Urinary System Review Guide

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The key takeaways are that the urinary system filters waste from the blood and excretes it as urine. The main organs are the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The kidneys filter the blood and produce urine, while the other structures store and excrete urine.

The main functions of the urinary system are to filter waste from the blood, regulate fluid balance and electrolyte levels in the body, and excrete urine.

The kidneys are located retroperitoneally on either side of the vertebral column behind the abdominal cavity. Each kidney contains an outer cortex and inner medulla, as well as structures like renal pyramids, renal columns, minor and major calyces that make up the renal sinus and pelvis.

Urinary System Review Guide

1. List the main functions of the urinary system.

2. Describe the location of the kidneys; identify the kidneys,

ureter, urethra and bladder on a diagram

3. Describe and label a kidney (renal pelvis and sinus, cortex,

medulla, nephron, renal pyramid, hilum)

4. Explain how the kidney helps the body maintain


5. List the vessels associated with the kidney, know their

general locations

6. Describe the structure of a nephron, label on a diagram.

glomerulus, bowmans capsule, proximal and distal

tubule, loop of henle, collecting duct

7. Distinguish between filtration, reabsorption, and

secretion. Where do these processes occur?

8. List the substances (and proportions) that make up the


9. What hormone regulates the formation of urine?

10. Explain the process of micturation, which muscle controls the urethral sphincter?

11. Describe disorders that affect the urinary system and how they are treated.

12. Explain how a kidney is transplanted. What is a kidney swap (see article)
1. ___________________ Stores urine before it is excreted
2. ___________________ The renal pelvis is divided into the major and the minor ___
3. ___________________ Surrounds the glomerulus (also called "Bowman's ___ )
4. ___________________ Duct that stores urine that has passed through the distal
5. ___________________ The outer area of the kidney, it forms a shell around the
6. ___________________ An inflammation of the bladder, also known as a bladder
7. ___________________ A procedure that cleans the blood of patients who do not
have functioning kidneys
8. _____________________ A tangled cluster of blood capillaries, filtration starts here.
9. ___________________ The renal artery gives rise to these arteries, which pass
between the renal pyramids
10. ___________________ A bean shaped organ that lies on either side of the
vertebral column and filters the blood
11. ___________________ The inner region of the kidney, which contains the renal pyramids
12. ___________________ The act of urination
13. ___________________ The functional unit of the kidney.
14. ___________________ A funnel shaped sac found within the renal sinus; renal ____
15. ___________________ The depression on the medial side of the kidney; renal ____
16. ___________________ Occurs in the proximal tubule, water is returned to the blood
17. ___________________ Tubes that lead from the kidney and deliver urine to the bladder
18. ___________________ This tube carries urine outside the body
19. ___________________ Type of epithelium that lines the bladder
20. ___________________ A word that means "pertaining to the kidneys"

1. ___bladder______ Stores urine before it is excreted

2. ____calyx________ The renal pelvis is divided into the major and the minor ___ (singular)
3. ____capsule________ Surrounds the glomerulus (also called "Bowman's ___ )
4. ____collecting_______ Duct that stores urine that has passed through the distal tubule
5. ____cortex________ The outer area of the kidney, it forms a shell around the medulla.
6. ____cystitis_______ An inflammation of the bladder, also known as a bladder infection
7. ____dialysis_______ A procedure that cleans the blood of patients who do not have
functioning kidneys
8. ____glomerulus__________ A tangled cluster of blood capillaries, filtration starts here.
9. ___interlobar_______ The renal artery gives rise to these arteries, which pass between
the renal pyramids
10. ___kidneys_________ A bean shaped organ that lies on either side of the vertebral column
and filters the blood
11. ___medulla______ The inner region of the kidney, which contains the renal pyramids
12. ___micturation_______ The act of urination
13. ____nephron_____ The functional unit of the kidney.
14. _____pelvis__________ A funnel shaped sac found within the renal sinus; renal ____
15. ____sinus__________ The depression on the medial side of the kidney; renal ____
16. ____reabsorption__________ Occurs in the proximal tubule, water is returned to the
17. ___ureter_______ Tubes that lead from the kidney and deliver urine to the bladder
18. _____urethra______ This tube carries urine outside the body
19. _____transitional______ Type of epithelium that lines the bladder
20. ____renal______ A word that means "pertaining to the kidneys"

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