs/sec/ft^2)= 40 44 , where A = *(Rt^2 Rh^2)
Cx: constant between R/Rt = 0.6 and 1.0
Cx,h (at hub) = 0.7*Cx,t (at tip)
Cx: varies linearly to radius between hub and R/Rt = 0.6
Semi-cone angle (= meridional flow angle) at hub ( ,h,LE) = 25 - 35
Meridional flow angle at tip (,t,LE) = 0
Meridional flow angle between hub and tip is assumed to vary linearly to radius, from ( ,h,LE) at hub
to (,t,LE) at tip
Inlet flow swirl angle, ,LE = 0 from hub to tip
Generate velocity triangles at hub, mean and tip, in the meridional plane

At Fan Rotor TE (Calculation Plane 2):

Rotor PR = 1.63 (Constant from hub to tip)
Rotor adiabatic efficiency = 0.917 (Constant from hub to tip)
Meridional velocity ratio at mean radius, Cm,m2/Cm,m1 = 0.86
where, m1: mean radius at fan rotor LE, m2: mean radius at fan rotor TE
Mean radius ratio, Rm,2/Rm,1 = 1.04 1.08
where, 1: fan rotor LE, 2: fan rotor TE
Tip radius ratio, Rt,2/Rt,1 = 0.97 1.00
Semi-cone angle (= meridional flow angle) at hub ( ,h,TE) = 15 - 25
Meridional flow angle at tip (,t,TE) = -10 - 0
Meridional flow angle between hub and tip is assumed to vary linearly to radius, from ( ,h,TE) at hub
to (,t,TE)
Calculation Plane 2 is assumed to be normal to the meridional flow direction at mean radius
Generate velocity triangles at hub, mean and tip, in the meridional plane
(Note: Take the single plane normal equilibrium condition into account, in Calculation Plane 2)

Specify rotor blade geometry at hub, mean and tip, in the meridional plane

Rotor Blade Geometry:

Assume rotor blade geometry is MCA (Multiple Circular Arc) with the (tmax/C) point located at 55% -
65% from LE, at hub, mean and tip
Blade AR (aspect ratio): 2 3, where blade height is average between LE and TE, and chord length
is at mean radius. Note: Axial Blade AR: 3 4 (This is just a guide, and not a requirement)
Specify blade geometry, such as RLE, tTE, (tmax/C), C (chord length), (camber angle), and
(stagger angle), in the meridional plane
Specify blade count, Nb
Specify incidence angle and calculate deviation angles (use the Carters rule) for the blades, at hub,
mean and tip
Calculate Df and blade solidity, in an iterative manner with the definition of blade geometry

where, 1: Rotor LE and 2: Rotor TE

Make sure that Df : between 0.35 and 0.5, at mean and tip
and that Df : less than 0.55 at hub

At Splitter LE plane (Calculation Plane 3):

No pressure loss is assumed, between Calculation Planes 2 and 3
Gas path shroud radius is constant from Rotor TE through Bypass Stator TE
Gas path is cylindrical and Calculation Plane is normal to gas path mean radius
Axial distatance between fan rotor tip TE and Cal Pl 3 is assumed to be 1.5 x (fan rotor chord length
at tip)
Generate velocity triangles at hub, mean and tip
(Note: Take the single plane radial equilibrium condition into account in this plane)
Derive Cx as a function of gas path radius in Calculation Plane 3
Determine Splitter Radius (Rspl)
Define velocity triangles for the bypass flow, at hub, mean and shroud

At Bypass Stator LE plane (Calculation Plane 4):

No pressure loss is assumed, between Calculation Planes 3 and 4
Axial distance between fan rotor TE and bypass stator LE is your choice, but be no less than 1.8 x
(fan rotor chord length at tip), to avoid fan rotor noise
Bypass Stator hub radius (Rh,byps,LE) is your choice
Generate velocity triangles at Bypass Stator LE

At Bypass Stator TE plane (Calculation Plane 5):

Bypass Stator hub radius (Rh,byps,TE) is your choice
Exit flow Mach no: 0.45 0.60
Exit flow swirl angle: 2 = 0.0 deg.
Assume that the pressure loss in the Bypass Stator is profile loss only, and that it is based on the
Jansen and Moffat (1967) model


where, 1: Stator LE, 2: Stator TE

Make sure that Df: between 0.35 and 0.5, at hub, mean and tip
Stator Vane Geometry:
Assume stator geometry is DCA (Double Circular Arc) at hub, mean and tip, and specify vane
Vane AR (aspect ratio): 1.5 2.5, where blade height is average between LE and TE, and chord
length is at mean radius
Specify geometry details, such as RLE, t1TE, (tmax/C), C (chord length), (camber angle) and
(stagger angle),
Specify vane count, Nv
Specify incidence angle and calculate deviation angles (Use the Carters rule) for the vanes at hub,
mean and tip
Calculate Df and blade solidity, in an iterative manner with the loss and deviation angle calculations


(at 35K Altitude Cruise)

Inlet Mn = 0.4
Inlet swirl = 20 deg (relative to axial)
Exit Mn= 0.3 0.6
Exit swirl= -5 to +20 deg (relative to axial)
Target field life = 10000 hours

Aspect ratio = 0.7
Zweifel coefficient at mean = 0.70 0.80
Trailing edge thickness (minimum) = 0.025 inches

Aspect ratio = 2
Zweifel coefficient at mean = 0.8 0.95
Trailing edge thickness (minimum) = .025 inches
Tip clearance = 0.03 (Shrouded)

Blade Containment Consideration:

Your design AN^2 and Rim Speed must NOT exceed 3.8X10^10 and 1000 ft/s respectively.

Parameters to be presented/calculated must include:

- All meanline design parameters including rotation speed, gaspath, velocity triangles at
inlet and exit of each component.
- Hub and tip velocity triangles including radial temperature distributions, pressures, angles,
velocity and reaction assuming a free vortex design.
- Vane and blade geometric parameters such as stagger angle, axial chord, airfoil count.
- Nozzle and rotor loss coefficients (using the modified AMDC loss system) as well as tip
- Based upon your calculations, what is/are the weaknesses of the loss correlations you
have used? What would you propose as improvements that could be made?
- Based upon a CATIA V5 based parametric model which you will use to generate a 3D
blade shape, estimate the blade cross sectional area distribution, total blade pull and fan
turbine blade static weight.
- Based upon additional data you will be provided, estimate the expected Fan Turbine blade
field life and whether or not you can meet the target field life the customer is demanding.
- The engine is expected to run off-design at times (such as during taxi, take-off, climb, and
flight idle), where RPM will be reduced by 20%. Calculate the incidence that will result on
your design, as well as the impact this will have on stage efficiency (again, using the
AMDC and Moustapha correlations).


Undergrad & Grad groups:

- You will need to present a trade study of fan turbine factory standard cost vs stage
efficiency. Is there an option you feel could provide better value to the customer? If so, are
there other implications that could influence the decision of which concept to select?
- During engine development, it was discovered that the engine core (designed and
developed by another company) has MISSED its efficiency target. What impact could this
potentially have on your Fan Turbine Design and why?
- The customer is asking for an engine weight reduction relative to your original design. To
achieve this, you must look into weight reduction opportunities in your Fan and Fan
Turbine Designs. Are there alternate avenues available for providing the customer with
reduced engine weight and if so, what are the pros and cons of your recommendations?

Grad groups (in addition to the above):

- Please present your companys 5 year Technology Plan, which includes areas where you
plan to conduct research, planned budget, and expected benefits if the research leads to
innovative breakthroughs.
- P&WC will be introducing two additional derivative engines into the market. The two new
engines will deliver +10% and -10% thrust, each with unique Fan and Fan Turbine
Designs. However, for these 2 new derivative engines, the core must be used as is.
How does this strategy benefit the overall Business case for this new 3 engine product
family? What are the technical compromises that must be made to each of the major
components in the engine, in order to accommodate this strategy? Are there any design
considerations that can be incorporated into the component designs in order to mitigate
these compromises?

Engine mission profile

Power Setting Duration (mins) ACC Setting
Taxi 10 OFF
Take-off 10 OFF
Climb (to 41Kft) 20 OFF
Cruise 75 ON
Flight Idle decent 20 OFF
Taxi 10 OFF
Additional design data which will be made available to you for your design:
- Factory Standard cost per blade for various materials
- SFC to Fan Turbine efficiency trade factor

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