11 Alarm Logging en
11 Alarm Logging en
11 Alarm Logging en
Note Without associated values and comments, a message requires approximately 172
bytes of memory (RT database), see FAQ 16619980.
System blocks
The system blocks output system information, e.g. the time of day or the status of
the message
Note The message list resulting from the message blocks can be freely designed and is
created in the WinCC Alarm Control window.
User blocks Up to 10 user blocks can be selected. Here, it is primarily the number of
characters and the name of the block that is specified. As with other blocks, this
can be translated into the selected runtime languages. Which runtime languages
are available in a WinCC project is specified in the Text Library editor.
Message class The following message classes are preconfigured in Alarm Logging: "Error",
"System, Requires Acknowledgment", and "System, Without Acknowledgment". In
addition to the two system message classes, you can define up to 16 further
message classes.
Message type
Message types are subgroups of message classes. You can create up to 16
message types in WinCC for each message class.
Prior to V7.3, for example, the acknowledgment philosophy was also defined in the
message class.
Note The "Messages" tab is visible if you select one of the message classes or one of
the message types in Messages in the navigation panel.
If "Messages" is selected, all messages are displayed. In the shortcut menu of
"Messages", you have the option of selecting that all system messages and/or all
"AS messages" and/or all messages from the area "Analog alarms" should also be
If a message class is selected, all messages of this message class are displayed
in the "Messages" tab.
If a message type is selected, all messages of this message type are displayed in
the "Messages" tab.
This requires flashing to also be selected in the properties of the relevant message
Without status "went out"
This is typically selected with system messages combined with no
acknowledgment. This means that no entry is made in the message list, but only
an entry in the archive lists (short or long-term archive).
Status texts Here, self-defined texts for the statuses can also be stored, e.g. c for "came in", w
for "went out", etc.
Note: If these texts should also be displayed in runtime, in the settings of the
"WinCC AlarmControl", in the Message Blocks tab, for the message block
"Status", "Content as text" shuold be selected.
Tags Will be explained later
Colors Here, the font color and the background color can be set for different message
The only difference is that the "Archive Contents" tab is missing. The reason for
this is that in Tag Logging the runtime data is either saved in "TagLogging Fast" or
in "TagLogging Slow". With the messages, on the other hand, there is only one
database "AlarmLogging".
Note Later in WinCC Runtime, the "Short-term archive list" and the "Long-term archive
list" can be displayed in WinCC AlarmControl. In earlier WinCC versions there
were actually 2 different archives. Since WinCC V6.0, these archives were put
together and therefore the "Short-term archive list" and the "Long-term archive list"
are today simply two views of the same database.
In these tabs, for example with auto filling further messages can be created simply.
The properties of a message can be adapted in the table view or in the properties.
Message tag Here, WinCC tags of the type "binary tag", "unsigned 8-bit value", "signed 16-bit
value" or "unsigned 32-bit value" can be selected. If a "binary tag" is involved, the
message bit must also be specified.
Priority Specifies the priority of the message. Messages can be selected and sorted based
on their priority. The range of values is "0" to "16". WinCC does not specify which
value corresponds to the highest priority.
Archived The default for "Archived" is active. If this parameter is disabled, an incoming
message is not written to the database; in other words, this message is only in the
message window in runtime but is not visible in the short-term archive list or long-
term archive list.
Falling edge If this is enabled, the message will be displayed as having come on a falling edge
(1 -> 0).
Triggers action
The message triggers the standard function GMsgFunction.fct that can be
changed with the "Global Script" editor. In the function itself, the message number
is then queried and a there is a suitable reaction. The function is available under
"Standard Functions/Alarm" in the function browser of Global Script.
The time stamps show the starting time and if two time stamps are present, also
the end time.
- 4. In the navigation panel change to "User text blocks" and adapt these
according to the figure above.
5. In the navigation panel change to "Process value blocks" and adapt these
according to the figure above.
Exercise 1. In the shortcut menu of the "Messages" navigation item, you can create the
message class "Blast furnace".
2. In the shortcut menu of "blast furnace", you create the message types "Alarm"
and "Failure".
3. For both message types, enable the acknowledgement philosophy
"Acknowledgement came in".
4. Set the colors according to the figures above.
Exercise 1. Navigate to the message type "Alarm" of the message class "Blast furnace".
2. Initially create only the first message (see the figure above).
3. Using auto filling, create messages 2 to 3. Then adapt the texts and message
type (see the lower figure).
Note With controls a correct preview is only shown when the zoom level for the graphics
picture is set to 100%.
In the example above, some messages (10, 11, 12 and 13) are grouped together
in message group A. If at least one of the messages is active, the bit for active is
also set in the status tag of message group A. If at least one of the messages is
unacknowledged, this information is also stored in the status tag in binary format.
In the example above, the message class "Alarm" contains the messages 1 and 2
and as the status tag has "Status_tag_furnace_alarm" with status bit 0.
The message class "Warning" contains the messages 3 and 4 and as the status
tag has the tag "Status_tag_furnace_warning". Here, however, status bit 2 has
been selected.
Runtime The status tags are automatically supplied with the collected status information.
Each tag is divided logically in the middle. In the left part there is the
acknowledgement information (1 = unacknowledged) and in the right part the
status (1 = at least one message is pending).
The status tag "Status_tag_furnace_alarm" for example has the following value in
0000 0001 0000 0001 -> Status bit 0 shows the status, bit (0+8) shows the
acknowledgement status.
The status tag "Status_tag_furnace_warning" for example has the following value
in runtime:
0000 0100 0000 0100 -> Status bit 2 shows the status, bit (2+8) shows the
acknowledgement status.