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Settings: The Sheets Are Initially Set-Up For 25 Holes

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line colour 13107400

dip direction -1 +1 = +ve up, -1 = -ve up
drive width 5 m

X = east, Y = North, Z = level
bearing measured from 0 = north, 90 = east

SHEETS the sheets are initially set-up for 25 holes

CSV paste the csv file here
S_collars a single string joining the collars of the holes, used to define the ring plane
S_centres a single string joining each drill set-up position to the point on the drive floor directly below
S_holes a separate string for each hole
H_holes a spare sheet to paste the created holes and decks from 2DRing

1 Start 2DRing with a new blast, turn on Area labels
2 Clear all of the data on sheet {CSV} from row 2 down (leave the headings in row 1)
3 Open the csv file, copy all of the data, and paste onto sheet {CSV} at cell A1, if it has headers, or at cell A2 i
4 Select all of the cells on sheet {S_collars} and copy, then in 2DRing, select Area mode, and Edit > Paste Abs
5 Select all of the cells on sheet {S_centres} and copy, then in 2DRing, select Area mode, and Edit > Paste Ab
6 In 2DRing (Area), find the 0 (zero) offset point in the drill set-up positions, and place the cursor at that point
7 Change to Drive mode, and open the Parameters (to select / create a ring plane).
8 Select [Edit Ring Planes], then click [Assign Ring Data using existing string]
9 Select [Use string in list], select the collars string, [OK]
10 Click the [+] button to set the cursor position as the Origin, and click [Add New Ring Plane].
11 Close and select the ring plane.
12 Change to Area mode, place the cursor near the collars string, and [Backspace] to remove it (don't need it a
13 Select all of the cells on sheet {S_holes} and copy, then in 2DRing, select Area mode, and Edit > Paste Abso
14 Draw a polygon for the drive outline. Use the floor positions of the drill centres and the collars of the holes to
15 In Drive mode, click the button to Create a Drive from a String, then click the drive outline.
16 In Drive mode, use the GoTo to lock the cursor on the drill centre string, and create the drill positions (or this
17 In Drill mode, place the cursor at each drill position (click or GoTo), click to start the hole, then use GoTo to m
18 Repeat for each hole, click drill position or [Esc] to end.
19 After the holes are complete, go to Area mode and delete all lines (don't need them any more).
20 Save the blast.
21 In Deck mode, select the explosive and load the holes (can use Collar method and enter values, or load all a
22 Repeat process to create a new ring and holes (this is the other reason why all previous strings are deleted)
1, if it has headers, or at cell A2 if it doesn't (assuming the data is in the same columns)
Area mode, and Edit > Paste Absolute
Area mode, and Edit > Paste Absolute
nd place the cursor at that point (it should most likely be one of the centres, use the [Home] key to lock onto it).

ew Ring Plane].

ace] to remove it (don't need it any more).

rea mode, and Edit > Paste Absolute
es and the collars of the holes to control the cursor (use GoTo, [Home], [spacebar], [Enter], [Anchor]).
e drive outline.
create the drill positions (or this can be done when drilling the holes).
tart the hole, then use GoTo to move the cursor to the end of each hole and click to complete.

ed them any more).

od and enter values, or load all and modify on {H_holes} sheet).

all previous strings are deleted)
1 60569.37333 11115.97316 4653.491765 194.9364251 -55.62363773
2 60569.31069 11116.29496 4653.8475 204.7000111 -67.12176814
3 60569.2469 11116.60745 4654.209829 222.4485812 -75.35856317
4 60569.177 11117.51103 4654.605602 252.574494 -79.52939844
5 60569.17514 11118.4995 4654.615394 295.7087775 -78.92720656
6 60569.23878 11119.39667 4654.256474 321.3597501 -74.23130736
7 60569.26634 11119.73448 4654.097874 335.4362453 -67.01513084
8 60569.32837 11120.12113 4653.745174 345.0495964 -55.64804122
48 0 48.0001 9.116 1 194.9364251
48 0 48.0002 14.991 2 204.7000111
48 0 48.0003 16.13 3 222.4485812
48 0 48.0004 15.468 4 252.574494
48 0 48.0005 15.489 5 295.7087775
48 0 48.0006 16.168 6 321.3597501
48 0 48.0007 14.826 7 335.4362453
48 0 48.0008 8.949 8 345.0495964
-55.62363773 9.116 0 9.116 60568.71 11113.48655
-67.12176814 14.991 0 14.991 60568.093 11113.64752
-75.35856317 16.13 0 16.13 60567.871 11115.10321
-79.52939844 15.468 0 15.468 60567.836 11117.09013
-78.92720656 15.489 0 15.489 60567.835 11119.14472
-74.23130736 16.168 0 16.168 60567.867 11121.1126
-67.01513084 14.826 0 14.826 60568.063 11122.3672
-55.64804122 8.949 0 8.949 60568.677 11122.56051
4657.253694 -1.2 -32.66122739 60569.66414 11117.06401 4651.841449
4660.753353 -1.2 -20.48176484 60569.66414 11117.06401 4651.841449
4662.012931 -1.2 -10.09748269 60569.66414 11117.06401 4651.841449
4662.210818 -0.6 -2.46894116 60569.66414 11117.66401 4651.841449
4662.215722 0 5.42948326 60569.66414 11118.26401 4651.841449
4662.036245 0.6 13.44567251 60569.66414 11118.86401 4651.841449
4660.922341 0.6 21.23186125 60569.66414 11118.86401 4651.841449
4657.439263 0.6 32.90525097 60569.66414 11118.86401 4651.841449
0 -0.093 -32.66122739 2.1 3.4 1.5
0 -0.093 -20.48176484 2.1 3.4 2
0 -0.093 -10.09748269 2.1 3.4 5
0 -0.093 -2.46894116 2.1 3.4 2
0 -0.093 5.42948326 2.1 3.4 4
0 -0.093 13.44567251 2.1 3.4 2
0 -0.093 21.23186125 2.1 3.4 5
0 -0.093 32.90525097 2.1 3.4 1.5
xc274 48.0001 270 80 48 5.794485591
xc274 48.0002 270 80 48 9.741687132
xc274 48.0003 270 80 48 10.60392972
xc274 48.0004 270 80 48 10.28576908
xc274 48.0005 270 80 48 10.38705659
xc274 48.0006 270 80 48 10.62122138
xc274 48.0007 270 80 48 9.492866186
xc274 48.0008 270 80 48 5.857864751
Blast Design 0
Scenario: 0
Area Option: -(none)- 0
Reference Point:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The Number of Lines/Labels:

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
1 xc274-48 (27 0 8 0 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 60569.373 11115.973 4653.492
2 60569.311 11116.295 4653.848
3 60569.247 11116.607 4654.210
4 60569.177 11117.511 4654.606
5 60569.175 11118.500 4654.615
6 60569.239 11119.397 4654.256
7 60569.266 11119.734 4654.098
8 60569.328 11120.121 4653.745
9 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 0.000 0.000 0.000
11 0.000 0.000 0.000
12 0.000 0.000 0.000
13 0.000 0.000 0.000
14 0.000 0.000 0.000
15 0.000 0.000 0.000
16 0.000 0.000 0.000
17 0.000 0.000 0.000
18 0.000 0.000 0.000
19 0.000 0.000 0.000
20 0.000 0.000 0.000
21 0.000 0.000 0.000
22 0.000 0.000 0.000
23 0.000 0.000 0.000
24 0.000 0.000 0.000
25 0.000 0.000 0.000
Blast Design 0
Scenario: 0
Area Option: -(none)- 0
Reference Point:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The Number of Lines/Labels:

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
1 drill centres 0 16 0 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 60569.664 11117.064 4651.841
2 60569.664 11117.064 4649.741
3 60569.664 11117.064 4651.841
4 60569.664 11117.064 4649.741
5 60569.664 11117.064 4651.841
6 60569.664 11117.064 4649.741
7 60569.664 11117.664 4651.841
8 60569.664 11117.664 4649.741
9 60569.664 11118.264 4651.841
10 60569.664 11118.264 4649.741
11 60569.664 11118.864 4651.841
12 60569.664 11118.864 4649.741
13 60569.664 11118.864 4651.841
14 60569.664 11118.864 4649.741
15 60569.664 11118.864 4651.841
16 60569.664 11118.864 4649.741
17 0.000 0.000 0.000
18 0.000 0.000 0.000
19 0.000 0.000 0.000
20 0.000 0.000 0.000
21 0.000 0.000 0.000
22 0.000 0.000 0.000
23 0.000 0.000 0.000
24 0.000 0.000 0.000
25 0.000 0.000 0.000
26 0.000 0.000 0.000
27 0.000 0.000 0.000
28 0.000 0.000 0.000
29 0.000 0.000 0.000
30 0.000 0.000 0.000
31 0.000 0.000 0.000
32 0.000 0.000 0.000
33 0.000 0.000 0.000
34 0.000 0.000 0.000
35 0.000 0.000 0.000
36 0.000 0.000 0.000
37 0.000 0.000 0.000
38 0.000 0.000 0.000
39 0.000 0.000 0.000
40 0.000 0.000 0.000
41 0.000 0.000 0.000
42 0.000 0.000 0.000
43 0.000 0.000 0.000
44 0.000 0.000 0.000
45 0.000 0.000 0.000
46 0.000 0.000 0.000
47 0.000 0.000 0.000
48 0.000 0.000 0.000
49 0.000 0.000 0.000
50 0.000 0.000 0.000
Blast Design 0
Scenario: 0
Area Option: -(none)- 0
Reference Point:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The Number of Lines/Labels:

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
1 1 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 60569.373 11115.973 4653.492
2 60568.047 11111.000 4661.016

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
2 2 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 60569.311 11116.295 4653.848
2 60566.875 11111.000 4667.659

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
3 3 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 60569.247 11116.607 4654.210
2 60566.495 11113.599 4669.816

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
4 4 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 60569.177 11117.511 4654.606
2 60566.495 11116.669 4669.816

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
5 5 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 60569.175 11118.500 4654.615
2 60566.495 11119.790 4669.816

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
6 6 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 60569.239 11119.397 4654.256
2 60566.495 11122.829 4669.816

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
7 7 0 2 13107400 0 1
POINTS: East North Level
1 60569.266 11119.734 4654.098
2 60566.860 11125.000 4667.747

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
8 8 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 60569.328 11120.121 4653.745
2 60568.026 11125.000 4661.133

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
9 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
10 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
11 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
12 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
13 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
14 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
15 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
16 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
17 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
18 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
19 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
20 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
21 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
22 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000
Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
23 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
24 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000

Line/Label In 'Object Text' Line Closed?(Num. Points Colour (RGBVLine Style (0 Line Thickness (pixels)
25 0 0 2 13107400 0 1

POINTS: East North Level

1 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000
Blast Desi xc274 (3)
Scenario: 1
Ring Optio xc274 (3) 10
Hole Optio xc274 (3) 11
Reference Point (3D):
60567.25 11123.95 4663.858 60567.25 11123.95 4663.858 60567.25 11123.95 4663.858
Reference Point (2D):
14842.48 -8837.752 14842.48 -8837.752 14842.48 -8837.752
The Number of Holes:
hole Information (2D and 3D):

Hole CountHole ID Display LabIs Node? ( Row Hole In Ro Drill xCoor Drill yCoor Toe xCoord
1 1 1 0 3 1 14835.75 -8850.099 14829.6
2 2 2 0 3 2 14835.75 -8850.099 14829.52
3 3 3 0 3 3 14835.75 -8850.099 14832.09
4 4 4 0 3 5 14836.35 -8850.091 14835.16
5 5 5 0 3 7 14836.95 -8850.083 14838.27
6 6 6 0 3 9 14837.54 -8850.074 14841.31
7 7 7 0 3 10 14837.54 -8850.074 14843.5
8 8 8 0 3 11 14837.54 -8850.074 14843.57


Blast Desi xc274 (3)
Scenario: 1
Loading Opxc274 (3) 12
Number of Decks:
Deck Data:

Deck CountIn Hole (ID In Row In Hole In Order in th Deck LengtDeck Mass Number Of Material ID
1 1 3 1 1 7.616 59.01923 -1 1
2 2 3 2 1 12.991 100.7392 -1 1
3 3 3 3 1 11.13 86.30841 -1 1
4 4 3 5 1 13.468 104.5491 -1 1
5 5 3 7 1 11.489 89.21568 -1 1
6 6 3 9 1 14.168 110.091 -1 1
7 7 3 10 1 9.826 76.37257 -1 1
8 8 3 11 1 7.449 57.92494 -1 1


Number of Materials:
Material Data:

Counter Material ID Display LabSeries Na Product La Density (k Is Cartridg Cartridge Cartridge

1 1 '6100G' 'Titan 6100 'Titan 6100 1250 0 0 0


Blast Desi xc274 (3)
Scenario: 1
Downhole Delay Optio 0
Number of Downhole Delays:


Blast Desi xc274 (3)
Scenario: 1
Surface Delay Option: 0
Number of Surface Delays:

Toe Spacin 2 metres
Diameter: 89 millimetres
Stand Off: 0 metres
Hole Lengt 50 metres
Ring Dip: 90 degrees
Ring Beari 0 degrees
Rock SG: 2.5

Current Unit Conversion Values

Internal ID Unit Type Short SymbLong SymbConversion Factor
1 Coordinate m metres 1
2 Bearing degrees 1
3 Dip degrees 1
4 Length m metres 1
5 Area m m 1
6 Volume m metres 1
7 Mass kg kilograms 1
8 Hole Diamemm millimetres 1
9 Hole Lengt m metres 1
10 Drilling Cos$ dollars 1
11 Hole Beari degrees 1
12 Hole Dip degrees 1
13 Rock Densikg/m kg/m 1
14 Deck Densikg/m kg/m 1
15 Deck Lengtm metres 1
16 Deck Masskg kilograms 1
17 Cartridge mm millimetres 1
18 Cartridge mm millimetres 1
19 Deck VOD m/s m/s 1
20 Deck Cost $ dollars 1
21 Deck Ener MJ Megajoules 1
22 Downhole Dms millisecond 1
23 Downhole D$ dollars 1
24 Downhole Cm metres 1
25 Downhole m/s m/s 1
26 Downhole C$ dollars 1
27 Primer Dia mm millimetres 1
28 Primer Len mm millimetres 1
29 Primer Denkg/m kg/m 1
30 Primer Masg grams 1
31 Primer VO m/s m/s 1
32 Primer EneMJ/kg MJ/kg 1
33 Primer Pre GPa Gigapascal 1
34 Primer Cos$ dollars 1
35 Surface Dems millisecond 1
36 Surface De$ dollars 1
37 Surface Com metres 1
38 Surface Com/s m/s 1
39 Surface Co$ dollars 1
40 Detonation ms millisecond 1
41 Peak Particmm/s mm/s 1
42 Pressure kPa kilopascals 1
43 Printer/Sc mm millimetres 1
44 Rock Masst tonnes 1
45 Energy MJ Megajoules 1
46 Deck EnergMJ/m MJ/m 1
47 Deck EnergMJ/kg MJ/kg 1
48 Deck EnergMJ/m MJ/m 1
Toe yCoordDiameter( Hole StandAngle (deg Collar East Collar Nort Collar LeveToe East ( Toe North
-8840.88 89 0 326.2846 60569.15 11115.99 4653.442 60567.15 11111.06
-8834.143 89 0 338.6884 60569.09 11116.31 4653.797 60565.64 11111.08
-8831.92 89 0 348.6347 60569.03 11116.62 4654.16 60565.31 11113.67
-8831.878 89 0 356.2656 60568.99 11117.52 4654.563 60565.48 11116.73
-8831.835 89 0 4.160569 60569.05 11118.51 4654.586 60565.67 11119.84
-8831.793 89 0 11.62731 60569.18 11119.4 4654.243 60565.85 11122.87
-8833.861 89 0 20.15551 60569.24 11119.74 4654.091 60566.44 11125.03
-8840.567 89 0 32.35636 60569.34 11120.12 4653.747 60567.95 11125

Av. Det. T Detonation Nom. Det. Det. SequeCollar East Collar Nort Collar Level (m)
-1 -1 -1 -1 60569.15 11115.99 4653.442
-1 -1 -1 -1 60569.09 11116.31 4653.797
-1 -1 -1 -1 60569.03 11116.62 4654.16
-1 -1 -1 -1 60568.99 11117.52 4654.563
-1 -1 -1 -1 60569.05 11118.51 4654.586
-1 -1 -1 -1 60569.18 11119.4 4654.243
-1 -1 -1 -1 60569.24 11119.74 4654.091
-1 -1 -1 -1 60569.34 11120.12 4653.747

Energy (MJRWS RBS Min. Hole VOD (m/s) Cost (per k Colour (RGUser Comment
2.97 0.81 1.23 35 4250 1 52224 '100% emulsion SG: 0.80-1.25 Ringpr
Toe Level Length (m) 3D Dip (de 3D BearingDetonation Cost/metre Comment Drill Pos. Drill Pos.
4660.81 9.089508 -54.16253 202.0904 -1 0 '' '1' 60569.59
4667.375 14.95444 -65.22484 213.3962 -1 0 '' '1' 60569.59
4669.542 16.09873 -72.84177 231.6281 -1 0 '' '1' 60569.59
4669.583 15.44437 -76.54075 257.2899 -1 0 '' '2' 60569.63
4669.626 15.47258 -76.41845 291.5363 -1 0 '' '3' 60569.66
4669.666 16.15702 -72.6701 316.1196 -1 0 '' '4' 60569.7
4667.651 14.82104 -66.19453 332.1532 -1 0 '' '4' 60569.7
4661.115 8.948789 -55.41488 344.0739 -1 0 '' '4' 60569.7

ulsion SG: 0.80-1.25 Ringprime WR: Excellent ST: 30 days'

Drill Pos. Drill Pos. Drive Label
11117.07 4651.825 '10'
11117.07 4651.825 '10'
11117.07 4651.825 '10'
11117.67 4651.833 '10'
11118.264 4651.841 '10'
11118.86 4651.849 '10'
11118.86 4651.849 '10'
11118.86 4651.849 '10'

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