Transportation Law Chart

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Transportation: movement of persons or things from one place to another

by land, water or air. Includes waiting time, loading/ unloading, stopping Atty. Abao notes + Perez
in transit & all other accessorial services COMMON CARRIER: TRANSPORTATION OF GOODS Edited by Advincula, delos Reyes & Gruba
ART. 1766 ART. 1733 ART. 1735 ART. 1734 ART. 1739-1743 ART. 1744-1752
2. Code of Commerce 1.Requisites
3. Special Laws 1. To transport with greatest 1. Natural disaster like flood, 1.a) proximate and only a) In writing
skill & utmost foresight storm, earthquake, lightning cause b) With valuable
(ART.1732) PRESUMPTION OF Fire not included consideration other than the
COMMON CARRIER 2. Utmost vigilance of very NEGLIGENCE b) Exercise of diligence to services of the common carrier
cautious person, according to prevent or minimize loss c) Reasonable, just and not
1. Engaged in the business of all circumstances 1. Not conclusive but 2. Act of public enemy in c.) must not be in delay contrary to public policy
carrying or transporting disputable presumption war, whether international or
goods or passengers (ART. 1736-1738) civil 2. Void stipulation
DURATION OF 2. May be overcome by 2.same as in #1 (above) a) Unreasonable
a) Whether as principal EXTRAORDINARY contrary evidence of 3.act or omission of owner or b) Unjust
or ancillary business RESPONSIBILITY defenses shipper of goods c) Contrary to public policy
3.a) if proximate cause:
b) Whether on 1. From the time goods are (ART 1753) exempting 3. Valid stipulation
regular/scheduled basis unconditionally placed in b) If contributory a) Limited to value of goods
or occasional/ possession of and received Law of the country of 4.character of goods or defect negligence: mitigating appearing in bill of lading
unscheduled basis by common carrier for destination shall govern in the packing or container
transport until actual or liability of common carrier Must not be known to 4.exercise due diligence to b) Fixed sum that is
2. Offers its services to the constructive delivery to for loss, destruction, or the carrier or apparent forestall or prevent loss reasonable and just and
public consignee or person with deterioration agreed upon
a) Whether to the right to receive 5.order or act of competent
general population public authority 5. With power to issue the c) Delay due to strike or riot
2. Even when goods are order
b) Narrow segment of temporarily unloaded or 4.Factors to be considered:
the general population stored in transit unless a) Refusal to carry goods
shipper used right of unless stipulation limiting
3. For compensation or fixed stoppage in transit liability is signed by shipper
price or rate
3. Even during time of b) Delay or deviation
4. Control of operation/ cargo storage at warehouse of
common carrier at place of c) Lack or presence of
destination until consigner is competition
CPC not a requisite advised of goods arrival and
to incur liability has had opportunity to Doctrine of Limited Liability:
remove/ dispose of them when loss of vessel was not due
Pipeline concession/ to fault/ negligence of
operator engaged in Private carrier: without making it a vocation or holding shipowner, liability is limited to
the business of himself out to the public as ready to act for all who its pro rata share in insurance
petroleum products is desire his services, undertakes by special agreement in proceeds.
a common carrier a particular instance only, to transport property either
gratuitously or for hire

Test: If open to the public, the carrier is common,

otherwise private (example: exclusive contractor,
bareboat charter)

Atty. Abao notes + Perez
TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS Edited by Advincula, delos Reyes & Gruba
ART. 1733, 1755 JURISPRUDENCE ART. 1756 ART. 1757,1758 ART.1761, 1762 DEFENSES


common carrier carry passengers A. Commencement 1.liability cannot be observe ordinary
safely as far as human dispensed or lessened by diligence to avoid injury 2.negligent act of the
care and foresight can 1.Liberal view: when a PRESUMPTION OF posting of notices, statements to himself passenger is the proximate
provide person offers to be NEGLIGENCE on tickets or otherwise cause of death or injury
transported, placing 2.contributory
2.using utmost himself in the care and Disputable and may be overcome 2.gratuitous carriage: negligence of passenger 3.employees could not
diligence of a very control of the common by proof of exercise of stipulation to limit liability does not bar recovery of have prevent by ordinary
cautious person carrier who accepts him extraordinary diligence may be valid but not for damages but reduces diligence the willful act or
as such passenger willful act or gross amount thereof negligence of other
3.with due regard for ART. 1759, 1760 negligence passengers or stranger
all the circumstances 2.Strict view: there is Not liable for simple negligence
ART. 1763 which caused the injury or
actual boarding or NON-EXEMPTING OR NON- death
NOT INSURER OF placing of a part of the LIMITING ACTS OF CO-
ABSOLUTE SAFETY passengers body in the 3.reduced fare does not PASSENGERS OR 4.liability is mitigated b
vehicle. 1.common carrier is liable due to justify limiting liability STRANGERS the contributory
The common carrier is negligence or willful act of negligence of passenger
not required to B. Termination employee, even if done beyond * for safety of passengers 1.common carrier is of his failure to observe
exercise all the care, scope of authority or in violation of responsible in case of ordinary diligence to
skill or diligence the When the passenger orders death or injury on avoid injury
human mind can alights from the vehicle account of willful act or
conceive nor free the at the place of 2.liability does not cease with negligence of other 5.stipulation to limit
passenger from all destination and has exercise of ordinary diligence by passengers or strangers liability is valid in
possible risks reasonable opportunity common carrier gratuitous carriage, if no
to leave the common willful act or gross
PASSENGER carriers premises 3.liablity is not eliminated or If employees could have negligence by common
limited by stipulation, posting of stopped or prevented the carrier
One who travels in a notices, statements on tickets act or omission by
Explosion of new tire: NOT
public conveyance by exercise of ordinary fortuitous event
virtue of an express or Commencement in air diligence
implied contract with transportation: when airline
the common carrier, issues a ticket and confirmed
it for a particular flight on a
paying fare or what is certain date
the equivalent thereof

Children who do not

pay fare are considered
passengers when riding
with another who has
paid for a fare

ART.358, 370-71 ART.359, ART.363-365 ART.366, ART. 368,369 ART. 373
1.when no period fixed: 1.if route agreed upon, carrier Purpose of following This refers to an
carrier must forward may not change it unless by The carrier must deliver the requirements so carrier can The carrier must deliver the arrangement where
goods in the first reason of force majeure; goods in the dame condition check validity of claims while goods to the consignee or the several carriers
shipment of same or otherwise, carrier is liable for and quantity in which they were facts are still fresh and legitimate holder of the bill of successively transport the
similar goods losses suffered by goods and received, according to the bill documents still available. lading. goods or by a single
for indemnity stipulated of lading. through bill of lading
2.when period fixed: 1.when damage is ascertainable 1.the shipper may order the issued by a carrier and
carrier must deliver goods 2.if no agreed route, carrier case of partial delivery, from the outside part of the return or retention of the goods honored by other carriers.
within time fixed must select shortest, least consignee may refuse to receive package, the claim must be by the carrier, prior to
expensive and practically those delivered if they cannot made at the time of receipt appearance of consignee or transportation of
DELAY IN DELIVERY passable route (Art.1747) be used independently of those legitimate holder of bill of goods by successive
not delivered Verbal claim made lading. carriers, the last carrier
In case of delay, the immediately is sufficient assumes the obligation of
compliance by law
carrier is liable for: 2.if the goods delivered were 2.the carrier is liable for the previous carriers.
rendered useless for sale or damages if it delivers to the
1.indemnity stipulated in consumption, consignee may 2.when the damage is wrong person (misdelivery) 2.but the last carrier, if
the bill of lading refuse to receive ascertainable only by the not directly responsible
opening of package, the claim 3.if the carrier makes no for the loss or damage,
2.if no stipulation, 3.if the goods delivered are must be made within 24 hours delivery or refuses to deliver may proceed against the
damages due to delay damaged to such an extent that following receipt (longer (non-delivery), the consignee previous carriers.
which may not exceed the their value is diminished, period may be stipulated) may sure for conversion and
current price of the goods carrier must pay the difference damages 3.shipper/consignee has
on the day and place of in value as judged by experts both cases, the claim must right of action against
destination be made before payment of 4.if the consignee cannot be carrier who executed
In the first 2 cases, consignee transportation charge found in the place indicated in transportation contract or
3.special damages like may exercise abandonment and the bill of lading or refuses to the other carriers who
unrealized profit, if be entitled to full value of 4.a provisional claim need not pay transportation charge or to received goods without
carrier foresaw or had goods. state in detail list of goods lost receive goods, the carrier may reservation.
notice of circumstances or damaged, so long as carrier deposit the goods in its
leading to the probable can make reasonable warehouse r the court; such 4.carriers with
occurrence of such verification deposit has the legal effect of reservation are not
damage delivery relieved of
5.claim is condition precedent responsibilities for their
4.full value of goods, if to right of action which must Claim not condition precedent own acts
consignee should exercise be filed within 1 year from to action, which must be filed
abandonment of the delivery of goods or denial of within 4 years if no written
goods by advising carrier claim contract, 10 years if written
accordingly prior to contract.
arrival at destination 6.sufficient and reasonable
shorter period may be
5. where common carrier
stipulated in the bill of lading
incurs in delay, a natural
disaster shall not free such *there must be delivery/
carrier from responsibility, receipt by the consignee
thus liable for damages (New Zealand vs. Joy)

Atty. Abao notes + Perez
VESSELS / PERSONS IN MARITIME COMMERCE Edited by Advincula, delos Reyes & Gruba
Vessels Shipowner/Agents Captain/masters Officers Passengers
A. Definition A. Ship agents (may be shipowner; not a civil agent) A. Captain of big vessel for high A. Officers must be duly A, Refund due to voyage
1. Those with motive power 1. Entrusted with provisioning vessel; seas or coastwise trade, master for licensed (PRC and suspension or interruption
2. Means of water 2. Represents vessel in port where she is (Art 586) smaller vessels for coastwise Marina)
transportation (PD 474) 3. Represents shipowner in judicial/extrajudicial act (Art 595) trade 1. If due to fault of
*Refer solely to merchant ships, *husbanding agent: general agent of the owner with
B. Officers include the captain or ship agent,
engaged in transportation of powers to engage the vessel for general freight and the B. Qualifications following passenger has right to
passengers and freight from one port usual conditions settles freight and adopts averages with 1. Filipino Citizen 1. Sailing mate refund of fade and to
to another, or one place to another the merchants 2. With skill and capacity to 2. Second mate damages
B. Excluded B. Civilly liable for: command and direct vessel 3. Third mate
exempted from licenses 1. Acts and obligations of captain contracted to repair, equip 3. Duly licensed by Marina 4. Marine engineer 2. If due to force
1. Local and foreign military and provision the vessel (586) (609, 882) majeure or fortuitous
vessel 2. Indemnities arising from conduct of captain in the care of event only return fare
2. Bancas and other goods and passengers carried by the vessel (587) C. Civilly liable for Supercargoes or part thereof in
watercrafts of less that 3 tons 3. Obligations contracted by captain even exceeding his powers 1. Damage to vessel due to proportion to distance
gross capacity (PD 474) and privileges provided made for the benefit of the vessel (588) lack of skill and negligence In maritime law a person traveled before
3. Small watercrafts engaged if vessel does not benefit, agent/ owner not liable 2. Theft, robberies, mutiny by specially employed by the interruption (697)
in river and bay traffic (art 835) 4. Damages in case of collision by reason of the fault crew owner of the cargo to take
negligence or lack of skill of captain or any member of the 3. Abuse of power charge of and sell B. Baggage
4. Yachts etc exclusively for
pleasure and recreation complement 4. Unjustified deviation merchandise which have 1. Passenger is considered a
5. Has obligation to pay taxes due from the shipowner 5. Losses fines and been shipped in purchase shipper in so far as the
C. Classified as personal confiscation imposed due to returning cargoes and to goods he carries on board
property ownership of which to C. Doctrine of limited liability and right of abandonment (art 587, violation of laws and regulations receive freight as he may
be recorded in registry vessels 590, and 837) (618-620) be authorized. (647-651) 2. Insofar as the goods in
1. Because of real and hypothecary nature of maritime law, the immediate custody of
- Take charge and sell
D. Warranty of seaworthiness liability of the shipowner agent is limited to value of vessel D. Defense of Force Majeure the passenger, the captain is
- Purchase returning cargo
1. Equipped for the voyage equipment and freight earned during the voyage 1. Proximate and ONLY - Receive freight not responsible, unless the
and manned with sufficient 2. Shipowner/ agent may exempt themselves from liability by cause damage arises from his act
number of competent officers abandoning, vessel, equipment, freight 2. Due diligence to prevent or or the crews (703)
and crew (Caltex vs. Sulpicio) *abandonment cannot be exercised by charterer minimize loss if baggage is not with the
3. Creditor cannot refuse offer of abandonment 3. No delay passenger, CC must exercise
2. Shipper and passenger not when limited liability cannot apply rule on
4. Protest within 24 hours extraordinary diligence
required to inquire into vessels D. Doctrine not applicable common carrier will not apply; common carrier marine protest: written statement under oath, made by the
seaworthiness, genuineness of its presumed negligent unless proved to have exercise master of vessel after occurrence of an accident or disaster
licenses and compliance with extraordinary diligence
in which the vessel or cargo is loss or injured with respect
maritime laws. 1. Where the shipowner or agent are at fault or concurrently to the circumstances attending the occurrence should be
negligent with captain made within 24 hrs following the arrival in the destination
3. Vessel must be seaworthy 2. Where shipowner allows his vessel to embark in an 5. always liable and no
agreement to the contrary being
at the start of voyage; carrier not unseaworthy condition
valid for those arising through its
liable if unseaworthiness occurs 3. Where vessel is insured own fault
later due to fault of shipper or 4. Workmans compensation act
passenger 5. voyage not maritime but only in river bay or gulf
6. expenses for equipping, provisioning, repairing vessel
*right to freightage if vessel sold 7. Vessel is private carrier
1. during voyage: buyer
2. after voyage: seller
3. agreement of parties

Atty. Abao notes + Perez
Edited by Advincula, delos Reyes & Gruba
Averages Arrival under Stress Collision/ Allision Shipwrecks
A. Averages are: 3. Peril imminent and E. Proper legal step and A. Meaning A. Definition A. Meaning
1. All extraordinary or ascertained authority Arrival of the vessel at the Collision is the impact of When a vessel is damaged
accidental expenses 4. Part of vessel or cargoes nearest most convenient port two moving vessels; allision rendering her unable to navigate or
incurred during the voyage deliberately sacrificed To incur expenses and when captain believe the is the striking of a moving when the vessel is lost at sea
for preservation of the 5. Successful saving of cause damage of general vessel cannot continue the vessel against a stationary
vessel and or cargo vessel or cargo average there must be a voyage to the port of one B. Liability
2. All damages and 6. Proper legal steps and resolution of the captain destination (Art. 819) 1. Generally each owner whether of
deterioration suffered by authority taken after deliberations with In the case of risk of the vessel or cargo shall bear his
vessel from departure to other officers and after Once cause of arrival under collision, each vessel must own loss
arrival and by goods from D. Effect: all persons with hearing of person present stress ceases, captain mist alter course to starboard 2. If shipwreck or stranding caused
loading to unloading (806) interest in the vessel and interested in cargo (813) continue voyage, otherwise he (right) so as to pass on the by malice, negligence or lack of
cargo saved shall contribute is liable for damage caused by portside (left) of the other skill of captain or vessel was
And those suffered by the If persons interested in the cargo
(812). Ex: total loss of are not heard, they shall not delay (825) vessel (Rule 18, International insufficiently repaired and equipped
goods from the time they
are loaded until they are vessel and cargo 10M, contribute to the gross average, Rules of the Road) ships agent and or shipper may
unloaded in the port of broken down as follows: their share charged to the captain B. Justification demand indemnity from the captain
their consignment Vessel: 5M unless, the urgency of the case 1. Lack of provisions (not due B. Liability Maritime Protest
Cargo1: 2M should be such that the time to negligence or failure to take 1. If collision due to force
B. Kinds Cargo 2: 2M necessary for previous necessary provision) majeure or fortuitous event
1. Simple or particular: all Cargo 3: 1M deliberation was wanting 2. Well founded fear of each vessel and its cargo
expenses and damages seizure by pirates (manifest liable for its own damage
caused to vessel or cargo, Cargo 3 is jettisoned to and based on positive and (Art. 830)
which have not incurred to lighten vessel during storm. F. Entitlement: justifiable facts 2. If collision due to fault
the benefit and common Vessel and cargoes 1 and 2 1. To be entitled to 3. Accident disabling vessel to negligence or lack of skill of
profit of all persons saved. They must contribute indemnity of gross average, navigate captain or any member of the
interested in the vessel or as follows: owner of cargo must prove 4. Damage to vessel not vessels complement, owner
cargo (809). Liable the Vessel (50%): 500k its existence by means of caused by malice, negligence, of vessel at fault should
owner of the goods which Cargo 1(20%): 200k inventory want of foresight of lack of indemnify
gave rise to the expense or Cargo 2(20%): 200k 2. Claims for averages must skill of captain (Art. 820) 3. If both vessels at fault each
suffered the damage (810) exceed 5%* of the interest shall suffer its own damage
2. General or gross- all the The balance of 100k is in the cargo or in the vessel. and be solidarily liable for
damages and expenses Cargo 3s contribution In the forgoing example, losses and damage suffered by
which are deliberately only the portion of Cargo 3 their cargoes
caused in order to save the worth P10, 000 is 4. Owner of a vessel is liable
vessel and cargo from real jettisoned. This is only 1% if it caused another vessel to
and known risk (811) of the total value of P1, collide with a third vessel
000,000 of cargo 3 and 5. Doubtful collision same as
C. Elements of gross hence it owner is not #1 (above) C. Condition Precedent for
Average entitled to indemnity. recovery of damages/losses
1. Common danger Doctrine of Inscrutable Fault: maritime protest under oath by the
impossible to determine to captain within 24 hours before
2. Arising from accidents of *5%: for general average whom collision is attributable
sea, disposition of authority 1% for particular average competent authority where collision
(or more to be admissible) took place or at first port arrival
(Art. 835)

Not indispensible for
Atty. Abao notes + Perez
perfecting contract of
Edited by Advincula, delos Reyes & Gruba
A. Definition A. Advantages of paper B/L A. Meaning A. Loan on Bottomry
A written acknowledgment of the receipt of the 1. Avoids delay A contract by which the shipowner or agent leases 1. shipowner borrows money for use
goods, their quantity and condition, and an 2. Prevents fraud; alteration, for a price certain the whole or a portion of the equipment or repair of vessel
agreement to transport and deliver them at a forgery and counterfeiting vessel for the transport of goods or persons from 2. for a definite terms and with extraordinary
specific place to a person name or on his order. It is B. Necessitated by: one place to another interest called premium
signed by the captain and shipper and furnished to 1. Containerization 3. secured by pledge of vessel or portion
the consignee (706) 4 copies of original bill of lading
2. Computerization, electronic B. Kinds thereof
shall be made, signed by the (EDI) 1. Contract of affreightment: the shipowner retains 4. loan repayment depends or conditioned on
B. Functions: captain & shipper. Entitled: the possession command and navigation of the safe arrival of vessel
1. Receipt of goods shipper, consignee, captain and C. Electronic commerce Act provides for vessel while the charterer merely uses the vessel or 5. obligations to repay is extinguished if
2. Contract of carriage ship agent the legal recognition and admissibility a space therein for a fixed price at a fixed time or vessel is lost due to specified perils in the
3. Documents of title as evidence of electronic data for a single or consecutive voyage course of voyage ) art 719)
messages and electronic data messages Liable for damages: shipowner
C. Kinds and electronic documents, so long as a. time charter: for a particular period or time B. Loan on respondentia
1. Negotiable: gods to be delivered to the bearer or they can be authenticated by electronic b. voyage charter: hired for one or series of 1. same as above except that what is pledged
to the order of the person named; signature. Holder of the BL is the voyages is the goods ;
Non Negotiable: goods to be delivered to the holder of the private keys and can 2. loan repayment depends on safe arrival of
person named claim delivery of goods transfer his 2. Bareboat or demise charter: the charterer mans goods and obligation to repay is extinguished
2. Clean: goods received in good condition and or rights to another and substitute or the vessel with his own people and becomes in if pledged goods lost
correct quantity terminate the nominated consignee. effect the owner of the vessel for the voyage or
Foul: good received in bad condition and or service stipulated. Liable for damages: charterer C. No loan on bottomry on wages of the
short quantity D. E-documents may now be used in crew or profit expected (731)
3. Through: issued by first carrier and honored by furnishing the marks, number and weight C. Definitions:
the successive carrier of goods, in stating or declaring the 1. Laydays: stipulated period for the loading or D. Loss for the last voyage shall have
4. On board: goods received on board the vessel nature or value of goods; issuing a unloading of a vessel preference over prior ones (730)
which will transport the goods receipt for goods; confirming the loading 2. Extra lay days- days of delay beyond lay days
Received shipment: good received for shipment of goods; claiming delivery of goods; 3. Customary quick dispatch: reasonable period for
with or without specifying the vessel which will authorizing release of goods; giving the loading or unloading according to the custom E. Cause of loss must be marine peril (731)
transport the goods notice of loss of or damage to goods; or usage of the port
undertaking to deliver the goods; 4. Demurrage: fixed remuneration to the owner of F. Total loss of collateral extinguishes the
D. Jurisprudence undertaking to deliver the goods to the vessel for its detention beyond the lay days or same if arose from accident of the sea at the
1. A bill of lading when properly executed and named person or a person authorized to extra lay days time & during the voyage, and proven, cargo
delivered to a shipper is evidence that the carrier claim delivery; granting acquiring 5. Dead weight: cargo which the charterer fails to was on board, exception:
1. loss due to inherent defect of thing
received the goods described therein for shipment renouncing, surrendering, transferring or load in the vessel or payment made by the charterer
2. loss due to the fault/ malice of owner
negotiating. (Sec 25, ECA RA 8792) to the shipowner for the portion of the vessel 3. loss due to barratry of captain
2. Acceptance of bill of lading without dissent chartered but not occupied 4. engaged in contraband
raises the presumption that all terms therein were 6. Primage: small allowance for compensation 5. goods loaded different from that said in the
brought to the knowledge of the shipper and agreed payable to the master/ owner of the vessel for the contract, unless force majeure
to by him and in the absence of fraud or mistake, he use of cables & ropes to discharge the goods
is estopped from denying that he assented to such
terms D. Terms Cargo/ goods may be sold by the court at the
1. CQD instance of the captain:
3. A bill of lading is an actionable document, which 2. WWDSHINC 1. consignee cannot be found or refuses to
must be properly pleaded and the genuineness and 3. WWDSHEX-EIU receive
due execution thereof are deemed admitted unless 4. WWDSHEX-UU 2. sale is necessary to pay freight and other
specifically denied by the adverse party. expenses
Obligation of the captain when vessel becomes 3. goods run the risk of deteriorating
Captain obliged to issue new B/L if previous unseaworthy during voyage is to charter at his
ones lost, provided that security for the value expense another one in good condition to carry
of the cargo is given to his satisfaction,
without changing the consignment
the cargo to its destination. 6
Atty. Abao notes + Perez
SPECIAL LAWS IN TRANSPORTATION (B) Edited by Advincula, delos Reyes & Gruba
A. International Trade A. Forwarding Agent A. Definition A. Definition

Transportation of goods is by more than one It received and arranges to forward and send Stevedoring refers to the handling of the cargo A contract for the hire of services by which a
carrier or mode of transportation. the goods to their destination by the in the holds of the vessel or between the ships vessel is hired to tow another vessel from one
Containerization enhanced transport instrumentality of the actual carrier, without tackle and the holds of the vessel. port to another for a consideration
capabilities in the transfer of goods from ship assuming the role and responsibility of the
to truck, plane, or another ship carrier, and is compensated for his services by Arrastre refers to the handling of cargo on the Not a contract of carriage of goods, or a
the shipper. He is an agent and a wharf or between the establishment of the charter party, but a contract of hire of
B. Definition warehouseman for the shipper, and must consignee or shipper and the ships tackle. services
exercise the care and diligence of a prudent
Multi-modal transport operator (MTO) means man B. Entitled
any person who concludes a multi-modal
contract and assumes responsibility for the B. Freight Forwarder Only the owner of the towing vessel can ask
performance thereof by a carrier for compensation for the towage. Not the
A transport intermediary which publishes its captain, even if the owner waived the claim for
Multi-modal transport contract means a single own tariff, issues its own bill of lading and towage, unless the owner assigned or conveyed
contract for the carrier of goods by at least 2 assumes all responsibilities of a common his right to the captain.
different modes of transport carrier without operating its own vessel. This
Nonvessel Operating Common Carrier
Considering the variety of cultures, languages (NVOCC) acts as a shipper in relation to the
and commercial practices of both end of the actual carrier, and as a carrier to the shipper.
trade, it is reasonable to let one qualified He charges for the entire distance, and assumes
operator organize and be responsible and responsibility for the transportation of the
accountable for the entire transport chain. goods from point of receipt to point of

C. Cargo Consolidator

It consolidates small shipments for various

consignor/ consignees by procuring vessel/
container space from carriers and issuing its
own bill of lading. Its destination agents
distribute the small shipments to the
consignees named in the consolidators

COGSA only apply to loss/ damaged
Atty. Abao notes + Perez
goods. Thus, in misdelivery, where
Edited by Advincula, delos Reyes & Gruba
goods were delivered to another, SPECIAL LAWS IN TRANSPORTATION (A)
A. Origin/ purpose: Only the carrier's liability is extinguished is A. Origin/ Purpose E. Prescriptive Period (Arts. 26 & 29):
no suit is filed within 1 year by shipper, 1. In case of damage, the person entitled to
COGSA is a U.S. Law which was adopted by the consigned, or insurer. The prescriptive Signed first by 30 countries in October 1929 to delivery must complain to the carrier after the
C.A. No. 65 in 1936, to govern contract for the period does not apply to suits insured establish uniform system of rules for discovery of the damage within 7 days from
carriage of goods by sea to and from the RP in against insurer. international air transportation of persons, date of receipt in case of baggage and 14 days
foreign trade. baggage, or goods. RP concurred in 1950. in case of cargo amended by Hague
E. Liability (Sec. 4[5]): 2. In case of delay, 21 days from delivery of
B. Primary Law: B. Liability of a carrier (art. 17-21) goods /baggage. amended by Hague
1. Maximum of $500 per package or, if not 3. No action lies if complaint beyond period,
COGSA is governing law if stated in bill of lading shipped in packages, per customary freight 1. Death or injury happening on board the unless there is fraud
or similar document that contract of carriage is unit (e.g. Metric ton of bulk shipment). aircraft or during embarking/ disembarking 4. Action must be filed within 2 years from
subject to its provisions (sec. 13). date of arrival, or when ought to arrive, or
Note effect on Art. 1753 of NCC. 2. Nature and value of goods may be 2. Destruction, loss or damage to checked in when transportation stopped.
declared by shipper and inserted in bill of baggage or goods while in the charge of the
C. Bill of Lading: lading; declaration is prima facie evidence carrier, whether on board aircraft or in airport. F. Defendants (Art. 30):
and not conclusive on carrier 1. In case of successive carriers, the carrier in
Prima facie of the receipt by the carrier of the 3. Damage occasioned by delay. which the accident or delay occurred, unless by
goods as described therein. (Sec. 3[4]). Contrary 3. Shipper and carrier may agree on another express agreement first carrier assumed
evidence may be presented. maximum amount but not more than Defense: exercise of extraordinary diligence; liability for entire journey.
amount of damage actually sustained. impossibility to prevent damage; contributory 2. As regards baggage or goods, passenger/
If delivered to an arrastre operator, 1 yr. negligence consignee may sue against first carrier;
period should run from there & NOT at the When the packages are shipped in s passenger/ consignee against last carrier; or
time the arrastre delivers the goods to the
container supplied by carrier and the C. Excluded: under WC, to be prosecuted as against carrier in which destruction, loss or
number of such unite is stated in the bill of quasi-delict or breach of contract under New damage occurred; all carriers jointly and
D. Prescriptive Period (Sec. 3[6]): lading, each unit and not the container Civil Code: refusal to board, bumping off, severally liable.
constitute the "package" downgrading, disrespect, abusive and insulting
1. if loss or damage is apparent or external, notice language etc. G. Jurisdiction (Art. 28):
in writing must be given to carrier or agent at time F. Liability (Sec. 4[6]): Only damage or injury Plaintiff has option to file action for damages
of removal of goods by person entitled to delivery. at:
1. If nature or value of goods knowingly D. Limited Liability (Arts. 22-25): 1. Domicile of carrier
2. If loss or damage is not apparent within 3 days and fraudulently misstated by shipper. 1. 250,000 francs per passenger, unless higher 2. Principal place of business of carrier
of delivery limit is agreed upon. 3. Where carrier has business through which
2. If damage resulted from dangerous nature 2. 250 francs p kilo of checked baggage/ goods contract made
3. If no notice is given, there is prima facie of shipment loaded without consent of unless declaration of higher value and added 4. Place of destination
evidence of delivery of goods as described in bill carrier payment made
of lading. 3. 5,000 francs per hand carried baggage
3. If unseaworthiness not due to negligence ***5. residence of the plaintiff
4. Notice is not needed if goods jointly surveyed of carrier Condition: no willful misconduct (Montreal convention): not yet
adopted in the Philippines
or inspected St time of their receipt Limitation of liability under Warsaw will
4. If deviation was to save life or property at not apply if attended by willful misconduct,
5. Whether notice of loss/ damage is given or not, sea. Notes: BF or otherwise improper conduct on the
suit must be filed within 1 year after delivery or *Can the CC insist that the $500 be lowered part of the carrier
when goods should have been delivered; otherwise without consent of the shipper? NO Stipulation to lower limit to exempt from
prescribed - COGSA provides the maximum, partiesliability is void.
therefore can agree in the B/L amount
#5Not to be tolled by
6. If misdelivery, prescriptive period for suit is demand
10 lesser
*Notice: can be a provisional claim; not a
years for breach of written contract or 4 years for
condition precedent (in Code of Commerce,
quasi-delict. it is a condition precedent)
*Can the parties agree to a shorter period
than 1yr? NO 8
*$500/ package: modify? YES
Atty. Abao notes + Perez
Edited by Advincula, delos Reyes & Gruba
(R.A. 2616) (P.D. 1521) (R.A. 4136)

A. Definitions: salvage A. Purpose of mortgage: 1. A motor vehicle must be registered for Under the rules and regulations of
the current year, as a condition for its International Air Transportation
1. Service rendered to preserve the goods To finance the construction, acquisition, operation on a public road or highway Association (IATA), an airplane ticket is
or ship which the owner has either purchase of vessel, or initial inspection valid for one year
abandoned in distress at sea or is unable to thereof. 2. A person can still drive a vehicle even
protect or secure without possessing his driver's license, That is the time allowed the passenger to
B. Conditions for preferred mortgage: albeit he may be violating traffic rules. begin and complete his trip. A passenger
2. Compensation to one by whose (Manuel vs. CA, 227 SCRA 29). can no longer use an expired ticket to
assistance a ship or cargo has been saved 1. Registration with PCG complete his trip. He must purchase w
from impending danger or recovered from 2. Affidavit of good faith 3. A person driving with an expired and new ticket for the remaining portion of his
actual loss Has a lien over vessel/ 3. No waiver of preferred status unrenewed driver's license is deemed not
things salvaged journey. (Air France vs. CA, 126 SCRA
to have any license at all. 449)
C. Preferred mortgage has priority over all
3. Vessel or cargo recovered from claims against the vessel, except: requires an "authorized driver"
abandonment at sea who is either the insured or a person
1. Taxes, crew's wages, general average, driving on insured's order or with his
B. Elements of a valid salvage: salvage, damages arising out of torts permission, provided he abides with
2. Preferred mortgages registered prior in licensing rules. A driver with expired
Not when vessel suffered
1. Marine peril engine failure in open sea,
time Traffic Violation Receipt (TVR) or
when weather is fair 3. Maritime lies arising prior to Temporary Operation Permit (TOP) is not
registration of preferred mortgage (Sec. an authorized driver within the meaning of
2. Voluntary service 17) insurance policy.
When not required as an
existing duty of prior D. Maritime lien for necessities: 5. Mortgage, attachment or other
special contract encumbrances on motor vehicle must be
3. Success in whole or part Any person furnishing repairs, supplies, registered and recorded on the face of the
tonnage, use of dry dock or other Certificate of Registration
necessities to any vessel, upon the order of
it's owner or the latter's authorized
Permit to do salvage work: representatives, shall have maritime lien
- PCG: in case of derelicts (abandoned), on the vessel which may be enforced by a
sunken vessel or wrecks suit in rem and it shall be necessary to
- Bureau of Customs: in case of cargoes allege or prove that credit was given to the
carried by sunken vessels
vessel. (sec. 21)
If within 3 mos. from advertisement of the
salvaged goods, no claimants presented, the
goods are sold in public auction. Proceeds after
deducting reward & expenses, shall be
deposited to National Treasury.
If within 3 years, no one claims, of deposit
given to salvager and to the government.

Atty. Abao notes + Perez
PUBLIC SERVICE Edited by Advincula, delos Reyes & Gruba

Renders services essential C.A. 146 (1936) P.D. 1 (1972) E.O.S A. Franchising/ Licensing
to general public.
Impressed with public 1. Regulatory bodies grant
interest and concern LTO/ LTFRB (land transport) CPC; grant of CPCN
TRB (toll road) requires prior congressional
PCG/ MARINA (water transport) 2. Requirements: Filipino
Subject to POLICE PPA (ports) citizenship, financial
POWER which is a capability, public need
legislative prerogative/ CAB (air transport) 3. Due process: notice and
power. CAAP (airports) hearing

B. Regulation
CONGRESS delegates its (Public Service Commission) (Communication) NTC (communication) 1. Cancellation or suspension
power and responsibilities 1936- 1972 of CPC/CPCN; imposition of
to regulate public utilities. fine (Reasons: e.g. unreliable
service, frequent accidents).
2. Due process: notice and
hearing (Reasons: franchise
ERB- ERB (power) is property and not merely
Regulatory bodies/ BPW privilege; non-impairment of
NEA (electric cooperatives)
Administrative and Quasi- (Power/waterworks) contract if investments
Judicial Agencies NWRB (waterworks) made).
LWUA (water districts)
C. Rate Fixing/ Determination
SPECIAL CASES: 1. Local Government (Local Autonomy Code) 1. Quasi- judicial function
- Franchising of tricycles 2. Goal: balance between
POTEST 2. Special Economic Zones: CDC & SBMA private and public demands;
- Communication franchises within their respective zones just and reasonable rate for
**Note: exempted from requirement of CPC/ CPCN: 3. Fair return on investment vs.
1. Public service owned or operated by govt
Prior operator rule: before allowing new operator, prior operator Congress cannot decide confiscatory measures
entities/ GOCC 4. Affordability vs.
must be given opportunity to improve its service to cover needs
2. Expressly exempted by the legislative franchise No hard and fast rule
3. Expressly exempted from jurisdiction of
of public (old operator must offer) discrimination
Prior applicant rule: if all applicant for public utility are of all
commission No ROI- confiscatory
equal conditions, priority given to 1st applicant
Protection of investments rule: prevent new applicant when it
will cause ruinous competition
**** Rules will give way for better service for public interest 10

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