Cellphoneprojectlessonplan Cleitgebdmet520

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DMET 520

Christine Leitgeb 4/6/2017



Remember to cite readings that support your analysis or ideas and use APA reference style.
The needs assessment is based on the Universal Design for Learning.

Learner analysis Entry Skills: What is the age level or cognitive level for this lesson?


6-12 Educators: middle school and high school teachers


Working Professionals from the age of mid 20s up to mid 60s.

What they know -

They have an understanding of digital formative assessment and how it can be used
within a classroom setting. They know the content they would like to assess and the
students they plan to use the tool with. Most students they teach have access to a
cellphone regularly.

Content analysis: Learners have 3 different networks in their brain where information is stored. And,
content can be shaped to address the different networks. Think about the different networks, and how the
content is applied to each.

Recognition Content (symbols, The content and digital tool that are being presented will
recognizing) consist of the features and usages of the Quizizz and the
Quizizz app based on the experience I have gained.
Images, icons and a digital Google Slide presentation will
be utilized to appeal to learners visually. Icons will help
the learners see and remember important features from the
digital formative assessment tool. The Google Slide

Based on instructional design principles using Ganges 9 Events & UDL

DMET 520

Christine Leitgeb 4/6/2017

presentation linked will be shared so users can refer back

to it as they need.

Strategic Content (patterns, Information will be presented in a whole group discussion

relationships, formulas) presentation and question/answer format. Content will be
presented in a logical order so the participants can easily
follow along via the Google Slide presentation.

Affective Content (feelings, An opinion piece article will be given as a starting

discussion point. The article describes how the effective
use of cellphones is important for todays learners. The
learners will have the opportunity to respond with their
personal feelings on an ominous Padlet. They will also be
asked to professionally respond to other learners feelings.

What are the common student misconceptions about the content and/or process? What are the things
that the students generally do understand?

Common misconceptions include:

Cellphones should be banned from the classroom because they are distracting to
Cellphones are difficult to manage within a classroom setting
Students will misuse cellphones if I promote them in class
There is no educational value to students using cellphones in class

Learner & Content Analysis: Learning Styles, Different-learning abilities

Explanations of the columns for the chart:

List at least three different learning styles or different learning abilities.
Then, state why it could be a learning challenge for the students when learning what you are
trying to teach.

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Christine Leitgeb 4/6/2017

After, think about how you will accommodate for this challenge. However, if you are unable
to accommodate for this challenge, write that you are unable to accommodate at this time.
The last column of the chart can be answered with a YES or NO.
Learning Style or Learning - Teaching How you will accommodate with Does multimedia
learning Ability Challenge this lesson help with this
(with or without your technology) challenge (yes/no)

Visual Intelligence Visual learners rely The Google Slide YES

and focus best when presentation will contain
images, pictures various images of Quizizz
and photos are screenshots as well as
integrated into the students effectively using
learning cellphones within the
environment. A classroom. A walkthrough
major challenge video will also be embedded
becomes the within the Google
appropriate amount presentation. The Quizizz
of visuals in use as platform has how-to videos
well as the not posted on their site to help
solely relying on participants learn and create
images to convey their own assignments.
the learning

Aural Intelligence Aural learners A discussion will take place YES

perform and gain among the learners
information best regarding their feelings on
when information is cellphone use in the
presented orally. classroom. The instructor
Presentations of this will also provide explicit
style may lack verbal instruction on using
interaction between Quizizz and its benefits.
the instructor and The Quizizz platform has
the learners. tutorials to verbally explain
benefits of the platform.

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DMET 520

Christine Leitgeb 4/6/2017

Kinesthetic These types of Cellphones are a handheld YES

learners engage best device. The presentation will
in learning when be completed either on a
they are physically cellphone or other device.
involved with touch Participants will have the
or bodily motion. opportunity to participate
Many presentations within a Quizizz as a student
lack the physical using their cellphone. This
involvement portion will hopefully make the
to engage these participant see the
learners, especially effectiveness of personal
online cellphone use within the
presentations. classroom.

Justification Why bother using this technology (Newsletter, PPTX, Prezi, etc)? How does it support how we know
students learn (learning theories and/or learning styles)? How does it NOT support how students learn? (Because
one-way of teaching very rarely supports all kinds of learning!)

Visually The Google Slide presentation will provide visuals and screenshots of Quizizz. I believe
viewing actual images and visuals from the platform and application will provide the learners with
a real view of what the technology is and firsthand views of its capabilities.Participants will also
participate on a cellphone within the Quizizz application to see a student-view of its
capabilities.Visuals not only provide learners with additional information, it provides them with a
concrete view of the concept being taught.

More have access to the information via the links that are embedded within the presentation
besides the visuals and verbal spoken words. The Google presentation will be shared via a public
link and stay open so users have access to its content anywhere at anytime or for use at a later date.

Students - Each student has their own unique learning style. It is difficult to address each of these
needs within a single presentation. As the instructor it is important for me to be mindful of this and
incorporate strategies that will encompass as many learning styles as possible. The lesson may not
address all of that so follow-up would be important and one-to-one session using Quizizz would be

Based on instructional design principles using Ganges 9 Events & UDL

DMET 520

Christine Leitgeb 4/6/2017

the best case scenario.


Academic Standard or Goal (Broad)

ITSE Standard:

1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.

a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and


Promote the use of cellphones for engagement and assessment within the
educational classroom.

Objectives (specific) Audience (individual or group), behavior, condition and degree.

The learners will:

gain information on Quizizz, digital formative assessment tool, that can

effectively integrate student cellphone use into the classroom.
navigate through the Quizizz application/website and features
participate within a Quizizz as a student
successfully create a demonstration Quizizz to utilize within their

Time needed to complete:

1 hour

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Christine Leitgeb 4/6/2017


URL resources used and website name

Quizizz: https://quizizz.com/

A Mobile Dilemma Edutopia Article:


Padlet- https://padlet.com/my/dashboard

Google Slideshow-

Mobile Devices for Learning Pamplet:


Teacher resources/ student resources

Participant cellphones and computers

Teacher laptop


Teacher Quizizz Account

Google Slideshow presentation

Internet access


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DMET 520

Christine Leitgeb 4/6/2017


How will it be used (Individual viewing or for the class)

The presentation will be projected on a large screen for group viewing

purposes. The Google Slide presentation will be shared with the learners so
they will have access to the presentation on their individual devices throughout
the training. Learners could also access the presentation via the link anytime
needed. The Quizizz code and a Padlet link will be posted within the Google
presentation so learners can participate. The Edutopia article will be printed out
for participants as well as linked within the presentation.




How are you gaining attention?

Using the article, A Mobile Dilemma, the participants will read and post their
reactions to the reading on a group Padlet wall.

How are you informing students of objectives that is AGE appropriate?

The training objectives will be shared orally and written as a slide within the Google

Based on instructional design principles using Ganges 9 Events & UDL

DMET 520

Christine Leitgeb 4/6/2017

How do you stimulate recall of prior learning?

The group discussion of cellphone use in the classroom will lead into prior learner
history of cellphone use in the classroom. This will be purposefully built into the
group conversation.

How are you presenting the material content (stimulus)?

I will be utilizing a Google Slide presentation to present my material. Visuals and

links to outside resources will be embedded for easy access. A Quizizz will also be
utilized to demonstrate platform capabilities and effective educational cellphone use.

How are you providing learning guidance?

Tutorials are available for Quizizz. I plan to embed several tutorial links for learners
to access at a later time. I also plan to provide an informative handout at the
culmination of the presentation so participants have further resources to look at.

How do you eliciting performance?

I will be asking questions as well as answering any questions the learners may have.
Besides the Padlet posting, the learners will participate in a quiz about Quizizz. I plan
to use the final data to review learners understanding of the digital tool.

How are you providing feedback? If you are making Powerpoint or using a presentation tool you should
have feedback or assessment in your presentation.

Based on the Quizizz data, I will discuss any misconceptions regarding the Quizizz
platform or answer any questions. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask
or answer any other questions at the end of the presentation.

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Christine Leitgeb 4/6/2017


How are you assessing performance?

o Your evaluation may be oral, written, a checklist or rubric. IF your evaluation is an informal
method, please write the behavior for which you are looking.

o Is your evaluation formative, summative or both

o If you are making Powerpoint or using a presentation tool you should have feedback or
assessment in your presentation.

My final slide on the Google presentation will contain a Poll Everywhere link to an exit
ticket. I plan to use this data as well as the Quizizz results as my performance
assessments. I can schedule further meetings with individuals that need further assistance
on the digital tool, Quizizz at their teaching site.


How are you helping the students transfer their learning to a new situation?

Participants will have the opportunity to participant in a Quizizz as a student and view
its engaging nature. They will also see the results from a teacher standpoint after the
activity. If time remains, the participants will be able to search the Quizizz public library
to find content specific to them or they may begin to create their own content to use
within their classrooms.

Explain what you learned in this project that might not be in the rubric. This may include specific tools as
well as processes, concepts, reflections about what you have learned, discuss how you might change what
you've done, given the chance to evaluate and revise your project.

Cellphones arent always promoted in any learning environment, even as adults. I like
that this project gave me an opportunity to think outside the box creatively and promote
the use of cellphones to other educators. In my current position, it is always great to

Based on instructional design principles using Ganges 9 Events & UDL

DMET 520

Christine Leitgeb 4/6/2017

have the ability to use classwork in my professional placement. This lesson plan is the
beginning of a training I plan to use later next year on classroom cellphone use. This
project gave me the ability to research cellphone use and find some valuable resources.
Now I would like to add even more resources to the cellphone training that other teachers
and educators may find beneficial as well as easy to use.


Based on instructional design principles using Ganges 9 Events & UDL

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