11 Alarm Logging en

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The document discusses the configuration and use of an alarm logging system for process automation using Siemens WinCC.

Messages can be organized into blocks, classes and types. Exercises are provided to configure these structures.

Status tags can be configured for individual messages, message types, classes and groups to collect their status information.

Contents Page

Training aims ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Preparing for configuration .............................................................................................................. 4
Overview of the message system ....................................................................................................... 5
Project planning notes ................................................................................................................... 6
Message system (2/3) ......................................................................................................................... 7
Message blocks, message line ............................................................................................................ 8
Message blocks .................................................................................................................................. 9
Structuring messages with message classes and types .................................................................... 10
Alarm Logging editor Configuring message classes and types ........................................................... 11
Alarm Logging editor Configuring message types ............................................................................... 12
Alarm Logging editor Archive configuration ........................................................................................ 13
Alarm Logging editor Creating individual messages ............................................................................ 14
Alarm Logging editor Properties of individual messages .................................................................... 15
Alarm Logging Runtime Alarm Control ............................................................................................. 16
Alarm Logging Runtime Data storage ............................................................................................... 17
Exercise 1: Message blocks ................................................................................................................ 18
Exercise 2: Message class, message types ........................................................................................ 19
Exercise 3: Archive configuration ........................................................................................................ 20
Exercise 4: Single messages ............................................................................................................. 21
Exercise 5: System messages ............................................................................................................ 22
Exercise 6: Creating a message picture .............................................................................................. 23
Exercise 7: Function test message picture ......................................................................................... 24
Exercise 8 (optional): Process value block .......................................................................................... 25
Exercise 9 (optional): Loop in Alarm ................................................................................................... 26
Status tags with message groups .................................................................................................... 27


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Contents Page
Status tags with message types and message classes ..................................................................... 28
Configuration of status tags e.g. message types ............................................................................... 29


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The participant will:
Get to know the advantages of the message system
Be able to adapt the message system to the plant requirements
Be able to configure messages
Be able to create message lines (formats)
Be able to define message classes
Be able to define message types
Be able to set up message archives
Know group messages
Know export/import functions
Get to know Loop in Alarm
Know message selections
Be able to show messages in a picture
Be able to archive messages


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Preparing for configuration
Process coupling
Defining tags with message bits (bit message procedure)
Message archiving
Grouping all messages
Specifying message blocks
Defining the content and appearance of the message format
Specifying an acknowledgement concept
Specifying the time period for archiving
Specifying process values (optional)
Assigning alarm classes
Specifying a message picture


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Data type
With the bit message procedure, the largest data type that can be used is an
unsigned 32-bit tag from which up to 32 messages can be derived. This allows the
number of powertags to be kept low.

Limit value messages

If limit value messages (analog alarms) are configured in WinCC, these values are
also requested cyclically.


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Archiving To archive messages, WinCC uses a circular archive with a configurable size that
you can configure with or without backup.
Storage of the archive files is always on the local computer in the corresponding
The WinCC message archive consists of multiple individual segments. You can
configure both the size/time of the message archive and the size/time of the
individual segments in WinCC: Example: The message archive records all
messages that occur within one week (1), each individual segment records the
messages that occur within one day (2). You can always configure both conditions
at the same time. If either of the two criteria (time or size) is exceeded, the
following happens:
Criterion for message archive (DB) is exceeded (-1)> the oldest messages (in
other words the oldest single segment) are deleted.
Criterion for single segment exceeded (2)-> a new single segment (SS) is created.
A new single segment is also created if message data is configured online (when
downloading changes online).
DataMonitor For visualization and evaluation, WinCC/DataMonitor provides a range of tools for
viewing (view only) and online analysis, for example using Excel, that can be used
via the Internet and that support all the common security mechanisms such as
login/password, firewalls, encryption, etc.
Connectivity Pack Access to WinCC via OPC and OLE-DB With OLE-DB, it is possible to directly
access archive data saved in the MS SQL Server database by WinCC. The OPC
HDA (Historical Data Access) and OPC A&E (Alarms & Events) servers allow
access to historical data of the WinCC archive system or for forwarding /
acknowledging messages.
Connectivity station Access from external computers to archive data without WinCC installation
via standard interfaces OPC and OLE-DB
IndustrialDataBridge Configurable connection to databases and IT systems

Note Without associated values and comments, a message requires approximately 172
bytes of memory (RT database), see FAQ 16619980.


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Messages are represented as tables within an ActiveX (message window). Which
columns these tables can have, you specify from the system, process value and
user text blocks.

System blocks
The system blocks output system information, e.g. the time of day or the status of
the message

User text blocks

User text blocks (max. 10) output message texts edited by the user.

Process value blocks

The process value blocks (max. 10) display the value of a tag.

Note The message list resulting from the message blocks can be freely designed and is
created in the WinCC Alarm Control window.


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System blocks With the system blocks, the configuration engineer can select the blocks from a
predefined list that will be saved in the database for each message. Adaptations
for example of the number of characters or the alignment (left, centered, right) are
also possible. With some blocks for example the time and date, the format can be
Example Date:

User blocks Up to 10 user blocks can be selected. Here, it is primarily the number of
characters and the name of the block that is specified. As with other blocks, this
can be translated into the selected runtime languages. Which runtime languages
are available in a WinCC project is specified in the Text Library editor.

Process value blocks

Up to 10 process value blocks can be activated.
When configuring a single message, a WinCC tag can be defined later for every
process value block. When the message then arrives in runtime, the current value
of the WinCC tag is saved in the database along with the message. When the
message goes, the current value is saved again, not however when the message
is acknowledged.


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The message system is used to chronologically signal and archive events that
occur sporadically during the process via messages at a central location. A
message can be caused by an event or a message frame.
Division All messages can be divided into message classes according to self-defined
criteria. These in turn can be further divided into message types.

Message class The following message classes are preconfigured in Alarm Logging: "Error",
"System, Requires Acknowledgment", and "System, Without Acknowledgment". In
addition to the two system message classes, you can define up to 16 further
message classes.

Message type
Message types are subgroups of message classes. You can create up to 16
message types in WinCC for each message class.


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Alarm Logging editor
The message classes can be found in the navigation panel under "Messages".
Under the message classes, there are the message types.

Properties of a message class

As of WinCC V7.3, the message class has almost no properties any longer. Only
the name and tags (will be explained later).

Prior to V7.3, for example, the acknowledgment philosophy was also defined in the
message class.

Note The "Messages" tab is visible if you select one of the message classes or one of
the message types in Messages in the navigation panel.
If "Messages" is selected, all messages are displayed. In the shortcut menu of
"Messages", you have the option of selecting that all system messages and/or all
"AS messages" and/or all messages from the area "Analog alarms" should also be
If a message class is selected, all messages of this message class are displayed
in the "Messages" tab.
If a message type is selected, all messages of this message type are displayed in
the "Messages" tab.


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Properties of the message type
Practically all properties such as the acknowledgment philosophy, colors etc. are
set in the message type parameters since WinCC V7.3.
Below, you will find most important properties of a message type:
Acknowledgement Here, no acknowledgement for a message class, acknowledgement when a
message came in or acknowledgement when it came in and went out can be set.
Flash On With this, the flashing of individual message blocks can be activated. These
message blocks are shown flashing in the message list (not for example in the
short-term archive list) as long as the message has not been acknowledged.

This requires flashing to also be selected in the properties of the relevant message
Without status "went out"
This is typically selected with system messages combined with no
acknowledgment. This means that no entry is made in the message list, but only
an entry in the archive lists (short or long-term archive).
Status texts Here, self-defined texts for the statuses can also be stored, e.g. c for "came in", w
for "went out", etc.
Note: If these texts should also be displayed in runtime, in the settings of the
"WinCC AlarmControl", in the Message Blocks tab, for the message block
"Status", "Content as text" shuold be selected.
Tags Will be explained later
Colors Here, the font color and the background color can be set for different message


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Archive configuration
Here, you have exactly the same options in the shortcut menu as in the "Archive
Configuration" and "Backup Configuration" tabs as shown in the section Tag

The only difference is that the "Archive Contents" tab is missing. The reason for
this is that in Tag Logging the runtime data is either saved in "TagLogging Fast" or
in "TagLogging Slow". With the messages, on the other hand, there is only one
database "AlarmLogging".

Note Later in WinCC Runtime, the "Short-term archive list" and the "Long-term archive
list" can be displayed in WinCC AlarmControl. In earlier WinCC versions there
were actually 2 different archives. Since WinCC V6.0, these archives were put
together and therefore the "Short-term archive list" and the "Long-term archive list"
are today simply two views of the same database.


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"Messages" tab
The "Messages" tab is visible if you select one of the message classes or one of
the message types in Messages in the navigation panel.
If "Messages" is selected, all messages are displayed.
If a message class is selected, all messages of this message class are displayed
in the "Messages" tab.
If a message type is selected, all messages of this message type are displayed in
the "Messages" tab.

In these tabs, for example with auto filling further messages can be created simply.
The properties of a message can be adapted in the table view or in the properties.

Number Every message receives a unique message number.

System messages start with message number 1,000,000.

Message group, status tag, acknowledgment tag

Details to follow later

Message tag Here, WinCC tags of the type "binary tag", "unsigned 8-bit value", "signed 16-bit
value" or "unsigned 32-bit value" can be selected. If a "binary tag" is involved, the
message bit must also be specified.

Priority Specifies the priority of the message. Messages can be selected and sorted based
on their priority. The range of values is "0" to "16". WinCC does not specify which
value corresponds to the highest priority.


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Central signaling device
For every message type, you can set a "tag for a central signaling device". To do
this, you can select any tag of the type "binary tag". If the check mark "Central
signaling device" is set in the Properties dialog of the message, the horn tag is set
when the message is triggered. You can reset this horn tag with the "Horn
acknowledgement" button in the Alarm Control or by acknowledging the message.

Archived The default for "Archived" is active. If this parameter is disabled, an incoming
message is not written to the database; in other words, this message is only in the
message window in runtime but is not visible in the short-term archive list or long-
term archive list.

Falling edge If this is enabled, the message will be displayed as having come on a falling edge
(1 -> 0).

Triggers action
The message triggers the standard function GMsgFunction.fct that can be
changed with the "Global Script" editor. In the function itself, the message number
is then queried and a there is a suitable reaction. The function is available under
"Standard Functions/Alarm" in the function browser of Global Script.

Loop in Alarm, Function name, Function parameters

If "Loop in Alarm" is enabled, in runtime after selecting this message the operator
can click the "Loop in Alarm" button. This calls the C function stored in Function
name possibly with the value stored for the function parameter. The typical
example is calling the relevant process picture.


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Display in Runtime
A table display of messages is possible with the "WinCC AlarmControl".

In the properties of this control, the following settings can be made:

- Font
- Which message blocks should be displayed in which order?
- Which buttons should be displayed in the toolbar?
- Which information should be displayed in the status bar?
- Settings for online configuration


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Name RT-DB The runtime data is distributed over the master database and several runtime
The master database manages the runtime databases and references the
individual runtime databases. The master database is created in the project
directory. The name of the master database is as follows: ProjectnameRT.ldf and
The runtime databases (also known as single segments) each contain the
archived data related to a specific period of time.

The segments of the database are located in the subfolder


A database segment always consists of two files (*.ldf and *.mdf).

ldf = Database Transaction Log File (organizational file)
mdf = Database Primary Data File (File with the user data)

The file name is made up as follows:

ALG = AlarmLogging

The time stamps show the starting time and if two time stamps are present, also
the end time.

Note 1 The time stamps indicate UTC time.

Note 2 The "Short-term archive list" and "Long-term archive list" buttons of the
AlarmControl show the same archive data in runtime. There are only functional
differences, the short-term archive list is, for example updated when a new
message arrives, the long-term archive list on the other hand is not.


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Objective The Control_Room project needs to be expanded with messages. In the first step,
the individual message blocks are created/edited.

Exercise 1. In the WinCC Explorer open the "Alarm Logging" editor

- 2. In the open "Alarm Logging" editor, click on the

"Message blocks" icon and then on System blocks. In the column
"Used", select Date, Time, Status, Number, Class and Type. Adapt the number
of characters and format according to the figure above.

- 4. In the navigation panel change to "User text blocks" and adapt these
according to the figure above.

5. In the navigation panel change to "Process value blocks" and adapt these
according to the figure above.


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Objective In the next steps, a message class and two message types will be created and

Exercise 1. In the shortcut menu of the "Messages" navigation item, you can create the
message class "Blast furnace".
2. In the shortcut menu of "blast furnace", you create the message types "Alarm"
and "Failure".
3. For both message types, enable the acknowledgement philosophy
"Acknowledgement came in".
4. Set the colors according to the figures above.


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Exercise 1. In the shortcut menu of the "Messages" navigation item, you can open Archive
2. The entire message archive should be 2 weeks in size. Every day a new
segment should be created.


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Objective In the next steps, messages will be created/edited. Messages 1 to 4 will be
triggered in Runtime mode by bits 0-3 of the message tag "Messages_1_16".

Exercise 1. Navigate to the message type "Alarm" of the message class "Blast furnace".
2. Initially create only the first message (see the figure above).
3. Using auto filling, create messages 2 to 3. Then adapt the texts and message
type (see the lower figure).


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Objective In the next steps, all system messages will be enabled.

Exercise 1. Go to "System messages".

2. Select all system messages. You can do this by mouse clicking in the left top
corner of the table or with the key combination Ctrl + a.
3. In the shortcut menu of the selected messages you can then select "Select


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Exercise 1. Open the Graphics Designer and create a new picture with the name
"Messages.pdl" and with the same size as your previous pictures.
2. Add a button to the start picture for selecting the picture
3. In the messages picture, add a check box (Object palette/Windows
Objects). Connect the check box to the tag "Messagebits_1_16"
(Properties: Output/input -> Selected Boxes).
Change "Number of Boxes" (Properties/Geometry) to 4.
As an option, you can also adapt the texts for message 1 to message 4.
4. In the Messages picture, select the control "WinCC AlarmControl in the
Controls palette and then drag it to the required size in the new picture.
5. In the configuration dialog of the control, make the following
Message lists tab: Also select the message blocks, Class, Type,
Message text, Point of error, Reason of error and Process value 1.

Toolbar tab: For test purposes, select all key functions.

6. Save the all open pictures (File/Save All).

Note With controls a correct preview is only shown when the zoom level for the graphics
picture is set to 100%.


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Exercise 1. Before you start WinCC Runtime, please enable "Alarm Login Runtime" in the
computer properties.

2. Start WinCC Runtime.

Perform the following operations and tests:
Change to the message list. Have Message 1 come in,
acknowledge this message and then have it go out.
Have 3 messages come in, Acknowledge these 3 messages with
a mouse click (Group acknowledgement button, first enable AutoScroll
Change to the short-term archive list. Have a message come in, go out
and come in again. Note the system acknowledgement.
Lock message 4. Then by setting and resetting the corresponding
message bit, test whether this message is still generated. Note the
status bar as well. Unlock Message 4
Call up the statistics "Hit list".
Change to the short-term archive list. Open the Selection dialog. Create
a new selection with the name "Only system messages" with the
Message number >= 1000000
Enable this selection. Only system messages should now be shown.
Deactivate this selection.
Find a functional difference between the short-term archive list and the
long-term archive list.


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Exercise 1. Stop WinCC Runtime.
2. Start the Alarm Logging editor.
3. For message 4, select the internal tag "Temperature_R1" in the properties in
the section "Process values" for "Process value: 1".
4. For test purposes, add an IO field in the messages picture and also link the
internal tag "Temperature_R1".
5. Start runtime.
6. Have Message 4 come in. Change the value for the tag "Temperature_R1" and
have message 4 go out again. Note the entries in the column
"Process value: 1".


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Exercise 1. Stop WinCC Runtime.
2. Start the "Global Script C" editor.
3. Create a new project function " Change picture" as shown in the figure above.
You will find the function SetPictureName in Internal Functions /graphics
"Start.pdl = name of the background picture
"Work_pic = name of the picture window in the background picture
PictureName = name of the parameter transferred with the function
4. Save the project function with the name ChangePictureWorkPic.fct.
5. Change to the Alarm Logging editor.
6. Go to the properties of message 4. There, enable the property Loop in Alarm,
under Function name select the function "Change picture" you just created and
as the function parameter transfer the picture name "Motor.pdl" (see lower
7. Start runtime.
8. Have message 4 come in and click on the button "Loop in

Note with Loop in Alarm" only C functions are possible.


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General Message groups serve to collect events (OR logic operation). They are not
displayed in WinCC Alarm Control as a further message.

In the example above, some messages (10, 11, 12 and 13) are grouped together
in message group A. If at least one of the messages is active, the bit for active is
also set in the status tag of message group A. If at least one of the messages is
unacknowledged, this information is also stored in the status tag in binary format.

A second status tag shows the status (Active? Unacknowledged?) of message

group B which are derived from the messages 19, 21, 22 and 24.

It is also possible to configure message groups at different levels (tree structure).

The higher-level message group (in the figure message group A_B) selects the
lower-level message groups.


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General Status tags can also be configured for message types and message classes.
In the example above, messages 10 to 13 belong to the message type Alarm and
the message class Messages 19, 21, 22 and 24 belong to the message type
Warning and also to the message type
If at least one of the messages of a message type is active, the bit for active is
also set in the status tag of the message type. If at least one of the messages is
unacknowledged, this information is also stored in the status tag in binary format.

The status information of the message types is automatically collected in the

status tag of the higher-level message class.


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Status tag As status tags, only unsigned 8-, 16- or 32-bit tags can be configured.

In the example above, the message class "Alarm" contains the messages 1 and 2
and as the status tag has "Status_tag_furnace_alarm" with status bit 0.
The message class "Warning" contains the messages 3 and 4 and as the status
tag has the tag "Status_tag_furnace_warning". Here, however, status bit 2 has
been selected.
Runtime The status tags are automatically supplied with the collected status information.
Each tag is divided logically in the middle. In the left part there is the
acknowledgement information (1 = unacknowledged) and in the right part the
status (1 = at least one message is pending).

The status tag "Status_tag_furnace_alarm" for example has the following value in
0000 0001 0000 0001 -> Status bit 0 shows the status, bit (0+8) shows the
acknowledgement status.

The status tag "Status_tag_furnace_warning" for example has the following value
in runtime:
0000 0100 0000 0100 -> Status bit 2 shows the status, bit (2+8) shows the
acknowledgement status.


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