Social Media Content Calendar

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Calling all foodies! Tonight we'll be

meeting to begin planning for one of
Calling all foodies! Tonighi we'll be meeting to Calling all foodies! Join us Forum's newest events, the Food
begin planning for one of Forum's newest tonight at Magpie Downtown to Showcase - a diverse tasting of
events, the Food Showcase - a diverse tasting begin planning Forum's Iavorite local restaurants. Join us at
of favorite local reslaurants. Join us at Magpie newest event, the Food Magpie Downtown from 6-7:30 p.m.
Monday 4/21 Morning Planning Meeting Downtown from 6-7:30 p.m. to get involved! Louisiana Food Showcase! to get involved!
Join us this Thursday night for our
Join us this Thursday night for our April Social! April Social at one of Baton Join us this Thursday night for our April
We'll be mixing and mingling at one of Baton Rouge's newest bars, Hayride Social! We'll be mixing and mingling at
Rouge's newest bars, Hayride Scandal. Can't wait Scandal. http://m-forum35. one of Baton Rouge's newest bars,
to see you there! httpr/M.lorum35. org/events/EventDetails. aspx? Hayride Scandal. from 5:30 - 7:30 PM.
Afternoon April Social Promo org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=957486 April Social graphic id=957486 Can't wait to see you there!
lnterested in serving as a chair or co-chair of either lnterested in serying as a chair for
Forum Friday or Leadership Hour? Email our VP of Forum Friday or Leadership
Leadership, Melissa Thompson, at Hour? Email thompson@forum35.
Open Open chair positions [email protected] to learn more. stock photo org to learn more. N/A
Join the Public Education Project at Bistro Byronz
to begin the 2017-2018 Sch@l Partnership Join the Public Educalion Prcject
seleclion processl We will be reviewing the four tonight to begin the 2017-20'18
schools that applied and narrow down the schools School Partnership selection
that we would like to meei with one-on-one. http: process! hft p://w.forum35.
// org/events/EventDetails, aspx?
Tuesday 425 Morning PEP Meeting id=958453 stock photo id=958453 N/A
Young professionals in the capital City can join
Forum 35 at any time of the year. Want to meet
some of us in person before making a

committment? Join us for our April Social this Young professionals in the Young professionals in ihe Capital City
Thursday at one ot Baton Rouge's newest bars, Capital City @n join Forum 35 at can ioin Forum 35 at any time of the
Prospective members are Hayride Scandal! hnp/\M.torum35. any time of the year! Learn more year! Learn more at our April social this
Afternoon welcome to April Social org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=957486 Membership Matters at ourApril social this Thursday! Thursdayl
Looking to volunteer for a great
local cause? Join Forum's Seryice
Looking to volunteer for a great local cause? Join committee at lhe Dancing for Big
Forum's Seryice committee in assisting with the Buddy fundraiser! Learn more:
Dancing fo. Big Buddy fundraiser! Learn more: http://ww.forum35.
httpr/ Dancing for Big Buddy org/events/EventDetails.aspx?

Wednesday 4/26 Morning Dancing with Big Buddy id=952071&group= graphic id=952071&group= N/A
Aftemoon Wine Wednesday
Come spend your happy hour
come spend your happy hour with us! We're with us! We're meeting for our
meeting for our April Social at one of Baton April Soclal at Hayride Scandal
Rouge's newest bars, Hayride Scandal. See you at tonight! httpJ/ww.forum35.
5:30 PMI httpj/ww.forum35. org/events/EventDetails. aspx?
Thursday,uzT Morning April Social promo org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=957486 April Social graphic id=957486
Are you interested in social media, public relations,
graphic design, and other forms of communimtions lnterested in communicatioos
work? lf so, you may want to join the work? Join the Communications
Communications Committee at our upcoming Commiltee at our upcoming
meeting on Monday, May 'l from 5:3G7:30 PM at meeting on Monday, May '1. http:
Starbucks on Corporate. See you therel http: //M.forum35.

//www, org/events/EventDetails.aspx?
Aftemoon Committee Meeting id=957917 stock photo id=957917
Don't miss out on important
Don't miss out on important Forum information! lf Forum information! lf you're an
you're an active member, but you haven't been active member, but you haven't
recieving our emails, make sure to check your Not getting our emails been recieving our emails, make
Friday 4/28 Morning Getting our emails? filters. graphic sure to check your fllters.
Join Forum's Service committee in volunteering at
Dancing for Big Buddy! This is a crealive
fundraising event thal supports the programmatic
etforts ol the Big Buddy Program. For over thirty- Joln Forum's Seryice mmmittee
tive years, the Big Buddy Program has provided tomorrow at Dancing for Big
positive role models and learning experiences to a Buddy! Register to volunteer: http:
population of children who would otheMise lack //M.forum35.
access to lhese resources. httpJ/www.forum35. Dancing for Big Buddy org/events/EventDetails.aspx?
Afternoon Dancing with Big Buddy org/eventVEventDetails.aspx?id=95207 1 &group= graphic id=952071&group=
salurdaytu2g Moming I oprit sociat Recap
Looking for more volunteer
lf you're looking for more volunteer opportunites, opportunites? Join the Service
join the Service commitlee for therr upcoming @mmittee for their upcoming
meeting on Tuesday, L4ay 2. More information is meeting. Learn more: httpj/www.
available on our website! http://w-forum35.
Aftemoon Committee Meeting org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=872599&group= stock photo aspx?id=872599&group= N/A
Are you ready to become more involved in Forum
35? The Development committee is in need of Ready to become more involved
marketing sawy members to assist with corporate in Forum 35? The Development
sponsor relations, market research, and fund committee needs your help! Email
development. Email [email protected] for development@forum35,org ror
Sunday 1/30 Morning Development Committee more information. slock photo more information. N/A
Two weeks away from the
#Artl\,4elt submission deadlinel
Don't miss out on your chance to
have your art featured in
Just two w@ks away from the #ArtMelt submission Louisiana's largest multi-media Only two weeks away from the #ArtMelt
deadline! Don't miss out on your chancg to have juried exhibit! https://www. submission deadline! Don't miss out on
your art teatured in Louisiana's largest multi-media @llforentry. your chance to have your arl featured in
juried exhibit! httpsr/M.callforentry. org/festivals_unique_info.php? Louisiana's largest multi-media juried
Aftem@n Call for entries org/festivals_unique_info.php?lD=4270 Call for entries graphic lD=427O exhibitl

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