Sarabha Vidhi

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omakhya then rolled out a canvas and showed Jhilleeka and Prachetas a picture of

arabha: One shall accordingly visualizing arabhena as having five dinosaur-like head
s each with with 3 eyes and a heavy, sharp beak. He has 12 arms two of which wil
l be wings. I shall talk of the weapons and other objects held in the arms later
. Enclosed in his two wings are the goddesses Pratikriy-lin and Pratyagir. In his hea
t we visualize the fierce Bhairava of the Dakiasrotas, Svacchanda, associated with
the pada ghora-ghoratrebhya of the bahurpin. In his belly we visualize the seven-
flamed Agni Vaavnala. In this two dinosaur-like feet we visualize Jvarevara and the
ferocious lion-headed Haribhadra, even as they were emitted by Rudra to slay Da
One begins by invoking Rudra the lord of animals thus:
rudra panm adhyaka
sa mvatv asmin brahmay
asmin karmay asy purodhym
asy devahtym asym ktym
asym ii svh
Make an offering in the aupsana fire at the svh.
Having visualized arabha as stated earlier you shall first perform the worship th
e five faces conjoining the Brahma-mantra-s thus:
o hau tatpuruya pakirjya nama tatpuruaya vidmahe||
o hau vmadevya gauryai gndhryai garuyai nama vmadevya namo ||
o hau sadyojtya lvya nama sadyojta prapadymi ||
o hau aghorya kabhairavya nama aghorebhyotha ||
o hau nya arabhenya nama na sarva-bhtnm ||
Then you shall practice the japa of the mlamantra:
vsudeva i triubh chanda klgnirudra arabheno devat
kha bjam kha akti kha klakam
kha arabhenya kha lvya kha pakirjya hum pha nama
Then you pacifies the deity with:
o arabha tarpaymi
o lva tarpaymi
o pakirja tarpaymi
Thereafter one worships the aga-devat with their mantra-s. Lootika will give you t
hose mantra-s of the akti-s. Hearing it from her mouth you stand the chance of in
stantaneous success.
Lootika: First one should worship Pratikriy-lin with the mighty Vairocan-k: tm agniv
apas closing ones eyes. If the image of a Durg riding a lion holding a trident in he
r hand appears while uttering the mantra then it is a sign of success. She has s
ix-arms and it colored like a flame with a bluish tinge. You pacify her with the
o mahen maharabhalin tarpaymi
Then you worship Atharvaabhadrakl-Pratyagir with the mantra:
o hr pratyagire dhma dhma jyotir jyotir bhr-bhuvas-suvar-mahar-vdhat karad ruhan ma
ac cham o lakmyai namo va She is fourteen-armed, black-colored, with dense free-flo
wing hair, wearing bright osseous ornaments and evoking erotic sentiments. She i
s Lakm because she is Siddhilakm. The special vyhti-s of the mantra are from the Gopa
ha-brhmaa of the veda of our ancestors the Bhgu-s and the Agirasa-es. If when utteri
ng the mantra with closed eyes she appears before you with a hallow like an ecli
psed moon around her head then it is a sign that you might be on the path of suc
cess. You must see her upraised sword. If erotic sentiments arise in you at that
point it is a good sign. But you must not get lost in them. Instead you should
take in a breath with the o hr and retaining it even as you slowly utter the rest o
f the mantra till the vyhti-s you must locate your mldhra-cakra and perform the jland
ara and mla-bandha. You pacify her with the mantra:
o pratyagir vivalakm somagupt maharabh tarpaym
Now Somakhya would impart to you the remaining male devat-s.
Somakhya: Having worshiped the akti-s you shall invoke in the heart of arabhena the f
ierce Bhairava with the following mantra:
ai k k k ka kmlvry svacchandabhairavya sphurattmane hu pha nama
He appears as five-headed and ten-armed riding a white bull.
Then you worships the fierce Agni Vaavnala with his seven tongues which correspond
to the heptagon of the arabha-yantra with this mantra:
o ra hirayyai kanakyai raktyai kyai suprabhyai atiraktyai bahurpyai nama k
The terminal of the mantra is the rakoh-k of Vmadeva Gautama.
Then you worship jvarea or the jvarstra of triadic form, which Rudra hurled at Ka Dev
akputra with this mantra:
o namo bhagavate rudrya jvararpya trikyarpya vo nama
You then worship Haribhadra accompanied by a hundred Rudra-s of blue-hued necks
as has been described in the ruti with the mantra: nilagrv itikah. He is worshi
ntra combining the utterance from the Skandam and Acintya-viva-sdkhyam:
o jaya jaya rudra mahraudra bhadrvatra o r hr mgendrya haribhadrya nama o
Now Lootika shall impart to you the worship of the zoocephalous varaa-yogin-s.
Lootika: First in the four directions having completed the worship of arabhena and h
is aga-s you shall worship the following yogin-s thus starting east in pradakia orde
o gajnan pjaymi tarpaymi nama elephant-headed.
o sihamukh pjaymi tarpaymi nama lion-headed
o gdhrsy pjaymi tarpaymi nama vulture-headed
o kkatu pjaymi tarpaymi nama crow-headed.
Then you shall worship the mighty maala-yogin with the following mantra:
nammi mahyogin sarvaatruvidra
aavaktr koark vakr vikaalocanm
uragrv hayagrv vrh arabhnanm
ulk ca ivrv mayr vikananm
She bears the following 8 heads: 1) camel, 2) horse, 3) sow, 4) dinosaur, 5) owl
, 6) jackal, 7) peacock, 8) lion. She is the guardian of the arabha-maala.
Then you pacify her:
aavaktr tarpaymi pujaymi nama
Now Somakhya would take you through the concluding pacifications.
Somakhya: The concluding part of the worship is conducted with the mantra of the
Bhgu-s of yore:
tubhyam ray paavo
mty vane hits tubhya
vaysi akun patatria
tava yaka paupate psv antas
tubhya karanti divy po vdhe
You tie a raka with the mantra:
une krore m arri
kartam ariklavebhyo gddhrebhyo
ye ca k aviyava
makiks te paupate vaysi
te vighase m vidanta

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