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The eddy current inspection method

Part 4. Applications, practical testing and advanced concepts

J Hansen

Applications Material sorting

Eddy current applications encompass a wide range of capabilities. Non-ferrous metal sorting
Here is given a summary of some of these and a discussion about This is conductivity testing, and for dedicated applications a
their practical requirements. If we refer to part one of this series we conductivity meter may be a better choice. From the impedance
will find the standard equation for calculating the effective depth plane diagram one can observe that the indication from a
of penetration. This equation has parameters for resistivity, test conductivity change is essentially the same as from a crack, and
frequency, relative magnetic permeability and depth of penetration. both meter and impedance plane type crack detectors can be
The change in any one of these parameters gives the basis for successfully used to sort similar metals using a suitable absolute
an eddy current. Figure 24 illustrates some of the applications probe. It should be remembered that:
possible. q widely different metals may be a similar conductivity;
q the allowable values for similar alloys may overlap;
q an alloy of one material can, in vastly different states of heat
treatment, have the same electrical conductivity; and
q there is no direct relationship between conductivity and
However, once these caveats are understood then conductivity
measurement can be used as part of a quality control system.
Suitable test frequencies used are in the range 10 kHz to 2 MHz,
although account should be taken of the material thickness to
ensure the depth of penetration is less than one third of the material

Ferrous metal sorting

Figure 24. Eddy current applications Ferrous material may be sorted using eddy current impedance
plane equipment. Unfortunately it is not possible to produce
Defect detection quantitative values due to the reading obtained being related to
Surface crack detection electrical conductivity, magnetic permeability and the depth of
the change in material properties. Frequencies to use are 100 Hz
This is normally carried out with pencil probes or pancake type to 10 kHz. The use of two or more frequencies gives additional
probes on ferrous or non-ferrous metals. Frequencies from 100 kHz information about the depth of the material properties such as in
to a few MHz are commonly used. Depending on surface condition induction hardening.
it is usually possible to find cracks 0.1 mm or less in depth.
Shielded probes, with their focused field, add the ability to test very Coating thickness assessment
close to edges or dissimilar materials such as ferrous fasteners in an In the simple case of a non-conductive coating (for example
aluminium structure. paint) on a conductive material, then the eddy current lift of signal
Differential probes are sometimes used, particularly in can be used. The probe type to be used should have an absolute
automated applications, but care must be taken to ensure that the response with reflection spot face probes offering some advantage
orientation of flaws is correct for detection. in temperature stability and frequency range. Higher frequencies
Sub-surface crack/corrosion detection are preferred (100 kHz and higher) and for non-ferrous materials it
should be checked that the frequency is sufficiently high so as not
This is primarily used in airframe inspection. By using a low to be influenced by material thickness (say 10 times that to make
frequency and a suitable probe, eddy currents can penetrate the wall thickness equal the effective depth of penetration).
aluminium or similar structures to a depth of 10 mm or so, allowing To obtain quantitative readings, a calibration piece with several
the detection of second and third layer cracking, which is invisible different thickness of coating in the range of interest is essential,
from the surface, or thinning of any of the different layers making and a calibration curve created.
up the structure. Some instruments have an intrinsic function as part of
Test frequencies are generally in the range 100 Hz to 10 kHz. conductivity measurement for obtaining direct readings.
Probe size should also be two or more times wider than the depth For the more complex case where the coating is conductive, then
of penetration required. the following needs to be taken into account. The two materials
John Hansen, Hocking NDT Ltd, Inspec House, 129-135 Camp Road, must have different conductivities and/or relative permeabilities
St Albans, Herts AL1 5HL. UK. Tel: 01727 795509; Fax: 01727 795409; and the top coating must be non-magnetic. Choose a frequency
E-mail: [email protected]; web: that will make the effective depth of penetration equal the nominal

Insight Vol 46 No 8 August 2004 1

wall thickness. If the surface coating has higher resistivity than the Testing may be in-line during manufacture or off line on cut
lower coating, then by using a frequency that is sufficiently low to length tube.
penetrate the surface coating, results will be similar to that for non- When tubes are welded (usually by the ERW method) the weld
conductive coatings. area is the usual site of defects and as the weld position is well
controlled, it is more efficient to inspect the weld area only by
Wall thickness assessment means of a sector (or saddle) probe.
This is possible in the same way as it is possible to determine
non-ferrous conductive coating thickness and the same rules apply Ferrous weld inspection
about choice of frequency. The geometry and heat-induced material variations around welds in
steel would normally prevent inspection with a conventional eddy
Tube inspection current probe, however a special purpose WeldScan probe has
been developed which allows inspection of welded steel structures
Tubes may be inspected from the outer diameter (OD), usually for fatigue-induced cracking. The technique is particularly useful
at the time of manufacture and from the inner diameter (ID), as it may be used in adverse conditions, or even underwater, and
usually for in-service inspection, particularly for heat exchanger will operate through paint and other corrosion-prevention coatings.
inspection. Cracks around 1 mm deep and 6 mm long can be found in typical
welds both in the root area and the cap.
ID heat exchanger tube testing
Heat exchangers used for petrochemical or power generation Dynamic hole inspection
applications may have many thousands of tubes, each up to 20 m Here, differential probes are used attached to high-speed rotary
long. Using a differential Internal Diameter (ID or bobbin) scanners with test speeds as high as 3000 rev/min then the inner
probe, these tubes can be tested at high speed (up to 1 m/s with bore of holes may be inspected rapidly and reliably with the eddy
computerised data analysis) and by using phase analysis, defects current technique. Probes may be as small as 1 mm diameter and
such as pitting can be assessed to an accuracy of about 5% of tube test frequencies used follow the same rules as for surface defect
wall thickness. This allows accurate estimation of the remaining detection. The use of high- and low-pass filters (so called band-
life of the tube, allowing operators to decide on appropriate action pass filters) is essential to ensure optimum signal to noise. Target
such as tube plugging, tube replacement or replacement of the calibration notch is usually a 0.5 mm corner notch at 45.
complete heat exchanger.
The operating frequency is determined by the tube material and
Practical testing
wall thickness, ranging from a few kHz for thick-walled copper
tube, up to around 600 kHz for thin-walled titanium. Tubes up Any practical eddy current test will require the following:
to around 50 mm diameter are commonly inspected with this q A suitable probe.
technique. Inspection of ferrous or magnetic stainless steel tubes is q An instrument with the necessary capabilities.
not possible using standard eddy current inspection equipment. q A good idea of size, location and type of the flaws it is desired
Dual or multiple frequency inspections are commonly used to find.
for tubing inspection, in particular for suppression of unwanted q A knowledge of the material conductivity and whether it is
responses due to tube support plates. By subtracting the result magnetic or not.
of a lower frequency test (which gives a proportionately greater q A suitable test standard to set up the equipment and verify
response from the support) a mixed signal is produced showing correct operation.
little or no support plate indication, thus allowing the assessment q A procedure or accept/reject criteria based on the above.
of small defects in this area. Further frequencies may be mixed to q The necessary operator expertise to understand and interpret the
reduce noise from the internal surface. results.

Remote field Operating frequency

Remote field is a branch of eddy current testing that has evolved Selection of operating frequency is the primary eddy current test
over the last decade or so. By using specially designed equipment parameter under operator control. Frequency selection affects
and ID probes it is possible to obtain indications of wall thickness both the relative strength of response from different flaws and
changes on magnetic material. the phase relationship. Thus, selection of operating frequency is
very important in obtaining good resolution of flaw signals in the
In-line inspection of tubing presence of other variables which may affect the test.
External eddy current encircling test coils are commonly used for
Instrument set-up
inspecting high quality metal tubing of wall thicknesses less than
6 mm. When the tube is made of a magnetic material there are two While the precise details of setting up an instrument will vary
main problems: depending on the type and application, the general procedure
q Because of the high permeability, there is little or no is usually the same. Once the application has been tested the
penetration of the eddy current field into the tube at practical required values for many test parameters will be known, at least
test frequencies. approximately.
q Variations in permeability (from many causes) cause eddy 1. Connect up the appropriate probe and set any instrument
current responses which are orders of magnitude greater than configuration parameters (mode of operation, display type
those from defects. etc.).
2. Set the frequency as required for the test.
These problems can be overcome by magnetising the tube using
3. Set gain to an intermediate value, for example 40 dB.
a strong DC field. This reduces the effective permeability to a low
4. Move the probe on/over the calibration test-piece and set phase
value, thus increasing the depth of penetration and masking the
rotation as desired (for example lift-off or wobble horizontal on
permeability variations, hence allowing effective testing.
a phase plane display). It may help the stability of the readings
Ferromagnetic tubing up to around 170 mm diameter are
to attenuate the horizontal (x axis) gain by 12 dB (14 of the
commonly tested using magnetic saturation and encircling coils.
vertical gain).

2 Insight Vol 46 No 8 August 2004

5. Move over the defects and adjust gain (and horizontal/vertical ensure the test signal displays the lowest amount of high-frequency
gain ratio if fitted) to obtain the desired trace size/meter noise but high enough to ensure that the smallest target defect is not
indication. It may be necessary to re-balance after changing attenuated by the filter (see Figure 25).
6. Further optimise phase rotation as required by setting the Advanced concepts
dominant source of noise whilst scanning the probe in the
horizontal axis. In this section, a few of the advanced testing concepts are
7. Use filters etc. to further optimise signal-to-noise ratio (see outlined.
8. Set alarms etc. as required. Simultaneous use of multiple frequencies
9. Run over the calibration test-piece again and verify that all Choice of frequency determines how well surface and subsurface
flaws are clearly detected. defects may be detected. By using more than one frequency it is
10. Perform the test, verifying correct operation at regular intervals possible to achieve both good detection of surface defects and
using the calibration test piece. sub-surface defects. Further, generally the more information that
is available from a test, the easier it is to categorise difficult-to-
Use of filtering interpret defects (for example ferrous inclusions in non-ferrous
Searching for defects in an eddy current test conventionally implies material).
probe movement. So when indications are detected then, due to Mixing of signals from a test at two frequencies allows
the probe size, these will vary with time in a way which is fairly unwanted signals to be suppresses, for example support plate
consistent (assuming that the probe movement speed is reasonably signals in heat exchanger inspection.
constant). As a result of this speed and the probe size, defects have
a characteristic frequency of response (probe width divided by
probe speed).
For example, if an absolute probe with diameter 2 mm moves
over a narrow crack at a speed of 1 m/s the resulting indication will
last for approximately 2 ms. If the material composition, thickness
or probe lift-off is also varying gradually, the indication from this
will change much more slowly. Therefore, a high-pass filter set to
a frequency around 100 Hz or so will pass the rapidly changing
signal from the defect but not the slowly varying changes. Further
rapidly varying signals such as electronic noise or noise caused by
surface roughness may be reduced by low-pass filtering. It is good
practice to ensure that the low-pass filter is set sufficiently low to

Figure 26. Illustration of mixing

A mix exploits the changes in phase separation and amplitude that occur
when testing at different frequencies on an unwanted signal. By suitable
manipulation of the phase and x/y gain it is possible to minimise the
signal from the unwanted signal, after subtraction of the two frequencies
whilst maintaining sensitivity to wanted signals.

Simultaneous use of absolute and differential tests

Differential testing is excellent for finding small defects but can be
poor at detecting very large defects.
By testing simultaneously in absolute and differential then it is
possible to preserve good sensitivity to small defects (for example
cracks, small pits) in the differential channel and large defects (for
example corrosion, material property changes) in the absolute
The risk in both simultaneous testing modes is that the data
becomes more complex to analyse whilst not greatly improving the
reliability of defect detection.

Spatial considerations in selecting probes

Probe geometry has an influence on the efficiency of an eddy
current test.
Smaller probe elements will give better signals from smaller
Figure 25. Use of high- and low-pass filters defects. Shielded probes will further improve this.

Insight Vol 46 No 8 August 2004 3

Larger probes will allow the eddy current signal to penetrate Advanced Manual For: Eddy Current Test Method
more deeply (probe diameter should be typically two times higher CAN/CGSB-48.14-M86, Canadian General Standards Board
or more than the depth of the material to be penetrated. Note this ASNT Level III Study Guide: Eddy Current Testing Method
means that choice of frequency is not the only consideration in Published in 1983, 72 pages, ASNT. ISBN: 0-931403-80-4
determining depth of signal penetration.
Eddy Current Characterization of Materials and Structures
Noise sources and how to them minimise Birnbaum & Free. Published June 1, 1981 ASTM
There are numerous noise sources in eddy current testing but they ISBN: 0803107528
may be summarised as follows: Eddy Current Testing Theory and Practice
q Intrinsic electronic noise from the instrument electronics By E Dane Harvey
q External electronic noise also known as electromagnetic Published in 1995, 76 pages. ISBN: 0-57117-007-3
q Noise from the material, in that noise can be defined as any Eddy Current Testing
signal that may obscure the signal that it is required to detect. By Cecco, Van Drunnen and Sharp
Published in 1987, 196 pages, Nicholas Publishing
A probe that is well matched to the instrument being used will ISBN: 0-87683-890-5
produce a better signal-to-noise ratio (NOTE: signal-to-noise
ratio is the ratio of the wanted to unwanted component, usually Eddy Current Testing
expressed in dB). Further larger probes will be better at averaging By Cecco, Van Drunnen and Sharp
out noise caused by surface roughness and other small variations. Published in 1987, 196 pages, Nicholas Publishing
By ensuring that the probe drive signal is as high as possible, ISBN: 0-87683-890-5
then both forms of electronic noise may be minimised. The probe Electrical and Magnetic Methods of Nondestructive Testing
type and whether the instrument electronics become saturated will By Jack Blitz
limit this. Published in 1997, Chapman and Hall, 261 pages. ISBN 0-412-
External electronic noise is also influenced by the quality of the 79150-1
cables used and earthing of both the test-piece and the instrument.
Mathematics Formulas and References for Nondestructive
Similarly, the intrinsic electronic noise may be further
Testing Eddy Current
minimised by using as high an input (or pre-amplifier gain).
J Mark Davis and Mike King. Published in 2001, 40 pages. ISBN:
Filters may be used to ensure the signal is detected using the
smallest possible bandwidth (NOTE: bandwidth is the numeric
difference between the low- and high-pass filters). Nondestructive Testing Handbook, 3rd Edition, Volume 5:
The setting of the lift-off signal in the horizontal is one simple Electromagnetic Testing
form of optimising the removal of unwanted material signals. Satish S Udpa, (technical editor) and Patrick O Moore, (editor)
Using two frequencies or more to minimise unwanted material Published in 2004, 536 pages. ISBN: 1-57117-046-4 (book)
signals by mixing can further improve the situation but the 1-57117-116-9 (CD-ROM)
electronic noise will generally decrease by 6 dB for each mix.
This concludes the series.
John Hansen acknowledges that a great deal of the original material
Bibliography in this series was due in part to the work of Joe Buckley whilst he
There are a number of excellent books available on eddy current worked at Hocking NDT. Thanks are also due to John Rudlin, John
testing: Calvert, Richard Lewis, Don Hocking, Nigel Thorpe and Caroline
Akeroyd who contributed to the authors understanding, sometimes
without realising it!

4 Insight Vol 46 No 8 August 2004

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