Bugs World 5: Teacher's Notes and Answer Key Mixed-Ability Worksheets

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Bugs World 5 Teachers Notes and Answer Key


Unit 1 3 2
1 phones (example), 2 arrives, 3 goes, 1 are from Argentina (example)
Reinforcement Worksheet 1 4 stops, 5 runs, 6 sings 2 are from Brazil
1 3 are from Spain
1 guitar (example), 2 flute, 3 piano, Extension Worksheet 3 4 are from the UK
4 drums 1
1 Jon plays the keyboards well. (example) 3
2 2 Lisa plays the drums badly. 1 Europe (example), 2 country, 3 flag,
1 piano (example), 2 guitar, 3 keyboards, 3 Jane plays the guitar very well. 4 summer, 5 north, 6 grapes
4 drums, 5 harmonica, 6 flute, 7 violin, 4 Sara plays the flute brilliantly.
8 trumpet Extension Worksheet 1
5 Ian dances very well.
6 Rosa sings brilliantly. 1
3 1 India (example), 2 China, 3 Morocco,
1 C (example), 2 D, 3 A, 4 B 2 4 Brazil, 5 France, 6 Argentina
1 classical (example), 2 pop, 3 rap,
Reinforcement Worksheet 2 2
4 opera, 5 folk
1 1 earth (example), 2 water, 3 people,
Childrens own answers. 3 4 countries
Jake Morris lives in New York. He plays
2 3
the piano very well. He sings brilliantly.
1 D (example), 2 C, 3 F, 4 A, 5 B, 6 E 1 Can you name the country? (example)
He likes pop music and classical music.
2 What colours the flag?
3 Can you name the country?
1 very well, 2 very well, 3 very well, Unit 2
4 What colours the flag?
4 brilliantly
Reinforcement Worksheet 1
Extension Worksheet 2
Reinforcement Worksheet 3 1
C Q D I U K J B L 1
A H M O R O C C O 1 Can you spell Argentina? (example)
1 Dave plays the drums very well.
2 Can you fly?
(example) P Z I R S D U X B
3 Can you speak English?
2 Dave plays the guitar badly. T L E N P G M S N 4 Can you ride a bike?
3 Dave sings brilliantly.
W S B R A Z I L A 5 Can you sing?
4 Dave likes pop music.
6 Can you spell your name?
5 Daves favourite music is classical L K A E I N D I A
music. F R V U N Y O C H 2
1 email (example), 2 sweets, 3 summer,
2 A R G E N T I N A
4 money, 5 festival
1 c (example), 2 d, 3 a, 4 e, 5 b
3 1 Morocco (example), 2 Spain, 3, the UK,
1 is (example), 2 rains, 3 sends, 4 is,
1 lives (example), 2 plays, 3 sings, 4 likes 4 India, 5 China, 6 the USA, 7 Brazil,
5 writes, 6 wants, 7 has
8 Argentina
Extension Worksheet 1
Extension Worksheet 3
1 3
Childrens own work. 1
1 violin (example), 2 trumpet, 2 guitar,
1 are (example), 2 Im, 3 from, 4 is, 5 shes,
4 harmonica, 5 keyboards, 6 flute, 7 piano,
Reinforcement Worksheet 2 6 from, 7 Where, 8 hes, 9 is, 10 hes
8 drums
2 1 the USA (example): Red, white and blue
1 In the UK its warm in summer. Its cold
Im a pop star. 2 China; Red
and wet in winter. Potatoes, tomatoes and
I practise every day. 3 Spain; Red and yellow
apples are from the UK. (example)
I sing and dance 4 France; Red, white and blue
2 In Morocco its hot and dry in summer.
And this is what I play.
2 Its cold in winter. Wheat, oranges and
3 1 False (example), 2 True, 3 True, 4 False, bananas are from Morocco.
1 Have you got brown eyes? (example) 5 False, 6 True 3 In Argentina its hot in summer. Its
2 Have you got fair hair? cold in winter. Grapes, apples and wheat
3 Do you play the drums?
3 are from Argentina.
1 b (example), 2 a, 3 d, 4 c
Extension Worksheet 2 3
Reinforcement Worksheet 3 China is in Asia. Its very big. The flag
Childrens own answers.
1 is red. Its hot in summer and cold in
1 Im from the UK. (example) winter. It rains a lot in the south of
2 2 Im from the USA. China. Rice and tea are from China.
1 competition (example), 2 bus stop, 3 Hes from Spain.
3 fantastic, 4 careful, 5 Well done 4 Shes from Argentina.
5 Theyre from India.

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Bugs World 5 Teachers Notes and Answer Key

Unit 3 2 3
1 c (example), 2 d, 3 g, 4 a, 5 f, 6 b, 7 e 1 lives (example), 2 has got, 3 is, 4 runs,
Reinforcement Worksheet 1 5 eats
1 3
1 swimming, 2, cycling, 3 water-skiing, 1 cool (example), 2 calm, 3 panic, 4 wet, Extension Worksheet 1
4 surfing, 5 rock climbing 6 rafting, 5 hungry, 6 dry 1
7 sailing 1 monkey; b (example), 2 spider; f, 3 frog;
Extension Worksheet 3
mystery word: ice-skating g, 4 koala; d, 5 eel; c, 6 ostrich; h, 7 bat;
1 a, 8 lizard; e
2 1 Whens your school lunchtime? Its at
1 Rock climbing (example), 2 Sailing, half past twelve. (example) 2
3 Ice-skating, 4 Swimming, 5 Rafting, 2 Whens Christmas Day? Its on 25th Its big. It runs.
6 Cycling December. Its got long legs. Its an O-S-T-R-I-C-H
3 Whens your birthday? Ostrich!
Reinforcement Worksheet 2 4 Whens summer in your country? Its small. It jumps.
1 5 Whens winter in your country? Its got big eyes. Its a F-R-O-G
Monday (example), Tuesday, Wednesday, 6 Whens break time at your school? Frog!
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 7 Whens your bedtime?
8 Whens your favourite programme on 3
2 Childrens own answers.
1 the Fun Adventure Camp (example),
Childrens own answers.
2 Friday 13th, 3 rafting, 4 the teacher, Extension Worksheet 2
5 log, 6 big rock, 7 Stella, 8 helicopter 2 1
Rock climbing: helmet (example), rope, Possible answers:
3 3 Is it small? Yes, it is.
safety belt
first Tom (example), second Paul, 4 Has it got a tail? Yes, it has.
Cycling: helmet, bike, gloves
third Jane, fourth Katie, fifth Steve 5 Is it small? No, it isnt.
Rafting: raft, oars, life jacket
6 Has it got long legs? Yes, it has.
Reinforcement Worksheet 3
1 Childrens own answers. 2
1 Monday 2nd June (example) 1 river (example), 2 net, 3 bucket,
2 Friday 6th June 4 bathroom, 5 bread, 6 name
Unit 4
3 Tuesday 3rd June
4 Thursday 5th June Reinforcement Worksheet 1 3
5 Wednesday 4th June 1 go (example), 2 catches, 3 take, 4 keep,
5 swims, 6 eats, 7 likes, 8 moves
1 eel (example), 2 bat, 3 monkey, 4 ostrich
1 rock climbing (example), 2 sailing, Extension Worksheet 3
3 rafting, 4 cycling, 5 surfing, water- 1 koala (example), 2 lizard, 3 bat, 4 eel, 1
skiing, 6 sailing, rafting 5 frog, 6 spider, 7 ostrich, 8 monkey 1 Does the eel swim in a tank? No, it
doesnt. (example)
3 3 2 Does the eel swim in the bath?
Childrens own answers. 1 eel (example), 2 monkey, 3 bat, 4 ostrich, 3 Does the eel eat insects? No, it doesnt.
5 frog, 6 bat 4 Does the eel eat bird food? No, it
Extension Worksheet 1
1 Reinforcement Worksheet 2 5 Does the eel like bread? Yes, it does.
1 cycling (example), 2 swimming, 3 water- 1 6 Does the eel know its name? Yes, it
skiing, 4 rafting, 5 rock climbing 1 No (example), 2 No, 3 Yes, 4 No, 5 No, does.
6 Yes, 7 Yes, 8 Yes
1 Swimming (example), 2 cycling, 2 1 The pygmy monkey lives in the
3 ice-skating, 4 Surfing, 5 sailing, 1 c (example), 2 f, 3 d, 4 a, 5 e, 6 b Amazon. It eats insects, fruit and leaves.
6 Rock climbing, 7 rafting, 8 Water-skiing
3 2 The tarantula spider lives in South
3 a river (example), b net, c fish, d bucket,
1 Swimming is at half past nine. America and Africa. It eat insects, frogs
e bread, f bath
(example) and small birds.
2 Sailing is at eleven oclock. Reinforcement Worksheet 3 3 The tree frog lives in Central and South
3 Cycling is at a quarter past twelve. America. It eats insects and other frogs.
4 Ice-skating is at a quarter to three. 1 it doesnt, 2 it does (examples), 3 it does, 3
4 it doesnt, 5 it does, 6 it doesnt The gecko lives in hot countries. Its
Extension Worksheet 2
brown or green. Its got a short body and
1 2
a long tail. It eats insects. It can walk
1 on (example), 2 in, 3 at, 4 on, 5 at, 6 in 1 c; bat (example), 2 d; monkey, 3 a;
upside down.
spider, 4 b; frog

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Bugs World 5 Teachers Notes and Answer Key

Unit 5 3 Reinforcement Worksheet 3

1 Are you waiting at the bus stop? 1
Reinforcement Worksheet 1 (example) 1 longer (example), 2 bigger, 3 older,
1 2 Are you looking at the map? 4 smaller
1 pavement (example), 2 bench, 3 3 Are you sitting on a bench?
bridge, 4 bus stop, 5 zebra crossing, 6 4 Are you waiting at the traffic lights? 2
underground, 7 traffic lights 1 c (example), 2 a, 3 b
Extension Worksheet 2
2 1 3
Across: Childrens own answers. 1 China is bigger than Canada. (example)
3 zebra crossing, 5 map, 6 underground, 7 2 Spain is smaller than Brazil.
bench, 8 traffic lights 2 3 London is colder than Madrid.
Down: 1 bus stop (example); Museum, 2 bench; 4 Rio de Janeiro is hotter than Paris.
1 bus stop, 2 pavement, 4 bridge tree, 3 caf, 4 pram; Bridge 5 The USA is bigger than the UK.
6 The River Amazon is shorter than the
3 3 Nile.
1 d, 2 c, 3 a, 4 b (example) 1 near (example), 2 on, 3 under,
4 opposite, 5 between, 6 in Extension Worksheet 1
Reinforcement Worksheet 2
1 Extension Worksheet 3
1 river (example), 2 volcano, 3 waterfall,
1 No (example), 2 Yes, 3 Yes, 4 Yes, 5 No, 1 4 glacier, 5 a mountain, 6 an island,
6 No Directions read: 7 Theres a lake. 8 Theres a desert.
1 Go straight on. Turn left at the zebra
2 crossing. Turn right at the school. 2
1 Professor X, 2 young woman, 2 Go straight on. Turn left at the zebra 1 hot (example), 2 cold, 3 high, 4 cold,
3 Inspector Kay, 4 old man (example), crossing. Turn left at the supermarket. 5 big, 6 small, 7 high, 8 wide
5 old lady
2 3
3 1 False (example), 2 True, 3 True, 4 False, 1 Theres a lake. Its wide. (example)
1 True (example), 2 False, 3 False, 4 True, 5 False, 6 True 2 Theres a desert. Its hot.
5 False, 6 True 3 Theres an island. Its small.
3 4 Theres a river. Its long.
Reinforcement Worksheet 3 Paris is a beautiful, old city. It is on the 5 Theres a glacier. Its cold.
1 River Seine. Its got restaurants, shops 6 Theres a waterfall. Its high.
and museums. Popular places to visit are
the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame. Extension Worksheet 2
Unit 6 1 high; Its a mountain. (example)
2 long; Its a river.
Reinforcement Worksheet 1 3 cold; Its a glacier.
1 4 lava; Its a volcano.
Across: 5 dry/hot; Its a desert.
2 3 volcano, 6 waterfall, 7 river
Down: 2
1 b (example), 2 d, 3 a, 4 c, 5 f, 6 e
1 mountain, 2 lake, 4 glacier, 5 desert 1 d (example), 2 g, 3 c, 4 a, 5 h, 6 b, 7 f, 8 e
2 3
1 England (example), 2 River, 3 parks
1 hot (example), 2 cold, 3 high, 4 long, 1 The hole is wide. (example) The hole is
4 London, 5 Big Ben
5 wide, 6 big, 7 small, 8 short wider.
Extension Worksheet 1 2 The noise is loud. The noise is louder.
3 3 The fire is big. The fire is bigger.
1 big (example), 2 hot, 3 small, 4 long, 4 The lava is hot. The lava is hotter.
1 bus stop (example), 2 zebra crossing,
5 cold, 6 high
3 bridge, 4 bench, 5 traffic lights, 6 map
Extension Worksheet 3
Reinforcement Worksheet 2 1
Verse reads: 1 1 is bigger than (example)
Im waiting at the underground. 1 Theres a hole. (example) 2 is smaller than
Im looking at the map. 2 Theres a noise. 3 is higher than
Im walking on the pavement. 3 There are rocks. 4 is bigger than
Im saying the city rap. 4 Theres fire and smoke. 5 is colder than
5 Theres lava.
6 Theres a volcano. 2
1 dry (example), 2 big, 3 bigger, 4 hot,
2 5 colder
1 bigger (example), 2 bigger, 3 louder,
4 hotter, 5 higher

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Bugs World 5 Teachers Notes and Answer Key

3 3 2
Childrens own answers. 1 Its running. (example) 1 tree (example), 2 rock, 3 mountain,
2 Its jumping. 4 track, 5 footprint, 6 cave, 7 bush, 8 camp
Unit 7 3 Its falling.
4 Its stopping. 3
Reinforcement Worksheet 1 5 Its eating. 1 under (example), 2 in, 3 on, 4 near,
5 behind
1 mcro 6 Its kicking.
t rcraceflmrosta Extension Worksheet 2 Reinforcement Worksheet 2
l bl h
e ors 1 1

1 Whats the lion doing? Its sleeping. 1 behind a bush (example)


mljockeytumchamp 2 near a camp
2 Whats the bird doing? Its flying. 3 in a cave
3 Whats the dog doing? Its eating. 4 behind a tree
2 5 on a rock
1 horse (example), 2 jockey, 3 crowd, 4 Whats the monkey doing? Its
climbing. 6 under a tree
4 champion, 5 stable, 6 race
5 Whats the frog doing? Its jumping.
3 6 Whats the cat doing? Its playing.
1 False (example), 2 True, 3 False, 4 True,
1 d (example), 2 e, 3 b, 4 f, 5 a, 6 c
2 5 False, 6 True
Reinforcement Worksheet 2 1 shy (example); poor; blind
1 2 young; small; brave
1 big (example), 2 hairy, 3 two, 4 tall,
1 eating (example) 3 rich; proud
5 scary
2 jumping
3 Reinforcement Worksheet 3
3 Its kicking.
3 Red was in many races.
4 Its falling. 1
6 Red was in hospital.
5 Its running. Childrens own answers.
8 Red was a champion again.
6 Its stopping.
Extension Worksheet 3
2 1 The Kraken (example), 2 The Komodo
1 (example), 3, 5, 7, 8 1 dragon, 3 The Loch Ness monster,
1 Was Red a good rider? Yes, he was.
4 The Yeti
3 (example)
1 child (example), 2 horses, 3 rider, 4 race, 2 Was Red from a rich family? No, he 3
5 accident, 6 hospital wasnt. walked (example); stopped; noticed;
3 Was Red blind in one eye? Yes, he was. followed; looked; stayed
Reinforcement Worksheet 3 4 Was Red Seabiscuits owner? No, he
1 wasnt. Extension Worksheet 1
1 Yes, he was. (example) 5 Was Red very ill? Yes, he was. 1
2 No, he wasnt. 6 Was Red a champion? Yes, he was. 1 camp (example), 2 rock, 3 bush, 4 track,
3 Yes, he was. 5 cave, 6 footprint
4 Yes, he was. 2 mystery word: mountain
5 Yes, he was. 1 was the inventor of television
6 No, he wasnt. (example) 2
2 was the inventor of the dishwasher 1 enormous (example), 2 hairy, 3 tall,
2 3 was the inventor of the World Wide 4 scary, 5 big, 6 long, 7 loud, 8 strong
1 d (example), 2 c, 3 a, 4 b Web
4 was the first American woman in space 3
3 1 It was behind a bush. (example)
1 pizza (example) 3 2 It was near a camp.
2 was cake Childrens own answers. 3 It was in a cave.
3 food was chicken 4 It was behind a tree.
4 favourite food was ice cream Unit 8 5 It was on a rock.
6 It was under a tree.
Extension Worksheet 1 Reinforcement Worksheet 1
1 1
1 stable (example), 2 race, 3 jockey,
c aveshr a bu ac sgtaf
s campa k

4 horse, 5 champion, 6 crowd



1 horses (example), 2 stable, 3 jockeys, cjroc

4 crowd, 5 horses, 6 race r ee kcv
rmountain n
tolm t

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Bugs World 5 Teachers Notes and Answer Key

Extension Worksheet 2
1 Where was your mother on Saturday?
2 Where was your father on Monday?
3 Where was your brother on Friday?
4 Where was your sister on Sunday?

1 mountains (example), 2 rocks, 3 bushes,
4 cave, 5 footprints, 6 guide

1 walked (example), 2 appeared, 3 wanted,
4 followed, 5 stopped, 6 noticed

Extension Worksheet 3
1 Did you play cards yesterday? (example)
2 Did you play basketball on Sunday?
3 Did you walk in the park yesterday?
4 Did you watch TV yesterday?
Childrens own answers.

1 The Kraken lived at the bottom of the
sea. It looked like an octopus. (example)
2 The Loch Ness monster lived in a lake.
It looked like a dinosaur.
3 The Komodo dragon lived on an island.
It looked like a crocodile.

Diary reads:
I walked in the countryside. I stopped at
a camp. I noticed small footprints near
the camp.
I stayed at the camp all day.
I looked for the footprints. I followed a
small track near the camp. I noticed a
small hairy animal behind a bush. It was

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