Apa Tables

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Presenting Data in APA Style Tables

Tables condense and present complex statistical and numerical data. Tables should not be used if the
information can be presented clearly in narrative form or by using simple lists.

Tables can present both quantitative data and words. The recommended format for tables is:

Table 1
Mean Numbers of Correct Responses by Children With and
Without Pre-training (N = 20)
Grade level
Group n 3 6
With 20(18) 280* 319
Without 20(19) 240** 263
With 20(19) 281 317
Without 20(20) 232 262
Note. Maximum score = 320, *p<0.05, **p<0.01
Numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of children who completed
all tests.

Common Statistical Symbols:

ANCOVA Analysis of Covariance R2 Squared multiple correlation
ANOVA Analysis of Variance SD Standard deviation
d Cohens measure for effect size SE Standard error
d Measure for sensoric sensitiveness SS Sum of squares
f Frequency t t-test value
H Kruskal-Wallis T Wilcoxon test value
H0 Null hypothesis T2 Hotellings test value
HSD Tukeys significant difference U Mann-Whitney test value
LSD Fishers least significant difference W Kendalls coefficient of concordance
MANOVA Multivariate analysis of variance x Horizontal axis
mle Maximum likelihood estimation y Vertical axis
MS Mean square z Standard score
MSE Mean square error Goodman-Kruskals index
n Number in subsample Change
N Total number in sample Roys multivariate criterion
ns Non-significant Goodman-Kruskals predictability
p Chance value Wilks multivariate criterion
P Percentage, percentile Rho correlation coefficient
pr Partial correlation Sum
r Product-moment coefficient Kendalls rank correlation
rs Spearmans rank correlation 2 Chi square test value
R Multiple correlation

Table number should be in Arabic numerals, flush left, not italicized.
Tables should be numbered in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text.

Table title under the table number and above the table, flush left, italicized, upper and lower case.
Titles should be brief and clear.
Heading of columns have capital for first letter of first word only.
Use horizontal rule lines only. Do not use vertical lines.
General notes to a table are indicated under the table in a smaller point size italicized as Note.
Specific notes are indicated by superscript lowercase letters.
Extremely detailed tables should be presented in an appendix.
Proper APA statistical abbreviation and symbols should be used.

In APA style any type of illustration that is not a table (graphs, charts, drawings, maps and photographs) is
called a figure. Good figures should be simple and clear.

Recommend graph and figures are as follows:

Figure numbers are in Arabic numerals, flush left, italicized, below the figure.
Figure title in sentence format follows the figure number on the same line. Capitalize only the first word
and any proper nouns.
Axis labels use capitalization of important words and a san serif typeface (e.g., Arial, Helvetica).
Vertical axis labels use vertically aligned text.
Legends are contained within the borders of the graph.
The zero point is placed on the ordinate (y) axis.
Lines and points should be clear and sharp.

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