Budget 2017

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Category Positives from Budget Negatives from Budget How to beat the Budget

HNI Under a scheme of presumptive taxation for professionals A surcharge of 10% of the tax payable on categories of ETF launch for CPSEs would serve as a long-term
with receipts of up to Rs 50 lakh per annum, advance tax individuals, whose annual taxable income is between Rs investment avenue.
can be paid in one instalment instead of four. 50 lakh and Rs 1 crore. The shift in base year for indexation will ease the
A new ETF with diversified Central Public Sector No cash transactions above Rs 3 lakh will be permitted. computation of long-term capital gains.
Enterprise (CPSE) stocks and other government holdings
will be launched in 2017-18. Restriction of set-off of loss under house property has
been limited to Rs 2 lakh, as against the earlier ruling,
Under a scheme of presumptive income for small and which allowed home buyers to purchase properties using
medium-sized tax payers, whose turnover is up to Rs 2
loans and set off the full interest liability against the lettable
crore, the present, 8% of their turnover which is counted
as presumptive income is reduced to 6% in respect of value of the property.
turnover which is by non-cash means. Proposal to hike the excise duty on cigars, cheroots and
It has been proposed that the holding period of property cigarillos to 12.5% or Rs 4,006 per thousand, whichever is
investments be reduced from 3 years currently to 2 years, higher, from 12.5%, or Rs 3,755, earlier.
for calculating long-term capital gains tax. Thus, after two
years, property sales will be able to qualify for long-term
capital gains and reduce taxes.
The proposal to expand the scope of Section 54EC
(investments in tax-saving bonds that help reduce long-
term capital gains tax liability of up to Rs 50 lakh that
arises on transfer of property) to include issuers other
than NHAI and REC.
A reduction in the holding period for computing long-term
capital gains from the transfer of immovable property from
3 years to 2 years^.
Also, the base year for indexation is proposed to be shifted
from April 1, 1981, to April 1, 2001, for long term capital
assets including immovable property^.

SME owner Income tax for MSMEs with an annual turnover of up to Rs Scope of domestic transfer pricing restricted, if one of the Around 96% of MSMEs have a turnover of up to 50 crore,
50 crore reduced to 25% from 30%. entities involved in a related-party transaction enjoys which will benefit from reduction in taxation, making them
Profit-linked deduction exemption available to start-ups for specified profit-linked deduction. more competitive compared with large companies.
3 out of 5 years is changed to 3 out of 7 years. No cash transactions above Rs 3 lakh will be permitted. The government has taken several initiatives to promote
The threshold limit for audit of business entities which opt Customs duty on aluminium ore and concentrates raised entrepreneurs and boost start-ups by giving tax benefits,
for presumptive income schemes increased from Rs 1 to 30% from nil currently. providing them the ease of business, skills training and
crore to Rs 2 crore. several other initiatives.
SMEs with turnover of up to Rs 2 crore currently had 8% of Allocation to the transportation and infrastructure sector
their turnover counted as presumptive tax, which is now as a whole, including rail, road, shipping will help in ease of
reduced to 6% in respect of turnover by non-cash means.
transportation of goods to the markets.
The government is encouraging the SIDBI to refinance
credit institutions, which provide unsecured loans at
reasonable interest rates to borrowers based on their
transaction history.
To carry forward and set off losses in case of start-ups, the
condition of continuous holding of 51% of voting rights has
been relaxed, subject to the condition that the holding of
the original promoter/promoters continues.
Companies can carry forward their Minimum Alternative
Tax (MAT) to 15 years from 10 years earlier.
The launch of next phase of Skill Strengthening for
Industrial Value Enhancement (STRIVE) aims at
improving the quality and market relevance of vocational
training provided in ITIs and strengthen the apprenticeship
programmes through industry-cluster approach.
Basic customs duty on LNG reduced from 5% to 2.5%.

Existing rate of taxation for individual assesses with Maximum taxable income amount eligible for rebate ETF launch for CPSEs would serve as a long term
income of 2.5-5 lakh reduced to 5% from 10%. reduced to Rs 350,000 from Rs 500,000, and the rebate investment avenue.
Simple one-page form to be filed as income tax return for amount reduced to Rs 2500 from Rs 5000. Shift in base year for indexation will ease computation of
the category of individuals having taxable income up to Rs long term capital gain.
5 lakh other than business income. Government has taken several initiatives for affordable
Utilisation of head post offices for passport service. housing which will help youth with basic housing needs.
Service charge on e-tickets booked through IRCTC
Under the scheme for profit-linked income tax deduction
for promotion of affordable housing, carpet area instead of
built up area will be considered.
Reduction in the holding period for computing long term
capital gains from transfer of immovable property from 3 to
2 years.
Further relief has been provided to an employee
subscriber of NPS. It is proposed to provide tax exemption
to partial withdrawal not exceeding 25% of the contribution
made by an employee.
A new ETF with diversified CPSE stocks and other
government holdings will be launched in 2017-18.
Also, the base year for indexation is proposed to be shifted
from 1.4.1981 to 1.4.2001 for long term capital assets
including immovable property.
Category Positives from Budget Negatives from Budget How to beat the Budget
Retired Individual LIC will implement a scheme, Varishtha Pension Bima Maximum taxable income amount eligible for rebate is LIC's Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana, assured pension
Yojana, for senior citizens to provide assured pension, with reduced to Rs 350,000 from Rs 500,000 and also the scheme will ensure steady reliable income
a guaranteed return of 8% per annum for 10 years. rebate amount is reduced to Rs 2,500 from Rs 5,000.
For senior citizens, Aadhar-based Smart Cards containing
their health details will be introduced which will ease the
access of medical history in case of medical emergencies.
Tax rate for tax slab between 2.5 lakh to 5 lakh reduced to
5% from 10%.
A web-based interactive Pension Disbursement System
for Defence Pensioners will be established. This system
will receive pension proposals and make payments
centrally, reducing the grievances for defence pensioners.
Proposal to expand the scope of Section 54EC
(investment in tax saving bonds that help reduce long term
capital gains tax liability of up to Rs 50 lakhs that arises on
transfer of property) to include issuers other than NHAI
and REC.
It has been proposed that the holding period of property
investments for the purpose of calculating tax on long-
term capital gains be reduced from three years currently to
two years. Thus, after two years, property sales will be able
to qualify for long-term capital gains and reduce taxes.
Service charge on e-tickets booked through IRCTC has
been withdrawn.

Home maker Mahila Shakti Kendra to be set up with an allocation of Rs Cashew nuts to become expensive as basic customs duty Mahila Shakti Kendra will provide one stop convergent
500 crore in 14 lakh ICDS anganwadi centres. hiked from 30% to 45%. support services for empowering rural women with
Stepped up allocation to Rs 1.84 trillion for various LED lights prices to go up as parts used for manufacturing opportunities for skill development, employment, digital
schemes for women and children LED lights will attract basic customs duty of 5% and CVD literacy, health and nutrition.
Under Maternity Benefit Scheme Rs 6,000 each will be of 6%. Mission Antyodaya will work with a focused micro plan for
transferred directly to bank accounts of pregnant women Water filters mainly used for households to become sustainable livelihood for every deprived household.
who undergo institutional delivery and vaccinate their expensive as basic customs duty (BCD) on RO membrane
children. element for household type filters increased from 7.5% to
Action plan to eliminate leprosy by 2018, TB by 2025, and 10%.
reduce IMR to 29 in 2019. Silver medallion, silver coins having silver content not
Affordable housing to be given infrastructure status. below 99.9%, semi-manufactured form of silver and
Proposal to complete 1 crore houses by 2019 for the
articles of silver to get expensive as countervailing duty
homeless and those living in kutcha houses. (CVD) increased from nil to 12.5%.
Prices of mobile phones set to go up by about 1%, with
Lending target under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana to be
set at Rs 2.44 lakh crore; priority will for dalits, tribals, customs duty proposed on a component that makes up 25-
backward classes and women. 30% of the phone cost.
Women participation in MGNREGA has increased to 55%
from less than 48%; allocation to MGNREGA to be the
highest ever at Rs 48,000 crores in 2017-18.
Propose to amend the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules to
ensure availability of drugs at reasonable prices and
promote use of generic medicines.
Service charge on e-tickets booked through IRCTC has
been withdrawn

^with effect from 1 April 2018.

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