English Language Learning Materials Makes Available To A Wider Readership A

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Some of the key takeaways from the introduction are that Brian Tomlinson has made significant contributions to ELT materials development and English Language Learning Materials provides valuable information for ELT professionals in Portugal. A common complaint among ELT practitioners in Portugal is a sense of isolation from developments in their field.

A common challenge faced by ELT practitioners according to the passage is that after leaving university and entering the state or private school system, they have few opportunities to stay connected with developments in their field and validate their teaching procedures and materials.

The field of materials development has evolved over time from being considered a sub-section of methodology to becoming a field of study in its own right, with more attention given to how materials can be developed and used to facilitate language acquisition starting in the mid-1990s.



A. Background
Brian Tomlinson is responsible for an extensive list of publications related
to the development of English Language Teaching (ELT) materials. He is
regular speaker at international conferences (including the recent 5th
International Forum on ELT at the Faculty of Letters, the University of Porto
(FLUP) in October 2011) and he is the president of MATSDA The Materials
Development Association. The recent publication of the paperback edition of
English Language Learning Materials makes available to a wider readership a
wealth of information, both theoretical and practical, through a series of studies
of ELT materials and contexts from around the world. The depth and breadth of
the descriptions and reflections provided is a valuable resource for any ELT
professional working in Portugal. A common complaint among these
practitioners is a sense of isolation, that having left university and entered the
state or private school system, or other areas of more precarious ELT
employment, they have few opportunities to stay in touch with developments in
their field and in this way are less able to validate their teaching procedures and
materials; this does not mean that the various teacher development courses
and conferences offered and organized by various institutions around Portugal
are not without merit, it is more a question of the infrequency and lack of
permanence of these events. This book brings the world of ELT into our local
professional orbit in one easy to consult volume.

B. Purpose
To know about language development

A. Materials development

materials for language learning will be taken to be anything that can be

used to facilitate the learning of a language, including coursebooks, videos,
graded readers, flash cards, games, websites and mobile phone interactions,
though, inevitably, much of the literature focuses on printed materials.
Materials can be informative (informing the learner about the target language),
instructional (guiding the learner in practising the language), experiential
(providing the learner with experience of the language in use), eliciting
(encouraging the learner to use the language) and exploratory (helping the
learner to make discoveries about the language). As different learners learn in
different ways (Oxford 2002) the ideal materials aim to provide all these ways
of acquiring a language for the learners to experience and sometimes select
from. However, the reality is that most commercially produced materials focus
on informing their users about language features and on guiding them to
practise these features, a fact that is highlighted by Richards (2001: 251)
comment that instructional materials generally serve as the basis of much of
the language input that learners receive and the language practice that occurs in
the classroom. The same point is made by Tomlinson et al. (2001) and
Masuhara et al. (2008) in their reviews of currently used adult EFL
coursebooks: both conclude that the emphasis in most coursebooks is on
providing explicit teaching and practice.
Given how important language-learning materials are, it is surprising how
little attention they have received until recently in the literature on applied
linguistics. It was not until the mid-1990s that materials development began to
be treated seriously by academics as a field in its own right. Before then it
tended to be considered as something that practitioners did or as a sub-section
of methodology, in which materials were usually presented as examples of
methods in action rather than as examples of the principles and procedures of
materials development. A few books and articles in the 1970s and 1980s
focused on such issues as materials evaluation and selection or on giving
practical advice on writing materials (see section 2). However, it has been the
books of the mid-nineties onwards (e.g. McDonough & Shaw 1993, 2003;
Cunningsworth 1995; Tomlinson 1998a, 2003a, 2008a; McGrath 2002;
Harwood 2010a) that have stimulated universities and teacher-training
institutions to give more time to how materials can be developed and exploited
to facilitate language acquisition. This is a development which had already
been stimulated by the formation in 1972 of SELMOUS (Special English
Language Materials for Overseas University Students), which focused on
materials development for English for academic purposes, and in 1993 by
MATSDA (the Materials Development Association), which runs conferences
and workshops and publishes the journal Folio. Also around this time,
associations such as JALT in Japan, MICELT in Malaysia and TESOL in the
USA set up materials development special interest groups. Nowadays there are
a number of dedicated materials development M.A.s (e.g. at the International
Graduate School of English (IGSE) in Seoul) and many universities now run
post-graduate materials development modules. In many countries Ph.D.
students and teachers are researching factors that contribute to the successful
development and exploitation of materials, and the findings of some of these
studies are published in Tomlinson & Masuhara (2010).
Materials development is now not only undertaken by practitioners but is
also a field of academic study. As a practical activity it involves the production,
evaluation and adaptation of materials. As a field it investigates the principles
and procedures of the design, writing, implementation, evaluation and analysis
of materials. Ideally, these investigations both inform and are informed by the
development and use of materials. This is the case in a number of recent
publications (e.g. Mukundan 2009a; Mishan & Chambers 2010; Tomlinson
2010a, 2011a; Harwood 2010a; Tomlinson & Masuhara 2010, 2012) whose
authors are both practising writers of language-learning materials and
academics theorising about materials development.

B. History of publications on materials development

Recent publications on materials development have focused more on the

application of theory to aspects of materials development. Tomlinson (2007a)
is primarily a book about language acquisition but many of its chapters include
applications of theory to materials development (e.g. applications of research
on recasts, on visual imaging, on the use of the inner voice and on
comprehension approaches). Tomlinson (2008a) starts with a chapter on
language acquisition and language-learning materials and then focuses on
research evaluating the potential effects of language-learning materials in each
major area of the world. Harwood (2010a) explores the issues involved in the
principled design, implementation and evaluation of materials and includes
chapters on a genre-based approach to developing materials for writing, a
principled approach to developing materials for content-based approaches for
http://journals.cambridge.org Downloaded: 20 May 2012 IP address: 146 BRIAN TOMLINSON reading, and designing materials for
community-based adult ESL programs. Tomlinson & Masuhara (2010) report
projects from all over the world in which research has been conducted on the
effectiveness of materials designed to apply the principles of, for example,
extensive reading approaches, process and discovery approaches to the
development of writing skills, and process drama and problem-solving
approaches. Gray (2010) departs from this concern with the effectiveness of
materials and focuses on the representational practices in textbook
development and, in particular, on the effects of producing global coursebooks
as promotional commodities which give English meaning in highly selective
ways. In Tomlinson (2011a) an introduction to the principles and procedures of
materials development is followed by chapters on the application to materials
development of approaches based on corpora, tasks, self-access and new
technologies. And the most recent publication in the field of materials
development I know of, Tomlinson & Masuhara (2012), explores the
application to materials development of the research findings of numerous
areas of applied linguistics, as well as the implications of practice for the
development of theory. Each chapter begins with a review of current research,
followed by an evaluation of published materials in the light of research
findings, with suggestions and illustration how to apply these findings to
materials development. The literature on materials development has come a
long way, now focusing less on ways of selecting materials and more on the
application of theory to practice and practice to theory. But in my view there
are certain aspects of materials development which have not yet received
enough attention. I would like to read publications exploring the effects on the
learners of different ways of using the same materials (for example, as a script
or a resource; as a sequential course or a course for learner navigation; as a
core component or a supplement). Most of all, however, I would like to read
publications reporting and applying the results of longitudinal studies not just
of the effects of materials on the attitudes, beliefs, engagement and motivation
of learners but on their actual communicative effectiveness. For the field of
materials development to become more credible it needs to become more
empirical. For example, research projects could compare the delayed effect on
learners communicative competence of different types of materials used by the
same teacher to teach the same points to equivalent classes of learners. Or
they could give individuals of equivalent competence a choice of different
materials routes to the same communicative goals, and compare their progress.
Similarly, they could compare the effects of materials produced in different
ways (e.g. text driven vs. teaching point driven) to achieve the same objectives.

C. Materials evaluation
1) Establishing criteria and developing evaluation instruments
Much of the early literature on materials development attempted to help
teachers and materials developers to develop criteria for evaluating and
selecting materials. For example, Tucker (1975) proposed a four-component
scheme for measuring the internal and external value of beginners textbooks,
Davison (1976) proposed a five-category scheme for the evaluation and
selection of textbooks and Dauod & Celce-Murcia (1979) provided checklists
of criteria for evaluating coursebooks. Candlin & Breen (1980) proposed
criteria for evaluating materials and, unlike many of their contemporaries, also
proposed the use of these criteria when developing materials. Rivers (1981)
provided categories and criteria for evaluating materials, Mariani (1983) wrote
about evaluation and supplementation, Williams (1983) developed criteria for
textbook evaluation and Cunningsworth (1984) provided a very detailed
checklist of evaluation criteria for evaluating teaching material (p. 74). Breen
& Candlin (1987) published a principled guide for both evaluators and
producers of materials and Sheldon (1987, 1988) suggested criteria for both
evaluating and developing textbook material. Skierso (1991) provided probably
the most comprehensive checklist of criteria for textbooks and teachers books
by combining checklists from various sources. Cunningsworth (1995), Harmer
(1991, 1998), Roberts (1996), Ur (1996), Brown (1997), Hemsley (1997) and
Gearing (1999) also proposed checklists for evaluating materials. Many of the
lists of evaluation criteria in the literature above are specific to a context of
learning and cannot be transferred to other contexts without considerable
modification. There are exceptions: Matthews (1985), for example, insists that
any evaluation should start from a specification of the teaching situation,
Cunningsworth (1995) stresses the importance of determining criteria relevant
to the target learners and Byrd (2001) gives priority to the fit between the
textbook and the curriculum, students and teachers.
Tomlinson & Masuhara (2004: 7) proposed the following questions for
evaluating criteria:
a) Is each question an evaluation question?
b) Does each question only ask one question?
c) Is each question answerable?
d) Is each question free of dogma?
e) Is each question reliable in the sense that other evaluators would
interpret it in the same way?
Very few of the lists of criteria proposed in the literature satisfy these
conditions, and most of them are not generalisable or transferable. For
a) Are there any materials for testing? (Cunningsworth 1984) is an analysis
question in the same checklist as evaluation questions such as Are the
learning activities in the course material likely to appeal to the learners...?
b) Is it attractive? Given the average age of your students, would they enjoy
using it? (Grant 1987: 122) combines two questions in one criterion.
c) Does the writer use current everyday language, and sentence structures that
follow normal word order? (Daoud & Celce-Murcia 1979: 304) contains
two questions and both are unanswerable without a data analysis of both a
corpus of current language and the complete script of the materials. To
what extent is the level of abstractness appropriate? (Skierso 1991: 446) is
another example of a criterion which is too broad and vague to be
d) Are the various stages in a teaching unit (what you would probably call
presentation, practice and production) adequately developed? (Mariani
1983: 29) is dogmatic in insisting on the use of a Presentation Practice
Production (PPP) approach.
e) Is it foolproof (i.e. sufficiently methodical to guide the inexperienced teacher
through a lesson)? (Dougill 1987: 32) is unreliable in that it can be
interpreted in different ways by different evaluators.

D. Materials adaptation
Considering how teachers adapt materials systematically or intuitively
every day, there is surprisingly little help for them in the literature. One of the
major early books on materials development, Madsen & Bowen (1978), did,
however, focus on adaptation. It made the important point that good teachers
are always adapting the materials they are using to the context in which they
are using them in order to achieve the optimal congruence between materials,
methodology, learners, objectives, the target language and the teachers
personality and teaching style. In order to achieve this congruence Madsen &
Bowen propose ways of personalising, individualising, localising and
modernising materials. Other early publications which provided help to
teachers when adapting materials include Candlin & Breen (1980), who
criticise published communicative materials and suggest ways of adapting
them so as to offer more opportunities for communication, Cunningsworth
(1984), who focuses on how to change materials so that they get the learners to
do what the teacher wants them to do and Grant (1987), who suggests and
illustrates ways of making materials more communicative. Experts who have
given advice about adaptation in the nineties include Willis (1996), on ways of
changing classroom management and sequencing to maximise the value of
taskbased materials, Nunan (1999), on procedures for making materials more
interactive and White (1998), on ways of increasing student participation when
using listening materials.

E. Materials production
Reports of how writers actually write materials reveal that they rely
heavily on retrieval from repertoire, cloning successful publications and
spontaneous inspiration. Johnson (2003) says he searched the literature in
vain for reports of the actual procedures involved in writing materials. He
missed accounts that have appeared, such as those by Byrd (1995) and Hidalgo,
Hall & Jacobs (1995), as well as Prowses (1998) report of how a number of
well-known authors actually write their material. Hidalgo et al. (1995) consists
of reports by materials writers in South-East Asia of how they wrote materials.
Although some of them mention influence by principles of language
acquisition (see 5.2), many report replicating previous materials, adapting
activity types which had worked for them before and relying upon creative
inspiration. The writers in Prowse (1998) report similar approaches and stress
the importance of thinking as you write, of how Ideas come to you at any
time during collaboration (p. 130), of thinking about the materials whilst doing
something else, of being prepared to write many drafts and of being inspired.
Some of the writers refer to prior planning but none to developing a principled
framework or criteria before starting to write.

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