RWF1101 06 Kicukiro Detailed Master Plan Report 03062013-s

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Report Title: Kicukiro District - Detailed Master Plan Report

Project Title: detailed physical plan for gasabo and kicukiro, kigali
Project Ref No.: 310-02-01-0002
Client: City of Kigali

Submission Date: 31-05-2013

File Name: RWF1101_Kicukiro DIstrict_Detailed MAster Plan Report_03062013

Approvals Name Designation Date

Preethi Reddy
Author Urban Designer 16-05-2013

Shrijan Joshi Project Co-ordinator

Reviewer Anandan Karunakaran Project Manager 23-05-2013
Djoko Prihanto Project Director

Number of copies issued: 2


Version No. Date Issued Details Approval for Issue

1 11-12-2012 draft 1 djoko prihanto

2 27-05-2013 Final djoko prihanto

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3.8.1 Proposed Residential Use Plan - Year X 26

TABLE OF CONTENTS I 3.8.2 Proposed Residential Use Plan - Year 2025 27
LIST OF FIGURES III 3.9.1 Proposed Facilities Plan - Year X 30
3.9.2 Proposed Facilities Plan - Year 2025 30
LIST OF TABLES V 3.9.3 Proposed Education Facilities  31
3.10.1 Proposed Environmental Strategies Plan -Year X  34
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IX 3.10.2 Proposed Environmental Strategies Plan -Year 2025 34
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3.11.1 Proposed Green and Blue Attraction Plan - Year X 35
1INTRODUCTION 1 3.12.1 Proposed Transportation Plan - Year X 39

2Kicukiro District - Context, Opportunities and Constraints  3

3.12.2 Proposed Transportation Plan - Year 2025 39


3.12.3 Public Transport Plan
2.1.1 Location and Connectivity 3 3.13.1 Existing Conditions 46
2.1.2 Historical Context 4 3.13.2 Estimated Water Demand 46
2.1.3 Existing Site Conditions  4 3.13.3 Proposed Water Supply Plan 47
2.1.4 Socioeconomic Context  4 3.14 SEWERAGE PLAN  50
2.2 NATURAL CONTEXT 6 3.14.1 Existing Conditions 50
2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT  7 3.14.2 Projected Sewage Generation 50
2.4 REVIEW OF SUB AREA PLANS FROM KIGALI CITY MASTER PLAN (2007) 8 3.14.3 Proposed Sewerage Plan 50
2.4.1 Masaka Sub Area Proposal 8 3.15 DRAINAGE PLAN  54
2.4.2 Rebero Sub Area Proposal 9 3.15.1 Existing Conditions 54
2.5.1 Constraints 10 3.15.3 Storm Water Management 54
2.5.2 Opportunities 11 3.15.4 Sustainable Storm Water Features 54
3.15.5 Proposed Drainage Network 55
3Kicukiro District - Proposed Master Plan 13 3.16 POWER SUPPLY PLAN 58
3.1 PROPOSED LAND UTILISATION STRATEGY  13 3.16.1 Existing Conditions 58
3.16.2 Estimated Load Demand 58
3.16.3 Electrical Power supply for Kicukiro District-Year X 58
3.3 PROPOSED STRUCTURE PLAN 15 3.16.4 Electrical Power supply for Kicukiro District -Year 2025 58
3.3.1 Kicukiro District Structure Plan 15 3.16.5 Proposed installation for Kicukiro district 58
3.5 PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN 17 4 Detailed Master plan for Central Planning Area 63
3.5.1 Proposed Land use plan for Kicukiro District Year X 17 4.1 CENTRAL PLANNING AREA - EXISTING CONTEXT 63
3.5.2 Proposed Land use plan for Kicukiro District 2025 17 4.1.1 Location and Connectivity 63
3.6 PROPOSED COMMERCIAL USE PLAN 20 4.1.2 Existing Conditions 63
3.6.1 Proposed Commercial Plan - Year X  20 4.1.3 Natural Constraints 63
3.6.2 Proposed Commercial Plan 2025 20 4.2 CENTRAL PLANNING AREA- OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS 65
3.7 PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL USE PLAN 21 4.2.1 Constraints 65
3.7.1 Proposed Industrial Use Plan- Year X 21 4.2.2 Opportunities 66
3.7.2 Proposed Industrial Use Plan- Year 2025 21 4.3 CENTRAL PLANNING AREA - PROPOSED VISION 67
4.4 CENTRAL PLANNING AREA - CONCEPT PLAN 67 6.5.2 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Commercial Plan 92
4.5 CENTRAL PLANNING AREA- PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN 68 6.5.3 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Public Facilities Plan 92
4.5.1 Central Planning Area - Proposed Residential Use Plan 68 6.5.4 Southern Planning Area- Proposed Green and Open Spaces Plan 92
4.5.2 Central Planning Area- Proposed Commercial use Plan 68 6.6 SOUTHERN PLANNING AREA - KEY FEATURE DEVELOPMENT 98
4.5.3 Central Planning Area- Proposed Public facilities Plan 68 6.6.1 Regional centre  98
4.5.4 Central Planning Area - Proposed Green and Open Space Plan 68 6.6.2 Sports City 98
4.6.1 Fringe Centre: 74 7 Detailed Master plan for Eastern Planning Area 99
4.6.2 Mixed Use Developments and Gikondo lake Park 74
4.6.3 Urban Forest Resorts  74 7.1 EASTERN PLANNING AREA - EXISTING CONTEXT  99
7.1.1 Location and Connectivity  99
7.1.2 Existing site conditions 99
7.1.3 Natural Features 99
5 Detailed Master plan for South Central Planning Area 75 7.1.4 Constraints  101
5.1.1 Location and Connectivity 75 7.2 EASTERN PLANNING AREA - PROPOSED VISION  103
5.1.2 Existing Site Conditions 75
5.1.3 Natural Constraints 75


7.4.1 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Land Use Plan  104
5.2.1 Constraints 77
7.4.2 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Residential Use Plan  104
5.2.2 Opportunities 78
7.4.3 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Commercial Use Plan  104
5.3 SOUTH CENTRAL PLANNING AREA - PROPOSED VISION  79 7.4.4 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Public Facilities Plan  104
5.4 SOUTH CENTRAL PLANNING AREA - PROPOSED CONCEPT  79 7.4.5 Eastern Planning area - Proposed Green and Open Spaces Plan  104
5.5.1 South Central Planning Area - Proposed Residential Use Plan 80 7.5.1 The Regional Centre 110
5.5.2 South Central Planning Area - Proposed Commercial Use Plan  80 7.5.2 Education Hub - University Town 110
5.5.3 South Central Planning Area - Proposed Public Facilities Plan  80 7.5.3 Golf course and Premium residential 110
5.5.4 South Central Planning Area - Proposed Green and Open Spaces Plan 80
8 Way Forward 111
5.6.1 Valley of Flowers 86 8.1 WAY FORWARD 111
5.6.2 Wetland Parks and Bio Diversity Park 86 8.1.1 Summary 111
8.1.2 Follow up  111
6 Detailed Master plan for Southern Planning Area 87
6.1.1 Location and Connectivity 87
6.1.3 Natural Constraints 87 PROVISIONS 129
6.2.1 Constraints 89
6.2.2 Opportunities 90
6.5.1 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Residential Use Plan 92 


Fig.2.1 Kicukiro District - Location and Connectivity (city map indicating urban areas, water Fig.3.32 ETZ Process Flow Diagram  50
bodies etc) 3 Fig.3.34 Areas that Require Pumping 51
Fig.2.2 Kicukiro District - Existing Sector Boundaries 4 Fig.3.35 Typical ETZ Configuration 51
Fig.2.3 Kicukiro District - Existing Land use and Context Plan 5 Fig.3.33 Compartment to Separate Human Waste in EcoSan 51
Fig.2.4 Kicukiro District - Land under natural Constraints 6 Fig.3.36 Kicukiro District - Proposed Sewerage Plan - Year X 52
Fig.2.5 Kicukiro District - Land under Natural constraints 6 Fig.3.37 Kicukiro District - Proposed Sewerage Plan - Year 2025 53
Fig.2.6 Kicukiro District - Water shed and Drainage Map  7 Fig.3.38 Vegetated Swale 54
Fig.2.7 Masaka Sub Area - Neighbourhood Centre Concept and Masaka Neighbourhood Fig.3.39 Bioretention Swales 54
Green/Blue System 8 Fig.3.40 Bioretention Basin 55
Fig.2.8 Masaka New City Centre - (4296 Ha) and View of the City Centre and High density Fig.3.41 Constructed Wetland 55
Mixed use Area 8 Fig.3.43 Green Retaining Wall 55
Fig.2.9 Kigali City Master Plan -2007 8 Fig.3.42 Geogrids 55
Fig.2.10 Rebero Sub Area - Rendered Plan and View of the Convention Centre 9 Fig.3.44 Kicukiro District - Proposed Drainage Plan - Year X 56
Fig.2.11 Rebero Sub Area - Land use Plan(81 Ha) and View of the Resort and Neighbourhood Fig.3.45 Kicukiro District - Proposed Drainage Plan - Year 2025 57
from South East 9 Fig.3.46 Kicukiro District - Proposed Power Supply Plan - Year X 60


Fig.2.12 Kicukiro District - Constraints Map 10 Fig.3.47 Kicukiro District - Proposed Power Supply Plan - Year 2025 61
Fig.2.13 Kicukiro District - Opportunities Map 11 Fig.4.1 Central Planning Area - Location Map 63
Fig.3.1 Kicukiro District - Proposed Land Utilisation Strategy Plan 13 Fig.4.2 Central Planning Area - Natural Constraints and Existing Population density 63
Fig.3.2 Kigali Radial City - Proposed Conceptual Structure Plan 13 Fig.4.3 Central Planning Area - Slope Analysis 63
Fig.3.3 Kicukiro District - Proposed Planning Areas 14 Fig.4.4 Central Planning Area - Watershed and Drainage 63
Fig.3.4 Kicukiro District - Proposed Structure Plan 15 Fig.4.5 Central Planning Area- Existing Land use and Context Map 64
Fig.3.5 Township Boundaries and Population Distribution in Kicukiro District 16 Fig.4.6 Central Planning Area- Constraints Map 65
Fig.3.6 Proposed Land Use Distribution 17 Fig.4.7 Central Planning Area- Opportunities Map 66
Fig.3.7 Kicukiro District - Proposed Land Use Plan- Year X 18 Fig.4.8 Central Planning Area - Concept Map 67
Fig.3.8 Kicukiro District - Proposed Land Use Plan 2025 19 Fig.4.9 Central Planning Area- Proposed Land Use Plan - Year X 69
Fig.3.9 Kicukiro District - Proposed Commercial Use - Year X 22 Fig.4.10 Central Planning Area- Proposed Residential Use Plan - Year X 70
Fig.3.10 Kicukiro District - Proposed Commercial Use Plan - 2025 23 Fig.4.11 Central Planning Area- Proposed Commercial Use Plan - Year X 71
Fig.3.11 Kicukiro District - Proposed Industrial Use Plan - Year X 24 Fig.4.12 Central Planning Area- Proposed Public Facilities Plan - Year X 72
Fig.3.12 Kicukiro District - Proposed Industrial Use Plan - 2025 25 Fig.4.13 Central Planning Area- Proposed Public Facilities Plan - Year X 73
Fig.3.13 Kicukiro District - Proposed Residential Use Plan - Year X 28 Fig.4.14 Central Planning Area - Key Features Plan - Year X 74
Fig.3.14 Kicukiro District - Proposed Residential Use Plan - 2025 29 Fig.5.1 South Central Planning Area- Location Map 75
Fig.3.15 Kicukiro District - Proposed Primary schools within 400 m of walking distance 31 Fig.5.4 South Central Planning Area- Existing Constraints, Population and Density 75
Fig.3.16 Kicukiro District - Proposed Facilities Plan - Year X 32 Fig.5.2 South Central Planning Area- Existing Slope Analysis 75
Fig.3.17 Kicukiro District - Proposed Facilities Use Plan - 2025 33 Fig.5.3 South Central Planning Area- Watershed and Drainage 75
Fig.3.18 Kicukiro District -Existing Slope Analysis map 34 Fig.5.5 South Central Planning Area- Existing Land use and Context Map 76
Fig.3.19 Kicukiro District - Existing water Shed 34 Fig.5.6 South Central Planning Area- Constraints Map 77
Fig.3.20 Kicukiro District - Environmental Strategies Plan 36 Fig.5.7 South Central Planning Area- Opportunities Map 78
Fig.3.21 Kicukiro District - Proposed Green and Blue Attraction Plan Year X 37 Fig.5.8 South Central Planning Area- Concept Map 79
Fig.3.22 Kicukiro District - Proposed Environmental Strategies Plan - 2025 38 Fig.5.9 South Central Planning Area- Proposed Land Use Plan 81
Fig.3.23 Road Type and Classification 39 Fig.5.10 South Central Planning Area- Proposed Residential Use Plan 82
Fig.3.24 Kicukiro District - Proposed Road Sections 40 Fig.5.11 South Central Planning Area- Proposed Commercial Use Plan 83
Fig.3.25 Kicukiro District - Proposed Road Network -Year X 42 Fig.5.12 South Central Planning Area- Proposed Public Facilities Plan 84
Fig.3.26 Kicukiro District - Proposed Road Network 2025 43 Fig.5.13 South Central Planning Area- Proposed Green and Open Space Plan 85
Fig.3.27 Kicukiro District - Proposed Public Transport Network - Year X 44 Fig.5.14 South Central Planning Area- Key Features Plan - Year X 86
Fig.3.28 Proposed Non Motorized Transport 45 Fig.6.1 Southern Planning Area - Location Map 87
Fig.3.29 Existing Water Source Map 46 Fig.6.2 Southern Planning Area - Existing Land Use and Population 87
Fig.3.30 Kicukiro District - Proposed Water Supply Plan - Year X 48 Fig.6.3 Southern Planning Area - Existing Slope Analysis 87
Fig.3.31 Kicukiro District - Proposed Water Supply Plan - Year 2025 49 Fig.6.4 Southern Planning Area - Watershed Map 87
Fig.6.5 Southern Planning Area - Existing Land use and Context map 88
Fig.6.6 Southern Planning Area - Constraints Map 89
Fig.6.7 Southern Planning Area - Opportunities Map 90
Fig.6.8 Southern Planning Area - Concept Plan 91
Fig.6.9 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Population, Landuse and Density 91
Fig.6.10 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Land Use Plan - Year X 93
Fig.6.11 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Residential Use Plan - Year X 94
Fig.6.12 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Commercial Use Plan - Year X 95
Fig.6.13 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Public Facilities Plan - Year X 96
Fig.6.14 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Green and Blue Plan - Year X 97
Fig.6.15 Southern Planning Area - Key Features Plan - Year X 98
Fig.7.1 Eastern Planning Area - Location Map 99
Fig.7.2 Eastern Planning Area - Existing Natural Constraints and Population density 99
Fig.7.3 Eastern Planning Area - Slope Analysis 99
Fig.7.4 Eastern Planning Area - Watershed and Drainage 99
Fig.7.5 Eastern Planning Area - Existing Land Use and Context Map 100
Fig.7.6 Eastern Planning Area - Constraints Map 101
Fig.7.7 Eastern Planning Area - Opportunities Map 102

Fig.7.8 Eastern Planning Area - Concept Plan 103

Fig.7.9 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Land Use Plan 105
Fig.7.10 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Residential Use Plan 106
Fig.7.11 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Commercial Use Plan 107
Fig.7.12 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Public Facilities Plan 108
Fig.7.13 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Green and Open Space Plan 109
Fig.7.14 Eastern Planning Area - Key Features Plan - Year X 110


Table 2.1 Kicukiro District - Sector Size and Population 3

Table 2.2 Kicukiro District - Existing landuse Distribution 5
Table 3.1 Kicukiro District - Proposed Planning Area Boundaries 14
Table 3.2 Kicukiro District - Proposed Township Population Distribution - Year X 16
Table 3.3 Kicukiro District - Proposed Land Use Distribution- Year X 17
Table 3.4 Kicukiro District - Proposed Commercial and Industrial Employment Distribution
- Year X 21
Table 3.5 Kicukiro District - Proposed Industrial Areas 21
Table 3.6 Kicukiro District - Proposed Population Dwelling Units  26
Table 3.7 Kicukiro District - Proposed Housing Typology Distribution, with average household size
3.85 26
Table 3.8 Kicukiro District - Existing Housing Development 26
Table 3.9 Kicukiro District - Residential Development Density and Development
Character 27
Table 3.9 Kicukiro District - Total Dwelling Units  25


Table 3.10 Development Guidelines for Slopes 34
Table 3.11 Water Demand Unit Rate Comparison 47
Table 3.12 Water Demand Unit Rate 47
Table 3.13 Projected Water Demand for Year 2025 and 2040 47
Table 3.14 Planned Water Supply for City of Kigali 47
Table 3.15 Projected Sewage Flow for Year 2025 and 2040 50
Table 3.16 Type of Substations 58
Table 3.17 Electrical Load Density 58
Table 3.18 Estimated Power Demand for Kicukiro District- Year X 59
Table 3.19 Proposed Number of Substations - Year X 59
Table 3.20 Proposed Types of Substations - Year X 59
Table 3.21 Estimated Power Demand for Kicukiro District- Year 2025 59
Table 3.22 Proposed Number of Substations - Year 2025 59
Table 4.1 Central Planning Area - Existing and Projected Population 63
Table 4.2 Central Planning Area - Existing land Use Distribution 64
Table 4.3 Central Planning Area - Proposed Land Use Distribution Data 75
Table 5.1 South Central Planning Area - Existing and Projected Population 76
Table 5.2 South Central Planning Area - Existing Land Use Distribution 80
Table 5.3 South Central Planning Area - Proposed Land Use Data -Year X 92
Table 6.1 Southern Planning Area - Existing and Projected Population 87
Table 6.2 Southern Planning Area - Existing Land Use Distribution 88
Table 6.2 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Land use Data -Year X 92
Table 7.1 Eastern Planning Area - Existing and Projected Population 99
Table 7.2 Eastern Planning Area - Existing Land Use Distribution 100
Table 7.3 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Land use Data -2040 104

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Project Background control information for all areas of the management, determining the future
City of Kigali. This GIS system would form growth scenario, and setting the
The City of Kigali (CoK), one of the most a part of the MIS system being put in development vision and the strategic
active and progressive City Councils of place by the Government. growth direction for the city.
Africa, aspires to see Kigali develop as a To ensure participation of the various Development of a conceptual
competitive, safe and modern city. In the stakeholders in the development of the transportation master plan, infrastructure
recent past, the Government of Rwanda Master Plan so as to develop a plan that plan & environmental management
has undertaken the preparation of several reflects the needs and aspirations of the strategy for the entire city.
urban development plans as well as other Citys residents. Mapping out implementation process to
studies related to transport, infrastructure, To conduct capacity building of the CoK direct the implementation process.
housing and environment for Kigali. Having staff through training programmes in Putting in place an integrated landuse
completed the Kigali Conceptual Master Singapore and Kigali. data management system which
Plan (2008) and Detailed Master Plans for incorporates the base map, the Master
Nyarugenge District (2010) the City now Project Organization & Schedule plan and planning approval process.

intends to develop Detailed Physical Plans
for the other two Districts, namely, Gasabo The project is spread over one year and The planning process adopted for this
and Kicukiro, so as to have an integrated comprises of the following 6 task orders, project is further illustrated in the adjacent
detailed plan for the entire City. each with a duration of 2-4 months: chart.

Project Commissioning and Scope Task Order 1: Inception & Base-mapping Project Deliverables
Task Order 2: Analysis & Visioning
In early 2010, Surbana International Task Order 3: Concept Planning Various reports, corresponding to the
Consultants, Singapore (Surbana) Task Order 4: Schematic Plans various task orders are to be submitted,
completed the Detailed Planning of Task Order 5: Urban Design which include:
Nyarugenge District, which included Task Order 6: Implementation Plan
Detailed Urban Design for Kigalis CBD. Task Order 1:
In October 2011, through a public tender, Project Process Inception Report
the City of Kigali awarded the Design of Task Order 2:
Detailed District Physical Plans for Kicukiro In line with the project scope discussed Analysis, benchmarking and Visioning
& Gasabo to Surbana. above, the process to be adopted for this Report
project is as elaborated below: Task Order 3:
This master planning project, in addition to Conceptual Transportation Plan report
the detailed planning of the two districts, Establishment of a proper working base Conceptual Plan report
has the following objectives: map which incorporates all land use
To review the planning direction and related information for developing the
strategies for the entire City of Kigali, master plan.
while integrating all the past planning and In-depth analysis of various issues facing
development initiatives undertaken. the City and stock-taking of previous
To prepare detailed master plan, urban master plans and infrastructure planning
design (for key areas) and development initiative in the City in order to develop
control guidelines for the two districts an integrated Master plan.
of Kigali, namely Gasabo & Kicukiro. Establishing the strategic Urban
This would also include the review and Sustainability Framework for Kigali, that
revision of the Detailed Master Plan for will become the overarching framework,
Nyarugenge District, guiding the City to address its key
To establish a GIS database for the entire economic, social & environmental issues.
City which has a coordinated base map, Benchmarking with international
proposed land use plan & development best practices in city planning and vii
Task Order 4: The preparation process of this plan would
Final Transportation Plan report also be an opportunity for capacity building
Final Gasabo Master Plan report of CoK staff, which will enable their in-house
Final Kicukiro Master Plan report team to develop into a capable planning
Gasabo Zoning booklet office for the country.
Kicukiro Zoning booklet
Task Order 5: This comprehensive city wide plan,
Gasabo Town Centre Urban Design report incorporating the detailed plans of the two
Kicukiro Town Centre Urban Design districts as well as all the past planning
report initiatives, would become the long term
Gasabo Town Centre Zoning booklet development framework for Kigali City
Kicukiro Town Centre Zoning booklet guiding it into an era of progressive and
Task Order 6: holistic city development.
Implementation report

In addition to the above reports, various

marketing and promotional materials

to illustrate the master plan would also

be prepared for the public exhibition. A
Geodatabase, incorporating the existing
land use map, the proposed land use plan
& the development control information
would be submitted at the completion of
the project.

Stakeholders Participation & Capacity


A key component of the project would be

to ensure adequate participation in the
planning process from various stakeholders
such as decision-makers, focus groups of
private sector, community organizations
and various public interest groups.
Meetings, seminars and workshops are to
be undertaken regularly at all stages of the
project. A long-term public exhibition of the
master planning project is to be undertaken
at the end of the project with the objectives
of initiation and marketing.

In addition, a communication plan executed

through various print, broadcasting &
online media would ensure participation
and feedbacks from the wider public.


We would like to acknowledge and thank the following individuals and organizations for
their invaluable insights and contributions towards the preparation of the Detailed Physical
Plan of Kicukiro and Gasabo.

Government authorities City of Kigali

HE Prof. Silas Lwakabamba- Minister of Infrastructure MININFRA Fidle Ndayisaba, Mayor City of Kigali
HE Albert Nsengiyumva-Minister of State in the Ministry of Education in charge of Technical Nizeyimana Alphonse, Vice Mayor FED City of Kigali
and Vocational Education and Training, Former Minister of Mupende U. Lilane, OSC Director
Infrastructure, MININFRA Donna Rubinoff PHD, Senior Advisor in Sustainable Urbanism, OSC
HE Sheikh M.Fazil-Minister of Internal Security. Ahimbisibwe Reuben, Infrastructure Department Director
HE Gen Gatsinzi Marcel-Minister of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs. Sugi Flix, Urban Planner and GIS Specialist, OSC
HE Stanely Kamanzi-Minister MINIRENA Ashimwe Joshua Senior Urban Planner, OSC
HE Alexis Nzahabwanimana-Minister of state in charge of Transport MININFRA Rangira Bruno, PR & Communication


Rurangwa Claude, Transport & Transport Management Officer
Mizero Solange, Transport Planner
Mutamba Esther, Director General, RHA
Eric Ntagengerwa, Transport Director, RTDA Gasabo district
Dr.Twagira M.Elias (PhD), Director General, RTDA
Masenga Marcel, Engineer, RTDA Ndizeye K.Willy, Mayor Gasabo District
Kayitesi Vivian, Head of Department, RDB Munara Jean-Claude, Vice Mayor Economic Affairs Gasabo District
Karasira Faustine, Product Development and Planning, RDB Kalamagye John, Infrastructure Department Gasabo District
Harerimana Simeon Ntuye Environmental Analyst, RDB Muhinda Arthur, Coordinator Infrastructure Gasabo District
Mpunga Joseph, Dir. of One Stop Center Division, RDB Thomas, Director of Lands Gasabo District
Mutoni Doreen, Investment Promotion Officer, RDB
Musoni Jordi-Michel, Utilities Delegated Manage, RDB Kicukiro District
Thierry Hoza NGOGA, Division Manager, RNRA
Duhuze Remy Nobert , Environmental Regulation and Pollution Control, REMA Jules Ndamage, Mayor Kicukiro District
Muhayimana Annette Sylvie, Project Coordinator LVEMP 11, REMA Mukunde Angelique, Vice Mayor FED Kicukiro District
Rugege Denis, Environmental Advisor, REMA/UNDP Eng.Kabongo T.Patrick, Urban Planner
Rutabingwa Frank, Director, NAFA Rwakazina Claude, Director Land Bureau
Nzitonda Jacques, Director of Water and Sanitation, RURA Rwamurangwa Flix, Infrastructure Department
Mark Murenzi Rukata, Director of Electricity Utility, EWSA
Udahemuka Sirus , Director of Airports, CAA
Sagashya Didier G., Deputy Director General, NLC
Dr. Mahabubul Bari, International Expert on Transport Infrastructure, MININFRA
Antonin Coantic, International Road Expert, MININFRA
Rurangwa Raphael, Director General Planning& Programme Coordinator, MINAGRI

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Detailed Master Plan
Executive Summary:

The vision for Kigali is The Centre of Urban Excellence in Africa. The Detailed Master
Plan (DMP) translates and sharpens this broad planning directive set at the Regional level
(Regional Concept Plan) into a detailed guide plan for the Districts. This broad vision for the
entire city identifies the focus for each of its three districts.

The distinct roles identified for the three districts are:

Green Financial Hub and Vibrant Growth Centre of Kigali
Diverse Employment Hub and Cultural Heartland of Kigali
Progressive Knowledge Hub and Green Gateway of Kigali


Identified for its many existing institutions The Detailed Master Plan (DMP) for
and facilities and with the potential to host Kicukiro looks at how the district could be
many more to become not only the Citys best planned in relation to the regional
but the entire nations institutional hub, Concept Plan of Kigali City. The DMP is
this unique identity would compliment a detailed Land use Plan showing all the
its development strategy. Guided by the potential areas and their Land use. As such,
direction set by the concept plan, the DMP it provides the necessary information for Progressive Knowledge Hub
for the Districts elaborate on the proposed the establishment of the gazetted plan,
planning intention for the particular district. a Zoning Plan and a legal regulatory plan and Green Gateway of Kigali
It elaborates the districts Land uses and which ensures land reservation for public
Kicukiro in the Proposed Radial City - Conceptual Structure Plan
explains how the various uses such as facilities and infrastructure development. It
employment, living areas and facilities are also regulates how each land parcel could GOALS
distributed and organized to achieve the be developed in term of density (FAR), To achieve the medium and long term visions for Kigali, a set of goals covering 6 critical development sectors
distinct identity as a Vibrant Institutional building height, setback, and allowable uses are proposed. These key goals will guide the physical planning for the City as well as Districts.
Centre. The DMP is an integrated Land subject to compliance to various planning
use plan which ties in with the overall
transportation, transit, open spaces and
infrastructure networks.
requirements. The Detail Master Plan is the
base for the proposed Zoning Plan. 1 CITY OF VIBRANT ECONOMY AND DIVERSITY


To establish a unique Gateway Commercial Hub to Kigali with a wide variety of

Mixed Used Developments along growth corridors
To create distinct identity by developing knowledge, sports and innovation centric

growth centres
To conserve scenic wetlands and nature areas, and promote them through value
added recreational uses

To develop new comprehensive integrated townships and promote regeneration

of existing areas with quality living environments
To integrate all developments with a well planned transport network, and create

walkable neighbourhoods by promoting non-motorized transit

Kigali City -Proposed Density Distribution

Natural Constraints: Slopes, Forest and Wetlands Kicukiro District - Proposed Planning Areas Boundaries Kicukiro District - Proposed Land use Plan - Year X

PROPOSED LAND UTILIZATION STRATEGY PROPOSED PLANNING AREAS Southern Planning Area: Southern Green population of 1.3 million to be 5 million as
Gateway and Sports Hub - 3662 ha per the high case scenario and 3.6 million as
The proposed land utilization strategy The district is divided into four geographical Eastern Planning Area: Hi-Tech Education per the low case scenario. Provision of land
focuses on the following key aspects: areas for planning purposes. These four and Innovation Hub - 5231 ha and reserves for infrastructure, housing
Identifying & organizing City Fringe Areas. planning areas are developed by the and facilities need to be safeguarded for the
Defining urbanizable new growth areas & grouping administrative sectors. Sectors PROGRESSIVE KNOWLEDGE HUB AND ultimate population (high case scenario).
organizing these as the Suburban Areas. in proximity to each other and those GREEN GATEWAY OF KIGALI However, this ultimate population may
Developing two new Regional Centres that share similar urban and geographic Proposed Land use plan - year X or may not be reached by 2040. Year X
to create commercial and employment character have been combined to create the Kigali City is currently witnessing a growth represents the stage where Kigali would
centres planning areas. Distinct role and identity is of 6.2% p.a. SPHD, 2006 Population have reached its ultimate population of 5
Developing New Townships in Sub-urban proposed for each of the planning areas. growth projections were created for three million, based on the current development
Areas The 4 planning areas in Kicukiro are: scenarios for the future population. A high parameters. The Master Plan should be
Conserving existing nature areas and Central Planning Area: The Vibrant growth, medium growth, and low growth reviewed every five years in line with the
develop a variety of Open Spaces Commercial Centre - 3941 ha scenario are projected by taking EICV3 census and development trends.. In line
inclusive of recreation and tourism areas South Central Planning Area: New 2011 as the base year. The natural growth with the projections, Kicukiro District is
Affordable homes amidst scenic as well as migration is factored into the projected to have a population of 2.3 million
wetlands - 3837 ha various scenarios. The population of Kigali by Year X. The key Land use proposals are:
xii Kicukiro District - Proposed Land use Distribution City is proposed to grow from the current
Low density Housing Medium Density Town Centre
Highway MRT BRT

11 Townships and 1 Industrial Estate in Kicukiro



Low Density Residential Mixed Use Transit Corridor Low Density Residential

Wetlands Medium Density Affordable Housing Wetlands

Kigali City -Township Model Kicukiro District -Proposed Commercial and Industrial Plan - Year X

townships with facilities and light High density development along the CITY OF VIBRANT ECONOMY AND Proposed Industrial Plan - Year X
industries for local employment transit corridor; along the flat ridges. DIVERSITY The Industrial Plan - Year X, proposes 800
opportunities. Town Centre with town parks and Proposed Commercial Use Plan - Year X ha of industrial space which will provide
To conserve nature areas such as forests public facilities located along the transit The Commercial Plan for Year X focuses working space for 0.2 million people in
and wetlands, to protect steep slopes, and corridor. on creating 1 million sq m of commercial the industrial sector. The industrial plan
Proposed Township Model to develop new town and neighborhood Compact neighborhoods of 15000-18000 space for 0.65 million service sector proposes:
parks for the residents. population with Neighborhood Centre, & jobs. It focuses on creating a hierarchy of 800 ha of land distributed as heavy
To introduce regional level commercial To introduce iconic regional recreation Neighborhood Parks commercial centres distributed in Kicukiro industrial zone in Masaka capitalizing on
areas in Fringe and suburban areas. and tourism destinations. Light Industries at the periphery, close to so as to bring jobs closer to homes. Such the proposed rail alignment.
To safeguard land for consolidated To develop key infrastructures. the highways. centres include: 420 ha of Light industries lands within
Industrial Estates. Primary Schools located at walking 2 new Regional Centres at Gahanga and townships.
To establish an efficient highway grid and INTEGRATED TOWNSHIPS : Proposed distances from neighborhoods. Masaka Sector Industrial areas are cited away from
arterial system ensuring the long-term townships in kicukiro Average size of townships: 900 ha 1 Fringe Centre at Kicukiro Sector dense urban settlements.
regional and local connectivity. 11 self sufficient townships are proposed Township population ranges from 90,000- 8 Town Centres
To redevelop existing unplanned in Kicukiro. The townships are proposed to 200,000 75 Neighborhood Centres
settlements into higher density be developed as integrated developments Future MRT line located at lower slopes, Other Commercial Uses
residential developments. along the transit corridor. with stations at an average interval of
To develop new integrated suburban The features of the township are as follows: 1km. xiii
Education Facilities at walking distance

Proposed Residential Plan - Year X Proposed Facilities Plan - Year X

CITY OF QUALITY AFFORDABLE HOMES: Higher density residential development Proposed facilities Plan -Year X Several neighbourhood level facilities Public Plazas
Proposed Residential Use Plan - Year X along the key transit corridors of Kicukiro such as shops, parks and day care
district. Recommended density for high The Facilities Plan- Year X, proposes various centers within walkable distances from
The Residential Plan for Kicukiro - Year density residential areas is 200 Dus/ ha. facilities distributed across the district. This residential development.
X, proposes affordable homes & public Medium density residential developments provision will make the townships more
facilities for 2.3mi people by Year X and 1.3 around key commercial developments. self sufficient. These facilities are grouped The plan also promotes the sharing of
mi by 2025. Its focuses on : The recommended density for medium in the following hierarchy. facilities of the government schools such as
Rehabilitation and regeneration of density residential areas is 160 Dus/ ha. District level large scale public facilities fields and halls with the local community to
unplanned areas in the District to create This residential Use comprises of 10 % of such as Hospitals, Education Institutes, use during non-school hours.
a slum free Kigali by 2040. the land area within Kicukiro district. Civic Centres, Regional Parks, Sports
Easy access to quality, affordable facilities Low density and Single Family residential Facilities, etc to cater to the entire
within all residential areas in areas with steep slopes. Recommended Kicukiro District.
Develop integrated transit oriented density for Low Residential is 90-35 Dus/ Township level facilities such as a Town
townships. ha. Centre, public parks and technical
Variety of residential choices: Single educational institutions. The Town Centre
Family residential, Low Density is the heart of the township housing
Residential, Medium Density several commercial and recreational
residential, High Density Residential. facilities.
xiv Sports Facilities
Quality Roads


Proposed Road Network Plan - Year X Proposed Public Transportation Plan - Year X

CITY OF GREEN TRANSPORT: vehicles. average intervals of 600 m.

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Proposed Transportation Plan - Year X Provide district with 70 km of 2 Future MRT lines; 25 km and 19 km
Expressways, 300 km of Arterial Roads. long, with stations at average intervals of
The Transportation Plan for - Year X, Provide a total 600 km of roads in Kicukiro 1.2 km.
proposes an extensive new road network to District A system of feeder buses to support BRT
cater to the Districts 2.3 million residents. and MRT lines.
Proposed Public Transportation Plan -Year
The plan proposes to: X Non-Motorized Transit
Developing the existing Road Network
Identify new proposed roads using the The Transit Plan proposes extensive BRT The townships are proposed to be compact
existing alignments and MRT lines in the district. All townships and walkable developments. Non motorized
To provide 70:30 modal share of public are oriented along the BRT transit corridor. travelling within townships for local needs
transit. and access to local facilities is enhanced
Efficiently manage private transport & The plan proposes : by the provision of pedestrian and park
Car park. Public transit based City organization to connectors. Cycling is also promoted as
Connect to the current & future airport connect to employment nodes & regional a mode of transport through provision of
through efficient Public Transport. facilities (Max 1 hr. travel time) dedicated and shared bike pathways.
Bypass roads for inter-state goods 2 BRT lines; 43 km length, with stations at
Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Non Motorized Transit (NMT) xv
Protecting the wetlands: Our natural assets

Proposed Green and Blue Plan - Year X Proposed Key Features Plan

Safeguarding the natural drainage

CITY OF ENCHANTING NATURE AND Encourage afforestation in steep slopes CITY OF ENDEARING CHARACTER visitors. They constitute nature areas
BIODIVERSITY: of more than 40% AND UNIQUE LOCAL IDENTITY recreational, cultural and commercial
Manage watersheds and slopes. developments. These also serve to attract
Proposed Green & Blue plan - Year X Provide a variety of public parks and open Proposed Key Features plan -Year X new investments in the region. Some of the
spaces, classified as Regional Parks, City key features of Kicukiro are:
The Green & Blue Plan proposes specific Parks, Town Parks, Local Parks and Park The key features plan proposes a variety of 1. Lake park at Gikondo
environment strategies and a range of Connector Network. developments in Kicukiro to give it unique 2. Rebero Tourist Resorts
open spaces capitalizing on the wetlands Develop a variety of attractive parks destinations, new places to visit and enjoy. 3. Kicukiro Wetland and Bio Diversity Park
and terrain. and recreational features such as theme These features will help create a distinct 4. Sports hub at Gahanga
botanic gardens, bio-diversity parks, eco identity for Kicukiro and help fulfill its role 5. Flower Valley all along central wetlands
The plan proposes to: -bird park, horticulture park, etc. as the Progressive Knowledde Hub and 6. Botanic gardens in Gahanga
Strengthen existing natural drainage Green Gateway of Kigali. 7. Equestrian Park in Kanombe
systems and wetland networks to 8. Golf Course resorts at Masaka
improve the quality of the downstream Key features also include attractive tourism
water. destinations for both local and regional
Allow agriculture in arable land along
wetlands and un-buildable zones.
xvi New Open Spaces in the City: Town Parks
Report Background and Purpose Various meetings with the districts These development proposals are different urban densities to address current well as redevelopment.
stakeholders and experts were conducted envisioned in two phases; Year 2025 and structural differences in the density The chapter also focuses on the industrial
The vision and goals for Kigali City were during the planning stages. The valuable Year X. distribution. Further to this, proposed sector which is expected to be a major
established and a citywide Broad Land Use feedback provided during these forums is Feedback from the districts stakeholders organized typical township model with employer in the overall city. In line with the
Plan was developed in the last three Task captured in the development of the plan. on Zoning Plan and Land Use development comprehensive facilities are explained Concept Plan positioning for the district,
Orders For planning purposes, the district is divided forms an integral part of the planning in detail in context to the district. These the proposed Industrial Plan allocates and
into planning areas which consists of several process. townships aim to not only accommodate safeguards land for this sectoral growth.
The purpose of the current report, Task administrative sectors. The Detailed Land the high case projected population but Detailed industrial types and employment
Order 4: SCHEMATIC PLANS is to further Use and Zoning Plans are developed both at Organization of the Report also infuse better quality of life. The total generated is discussed in detail.
develop the Broad Land Use by defining District and Planning Area level. number of townships, area, population
the detailed Land Use distribution, key In addition to the Introduction chapter, the and employment distribution in each town The proposed Residential Plan Year
environmental management strategies and Subsequently, an area in each district is report consists of the following chapters: is discussed in detail. The Planning areas X, lists the housing typologies, their
transportation and infrastructure systems. identified for detailed Urban Design. The defined for the purpose of planning is also density distribution and location. For the
Detailed Master Plans and Zoning Plans detailed Urban Design would be developed Chapter 2: Kicukiro District - explained in detail. intermediate 2025 Housing Plan, various


for both the districts are developed in Task in Task Order 05. Similarly, priority projects Context Opportunities & Constraints upcoming residential developments and
Order 4. The Land Use and Zoning Plan for are identified and elaborated in Task Order The subsequent sections presents the new proposed residential developments
Nyarugenge District is also updated using 06: Implementation Mechanisms. The key objectives of this section are to various detailed plans explaining the key are highlighted. The Structure Plan presents
the new available cadastral data. This present an in-depth analysis of the existing sectors: basic and specialized facilities that are
report discusses the Detailed Master Plan The process adopted during this Task Order Land Use of the district, the socioeconomic Commercial Plan necessary to achieve quality life.
of Kicukiro District. of the project is elaborated below: and historic context and also identify the Residential Plan
major constraints and opportunities that Industrial Plan The chapter also examines the existing
Methodology The existing context and the Strengths the district has to offer. Detailed planning Facilities Plan & Education Plan environmental issues and challenges,
and Opportunities at a district as well as area boundaries are also explained. Green & Blue Plan natural wetlands and the diminishing
The detailed plans for each district is planning area level are identified. Transportation Plan forest cover in particular. The Various
developed based on the growth projections The Land Use development strategies for Infrastructure Plan environment conservation strategies to
and planning directions for the District set the district are framed. Chapter 3: Kicukiro District - Proposed protect waterways, wetlands, forests and
at Task Order 03 - Conceptual Plan. They For planning purposes, the City is Master Plan The Chapter explains strategies to slope management are enunciated in detail.
are guided by the Urban Sustainability restructured into comprehensive develop a vibrant and prosperous district The districts green and blue plan clearly
Framework, and the Vision and Goals Planning Areas based on their geography The chapter further summarizes the future that consolidates business and provides defines the Citys ambitious plan to mark
developed at the Conceptual level. and development potential. outlook for the district through projected industrial services. It takes a closer itself as tourist and adventure friendly
The Detailed Master Plan provides a Integrated development plans for various economic and socio-demographic growth. look at the existing service sector and city. It describes the various destinations,
comprehensive development strategy Sectors are proposed. This includes It focuses on the role for Kicukiro Districts the established commercial nodes and attractions and parks as per the structured
for the District as a whole. It provides residential, commercial, industrial, public according to the overall city vision. The upcoming commercial areas. In order to hierarchy and the phasing of these
development strategies for various facilities, environmental protection proposed conceptual structure plan and expand the employment and commercial landscape projects as per the intermediate
sectors through efficient infrastructure, strategies, green and open space, broad Land Use strategies along with base according to the future economic 2025 green and blue plan.
transportation and transit systems; transportation network and various the key features and connectivity are outlook, a decentralized Commercial Plan
provision of adequate and appropriate Infrastructure network plans. All these elaborated in detail for this district. is proposed with a hierarchy of commercial It further identifies water and energy
housing and employment centres; plans combine to form a comprehensive centres distributed around the district. resources for the city and develops
extensive environmental management Land Use Plan for the Districts and the This section highlights the strategies The Strategic locations of each commercial infrastructure facilities for each district.
strategies and provision of a range of City. adopted to maximise the development centre, the employment scale, supportive The chapter discusses the existing condition
recreational, cultural and social amenities A Zoning Plan corresponding to the Land potential on the very limited buildable facilities like retail, recreation and of water supply, sewer, storm water and
to ensure good quality of life for all the Use Plan is developed using the available land in the district. A detailed Land Use residential layouts are discussed in detail. power supply in detail. It further explains
residents. Plans are prepared for two cadastral data. The Zoning Plan and Plan for the horizon of 2025 and Year X the key issues that arise from expanding
stages of development. The Ultimate plan is Guidelines play a key role in implementing are presented here. The percentage of The proposed Commercial plan 2025 the current infrastructure network for the
prepared for Year X (2040 and beyond), and the proposed Master Plan. It directs the land allotted for each development type is illustrates phasing of commercial nodes in projected population by the year X.
an intermediate plan is prepared for Year developments, both public and private shown in a table. order to strengthen existing commercial
2025; this identifies priority development sector, with a clear set of development centres in the district and propose new Topography and natural constraints make
areas. objectives, definitions and regulations. The density distribution plan recommends potential areas for commercial growth as service distribution and planning unique 1
to the district. The existing supply and proposed plan. The detailed plan is
network is inadequate,hence the district developed based on the existing cadastral
has to prepare extensively to cater for parcels of the city as well as the existing
the projected population. Different road layout.
strategies approached for water demand
management, distribution and potential Key features for each planning area are
water resources are defined clearly within identified to create a distinct identity for
the chapter. Sustainable approaches each area.
to sewer treatment and storm water
management are also discussed in detail. This chapter identifies water and energy
Due to increasing demand for energy, the resources for the city and develops
chapter explains alternative power supply infrastructure facilities for each district.
and ways to reducing demand e.g. through The chapter discusses the existing condition
efficient grid systems. The chapter provides of water supply, sewer, storm water and
a detailed network plans for the various power supply in detail. It further explains
infrastructures to be developed in the the key issues that arise from expanding
district. the current infrastructure network for the

projected population by the year 2040.

In addition to the Transportation Master
Plan Report (provided as a separate Topography and natural constraints make
Report)for the city which provides an in- service distribution and planning unique
depth transportation analysis and proposal to the district. The existing supply and
for the city, a summary of the proposed network is inadequate,hence the district
Transport Plan for the year 2025 and Year has to prepare extensively to cater for
X for the district is explained. It underlines the projected population. Different
the transportation proposal addressing the strategies approached for water demand
following: management, distribution and potential
Road Network Plan water resources are defined clearly within
Public Transit Plan the chapter. Sustainable approaches
Non Motorized Transit Plan to sewer treatment and storm water
Typical Road Sections management are also discussed in detail.
Due to increasing demand for energy, the
CHAPTER 4-7: Detailed Master chapter explains alternative power supply
Plan for the Planning Areas and ways to reducing demand e.g. through
efficient grid systems. The chapter provides
This chapter takes a focused look into a detailed network plans for the various
each planning area consisting of a few infrastructures to be developed in the
administrative sectors for each district. An district.
in-depth analysis of the existing context
of each planning area is carried out, and CHAPTER 8: Way Forward
detailed constraints and opportunities for
each area are identified. This chapter discusses the upcoming steps
and explains subsequent deliverables of the
Development proposals capturing project.
stakeholders opinions for each Planning
Area have been prepared. These approved
projects are incorporated in the new
2Kicukiro District - Context, Opportunities and Constraints
2.1Existing Context the Kicukiro District with the eastern and
southern districts of the country.
This Chapter presents an overview of the
current context of the Kicukiro District In 2005, the City of Kigali expanded its
and the role assigned to the District in the municipal limits by 10 times to 731.24 sq.
Detailed District Plan. It also presents an km leading to the inclusion of large areas
analysis of the key physical opportunities of rural and agrarian land. Kicukiro District
and constraints that are critical in the comprises of 10 administrative sectors, 41
Districts planning. Cells and 333 Immudugudus /administrative
villages. Kicukiro District extends over a
2.1.1Location and Connectivity total area of 166.7 sq. km with 0.35 mi
inhabitants and a gross density of 2,095
Kicukiro District is located south of the Vers inhabitants per sq. km1.
Kibungo and comprises of the following


10 sectors - Kigarama, Gikondo, Gatenga, Table 2.1 and Fig.2.2 illustrate the existing
Kicukiro, Kagarama, Niboye, Gahanga, size, boundaries and population of each
Kanombe, Nyarugunga and Masaka. Sector in Kicukiro District.

It is surrounded by Rusororo, Ndera, 1 Estimations based on EICV 2006

Kimironko, Remera, Kimihurura sectors Table 2.1 Kicukiro District - Sector Size and
of Gasabo District in the north; Muhima, Population
Nyarugenge, Nyamirambo and Magaregere P l a n n i n g S e c t o r Population
sectors of Nyarugenge district in the Area Size (ha)
west and north west. It is surrounded by Kigarama 776.58 34,455
Rwamagana District in the east and river
Gikondo 351.28 25,186
Nyabarongo separates Kicukiro District
from Bugesera District in the south. Gatenga 1130.28 27,431
Kicukiro 212.57 17,966
When compared to Nyarugenge and Gasabo Kagarama 966.36 16,556
districts, Kicukiro District has relatively
Niboye 503.44 22,663
more flat land with high potential for new
growth areas. Gahanga 3661.74 15,164
Kanombe 2455.54 31,185
Vers Kibungo and Kigali Nyamata Road Nyarugunga 1381.62 31,522
are the two prime roads that connect Masaka 5230.57 27,156
Total Area 16669.99 249,284
Source : Kicukiro DDP, Kicukiro population
structure in November 2006 per administrative
The Five sectors - Kicukiro, Niboye, Gikondo,
Kigarama and Nyarugunga Sectors are
largely urbanized and comprise of low-
density informal housing settlements. The
remaining five sectors - Gahanga, Gatenga,
Kagarama, Kanombe and Masaka are

Fig.2.1 Kicukiro District - Location and Connectivity (city map indicating urban areas, water bodies etc) 3
largely rural and comprise of scattered rural development located close to the Citys
housing and agricultural land. The biggest existing International Airport. Most of the
of all the sectors in Kicukiro District is area towards the south in Gahanga, Masaka
Masaka Sector which comprising mostly of and Kanombe sector remain natural and
farmlands. The smallest and also the most unplanned rural agrarian land.
urbanized is Kicukiro sector.
Agriculture, stock breeding, co-operatives,
2.1.2Historical Context commercial trade and Industries constitute
the Districts economy. The industrial sector
Kicukiro District was established by is relatively well developed in Kicukiro
Organic Law n29/2005, which organized District. Industries in Gikondo and Kicukiro
the administrative entities of the Republic sector provide additional employment.
of Rwanda, at the start of the second There is significant presence of commercial
phase of decentralization in January 2006. and mixed use corridor along the Boulevard
It resulted from the merger of former de IOUA which also serves as the logistics
Gikondo, Kanombe, Kicukiro Districts and corridor for the City.
former Municipality of Kabuga.
The recent launch of CBD phase 1 in

The administrative office of Kicukiro District Muhima has strengthened the existing
is located in the administrative Sector of City Core with new offices and commercial
Kagarama, close to the national road that spaces. The upcoming International Airport
links Kicukiro District with the Bugesera in Bugesera has revamped the development
District in the Eastern Province. As a corridors in the District. This has resulted in
decentralized entity, Kicukiro District enjoys growth of the existing local market places
legal personality and, consequently, both and residential development has spread
administrative and financial autonomy2. around in both urban and rural areas.

2.1.3Existing Site Conditions 2.1.4Socioeconomic Context

Only 74% of the land (123.5 sq. km) in the The district as a whole fares decently in
District is available for development due to terms of living conditions, when compared
topographical and natural constraints. to the National averages of socio economic
Urban Land Uses such as residential,
commercial, industries, social and Agricultural activity is carried out in rural
infrastructure facilities are limited to areas areas but this is losing ground due to new
close to the City Centre, Vers Kibungo and
3 Source: EICV 2006
the existing International Airport. These
developments occupy around 23.8% of
the Districts land. Major Commercial
and Industrial activities are centred in the
Kicukiro, Gikondo and Niboye sectors close
to the clusters of government institutes,
embassies and other non-governmental
organizations in Gasabo District. The
Nyarugunga and Kanombe sectors support
residential clusters and small commercial

4 2 Source - KICUKIRO DDP 2008 Fig.2.2 Kicukiro District - Existing Sector Boundaries
Table 2.2 Kicukiro District - Existing Land Use Distribution
Broad Land Use Detail Land Use Level 2 Area(Ha) Total (Ha)
Residential Single family Residential 540
Low Rise Residential 1,739
Medium Rise Residential 7 2,286
Commercial Commercial Office 0.6
Commercial General 34
Hotel 7 41.6
Mixed Use Mixed use 4 4
Public facilities Government Office 23
Educational 248
Religious Facilities 47
Health Facilities 185


Civic Facilities 18 543
Industries Light Industrial 26
Heavy Industrial 116 142
Nature Area Existing Forest 742
Wetland 2,723 3,465
Agriculture Farmland 6,459
Plantation 2,210 8,669
Open Space Open Space and Park 19
Sports and Recreation 16 35
Water Bodies Rivers 91 91
Infrastructure Transportation 747
Utilities 22 769
Special Use/Restricted Area/Un-
classified Defence Area 148
Quarry Land 30
Graveyard 16
Warehouse 50
Vacant Land 407 651
Total Total 16670 16670

Fig.2.3 Kicukiro District - Existing Land Use and Context Plan 5

economic opportunities offered by the
expansion of the City. Activities like stock
breeding and forestry are less developed
and lack promotion from the government.
The district has a few cooperatives running
that support livelihood on a small scale.
A few quarrying and mining activities are
still prevalent but mostly random with no
environmental standards.

The industrial sector is quite prominent and

well developed in Kicukiro District. However
competition, lack of financial means and a
lack of product outlets are issues that still
need to be catered for. The craft industry
has been picking up momentum due to
the increase in registered artisans. Market
infrastructure is poorly developed and

many District markets are still unbuilt.

In terms of Education, the District like other

administrative districts, faces issues like
inadequate infrastructure, high rate of drop
outs and lack of motivation. It has very few Fig.2.4 Kicukiro District - Land under natural
cultural facilities. In general each sector has Constraints
a cultural band and dance troupes. There
are two genocide memorial centres
The 1994 Genocide memorial site of
Nyanza in Kagarama administrative
Memorial site for politicians at Rebero in
Gatenga administrative Sector;
which hold cultural importance. Sports
activities like football, karate and volleyball
have been becoming prominent in the
district. However, the District needs to
further support them by building sports
facilities and complexes. Few health
centres and military hospital fail to provide
adequate access to health services within
the district

2.2Natural Context

Due to the topographical constraints,

almost 26 % of the District remains natural
area. These areas offer unique landscape
and recreational opportunities.
6 Fig.2.5 Kicukiro District - Land under Natural constraints
Of the three districts, Kicukiro District is 2.3Environmental Context
the least undulating with great potential
to host future residential and commercial The Districts fauna includes various species
developments. It comprises of plateaus of birds, fish and reptiles. In terms of
with gentle slopes of which the highest Flora, natural vegetation is almost extinct.
peak does not exceed 2000 m of altitude. Artificial vegetation like Eucalyptus has
However steep terrain can be found in replaced the citys landscape.
Kigarama , Gatenga and Gahanga sectors.
The KCMP stipulates a slope gradient cut-off The Citys major concern is soil erosion
value of 20%, beyond which no buildings are and wetland encroachment. Many efforts
allowed to be constructed. Based on this, are being taken, like terraces over slopes
6.8% of land within the District lies in areas greater than 12% and protection of
of steep slope. 16.8% of land within the swamps. Nonetheless most of the wetlands
District falls within the wetland boundary, in the northern part of the District have


as delineated by Rwanda Environmental been encroached or built up for industrial,
Management Authority (REMA). housing and agricultural uses. The
The river system of Kicukiro District mostly boundary delineated by REMA does not
consists of streams and rivers which are correspond with the on-ground situation
part of the Akagera River Basin. The main where the actual marshland cover is much
rivers are Akagera and Nyabugogo. About smaller than the wetland boundary. Hence,
ten small streams disappear into swamps. it is critical to reclaim the lost wetlands and
restore them, as much as possible, to their
The city has witnessed large-scale natural conditions. Due to the undulating
deforestation in the last few decades whic topography, there are numerous additional
has led to few pockets of sparse forests. natural drainage channels and adjoining
Around 2.5% of land within Kicukiro District shrubbery which need to be reserved and
is forest area, which needs to be preserved managed as part of the Citys storm water
and revitalized. management system.

Fig.2.4 and Fig.2.5 illustrate the quantum The district is home to various industries
and location of land area under natural most of them located in wetland
constraints in Kicukiro District. areas. The Untreated industrial effluent
from industries flows directly into the
Nyabarongo river. The river banks are not
protected in accordance with the standards
set by the Environment Act. All sorts of
waste from various areas of the City are
deposited in the Kagarama Sector. There is
no sustainable waste disposal system in the

Fig.2.6 illustrates the existing watersheds

and natural drains in Kicukiro District.

4 Source: KICUKIRO DDP 2008

Fig.2.6 Kicukiro District - Water shed and Drainage Map 7

2.4Review of Sub Area Plans Neighborhoods, this area is envisioned Masaka Sub Area Proposal (5231 Ha)
from Kigali City Master to highlight a Medical/Research Park and
Plan (2007) a rural/agricultural Industrial Innovation Planning Implications :
The City has undertaken several local area Development density & environmental
specific planning studies in the last few considerations - The Masaka Sector
years, most of which are completed and Plans backbone is its network of Open
need to be integrated into the new City Space/Green ways. These take on a
Concept Plan. The key proposals in Kicukiro greater significance in Masaka, due to
District include Sub Area proposals (2010) in its peri-urban nature, its current rural Neighbourhood Centre Concept
Masaka and Rebero as indicated in Fig.2.8 . culture, and its large size

2.4.1Masaka Sub Area Proposal Issues to be reviewed and incorporated in

(4296 Ha) the new concept plan
Rebero Sub Area Masaka Sub Area
Masaka Sub Area Proposal has the following Population growth and density - Growth
key aspects: is faster than projected. Considering

the Rwanda population projection and

Development direction: Based on Kigali urbanization scenarios, the population
Conceptual Master Plan (2007), Masaka is projection for Kigali has been revised to
destined to become an important Urban to accommodate 5 million instead of 3
Sub Centre.. The heart of Masaka million projected earlier. There is a need
Sector will become its New City Center. to redefine high and medium densities. Neighbourhood Green/Blue System Fig.2.8 Kigali City Master Plan, Rwanda - November 2007
It includes a dense concentric Multifamily The development potential of the site Source: Kigali Sub Area Plans, Schematic Planning; Oz architecture.era.edaw.tetratech.winston associates-December 2010
Residential/ Neighborhood zone needs to be capitalized for much higher
organized around a High-Density Mixed- density.
Use Core and including two residential Existing cadastral - There is a need to
arms to the northeast and south. contextualize the proposal based on
Population and density: The New City existing road and cadastral alignments.
Center is expected to reach 170,000 Transit system and transit corridor:
population in the long term, and the Masaka needs to be supported with good
whole of the Masaka sector with three transit system in the future to ensure that
new towns, Masaka Town and Kabuga majority of the population will be served
Town will accommodate 290,000 by public transit that will minimize the
residents. traffic volume on the road.
Transect Model - Development at the top The township development model and
of the hill is High-Density Mixed-Use. In affordable housing needs: Considering
the middle of the hill, development turns the proposed densification as well as
to High, Medium-High, and Medium- redevelopment of existing areas, the
Low Density Residential (which also has concept plan needs to develop township
mixed-uses within it.) Unlike the New development model to restructure the
Towns and existing Masaka Town, the developments. In addition, this model is
New City Center does not have Low also needed to address the promotion of
Density Residential uses. affordable housing which is very much
Existing Masaka Town: Masaka town needed in Kigali.
is proposed with Medium-Density 2.4.2Rebero Sub Area Proposal
Mixed-Use Center and Residential
8 Fig.2.7 Masaka New City Centre - (4296 Ha) and View of the City Centre and High density Mixed use Area
Source: Kigali Sub Area Plans, Schematic Planning; Oz architecture.era.edaw.tetratech.winston associates-December 2010
Rebero Neighborhood (Low Density
Rebero Sub Area Proposal has the following Residential not included in scope of
key aspects: project

Development direction : The Sub Area is Issues to be reviewed and incorporated in

envisioned to reinforce a strong sense of the new concept plan
place connection with the past, stars and
sky attuned to environmental protection. Existing cadastral - There is a need to
Building on Existing cultural heritage contextualize the proposal based on
and scenic Views: Nyenyeri Rock, located existing road and Cadastral alignments.
at the north end of Juru park; a historically Amenities, jobs, road network and
significant landmark is preserved and infrastructure for 5 million population.-
developed as a cultural attraction. Considering the projected increase in
Juro Park: Juru Park, located in the center capacity from 3 million to 5 million, the


of the proposed Rebero hilltop circle, or need for more road and amenities have
necklace drive, is developed separately, to be calculated.
but serves as the centerpiece around
which all of the resort buildings and These plans will be integrated in the City
retreat areas relate. Master Plan and adjusted to comply with
Open Space and GreenWays - The natural the existing cadastral data, the slopes and
landscape at the outer perimeter of the other existing constraints. There are also
site is to be preserved and reforested for many developments and projects that have
Rebero Sub Area - Rendered Plan and View of the Convention Centre a buff er to separate the top of the hill been approved for development which will
Source: Kigali Sub Area Plans, Schematic Planning; Oz architecture.era.edaw.tetratech.winston associates-December 2010 from surrounding urban developments to be captured and accommodated in line the
create a special place in the City. new city Master Plan.
Residential Development - The Rebero
Neighborhood Center zones includes
medium low density residential area
and mixed use with a commercial/retail

The Rebero development Framework

includes the following uses in the Sub Area:
Open Space/Greenway Zone
A high density resort village to the north
(including a High Density Hotel and
Conference Center);
Medium Density Hotels located in the
center of the site on the east and west
slopes of the hill (which may also include
a Boutique Hotel cluster option in the
eastern medium density hotel zone).
Low Density Hotel/Retreat areas to the
south which include an Ecotourism
Resort and a Senior/Retirement Complex.
Mixed Use/Neighborhood Center
Fig.2.9 Rebero Sub Area - Land Use Plan(81 Ha) and View of the Resort and Neighbourhood from South East Medium Low Density Residential in
Source: Kigali Sub Area Plans, Schematic Planning; Oz architecture.era.edaw.tetratech.winston associates-December 2010 9
2.5Kicukiro District - restrictions in the neighbouring areas,
Constraints and thus preventing high rise and density
Opportunities developments.
Masaka Sector has been experiencing
2.5.1Constraints rapid growth in residential developments
recently; due to its proximity to the new
About 24% of the land in Kicukiro District International Bugesera Airport. However
is built up. This development is limited to these new developments are faced with
the northern parts of the District. The key long travelling distance to the City Centre
constraints for future developments are: for employment purposes.
If left uncontrolled, the areas close to the
A large portion of land (26%) is faced with CBD and new developments in sub urban
natural constraints comprising of steep areas may develop in a haphazard manner,
slopes (slopes greater than 20%), existing further constraining redevelopment.
forests and wetland areas. These areas
need to be safeguarded to prevent future
threats to the environment.

The existing steep slopes occupy around

7% of the land in the District, mostly
towards the west and south west regions.
These slope areas need to be protected
to prevent the threat of land slides and
soil erosion. These steep
The rapidly growing areas towards
Bugesera International Airport in Gahanga
and Masaka sectors are largely rural
with limited access to urban areas. These
developments must be supported with
adequate services and infrastructure.
The low density informal settlements in
the urbanized areas around City Centre
and Kigali International Airport occupy
prime land in the City. These areas could
otehrwise be developed as high density
developments. Redevelopment and
infrastructure provision could take longer
time than anticipated.
The projects that are already approved
by the City of Kigali are adapted and
integrated in the Detailed Master
Plan. Although some of them ideal
developments in
The existing hazardous Industrial
developments along wetlands in most of
the valley areas need to be relocated to
reduce the environmental impact.
The presence of the International Airport
10 Fig.2.10 Kicukiro District - Constraints Map in the Nyarugunga Sector poses height
2.5.2Opportunities The presence of the existing Kigali
International Airport anchors the district
Opportunities identified within Kicukiro as the gateway to the City, located
District are based on existing site analysis. in the cardinal centre of the District.
These Opportunities are illustrated in The areas surrounding the Airport will
Fig.2.11 and are: attract Commercial and residential


Fig.2.11 Kicukiro District - Opportunities Map 11
As the new Bugesera International transport facilities.
Airport complements the existing airport The meandering river wetlands close
(located 40 km away) visitor traffic will to the Nyaborongo River in the South,
further boost new commercial, tourism hold great potential for biodiversity
and the logistics industry. conservation.
The current City Centre expansion in The approved hotel and two large
Muhima towards the north east side approved stadium projects in the Gahanga
of the District offers large business and Sector, provide a good opportunity to
employment opportunities. This provides develop Sports hub for the entire City.
an opportunity to develop affordable Identified for the concentration of
residential centres in these parts of the universities and higher education
district, hence offering a wide range of institutes in the District, the District can
housing options for the city dwellers. be further developed as the Education
With the existing commercial corridor Hub for the City as well as the country;
already established close to the CBD hence encouraging private investments
area, Kicukiro sector has huge potential in the field of Education.
to develop similar supportive commercial The existing small commercial uses

centres or a mini CBD. in the District, offer opportunity as

The relocation and redevelopment of the development nodes to be built upon.
industrial area close to CBD areas will help
revitalise Gikondo, Kicukiro and Niboye
sectors and the surrounding areas.
The suburban areas in Gahanga, Masaka
and parts of Kanombe sector are largely
farmland areas offering land for new
residential/township developments.
The existing Juro park and Mount Rebero
offer scenic settings with magnificent
and protected views over the City of
Kigali and neighbouring Districts of
Bugesera, Rwamagana, Kamonyi, Rulindo
and Gicumbi. The previous Sub Area
Proposal for Rebero could be integrated
with facilities like observatory decks and
resorts, creating a prime destination in
the City.
The existing forests and stretches of
wetlands in the South near Gahanga,
Kanombe and Masaka sectors offer
attractive venues for recreational
and tourism related developments
like wetland parks, wetland front
entertainment hubs etc.
The mandatory wetland buffer provides
an opportunity to develop a continuous
green connector linking the entire
District. This feature creates recreational
12 facilities and provides for Non motorized
3Kicukiro District - Proposed Master Plan
Based on the existing site context In 2007, the City developed the Kigali
analyzed in the previous chapters, a land Conceptual Master Plan (KCMP) which
utilisation strategy has been proposed, laid down broad direction for the Citys
which determines the broad development growth. One of the key proposals of the
directions for different areas in the District. KCMP includes the development of a new
This land utilisation strategy is applied City Centre in Gahanga, located between
to the physical ground conditions of the the existing City Centre and the new
District to form the Development Structure International Airport in Bugesera. The key
Plan. The development structure is refined thrust of industrial and trade activities is
further to form the Proposed Land Use proposed to be eastwards along the east-
Plans for Kicukiro District west corridor connecting the CBD to the
existing Kigali International Airport and
3.1Proposed Land Utilisation beyond. As per the KCMP, Kicukiro District
Strategy is largely designated to be an Education hub


with two growth corridors promising new
The role of Kicukiro District in Kigali commercial and residential development
Conceptual Plan for the City. Refer to Fig.3.2 for Kigali City -
Structure Plan.
The District is largely known for the
presence of the Kigali International Airport. Land Use Strategy
The presence of higher educational
Institutes, military hospital (proposed The Master Plan acknowledges the broad
to be developed as district hospital) and national vision for City of Kigali as Centre
large Industrial zone support residential of Urban Excellence in Africa. It further
population in the district. Commercial envisions the city to be a leading model of
markets in Kicukiro sector and along the new, economically thriving, democratic,
airport corridor anchor Kicukiro District as progressive African city that is redeveloped
a commercial centre in the future.

Fig.3.1 Kicukiro District - Proposed Land Utilisation Strategy Plan Fig.3.2 Kigali Radial City - Proposed Conceptual Structure Plan 13
with integrated infrastructure and services; Kigarama, Kagarama and parts of Gatenga
is economically sound; ensures personal are proposed to be developed as the City
safety and security; celebrates the Fringe Area, due to their close proximity to
countrys rural/agricultural heritage; and the City Centre and existing development.
becomes a regionally and internationally
integrated commercial and administrative The largely rural sectors of Masaka,
hub. In order to achieve the proposed Gahanga and Kanombe sectors together
vision and goals, a Land Utilisation strategy with Nyarugunga sector is proposed to
is proposed for the City of Kigali. The key be developed as Suburban Area. As per
features are: the Interim Citys Master Plan for the year
20251, the rural areas of Masaka, Gahanga
Identifying an urban boundary for the and Kanombe remain largely agricultural
City Centre Area and, strengthening and land. These areas are developed as
organizing the existing City Centre. Suburban Areas with new developments in
the long term plan by Year X.
Identifying the existing urban areas that
are adjacent to City Centre and organizing The large wetland stretches in the District

these areas as City Fringe Areas. are protected and proposed to be developed
as open recreational and tourism sites, such
Defining the existing urban areas and new as Wetland Parks and Nature reserves.
growth areas in the urban periphery; and
organizing these areas as the Suburban 3.2Proposed Planning Area
Areas. Boundaries for Kicukiro
Defining the unbuildable areas in the
outskirts as Rural Area and developing Kicukiro District has 10 administrative
relevant strategies for various rural uses. sectors whose sizes vary from 200 ha to
5000 ha. The smallest of all the sectors is
Refer Appendix 1 for Kigali City-Land Use Kicukiro with 212 ha and largest is Masaka
Strategy plan with 5240 ha. For physical planning
purposes, the sectors have been combined
As per the Kigali City Land Use Strategy to form four comprehensive Planning Areas
Plan, Kicukiro District is categorized as
Urban Fringe Area and Suburban Area. 1 Refer Proposed Land Use Plan for the year
The sectors of Kicukiro, Niboye, Gikondo, 2025 in Appendix 1

Table 3.1 Kicukiro District - Proposed Planning Area Boundaries

Planning Area Sectors Area

Kicukiro, Niboye, Gikondo, Gatenga,

1 Central Planning Area 3941 ha
Kagarama and Kigarama
2 Southern Planning Area Gahanga 3662 ha
3 South Central Planning Area Nyarugunga and Kanombe 3837 ha

4 Eastern Planning Area Masaka 5231 ha

Total Kicukiro District 16670 ha

14 Fig.3.3 Kicukiro District - Proposed Planning Areas
in the District, based on their geographic 4. Eastern Planning Area, comprises of the
affinity and by combining smaller sectors Masaka sector. The Planning Area comprises
together. This will help in shaping definite new growth areas along with a Regional
and well integrated plans for the denoted Centre. Industrial, Recreation, Research,
Planning Areas. The new Planning Area Innovation clusters and educational
boundaries thus defined, further help in facilities are proposed as part of the new
defining distinct and clear strategies for developments. The Eastern Planning Area
different parts of the district. The sum of all is envisioned as the Educational Hub in
these Planning Areas will provide a holistic the City. Ref. Fig.3.3 for Planning Area
Land Use strategy for Kicukiro District. The Boundaries.
key strategies for the 4 Planning Areas in
Kicukiro District are as follows: 3.3Proposed Structure Plan

1. Central Planning Area, comprises of The structure plan for the City has the


six urban sectors close to the existing City following key considerations:
Centre; Kicukiro, Gatenga, Gikondo, Niboye, Establishing a range of employment
Kigarama and Kagarama. This Planning centers in Kigali.
Area plays the role of Urban Fringe Creating affordable and quality living
Centre in Kicukiro District. The existing environments in Kigali.
commercial and residential developments Improving connectivity and transit in
are redeveloped to accommodate the Kigali.
increasing population and employment Managing and improving the environment
requirements. and infrastructure.

2. South Planning Area, comprises of the 3.3.1Kicukiro District Structure Plan

Gahanga Sector. The Planning Area includes
the new urban growth corridor2 and the Guided by the broad principles, that were
proposed new Regional Centre at the entry set by the Conceptual Plan3 for Kigali city,
point of the city from the new proposed the following are the strategies for the
Bugesera International Airport. It is transformation of Kicukiro District:
surrounded by new residential townships,
large recreation, sports and education To establish a unique gateway commercial
facilities for Kicukiro District. hub to Kigali with a wide variety of
mixed used developments along growth
3. South Central Planning Area, comprises corridors - The proposal focuses on new
of Kanombe and Nyarugunga sectors. Of the developments in the green field areas,
two sectors, Nyarugunga is comparatively whilst intensifying the inner city area
urbanized and Kanombe is largely rural. The surrounding the CBD. The development
Planning Area plays the role of Recreational corridor will connect existing key features
Gateway of the Kicukiro District due of the of the city with the new commercial
presence of the existing Kigali International and industrial employment nodes. This
Airport. New residential areas that closely includes two new Regional Centres at
interact with the wetland network are Gahanga and Masaka sector respectively
proposed. and a Fringe Centre at Kicukiro sector.
These Regional Centres will cater to a
larger catchment area providing regional
2 Refer Proposed Development Concept for
Fig.3.4 Kicukiro District - Proposed Structure Plan Kigali City, In Conceptual Plan Report 3 Refer Appendix 1 - Kigali City- Concept Plan 15
level facilities. They will also be key a Slum Free Kigali by 2040. The existing transit corridor. Generally the townships The proposed township population key existing commercial developments. The
employment destinations in the city residential developments are reorganized are organized according to topography and distribution is shown in Fig.3.5 & Table 3.2 proposed Employment Distribution in each
offsetting the development pressure to provide access to adequate public 1-2 hills constitute one township entity. Township is shown in Table 3.4.
from the CBD area. facilities and infrastructure. Masaka The BRT and the MRT corridor forms the Proposed Employment distribution
town and parts of Kanombe sector are main central spine of each township. In Table 3.2 Kicukiro District : Township Popula-
To create distinct identity by developing rehabilitated to medium residential most cases the MRT corridor runs parallel The projected Employment opportunity tion Distribution by Year X
knowledge, sports and innovation developments. New medium and high to the wetland edges extending towards for Kigali City is 2.3 mi, of which Kicukiro Planning Township Population
centric growth centres - The relatively density residential neighbourhoods are the commercial centres. The central spine District will have an employment share Area
higher number of Educational Institutes proposed along the key transit corridors. holds commercial uses and major facilities of 37% with 0.86 mi jobs provided. The
in Kicukiro District gives it an ideal with high density developments. projected job requirements are catered to Central KT1 128,000
platform to promote the district as the To integrate all developments with a well through new well distributed employment KT2 79,000
Citys knowledge hub with additional planned transport network, and create Proposed Population Distribution nodes around the city, in close proximity KT3 480,000
facilities like Regional level Sports walkable neighbourhoods by promoting to townships. The two Regional Centres in
stadium and Research cum Innovation non-motorized transit - A radial road Kigali City is currently witnessing a growth Kicukiro District cater to 44% of the service Southern KT4 184,000
centres. Two new University Towns are network with well spaced highways caters of 6.2% p.a. SPHD, 2006. Population based jobs in the City. KT5 253,000
proposed in Gahanga and Masaka sector to smooth city travel and fast connections growth projections were created for three South Central KT6 83,000
respectively. The approved Indoor and within the district and better linkage scenarios for the future population. A high New townships in the suburban areas are

Outdoor Stadium projects are integrated to the new airport at Bugesera. The growth, medium growth, and low growth proposed to provide 32% of the Districts KT7 133,000
in the Districts Master Plan. proposed trans-national rail line through scenario are projected by taking EICV3 jobs, through local Industrial zones and KT8 110,000
the District will further strengthen the 2011 as the base year. The natural growth various commercial centres. The proposed KT9 158,000
To conserve scenic wetlands and nature Districts Industrial and logistics sector. as well as migration is factored into the Industrial estate in Masaka is expected to
areas, and promote them through value The proposed transit corridor forms an various scenarios. The population of Kigali cater to 77,000 jobs in manufacturing and Eastern KT10 280,000
added recreational uses - The proposed integral component of the transportation City is proposed to grow from the current logistic industries. This would support a KT11 386,000
Environmental Green and Blue Plan and Land Use Plan. It links the various population of 1.3 million to 5 million as per decentralized job distribution and ensure
I4 18,000
connects the various existing nature townships in Kicukiro and high density the high case scenario and 3.6 million as per significant local employment. Additional
areas through a continuous pedestrian development is proposed along these the low case scenario. Provision of land and employment is also provided by upgrading Total 2,292,000
and bicycling network along the wetland corridors. The transit corridors will have reserves for infrastructure, housing and
buffer zone. Numerous parks in different Bus Rapid Transit with transit stops facilities need to be safeguarded for the
hierarchy providing both active and distributed at regular intervals. However ultimate population (high case scenario).
passive recreational spaces for residents in the future once enough population However, this ultimate population may
are proposed within each township. catchment is achieved, high capacity MRT or may not be reached by 2040. Year X
These parks are planned as nature parks, corridor is proposed. Fig.3.4 presents the represents the stage where Kigali would
wetland parks and edge parks depending Structure Plan for Kicukiro District. have reached its ultimate population of 5
of their location, environmental condition The structure Plan is further developed as million, based on the current development
and topography. Regional Level parks like District Concept Plan. Refer to Appendix 3 parameters. The Master Plan should be
the flower valley, Botanical garden and for Kicukiro District- Concept Plan reviewed every five years in line with the
Biodiversity park are proposed in key census and development trends. In line
areas. 3.4Proposed Integrated with these projections, Kicukiro District is
Townships in Kicukiro projected to have an ultimate population of
To develop new comprehensive integrated District 2.3 million by Year X.
townships and promote regeneration
of existing areas with quality living Kigali City is restructured into twenty four The fringe areas with three townships will
environments - The Detailed Master self-sufficient townships. The District of house a population of 0.6 mi. Masaka Sector
Plan proposes restructuring the District Kicukiro encompasses eleven of these with rapid development and relatively flat
into eleven self sufficient townships. residential townships (K1-K11) and one (I4) land has huge potential for high density
Unplanned areas within the district are Industrial estate. All of these townships residential development.
rehabilitated and regenerated to create are proposed to be served by the public
Fig.3.5 Township Boundaries and Population Distribution in Kicukiro District
3.5Proposed Land Use plan for the intermediate term of 2025 and approved projects and development trends. Eight new town Centres with commercial alternative energy sources to reduce
long term plan for Year X. These plans are A detailed Transportation Master Plan use and varied public amenities are dependency on non-renewable energy.
The proposed Land Use Plan for Kicukiro developed based on extensive analysis of and its modelling is done concurrently to proposed to serve the various townships. Refer to Appendix 2 for Broad Land Use
District provides the development strategy the existing site and also capture the ongoing ensure that the proposed Land Use is well An industrial estate is proposed in Composition for Kigali -Year X. The Proposed
integrated with the Transportation Plan and Masaka Sector, close to the new proposed Land Use Distribution in Kicukiro District for
Table 3.3 Kicukiro District Proposed Land Use Distribution Data - Year X public transit. The proposed Land Use Plan International rail Freight line running the Year X, is presented in Table 3.3, Fig.3.6
Broad Land Use Detail Land Use Area (Ha) is a guide plan charting the development across the country. and Fig.3.7
direction for the City. Light industries in the range of 80-
Residential Single family Residential 4,097
100 ha are proposed in each Planning 3.5.2Proposed Land Use plan for
Low Rise Residential 1,389 3.5.1Proposed Land Use plan for Area to provide localized employment Kicukiro District - Year 2025
Medium Rise Residential 1,606 Kicukiro District Year X opportunities for the residents.
High Rise Residential 112 7203 An efficient grid of highways and arterial The proposed Land Use Plan 2025 is an
Commercial Commercial General 304
The Land Use plan for Year X shows the roads system has been established to intermediate plan for Kicukiro District, for a
development envisioned for the district. . ensure long term regional and local projected population of 1.2 mi by the year
Hotel 8 312


The key proposals are as follows: connectivity. 2025. The key features of the proposed
Mixed Use Mixed use 177 177 The new Regional Centre in Gahanga Eleven new suburban townships are Land Use Plan for 2025 are:
Public facilities Government Office 26 will act as a major employment hub in proposed in the District. Each township is Growth is focused around the existing
Educational 611 the service sector. Vibrant mixed use integrated with adequate public facilities urban developments near the City Fringe
developments around this Commercial such as schools, health care Centres, Civic area at Kicukiro, Niboye, Gikondo and
Religious Facilities 65
Centre, will infuse new residential institutions, parks and recreation facilities along the airport road towards Masaka.
Health Facilities 185 population. This development will serve and are distributed as per catchment and The initial focus in on developing key
Civic Facilities 39 as the new southern gateway, introducing residential population density. transportation corridors, upgrading the
Sports and Recreation 190 visitors to the new progressive Kigali City. The proposed new transit corridors link existing roads as well as acquiring land for
facilities 1116 The third Regional Centre of the City, all the townships and make travelling new growth areas.
Industries Light Industrial 453
proposed in Masaka sector will be from one part of the City to the other; Six key new town ships are proposed to
developed subsequently in the long term a seamless experience. High density be developed as catalyst projects in all
Heavy Industrial 380 832
beyond Year 2025. development of approximately 220 Dus/ Planning Areas. K1, K3 (Central Planning
Nature Area Existing Forest 654 A second level of City level Commercial Ha is proposed along these corridors. Area), K5 (Southern Planning Area), K6
Afforestation 4 in the form of Fringe Centre is proposed Existing unplanned settlements in Fringe and K7 (South Central Planning Area )and
Wetland 2,906 3564 in Kicukiro sector. This will strengthen and Sub urban areas are rezoned into K10 (Eastern Planning Area) townships.
the existing commercial in and around low-rise (90 Dus/Ha) and Medium rise- Unplanned development in fringe areas
Agriculture Farmland 0 0
Kicukiro, Niboye and Gikondo sectors; residential (160 Dus/Ha) based on the are proposed to be upgraded with public
Open Space Open Space and Park 1,038 1038 slope conditions. facilities and infrastructure.
Water Bodies Rivers 88 88 Nature areas such as forests, wetlands Industrial areas in these townships
Infrastructure Roads 1,461 and steep slopes above 20% (conditional will be fully developed enabling local
use is proposed in urban areas) are employment.
Transportation 97
protected through afforestation, zoning In suburban areas, the existing
Transportation(open 95 and buffer areas. Imudugudus shall be retained and
Regional level recreational facilities provided with necessary public facilities.
Utilities 119 1772 like urban parks and Cultural Centres, The Flower Valley and the Heritage
Special Use/Restricted Defence Area 127 and tourist attractions like the Botanic Memorial at Nyanza, Lake Park in
Area/Unclassified gardens, Bio Diversity park, Wetland Gikondo and sports facilities in Gahanga
Airport 243 parks, Golf Course and Flower Valley are will be developed.
Graveyard 154 524
proposed in different parts of the District.
The Land Use Plan proposes sustainable The Proposed Land Use Distribution in
Reserve Site Reserve Site 43 43
integrated power, water and waste Kicukiro District for the Year 2025, is
Total 16,670 16,670 management systems to support the presented in Fig.3.8. Refer to Appendix 3
Fig.3.6 Proposed Land Use Distribution - Year X
growing needs. It further promotes for Zoning Plans of Kicukiro District and the 17
Planning Areas.

Fig.3.7 Kicukiro District - Proposed Land Use Plan- Year X

Fig.3.8 Kicukiro District - Proposed Land Use Plan 2025


3.6Proposed Commercial Centres across Kicukiro so as to promote a market and Ecole Technique de Kicukiro Civic, Religious and Health facilities commercial uses comprise of theme
Use Plan more decentralized distribution and create and is surrounded by existing commercial proposed at these Neighbourhood based commercial infrastructure within
local employment opportunities. These zone around Boulevard de IOUA and Centres would flourish with the the District. The airport Boulevard in
The services sector accounts for 62% of employment nodes fall inclose proximity to Avenue des Communications. Most of neighbourhood catchment population. Nyarugunga is one such existing thriving
Kigalis GDP and has witnessed growth of townships. these existing commercial developments Each Neighbourhood Centre is well commercial Centre.
5.1%1 p.a in the last five years. The sector The proposed hierarchy of commercial are upgraded to Mixed Use developments connected with Non motorized Transport All these commercial uses will be
employed approximately 304,000 people in Centres in Kicukiro District is as follows : to add in residential population for a facility linking the surrounding residential revitalized with proper access and
Kigali, indicating strong skill set increase in vibrant 24 hour Commercial Centre. areas to these commercial/public nodes. infrastructure.
the City. Regional Centre Commercial - Regional The Fringe Centre offers approximately Around 75 such Neighbourhood Centres Special warehouse commercial is
Centres are the largest commercial outside 0.09 mi sq. m of commercial space with are proposed in the District with a proposed in Masakas Industrial Estate
The urban sectors of Kicukiro District hold the central CBD area of the city. The 50,000 employment opportunities in the total floor space of 0.2 million sq. m. promoting factory outlets and Industrial
key commercial markets along LUmuganda main purpose of a Regional Centre is to service sector. Each Neighbourhood Centre will have showrooms.
and Boulevard de IOUA leading towards decentralize the commercial activity within approximately 3000 sq. m of Gross Floor Specialized commercial like the M.I.C.E
the City Centre. The existing rural sectors of the district and bring jobs and facilities Town Centre Commercial - Each township Area. This contributes to approximately (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and
Kanombe, Masaka and Gahanga each have closer to the suburban areas of the district. is proposed with a Town Centre which 10% of the total retail space proposed in Exhibitions) district in Gahanga, close to
one central commercial market. Two Regional Centres are proposed in accommodates the commercial needs of the district. the International Airport in Bugesera; will
Kicukiro District; in Gahanga and Masaka the self sustaining township. boost the Citys Commerce.

The key strategies for allocation of different sector respectively. Out of 11 comprehensive townships Mixed Used Commercial - Mixed Use
commercial Centres are: These Regional Centres offer commercial proposed in Kicukiro District, the two areas are proposed in Kicukiro District to In summary, the proposed commercial
The existing commercial areas are space for offices , retail and entertainment Regional Centres and the Fringe Centre create vibrant and well utilized places. hierarchy allocates 44 % of the districts
redeveloped into neighbourhood/town and help reduce the need for people to accommodate Town Centre commercial These developments are well integrated office space in the Regional Centres at
Centres wherever possible. travel to the City Centre for basic facilities. quantum within these three townships; with public transit network facilitating Gahanga and Masaka; 24% in the Fringe
In new growth areas, new commercial Each Regional Centre caters to a the remaining eight townships are served high density population with good and Centre in Kicukiro sector and the remaining
Centres are proposed along the proposed population catchment of about 1 mi and by one Town Centre each. easy access to the rest of the City. Mixed 32% of Commercial space in the 8 Town
new roads. is spread over 50 ha. The Town Centres are well integrated Use Developments include various types Centres and smaller Neighbourhood
Most of these commercial centres are Each Regional Centre offers approximately with Public Transit and surrounded by of uses promoting live, work and play Centres. The District offers 0.65 mi jobs
developed together with residential 0.57 mi sq. m of commercial space with medium density housing (160 Dus/Ha). environments. in the service sector and 0.2 mi jobs in
developments along the Public transit 200,000 employment opportunities in Each Town Centre offers 0.09 mi sq. m These developments are generally a mix Industrial sector that are well distributed.
routes. These commercial developments the service sector. of commercial space with approximately of 80% residential and 20% commercial The proposed Commercial Use Plan for
surrounded by high/ medium density 10,000 employment opportunities in the quantum. the Year X for Kicukiro District is shown in
residential developments (160-220 Dus/ Fringe Centre Commercial - Fringe service sector. They are proposed along the prime Fig.3.9. Table 3.4 shows the Employment
Ha) function as urban nodes that are Centres are distinctive commercial Centres The Town Centres contribute to commercial corridors in the Fringe sectors distribution within each township.
easily accessible through Public Transit. developed around major transit nodes at approximately 10% of the total retail space of Kicukiro, Niboye, and Gikondo; and
These Commercial Centres are further close proximity to the City Centre; typically proposed in the District. the Nyarugunga sector. 3.6.2Proposed Commercial Plan - Year
surrounded by religious, cultural, health about three to five kilometers away from Other than these key corridors, 75% of 2025
and civic facilities including Open space Downtown and well integrated with Public Neighbourhood Centre Commercial- the Regional Centre is proposed to house
parks to form active Urban Nodes. Transit. The existing commercial uses in the integrated mixed use development; As per the proposed Commercial Use
One such Fringe Centre is proposed in entire District are retained and in most this arrangement gives the residential Plan- Year 2025; approximately 0.3 mi
3.6.1Proposed Commercial Plan - Year Kicukiro District, in the Kicukiro sector. cases rejuvenated to form compact population an opportunity to enjoy employment is needed in service and retail
X The main role of this Fringe Centre is to Neighbourhood Centres. regional level facilities within walking sectors. The main focus is to fully develop
provide commercial spaces for business Neighbourhood Centres are proposed distances. the commercial sector within the Fringe
The service sector is projected to have 0.6 that do not need their offices in the CBD. within each neighbourhood of Approximately 170 ha of land within Centre areas of Kicukiro, Gikondo and
mi jobs by Year X in Kicukiro District alone. This provides employment centres closer approximately 15,000-20,000 residents. the district is dedicated to Mixed-Use Niboye. By Year 2025 it is anticipated that
The proposed Commercial Plan addresses to homes and also serves the suburban These Centres cater to everyday developments. With good urban design, the commercial sector within the suburban
the strategic distribution of these Job areas of the District. requirements and smaller scale retail like these developments, create commercial area of Gahanga will be fully developed.
The Fringe Centre is spread over 12 Ha. It is grocery, stationery, super markets, food centres with a sense of place. Town Centres and neighbourhood Centres
1 Source - National Institute of Statistics, GDP developed next to the existing kimironko vendors, cloth stores etc. Other Commercial uses - The other will be developed within the new townships.
20 Estimates 2010/11, 2005 prices
Table 3.4 Proposed Commercial and Industrial Employment Distribution in Kicukiro District - Year X
3.7Proposed Industrial Use encourage the development of identified ease of accessibility.
Planning Area Township EMPLOYMENT TOTAL
Plan SME clusters in the immediate term. The proposed Industrial Use Plan Year X is
shown in Fig.3.11. Table 3.5 illustrates the
SERVICE LIGHT MANUFAC- L O G I S - The industrial sector accounts for 33% of As per the Industrial Policy, the phasing of total area allocated for Industrial Use in
INDUSTRY TURING TICS Kigalis GDP and has witnessed growth of industrial development is as follows: Kicukiro District.
Central KT1 12,400 7,600 - - 20,000 9.7% p.a. in the last five years. The sector
currently employs approximately 70,0001 Short Term: Agro-processing (including The industrial zones proposed in Kicukiro
KT2 7,500 4,600 - - 12,100
people in Kigali. The sector consists largely pyrethrum, dairy, vegetable oil, soaps District are:
KT3 58,900 25,900 - - 84,800 of quarrying, manufacturing, utilities, and and detergents ); ICT; high-end tourism; Heavy Industrial Zone - Approximately 380
Southern KT4 286,400 13,700 - - 300,100 construction industries. Within this sector, textiles (including silk& leather goods); ha of land has been safeguarded in Masaka
KT5 26,000 16,000 - - 42,000 the construction industry is still the major minerals processing; Sector for heavy industries. Adequate
employer, and will continue to be so as the Medium Term: Construction materials buffer is proposed around this industrial
South Central KT6 8,100 5,000 - - 13,100
country develops. (including cement); Pharmaceuticals; development. These industries provide
KT7 11,900 7,300 - - 19,200 chemical products (including fertilizers); space for large industrial clusters like


KT8 9,500 5,900 - - 15,400 The main industrial zone today, lies in Long Term: Building materials (metal Agro-processing, electronics, construction
Kicukiro District in the sectors of Kicukiro, parts and structures); bio plastics; other materials, plastics & pharmaceuticals
KT9 14,700 9,100 - - 23,800
Gikondo and small parts of Gatenga. This high-tech Industries. timber & metals products and textile
Eastern KT10 25,000 14,850 - - 39,850 entire Industrial belt sits in the Citys garments. They also provide space for
KT11 198,400 21,100 - - 219,500 central prime area over the central wetland 3.7.1Proposed Industrial Use Plan- other potential heavy industries such as
I4 - - 50,250 26,800 77,050 stretch. Pollutive industries and dry port Year X petroleum depot and chemical industries
in prime location mars both the wetlands as well as smaller SME clusters.
Kicukiro Total 657,900 131,050 50,250 26,800 866,900
and decreases the land value. The area has The Industrial sector is projected to provide
higher development potential. In order to 0.2 mi jobs by Year X in Kicukiro District. Light industrial zones within Townships-
Table 3.5 Proposed Industrial Areas in Kicukiro District
optimize the land value, it is proposed to The proposed Industrial Plan addresses the Light Industries typically have less
Planning Area Township Heavy Light Total Area relocate these Industries to nearby suitable strategic distribution of these Industrial environmental impact than those associated
Industrial Industrial (Ha) areas in the District. zones across Kicukiro so as to promote with heavy industries and hence are located
Area(Ha) Area (Ha) a more decentralized distribution. Light closer to residential areas. Industries
Central K1 , K3 - 25 25 The development is proposed to focus on Industrial estates are proposed within each serving the surrounding population such
labor and skill intensive jobs in the short Planning Area to create local employment. as motor workshops, printing companies,
Southern K5 - 162 162 term and capital & technology intensive The key strategies are: light building services and warehouses, and
South Central K8 - 63 63 jobs in the long term. Focus would be to other small SME clusters are located in all
Eastern I4 378 169 547 About 800 ha of land has been proposed townships. About 480 ha of land is proposed
1 Source: National Institute of Statistics, GDP for Industrial use in Kicukiro District. This to be safeguarded for light industries within
Total 378 419 797
Estimates 2010/11, 2005 prices includes both Heavy and light industries . townships which will provide employment
The heavy industrial belt in Kicukiro and for approximately 0.13 mi people.

Total Jobs Created by year X
3% 76%
Jobs in Service Sector
Gikondo is redeveloped as Light Industrial
Zone allowing only clean industries.
This reduces the pollution levels and
3.7.2Proposed Industrial Use Plan-
Year 2025
21% redevelopment of the Citys prime area.

An Industrial estate is proposed close The proposed Industrial Plan - 2025 focuses
to the cross-country trans national Rail on developing Industrial Zone in Gahanga,

Jobs in Service Sector by year X

Jobs in Light Industry
line. This freight line runs along Masaka
sector. Major logistics operations are
Kagarama and Kigarama sectors and Heavy
Industrial Zone in Masaka Sector. The plan
cited at Masaka Industrial estate due proposes the development of several light

to its location and connection with the industrial estates and SME clusters in line
76% neighboring areas. with the industrial policy.
Jobs in Light and Heavy Industries
3% All the light industrial areas are proposed Fig.3.12 presents the Industrial Use Plan for
Jobs in Logistic Sector
along highway and logistic corridors for the Year 2025. 21

22 Fig.3.9 Kicukiro District - Proposed Commercial Use - Year X

Fig.3.10 Kicukiro District - Proposed Commercial Use Plan - 2025



24 Fig.3.11 Kicukiro District - Proposed Industrial Use Plan - Year X

Fig.3.12 Kicukiro District - Proposed Industrial Use Plan - 2025


Table 3.8 Existing Housing Development in Kicukiro District
3.8Proposed Residential Restructure Kicukiro District into 11 57% of the residential population. The key
Indicators Percentage
Use Plan integrated townships with jobs, social features of this development are :
infrastructure, recreational spaces and Inhabitants in Villages (Imudugudus) 8.7%
With a current population of 0.35 mi, amenities Single family residential is characterized
Isolated housing 30.4%
the average household size in the city New developments to respect topography by a dwelling unit density of 35 Dus/Ha
is estimated to be 4.7 P/Dus(persons/ and site context by allowing higher with minimum plot sizes varying from Spontaneous housing 47.3%
dwelling unit). The District has the following density developments along ridges which 400-600 sq.. m
Developed areas 7%
three residential typologies: gradually become less dense as they Existing high class Single Family
The high density packed unplanned approach the low lying wetlands. Refer residences in the core areas of the District Source : Kicukiro District Development Plan 2008-2012
housing; Appendix 2 for Township Model Layout. are retained.
Planned housing which is usually in Comprehensive approach to unplanned Areas with Steep slopes are allowed to Table 3.7 Kicukiro District - Proposed Housing Typology Distribution, with average household size
the form of low density or single family area rehabilitation, especially in Central be developed as single family residential 3.85
homes; and South Central Planning Areas to developments on conditional use permits Housing Type Housing Percentage of Resident Percentage share
And, government sponsored Imudugudus. propose an appropriate strategy for by the city. Area (ha) Land within Population of population
rehabilitation. Prime areas with good views of wetlands residential (mi) within residential
Refer to Table 3.8 for existing housing types Removal of hazardous unplanned and nature areas, that are located at a development development
and distribution in Kicukiro District. developments and Industries from Steep considerable distance from the urban

slopes and wetlands that are prone commercial Centre are proposed to be Single Family 4,096 56% .63 27%
As such, with respect to the housing sector, to landslides in Kicukiro, Gikondo and developed as single family residential Low Density 1,388 19% .49 22%
the key issues evident in the entire city are: Niboye sectors developments. Areas where the
Acute shortage of affordable formal Strategic land acquisition for the new population catchment is less is also cited Medium Density 1,606 22% .99 43%
housing in the market has generated proposed township facilities along key as Single Family Residential. High Density 111 2% .09 4%
large unplanned settlements. transit corridors.
There is a need to check the growing, Identifying key government land suitable Other than good quality landed housing, a Mixed Use 177 2% .09 4%
unmanaged low density urban sprawl in to catalyze affordable housing projects few key areas with unique scenic views and Total 7,380 100.0% 2.3 100%
the urban sectors close to the Industrial which can be further emulated. prime locations in the district are proposed
zone and upcoming Masaka sector. to be developed as premium single family
Developments are piecemeal, The proposed Residential Use Plan for residential houses. Zoning guidelines for Table 3.6 Kicukiro District - Proposed Population and Dwelling Units
fragmented and not integrated with Year X as shown in Fig.3.13 presents the these developments are described in Planning Area Township Population Dwelling Units
infrastructure development. development of higher density residential the Zoning report. (Refer to Zone R1 and (Year X)
There is a necessity for clear development developments along the key transit corridors R1A) Table 3.6 and Table 3.7 illustrates Central KT1 128,000 33,200
policies, direction and guidelines to of the City. Residential Use comprises of 47 the housing density and development
manage and foster growth. % of the Land Use in Kicukiro District. The character. KT2 79,000 20,600
There is a need to provide for housing Residential Use Plan consists of 4 types of KT3 480,000 124,800
types offering choice of homes for all the residential developments, which cater to Low Rise Residential Southern KT4 184,000 47,700
income brackets. the various housing needs of the estimated
KT5 253,000 65,700
population. The mentioned residential Such housing developments are similar to
3.8.1Proposed residential Use types are listed as follows : single family residential developments, but South Central KT6 83,000 21,600
Plan-Year X are more compact in nature with a mix of KT7 133,000 34,400
Single family residential low rise apartments. The current residential
KT8 110,000 28,500
Kicukiro Districts Population is estimated development in the District in Kagarama,
to be 2.3 million, with a 7% annual growth Single family residential development is Niboye, parts of Gatenga and Nyarugunga KT9 158,000 40,900
rate till Year X. The household size in the the most prevalent Land Use type. It is resemble this type of housing. It occupies Eastern KT10 278,000 72,700
city is estimated to decrease to 3.85 P/ classified as good quality landed housing about 18% of the total Residential land KT11 386,000 100,300
Dus(persons/ dwelling unit). The key with detached, semi detached, terrace area with a population share of 24%. The
principles and strategies adopted in houses within lush greenery. It occupies existing residential developments close to I4 18,000 4,700
planning residential uses are: 27% of the District Land and has a share of the proposed Fringe Centre in Kicukiro, are Total Kicukiro District 2,290,000 595,100
zoned under this housing development in Medium-rise residential developments features are: 3.8.2Proposed Residential Use Plan -
order to stimulate the redevelopment and are primarily proposed around major High rise residential is characterized by a Year 2025 are proposed to be redeveloped as low
intensification of these housing areas. The commercial nodes and relatively flat dwelling unit density of 200 Dus/Ha. density residential developments. In the
key features of Low-rise developments are: areas on ridges within the District. These developments are proposed The proposed Residential Use Plan for the suburban areas, the existing Imudugudus
around the Regional Centres in Gahanga Year 2025 presents the initial phases of are retained and upgraded with necessary
Low-rise residential developments are The District would benefit greatly from and Masaka Sectors. residential development which cater to the public facilities.
characterized by a dwelling unit density this residential development; developed estimated 1.3 mi population. The average
of 90 Dus/Ha; with minimum plot size of to its maximum allowed Gross Floor Area. The proposed Business parks, Commercial household size is projected to be 4.15 p/ Refer to Fig.3.14 for Residential Use Plan
1000 sq.. m for low rise apartments and It would help anchor the proposed Transit Centres, recreational and public facilities Dus (till Year 2025). Growth is focused -Year 2025, for Kicukiro District.
150 sq.. m for single family houses. corridor and commercial Centres. A few in the Regional Centre would attract young around the fringe areas at Kicukiro, Niboye,
Low rise residential areas are generally medium density developments are coming aspiring individuals to these developments. Gikondo, Gatenga, Nyarugunga, Masaka Refer to Appendix 2 for detail Residential
cited close to Public transportation. up in Masaka Sector. The trend although Town area and parts of Gahanga sector. The Land Use Distribution in Kickiro DIstrict and
is new to the District, would be quickly Mixed Use Development unplanned areas in the above urban sectors Planning Areas.
Medium Rise Residential picking up pace due to the new proposed


varied commercial developments. Mixed Use Developments allow both Table 3.9 Kicukiro District - Residential Development Density and Development Character
With an increasing urban population and commercial and residential uses together.
a shortage of suitable flat land, medium Affordable housing by the Government The lower two floors are developed Housing Storeys Density Development Character
to high residential density developments would predominantly be Medium Density as commercial and retail; with cafes, Development
will have to be accepted by the District. Developments. window displays and landscaped walking Single Family Residen- Single family housing 40 Dus/Ha Low-rise, idyllic city character
Medium rise residential developments promenades. The floors above the tial - Villas, cluster Hous-
in Kicukiro District is proposed to host High Rise residential Commercial sections are developed ing, Townhouses
more than 32.5% of the total residential as residential apartments. These Low density / landed 2-4 storey Apartments
population. Most of the affordable and High rise residential developments are developments in the prime areas of the city housing / Estates 90 Dus/Ha Low-rise city character
public housing will be built under this proposed at few key locations within the create vibrant City Centres that are active Medium density / 4-8 Storey Apartments 160 Dus/ Predominantly public housing
housing development. The key features of District. These residential developments 24 hours due to the residents. walk-up Apartments / Estates Ha
medium-rise residential are as follows: provide high-quality and high density living
for those who desire an urban lifestyle The distribution of commercial to High density / public >8 storey Apartments >200 Dus/ High-end apartments / Inner
Medium-rise residential is characterized with easy access to regional goods and residential use is 20:80. The existing Housing Apartments / Estates Ha city apartments / Serviced Apart-
by a dwelling unit density of 160 Dus/ha. services. Communal facilities with generous commercial markets in Kicukiro, Gikondo, ments at CBD and Regional Cen-
These residential developments are green spaces are encouraged to enhance Niboye, Nyarugunga are proposed to be tres
proposed along major transport the quality of living in this high density redeveloped into Mixed Use developments.
corridors. This is to ensure easy access environment It occupies less than 2% of the Around 72 Ha of land is allocated in the
to the public transport for a sizeable total residential use and houses 6% of the Regional centres of Masaka and Gahanga
population. Districts residential population. The Key for Integrated Mixed Use Developments.

Kicukiro Projected Population by Year X
4% 57%
Single Family Residential
Self Sufficient Townships (600ha-900ha)
57% Medium Density Residential

18% 18%
Low Density Residential

Affordable Homes by Year X High Density Residential 27

28 Fig.3.13 Kicukiro District - Proposed Residential Use Plan - Year X

Fig.3.14 Kicukiro District - Proposed Residential Use Plan - 2025


3.9Proposed Facilities Plan Sports Hub with indoor and outdoor nodes. These facilities include
stadiums, sports complex and water Neighbourhood Parks, Health Centres
Adequate facilities like schools, medical sports facilities are proposed in the Cultural and Religious Centres withing
Centres, post offices, religious Centres, Gahanga Sector. the Neighbourhood Centres
parlours etc are provided within townships The existing Poly-Technique Institute Primary Schools
in Kicukiro District. These facilities in Kicukiro sector is upgraded to a Secondary Schools
are distributed as per the density and University. Non motorized Transport infrastructure.
population catchment. Two major University towns with student
accommodation facilities are proposed in The facilities are sited as per the township
With growing trends such as, broader Gahanga and Masaka sector, close to the model within catchment areas and close to Public Library and Neighbourhood Parks
distribution of wealth, more leisure time, Regional Centres. This allows for more arterial and collector roads.
higher standards of education and better interaction between students, research
public awareness of the importance of management and working professionals. Refer to Fig.3.16 for Kicukiro District -
improving quality of urban life, the demand A new approved Cultural Village and Public facilities Plan for Year X.
for variety of outlets for social activities will Nyanza Genocide Memorial Centre is
have great demand. While deriving new integrated in the Master Plan to create a 3.9.2Proposed Facilities Plan 2025
standards for these facilities, considerations cultural and heritage node in the Central

for finance, land ownership and other Planning Area. The 2025 Plan focuses on strengthening
practical limitations are considered. Ease Refer to Appendix 2 for standard allocation existing facilities and developing new
of access through Public transportation is of facilities in Kicukiro District. facilities with required new infrastructure.
another major consideration while locating New facilities would be provided in the City
these facilities. Township facilities Fringe Area of Central Planning Areas, and
the proposed new township in the Southern Urban Recreational facilities
3.9.1Proposed Facilities Plan - Year X With a variety of commercial developments, Planning Area. New national level facilities
industrial estates and public facilities like the Sports stadium at Gahanga, which
District Level facilities proposed within the township, the need to can host international and national events,
travel beyond the township to other places are proposed for 2025. The District hospital
The district level facilities catering to the is reduced. The Town Centre provides and Sports and Recreational Centre would
needs of the three districts including district facilities for educational, health care and be the first few projects to be developed.
hospitals, sports and recreation facilities, recreational needs like schools, hospitals,
cemeteries, higher education institutes etc parks, sports complexes, Religious Centres It further proposes rejuvenation of
are provided with respect to the existing and food markets. The standard space unplanned areas by providing quality
available facilities, Approved projects that provisions for each facility is laid out in facilities. As per the phasing plan, the key
are in the pipeline, and the catchment Appendix 2. public facilities to be provided by the Year
population. 2025 are illustrated in Fig.3.17 Sports and Neighbourhood Centres

Neighbourhood Facilities
It includes facilities such as District Hospitals,
Higher Education Institutes, Polyclinics,
Cultural Centres, Religious Centres, Town
Neighbourhood facilities are provided
within each neighbourhood (approximately Schools by year X
Parks and Recreational Spaces
Park, Sports Facilities, a Regional Library 15,000-20,000 residents). Facilities for
, Bus Interchanges, Police Stations, Post everyday requirement such as religious 13%
Educational Facilities
Offices ,Government Offices etc. A few key centres, community halls, Schools and
proposed District Level facilities in Kicukiro local parks are provided at a walking
Neighbourhood Centres by year X
District are listed below: distance to the residents. Special care is Commercial and Civic Facilities

The existing Military hospital in the taken to revitalise existing health, civic and 75% 2%
Nyarugunga sector is upgraded to a commercial uses to further integrate them Health Facilities
Regional Hospital. with new facilities, forming urban social 75%
30 Health Facilities by year X Residential Area
3.9.3Proposed Education Facilities government school facilities should also
be shared for use by the community.
With an average literacy rate of 48% in Clustering of Schools: To utilise land and
Kicukiro District1, one of the key priority other resources more efficiently, Primary
areas for development is Education. The and Secondary Schools are combined
Development guideline Plan prioritizes the where feasible, in either pairs or in
provision of standard primary, secondary clusters so that the school facilities can
and tertiary education facilities across be shared, or the sites can be developed
the whole city in the light of long-term jointly.
education policies, demographic changes Facilities for technical education and
and future manpower demand. vocational training are sited one in each
township close to the Town Centre.
As per the proposed Township model, a few New University towns are sited in new
key aspects for siting Educational facilities development areas in the Eastern


are: and Southern Planning Areas due to
Primary schools are sited within 400 m of availability of large developable land.
walking distance in each neighbourhood.
Primary Schools are integrated with the Fig.3.15 highlights the proposed primary
Neighbourhood Centre for their central schools in Kicukiro District.
location and accessibility .
Shared Use of facilities with the
Community - In view of the shortage
of school sites, particularly in the
urban areas, consideration is given for
schools to share the use of adjacent
community and recreation facilities (the
neighbourhood parks, assembly grounds,
community halls etc). Where appropriate,
1 Kicukiro DDP-2008, statistics for year 2000

Fig.3.15 Kicukiro District - Proposed Primary schools within 400 m of walking distance

32 Fig.3.16 Kicukiro District - Proposed Facilities Plan - Year X

Fig.3.17 Kicukiro District - Proposed Facilities Use Plan - 2025


3.10Proposed Environmental development allowed in urban and rural Environmental Strategies for Year 2025
Strategies Plan areas.
Forest Conservation - 2.5 % of the land
The district of Kicukiro is endowed with is occupied by existing forests. These
natural features. Lakes, rivers, streams, forests are conserved by zoning them
wetlands, forests and steep slopes as protected areas. Further plantation,
combined with the existing agricultural agriculture, and agro-based activities are
areas constitute 83% of the Citys land proposed in moderate slopes to increase
area. In Kicukiro District, 22% of the land vegetation and help mitigate soil erosion.
comprises of natural features. Improve Surface Run Off - Eliminate the
risk of landslides and improve surface
3.10.1Proposed Environmental run-off quality by adopting appropriate
Strategies Plan -Year X slope protection measures in steep Agriculture on steep slopes
slopes (20%-40%).
The key objective for environmental Restore Natural Drain Channels - Restore
conservation in Kicukiro District is to and protect the watershed by reclaiming
protect the existing forests, steep slopes, natural drainage courses and wetlands

watersheds and wetlands. In line with from developments. Introduce riparian

the recommendations from the Regional buffers along wetlands and river streams.
Concept Plan, the detailed Master Plan Wetland Protection - Implement a 20 m
proposes the following environmental environmental buffer for wetlands, 10
measures for the Planning Area: m for rivers and 50 m for lakes as per
Organic Law. Use natural vegetation Fig.3.18 Kicukiro District -Existing Slope Analysis map
Slope Protection - In Kicukiro District, along these buffers. Agriculture on steep slopes
6.8% of the land falls under Steep Slopes Open Space Strategy - Develop scattered
(slopes greater than 20% gradient). These forests and open spaces around wetlands
large areas of slopes need to be managed and waterways in urban areas as nature
through appropriate slope protection parks which can be used for passive
methods. Fig.3.18 presents the existing recreation. Large open areas with
slope analysis map of Kicukiro District. slopes greater than 20% and that cater
Table 3.10 illustrates the type of to township recreation are developed as
Community parks within each township.
Table 3.10 Development Guidelines for Slopes
The proposed Kicukiro District
Urban Area Development slope Environmental Strategies - Year X is
presented in Fig.3.20 . Existing Wetlands
Any Development <20%
Conditional Use 20-40%
3.10.2 Proposed Environmental
Afforestation and no development >40% Strategies Plan -Year 2025
Agriculture will be allowed in Masaka, and
Rural Area Development slope parts of Gahanga, Kanombe , Kigarama
Agriculture/ Development <20% and Gatenga sectors until 2025. In future,
Farming and forestry/ Conditional 20-40% these areas would be allowed to redevelop
Use into new townships to meet the future
residential needs of the District.
Afforestation and no development >40%
Zone Refer to Fig.3.22 for Kicukiro District -
34 Existing Forests Fig.3.19 Kicukiro District - Existing water Shed
3.11Proposed Green and District could potentially take a more urban and outdoor stadiums, water sports,
Blue Plan character in the future. basket ball and tennis courts. With the
districts new role as Education hub, the
Kigali City is endowed with many hills The Green and Blue plan capitalizes on Sports hub compliment the University
and wetlands. These natural assets are the existing natural features to create new facilities.
identified and protected to ensure that the parks and recreational features. These Equestrian Park is proposed along the
population can enjoy them today as well as Open green spaces are well connected to wetlands in Kanombe sector as a unique
secure it for the future generations. These form a continuous pedestrianized network recreational activity close to the wetland
features are utilized to generate economy traversing the whole District. The key parks
Imagery : Proposed Bio Diversity Park and Lake Park and become special attractions of the city. Urban parks that bring in new identity to Golf course & resorts are proposed in
The three districts in the City are developed the District are listed below: Masaka Sector as an anchor for premium
on three key themes taking advantage of residential development.
the existing nature of the developments: Naturebasedtourismattractions- Vast wetlands A variety of other open green spaces are
located between Gahanga, Kanombe and proposed at town and neighbourhood


Nyarugenge - The Adventure Gateway Masaka sectors offer great potential to be level. A hierarchy of open spaces are:
- Landscapes with scenic views. Theme - developed as a Bio Diversity Park. This new
Adventure sports and Parks park will compliment the wetland stretch Town Parks - Town Parks support
Gasabo- The Land of Origins - Raw along the Nyabarongo rivers migratory recreational and leisure activities and give
Natural Character, Theme - Nature and bird path. a unique identity to the township. 5 ha of
Agro based tourism land for Town park is proposed within each
Imagery : Proposed Flower Valley and Sports Hub Kicukiro- The Golden Parks - New Urban Parks & Recreation attractions - Revitalizing Town Center.
Ambience, Theme - Urban parks and the original wetlands in the Gikondo and
thematic Recreational Parks continuing the wetland landscape stretch Local parks - Local parks cater to the
from the CBD, Gikondo Lake Park is neighbourhood. They range in sizes and
3.11.1Proposed Green and Blue proposed close to the proposed mixed use are programmed for active and passive
Attraction Plan - Year X corridor. The Lake park will provide relief in recreation. They are located near residential
the central urban mixed use corridor. developments for easy access to the park
Kicukiro District is relatively flat when The northern wetland stretch along and to promote community gathering.
compared to the terrain in the other two Kicukiro, Niboye, Nyarugunga and Masaka
districts. About 22% of the District Land is developed as a flower valley promoting Regional Parks - These parks are unique
area is occupied by wetlands, steep slopes the existing Citys horticulture industry. to the District, emerging from its natural
Imagery : Proposed Golf Course and Wetland Park and forests patches. Hence with more The proposed Flower Valley explores and topography and wetlandscape unique to
land available for future development, the exploits the commercial and aesthetic these Planning Areas.
aspects flower farming in the city. This Nature Parks - Large drainage channels

creates value added agriculture while within towns, unbuildable slopes and

Green Area in Kicukiro District
Protected Wetlands
creating an attractive feature in the city.
Gahanga Sector is endowed with steep
slopes and forests along the wetlands.
forest patches in the city are converted
into nature parks.
Wetland Park - Wetland parks are

This valley stretch allows for potential developed along the existing wetlands and

Open Space in Kicukiro District
Public Parks and Open Space
development of Botanic gardens
encouraging research, education and
aesthetics of the place. This is further
wetland buffers. They collect and recycle
surface runoff from the surrounding
areas. They feature indigenous plantation
52% 31% 7% connected to the proposed Biodiversity
Park in Kanombe sector.
and allows passive recreation use.
Edge Parks - Wetland buffer is

17,00 Ha
Protected Wetlands
Integrating the two approved Stadium redeveloped as a continuous pedestrian
projects in Gahanga Sector, the DGP and cycling network that connects
Proposed Public Parks 52% plan proposes a full fledged Sports hub the entire wetland network across the
Urbanized Area comprising of sports complex, indoor District and the various open greens . 35

36 Fig.3.20 Kicukiro District - Environmental Strategies Plan - Year X

Fig.3.21 Kicukiro District - Proposed Green and Blue Attraction Plan Year X 37

38 Fig.3.22 Kicukiro District - Proposed Environmental Strategies Plan - Year 2025

3.12Proposed Transport 3.12.1Proposed Transportation Plan Collector (22 m) -Most developments
Use Plan - Year X are not allowed to have direct access from
arterial roads and are filtered in through
The City of Kigali is well connected to other Kicukiro District - Road Network Plan - Year X collector roads. Collector roads are mostly
parts of Rwanda and beyond by a network provided in residential areas of the district.
of National Roads. The paved roads are The Road Network Plan - Year X, is an A collector network of approximately 235
mainly concentrated within the urban extensive city road network for the district km length is proposed in Kicukiro District.
area and road network is not so extensive as well as the city. It caters to the projected
beyond these areas. Many of the major economic development while integrating Refer to Fig.3.23 for Proposed Road
roads outside the main urban area follow the Land Use for a projected population of classification and Fig.3.24 for Proposed
the topography and are located primarily 5 mi. The plan proposes the following: Road sections in Kicukiro District.
on ridges or in valleys. The unpaved roads To Utilize and upgrade the existing roads
are mostly of single carriage way without and alignments 3.12.2 Kicukiro District - Road Network Plan-
uniform side table and road furniture. To expand the existing system and create Year 2025


Public transport is limited to mini buses, a hierarchy of road network.
motor taxis and cycle taxis. A clear hierarchy of the City Road Network The key developments in the Road Network
ensures smooth distribution of traffic and Plan - 2025, are as follows:
Integrating Transport and Land Use Planning efficient connectivity. The structure plan To continue expanding and upgrading the
from the City Master Plan proposes a ring existing road network
Transport and land-use are inter-related and radial system of highways with inner To Secure road reserves for future roads
to each other. Land-use planning which ring containing the City Fringe areas & other To Identify and develop key road linkages
Fig.3.23 Road Type and Classification
encourages urban sprawl encourages car ring for heavy vehicle movement between
reliance. Planning a compact city served by industrial clusters. The City is proposed Refer to Fig.3.26 for Kicukiro District-
Public transport provides viable alternatives to be served by the following major road Proposed Road Network- 2025. Hilly terrain with steep slopes along Two major BRT routes are proposed
to using cars. Hence, land-use planning is types: the wetlands. Cutting across such level in Kicukiro District. One connecting
critical in managing travel demand through 3.12.3Public Transport Plan differences results in high infrastructure the CBD at Muhima all the way to the
the location of activity areas and providing Expressway - Expressways connect the costs. Hence, the proposed MRT runs along industrial areas in Masaka sector while
for alternative transport choices. The three districts of the city and also serve About 68% of the population in Kigali travel the wetlands connecting all the Planning passing through all major commercial
planning of transportation for the City of as bypass roads (to bypass the city traffic by public transport. The aim for the entire Areas. For the construction of MRT, Centres. Another route is from the CBD
Kigali is guided by the following planning when travelling long distances). They are District is to achieve 70:30 ratio for Public: the District needs to build the required at Muhima to the new proposed Regional
considerations: generally located along the low lying areas Private Transport with excellent quality. catchment population. Hence the decision Centre in Gahanga and further down to
Township organization - Compact, (outside the wetland buffer)at 3 km to 4 The proposed Public transportation modes for MRT construction initiation rests on the Nyarugunga District.
walkable neighbourhoods with easy km spacing. Approximately a 70 km long are: economic and population growth achieved BRT routes have stops approximately at
access to daily necessities, schools, health network of expressway are to be developed by the year 2025. The key proposals for every 600 m.
care & recreation to achieve a high mode in Kicukiro district by Year X. Bus Rapid Transit : The proposed BRT Public Transport Plan are as follow: One major MRT route is proposed in
share of non- motorized transport (NMT) network connects the townships with the the Kicukiro District starting at the CBD
City organization - Promote green Major Arterial And Minor Arterial - A CBD and employment nodes. It runs across The BRT will be built initially in the district in Muhima and running all the way
transport through Public Transit. Public network of Arterials connect the various the wetlands connecting the various town in phases. to Masaka Regional Centre. The MRT
Transit is run along high density corridors sectors of the district. Most of the public Centres, Neighbourhood Centres and In future, once the catchment population diverts at Kigarama sector connecting
to connect to employment nodes & transport system are proposed to run Industrial estates. is achieved a high capacity MRT will be the Gahanga Regional Centre to the
regional facilities and achieve a maximum along the major arterials. These are mostly developed. Both MRT and the BRT will new Proposed International Airport in
1 hour travel time within the City provided at spacing interval of 800-1000 Mass Rapid Transit : The proposed serve the population of the district. Bugesera.
Maintain a high mode share of public m, forming a grid of roads in the district. MRT connects the major commercial, Initially the BRT system and the normal The MRT stops are proposed at a Distance
transit Approximately, about 300 km arterial road employment and industrial nodes to both bus services (trunk + feeder) serve the of approximately 1 km.
Efficient management of private network is proposed in Kicukiro District by CBD and the proposed New International existing developments and future growth
transport & parking in the City through the Year X. Airport in Bugesera. The MRT network areas to serve the estimated population The Proposed Public Transport network for
clear hierarchy of road network. imposes great challenges in the Districts of 1.2 million by 2025. Kicukiro District is shown in Fig.3.27
Non - Motorized Transport Plan

Non motorized transport is an important

part of the Districts infrastructure to
promote sustainable transport network.
This also forms one of the most important
recreational space in the entire city. The
Non motorized transport is promoted at
three levels.:

City level: A seamless green network of

pathways is proposed through cycle lanes
and green connectors along some of the
most scenic parts of the city. Originating
from the CBD in Muhima, the green
network connects the Regional Centres, Imagery- Cycling paths in Parks 44 m - Expressway - Trunk Route
the Fringe Centres, Town Centres and all
the key Public nodes in the city.

Planning Area level: Similar to the city

level green network, a second layer of
green network connects the commercial
nodes, civic facilities within townships.
This promotes a non- motorized
transport network through which people
travel from one place to the another

using sustainable transport like walking,

bicycling, human powered vehicles etc.

Others: Additional linkages along

wetlands in the form of wetland parks
and promenades promote cycling and
pedestrian connectivity. The proposed
wetland buffer helps in a continuous
green protected network. Imagery - Green Connectors 37m Major Arterial - Trunk Route

Strategies to promote NMT are:

To construct a network of pedestrian

footpaths along open green spaces which
link to the footpaths along the roads in
the District and within the townships.
To promote bicycles by providing
dedicated cycle lanes along major roads.
Dedicated cycle lanes are also part of the
BRT and MRT network.
Neighbourhood commerce and amenities
within townships are planned to promote
the use non motorized means, through
Neighbourhood Centres that are located
within a walking distance of 500m.
To make walking and cycling comfortable
along all roads including local level
roads within the neighbourhoods with
plantations on both sides of the road. Imagery - Tree lined pedestrian paths in Residential areas 37 m - Major Arterial - MRT+ 2 lane
40 Fig.3.24 Kicukiro District - Proposed Road Sections
37 m - Major Arterial - BRT+ 2 lane 37 m - Major Arterial - CBD Road 37 m - Major Arterial - 3 lane


29 m - Minor Arterial - CBD Road 29 m - Minor Arterial - Bus Routes Typical Split Road Section in City Area along Steep slopes

29 m - Minor Arterial - Commercial Road 22 m - Collector Road - Residential Street Typical Split Road Section in Rural Areas


Fig.3.25 Kicukiro District - Proposed Road Network -Year X

Fig.3.26 Kicukiro District - Proposed Road Network - Year 2025



44 Fig.3.27 Kicukiro District - Proposed Public Transport - Year X

Fig.3.28 Proposed Non Motorized Transport


3.13Water Supply Plan The average distance from the residential
areas to public stands is about 280 m. The
3.13.1 EXISTING CONDITION city-wide goal is to increase the number
of tap stands so as to shorten the walking
WATER SOURCE distance to 250 m.

Water supply for Kicukiro District comes WATER CONSUMPTION

from three Water Treatment Plants (WTP).
They are Nyabarongo, Kimisagara and The extensive water network and the
Karenge WTP. Raw water sources include existence of public facilities and newer
Nyabarongo River, Yanze River and Lake residential developments in the urban
Mugesera respectively (refer to Fig.3.29). area encourage higher water consumption.
The three WTPs have combined a daily Water consumption in larger homes, office
treatment capacity of 59,000 cu. m that buildings and tourism facilities could reach
is shared among three districts in City of as high as 200 lpcd (litre per capita per day).
Kigali. Residents at informal neighbourhoods with
no access to indoor plumbing have lower

WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM water consumption that ranges from 15 -

25 lpcd.
The western side of the District is serviced
by Nyabarongo and Kimisagara WTP while 3.13.2ESTIMATED WATER
eastern side of the District is serviced by DEMAND
the Karenge WTP.
The planning horizon to develop water
Potable water supply from the 3 WTPs is supply was split into two Land Use Plans,
stored at various water storage facilities for Year 2025 and Year X. Different water
within the District. It is distributed through demand unit rates were used for rural,
EWSAs piped water network to residents. urban and industrial areas.
Pumping stations are in place to maintain
optimum pressure within the water The water demand for rural areas is
network. proposed to be in line with City-wide
goal to supply 80 lpcd of potable water to
The water supply network expansion is residents.
planned and carried out by EWSA based on
the demand from the users. New users will The water demand for the urban areas is
have to apply directly to EWSA and pay for significantly higher to cater to the Districts
water connection. projected growth in the future. In the long
run, as the District develops into various
The existing piped water network covers townships, standard of living is expected
most of the built-up area in the northern to rise significantly. Water demand was
side of the District such as Gikondo, Rubirizi assumed to rise to 120 lpcd. This is still
and Kabeza. Connections to households relatively lower than the average water
are available for residents in these areas. consumption of other urban cities such
Towards the southern side, residents get as Singapore, Cape Town, Amsterdam
water from public tap stands. and Melbourne (refer to Table 3.11). This

46 Fig.3.29 Existing Water Source Map

Table 3.12 Water Demand Unit Rate
relatively lower rate is adopted based on While new water resource is usually decided up the connecting water infrastructure,
the assumption that substantial water at a national level, the District could start townships that are within the coverage of Land Use Water Demand Unit Rate
demand management strategies will be working with the City or service providers the existing water supply network should Rural Area 80 lpcd
implemented as the District is develops. to explore the nearest big water bodies to connect to it for short term supply.
For planning purposes, water demand for the District, which is Lake Mugesera. The The future upgraded Karenge WTP
Township 120 lpcd
industrial areas is proposed to be 10 cu. m/ 4 m deep lake has surface area of 42 sq km would be proposed to supply water to all
ha.d as a general guide. which provides potential of 169 mi cu. m of townships excluding townships K1 and
raw water. Karenge WTP has been drawing K3. A water transmission line would be Industrial 10 cu. m/ha.d
The water demand unit rate in Table 3.12 is and treating water from Lake Mugesera at proposed to distribute water to future
used to estimate the Districts future water capacity of 12,000 cu. m daily. To cater service reservoirs from the WTP (refer to
demand in the Year 2025 and Year X (refer for future water demand, Karenge WTP Fig.3.30 and Fig.3.31). Table 3.13 Projected Water Demand for Year 2025 and 2040
to Table 3.13). capacity need to be upgraded.
Land Use Year 2025 (cu. m/d) Year X (cu. m/d)
All the service reservoirs need to be sized
3.13.3PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY Water from Karenge WTP would mainly for 1-day demand to ensure that there Township Rural Industrial Township Rural Industrial


PLAN supply Kicukiro District, except for would be water supply for the townships KT1 14,118 - - 16,010 - -
Townships K1 and K3. These two townships even if there is any disruption to the
KT2 2,030 - - 9,690 - -
POTENTIAL WATER SOURCE will be supplied water from the existing network. The service reservoirs would be
water network (Nyabarongo WTP or future built on high ground within each township KT3 48,051 - - 54,164 - -
The combined capacity of the WTPs of Mutobo spring water) as they fall within to provide minimum water pressure of 3-4
59,000 cu. m/d is far behind the Districts its coverage. Through the exclusion of K1 bars to supply to the household. KT4 21,055 - - 28,682 - -
future demand of 153,425 and 280,597 cu. and K3, Karenge WTP would require an KT5 22,173 - - 33,526 - -
m /d. To overcome this deficit, new water additional capacity of 90,000 and 220,000 Various plots within the townships shall be
resources must be identified and existing cu. m /d by 2025 and 2040 (after taking reserved for construction of future service KT6 9,251 - - 10,428 - -
WTPs have to be expanded to augment the into consideration 10% less unaccounted- reservoirs (refer to Fig.3.30 andFig.3.31). KT7 13,699 - - 15,357 - -
water supply. water). It is recommended to carry out yield It is assumed that each service reservoir
and feasibility study on Lake Mugesera would have maximum capacity of 5,000 KT8 1,705 - - 12,389 - -
The City of Kigali is currently planning to immediately to catch up with the growing m3/d, each township would be served by
KT9 2,164 - - 19,046 - -
abstract 120,000 cu. m of spring water water demand. 2-11 service reservoirs.
daily from Mutobo, Muzanse District by KT10 11,894 - - 31,105 - -
KT11 4,740 - - 44,105 - -
to upgrade the daily treatment capacity of
Nyabarongo WTP to 40,000 cu. m . While the The District would be expecting a growth of Besides augmenting the water supply, it I4 - - 2,545 - - 6,095
combined supply would be able to meet the eleven townships and one industrial zone is advisable to manage the water demand
Citys future water demand in short term, it by Year X. It is very crucial to support the from the household level to township level. Total 150,880 - 2,545 274,502 - 6,095
would not be sufficient to meet the future growth of urban fabric with 100% access to At the household level, installing water Grand Total 153,425 280,597
water demand in the Kicukiro District. piped water. saving devices would help reduce the water
It is also not recommended to continue use. To encourage citizens to install water
depending on Nyabarongo WTP for future Currently, the District is not entirely saving devices, the District could subsidize Table 3.14 Planned Water Supply for City of Kigali
water supply as Nyarugenge District would connected to the existing water supply the cost of water saving devices or give WTP Water Source Existing Supply Planned Supply by 2025
also be heavily dependent on it. network, due to low demand. While it is water bill rebates. (m3/d) (m3/d)
slowly upgrading Karenge WTP and building
Kimisagara Yanze River 22,000 -
Taking into account the Nyabarongo WTP
expansion plan and Mutobo spring water Nyabarongo Nyabarongo River 25,000 15,000 (additional)
Table 3.11 Water Demand Unit Rate Comparison
abstraction plan, there would be 194,000 Karenge Lake Mugesera 12,000 -
cu.m/d of potable water supplied to the City Singapore Cape Town Amsterdam Melbourne Kigali - Mutobo Spring - 120,000
City by 2025. (Refer to z) Total 59,000 135,000
Water Demand 155 225 147 142 120
(lpcd) Grand Total 194,000 47

48 Fig.3.30 Kicukiro District - Proposed Water Supply Plan - Year X

Fig.3.31 Kicukiro District - Proposed Water Supply Plan - Year 2025
Table 3.15 Projected Sewage Flow for Year 2025 and Year X
At the township level, the District should term goal is to equip all the public school in Various treatment methods, such as
Land Use Year 2025 (m3/d) Year 2040 (m3/d)
examine using alternative water sources the City with EcoSan. membrane bioreactors, activated sludge
such as rainwater harvesting or treat systems and Constructed wetlands can be Township Rural Industrial Township Rural Industrial
effluents from STPs for non-potable 3.14.2PROJECTED SEWAGE employed depending on the requirements. KT1 11,295 - - 12,808 - -
uses such as irrigation, cleaning and GENERATION
KT2 1,624 - - 7,752 - -
other industrial uses. These strategies, if Treated sewage effluence from the STP shall
implemented properly, would be able to Future sewage flow is estimated based be discharged into constructed wetlands for KT3 38,441 - - 43,331 - -
reduce the dependence on the potable on the assumption that 80% of the water further refinement before final discharge KT4 16,844 - - 22,946 - -
water by 10 20%. consumption will be collected as sewage. into the water bodies or wetlands. The
Table 3.15 lists the projected sewage flow effluence from constructed wetland could KT5 17,738 - - 26,821 - -
3.14Sewerage Plan for Kicukiro District in Year 2025 and Year X. be reused for non-potable use such as KT6 7,401 - - 8,342 - -
irrigation, washing, industrial use, etc. It
3.14.1EXISTING CONDITIONS 3.14.3PROPOSED SEWERAGE would help to reduce the potable water KT7 10,959 - - 12,286 - -
PLAN demand from the municipal water network. KT8 1,364 - - 9,911 - -
Currently, there is no sanitary sewer
network or centralized sewage treatment PHASING OUT OF PIT LATRINES ENVIRONMENTAL TREATMENT ZONE KT9 1,731 - - 15,237 - -
plant (STP) in the Kicukiro District. 2 main KT10 9,516 - - 24,884 - -

domestic sanitation systems that are widely The use of pit latrines is to be phased out Each decentralised STP would be housed
KT11 3,792 - - 35,284 - -
used are: gradually by 2025 as there would be no inside an Environmental Treatment
more rural areas in the District. Continual Zone (ETZ). ETZ is an integrated waste I4 - 470 1,566 - - 4,876
Septic Tanks Septic tanks are widely usage of pit latrines may cause groundwater management concept adapted from the
Total 120,704 470 1,566 219,601 - 4,876
used in the urban areas. Effluence from contamination if not properly maintained, Kigali City Master Plan (KCMP) report. It
the septic tank is directed into leech especially in areas with high water table. will have an STP, a constructed wetland Grand Total 122,740 224,477
fields. The City operates 3 pumpers to and a solid waste management facility
handle and dispose sludge from the SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT (refer toFig.3.32). The concept of ETZ is to
septic tanks in the landfill at Nyanza. isolate and treat all the unwanted waste
The sewerage network would be connected in the contained, remote location so as to
Pit latrines Traditional soak-away pit to individual houses to collect the sewage minimize contact between the residents
latrines and ventilated pit latrines are and convey it to a designated Sewage and waste.
the most common types. Pit latrines are Treatment Plant (STP) for treatment.
commonly used in informal settlements Treated sewage effluence would be further Every ETZ does not necessarily have to
and rural areas without piped water refined in the constructed wetland before include all the above mentioned elements.
supply. In some areas with high ground finally being discharged into the receiving However STPs and constructed wetland are
water table, the use of pit latrines has water bodies inorder to maintain the water the basic elements which will be present
been found to contaminate the ground quality of the water bodies. within each ETZ. The decision on which
water. solid waste facility, if any, to be included in
Due to undulating topography, each ETZ will depend on the actual type of
EcoSan (Ecological Sanitation) toilet has Decentralised STPs would be proposed for waste generated by the area contributing
been implemented in several public schools townships in Kicukiro District. Numerous to it.
in the District. It provides an economical hills and mountains that separate the
and hygienically safe system that separates proposed townships make it uneconomical All the townships within the District are
and recycles urine and faeces back into the to collect all the sewage and channel to a partially surrounded by wetlands with road
environment through agriculture. centralized STP as extensive pumping will access and sufficient green buffer which
be required. provides suitable environment to build an
The funding for the EcoSan construction The number of STPs within each township ETZ.
comes from the NGO (Non Government would depend on the terrain, Land Use and
Organization) while the District Office estimated sewage flow. In general, each Fig.3.32 ETZ Process Flow Diagram
50 provides the man power required. The long township would be served by at 1-3 STPs.
PROPOSED SEWERAGE NETWORK on the required STP location.

Refer to Fig.3.37 and Fig.3.36 for the There is one sewerage catchment within
proposed main sewer alignment and ETZ K1. It is projected to generate 11,295 and
locations for the Kicukiro District for Year 12,808 m3/d of sewage in 2025 and 2040.
2025 and Year X. All the sewage would be collected by
gravity in north-east of K1. The STP would
The ETZ construction would be split based be built here by 2025 Since there is no large
on two time frames, year 2025 and Year increment in the sewage flow generation
X. Some townships are expected to grow between 2025 and Year X, the STP could be
faster than others by 2025, therefore the designed based on its ultimate capacity of
ETZs in these areas need to be constructed 12,808 m3/d .
earlier. As population grows gradually,
proposed facilities within the ETZ, such A Constructed wetland is located at the
as STP and constructed wetland, can be lower elevation of the STP which is nearer


constructed in phases. However sufficient to the natural wetlands for final discharge.
land areas need to be reserved to cater for The location is chosen due to its gentle
future demands. slope. A solid waste facility is proposed
next to the STP as it is nearer the main road
A total of 9 ETZs, located in K1, K3, K4, K5, for waste collection vehicle access. The
K6, K7, K8 and K10 would be built by 2025. blow up configuration of the ETZ is shown
The remaining 8 would be completed by inFig.3.35.
Year X.
As I4 zone consists of Light Industry, there
Two townships may share one STP is no ETZ provision for this zone. It is not
depending on the existing topography, the recommended to mix and treat all the
Fig.3.34 Areas that Require Pumping amount of sewage flow and the proximity industrial waste water in one STP as every
of the neighbouring townships ETZ. An industry would generate waste water with
example of such arrangement is the STP specific characteristics. It is proposed that
at the south of Township K6. This will treat every future industrial user construct and
sewage flow from half of K6 by Year 2025. It operate its own on site industrial waste
will also be treating additional sewage flow water treatment plant within its plot of land
from K8 and K9 by Year X. Sufficient land before discharging it into the water bodies.
must be reserved within the ETZ of K6, for
future STP expansion.

Localized sewage pumping station may be

required for developments that are located
at low lying areas that are lower than the
public sewer line (refer to Fig.3.36 and
Fig.3.37). Example of these areas are small
residential pockets at K1 and K3 (refer to

To get a clearer idea of how the various

components within an ETZ could be
arranged, township K1 has been selected as Fig.3.33 Compartment to Separate Human
an example. ETZ location depends mainly Waste in EcoSan
Fig.3.35 Typical ETZ Configuration 51

52 Fig.3.36 Kicukiro District - Proposed Sewerage Plan - Year X

Fig.3.37 Kicukiro District - Proposed Sewerage Plan - Year 2025


3.15Drainage Plan Nyabarongo River at the southern boundary discharged into the existing water bodies; Similar to vegetated swales, these can be It can be installed at various scales and
of the District. Generally this catchment To integrate the storm water installed within the development plots, shapes such as planter box, roof top,
3.15.1EXISTING CONDITIONS has lower percentage of steep slope as infrastructure into the urban setting. recreational parks, car parks, etc. car parks, etc. It is recommended to be
compared to Gasabo District. Several installed upstream before main drains or
The City of Kigali has an annual rainfall of catchments in the Central Planning Area 3.15.4SUSTAINABLE STORM Bioretention Basin constructed wetlands.
1,000 mm with April being the wettest such as Kigarama, Gikondo and Gatenga, WATER FEATURES
month and July the driest. will drain northwards toward Nyabugogo A Bioretention basin is a landscaped Constructed Wetland
River then into Nyabarongo River at the The following sustainable storm water depression or a shallow vegetated basin
The existing drains in Kicukiro District are western boundary of the District. management features shall be proposed for that is designed to slow down and treat A Constructed wetland is a shallow and
usually constructed on one side of the road the District, wherever applicable. the storm water runoff on-site (refer extensively vegetated water body (refer
and the ones in the urban area are mostly 3.15.3STORM WATER to Fig.3.40). It lets the runoff percolate to Fig.3.41). It is usually constructed
covered. Most of the existing structured MANAGEMENT Vegetated Swales through the filtration media. It does not downstream, to further treat the pre-
channels are well constructed and have have conveyance functions like a swale. treated runoff from swales, rain gardens or
adequate drainage capacities. In general, Kicukiro District would be highly urbanized A Vegetated swale is an open-channel
the existing drainage network in the District as residential and commercial centre with drainage ways used to convey storm water
consists of 3 types of drain structure: 20% of the site is preserved as nature runoff that can be used as a replacement
area. When the District is fully developed for the conventional drainage system (refer

Open masonry storm channels; by 2040, it would generate more storm to Fig.3.38). It has both conveyance and
Covered masonry storm channels; water runoff due to the lesser previous pre-treatment functions to remove soil
Unlined natural channels. surfaces for water infiltration the ground. particles and gross pollutants from storm
The undulating topography of the District, water runoff. It will not only beautify the
There are still drains that are not covered in especially at the steeper sectors such as surrounding landscape,but also aid in the
the District. It allows residents to dispose of Kigarama, Gatenga and Gahanga, would spreading and slowing of velocities of
their waste water and solid waste directly also increase the velocity of storm water runoff.
into the drains. During a storm event, the runoff and increase flooding risk if there is
naturally steep drains may cause all the no proper channel to drain the runoff into Vegetated swales are usually installed at
waste materials to be washed down and the water bodies. gentler slopes (1% to 4%) to maintain its
accumulated at the receiving water bodies. conveyance function and prevent ponding
Despite its flooding risk, the urban storm during low flows. It is the most suitable to Fig.3.38 Vegetated Swale
The absence of sewerage network and water runoff should also be seen as a be installed within the development plot, Source: ABC Water Guideline
proper on-site treatment has prompted resource to be valued. As the District has recreational parks, car parks, etc. It can also
the discharge of sewage into public drains. a considerable amount of annual rainfall, be used to replace the road side drain for
This in turn reduces the capacity of the it could be harvested for non potable use local streets with gentler slopes.
drains and creates health problem to the such as landscape irrigation and general
residents. areas washing. Bioretention Swale

At areas where there is no proper drainage The proposed storm water management A Bioretention swale is a vegetated swale
system, temporary ditches are constructed for the District is a combination of with an additional bio-treatment system
by the residents to prevent storm water conventional drainage system (i.e. concrete at the base (refer to Fig.3.39). In addition
from flowing into their homes. drain and canals) and sustainable storm to conveyance and sediment removal
water features while preserving the existing functions, it provides further treatment by
3.15.2RUN OFF streams and channels. The objectives are: allowing the runoff to percolate through
CHARACTERISTICS To provide a clear pathway for storm the filter. The cleansed water would be
water runoff into the water bodies; collected by the perforated pipe at the
Most of the storm water runoff from To minimize the flood risk through on site drainage layer and conveyed to the water
Kicukiro District will flow directly into retention; bodies downstream.
To improve the water quality to be Fig.3.39 Bioretention Swales
54 Source: ABC Water Guideline
3.15.5Proposed drainage network
Refer to Fig.3.45 and Fig.3.44 for the
proposed drainage network in Year 2025
and 2040. Existing streams and proposed
primary drain lines are indicated on both

The existing main streams should be

preserved as much as possible. As the
District would be densely built up, there
are instances where the streams would be
surrounded by residential or commercial
Fig.3.40 Bioretention Basin development especially at township K1, K2
Source: ABC Water Guideline and K4. For this case, it is encouraged that


the new development is built around them
to avoid diversion work.

To preserve the water quality and conveying

capacity of these streams, the District may
Fig.3.42 Geogrids enforce the following preventive measures:
Source: Huesker Inc
No developments shall be carried within
public drains. It is designed to remove finer The final product from the constructed the flood plain of the streams. If there is
and dissolved particles. It consists of three wetland can be slowly released to other a need for redevelopment, the District
treatment zones: water bodies or reused for non-potable use has to ensure proper rediversion of the
such as irrigation. streams;
Inlet zone (sedimentation basin), to let
larger to medium size pollutants settle Maintenance and Operation Treat the runoff pollutants at source using
down. It also acts as an energy dissipater one of the sustainable water features;
and prevents scouring; Vegetation plays an important role in every
sustainable storm water management Install pollutants trap at the outlet of the
Macrophite zone (shallow heavily features. The selected plants should have drains feeding into the streams.
Fig.3.41 Constructed Wetland vegetated pond), to remove fine particles; fibrous root systems to keep the soil
Source: ABC Water Guideline porous, good nutrient removal capabilities Main drainage channels would be proposed
High flow bypass channel, to discharge the and ability to withstand dry and wet along the road to discharge the storm water
excess runoff and protect the macrophite environment. runoff into the existing wetlands.
zone during heavy storm event.
Maintenance of these features will be For a typical township, the storm water
Constructed wetlands can be proposed concerned with: runoff from the household would be
in urban settings within the ETZ zone. Weed removal; channelled to the sustainable water
Constructed wetlands within the ETZ can Removal of debris; features such as swales or bioretention
be designed to receive discharge from both Maintenance of the features profile; basins before flowing into the road side
the surrounding contributing catchments Maintenance of the vegetation by drain, main drain and eventually into the
and treated effluence from STPs. The irrigation, mowing, pruning; wetlands.
wetlands can be constructed on different Cleaning of the inlet and outlet to prevent
scales according to the design capacity. clogging;
Flushing of the perforated pipe.
Fig.3.43 Green Retaining Wall 55

56 Fig.3.44 Kicukiro District - Proposed Drainage Plan - Year X

Fig.3.45 Kicukiro District - Proposed Drainage Plan - Year 2025


Table 3.16 Type of Substations
3.16POWER SUPPLY PLAN district is believed to be quite low. High transmission line for the Kicukiro district
electricity cost is part of the reason why -Year X. Land Use Electricity Demand Electricity Connected
3.16.1EXISTING CONDITIONS wood remains the main source of energy. (VA/sq m) load (kVA/DU)
Minister has aim to increase the public 3.16.4Electrical Power supply for Residential 10 1*
POWER SUPPLY SOURCES access to the electricity within the region. Kicukiro District year 2025
Therefore, heavy investment in the power Commercial 20
Currently, the nearest electrical substations supply sector is needed in order to expand Table 3.21 shows the total maximum
to the Gasabo and Kicukiro District are the power plants, transmission system and demand for Kicukiro district for Light industry in town 35
the Gikondo and Jabana Substations. distribution system. development planning of phase 1 for year
Industry - manufacturing 50
Gikondo Substation is located in central 2025. The total maximum demand is 239
Kigali, southwest of the Gikondo Industrial 3.16.2ESTIMATED LOAD DEMAND MVA. Industry - logistic 5
Park. The major 110 kV transmission
line from the hydroelectric plants in The Master Plan details the different The estimated nos of 220kV/110 kV
southwest Rwanda (Rusizi I and Rusizi II) planning parameters for year 2025 and substation, 110kV/70kV substation and
joins the 110 kV transmission line from the year 2040. The load estimates for the new 70kV/15kV substation at year 2025 are
north at the Gikondo substation. Step- developed area is calculated based on the summarized in Table 3.22. Fig.3.47 shows
down transformers then feed into 15 kV built up areas of the different Land Used, the substation location and the transmission

transmission lines serving central and east and the electricity demand VA/m2 of each line for Kicukiro district for Year 2025. Table 3.17 Electrical Load Density
Kigali. Land Used.
Diversity factor Accumulative diversity
3.16.5Proposed installation for
For Jabana Substation, the major 110 kV The proposed electrical load density for Kicukiro district
transmission line from the hydroelectric various Land Uses is depicted in Table 3.17. At Maximum demand at Used level 0.85 0.85
power plants (Mukungwa and Ntaruka) Assumption of 1kVA per DUs is based on According to the calculation, the total (MD)
feeds into this substation and continues ambient temperature of 18c to 21c at City power demand for Kicukiro district is Connected load at user level x 0.85
south through Kigali to the Gikondo of Kigali which generally eliminates the 239MVA for Year 2025 and will increase = maximum demand at user level
Substation. The Jabana substation contains usage of the air conditioning. to 517MVA for Year 2040. The types of At 15kV /0.4kV substation 0.85 0.72
step down transformers to the 70 kV substation proposed for the development Maximum demand at user level x
transmission line extending east of Kigali As all type of installed loads (domestic, are as follows: 0.85 = demand load at 15/0.4kV sub-
and to the 15 kV lines serving Kigali. In commercial, industrial, public lighting) station
the absence of detail information, it is not never operates at the same time in practice, A new national grid of 220kV or higher is At 70kV /15kV substation 0.85 0.62
possible to indicate the coverage of each certain diversity factor had been taken in proposed for the Rwanda as the estimate Demand load at 15kV/0.4kV sub-
HV/MV substation. order to estimate the load. The following load for whole country will be more than station x 0.85 = demand load at
diversity factor is been used as shown 720MVA at year 2025. All the power plants, 70kV/15kV substation
The electricity for the urban area within inTable 3.17 either existing or new are proposed to At 110kV /70kV substation 0.85 0.52
Gasabo and Kicukiro District are served connect to the new national grid to supply Demand load at 70kV/15kV sub-
by overhead power lines. Most of the 3.16.3Electrical Power supply for the electricity throughout the nation. station x 0.85 = demand load at
residents electricity meters are prepaid Kicukiro District-Year X 110kV/70kV substation
type. The biggest challenges of the EWSA From outside the city, the 220kV overhead
At 220kV /110kV substation 0.85 0.45
in expanding the power network are The table below shows the total maximum transmission line shall be connected to
Demand load at 110kV/70kV sub-
lack of utility reserve along the public demand for the Master Plan Kicukiro district the proposed 220/110kV main substations
station x 0.85 = demand load at
road for laying the cable. For new future for Year X. The total maximum demand is at Kicukiro district and also to other
220kV/110kV substation
development, space for the utility corridor 517 MVA. 220/110kV main substations at Gasabo
Note: we assume the next level of
should be planned alongside the road in district and Narugenge district within in the
voltage is 220kV. Local power ser-
order to lay new cable and water pipes in The estimated numbers of 220kV/110 kV City of Kigali.
vice provider shall advice which is
addition to the land for new substation. substation, 110kV/70kV substation and
the next level of voltage such as
70kV/15kV substation at year 2040 are The 220/110kV substation will step
345kV or 400kV to suit their local
Kicukiro district is part of the City of Kigali. summarized in theTable 3.19. Fig.3.46 down the voltage level to 110kV before
58 However, the electrification rate at the shows the substation location and the step down again to 70kV at 110/70kV
Table 3.18 Estimated Power Demand for Kicukiro District - Year X Table 3.21 Estimated Power Demand for Kicukiro District - Year 2025
substation. The transmission line, either
Electrical load for 15kV/0.4 kV ESS (kVA) Electrical load, kVA at 15/0.4kV substation overhead or underground cables are
Planning area Total Diversity Max demand Estimated nos of Planning area Total Diversity factor Max demand E s t i m at e d assumed to run along main express way.
factor 15kV/ 0.4kV ESS nos of The underground cable can be lay together
15kV/ 0.4kV during the construction of the express way.
ESS The right of way will be the road itself if
KT1 50,842.13 0.85 43,215.81 44
KT1 50,842.13 0.85 43,215.81 44
the cable is run beneath the driveway. For
KT2 36,722.17 0.85 31,213.85 32 the overhead cable, the reserve land of 30
KT2 0 0.85 0 0 to 40m wide is required depending on the
KT3 146,923.74 0.85 124,885.18 125 local authority requirement on different
KT3 146,923.74 0.85 124,885.18 125 level of transmission line.
KT4 88,047.39 0.85 74,840.28 75
KT4 88,047.39 0.85 74,840.28 75
The 70/15kV substation is normally located
KT5 95,058.11 0.85 80,799.39 81 at the load centre. The substation transmits
KT5 0 0.85 0 0


the power to the distribution transformer
KT6 32,286.97 0.85 27,443.92 28
KT6 32,286.97 0.85 27,443.92 28 (15kV/400V transformer) which located
KT7 47,171.19 0.85 40,095.51 41 at community centre. The distribution
KT7 47,171.19 0.85 40,095.51 41 transformer has limited capacity and
KT8 35,416.79 0.85 30,104.27 31 serving radius, normally about 250m from
KT8 0 0.85 0 0
the further unit. All the outgoing cables
KT9 53,152.61 0.85 45,179.72 46 KT9 0 0.85 0 0 from the 70/15kV substation are assumed
to be underground.
KT10 86,588.65 0.85 73,600.35 74 KT10 0 0.85 0 0
Power generation proposal
KT11 124,274.26 0.85 105,633.12 106 KT11 0 0.85 0 0

I4 192,479.75 0.85 163,607.79 164 I4 92,390.28 0.85 78,531.74 79

Kicukiro district is part of City of Kigali. In
order to determine the needs of power
Total 988,963.75 840,619.18 847 Total 451,661.70 389,012.44 392.00 plants, we need to look at larger scope, i.e.
the demand of the City of Kigali or whole
Table 3.19 Proposed Number of Substations - Year X Table 3.22 Proposed Number of Substations - Year 2025 nation. The estimated load demand for
Voltage level Load estimate (MVA) Nos of substation Voltage level Load estimate (MVA) Nos of substation the City of Kigali including Gasabo district
is 1,575MVA a year 2040. Assuming the
70kV / 15 kV 714.53 24 70kV / 15 kV 330.66 12
reserve required is 15% and transmission
110kV / 70kV 607.35 9 losses of 30%, the required generation
110kV / 70kV 281.06 5
220kV / 110kV 516.25 2
220kV / 110kV 238.90 2
capacity is 2,600MVA.

The current power plants capacity is about

Table 3.20 Proposed Types of Substations - Year X 85MW including power supply import from
Type of Substation Transformer size, MVA Land area, neighbor country. There is a plan from
EWSA to generate additional 1000MW
220kV / 110kV ESS 100 250 MVA (3 to 4 nos) 150 x 150 from year 2011 to 2017 from various
110kV / 70kV ESS 60 90 MVA (2 to 3 nos) 150 x 150 sources such as hydropower (232MW),
70kV / 15kV ESS 20 40 MVA (2 to 3 nos) 50 x 50 geothermal (310MW), methane (300MW)
and peat (200MW).
15kV/ 400 V ESS 1 MVA ( 2nos) 13 x 8 (can be attached to the For additional power requirement, the
building. Location to be deter- service provider could consider other
mined by designer during detail
power plant such as natural gas power
plant, wind, solar and so on. 59

60 Fig.3.46 Kicukiro District - Proposed Power Supply Plan - Year X

Fig.3.47 Kicukiro District - Proposed Power Supply Plan - Year 2025 61
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4Detailed Master Plan for Central Planning Area
This section presents the detailed Master 4.1.2Existing Conditions
Plan for Central Planning Area. Based
on the analysis of the existing context, The Central Planning Area is the most
opportunities and constraints, a vision urbanized area in Kicukiro district. It
and concept are derived which guide the is the backbone of the city in terms of
development of the Master Plan and the Industrial employment and commerce.
design of key features within the Sector. Avenue Gikondo, Boulevard de IOUA,
and Boulevard des communications are
4.1Central Planning Area - the three prime roads with commercial,
Existing Context industrial/logistics and educational
Planning Area: The Central Planning Area
comprises of the following 6 sectors : Industrial zone in Kicukiro and Gikondo
Kigarama, Gikondo, Kicukiro, Niboye, sectors with heavy, light and warehouse


Kagarama and Gatenga. The combined functions is located in the valley area
total area of Central Planning Area is 3941 along wetlands and natural drain channels;
ha and the combined current population is occupying prime area in the city close to
0.14 mi1. the CBD. The Magerwa Dry port occupies
strategic high value area in Gikondo. The
4.1.1Location and Connectivity Planning Area has adequate educational
facilities. The existing University and the
Fig.4.1 Central Planning Area - Location Map Fig.4.3 Central Planning Area - Slope Analysis
The Central Planning Area is located in the Polytechnic Institute currently play a major
north west of Kicukiro district. It is bound by role in Higher Education in the City. Juro
the most urbanized sectors of Nyarugenge Park, (the highest point in the city) and the
District, i.e. Muhima, Nyarugenge and Genocide Memorial are important cultural
Nyamirambo Sector to the west and North and heritage areas with immense tourism
West; Kimihurura sector and Remera sector potential.
of Gasabo District to the North; Kanombe
sector to the East; and Gahanga Sector The Citys new economic growth curve has
to the South. Its location in the middle of resulted in new developments. Some of
the City and right next to the CBD makes the new Approved projects in the Central
it an important site for prime residential Planning Area are:
developments and secondary commercial Housing projects
facilities. Ref to Fig.4.1 for Central Planning Kigali Youth Park, Sports and Resort
Area - Location Map Project
INILAC University, Oklahoma University,
Boulevard de IOUA also called the African Mt. Kenya University and Rwanda
Union Road, connects this Planning Area Tourism University
to the CBD and the Kigali International Rebero Sub Area Proposal by Oz architects
Airport. Avenue Des Communications and Cultural village
Kigali Nyamata Road connect the Central Fig.4.2 Central Planning Area - Natural Constraints and Existing Population
Planning Area to Gahanga Sector and 4.1.3Natural Constraints density
further down to the proposed Bugesera
International Airport. Avenue Rwampara Only 50% of the Planning Area (1972.18 ha) Table 4.1 Central Planning Area - Existing and Projected Population
and Avenue de Rugunga connects to the is developable as 3% of the land is occupied Planning area Area Existing 2012 Projected Year
Nyarugenge sector. by wetlands (125.25 Ha) and the remaining (HA) (KCMP) X
47% by forests and Steep slopes (slopes Central 3941 175,780 711,000
1 Source : Estimations based on EICV 2006 greater than 20% gradient). Fig.4.4 Central Planning Area - Watershed and Drainage 63
Table 4.2 Central planning Area - Existing Land Use Distribution
Broad Land Use Detail Land Use Area(Ha) Total Area(ha)
Residential Single family Residential 462 1113
Low Rise Residential 644
Medium Rise Residential 7
Commercial Commercial General 22 27
Commercial office 1
Hotel 5
Mixed Use Mixed use 4 4
Public facilities Government Office 9 243
Educational 153
Religious Facilities 37
Health Facilities 18
Civic Facilities 13
Sports and Recreation 13
Industries Light Industrial 20 173

Heavy Industrial 108

Warehouse 45
Nature Area Existing Forest 418 489
Wetland 71
Agriculture Farmland 652 1386
Plantation 734
Open Space Open Space and Park 10 10
Infrastructure Transportation 212 234
Utilities 22
Special Use/Restricted Area/Unclassified Graveyard 13 262
Vacant Land 249
Total 3941 3941

64 Fig.4.5 Central Planning Area- Existing Land Use and Context Map
Steep slopes in the south west region, and decrease the land value. This area has
occupy almost half of the Planning Area extremely high development potential.
and restrict high density developments. These industries need to be relocated to
In order to safeguard the existing terrain optimize the land value.
from flooding and soil erosion, these Steep Majority of the area is already developed,
slopes need to be protected. Most of the and there is shortage of land for new
existing developments already occupy growth.
the available flat areas. Industrial Area Large low density unplanned areas
currently encroaches the wetlands towards in prime areas, need be restructured
the northern side, depleting this wetland and revitalized to accommodate the
stretch completely. The forests set in increasing population.
the south west part of the Planning Area Around 21% of the land is steep slopes.
look into the huge prominent valleys in As per the Citys strategy2 for a flood-
Magaregere sector of Nyarugenge District, free city (for the next 50 years), these


hence framing the beautiful landscape. Steep slopes and natural drainage
channels need to be protected through
4.2Central Planning Area- afforestation and a no build zone.
Opportunities and Newly approved projects need to be
Constraints retained and integrated into the new
Master Plan for suitable development
4.2.1Constraints clusters.
Due to uncontrolled growth and
The Central planning Area lies close to development, existing forest patches are
the Administrative Zone in Gasabo and disappearing at a very fast rate. These
the Financial Centre in Muhima Sector forests, mostly located in the southern
of Nyarugenge District. It has immense sectors need to be preserved inorder to
potential to be a hotspot for commercial be able to restore the lost forest cover.
and secondary offices. However the key 2% of the wetland area (Wetland
constraints in planning the area are: boundary as per REMA) is covered with

Pollutive industries and a dry port in 2 Organic Law N 04/2005 of 08/04/2005

prime location, mar both the wetlands determining the modalities of Protection,
Conservation and Promotion of Environment in

Fig.4.6 Central Planning Area- Constraints Map 65

Industries in the North, residential The existing industrial area can be
development in the west and Agricultural redeveloped as a light Industrial zone
land in the East. These wetland stretches with only non pollutive industries. More
that are also valley areas, will be prone to industrial zones can be developed away
floods, soil erosion and poor environment from the wetlands.
quality, if not safeguarded. Juro Park, as it the highest point in the
city and offers beautiful city views can be
4.2.2Opportunities developed further as the City park with
more recreational facilities.
The Central Planning Area is bound with The Ozs Sub area proposal for Rebero
forests and steep slopes offering plenty of which includes Hotels, housing and resort
recreational development opportunities. facilities offers great tourism potential at
The key strengths and opportunities of the Rebero.
Central Planning Area are: The existing Nyanza Genocide Memorial
Wetlands in the middle of the city park has great potential to be developed
although have been destroyed by as a tourist destination with cultural and
the existing Industrial Zone, can be historical importance.

reinstated. The wetland parks from the Due to the need for housing for the
CBD area could be continued to form increasing population, the areas close to
beautiful landscaped parks. the forest cover in the south west could
Existing commercial streets along the be developed as a new housing typology.
boulevard de IOUA and Avenue Gikondo Existing forests, natural drain channels,
can be rejuvenated and rezoned into steep slopes and wetlands can be
mixed use to increase vibrant character. connected through park connectors and
The round the clock population will linear parks for a continuous open green
keep these central commercial markets network.

66 Fig.4.7 Central Planning Area- Opportunities Map

4.3Central Planning Area - for the Concept Plan for the Central
Proposed Vision Planning Area. The key proposals of the
Concept plan are as follows:
The Vibrant Commercial Centre
Emphasis is on Urban Renewal of
Kicukiro is envisioned to be a The Vibrant existing low density developments in the
Commercial Centre. It will be home to northern areas through rezoning.
new age enterprises and contain a wide The Planning Area is restructured into 3
range of housing options for city dwellers. comprehensive townships, K1, K2 and K3.
It will function as a mini CBD, where MRT and BRT corridors intersect at
main financial institutions will open their the Fringe Centre near Kicukiro Market
branches. Complementary high quality creating a new transit hub.
retail and entertainment activities will be High/Medium Density residential
provided so as to minimize the need for developments are proposed along the


residents to travel to the main city for these public transit corridor.
basic purposes. The existing commercial developments
along the main city road, Boulevard
4.4Central Planning Area - de IOUA and Avenue Gikondo are
Concept Plan redeveloped and rezoned as Mixed Use
to increase residential density and add a
Based on the constraints, opportunities, more vibrant character to the place.
the existing Land Use and as well as the The existing non polluting industries
proposed vision, a concept plan has been along the wetlands are retained, and the
developed for the Central Planning Area. polluting heavy industries are relocated
Fig.4.8 illustrates the organizing structure to the proposed Industrial SEZ.

Fig.4.8 Central Planning Area - Concept Map 67

Existing land fill area at Kagarama is Connectivity - A well connected Vehicular are designed as holistic communities rezoned as Mixed Use developments 4.5.4Central Planning Area - Proposed
relocated and is redeveloped as a Park. and Pedestrian network is proposed with with access to health care, education, to retain the existing active and vibrant Green and Open Space Plan
Utilize the Steep slopes and forests as more emphasis on public transportation. sociocultural and sports activities. character by inducing residential
Urban Forest Resorts in the south west The existing main Roads will continue as population. Wetlands along the northern boundary are
sectors of Kigarama and Gatenga, for the main spine. 4.5.2Central Planning Area- Proposed conserved by relocating heavy industries
both active and passive recreational The proposed future MRT line Commercial use Plan 4.5.3Central Planning Area- Proposed away from the wetlands. Existing forest
activities. (northwest-southeast) connects the Public facilities Plan patches, natural drainage channels, steep
Respecting the cadastre, most of the CBD to the new proposed International One Fringe Centre and 2 Town Centres slopes and wetlands are all connected
proposed roads originate from the Airport at Bugesera passing through catering to City scale commercial Central Planning Area has abundant together through park connectors. These
existing roads. Gikondo, Kicukiro, Niboye and Kagarama. requirements are proposed in the Central schools, religious and educational facilities. natural features are protected by zoning
Earlier in KCMP, Rebero was identified Two Proposed BRT lines, one from planning Area. These commercial centres These facilities are redeveloped and them as protected zones. Those that can
as a potential Tourist Centre with high Nyarugenge to Kanombe, the other from are integrated with Public transit. revitalized by combining with new support afford human intervention are zoned as
and medium density hotel, resort and Remera to Gahanga intersect at the Fringe Centre includes a variety of retail facilities and formalized communities. Few passive and active recreational zones.
residential developments. These key proposed Fringe Centre. This interchange spaces, hotels, entertainment centres, public facilities are added in the southern The Urban Forest resorts is an effort
features have been incorporated in the will be a major urban node in this Planning office spaces, cultural and recreational agricultural areas to accommodate the to integrate both residential and natural
detailed plan for Rebero. Area. facilities. 12 ha land is assigned for the projected population. assets in a balanced manner. The genocide
Approved projects including residential High density housing and Commercial Fringe Centre which offers approximately

developments, public facilities, gardens Centres are located along the transit 0.09 mi sq. m of commercial space with Table 4.3 Central Planning Area - Proposed Land Use Distribution Data
and University projects are integrated corridor. 50,000 employment opportunities in the
into the Detailed Masterplan encouraging The existing forests, natural drainage service sector. Broad Land Use Detail Land Use Area (Ha)
new growth. channels, steep slopes and wetlands Town Centre in townships K1 is proposed Residential Single family Residential 1097 1985
are protected and connected through along Boulevard de IOUA and Avenue Low Rise Residential 354
4.5Central Planning Area- linear parks, neighbourhood parks and Gikondo, close to the existing open space
Medium Rise Residential 489
Proposed Land Use Plan town parks to form a continuous green and Park. The existing non pollutive light
recreational and pedestrian network. industrial are zoned next to the Town High Rise Residential 45
With just 50% of the total land developable Juro park and the surrounding slopes are Centre and the pollutive industries are Commercial Commercial General 92 92
and more than half of the sector already further developed as integrated Urban relocated to the nearest Industrial FTZ. Mixed Use Mixed use 122 122
urbanized, extreme care is taken to forest resorts. Town centre in township K2 is proposed
Public facilities Government Office 9 324
optimize the existing available facilities. Existing public facilities are retained and to be developed in the second phase of
The key considerations for the proposed revitalized. the City development. Educational 197
Land Use Plan are: Each Town Centre offers 0.09 mi sq. m Religious Facilities 36
4.5.1Central Planning Area - Proposed of commercial space with approximately
The Planning boundary is divided into Residential Use Plan 10,000 employment opportunities in the Health Facilities 21
3 townships using sector boundaries service sector. Civic Facilities 16
and the new proposed arterial roads as Existing low density housing in prime areas, Compact commercial Neighbourhood Sports and Recreation 44
township Boundaries. These townships closest to the CBD are rezoned into a Centres with cultural, educational and Industries Light Industrial 26 26
offer comprehensive facilities and medium density residential developments. civic facilities, surrounded by residential
Nature Area Existing Forest 374 610
services, and at the same time allow Most of the existing residential areas in Land Use act as the main urban nodes
for medium to high density planned Gikondo and Kagarama are unorganized and in these proposed communities. Wetland 236
developments. scattered along steep slopes. These areas The neighbourhood centres caters Open Space Open Space and Park 291 291
Fringe Centre: The Existing Commercial are rezoned into Single Family residential to the needs of the communities Infrastructure Transportation 407 441
hub in Kicukiro, Niboye and Gikondo developments. The existing informal at neighbourhood scale. The three
Sectors is upgraded to Mixed Use residential neighbourhoods far away from townships in Central Planning Area Utilities 34
developments with a Fringe Commercial the transit corridor and characterized by are served by 27 such Neighbourhood Special Use/Restricted Area/ Graveyard 36 36
Centre close to Kicukiro market. This steep slopes, are rezoned into single family Centres. Unclassified
will be served by public transit and cluster housing. The relatively gentler Mixed Use Developments - The existing Reserve Site Reserve Site 14 14
surrounded by medium and high density areas are marked for low to medium rise commercial centres along the Boulevard
Total 3941 3941
68 residential developments. apartment developments. Neighbourhoods de IOUA and Avenue Gikondo road are
Fig.4.9 Central Planning Area- Proposed Land Use Plan - Year X



70 Fig.4.10 Central Planning Area- Proposed Residential Use Plan - Year X

Fig.4.11 Central Planning Area- Proposed Commercial Use Plan - Year X 71

72 Fig.4.12 Central Planning Area- Proposed Public Facilities Plan - Year X

Fig.4.13 Central Planning Area- Proposed Public Facilities Plan - Year X 73
memorial is surrounded by green open enjoy nature, and will heal the wetland
space due to its national importance as a environment for future generations
tourist destination. The existing marshland
close to Zion Temple Church is proposed to 4.6.3Urban Forest Resorts
be redeveloped as Gikondo Lake Park, that
will act as central recreational open space. The Detailed Master Plan integrates Oz - Sub
Area Proposal for Rebero. Resort facilities
4.6Central Planning Area- cited at the highest point in the City, close
Key Feature Development to Juro Park and nestled in nature; provide
panoramic views of the scenic valleys in
4.6.1Fringe Centre: Nyarugenge District. . The Urban Forest
Resort will act as one of the green lungs of
The proposed Fringe Centre close to Kicukiro the city occupying approximately 30 Ha of
Market, Ecole Polytechnic and Niboye Sector nature area and 10 Ha of recreational resort
Office rejuvenates the existing Commercial land.
Centre with added public facilities and These resorts lie close to the approved
mixed use developments to form a new Cultural Village project. The Cultural Village

urban node. The Fringe Centre also acts as a is spread across 25 Ha of Land. Improved
transport hub with the intersection of BRT connectivity from City Centre and Airport
and future MRT corridor. Young crowd from will help create a new and revived tourist
Ecole Technique (proposed to be developed destination close to the CBD and also the
as a University), and transient crowd of all new Regional Centre in Gahanga.
age groups visiting markets and commercial
centre; along with the residential population Refer to Fig.4.14 for Key Feature
will add an omni present vibrant character Developments in Kicukiro Planning Area.
to this place.

4.6.2Mixed Use Developments and

Gikondo lake Park

The existing marshlands in the heart of

the City are proposed to be redeveloped
as Gikondo Lake Park. This 26 Ha Park will
act as a relief space amidst the commercial
and mixed sue developments. Gikondo
lake Park will celebrate access to the
wetland front which previously was heavy
industrial. The new park directly accesses
the downtown, revitalizing the urban core
and the wetland front. Sustainability will be
an integral part of the park development,
the design will not be sensitive to the sites
current ecological needs but also to its
future environmental impact. This Park
will be a key component in the Planning
Areas placemaking strategy. It will provide
a place for people to gather and recreate,
74 Fig.4.14 Central Planning Area - Key Feature development - Year X
5Detailed Master Plan for South Central Planning Area
This section presents the detailed 5.1.2Existing Site Conditions
Master Plan for the South Central Planning
Area. Based on the analysis of the existing South Central Planning Area is one of the
context, opportunities and constraints, larger urbanized Planning Areas of Kicukiro
a vision and concept are derived which District, second to Central Planning Area.
guide the development of the Master Plan The area currently has a population of
and design of the key features within the 62,7071, with an average density of 1631
Planning area. p/sq. km.

5.1South Central Planning Nyarugenge sector is largely urbanized

Area - Existing Context with low density housing, few commercial
centres, industries, civic and health facilities
Planning Area: The South Central Planning located around the Kigali International
Area comprises of two sectors, the Airport. Commercial development along


Nyarugunga sector and the Kanombe Airport Boulevard has great potential to
sector. The total combined Planning Area is be redeveloped as a City Level Commercial
3841 Ha.Fig.5.1 shows the location of South zone. Large stretch of flat land is occupied
Central Planning Area in Kicukiro District. by the Military Hospital and Defence Area.
In the southern region, the Kanombe Fig.5.1 South Central Planning Area- Location Map
5.1.1Location and Connectivity sector is mostly occupied by sustenance
agriculture. A few areas on the flat ridges Fig.5.2 South Central Planning Area- Existing Slope Analysis
South Central Planning Area lies in the centre towards the west are urbanized with
of Kicukiro District and accommodates key commercial centres, low density residential
functions such as the Kigali International developments, health clinics, schools and
Airport, the Military Hospital and Defence an Agricultural University.
Area. It is located within 10 km radius from
the Citys CBD and is centrally located along Lately, the area has been experiencing
the main East West Highway that connects development pressure from housing
the City to the rest of the country. projects. Care has to be taken to direct this
development and avoid haphazard growth.
The Planning Area is located centrally
in Kicukiro District, bound by Gahanga, 5.1.3Natural Constraints
Niboye and Kagarama sectors to the west;
Remera, Kimironko and Ndera sectors from The Planning Area is surrounded by wetlands
Gasabo District to the North, Rusororo and on three sides. This promontory is relatively
Masaka sector to the east. To the south, it flat but has Steep slopes along the wetland
is separated by the Nyarbarongo river and edges. Panoramic views towards the South
wetlands from the neighbouring Bugesera towards Bugesera make this a prime area.
Only 79% of the area (3057.57 Ha) is
Currently Vers Kibungo is the only road that developable, with 18.8% of the land Fig.5.4 South Central Planning Area- Existing Constraints, Population and
connects South Central Planning Area with occupied by wetlands (722.94 Ha) and the Density
the rest of the city. Vers Hospital Militaire remaining 1.66% by steep slopes (slopes Planning area Area Existing 2012 Projected 2040
road takes most of the residential traffic greater than 20% gradient) and forest (HA) (KCMP)
through the sector other than Vers Kibungo. patches. Small fragments of forested
The rest of the roads are mostly rural and
1 EICV 2006 South Central 3837 68,936 479,000
Table 5.1 South Central Planning Area - Existing and Projected Population Fig.5.3 South Central Planning Area- Watershed and Drainage 75
Table 5.2 Central Planning Area - Existing Land Use Distribution
Broad Land Use Detail Land Use Area (Ha)
Residential Single family residential 75 658
Low rise residential 583
Commercial Commercial general 9 9
Hotel 3 3
Public facilities Government office 5 232
Educational 50
Religious facilities 10
Health facilities 159
Civic facilities 5
Sports and Recreation 3
Industries Light industrial 1 13
Heavy Industrial 8
Warehouse 4
Nature area Existing forest 19 739

Wetland 720
Agriculture Farmland 1184 1560
Plantation 376
Open space Open space and park 9 9
Water Bodies River 3 3
Infrastructure Transportation 355 355
Special use Graveyard 3 258
Airport and Defence 109
Quarry land 10
Vacant Land 135
Total 3837 3837

76 Fig.5.5 South Central Planning Area- Existing Land Use and Context Map
areas and natural drainage channels completely occupied by agricultural
along the wetlands and valleys need to activity and spontaneous housing.
be safeguarded to prevent flooding and These wetlands need to be restored and
soil erosion. Fig.5.5 presents the Existing protected.
Context Plan for South Central Planning About 1.66% of the land falls is
Area. categorized as steep slopes, which is
unsuitable for development. These
5.2South Central Area steep slopes are generally sited close to
- Opportunities and wetlands which also make connections to
Constraints roads a challenging task.
Limited Access - Apart from Vers Hospital
5.2.1Constraints Militaire Kanombe and Vers Kibungo,
road infrastructure is still quite weak in
The South Central Planning Area lies on the this Planning Area.


East West axis, and is relatively urbanized The areas towards the South lack
along Vers Kibungo; commercial and infrastructure, facilities and connectivity
residential development can be found with the rest of the city.
around Kigali International Airport and the
Defence area. Currently, around 40% of
the total land area is developed. The key
constraints are as follows:

The presence of the International Airport

imposes height restrictions at nearby
areas and hence limits high density
development in this prime land.
The large Defence Area and the Military
Hospital occupy large prime developable
Wetlands and existing forests occupy
around 19% of the land. Most of
the wetlands towards the north are

Fig.5.6 South Central Planning Area- Constraints Map 77

5.2.2Opportunities connected through recreational parks
and promenades. These can be further
Although the City Centre lies in Nyarugenge, integrated into new proposed residential
the South Central Planning District is townships for quality and open
located in the centre of the City along the recreational spaces.
major thoroughfare Vers Kibungo. Large green field areas in the South and
South East region have the potential to
The Planning Area has great potential to be developed as new townships with high
be developed as affordable residential density housing and commercial centres.
destination with various amenities; due The existing Commercial Centres and
to its central location, close proximity to Public facilities can be redeveloped
the Citys existing International Airport, as compact Neighbourhood Centres
sparsely developed land in the Kanombe according to the township model
sector and large wetland stretches. proposed for the City.
Existing residential developments in New parks and open recreational
Nyarugunga and Kanombe sectors can be spaces can be developed to utilize the
intensified and rezoned so as to develop drainage and steep slopes which are well

compact walkable neighbourhoods with integrated with the developments.

schools, commerce and public facilities. The North west edge of the Planning
The entire Airport road can be landscaped Area can be developed as Industrial Zone
to make the airport entry to the City a with the new proposed trans National Rail
scenic experience by capitalizing on the along Western edge of Masaka sector.
approved garden projects close to the
Vast stretches of wetlands can be

78 Fig.5.7 South Central Planning Area- Opportunities Map

5.3South Central Planning by Year X. Based on the existing context,
Area - Proposed Vision opportunities and constraints, as well as the
proposed vision, a development concept
New affordable homes amidst scenic has been proposed for the South Central
wetlands Planning Area, as illustrated in Fig.5.8 . The
With close proximity to the Airport and key proposals of the Concept plan for South
new proposed Bio Diversity Park in the Central Planning Area are as follows:
south, the vision for South Central Planning The Planning Area is restructured into 4
Area is New affordable homes amidst new compact townships with adequate
scenic wetlands. The extensive wetland public facilities.
network is tapped to create wetland Parks An effective and well-integrated public
and gardens amidst high quality new transportation network connects all
Residential Townships, hence making it the the proposed commercial and industrial
most sought after residential area. areas.


Employment opportunities are proposed
5.4South Central Planning by segregating land for commerce and
Area - Proposed Concept industries.
The existing Military hospital is upgraded
As per previous KCMP, Kanombe and to a Regional Hospital and a new
Nyarugunga sectors will have a combined residential community with medium
residential population of 74,555, with density housing is proposed closeby.
an overall City population of 3 million by The existing built up residential
20302. However the population projection developments in Nyarugunga sector
for South Central Planning Area as per is reorganized and rezoned to create
the Detailed District Plan is 0.47 million compact walkable neighbourhoods with
comprehensive public and community
2 Source - Kigali Conceptual Master Plan Report facilities.

Fig.5.8 South Central Planning Area- Concept Map 79

New afforadable medium density Redevelop existing commercial nodes and 5.5.2South Central Planning Area - The new proposed Town Centres are keeping in mind ease of accessibility and
residential developments are proposed add more commercial centres to serve Proposed Commercial Use Plan integrated with Poly Clinics, Religious a walking distance of less than 500 m.
in the south, close to the wetlands and the needs of the new neighbourhoods. Centres, Town parks, Cultural centres and Smaller public facilities such as
parks. Safeguard areas with steep slopes and The South Central Planning area with its Higher educational Institutes. health centers, religious facilities and
A seamless pedestrian green network natural drainage courses as parks and four townships has four town centres one The existing Public facilities are retained community halls are integrated within
allows cyclists and pedestrians to enjoy green connectors. in each town. These Town Centres form and integrated with these Neighbourhood the Neighborhood Centers.
the open recreational facilities in the the major commercial centres catering to centres wherever possible. Special uses like Graveyards, Reserve
Southern Wetlands. 5.5.1South Central Planning Area - all town level commercial needs. The southern most township close to Sites and Utilities like Sub stations, Fire
Wetland stretch in the North is proposed Proposed Residential Use Plan The town centres and the proposed the wetlands has additional wetland Stations and ETZ are distributed as per
to be developed as Flower Valley Industrial development would cater to park infrastructure creating new Public catchment population.
promoting local horticulture. The Planning Area will accommodate the 70,000 new job opportunities in service Recreational facilities. This waterfront
projected population of 0.47 million by Year and Industrial sector. recreational facilities distinguish this 5.5.4South Central Planning Area -
5.5South Central Planning X. The key moves in Residential Use Plan The Town Centre are well integrated with township from the rest of the townships. Proposed Green and Open Spaces
Area - Proposed Land are: Public Transit and surrounded by medium Public facilities are well integrated with Plan
Use Plan density housing (160 Dus/Ha). They form public transportation network.
The Planning Area is divided into four the main urban nodes with parks and Primary and Secondary schools are The South Central Planning Area is bound
The Land Use Plan aims to build upon the compact Townships - with various public facilities like religious centres, proposed based on the township model, by wetland stretches in the South. These

physical opportunities and constraints housing typologies and densities for hospitals and schools.
of the sectors and offer incentives for quality lifestyle and environment. Each Town Centre offers 0.09 mi sq. m Table 5.3 South Central Planning Area - Proposed Land Use Data - Year X
integrated township developments. The The townships are served by Bus Rapid of commercial space with approximately Broad Land Use Detail Land Use Area (Ha) Total Area
key proposals for the Land Use Plan are: Transit and Mass Rapid Transit in the 10,000 employment opportunities in Residential Single family residential 868
future. service sector. Low rise residential 334
Downgrade the existing Vers Kibungo to Nyarugunga sector is zoned as single They form the main urban nodes with
Medium rise residential 372 1574
a semi expressway and divert the traffic family and low density housing due public transport access, parks and public
in order to reduce congestion in the city. to existing residential population and facilities like religious centres, hospitals Commercial Commercial general 83 83
Reserve land close to the wetlands in Airport height restrictions. and schools. Mixed use Mixed use 0 0
the north, along Vers Kibungo for the Medium density housing is proposed close As per the township model, the Public facilities Government office 5
proposed Flower Valley. to the military hospital area, leveraging Neighbourhood centres are located on
Educational 128
Integrate existing public facilities such as on the new proposal to upgrade the main collector roads integrated with
schools and markets along the main roads military hospital to a Regional Hospital . neighbourhood parks and public facilities. Religious facilities 12
with new amenities that are required for Medium density housing is proposed The Planning area is served by Health facilities 131
the projected population. along the transit corridor in the three new 19 Neighbourhood Centres. Each Civic facilities 8 332
Reduce land acquisition and respect townships K6,K8 and K9. Refer Township Neighbourhood Centre will have 3000 sq Sports and Recreation 47
private land ownership and propose new Boundary Plan in Appendix 2. m of Gross Floor Area. They contribute
Industries Light industrial 63
roads along existing roads alignment. Areas next to the Agro University are to approximately 10% of the total retail
Provide sufficient land for industries. zoned as medium density along with the space proposed in the district. Nature area Existing forest 11 63
Develop large public facilities in the south new proposed town centre. The existing commercial along the Wetland 771
as wetland parks. Areas along the wetlands and other Samuduha Rubilizi Road are retained and Open space Open space and park 185
Allocate high density residential zoning natural features like forests are developed revitalized with added public facilities to
Water Bodies River 1 185
along the transit corridor. into single family and low rise residential form compact neighbourhood centres.
Redevelop and intensify existing developments. Infrastructure Transportation 395
residential developments in Nyarugunga Proposed Imudugudus developments 5.5.3South Central Planning Area - Utilities 30
Sector. within urban areas have been integrated Proposed Public Facilities Plan 425
Allow for development of single-family with the township developments. Special use Graveyard 51 383
residential neighbourhoods as part of the Currently, the Sector has quite a number Airport and Defence 332
township development. of health centres, religious centres and Reserve Site Reserve Site 9 9
Integrate the two approved garden schools in Nyarugunga Sector and around
80 projects into the Master Plan. the existing Agro University. Total 3837 3837
Fig.5.9 South Central Planning Area- Proposed Land Use Plan



82 Fig.5.10 South Central Planning Area- Proposed Residential Use Plan

Fig.5.11 South Central Planning Area- Proposed Commercial Use Plan 83

84 Fig.5.12 South Central Planning Area- Proposed Public Facilities Plan

Fig.5.13 South Central Planning Area- Proposed Green and Open Space Plan 85
wetlands are proposed to be protected and The central wetland stretch along Vers
developed into Bio-diversity Park as per the Kibungo that divides Kicukiro District
strategic plan. from Gasabo District is proposed to be
redeveloped as the Valley of Flowers. This
Capitalizing on the large wetland network Existing wetlands buffer area is
unique to the South Central Planning recommended to be planted with lush
Area, the proposed Bio Diversity Park plantation of roses and Alstrmeria flowers.
would restore the lost eco system in the The parks will feature flower gardens, green
City. house exhibits, commercial flower fields
Two wetland parks are proposed as with the gift shops and florist shops.
an extension to the Bio Diversity Park,
that hosts childrens parks, themed The City could easily supply summer flowers
parks, small eco friendly resorts and when the rest of the country receives it
restaurants, with huge public promenade dry spells during this season. With basic
and board walks. infrastructure in place, flower farming
The wetland parks are further connected culture will be encouraged leading to small
with the natural drain channels, existing scale jobs and livelihood.

forests and steep slopes (protected

slopes) through park connectors to form 5.6.2Wetland Parks and Bio Diversity
a continuous green open space. Park
The new proposed medium density
residential developments are integrated Wetlands form the essential element in
with this green network to form Garden the Citys landscape. With around 600 ha
residential projects unique to this of land in the form of Wetlands and rivers
Planning Area. (that constitute 20% of the Planning Area)
The existing wetland Valley in the South Central Planning area is endowed
Northern edge is proposed to be with natural landscape. Capitalizing on this
developed as Valley of Flowers feature, a Bio Diversity Park is proposed
Passive recreational areas along steep that helps bring back the lost wetland
slopes and along wetlands as buffer zone eco system into the City. The proposed
create more public open spaces besides Bio Diversity park will not just protect the
benefitting the environment. marine life and provide recreational values,
this eco system protection offers other
5.6South Central Planning benefits like increased water supplies and
Area - Key Feature temperature reduction etc.

5.6.1Valley of Flowers

The country is popular for its highlands and

year round rainfall, and humidity levels well
suited for long stemmed and big headed
flowers. This provides for an opportunity to
further explore and exploit the commercial
and aesthetic aspects flower farming in the

86 Fig.5.14 South Central Planning Area- Key Feature Developments

6Detailed Master Plan for Southern Planning Area
This section presents a detailed Master 6.1.2Existing Site Conditions
Plan for the Gahanga Planning Area. Based
on the analysis of the existing context, Southern Planning Area is considered one
opportunities and constraints, a vision of the larger planning areas of Kicukiro
and concept are derived which guide District with available developable land. The
the development of the Master Plan area currently has a population of 15,164
and design of the key features within the (2006) with an average density of 413 p/
Planning area. sq km. The planning area is surrounded by
wetlands and steep slopes on three sides
6.1Southern Planning Area - with suitable developable land along the
Existing Context ridge line. Majority of the Planning area is
currently utilized for sustenance agriculture.
Planning Area: Southern Planning Area The existing key developments in Gahanga
comprises of Gahanga Sector. The total are, commercial market place with Sector


Planning area is 3662 Ha. Refer to Fig.6.1 Office and few schools. There is an industry
for Gahanga Sector Location Plan in the south east, close to the wetlands
and several scattered Imudugudus along
6.1.1Location and Connectivity key roads. Due to its close proximity to
the city, the area is currently experiencing
Gahanga Sector is considered a suburban development pressure. Some of the key
area with immense growth potential upcoming approved projects in Gahanga
Fig.6.1 Southern Planning Area - Location Map Fig.6.3 Southern Planning Area - Existing Slope Analysis
located at the South western part of are:
Kicukiro District. The Planning Area is
the main entry point into Kigali City from Stadium with 60,000 seat capacity
the Southern part of the country. It will Indoor Stadium and Hotel project close to
also be the gateway into Kigali City from the Kigali Nyamata Road
the proposed new international airport at 6.2 Ha Industrial project along the Kigali
Bugesera. Nyamata Road
Refer to Fig.6.5 for Existing Land Use and
Context Map 6.1.3Natural Constraints

The Planning Area is bound by Magaregere Only 57% of the Planning Area (2499.42 Ha)
sector of Nyarugenge District to the west, is developable, 25% of the land is occupied
Gatenga and Kagarama sectors of Kicukiro by wetlands (918.77 Ha) and the remaining
District to the North and Kanombe Sector by steep slopes (slopes greater than 20%
to the east. To the south, it is separated by gradient). The terrain is steep near the
wetlands from the neighbouring Bugesera wetlands and generally flat on the ridges.
District, which falls beyond Kigali City Around 17% of the land falls under steep
Planning boundary. slopes that need protection. The small
fragments of forested areas and natural
As per the KCMP and Nyarugenge Master drainage channels along the wetlands and
Plan, a new proposed highway connects valleys need to be safeguarded to prevent Fig.6.2 Southern Planning Area - Existing Land Use and Population
Muhima to the proposed International flooding and soil erosion.
Airport bordering Gahanga Sector. Kigali Table 6.1 Southern Planning Area - Projected Population
Nyamata Road in Gahanga is currently Refer to Table 6.2 for land under Natural Planning Area Existing 2012 Projected
the citys key connection to the Southern Constraints area (HA) (KCMP) Year X
Districts, from the rest of the City.
Southern 3669.50 19,660 518,400 Fig.6.4 Southern Planning Area - Watershed Map 87
Table 6.2 Southern Planning Area - Existing Land Use
Broad Land Use Detail Land Use Area (Ha)
Residential Single family Residential 0 112
Low Rise Residential 112
Medium Rise Residential 0
High Rise Residential 0
Commercial Commercial General 1 1
Hotel 0
Mixed Use Mixed use 0 0
Public facilities Government Office 3 16
Educational 13
Religious Facilities 0
Health Facilities 1
Civic Facilities 0
Sports and Recreation facili- 0

Industries Light Industrial 1 1
Nature Area Existing Forest 102 981
Afforestation 0
Wetland 879
Agriculture Farmland 1603 2417
Plantation 814
Open Space Open Space and Park 0 0
Water Bodies Rivers 40 40
Infrastructure Transportation 67 67
Utilities 0
Special Use/Restricted Area/Unclas- Graveyard 0 19
Quarry Land 19
Reserve Site 7 7
Total 3662 3662

88 Fig.6.5 Southern Planning Area - Existing Land Use and Context map
6.2Southern Planning Steep slopes in many areas restrict High
Area - Constraints density development.
and Opportunities Afforestation as a measure of steep slope
protection (slopes greater than 30% in
6.2.1Constraints Urban areas) reduces the land area for
Wetlands, forests and steep slopes occupy Infrastructure provision within the Sector
almost 32% of this Planning Area, leaving is minimal with most of the existing roads
68% for Development. These natural assets being mud tracks.
need to be protected to secure them for The approved project steel factory,
future generations. Fig.6.2 represents the hotel and stadium projects need to be
land under natural constraints. integrated in the Master Plan for suitable
The main threats and Constraints in surrounding developments.
Southern Planning Area are: The new dual one Kigali Nyamata road


The wetlands in the South are a part of has opened up the entire sector for new
Nyabarongo River floodplain. These river developments and connects the City to
floods the wetlands after heavy rainfall. the proposed International Bugesera
This flood Basin needs to be secured from Airport. The road, however needs to be
development. widened/upgraded to serve as a major
The scattered forest patches and natural arterial.
drain channels are spread along the Private land ownership restricts
southern wetland crevices along steep infrastructure and new Road
slopes. The drain channels are largely development.
occupied by existing farmlands. In order Fig.6.6 illustrates the Constraints for
to safeguard the natural watersheds, Southern Planning Area.
these drains and forest lands need to be

Fig.6.6 Southern Planning Area - Constraints Map 89

6.2.2Opportunities Potential to incorporate the University
programme, proposed in the New City
Some of the key opportunities in the Centre Master Plan in KCMP and establish
Southern Planning Area are: the District as the new Education Hub in
Potential for a new Gateway The proposed development on relatively
Development at the entry of the City. sparsely developed land, reduces the
Integrate the proposed new stadiums and number of people that will need to be
hotels to create a new Sports Hub with displaced or integrated into the plan.
various additional recreational facilities
like playgrounds, sports complex, training
centres, water sports etc.
Potential to develop areas with large
wetland frontage as new recreational
Potential to develop large green field
areas as new townships with high density

housing and commercial centres.

Opportunity to develop new parks and
open spaces utilizing the large natural
drain and steep slopes by integrating
these within the proposed developments.

90 Fig.6.7 Southern Planning Area - Opportunities Map

6.3Southern Planning Area - on these projections, existing site context,
Proposed Vision opportunities and constraints, as well as
the proposed vision, a Concept Plan has
Southern Green Gateway and Sports Hub been developed for Southern Planning
Area. The proposal aims:
Gahanga Planning Area is envisioned to To develop two new compact townships
be the Gateway hub to Kigali city with with integrated public and community
a Regional Centre, Sports Hub and an facilities, high density residential
International Expo. With a whole range developments along the transit corridor
of residential choices, public spaces and and include single-family residential
recreational facilities, Gahanga would boast neighbourhoods as part of the township
of quality lifestyle integrated with nature. development.
To develop Gateway Regional Centre at
6.4Southern Planning Area - the entry of the City; well connected with
Proposed Concept


BRT and future MRT network.
To redevelop the existing Kigali Nyamata
Key features from KCMP have been Road as a BRT transit corridor, which will
incorporated in the preparation of the connect the Southern Planning Area with
detailed plan for Kicukiro District. KCMP the rest of the key developments in the
assumes the Citys proposed population City.
to be 3 million by 20301 and Southern To provide new commercial centres such
Planning Area will accommodate 0.25 as a Regional Centre, a Town Centre,
million. The Detail District Physical Plans Industrial Zone and University Town to
for Southern Planning Area plan for the create more job opportunities.
projected population of 0.43 million. Based To establish a new Sports Hub by
integrating the two approved stadium
1 Source - Kigali Conceptual Master Plan projects.

Fig.6.8 Southern Planning Area - Concept Plan Fig.6.9 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Population, Landuse and Density 91
To develop an International Expo/ M.I.C.E Services sector - The new proposed Low density housing is allocated on large scale public facilities serving a larger Community halls are integrated within
spreading over 20 ha at close proximity Regional Center, the Industrial zone and relatively steep slopes. population including Higher Education the Neighborhood Centers.
to the Regional Centre and the future the new University Town along with the Single family housing has been cited Institutes, Regional Hospital, Regional
International Airport at Bugesera. Commercial Centres open employment on areas with scenic views and Library and a Cultural Center. 6.5.4Southern Planning Area-
To establish the District as a Knowledge opportunities to 0.34 million population. relatively steep slopes. This low density The Neighbourhood Centres clubbed Proposed Green and Open Spaces
hub and Innovation Centre in Kigali by M.I.C.E spread over 20 Ha is proposed development along the contoured terrain together with public amenities are Plan.
reserving area for University towns and close to the Regional Centre would retain the rich local residential located within walkable distances.
Business Parks. Sports Hub - The two approved Stadium character of the existing city. Primary and Secondary schools are As per the Citys long term goal of City of
To safeguard the areas of natural drainage projects are integrated in the Masterplan. Proposed Imudugudus developments proposed and a walking distance of less Enchanting Nature and Biodiversity, the
courses as parks and green connectors. Knowledge Hub - A University town is within urban areas have been integrated than 500 m. following key proposals are laid out for the
To regularize and widen the key dirt roads proposed close to the proposed cultural with the township developments. Smaller public facilities such as Health Southern Planning Area:
into collectors and local access roads. Village (near Rebero), Business Park and Centers, Religious facilities and Sports Hub, Botanic gardens, and water
To develop large public facilities in the Sports Facilities enabling students to 6.5.2Southern Planning Area -
south as part of waterfront regional experience a quality environment. Proposed Commercial Plan Table 6.3 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Land Use Distribution - Year X
centre. The existing forests, natural drainage Broad Land Use Detail Land Use Area (Ha) Total Area(Ha)
channels, steep slopes and wetlands The Southern Planning Area is served by - Residential Single family Residential 616 1377
6.5Southern Planning Area- are protected and connected through A Regional Centre, a Town Centre and 14

Proposed Land Use Plan linear parks, neighbourhood parks and Neighbourhood Centres. Low Rise Residential 543
town parks, to form a continuous green The Regional Center is proposed to Medium Rise Residential 199
The Land Use Plan aims to provide the network. include a variety of retail spaces, hotels, High Rise Residential 19
location, distribution and character of an entertainment centre, office spaces, Commercial Commercial General 60 68
the future Land Uses within the Sector, Table 6.3 shows the proposed Land Use cultural and recreational facilities. It
while offering incentives and flexibility for Distribution in Southern Planning Area. is provides 0.29 million employment Hotel 8
redevelopment into higher density uses. opportunities in the services, retail and Mixed Use Mixed use 17 17
Key developments proposed in the Land 6.5.1Southern Planning Area - entertainment sectors. Public facilities Government Office 2 186
Use Plan are: Proposed Residential Use Plan Town Centre is developed along the Educational 109
Two Townships - The Planning Area is existing market road close to the
divided into two townships with the The proposed Regional Centre, Industrial approved hotel and stadium projects. Religious Facilities 9
arterial road and natural drain as the zone and Sports facilities will attract a whole Compact commercial Neighbourhood Health Facilities 12
Township Boundaries. These townships new body of residents that would want to Centres with cultural, educational and Civic Facilities 11
offer comprehensive facilities and enjoy live, work and play environment. The civic facilities, surrounded by residential Sports and Recreation 42
services and at the same time allow key strategies for the Residential Use Plan: Land Use act as the main urban nodes in facilities
for medium to high density planned The Southern Planning Area is divided these proposed communities.
Industries Light Industrial 195 195
developments. into two compact Townships - with M.I.C.E is sited next to the Regional
A Gateway Node - The proposed highway, various housing typologies and densities Centre. It will host large scale temporary Nature Area Existing Forest 93 1015
BRT and MRT mode intersection and the for quality lifestyle environment. /permanent exhibitions and trade fairs. Afforestation 4
proposed Regional Centre close to this The townships are served by Bus Rapid Wetland 918
Interchange mark entry into the City and Transit and future Mass Rapid Transit. 6.5.3Southern Planning Area - Open Space Open Space and Park 377 377
the identity of the new progressive Kigali High density and mixed use zoning around Proposed Public Facilities Plan
City. the Regional Centre caters to walkable Water Bodies Rivers 36 36
Connectivity - A well connected Vehicular neighbourhoods, easily accessible Public Public facilities in the sector are distributed Infrastructure Transportation 322 344
and Pedestrian network is proposed with Transportation , shared amenities and a as per the township model. Utilities 22
more emphasis on public transportation. vibrant lifestyle. All existing schools and public places are Special Use/Restricted Area/ Graveyard 37
The existing Kigali Nyamata Road is Medium density zoning along the transit retained and additional facilities which Unclassified 37
retained and will continue as the main corridor with attractive commercial, cater to the increasing population have
Reserve Site Reserve Site 11 11
spine. public amenities and ease of access been proposed in strategic locations.
Major Employment Centre focused on caters to quality living environment. The proposed Regional Center provides Total 3662 3662
Fig.6.10 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Land Use Plan - Year X



94 Fig.6.11 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Residential Use Plan - Year X

Fig.6.12 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Commercial Use Plan - Year X 95

96 Fig.6.13 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Public Facilities Plan - Year X

Fig.6.14 Southern Planning Area - Proposed Green and Blue Plan - Year X 97
front urban parks form major recreational business, entertainment and recreation.
venues in the Planning Area as well as the The Urban Design of the Regional Centre
District. is presented in detail in Gahanga Urban
Botanic gardens are located in the huge Design Report - Task Order 5. And its
valley and wetland area in the south east. Implementation is presented in Kigali City
In order to recover the lost forest cover -Implementation Report - task order 6
in the City, scattered forest patches
are integrated into the green plan as 6.6.2Sports City
Protected Zones.
Passive recreational areas along steep The two new approved Stadium projects in
slopes, natural drainage channels and the Gahanga Sector are incorporated into
along wetlands act as buffer zone to the Master Plan. These new programmes
create more public open spaces while promote the development of the Southern
benefitting the environment. Planning Area as a Sports Hub. Facilities
The continuous network forms a part of like easy access, Public transportation, new
the storm water management system, housing Estates and access to botanical
and offers recreational venues for garden and Bio diversity Park, make it a

pedestrian and bicycle network across very happening and lively place for all age
the Sector. groups. The proposed new Town Centre
Fig.6.14 presents the Proposed Green and and mixed use development close to the
Blue Plan for the Southern Planning Area. Sports Hub facilitate support facilities like
Hotels, the food and Beverage industry and
6.6Southern Planning Area - Recreational activities during International
Key Feature Development Sports Events.

6.6.1Regional centre 6.6.3Botanical Gardens

With Southern Planning Area being As the country is already popular for
developed as the new development its bird watching activity and has a
corridor that leads to the new proposed share of international tourists, the
International Airport in Bugesera, the proposed Botanical Gardens close to the
proposed Regional Centre in Gahanga wetlands will be the icing on the cake.
Sector capitalizes on the Infrastructure The intangible benefits of these Botanic
Development. It allows for the opportunity Gardens range from educating people
to set up a new commercial centre with about the importance of Bio Diversity and
a Business Park in this green field area. Conservation to aesthetics and Research.
The Regional Centre is located at the entry
point of Kigali city from the Bugesera 90 Ha of land earmarked for the Botanical
Airport, endowing it to act as the Gateway gardens is accessible through public
of the City of Kigali. The proposed Transportation. The waterfront parks from
Regional centre reflects an attractive water the Regional Centre are connected to these
front with mixed use developments and gardens through promenades, bike lanes
commercial centres and is surrounded by and pedestrian walkways. These gardens
lush green networks of town parks and create friendly and secure environment,
city parks. Public and civic facilities like improve and beautify the existing and
the Cultural Centre, Educational Institutes, proposed settlements, help in city greening
the M.I.C.E, waterfront activities and high and restore nature.
98 density housing make it a vibrant place for Fig.6.15 Key Feature Developments in Southern planning Area
7Detailed Master Plan for Eastern Planning Area
This section presents the detailed connects the Planning Area to the main City
Master Plan for the Eastern Planning Centre and the Eastern provinces. The new
Area. Based on the analysis of the existing proposed rail freight line from Tanzania
context, opportunities and constraints, passes through the north west edge of
a vision and concept are derived which the sector connecting it to the rest of the
guide the development of the Master Plan country.
and the design of the key features within
the Planning Area. 7.1.2Existing site conditions

7.1Eastern Planning Area - Eastern Planning Area is the largest of all

Existing Context the Planning Areas in Kicukiro District with
plenty of available developable land. It
Planning Area: The Eastern Planning Area currently has a population of 27,156 (2006)
comprises of the Masaka Sector. The total with a low average density of 518 p/sq

Planning area is 5239.93 Ha. Refer to Fig.7.1 km. It is surrounded by wetlands on three
for Eastern Planning Area Location Plan sides and has relatively flat terrain when
compared to the rest of the City. Majority
7.1.1Location and Connectivity of the Planning Area is currently being
utilized for sustenance agriculture. The
Eastern Planning Area falls in a strategic current key developments are the Masaka
location within the City and Kicukiro Town with its commercial market place, low Fig.7.1 Eastern Planning Area - Location Map Fig.7.4 Eastern Planning Area - Slope Analysis
District as such. It is surrounded by several to medium density housing, schools, health
key economic developments on all four clinics, Kabuga Town and a functioning
directions. The new proposed International military base. The area is picking up rapid
Rail freight line through Masaka offers medium density developments and is
great potential to develop an Industrial experiencing development pressure due
Zone in Masaka. With its proximity to the to its location amidst potential economic
existing Kigali Airport, the new Proposed growth areas. Some of the key upcoming
International Airport in Bugesera and approved projects in Masaka are:
Eastern provinces to the east; Masaka has Hospital Project
the capacity to become a prime centre for University Project
Business and Residential development. Government Association
Public Facility near Kabuga Town
The Eastern Planning Area is located in the Oz Sub Area Proposal - KCMP
Eastern side of Kicukiro district. It is bound
by Kanombe and Nyarugunga sectors to 7.1.3Natural Features
the North west , Rusororo sector of Gasabo
District to the North and the Rwamagana Only 73% of the area (3827.16 Ha) is
district to the East. To the south and south developable, 21% of the land is occupied by
west, it is separated by wetlands from the wetlands (1101.19 Ha) and the remaining
neighbouring Bugesera District. is forest cover and steep slopes (slopes
greater than 20% gradient). The Planning Fig.7.2 Eastern Planning Area - Existing Natural Constraints and Population
The Planning Area is located about 20 km Area presently houses its population in just density
from the Kigali City Center, 10 km from the 9% of the developable land. Around 3.35% Table 7.1 Eastern Planning Area - Existing and Projected Population
Kigali Airport, 15 km from the proposed of the land falls under Steep slopes that Planning area Area Existing 2012 Projected 2040
Bugesera International Airport to the restrict high density development. Slopes (HA) (KCMP)
southwest, and 25 km from Rwamagana greater than 20% need to be protected
Town to the east. Vers Kibungo currently inorder to safeguard the existing terrain. Eastern 5231 35,212 693,000 Fig.7.3 Eastern Planning Area - Watershed and Drainage 99
Table 7.2 Eastern Planning Area - Existing Land Use Distribution
Broad Land Use Detail Land Use Area (Ha)
Residential Single family Residential 3 403
Low Rise Residential 400
Commercial Commercial General 2 2
Public facilities Government Office 6 44
Educational 32
Health Facilities 7
Industries Light Industrial 3 3
Nature Area Existing Forest 203 1256
Wetland 1053
Agriculture Farmland 3020 3306
Plantation 286
Water Bodies Rivers 48 48

Infrastructure Transportation 114 114

Special Use/Restricted Area/ Defence Area 39 55
Vacant Land 17
Total 5231 5231

Wetland stretches pierce into the These forested areas and natural drainage
promontory, bringing in more scenic channels along the wetlands and valleys
landscapes. Few existing forest patches need to be safeguarded to prevent flooding
spread from the military area in the north and soil erosion.
along the central ridge towards the south.

100 Fig.7.5 Eastern Planning Area - Existing Land Use and Context Map
7.1.4 Constraints Steep slopes (slopes greater than
20%) in the south restrict high density
The development near Masaka Town has development.
been rapid in recent times and needs to be Scattered forest patches, natural
structured to prevent hap hazard growth. drainage channels and wetlands need to
As almost all the land in the City is privately be protected through buffer zones. These
owned, the biggest challenge in the detailed natural constraints take up around 22%
Guideline Plan is to optimize and balance of the land.
land acquisition by the Government for all Like most of the other Planning Areas,
the proposed development. The following Eastern planning Area lacks roads and
are the key constraints: infrastructure provision.

The promontory lacks connections with Fig.7.6 presents the Constraints Map for the
its surrounding areas. Currently few mud Eastern Planning Area.

tracks connect the Planning Area with
neighbouring Bugesera, Rwamagana and
Rusuroro sectors.
The new proposed International Rail
Freight line will be a physical barrier
between South Central and the Eastern
Planning Area. Establishing road network
across this boundary would be a
The approved Oz Sub Area Plan proposal
does not take existing roads and cadastral
into consideration. The proposal needs to
be adjusted accordingly.

Fig.7.6 Eastern Planning Area - Constraints Map 101

7.1.5Opportunities Transport access and public amenities.
With large available land for development
The Eastern Planning Area has relatively and following the Districts interest in
flat terrain with gentle slopes in promoting higher education; Eastern
comparison to the rest of the city, thus Planning area has huge potential to be
allowing for potential large high density developed as an Education Hub. The
developments. new approved University and Hospital
The areas along the wetlands offer projects in the sector help promote
potential for developing single family/low Education and Research in the sector.
density housing with wetland views. With the new proposed International
The New Proposed International Rail Airport in the South, the existing Vers
Freight line through the sector allows for Kibungo and the existing International
potential development of a high capacity Airport very close by, the Eastern
Industrial Zone in the north west. Planning area has high potential to be
Existing forests, drainage channels, developed as a commercial centre with
wetlands and wetland buffer zone , can employment opportunities. The Sector
be protected and connected through further allows for quality residential

park connectors, creating Recreational infrastructure development on its gentle

Open spaces. This allows for a continuous slopes.
green pedestrian network running
throughout the Planning Area. Fig.7.7 shows the Opportunities Map of
Capitalizing on the large wetland area in Eastern Planning Area
the west,a Bio diversity park is proposed
as per the strategic Plan for the City. This
allows for potential to attract visitors into
the Eastern Planning Area as a tourist
point with various commercial and
recreational amenities.
The existing Masaka town Commercial
centre can be redeveloped as an
integrated Town Centre with Public

102 Fig.7.7 Eastern Planning Area - Opportunities Map

7.2Eastern Planning Area - Appendix 2 shows a comparative analysis
Proposed Vision of the proposed Concept and Masaka Sub
Area Plan.
Hi-Tech Education and Innovation Hub
According to the Population and
Masaka is envisioned as a Regional Centre Employment projection , Eastern Planning
and an Education Hub. New Industrial Zone Area will have a residential population of
along the new proposed International Rail 0.69 million and employment population
freight Line would house manufacturing of 0.33 million in Service and Industrial
and packaging industries. The Education sectors. Based on the economic and
Hub includes innovation clusters, Research population projections, existing site
and Development for health industries and context, opportunities, constraints and
a new University. The sector will provide proposed vision, a concept has been
quality housing options. developed for Eastern Planning Area. The

key features are:
7.3Eastern Planning Area -
Proposed Concept To divide the Planning Area into two
compact residential townships and an
Earlier in the KCMP, Masaka was identified Industrial Zone close to the new proposed
as a potential new City Centre with five International Rail Freight Line.
residential towns. The key features from To establish employment Centres focused
the KCMP have been incorporated in on Services, research and development,
the preparation of the detailed plan logistics and Industrial sector. This
for Kicukiro District. In addition to the includes a Regional Centre, Research and
previous concepts, new programmes have University Town close to the Industrial
also been added in line with the strategic Innovation clusters
development direction for Kigali city. To redevelop the rapidly growing

Fig.7.8 Eastern Planning Area - Concept Plan 103

Masaka town by concentrating existing through Masaka town and the new a range of commercial, public and Primary and Secondary Schools are 7.4.5Eastern Planning area - Proposed
commercial and public facilities into a Regional Centre. recreational amenities within the housing proposed based on the township model. Green and Open Spaces Plan
Town Centre and link with BRT and Land close to the international Rail freight developments. Other than these facilities, a new
future MRT network. This will establish line is allocated for industrial use. Fig.7.10 presents the Proposed Residential University Town is proposedd 2 km away Structure for the Green and Open Space
Masaka Town as an urban node serving Existing commercial and public facilities Use Plan- Year X, for Eastern Planning Area. from the Regional centre. Plan is developed by connecting the existing
the surrounding communities . are retained and revitalized into an A cemetery each for the two townships is forests, wetlands and natural drainage
To introduce high density housing around integrated Neighbourhood centre with 7.4.3Eastern Planning Area - Proposed proposed close to the proposed highway. channels through park connectors. This
the new proposed Regional Centre and easy access to public transportation. Commercial Use Plan The new approved University, Hospital network is further enhanced by the
introduce low density and luxury housing Wetlands and scattered forest patches and the Government Office projects proposed golf course that stretches across
along the southern region of the sector. are protected through buffer and zoning The two townships are served by a near Masaka Town are integrated and 60 hectares.
To establish a well connected vehicular regulations. Regional Centre, a Town Centre and 15 developed as a new urban node by
and Pedestrian network with more High density residential deveopments are Neighbourhood Centres. introducing cultural and religious centres. Fig.7.13 presents the Proposed Green and
emphasis on public transportation. proposed along the transit corridor. The Proposed Regional centre is Fig.7.12 presents the Proposed Public Open Space Plan for Eastern Planning Area.
Develop world class golf course and golf Single-family residential neighbourhoods located centrally with access to public Facilities Plan for Eastern Planning Area.
course resorts close to the Regional are integrated as part of the township transportation. It includes a variety of Table 7.3 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Land Use Distribution - Year X
Centre with quality lifestyle. development. retail spaces, hotels, entertainment Broad Land Use Detail Land Use Area Total Area (Ha)
Protect and connect the existing forests, The newly approved Hospital, University centres, office spaces, cultural and (Ha)

watersheds and wetlands with the and Government Office projects are recreational facilities. It will provide 0.2
Residential Single family Residential 1516 2267
proposed neighbourhood parks to form integrated in the Detailed Master Plan. million employment opportunities in
a seamless green pedestrian network These functions are supported by civic service, retail and entertainment sectors. Low Rise Residential 157
throughout the sector. facilities and residential developments in Existing commercial developments in Medium Rise Residential 546
the nearby areas. Masaka town are redeveloped as an High Rise Residential 48
7.4Eastern Planning Area - integrated Town Centre with new public
Commercial Commercial General 69 69
Proposed Master Plan Eastern Planning Area is proposed to facilities like the town park, religious
accommodate a population of 693,000 by centre and increased commercial uses. Mixed Use Mixed use 37 37
The Concept is further refined and Year X based on the proposed Land Use Neighbourhood Centres are distributed Public facilities Government Office 10 275
developed into Detailed Master Plan for Plan. Refer to Table 7.2 and Fig.7.9 for Land within communities to host commercial Educational 176
Eastern Planning Area. Presented below is Use Distribution. use sufficient to meet needs at Religious Facilities 8
the Proposed Land Use Plan for the Eastern neighbourhood level.
Health Facilities 21
Planning Area. 7.4.2Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Commercial Land Use in the Industrial
Residential Use Plan Estate facilitates warehouse and retail Civic Facilities 4
7.4.1Eastern Planning Area - Proposed functions like car showrooms, Home DIY Sports and Recreation 57
Land Use Plan The Planning Area is divided into two stores, material superstore etc. Around Industries Light Industrial 169
residential townships and an industrial
Heavy Industrial 380
The proposed Land Use follows the overall estate. Fig.7.11. presents the Proposed Commercial
planning intention of 35% urbanization The two residential townships are divided Use Plan for Eastern Planning Area Nature Area Existing Forest 177
through nature conservation strategies. It by the proposed highway. Wetland 981
aims to provide the location, distribution The areas around the proposed Regional 7.4.4Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Open Space Open Space and Park 185
and character of the future Land Uses Center will be developed into high density Public Facilities Plan
Water Bodies Rivers 52 52
within the Sector, while offering incentives mixed use residential developments.
and flexibility for redevelopment. The key High to Medium density housing is The existing public facilities including Infrastructure Transportation 528 562
considerations are: proposed along the BRT corridor (transit schools, health centres and religious Utilities 34
overlay). buildings are concentrated in and around Special Use/Restricted Defence Area 38 38
Reserves land for the future proposed The areas close to wetlands, steep slopes Masaka Town. Area/Unclassified
MRT line and reduce acquisition of land and golf course are zoned as low density New public facilities are distributed close Graveyard 30 30
by locating the MRT along the proposed housing. to the proposed Neighbourhood Centres,
Reserve Site Reserve Site 10 10
arterial roads. Zoning regulations for these areas all throughout sector as specified in the
104 BRT and MRT corridors are proposed will encourage developers to provide proposed township model for the city. Total 5231 5231
Fig.7.9 Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Land Use Plan


106 Fig.7.10 Kicukiro District- Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Residential Use Plan
Fig.7.11 Kicukiro District- Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Commercial Use Plan 107

108 Fig.7.12 Kicukiro District- Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Public Facilities Plan
Fig.7.13 Kicukiro District- Eastern Planning Area - Proposed Green and Open Space Plan 109
7.5Eastern Planning Area - University Town will not just attract foreign
Key Feature Development investment but retain local students, build
a regional reputation by providing access
7.5.1The Regional centre to high-quality education and training for
both international and domestic students,
While the CBD in Muhima, remains the main and create a knowledge-based economy.
Business Centre, new commercial hubs This University town will include different
developed outside the City Centre provide combinations of domestic/international
more choices of business locations and institutions, branch campuses, and foreign
bring jobs closer to homes. This will alleviate partnerships, within the designated region.
infrastructure and traffic congestion in the
City. According to the Strategic Planning, The 96 Ha University Town is located close
Nyamirambo, Gahanga and Ndera host the to the Regional Centre and the Industrial
three other Regional Centres other than Innovation cluster; thus share facilities like
Masaka. convention centres, auditoriums, research
labs etc. This helps in sustainable resource
The new proposed Regional Centre is management and help foster integrated

well connected through public transport growth.

and road infrastructure with the rest of
the City. The Regional Centre is centrally 7.5.3Golf course and Premium
located on the flat ridges with 12 ha Public residential
Park as the main Central Open Space. This
park is further integrated with the existing The proposed Regional centre, Industrial
65 ha central forest cover. Wetlands and zone and Education hub in Masaka sector
proposed wetlands parks are connected is bound to attract major investments and
with this central green to form a continuous bring in new residential population from
green pedestrian network. all classes. Other than the high density and
low density housing, care has been taken to
Mixed use and high density housing around cater for premium lifestyle housing options
the Regional Centre create walkable dense with exclusive recreational facilities. Golf
neighbourhoods with civic, health, cultural course, Golf course resorts and premium
and recreational facilities. The proposed Single Family housing are proposed close
green network leads one to the proposed to the Regional centre and the University
active wetland promenades Town.

7.5.2Education Hub - University Town The area offers advantages of urban

dwellings set amidst natural surroundings.
The entire District of Kicukiro currently has Although the Planning Area falls far
four institutes for Higher Education. Two away from the City Centre, the proposed
new Universities are proposed in Masaka comprehensive facilities support live, work,
Sector1. These new Universities along with play and learn environments that promote
the new proposed Regional Centre will the Eastern Planning Area as the home to
establish Masaka as an Education Hub. It premium Housing estates.
will also attract investment from Private
enterprises and reduce the burden on the
1 The University proposed next to the Masaka
110 Fig.7.14 Key Features - Regional Centre, Education Hub and Golf Course resorts
Town is an Approved Project.
8Way Forward
8.1WAY FORWARD supersede the zoning guidelines; and various issues which will highlight:
Elaborated categories of uses to be Implementation and Refinement of
8.1.1 SUMMARY considered for Application Assessment. Zoning Guidelines
Capital Improvement Plan
The Detailed Master Plan Report defines 8.1.2 FOLLOW UP Additional Implementation Action Plan
the planning approach and lays down the
broader planning concepts into detailed Task Order 5: Urban Design GIS Setup
Land Use and the Zoning plan for the district.
It illustrates in detail the development of In line with the Land Use proposal, special To establish a GIS database for the entire
Kicukiro and its planning Areas in various areas in the district have been identified City with a coordinated base map, proposed
layers . to be developed for detailed Urban Land Use plan & development control
Design Layout. Each district in Kigali has information for all areas of the City.
The Detailed Master Plan: an urban design proposal for an identified
key area. Kimironko-Gisimenti Area in

Sets a clear hierarchy for commercial and Gasabo District and Gahanga Regional
employment centres Centre Area in Kicukiro District have been
Injects a variety of housing to provide identified for detailed Urban Design Plans.
quality as well as affordable housing with The Urban Design Plan will look at the
well distributed public amenities. detailed context of the site and translate
Enhances accessibility by providing better the proposed zoning and Land Use into a
& more transportation choices. three dimensional plan for the area. This
Re-networks the green system to provide plan will demonstrate how the proposed
a wide variety of open spaces and protects development can enhance the character
the existing nature areas. and identity of the place so as to become
Develops unique identities with exclusive a special feature for the city and at the
heritage, culture, tourist and recreational same time, demonstrate urban renewal
areas. and redevelopment. Detailed Urban Design
Provides a zoning plan with updated guidelines will also be prepared for selected
regulations and guidelines. Urban Design Areas.

Zoning Plan Report: Task Order 6: Implementation Strategy

Zoning Plan Reports for the two districts The Master Plan in itself has no power
are released concurrently with the Detailed to develop the economy or to improve
Master Plan Report which further refines the lifestyle of the people unless it is
the guidelines with the following key supported by efficient implementation
additions: strategies. Coordination with related
Defined process for Non-Standard Ministries & Authorities is key to successful
Application with clear assessment criteria implementation of the Master Plan and
and Review Committee comprising of to achieve the vision for the city. To forge
representatives and experts from key better integration with regards to land
Regulatory bodies; utilization in the city, it is recommended to
Evaluation criteria for special institutional explore the possibilities of strengthening
buildings; the capacity of different institutions
Variety of Zoning Overlay Plans to guide including One-Stop Centre by expanding its
zoning in specific areas which stipulate coordinating role.
additional zoning regulations that will The implementation strategy focuses on
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APPENDIX 1: Kigali City Context

Existing Urbanization - 2013

Proposed Urbanization - 2040

Proposed Urbanization beyond 2040

Kigali Radial City - Concept Plan 113

114 Kigali City - Density Distribution - Land Use Strategy - Year X

Kigali City - Land Use Plan - Year X


Kigali City - Zoning Plan - Year X
Kigali City - Land Use Plan - Year 2025


Kigali City - Road Network Plan - Year X
Kigali City - Public Transportation Plan - Year X


Kigali City - Proposed Residential Plan - Year X
Kigali City -Proposed Commercial Plan - Year X


Kigali City - Proposed Industrial Plan - Year X
Kigali City - Proposed Public Facilities Plan - Year X


Kigali City - Environmental Strategies Plan - Year X
Kigali City - Proposed Green and Blue Plan - Year X


Kigali City - Proposed Non Motorized Network - Year X
Kigali City - Approved Projects

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APPENDIX 2 : Planning Requirements, Standards and
Proposed distribution of townships central spine holds commercial uses and Estate, etc are proposed to be safeguarded
major facilities with maximum density. in each township. Low density residential
The existing urban area are largely Provision corridor for a future MRT corridor area are proposed at lower slopes, near the
spread over 17 sectors and almost half of is also provided parallel to the BRT line. scenic wetlands with quick access to the
the Citys urbanized area is unplanned. highway network.
While there are a few new development Township model illustrates the key concept
projects that are proposed as cluster for typical new towns. The higher density Proposed Township Boundaries
housing development, majority of the residential neighborhoods are proposed
developments are developed individually. around the town centre and in areas The township boundaries are determined
To move away from such small scale, around the walking distance of the public based on the following criteria:
individual plot based developments, it is transit corridor, as well as nodes around the The township boundaries are based on the
proposed to organise the existing and new proposed MRT stations. natural boundaries and geographically
growth areas as integrated townships with conglomerated urban areas.
a range of comprehensive facilities. Similar to the KCMP transect concept the The township boundaries follow the

density is proposed to gradually lower in respective sector boundaries where
Proposed Township Model the areas away from the transit corridor. possible.
Hence the higher density areas are located The developable urban areas are divided
Kigali City is proposed to be restructured along the ridge. The density gradually by the highway grids of 3-6 kilometers
into 24 self-sufficient townships. Majority reduces towards the lower areas along the and major arterial roads spaced at 800 to
of these townships are proposed to be wetlands. 1200 meters. The township boundaries at
served by public transit corridor which some areas are influenced by these road
is also the main structuring element of All the townships are proposed such networks.
these townships. The typical township size that it ensures the walkability within its
proposed for Kigali is around 900 to 1000 smallest neighborhood cells with the key
Ha accommodating an average population facilities such as neighborhood centres,
of 200,000 residents each. primary schools and local parks at the
walking distance of the residents. Further
Low density Housing Medium Density Town Centre
Generally the townships are organized along to the Town Centre catering to town level
Highway MRT BRT
the topography and 1-2 hills constitute one commercial needs, other town facilities
township entity. Arterial Roads form the such as the Vocational Training Institute,
township boundary and the main central Polyclinic, Bus Interchange, Sports Field,
spine formed by the BRT corridor. The Town Park, Cemetery and Light Industrial

Fig.10.48 Proposed Transect Model (left); Transect Section

Township Model - The combination of KCMPs Transect model and the proposed High Density Transit Corridors; to accommodate the projected population. 129
Cell Section of Township Model DEVELOPING MODEL TOWNSHIPS AS Placing the main activity corridor of
Basic Community AN ORGANIZING UNIT FOR KIGALI the township along the hill top. These
CITY PLANNING include the mass transit corridor, key
Affordable Homes public facilities and the higher value, high
Central Public Space Establishing the cell as core of community density mix development areas.
Vehicles are limited to
Centric planning Placing the medium density development
Cluster Plan
the periphery Integrated Township Model Promote larger development parcel at the slope and the low density at the
between 2 - 8 ha to house up to 2000 lower portion of the hill.
housing units for creating a small Larger parks should be located at the
Neighbourhood community with ample greenery, foot of the hill, taking advantage of the
Residential Community playgrounds and vehicle free community wetland areas.
Township Affordable housing is the key component of
Integrated Site Planning Developing walkable neighbourhoods the township
Integrate few cells into a walkable Affordable housing is the form of medium
neighbourhood of around 5000 dwelling density developments which have been
units with the following characteristics: planned close to the main activity corridor

Well served by pedestrian friendly local so that majority of the population lives in
streets and pedestrian network. close proximity to the mass rapid transit
Well served by basic amenities such as and has quick access to local jobs and
neighbourhood such as neighbourhood public facilities.
shops, kindergarten, park and primary
school location at walkable distances Government will drive initiatives and
(about 400m radius) provide incentives to developers for
constructing affordable housing, as it is the
Creating Vibrant Townships backbone of Kigalis urban expansion.
Integrate few neighbourhoods into a
vibrant township of around 10,000 dwelling
Adapting the Model to Local Context
units with the following characteristics:
K10 Township at Masaka
Well served by pedestrian friendly local
streets and pedestrian network.
Well served by basic amenities such as
neighbourhood such as neighbourhood
Year X... Today... shops, kindergarten, park and primary
school location at walkable distances
(about 400m radius)



Adapting to Local lifestyle and topography

Adapting the township model into the

topography and local lifestyle as depicted
Fig.10.49 Model Township as the Organizing Unit for Kigali Planning in the transect model with the following
South Africa (cape town) Singapore Proposed for Kigali

Neighbourhood Centre 5 min walk to local market; 1 per 5000 population, 0.2 - 4 ha 1 per 13,000 - 20,000 population, 1.7 ha site 1 per neighbourhood; 1.2 ha site.
Commercial Town Centre Data not available 1 per town, 17-25 ha site 1 per township; 12.0 ha site.
Regional Centre Data not available 1 per 0.5 million, Catchment radius - 5 km , 57 ha site 1 per 0.5 million, 50 ha site.
1 per 5500 population, Max walking dist. 2.25 km.
Primary School 1 per 13,400 population. 1.8 ha site 1 per neighbourhood (15,000-20000 population). 1.5 ha site.
Min 2.8 ha site. (inclusive of field)
1 per 12500 population, Max driving time. 15 minutes
Secondary School 1 per 19,150 population. 3.0 ha site 1 per 20,000 - 25,000 population. 2.4 ha site.
Educational Mins.. 2.8 ha site, (inclusive of field)
Facilities Primary + Secondary
Data not available Data not available 2.8 ha site. (Based on existing school sites)
School (Combined)
Vocational / ICT Institute 1 per 100,000 population, 1 ha site 1 per town. 5.0 ha site 1 per township. 5.0 ha site.

Higher Education Institute 1 per 1 mil population, 8 ha site 1 per 500,000 population. 6.0 ha site 1 per 500,000 population. 6.0 ha site
Community Hall* 1 per 10,000-60000 pop; Max travel time 30 Mins...; 0.5 ha site. 1 per 40,000 population. 0.4 ha site 1 per 5,000 population. 0.5 ha site.
Regional Library 1 per 40000- 70000 population, min size 0.03 ha 1 per 65,000 population. 0.4 ha site 1 per 500,000 population. 0.5 ha site.
Religious Facility 1 per 3000 - 6000 Population; 0.15 - 1 ha site, distance of 2 km 1 per 25,000 population. 0.2 -0.45 ha site 1 per neighbourhood (15,000- 20000 population). 0.5 ha site.
Facilities Cemeteries 1 per 100,000 people 15.6 ha over 30 years ( 2000 graves per ha) Data not available 1 per Township 20 ha over 20 years
1 per 50000 ( small museum, site & purpose specific)
Museums/ Cultural Centre etc. Data not available 1 per township. 1.5 ha site.
1 per 50000 ( performing arts centre, site & purpose specific)
0.2 ha per 5000-20000 population
Health Clinic * 0.5 ha per 30000-50000 population Served by private practitioners as part of commercial facilities 1 per neighbourhood (15,000-20000 population). 0.5 ha site.
1 ha per 60000-70000 population
Health 1.5 ha per 60000 - 120000 population 1 for minimum population of 150,000 (excluding privately 1 per township. 5.0 ha site.
Facilities max. Vehicular travel time of 30 mins.. operated clinics). 0.5 ha site for 150,000 - 200,000 population Max travel time of 30 mins...
district hospital: 450000 population; 5 ha site
Regional Hospital regional hospital: 1 million population; 7 ha site 4.5 beds per 1,000 population. 5.0 ha site 1 per 500,000 population. 5.0 ha site
teaching( specialist) hospital: 4.5 million population; 35 ha site
Neighborhood Park 0.4 ha per 1000 Population, 20 min walking distance Data not available 1 per neighbourhood (15,000-20000 population). 1.0 ha site
(district /regional park) 0.2 ha per 1000 Population;
Town Park 1 per town. 10 ha site 1 per township. 6.0 ha site
20min by public transit
Parks &
Open Spaces 0.56ha per 1 000 people (+ additional 0.3/0.4ha per 1 000 in
metropolitan areas for higher order facilities) 1 per township . 1.5 ha site. (Near to schools or community cen-
Sports Field 1 per 125,000 population. 3.0 ha site
1 per 60000 population, tres or combine with parks.)
Grouping of fields and/or sport facilities, 1.5- 2.5 ha

Sport stadia , 1 per 300,000 population (with tracks & 3000 seats)
Sports & sports centre ( with swimming Regional sports arenas 1 per 250000-500000, 0.5 ha
1 per 125,000 population 1 for every 500,000 population. 6.0 ha site.
recreation pool and stadium) (Indoor sports halls may host non sporting events)
International sports complex, 10 per 1.5 million, 3 ha site
1 per min population of 100000,
fire station 1 to cover 5 - 8 mins.. response time. 0.4 - 0.6 ha site 5 minutes response time. 0.5 ha site.
0.3 ha suburban station, 1.2 ha regional station
Civic facilities
district office - 40000 - 140000 population, travel time 30 min 1 Sector office per Sector.
government/ municipal offices Data not available
municipal office - 1 per sub region/ 500000 pop., 0.3 - 1 ha site 1 District office per District.
*(as part of neighborhood centre)
Plot Retail Offices Total Total % of urban % of urban % of urban
Ratio Area Floor Area existing 2025 Year X
Provision Standard protected
1 1.2 33%
(m2/per) Forest / wetland/ waterbody 60%
Commercial Floor Agriculture 50%
5 6
Area (mil m2)
Urbanized area (%) 17% 25% 40%
Space distribution % GFA (mil m2) area (sqkm) % GFA (mil m2) area (sqkm) (km2) (mi m2)
Area 731.27 731.27 731.27
CBD 3 25% 1.25 0.42 30% 1.8 0.80 1.22 3.05
population 1.2 million 2.9 million 5 million
Regional Centre 2 35% 1.75 0.87 40% 2.40 1.20 2.07 4.15
Gross Density 1670 p/km 2
3950 p/km 2
6850 p/km2
Town/Fringe Centre 2 20% 1.00 0.50 20% 0.60 0.30 0.80 1.60
Gross Urban Density 11000 p/km2 15850 p/km2 17000 p/km2
Others Comm 2 10% 0.50 0.25 10% 0.60 0.60 0.85 1.10
Residential 9% 75 km ( 41 %)
150 km2 (51%)
NCs 1 10% 0.50 0.50 - - - 0.50 0.50
Industrial 0.4% 24 km2 (12.5 %) 30 km2 (10%)
Total 100% 5.00 2.54 100% 5.40 2.90 5.44 10.40

Commercial +
0.4% 3 km2 ( 1.5 %) 6 km2 (2%)
Hotel Transportation,
Infrastructure & 3.1% 44 km2 (24 %) 50 km2 (20%)
Provision Standard (m2/per) 0.1 Utilities
Commercial Floor Area (mill m2) 0.5 Urbanized area Special Use 1.6% 7 km2 ( 4 %) 6 km2 (2%)
Space distribution % (mil m ) 2
rooms* area Urban
CBD 40% 0.20 3,333 0.07 Recreational 0.2% 18 km2 ( 10 %) 29 km2 (10%)
Open Spaces
Regional Centre 15% 0.08 1,250 0.04
Public Facilities 1.6% 11 km2 ( 6 %) 15 km2 (5%)
Town Centre/Fringe Centre 15% 0.08 1,250 0.04
Others Comm 30% 0.15 2,500 0.08 Total built-up
119 km2 182 km2 294 km2 (100%)
NCs - -
Total 100% 0.50 8,333 0.22 Note: Residential Area is recommended to be secured for 5.5 Mil Population to balance the
* based on avg 60 m2/room downzoning trend.


Manufacturing Logistics Light Industries in Town Total Area

Floor Area Area (km2) % Floor Area Area (km2) % Floor Area Area (km2) % Area (km2)
(mil m2) (mil m2) (mil m2)

16.75 23.93 8.1 5.36 5.36 1.82 10.72 7.7 2.6 36.95

Note: Manufacturing: 50% of employment, Logistics: 10% of Employment, Industries in townships 40%
Plot Ratio: Manufacturing - 0.7, Logistics- 1, Industries in townships - 1.4
Logistics: 80m2/worker, Manufacturing: 50m2/worker, Industries in townships: 40m2/worker

Population (mil) Year 2012 Year 2025 Year X
Kigali City 1.3 3.1 5

Employment Year Service (mil) Industrial Agriculture TOTAL (mil)

X (mil) (mil)
Kigali City 1.62 0.67 0.08 2.37

Commercial distribution
Type of Commercial Central area Regional Centre Fringe Centre Town Centre Neighbourhood Centre Other commercial Total
GFA share GFA share GFA share GFA share GFA share GFA share
Retail GFA (mil m2) 25% 1.25 35% 1.75 10% 0.50 10% 0.50 10% 0.50 10% 0.50 5.00

Office GFA (mil m2) 30% 1.80 40% 2.40 10% 0.60 10% 0.60 0% 0.00 10% 0.60 6.00
Hotel GFA (mil m2) 40% 0.20 15% 0.08 7.50% 0.04 7.50% 0.04 0% 0.00 30% 0.15 0.50
Total GFA 3.25 4.23 1.14 1.14 0.50 1.25 11.50

Commercial employment distribution (TOTAL = 1.62 mil)

Type of Com- Central area RC FC TC NC TC+NC Other com- Total
mercial mercial
GFA % 28 37 10 10 4 11 100.00
Service em- 0.458 0.595 0.160 0.160 0.070 0.231 0.176 1.62
Commercial employment distribution for Other Commercial (TOTAL = 0.176 mil)
Share of SP2 Percentage Share Employment
G7 5% 8804
SP1 20% 35217
G4 20% 35217
R5 4% 7043
R8 1% 1761
K4 50% 88043
100% 176087

Industrial Employment distribution (TOTAL = 0.67 mil)

Type of Industry Employment share Total Employment I1 I2 I3 I4
Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment share Employment Employment share Employment
share share
Manufacturing 50% 335,000 10% 33,500 35% 117,250 40% 134,000 15% 50,250
Logistics 10% 67,000 40% 26,800 10% 6,700 10% 6,700 40% 26,800
Light industrial in Townships 40% 268,000 - - - - - - - -
Sub-total 60,300 123,950 140,700 77,050
Total 670,000
SP1 198,000 493,043 - - - - - 493,043
R1 6,300
NY1 74,000 3 7,141 2 4,216 - - - 11,357
NY2 157,000 7 15,151 3 8,945 - - - 24,096
NY3 249,000 20 32,624 5 14,187 - - - 46,811
NY4 71,400 3 6,890 2 4,068 - - - 10,958
NY5 125,000 5 12,063 3 7,122 - - - 19,185
G1 126,000 5 12,159 3 7,179 - - - 19,338
G2 173,000 14 22,667 4 9,857 - - - 32,524
G3 118,000 5 11,387 3 6,723 - - - 18,110

G4 321,000 26 77,275 7 18,289 - - - 95,565

G5 134,000 6 12,931 3 7,635 - - - 20,566
G6 283,000 33 198,391 6 16,124 - - - 214,516
G7 212,000 9 29,262 5 12,079 41,341
G8 149,000 6 14,379 3 8,489 22,868
KT1 128000 5 12,352 3 7,293 - - - 19,645
KT2 79,000 3 7,624 2 4,501 - - - 12,125
KT3 480,000 39 62,890 10 27,349 - - - 90,239
KT4 184,000 22 286,435 4 10,484 - - - 296,918
KT5 253,000 11 24,415 5 14,415 - - - 38,830
KT6 83,000 3 8,010 2 4,729 - - - 12,739
KT7 133,000 6 12,835 3 7,578 - - - 20,412
KT8 110,000 5 10,615 2 6,267 - - - 16,882
KT9 158,000 7 15,247 3 9,002 - - - 24,249
KT10 280,000 12 27,020 6 15,953 - - - 42,973
KT11 386,000 45 198,391 8 21,993 - - - 220,384
I1 (RURAL HOUSING) 25,000 - - - - 33,500 26,800 - 60,300
I2 (HOUSING INCLD) 35,000 - - - - 117,250 6,700 - 123,950
I3 98,000 - - - - 134,000 6,700 - 140,700
I4 18,000 - - - - 50,250 26,800 - 77,050
R5 37,000 7043 7,043
R8 18,000 1761 1,761
RURAL 224,000 - - - - - - 80,000 80,000
134 TOTAL 5,125,700 1,620,000 254,479 335,000 67,000 80,000 2,356,479
Kicukiro District - Projected Population Distribution - Year X
Planning Area Overall Area (Ha) "Nett Developable land Existing Population(2013) Projected Population Projected Population Gross density (Year X) Gross density (2013)
(Ha) (Using Density) (Using GFA)
Central 3940.0 3039 171388 711,324 694,459 176 43
Southern 3660.0 2234 20733 434,248 436,457 119 6
South Central 3840.0 2869 72693 478,891 483,133 126 19
Eastern 5230.0 3837 37131 693,492 684,161 131 7
Total District of Kicukiro 16,670 11979 301945 2,317,954 2,298,210 138 19

Composition of Housing - Kicukiro District

Kicukiro District-Housing Type Housing Area Population Housing Share Population Distribution Share

Single Family 4096.61 630878 56% 27%
Low Density 1388.77 499031 19% 22%

Medium Density 1606.13 989376 22% 43%

High Density 111.64 91694 2% 4%
Mixed Use 177.01 87231 2% 4%
Total 7380.2 2298209.6 100% 100%

Composition of Housing Central Planning Area

Housing Type Housing Housing "House Size Du/ha Gross "Housing Population Population Popoulation Dwelling Dwelling Units "Floor Area
Area(Ha) Area(Ha) (Net) (in sqm)" (Net) Plot Area share (using GFA) (Using Density) Units (Using (using Density) (GFA)
(Gross) Ratio Share" GFA) (sqm)"
Single Family 1097 1097 250 40 1 1 0 168901 168901 43870 43870 10967600
Low Density 354 283 120 90 1 0 0 127132 122592 33021 31842 3962560
Medium Density 489 391 90 160 2 0 0 301249 301249 78246 78246 7042176
High Density 45 36 90 250 2 0 0 36976 43332 9604 11255 864384
Mixed Use 122 78 90 160 2 0 0 60200 75251 15636 19546 1407283
Total 2107 1885 1 1 694459 711324 180379 24244003

Composition of Housing Southern Planning Area
Housing Type Housing Housing "House Size Du/ha Gross "Housing Population Population Popoulation Dwelling Dwelling Units "Floor Area
Area(Ha) Area(Ha) (Net) (in sqm)" (Net) Plot Area share (using GFA) (Using Density) Units (Using (using Density) (GFA)
(Gross) Ratio Share" GFA) (sqm)"
Single Family 616 616 250 40 1 0 0 94873 94873 24642 24642 6160600
Low Density 543 435 120 90 1 0 0 195201 188229 50701 48891 6084176
Medium Density 199 159 90 160 2 0 0 122559 122559 31834 31834 2865024
High Density 19 15 90 250 2 0 0 15269 17893 3966 4648 356928
Mixed Use 17 11 90 160 2 0 0 8555 10694 2222 2778 199987
Total 1394 1236 1 1 436457 434248 113365 112792 15666715

Composition of Housing South Central Planning Area


Housing Type Housing Housing "House Size Du/ha Gross "Housing Population Population Popoulation Dwelling Dwelling Units "Floor Area
Area(Ha) Area(Ha) (Net) (in sqm)" (Net) Plot Area share (using GFA) (Using Density) Units (Using (using Density) (GFA)
(Gross) Ratio Share" GFA) (sqm)"
Single Family 868 868 250 40 1 1 0 133683 133683 34723 34723 8680700

Low Density 334 267 120 90 1 0 0 120118 115828 31199 30085 3743936
Medium Density 372 298 90 160 2 0 0 229140 229140 59517 59517 5356512
High Density 0 0 90 250 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mixed Use 0 0 90 160 2 0 0 192 240 50 62 4493
Total 1575 1433 1 1 483133 478891 125489 124387 17785641

Composition of Housing Eastern Planning Area

Housing Type Housing Housing "House Size Du/ha Gross "Housing Population Population Popoulation Dwelling Dwelling Units "Floor Area
Area(Ha) Area(Ha) (Net) (in sqm)" (Net) Plot Area share (using GFA) (Using Density) Units (Using (using Density) (GFA)
(Gross) Ratio Share" GFA) (sqm)"
Single Family 1516 1516 250 40 1 1 0 233421 233421 60629 60629 15157200
Low Density 157 126 120 90 1 0 0 56581 54560 14696 14171 1763552
Medium Density 546 437 90 160 2 0 0 336428 336428 87384 87384 7864560
High Density 48 38 90 250 2 0 0 39449 46229 10246 12008 922176
Mixed Use 37 24 90 160 2 0 0 18283 22854 4749 5936 427392
Total 2304 2141 1 1 684161 693492 177704 180128 26134880

Masaka Sub Area (4327 Ha) Masaka - Oz Sub Area Plan Eastern Planning Area Masaka -Eastern planning Area - Detailed Master
Land Use Area (Ha) Percent-
age Landuse Area_Ha Percentage
Civic Institutional use 89 2% Civic Facilities 4 0%
Industrial 150 3% Commercial General + hotel 78 2%
Infrastructure ROW 284 7% Defence Area + Graveyard 43 1%
Low Density Residential 1074 25% Education Institution 176 4%
Medium Density Residential 564 13% Existing Forest 177 4%
Mixed Use 411 10% Government Office 10 0%
park 740 17% Health Facilities 21 0%
Urban Agriculture 537 13% Heavy and Light Industrial 548 13%

Wetland 446 10% High Rise Residential 48 1%
Total 4297 100% Low Rise Residential 157 4%
Medium Rise Residential 542 13%
Mixed Use 37 1%
Open Space and Park 177 4%
Source: Kigali Sub Area Plans, Schematic Planning; Oz architecture.era.edaw.tetratech.winston associates-December
Religious Facilities 8 0%
Reserve Site 9 0%
Road 398 9%
Single Family Residential 1438 33%
Sports and Recreation 57 1%
Transportation 87 2%
Utilities 29 1%
Wetland + River 254 6%
Total 4297 100%

Rebero Sub Area Proposal (89 Ha) Rebero - Oz Sub Area Plan Juro Park and Urban Forest resorts
Juro Park and Urban Forest resorts - Detailed
Landuse Area Percentage Master Plan
Open space 37 46% Landuse Area Percentage
Residential Medium Density 6 8% Civic Facilities 7 9%
Retirement Housing 5 6% Existing Forest 28 35%
Commercial 3 4% Graveyard 1 1%
Hotel Low Density 3 3% Road 8 10%
Hotel Medium Density 4 5% Single Family Residential 25 31%
Hotel High Density 2 3% Sports and Recreation 11 13%
Infrastructure-Right of way 20 25% Total 81 100%
Total 81 100%
Source: Kigali Sub Area Plans, Schematic Planning; Oz architecture.era.edaw.tetratech.winston associates-December
This page has been intentionally left blank.
APPENDIX 3: Zoning Plans - Kicukiro District

Kicukiro District - Zoning Plan - Year X 139
Zoning Category R1 R1A R1B R2 R2A R3 R4 C1 C2 C3 C3A C3B C3C C4 C4A C5 I1 I2 P1 P2 P3 P4
Building Use or Land use

Single Family Housing (Detached Villa)
Single Family Housing (Detached and Attached)
Multi-family Housing (Condominiums and Apartment Flat) C C C C C C
Workers Accommodation C

Retail Sundries / Grocery Shops / Food and Beverage (Cafes) C C
not exceeding 30 seats
Barber shops / Hair Salons / Health Spa C C C C C C C C C C
Laundry / Dry Cleaning C C C C C C
Commercial Retail & Services (e.g.. Fashion, Stationery Shops,
Travel Agencies, Banks, Hardware, Supermarket)
Shopping Centres/Malls, Hyper-marts C
Restaurants C C C C C
Offices C C C C
Showrooms C
Retail - Warehouses
Entertainment Arcades, Cinema
Hotel C C C C C C
Service Apartments C C C C
Recreational Clubs/Holiday Chalets/Private Sport Club C C C C

Petrol Station C C C C C C C C C C C C

Heavy Industrial C C
Minor Automotive Repair Workshop

Public Facilities
Kindergarten/Childcare Facilities C
Primary and Secondary Schools (Boys and Girls) C C
Polytechnic / University / Vocational Schools C
Hospital and Health Institutions C C C C C
Medical / Dental Clinics C C C C C C
Religious Institution
Government Offices C C C
Public Library
Museum , Gallery, Cultural Centres
Sport Complexes/ Sport Facility
Equestrian Park
Rapid Transit Station C C C
Convention Centres

Open Space /Park

Public Parks C C
Golf Course & Private Park C C
Wildlife Park, Botanic Gardens, Conservatories, Arboretums C C

Major Infrastructure:Utilities Corridor, Major Electrical

Substation, Pumping Station, Expressways, Water Tank and
Reservoir, Power and Desalination Plants, Sewage Treatment
Minor Infrastructure:11 KV ESS, Pumping Station, Roads
(excluding Expressways), Telecommunications Antenna
Permitted Uses Conditional Uses Prohibited Uses

Kicukiro District - Zoning Plan - Year X


Central Planning Area - Zoning Plan - Year X
South Central Planning Area - Zoning Plan - Year X


Southern Planning Area - Zoning Plan - Year X
Eastern Planning Area - Zoning Plan - Year X


Aashto, Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 1999.

Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic, Stuck in Traffic: Urban Transport in Africa, January 2008
Aurecon, Strategic Transport Master Plan for Rwanda,
City of Cape Town, Integrated Transport Plan 2006- 2011 Executive Summary, June 2009
Lindau L. A., Hidalgo D., Facchini D., Curitiba, the cradle of Bus Rapid Transit, 2010
London Cycle Network Plus (LCN+), Annual Report 2009 / 10 , March 2011
MININFRA, Draft Final Report on Development of an Integrated Public Transport System for Kigali City, March 2012
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Nair P., Kumar D., Transformation in Road Transport System in Bogota : An Overview, 2005
SSI, Consulting Services for the Planning and Design of a Public Transport System for Kigali City, 16 November 2011
UREPI, Kigali Street Addressing: Kigali City Land and Municipal Database Final Report, Nov 2011
Average commute now 139 hours, BBC News, 4 August 2006, retrieved online on 11 April 2012
Ministry of Infrastructure, National Policy & Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation Services, February 2010
OZ Architecture, Kigali Concept Master Plan Existing Conditions Analysis, March 2007

Sano, J.C., Urban Environmental Infrastructure in Kigali City Rwanda , August 2007
SGI Ingenierie SA, Updated Sanitation Master Plan of Storm Water and Waste Water of the City of Kigali - Storm Water Master Plan, March 2008
SGI Ingenierie SA, Updated Sanitation Master Plan of Storm Water and Waste Water of the City of Kigali - Waste Water Master Plan, March 2008
WAT, Consulting Services for New Recycling Centre and Landfill Kigali - Topographic and Geotechnical Survey Report, January 2012
WAT, Consulting Services for New Recycling Centre and Landfill Kigali - Detailed Design and Principle Report, January 2012
Ministry of Trade and Industry, Bugesera Business Plan,
Ministry of Trade and Industry, National Industry Policy, April 2011
Ministry of Trade and Industry, SMEs Product Cluster in Rwanda, January 2012
National Land Centre, Draft Rwanda National Land Use and Development Masterplan, October 2010
REMA, A Study on Air Pollution in Rwanda with Referecnce to Kigali City abd Vehicular Emissions, 2011
UNWTO, Sustainable Tourism Development Masterplan for Rwanda, May 2009
JAFZA, Master Plan and Market Assesment Study, Kigali Free Zone, September 2006

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