Buddhist Tales For Young and Old, Vol 3-Jatakas 101-150-Kurunegoda Piyatissa

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May the merit and virtue

accrued from this work
adorn Amitabha Buddhas Pure Land,
repay the four great kindnesses above,
and relieve the suffering of
those on the three paths below.

May those who see or hear of these efforts

generate Bodhi-mind,
spend their lives devoted to the Buddha Dharma,
and finally be reborn together in
the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Homage to Amita Buddha!


Printed and donated for free distribution by
The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation
11F., 55 Hang Chow South Road Sec 1, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-23951198 , Fax: 886-2-23913415
Email: [email protected]
This book is strictly for free distribution, it is not for sale.
Printed in Taiwan
3,000 copies; March 2012

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