Line Factory Logo Mea Lesson

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Grade level/s 9-10

In this lesson/activity, students work in groups to create a new logo for the Line Factory
and submit to the Design Department.

Subjects Integrated Math 1

Instructional Time 4 block period (8 hours)

Write the equation of a line passing through two given points. Students will also
need to have an understanding of graphing lines. They will need to know that the
direction of a line has to match the positive, negative, or zero slope value. Students
Prior Knowledge
will need to make sure not to interchange the x-coordinate with the y-coordinate
when writing their points, otherwise programming will have yield a different logo

Keywords Coordinate plane, slope-intercept form, slope, points, domain, range

Materials list Ruler, graph paper, Processing (programming platform), colored pencils.

Learning Objectives: In this Integrated Math 1, students in groups of 4 will use at least 4 lines
to create a new logo for the Line Factory (a fictitious company). Students will find the key points
of each of their lines, find the slope, find the equation of each line in slope-intercept form, and
determine the domain and range of their logo(this will be important for the programmers).

1. Content: Students will be able to write the equation of a line given two points. Students will
also learn that the domain can be restricted for any line to only find a segment of that line.
2. Behavior: Students will review writing and graphing equations of lines with the teacher.
They will be given a letter from the Line Factory. Students will create a logo with at least four
lines (positive, negative slope and/or horizontal or vertical lines). They will work in groups of 3-
3. Condition: The teacher will review writing and graphing lines and assess their understanding
before starting the task. Then the teacher will discuss what each team needs to accomplish,
design a logo. The teacher will ask the readiness/comprehension questions to promote

4. Criterion: Each student will have to make the sketch of their groups logo and provide the
same specifications as everyone else in the team. A canvas must be provided (the size of the first
quadrant) with colors included on the sketch, if not drawn. The teacher will assess each groups
logo, how it is presented, and the participation that took place in each group.

Related Standards

Guiding/Reflective Questions
As you circulate the room, ask:
What do you know? What information do you have?

How can you write the equation of a line? What form do you use?

What are the domain and range of each of the line segments in the logo?
Is the line increasing or decreasing in this interval on the x-axis?
How can you calculate the slope? How can we tell if the slope is positive or negative?

What makes a line steeper? What makes a line less steep?

What does a line with a slope of zero look like?
Why is it necessary to restrict the domain or range?

Readiness/Comprehension Questions
How many lines do you have?
What do you need to design? Who are you designing this for?
What is a logo? Can you give me some examples?
What do you need for each line?

Formative Assessment
Teacher should ask several questions before the lesson starts:
What is a logo?
What are some examples of logos?
Provide some examples of logos.

What is a canvas?
How might a programmer use this to program a sketch?

Feedback to Students
During the lesson the teacher should collaborate with each group to see if each student is giving
their input for the logo, specifications, and their ideas. The teacher should provide feedback to
the students when asking the guiding questions after reading each communication letter and
when students are working on their logos. The teacher will also provide feedback to students
after they have completed the readiness questions, which will ensure understanding of the task
before they begin to work.
Summative Assessment
Each group will be required to write a letter to the Line Factory to convince them that their logo
represents innovation. They will also need to include in their letter what their logo represents.
Groups will also be assessed based on the accuracy of the specifications (key points, equations,
and lines) they provide with their sketch. Teams will also be assessed on their presentation of
their logos.

Accommodations & Recommendations

Students should be grouped in heterogeneous levels.
Students should be grouped in 3-4 students.
EL students should be spread out so the other students can help.

Special Materials Needed
Processing Software or any visual arts programming software, graphing calculators, DESMOS
graphing app, internet connection, Document Camera.
Further Recommendations
Students can use a graphing calculator or DESMOS to check their lines.
Extensions (optional)
Students can explore triangles, trapezoids, rectangles, or any polygon that has straight edges to
create a logo.

Sample Client Letter

Dear Team,
The Line Factory needs a new logo for its pamphlet. The
design department will need your help in designing a logo that represents
innovation. We had received two stylish proposed logos, but they were lost. The
design department needs all the pertinent information you can give them, including
key points and a sketch of your logo with colors specified. However, programmers
need to have the equations of the lines too to program their pamphlet-production
software. The Design Department will return your programmed design for final
approval or modifications. Remember, your job is not only to give us a sketch, but
also provide the correct specifications of your logo. The Design Department needs
to have the following in order to program the proposed logo:
1) Key points (remember to let us know what the restrictions for your domain and
range are)
2) Verify that the steepness (slope) of each of your lines match with how your
sketched line
3) Equations of each line used in your logo
4) Identify the colors you want the programmers to use for each line, point, and
5) Identify the size of your canvas (domain and range for your entire logo)

Thank you team for your help in this matter.

The Line Factory

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