Clinicopathological Profile of Ovarian Tumors in The Age Group 10-20 Years
Clinicopathological Profile of Ovarian Tumors in The Age Group 10-20 Years
Clinicopathological Profile of Ovarian Tumors in The Age Group 10-20 Years
Original Research Article
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Government Medical College, Kottayam, Kerala, India
Dr. Priya V.,
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright: the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Adolescence is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. 1% neoplasm occurs in this age
group below 17 years, of this, 3% are ovarian neoplasms. Aim was to study retrospectively the clinicopathological
profile and outcome of ovarian tumors in the age group 10-20 years in Government Medical College, Kottayam,
Kerala, India from January 2008 for six years.
Methods: Fifty Patients who have undergone laparotomy in this institution during the period were taken for study.
Data regarding age, mode of presentation, diagnostic methods, treatment and histopathology were recorded. Follow-
up was also taken into consideration. Patients with polycystic ovary, corpus luteal cyst, follicular cyst and
endometriotic cyst are excluded.
Results: Majority of the patients fall between the age group 15-20 years. Major clinical presentation was pain (40%),
followed by abdominal mass. Laparotomy was done for all cases except three where laparoscopy was done. Imprint
cytology taken for 3 cases. Histopathology showed malignant tumors in 6 cases and benign tumors in 44 cases.
Epithelial tumors outnumbered germ cell tumors.
Conclusions: This study shows the predominance of epithelial neoplasms in the age group 10-20 years. Proportion of
malignancy is 12%.
mainly by clinical features, ultrasound, tumour markers, Ultrasound revealed U/L cystic lesion in majority of
Doppler and CT scan. cases. In two cases we had B/L involvement of the ovary.
Solid ovarian lesion is encountered in fibrothecoma ovary
Management of ovarian tumours in young is a dilemma and dysgerminoma. In malignant lesions, presence of
for gynaecologists as preservation of uterus with adnexa ascites/ pleural effusion was also picked up by USG.
for procreation is an important aspect of therapy. Surgery Doppler showed low resistant flow pattern in malignant
plays an important role in the treatment of tumours. Here ovarian tumors and no vascularity especially in torsion
various ovarian tumours in the age group 10- 20 years ovaries. Tumour markers like CA-125 increased in
encountered in our department is highlighted. fibrothecoma ovary and poorly differentiated carcinoma
ovary. Carcino embryonic antigen is elevated in 2 cases
METHODS of mucinous cystadeno carcinoma, Alphafeto protein is
increased in yolk sac tumour. CA-19.9 elevated in
All cases of ovarian tumors occurring in age group 10-20 immature teratoma grade II. FNAC from the mass
years who have undergone surgery in Government showed epithelial neoplasm in two of malignant ovarian
Medical College, Kottayam, Kerala, India during the tumors and poorly differentiated carcinoma in one
prescribed period is collected and analyzed. Data patient. CT is done in all patients with suspicious
regarding patients age, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, malignancy. Imprint cytology taken in 3 cases.
histopathology and follow up where ever possible is
recorded. Majority of patients underwent laparotomy and
laparoscopy was done for 3 patients. Ovarian cystectomy,
Exclusion criteria Salpingo-ovariotomy and bilateral ovarian cystectomy
are the surgical procedures done. Total abdominal
Polycystic ovary, follicular cyst, corpus luteal cyst, hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with
endometrioma. infracolic omentectomy done in 19-year-old patient with
mucinous cystdeno-carcinoma.
Histopathology report shows 30% cases of serous
Majority of patients belong to age group 15-20 years. cystadenoma, 24% cases of mucinous cystadenoma, 20%
Malignant tumors are seen at age of 11-13 years and 18 cases of teratoma, 2% cases of fibrothecoma and HPR
to 20 years. Out of 50 cases, 40% presented with pain non-conclusive in 6 cases due to torsion and gangrene
abdomen, 38% with mass abdomen 14% with irregular where exact pathology could not be made out.
bleeding p/v. Torsion ovary noted in 65% 0f patients
presented with pain abdomen.
Presentation Number %
Pain abdomen 20 40%
Mass abdomen 19 38%
Irregular bleeding PV 7 14%
Incidental 4 8%
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 6 Issue 3 Page 878
Priya V. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Mar;6(3):877-880
Figure3: Distribution of epithelial tumours. The most important diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of
ovarian tumours is USG with Doppler. Tumour markers
Of the 6 patients one with poorly differentiated also give additional information. CT is done in all cases
carcinoma, after one course of chemotherapy died. 11- of malignant ovarian tumours.
year-old patient with yolk sac tumour who had staging
laparotomy and left salpingo-ovariotomy after 1st week Surgery plays an important role in the treatment of
of chemotherapy succumbed to death. One patient with tumours. Adequate surgery will confirm the diagnosis,
mucinous cystadeno carcinoma who had TAH with BSO exact histopathologic type and staging that help in the
had 6 courses of chemotherapy and is now on follow up. treatment
She is alive now. Another patient with immature teratoma
grade 2 had chemotherapy and now on follow up. Other 2 Fertility preservation is the important aspect of Surgery.
patients, one with mucinous cystadeno-carcinoma and
one with mixed germ cell tumour, follow up details are Normal appearing contralateral ovary along with tubes
not available. and uterus should be retained. If the contralateral ovary
appears to be involved in the disease and fertility
DISCUSSION preservation is needed, it has to be removed as it may be
a nidus for persistence of tumour. Unnecessary biopsy
Ovarian tumours are rare in adolescent age group. Most may result in adhesion which will interfere with fertility.
ovarian tumours in adolescents are benign, but possibility Frozen section facility if not available, there is
of malignancy is high. In a study of 25 years conducted unnecessary loss of reproductive potential in young
by department of pathology (1990-2014), Delhi patients.11
University by Rathore R showed pain abdomen as the
most common presenting symptom in adolescent ovarian We had one case of immature teratoma grade 2. It is
tumour followed by abdominal distension.5 We also had graded according to the quantity of immature neural
similar results. According to a study of incidence of elements. The histological grading which is determined
ovarian tumours below 20 years in IMCH, Calicut by the degree of immature neural elements is the most
showed 76% benign tumours, 35% germ cell tumours and important factor in the survival. Grade 1 having less than
47% epithelial tumours.6 Present study revealed 26% one low power microscopic field and Grade 3 having
germ cell tumours and 58% epithelial ovarian tumours more than three low power microscopic fields of these
and 1 benign sex cord stromal tumour (2%). A ten-year elements. Conservative staging and adjuvant BEP for all
study from the Department of pathology, North Bengal but stage IA grade 1 immature teratomas.11
Medical College to find out the incidence of different
ovarian tumours of girls up to 20 years, out of 151 cases In 2001, Pick et al reported close examination of tubal
22.6% were malignant. Among malignant tumours 66% segments removed from women undergoing risk reducing
were germ cell tumours. There were 9 cases of malignant bilateral salphingo oophorectomy in patients with strong
surface epithelial tumour.7 history of ovarian cancer or had BRCA mutation. Of the
12 pathologic specimens, 6 had areas of cellular dysplasia
In the prospective study conducted at the Department of noted in tubal epithelium and 5 additional specimens had
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Tribhuvan University, 80 hyperplastic lesions. These changes histologically
cases in childhood and adolescent were studied, majority resemble high grade serous ovarian cancer.12 In present
belonged to 15-19 years. Germ cell tumours account for study, patients with yolk sac tumour, Mucinous
73.7%. Dermoid was the frequently occurring tumour. cystadeno carcinoma and immature teratoma fallopian
23.7% of the total were malignant.8 Adolescent ovarian tube did not show any significant pathology.
tumours, clinicopathological review from Pakistan,
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