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Cho Ching Joe Kwan

Thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham

For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

September 2006

The work described in this thesis was conducted at the University of Nottingham,
Department of Civil Engineering between November 2002 and February 2006. I
declare that the work is my own and has not been submitted for a degree of another

The railway track system forms an integral part of the transportation infrastructure of
this country as well as playing a significant role in sustaining a healthy economy.
However, little radical improvement has taken place since Victorian times.
Maintaining good track geometry under demanding operational conditions holds the
key to an efficient railway system. With a good track geometry or alignment, track
will have no need for frequent maintenance, which is costly and is the main cause of
train delays.

This research centres on the investigation of geogrid reinforcement with the aim of
minimising the rate of deterioration of track geometry. Research began with
implementation of a series of element tests namely the Pull-out Test, Geogrid
Stiffness Test and Particle Friction Test to assist in Discrete Element (DEM)
modelling work performed by Dr Harrireche. DEM of a pull-out test performed in the
laboratory provided important insight into the micro-mechanics of ballast-geogrid

The first of the two main strands of experimental work, the Composite Element Test
(CET), is an approximate full-scale experimental simulation of the situation beneath a
sleeper. The test compares an unreinforced setup to a geogrid reinforced composite.
The test programme has covered variables such as the stiffness of foundation,
physical attributes of geogrid (e.g. aperture size, geogrid junction strength etc), depth
of geogrid installation, multiple geogrid installation as well as the influence of
geotexile on geogrid performance. Test results indicated a significant reduction in the
deformation of ballast over 30,000 cycles with the introduction of an appropriate

The second strand of experimental work was based on a full scale simulation of rail
track bed including 3 full sleepers is known as the Railway Test Facility (RTF). This
realistic rail track simulation benefited from knowledge gathered from the CET. The
test facility simulates the passage of a train at a speed of 28km/hr and the facility is
housed in a pit 1.8m deep, 4.1m long and 2.1m wide. Test duration was set at a
million cycles at 92kN vertical load generated under a real axle load of about 250kN.
The aim of this test was to validate the benefit of geogrid reinforcement in a realistic
track environment. Four tests were performed in the RTF. Test 1 was an unreinforced
test, Test 2 was a reinforced test with geogrid placed on a single layer of ballast and
test 3, a reinforced test with geogrid directly placed on a geotexile while Test 4 was
another unreinforced test. Tamping was introduced midway in Test 3 and Test 4.
Results from the RTF supported the findings from the CET.

In addition to the laboratory work, a design guide was produced. It was based on the
results obtained from the CET and RTF and structural analysis was performed using
the Shell BISAR multilayer linear elastic program. The non-linear resilient
characteristics of the ballast were modelled using repeated load triaxial test data. The
model provides the basis for predicting extension to track life when grid
reinforcement is used.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Professor Stephen Brown for his excellent
guidance and tireless supervision throughout the course of this research project. His
enthusiasm and passion has been my constant source of motivation.

I would like to thank Dr. Nicholas Thom, co-supervisor, for his invaluable advice,
suggestions and encouragement that has contributed immeasurably to the completion
of this dissertation.

Dr Glen McDowell, co-supervisor, for his invaluable inputs and recommendations.

My gratitude is also due to Dr Quahid Harireche for his help in the Discrete
Modelling work in this project as well as the many interesting discussion on matters
out of research. The same can be said for Dr Salah Zoorob for the many fascinating
evening discussion in the research room. Also his proof reading of the dissertation is
very much appreciated

I am also grateful to Barry Brodrick who has been an immense figure in my research
with his technical support. He seemed to has unlimited energy around the laboratory. I
am also thankful for his proof reading on the technical issue in this dissertation.

Dr James Grenfell for his friendship and for proof reading this dissertation.

My gratitude to the sponsoring organisation of this project The Royal Society,

Tensar International, Scott Wilson Pavement Engineering, Carillion Rail and Network
Rail, without their kind contribution in finances or kind, it would not have been
possible to complete the project.

I would also like to thank Phil Sharpe, independent rail consultant, for the
coordination and provision of site trial results.
My appreciation are also due to the technical and secretarial staff of the Nottingham
Centre for Pavement Engineering and the School of Civil Engineering, namely
Angela Gilbert, Marzena Newton, Shelia Provost, Carol Yates and Chris Fox for their

All the colleagues and friends at the results office, particularly Mujib Rahman, Joel
Oliveira, York Lee and Riccardo Isola for making this journey so much easier. Also to
the one-dish parties brigade Hasan, Wahab, Sami, Young, Ted, Muslich, Pic, Nono,
Phil, Jed, Junwei and Xiaoyi with whom I have had many enjoyable times.

Finally, I would like to thank my fiance Winkie for her constant encouragement,
sacrifices and support throughout the period of this project. I cannot forget also all
members of my family who were with me right from the very start. They have always
been my source of motivation.



List of Contents

List of Figures

List of Tables

1 Introduction
1.1 Background and Problem Definition 1
1.2 Aims of the Project 5
1.3 Thesis outline 6

2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Track Components and Functions 8
2.3 Ballast 11
2.3.1 Ballast Specifications 12
2.3.2 Track Forces on Ballast 15
2.3.3 Resilient Behaviour of Granular Material 19
2.3.4 Permanent Strain Behaviour of Granular Material 24
2.3.5 Ballast Fouling 29
2.3.6 Ballast Deformation and Track Settlement 32
2.4 Track Geometry and Track Quality 41
2.5 Polmer Geogrid 45
2.5.1 Reinforcing Principle 45
2.3.2 Soil Grid Interaction 47
2.6 Behaviour of Grid Reinforced Granular Layer 52
2.7 Summary 60
3 Grid/ Ballast Interaction 62
3.1 Discrete Element Modelling using PFC3D 62
3.2 Pull Out Test 66
3.2.1 Test Procedures 66
3.2.2 Results 69
3.2.3 Discussion 72
3.3 Particle Friction Test 73
3.3.1 Test Procedures 73
3.3.2 Results 74
3.3.3 Discussion 74
3.4 Geogrid Stiffness Test 76
3.4.1 Test Procedures 76
3.4.2 Results 78
3.4.3 Discussion 79
3.5 Comparison with DEM 80
3.6 Summary 84

4 Composite Element Test 86

4.1 Introduction 86
4.2 Test Procedures 88
4.3 Results 93
4.4 Discussion 111
4.5 Summary 114

5 Railway Test Facility 116

5.1 Introduction 116
5.2 Test Equipment 117
5.3 Test Procedure 129
5.4 Results 130
5.5 Discussion 140
5.6 Summary 143
6 Field Trial 145
6.1 Introduction to Site 145
6.2 Results from Site 147
6.3 Comparison with RTF and CET 153
6.4 Summary 154

7 Development of Design Method for Reinforced Rail track 156

7.1 Introduction 156
7.2 Design Principles 157
7.3 CET Model 159
7.4 RTF Model 164
7.5 Model Used to Produce Design Chart 169
7.6 Summary 178

8 Conclusions and Recommendations 179

8.1 Conclusions 181
8.2 Overall Conclusions 183
8.2 Recommendations for Further Research 186

Figure 1.1 Substructure contributions to settlement (Selig and Waters, 1994) 2

Figure 1.2 The interlock mechansim (Tensar International, 2001) 4
Figure 1.3 Project flowchart 5
Figure 2.1 Components in a typical rail track (Selig and Waters, 1994) 9
Figure 2.2 Cross sectional view of a typical rail track
(Selig and Waters, 1994)) 9
Figure 2.3 Uplift of rails (Selig and Waters, 1994) 16
Figure 2.4 Static and dynamic wheel loads plotted in the form of cumulative
frequency distribution for for (a) Colorado Test Track and
(b) Main Line Track between New York and Washington
(Selig and Waters, 1994) 18
Figure 2.5 Tamping procedures (Selig and Waters, 1994) 19
Figure 2.6 Strains in granular material during one cycles of load application
(Wright, 1983) 20
Figure 2.7 Effect of stress ratio on permenant strain (Knutson, 1976) 25
Figure 2.8 Effect of repeated load applications on settlement (Shenton, 1976) 27
Figure 2.9 Influence of drainage on permanent deformation development
(Thom and Brown, 1987) 28
Figure 2.10 Major source if ballast fouling (Selig and Waters, 1994) 30
Figure 2.11 Track settlement as a function of x (Sato, 1995) 36
Figure 2.12 Strain response of dolomite ballast (Selig and Waters, 1994) 38
Figure 2.13 Comparison of track settlement (Dahlberg, 2001) 39
Figure 2.14 Settlement of test sites (Shenton, 1984) 40
Figure 2.15 Change in vertical track geometry after tamping (Shenton, 1984) 41
Figure 2.16 Comparison of Standard Deviation (SD) of god and poor track
after tamping (Sparrow, 1981) 42
Figure 2.17 Quality of track (Selig and Waters, 1994) 42
Figure 2.18 Persistence of inherent track shape over tamping cycles
(Selig and Waters, 1994) 43
Figure 2.19 Sleeper settlement as a function of tamping lift
(Selig and Waters, 1994) 44
Figure 2.20 Influence of track quality on length of maintenance cycle
(Selig and Waters, 1994) 44
Figure 2.21 Reinforcing effect of polymer geogrid (Selig and Waters, 1994) 45
Figure 2.22 Interlock mechanism of polymer geogrid
(Tensar International, 2001) 46
Figure 2.23 Three mechanism of direct sliding (Jewell et al., 1958) 47
Figure 2.24 Cross sectional view of the qualitative effect of increased particle
size on direct sliding resistance (Jewell et al., 1985) 48
Figure 2.25 Schematic illustration of the influence of particle size on direct
sliding fdstands (Jewell et al., 1985) 48
Figure 2.26 Physical attributes of a Tensar biaxial grid (Tensar International, 2001)
Figure 2.27 Effective interlock minimise lateral movement of particles (Tensar
International, 2001) 51
Figure 2.28 Tensar SS geogrid (Tensar International, 2001) 51
Figure 2.29 Test section (Tensar International, 2001) 53
Figure 2.30 Installation of polymer grid (Tensar International, 2001b) 55
Figure 2.31 Improved track performance (Tensar International, 2001b) 56
Figure 2.32 Schematic of test equipment (Raymond, 2001) 57
Figure 2.33 BRR's rolling load rig (Matharu, 1994) 58
Figure 2.34 Detail of grid and placement (Matharu, 1994) 58
Figure 2.35 Deflection influence lines (Matharu, 1994) 59
Figure 2.36 Initial Vs Residual lift (Mathru, 1994) 59
Figure 3.1 PFC model of triaxial cell 64
Figure 3.2 Effect of inter-particle friction on ballast modelling 64
Figure 3.3 PFC model for triaxial test (a) assembly of cubic clusters in
triaxial cell (b) cubic cluster used in model 65
Figure 3.4 Geogrid model 65
Figure 3.5 Grading curve of ballast used in the project 67
Figure 3.6 Pull-out Test arrangements 68
Figure 3.7 Schematic diagram of Pull-out Test 68
Figure 3.8 Pull-out Test results for 40-32 grid under 0 kN vertical load
(A/B: 0.8) 70
Figure 3.9 Pull-out Test results for 20-65 grid under 0 kN vertical load
(A/B: 1.6) 70
Figure 3.10 Pull-out Test results for 30-65 grid under 0 kN vertical load
(A/B: 1.6) 70
Figure 3.11 Pull-out Test results for 40-32 grid under 0.5 kN vertical load
(A/B: 0.8) 71
Figure 3.12 Pull-out Test results for 20-65 grid under 0.5 kN vertical load
(A/B: 1.6) 71
Figure 3.13 Pull-out Test results for 30-65 grid under 0.5 kN vertical load
(A/B: 1.6) 71
Figure 3.14 Particle Friction Test schematic diagram 73
Figure 3.15 Inter-particle friction measurements (Test 1) 75
Figure 3.16 Inter-particle friction measurements (Test 2) 75
Figure 3.17 Friction measurement data plotted in the form of peak shear force 75
Figure 3.18 Geogrid stiffness test arrangements in Instron 77
Figure 3.19 Clamp grip details for Grid Stiffness Test 77
Figure 3.20 Rib cross sections for 30-65 and 45-65 grids 78
Figure 3.21 Typical output from Grid Stiffness Test 79
Figure 3.22 Relationship between tensile stiffness and strength for grids 80
Figure 3.23 Simulation of a Pull-Out Test 83
Figure 3.24 Geogrid deformation predicted in Pull-Out Test 83
Figure 3.25 Comparison of DEM with laboratory results under 0.5 kN
surcharge 84
Figure 3.26 Effect of thickness in pull-out simulation under 0.5 kN surcharge 84
Figure 3.27 Effect of aperture size in pull-out simulation under 0.5 kN
surcharge 84
Figure 3.28 Optimum grid aperture size relative to ballast grading 85
Figure 4.1 Section of CET 87
Figure 4.2 CET Test arrangement 87
Figure 4.3 Very soft subgrade condition in CET 88
Figure 4.4 Rubber subgrade in CET 89
Figure 4.5 Control system for CET 89
Figure 4.6 Grid sitting on a single layer of ballast (CET) 91
Figure 4.7 'Overburdened' CET arrangement 92
Figure 4.8 Schematic diagram of 'Overburdened' CET 92
Figure 4.9 Repeatability of CET demostrated by 3 control tests
(unreinforced on soft subgrade) 94
Figure 4.10 Control test on stiff subgrade (unreinforced) 94
Figure 4.11 Effect of reinforcement on stiff and soft subgrade 96
Figure 4.12 Comparison in performance of 40-32 (A/B: 0.8)
and 20-65 (A/B: 1.6) grid 97
Figure 4.13 Load-deflection Hysteresis Loops - 20-65 grid (A/B: 1.6);
soft subgrade 98
Figure 4.14 Load-deflection Hysteresis Loops - 40-32 grid (A/B: 0.8);
soft subgrade 98
Figure 4.15 Shear failure plane in 40-32 (A/B: 0.8) reinforced CET 99
Figure 4.16 Aperture size effect 20-38 (A/B: 0.95), 25-50 (A/B: 1.25),
20-65 (A/B: 1.6), 25-90 (A/B: 2.25), 25-100 (A/B: 2.5)] 100
Figure 4.17 Permanent deformation after 30,000 cycles as a function of grid
aperture size 101
Figure 4.18 'Overburdened' CET test of 65mm aperture size grids 102
Figure 4.19 Comparison of CET and 'Overburdened' CET 102
Figure 4.20 Steel grid 104
Figure 4.21 Effect of grid stiffness on settlement 104
Figure 4.22 Resilient response of grids in 'Overburdened' CET 105
Figure 4.23 Effects of two grid layers and installation depth 105
Figure 4.24 Geo-composite tested in CET 106
Figure 4.25 Performance of unreinforced, 30-65 grid reinforced and 30-65 grid
+ bonded geotexile reinforced 107
Figure 4.26 Performance of unreinforced, 30-65 grid with unbonded
geosynthetic, 30-65 bonded geosynthetic 107
Figure 4.27 Grid with heat bonded junctions in the CET 108
Figure 4.28 Effect of junction strength 109
Figure 4.39 Broken grid junctions 109
Figure 4.30 Aperture size effect (overburdened CET) 111
Figure 5.1 Schematic diagram of frame in pit 117
Figure 5.2 Steel frame in concrete lined pit for RTF 118
Figure 5.3 Pressure cells in the RTF 120
Figure 5.4 Instrumentation in the RTF pit 120
Figure 5.5 Plan view of instrumentation just below subgrade surface 121
Figure 5.6 German Dynamic Plate measuring subgrade stiffness 121
Figure 5.7 Sleepers level with the top of ballast 122
Figure 5.8 Dimensions of a G44 sleeper used in the RTF 123
Figure 5.9 RTF loading arrangement 124
Figure 5.10 Servo controlled hydraulic actuators 125
Figure 5.11 Three channel controller 125
Figure 5.12 Phase loading used in the RTF 126
Figure 5.13 Load distribution along successive sleepers (a) in the RTF and (b)
on a real track based on elastic beam on foundation calculation 127
Figure 5.14 The tamping bank facility 128
Figure 5.15 Measurement of subgrade settlement 130
Figure 5.16 Loading history before testing 131
Figure 5.17 Initial GDP reading of RTF subgrade 132
Figure 5.18 Stroke and LVDT readings from Test 1 (Unreinforced) 133
Figure 5.19 Pressure cell readings just below the subgrade surface 134
Figure 5.20 Stroke and LVDT readings from Test 2 (30-65 reinforced) 136
Figure 5.21 Effect of reinforcement over a million cycles 136
Figure 5.22 Stroke and LVDT readings from Test 3 (Tamped and reinforced) 138
Figure 5.23 Stroke and LVDT from Test 4 (Tamped and unreinforced) 139
Figure 5.24 Settlement accumulations in the 4 RTF tests 139
Figure 6.1 Renewal work at Coppul Moor 146
Figure 6.2 Close-up of the installed 30-65 grid and a schematic diagram of
grid position 146
Figure 6.3 HSTRC data 148
Figure 6.4 Histortical rates of deterioration and deterioration post renewal
with grid installed 150
Figure 6.5 Histortical rates of deterioration and deterioration post renewal
with no grid installed 150
Figure 6.6 Classification of UK tracks based on FWD results (Scott Wilson
Pavement Engineering) 152
Figure 6.7 FWD readings from Coppul Moor 152
Figure 7.1 Procedure for computing stress in ballast 158
Figure 7.2 Relationship between applied stresses and resilient strain for
granite ballast (Selig and Waters, 1994) 158
Figure 7.3 Relationship between applied stress and permanent strain for
granite ballast (Selig and Waters, 1994) 159
Figure 7.4 Composite Element Test (CET) 160
Figure 7.5 Loading arrangements for analysis of CET 160
Figure 7.6 Structural details for CET analysis 161
Figure 7.7 Aerial photo of the Railway Test Facility (RTF) 165
Figure 7.8 Loading arrangements for analysis of RTF 165
Figure 7.9 Structural details for RTF analysis 166
Figure 7.10 Comparison of computed and measured settlement for RTF 167
Figure 7.11 Comparison of measured and computed resilient deflections of
the central sleeper in the RTF 168
Figure 7.12 Comparison of measured and computed vertical stress at
formation level beneath centre of sleeper 168
Figure 7.13 Influence of subgrade stiffness on computed settlement for
unreinforced track 171
Figure 7.14 Effect of geogrid reinforcement with subgrade stiffness of 25MPa
under a 100kN load 171
Figure 7.15 Effect of geogrid reinforcement with subgrade stiffness of 25MPa
under a 100kN load on LEF 172
Figure 7.16 Influence of applied load on computed LEF values for a
subgrade stiffness of 25MPa 173
Figure 7.17 Influence of applied load on computed LEF values for a
subgrade stiffness of 50MPa 173
Figure 7.18 Influence of applied load on computed LEF values for a
subgrade stiffness of 100MPa 174
Figure 7.19 Influence of applied load on computed LEF values for a
subgrade stiffness of 200MPa 174
Figure 7.20 Grid Reinforcing Factors for 30-65 grid 176
Figure 7.21 Computed settlement curves for a 210mm ballast layer 176
Figure 7.22 Computed settlement curves for a 420mm ballast layer 177

Table 2.1 Typical ballast characteristics 14

Table 2.2 Particle Size Distribution Specification
(RT/CE/S/006 Issue 3, 2000) 15
Table 2.3 Source of ballast fouling (Selig and Waters, 1994) 31
Table 2.4 British Railways source of fouling (British Rail Research) 32
Table 2.5 Tensar SS geogrid typical dimensions (Tensar International, 2000) 52
Table 3.1 Particle shape according to RT/CE/S/006, Issue 3 and BS EN 13450
:2002 (Modified from Lim, 2004) 66
Table 4.1 Grid nomenclature and charateristics 90
Table 4.2 Details of all CET tests 95
Table 5.1 Summary of RTF tests 132
Table 5.2 Pressure cells readings for Test 1 and 2 137
Table 5.3 Resilient deflection of sleepers for Test 1 and 2 137
Table 5.4 Pressure cells readings for Test 3 and 4 140
Table 5.5 Resilient deflection of sleepers for Test 3 and 4 140
Table 6.1 HSTRC comparison data 148
Table 7.1 Coordinates for stress and strain computations 161
Table 7.2 Calculation of plastic strain 163
Table 7.3 Grid Reinforcing Factors for CET simulations and comparison of
computed settlement with measured values for grid at 250mm depth
within ballast 164
Table 7.4 RTF coefficients 167
Table 7.5 Proposed values of Life Extension Factor for design
(Ballast thickness - 300mm) 175
Table 7.6 Values of LEF as a function of ballast thickness for the
30-65 grid (A/B: 1.6) (Soft subgrade) 177
Chapter 1: Introduction 1


1.1 Background and problem definition

The railway track system forms an integral part of the transportation infrastructure of
a country, playing a significant role in sustaining a healthy economy. Many new
railway projects are being planned and constructed around the world most notably the
1307km track linking Beijing to Shanghai. The annual investment to construct and
maintain a viable track is enormous. In the U.K, the annual expenditure for
maintaining a workable track can amount to almost 5 billion pounds per year with 3
billions pounds committed to track renewal work. (Network Rail Interim Review,

In the past, a lot of emphasis had been placed on the track superstructure which
consists of the rails, the fasteners and the sleepers with little attention given to the
substructure which consists of the ballast, subballast and subgrade. This is ironic as
substructure components often form the major part of the cost of track maintenance.
According to Selig and Waters (1994), the lack of attention to the substructure can be
attributed to the difficulties in defining the many variables of the substructure
compared to those of the superstructure.

An important requirement of any good railway track is that track geometry must be
maintained during train operations. Many superstructure defects, such as rail breaks,
are directly or indirectly caused by poor track geometry. Poor vertical alignment of
conventional ballasted rail track can lead to poor passenger comfort, higher track
maintenance and renewal cost, speed restrictions as well as potential derailment.
Uneven track deterioration or settlement is the main cause of poor track geometry.
Chapter 1: Introduction 2

This irregular track deterioration is often caused by settlement of the substructure,

which is often highly dependant on site conditions, e.g. type of subgrade, state of
ballast etc.

Figure 1.1 shows a typical profile of the relative contributions of substructure

components to track settlement based on a good subgrade foundation (Selig and
Waters, 1994). It is clear from the figure that the ballast material accounts for most of
the vertical deformation of a rail track, compared to the subgrade and subballast. Due
to traffic loading, the ballast will be subjected to high stresses which are sufficient to
induce significant strain in the ballast resulting in ballast breakage. This breakage is
usually aggravated by track maintenance work to temporarily rectify track geometry,
e.g. ballast tamping. Ultimately, this leads to track settlement and, depending on the
site conditions, uneven deterioration will take place leading to poor track geometry.

Figure 1.1 Substructure contributions to

Settlement (Selig and Waters, 1994)

In order to reduce vertical track settlement, emphasis must be placed on the ballast
material. Maintenance work to re-level the railway track, namely tamping, is often
costly, destructive and disruptive. Lower train speed is expected after tamping (to
allow track to settle) and this often creates disruption to the train schedules.

Since the introduction of the Tensar geogrid in the early 1980s, considerable research
has been done on understanding the characteristics of grid/aggregate interaction.
Chapter 1: Introduction 3

However, the level of basic understanding of how reinforced aggregates can be

efficiently designed into a rail track structure is still limited. The real potential of
improving the rail track through the use of geogrid has not been properly investigated.
Current practice involving geogrid track reinforcement is still limited to experience
gathered on site based on ad hoc work.

The development and optimisation of geogrid reinforcement of railway ballast has the
potential to reduce the rate at which ballast deforms. The correct use of geogrid
reinforcement of railway ballast will allow longer maintenance cycles translating to
cost savings, less disruption and, overall, a safer means of transportation (Tensar,
2001). Geogrid is also relatively easy to install and it can easily be assimilated into a
routine track maintenance operations e.g. ballast cleaning etc.

This project will look into the details of grid/aggregate interaction to gain an
understanding of the inter-relationship and identify the key elements involved. Figure
1.2 shows the interlock mechanism. Geogrid reinforcement of granular material relies
on effective interlock between grid and aggregate. When reinforcing takes place, there
will be a reduction in irrecoverable strain above the zone of influence of the grid,
reducing vertical settlement of the ballast. To optimise the effect, the stiffness of grid,
size of aperture, grid junction strength as well as the position of the grid within the
ballast layer will be some of the elements that will be looked into in this project.

To achieve the project objectives, two main strands of experimental work, namely the
Composite Element Test (CET) and the Railway Test Facility (RTF), have been
developed and carried out. Several smaller element tests investigating geogrid pullout
resistance, geogrid stiffness as well as particle friction were also performed to provide
data and information to assist in numerical work. Discrete Element Modelling
program PFC3D developed by ITASCA has been used to model the grid and ballast
interaction. Discrete Element Modelling (DEM) work in this project was performed
by Research Fellow Dr Ouahid Harrireche. This numerical modelling approach
models the movement and interaction of stressed assemblies of spherical balls. Ballast
and geogrid can be modelled as described and Discrete Element simulation can then
analyse their interaction within a defined system.
Chapter 1: Introduction 4

The CET was designed to provide comparative data that allowed the analysis of grid
performance and the results have been fed into the RTF which allows full-scale
testing of a track section.

It has long been recognised that the best method to validate laboratory results is to
compare them with results obtained on-site. Hence, the results from a field trial,
conducted on a heavily trafficked site along the West Coast Main Line, in Lancashire,
near Wigan, provide a good comparison in terms of the validation of the findings
obtained from the RTF and CET.

A design guide was produced utilising the results from the CET and RTF Structural
analysis using the Shell BISAR multilayer linear elastic layered system program
provided the background for the design method. The design guide is intended to
provide guidance on the design of a ballasted rail track incorporating high tensile
polymeric geogrid reinforcement.

A flowchart shown in Figure 1.3 describes the way in which the various strands of
this project interact and contribute to meet the final aim.

Figure 1.2 The Interlock Mechanism (Tensar International, 2001)

Chapter 1: Introduction 5

Element Tests Information Computational Modelling

to assist
Objectives: quantify modelling
Objectives: match element
behaviour of grid/ballast tests; optimise grid
system; test performance of properties; model full
different grid types. reinforced track structure.
design Test design

Site Trials Full-Scale Tests

Objectives: measure Objectives: prove behaviour
performance of reinforced of trackbed with and without
trackbed directly; compare reinforcement under
with unreinforced. controlled conditions.

Design Recommendations
Objectives: define optimum grid
properties; give clear guidance
to designers on the use of
geogrid reinforcement.

Figure 1.3 Project flowchart

1.2 Aims of the project

A summary of the aims of the project are:

To investigate the benefits of using geogrid reinforcement in minimising the

rate of deterioration of ballasted rail track geometry.

To identify the mechanisms that will improve ballast/grid interlock.

To optimise the grid properties, such as grid stiffness and aperture size, in
order to maximise performance.

To produce a design guide, based on simplified elastic analysis, to predict the

rate of settlement in a ballasted rail track incorporating high tensile polymeric
geogrid reinforcement.
Chapter 1: Introduction 6

1.3 Thesis outline

This thesis is divided into eight chapters. A brief outline of this thesis is given below.

Following this introductory chapter, Chapter 2 contains a literature review consisting

of five main sections: track components and functions, ballast, track geometry and
track quality, polymer grid as well as the behaviour of a grid reinforced granular
material layer. The review begins with a general appreciation of various track
components and its function. This is followed by an examination of ballast stone,
which includes its specifications and the cause of ballast fouling. An overview of the
resilient and permanent behaviour of granular material will also be presented in the
same section. Several settlement models are also described in this section. Review of
track geometry and track quality covers the various causes of differential settlement
on a rail track. The following section will touch on the reinforcing principle of
polymer geogrid. An introduction to the various types of Tensar grids used in this
project is also included in the same section. This chapter concludes with a review of
the behaviour of a grid reinforced granular layer.

Chapter 3 describes the various element tests performed in this project as well as a
brief introduction to Discrete Element Modelling (DEM) using PFC3D. The apparatus
and test procedure of the Pull-Out Test and Particle Friction Test as well as the rib test
are presented. Discussion of the assumptions made and analysis of the experimental
results are also included. A comparison of the DEM data and the experimental results
conclude this chapter.

The Composite Element Test (CET) test apparatus and the adopted test procedures are
described in Chapter 4. This chapter includes an analysis of the test results with a
discussion of the findings and their influence on the test arrangement of the Railway
Test Facility (RTF).

Chapter 5 will begin with a detailed introduction to the RTF test set-up and adopted
test procedure. This chapter will also include an analysis of the test results and a
discussion of the findings.
Chapter 1: Introduction 7

A Network Rail commissioned field trial will be presented in Chapter 6. This will
include a brief site introduction together with an analysis of the site results obtained.
A discussion of the comparison of the field trial results with the experimental results
from this project will complete the chapter.

Chapter 7 will present the development of a design method for reinforced rail track.
The simplified elastic theory, as well as a full presentation of the evolution of the
design guide will complete the chapter.

Last but not the least, this thesis will conclude with a presentation of the conclusions
derived from the research performed in this project. This chapter will conclude with
recommendations for future work.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 8


1.1 Introduction

This literature review is divided into 5 main sections and begins with Section 2.2
exploring track components and their various functions, providing a basic
understanding and appreciation of how a conventional rail track functions. Section
2.3 explores the material properties of ballast as well as highlighting the effects of
external influences such as loading and fouling. This section will conclude with
ballast deformation and its contribution to the overall track deterioration. Section 2.4
presents track geometry and track quality and it covers the various renewal
techniques, track geometry measurement methods as well as quantification of track
quality. Section 2.5 will be based on a review on the polymer geogrid. This literature
review will conclude with a presentation of the behaviour of grid reinforced granular
material layers with Section 2.6.

1.2 Track Components and Functions

The purpose of a modern railway is to provide economical and relatively rapid

transportation. To achieve this, the railway track structure has to provide a safe and
stable platform under stringent vertical and horizontal alignment constraints. It is
therefore important to identify the specific roles that each different component plays
and how they combine and perform as an entity.

A ballasted rail track is categorised by 2 main divisions of components: the

superstructure and the substructure. The superstructure comprises the rails, fastening
Chapter 2:Literature Review 9

system and the sleepers. The substructure covers the ballast, the sub-ballast and the
subgrade. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 present the components of a conventional track.

Figure 2.1 Components in a typical rail track (Selig and Waters, 1994)

Figure 2.2 Cross sectional view of a typical rail track (Selig and Waters, 1994)
Chapter 2:Literature Review 10

As an integral member of the superstructure, the main purpose of the rails is to guide
train wheels. The rails are also the only part of the track component that comes into
direct contact with the train. These longitudinal steel members must have sufficient
stiffness to transfer the concentrated wheel loads onto the sleepers with minimum
deflection between sleeper supports. In Europe, the axle load can often reach 22.5t
and speeds up to 300km/hr. Hence the rails must be of certain dimensions and
profile. The profile of the rail coupled with the profile of the wheel has a significant
bearing on the ride quality. Defects in the profile of either entity can cause large
dynamic loads which can compromise the track structure. One of the known
problems is the uneven settlement of track which will be further discussed in this

The fastening system acts as a means of retaining the rails against the sleepers. The
general functions and requirements of the fastenings are to absorb rail loads
elastically and transfer them to the sleeper. The fastenings must be able to help the
rails resist any vertical, lateral, longitudinal and overturning movements. The
fastenings are also an aid to damp traffic vibrations, prevent or reduce rail/sleeper
attrition as well as providing electrical insulation for track signals.

The general functions and requirements of the sleepers are to receive the rail loads
and distribute them over the ballast. The sleepers also act as a restraint against any
lateral, longitudinal and vertical rail movement through anchorage of the
superstructure into the ballast. The sleeper must also be resistant to mechanical wear
and weathering. The two most common types of sleepers are wood and concrete

Ballast is the crushed granular material which is placed in the top layer of the
substructure. These coarse grained materials are used to support and confine the
sleepers, and to minimise any vertical and lateral movement transferred to the
sleepers, and hence retain track position. The ballast material also reduces sleeper
pressures and distributes it to the underlying materials, e.g. sub-ballast and subgrade.

Ballast also provides a certain amount of resilience as well as energy absorption for
the rail track. The provision of large voids in the ballast layer facilitates the storage
Chapter 2:Literature Review 11

of fouling materials (discussed in 2.3.5) as well as immediate draining of water from

the track. More discussion on the ballast materials follows in Section 2.3.

Sub-ballast sits between the ballast and the subgrade material and is often referred to
as the blanket layer. The role of these broadly-graded crushed natural aggregates or
processed sand-gravel mixtures is very similar to that of the ballast. This is to reduce
the traffic induced stress and distribute it to the subgrade. Sub-ballast also allows
good drainage of water. One of the key functions of the sub-ballast layer is to prevent
mixing of the subgrade and ballast. Some of the functions of the sub-ballast may be
achieved through the use of sand, or geosynthetic materials such as membranes and
filter fabrics (geotextiles).

The subgrade provides the platform on which the track is constructed. This formation
must have sufficient bearing strength and stability as well as reasonable settlement
behaviour. The lack of such quality is often the cause of many track defects. This
will be discussed in depth under section 2.3.6.

1.3 Ballast

Traditionally, ballast has been used in rail track as it is relatively cheap and effective.
As introduced in Section 2.2, ballast has many desirable qualities that make it an
ideal material. Typically, crushed gravel, limestone, basalt and granite have been
used for their various characteristics that include hardness, abrasion resistance,
resistance to weathering action etc. However, there has not been universal agreement
on the specification of the index characteristics such as size, abrasion resistance,
hardness, angularity etc. The lack of such guidelines has hence resulted in a wide
variety of materials used. In this section, the many aspects of how ballast functions
on a rail track will be explored, and its resilient behaviour in the wider context of a
granular material will be discussed. External forces on ballast and the effect on the
material and on the rail track system as a whole will also be covered in this section.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 12

2.3.1 Ballast Specifications

Ideally, ballast particles used for rail track should be hard, durable, have good
angularity, chemical resistance and be free from dust. Typical ballast ranges from 20
to 50mm in diameter and its performance is governed by the physical characteristics
as well as the packing assembly. No single characteristic controls ballast behaviour
and many relevant characteristics are listed in Table 2.1. The United Kingdom
follows the European railway ballast specification BS EN 13450 (2002). This
specification requires the ballast to conform to the particle size distributions shown
in Table 2.2. This standard comprises 5 properties which define the specification of
track ballast: ballast grading, Los Angeles Abrasion (LAA), micro-Deval attrition,
flakiness index, and particle length.

The LAA test measures a material toughness or tendency to break. The test measures
the particle resistance to fragmentation with the provision of a Los Angeles Abrasion
(LAA) coefficient. The LAA coefficient is the percentage of material passing
through the 1.6mm sieve upon completion of the test. The LAA test involves rotating
10kg of dry ballast with 12 steel balls weighing a total of 5kg in a large steel drum.
The dry ballast is subjected to 1000 revolutions with a rotational speed of 31-33
rotations per minute. The shelves inside the steel drums will pick up and drop the
ballast at a distance almost equivalent to the drum diameter making the LAA a
smashing test. The ballast is then sieved to achieve the LAA coefficient. A high
LAA value signifies a brittle material. BS EN 13450 (2002) limits the LAA value to
20 (Lim, 2004).

In accordance with BS EN 13450 (2002), the Deval attrition test measures the
particle resistance to wear with the provision of a Micro-Deval Attrition (MDA)
coefficient. The Deval attrition test is very similar to the LAA test; however, the
Deval attrition is a wet test in contrast to the dry LAA test. In the micro-Deval test, 2
specimens of dry ballast material, 5kg each, are segregated in two separate steel
drums. Steel balls (9.5mm diameter) weighing a total of 5kg, smaller than those used
in the LAA are also added into the steel drums together with 2 litres of water. 14,000
revolutions are then applied to the steel drums. The rotational speed is approximately
100 rotations per minute. The MDA coefficient is the percentage of material passing
Chapter 2:Literature Review 13

through the 1.6mm sieve upon completion of the test. A high MDA coefficient
indicates the ballast specimen is more susceptible to wear. BS EN 13450 (2002)
requires the mean value of MDA to be less than or equal to 7 (Lim, 2004).

The flakiness index test measures the flatness of a particle. The British Standard
(British Standard 812, 1983) defines a flaky particle as one where the thickness to
width ratio is less than 0.6. The flakiness index test involves 2 sieving operations.
The first operation involves sieving the particles into various particle size fractions.
The second operation involves sieving each fraction with bar sieves which have
parallel slots of width 0.5 times that of the standard sieve. The flakiness index is
defined as the percent by weight of flaky particles passing the bar sieve. BS EN
13450 (2002) indicates that the flakiness index shall be less than or equal to 35.

Particle length index is defined as the percent of particles with length equal or more
than 100mm for a sample size exceeding 40kg. The test involves manual
measurement of each particle. BS EN 13450 (2002) states that the particle length
index shall be less than or equal to 4.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 14

Table 2.1 Typical Ballast Characteristics


Los Angeles Abrasion BS EN 1097-2: 1998 / LAA index 20

Deval Abrasion (wet and dry) BS EN 1097-1: 1996/ MDE index 7

Crushing value BS 812-111: 1990/ ACV 22%


Flakiness/ Elongation/ Angularity or BS EN 933-2/3: 1997/ Flakiness index 35

Particle Length (shape index) and Elongation index 50. Particle Length 4


Size distribution BS EN 933-2: 1996/ Size to be between

31.5mm to 50mm.


Particle density/ Water adsorption BS EN 1097-6: 2000/ Specifications of

categories in BS EN still not considered
appropriate for rail track use

Bulk density and voids BS EN 1097-3: 1998/ Not available


Freeze-thaw breakdown BS EN 1367-1: 2000/ Refer to BS EN 13450:

2002, Annex F

Sulfate soundness BS EN 1367-2:1998/ Refer to BS EN 13550:

2002, Annex G


Chemical analysis BS EN 1744-1: 1998/ Not available

Chapter 2:Literature Review 15

Table 2.2 Particle Size Distribution Specification

(RT/CE/S/006 Issue 3, 2000)
Square Mesh Sieve (mm) Cumulative % by mass
passing BS sieve
63 100
50 70-100
40 30-65
31.5 0-25
22.4 0-3
32-50 50

2.3.2 Track Forces on Ballast

To understand how ballast works in rail track, it is vital to understand the various
types and magnitudes of forces that exist in a rail track. In general, the types of
forces exerted on the track structure are classified as mechanical and thermal. In this
section, the emphasis will be on the mechanical force on ballast.

There are two main mechanical/external forces acting on the ballast namely the
vertical force exerted by passing trains onto the sleeper, as well as the plunging,
squeezing and vertical action of tamping during maintenance work. The vertical
force encompasses static and dynamic components. The static load consists of the
dead weight of the superstructure and train whereas the dynamic load is a function of
the speed of the train (Selig and Waters, 1994).

When the vertical force is applied, there will be a reaction at the rail-wheel contact
point leading to the rail tending to lift up either side of the contact, as shown in
Figure 2.3. With the advancing wheel, the uplifted sleeper will be forced down
sometimes creating a high impact load onto the ballast particles and the track
structure as a whole. The degree of impact is very much dependent on the train
speed, load and padding support of the track. Selig and Waters (1994) stated that
additional factors such as track condition, rail defects as well as track irregularity
also affect the dynamic increment.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 16

Figure 2.3 Uplift of rails (Selig and Waters. 1994)

Esveld (2001) concluded that the total vertical wheel load on the rail is made up of 4
main components

Qtot = (Qstat + Qcentr + Qwind) + Qdyn (2.1)

In which:

Qstat : static wheel load = half the static axle load, measured on straight horizontal
Qcentr : increase in wheel load on the outer rail in curves in connection with non-
compensated centrifugal force;
Qwind : cross winds;
Qdyn : dynamic wheel load components.
Selig and Waters (1994) stated that the vertical wheel force consists of a static
component equal to the weight of the train divided by the number of wheels plus a
Chapter 2:Literature Review 17

dynamic variance. This is similar to Esvelds definition. Selig and Waters further
added vertical dynamic variation such as track geometry induced vehicle-rail
interaction causing bounce as well as the wheel impact forces caused by wheel flats
or wheel/rail defects which can cause huge impacts and vibrations. The vibrations
can contribute to powdering and shoulder flow of ballast.

Selig and Waters (1994) provided a good illustration that shows the effect of
dynamic components on vertical loading. Vertical wheel load measurements from
concrete sleeper sites in the United States, namely a Colorado test track and the main
line between New York and Washington, were recorded with the help of strain
gauges attached to the rail to measure the vertical force. Results are shown plotted in
the form of cumulative frequency distribution curves in Figure 2.4. The statistical
vertical axis represents the percent of the total number of wheel loads that exceed the
corresponding wheel load given on the horizontal axis.

In the first example (a), the dynamic wheel load distribution is similar to the static
wheel load distribution whereas in (b); the dynamic wheel load deviates significantly
from the static load at the high end of the range. Passenger trains that travel at high
speed caused large dynamic loads in 2% of the cases. As such, it can be concluded
that a high dynamic load is caused by a high train speed, which in turn exerts a high
stress onto the ballast material causing possible breakage of material.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 18

Figure 2.4 Static and dynamic wheel loads plotted in the form of cumulative
frequency distribution for (a) Colorado Test Track and (b) Main line Track
between New York and Washington (Selig and Waters, 1994)

The other very significant track force on the ballast is achieved through squeezing
the ballast. This can be credited almost solely to the tamping procedure. Ballast
tamping has been recognised as the most effective method to correct and restore
track geometry. Not surprisingly, it is also the most common railway maintenance
technique used today. The tamping procedure includes lifting the rail and inserting
tines which will vibrate and move towards each other, squeezing the ballast
underneath the sleeper into position. The high squeezing and plunging force often
causes material breakage and this is known to be the most destructive element in
railway operation in terms of ballast deterioration, even more than that due to a high
speed train (Wright, 1983). Figure 2.5 illustrates the tamping procedure.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 19

Figure 2.5 Tamping procedures (Selig and Waters, 1994)

2.3.3 Resilient Behaviour of Granular Material

The understanding of the behaviour of granular material plays a very important role
in the modern railway system. The deformation response of granular material under
repeated loading is commonly characterised by a residual (permanent) deformation
as well as a recoverable (resilient) deformation which will be discussed in this
section of the literature review. The behaviour of a granular material under repeated
loading is non-linear and is stress dependent. The magnitude of plastic strain per
cycle generally decreases with the number of load cycles and the difference between
the maximum strain under peak load and the permanent strain after unloading for
each cycle is known as the resilient strain. It is important to understand the non-
linearity behaviour of granular material as it affects the stress condition and
ultimately settlement behaviour. Since 1960, there have been numerous research
projects committed to characterizing the resilient behaviour of granular materials.
The resilient modulus as defined by Seed et al (1962) is the repeated deviator stress
divided by the recoverable (resilient) axial strain during unloading in a triaxial test. It
is vital to have a good understanding of the resilient behaviour of the trackbed
material as this is known to have an effect on the degradation and rate of settlement
of the rail track. From the literature, it is widely agreed that the behaviour of granular
material may be affected, with varying degrees of importance, by various conditions
Chapter 2:Literature Review 20

and factors that will be discussed later in this section. Figure 2.6 illustrates the
typical strain in a granular material.

Resilient Modulus
Secant Resilient

Figure 2.6 Strains in granular material during one cycle of

load application (Wright, 1983)

Effect of Stress

From the early investigations by Williams (1963) until the more recent studies by
Kolisoja (1997) all researchers, have, without fail, emphasised the importance and
the magnitude of influence that stress level has on the resilient behaviour of granular
material. It is worth noting that numerous works [e.g. Miltry (1964), Monismith et al.
(1967), Hicks (1970), Smith and Nair (1973), Uzan (1985) and Sweere (1990)] show
the sizable influence of confining pressure and the sum of principal stresses on the
resilient behaviour of granular material. Monismith et al (1967) stated that a change
from 20 to 200kPa in the confining pressure would result in an increase of 500% in
the resilient modulus. In a separate test, Smith and Nair (1973) reported an increase
of 50% in the resilient modulus when the sum of the principal stresses increased
from 70 to 140kPa (See Lekarp et al. 2000). Shentons (1974) results from a series of
Chapter 2:Literature Review 21

tests on ballast using an Instron test machine also showed that there is a tendency for
the resilient modulus to increase with increasing confining stress. It is also worth
noting that in a study conducted by Morgan (1966), the resilient modulus was shown
to decrease with increasing deviator stress under constant confinement. Clearly,
compared to confining pressure, deviator stress has less influence on the resilient
behaviour of granular material.

Effect of Aggregate Type and Particle Shape

Heydinger et al. (1996) has claimed that gravel, when compared to crushed limestone
exhibits a higher resilient modulus. This is in direct contradiction to the majority of
other researchers, [e.g. Hicks (1970), Hicks and Monismith (1971), Allen (1973),
Allen and Thompson (1974), Thom (1988), Barksdale and Itani (1989), Thom and
Brown (1989)] who reported that crushed aggregate, with its increased angularity,
demonstrates better load spreading capability and a higher resilient modulus than
uncrushed gravel with its rather characteristically rounded aggregate. Barksdale and
Itani (1989) in particular, tested various types of granular material with the same
grading and found a 50% increase in resilient modulus of angular material at low
mean normal stress condition compared to that of rounded gravel (see M. Karasahin
1993). In addition, Thom (1988) and Thom and Brown (1989) performed repeated
load triaxial tests on different granular materials and found that at low strain, the
resilient modulus of granular material may be influenced by particle texture and that
a correlation exists between elastic stiffness and surface friction of a material.

Effect of Moisture Content

It is generally agreed in the literature that the moisture content of granular material
will have an effect on the resilient behaviour of the material. Smith and Nair (1973)
and Vuong (1992) established that the resilient response of dry and most partially
saturated granular material is similar; however, the resilient response will be affected
significantly as the material approaches saturation. Researchers down the years [e.g.
Haynes and Yoder (1963), Hicks and Monismith (1971), Barksdale and Itani (1989),
Chapter 2:Literature Review 22

Dawson et al. (1996) and Heydinger et al. (1996)] have all commented on the
considerable dependence of resilient modulus on moisture content at high levels of
saturation. Haynes and Yoder (1963) in particular, reported a 50% reduction in
resilient modulus with an increment in the degree of saturation from 70% to 97%.
This is especially relevant to the working condition of ballast material in the rail
track system where an excessive amount of water is often found within the granular
layer. Under repeated loading, saturated granular materials will develop excess pore
water pressure that will reduce the effective stress in the material and consequently
give a reduction in both its strength and stiffness. It may be argued that it is
essentially the pore water pressure that ultimately affects the resilient deformation of
the material rather than the water moisture content. Thom and Brown (1987)
suggested that the presence of moisture, even in the absence of any pore water
pressure, is still capable of increasing the deformation in the aggregates, giving a
reduced resilient modulus. They assigned this to the lubricating effect of moisture on
the particles. This is confirmed by a series of repeated load triaxial tests on a crushed
rock with variable moisture content. Using drained tests and loading frequencies
between 0.1 to 3 Hz, in the apparent absence of pore water pressure up to 85%
saturation, there was a reduction in the resilient modulus with increasing moisture
content. For the benefit of this thesis however, it must be noted that ballast material,
especially on a rail track, never gets saturated.

Effect of Stress History and Number of Load Cycles

It is widely reported in literature that stress or loading history exerts a certain degree
of influence over the resilient behaviour of granular material. For example, Boyce
(1976) reported a series of repeated load triaxial tests on samples of well-graded
crushed limestone of the same compaction and density characteristics in a dry state,
which reinforced that belief. In Boyces account, the results indicated that the
material was subjected to effects of stress history that could be reduced by a
preloading regime. Hicks (1970) concluded that the effect of stress history could be
nearly eliminated and a constant resilient response could be achieved after a 100-
cycle application of the same stress amplitude. However, Hicks (1970) observations
were challenged by Boyce (1976) who claimed that it will take approximately 2000
Chapter 2:Literature Review 23

cycles before the resilient strain reaches a steady value. Shenton (1976) put this
number closer to 1,000 cycles.

Effect of Aggregate Type and Particle Shape

The general view regarding the effect of aggregate type is that crushed aggregate
with its angular shape compared to rounded aggregate has a higher resilient modulus
with a better load spreading capability. According to Barksdale and Itani (1989), the
resilient modulus of rough, angular crushed material compared to that of rounded
gravel, with the same grading, was found to be higher by a factor of 50% at low
mean normal stress and about 25% at high mean normal stress. However, it is
important to note that the effect of aggregate type is only apparent when other
parameters such as grading, density and applied stresses are kept constant (M.
Karasahin, 1993).

Effect of Load Duration and Load Sequence

There is widespread agreement among researchers that load duration and frequency
has little or no impact on the resilient behaviour of granular material. [e.g. Seed et al.
(1965), Morgan (1966), Hicks (1970), Boyce et al. (1976) and Thom and Brown
(1987)]. Seed et al. (1965) reported in his account that the resilient modulus of sand
showed a modest increase from 160 to 190 MPa when the loading duration was
decreased dramatically from 20 minutes to 0.3 seconds. Hicks (1970) complemented
these observations by conducting tests at stress durations of 0.1, 0.15 and 0.25
seconds, which again showed no change in the resilient modulus or Poissons ratio.
Hicks (1970) and Allen (1973) reported that the test sequence has relatively little
impact on the resilient properties of granular material when they subjected their
specimens to various test sequences and orders in which stress was applied.

Computational Modelling of Resilient Response

Chapter 2:Literature Review 24

One of the most simplified methods in dealing with the effect of stress on material
stiffness is the expression of resilient modulus as a function of the sum of the
principal stresses commonly known as the K- model:

Mr = k1k2 (2.2)

Where Mr = resilient modulus;

Seed et al. (1967), Brown and Pell (1967), and Hicks (1970) suggest the above
hyperbolic relationship due to its simplicity. This model has been extremely useful
and is widely accepted for analysis of the stress dependence of material stiffness.
However, a major set back for this model is that it assumes a constant Poissons
ratio, which is used to calculate radial strain. Studies by Hicks (1970), Hicks and
Monismith (1971), Brown and Hyde (1975), Boyce (1980) as well as Kolisoja (1997)
have shown that Poissons Ratio varies with applied stress. However, this model has
undergone many modifications that can be found in the literature.

2.3.4 Permanent Strain Behaviour of Granular Material

The irrecoverable strain of granular material as shown in Figure 2.6 is often a trigger
for maintenance activities on a rail track. On a rail track, the accumulation of such
permanent strain is due to the rearrangement of particles as well as particle breakage.

Effect of Stress

From the literature available, it is evident that stress level is one of the most
important factors governing the development of permanent deformation in granular
materials. Morgan (1966) reported that the accumulation of axial permanent
deformation is related to deviator stress and inversely linked to confining pressure.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 25

(Knutson (1976) reported that the permanent strain accumulated over a certain
number of load cycles is directly related to the stress ratio, defined as the ratio of
deviatoric stress q to confining stress 3. According to his report, increasing the
stress ratio q / 3 will result in the increase in permanent strain as shown in Figure
2.7. The figure also shows that for the same stress ratio, (i.e. 20/5 and 60/15)
increasing the stress path length will increase the amount of permanent strain.
Lashine et al. (1971) investigated this through repeated load tests on crushed stones
and found comparable relationship between the measured axial deformation and the
ratio of deviator stress to confining pressure. Brown and Hyde (1975) also reported
similar findings.

Figure 2.7 Effect of stress ratio on permanent strain (Knutson, 1976)

Effect of Number of Load Applications

The increase in the permanent deformation in granular material is a gradual process

with each load application contributing to an increment of strain. In the context of a
railway line, each passing axle of the train acts as a load that will in turn induce
strain causing permanent deformation. With reference to the literature, the
significance of the number of load cycles is well documented by many prominent
Chapter 2:Literature Review 26

researchers, with many varying observations. Several researchers [e.g. Morgan

(1966), Barksdale (1972), Sweere (1990)] have indicated continuously increasing
permanent strain under repeated loading. In Morgan (1966)s account, he noted
increasing permanent strain even after 2,000,000 load cycles. This was challenged by
Brown and Hyde (1975), who noted an equilibrium state after only 1,000 load
applications. In Shentons (1974) account, he claimed that the first load cycle
produced a very large permanent settlement with subsequent settlement proportional
to the logarithm of the number of load cycles (see Figure 2.8). Shentons (1974)
work was based on triaxial testing on ballast particles. Paute et al. (1996) stated that
there will be a decrease in the rate of permanent deformation in granular material
under repeated loading and that it is possible to derive a limit value for the
accumulation of permanent strain.

Lekarp (1997) and Lekarp and Dawson (1998) extended the statement by Paute et al.
(1996) suggesting that this will be achieved only when the applied stress is low. In
Kolisojas (1998) work which involved testing at a large number of cycles, he
revealed that a material which may appear to be stable will have the tendency to
further deform through the application of further loading. In it, he added that the
permanent strain response of granular material must be treated as a complex problem
but did not expound on it.

Figure 2.8 Effect of repeated load applications

Chapter 2:Literature Review 27

on settlement (Shenton, 1974)

Effect of Moisture Content

The presence of moisture in granular material has both merit and disadvantage. On
the one hand, an adequate amount of water may produce negative pore water
pressure that in turn increases the stiffness and strength of unbound granular
material. On the other hand, as saturation approaches, excessive pore water pressure
reduces the effective stress and results in a poorer permanent deformation resistance.

Haynes and Yoder (1963), Barksdale (1972), Maree et al. (1982), Thom and Brown
(1987), Dawson et al. (1996) all agree that a combination of high saturation and poor
permeability, due to poor drainage, can lead to a reduced stiffness and poor
permanent deformation resistance (Lekarp et al. 2000). In fact, this is the reason why
many railway lines require more maintenance work, due to the resulting permanent
deformation, than initially expected. Haynes and Yoder (1963) reported an increase
of more than 100% in deformation with a 20% increase in saturation from 60% to
80%. Barksdale (1972) also observed an increase of up to 68% permanent axial
strain in a soaked sample compared to a semi-drained one. According to Thom and
Brown (1987), a relatively small amount of water can trigger a huge increase in the
permanent strain even in the absence of excess pore water pressure. This, they put
down to the lubricating effect of water in the granular assembly. Figure 2.9 illustrates
the effect of drainage on permanent strain development in granular materials. It must
be noted that the results should in Figure 2.9 is true for the material tested but not for
Chapter 2:Literature Review 28

Figure 2.9 Influence of Drainage on Permanent Deformation Development (Thom

and Brown, 1987)

Effect of Stress History

Brown and Hyde (1975) showed in their research that the permanent deformation
behaviour of granular material is related to its stress history (order of the application
of loads). In it, they showed that permanent deformation in a granular material is
much higher when full load is applied immediately rather than when it is increased in
successions. Lekarp et al. (2000) state that when repetitive loads are applied, the
effect of stress history appears as a result of gradual material stiffening by each load
application, causing a reduction in the proportion of permanent to resilient strains
during subsequent loading cycles. The effect of stress history has not been well
explored even though it is well documented in the literature. More work has to be
done to quantify this effect.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 29

Effect of Density

The effect of density, often described in conjunction with the degree of compaction
in a material, is reported by many sources as a very important factor for the long-
term behaviour of granular material. Resistance to permanent deformation under
repeated loading is improved with increased density. Allen (1973) reported an 80%
and 22% reduction in permanent strain, in crushed limestone and gravel respectively,
when the material density was increased from Proctor to modified Proctor density
(90% 92% of modified Procter density is equivalent to the specified 95% standard
Procter density except for fine sand where the difference is bigger). Holubec (1969)
added that this effect of density on permanent strain is particularly apparent in
angular material if there is no accompanying transient pore pressure during loading.
In the case of rounded particles, e.g. gravel, the effect is deemed to be less significant
due to the fact of its initially higher relative density for the same compactive effort.

2.3.5 Ballast Fouling

The life and performance of the railway track is very much dependant on the ballast
layer. The ballast layer is subjected to deformation and degradation during traffic
loading. Various sources of ballast fouling have been identified and in Selig and
Waters (1994) account, they have listed the 5 main sources of ballast fouling.

I) Ballast Breakdown
II) Infiltration from ballast surface
III) Sleeper wear
IV) Infiltration from underlying granular layers
V) Subgrade infiltration

In most literature, it has been widely agreed that ballast breakdown is the major
source of ballast fouling. This is quantified in Figure 2.10 based on a study by the
Chapter 2:Literature Review 30

University of Massachusetts. The report from the University of Massachusetts is

based on a variety of mainline track conditions across North America.

Figure 2.10 Major source of ballast fouling (Selig and Waters, 1994)

Selig (1985) and Meeker (1990) reported that the initial stage of ballast breakage
occurred during transportation and construction work. Selig and Waters (1994)
expected 1 to 2% of the weight of fouling material to accumulate when new
ballast is placed. Fouling materials are deemed as particles of less than 6mm
diameter. Selig and Waters (1994) summarised the sources of fouling in Table

Ionescu (2004) investigated the mechanical degradation of a rail track. He

reported that the volume of voids in a newly constructed track was around 45%.
When the rail track settles under cyclic train loading, the ballast grains rearrange
into a denser packing reducing the volume of voids. At this stage, ballast
crushing takes place at contact points of the coarser grains resulting in loss of
corners and sharp edges which will be collected as fines in the voids. This grain
rearrangement will carry on with additional ballast crushing with further traffic
Chapter 2:Literature Review 31

Table 2.3 Sources of ballast fouling

I. Ballast breakage
a) Handling ( related to IIA)
1) At quarry
2) During transporting
3) From dumping
b) Thermal stress from heating (desert)
c) Chemical weathering (inc. acid rain)
d) Tamping damage
e) Traffic damage
1) Repeated load
2) Vibration
3) Hydraulic action of slurry
II. Infiltration from ballast surface
Delivered with ballast
Dropped from trains
Wind blown
Water borne
Splashing from adjacent wet spots
III. Sleeper wear
IV. Infiltration from underlying granular layers
Old track bed breakdown
Subballast particle migration from inadequate gradation

V. Subgrade infiltration

In Ionescu (2004)s account, he did not investigate the contribution of rail track
maintenance work, e.g. tamping. Wright (1983) conducted several studies on the
effect of tamping on ballast degradation. In his research conducted at British Rail
Research, he found that approximately 2 to 4 kg of fines less than 14mm was
generated with a single tamp on a single sleeper. This is a substantial output from a
Chapter 2:Literature Review 32

single activity and Table 2.4 shows the British Railway Research representative
estimate of tamping on overall track fouling. The British classified any material less
than 14mm in size to be fouled material. This is likely to be one of the reasons that
caused the discrepancy in source of ballast fouling compared to the report from the
University of Massachusetts (see Figure 2.10).

Table 2.4 British Railways source of fouling

No. Source Degradation
kg/sleeper % of total
1. Delivered with ballast (2%) 29 7

2. Tamping:
7 insertions during renewal and 88 20
1 tamp/yr for 15 years

3. Attrition from various causes including traffic and

concrete sleeper wear 90 21
(Traffic loading: 0.2kg/sleeper/million tons of
traffic, MGT)

4. External input at 15kg/yr

(Wagon spillage : 4.0kg/ sq m/yr) 225 52
(Airborne dirt: 0.8kg/ sq m/yr)

Total 432 100

2.3.6 Ballast deformation and track settlement

According to Dahlberg (2001), most descriptions of track settlement found in the

literature are empirical. He added that track settlement is mostly considered to be a
function of the magnitude of loading or a function of loading cycles. Properties of
ballast and subgrade materials should be added into the model.

Railway track will settle due to the permanent deformation of ballast and the
subgrade. Traffic loading is the main cause for settlement and the intensity is often
governed by the quality and behaviour of ballast, sub-ballast and the subgrade.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 33

According to Dahlberg (2001), track settlement occurs in two phases:

1 Immediately after tamping where rate of settlement is fast until consolidation.

2 Settlement with time in an approximate linear relationship.

The second phase of settlement is governed by several basic ballast and subgrade
behaviour mechanisms:

1. Continuation of volumetric densification caused by repeated train loading.

2. Ballast material penetrates/sinks into the sub-ballast and subgrade.

3. Ballast breakage from train loads and environmental factors (see Table
2.3) causing volumetric reduction i.e. particle divided into two or more
smaller pieces resulting in better compaction.

4. Volume reduction due to abrasive wear. Particles diminish in volume

upon abrasive contact with other particles.

5. Inelastic recovery due to micro-slip between ballast particles at loading.

Deformation will not be fully recoverable upon unloading.

6. Lateral movement of ballast or subgrade particles will result in the sleeper

sinking deeper into ballast layer.

7. Lateral and longitudinal (in the direction of rail), movement of sleeper

creating the pushing effect of ballast. Sleeper will sink deeper into the
ballast layer.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 34

Cause of Vertical Track Deterioration

Deterioration of the vertical geometry on a railway track is commonly understood to

be mainly caused by the differential settlement of the ballast layer as well as the
subgrade. According to Shenton (1985), there are several mechanisms of
deterioration which can all take place simultaneously creating differential settlement:

(a) Dynamic Forces/ Wheel Irregularities

Due to irregularities over the running surface or irregularities in the vertical

geometry, the vertical wheel load will vary continuously over a length of
track. This will lead to irregular impact loads and cause sleepers at different
locations to deform at a different pace even when the ballast bed is uniform
and the subgrade condition is comparable over the length of track.

(b) Rail Shape

Defects in the longitudinal shape of the rails (lack of straightness) can arise
during manufacture or during the installation of the rail. Even with a constant
axle load and a uniform trackbed the lack of straightness of the rail can cause
sleepers to carry different loads leading to differential settlement of the
ballast or track.

(c) Sleeper Spacing

This mechanism is deemed as the least likely to influence differential

settlement on track. This is due to the tight guidelines and limits placed on
sleeper spacing criteria. However, where sleeper spacing is not consistent
throughout the track, individual sleepers will transmit varying loads onto the
ballast layer which will in turn create differential settlement over the length
of track.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 35

(d) Sleeper Support

A sleeper with a stiffer support will carry more loads than the adjacent
sleeper on a softer support. The sleeper with the softer support will have a
tendency to settle more.

(e) Ballast Settlement

Ballast is a random arrangement of stones and the lack of homogeneity will

cause an irregular distribution of load, creating uneven settlement. Various
factors can contribute to the differential movement such as the variability of
subgrade and maintenance activities i.e. tamping, which will be dealt with
later in this section.

(f) Substructure

The final contribution to differential settlement according to Shenton (1985)

comes from the deeper ballast, sub-structure layers and from the subgrade.
This is deemed to have very little short term effect as most tracks have an
adequately designed foundation.

Settlement Models

Sato (1995)s expression of track settlement y under repeated loading x is expressed

in the form:

y = (1 e-x) + x (2.3)
Chapter 2:Literature Review 36

Where x = loading of the track either expressed as a number of load cycles or as

tonnage carried by the track (see Figure 2.11). The constants , and are
parameters describing the short-term and long term settlement behaviour.

Figure 2.11 Track settlements as a function of x (Sato, 1995)

Sato (1995)s model is divided into two phases. The first part of the equation
represents the initial settlement phase while the second part represents the long term
settlement. This is in agreement with Dahlberg (2001)s observation.

Using this formulation, no distinction between the loading cycles of different

magnitudes can be made. Only the mean value of the magnitude of loading is being
deployed. This is in contradiction with other findings e.g. Brown and Hyde (1975)
that the permanent deformation behaviour of granular material is related to its stress

In Sato (1995)s expression, (1 e-x) describes the short-term settlement effect

immediately after tamping and indicates its severity. The factor indicates the rate
at which the initial settlement attenuates. Long term settlement is denoted by x. The
factor indicates the severity of settlement, which is proportional to the loading x.

In the same paper, Sato (1995) presented a model which considers the growth of
track irregularities. Interestingly, a subgrade factor is included. Satos (1995) model
includes five parameters which account for major sources of track irregularities:
Chapter 2:Literature Review 37

traffic tonnage T (million tonnes per year), the average running speed v (km/h), the
structure (via a structure factor M), the rail (via a factor L) and the subgrade (via a
factor P). S denotes the irregularity growth equation (S in mm per 100 days).

S = constant x T 0.31 M 1.1 L 0.21 P 0.26 v 0.98 (2.4)

As can be seen, irregularity in this model is almost proportional to the mean speed of
the train and proportional to the third root of the applied tonnage. The structure factor
M is dependent on the quasistatic ballast pressure, train acceleration and impact
factor, dependent on rail properties. Rail properties are covered by L.

He concluded from his measurements that a poor subgrade (adhesive soil) settles
twice as fast as good subgrade (sandy soil). He did not however, provide more
explanation in what he constitutes to be a poor and good subgrade. Sato added that
the growth of track irregularities with a 60kg/m rail is 70% of that with a 50kg/m
rail. The higher bending stiffness of the rail will allow a better distribution of load
over the sleepers, resulting in a lower sleeper pressure on the ballast, thus less
settlement. This is in accordance with most of the literature.

Alva-Hurtado and Selig (1981) developed a methodology based on the assumption

that ballast deformation starts from an uncompressed state. The model, gives total
permanent strain after N cycles:

= 1 [1 + C log (N)] (2.5)

The model is based on identical loading cycles. 1 denotes the permanent strain after
the first cycle and C is a dimensionless constant denoting the rate of growth of
settlement. Selig and Waters (1994) reported typical value of C to be 0.2 and 0.4.
This simplified model is based on the assumption of identical loading cycles (i.e.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 38

same amplitude). This can be converted to settlement, y, taking an average value

multiplying it by the thickness of the ballast layer (see Figure 2.13).

The authors claimed that the increase in plastic strain is directly proportional to the
ratio of maximum applied deviator stress to failure deviator stress. Figure 2.12 shows
representative results of a constant-amplitude load test with full unloading.

Based on a comparison done by Dahlberg for equation 2.3 from Sato (1995) and
equation 2.5 from Alva-Hurtado and Selig, there are major differences in the
modelling of long term settlement. The discrepancy is shown in Figure 2.13.

Figure 2.12 Strain response of dolomite ballast (Selig and Waters, 1994)
Chapter 2:Literature Review 39

Figure 2.13 Comparison of track settlement (Dahlberg, 2001)

As seen in Figure 2.13, the discrepancy between the two models can be large
especially after a large number of loading cycles. As observed by Dalhberg (2001),
the difference can be as large as 100% at 200 000 cycles when the parameters are
chosen to give good agreement at N= 500, 5000 and 10,000 cycles.

ORE (Office for Research and Experiments) of the International Union of Railways
(UIC) presented their model as shown in equation 2.6, to estimate track settlement.
Like Sato (1995), their model is based on two phases. The first phase represents the
settlement immediately after tamping (denoted by e0). The second part includes
deterioration dependent parameters of traffic volume T, dynamic axle load 2Q and
speed v.

e = e0 + hT(2Q)v (2.7)

Again h is a constant while parameters , and are evaluated from experimental

data. The lack of experimental data provided calls into question the validity of this
model. It is also noticed that no track parameters are involved in this settlement

Shenton (1985) argued that logarithmic settlement laws, (i.e. Alva-Hurtado and
Seligs (1981) proposal shown in equation 2.5) tend to underestimate settlement in
the event of large numbers of loading cycles. Based on laboratory and field results
Chapter 2:Literature Review 40

shown in Figure 2.14, he claimed that the best approximation can be obtained when
the settlement is considered to be proportional to the fifth root of the number of load
application. The best fit comes in the form

S = K1N 0.2 + K2N (2.8)

where K1N 0.2 predominates for values of N up to 106 and K2N will be relevant only
above this value.

Figure 2.14 Settlement of test sites (Shenton, 1984)

Shenton (1985) stated that the factors K1 and K2 are dependent on axle load, rail
section, sleeper spacing and foundation stiffness. He added that axle load is likely to
be a key factor in track settlement.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 41

2.4 Track geometry and track quality

According to Selig and Waters (1994), there is considerable evidence that ballast is
the primary cause of differential settlement between maintenance operations. They
termed it short term settlement as opposed to long term settlement which is subgrade
related. Tamping is the surfacing operation known to have the most effect on rail
track short term settlement.

Routine maintenance done on railway lines is mainly executed by tamping. For the
mechanism of tamping see Section 2.3.2. Upon rectification of track geometry via
tamping, deterioration is known to happen very rapidly with initial traffic loading
and then subsequently at a slower rate. Figure 2.15 shows the standard deviation or
roughness of a rail track surface profile measured over 35m length describing the
quality of track after tamping.

Figure 2.15 Change in vertical track geometry after tamping (Shenton, 1984)
(SD = Standard Deviation)
Chapter 2:Literature Review 42

Sparrow (1981) noted the relation between track quality before maintenance and
deterioration following tamping. He noticed greater initial loss of track quality and
higher rate of deterioration for poorer pre-maintenance track. This is shown in
Figures 2.16 and 2.17.

Figure 2.16 Comparison of Standard Deviation (S.D) of good and poor track after
tamping (Sparrow, 1981)

Figure 2.17 Quality of track (Selig and Waters, 1994)

Chapter 2:Literature Review 43

Shenton (1985) noted that the track appears to have an inherent shape throughout its
service life. This is confirmed in the literature. Selig and Waters (1994) reported that
this inherent shape is likely to be influenced by its construction. Figure 2.18 shows
an example of inherent track shape persisting over several tamping cycles.

Figure 2.18 Persistence of inherent track shape over

tamping cycles (Selig and Waters, 1994)

It is well recorded in the literature that for a nominal load on a sleeper, the amount of
lift given by the tamping machine will determine the settlement under subsequent
traffic. Shenton (1985) reported that the greater the lift to the sleeper, the larger the
settlement. Figure 2.19 reiterates this point. Selig and Waters (1994) added that for a
relatively low lift, the lift is approximately equal to the settlement over the following
66 weeks of traffic.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 44

Figure 2.19 Sleeper Settlement as a function of tamping lift (Selig and Waters, 1994)

Track geometry is also dependent on the vertical deterioration characteristic of the

track, as discussed in Section 2.3.6.

A good inherent quality track will result in good ride quality as well as an increased
maintenance cycle. Shenton (1985) insisted on the presence of straight rails and
ballast with uniform settlement properties to achieve it. This is independent of the
speed or type of traffic. Figure 2.20 depicts this.

Figure 2.20 Influence of track quality on length of maintenance cycle (Selig and
Waters, 1994)
Chapter 2:Literature Review 45

2.5 Polymer Geogrid

Polymer geogrid has been proposed and tried as a reinforcement material, especially
in the base course layer of flexible pavements, for many years. Polymer geogrid is
also used as a reinforcing material on rail track.

Extensive research has been done to better understand the basic mechanisms in the
separation, filtration, and reinforcement effects of polymer geogrids. The emphasis
of such research usually concentrates on the reinforcing function, where the greatest
improvements to performance and largest economic savings can be achieved.

2.5.1 Reinforcing Principle

A geosynthetic placed strategically in a construction at the position of maximum

tensile plastic strain is able to reduce such strain by carrying tensile stress in itself.
This requires good transfer of stress from the soil to the geosynthetic. In the case of a
geogrid, this requires good interlock. Applying this to ballasted railway track, Figure
2.21 shows reinforcement in a railway trackbed where the geosynthetic resists
granular extension strains with confinement provided by the tensile strength of the
polymer geogrid.

Figure 2.21 Reinforcing effect of polymer geogrid (Selig and Waters, 1994)
Chapter 2:Literature Review 46

It is widely agreed that to achieve the reinforcing potential of a polymer geogrid, an

appropriate stiffness and an ability to interlock effectively with the host material is
vital (Brown, 1996).

Geogrid uses the interlocking effect of soil particles, which penetrate the apertures
and are locked into position between the strands of the geogrid. This immobilisation
of the particles leads to a strong horizontal shear resistance, which will increase the
bearing capacity of the soil. Figure 2.22 shows the interlocking mechanism of a
typical Tensar polymer geogrid.

Selig and Waters (1994) described polymer geogrids as plastic sheets in the form of a
grid with aligned long-chain polymer molecules stretched to achieve high stiffness
and strength.

Figure 2.22 Interlock mechanism of polymer geogrid

(Tensar International, 2001)
Chapter 2:Literature Review 47

2.5.2 Soil Grid Interaction

Potyondy (1961) carried out a series of skin friction tests to measure shear resistance
between soils and construction materials. A direct shear box was used and he defined
the resistance to sliding by the angle of skin friction . This method is now widely
adopted as the standard test for friction measurement between soil and plane
reinforcement surfaces (Scholosser et al., 1979).

Jewell et al (1985) showed three mechanisms of interaction that may resist direct
sliding, in Figure 2.23.

Figure 2.23 Three mechanism of direct sliding (Jewell et al., 1985)

Jewell et al (1985) noted that the relative size of soil particles to grid aperture size
has direct influence on the sliding resistance. Figures 2.24 and 2.25 show the
qualitative effect of increased particle size on direct sliding. The reinforcement
Chapter 2:Literature Review 48

medium is a Tensar polymer grid. In Figure 2.25, direct sliding resistance is

expressed as a factored reduction in soil direct shear resistance.

Figure 2.24 Cross sectional view of the qualitative effect of increased particle
size on direct sliding resistance (Jewell et al., 1985)

Figure 2.25 Schematic illustration of the influence of particle size on

direct sliding fds tands (Jewell et al., 1985)
Chapter 2:Literature Review 49

Jewell et al (1985) explained that silt and fine sand (denoted by a in Figure 2.27)
tends to slide across the relatively smooth surface of the Tensar grid hence
registering a relatively small coefficient of resistance. The authors pointed out that if
the soil contains particles (gravel as shown in Figure 2.24 and denoted by c in
Figure 2.25) that are similar in size to the grid aperture, particles will not be able to
take advantage of the smooth grid surface and that the rupture zone will be forced
away from the grid fully into the soil. In this case, the shear resistance to direct
sliding will be equal to the soil shear resistance. For a particle that is bigger than the
size of the grid aperture, they noted that the resistance to direct sliding can be as little
as the contact shear resistance between the soil and the plane grid surface.

Jewell et als theoretical expression for direct sliding is

fds tands = dstan + fds tands (2.9)

Where fds = coefficient of resistance to direct sliding

ds = angle of friction for soil in direct shear
= angle of skin friction for soil on plane reinforcement surface
ds= fraction of grid surface area that resists direct shear with soil

The authors introduced the parameter ds to cover the four variations of direct sliding
resistance as shown in Figure 2.27.

2.5.3 Tensar Polymer Grid

Tensar polymer grid depends on an efficient interlock with granular materials to

make a structural contribution to construction layers. Tensar biaxial geogrids were
developed in the 1980s to reinforce unbound and bound materials.

Tensar biaxial grids are manufactured through precise extrusion of sheets of

polypropylene. Accurate patterns of punched holes are stretched under controlled
Chapter 2:Literature Review 50

temperature conditions. It is termed a biaxial grid as it is stretched in two orthogonal


The interlock mobilises maximum bearing capacity of a fill as the grid resists
horizontal shear from the granular materials. The restraint on the granular material
will reduce lateral spread, e.g. on a railway line.

A typical Tensar geogrid, as shown in Figure 2.26, exhibits high tensile stiffness in
both the longitudinal and transverse direction with rigid square apertures. From the
literature, very little work has been done to classify and optimise the physical
dimensions of polymer grids.

According to Tensar (2001), the high strength of the junctions and the shape and
stiffness of the ribs allows load to be taken at very low strains as well as allowing
effective interlock. On a railway track, the interlock between grid and ballast limits
lateral movement of particles reducing the rate of ballast settlement. This is
illustrated in Figure 2.27.

Figure 2.26 Physical attributes of a Tensar biaxial grid (Tensar International, 2001)
Chapter 2:Literature Review 51

Figure 2.27 Effective interlock minimise lateral movement of particles (Tensar

International, 2001)

Tensar SS geogrids, shown in Figure 2.28, are mainly used for the reinforcement of
soil and aggregates, often in road pavements and foundation reinforcement projects.
The SS geogrids are stiff grids with integral junctions and are oriented in two
directions with the resulting ribs having a high degree of molecular orientation and
hence high strength. As seen, the SS geogrids have an approximately rectangular
cross section with sharp corners. Tensar produce a range of SS grids with different
strengths and aperture sizes. The Specifications are shown in Table 2.5

Figure 2.28 Tensar SS geogrid (Tensar International, 2001)

Chapter 2:Literature Review 52

Table 2.5 Tensar SS geogrid typical dimension (Tensar International, 2001)

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
SS20 39 39 2.2 2.4 4.1 1.1 0.8
SS30 39 39 2.3 2.8 5 2.2 1.3
SS40 33 33 2.2 2.5 5.8 2.2 1.4
SSLA 20 65 65 4.0 4.0 4.4 0.8 0.8
SSLA 30 65 65 4.0 4.0 7.0 1.7 1.5

2.6 Behaviour of Grid Reinforced Granular Layer

Oxford University carried out model footing experiments to investigate the benefit of
reinforcing a granular layer over soft clay. The test consistently demonstrated a 40%
improvement in bearing capacity. It was concluded that the interlocking mechanism
of the polymer grid resisted tensile strains preventing lateral movement of particles
in the loaded area (Milligan and Love, 1985).

Data from the test indicated that the mean angle of load spread increased from 38
degrees in the unreinforced case to more than 50 degrees with a polymer grid. It was
concluded that a reinforced granular layer can reduce construction thickness by
approximately 50% to achieve a similar stress on the subgrade.

Research carried out at the University of Waterloo, Canada, showed a 300% increase
in the number of load applications in a reinforced pavement. In their tests, asphalt
pavement sections were laid over a granular base layer. A test load of 40kN applied
via a 300mm diameter circular plate was used representing a standard 80kN design
axle. Figure 2.29 shows the test sections (Hass et al., 1988).
Chapter 2:Literature Review 53

Figure 2.29 Test section (Tensar International, 2001)

It was observed that a 200mm reinforced section sees a threefold increase in load
applications to reach a given settlement. Interestingly, the 100mm reinforced section
performed as well as the 200mm control.

The test was performed with CBRs ranging from 0.5 to 8%. This validates the results
over a range of subgrade conditions.

In the mid 1980s, the United Kingdoms Transport and Road Research Laboratory
(TRRL - now known as TRL) investigated the effect of polymer grid reinforcement
on rut depth. Comparable findings to those of the University of Waterloo were
obtained. Geogrid reinforcement for a given sub-base thickness carried 3.5 times
more traffic.

TRL (Chaddock et al., 1998) concluded that effective interlock is achieved with
minimal geogrid deformation and that tensile strains within the subgrade are reduced.
They added that there is reduced lateral particle movement and that rut depth is
reduced for a similar pavement life.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 54

Chan (1990) did a series of full-scale experiments to investigate the influence of

geosynthetics on the permanent deformation characteristics of granular bases in a
pavement. In his experiments, he considered different types and stiffnesses of
geosynthetics as well as varying placement level in the granular base. He concluded

1) the permanent deformation resistance of most geosynthetic-reinforced

granular bases was improved,

2) the improvement level depends largely on the quality and thickness of

the granular base as well as the location of the geosynthetic within the base.

For weak granular bases, e.g. low elastic stiffness, such as those constructed of sand
and gravel, a significant improvement in permanent deformation resistance was
achieved with the introduction of a polymer grid. The effect is most obvious with the
grid installed either in the middle or at the bottom of the layer. A stiffer grid also
produced better results with the large vertical deformations and high stress which
Chan applied to his granular base.

In Chans (1990) account, there is minimal benefit if the geosynthetic is placed too
far down in the layer. In his opinion, placing geosynthetics at the middle of a base
layer not exceeding 200mm depth, gives an optimum improvement.

Chan also noted that geogrid performs better than geotexile in terms of reducing
permanent deformation, even where it has a lower stiffness. He attributed this to the
interlocking effect of the geogrid.

Chan (1990) concluded in his thesis that geosynthetics have proven to be effective in
reducing the permanent deformation of granular bases. He added that their use in
heavily loaded pavements should be particularly beneficial and will greatly reduce
the maintenance frequency compared to an unreinforced pavement.

Hughes (1986) performed a series of full-scale experiments to investigate the effect

of polymer grid reinforcement on asphalt pavements. Two pilot scaled pavements
Chapter 2:Literature Review 55

were constructed and a large shear box test was developed to examine the effect of
grid reinforcement at the asphalt interface.

From his results, he concluded that there was an approximate 3-fold decrease in
permanent deformation rate when a grid is present. He added that to inhibit
permanent deformation, the grid should be ideally located at the region of maximum
shear strain in the bituminous layer or in the lower layers of the structures which
were susceptible to deformation e.g. at the base of the asphalt layer.

In the mid 1990s, German Rail Authorities investigated the effect of polymer grid
reinforcement on a railway track between Hochstadt and Probstzella. Geogrid
reinforcement was carried out on a poor subgrade. Plate test results showed that a
reinforced 400mm ballast layer performed as well as a 600mm unreinforced layer. It
was added that the stiffness of both 400mm and 600mm reinforced layers increased
by a factor of two compared to corresponding unreinforced layers (Tensar, 2001b)

Figures 2.30 and 2.31 show the installation of the polymer grid as well as the
increase in modulus of deformation from the German investigations.

Figure 2.30 Installation of polymer grid (Tensar International, 2001b)

Chapter 2:Literature Review 56

Figure 2.31 Improved track performance (Tensar International, 2001b)

Tensar (2001b) published in their report a case study of European Corridor No. 4, the
Prague to Vienna line. In their report, Tensar SS40 geogrid increased the bearing
capacity from 8-10MPa to 50-60MPa. A 40% reduction in sub-base thickness was
also recorded.

Raymond (2001) studied the behaviour of reinforced ballast subjected to repeated

loading. He studied the performance of a thin layer of granular material, reinforced
and unreinforced, when acting as a foundation material under repeated loading. A
schematic layout of his test is shown in Figure 2.32. Compressibility of the subgrade
was varied through the use of rubber layers.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 57

Figure 2.32 Schematic of test equipment (Raymond, 2001)

Raymond (2001) concluded that grid reinforcement reduces plastic settlement by 13-
30%. He noted that a bigger improvement was observed when the foundation was
weak. He later deduced that the inclusion of a geogrid on railway trackbed can
extend the existing 3 months maintenance cycle to a cycle of over 3 years.

It must be remembered that Raymonds (2001) experiment was a scaled down

version of an actual track and included small aggregate sizes. The geogrid used is
thought to have been relatively larger than it should relative to the size of particle
used. Hence, the results may not be realistic though the findings are consistent
compared with the rest of the literature.

British Rail Research (BRR) conducted a full-scale test (Figure 2.33) showing the
behaviour of reinforced granular material in rail track. The configuration of SS35
Tensar Geogrid, used in the tests, is as shown in Figure 2.34.
Chapter 2:Literature Review 58

Figure 2.33 BRRs rolling load rig (Matharu, 1994)

Figure 2.34 Detail of grid and placement (Matharu, 1994)

The test track was divided into reinforced and unreinforced zones. Tamping was
done before the test. A simulated 2 million gross tonnes provided traffic loading.
Figure 2.35 shows the elastic deflection of a sample sleeper. BRR report results of
an approximate reduction of 40% in elastic deflection in the geogrid-reinforced track.
Figure 2.36 shows the settlements by comparing initial lift (lift at the position of the
Chapter 2:Literature Review 59

sleeper due to the tamping procedure) during tamping to the residual (or remaining)
lift after trafficking.

Test 3

Test 1

Figure 2.35 Deflection Influence Lines (Matharu, 1994)

Test 2

Without soft
No Settlements

Test 1
Test 3

Figure 2.36 Initial Vs Residual Lift (Matharu, 1994)

Chapter 2:Literature Review 60

BRR reported that for a typical lift of 35mm, a track laid on soft subgrade will have a
residual lift of only 5mm after 2MGT of traffic compared to 21mm on a stiff
subgrade. BRR reported a residual lift of 16mm for a reinforced granular layer on
soft subgrade.

BRR concluded that a soft subgrade has a detrimental effect on track durability and
geogrid reinforcement provides improvements.

2.7 Summary

The literature review presented in this chapter provided understanding and

appreciation of how a conventional rail track functions with added focus on the
ballast material. The ballast specifications and its typical characteristics were
discussed and with the track forces on the material expounded upon.

The review also indicated good understanding on the subject regarding the resilient
and permanent behaviour of granular material. Effect of stress, moisture content,
stress history and number of load cycles were among others reported to affect the
behaviour of granular material.

A number of track settlement models were quoted though no developed model at

present is capable of describing comprehensively the settlement behaviour of the rail

The reinforcing principle of polymer grids was discussed and experimental results of
the grid reinforced granular layer suggested improved permanent deformation
resistance. However, the fundamental characteristics of grid/aggregate interaction
have not been researched at a detailed level since the early work associated with
Tensar geogrids started in the early 1980s. The understanding of the basic
mechanism governing the reinforcing action of the geogrid or how geogrid
reinforcement can be designed into rail track structures for different situation is still
Chapter 2:Literature Review 61

The remainder of this thesis examines the use of element tests, the full scale Railway
Test Facility (RTF), field trials as well as a theoretical analysis to gain insight into
the optimisation of grid reinforcement and to produce a design guide for reinforced
track designers.
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 62


3.1 Discrete Element Modelling using PFC3D

The discrete element method developed by Cundall and Strack (1979) was used in
the modelling of grid/ballast interaction using the computer code PFC3D developed
by ITASCA. The objective of this computational work was to gain an understanding
of the micro-mechanics of ballast-geogrid interaction which complemented
experimental work. Discrete Element Modelling (DEM) work in this project was
performed by Research Fellow Dr Ouahid Harrireche.

Due to the strongly discontinuous nature of railway ballast, the DEM approach is
ideally suited. In this method, contact laws, in terms of stiffness, strength and friction
coefficient etc, can be defined to an individual sphere or agglomerate (combination
of spheres, overlapped if necessary).

Figure 3.1 shows a PFC model of a simulated triaxial cell set up by Harrireche to
develop and calibrate a suitable model for railway ballast particles. The triaxial cell
had dimensions of 300mm diameter x 600mm height. An octagonal prism was
chosen to approximate the cylindrical shape of the cell.

The key steps in his triaxial modelling were:

An assembly of virtual spheres (or clusters of spheres), with a slightly larger

than targeted porosity under confinement, was generated within the simulated
triaxial cell. Virtual spheres (or clusters) were generated at random without
overlapping. For this process to be completed in a reasonable number of
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 63

trials, the virtual spheres (or clusters) were generated at half their final
diameter (20mm rather than 40mm)

The virtual spheres (or clusters) were then expanded to their true size and the
system cycled to equilibrium. To minimise computational time, walls and
particles were frictionless at this stage. Walls remain frictionless during the
whole triaxial simulation.

Simulated lateral walls were then moved away at a low rate along their
normal axes to achieve an initial state free of internal forces.

The required confining pressure was applied using a simulated numerical

servo-control of the wall motion. Friction between particles was maintained
artificially low in order to match the packing achieved in practice.

The modelled test, with an appropriate level of inter-particle friction, was

simulated by the steady lowering of the top platen while the motion of the
simulated frictionless walls maintained the confining stress.

A series of theoretical test simulations were made to develop the most suitable
ballast model. Harrireche experimented with various starting densities due to the
difference in the shape of the idealised particles from those in reality. The best
match to the laboratory experimental data reported by Indraratna et al (1998) was
achieved with a relatively loose packing and a porosity of 0.44.

Harrireche then tried to vary the value of the inter-particle friction, , from 0.6
1.5. The 0.6 value is an approximate value determined by laboratory
measurements (see Section 3.3) and derived based on F = R where F is the peak
shear force and is the coefficient of inter-particle friction while R is the normal
reaction force. This was done in an attempt to match measured triaxial data from
Indraratna et al (1998) without having to use clusters. However, as shown in
Figure 3.2, the axial stress-strain results indicated that the predicted peak stress,
even at a coefficient of 1.5, was well short of that measured (just over 1.2MPa in
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 64

this test). The volumetric behaviour was becoming unrealistic as well; hence, he
decided to progress with the use of clusters as shown in Figure 3.3. He found the
most effective cluster to be an eight sphere cubic packing with partial overlap.

Figure 3.1 PFC model of triaxial cell

Deviator stress / kPa

0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15
Axial strain

Figure 3.2 Effect of Inter-Particle friction on Ballast Modelling

Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 65

Figure 3.3 PFC model for triaxial test (a) assembly of cubic
clusters in triaxial cell (b) cubic cluster used in model

The geogrid was modelled using spherical paricles bonded by contact and
parallel bonds. Figure 3.4 shows a model of the Tensar SSLA 20 grid (refer to
Table 2.5 for grid size). A single simulated rib test in simple tension provided a
calibration for the micro-properties of the contact and parallel bonds. For the
SSLA 20 geogrid, the micro-mechanical parameters were calibrated to provide a
single rib failure force of 1.1kN at a failure strain of 11%.

Figure 3.4 Geogrid model

Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 66

3.2 Pull Out Test

Polymer geogrid utilises the interlocking effects of soil particles with the ribs
forming its aperture to achieve the reinforcing effect. Traditionally, the interaction
between reinforcement and fill is investigated experimentally through the use of a
modified direct shear box test or a pull-out test. For this project, due to the particle
size, a pull-out test was chosen. Another reason is because of the limit on computing
time for a larger test configuration (DEM model). The pull-out test performed
provided comparative data for the computational modelling element of the project as
well as a basic understanding of grid/ballast interaction. The pull-out test however, is
not designed to be a representation of the field condition.

3.2.1 Test Procedures

Tests were carried out in a wooden box measuring 300mm long x 200mm wide x
400mm deep. The box was filled with ballast with the geogrid placed at mid-depth
protruding out of the box through a slot in one end of the box. The ballast used was
from Glensanda quarry, measuring approximately 31.5 to 50mm. The granite stone
comprises mainly plagioclase (35%), quartz (30%) and alkali feldspar (20%).
Physical properties relating to particle shape are quoted in Lim (2004) with his
results presented in Table 3.1. The particle shape shown in Table 3.1 is presented
according to RT/CE/S006, Issue 3 (2000) and BS EN 123450 (2003). The same type
of ballast was used throughout the tests performed in this project. The Glensanda
ballast can be generally described as uniformly graded crushed hard stone which is
durable, angular, equidimensional in shape and is relatively non flaky. The grading
curve of the ballast is shown in Figure 3.5.

Table 3.1 Particle shape according to RT/CE/S/006, Issue 3:2000 and BS EN 13450:
2002 (Modified from Lim, 2004)
Ballast RT/CE/S006 BS EN 13450
Flakiness Elongation Flakiness Length Index
Index Index Index
Glensanda 5 20 7 1
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 67



Percentage passing







10 Particle size (mm) 100

Grading limit Grading limit Glensanda Ballast

Figure 3.5 Grading curve of ballast used in the project

(Grading limit from TR/CE/S006, Issue 3:2000)

The width of the box was chosen to allow at least 2 geogrid apertures to fit across (in
the case of Tensar SSLA 20 geogrid) to mimic the effective interlock between
apertures and ballast particles. Figure 3.6 shows the principle of the pull-out test.

The test was performed with the grid being pulled horizontally at an approximately
constant rate and the resulting force measured. The geogrid was secured by a clamp
connected to a hand jack actuator which was mounted to a loading frame to provide
the pulling force. A dial gauge was set up against the clamp to measure regular
displacement intervals of 1mm over a stretch of 40mm. A vertical actuator, as seen in
Figure 3.7, provided vertical stress to the ballast particles. The vertical actuator
transmitted loading over a steel plate on the top of the ballast particles. Following
early trials, the effective grid area was set at 130mm x 140mm commencing 170mm
from the opened slot of the box.

A plastic membrane was used to cover the aperture through the opening of the slot to
prevent trapping of the ballast particles between the ribs and the wall of the box.
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 68

Figure 3.6 Pull-out Test arrangements

Figure 3.7 Schematic diagram of Pull-out Test

The applied vertical stress ranged from 0kPa to a maximum of 25kPa. It must be
noted vertical load does not include the self weight of the ballast material measured
at 20kg, contributing 3.3kPa in vertical stress. The force required to pull the geogrid
was measured at every 1mm displacement interval. Tests were continued to
displacements of 40mm. Tensar 20-65 (SSLA20), 30-65 (SSLA 30) and 40-32
(SS40) geogrids were tested. The grid is referenced in terms of its nominal tensile
strength (kN/m) and aperture size (mm), e.g. 20-65 indicates a tensile strength of
20kN/m and aperture size of 65mm (refer to Table 4.1).
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 69

3.2.2 Results

The initial plan was to have 3 repeat tests at 0kN, 0.5kN, 1kN, 1.5kN vertical loads
for the three grid types. However, it was observed that at higher vertical loads of 1kN
upwards, there was permanent deformation at the ribs of the test grids. As the test
was designed to investigate the interlocking effect between ballast and grid but not
the tensile strength of the ribs, it was decided that the test should proceed at the lower
vertical stress of 11.6kPa (0.5kN load + overburden). The overburdened stress in the
railway track bed of 300mm thick ballast equates to approximately 7kPa. The stress
achieved in the Pull-out Test equates to the overburdened stress at 500mm depth in
the railway track bed.

Figures 3.8 to 3.13 compare the replicate test results of the pull-out tests conducted
with 20-65, 30-65 and 40-32 Tensar grids with vertical loads of 0kN and 0.5kN. The
detail of the Aperture to Grid Ratio (A/B) was also included. Size of ballast was
taken to be at 40mm. Good agreement was observed in all the replicate tests. The
jagged natures of the plots illustrate intermittent slippages in the interlock within the
geogrid during straining of the system. Figures 3.9 and 3.10 compare the results of
the pull-out test with two geogrids with tensile strength of 20 and 30kN/m
respectively. Both the grids have an aperture size of 65mm and were subjected to no
vertical stress. The results indicate an increase in the maximum pull-out force due to
the difference in rib profile (30-65 grid has a thicker rib compared to the 20-65 grid)
and to a smaller extent, higher stiffness resulting from the increased thickness of the

However, comparing Figures 3.8 and 3.9, it is evident that the 20-65 grid induced a
higher average interlock with the ballast particles than the 40-32 grid and a
significantly higher peak force. This indicated the importance of aperture size over
tensile strength or thicker rib profile of grid. Figures 3.11 to 3.13 show the same
trend and reinforce the observations from the previous set of figures.
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 70



Horizontal Loading (kN)






0 10 20 30 40 50
Deflection (mm)

Figure 3.8 Pull-out Test results for 40-32 grid under 0kN vertical load (A/B: 0.8)


Horizontal Loading (kN)






0 10 20 30 40 50
Deflection (mm)

Figure 3.9 Pull-out Test results for 20-65 grid under 0kN vertical load (A/B: 1.6)


Horizontal Loading (kN)






0 10 20 30 40 50
Deflection (mm)

Figure 3.10 Pull-out Test results for 30-65 grid under 0kN vertical load (A/B: 1.6)
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 71



Horizontal Load



0 10 20 30 40 50
Deflection (mm)

Figure 3.11 Pull-out Test results for 40-32 grid under 0.5kN vertical load
(A/B: 0.8)


Horizontal Loading (kN)






0 10 20 30 40 50
Deflection (mm)

Figure 3.12 Pull-out Test results for 20-65 grid under 0.5kN vertical load
(A/B: 1.6)


Horizontal Loading (kN)






0 10 20 30 40 50
Deflection (mm)

Figure 3.13 Pull-out Test results for 30-65 grid under 0.5kN vertical load
(A/B: 1.6)
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 72

3.2.3 Discussion

The primary purpose of the pull-out test was to provide comparative data for the
computational model performed using PFC3D. The strength of the pull-out test is the
relatively quick turnover of tests and the figures illustrate a good repeatability of
results. The jagged nature of the plots illustrates the stick/slip nature of ballast
particle movement.

The inclusion of a plastic membrane covering the grid close to the opening slot of the
box was observed to have greatly improved the reliability and repeatability of the

The tests have provided valuable data for the verification and validation of the
computational model discussed in Section 3.1.

Valuable information regarding grid/ballast interaction has been obtained. From

Figures 3.9 and 3.10, it is evident that thicker ribs giving better ballast confinement,
results in better grid/ballast interlock. Comparing Figure 3.8 and 3.10, it can be seen
that 65mm aperture outperforms the 32mm aperture. This is consistent with Jewell et
als (1985) observation where they claimed that the relative size of soil particles to
grid aperture size has a direct influence on the sliding resistance or interlock. In fact,
the importance of the ratio of geogrid aperture size to particle diameter outweighs
that of tensile strength or thickness of grid as illustrated by the comparison of Figures
3.8 and 3.9 as well as Figures 3.11 and 3.12. When there is good interaction between
the aggregate and the grid where the aperture size is considerably larger than the
particle size, then the greater stiffness geogrid leads to a peak strength at a lower
deflection. On the other hand, based on stiffness alone, isnt of so much benefit if
there isnt a good interaction between aggregate and grid (compare Figures 3.8 to
3.10 and Figures 3.11 to 3.13).

Boundary conditions remain a problem in this set-up. The test should ideally be
conducted in a bigger box. This would eliminate or reduce the friction caused by the
boundary. It would also further improve the reliability of results with more apertures
being tested.
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 73

The usefulness of the test could be extended by the introduction of a controlled test.
The control test would investigate the effect of a dead weight on a geotexile or a
material with a similar surface friction to that of the Tensar grids. The geotexile
would be pulled horizontally at an approximate constant rate and the required force
measured. This would provide good comparative data and will isolate the
interlocking effect of grid/ballast.

3.3 Particle Friction Test

The aim of this test is to obtain the frictional properties of ballast particles to quantify
one of the input parameters for computational modelling. In this test, two relatively
flat-faced ballast particles from Glensanda quarry were set in epoxy mortar in the
upper and lower halves of a shear box test apparatus. Various normal loads were
applied and the horizontal force measured as shear was applied. Hence the frictional
coefficient was obtained. Figure 3.14 shows a schematic test arrangement. The
choice of test is due to its simplicity and that the test has the advantage of a quick
turn around with relatively low technology requirements.

Figure 3.14 Particle Friction Test schematic diagram

Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 74

1.4 3.3.1 Test Procedures

The test was performed with a shear box test apparatus. During shear, the sample is
horizontally displaced manually by turning a screw. Regular 1mm interval horizontal
displacements were determined with a dial gauge. The shearing force is measured
using a proving ring. The normal load is applied with the use of free weights and
applied through a weight hanger. The epoxy mortar is allowed to set overnight in an
oven. The test is typically run to a horizontal displacement of 2.3mm.

3.3.2 Test Results

The laboratory results are presented in Figures 3.15 and 3.16. Clean virgin ballast
particles were used for each test to best represents the frictional characteristics. The
shear force required to induce slip between the two particles exhibits a fluctuation
due to the unevenness of the surface of the ballast. The scatter in the experimental
data is also a function of the small numbers of particles involved.

Figure 3.17 presents the frictional measurement data plotted in the form of peak
shear force. The maximum shear force is abstracted at each level of the normal load
in the figure. Tests 1 and 2 shows good agreement and the frictional coefficient and
angle of friction are found to be approximately 0.6 and 30o respectively.

1.5 3.3.3 Discussion

A high level of consistency is obtained with the data. The initial key challenge of
modifying the shear box aperture to securely accommodate the ballast particles was
effectively resolved with the use of an epoxy mortar. The data will be fed into the
Discrete Element Modelling.
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 75

120 Load)


Horizontal Load (N)




20 225N















Displacement (mm)

Figure 3.15 Inter-particle friction measurements (Test 1)

120 Load)

Horizontal Load (N)




20 225N
















Displacement (mm)

Figure 3.16 Inter-particle friction measurements (Test 2)


Shear Force (N)


Test 1
30 Test 2

0 50 100 150 200 250
Norm al Force (N)

Figure 3.17 Friction measurement data plotted in the form of peak shear force
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 76

1.6 3.4 Geogrid Stiffness Test

A grid stiffness test was developed to determine the stiffness value of the Tensar
65mm aperture grid range. The geogrid stiffness test results will help explain and
better understand some of the Composite Element Test (CET) results discussed in
Chapter 4 of this thesis.

1.7 3.4.1 Test Procedures

Tensile stiffness tests were performed in an Instron servo-controlled hydraulic test

machine. The test arrangement is shown in Figure 3.18. Special clamps, as shown in
Figure 3.19, had been designed and supplied by Tensar International. The clamps,
shown in Figure 3.20, are adapted to fit the hydraulic jaws of the Instron and at the
same time securing the geogrid at the nodes.

Four Tensar 65mm aperture grid range samples were tested, each approximately
325mm long (5 apertures) by 195mm wide (3 apertures). Each grid was subjected to
cyclic loading and deformation was measured using the displacement transducer
attached to the main Instron actuator. After several trials, the peak tensile load was
selected as 1kN, as any load above it will cause the polymer grid to deform
elastically. This represents less than 10% of the strength of all grids tested. The
frequency of the test was set at 3Hz. The reason for the chosen frequency was that it
was similar to the frequency performed in the Railway Test Facility (RTF) (see
Chapter 5). In the experiment, a static load of approximately 0.2kN was applied
initially to hold the grid in position before a further 1kN was applied. Upon reaching
the designated load, cyclic loading of 0.2kN at 3Hz was applied up to 100 cycles.

The rib profiles of the 30-65 and 45-65 grid are shown in Figure 3.20
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 77

Figure 3.18 Geogrid stiffness test arrangements in Instron

Figure 3.19 Clamp grip details for Grid Stiffness Test

Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 78





Figure 3.20 Rib cross sections for 30-65 and 45-65 grids
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 79

3.4.2 Test Results

A total of 4 grids namely the 15-65, 20-65, 30-65 and 45-65 grid, were tested. The
stiffness was calculated by dividing the peak to peak load by the peak to peak strain.
The graphical representation of the test results plots the tensile load (kN) and
extension (mm) against the number of cycles. A typical output is illustrated in Figure
3.21 and Figure 3.22 shows the relationship between the measured stiffness and
nominal tensile strength for the four 65mm aperture grids tested.

It can be seen from the results (Figure 3.22) that the relationship between measured
stiffness and strength of the grid is not linear and that there is very little difference in
stiffness between the 30-65 and 45-65 grid.

1.4 1.0

Extension (mm)
Load (kN)

0.4 0.3
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40
No of seconds
Load Extension

Figure 3.21 Typical output from Grid Stiffness Test

Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 80


30-65 45-65
Stiffness (kN/m)





0 10 20 30 40 50
Nominal Tensile Strength (kN/m)

Figure 3.22 Relationship between tensile stiffness and strength for indicated grids

3.4.3 Discussion

The results from the Grid Stiffness Test showed the non-linear relationship between
the strength and the stiffness of the grid. This information would be useful in the
analysis of results from the CET tests.

It can also be seen from the results that the there is very little difference in stiffness
between the 30-65 and 45-65 grid. However, as shown in Figure 3.20, there are
significant differences in the cross sectional rib profiles of the two grids. This is
likely to be one of the key parameters that contribute to any potential differences in
the reinforcing quality of the grid.
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 81

3.5 Comparison with DEM

The DEM simulations of the ballast and grid described earlier were used in
combination as shown in Figures 3.23 and 3.24. The DEM simulations, performed by
Harrireche, replicate the dimensions of the pull-out box as well as grid aperture size.
In Harrireches pull-out model, the main features are:

Creation of two separate samples of ballast above and below grid location.
An eight-sphere cluster was used and the particles were randomly orientated
as in the triaxial simulation. The sample plus grid was allowed to iterate
towards equilibrium before the start of the test.

Vertical stress was provided by the self weight of an artificially dense upper
layer of spheres (shown in Figure 3.17). Penetration to the underlying ballast
was prevented by the larger sized top layer spheres.

A pull-out rate of 0.001mm/timestep was prescribed for the right end of the
grid. Simulation was terminated at a total pull-out displacement of 60mm.

During simulation, the pull-out force, the axial deformation of the central ribs and the
aggregate porosity were recorded. Harrireche repeated the simulation with 0kN,
0.5kN and 1.5kN confining load.

Figure 3.25 shows a comparison between 3 sets of experimental data for 20-65 grid
with 11.6kPa (0.5kN surcharge plus self weight of ballast above grid level) vertical
stress at the level of the grid. Figure 3.25 includes a simulation with grid stiffness
multiplied by three but with geometry unchanged. The match between computed and
measured resistance to pull-out is reasonably close. The reduced scatter shown by the
simulated results is probably due to the lack of variability between particles.

It is interesting to note from Figure 3.25 that the effect of having a grid 3 times stiffer
is not to increase the pull out force but to reduce the displacement necessary to
activate that force.
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 82

Figure 3.26 shows the effect of increased grid thickness. The standard simulation
grid is modelled based on the 20-65 grid. The experimental grid with twice the
thickness of the standard grid represented the 30-65 grid. Again, it can be seen that
the DEM results compare well with experimental data. Increased maximum pull-out
force is accompanied by increased grid stiffness.

Harrireches DEM model revealed another interesting observation. He investigated

the effect of the ratio of geogrid aperture size to particle diameter (d=40mm). He
performed the pull-out test under a surcharge of 0.5kN for values of aperture size
ratio to particle diameter of 1.6, 1.4, 1.1 and 0.9 (denoted ratio in Figure 3.27).

From Figure 3.27, as the ratio was decreased from 1.6 to 1.4, the peak resistance was
mobilised at a much smaller displacement, though with little change to the peak
force. As observed from the figure, with a reduced aperture/particle size ratio of 1.1,
the peak resistance was similar to that with ratio 1.6 though it was mobilised at a
smaller displacement. This is due to the effect of a stiffer rib which was thicker for
the smaller aperture grid. However, the improvement of pull-out force mobilisation
is only possible if the aperture size is big enough to induce effective ballast-geogrid
interlock. A further reduction of size ratio to 0.9 gave an inferior pull-out resistance
due to poor interlock.

It is interesting to note the relationship between the ballast particle size grading and
the 65mm grid as shown in Figure 3.28. From the figure, it can be seen that the
aperture size is slightly greater than the maximum particle size.

Harrireches simulation on size ratio agrees well with the experimental work in
which it was concluded that the 65mm aperture grid induces a better interlock than
the 32mm aperture. The thickness of grid, as concluded in Section 3.2.2 is also an
important factor in the optimisation of grid interlock as shown by the DEM
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 83

Figure 3.23 Simulation of a Pull-Out Test

Figure 3.24 Geogrid deformation predicted in Pull-Out Test

Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 84

Figure 3.25 Comparison of DEM with laboratory results under 0.5kN surcharge

Figure 3.26 Effect of thickness in pull-out test simulation under 0.5kN surcharge

ratio = 1.6
ratio = 1.4
1 ratio = 1.1
ratio = 0.9
Force / kN


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Displacement / mm

Figure 3.27 Effect of aperture size in pull-out test simulation under 0.5kN surcharge
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 85



Percentage passing








10 100
Particle size (mm) Grid aperture size

Figure 3.28 Optimum grid aperture size relative to ballast grading

3.6 Summary

The aim of the series of element tests described in this chapter was to provide data
and information to assist the DEM modelling work performed by Harrireche.

A series of Particle Tests using a modified shear box test were performed to obtain
the frictional properties of ballast particles to quantify one of the input parameters for
computational modelling. A pull-out test was also developed to quantify the pull-out
resistance of various grid types, as input data to the DEM simulation.

The results obtained from the Particle Test were fairly consistent with the literature
with a frictional coefficient of 0.6. Results from the pull-out test were reasonably
repeatable. Grid aperture and stiffness in terms of rib thickness were found to be the
two critical criteria as proven in both laboratory (pull-out) tests and DEM simulation
Chapter 3:Grid/Ballast Interaction 86

The understanding of grid/ballast interlock gained from the work in this chapter
helped in the planning of laboratory work for the Composite Element Test (CET)
which will be presented in Chapter 4.

The understanding of the non-linear relationship between grid strength and grid
stiffness would help in the validation of the results presented in the CET

An initial plan to model the CET using DEM was terminated due to the large number
of clusters required to model the CET and the long computational time was found to
be impractical.
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 87


4.1 Introduction

This component of the project was designed to allow a relatively large number of
simplified full scale tests to be carried out within a reasonable time frame. The aim
was to investigate the various design variables (e.g. geogrid geometric properties,
subgrade stiffness and geogrid location within a reinforced ballast and sub-ballast
composite). The Composite Element Test (CET) provided an approximate simulation
of the situation beneath a sleeper in a simplified format. The test provided
meaningful direct data on the comparative performance of a reinforced and
unreinforced composite and with grids of different characteristics. The intend was to
use the CET to gather many more results which wouldnt be possible in the more
refined but time consuming Railway Test Facility (RTF) which is a better
representation of real railway track

The initial test was carried out in a trough-like enclosure with plan dimensions of
1.4m length x 0.7m width. This was to accommodate Tensar Internationals
prototype grid size. The walls of the trough were made of wood with a covering of
steel sheet to reduce friction. Subgrade stiffness variation was achieved through the
use of rubber sheets. The rubber was overlain by a 50mm layer of graded 10mm
maximum sized crushed stone sub-ballast. A 250mm thick ballast layer (from base of
steel beam to geogrid) was placed above the sub-ballast for all tests. The reason
being a minimum clearance depth of 200mm is required on a railway track for
maintenance activities e.g. tamping. The ballast stone used in the CET was
Glensanda ballast (see 3.2.1) and to ensure repeatability and validity of results, the
same type of ballast was used throughout all the tests in this thesis. The test
arrangement is as seen in Figures 4.1 and 4.2.
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 88

Hydraulic Actuator
Graded material as
Load Cell
Loading subgrade
Grid when



Figure 4.1 Section of CET

Figure 4.2 CET test arrangements

Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 89

4.2 Test Procedures

In order to vary subgrade stiffness, 14mm thick sheets of shot-blast rubber were
used. Tests were performed with two distinct subgrade conditions, namely stiff (with
a single sheet of rubber) and soft (with three sheets of rubber). The shot-blast rubber
has a shore hardness of 40/45 ShA (Tennant Rubber, 2002). Figure 4.3 and 4.4 show
the details of the rubber subgrade. Figure 4.4 also shows the smooth steel plate
surface of the trough wall, which was used to reduce friction with the ballast particles
to allow more freedom for ballast movement.

Cyclic loading at 2 Hz was provided by the servo-hydraulic actuator which is capable

of exerting a 50kN load. However, as the frame was not bolted to a strong floor, the
facility provided an approximate safe working load of 30kN. A load of 20kN was
selected for all CET set-ups. Loading was applied through a rectangular hollow steel
beam which measures 0.7m long by 0.25m wide. This gives a stress of 114kPa
beneath the beam which is approximately half of the maximum expected on an actual
track. This is considered reasonable since the unsupported sloping ballast face gives
a weaker structure than an actual track. Also, the role of the CET is not direct track
simulation but an element test to assess the effects of the key variables. After initial
experimentation, standard test duration of 30,000 cycles was adopted. This allows a
relatively quick turn-around of tests and comparison of data with different variables.

Figure 4.3 Very soft subgrade conditions in CET

Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 90

Figure 4.4 Rubber subgrade in CET

Vertical deformation was measured by means of Linear Variable Differential

Transformers (LVDTs) placed either side of the loading ram on the upper side of the
steel beam. This arrangement allowed compensation for the inevitable uneven
settlement caused by the random packing nature of the ballast particles. The load cell
measured vertical load. Load and deflection data was recorded from the control
system and signal conditioning equipment as shown in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.5 Control system for CET

Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 91

In order to ensure repeatability and validity of comparable data, the same

experimental sequence was maintained for the various test configurations discussed
later in this section. The same volume of ballast was utilised and the compaction and
profile of the slope was achieved by applying the same amount of vibration
(compaction) to the ballast surface through the use of an electrical vibro-tamper.
Before the placement of the loading beam, the same duration of compaction (1
minute on each side slope) was applied to the ballast surface to ensure even
distribution of load to the ballast layer which in turn enhanced consistency. The
angle of the slope was controlled by maintaining alignment with markings on the
wall of the trough. A spirit level was used to ensure that there was minimum tilting
on the loading beam.

In order to provide a consistent reference for the large number of grids tested in the
CET, the nomenclature shown in Table 4.1 was adopted. The grids were referenced
according to their nominal tensile strength (kN/m) and aperture size (mm) (e.g. a 20-
65 grid will have a nominal tensile strength of 20kN/m and an aperture size of

Table 4.1 Grid nomenclature and characteristics

Manufacturer New Aperture Manufacturer Quoted Grid
ID ID Size (mm) Tensile Strength (kN/m) Weight
Machine Direction Transverse
SSLA 10 15-65 65 17.1 17.3 146
SSLA 20 20-65 65 20 20 220
SSLA 30 30-65 65 30 30 330
SSLA 40 45-65 65 46.1 46.8 414
SS20 20-38 38 20 20 220
SS40 40-32 32 40 40 530
NG 30 (100) 30-100 100 20.6 29.6 246
NG 90 25-90 90 27.4 27.2 220
BIAX 25 25-50 50 25.2 25.8 134
BIAX 47 45-50 50 45.5 47.3 237

In the first phase of the CET tests, two subgrade conditions were simulated,
approximately equivalent to half spaces of stiffness 30MPa and 90MPa using three
and one sheets of rubber respectively. The stiffness was defined using the conversion
sheet provided by Tennant (2001). An unreinforced control test was performed under
both subgrade conditions. 15-65, 20-65, 30-65 and 40-32 grids were also
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 92

subsequently tested. The grid sat on a single layer of ballast as shown in Figure 4.6.
Resilient load-deflection responses were recorded at 100; 1000; 3000; 10,000;
30,000 cycles.

Figure 4.6 Grid sitting on a single layer of ballast (CET)

One potential problem with using the same batch of ballast for consistency is the loss
of particle angularity. The used ballast, after five rounds of testing, was replaced with
a new batch with approximately the same volume (1/2 of a one tonne ballast bag).
Repeat tests were performed to ensure the validity of previous results.

The next stage of the CET testing saw the introduction of a higher overburden
pressure by adding additional ballast over the sloping ends of the test elements. The
purpose of this arrangement was to investigate the performance of selected grids
under higher normal loads more closely representing in-situ conditions. This
modification involved sealing the ends of the trough with wooden boards as shown in
Figure 4.7. The end boards were securely fastened to the floor bolts to minimise any
lateral movement exerted by the ballast during loading. Figure 4.8 shows the
schematic diagram of the overburdened CET.
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 93

After several rounds of testing, it was decided that to better compare the effects of
reinforced and unreinforced composite, a soft subgrade (e.g. 3 sheets of rubber)
configuration was to be used for all the remaining tests.

Figure 4.7 Overburdened CET arrangements.

Hydraulic Actuator
Graded material as
Load Cell
Loading subgrade
Grid when



Figure 4.8 Schematic diagram of Overburdened CET.
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 94

4.3 Results

Initial work on the CET was conducted to investigate the repeatability of the test.
The deformation against the number of cycles for three unreinforced tests (soft
subgrade) is shown in Figure 4.9. The total settlement was measured after 30,000
cyclic loads of 20kN at a frequency of 2Hz.

It can be seen that the 3 unreinforced CET tests demonstrated good repeatability as
all three tests yield settlement in the region of 39mm to 44mm. However, the
particulate nature of ballast could be seen in the initial stage of the test (less than 500
cycles) where there were some variations in settlement readings.

Similar control tests were performed with the stiff subgrade and the results are shown
in Figure 4.10. The repeatability of the unreinforced tests with the stiff subgrade is
once again very satisfactory and it can be observed that the random particulate nature
of the ballast is less apparent under a stiffer subgrade due to the reduced freedom of
movement. Overall the figures show that the settlement for the CET can be
reproduced and comparisons with various reinforced grid arrangements can be made
with an acceptable level of accuracy.

Table 4.2 presents the details of the CET tests achieved in this project. It can be seen
from the table that most of the test results are obtained from a mean of 2 or 3 tests.
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 95

Deformation (mm) 35
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

No of Cycles
Unreinforced Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

Figure 4.9 Repeatability of CET demonstrated by 3 control tests

(unreinforced on soft subgrade)

Deformation (mm)

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

No of Cycles
Unreinforced Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

Figure 4.10 Control tests on stiff subgrade (unreinforced)

Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 96

Table 4.2 Details of all CET tests

Grid Types New ID Aperture Support Condition/ CET CET + Overburden
Size Grid Placement
Mean Mean
No of Tests Settlement No of Tests Settlement
(mm) (mm)
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
rubber/ Grid on single 3 31.73 2 10.34
layer of ballast
SSLA 10 15-65 65
Sub ballast on 1 layer of
rubber/ Grid on single 2 9.87 - -
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
rubber/ Grid on single 3 10.25 - -
layer of ballast
SSLA 20 20-65 65
Sub ballast on 1 layer of
rubber/ Grid on single 2 7.70 - -
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
rubber/ Grid on single 3 12.12 2 7.79
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 1 layer of
SSLA 30 30-65 65 rubber/ Grid on single 2 7.90 - -
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
rubber/ Grid direct on sub 0 - 2 8.99
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
SSLA 40* 45-65 65 rubber/ Grid on single 2 23.04 2 6.08
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
SS40 40-32 32 rubber/ Grid on single 2 46.94 2 13.27
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
SS20 20-38 38 rubber/ Grid on single 2 38.03 - -
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
NG 90* 25-90 90 rubber/ Grid on single 2 27.5 - -
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
NG 100* 25-100 100 rubber/ Grid on single 2 22.34 - -
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
BIAX 47* 45-50 50 rubber/ Grid on single 2 39.80 - -
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
BIAX 25 * 25-50 50 rubber/ Grid on single 2 27.08 - -
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
rubber/ Grid on single
Double 30-65 30-65 65 layer of ballast and mid-
- - 1 8.63
depth of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
Mid-depth 30-
30-65 65 rubber/ Grid on single - - 1 8.66
65 layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
Steel Mesh - 65 rubber/ Grid on single - - 1 5.81
layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
30-65 65 rubber/ Grid on single - - 1 12.75
Geotexile layer of ballast
30-65 Sub ballast on 3 layers of
unbonded 30-65 65 rubber/ Grid direct on sub - - 1 11.42
Sub ballast on 3 layers of
30-65 65 rubber/ Grid on single - - 1 16.05
Grid layer of ballast
Sub ballast on 3 layers of 3 42.11 3 11.72
Unreinforced - - Sub ballast on 1 layer of 3 15.06 - -
Sub ballast on no rubber 3 11.55 - -

* Specially made Tensar geogrid for the purpose of this project.

Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 97

The effect of reinforcement was explored with the installation of a 20-65 grid, seated
on a single layer of ballast stones. Figure 4.11 shows the comparison of two subgrade
stiffnesses namely stiff and soft, governed by the layers of rubber utilised. The plots
are the average of three tests performed in the CET.

From Figure 4.11, there is a marked reduction in settlement with a 20-65 reinforced
composite under both subgrade conditions. The Aperture size to Ballast size (A/B) is
also shown. The improvement is most apparent in the reinforced composite with a
soft subgrade. In that case, total settlement reduces by approximately 75% (from
42mm to 10.2mm) over 30,000 cycles under a 20kN cyclic load. The results are
consistent with Hamed (1987)s observation where he stated in his report that the
benefit of reinforcement is most noticeable under soft subgrade conditions. In his
experiment, he also utilised rubber to mimic a soft subgrade. Raymond (2001)
published a similar observation.

On a stiff subgrade, the comparative reduction in ballast settlement is less at

approximately 50% (from 15.4mm to 7.7mm). From Figure 4.11, it can be seen that
the reinforced and unreinforced setup only differs at high load cycles. This is likely
to be due to the reduced rate of particle orientation; hence, it is only at high number
of load cycles that sufficient plastic strain has developed for the interlock to develop
between ballast and geogrid, resulting in reduced deformation.



Deformation (mm)






1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

No of Cycles
Unreinforced (Soft) 20-65 Reinforced (Soft)
Unreinforced (Stiff) 20-65 Reinforced (Stiff)

Figure 4.11 Effect of reinforcement on stiff and soft subgrade (A/B: 1.6)
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 98

The geogrids aperture size has a direct influence on the settlement characteristic of a
reinforced composite (see section 3.2.3). This was investigated with a series of tests
involving Tensar 40-32 and 20-65 grids. Due to the amplified improvement observed
in tests using the soft subgrade, all later CET tests were conducted using the soft
subgrade (3 rubber sheets). The results are shown in Figure 4.12, including
unreinforced case as a reference for comparison. The 20-65 grid with a relatively
larger aperture size (65mm and of medium stiffness of 20kN/m) outperformed the
stiffer 40-32 grid (32mm aperture). This is in agreement and correlates well with
Harrireches DEM results (see Section 3.5). The results also highlighted the relative
importance of aperture size compared to stiffness of the grid. One grid has either
twice the stiffness or twice the aperture size of the other.

Figure 4.13 and 4.14 illustrate the typical load deflection responses of 40-32 and 20-
65 reinforced composites recorded under very slow loading during testing.

Deformation (mm)

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
No of Cycles

40-32 grid 20-65 grid Unreinforced (Soft)

Figure 4.12 Comparison in performance of 40-32 (A/B: 0.8) and 20-65 (A/B: 1.6)
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 99

Loading at 100 cycles

Unloading at 100 cycles

Loading at 1000 cycles

Unloading at 1000 cycles

Loads (kN)

Loading at 3000 cycles

Unloading at 3000 cycles

Loading at 10000 cycles

Unloading at 10000 cycles

Loading At 30000 cycles

Unloading at 30000 cycles

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deformation (mm)

Figure 4.13 Load-deflection Hysteresis Loops 20-65 grid (A/B: 1.6); soft subgrade

Loading at 100 Cycles

Unloading at 100 Cycles

Loading at 1000 Cycles

Unloading at 1000 Cycles

Loads (kN)

Loading at 3000 Cycles

Unloading at 3000 Cycles

Loading at 10000 Cycles

Unloading at 10000 Cycles

Loading at 30000 Cycles

Unloading at 30000 Cycles

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Deformation (mm)

Figure 4.14 Load-deflection Hysteresis Loops 40-32 grid (A/B: 0.8); soft subgrade
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 100

It can be seen from Figure 4.13 that there was minimal change in the stiffness
response in the 20-65 reinforced composite. Comparatively, as observed from Figure
4.14, larger hysteresis loops were recorded for the 40-32 reinforced system and
stiffening continued during the course of the test; it was significantly less stiff than
the 20-65 reinforced system. This reinforces the belief that grid stiffness is much less
significant than geometry. A photograph taken after the test showed the inefficiency
of grid interlock in a 40-32 reinforced system as seen in Figure 4.15.

From Figure 4.15, it can be concluded that the apertures in the 40-32 grid are too
small to allow proper interlock with the ballast particles to take place. In fact,
voiding occurred and it created a shear failure plane. This effectively compromised
the composite and is deemed to be the key reason for its poorer performance where
total settlement surpassed that in an unreinforced test.

Figure 4.15 Shear failure plane in 40-32 (A/B: 0.8) reinforced CET
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 101

The aperture size effect was further investigated with the testing of more grids.
Tensar International provided a series of novel grids with a wide spectrum of
aperture sizes. The additional grids tested were 20-38, 25-90, 25-100 and 25-50, and
had similar tensile strengths (and possibly similar stiffness, see Section 3.4.2) in
order to make a comparison based on aperture size only. Again, tests were
conducted using the soft subgrade condition and the results are presented in Figure

All the grids generally reduced deformation but the variation in aperture size
produced a wide spectrum of results. There is a consistency in the data collected as
the smaller grid (20-38) performed poorly as expected. In addition, the larger grids
did not perform as well as the 20-65 grid. The relationship between aperture size and
resistance to deformation is more clearly shown on Figure 4.17, and it can be seen
that the optimal grid aperture size appears to be at around 60- 80mm.

Deformation (mm)


1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

No of Cycles
20-38 Grid 25-50 Grid 20-65 Grid 25-90 Grid 25-100 Grid Unreinf orced

Figure 4.16 Aperture size effect [20-38 (A/B: 0.95), 25-50 (A/B: 1.25),
20-65 (A/B: 1.6), 25-90 (A/B: 2.25), 25-100 (A/B: 2.5)]
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 102

Total Deformation (mm) 40
25 25-50
10 20-65
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Aperture Size (mm)

Figure 4.17 Permanent deformation after 30,000 cycles as a function of

grid aperture size (showing probable best fit line compared with Figure 2.25)

In order to quantify the optimal mechanical properties of the grid, a range of Tensar
65mm aperture grids with different stiffnesses were tested in the modified CET with
a higher vertical confining stress. The results are presented in Figure 4.18.

It can be seen from Figure 4.18 that the general level of permanent deformation was
significantly lower than in the earlier tests. The deformation after 30,000 cycles for
the unreinforced test as shown in Figure 4.16 is 42mm compared to 12mm in the
modified CET. The reason is likely to be due to the increased confinement of
particles with the additional ballast. The major difference in this overburdened
version of the test was that the level of permanent deformation consistently
decreased as the tensile strength and therefore stiffness of the grid increased. Figure
4.19 summarises all the data for both types of test and illustrates the points.

It had been observed from the earlier version of the 45-65 reinforced CET test that
there was a formation of a shear failure plane, similar to that seen in the 40-32
reinforced CET, hence the high deformation shown in Figure 4.19. This led to the
conclusion that bending stiffness of the grid plays a part in the failure plane
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 103

formation. The effect was however not seen in the overburdened CET due to the
additional normal stress. The additional overburden is likely to have increased
contact between ballast and grid resulting in better interlock even if the grid has a
high bending stiffness.



Deformation (mm)

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

No of Cycles
15-65 Grid 30-65 Grid 45-65 Grid Unreinforced

Figure 4.18 Overburdened CET test of 65mm (A/B: 1.6) aperture size grid
Permanent Deformation at 30,000 cycles (mm)

Unreinforced 15-65 30-65 45-65

Overburdened CET CET

Figure 4.19 Comparison of CET and Overburdened CET

Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 104

The data from the CET tests suggest that a 65mm aperture size and high stiffness to
strength ratio provides the most effective reinforcement. This is supported by the
results shown in Figure 4.18 where all 3 variants of the 65mm range performed better
than the unreinforced test, with the stiffest 45-65 recording the least permanent
deformation. The 45-65 clearly outperformed the less stiff 15-65, reducing final
settlement by around 50% compared to the unreinforced case.

To further investigate the effect of stiffness, a steel grid was fabricated in the
laboratory with a 65mm aperture size but with a different rib shape relative to the
Tensar grids. The steel grid (Figure 4.20) was subjected to the same test regime in an
overburdened CET test. From Figure 4.21, it is clear that the steel grid exhibited
much better performance over the initial part of the test, up to 1,000 cycles; however,
the final settlement was similar to Tensars 45-65 grid. This indicates the importance
of grid stiffness, particularly in the early stages of loading, with rib profile becoming
more prominent in the latter stages of loading at higher strains.

The rib profile effect can be derived from the results shown in Figure 3.22. The
figure shows the grid stiffness results obtained from a series of grid stiffness tests
performed using the Instron machine. It can be seen that the stiffness of the 45-65
grid (1260kN/m) was not very much higher than the 30-65 grid (1230kN/m), and the
improvement in performance is therefore likely to be due to the difference in rib
profile with 45-65s thicker rib providing a better lateral restraint (improved
interlock) of the ballast. The rib profiles are shown in Figure 3.20.

The resilient response of a variety of grids tested in the modified overburdened test
was presented in Figure 4.22. It can be observed that the resilient deflections do not
follow any distinct pattern and it is not related to the recorded deformation. It can be
concluded from the results that geogrid reinforcement has very little influence on the
stiffness of the ballast-grid composite.

Figure 4.23 shows CET results involving various installation arrangements for the
30-65 grid, the material which was regarded as the best compromise for practical use,
not least because it is a current production material. The figure shows a comparison
of the performance of the grid in its usual position at the bottom of the ballast layer
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 105

sitting on a single layer of ballast particles, versus one located at mid-depth and a
system with two layers of grid (one at the bottom and one at mid-depth). The results
showed that neither of the alternative systems were any more effective at reinforcing
the ballast. The results indicated that once effective interlock is achieved, the grid
will reinforce the whole layer as an entity to a certain depth or zone of influence.
Hence, having a grid at mid-depth or a multi layer system will not influence the
performance of the composite in terms of settlements as shown in Figure 4.23.

Figure 4.20 Steel grid (A/B: 1.6)



Deformation (mm)

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

No of Cycles
45-65 Grid Unreinfo rced (So ft Subgrade) Steel Grid

Figure 4.21 Effect of grid stiffness on settlement

Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 106


Resilient Deflection (mm) 0.8




100 1000 3000 10000 30000

Number of Load Cycles

Unreinfo rced 10-65 30-65 45-65 Do uble 30-65 Steel 40-32

Figure 4.22 Resilient responses of grids in Overburdened CET



Deformation (mm)

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

No of Cycles
Unreinfo rced 30-65 30-65 at mid-depth do uble 30-65

Figure 4.23 Effects of two grid layers and installation depth

Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 107

The performance of a geo-composite, geogrid heat bonded to a non-woven geotexile

separator (Figure 4.24) was investigated. Figure 4.25 shows the comparison in
performance between the geo-composite and the same geogrid (30-65) without the
geotexile. Both the geo-composite and 30-65 grid sits direct on the subgrade material
. As seen in the figure, the composite failed to improve the system and its
performance was equivalent to the unreinforced system, whereas the 30-65 grid
becomes effective after 3,000 cycles. This is likely to be due to the ineffective
interlock between the ballast particles and the grid. The presence of the geotexile
may have inhibited the penetration of the particles into the grid apertures. The
comparison is made with a 30-65 grid positioned directly over the graded material in
the same arrangement as shown in Figure 4.24.

To further investigate the effect of subdued grid/ballast interlock due to the

presence of a geotexile, a 30-65 unbonded geotexile was tested in the modified CET.
The results were compared with the unreinforced and 30-65 grid findings and are
presented in Figure 4.26. From the figure, it can be confirmed that the presence of
geotexile does inhibit effective interlock between the grid and ballast. In this case,
the 30-65 grid was not heat bonded to the geotexile yet the performance was
equivalent to that of the unreinforced.

Figure 4.24 Geo-composite tested in CET

Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 108



Deformation (mm)

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

No of Cycles
Unreinfo rced 30-65 30-65 Geo -co mpo site

Figure 4.25 Performance of unreinforced, 30-65 grid reinforced and 30-65 grid +
bonded geotexile reinforced


Deformation (mm)


1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

No of Cycles
Unreinfo rced 30-65 Grid direct o n subgrade 30-65 with unbo nded geo texile (o n subgrade)

Figure 4.26 Performance of unreinforced, 30-65 grid with unbonded geosynthetic,

30-65 bonded geosynthetic
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 109

The importance of junction strength was investigated using a Tensar specially

produced grid. The grid (Figure 4.27) has the same rib stiffness as a 30-65 but with a
different cross-sectional profile. The ribs were heat bonded resulting in negligible
junction strength. The grid was subjected to the same test regime as a standard 30-65
grid and the performance in the CET is compared in Figure 4.28.

From the graph, it is evident that the weak-junctioned grid performed poorly
compared with both the 30-65 grid and the unreinforced cases. To achieve effective
reinforcement, the ribs have to resist lateral stress exerted by the ballast particles; the
reduced junction strength compromised effective interlock resulting in the poor
performance. The difference in cross-sectional profile is unlikely to be the cause of
the increase in settlement; clearly junction strength is an important parameter as
shown by the figure. At the end of the 30,000 cycles of loading, all junctions of the
weak-junctioned grid were observed to be broken as shown in Figure 4.29.

Figure 4.27 Grid with heat bonded junctions in the CET

Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 110



Deformation (mm)



1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

No of Cycles
Unreinfo rced 30-65 Weak-junctio ned grid

Figure 4.28 Effect of junction strength

Figure 4.29 Broken grid junctions

Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 111

4.4 Discussion

The repeatability of the CET tests was demonstrated in Figures 4.9 and 4.10 where
there was good experimental agreement shown by the plots under 2 different
subgrade conditions. Several variables had been kept constant to ensure good
repeatability. Volume of ballast, amount of compaction to the ballast and the
obtained slope (for the earlier version of the CET) were all kept constant.

There was a significant reduction in permanent settlement in both the 20-65

reinforced CET tests as shown in Figure 4.11. The benefit of the grid reinforcement
increases with a softer subgrade. This is consistent with Raymond (2001)s findings
where he noted a larger improvement to his grid reinforced composite when the
foundation was weak. In fact, Tensar (2001) reported that an efficient grid
reinforcement system can increase bearing capacity. This is exemplified in Figure
4.11 where the 20-65 reinforced (soft subgrade) CET performed as well as its
counterpart for a stiff subgrade. In addition, further observation showed that both the
unreinforced plots are displaying an upward trend while the plots depicting the
reinforced composite are reaching a constant state. This implies that the benefit of
the reinforcement is likely to increase with each additional cycle.

Effective grid interlock is widely regarded to be a key feature of geogrid

reinforcement. One of the governing criteria for such is the aperture size of the
geogrid. Figure 4.12 presents the results of two contrasting grids in terms of aperture
size and stiffness. Clearly, the figure indicated a considerable improvement in the 20-
65 reinforced composite over the unreinforced compared to the 40-32 reinforced
composite. The load-deflection hystersis loops shown in Figures 4.13 and 4.14 show
the change in stiffness for the two tests over 30,000 cycles. While the 40-32
composite stiffened up over the course of the test, the 20-65 composite was always
much stiffer. This is supported by Figure 4.15 where a shear failure plane was
visually observed during excavation. Such a formation indicates the lack of
ballast/grid interlock which will consequently reduce the stiffness of the composite.
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 112

The poor performance of the 40-32 grid could either be due to its aperture size or its
stiffness. However, the results shown in Figure 4.30 indicate that the influence of
aperture size is likely to be greater than the stiffness of the grid. The figure shows the
comparative results from an overburdened CET of a 45-65 and a 40-32 reinforced
composite. Both the grids have similar stiffnesses but the 45-65 has twice the
aperture size of the 40-32. The 40-32 reinforced system settled twice as much as the
45-65 system (13mm vs 6mm). The findings are consistent with the data shown in
Figure 4.12 where the 40-32 reinforced composite also performed worse than the
unreinforced case. Again, it must be noted that the results was achieved under the
specific test conditions stated earlier in this chapter.



Deformation (mm)

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

No of Cycles
Unreinfo rced 45-65 Grid (A /B : 1.6) 40-32 Grid (A /B : 0.8)

Figure 4.30 Aperture size effect where aperture to ballast (A/B) ratio of 1.6 is found
to be superior compared to a ratio of 0.8 (overburdened CET)

The optimal aperture size shown in Figure 4.16 and 4.17 was found to be between
60-80mm. The results compares well with those of Jewell (1985) observations (see
Figure 2.25), although there is some uncertainty about the relationship at high
aperture size. The results were concluded after subjecting a series of grids with
similar tensile strengths to the CET using a soft subgrade condition. The 20-65 grid
yielded the least settlement at approximately 14mm. The reduced settlement is likely
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 113

to be due to the better interlock between the grid aperture and ballast particles. The
findings are in agreement with the Pull-Out Test (see Section 3.2.2) as well as
Harrireches DEM simulation on size ratio where a ratio (geogrid aperture size to
particle diameter) of 1.6 gave the best performance with the aggregate size at 40mm.
It is noted that the best performer out of the optimal 65mm aperture sized grid is the
stiffest 45-65 grid. In fact, according to the plots shown in Figure 4.18, it can be
concluded that the optimal aperture size coupled with a high stiffness provides the
best reinforcing effect. When the results were compared to those of the steel grid
(also with 65mm apertures), the steel grids better performance in the first 1,000
cycles indicated the importance of stiffness. However, it is possible that the rib
profile of the Tensar grid (see Section 2.5.3) became more effective in the latter
stages, as seen in Figure 4.21.

Using a multiple layer of geogrid or installation of a grid at mid-depth has little effect
on the performance as shown in Figure 4.23. It is likely that once effective interlock
is achieved it will reinforce the entire zone. Hence, there is very little difference in
the performance with the various arrangements. Attempts to investigate the zone of
influence of the grid were performed. A series of coloured ballast particles were
placed at two marked layers which were 100mm and 200mm from the bottom of the
steel beam. The tests were meant to quantify the amount of settlement contributed by
different layers above the grid reinforcement. Due to the random nature of the
obtained results, there was no conclusion. The CET will have to be modified to
perform such a task.

Figure 4.25 and 4.26 shows that geo-composite weakens the whole system. This is
likely to be caused by the lack of ballast punch depth due to the presence of the geo-
textile heat-bonded to the grid. The lack of proper interlock created a shear failure
plane which is likely to be one of the reasons for the poor performance. Another
possibility would be the influence of the rubber subgrade. The rubber subgrade is
unlikely to have behaved in the same manner as soil and would have inhabited
effective indention of particles into the sub-ballast layer directly above it.

The lack of junction strength exhibited by the heat bonded grid (see Figure 4.26)
prevented effective interlock due to the lack of lateral restraint. The inability of the
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 114

grid to hold its shape allowed the grid strands to break off (see Figure 4.29) and
interfered with the interlock between particles. The reduction in ballast contact points
explained the poor performance of the weak junction grid as shown in Figure 4.28.

The main problem working with the CET was that of ballast handling. The procedure
was labour intensive and access under the portal frame was awkward. The poor
access created a problem in the lifting and placing of the steel beam as well as in the
replacement of the ballast. However, the CET was a prototype arrangement and
modifications could be made to improve ballast handling and access. The test will
also benefit from the possible inclusion of visual aids such as a perspex wall to
observe interlock between the grid and ballast particles.

4.5 Summary

The CET was designed and set up to simulate the situation beneath a sleeper in a
simplified and controlled manner. The simple format allows tests to be conducted
quickly and it provided comparative data that allowed analysis of grid performance.
The initial setup involved loading the ballast in a trough-like enclosure under a cyclic
load of 20kN at a frequency of 2Hz over 30,000 cycles. This provided a stress of
114kPa beneath the beam which is considered to be about half of the maximum
expected on an actual track. This is deemed to be adequate as the role of the test is
not direct track simulation but an element test to assess the effects of the key
variables. Subgrade stiffness variation is achieved through the use of rubber sheets.
Loading was applied through a rectangular hollow steel beam and settlement
measured by Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT) placed on either
side of the beam. Systematic compaction of the ballasts surface profile ensures that
the test is repeatable.

Initial tests on the CET showed good repeatability with the general trend of plots and
total settlement in good agreement. The simulated loading was found to be
sufficiently large to differentiate between different test conditions. The benefit of
working under a relatively low load ensures minimum ballast breakage which
Chapter 4:Composite Element Test 115

preserves repeatability. However, to guarantee consistency, a new batch of ballast

was used in the fifth repeat test.

There is a marked improvement in terms of settlement reduction with the use of the
65mm aperture size grid range. The improvement was evident in both subgrade
conditions with the improvement particularly noticeable with the soft subgrade. It
was also concluded that grid stiffness appeared to be less significant than geometry.
The optimal aperture size was found to be between 60-80mm. The 65 mm aperture
size range was found to be the best performing grid in terms of reduced deformation.

The vertical confining stress was later increased to better simulate in-situ conditions
with the elimination of the ballast surface slope. Subsequent tests in the CET were all
performed with the extra overburden.

Resilient response results from the modified CET with extra overburden show that
grid reinforcement has very little influence on the stiffness of the composite. The
geogrid is therefore likely to be useful for the limitation of plastic strain but not
resilient strain.

A laboratory fabricated steel grid with 65mm aperture but with different rib profile
later showed the importance of grid stiffness, especially in the initial stage. However,
the final settlement was similar to that of Tensar 45-65 grid. The results highlighted
the importance of rib profile.

A geo-composite performed poorly in the CET. The lack of punch depth in the geo-
composite due to the rubber foundation was the likely reasons for the poor
performance. This effect is also apparent in geogrid with unbonded geotexile.

The importance of junction strength was exemplified from the results of the test
involving a specially produced Tensar heat bonded grid which had negligible
junction strength.
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 116


5.1 Introduction

Following analysis of the data from the early Composite Element Tests (CET) and
associated laboratory work, the knowledge was used to plan into a realistic rail track
environment as planned. The Railway Test Facility (RTF) is a full-scale test facility
which simulates the passage of a train at a speed of 28km/hr and an axle load of
250kN over a sequence of three sleepers. The facility is housed in an existing 1.8m
deep concrete pit which is 4.1m long x 2.1m wide. A dynamic load of 92kN is
applied to the three full scale sleepers with the reaction provided by a self contained
frame fitted in the pit. A schematic diagram of the frame is shown in Figure 5.1.

The pit was filled with a consistent, relatively soft, subgrade to provide a known
stiffness. The effect of geogrid reinforcement can be analysed through the
comparison of settlement readings from the various tests performed, with and
without geogrid. Vertical settlement readings were provided by the displacement
transducers attached to the actuator as well as a Linear Vertical Displacement
Transformer (LVDT) attachment on each end of the middle sleeper. Stress
transmitted from the ballast was recorded via three strain gauges installed at 50mm
subgrade depth.
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 117

Figure 5.1 Schematic diagram of frame in pit

5.2 Test Equipment

Trackbed Construction

The loading frame, designed by Chief Experimental Officer Barry Brodrick, was
fabricated and positioned in the 4.1m long by 2.1m wide and 1.8m deep concrete
lined pit as shown in Figure 5.2. Concrete slabs covered the base of the frame to
provide continuous support for the subgrade. Waterproofing of the floor and walls
was achieved with the use of polythene sheets. In addition, vertical perforated tubes
were placed in each corner to provide the option of adding water to the subgrade and
to control the water table if required.
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 118

Figure 5.2 Steel frame in concrete lined pit for RTF

The pit was filled with silt from a local gravel pit. It was placed in 120mm layers to
ensure material consistency and was compacted with a plate vibrator to a depth of
875mm. The silt material used in the RTF has a compacted wet density of 1768kg/m3
and moisture content of 15.5% when it was finally placed in the RTF. Based on the
Cone Penetration Method, the Liquid Limit of the silt was found to be 0.33 while a
Plastic Limit of 0 was found.

Three strain gauge diaphragm type pressure cells were installed at a depth of 50mm
in the subgrade as shown in Figure 5.3. They were placed at strategic locations to
measure the stress transmitted to the subgrade by the ballast. The configuration of the
test pit is shown in Figure 5.4. Two cells were positioned under the alignment of the
central sleeper and one cell placed at the halfway point between the central sleeper
and one of the outer sleepers. A schematic diagram of the positions of the
instruments is shown in Figure 5.5

Measurements of subgrade stiffness were taken using a Zorn ZGF-01 (the German
Dynamic Plate in the UK) on the surface at several positions. The GDP, as shown in
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 119

Figure 5.6, has an accelerometer in the centre of its loading plate. The load is
dropped 3 times onto a 300mm diameter steel base which transmits the stress to the
surface of the subgrade material. Extra care was taken to ensure the plate rested on a
level and smooth surface to ensure the accuracy of the test. The average of three
responses of the material to the impact load measured by the surface deflection is
used to calculate the stiffness of the material. The problem with the German
Dynamic Plate is that it tends to under-read in comparison with other dynamic test
devices. The lack of results accuracy was tolerated as the data are mainly for
comparative purposes.

Moisture content of the subgrade material at various depths was measured on

samples obtained through the use of a steel tube. The 1m long steel tube, with a
diameter of 30mm, was driven into the subgrade at two arbitrary positions to obtain
an average figure for the moisture content across the subgrade at different depth. It
should be noted that a temporary polythene sheet was used to cover the surface of the
subgrade to prevent atmospheric moisture loss. The polythene sheet was then
removed and a thin non-woven geotexile was positioned over the subgrade surface to
act as a separator. This was to facilitate the collection of fines from ballast
degradation, required for a companion project.
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 120

Figure 5.3 Pressure cells in the RTF

Figure 5.4 Instrumentation in the RTF pit

Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 121

650mm 650mm


Pressure Cell 1

Pressure Cell 3


Pressure Cell 2

Figure 5.5 Plan view of instrumentation just below subgrade surface

Figure 5.6 German Dynamic Plate measuring subgrade stiffness

Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 122

Ballast, supplied by Foster Yeoman in one-ton bags, was hoisted over the pit using
the laboratory crane. The bags were carefully split to allow the ballast to fall into the
pit in a controlled manner. The material was placed and compacted in 100mm layers
using the same plate vibrator as used for the subgrade, to a depth of 300mm. The
three sleepers were then lowered by crane into their respective positions and even
seating on the ballast surface was achieved by working a vibrating chisel into the
ballast under the sleeper. Special attention was given to the levelling of the sleeper at
the position where the rail would have been. Additional ballast was then added to the
sides and ends of the sleepers to provide restraint as shown in Figure 5.7.

According to RT/CE/S/102 (Railtrack PLC, 2002), the minimum ballast depth and
sleeper spacing for mainline track are 300mm and 600mm respectively. The ballast
depth and sleeper spacing in the RTF are 300mm and 650mm respectively. The G44
sleeper used in the RTF is also the standard concrete sleeper used on United
Kingdom mainline track. Figure 5.8 depicts a G44 sleeper.

Figure 5.7 Sleepers level with the top of ballast

Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 123

RL g

g = 1435mm
L = 2500mm
w = 285mm
d2 d1 d = 377mm
d1 = 200mm
d2 = 175mm
Weight = 308kg

Figure 5.8 Dimensions of a G44 sleeper used in RTF

The Test Facility Equipment

The loading frame already shown in Figure 5.2 was designed to constrain three
100kN vertical loads which mimic the dynamic loading of a passing train. The three
servo actuators were bolted to cross plates under the top two beams of the loading
frame. A load cell was screwed to the end of the actuator shaft and a displacement
transducer was built within the actuator body to measure shaft movement (stroke).
The in-built displacement transducer gave an indirect measurement of sleeper
displacement once the load cells came into contact with the spreader beam. The
actuators were aligned with reference to the spacing of the three sleepers. The
actuator load was applied through load cells onto the centres of the spreader beams
which rested on two cylindrical rollers, located on the sleepers at the position where
the rails would be attached. The test arrangement is shown in Figure 5.9. The simply
supported arrangements of the spreader beams ensured a spacing of 1.5m between
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 124

Figure 5.9 RTF loading arrangement

The hydraulic actuators were fitted with a servo valve which directed oil through the
actuator so as to allow precise shaft response to an electrical command signal. Figure
5.10 shows the servo controlled hydraulic actuators. The servo valve, load cell and
displacement transducer for each actuator are connected to a three channel controller
housed in a clean room adjacent to the RTF. This stand-alone controller was
connected to a computer which stored control functions and acquired data and this is
shown in Figure 5.11. The controller was tuned regularly and calibration of the
feedback transducers was also checked on a regular basis to minimise errors. An
LVDT was attached to each end of the middle sleeper to record its vertical

The sleepers were linked to the frame using thin wire rope to ensure that they
remained vertical during testing. The wire rope would not interfere with sleeper
settlement as the wire has sufficient slack to react to any downward movement.

In order to replicate realistic traffic loading, load transfer to the sleepers must be
simulated in a controlled manner using phase related loadings. Phase lags of 0, 90
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 125

and 180 degrees for actuators 1, 2 and 3 were used. This meant actuator 1 would start
its loading cycle first and actuator 2 would be activated once actuator 1 completes a
quarter of the loading cycle. This pattern would continue to actuator 3 and hence
achieve sequential loading across the three sleepers as shown in Figure 5.12.

Figure 5.10 Servo controlled hydraulic actuators

Figure 5.11 Three channel controller

Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 126

Load from

Actuator 1
F/2 Actuator 2
Actuator 3


Figure 5.12 Phase loading used in the RTF

Figure 5.13 shows a schematic diagram comparing load distribution in the RTF and
that of a real track. The loading pattern of the real track was calculated based on a
simplified approach to track deflection analysis commonly known as the Beam on
Elastic Foundation analysis. This analysis replaces individual sleepers with a
continuous support and the expression is as shown:

y = (P / 2k) e x [sin x + cos x] (5.1)

In which:

E = Youngs modulus of the steel rail

I = 2nd moment of area.
k = modulus of subgrade reaction
y = deflection
x = length of track from P
P = axle load
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 127

Where: = (k / 4EI) 0.25 (5.2)

The calculation for the loading distribution is based on a modulus of subgrade

reaction of 50MN/m3, I value of (2 x 3950) cm4, P value of 18 tonnes.

From the figure, it can be seen that the loading pattern in the RTF is very similar to
that in the real track. The two loading arrangements show that the load on the central
sleeper is approximately twice as large as the next adjacent sleeper. The good
replication of load distribution in the RTF indicates a relatively good simulation of
real track. The effects of rotating principle stresses is not known but have had to be
ignored in this study. Another effect which is not being modelled is the uplift of
adjacent sleeper (see Figure 2.3). In reality, a greater vertical movement might cause
faster settlement development.


25% 50% 25%



10% 18% 34% 18% 10%


Figure 5.13 Load distributions along successive sleepers (a) in the RTF and (b) on a
real track based on elastic beam on foundation calculation.
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 128

A tamping facility was also constructed to meet the requirements of a companion

project. The facility, as shown in Figure 5.14, is a modified Plasser tamping bank
with its independent hydraulic pump and linear actuator to provide vibration. The
tamper works by insertion of its vibrating arms (fitted with tamping tools) into the
ballast (to either side of the central sleeper at the location of the rail seating) and
squeezing them together. Two large accumulators connected to the pump ensure
sufficient oil flow and that pressure is maintained during the tamping operation. The
tamping procedure is fully automatic with options to operate it manually. The
tamping bank had to be mounted onto a frame which spans across the pit. Two out of
the four tests performed in the RTF involved the tamping facility.

Figure 5.14 The tamping bank facility

Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 129

5.3 Test Procedure

Testing commenced as soon as load cell calibration and incremental proof loading of
the frame was completed as part of the testing protocol and risk assessment. Testing
comprised a million dynamic loads on each sleeper. This is equivalent to 50 MGT,
approximately 2 years traffic load on a UK main line. This is based on a report by
Esveld (2001), where he stated that 1 MGT = 8896MN of traffic. The dynamic load
used was a sine wave with an amplitude of 45kN (90kN peak to peak) and on intital
mean load of 47kN operating at a frequency of 3Hz. The seating load of 2kN, which
ensured the load cell remained in contact with the spreader beam allowing closed
loop control, was later discovered to be insufficient, generating excessive vibration.
The mean load value was later increased to 49kN with a seating load of 4kN.
Although the actuators are designed to achieve 100kN, the safety trip was set at

Settlement readings were taken at intervals for which the cyclic loading would be
stopped and the load would be held at 1kN. Readings from the LVDTs were also
taken and compared with those obtained from the displacement transducer. Readings
from the pressure cells and accelerometer were also taken at the same time. The
intervals were set at 100; 1000; 2000; 5000; 10,000; 20,000; 50,000; 100,000;
150,000; 200,000; 250,000; 300,000; 400,000; 500,000; 600,000; 700,000; 800,000;
900,000; and 1000,000 cycles.

Tests were initially performed in a one-stage format where cyclic loading was
applied cumulatively to the million cycle mark, and displacement readings would be
taken at intervals. The final two tests of the RTF involved a two-stage format where
500,000 cyclic loads were applied to each sleeper; this was followed by tamping on
the central sleeper and the test was concluded with another 500,000 cyclic load
applications. The two-stage application was performed to satisfy the requirement of
the companion test project which was primarily interested in ballast degradation.

The contribution of subgrade settlement to the overall settlement registered by the

displacement transducer and LVDT readings was investigated. To achieve this, a
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 130

datum was set by placing a steel rod with regular intervals marking on it across the
pit. The distance from the datum to the surface of the subgrade at various intervals
was measured with the use of a steel ruler. Visual inspection ensured that the ruler
was perpendicular to the ground at the points of measurement. Measurements were
taken before and after each test. The process is shown in Figure 5.15. It was
concluded from this investigation that there were minimal settlements within the
subgrade layer with a maximum settlement recorded at 4mm.

Figure 5.15 Measurement of subgrade settlement

5.4 Results

The commissioning of the RTF began with the calibration of the load cell and proof
loading of the test facility. It was important to keep a record of the ballast settlement
as it was known to settle significantly under loading. The settlement reading for each
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 131

sleeper is shown in Figure 5.16. From the figure, it can be seen that sleepers 1 and 3
settled more than sleeper 2 (central sleeper). However, settlement was low (less than
1.3mm) and it only represents a small part of the overall settlement on completion of
the repeated load tests. The difference between sleepers is likely to be due to the
uneven compaction of the ballast and subgrade. As sleepers 1 and 3 lie nearer to the
edge of the pit, it was harder for the plate vibrator to achieve good even compaction
in such areas.

Sleeper settlement (mm)

Proof Loading
0.8 Calibration
0 1 2 3 4 5
Loading stage
Sleeper 1 Sleeper 2 Sleeper 3

Figure 5.16 Loading history before testing

Figure 5.17 shows the subgrade stiffness readings, obtained from the German
Dynamic Plate Test, of the subgrade material just prior to the first cyclic loading test.
An average of 10MPa was obtained from the 15 GDP readings obtained across the
RTF pit. GDP readings were taken at similar positions before and after each of the
four RTF tests performed. Table 5.1 summarises the subgrade stiffness and moisture
content for each installation including the loading regime.
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 132

Figure 5.17 Initial GDP readings of RTF subgrade

Table 5.1: Summary of RTF tests

Test Test Description Pre-Test Pre-Test Subgrade Loading Regime
Subgrade Moisture Content
Stiffness at mid-depth of test pit
(MPa) (%)
1 Unreinforced 10 15 1 million cycles

2 Reinforced
(30-65 sitting on 14 14.7 1 million cycles
a single layer of

3 Reinforced
(30-65 sitting 16 15.3 0.5 million cycles- Tamp
direct on 0.5 million cycles

Unreinforced 18 17.4 0.5 million cycles- Tamp
0.5 million cycles

Figure 5.18 shows the settlement measurements at the 3 sleeper positions for the first
unreinforced RTF test. Position 2 which represents the centre sleeper recorded less
settlement than each of the side sleepers. This is consistent with the calibration and
proof loading readings achieved and shown in Figure 5.16. Silt and ballast material
were unlikely to be well compacted at sleeper positions 1 and 3, since both sleepers
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 133

are positioned near to the side walls of the RTF pit. This is the likely reason for the
increased settlement compared to the central sleeper. For the first RTF test, only a
single LVDT was employed at one end of the central sleeper and from Figure 5.18,
there is large difference in the settlement readings obtained from the displacement
transducer and the LVDT readings for the central sleeper. The disparity in results is
likely to be caused by tilting of the central sleeper. An additional LVDT was added
to the other end of the sleeper for the remaining three RTF tests.



Deformation (mm)

0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000

No of Cycles
Sleeper 1 Sleeper 2 Sleeper 3 LVDT

Figure 5.18 Stroke and LVDT readings from Test 1 (Unreinforced)

The results for Sleeper 2 are the main focus of the testing and the outer sleepers were
included primarily to represent the restraint and loading distribution representative of
in-service conditions. A final settlement reading of 10.1mm was recorded for Sleeper
2. This magnitude of settlement was considered sufficient to assess the effectiveness
of the geogrid reinforcement, assuming that there will be a reduction in settlement
over a million cycles. From Figure 5.18, it can also be seen that Sleepers 1 and 3
experienced some deviations at various points of the experiment, most notably near
to the million cycle mark. This deviation is a result of relevelling of the spreader
beams to compensate for the tilting of the sleepers.
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 134

The pressure cell data shown in Figure 5.19 shows the measurements recorded by the
pressure cells buried 50mm underneath the surface of the subgrade. These vertical
stresses are transmitted to the surface of the subgrade from the cyclic loading over
the full duration of the test. The readings followed the sinusoidal loading waveform
and the peak readings are shown in the figure. Pressure cell 1 is directly under the
centre of the middle sleeper (see Figure 5.3); the large variations in the waveform are
likely to be due to an electrical fault as zero output indicates a short circuit in the
signal. The higher (peak) readings can therefore be assumed to be the actual stress
readings for this pressure cell.



Stress (kPa)




0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000

No of loading cycles
Pressure cell 1 Pressure cell 2 Pressure cell 3

Figure 5.19 Pressure cell readings just below the subgrade surface
(Unreinforced- Test 1)

The 2nd test performed in the RTF explored the effect of geogrid reinforcement with
the inclusion of a 30-65 Tensar grid at a depth of 250mm. It was the best performing
production grid (see Section 4.3) according to the Composite Element Test (CET).
The 30-65 grid was installed over a single layer of ballast, similar to the placement of
the grid in the CET. Figure 5.20 shows the settlement measurements for the 30-65
reinforced RTF test. Deviation can be seen once again in the settlement plot of
Sleeper 3; again it is the result of relevelling of the spreader beams to compensate for
the tilting of the sleepers. The LVDT readings are now the average of two LVDTs
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 135

attached to each end of Sleeper 2 and the readings were almost identical to that from
the displacement transducer.

A final settlement reading of 7.7mm was recorded for Sleeper 2 for this reinforced
RTF test. Figure 5.21 indicates the effect of a grid reinforced installation by
comparing the two plots from the 1st and 2nd tests over a million cycles. The results
indicated a reduction in total settlement of over 2mm. More importantly, it illustrated
the potential increased time between maintenance intervals through the lateral
difference between the two curves. The arrow at a settlement value of 6mm, a
conservative estimate which assumes 6mm to be the settlement limit which triggers
maintenance on track, showed a potential life extension factor of over 3 times in
terms of number of load cycles under these specific test conditions.

Table 5.2 and Table 5.3 show the average pressure cell readings and resilient
deflection readings respectively at various locations. The pressure cell readings under
the centre of the sleeper in Table 5.2 show a possibility of interference in particle
contact hence a higher than average readings (64kPa and 69kPa). The stroke readings
in Table 5.3 showed very little difference in the resilient modulus of the reinforced
and unreinforced RTF tests. This indicates that the grid reinforcement has no
stiffening effect and it is ultilised principally to reduce accumulation of plastic rather
than resilient strain. The obtained pressure cell readings would be used to help
validate the design analysis presented in Chapter 7.
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 136



Deformation (mm)

0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000

No of Cycles
Sleeper 1 Sleeper 2 Sleeper 3 LVDT

Figure 5.20 Stroke and LVDT readings from Test 2 (30-65 reinforced)


Deformation (mm)

Potential increase in
maintenance interval

0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000

No of Cycles
Test 1 (Unreinforced) Test 2 (Reinforced)

Figure 5.21 Effect of reinforcement over a million cycles

Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 137

Table 5.2 Pressure cells readings for Test 1 and 2

Average Pressure Cell Readings (kPa)
Test Sleeper Centre of Between Comment
No End Sleeper Sleepers
0.5 45 30 30 Unreinforced
1.0 44 36 27 Not Tamped
0.5 41 64 32 Reinforced
2 at a depth of 250mm
1.0 43 69 31 Not Tamped

Table 5.3 Resilient deflection of sleepers for Test 1 and 2

Test Cycles Average Resilient Deflection Readings (mm)
No (106) Stroke Sleeper
0.5 1.2 0.5* Unreinforced
1.0 1.1 0.5 Not Tamped
0.5 1.2 1.1+ Reinforced
at a depth of
1.0 1.3 1.1 Tamped

* Readings of LVDT at only one end of sleeper

+ Average reading of an LVDT at each end of the sleeper

For Test 3 and Test 4, the structure was subjected to 0.5 million cycles, followed by
tamping and a further 0.5 million cycles of load. Test 3 involved the installation of
the 30-65 grid directly above the geotexile at a depth of 300mm while Test 4 was an
unreinforced test. Figures 5.22 and 5.23 show the total settlement for Tests 3 and 4

Figure 5.24 summarises all the settlement measurements for the four tests. From the
plots, there was good repeatability for the two reinforced installations up to the 0.5
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 138

million cycles mark even though the geogrid was installed on a layer of ballast in the
first case and placed directly over the geotexile in the second case.

It can also be seen from the figure that in Test 4 (unreinforced), there is an increase
in post tamping settlement when compared to those of Test 3 (reinforced). The
increased settlement is likely to be due to a tilt of the central sleeper, observed
visually during the tamping process. This has created an increased disturbance in the
ballast under the sleeper resulting in the increased initial settlement.

It must be noted that the difficulty experienced in holding the sleeper in position
during tamping has influenced, to a certain extent, the results of both Tests 3 and 4.

The average pressure cell readings and resilient readings of Test 3 and Test 4 are
shown in Tables 5.4 and 5.5 respectively. It can be seen that the average pressure cell
readings, for both the reinforced and unreinforced test, for the central sleeper reduced
by approximately 50% after tamping. This is likely to be due to the hump effect as
discussed in Section 5.5. The resilient readings shown in Table 5.5 show a good
consistency for both tests and a reduction in the resilient deflection is recorded in the
reinforced tests. This will be discussed in Section 5.5.



Deformation (mm)

0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000



No of Cycles
Sleeper 1 Sleeper 2 Sleeper 3 LVDT Avg

Figure 5.22 Stroke and LVDT readings from Test 3 (Tamped and reinforced)
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 139



Deformation (mm) 5
0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000




No of Cycles

Sleeper 1 Sleeper 2 Sleeper 3 LVDT Avg

Figure 5.23 Stroke and LVDT from Test 4 (Tamped and unreinforced)



Deformation (mm)

0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000




No of Cycles
Test 1 (Unreinforced) Test 2 (Reinforced)
Test 3 (Tamped and Reinforced) Test 4 (Tamped and Unreinforced)

Figure 5.24 Settlement accumulations in the 4 RTF tests

Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 140

Table 5.4 Pressure cells readings for Test 3 and 4

Average Pressure Cell Readings (kPa)
Test Cycles
Sleeper Centre of Between Comment
No (106)
End Sleeper Sleepers
0.5 52 44 14 Reinforced at
3 300mm depth
1.0 72 22 14 Tamped
0.5 31 54 18 Unreinforced
1.0 45 23 14 Tamped

Table 5.5 Resilient deflection of sleepers for Test 3 and 4

Test Cycles Average Resilient Deflection Readings (mm)
No (106) Stroke Sleeper
0.5 1.3 1.1 Reinforced at
3 300mm
1.0 1.3 0.7 Tamped
0.5 1.4 1.3 Unreinforced
1.0 1.3 1.0 Tamped

5.5 Discussion

A consistent, relatively soft subgrade was required in order to compare performance

of various test set-ups in the RTF. The chosen silt material, from a local gravel pit,
has a known stiffness and would allow sufficient settlement to develop in order to
explore the potential benefit of grid reinforced ballast. The silt had the advantage of
ready availability and relative ease of placement and compaction. Though the silt
material stiffened over the course of the 4 RTF tests, the progressive increase is large
enough to affect the results though not by much (from 10MPa to 18MPa). The order
of the reinforced and unreinforced tests though (Test 3 and 4) was reversed to show
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 141

that any improvement due to reinforcement was not due to the increased silt stiffness.
Glensanda ballast was used throughout the four tests to reduce variability.

The pressure cell readings for the 4 RTF tests were shown to vary slightly from test
to test. The accuracy of the pressure cells very much depends on the consistency of
the material, frequency of data collection as well as the quality of the installation.
The pressure cell should be securely seated on a level and firm foundation for
accurate readings. Usually a minimum of three cells are used in pavements to obtain
replicate readings which would then provide a mean value. In the RTF, although
three cells were used, they were positioned differently relative to the loading points
hence they should not be compared directly.

From Tables 5.2 and 5.4, the average pressure cell reading under the centre of the
sleeper in Test 2, in particular, is higher than the rest. The difference is likely to be
due the hump effect where there is a concentration of stress under the sleeper due to
imperfections in levelling; the sleeper was likely to be sitting on a ballast hump.
Pressure cell malfunction is also a possibility but it must also be noted that a result
variation of +/-10kPa is commonly expected for this type of equipment especially
when it involved 4 different installations. The results shown in Table 5.4 are a better
illustration of the effect of tamping on the stress condition at just below the surface
of the ballast.

The lower stress at the position at the centre of the sleeper represents the loose state
of ballast material under the centre of the sleeper. It can also be seen that there is an
increase of stress at the end of the sleeper after tamping in both tests 3 and 4. This is
likely to be due to the hump effect after tamping. It is likely that the tamping effect
dominated the post tamp 0.5 million cycles and due to the loosened state of the
ballast particles, the geogrid would not be able to immediately induce effective
interlock and influence the settlement although it must be noted that this is unlikely
to have lasted over the 0.5 million cycles. It is hence likely to be due to disruption
caused by tamping (and the sleeper is likely to be tilted when held during tamping)
that made it impossible to replicate the test precisely This caused the geogrid
reinforced system in Test 4 post tamping failing to show any significant reduction in
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 142

The resilient readings from the displacement transducer are higher than those
recorded by LVDTs. This is likely to be due to the flexure of the loading beam. In
general, the resilient readings from the two sources were very consistent.

It was observed during the tests that there is a tendency for the outer sleepers to tilt
away from the centre. This is likely to be due to poor compaction and reduced
particle interlock nearer to the smooth polythene covered walls.

The effect of reinforcement was clearly illustrated in Figure 5.21 in a straight

forward one stage test. As shown, the settlement reduces from 10.1mm to 7.7mm
with the inclusion of geogrid reinforcement. More importantly, this represent a 2.5
times extension in maintenance interval for track renewal work. It must be noted that
this estimation is based on the assumption that a settlement of 6mm on track will
trigger maintenance and also that this results was obtained under the specific test
conditions. In reality, it should be based on a track settlement standard deviation
figure which triggers maintenance. The lack of data on the relationship between
standard deviation and vertical settlement means that an empirical judgement had to
be made in this instance.

The benefit of reinforcement was further emphasised in the initial 0.5 million cycles
of Tests 3 and 4. The reinforced test recorded a settlement of 5mm in the 0.5
million cycles compared to 7mm in the unreinforced test. This was achieved despite
of a stiffer subgrade for the unreinforced test. Both reinforced tests reduced vertical
settlement by approximately 26% in the first 0.5 million cycles; this demonstrates the
repeatability and likely validity of results.

The difficulty in holding the sleeper in position for tamping is best illustrated in the
results as shown in Figure 5.24. From the figure, it can be seen that the post tamp
reinforced trackbed in Test 3 recorded a higher total settlement that the
corresponding unreinforced trackbed in Test 4. It was observed during the test that
the sleeper in Test 3 (reinforced) tilted. This affects the stress distribution onto the
ballast and is likely to have an effect on the settlement characteristics.
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 143

The tilt of the sleeper in Test 3 is illustrated by the LVDTs reading in Figure 5.22. It
is larger than the tilt experienced by the sleeper in unreinforced Test 4. It can be seen
that tamping will disturb ballast and cause the track to degrade rapidly before it
reaches a stable state. It is only when the track approaches a stable state that the grid
would start to influence particle interlock and improve the system. Hence, the effect
of reinforcement is not likely to be represented on the plot in Test 3. The test would
be better concluded if it was allowed to run for another 0.5 million cycles.

5.6 Summary

The magnitude, frequency and distribution of load in the RTF represent a train speed
of 28km/hr and an axle load of 250kN. The RTF is a basic representation of a heavily
trafficked main line and it has successfully completed four tests investigating the
effect of geogrid reinforcement based on the total settlement.

Loading was applied through a loading frame fabricated in the laboratory and
positioned in the 4.1m long by 2.1m wide and 1.8m deep concrete lined pit.

Three hydraulic actuators provided the 94kN vertical loads applied in phase to mimic
the dynamic loading of a passing train.

Three strain gauge diaphragm type pressure cells, placed at strategic locations, were
installed at a depth of 50mm in the subgrade to measure the stress transmitted to the
subgrade by the ballast. The stress readings were of good consistency. The settlement
readings were obtained from the displacement transducers mounted on the actuators
as well as Linear Vertical Displacement Transducers (LVDT) placed at each end of
the central sleeper.

The settlement plots from the two reinforced tests up until the 0.5 million mark
showed that the test is repeatable. There was also a well defined difference in
settlement readings when a geogrid was used to reinforce the ballast. From the first
two tests, in a one stage format, geogrid reinforcement reduced total settlement from
Chapter 5: Railway Test Facility 144

10.1mm to 7.7 mm. It can be concluded that geogrid reinforcement is likely to

increase the maintenance interval quite substantially.

The reinforced composite in Test 3 settled more than the unreinforced case in Test 4.
The accelerated settlement happened after tamping and is likely to be due to the
sleeper being tilted when held during tamping. From the results, it can be seen that
tamping caused an immediate deterioration of the track with accelerated settlement.
However, densification is expected with additional loading and the effect of geogrid
reinforcement is likely to be more apparent at that stage.
Chapter 6: Field Trials 145


6.1 Introduction to Site

A major trial of the 30-65 grid was carried out at a heavily trafficked site along the
West Coast Main Line, in Lancashire, near Wigan. The work was commissioned by
Network Rail. The renewal work took place during October 2004. Network Rail
agreed to include a trial of the 30-65 grid based on the findings of the CET

The site (Coppul Moor) is on an embankment where the upper 0.41m layer (directly
underlying the ballast) was described as dark grey, slightly silty, sandy ash. A ground
investigation was carried out in April 2004 and the water table was found to be just
0.2m beneath the bottom of the ballast, within the ash layer. The site was chosen for
renewal work as it had a history of relatively rapid track deterioration which requires
regular tamping to correct track alignment and restore track quality.

The site was determined to be suitable as it had similar track bed conditions
throughout and this would allow the assessment of the effect of grid reinforcement.
Figure 6.1 shows a photograph of the work on site. A close-up of the installed 30-65
grid is shown in Figure 6.2.
Chapter 6: Field Trials 146

Figure 6.1 Renewal work at Coppul Moor





Figure 6.2 Close-up of the installed 30-65 grid and a

schematic diagram of grid position
Chapter 6: Field Trials 147

The length of track that was put up for renewal was at 1100 yards, 0.625 miles. The
30-65 grid was installed from the first 440 yards of the section. The installation was
successfully carried out and has been monitored by the High Speed Track Recording
Car (HSTRC). The HSTRC indicates the ride quality of the track in terms of a
standard deviation of the rail over a moving 35m length. The data from the HSTRC
would indicate any improvement following renewal and any subsequent change in
standard deviation under traffic.

A track bed stiffness survey was carried out by Scott Wilson Pavement Engineering
by means of a Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD). The FWD works on the
principle of applying a measured stress to the surface of the subgrade by utilising a
weight falling onto a platen. The resulting deflection of the surface is recorded and
the results analysed to give a stiffness value. The survey was performed some
months after the installation in order to provide background information on the
subgrade and to identify any possible influence on track bed stiffness with the
presence of grid reinforcement.

The data obtained from the HSTRC and the FWD provides important evidence of the
viability of grid reinforcement in the reduction in the rate of track deterioration. The
results obtained from the site trial will be compared to the laboratory findings, e.g.
Composite Element Test (CET) and Railway Test Facility (RTF) to validate the work
performed through the course of this project.

6.2 Results from Site

The HSTRC data shown in Figure 6.3 was obtained between early March 2004 and
the end of June 2005. The figure clearly indicates the improvement of ride quality
after renewal. It can also be observed that on sections where the 30-65 grid was
installed, a lower standard deviation was achieved and maintained despite having
higher standard deviation values prior to renewal. This conclusion is supported by
Table 6.1 where it showed the average standard deviation values before and after
renewal work. The updated results were gathered from March 2004 to early 2006.
Chapter 6: Field Trials 148

Std Deviation (35m rail top) 5 10m+0y - 10m+220y

10m+220y - 10m+440y
30-65 grid
10m+440y - 10m+660y installed
10m+660y - 10m+880y
10m+880y - 10m+1100y

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Week Number

Figure 6.3 HSTRC Data

Table 6.1 HSTRC comparison data

30-65 Grid Reinforced No Grid

220 - 440 440 660 660 - 880 880

(yards) (yards) (yards) onwards
Av SD before renewal 2.58 2.44 1.96 2.28
Av SD after renewal 1.16 0.98 1.16 1.20
Av SD improvement 1.41 1.46 0.8 1.08
Rate of deterioration 1.4 2.2 1.0 1.2
before renewal mm/yr
Rate of deterioration 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.7
after renewal mm/yr
Chapter 6: Field Trials 149

Table 6.1 shows that the 30-65 grid section registered the highest average standard
deviation improvement. It can also be seen that the grid was installed on the section
with the worst ride quality but the standard deviation, after the installation of the
grid, was restored to a level equal or better than the rest of the track. More
importantly, there was a considerable reduction in the rate of deterioration for the
grid reinforced section after renewal. This indicated a potential life extension in
terms of increased maintenance intervals, an important track performance
measurement explained in Chapter 7s design guide.

Further evidence for the reduction in track deterioration can be seen in the historical
(11 years) rate of deterioration data shown in Figures 6.4 and 6.5. Figure 6.4 depicts
the reinforced section while the unreinforced section is represented in Figure 6.5.
The gradients of the plots in the figures show the annual rate of deterioration. Based
on the standard deviation gradient plot shown in Figures 6.4 and 6.5, it is interesting
to note that the grid reinforced track has a history of inferior track record in terms of
rate of deterioration compared to that of the unreinforced section. However, the
reduced post renewal rate of deterioration, measured in annual increase in standard
deviation, in the reinforced section (0.25 / year against 0.4 / year in the unreinforced
track) highlighted the benefit of grid reinforcement in improving and retaining track
geometry, allowing a better ride quality
Chapter 6: Field Trials 150

Standard Deviation (mm) 5

Renewal with Grid
0.6mm / year
0.5mm / year 0.9mm / year
0.7mm / year 0.8mm / year

0.25mm / year

0 52 104 156 208 260 312 364 416 468 520 572 624


Figure 6.4 Historical rates of deterioration and deterioration post renewal

with grid installed (Network Rail)

Standard Deviation (mm)

0.8mm / year Renewal without Grid


0.6mm / year
0.5mm / year

0.5mm / year
0.4mm / year

0 52 104 156 208 260 312 364 416 468 520 572 624


Figure 6.5 Historical rates of deterioration and deterioration post renewal

with no grid installed (Network Rail)
Chapter 6: Field Trials 151

A FWD survey was conducted by Scott Wilson Pavement Engineering some months
after renewal to provide background information on the site subgrade and to
investigate the effect of grid reinforcement on the trackbed stiffness.

The FWD data is expressed as deflection of a loaded sleeper (D0) and deflections
measured on the surface of the ballast at distances of 300, 1000 and 1500mm from
the centre of the sleeper. Figure 6.6 shows typical FWD deflection readings on UK
track. Figure 6.7 shows the FWD readings on the Coppul Moor site after the renewal
work. The deflection is an average from at least two measurement points. The re-
ballasted section is stiffer than the untreated section but the reinforced section is less
stiff than the unreinforced. This is likely to be due to the presence of the grid which
possibly hinder the compaction process. However, the difference in value is still very
small. Comparing the plots from Figure 6.6 with the FWD data obtained from the
Coppul Moor trial site, it can be concluded that the trial site has FWD readings
equivalent to those of a poor UK main line.

The outer deflections, D1000 and D1500, correlate with the quality of subgrade at
depth and no significant difference was detected between the reinforced and the
remainder of the track. Deflections D0 and D300 are related mainly to the ballast
and the uppermost subgrade layer. It can be seen from the figure that the section with
the grid reinforcement is actually less stiff which is likely to be due to the continuing
presence of a poor sandy ash layer at the top of the subgrade, where the water table
was previously found to be relatively high. It can be concluded that the grid did not
have any stiffening effect; the grid is utilised to limit the accumulation of plastic
strain rather than resilient strains. This is shown by the reduction in standard
deviation (lower differential settlement) and rate of deterioration hence enabling a
better ride quality.
Chapter 6: Field Trials 152


Sleeper Ballast Subgrade

FWD Deflections - mm







New High New High UK Main Line UK Main Line Track Lowered
Speed Line Speed Line Good Poor with no Formation
Good Average Treatment
Note - 150m of FWD data, measured at 5m intervals, is plotted for each section of track

Figure 6.6 Classification of UK tracks based on FWD results

(Scott Wilson Pavement Engineering)


No Treatment Re-ballasted
Deflection (microns)

Reinforced Unreinforced


10.000 10.220 10.440 10.660 10.880
Distance (miles/yards)
D0 D300 D1000 D1500

Figure 6.7 FWD readings from Coppul Moor

(Depth of reinforcement at 300mm depth)
Chapter 6: Field Trials 153

6.3 Comparison with RTF and CET

The Composite Element Test (CET) was designed to provide comparative data that
allowed the analysis of grid performance. The CET tests established the influence of
geogrid reinforcement on the settlement of ballast under repeated loading. The CET
also successfully identified several major parameters (e.g. optimum grid aperture
size, importance of grid stiffness and junction strength) that influenced the
reinforcing mechanism of the geogrid.

The CET data helped in the planning of the larger full-scale Railway Test Facility
(RTF). The RTF as described in Chapter 5 allows full-scale testing of a track section.
The RTF underlined the benefits of geogrid reinforcement in terms of reduced ballast
deformation and extension of service life as shown by the results from geogrid
reinforced track.

The results from the field trials, in the form of the FWD and HSTRC data, showed
that the 30-65 geogrid registered the highest standard deviation improvement
compared to unreinforced sections. Results from the field trial, when compared with
historical rate of deterioration for the site, revealed that the 30-65 reinforced grid
section showed a much reduced rate of deterioration translating to longer
maintenance intervals.

Direct comparison of the field trials to the experimental work is not applicable as it is
not possible to measure performance of the grid in the laboratory in terms of track
standard deviation. There is also a lack of information on relationship between
standard deviation and absolute settlement. However, it may be possible to do an
approximate comparison in terms of rate of deterioration.

To summarise, the similarity in findings between the 3 tests that can be drawn from
this research are:

Results from the CET, RTF and field trials suggest that a geogrid reinforced
(30-65 grid) track performs more effectively than the unreinforced section in
terms of the rate of track deterioration.
Chapter 6: Field Trials 154

Based on the results from the RTF (see Figure 5.22, Section 5.4) and field
trials, there was a similar trend in the increase in track life by a factor of 2.5
and 1.9 times respectively. The life extension factor of the field trial is
derived from Figure 6.4 where historical data shows the average rate of track
deterioration (in Standard Deviation) to be around 0.7mm / year. The rate of
track deterioration post renewal and with the installation of grid is 0.25mm /
year. On the other hand, from Figure 6.5, the average rate of deterioration
before renewal is 0.6mm / year and the rate of deterioration post renewal
without the installation of grid stands at 0.40mm / year. The ratio of the post
renewal SD with grid reinforcement over the unreinforced track (hence
isolating the effect of fresh ballast) gives the LEF which is approximately 1.9.
The results provided a good appreciation on the reduction in the rate of
deterioration due to geogrid reinforcement even though the two tests involve
various other different parameters, e.g. traffic loadings, effect of weathering,
fouling etc.

Resilient data from the RTF (see Tables 5.3 and 5.5) showed similar subgrade
resilient response for the 30-65 reinforced and unreinforced tests. The FWD
results for the Coppul Moor site as seen in Figure 6.7 indicated that there was
very little difference in trackbed stiffness after renewal between the
reinforced and the unreinforced section. Both tests indicate that the grid is
utilised to limit the accumulation of plastic strain rather than resilient strains.

6.4 Summary

The full scale field trial of a geogrid-reinforced rail track section performed at
Coppul Moor served to validate the other results presented in this thesis.

The field trials showed that the rate of deterioration is reduced where the 30-65 grid
is installed even when compared to sections with a stiffer subgrade. The maintenance
interval for the reinforced section is likely to be increased and this represents a
significant economic benefit.
Chapter 6: Field Trials 155

The CET, RTF and field trials revealed similar findings; most notably that geogrid
reinforcement can potentially reduce the rate of track deterioration and improve ride
quality. Resilient response data from the RTF and field trials also concluded that
geogrid reinforcement has very little influence on the trackbed stiffness as the grid is
utilised principally to limit the accumulation of plastic strain rather than resilient

The results from the field trial reconfirmed the validity of the experimental work
performed in the laboratory. The consistency in findings from both the CET and RTF
tests demonstrated the ability in this project, to simulate reasonably realistic rail track
conditions in a controlled laboratory environment. This indicates that further RTF
tests can be performed with confidence in the future to investigate the role of
different grid parameters.

The validation of the experimental work through the field trial justified some of the
assumptions made from the findings of the CET and RTF in the development of the
design method. The development of the design method for reinforced rail track is
discussed and presented in the next chapter.
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 156



7.1 Introduction

The purpose of this chapter is to describe the development of a guide, providing the
basis for the design of a ballasted rail track incorporating high tensile polymeric
geogrid reinforcement. The guide is based on a mechanistic-empirical model (i.e.
an engineering model + calibration factors). Results from the Composite Element
Test (CET) and Railway Test Facility (RTF) were used to calibrate and evaluate the
design guide. Structural analysis using the Shell BISAR multilayer linear elastic
layered system program provided the background for the design method. .

The analysis has been performed in two stages. The first is a pseudo non-linear
elastic computation of stresses in the ballast and the second computes the vertical
plastic strains resulting from these stresses.

The model allows exploration of the effect of various variables, e.g. subgrade
stiffness, geogrid reinforcement etc, on the settlement characteristics of the track.

The model provides the basis for predicting extension to track life when grid
reinforcement is used. This then allows an estimate to be made of the cost saving
from reduced maintenance activity on rail track. This chapter concludes with
comparison charts for different track variables and the effect of reinforcement on
track settlement
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 157

7.2 Design Approach

The theoretical analysis is a two stage process. In the first stage, stresses induced by
wheel loading and self weight of ballast were determined. The second stage saw the
computation of plastic strains based on the computed stress regime from stage one.
The surface settlement was determined by the summation of vertical plastic strains
with depth.

The Shell BISAR computer program was used to compute the stresses, elastic strains
and deflections in the structure from the application of one or more circular
uniformly distributed loads to the surface which assumes infinite extent horizontally.
The overlapped circular loads were used to simulate a rectangular loading area.
Initial stress analysis was carried out by assuming the ballast and subgrade to be a
series of linear elastic layers subjected to surface loading. Non-linearity of ballast
was introduced by means of a successive iteration approach used to compute the
stress regime from surface loading. The procedure is summarised in Figure 7.1.

Due to a lack of experimental data for the ballast used in this project, the non-linear
resilient characteristics of the ballast were modelled using the repeated load triaxial
test data from Selig and Waters (1994) as shown in Figure 7.2. This figure shows the
relationships between the applied stress levels and the vertical resilient strains for
tests on granite ballast. To compute permanent strain, repeated load data from Selig
and Waters (1994) were again used to relate permanent strain to applied stress as
shown in Figure 7.3. The figure shows representative results of constant-amplitude
repeated load tests with full unloading.

Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 158

Compute stress state at centre

of each sub -layer due to surface load
using assumed values of E for each layer

Add overburden stresses

to transient stresses

From triaxial data, determine values

of E corresponding to each total
stress state

Recompute transient stresses

using updated E values

Repeat until stress states and

E values are compatible

Figure 7.1 Procedure for computing stress in ballast

Figure 7.2 Relationship between applied stresses and resilient strain for granite
ballast (Selig and Waters, 1994)
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 159

Figure 7.3 Relationship between applied stress and permanent strain for granite
ballast (Selig and Waters, 1994)

7.3 CET Model

Initial work focused on the modelling of the Composite Element Test (CET). This
was done as a means to determine the appropriate means of accounting for the grid
reinforcement effect which could then be used in modelling the Railway Test Facility
(RTF). As discussed in Chapter 4 of this thesis, the CET is a simplified element test
which allows the ballast and grids to be tested at full scale with approximate
simulation of the situation beneath a sleeper. Two configurations were used, one with
the extra overburden which was deemed to be more realistic. The test was carried out
in a box-like structure and the cross section is as shown in Figure 7.4.

In the BISAR structural model of the CET, a series of surface loads were applied to
simulate loading on ballast via the sleeper, as shown in Figure 7.5. These circular
loads were arranged and assigned a load (6.67kN) to simulate the load distribution in
the CET. Since BISAR assumes infinite extent horizontally, in order to reproduce the
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 160

boundary effect, additional circular loads were added to produce zero the lateral
horizontal displacement at the location of the wall.

Hydraulic Actuator

Graded Ballast surface

crushed rock for later tests
sub-ballast Ballast surface
for initial tests
Load Cell
Grid when
present Loading Rubber
platen subgrade



Figure 7.4 Composite Element Test (CET)

Side Walls


Load Platen
276mm 250mm wide


Load on each circle = 6.67kN

Figure 7.5 Loading arrangements for analysis of CET
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 161

The BISAR program allows the foundation to be analysed in layers and in the case of
the CET, the ballast was divided into 3 sub-layers of 100mm sitting on top of a
subgrade material. In the CET, the subgrade condition was simulated through the use
of rubber sheets over a rigid base. An equivalent subgrade stiffness value was
deduced based on the resilient data from the CET; a subgrade stiffness of 80MPa was
found to produce the best match. The modulus of elasticity of the ballast was set
initially at 100MPa. The structural details are as shown in Figure 7.6. The exact
locations for stress and strain computation are as shown in Table 7.1.

Load = 20kN

E= 100MPa
3 x 100mm
E= 100MPa = 0.3

E= 100MPa

E = 80MPa
= 0.5

Points for stress and strain computation

Figure 7.6 Structural details for CET analysis

Table 7.1 Coordinates for stress and strain computations

Position X-Coordinates Y-Coordinates Depth (m)
1 0 0 0.05
2 0 0 0.15
3 0 0 0.25
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 162

The computed vertical deflection under the centre of the loading beam (at ballast
surface) compared favourably with the measured values.

Example of CET Permanent Strain Calculations

i. Set up structural model in BISAR

ii. Commencement of iteration. Using Selig and Waters (1994)s model for
railway ballast shown in Figure 7.2, the non-linear model E = f (q, p), the
iterated Youngs Modulus E can be derived from

= 1/E (v - 2h) (7.1)

Where = resilient strain, and is obtained from Figure 7.2.

v = vertical stress (from BISAR calculation),
h = confining stress (from BISAR calculation),
= Poissons Ratio,
q = deviatoric stress, (v - h),
p = mean normal stress, 1/3(v + 2 h).

iii. Repeat until E values are compatible

iv. Based on the assumption that ballast angle of friction, = 50o (Selig and
Waters, 1994) , the ratio of maximum applied deviator stress to failure
deviator stress can be found, the axial strain for each 100mm ballast layer
after 30,000 cycles performed in the CET could then be obtained from
Figure 7.3.

v. Adjustment factors of 0.7 to be applied to the computed results to match

the measured data obtained from the CET. Table 7.4 illustrate an example
of the use of CET Adjustment Factor (AF).
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 163

Table 7.2 Calculation of plastic strain

Calculation of Total Plastic Strain
Layer 1 (100mm) Computed strain 1 x AF
Layer 2 (100mm) Computed strain 2 x AF
Layer 3 (100mm) Computed strain 3 x AF
Total plastic strain ( x AF)

vi. For reinforced ballast, apply Grid Reinforcing Factor (GRF) as shown in
Table 7.3.

vii. Summation of plastic strain of all three layers with grid reinforcement,
( x AF x GRF).

Finally, in order to model the benefit of reinforcement in the CET model, an

approach using factored values was introduced. The magnitude of the permanent
strain was reduced through the introduction of a Grid Reinforcing Factor (GRF).
The GRF is a factor assigned to different layers in the ballast structure representing
the potential benefit in terms of reduced permanent strain with the use of geogrid
reinforcement. The GRF was obtained through the calibration against the CET
results and based on the assumption that the reduction of permanent strain will be
most apparent in a ballast layer near to the grid with a diffused effect at increasing
distances. There is no literature which quantifies this hypothesis but from an
engineering point of view, such an approach seems logical. Table 7.3 summarises the
magnitude of GRF selected for different grids for the three sub-layers to achieve a
match to the CET results. The CET measured values can be found in Figure 4.19.

Although the model includes many assumptions and an approximate calculation

methodology, the CET model has allowed a platform to be derived which can be
calibrated and applied to model the RTF tests.
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 164

Table 7.3 Grid Reinforcing Factors for CET simulations and comparison of
calibrated computed settlement with measured values for grid
at 250mm installation depth within ballast
Grid Type Grid Reinforcing Factor (GRF) Settlement (mm)
Layer Depth (mm) Measured Computed
0-100 100-200 200-300
Unreinforced 1.00 1.0 1.0 11.7 11.2
15-65 0.95 0.9 0.8 10.4 9.7
30-65 0.90 0.8 0.6 7.8 8.2
45-65 0.85 0.7 0.4 6.1 6.7
Steel 0.80 0.6 0.2 5.8 5.2

7.4 RTF Model

The Railway Test Facility (RTF) is a full-scale test facility which simulates the
passage of a train at reasonable speed. Vertical loads of 92kN were applied at 3Hz by
each of the three actuators in a programmed manner to simulate moving traffic. The
vertical settlement of the central sleeper was monitored along with the pressure cell
readings at the surface of the subgrade. Comparison of the unreinforced and
reinforced construction was done and is presented in Chapter 5. Figure 7.7 shows the
RTF test setup.

To reproduce the loading effect of the rigid sleeper of the RTF facility in BISAR, the
load distribution was arranged in such a way that the outermost circular loads was of
the highest magnitude as shown in Figure 7.8. This arrangement ensures
approximately even vertical displacement simulating the rigid nature of a sleeper.
The exact locations for stress and strain computation are similar to those in the CET
model as shown in Table 7.1.
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 165

Figure 7.7 Aerial photo of the Railway Test Facility (RTF)


500mm Experimental Load Application position



Load 14.95 8.89 8.832 8.56 8.98 8.56 8.832 8.89 14.95

Figure 7.8 Loading arrangements for analysis of RTF

Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 166

Load = 92kN

3 x 100mm E = 100MPa
E = 100MPa = 0.3

E = 100MPa

800mm Subgrade E = 25MPa

= 0.35

Concrete Floor
E = 109 MPa, = 0.2

Points for stress and strain computation

Figure 7.9 Structural details for RTF analysis

Figure 7.9 shows the structural details for the RTF analysis. The same iterative
approach also applies to the RTF model. However, instead of using a adjustment
factor of 0.7, the RTF data required a Adjustment Factor (AF) of 0.43 to match the
measured RTF results at 1 million load applications. In order to simulate the
measured deflection plots, a Settlement Plot Factor (SPF) was applied to each ballast
layer at settlement intervals of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 million cycles. The SPF is a
factored value calibrated from the settlement plots of the measured data (data
presented in Figure 5.19). The permanent strain for each of the three layers, for an
unreinforced RTF, after e.g. 0.25 million cycles, 0.25m, can be shown by the

0.25m = Permanent Strain of layer x RTF AF x SPF0.25m (7.3)

Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 167

Where the coefficients are illustrated in Table 7.4

Table 7.4 RTF coefficients

Settlement at (million cycles) RTF AF SPF
0.25 0.43 0.7
0.5 0.8
0.75 0.9
1 1

The GRF coefficients used for the CET model, as shown in Table 7.3, were applied
in the RTF model as well. The computed and laboratory values of settlement, with
the application of the coefficients, are given in Figure 7.10. The close correlation
between the two reinforced plots demonstrated a satisfactory RTF settlement
prediction model. The resilient deflection of the central RTF sleeper and the vertical
transient stress at the top of the subgrade were also computed and compared to the
measured values. The comparisons were again considered satisfactory as shown in
Figures 7.11 and 7.12.


Deformation (mm)

0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000

No. of Cycles
Simulation (30-65 Reinforced) Laboratory (30-65 Reinforced)
Simuation (Unreinforced) Laboratory (Unreinforced)

Figure 7.10 Comparison of computed and measured settlement for RTF

Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 168


Resilient Deflection (mm)





0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000
No. of Cycles

Measured (Reinforced) Measured (Unreinforced) Computed

Figure 7.11 Comparison of measured and computed resilient deflections of the

central sleeper in the RTF

Stress at Formation Level (kPa)







0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000
No. of Cycles

Measured (Reinforced) Measured (Unreinforced) Computed

Figure 7.12 Comparison of measured and computed vertical stress at formation level
beneath centre of sleeper
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 169

7.5 Model Used to Produce Design Chart

The purpose of the design charts is to provide a design guide for polymeric grid
reinforced ballasted track design. Extension in track life is taken as the key parameter
in this design guide. The Life Extension Factor (LEF) is taken as the number of
cycles at a given settlement for the reinforced case divided by the number of cycles
for the unreinforced case. If the number of cycles is set at the settlement which
triggers track maintenance work, the LEF will be the extension in maintenance

The RTF settlement model is taken to be a representation of real track and it allows
variation of certain key parameters. The parameters that have been varied include the
applied load, the subgrade resilient modulus, ballast thickness and the type of grid.
The ballast in this investigation was kept consistent with the use of Glensanda ballast
throughout the course of this project. The effect of contaminated ballast or different
mineralogy or the effect of particle shapes will therefore not be included in the
design consideration. These issues can be added in the future.

Figure 7.13 shows the predicted effect of subgrade stiffness on settlement. It can be
seen from the figure that subgrade stiffness is predicted to have little influence on
settlement. Traffic loading in practice is often quantified in Million Gross Tonnes
(MGT) and the conversion from the number of load cycles in the RTF is 1MGT =
20,000 cycles at 92kN (Esveld, 2001). This indicated that the equivalent of 50MGT
was applied in each of the 4 RTF tests.

Although the ballast strain model used is based on data in the published work of
Selig and Waters (1994), it was found that is was not sensitive with regard to
subgrade stiffness or to applied stress. Therefore, to establish a more realistic non-
linear relationship between applied stress and ballast settlement, a modification of
the ballast settlement law proposed in Ishida (2003) has been introduced in the
model. Ishida (2003)s settlement law assumption was used throughout for the RTF
model The equation is expressed as:
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 170

Yb = (Pt b) 2 (7.4)

Yb: Ballast settlement (mm/axle)
Pt: Pressure of sleeper base plate (kPa)
b: Coefficient (= 39.6kPa: ballast thickness of 250mm)

Design Charts

Figure 7.14 shows the effect of geogrid reinforcement with a 25MPa subgrade under
a 100kN load using the settlement power law adjustment in Eqn 7.4. Only the 65mm
aperture grids were considered as it has been shown in the CET and RTF tests to be
the best performing grid. The 65mm aperture grid range was concluded to have the
optimum size for effective reinforcement. Figure 7.15 presents the influence of
applied load on computed Life Extension Factor (LEF) for a subgrade stiffness of
25MPa. Maintenance on a rail track is triggered by differential settlement and the
relationship between absolute settlement and differential settlement is known to be
complex but Thom and Oakley (2006) claimed an absolute settlement of 10mm or
more will trigger maintenance. The LEF in this design chart is based on the
accumulated number of cycles at the 6mm settlement mark which is conservative
compared to the figure reported by Thom and Oakley.
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 171


Deformation (mm)

0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000

No. of Cycles
25MPa 50MPa 100MPa 200MPa

Figure 7.13 Influence of subgrade stiffness on computed settlement for

unreinforced track


Deformation (mm)


0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000

No. of Cycles
15-65 30-65 45-65 Unreinforced

Figure 7.14 Effect of geogrid reinforcement with subgrade stiffness of 25MPa under
a 100kN load
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 172


Life Extension Factor

1 1.6
15-65 30-65 45-65
Grid Types

Figure 7.15 Effect of geogrid reinforcement with subgrade stiffness of 25MPa under
a 100kN load on LEF

In Figure 7.15, the LEF is presented as the extension of track life with the installation
of the various grids, at the 6mm settlement mark, in proportion to an unreinforced
case. The influences of applied load, subgrade resilient modulus, and type of grid on
the computed LEF are shown in Figures 7.16, 7.17, 7.18 and 7.19.

It can be seen that applied load has less influence on the LEF values compared to the
stiffness of the subgrade. The LEF values, on the other hand, decrease with
increasing subgrade stiffness. This is consistent with the CET findings where it was
concluded that effect of geogrid reinforcement is observed to be particularly
noticeable with soft subgrade.

For practical design purposes, a summary set of LEFs was produced and these are
given in Table 7.6. The table shows the value of LEF for design of a geogrid
reinforced track with a ballast thickness of 300mm. For the ease of use, two
categories of subgrade are specified; soft (E = 25 to 50MPa) and stiff (E = 100 to
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 173

Life Extension Factor

60kN 70kN 80kN 90kN 100kN
15-65 30-65 45-65

Figure 7.16 Influence of applied load on computed LEF values for a subgrade
stiffness of 25MPa

Life Extension Factor

60kN 70kN 80kN 90kN 100kN
15-65 30-65 45-65

Figure 7.17 Influence of applied load on computed LEF values for a subgrade
stiffness of 50MPa
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 174

Life Extension Factor

60kN 70kN 80kN 90kN 100kN
15-65 30-65 45-65

Figure 7.18 Influence of applied load on computed LEF values for a subgrade
stiffness of 100MPa

Life Extension Factor

60kN 70kN 80kN 90kN 100kN

15-65 30-65 45-65

Figure 7.19 Influence of applied load on computed LEF values for a subgrade
stiffness of 200MPa
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 175

Table 7.5 Proposed values of Life Extension Factor for

design (Ballast thickness = 300mm)
Load Extension Factor
Grid (LEF)
(A/B Ratio of
Soft Subgrade Stiff Subgrade
(E = 25 to 50 MPa) (E = 100 to 200 MPa)
15-65 1.5 1.4
30-65 2.3 2.0
45-65 5.4 4.6

The effect of varying the thickness of ballast was also considered; considering ballast
thicknesses of 210mm and 420mm. These figures were chosen for convenience as
they are divisible by 3 hence allowing the easy definition of three equal sub-layers
(70mm and 140mm for the two cases respectively). The new ballast thickness
arrangements were put through the same prediction model.

Using the data from the Grid Reinforcing Factors (GRF) for the 30-65 grid as shown
in Table 7.3 (based on 300mm ballast thickness), those values were extrapolated as
shown in Figure 7.20. The extrapolated GRF plot allows the estimation of the effect
of grid reinforcement at various distances away from grid.

Figures 7.21 and 7.22 show the computed relationships between settlement and
number of load applications for the reinforced and unreinforced cases with ballast
thicknesses of 210mm and 420mm respectively. The grid used is the 30-65 grid. The
value of LEF was determined at a settlement equal to 60% of the total settlement at
the 1 million cycles mark. This is consistent with the approach taken for the 300mm
layer where the LEF was determined at the 6mm settlement mark, 60% of the total
settlement, which was 10mm (see Figure 7.10).

Table 7.5 shows a summary of the LEF values for the various ballast thicknesses for
the 30-65 grid under the soft subgrade condition, since the 30-65 grid is already a
Tensar production type and the soft subgrade condition is deemed to be most relevant
to reinforced track designers.
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 176


Distance away from Grid (mm)








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Grid Reinforcing Factor

Figure 7.20 Grid Reinforcing Factors at various distances from a 30-65 grid



Deformation (mm)


0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000

No. of Cycles
Unreinforced Reinforced

Figure 7.21 Computed settlement curves for a 210mm ballast layer

Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 177



Deformation (mm) 12


0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000

No. of Cycles
Unreinforced Reinforced

Figure 7.22 Computed settlement curves for a 420mm ballast layer

Table 7.6 Values of LEF as a function of ballast

thickness for the 30-65 grid (A/B: 1.6)(Soft subgrade)
Ballast Life Extension
Thickness Factor (LEF)
210 3.9
300 2.3
420 2.1

From Table 7.6, the highest LEF value was achieved in the 30-65 reinforced 210mm
thick ballast layer and the lowest in the 420mm thick ballast. This is consistent with
the principle that the permanent strain would be reduced closest to the grid position.
The ballast thickness of 210mm is approximately the minimum workable depth on a
rail track without interfering with maintenance work such as tamping so grid must be
placed beneath this depth.
Chapter 7: Development of Design Method 178

7.6 Summary

The purpose of this design guide is to provide a basis for the design of a ballasted rail
track incorporating high tensile polymeric geogrid reinforcement. Experimental data
and simplified theoretical analysis were used in the development of the preliminary
design guide for reinforced ballasted track.

The stress computation involves the use of the Shell BISAR multilayer linear elastic
layered system program which computes the stresses, elastic strains and deflections
in the structure. Non-linearity of ballast was introduced by means of a successive
iteration approach used to compute the stress regime from surface loading.

A series of coefficients were used to calibrate measured results to computed results.

The calibration was based on the CET and RTF unreinforced test results. The Grid
Reinforcing Factor (GRF) as shown in Table 7.3 is based on the principle that the
grid reinforcing effect decreases with increased distance from grid.

Design charts have been presented in terms of Life Extension Factor (LEF). The LEF
can be linked to the extension in maintenance interval if the settlement is set to be the
point which triggers site maintenance work, e.g. tamping or stone-blowing. From the
charts, it can be taken that the effect of geogrid reinforcement was most noticeable
under soft subgrade. This prediction is in good agreement with the findings of most
reports (see Chapter 2.6).

The developed design method, based on a mechanistic-empirical model has

produced a workable design chart for grid reinforced track designers.
Chapter 8:Conclusion and Recommendations179


8.1 Conclusions

The conclusions that can be drawn from this research are:

Grid/Ballast Interaction

The series of element tests carried out, namely Pull-Out Test, Rib Test and
Particle Friction Test have been successful in providing data and information
to assist DEM modelling work performed by Harrireche.

The results obtained from the Particle Friction Test were fairly consistent
with the literature with a frictional coefficient of 0.6. Results from the pull-
out test were satisfactory in terms of repeatability. Grid aperture and stiffness
in terms of rib thickness were deemed to be two critical criteria as proven in
both laboratory (pull-out) and simulation results.

Harrireches Discrete Element Modelling (DEM) simulation on size ratio

agrees well with the experimental work in which it was concluded that the
65mm aperture grid induces a better interlock than the grid with a 32mm
aperture for a 50mm nominal size ballast aggregate.
Chapter 8:Conclusion and Recommendations180

Composite Element Test (CET)

Good repeatability of test was demonstrated by the consistency of test results

achieved in the CET tests.

Geogrid reinforced ballast layer showed a significant reduction in permanent

settlement over the test duration. The improvement in permanent strain
depended on the choice of grid used.

The benefit of the grid reinforcement increases with softer subgrade


The aperture size of the geogrid was found to be very important as it

influenced the grid/ballast interlock. The optimal aperture size was found to
be at approximately 60-80mm. Results from the CET indicated the 65mm
aperture size range grid to be most effective in reducing settlement for a
50mm nominal size aggregate.

Grid stiffness was found to be an important factor in the reinforcement of

ballast. The stiffest (45-65) grid was the best performer in the CET tests.

Multiple layers of geogrid or the installation of a grid at mid-depth has little

effect on performance in terms of reduced ballast settlement, compared to the
standard case of reinforcement.

A geo-composite does not match the performance of geogrid. The lack of

ballast punch depth due to the presence of the geo-textile heat-bonded to the
grid is likely to have prevented proper ballast/grid interlock.

Grid junction strength was found to be important in promoting effective

ballast/grid interlock hence reducing settlement.
Chapter 8:Conclusion and Recommendations181

The rib profile of the geogrid was found to be a significant parameter and its
influence is most prominently shown in the latter stages of loading, at higher

Findings from the CET provided a good platform for the design of
experiments in the full-scale Railway Track Facility (RTF).

Railway Test Facility (RTF)

The 30-65 grid was used based on the recommendation from the CET and the
fact that it is a current production grid of Tensar International.

The test was deemed to be repeatable with the results, especially those
obtained without the inference of the tamping procedure, showing good
correlation and consistency.

Findings from the RTF were in good agreement with those from the CET
where geogrid reinforcement was found to reduce permanent settlement.

Geogrid reinforcement reduces the rate of track settlement. The required

interval between maintenance interventions was found to have increased by a
factor of about 2.5.

Field Trials

A field trial on a geogrid-reinforced rail track section carried out at Coppul

Moor served as a point of validation of the results presented in this thesis

The trial concluded that the rate of deterioration is reduced where the 30-65
grid is installed even when compared to a section with a stiffer subgrade.
Chapter 8:Conclusion and Recommendations182

The field trial, the CET and the RTF all produced similar findings; most
notably that geogrid reinforcement can potentially reduce the rate of track
deterioration and long term ride quality.

Results from the trial also indicated that geogrid reinforcement has very little
influence on the trackbed stiffness as the grid is utilised principally to limit
the accumulation of plastic strain rather than resilient strains.

The rate of track deterioration is reduced by approximately a factor of 1.9

with the use of the 30-65 geogrid.

Development of Design Method for Reinforced Rail Track

Use of a simplified elastic analysis for the track structure formed the basis for
successful modelling of the reduction in settlement observed in the CET and
RTF tests.

The model was calibrated with results from the CET and RTF.

The benefit of grid reinforcement in the simulation is provided by the Grid

Reinforcing Factor (GRF), a coefficient obtained through the results from the
CET and RTF.

The design charts are presented in terms of a Life Extension Factor (LEF),
taken as the number of cycles at that settlement for the reinforced case
divided by the number of cycles for the unreinforced case. It indicates the
potential extension between track maintenance intervals.

The design charts encompass variables such as applied load, stiffness

modulus of subgrade (listed as soft and stiff in the charts), grid type as
well as the thickness of ballast.
Chapter 8:Conclusion and Recommendations183

8.2 Overall Conclusions

The objective of this research project was to quantify the benefit of geogrid
reinforcement on ballasted rail track and to investigate the mechanistic properties of
geogrids that would deliver optimal performance. To achieve this aim, a design chart
has been produced that is meant to conclude the findings from the research and to
make them available, in simple format, to the grid reinforced track designers.

Results from fundamental element work, investigating grid/ballast interaction, were

fed into the DEM work performed by Harrireche. The results from these element
tests were deemed satisfactory and the conclusion from the DEM, supported by the
data presented in this thesis, produced important findings, namely the importance of
grid stiffness as well as the importance of grid aperture to particle size ratio. These
early findings laid the foundation for the investigative work carried out in the CET.

The CET was not meant to be a direct representation of the field conditions but good
comparable results were produced from this test. The series of tests performed in the
CET was easily the most time consuming of the whole project but the conclusions
and data collected from it formed the groundwork for the findings of this research.
The author believes that the ease of use and the relatively quick turnover of tests of
the CET will benefit many future works.

The results from the CET successfully isolated and clearly defined the importance of
aperture to ballast size ratio, rib profile and the effect of grid stiffness.

Many, if not all of these attributes however, cannot be taken independently as they
are often reliant upon the other. It is vitally important for any grid user or designer to
acknowledge this.

The RTF is an important piece of equipment that attempts to bridge the gap between
laboratory work and practical site work. Though no laboratory equipment can boast
to be able to completely simulate the site conditions, the RTF as a test is sensitive
enough to demonstrate the effect of grid reinforcement, shown in the tests performed
in this research. The availability of a tamping bank further increased the scope of
Chapter 8:Conclusion and Recommendations184

work that could be done on the RTF, as well as having the increased realism since
tamping is a common occurrence on many rail tracks. The effect of post tamping on
the deformation characteristics of the grid reinforced composite has not be
sufficiently explored due to time limitations. It is therefore, important to understand
that any benefit of the reinforced grid does not include the unexplored initial
settlement behaviour of the composite, post tamping. This also applies to the
concluding LEF values presented in the Design Charts.

The Design Charts presented in Chapter 7 of this thesis defined the influence of
geogrid reinforcement in a simple LEF format. The level of plastic strains simulated
from the tests is within the realistic in-situ range. Generally, it can be conclude that
the various LEF values presented in Chapter 7 gave a good appreciation and
understanding of the effects of grid reinforcement on rail track performance. It must
also be recognized that the design charts, at this moment, are still more of an interim
piece of work rather than a direct representation of in-situ performance.

Having executed the whole series of experimental work in this thesis, it is concluded
that the results, namely those from the CET and RTF, showed a general agreement
that correct use of geogrid reinforcement is likely to help in the reduction of vertical
plastic strain of the composite. However, it must also be emphasized the tests were
all carried out under specific test conditions and that due diligence must be
conducted in practical site application.

This thesis concludes in particular:

Grid aperture needs to be at least 1.6 times the mean ballast particle size if
good interlock, and hence good load transfer and reinforcement is to be

Grid aperture should not be too large otherwise some of the reinforcing effect
is diminished.

The stiffness of the geogrid has little effect when good interlock is not
achieved, but improves the reinforcing effect when interlock is good. This
Chapter 8:Conclusion and Recommendations185

improvement leads to less strain in the reinforced ballast system prior to

reinforcement being effective and a greater reinforcing effect once it is.

Reinforcement is much less effective in ballast that rests on stiff subgrades.

Better reinforcing is achieved when a thicker rib is available to interact with

the ballast.

A Life Extension Factor has been introduced to model a trend of extended

maintenance cycle interval. Values of LEF of up to 5 times have been
obtained, although this is based on limited data. Application of this on site
may be based on different sets of parameters and caution should be taken.
Chapter 8:Conclusion and Recommendations186

8.3 Recommendations for further research

The DEM work of this project could be extended to model the CET. Simplified
clusters could be used to reduce the computation time. Important parameters, such as
grid stiffness, rib profile, contribution of settlement at different ballast layers can
then be investigated.

The walls of the CET could be made non-rigid for a more realistic simulation
compared to site condition. Springs could be added to the walls to allow some
movement, lowering confinement. Ballast particles will then have a greater degree of
freedom to roll and displace laterally. The CET could also be modified to allow
visual inspection of deformation or settlement of ballast particles at different stages
of loading. A perspex wall could be installed for this purpose. This could allow
possible measurement of ballast displacement in different layers at various points.

More work can be done on assessing the performance of geo-composite. One of the
reasons given for the poor performance of the geo-composite is that the rubber sheet
doesnt behave like soil. The lack of penetrability of the rubber sheet is likely to have
influenced the results. Hence, it is recommended that the CET be modified to
incorporate the use of real soil for the subgrade layer and that tests using geo-
composites be carried out. It would also be useful to repeat tests on geogrids (not
composite) over a soil subgrade.

A bending stiffness test could be carried out to investigate the importance of rib
bending stiffness on ballast/grid interlock. It can be seen in the CET the formation of
a shear failure plane formed when stiffer grids (higher bending stiffness) were
tested. Such formation has a detrimental effect on the reinforcing ability of the
geogrid. Hence, it will be useful and important to quantify the effect of grid bending
stiffness on grid performance. A simple rib test can be introduced to fulfil such task.

More variables could be introduced into the RTF experiments. The subgrade used
could be varied e.g. clay etc. There should also be a variety in the types of ballasts
Chapter 8:Conclusion and Recommendations187

used, with different shear strength. Different ballast thickness can also be
investigated. A variation in ballast size will also serve to justify the experimental and
theoretical findings of this project, that an aperture size to particle diameter ratio of
1.6 gives the optimal grid aperture size. In addition, the effect of reinforcement on
wet or foul ballast will also provide interesting insights. Variation in loading set-up,
including increasing load magnitude and frequency, will help to provide some
validation for the predictions in the design guide. A more efficient method to move
ballast material in and out of the test pit should also be devised so as to reduce
experimental time.

This research would benefit from the availability of triaxial results on the ballast used
in the RTF. This would give a more robust prediction in the design guide. The
analysis utilised a programme based on linear elastic theory with the non-linearity
addressed by a successive iteration approach. This method could be improved on
with the introduction of the non-linear analysis of the aggregate for a better
prediction of permanent strains, added to any future design method. This can be
achieved with the Finite Element Simulation of plastic strain accumulation in ballast.

The empirical nature of the prediction of permanent deformation in this project,

though effective, is far from satisfactory. Development of a proper scientific
understanding of the deformation response under dynamic load with proper material
modelling will better serve any modifications to the design guide. Finite Element
Modelling and Discrete Element Modelling could be used to execute such work.

The issue of the relationship between absolute settlement and differential settlement
should be investigated to improve on the accuracy of the prediction made in the
design guide.

Having executed the whole series of experimental work in this thesis, I must
conclude that the results, namely those from the CET and RTF, showed a general
agreement that correct use of geogrid reinforcement is likely to help in the reduction
of vertical plastic strain of the composite. However, it must also be emphasized the
tests were all carried out under specific test conditions and that due diligence must be
conducted in practical site application.
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