Unicast Routing Protocols - RIP, OSPF and BGP

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Mukesh Chinta
Assistant Professor, CSE, VRSEC
A protocol needs to define its domain of operation, the messages exchanged,
communication between routers, and interaction with protocols in other domains.
The Internet has changed from a tree-like structure, with a single backbone, to a multi-
backbone structure run by different private corporations today.
The Internet today is made of a huge number of networks and routers that connect them.
A single protocol is not sufficient to provide routing for the entire internet because of
scalability and administrative problems.

Hierarchical routing means considering each ISP as an autonomous system (AS). Each AS can run a routing
protocol that meets its needs, but the global Internet runs a global protocol to glue all ASs together.
An autonomous system (AS) is a group of networks and routers under the authority of a single administration.
The routing protocol run in each AS is referred to as intra-AS routing protocol, intradomain routing protocol, or
interior gateway protocol (IGP); the global routing protocol is referred to as inter-AS routing protocol,
interdomain routing protocol, or exterior gateway protocol (EGP).
Each AS is given an autonomous number (ASN) by the ICANN which is a 16-bit unsigned integer that
uniquely defines an AS. The Autonomous systems are categorized according to the way they are connected to
other ASs.
- A stub AS has only one connection to another AS. The data traffic can be either initiated or
terminated in a stub AS; the data cannot pass through it. Example is the customer network which is either the
source or the sink
. A multihomed AS can have more than one connection to other ASs, but it does not allow
data traffic to pass through it.
. A transient AS is connected to more than one other AS and also allows the traffic to pass

The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) was written by C. Hedrick from Rutgers University
in June 1988, and has since become the most common Internet routing protocol for routing
within networks.

RIP is based on the computer program "routed", which was widely distributed with the Unix
4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) operating system.

All RIP routing protocols are based on a distance vector algorithm called the Bellman-Ford

The earliest RIP protocol was the PUP (PARC Universal protocol), which used the Gateway
Information Protocol to exchange routing information, and was invented by a team that
included R. M. Metcalfe, who later developed the Ethernet physical layer network protocol.

The PUP protocol was later upgraded to support the Xerox Network Systems (XNS)
architecture, and named "Routing Information Protocol", usually just called RIP.

RIP routers advertise the cost of reaching different network instead of reaching other nodes to
enable a router in an AS to forward a packet to different networks in an AS.
To make the cost implementation simpler, the cost is defined as the number of hops, which
means the number of networks (subnets) a packet needs to travel through, from the source router
to the final destination host.
In RIP, the maximum cost of a path can be 15, which means 16 is considered as infinity (no

The routers in an autonomous system need to keep forwarding tables to forward packets to their
destination networks

A forwarding table in RIP is a three-column table in which the first column is the address
of the destination network, the second column is the address of the next router to which
the packet should be forwarded, and the third column is the cost (the number of hops) to
reach the destination network.

Although a forwarding table in RIP defines only the next router in the second column, it
gives the information about the whole least-cost tree.
The third column is not needed for forwarding the packet, but it is needed for updating
the forwarding table when there is a change in the route.
RIP is implemented as a process that uses the service of UDP on the well-known port number 520.
In BSD, RIP is a daemon process (a process running in the background), named routed.
This means that, although RIP is a routing protocol to help IP route its datagrams through the AS, the RIP
messages are encapsulated inside UDP user datagrams, which in turn are encapsulated inside IP datagrams.
RIP runs at the application layer, but creates forwarding tables for IP at the network later.
RIP has gone through two versions: RIP-l and RIP-2. The second version is backward compatible with the
first. RIP-2 allows the use of more information in the RIP messages that were set to 0 in the first version.
RIP-2 defines the format of the message as shown. Part of the message, which we call entry, can be repeated
as needed in a message. Each entry carries the information related to one line in the forwarding table of the
router that sends the message.

Command will always be set to either one,
signifying a request message, or two,
signifying a response message.
A request message is sent by a router that has
just come up or by a router that has some
time-out entries.
A request message can ask about specific
entries or all entries.
A solicited response message is sent only in
answer to a request message. It contains
information about the destination specified in
the corresponding request message.
An unsolicited response message, is sent
periodically, every 30 seconds or when there
RIPv2 updates can contain entries for up to 25 routes and is a change in the forwarding table.
has a maximum datagram size (with an eight-byte UDP
header) of 512 octets. Metric is a hop count between 1 and 16

RIP implements the same algorithm as the distance-vector routing algorithm with a few
changes to enable a router to update its forwarding table.
Instead of sending only distance vectors, a router needs to send the whole contents of its
forwarding table in a response message. The receiver adds one hop to each cost and changes
the next router field to the address of the sending router.
The received router selects the old routes as the new ones except in the following three cases:
1. If the received route does not exist in the old forwarding table, it should be added to the route.
2. If the cost of the received route is lower than the cost of the old one, the received route should be selected as the new
3. If the cost of the received route is higher than the cost of the old one, but the value of the next router is the same in
both routes, the received route should be selected as the new one.

The new forwarding table needs to be sorted according to the destination route.

RIP uses three timers to support its operation:
: Each router has one periodic timer that is randomly set to a number between 25 and 35
seconds (to prevent all routers sending their messages at the same time and creating excess traffic). The
timer counts down; when zero is reached, the update message is sent, and the timer is randomly set once
: It governs the validity of a route. When a router receives update information for a route,
the expiration timer is set to 180 seconds for that particular route. Every time a new update for the route is
received, the timer is reset. If there is a problem on an internet and no update is received within the
allotted 180 seconds, the route is considered expired and the hop count of the route is set to 16, which
means the destination is unreachable. Every route has its own expiration timer.
: It is used to purge a route from the forwarding table. When the information about
a route becomes invalid, the router does not immediately purge that route from its table. Instead, it
continues to advertise the route with a metric value of 16. At the same time, a garbage collection timer is
set to 120 seconds for that route. When the count reaches zero, the route is purged from the table. This
timer allows neighbors to become aware of the invalidity of a route prior to purging.

The update messages in RIP have a very simple format and are sent only to neighbors;
they are local. They do not normally create traffic because the routers try to avoid sending them at the
same time.
As it uses DVR, convergence is slow for a large domain. But RIP
allows only 15 hops in a domain, it should not be a problem. The problems associated with count to
infinity and loops are tackled by use of poison-reverse and split horizon strategies.
As DVR is used, failure or corruption in one router, the problem will be propagated to all the
routers and the forwarding in each router will be affected.

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is also an intra-domain routing protocol like RIP, but it is based on the link-state
routing protocol.
OSPF is an open protocol, which means that the specification is a public document.
In OSPF, like RIP, the cost of reaching a destination from the host is calculated from the source router to the destination
network. However, each link (network) can be assigned a weight based on the throughput, round-trip time, reliability,
and so on.
Each OSPF router can create a forwarding table after finding the shortest-path tree between itself and the destination
using Dijkstra's algorithm.
Metric in OSPF

Forwarding tables in OSPF

OSPF was designed to be able to handle routing in a small or large autonomous system. But in a large AS, flooding of
LSP's creates a huge volume of traffic in a AS.
The OSPF divides or partitions the AS into smaller parts called areas. Each area acts as a small independent domain for
flooding LSPs.
OSPF uses another level of hierarchy in routing: the first level is the autonomous system, the second is the area. This
reduces the amount of routing traffic that is sent through the AS and also reduces the amount of information a router must
maintain about the full AS.

Each router in an area needs to know the information about the link states not only in its area but also in other areas. For
this reason, one of the areas in the AS is designated as the backbone area, responsible for gluing the areas together.
The routers in the backbone area are responsible for passing the information collected by each area to all other areas. In
this way, a router in an area can receive all LSPs generated in other areas.
For the purpose of communication, each area has an area identification. The area identification of the backbone is zero.
At the border of an area, special router called area border routers are present.
A backbone area combines a set of independent areas into a single domain. The backbone acts as a hub for inter-area
transit traffic and the distribution of routing information between areas. Each non-backbone area must be directly
connected to the backbone area.
OSPF is based on the link-state routing algorithm, which requires that a router advertise the state of each link to all
neighbors for the formation of the LSDB.
In real world, we need different kinds of advertisements to advertise the existence of different entities as nodes, the
different types of links that connect each node to its neighbors, and the different types of cost associated with each
We have five types of link-state advertisements: router link, network link, summary link to network, summary link
to AS border router, and external link.
: A router link advertises the existence of a router as a node. Router Link
Advertisements are passed within an area by all OSPF routers and describe the router links to
the network. These are only flooded within a particular area.
Along with the address of the announcing router, this type of advertisement can define
one or more types of links that connect the advertising router to other entities.

A transient link announces a link to a transient network, a

network that is connected to the rest of the networks by one or
more routers.
A stub link advertises a link to a stub network, a network that is
not a through network.
Both the above advertisements should define the address of the
network and the cost
A point-to-point link should define the address of the router at
the end of the point-to-point line and the cost to get there.

: A network link advertises the network as a node. Since a network
cannot do announcements itself (it is a passive entity), one of the routers is assigned as the
designated router (DR) and does the advertising.

In addition to the address the designated router, this type of LSP announces the IP address
of all routers.
: This is done
by an area border router; it advertises the
summary of links collected by the backbone to an
area or the summary of links collected by the area
to the backbone.

Summary Link Advertisements are passed

between areas by ABRs and describes networks
within an area.

19 19
: This is done by an AS router that advertises the summary
link from other ASs to the backbone area of the current AS, information which later can be
disseminated to the areas so that they will know about the networks in other AS's.
AS (Autonomous System) Summary Link Advertisements are passed between areas and
describe the path to the AS Boundary Router (ASBR).

This is also done by an AS router to announce the existence of a

single network outside the AS to the backbone area to be disseminated into the areas.

AS External Link Advertisements are passed between and flooded into areas by ASBRs
and describe external destinations outside the Autonomous System.
OSPF is implemented as a program in the network layer, using the service of the IP for
An IP datagram that carries a message from OSPF sets the value of the protocol field to 89.
Although OSPF is a routing protocol to help IP to route its datagrams inside an AS, the OSPF
messages are encapsulated inside datagrams.
OSPF has gone through two versions: version 1 and version 2. Most implementations use version-2

OSPF is a very complex protocol; it uses five different types of messages.
All packets have a common header. Type is 1 to 5 based on the type of OSPF messages.
The link-state general header is used in some messages.
The OSPF common header has a provision for authentication of sender, preventing malicious
entities to send OSPF messages to a router.

OSPF common header link-state general header

The hello message (type 1) is used by a router to introduce itself to the neighbors
and announce all neighbors what it already knows.

The database description message (type 2) is normally sent in response to the hello
message to allow a newly joined router to acquire the full LSDB.

Database description message (type 2)

Hello packet (Type 1 OSPF packet)

The link state request message (type 3) is sent by a router that needs information about a specific LS.
The Link-state update message (type 4) is the main OSPF message used for building the LSDB and has
five different versions (router link, network link, summary link to network, summary link to AS border
router, and external link).
The link-state acknowledgment message (type 5) is used to create reliability in OSPF; each router that
receives a link-state update message needs to acknowledge it.

Link state acknowledgment packet

Update messages. The link-state messages in OSPF have a somewhat complex format.
They also are flooded to the whole area. If the area is large, these messages may create
heavy traffic and use a lot of bandwidth.

Convergence of Forwarding Tables. When the flooding of LSPs is completed, each

router can create its own shortest-path tree and forwarding table; convergence is fairly

Robustness. The OSPF protocol is more robust than RIP because, after receiving the
completed LSDB, each router is independent and does not depend on other routers in the
area. Corruption or failure in one router does not affect other routers as seriously as in RIP.

Review Example - 1
Give the router link LSA sent by router in the following figure

Review Example - 2

Give the network link LSA for the following figure

Review Example - 3
For the following figure, which router(s) sends out router link LSAs?;; Which router(s) sends out the network link LSAs?

Solution -2
Solution -1 All three network must advertise network links:
All routers advertise router link LSAs. a) Advertisement for N1 is done by R1 because it is the only attached
a. R1 has two links, N1 and N2. router and therefore the designated router.
b. R2 has one link, N1.
b) Advertisement for N2 can be done by either R1, R2, or R3,
c. R3 has two links, N2 and N3. depending on which one is chosen as the designated router.
c) Advertisement for N3 is done by R3 because it is the only
attached router and therefore the designated router.
Review Example - 4

The summary link to network

LSA is used by the area border
router to announce the
I existence of other networks
outside the area.

N External link LSA (fifth kind of LSA)

Summary link to AS boundary
router LSA (fourth kind of LSA)

The Border Gateway Protocol version 4 (BGP4) is the only inter-domain routing protocol used in the Internet
today. It first appeared in 1989 and has gone through 4 versions. It is based on the path-vector algorithm.
An example of an internet with four autonomous systems is shown. AS2, AS3 and AS4 are stub autonomous
systems; AS1 is a transient one. In this example, data exchange between AS2, AS3, and AS4 should pass
through AS1.
Each autonomous system in this figure uses one of the two common intradomain protocols RIP or OSPF. Each
router in each AS knows how to reach a network that is in its own AS, but it does not know how to reach a
network in another AS.

To enable each router to route a packet to any network in the internet, first a variation of BGP4, called
external BGP (eBGP) is installed on each border router (the one at the edge of each AS which is connected
to a router at another AS).

Then install the second variation of BGP, called internal BGP (iBGP), on all routers. This means that the
border routers will be running three routing protocols (intradomain, eBGP, and iBGP), but other routers are
running two protocols (intradomain and iBGP).

BGP is a kind of point-to-point protocol. When the software is installed on two routers, they try to create a TCP
connection using the well-known port 179.
The eBGP variation of BGP allows two physically connected border routers in two different AS's to form pairs
of eBGP speakers and exchange messages.
The routers that are eligible in our example form three pairs: RI-R5, R2-R6, and R4-R9. The connection
between these pairs is established over three physical WANs (N5, N6, and N7).
There is a need for a logical TCP connection to be created over the physical connection to make the exchange
of information possible. Each logical connection in BGP parlance is referred to as a session.

The above figure also shows the simplified update messages sent by routers involved in the eBGP
For example, message number 1 is sent by router R1 and tells router R5 that N1, N2, N3 and N4 can
be reached through router R1 (R1 gets this information from the corresponding intradomain
forwarding table).
Router R5 can now add these pieces of information at the end of its forwarding table. When R5
receives any packet destined for these four networks, it can use its forwarding table and find that the
next router is R1.
Though exchanged eBGP messages help some routers know how to route packets to some networks
in the internet, but the reachability information is not complete.
There are two problems that need to be addressed:
1. Some border routers do not know how to route a packet destined for non-neighbor AS's. For
example, R5 does not know how to route packets destined for networks in AS3 and AS4.
2. None of the nonborder routers know how to route a packet destined for any networks in other ASs.
To address the above two problems, we need to allow all pairs of routers (border or
nonborder) to run the second variation of the BGP protocol, iBGP.
The iBGP protocol is similar to the eBGP protocol in that it uses the service of TCP on the well
known port 179, but it creates a session between any possible pair of routers inside a autonomous

Few points are to be noted for iBGP

First, if an AS has only one router, there cannot be an iBGP session. For example, we cannot
create an iBGP session inside AS2 or AS4 in our internet.
Second, if there are n routers in an autonomous system, there should iBGP sessions in that
autonomous system (a fully connected mesh) to prevent lobe [n x (n - 1) / 2] ops in the

Each router needs to advertise its own reachability to the peer in the session instead of flooding
what it receives from another peer in another session.

Computer Networks - 14CS3406 35

At this stage only four messages are exchanged. The first message (numbered 1) is sent by R1 announcing that
networks N8 and N9 are reachable through the path AS1-AS2, but the next router is R1. This message is sent,
through separate sessions, to R2, R3, and R4.
Routers R2, R4, and R6 do the same thing but send different messages to different destinations. At
this stage, R3, R7,and R8 create sessions with their peers, but they actually have no message to send.

The updating process does not stop here. For example, after R1 receives the update message from
R2, it combines the reachability information about AS3 with the reachability information it already
knows about AS1 and sends a new update message to R5.Now R5 knows how to reach networks in
AS1 and AS3.

The process continues when R1 receives the update message from R4. There comes a point in time
where there are no changes in the previous updates and all information is propagated through all

Each router combines the information received from eBGP and iBGP and creates what we may call a
path table after applying the criteria for finding the best path,


Router R1 now knows that any packet destined for networks N8 or N9 should go through AS1 and AS2 and the next
router to deliver the packet to is router R5.
Similarly, router R4 knows that any packet destined for networks N10, N11, or N12 should go through AS1 and AS3
and the next router to deliver this packet to is router R1, and so on.
The path tables collected and organized by BGP are not used, per se, for routing packets; they are injected
into intradomain forwarding tables (RIP or OSPF) for routing packets.

In the case of a stub AS, the only area border router adds a default entry at the end of its forwarding table and defines the
next router to be the speaker router at the end of the eBGP connection.
R5 in AS2 defines R1 as the default router for all networks other than N8 and N9. The situation is the same for router R9
in AS4 with the default router to be R4. In AS3, R6 set its default router to be R2, but R7 and R8 set their default router to
be R6.
In the case of a transient AS, the situation is more complicated. R1 in AS1 needs to inject the
whole contents of the path table for R1 into its intradomain forwarding table. The situation is the
same for R2, R3, and R4.

The most common solution to the cost value problem is to set the cost to the foreign networks at
the same cost value as to reach the first AS in the path.

For example, the cost for R5 to reach all networks in other AS's is the cost to reach N5. The cost
for R1 to reach networks N10 to N12 is the cost to reach N6, and so on. The cost is taken from the
intradomain forwarding tables (RIP or OSPF).

When dealing the entire global internet, the intradomain forwarding tables obtained by BGP are
quite huge. BGP employs a technique called Address Aggregation, which uses the prefixes as
destination identifiers and allows the aggregation of these prefixes.
For example, prefixes,,, and,
can be combined into if all four subnets can be reached through one path.

In both intradomain routing protocols (RIP or OSPF), a destination is normally associated with two pieces of
information: next hop and cost.

Interdomain routing is more involved and requires more information about how to reach the final destination.

In BGP these pieces are called path attributes. BGP allows a destination to be associated with up to seven path

Path attributes are divided into two broad categories: well-known and optional.

A well-known attribute must be recognized by all routers; an optional attribute need not be.
A well-known attribute can be mandatory, which means that it must be present in any BGP update message,
or discretionary, which means it does not have to be.
An optional attribute can be either transitive, which means it can pass to the next AS, or intransitive, which
means it cannot.

O: Optional bit (set if attribute is optional)
P: Partial bit (set if an optional attribute is lost in transit)
T: Transitive bit (set if attribute is transitive)
E: Extended bit (set if attribute length is two bytes)

The first byte in each attribute defines the four attribute flags. The next byte defines the type of attributes assigned
by ICANN. The attribute value length defines the length of the attribute value field.

ORIGIN (type 1): This is a well-known mandatory attribute, which defines the source OF the routing
information. This attribute can be defined by one of the three values: 1,2, and 3. Value 1 means that the
information about the path has been taken from an intra domain protocol (RIP or OSPF). Value 2 means that the
information comes from BGP. Value 3 means that it comes from an unknown source.

AS-PATH (type 2): This is a well-known mandatory attribute, which defines the list of autonomous systems
through which the destination can be reached. The AS-PATH attribute, helps prevent a loop. Whenever an update
message arrives at a router that lists the current AS as the path, the router drops that path. The AS-PATH can also
be used in route selection.

NEXT-HOP (type 3): This is a well-known mandatory attribute, which defines the next router to which the
data packet should be forwarded. This attribute helps to inject path information collected through the operations
of eBGP and iBGP into the intradomain routing protocols such as RIP or OSPF.

MULT-EXIT-DISC (type 4). The multiple-exit discriminator is an optional intransitive attribute, which
discriminates among multiple exit paths to a destination. The value of this attribute is normally defined by the
metric in the corresponding intradomain protocol (an attribute value of 4-byte unsigned integer). For example, if
a router has multiple paths to the destination with different values related to these attributes, the one with the
lowest value is selected. Note that this attribute is intransitive, which means that it is not propagated from one AS
to another.
LOCAL-PREF (type 5): The local preference attribute is a well-known discretionary attribute. It is normally set
by the administrator, based on the organization policy. The routes the administrator prefers are given a higher local
preference value.

ATOMIC-AGGREGATE (type 6): This is a well-known discretionary attribute, which defines the destination
prefix as not aggregate; it only defines a single destination network. This attribute has no value field, which means the value
of the length field is zero.

AGGREGATOR (type 7): This is an optional transitive attribute, which emphasizes that the destination prefix is
an aggregate. The attribute value gives the number of the last AS that did the aggregation followed by the IP address of the
router that did so.

Well-known Mandatory: Recognized and Included in all BGP Update messages.

Well-known Discretionary: Recognized and May or May not include in BGP Update messages
Optional Transitive: Even if Not Supported it Still need to accept and Send in Update Message.
Optional Non-transitive: Can be ignored and not advertise to peers.

A route in BGP has some attributes attached to it and it may come from an eBGP session or an iBGP session. The
router extracts the routes which meet the criteria in each step. If only one route is extracted, it is selected and the
process stops; otherwise, the process continues with the next step.

Note that the first choice is related

to the LOCAL-PREF attribute, which
reflects the policy imposed by the
administration on the route.

BOP uses four types of messages for communication between the BOP speakers across the ASs and
inside an AS: open, update, keepalive, and notification. All BGP packets share the same common header.
. To create a neighborhood relationship, a router running BGP opens a rep connection
with a neighbor and sends an open message.

. The update message is the heart of the BGP protocol. It is used by a router to
withdraw destinations that have been advertised previously, to announce a route to a new destination,
or both. Note that BGP can withdraw several destinations that were advertised before, but it can only
advertise one new destination or multiple destinations with the same path attributes) in a single update

. The BGP peers that are running, exchange keepalive messages regularly to tell
each other that they are alive.

A notification message is sent by a router whenever an error condition is detected or a

router wants to close the session.

Marker: This 16-octet field is included for compatibility; it MUST be set to all ones.
Length: This 2-octet unsigned integer indicates the total length of the message, including the
header in octets.
Type: This 1-octet unsigned integer indicates the type code of the message. This document
defines the following type codes:

BGP performance can be compared with RIP. BGP speakers exchange a lot of messages to
create forwarding tables, but BGP is free from loops and count-to-infinity.
The same weakness mentioned for RIP about propagation of failure and corruption also
exists in BGP.


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