2-Lesson Plans Group 2

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Lesson Plan Template

Visual Art Unit Plan: Overview of Lessons

Big Idea: Identity (Julia Kropinova, Liana Foxx) Medium(s):Electronic media/Performance Art Grade Level: 8

Essential Visual Art & NCAS & VAPA Procedures Summary Modifications for
Questions Multicultural Standards IEPs & English
Objectives Language

Lesson 1 How can something The students will be 1.0 ARTISTIC The teacher will provide the class The lesson plan does
Title: that has no limits able to identify and PERCEPTION with an opening video, which not focus on specific
such as electronic describe verbally who will focus on the performance art materials allowing the
Power Point art, be narrowed they are as an artist, 2.0 CREATIVE
introduction with incorporation of electronic differently-labeled
down in the student or future EXPRESSION
to the big classroom so the teacher through media. students to work with a
idea and the students are able to exploration of VTS 3.0 HISTORICAL variety of materials.
mediums AND CULTURAL The teacher will provide the class This will give students
explore new media activity. Students will
being used in small increments? use Martin Grohs as CONTEXT with a power point presentation that opportunity to
How can the rapid inspiration for the of the new concept of electronic work with challenging
change in our verbal identification of 4.0 AESTHETIC media and performance art, the materials if they are
society help create their final work. VALUING. presentation will include advanced learners,
meaningful artwork? essential.
Standard 1-Generates other students can feel
In what ways does
multimedia and conceptualizes The students will be seated in comfortable in an
equipment artistic ideas and work. their Unit Plan groups so that environment that is free
contributes to Standard 2-Organize they get to communicate freely. choice and none
variation of new and develop artistic judgmental.
media artwork? ideas and work. The teacher will perform VTS in
What Standard 3-Refine and order to identify specific
compete artistic work. meanings of Martin Grohs
Lesson Plan Template

come with freedom Standard 4- Selecting, artwork.

of Electronic media Analyzing and
art? interpreting artists
In what ways can
work for presentations.
new media
contribute to the Standard 5-Develop
exploration of self? and refine artistic
techniques and work
for presentation.

Lesson 2 In what ways does The students will be Standard 6-Convey The teacher will present the artist The EL students would
Title: digital revolution able to visualize, and meaning through the during the power point to help benefit from discussion
VTS strengthen the role create a unique self- presentation of artists identify his background in small groups because
discussion of innovator in our portrait using personal work. Standard 7-
information and possible it would avoid putting
about the society? photographs and other Perceive and analyze
artist and his mixed media materials artistic work. Standard inspirations. them on the spot, while
imagery and electronic 8-Internet intent and creating a safe
Students will curate a small-scale environment with in the
programs in order to meaning in artistic
express themselves. work. Standard 9- self-portrait from mixed media classroom.
Apply criteria to materials and photographs they
evaluate artistic work. brought as homework.
Standard 10-
Synthesize and relate Students will identify their
knowledge and culture and other unique
personal experiences to information about them related to
make art. Standard 11-
Lesson Plan Template

Relate and works with this self-portrait.

societal, cultural, and
historical context to
deepen understanding.
Lesson 3 How can The students will be Students will visualize the The El students will be
Title: appropriation of able to explore the artwork using personal provided with a think
Create a self- images contribute to prior information they photographs and mixed media. sheet like the rest of the
portrait the students have learned about the students in class,
exploration of self- history of their culture Students will take a photo of the however the teacher
portrait? in order to incorporate final artwork, while creating a will make sure to check
it into their final self- up with that individual
digital filter through application
portrait. student in case they
available on any electronic need clarification.

At the end of the class, a teacher

will facilitate a class discussion
about their personal self-portraits.
A teacher will ask students to
share what they have created.

Lesson 4 In what ways can The students will be

new media able to discuss and
Think Sheet contribute to the answer specific
Discussion exploration of self? questions relating to
their identity and mass
media culture.
Lesson Plan Template

Staple this Unit Plan to the top of all Lesson Plans in chronological order.

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