Quimbykaylie Letter of Recommendation Bouck

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April 15, 2017

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter in support of Kaylie Quimby. As an Associate Professor in the

Special Education Program in the College of Education at Michigan State University, I
have had the privilege of having Kaylie in two of my courses a special education law
and policy course as an undergraduate and a special education math methods course as
an intern. As a student, Kaylie is one of the hardest working students I have had the
privilege to teach at MSU and at my previous institution Purdue University. Kaylie was
a very diligent and conscientious student; I am confident these behaviors and
characteristics follow Kaylie into the classroom.

While I have not had the opportunity to observe Kaylie in the classroom teaching, I
know of the strengths and knowledge she has gained as an undergraduate and intern
here at MSU. Throughout this spring, Kaylie was exposed evidence-based practices
relative to mathematics education for students with learning disabilities and other high-
incidence disabilities. To give a specific, Kaylie gained experience with the evidence-
based practice of the concrete-representational-abstract instructional sequence to
support mathematics understanding for students with disabilities. Kaylie also gained
experience in using error analysis to determine the mathematical struggles of students
with disabilities and develop an intervention and instructional plan from such errors.

College of Throughout my interactions with Kaylie, I always notice her thoughtful and dedicated
Education approach to her studies as well as to improving the educating of students with
disabilities. One of the highest compliments I can pay to a student is that I would
Department of
support one of my own child having that individual as a student; Kaylie is someone I
EDUCATIONAL would feel beyond comfortable educating my own children. Kaylie is a passionate
PSYCHOLOGY, AND educator and I am confident she will an asset to a school district, school, and the
SPECIAL students she will serve.
If I can provide any additional information regarding Kaylie, please do not hesitate to
Michigan State University
620 Farm Lane contact me ([email protected], 517-432-4853).
335 Erickson Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824

517-355-1837 Sincerely,
Fax: 517-353-6393

Emily C. Bouck

MSU is an affirmative-action,
equal-opportunity employer.

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