House Ra
House Ra
House Ra
Loose cables on the Crew and family M Use tape-to-tape Make sure all cables
floor, if camera is members of the cables down to the are tucked out of the
being charged. house owners - floor to prevent way and check if
They may not people tripping on anyone has any
notice it as they them. Make all family injuries and may
walk past. members aware of need medical
the charging cable attention.
and direct them
around it or cover the
cable with a sheet.
Tripod falling over. Equipment and M Make sure that the Check the camera is
Crew If the tripod is securely set still functioning and
tripod isnt set up up, is on a flat surface look for any technical
correctly or it is and is shielded by or physical damage
very windy, the severe wind to give it to the tripod/camera.
tripod could fall the least chance of
over or into falling over or getting
someone causing damaged.
Rugs on floor. Equipment and L Move rugs out of the Check the person is
Crew As the room or wear suitable okay and see if they
rugs were on footwear inside to need first aid. If
wooden floors, it reduce the likelihood severe, seek medical
means there is of slipping over. attention. Potentially
less grip on the remove the rug from
floor when the room.
walking in that
Flammable Cast, Crew and H Make sure all Make sure everyone
materials in the Equipment A fire flammable materials gets out of the house
bedroom. could lead to the arent near any safely and call 999.
whole building flames during the
being burnt down, entirety of production.
putting everyone
at risk.
Pets. Equipment - Pets L Remove all pets from Remove the pet/s
on location could the location and make from the location
knock equipment sure that theyre not immediately and
over, causing capable of getting check that the
damage. near any equipment. equipment isnt
damaged and is still
Water being drunk Equipment - If any M Make sure that if any Remove any water
from cast and crew. water was to be beverages are to be from the vicinity of
spilt on or near offered to cast or the shoot and check
equipment, then crew, then they arent that the equipment
damage could be consuming them near isn't damaged and is
caused. any equipment, in a still functioning.
designated area.
Family members of Equipment - If a M Ask everyone who Ask the culprit and
the house owner. member of the isnt cast or crew to other people who
family who lives in vacate the area while aren't cast and crew
the house could the shoot is in to leave the location
knock over progress and the and check that
equipment. equipment is in use. equipment is still
functioning and any
damage that could
have been caused.
It constitutes a proper and adequate risk assessment in respect of the programme activity and
that control measures identified are sufficient to control the risks.
Adequate measures are in place to communicate the risk assessment findings and to co-ordinate
the safety arrangements of all those affected.