MIKE FLOOD Urban Flood Modelling Step by Step

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Modelling of Urban Flooding

A Step-by-step training guide

DHI Water & Environment

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DHI Software 2007

DHI Water & Environment

DHI Software 2007

DHI Water & Environment


Modelling of Urban Flooding
Step-by-step training guide

1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 3
1.1 Background........................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Objective ........................................................................................................................... 4

2 STARTING MIKE FLOOD............................................................................ 4

2.1 Loading MIKE 21 and MIKE URBAN / MOUSE Data...................................................... 6
2.2 Properties for the Horizontal Plot ....................................................................................... 7
2.3 Linking the MIKE 21 with the MIKE URBAN / MOUSE model ....................................... 9
2.4 Defining the link types between MIKE 21 and URBAN / MOUSE ...................................11
2.5 Definition of Result Files ..................................................................................................12

3 RUNNING THE MODEL............................................................................. 12

4 RESULT PRESENTATION ......................................................................... 13

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This Step-by-step training guide focuses on urban flooding in the city
of Bangkok, Thailand. A typical picture of flooding in the city after a
minor heavy rain event in Bangkok can be seen in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 The Nontaburi area in Bangkok after a minor heavy rain event
on 27 April 2002.

1.1 Background
Bangkok has a very high level of economical activities and the most
important national offices are situated in Bangkok. When heavy
rainfall occurs in Bangkok, some of the consequences are: heavy
traffic jams, water logging, blackouts, and big economical losses due
to property damage. Improved understanding and analysis of the
flooding conditions in the city centre of Bangkok will help the city
administration manage and mitigate flooding and associated damage.

A MIKE FLOOD model (consisting of MOUSE and MIKE 21) has

been setup for Sukhumvit, the most important commercial area in
Bangkok. The model covers an area of approx. 25 km2. This model
simulates simultaneously the flow in the sewer, the drainage system
and the surface flow. Hence, during flooding it simulates the flow in
the sewers, the streets and the flow around the houses.

The urban inundation maps produced by the model are ideal for
visualizing and understanding historical flood events. Subsequently

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Modelling of Urban Flooding

MIKE FLOOD may be applied to identify the most efficient and cost
effective ways for reducing the stress from flooding.

1.2 Objective
The objective of this step-by-step training guide is to make the user
familiar with the MIKE FLOOD user interface. I.e. after going through
this guide the user should be able to configure and run MIKE FLOOD

It is a prerequisite that the user is already familiar with the basic

operation of MIKE URBAN / MOUSE and MIKE 21. Thus this guide
does not deal with specific MIKE URBAN / MOUSE and MIKE 21
matters if the user requires knowledge on the basics of these
software packages - then the user must refer to the respective manuals.
Hence, the starting point of this guide is that the user has already setup
a model of the urban drainage system in MIKE URBAN / MOUSE
and that the user has already prepared topography (bathymetry) for the
MIKE 21 surface flow model inside the city area.

The files used in this step-by-step training guide can be found in your
MIKE Zero installation folder. If you have chosen the default
installation folder, you should look in:

C:\Program Files\DHI\MIKEZero\Examples\MIKE_FLOOD\Urban

Hence, you do not need to generate all the MIKE FLOOD input
parameters yourself. All the MIKE FLOOD input parameter files
needed to start a simulation are included.


In order to start MIKE FLOOD do click: Programs DHI

Your first screen will look like the figure below:


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Figure 2.1. The first menu - when you open MIKE FLOOD.

Select File | Open | File and open the predefined MIKE FLOOD
model setup. It is located in:

C:\Program Files\DHI\MIKEZero\Examples\MIKE_FLOOD\Urban\mflood\MIKEFLOOD.couple

This file contains a MIKE FLOOD model setup, which covers a small
part of Bangkok, Thailand. After opening the MIKE FLOOD coupling
file the menu changes to the MIKE FLOOD main menu. See Figure

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Modelling of Urban Flooding

Figure 2.2 - The MIKE FLOOD main menu.

From the MIKE FLOOD main menu you have access to four sub-
menus. For the urban simulation you only work with the menus
Definition and Urban Link Options. These two menus are
explained below.

2.1 Loading MIKE 21 and MIKE URBAN / MOUSE Data

First open the Definition menu to specify the MIKE 21 and the
MIKE URBAN / MOUSE data files. The menu can be seen in Figure

The upper menu field next to Edit MIKE 21 input, specifies the
MIKE 21 data used for the overland flow simulation. In order to
edit/inspect the MIKE 21 data simply click Edit MIKE 21 input.

Add a tick mark next to the line Edit MIKE URBAN and it is now
possible to add the data for MOUSE or MIKE URBAN. Note, that a
MIKE URBAN data file can only be added if you have MIKE
URBAN installed on you computer. Also, note that all the software:
the same DHI software release!

After adding the MIKE 21 and the MIKE URBAN / MOUSE data
the layout of the data will be displayed in the horizontal plot on the


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Figure 2.3 Adding files to the project and the horizontal plot of the MIKE 21
and the pipe network from MIKE URBAN / MOUSE.

2.2 Properties for the Horizontal Plot

The horizontal plot on the Definition menu provides access to a
number of options like:
formatting of the horizontal plot,
linking of the pipe flow model and the surface model.

Formatting of the horizontal plot can be carried out by using the

options: Add/remove layers; Properties and Add/remove
images. These functions are described in detail in the MIKE FLOOD
manual. The adding of a background image is outlined below just to
illustrate one of these functionalities.

Adding a background image

Open the menu with the option for the horizontal plot by right
clicking on the plot. Select Add/Remove Images and specify the
file type and load the file by clicking on the selection next to the file
type, see Figure 2.4. Set the size of the image by selecting Edit next
to the field with the filename. Specify the coordinates for the lower left
corner together with the pixel length and height the total size of the
image will then be computed automatically see Figure 2.5.

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Modelling of Urban Flooding

Figure 2.4 Import of background images.

Figure 2.6 Import of background images.


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Figure 2.7 The MIKE FLOOD model with a background image from down
town Bangkok.

2.3 Linking the MIKE 21 with the MIKE URBAN / MOUSE model
In order to generate the links between the MIKE 21 and the MIKE
URBAN / MOUSE models right click on the horizontal plot and
select Link node to MIKE 21 see figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8 Options for the horizontal plot.

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Modelling of Urban Flooding

Figure 2.9 Linking of nodes to MIKE 21

The nodes can now be linked between the two models in the following

1. On an individual basis through the Node ID

2. By use of a Node Selection File. (From MIKE URBAN:
*.MUS From MOUSE: *.NSE)
3. All nodes from the MIKE URBAN / MOUSE model will be
connected to the MIKE 21 model.

Note, at present the automatically link only works for nodes e.g. link
types M21 to inlet and M21 to outlet.

Coupling of the MOUSE / MIKE URBAN model with more than

one grid in MIKE 21

The node in MOUSE / MIKE URBAN can be coupled to more than

one grid in MIKE 21. This may make the computation more stable and
make the computation run with a larger time step. The coupling of the
MOUSE / MIKE URBAN node with more grid cells in MIKE 21 is
carried out from the Definition Menu. Click on the specific
connection between the models and the connected cells in MIKE 21
are displayed in the column M21 Cord 1. In the case in Figure 2.10
the MOUSE / MIKE URBAN node is connected to two cells in MIKE
21, i.e. cells:

760 563
761 563


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Figure 2.10 Linking of a node to multiple grids in MIKE 21 i.e. the two red

2.4 Defining the link types between MIKE 21 and URBAN / MOUSE
In the menu Urban Link Options the connection type and parameters
are set for each connection between the MIKE URBAN / MOUSE and
the MIKE 21 models.

Figure 2.11 The Menu with the Urban Link Options.

Each line specifies one connection point between the models. The
number in the list corresponds to the number on the Definition

An explanation of the parameters in this menu can be found in the

Help system and the MIKE FLOOD manual.

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Modelling of Urban Flooding

2.5 Definition of Result Files

Two result files are generated from a simulation: one 2D file (MIKE
21) containing the hydrodynamics for the entire area and on 1D file
containing the results from the MIKE URBAN / MOUSE simulation.
The result file for the MIKE URBAN / MOUSE simulation is the
result file specified from inside MIKE URBAN / MOUSE and the
results from the MIKE 21 simulation are stored in the result file
specified in MIKE 21, see figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7 Defining the MIKE 21 result file

In order to view flooding areas please check the Calculation of

inundation statistics and specify a result file.


The computation is started from the MIKE FLOOD interface by
clicking Run Start simulation on the main menu bar, see Figure


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Result presentation

Figure 3.1 starting a simulation.

It is recommended to set the CPU Priority Level to Normal.

When the simulation is finished, summaries of the simulations can be
found in the files: Summary_HD_reduced.HTM and mike21Urban.log
in the respective MIKE URBAN / MOUSE and MIKE 21 directories.

The results from the simulations can be presented in MIKE View or
inside the MIKE Zero results presentation. For the results presentation
of the MIKE 21 overland flow results in the DFS2 file format - pls.
refer to the MIKE Zero manual.

In MIKE View the results from the MIKE URBAN / MOUSE and the
MIKE 21 simulation can be viewed simultaneously. First load the
MIKE URBAN / MOUSE result file in this case urban.prf then
choose File and select Add DSF2 file. Browse to the results
directory and add the file overland.dfs2.

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Modelling of Urban Flooding

Figure 4.1 Adding the MIKE 21 result file to an existing MOUSE result file
inside MIKE View.

In order to e.g. see the max. flooding for the urban simulation open
the Options menu and select to plot the Link Water Level and
Maximum see Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2 Setting of the parameters for plotting the maximum flooding during
the MIKE FLOOD URBAN simulation.


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Result presentation

In order to see the max flooding from the MIKE 21 simulation load the
dfs2 file generated from the inundation calculation (see section 2.5).

The resulting plot of the maximum flooding can be seen in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3 Maximum Flooding during the MIKE FLOOD URBAN simulation.

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