Vilkanciene Clil in Tertiary Education
Vilkanciene Clil in Tertiary Education
Vilkanciene Clil in Tertiary Education
Lilija Vilkancien
Abstract. CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) as an innovative educational approach reflects EU
policies of promoting multilingualism in Europe. It takes language learning beyond traditional topics and
curriculum by offering non-linguistic content as the basis for learning and teaching. CLIL builds on the principles
of good teaching and learning, namely, active involvement of students, current and authentic materials, active
teaching and learning methods, task or project based learning. It views learning as a social process during which
knowledge is constructed by being actively involved in meaningful communication, group activities and doing
cognitively demanding tasks. CLIL is promoted as means of solving problems of traditional language learning,
such as sometimes unsatisfactory student achievement levels, lack of student motivation, overcrowded curriculum.
Tertiary education has relied for many years on offering LSP (Language for Specific Purposes) courses for
students, where the content for language learning is taken from their field of study, i.e. business, law or sciences or
is based on developing academic skills. However, it seems that innovative ideas are needed to adapt this kind of
teaching to the challenges of the 21st century and apply interdisciplinary curriculum development approaches to
designing integrated courses. The article is based on the literature analysis and a survey conducted at ISM
(University of Management and Economics) in order to find out students attitude to using problem-based tasks in
their language classes, i.e. introduction of integrated content and language learning into their studies. The article
analyses key dimensions of both LSP and CLIL by looking at main similarities and differences of both approaches
and identifies the main aspects that can enrich traditional tertiary level language classes.
Key words: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), integrated curriculum, Language for Specific Purposes
(LSP), tertiary education, problem-based learning.
higher education (HE) as it does in primary and secondary simultaneously (Hellekjaer, 2001) or what D. Marsh calls
sectors. language embedded content learning with dual objectives.
The purpose of the current article is to examine the The third option is the provision of subjects teaching in
relevance of some of the CLIL principles for tertiary education. foreign language without any language support or language
If CLIL enhances student motivation to learn languages in sensitive teaching methodologies. This kind of teaching is
secondary sector, can it also offer anything for the tertiary provided at some universities; however it cannot be
sector, although some of the scholars and researchers claim classified as CLIL because language sensitive methodologies
that CLIL is primarily the approach most successfully ap- are not applied and language learning objectives are not con-
plicable at the secondary level. sciously pursued (Coyle, Hood, Marsh, 2010). According to
Costa (2009), who analysed the state-of-the-art in CLIL in
The aims of the article are: HE and overviewed the situation in Europe, the number of
1. to analyse the content issue of language teaching in HE English-taught programmes has tripled since 2002.
2. to compare the main similarities and differences of LSP Among other advantages of CLIL, motivational value of it
and CLIL for tertiary education was mentioned by Tudor (2008). He
sees CLIL as valid and potentially productive language
3. to describe students response the project based learning learning strategy. Students of non-linguistic disciplines might
and their self-evaluation of the learning outcomes not be motivated to learn languages; however ability to study
The research methods used were analysis of literature and a their discipline in L2 can be an important motivational factor.
survey. Another potential benefit of CLIL relates to the nature of the
Literature Overview communicative interaction to which it gives rise, i.e. creating
In terms of educational sectors, CLIL research has so far learning activities which generate genuine need and desire to
focused mainly on secondary and primary education. There communicate via L2. Other scholars mention the value of
is a number of articles in the area of applied linguistics, fo- CLIL for motivating students who feel they already know
cusing on CLIL students literacy skills development and English (Groth, 2005) or classrooms of learners with diverse
attitudes to language learning (Merisuo-Storm, 2007), quan- levels of linguistic competence (Marsh, 2006). However,
titative research into language and content acquisition by there is little research into gains of CLIL to higher education.
CLIL and non-CLIL students (Lasagabaster, 2009), devel- What concerns CLIL in HE in Lithuania, Liubinien (2010)
opment of communicative competences in CLIL and non- has stressed the importance of integrating content and
CLIL classroom (Dalton-Puffer, 2008), benefits of CLIL for language at tertiary level and presented a case study of CLIL
learning, such as boost of risk-taking and creativity, en- at KTU. According to the author, although CLIL in HE does
hanced problem-solving skills, huge effect on receptive skills increase motivation and development of all language skills,
and vocabulary learning, as well as emotive/affective out- the main issue is CLIL teachers who should be competent in
comes (Dalton-Puffer, 2008). Stohlers (2006) research on both content and language knowledge. Liubinien (2009) has
language and content acquisition showed that there was no also studied the development of listening skills in CLIL
difference in the degree of content knowledge among L1 and classroom in HE and concluded that the development of
L2 learners, which raises a question why such a difference listening skills is enhanced by simultaneous development of
does not exist as it is commonly assumed that learning in a cognitive skills.
foreign language is more difficult. The Issue of Content in Language Teaching in Tertiary
When it comes to foreign language tuition at tertiary level Education
education, there is numerous research into LSP (Language The lack of student motivation in learning languages at
for Specific Purposes) and LAP (Language for Academic tertiary level may be explained from the content perspective.
Purposes) approaches on different issues, as this field has a First of all, although a number of teachers in Lithuania
long-lasting tradition in higher education. However, research believe that students at tertiary level should receive general
related to CLIL in tertiary sector is not ample. Firstly, there foreign language tuition (GL) (Thomas, 2005), from the
is no one opinion about what CLIL means with reference to content point of view the majority of typical topics, whether
tertiary level on the one hand, or it is defined in different linguistic (grammar, functions, etc.) or content-based (e.g.
ways on the other. Secondly, there is no clear answer whether traveling or global warming), have already been taught at
LSP approach can be classified as CLIL (Tudor, 2008). secondary level which leads to a lot of content repetition and
The term CLIL with reference to HE is used to mean two consequently lack of motivation.
different things: on the one hand it is used as an umbrella The issue of content is different in LSP, where content from
term to include LSP, sheltered instruction, adjunct model the learners field of study is used for developing linguistic
which share the use of content to teach language or provide competences of the learners. However, a key consideration is
language support for courses that run parallel to content what the basis for the content selection is as the subject (non-
courses (Snow, Brinton, 1997, Coyle, Hood, Marsh, 2010). On linguistic) curriculum usually includes a number of different,
the other hand, it is used to define teaching subjects in specific topics. Traditionally, in LSP the content is determined
foreign languages where language support is provided by performing needs analysis (Hutchinson, Waters, 1987).
One of the issues here is that the needs of pre-experienced subjects specialists is used. A typical LSP teacher is a
learners, i.e. students, are more assumed than really language teacher who does not take on the responsibility for
experienced. What teachers and faculty administration think are teaching subject content as it is beyond their competence
the needs might not be what the learners themselves think. because of high cognitive demands of subjects in higher
The content can be determined by the students themselves, education. One of the ways of solving the content issue for
but then there will be lack of consistent and thorough, in- the language specialists in HE is to rely more on project or
depth study of the subject which is offered by CLIL. The problem based teaching and to co-operate with subject
choice of topics to be followed in LSP curriculum is often specialists.
random, determined by the teachers own interest. Some of Case study is an example of problem-based teaching which
the content in both GL and LSP is used to illustrate certain follows the main principles of CLIL methodology defined by
language points. In LSP the content is often not new and Mehisto, Marsh, Frigols (2008) and can be qualified as CLIL
already known in the first language, it is cognitively less de- type way of teaching. The main principles include:
manding and consequently less challenging and motivating.
1. Authenticity. It is an authentic case from the real world,
LAP courses, focused on the development of academic skills, students take on roles of authentic business world
also rely on the content from different non-linguistic subjects. (company owners and consultants), the case analysis
The majority of LAP course books include topics from a follows real worlds situation.
range of academic/ university subjects, which are of quite a
2. Multiple focus. The main focus in a case study is on: 1)
general nature. They might not be motivating enough for the
content understanding and analysis (development of
students of one particular subject.
cognitive skills through the analysis of the case content,
In contrast, CLIL bases its courses on the subject curriculum, choice of relevant information for the question assigned);
so the content is new, relevant and cognitively challenging. 2) group work and inter-personal communication; 3)
No repetition of anything students already know is appropriate. presentation and discussion skills; 4) language (L2)
CLIL vs. LSP skills; 5) learning to learn skills (time management,
CLIL and LSP share a number of key features, such as the group work, information management); 6) ICT skills
use of content from different non-linguistic subjects, for information search and presentation preparation.
development of academic and communication skills, use of 3. Active learning. The learners are actively involved
communicative language teaching methodology. However, both at the preparation and presentation stages; they
there are some key differences in these two approaches, and are at the centre of the project taking all responsibility
one of them is objectives and learning outcomes. CLIL for the running of the whole case. They are also
clearly states that content learning objectives are equally or responsible for the development of criteria for peer
even more important than language learning objectives evaluation and then evaluating their colleagues.
whereas LSP is language-led and language learning objectives 4. Safe learning environment is created by familiar class-
are of primary importance. room setting and peer participation, followed by self
Another key aspect that both approaches share is the language and peer evaluation.
(L2), but it is approached in a completely different way. In 5. Scaffolding. Consultations with the teacher and col-
LSP, language is both the content of the course and the leagues, all class discussion of the case prior to as-
means of learning content, it is often adapted to the learners signing the tasks, vocabulary clarification and under-
proficiency level or rather the learners are often grouped ac- standing are conducted before the project discussion in
cording to their language proficiency levels. In CLIL, it is class. There are also ample opportunities for the stu-
advised to use scaffolding strategies to make content more dents to clarify any difficulties with peers, as the pro-
manageable without really adapting it. In CLIL language is ject is extended over several weeks in time, so that suf-
viewed as a means and is not a goal in itself, which means it ficient time is devoted to the preparation stage.
is learned when needed and not, as in more traditional ap- A case study provides ample opportunities to develop and
proaches, LSP among them, when language content leads integrate skills, knowledge and attitudes, i.e. develop learners
towards the choice of content topics. In CLIL learning competences (Coyle, Hood, Marsh, 2010).
strategies are employed to provide language support for content
acquisition. Survey Results
More tolerance to language usage, more support for language All in all one hundred and three questionnaires were returned
production, enabling learners to acquire language in such a by ISM University of Management and Economics first year
way is one of the key principles of CLIL as opposed to students of Management and Business Administration and
traditional language teaching. CLIL also tolerates more use Economics from three academic years (2006, 2008 and
of L1, code-switching strategies. 2010). The size of the sample was 120 students who received
One more key difference is teachers. An ideal CLIL teacher questionnaires at the end of corresponding term. The students
is a subject specialist with appropriate language proficiency followed Business English course and worked on the case-
level. Sometimes in CLIL tandem teaching of content and study as one of the term assignments. The students language
proficiency level ranged from low intermediate (B1) to upper were not sure whether they would like to have similar pro-
intermediate (B2) with some advanced (C1) level students, jects in the future. The reason could be that they thought that
according to CEFR. they had already learned to do such tasks. It shows that the
assignment was motivating and found useful by more than
The survey was conducted in order to find out students
half of all the students questioned.
evaluation of the case-study project in terms of general
interest and motivation in general, and more specifically Content acquisition. Although the project was included in the
concerning their achievement in terms of language and language curriculum, even 20 % of students strongly agreed
content acquisition and interdisciplinary skills development. and 51 % agreed that they gained knowledge in business
The questionnaire included nine statements where students while doing the project. Only 7 % disagreed and nobody
had to indicate the degree of their agreement or disagreement strongly disagreed with the statement. This clearly demonstrates
with them on the scale from 1 to 5. that the students perceived the task as contributing to their
subject knowledge acquisition.
The table below sums-up the percentage of students responses
to the questions. In the comments section of the questionnaire the two above
aspects of the case study project were further supported by
Table 1. Findings of ISM student survey, %.
student comments on the assignment as being very interesting
FEEDBACK QUESTIONNAIRE and useful for developing business knowledge, doing real
Mark your opinion by choosing one number from 1 to 5, where: business task, learning more about business from language
1 strongly agree, 2 agree, 3 have no opinion, 4 disagree, classes than from subject classes.
5 strongly disagree.
Language acquisition. What concerns language learning, the
1 2 3 4 5
question was further broken into more specific language
1. The project was 39.8 42.7 10.6 6.7 0.9 areas such as reading and speaking skills, development of
interesting vocabulary and grammar. Writing and listening were excluded
2. I gained knowledge in 20.3 51.4 22.3 7.7 0 from the questionnaire as listening was developed only
business during the in-class work, and there were no specific writing
3. I gained English 23.3 42.7 20.3 8.7 5.8 tasks assigned for those particular groups of students. It was
language knowledge/
assumed that students mostly used Lithuanian language in
developed skills in
Reading the preparation stages while working in groups, except that
4. I gained English 34.9 45.6 8.7 10. 1.9 their presentations were prepared and later delivered in
language knowledge/ 6 English. What concerns grammar, the question was included
developed skills in although there were no references to grammar anywhere
Vocabulary during the project.
5. I gained English 1,9 30 31 26. 9.7
language knowledge/ 2 In the students opinion, the language areas that they mostly
developed skills in developed were vocabulary (79 % strongly agreed or agreed)
Grammar and speaking (76 % strongly agreed or agreed). Many of
6. I gained English 43.6 33 12.6 1.9 5.8 them also felt that they had developed reading skills (66 %
language knowledge/ strongly agreed and agreed). The proportion of students who
developed skills in claimed that they learned grammar distributed quite equally:
Speaking about 31 % agreed, 31 % had no opinion and 36 % disagreed
7. I developed inter- 17.4 45.6 28.1 8.7 0 with the statement about learning grammar.
personal skills
8. I learned to work in 33 33.9 13.5 7.7 3.8 Level of difficulty. Roughly one third of the students considered
groups the task not really difficult. The perception of the level of
9. It was a difficult task 11.6 30 20.3 30 5.8 difficulty really distributed almost equally throughout the
10. It was a creative task 31 45.6 20.3 2.9 2.9 scale, having almost same numbers of those who agreed and
11. I think the evaluation 34.9 32 19.4 7.7 4.8 disagreed with the statement. However it is difficult to
was fair evaluate what exactly students meant by being difficult:
12. I would like to have 32 36.8 22.3 2.9 4.8 either the comprehension of the text which indeed was not
similar assignment in
very demanding, or the task itself, i.e. identifying problems
the future
and mistakes in companys performance and then coming up
with solutions for the problems. From the teachers perspective,
Motivation. As can be seen from the table, the majority of the students performance was definitely related to their academic
students agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that the achievement in general and language proficiency level in
project was interesting. Almost similar trend can be seen in particular. The students with lower academic levels based
the answer to the question about having similar projects in their tasks on lower order skills, such as reproducing, re-
the future, although the percentage of those who agreed or membering the information while academically more
strongly agreed is slightly lower. A bigger number of students advanced students presented deeper analysis, gave more and
stronger arguments for their opinions and suggestions. It References
should also be pointed out that such projects provide 1. Costa, F., 2009. ICLHE/CLIL at the Tertiary Level of Education. State-of-
excellent opportunities for peer learning and teaching both the-Art. Kalb studijos/ Studies about Languages, no. 15, pp.8588.
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Creativity. 31 % of students strongly agreed and 45 % agreed [viewed
with the statement, 20 % did not have an opinion, whereas 2009.02.05].
3 % and 2 % respectively either disagreed or strongly disagreed 3. Coyle, D., Hood, P., Marsh, D., 2010. CLIL. Content and Language
with the statement. In students opinion the task required to Integrated Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
creatively apply the knowledge and skills gained in both 4. Dalton-Puffer, Ch., 2008. Communicative Competence in ELT and CLIL
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interpersonal communication and working in groups. 17 % of Delanoy, W., Volkmann, L. (eds.) Future Perspectives for English Language
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developed inter-personal communication skills. There were
7. Groth, B., 2005. Getting Two Courses for the Price of One. The Concept of
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had no opinion, 7 % disagreed and only 4 % strongly disagreed. 9. Hutchinson, T., Waters, A., 1987. English for Specific Purposes. Cambridge:
Each groups performance was assessed on the basis of the Cambridge University Press.
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analysis of the problems and solutions (content), presentation p.3142.
skills and group work (communication), clear and appropriate
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formance appropriately. Education: A Case of KTU. Kalb studijos/ Studies about Languages, no 16,
13. Marsh, D., 2006. English as a Medium of Instruction in the New Global
Despite a number of shared features, LSP can only be classi- Linguistic Order: Global Characteristics, Local Consequences. METSaC
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fied as CLIL to a certain extent, as it does not pursue content
14. Miller, P., 2007. The Holistic Curriculum. Second edition. Toronto:
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CLIL has definitely a lot to offer at university level. 15. Mehisto, P., Marsh, D., Frigols, M. J., 2008. Uncovering CLIL. Macmillan.
Traditional LSP programmes can be enriched by case studies 16. Merisuo-Storm, T., 2007. Pupils Attitude to Wards Foreign-language
or other content-based or problem-based assignments that Learning and the Development of Literacy Skills in Bilingual Education. In:
ELSEVIER. Teaching and Teacher Education 23, pp.226235.
focus on both content and language and follow the majority
of CLIL methodology principles. 17. Snow, M. A., Brinton, D. M., 1997. The Content-Based Classroom.
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As in secondary education, CLIL type teaching in higher 18. Stohler, U., 2006. The Acquisition of Knowledge in Bilingual Learning: an
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Vienna English Working Papers. Special Issue, pp.4145.
cognitively more demanding content and language learning
and communicative skills development. It enables learners to 19. Thomas, D. (ed.), 2005. A Survey of English Language Teaching in
Lithuania: 20032004. Monograph. Vilnius: SCA.
perform to the level of their linguistic and academic competence.
Student empowerment and involvement in the criteria-based
assessment proved to be motivating and perceived as fair by
the majority of the students.
Lilija Vilkanciene
IDUKM auktajame moksle: ar yra k pasilyti?
IDUKM (integruotas usienio kalbos ir dalyko mokymas), kaip ES kalb mokymo politik atspindintis mokymo metodas, yra vis plaiau taikomas pradiniame
ir viduriniame mokymo etape. Tyrjai iskiria daug io metodo privalum, pavyzdiui, padidjusi besimokanij motyvacij, palankesn poir kalb
mokymsi, geresn turinio (ne kalbinio dalyko) ir kalbos imokim. Auktajame moksle IDUKM samprata skiriasi. Vieni autoriai tok mokym supranta kaip
sktin, apimant ir specialiosios kalbos mokym, taikom auktajame moksle jau eil met. Taiau nuo IDUKM jis skiriasi pirmiausia tuo, kad, mokant
specialiosios kalbos, nra keliami turinio imokimo tikslai ir turinio inios nra vertinamos. Straipsnyje apvelgiami IDUKM mokymo pagrindiniai metodiniai
principai ir galimybs iais principais paremtas uduotis taikyti auktajame moksle. Straipsnyje lyginami specialiosios ar profesins kalbos mokymas bei
IDUKM, analizuojama kalbos mokymo program turinio problema auktosiose mokyklose, bei galimybs j praturtinti atvej analizs metodu, projektais ar
problem sprendimu grst mokym. Straipsnyje pabriama turinio svarba motyvuojant studentus mokytis kalb. ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universiteto
pirmo kurso student apklausos rezultatai parod, kad uduotim ar problema pagrstas mokymas student vertinimu yra domus ir motyvuojantis, padeda si-
savinti tiek nekalbinio dalyko turin, tiek lavinti visus kalbos mokjimo gdius skaitymo, klausymo, kalbjimo, turtina odyn. Tuo paiu metu ugdomi
komunikaciniai, darbo grupse gdiai, student mstymas bei krybikumas. IDUKM metodo privalumai gali praturtinti kalb mokym auktajame moksle.
Uduotys, kuriose kalba yra vartojama tik kaip rankis turinio mokymuisi, motyvuoja studentus ir yra jiems patrauklios.