Social Entrepreneurship in Small Business

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Social Entrepreneurship

Intan Jingga

Independent management consultant

The purpose of this research paper is to look at how social entrepreneurship is emerged in small
businesses in Indonesia. This research paper will find out what social entrepreneurs who have
small businesses perceive social entrepreneurship as. The comparison of social entrepreneurs or
activities underlying social entrepreneurships in Indonesia will be generally reviewed, then focus
on small businesses who venture on social entrepreneurship from the beginning or at later stage.
This research will focus on the comparison of intentionally and unintentionally planned social
entrepreneurship of small business owners through case studies of one Agribusiness and one Batik
Craft business. It will overview their motivations in being social entrepreneurs, planned or
unplanned. It will also look at whether the intentionally or unintentionally planned social
entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurial behaviors are necessary as to survive the businesses
and the social enterprises. In doing so, it will observe the social wealth being created or to be
created, and analyzes the impact of social entrepreneurship on the social entrepreneurs themselves.
It will find and discuss factors that encourage small business people in overcoming the challenges
of obtaining entrepreneurial behaviors and entrepreneurial skills and other barriers, thus survive
the market.

Key words: Social Entrepreneurship, Small Business, Underlying Motivations, Overcoming

Challenges, social wealth

I. Introduction As the purpose of this research paper is to look

In western context, social entrepreneurship is at how social entrepreneurship emerges in
perceived as non-profit venture to create social small businesses in Indonesia, it will find out
value or change that will eradicate social definition of social entrepreneurship in
challenges with innovation in new scheme, or Indonesia context. Next, the comparison of
innovative process, or management or funding social entrepreneurs or activities underlying
strategies by those with strong ethical fiber social entrepreneurships in Indonesia will be
(Mair and Marti, 2006). While in Asian, which generally reviewed, then focus on case studies
comprises of most developing countries, the of small businesses who venture on social
definition of social entrepreneurship is similar entrepreneurship. Although 50.8% Indonesian
to above description except that it needs profit live in villages with agribusiness as main
as well for its’ financial sustainability livelihood (World Bank., 2007) and Indonesian
(Prahalad, 2005) and it requires not only one textile was one of the growing top three major
leading social entrepreneur but many grass- contributors to Indonesian export since 1990
roots entrepreneurs (Bornstein, 2004). It is as (ADB, 2008), both producers in this two
Yunus (2003), the founder of Grameen Bank, sectors earn low profit margin or lowest wage
contend that social entrepreneurship is not for with 42% of textile workers earning below the
‘personal gain’ but it is a ‘social- minimum wage (ADB, 2006). Therefore, this
consciousness-driven enterprises’ that can research will focus on the comparison of
compete with ‘greed-based enterprises.’ intentionally and unintentionally planned
social entrepreneurship of small business

owners through case studies of one of its business units (Kuncoro, 2008).
agribusiness, and one hand craft traditional Therefore, the progress of small scale industry
textile business. would highly correlate not only with
employment and business opportunities boost
II. Social entrepreneurship in in Indonesia and its rural areas, but also with
Indonesia Context export and GDP development (Tambunan,
By interviewing 300 respondents in Indonesia, 2009, Kuncoro, 2008).
Suprapto (2006) conceptualizes that social
entrepreneurship in Indonesia context is ‘not 3.1. Social Entrepreneurship Concept and
only civic innovations but included also Underlying motivations
various traditional to modern means in In the case studies of this research paper, the
combining social and business.’ These civic social entrepreneur in agribusiness views social
innovations include ‘arisan’ – traditional entrepreneurship as an attitude or intention to
savings-and-loans system and nonprofit empower other people by developing their
organizations that separate profit making potential to become independent, and a
business with theirs social ventures, while willingness to enhance one’s own life while
there are various types of traditional caring as well as sharing with others. Whereas,
cooperative.’ the social entrepreneur in Batik business
defines social entrepreneurship as a business
This is reflected in Indonesian institutional that have social responsibilities toward the
social entrepreneurs of NGOs, who are seeking Batik craft producers in sustainability of their
to empower poor stakeholders to have full livelihood, activities, facilities, skills, healthy
ownership of the enterprise through inter- living conditions and environments. The key
mediation and empowerment. The activities message here is social entrepreneurship is
vary from enabling access to market (inter- about giving and sharing back to the
mediation) through fair trade practices for community and producers in the same business
marginalized art producers by Pekerti sectors or areas. Refer to Table 1 below.
Foundation; replicating Grameen Bank model
of microfinance by Yayasan Mitra Usaha NGO In addition, the Agribusiness owner also
to enhance poor family income and children’s mention that one of the reasons that motivates
education; and empowering small animal him to overcome challenges in his social
breeders in poor village area to have skills and enterprise would be
livelihood in husbandry by Dompet Dhuafa to always hope that rural/
Foundation (Dacanay, 2004). district community can grow
in the future so that economic
III. Case Studies sector grow to have equity in
The case studies will focus on social growth that it can force down
entrepreneurship by two small business owners the speed of increasing poverty
in Agribusiness and hand craft traditional in Indonesia because the
textiles (Batik and Weaving). We will refer the influence of poverty toward
later as Batik business. The methods used in the future will be very bad
the case studies research were partly impact to all people especially
questionnaire, partly interview, and email in time of crisis like this
correspondences. Small businesses are used as
the case studies in this research paper because In my analysis, the underlying motivations of
22.7 million companies in Indonesia, which both social entrepreneurs are highly related to
consist of micro and small businesses, take up poverty eradication and provision of sustain-
84.4 % of Indonesia’s employment and 99.1% able improved livelihood (financially, socially,
and environmentally) and living conditions for

producers in their sectors in both rural/district
or urban areas.

Table 1: Overview the motivations in being social entrepreneurs, planned or unplanned.

No Business Reason for social entrepreneurship Planned

1 Agribusiness The commencement of social entrepreneurship is while Yes

developing business plan as to:
• create maximum work environment in term of
• enforcement of values
• sustain a place in the market
• help people to grow their potential (because just can
help, not change people)

2 Batik Business The commencement of social entrepreneurship is after Not at the

running the Batik business because: beginning
• Realizing the impact of traditional textile business
on the community and producers.
• Seeing the poor living condition of the producers
and have compassion to do something for them

3.2. The Role of Social entrepreneurship necessary for their business. While, in term of
and Social Entrepreneurial Behaviors social entrepreneurship, only Batik business
Both social entrepreneurs in the case study owner sees it as important for survival. The
view that business entrepreneurship is detailed explanations are in the following table:

Table 2: Social entrepreneurship qualities possessed and its importance in the business

No Business & Activities Social Entrepreneurship Important for survival?
Qualities Owned (why)
1 Agribusiness: Behaviors: accountability to No, but the social enterprise
A. Seedlings of organic community, Initiative and help smooth the path
vegetables mission to create and sustain business development.
B. Creation of organic social value, Sincere, Want to
fertilizers help others, concern for Agribusiness Owner find it
C. Organic Vegetables sustainable development necessary for business as ‘to
crop production and selling (environment and community achieve continuous business
D. Mengkudu (Noni) juice and financial) because social
production and selling (job entrepreneurial have become
openings) Skills: Networking, leadership, part of market strategy that is
E. Empowerment of mentoring, self development very needed this time as well
Farmers to have own as to upgrade capacity and
business unit in seedlings, Example: Mentoring friends mindset of workers or team
and/or making fertilizers, (since 3 years a go)and now his that are involved in my
and/or Organic Vegetables personnel’s about attitude and business whether it is in
crop production and selling business skills like basic production, marketing or
accounting and self Human resource
development development.’

2 Batik Business: Behaviors: accountability to Yes, because of the intention
A. Adopt national textile community, Initiative and in this business is not to be
community by sub- mission to create and sustain like other middle men whose
province working group. social value, Sincere, Want to focus is only on money. The
B. Register copyrights for help others, concern for social enterprise would hold
the ethnic motif to sustain sustainable development on to products’ philosophy
its existence as each (environment and community and beliefs that the owner
regions cultural identity. and financial), family, creative, can tolerate in each region to
C. Vocational Training & tenacious with unshakeable create meaningful products.
Women Empowerment, motivation
collaborating with local Batik business owner sees
women’s organizations. Skills: understanding context that ‘Indonesians base the
D. Introducing and and local culture, recognize working philosophy on
enforcing ways of clean- social problem and solve it familiar relationship and their
living among the villages together with community, orders. Maintaining good
in rural area by providing empower community, Fund relationship means we must
suitable facilities. raising, create value for provide activities to maintain
society, promote equity close contact and intensive
updates among each party.’
Example: collective and
community owned activities,
equity promotion

As to exhibit opinions of social entrepreneurs themselves and the social wealth being created
on the impact of social entrepreneurship on or to be created, please refer to Table 3.

Table 3: Social Wealth and Impact of Social entrepreneurship on social entrepreneurs

No Theme Agribusiness Batik Business

1 Social wealth that is ‘Unity in the society that ‘Technology patent……… colour
being created and will diminishes the differences so from cinnamon, block of woods,
be created that we can fill each other with techniques, if with technology
each other’s potentials thus can from powder to minimize cost.
create peaceful environment Patent and then give free to
and increase economic producers who have passion to
standard of involving parties.’ protect community.’

2 Impact on social ‘very influential, because in the ‘During the whole process of
entrepreneurs application, I learn and can building this social enterprise, I
directly apply knowledge that I will also have the opportunity to
get to the business and my life, increase my social wealth.’
like leadership, care, self
development, attitude, and skill
that in the future will surely
influence the sustainability of
my life and business to face the
full of challenge conditions

The social wealth created and to be created in self development in positive direction.
Table 3 through the social enterprises above Moreover, synergic alliance of private
varies from unity, relationship, improvement of enterprise, policy makers and producers who
economic standard, and intellectual property have social concern for living standard of
that belongs to or to protect community. Those farmers and batik crafters in social initiatives
social wealth mentioned and the explanation of would result in joint culture, social, and
why social entrepreneurship is important in economic gain (Papanek, 2006, Pasaribu,
Table 2 are all related to what Remenyi and 2006).
team (2004) as capital for poverty eradication,
which include financial, human, institutional, 3.3. Challenges in venturing social entrepre-
social, natural, liquid capital. The social wealth neurship
is not directly related to monetary value but As for challenges in the case studies, both
more to the increased trust that enhance social entrepreneurs in venturing social
partnering relationship, which later will entrepreneurships come across social,
enhance the enterprise. This is because trust economic, politic and technology issues. In
could add value in ‘improving possible regard to social issue, human resources’ mental
benefits; mitigating risks; linking opportunity, is viewed to be most challenging for its low
motivation and ability (Theingi, 2008).’ As exposure to education and old long formed
comparison, Tambunan’s (2009) study of cases mind set. As of Batik business, other than the
in Bali, Jepara, Padang (provinces in reason mentioned afore, the human resources
Indonesia) showed that business relationship in availability is also inadequate because the
small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are regeneration of technical and intellectual skills
mainly sup- ported by personal relationship is indisposed. The human resources availability
rather than formal agreements, especially in is administered through cultural practice which
rural areas. reduces craft workers capacity to fulfill buyers’
orders on time. And because of economic
As asserted by Theingi (2008) that ‘building recession, thus less demand for traditional
trust is a deliberate strategy in developing an textile, some of the batik and weaving hand
individual's network structure,’ the impact of craft community have switched livelihood to
social entrepreneurship on the social be factory workers within or outside their
entrepreneurs increase their own social wealth province.
and also encourage them to have self
development. There is a high correlation Rutten (1999) explains that the mindset issues
between social entrepreneurship with social mentioned above is highly related to cultural
capital called ‘trust’, which in turn will affect factors like specific mental and business
social entrepreneurs’ own social wealth and cultures which result in dependent behavior of

the entrepreneurial class in Southeast Asia. As Many studies had been done
of Indonesia, the case studies show that the by the government and their
mindset of producers is greatly influenced by academic affiliations. [How-
the political environment in Indonesia where ever,] lack of documentations
the network and law enforcement set by and minimal exposure of their
government have corruption, collusion and findings to the crafters
nepotism issues. In term of Agribusiness, the community resulting in mini-
connection influences the provision of fertilizer mal knowledge development
and determination of retail price. Moreover, across Indonesian crafters
after district autonomy is enforced in community.
Indonesia, the prices in the distribution line Other than that, the environment in each
increase sharply in which district tax varies and district or province is far from identical;
district authority shows little interest in helping therefore each would need different politic,
agribusiness in comparison to Orde Baru (the economic, social and technology solution
new regime) government and other approach. In addition, the challenges above are
governments in Thailand, Vietnam and other acknowledged as familiar challenges for other
ASEAN countries. As Marshall and team SMEs in Indonesia including lack of capital,
(2006) utter that after the new regime difficulties in marketing and distribution, high
government, there is a shift of communal to transportation costs (Tambunan, 2009). There-
private ownership of land and other productive fore, there is high probability that overcoming
assets which hinders the underprivileged small challenges in social enterprise will establish
rural farmer communities’ access. In term of social entrepreneurs’ market position that will
Batik business, the development or availability in effect assist other SMEs or producers related
of raw materials often time is influenced by to the social enterprise.
Indonesian political current. The Batik
producers often will buy supply of raw 3.4. Factors that Encourage Social
materials owned by the present ruling regime. Entrepreneurs in Overcoming the
The politic is highly influential in the
economic challenges for both social Furthermore, the catalyst of ‘highest level of
entrepreneur- ship activities (as shown in Table self-fulfillment’ endowed in social
2) in Agribusiness and Batik business. Both entrepreneurship’s ventures in gaining profit
social entrepreneurs say that the support of and social returns (Yunus and Jolis, 2003)
government is needed to make social make overcoming challenges even more
enterprises more affordable and accessible in feasible. In the following section, the paper
term of licenses, training, knowledge, will discuss factors that encourage these small
technology and technology management. For business owners in Agribusiness and Batik
example, In the case of Agribusiness, Organic business to overcome the challenge in
plant which should not be expensive because implementing social entrepreneurship.
all materials are taken from nature has become
very expensive. This is because it is labeled as There is a sense of hope and nationalism in
upper class item, which affects the high cost of both of them, where one of them argue that he
the permit and organic raw materials. In the believes Indonesia will be recovered if every
case of Batik business, the price of raw potential is maximized through endorsement of
materials is highly influenced by global life values, which in turn will bring prosperity
commodity market price of imported cotton to every individual involved in the future. He
and silk. The Batik business owner gives good dreams to have healthy affordable food supply
example of the challenge in accessing chain and to empower farmers to be
technology for producers at community level: independent business owners of Agribusiness

products. The other has a dream to promote and programs are necessary. In the end, in the
Indonesian traditional textile to global world as process of doing social entrepreneurship, both
to promote Indonesian economic condition. correspondents hope to get opportunity to learn
or practice from experts who has brilliant
Both social entrepreneurs perceive a innovation and ideas as to achieve their
sustainable process is important to achieve business bottom lines with sustainable process.
their dreams or visions, so their social In their case, the theory that proposes
enterprise will also help improve the ‘entrepreneurial ventures are socially
producers’ lives. This factor of sense of hope embedded, and therefore pursue opportunities
and nationalism that encourage them to using innovative solutions to resolve social
overcome challenges are closely related to the problems and satisfy a variety of stakeholders
underlying motivation of the small business to attain legitimacy over time (Neck et al.,
owners to start social entrepreneurships 2009)’ fits. Instances of the innovative
mentioned above such as poverty eradication affordable environmental sustainable process
and provision of sustain- able livelihood for after by the social entrepreneurs in the case
both producers in Agribusiness and Batik studies are as follow: natural dye and other
business. This is as Yunus (2003) theorizes ancient techniques in Batik business and zero
that the social entrepreneur- ship ‘not only waste management for Agribusiness.
brings businesspeople of the future closer to
real life, but it also creates room for a socially IV. Conclusion
and environmentally friendly global economy.’ In the case studies, social entrepreneurship is
viewed as good will and social responsibilities
The other factors that encourage social that come with assistances for the community
entrepreneurs to overcome challenges in their and producers in the same business sectors or
enterprises would be having vision shared with areas. The social entrepreneurs’ main intention
others, interactive network to exchange mind to start social enterprises instead of just
and expertise, good management, loyal business for profit is encouraged by the com-
customers, innovation and opportunity to learn. passion to help eradicate poverty in the lives of
In my view, to have vision shared with others producers in their business with a sustainable
is not only strengthening one’s commitment to process. In the midst of building the foundation
one’s dream but also inspire and unite of their social enterprises, they find out that
community to face challenges as a team in the they are to learn and to innovate even more if
market in different aspects of politic, they want to compete in the market. However,
economic, social, technology and operational. the relationship built with producers in their
Interactive network with community in the fields and the learning and innovation would
social entrepreneurship also open the help them to sustain long term business growth
opportunity for social entrepreneurs to facilitate and profit. The main reason that encourages
mind- set change and training in community them to overcome challenges is the same with
level. Whilst, Network with government would their underlying motivation as to help
provide updated information of policies community in their business line to live out of
currently, hopefully it would provide the poverty line and have a sustainable livelihood
system that assists entrance to market and in economic, social, environment, technology
facilitate access to technology and its aspects. In the end, in various contexts of
management for small producers at community western world, Asian, Indonesian, and the case
level in the future. studies of small businesses in Jakarta, the
social enterprise is fuelled by the altruism and
As for good management both social satisfaction of gaining meaning of life in social
entrepreneurs perceive that efficient, practical entrepreneurship. This paper proposes that
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