Ficha 29 More Relative Clauses

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1. Join the sentence halves with where, who and which.

1. I know a man . a. you got yesterday?

2. Do you know the village . b. I often hang out with.

3. Can we watch the DVD c. has got spectacular sideburns.

4. Is there a shop in town d. I can buy a necklace?

5. These are the people e. is in the new film I saw.

6. Theres a girl in our class f. I really enjoy.

7. Surfing is something g. passed all her exams.

8. Thats the actor h. Dani lives?

2. Complete the sentences with who, whos or whose.

1. Im not sure .. pen this is.

2. The person .. I saw had a tattoo.

3. Is there anyone here . can speak German?

4. Elena is the girl sitting next to Tomas.

5.Thats the boy . skateboard was stolen.

6. I dont know the guy .. singing.

7. Whats the name of that boy . looks like a film star?

8. Wheres the man .. dog attacked me?

9. Is that the girl .. new in our class?

10. Do you know anybody . good at maths?

3. Choose the correct relative pronoun:

1. This is the room which / where I keep my computer.

2. Im sure thats the man who / whose picture was in the paper.

3. Whats the name of the film who / which you saw?

4. Christmas is the time of year when / where there are many parties.

5. Eva doesnt like the present whose / which Owen gave her.

6. I am looking for the person who / which sent me that e-mail.

4. Match sentence halves 1-6 with a-f.

1. We know a teacher a. whose guitar was stolen?

2. Is that the musician b. who works at your school.

3. Can I eat the biscuits c. which you made earlier?

4. Heres the dog d. which I took for a walk.

5. Are we near the shop e. thats on the other TV channel?

6. Shall we watch the film f. where I saw that nice silver chain?

5. Complete the questions with relative pronouns. Then answer the questions:

How much do you know about British music and culture?

1. Glastonbury is a famous British music festival is:

a. in a park b. on a farm. c. on a beach.

2. Men .. were punks in the 1970s had:

a. beards and dreadlocks b. sideburns and moustaches c. piercings and dyed hair.

3. The famous footballer .. wife was a singer with the Spice Girls is:

a. David Beckham b. Wayne Rooney c. Frank Lampar

4. The stadium in London .. you can see sport and rock concerts is called:

a. Old Trafford b. Madison Square Gardens c. Wembley

5. The X-Factor is a TV show finds new:

a. actors b. pop stars c. sportsmen and women

6. The spy in films has the number 007 is:

a. Mata Hari b. Ian Fleming c. James Bond

6. Complete the passage with suitable relative pronouns. There may be more than one possible answer:

How would you feel if you suddenly had to stop using Facebook or Twitter? For people . lives
revolve around social networks, this would be a big sacrifice. However, that is exactly what Alicia Keys,
has more than 2.5 million followers on Twitter, decided to do. She also asked other
celebrities like Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Serena Williams and Elijah Wood to do the same. It happened
on 1st December, 2010, is World AIDS day. This is a day .. the world pays special
attention to this terrible disease, .. has killed so many people. These celebrities stopped using
Facebook and Twitter until their fans, . get the usual news direct from the stars, donated $1
million to an AIDS organization called Keep a Child Alive.
7. Complete each sentence using who / whom / whose / where.

1. Whats the name of the man car you borrowed?

2. A cemetery is a place people are buried.

3. A pacifist is a person .. believes that all wars are wrong.

4. An orphan is a child parents are dead.

5. What was the name of the person to .. you spoke on the phone?

6. The place .. we spent our holidays was really beautiful.

7. This school is only for children . first language is not English.

8. The woman with he fell in love left him after a month.

8. Combine the sentences using defining relative clauses. Make any necessary changes:

1. The site is really interesting. John sent me to the site.

2. The man lives next door to me. He designs websites.

3. Paul took us to the park. He plays football there.

4. The photo is not clear. Tom posted the photo on Facebook.

5. Everyone looked at the boy. His face was quite red.

6. I remember the day. You became my friend on Facebook that day.

9. Make one sentence from two. Use who / that / which.

1. A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital. The

2. A waitress served us. She was impolite and impatient. The ..

3. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt. The .

4. Some people were arrested. They have now been released. The ..

5. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour. The .

10. Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

1. I dont like stories who have unhappy endings.

2. What was the name of the person who phoned you?

3. Wheres the nearest shop who sells newspapers?

4. The driver which caused the accident was fined 500$.

5. Do you know the person that took these photographs?

6. We live in a world what is changing all the time.

7. Dan said some things about me that were not true.

8. What was the name of the horse it won the race?

11. In some of these sentences you need who or that. Correct the sentences where necessary.

1. The woman lives next door is a doctor.

2. Have you found the keys you lost?

3. The people we met last night were very nice.

4. The people work in the office are very nice.

5. The people I work with are very nice.

6. What have you done with the money I gave you?

7. What happened to the money was on the table?

8. Whats the worst film youve ever seen?

9. Whats the best thing it has ever happened to you?


12. Make one sentence from two. Use the sentence in brackets to make a relative clause. You will need
to use who(m) / whose / which / where.

1. Catherine is very friendly. (She lives next door)

2. We stayed at the Park Hotel. ( A friend of ours had recommended it)

3. We often go to visit our friends in Bristol. (It is not very far away)

4. I went to see the doctor. (He told me to rest for a few days).

5. John is one of my closest friends. (I have known him for a very long time)

6. Sheila is away from home a lot. (Her job involves a lot of travelling).

7. The new stadium will be opened next month. (It can hold 90,000 people)

8. Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland. (My brother lives there).

9. A friend of mine helped me to get a job. (His father is the manager of a company).
13. Write the relative clauses in a more formal way using a preposition + whom / which.

1. Yesterday we visited the City Museum, which Id never been to before.

Yesterday we visited the City Museum, .

2. My brother showed us his new car, which hes very proud of.

My brother showed us his new car, .

3. This is a photograph of our friends Chris and Sam, who we went on holiday with.

This is a photograph of our friends Chris and Sam, .

4. The wedding, which only members of the family were invited to, took place in Friday.

The wedding, , took place on Friday.

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