Sulaiman Ali Al Yousef

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Sci (2013) 2(6): 261-272

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 2 Number 6(2013) pp. 261-272

Original Research Article

Antifungal Activity of Volatiles from Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
and Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Oils Against Some Respiratory
Pathogenic Species of Aspergillus
Sulaiman Ali Al Yousef

Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Applied Medical Science, University of

Dammam, P.O. Box 1683 Hafr Al Batin - 31991 -Saudi Arabia.
*Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]


Recently, the use of essential oils against fungal infection has gained highly
importance because of acquired resistance against a large number of drugs. The
aim of study was testing the biological activity of essential oil vapors against some
Aspergillus spp., estimating chemical composition, active ingredient and
Keywords mechanism of action of tested oils. Lemongrass and peppermint essential oil
Lemongrass; volatiles were preliminary evaluated via vapor phase using volatilization method.
peppermint; Growth inhibition, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), and minimum lethal
antifungal concentration (MLC) of these pathogenic fungi were used to detect their
activity; susceptibility to each of the essential oils. Morphological changes of treated fungi,
Aspergillus as well as its spores germination was observed by light and electron microscopy.
Also, chemical analysis of essential oils were achieved by GC, GC-MS.
Lemongrass oil was found to be highly fungicidal, as it showed the lowest MIC and
essential oils. MLC values and the highest growth inhibition; in a range of concentrations (15 to
20 l/0.4l air space) it was effective in inhibiting fungal viability and spore
germination. The main morphological changes caused by Lemongrass oil in A.
niger were observed under both the light and electron microscope; these included a
reduction in conidition, loss of pigmentation and disrupted conidispore structure.
The results show that Lemongrass oil produces a fungitoxic effect, which supports
its possible use in medicine to cure mycotic infections.

Many of the plant species found that it can 2005) activity. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon
be used medically (Ali-Shtayeh and Abu, citratus) is widely used in traditional
1999). Essential oils are aromatic medicine in many countries around the
substances which are obtained from world. Among its attributable properties
various plant parts by steam distillation; are those related to antibacterial and
many of which exhibit antibacterial antifungal activities (Inouye et al., 2001,
(Ozcan et al., 2006), antifungal (Chee and Inouye et al., 2006; Bansod and Rai, 2008;
Lee, 2007) and antiviral (Khan et al., Revathi et al., 2012), as well as analgesic
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(6): 261-272

and anti-inflammatory properties (Negrelle cultures were maintained on Czapek Dox

and Gomes, 2007). A large amount of agar slants, stored at 5C.
literature is also available on the medicinal
properties of essential oil present in Essential oils and authentic chemicals
peppermint (Gulluce et al., 2007; Rasooli,
2008). Aspergillosis results from the Lemongrass and peppermint leaves,
inhalation of spores of Aspergillus obtained from the College of Pharmacy
fumigatus. Once in the lungs the spores of Farm, Assuit University were distilled
this fungus germinate to form a tangled using a Clevenger-type apparatus for 2.5
mass of fungus fibers and blood clots. hours (Guenther, 1948). The oils were
Fungus spreading increase gradually then separated and dried over anhydrous
leading to the destruction of lung tissue, sodium sulfate. Crude oils were analyzed
but they do not always spread to other using gas chromatography/ mass
parts of the body (Bansod and Rai, 2008). spectrometry (GC/MS) on central
The majority of the clinically used Laboratory, National Research Center,
antibiotics, used to cure this infection, Gize, Egypt as suggested by Stenhagen et
suffer from various drawbacks relating to al, (1974). GC analysis of the essential oils
toxicity and drug drug interactions, lack was conducted using a Hewlett-Packard
of fungicidal efficacy, cost and finally the Model 5985 equipped with a flame
emergence of resistant strains caused by ionization detector (FID). A 60 m x 0.32
their frequent use. There is an urgent need mm ID fused-silica capillary column
towards the use of anti-fungal substances, coated with DB-5 was used. The oven
especially with high efficiency and less temperature was programmed for 50C to
toxic compared to currently used drugs 220C/min. The injector and detector
(Rapp, 2004; Kauffman, 2006). The aim of temperatures were 220C and 250C,
this study was to assess the antifungal respectively. Helium was used as a carrier
activity of the volatiles of Lemongrass and gas at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Values
Peppermint oils against some Aspergillus reported were an average of two analysis.
spp. isolated from tuberculosis patients, by The retention indices of the volatile
determining their effects on mycelia components were calculated with
growth, spore germination, and fungal hydrocarbons (C8-C20; Aldrich chemical)
morphology. as references. Authentic samples of some
components were injected to verify the
Materials and Methods identity of the unknown compounds beside
identification using mass spectroscopy
Fungal organisms The constituents of each oil was identified
Aspergillus niger, A. flavus and A. by comparing their mass spectra and
fumigatus were obtained from the retention indexes with those of National
Microorganisms Lab., Assiut University Bureau of Standard (NBS) library and
Hospital, Egypt. These fungi were isolated other published spectra (Table,1).
from deep sputum pulmonary tuberculosis Authentic samples of myrcene, citral,
patients of the most severe and frequently Menthone and Menthol were purchased
infected pulmonary tuberculosis patients; from Aldrich Chemical Co. USA. The
identification of the cultures was essential oils and their constituents were
confirmed at the Assiut Mycological Unit, then evaluated for antifungal activity.
Assiut University, Egypt, and stock

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(6): 261-272

Assessment of the antifungal activity of of volatiles of lemongrass, peppermint oils

oil volatiles (l/0.4l air space as mention above) and
their major constituents (g/0.4l air
Preliminary screening of the antifungal space), a two-fold series were used. The
activity of the oils was tested against oils were dissolved in ethyl acetate and
Aspergillus spp. at doses of 5, 10, 15 and pipetted onto a filter paper disc (5mm
20l/0.4l air space by the inverted Petri diameter) which was dried for 1min to
dish technique. Doses of the oils were remove ethyl acetate and placed into the
applied to filter paper discs (5mm inoculated plate, as described above. A
diameter) which was mounted on the disc impregnated with ethyl acetate alone
inside lid of a Petri dish plate. The plate acted as the control. Inoculated plates were
diminution 140 x 23 mm, which offers 0.4l incubated at 30C for 5 days. MICs were
ml air space after media adding, whereas then recorded as the lowest concentration
that is the available space of the closed of the oil which inhibited fungal growth.
one during this investigation. Then, a 9 In order to determine the fungistatic or
mm plug taken from 7 days old culture of fungicidal (lethal) activity of the essential
the test fungus was placed on the center of oils on mycelial growth, the fungal disc
Czapek Dox medium in a Petri dish, and was transferred from the treated plates
sealed with Parafilm; plates were above, where no growth was observed into
incubated at 30C for 5 days. At the end of a new plate without oils and incubated at
the incubation period the linear growth of 30C for 10 days. Fungi resuming mycelial
the mycelium was measured and expressed growth were considered to have shown a
as average values (mm). Controls used fungistatic response to the oil volatiles;
distilled water instead of the oil. MLCs represent the lowest essential oils
concentration which allows for no fungal
Assessment of oil volatiles on fungal
spore germination

Doses of the essential oils were applied by Assessment of the effect of oil volatiles
gaseous contact as described above in on fungal morphology
order to determinate their potential to
inhibit fungal spore germination A spore Morphology alterations caused by sub-
suspension (300 l harvested from a 7 day lethal dose of lemongrass oil against A.
old culture (106 spores/ml) was spread on niger were observed in duplicate by light
glass slides which were incubated in an and electron microscope. According to
atmosphere of the essential oils at 30C for The following the slide culture technique
24 hours. At the end of incubation period, was performed (Pereira, et al, (2011). A
each slide was fixed with lacto-phenol- small block of Czapek-Dox agar was
cotton blue stain and observed under the transferred to a glass slides in a Petri dish
light microscope for spore germination; and then inoculated with the test fungus.
approximately 150 spores were counted. The required dose was pipetted onto a
filter paper disc as described above and the
Assessment if minimum inhibitory plate was incubated at 30C for 5 days.
concentration (MIC) and minimum Control assays lacking the essential oil
lethal concentration (MLC) of oil under test were included. After incubation,
volatiles the slides were observed under a
stereomicroscope at 200X. In E/M studies,
In order to demonstrate the MIC and MLC

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(6): 261-272

electron microscope stubs were touched to

the surface of A.niger mycelium and then The results given in Table 3 show that
examined directly using transmission volatiles from Lemongrass oil was
electron microscopy (TEM); strongly active against spore germination;
morphological variations were then spore germination of A.niger and A.
observed in relation to the control. fumigatus being significant completely
inhibited by Lemongrass oil volatiles at a
Statistical analyses dose of 10 l/0.4l air space, and spores of
A. flavus lost their viability when exposed
Statistical analyses were performed using to concentration of 15 l/0.4l air space.
SPSS 17-0 software for windows Peppermint oil volatiles exhibited weak
(Statistical Product and Services activity against the germination of spores
Solutions, Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). A p of of A. flavus (72%) and A. fumigatus (68%)
0.05 was set as the significant threshold at 20 l/0.4l air space; the same
for all statistical analyses. concentration lead to complete inhibition
of A. niger spore germination.
Result and Discussion
The MIC and MLC values produced by
Analysis of lemongrass and peppermint volatiles of oils of Lemongrass and
oils indicated that a citral ( a mixture of Peppermint are shown in Table 4. The
neral and geranial ) is the major lowest MIC and MLC values of
component (70.17% and 52.96% relative lemongrass were shown significantly
to oil, respectivilly). Beside citral and against A.niger and A.fumigatus (MIC 5,3
myrecene (in Lemongrass oil); citral, 1,8- l/0.4 l and MLC 5 l/0.4 l), while the
cineole, Isomenthone and Menthyle MIC and MLC against A.flavus was 13
acetate (in Peppermint oil), both oils l/0.4 l and 17 l/0.4 l, respectively.
contained in relatively lower Peppermint oil volatiles exhibited an
concentrations (Table 1). intermediate inhibitory effect against
A.niger (MIC, 13 l/0.4 l and MLC, 25
The susceptibility of fungi to the volatiles
l/0.4 l ), while the highest values of MIC
of Lemongrass and Peppermint oils,
and MLC were observed against A.flavus
determined by the inverted Petri dish
and A.fumigatus (MIC, 18, 23 l/0.4 l and
technique, is shown in (Table, 2 and
MLC 25, 30 l/0.4 l, respectively).
Figure, 1). Each essential oil showed
varying degrees of antifungal activity.
The susceptibility of Aspergillus spp.
Lemongrass oil showed high significant
towards the different constituents of the
antifungal activity against A.niger and
oils at g/0.4l air space is shown in Table
A.fumigatus at a concentration 5L/0.4L
5. The Lemongrass constituents, citral
air space. On the other hand, A.flavus was
alone and mixture of citral + myrcene
only moderately inhibited by volatiles
together inhibited A.flavus and
from Lemongrass oil (15l/0.4l air space).
A.fumigatus at 7 and 4.5 g/0.4l air space,
Peppermint oil showed a weak ability to
respectively, while A.niger was shown to
suppress the growth of A.niger and A.favus
be more sensitive to citral (3.5g) and
(15 and 20l/0.4l air space, respectively).
mixture of citral and myrecene (4g).
Additionally, A.fumigatus was continuous
growth at a concentration 20l/0.4l air

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(6): 261-272

Table.1 the chemical composition of the essential oil from Lemongrass and
Peppermint analyzed by GC-MS

Lemongrass Peppermint
Component % Conc. Component % Conc.
pinene 0.06 thujene 0.04
cis-sabinene hydrate 0.11 Linalool 0.72
1-8 cineole 0.12 1,8-Cineole 8.15
Geranyl acetate 0.23 Menthyl acetate 5.28
Geraniol 0.72 Isomenthone 9.47
Terpinolene 1.52 Myrcene 0.45
-caryophyllene 2.05 Limonene 1.8
Linalool 3.82 trans-sapinin hydrate 1.42
Limonene 4.12 Sabinene 0.91
3-myrcene 18.5 -pinene 1.05
Neral* 23.92 Menthone 28.46
Geranial* 46.25 Menthol 24.5
*a mixture of Neral and geranial is called Citral
Table.2 Antifungal activity of lemongrass and peppermint essential oil against
Aspergillus spp. growth in vitro.

Lemongrass (l/0.4l air space) Peppermint (l/0.4l air space)

5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
a a a
A.niger 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0a 6.2 a
4.8 a
0.0 a
A.flavus 9b 5.3b 0.0a 0.0a 9b 9b 4.3b 0.0a
a a a
A.fumigatus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0a 9 b
9 b
7.4 c
Means in each column having the same superscript letters are not significantly
different a p 0.05
Table.3 Inhibitory effect of Lemongrass and Peppermint oil volatiles on spore
germination of Aspergillus spp.

Lemongrass (l/0.4l air space) Peppermint (l/0.4l air space)

5 10 15 10 15 20
A.niger 83b* 100b 100a 11b 82b 100b
A.flavus 31a 68a 100a 9a 48a 72a
A.fumigatus 96c 100b 100a 13c 42a 68a

Means in each column having the same superscript letters are not significantly different a
p 0.05*Results expressed in percent of spore germination inhibition in comparison
with the control assay

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(6): 261-272

Table.4 MIC and MLC of response to volatiles of oil of Lemongrass and Peppermint
against Aspergillus spp.

Lemongrass (l/0.4l air space) Peppermint (l/0.4l air space)

range range range range
A.niger 1.25-10 5a 1.25-10 5a 3.25-26 13a 6.25-50 25a
A.flavus 6.5-26 13b 8.5-34 17b 4.5-36 18b 6.25-50
A.fumigatus 1.5- 6 3a 0.62-10 5a 5.75-46 23c 7.5-60

Means in each column having the same superscript letters are not significantly
different a p 0.05

Table.5 MIC of major components of Lemongrass and Peppermint oil against

Aspergillus spp.

Lemongrass (g/0.4l air space) Peppermint (g/0.4l air space)

Fungi MIC MIC Citral + MIC MIC MIC Menthone

Citral Myrcene Menthone Menthol
range range Myrcene range range range +Menthol

A.niger 0.87-14 3.5a -* 1-8 4a 1-8 4a 0.87-14 3.5a 2.5-10 5a

A.flavus 0.87-14 7b - 2.2-9 4.5b 1-8 4a 2.25-9 4.5b 2.5-1 5a

A.fumigatus 0.87-14 7b - 2.2-9 4.5b 1-8 4a 2.25-9 4.5b 2.5-10 5a

Means in each column having the same superscript letters are not significantly
different a p 0.05, *no activity recorded

Myrcene showed no activity against striegmata bearing conidia. Following

Aspergillus spp. The Peppermint Lemongrass volatile oil treatment mycelia
components, menthone plus menthol of A. niger appeared to present
exhibited the highest MIC value (5g) morphological changes, included
against all of the fungi tested. The tested decreased sporulation, less pigmentation
fungi also showed equal response toward and a reduction and distortion of
menthone (4g),while A.niger was more conidiophores. Electron microscope
sensitive to menthol (3.5g) compared examination of A. niger following
with A.flavus and A.fumigatus (4.5g). treatment showed marked alterations in
conidial spore morphology as evidenced
When examined under light microscope by distorted and swollen cells (Figure 2D).
after exposure to lemongrass oil volatiles
(5 l/0.4l air space) A.niger showed some Preliminary phyto chemical screening
morphological abnormalities (Figure
2ABC). Control treatments showed a The antifungal activity of lemongrass and
regular structure and clearly visible peppermint volatiles against some

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(6): 261-272

Aspergillus spp., known to cause than are the separated compounds.

respiratory infections, were tested using Lemongrass oil, citral major fraction
the inverted Petri dish technique. A (neural+geranial; 70.17%) exhibited the
preliminary screening showed that various greatest antifungal activity, while myrcene
concentrations of all of tested volatile oils showed no activity. A combination of
exhibited varying degrees of antifungal citral and myrcene showed low MIC
activity against tested pathogens. The compared with citral alone so that a
maximum antimycotic activity was shown synergistic effect may have operated when
by Lemongrass followed by Peppermint, the two components occurred together.
which proved active against both fungal Mitchell et al., (2010) similarly found that
mycelium and spore germination (Tables the activity of complete essential oils is
2, 3 and Figure 1). Volatile aromatic plant higher than each separated compound.
components have been widely shown to Citral (3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienal) is the
exhibit greater antimicrobial activity than major component of lemongrass oil and is
do nonaromatic volatile oils (Wang et al., present at levels of around 65 85%; it
2005), and the results presented here are in comprises a natural mixture of two
general agreement with previous studies isomeric acyclic monoterpene aldehydes:
showing that Lemongrass and Peppermint geranial (trans-citral, citral A) and neural
volatiles exhibit antimicrobial activity (cis-citral, citral B) (Rauber et al., 2005).
(Sivropoulou, et al., 1995, Cowan, 1999, Early studies have shown that both
Hammer et al., 1999, Delespaul et al., Lemongrass and citral exhibit effective
2000; Inouye et al., 2000, Bansod and Rai, antimicrobial activity (Silva et al., 2008;
2008). Peppermint oil has also been shown Saddiq and Suzan, 2010). Furthermore, the
to be fungistatic, this result is consistent antimicrobial potential of Lemongrass has
with findings of El Naghy et al., 1992, been significantly correlated with citral
Mimica-Dukic et al., 2003. The major concentration (Onawunmi et al.,1984;
constitutes of the oils were tested in an Onawunmi,1989; Wannissorn et al.,
attempt to explain which are inhibitory to 1996). Edris and Ferrag (2003), Kalemba
the tested fungi. Generally, crude oils are
more effective in inhibiting fungal growth

Figure.1 Growth inhibition of A.niger treated with Lemongrass oil volatiles at

concentrations of 5,10,15 l/ 0.4l air space.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(6): 261-272

Figure.2 Morphological changes induced by Lemongrass oil vapors on A.niger: light

microphotographs of conidial heads (ch) and conidiophores (A) without treatment (control)
(B) with oil treatment. Transmission electron micrograph of conidial spore (cs) (C) without
treatment (control) (D) with oil treatment. Note, distortion with swelling on surface

and Kunicka, (2003) and Hamza et al., chrysogenum, Mucor fragilis, and
(2009), have also demonstrated synergistic Rhizopus stolonifer (Duarte et al., 2005;
effects of the different compounds which Inouye et al,, 2007; Agarwal et al., 2008;
are present in natural essential oils; our van Vuuren et al., 2009; Yigit et al.,
results are therefore in agreement with 2009). Then, antimicrobial activity of the
previous findings. peppermint oil samples decreased in the
order of total content of 1,8-cineole,
Previous investigations on M. piperita oil menthol and -caryophyllene decreasing
composition are consistent with our results (Gochev et al., 2008).
in which menthol and menthone were
found to be the major fungus-inhibitory Microscope studies on the susceptibility of
compounds (Rohloff, 1999; Maffei, 1999; A.niger, to Lemongrass show that the
Gerherman et al., 2000; Aflatuni et al., fungus underwent major morphological
2000). Based on the findings from a changes induced by lemongrass stress
variety of laboratory studies, Peppermint (Figure 2) which were generally consistent
oil and menthol have been shown to with the results of earlier publications and
possess action against a variety of fungi, confirm the fungicidal effect of
including Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, A. Lemongrass. Earlier studies have also
fumigatus, A. sulphureus, A. austriaca, demonstrated the inhibitory effect of
Candida spp., Fusarium spp, lemongrass on hyphal growth and spore
Trichophyton spp., Penicillium formation in A. niger, as well as plasma

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2013) 2(6): 261-272

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