Le1 Aio VG Ex8

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1 Match A to B to form sentences. Pay attention to the words and expressions in bold.
1. The train was delayed ...... a. so they stayed there only two nights.
2. They each bought a return ticket ...... b. and one driver in the car.
3. It was an expensive resort ...... c. because they werent staying long.
4. There were two passengers ...... d. due to bad weather.
5. They didnt have much luggage ...... e. by 11 am.
6. You are requested to check out ...... f. so they wouldnt have to pay again later.

2 Answer the questions with a logical response. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. Is there a supermarket nearby?
2. Why do you want to trade places with me?
3. Why do we have to stop at the border?
4. Why are you going overseas?
5. Why arent you getting a return ticket?

3 Complete the sentences to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in bold.
1. We looked for a campsite that included .
2. I usually get around the city by .
3. Help yourself to the .
4. Im going to finish the paper tonight, no matter .
5. My package holiday in New York included .
6. You sent me the cheque, but you forgot to sign .
7. Jo doesnt get paid much, but she has a very satisfying .


4 Complete each sentence using a prefix and one of the words below. There are more words than you need.
relevant estimate dependent like complete lock possible necessary legal secure
1. Could you get someone to the bathroom door?
2. Dont him. Hes much stronger than he looks.
3. You dont need to bring a gift its .
4. Angelina is an thinker who makes her own decisions.
5. Those details are . They have nothing to do with the issue.
6. Its to solve this problem. Nobody knows what to do.
7. The driver made an left turn and caused an accident.
8. I classical music. I think its boring.

5 Complete the passage using the words below. There are more words than you need.
ordinary sights luggage accommodation worldwide
unusual youth hostel check out overnight dislike value
Where can you find cheap 1. while travelling in Japan? Perhaps the best
for your money is a capsule hotel. This type of hotel offers similar services
to a 3. , but the structure of the hotel is very 4. . Each
room is just the size of an 5. bed, with a bit of room above. Forget about
privacy, because the rooms are arranged next to and on top of each other. In a separate part of
the hotel, there are public showers and a place to store your 6. . Its simply
a place to stay 7. and not much else. The big advantage of capsule hotels
is that they cost very little but youll want to 8. early and spend your day
seeing the 9. of the city. If you 10. being in tiny spaces,
a capsule hotel is probably not the best choice.


1 Complete the sentences using 1-3 words.
1. I didnt check the weather forecast, but it rain today, so bring an umbrella.
2. Do you know anyone wants a kitten?
3. If you had handed in the form on time, you a refund.
4. We cant fly out today because our flight .
5. Mona didnt want to carry her groceries home, so she them .
6. Mike and Rachels wedding, which is tomorrow night, by a professional photographer.
7. Watch out for plants have three leaves. Theyre poisonous.
8. Sandy the piano since she was three years old. Shes very talented.

2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. Nicki didnt pack the blue suitcase. (by)
2. He wont find the hotel without a good map. (if)
3. Kate lost the necklace. It was given to her by her boyfriend. (which)
4. They will finish the bike race before 5 pm. (By 5 pm)
5. Im leaving on the 3 pm train, Sofia told me. (that)
6. Perhaps the travel agent called while we were out. (might)
7. The doctor wasnt available to speak with me. (could)
8. I think you should wear sunscreen. (if)
9. The train will arrive in three minutes, the announcer said. (that)


3 What would you say in each situation? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. You wish you hadnt left your wallet at home.
I ................................................................................................. . (bring)
2. Youre at the dry cleaners.
Id like to .................................................................................... . (clean)
3. You see a shop and remember buying something there.
Thats the shop ............................................................................ . (buy)
4. Youre staying home because you have too much work.
If I .................................................................................................. . (go)
5. You plan to go to one museum every day during your trip.
By the end of the trip, .................................................................. . (visit)
6. Youre going to visit the hair salon.
Im planning .................................................................................. . (cut)

4 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. There may be more than one possible answer.

Do you always feel tired? You 1. (learn) to sleep properly if

you 2. (take) a sleep vacation. On this type of holiday, sleep
techniques 3. (teach) by qualified doctors. Activities that help
you sleep, such as tai chi, meditation, dance and yoga, 4.
(offer) as well. You can work out at the fitness centre, 5. (your
back / massage) or relax in a steam cavern. By the end of your sleep vacation,
you 6. (recover) your sense of well-being.

Most sleep vacation packages 7. (organise) by fancy resorts.

If you 8. (not afford) to spend a lot of money, consider a sleep
vacation at home. All electronics 9. (turn off). If you
(cover) the windows with a dark curtain and play relaxing
music at bedtime, you 11. (get) a few good nights of sleep.

5 Complete the sentences with a logical ending.

1. The trip will be cancelled if .................................................................... .
2. We had a tour guide who ...................................................................... .
3. By the time we arrived at the hotel, ...................................................... .
4. Were on a tour of France, and by Thursday, ........................................ .
5. In order to get a good price, you ........................................................... .
6. If I had read the reviews of this hotel, ................................................... .

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