Phys 1121 Kinematic Notes

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Kinematics - study of motion PHYSICS 1A UNSW

Joe Wolfe

so t
See HR&W chapers 1-4
Is this straightforward, or are there subtleties? Physclips Chs 2&3 and support pages
Measure lengths to get (relative) positions P2P chapters 1-4
Measure durations to get (relative) times
At first, we use rulers and repeated cycles for space and time. First we count ratios, then indirect methods
But what are time and space? Here are some subtleties:
What happens when we move the clocks and rulers around? Does this change them?
If we use 'identical' ones? How do we calibrate them?
Can you (always) give an object a position or an event a time? Can you do so more than once?
Can you make continuous measurements? What is a point? A particle?
Kinematics We shall go very quickly over some bits as they are assumed knowledge*
Motion with constant acceleration
ay = constant ay = dt the definition of acceleration, so, by integrating,

vy =
ay dt subscript y for y direction

= ayt + const what is the constant? Use the initial state: at t = 0, vy = vy0
vy = vy0 + ayt (i) common convention: use subscript 0 for t = 0
y =
vy dt again, using the definition vy = . Substitute (i) gives:
vy0 + ayt and integration gives

= vy0t + 2 ayt2 + constant again, use the initial
state at t = 0
y = y0 + vy0t + 2 ayt2. (ii) Don't forget the y0 term

Definition of constant acceleration and rearrange: t = (v v0)/ay

ii) gives y - y0 = vy0t + 2 ayt2 substitute from t = (vy - vy0)/ ay
ay(y - y0) = vy0(vy - vy0) + 2 (vy - vy0)2
2ay(y - y0) = vy2 vy02 (iii)
You may also remember these as v = u +at (i) s = ut + 2 at2 (ii) v2 u2 = 2as (iii)
However, we shall be looking at motion in both x and y directions so you will need subscripts
* What if this is not clear to you? See HR&W chs 1-4, Physclips Chs 2&3, P2P chs 1-3
See also Calculus, a supporting page in Physclips
Example. Joe runs at constant speed 6 ms-1 towards a stationary bus. When he is 30 m from it, the bus
accelerates away at 2 m.s-2. Can he overtake it? Note: problem with 2 objects. Need subscripts
Translate the words into maths
" Joe runs at constant speed 6 ms-1" > vJ = 6 ms-1, aJ = 0
" stationary bus " & " accelerates away at 2 m.s-2" > vb0 = 0, ab = 2 m.s-2
" When he is 30 m from it " > xb0 - xJ0 = 30 m
" Can he overtake it?" > Does xJ = xb at any t?
xb = xb0 + vb0t + 2 abt2 (i) (the pale terms are zero, but I thought about them!)
xJ = xJ0 + vJ0t + 2 aJt2 (ii) it's easiest to remember the general form and lose terms
Eliminate xJo by choice of origin, xbo = 30 m Draw a diagram or two. Which of the following graphs is correct?

In kinematics, displacement time graphs are useful!

What does overtake mean? How to write it mathematically?
xb = xJ substitute from (i) and (ii) gives:
1 2
2 abt2 vJot + xbo = 0 Recall quadratic: solutions are b b 4ac so

vJo v2Jo - 2abxbo

t = ab are the units correct?

Put in numbers = 6 2 2 * 2 * 30 ms-1 -ve no (real) solutions, no overtaking.

what would the imaginary solutions mean?
Example. Ball 1 thrown vertically up at 5 ms-1 from 20 m above ground. Simultaneously, ball 2 thrown
vertically down -1 from 20 m above ground. What are their speeds when they hit the ground, and
at 5 ms
what is the time interval between collisions?
We are given: vo1 = 5 ms-1 vo2 = - 5 ms-1 yo= 20 m

Translate the question: When y = 0, t = ? Tactics: (ii) to get t1 and t2. Use (i) to get vy1 and vy2.
Solve it yourself: solving simultaneous equations is Assumed Knowledge
How much do you lose if you miss the starter's gun?
Two runners at different times (t apart). During the (constant) acceleration phase, when are they a
distance x apart ?

x1 = at2
x2 = a(t')2
t' = t t
x1 x2 = at2 a(t t)2 Solve this for t: x1 x2 = (at)t a(t)2
t = (x1 x2 + a(t)2)/at

A trickier but real example. Over a marked kilometre, on a flat track with no wind, solar car sUNSWift
slows from v0 = 70 k.p.h. to v = 50 k.p.h. Assume that a = kv2 (turbulent drag only). What is k?
Given x (= 1 km), v0, v, need k. Must relate these. Must eliminate a. Must introduce x.
a = kv2 and by definition a = dt so

dv 2
dt = kv But this has t. Can eliminate dt using dx = vdt. Multiply both sides by dt:

dv = kv.(vdt) = kv.dx Separate variables (i.e. get v on one side, x on the other):
so v = k.dx Finally v and x! Nearly there.

d(ln y) 1 dv
Remember that
dy = y so
v = d(ln v)
Physclips has an introduction to calculus
d(ln v) = k dx finally it looks easy: just integrate both sides!
ln v = k dx = kx + const What constant?Once again, use initial conditions

at x = 0 , v = v0
ln v0 = kx + const = k*0 + const subtract these and remember ln (a/b) = ln a ln b

ln v ln v0 = ln v = kx
so k = ln (v/v0)/x (It's also interesting that v = v0e )
Physclips does this and more in detail
have direction and magnitude
e.g. displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, spin, electric field are all vectors
displacement = 2 m towards door; wind velocity is 3.7 ms-1 at 31 E. of N., acceleration is
9.8 ms-2 up, Force is 4 N in +ve x direction etc
(cf Scalars: mass, length, heat, temperature..., which also have magnitude, but no direction)

Notation: a in most texts

a when hand writing

a often in my notes, to combine the above

a in Halliday, Resnick and Walker

x' b


put them head to tail to add.

Does _a + b
_ = b
_ + _a ?

Think: (a b) is what I have to add b to in order to get a.

to subtract, rewrite the equation:
_a b
_ = _a + ( b _) head to head to subtract vectors
or _a b
_ = d
_ > _a = d
_ + b
See Vectors, a supporting page in Physclips
Consider the displacement 2 m North Consider adding 2 m North and 2 m East
What sort of quantity is 2 m North ?
What does 2 m mean? What does North mean?
Should/could I write 2 m North ?
How big is North?
magnitude direction
(2 m) distance (in the direction of North)
We have a word for "in the direction of North" (It's just "North").
Wouldn't it be useful to have a shorthand for "in the positive x direction"? So let's introduce
Vector components and unit vectors
a = a x i + a y j
a y j
j x

i a x i

ax = a cos , ay = a sin
ax is the component of a in the x direction it is a scalar
is unit vector: magnitude of 1 in x direction. means "in the positive x direction"
a = ax + ay j i.e. means ax in the positive x direction plus ay in the positive y direction
a= ax2 + ay2 = tan-1 a so we can convert back to magnitude and direction

Addition by components
_ = (ax + ay j ) + (bx + by j )
_c = _a + b
cx + cy _j = (ax + bx) + (ay + by) j
cx = ax + bx and cy = ay + by so we have two scalar equations from one vector one
vector eqn in n independent
n dimensions > algebraic eqns.

important case: 0 = 0 + 0 j
e.g. mechanical
if _a + b _ = 0, more on this later in Newton's laws.
ax + bx = 0 and ay + by = 0

Resolving vectors is often useful. more on this later in Newton's laws

Choose convenient axes:

Component of W _ in direction of plane = - Wsin

Total force in y' direction = - Wsin = m d y'
Newton's second law requires that components in normal direction add to zero:
N Wcos = 0
In three dimensions:
z (up)

y (North)
k j

i x (East)

_r = rx + ry j + rz k (sometimes just i, j, k)
right hand convention:
j k in dirn of
thumb index middle fingers of right hand
i k

Pythagoras' theorem in three dimensions

z What is magnitude of a?
Hypotenuse h:
az h2 = ax2 + ay2.
y Now look at triangle h,az,a:
x h
a2 = h2 + az2
= ax2 + ay2 + az2.
a = ax2 + ay2 + az2

Not in our syllabus, but, for your interest, in four dimensions:

we write j = 1 and use c as the natural unit of velocity.
Two events at (ex1,ey1,ez1,jct1) and (ex2,ey2,ez2,jct2)

are separated by (ex2ex1)2+(ey2ey1)2+(ez2ez1)2(ct2ct1)2

Uniform circular motion
Write = t. where = constant is the angular velocity
y v (t+t)
v (t)
v (t)

r (t+t) v (t+t)

r (t)

As t and > 0, triangles are very narrow so v _ > right angles to _v
lim $ v '
_a = & ) From the triangle, we see it is parallel to r , i.e. towards centre. We call it
t > 0 % t (
centripetal acceleration (and centripetal acceleration = 1*radial acceleration). We need magnitudes, so
s = r definition of angle
v = dt defininition of speed

= r dt = r Use arc straight line of triangle, here for v
_ :

|v_ | |v| (Interesting: notice that |v_ | =/ |_v | )

t>0 |dv_ | = |vd|
|_a | = dt
= v dt = v

a = r = 2 r but _a // _r ( // means 'is parallel to'.)

so _a = 2_r
Example. Car travelling at v goes over hill with vertical radius r = 30 m (>> height of car) at summit. It
doesn't slow down. How high must v be for the car to lose contact with the ground at the summit?
The only force pulling the car down is gravity, so the downwards acceleration cannot be greater than g. So the
centripetal acceleration must be less than or equal to g (or equal to g for the critical value).

This example on Physclips


What is the acceleration of this theatre?
Due to rotation of the Earth:
arot = 2r
2 2
= T r
(TEarth ~ 24hrs, rSydney to Earth's axis ~ 5300 km)
2 2
= 23.9*3600 s (5.3 106 m)

= 28 mm.s-2

Due to Earth's orbit around the sun:

2 2
aorb = T r (Torbit, rorbit)

2 2
= 365.24*24*3600 s (1.5 1011 m)

= 6 mm.s-2 So, even though the earth moves rapidly, we cannot feel this motion: it's a tiny acceleration

Due to Sun's orbit around the centre of the galaxy:

r ~ 2 1020 m, T ~ 1016 s
agalactic ~ 0.1 nm.s-2

r = (A.sin t) + (A.cos t) j + (Bt) k
where A and B are constants.
What shape is _r ? What is _a ?
a = r = -(A2.sin t) - (A2.cos t) j
so a is in xy plane and
a = ax2 + ay2 = ... = A2 = constant (but direction is always changing)
Example A cockroach on a turntable crawls in the radial direction (initially the x direction) at speed v.
The turntable rotates at anticlockwise. Describe his path in i, j coordinates.

v vt
We can specify his position with the coordinates (r,), where r = vt, and = t.
x = r cos , y = r sin
path is r(t) = vt cos t i + vt sin t j
What is this shape?

Relative velocities
watch for hidden
Gallilean/Newtonian relativity assumptions
origin of frame (x',y') is at _rf and moves with v_f with respect to the (x,y) frame. No rotation.

Subraction of vectors (see above): Directly from the geometry, we write
_r' = _r _rf and, by definition, v'
_ = dt _r'
So we differentiate both sides to give
d d d
dt _
r' = dt _
r dt _rf
_ = _v v_f (Tricky? See P2P chapter 2)

It's important to understand this.

Think of this example:
velocity of wind over the ground = velocity of wind with respect to me + my velocity over the ground
velocity of boat over the ground = velocity of river over ground plus velocity of boat over river

Example A boat heads East vb

at 8 The current
flows South at 6 vc
What is the boat's velocity
relative to the earth?

v = vboat + vcurrent vb
To add the vectors, draw
them head-to-tail. vc

v = vb + vc

magnitude: v = vb2 + vc2

= (8 + (6
= (82 + 62) (
= (64 + 36) (
= 10

-1 6
direction: = tan = tan-1 0.75
= 37
Answer: 10 at 40 South of East
Reminder about vector subtraction
Draw the vectors head to head to subtract them.

to subtract, rewrite the equation:

_a b
_ = _a + ( b
i.e. we can also rearrange subtraction so that it becomes addition

Example A sailor wants to travel East at

8 The current flows South at 6 What direction must she head, and what speed should
she make relative to the water?

v = vboat + vcurrent v
vboat = v vcurrent
To subtract the vectors, draw vb
them head-to-head. vc


magnitude: vb = v2 + vc2

= (8 + (6
= 10
vc 6
direction: = tan-1 v = tan-1
= 37
She must head 40 North of East and travel at 10 with respect to the water.

Puzzle River flows East at 10 km/hr. Sailing boat travels East down the river.
Can the boat travel faster
a) with no wind?
b) with 10 km/hr wind from West?

Consider motion relative to the water.

b) v'w = 0 while a) 10 km/hr headwind.

Not in syllabus. See Physclips Physics of Sailing if interested.
A SE wind blows at 30 km/hr. If you are travelling North, how fast must you travel before the wind is
coming (i) exactly from your right? (ii) From 30 E of N?
From the ground: From your frame:
vw N
or y y'
v' w
E or x
Relative motion: (add vel wrt me to my vel to get vel wrt ground)
vw = vyou + v'w so v'w = vw vyou
Either) Do it algebraically. Given:
vw = vw cos 45 i + vw sin 45 j
vyou = 0i + vyou j
v'w = v'wx i + 0j
y direction: vw sin 45 = vyou + 0
vyou = vw sin 45 = 21 km/hr
x direction: vw cos 45 = 0 + v'wx
v'wx = vw cos 45 = 21 km/hr from E

Or) Do it with vector diagrams:

v you
v 'w
Same answers, but directly.

Second case: v'w is 30 E of N

v' w


x direction: vw cos 45 = v'w cos 60.

y direction: vyou = vw sin 45 + v'w sin 60
2 equations, 2 unknowns, first gives
vw cos 45
v'w = cos 60 = 42 km/hr

Substitute this in second equation:

vyou = 60 km/hr
Question. A man fires a gun horizontally. At the
same time he drops a bullet. Which hits the ground
first? Explain your reasoning.
(To simplify, let's say it happens on the moon.)

F = ma. So a force in y direction does not cause an acceleration in x direction.

Independence of x and y motion. (Careful: in air, there are other forces)

Question. A man shoots at a coconut. At the instant that he fires, the coconut falls. What happens?



obvious method (c for coconut, b for bullet). From the triangle:

h = L tan Now write down the heights of both
1 1
yc = h 2 gt2 yb = vyot 2 gt2 Will they miss? What is the difference between the heights?

yc yb = h vyot = h vosin.t The bullet has no horizontal acceleration, so

which gives
L = t vocos T = v cos substitute gives
vo sin.L
yc yb = h v cos = h L tan and from the geometry above
= 0
Alternatively: consider a frame of reference falling with g.

The non-vegetarian version of this problem is very old one, called The Monkey and the Hunter. Physclips and P2P
have film clips, using a toy monkey. No real monkeys were etc.
Without air, ay = g = constant. ax = 0 (Galileo: independence of horizontal & vertical motion)

y a

Strategy: kinematics eqn (ii) gives y(t), x(t):
(ii) > y = yo + vyot 2 gt2. x = xo + vxt.

Our strategy: Eliminate t gives y(x) Important: y(x) is the trajectory or path it follows.
For range, it hits the ground at x = R, so y(R) = 0
Rearrange to get R = R()
Find maximum in R()

(ii) > y = yo + vyot 2 gt2. motion with constant acceleration
(ii) > x = xo + vxt. motion with no acceleration
Choose axes so that xo = yo = 0 and use (ii) to eliminate t (i.e. substitute t = x/vx):
x 1 x 2
y = vyo v 2 g v (*) Now we have parabolic curve in x, not t.
x x
y = 0 when x = 0 (launching) or when x = R (landing)
R 1 R 2
(*) > vyo v = 2 gv (**)
x x
vyo = vo sin , vx = vo cos > R = R(vo,)
How to find the maximum of a function? Set = 0 to obtain for maximum range.
R 1 R 2
We had vyo v = 2 gv (**) solve (**) for R:
x x
so R = g (check units) substitute gives:

2v0 sin .v0 cos

= g sin cos = standard trigonometic identity

v02 sin 2
= g
R 2v02 cos 2
= g
So maximum R when 2 = 90 i.e = 45
Example The human cannon of Circus Oz has a muzzle velocity vo. For a new trick, they will fire the
human canonball into a horizontal teflon tube at height h above the canon mouth. To avoid damage to the
canonball, he must arrive with purely horizontal velocity. Calculate the position of the canon and its angle
to the vertical.
i) draw a diagram
ii) put in symbols for quantities
iii) translate question



given h, vo and final vy = 0
Find L and Think about this: chose to get highest point correct, then choose L so as to hit the target.
Relate h, vy and vyo. vyo depends on .

During flight, the acceleration is g upwards. The desired vy is zero, so (think v2 = u2 + 2as)
0 = vy2 = vyo2 + 2ay(y) = vo2 cos2 2gh
vo2 cos2 = 2gh
cos = vo
= cos 1
Find time of flight. vxt = L.
0 = vy = vyo + ayt
vo cos
t= g
L = vo t sin .
vo cos
= vo sin g
<optional> = vo sin 2
where = cos v
simplify optional
Projectile in 3D
Example. Throw object from origin at 20 ms-1, 30 East and at 45 to horizontal. Take x = East, y =
North, describe its motion as a function of t in i , j , k notation.
z (up)

y (North)
j 30
k vhoriz

i x (East)
vzo = vo sin 45 = 14 ms-1
vhoriz = vo cos 45 = 14 ms-1 (= const)
vx = vhoriz cos 60 = 7 ms-1 (= const)
vy = vhoriz cos 30 = 12 ms-1 (= const)
_r = rx + ry j + rz k
= (7 ms-1).t + (12 ms-1).t j
+ (14 ms-1)t - 2(9.8 ms-2)t2 k But normally we should just make it a 2D problem.

Example. Electron enters a uniform electric field at (x,y,t)=(0,0,0), with velocity vxi. The field extends
from x = 0 to x = L, but is zero for x < 0 and x > L. In the field, the electron is accelerated at ayj. Write an
equation for the position of the electron for x > L. Hint: divide the problem into parts

ay j
vx i + vyf j
vx i L ,y f y
Outer parts with linear motion, middle one with projectile motion
First region
x 0 (t 0) v = vxi = const easy
Second region
0 x L (0 t L/vx) constant acceleration in the y direction. We need final position & velocity
1 2
x = x0 + vx0t + axt vx = vx0 + axt grey terms are zero here.
y = y0 + vy0t + 2 ayt2 vy = vy0 + ayt
1 1 L 2 L
yf = 2 aytf2 = 2 ayv vyf = ayv
x x
Third region
x L x = vxt (still no acceleration in x direction)
y = yf + vyft v now all we need to do is to substitute for vyf:
1 L 2 L L
position is vxt i + 2 ayv + ayv t v j
x x x

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