Antholoy of Poem Year 6

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Class Enrolment:
Subject English Language
Title Anthology of poems :Messing About
English Sills Contemporary Literature
Objectives By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to;
1. Enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal responses.
2. Recite poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
3. rrespond to literary texts: a) characters b) place and time c) values
Content Standard 4.1 4.2 4.3
Learning Standard 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2.1 4.3.2
Step 1 Introduce the poem
1. Teacher brings pupils to go through the poem.
Type of poem
The title
Step 2 Get to know the poem
The poem is about games and feelings experiences by the poet and his friends.
1. Teacher asks questions about the poem.
( Who, what, when, where and why)
Ex: Who are the major characters?
2. Identify and interpret difficult, figurative, metaphors, similes, idiomatic.
Bellyache jumping thirsty glue sticky
Step 3 Practise the poem
1. Teacher recites the poem and pupils listen.
2. Recite the poem, as a class, in group, in pair, as individually.
4. Practise in group.
Perform the poem based on their creativity:
Who do you think can relate to best: Jumping John, Kicking Kirsty, Mad Mickey or
Fat Fred
Step 4 Demonstrate the poem
If your parents were to come back home now, how do you think they would feel?
How would your mum react?
Based on your parents reaction, how will you react?
Message /Moral Values
Closure Give stars to the poem.

Descriptor Reflections/Remarks
Can show enjoyment
and appreciation of jazz
chants, poems, and
songs with satisfactory
non-verbal responses
Can sing songs, recite
jazz chants and poems
with a satisfactory
level of correct stress,
pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation

P/Level No. Pupils


Date : 08th April 2016

Day : Friday

Class 6 Anggerik Enrolment: /32

Time 7.00 8.00 am
Subject English Language
Title Anthology of poems :The Sandwich
English Sills Contemporary Literature
Objectives By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to;
1. Enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal responses.
2. Recite poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and
Content Standard 4.1 4.2 4.3
Learning Standard 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2.1 4.3.2
Step 1 Introduce the poem
1. Teacher brings pupils to go through the poem.
Type of poem.
The title
Step 2 Get to know the poem
This poem talks about a fun poem about making a crazy sandwich.
1. Teacher asks questions about the poem.
( Who, what, when, where and why)
Ex: Who are the major characters?
What are they doing?
2. Identify and interpret difficult, figurative, metaphors, similes, idiomatic.
Sandwich as big as bread slices marge cheese tomato onion
lettuce radish sizzling burger sauce
Step 3 Practise the poem
1. Teacher recites the poem and pupils listen.
2. Recite the poem, as a class, in group, in pair, as individually.
4. Practise in group.
Perform the poem based on their creativity.
What does the poet put into his sandwich? Do you think you will like
the sandwich? Why/.
Step 4 Demonstrate the poem
Write a poem about making your own sandwich .read your poem to
the class.
Rewrite the poem in the formal of usual recipe.
Message learned Some people out there are starving so, dont waste your food.
Closure Give stars to the poem.

Class Enrolment:
Subject English Language
Title Anthology of poems : My sister s eating porridge
English Sills Contemporary Literature
Objectives By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to;
1. Enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal responses.
2. Recite poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard 4.1 4.2 4.3
Learning Standard 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2.1 4.3.1 4.3.2
Step 1 Introduce the poem
1. Teacher brings pupils to go through the poem.
Type of poem.
The title
Step 2 Get to know the poem
The poem is about the poets observation of his sister eating porridge and the mess she
makes. In the end, she does not eat the porridge as most of it lands on the floor and she
cries as she is still hungry.

1. Teacher asks questions about the poem.

( Who, what, when, where and why)
Ex: Who are the major characters?
What are they doing?
2. Identify and interpret difficult, figurative, metaphors, similes, idiomatic.
Dallop dripping lumpy porridge rain
Step 3 Practise the poem
1. Teacher recites the poem and pupils listen.
2. Recite the poem, as a class, in group, in pair, as individually.
4. Practise in group.
Perform the poem based on their creativity.
What things tell you that the sibling eating is a very small child who is still does not
know how to feed herself..
Step 4 Demonstrate the poem
1. Do you think parents should allow very young children to feed themselves? Why?
Message learned Dont make a mess when eating.
Closure Give stars to the poem.

Descriptor Reflections/Remarks
Can show enjoyment
and appreciation of jazz
chants, poems, and
songs with satisfactory
non-verbal responses

Can plan, produce and

display *satisfactory
creative works based on
literary texts using a
variety of media .
P/Level No. Pupils

Class Enrolment:
Subject English Language
Title Anthology of poems : Toes
English Sills Contemporary Literature
Objectives By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to;
1. Enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal responses.
2. Recite poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard 4.1 4.2 4.3
Learning Standard 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2.1 4.3.1 4.3.2
Step 1 Introduce the poem
1. Teacher brings pupils to go through the poem.
Type of poem.
The title
Step 2 Get to know the poem
The poem is about what our toes can do.

1. Teacher asks questions about the poem.

( Who, what, when, where and why)
Ex: Who are the major characters?
What are they doing?
2. Identify and interpret difficult, figurative, metaphors, similes, idiomatic.
Handy wiggle kick tickle hard walk toes
Step 3 Practise the poem
1. Teacher recites the poem and pupils listen.
2. Recite the poem, as a class, in group, in pair, as individually.
4. Practise in group.
Perform the poem based on their creativity.
What are the things you can do with your toes, according to Nicholls?
Step 4 Demonstrate the poem
Write a poem entitled Fingers using the same styles as toes.
Message learned
Closure Give stars to the poem.

Descriptor Reflections/Remarks
Can sing songs, recite
jazz chants and poems
with a satisfactory
level of correct stress,
pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation
Can plan, produce and
display *satisfactory
creative works based on
literary texts using a
variety of media .
P/Level No. Pupils

Class Enrolment:
Subject English Language
Title Anthology of poems : Here is the nose
English Sills Contemporary Literature
Objectives By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to;
1. Enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal responses.
2. Recite poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard 4.1 4.2 4.3
Learning Standard 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2.1 4.3.1 4.3.2
Step 1 Introduce the poem
1. Teacher brings pupils to go through the poem.
Type of poem.
The title
Step 2 Get to know the poem
This poem is a fun way to learn about the parts of the body.

1. Teacher asks questions about the poem.

( Who, what, when, where and why)
Ex: Who are the major characters?
What are they doing?
2. Identify and interpret difficult words, figurative, metaphors, and similes, idiomatic.
Wide lapped growled whack smack smelled tip toes
Step 3 Practise the poem
1. Teacher recites the poem and pupils listen.
2. Recite the poem, as a class, in group, in pair, as individually.
4. Practise in group.
Perform the poem based on their creativity.
Many parts of the body are mentioned in the poem. What did each part do.
Step 4 Demonstrate the poem
1.Diferent parts of the body can do different things: (a) the nose can smell different types of
scents, e.g sweet savoury and sour (b) the eyes can see different types of things,e.g beautiful,
ugly, man made.
Make a list of at least five things under each of the five senses.
Message learned Take good care of your 5 senses
Closure Give stars to the poem.

Descriptor Reflections/Remarks
Can show enjoyment
and appreciation of jazz
chants, poems, and
songs with satisfactory
non-verbal responses
Can plan, produce and
display *satisfactory
creative works based on
literary texts using a
variety of media .
P/Level No. Pupils

Class Enrolment:
Subject English Language
Title Anthology of poems : Dont
English Sills Contemporary Literature
Objectives By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to;
1. Enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal responses.
2. Recite poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard 4.1 4.2 4.3
Learning Standard 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2.1 4.3.1 4.3.2
Step 1 Introduce the poem
1. Teacher brings pupils to go through the poem.
Type of poem.
The title
Step 2 Get to know the poem
This poem is about rules that children have to follow.
1. Teacher asks questions about the poem.
( Who, what, when, where and why)
Ex: Who are the major characters?
What are they doing?
2. Identify and interpret difficult words, figurative, metaphors, and similes, idiomatic.
Scrape tease pick suck scratch stick
Step 3 Practise the poem
1. Teacher recites the poem and pupils listen.
2. Recite the poem, as a class, in group, in pair, as individually.
4. Practise in group.
Perform the poem based on their creativity.
Make a list of all the things the children cannot do.
Step 4 Demonstrate the poem
1. Have you ever had a meal like the one Timothy Tompkin had? When? Tell your friends about
2.Do you thinks it was a well-balanced meal ? Why?
Message /moral values It is unhealthy eating unbalanced meal.
Closure Give stars to the poem.

Descriptor Reflections/Remarks
Can sing songs, recite
jazz chants and poems
with a satisfactory
level of correct stress,
pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation
Can plan, produce and
display *satisfactory
creative works based on
literary texts using a
variety of media.
P/Level No. Pupils

Class Enrolment:
Subject English Language
Title Anthology of poems : The Mud pie Makers Rhyme
English Sills Contemporary Literature
Objectives By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to;
1. Enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal responses.
2. Recite poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard 4.1 4.2 4.3
Learning Standard 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2.1 4.3.1 4.3.2
Step 1 Introduce the poem
1. Teacher brings pupils to go through the poem.
Type of poem.
The title
Step 2 Get to know the poem
This poem is about children playing with mud-pies
1. Teacher asks questions about the poem.
( Who, what, when, where and why)
Ex: Who are the major characters?

2. Identify and interpret difficult words, figurative, metaphors, and similes, idiomatic.
Squidgy slippery sludgey runny squeezy
Step 3 Practise the poem
1. Teacher recites the poem and pupils listen.
2. Recite the poem, as a class, in group, in pair, as individually.
4. Practise in group.
Perform the poem based on their creativity.
Make a list of all things that are (a) squidgy (b) slippery (c) runny and (e) squeezy
Step 4 Demonstrate the poem
1. We use different words to describe slight differences in texture, age, etc.
See if you can decide in these two sets of words (a) earth, sand ,mud (b) girl, woman, lass
Message/ Moral Values loving
Closure Give stars to the poem.

Descriptor Reflections/Remarks
Can show enjoyment
and appreciation of jazz
chants, poems, and
songs with satisfactory
non-verbal responses
Can sing songs, recite
jazz chants and poems
with a satisfactory
level of correct stress,
pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation
P/Level No. Pupils
Class Enrolment:
Subject English Language
Title Anthology of poems : A garden
English Sills Contemporary Literature
Objectives By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to;
1. Enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal responses.
2. Recite poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard 4.1 4.3 4.2
Learning Standard 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.3.1 4.2.1 4.3.2
Step 1 Introduce the poem
1. Teacher brings pupils to go through the poem.
Type of poem.
The title.
Step 2 Get to know the poem
This poem describes the poets dream garden.
1. Teacher asks questions about the poem.
( Who, what, when, where and why)
Ex: Who are the major characters?
What are they doing?
2. Identify and interpret difficult words, figurative, metaphors, and similes, idiomatic.
Daises chase sit hung butterflies
Step 3 Practise the poem
1. Teacher recites the poem and pupils listen.
2. Recite the poem, as a class, in group, in pair, as individually.
4. Practise in group.
Perform the poem based on their creativity.
Which aspect of poets garden do you like best? Why?
Step 4 Demonstrate the poem .
1.Describe your own dream garden. Say what plants, birds, etc. You will put in it.
Message /Moral Values
Closure Give stars to the poem.

Descriptor Reflections/Remarks
Can show enjoyment
and appreciation of jazz
chants, poems, and
songs with satisfactory
non-verbal responses
Can sing songs, recite
jazz chants and poems
with a satisfactory
level of correct stress,
pronunciation, rhythm
and intonation
P/Level No. Pupils

Class Enrolment:
Subject English Language
Title Anthology of poems : Tadpoles
English Sills Contemporary Literature
Objectives By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to;
1. Enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal responses.
2. Recite poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard 4.1 4.3 4.2
Learning Standard 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.3.1 4.2.1 4.3.2
Step 1 Introduce the poem
1. Teacher brings pupils to go through the poem.
Type of poem.
The title.
Step 2 Get to know the poem
This poem is about ten little tadpoles.
1. Teacher asks questions about the poem.
( Who, what, when, where and why)
Ex: Who are the major characters?
What are they doing?
2. Identify and interpret difficult words, figurative, metaphors, and similes, idiomatic.
Tadpoles pool water-rat tables racing diving
Step 3 Practise the poem
1. Teacher recites the poem and pupils listen.
2. Recite the poem, as a class, in group, in pair, as individually.
4. Practise in group.
Perform the poem based on their creativity.
Why did the tadpoles say No, no, no! To the water rat?
Which words tell you what the tadpoles were doing in the pool?
Step 4 Demonstrate the poem .
1.Write a short poem about any baby animal that you like?
Message /Moral Values
Closure Give stars to the poem.

Descriptor Reflections/Remarks
Can show enjoyment
and appreciation of jazz
chants, poems, and
songs with satisfactory
non-verbal responses
Can plan, produce and
display *satisfactory
creative works based on
literary texts using a
variety of media

P/Level No. Pupils


Class Enrolment:
Subject English Language
Title Anthology of poems :Swinging
English Sills Contemporary Literature
Objectives By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to;
1. Enjoy jazz chants, poems and songs through non-verbal responses.
2. Recite poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard 4.1 4.3 4.2
Learning Standard 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.3.1 4.2.1 4.3.2
Step 1 Introduce the poem
1. Teacher brings pupils to go through the poem.
Type of poem.
The title.
Step 2 Get to know the poem
This poem is about a child playing on a swing.
1. Teacher asks questions about the poem.
( Who, what, when, where and why)
Ex: Who are the major characters?
What are they doing?
2. Identify and interpret difficult words, figurative, metaphors, and similes, idiomatic.
Swinging low high bigger
Step 3 Practise the poem
1. Teacher recites the poem and pupils listen.
2. Recite the poem, as a class, in group, in pair, as individually.
3. Practise in group.
4. Perform the poem based on their creativity.
5. How old do you think the person taking in the poem?
Step 4 Demonstrate the poem.
1. Write a short poem about any baby animal that you like?
Message /Moral Values
Closure Give stars to the poem.

Descriptor Reflections/Remarks
Can show enjoyment
and appreciation of jazz
chants, poems, and
songs with satisfactory
non-verbal responses
Can plan, produce and
display *satisfactory
creative works based on
literary texts using a
variety of media

P/Level No. Pupils


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