Optimization of Growth of Two Microalgal Isolates For Biofuel Feedstock

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Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res. 51(3), 183-192, 2016 OF SCIENTIFIC AND
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Optimization of growth of two microalgal isolates for biofuel feedstock

N. M. Ali1, N. J. Tarin1, M. N. Mondol1*, A. S. Chamon1, A. Aziz2 and M. M. Rahman1
1Department of Soil, Water and Environment, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
2Department of Botany, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

A research involving random isolation and characterization of naturally occurring microalgae in Bangladesh was carried out for assessing
their potential for biofuel feedstock and other uses. Among the isolates, one identified as a green alga Chlamydomonas noctigama and anoth-
er one as blue-green alga Nostoc spongiaeforme were grown in modified Chu-10D medium. The optimization of their growth was performed
following incubation of the isolates under different levels of media concentration, temperature, pH, light intensity and aeration. Both the
species showed optimum growth in terms of total chlorophyll at a temperature of 25oC. However, significant differences (at 5% level) in
growth were observed for the isolates under other conditions. The optimum growth of Chlamydomonas noctigama was observed for
the vitamin B1+B6, whereas there was no significant difference on growth of Nostoc spongiaeforme for any vitamin supplement. The
optimum pH for the growth of Chlamydomonas noctigama and Nostoc spongiaeforme were 6.5 and 7.5, light intensity 110 Em-2 s-1 and
70 Em-2 s-1, and media concentration 2x and 1x of normal concentration, respectively.

Keywords: Algae; Green alga; Blue-green alga; Chlamydomonas noctigama; Nostoc spongiaeforme; Optimization


Algae are emerging to be one of the most promising long- ideal growth conditions for microalgal cultures are strain
term, sustainable sources of biomass and oils for fuel, food, specific and microalgae cultivation requires specific envi-
feed, and other co-products. Algae efficiently use CO2, and ronmental conditions including temperature ranges, light
are responsible for more than 40% of the global carbon fix- intensities, mixing conditions, nutrient composition, and gas
ation, with the majority of this productivity coming from exchange. It is known that microalgae respond with physio-
marine microalgae. Algae can produce biomass very rapidly, logical alterations to the environmental conditions where
with some species doubling in as few as 6 hrs, and many they grow (Schenk et al., 2008). This behavior can be
exhibiting two doublings per day (Hannon et al., 2010). All viewed as a biotechnological attribute that can be manipulat-
algae have the capacity to produce energy-rich oils, and a ed in order to control the algal biochemical composition and
number of microalgal species have been found to naturally growth, focusing on specific compounds and higher produc-
accumulate high oil levels in total dry biomass (Rodolfi et tivity. The need for clean and low-cost algae production
al., 2009). demands for investigations on algal physiological response
under different growth conditions.
Microalgae biofuels may provide a viable alternative to fos-
sil fuels; however, this technology must overcome a number A few thousand algal species are reported to occur in fresh
of hurdles before it can compete in the fuel market and be water and marine environment in Bangladesh (Ahmed et al.,
broadly deployed. These challenges include native strain 2008). However, the potential for these natural resources as
identification and improvement, both in terms of oil produc- biofuel feedstock and other probable uses are not assessed to
tivity and crop protection, nutrient and resource allocation
that extent. Despite of its importance related to biodiesel
and use, and the production of co-products to improve the
production as reported in many countries of the world, quite
economics of the entire system (Pankaj and Awasthi, 2015).
a few studies have been conducted in Bangladesh with a very
Algae are easy to grow and cultivate anywhere with less insignificant number of species such as Spirulina,
energy requirements and using very few of the nutrients. The Cholorococcum, Spirogyra sp. (Qudus and Halim, 2012)
thus requiring a comprehensive work involving isolation,
*Corresponding author. e-mail: [email protected]
184 Microalgal isolates of biofuel 51(3) 2016

characterization and optimization of their growth and selec- tics as described by Siddiqui et al. (2007) and Ahmed et al.
tion of algal strains as a potential feedstock. Therefore, the (2008).
present investigation was undertaken in order to evaluate in
vitro growth of some of the isolates under different condi- Characteristics of blue-green alga (Nostoc spongiaeforme)
tions and their potential in terms of biomass production was
Class: Cyanophyceae
Order: Nostocales
Materials and methods Family: Nostocacae
Genus: Nostoc
Isolation and Identification Species: Nostoc spongiaeforme

For isolation, water samples were randomly collected in Description

plastic water bottles and also by dropper in glass vials con-
taining modified Chu-10D medium from different natural Colony globose when young, later expanding into an irregu-
and artificial water bodies (e.g. ponds, ditches, sprinklers lar gelatinous ball, 2-3 cm in diameter, blue-green in colour,
etc.) located at Dhaka University campus area and Khulna dense peripherally with much contorted trichomes, central
region, during 01 March 2014 to 20 December 2014. Direct portion watery with less contorted trichomes. Trichomes 2.8-
isolations were done by picking up single filament or single 8.7 m wide. Cells 2.8-8.7 m long. Heterocysts sub-spher-
cell using Platinum wire loop or sterile Pasture pipette. In ical or oblong 4.2-5.8 m wide, 4.8-8.4 m long. Akinetes
some cases, series of dilutions were made in sterile medium sub-spherical or ellipsoidal occurring in chains of 3-15, 45-
using homogenized suspension of natural algal samples. 8.0 m broad and 5.0-9.0 m long, wall smooth.

Identification of both blue-green and green algae was carried

out following cross matching of morphological characteris-
Habitat: Rice field

Figs. 1. A-D. Nostoc spongiaeforme, A. Hormogonia of various length, B. Fully developed fila-
ments with low cyanophycin granules, C. Several developed filaments with inter-
calary heterocyst, D. Mature filaments with numerous granules
Ali, Tarin, Mondol, Chamon, Aziz and Rahman 185

Characteristics of green alga (Chlamydomonas noctigama) Media Composition

Class: Chlorophyceae The liquid medium used in this study is not an absolute inor-
Order: Volvocales ganic medium but with two organic compounds, the EDTA
Family: Chlamydomonadaceae as a chelating agent and HEPES as a buffer.
Genus: Chlamydomonas
Species: Chlamydomonas noctigama Sterilization

Description All the required instruments were sterilized at 120C tem-

perature and 15 lb/sq. inch (10.35 K Pa) pressure for 15 min-
Cells spherical with true cell wall, flagella present.
Chloroplasts parietal, massive cup-shaped, longitudinally
ridged, pyrenoid usually one, in some cases two or three.

Habitat: Pond, fountain, planktonic.

Figs. 2. A-D. Chlamydomonas noctigama, A-B. Early stage of mature non-granular cells,
developing cells and zoospores, C-D. Mature cells and granular zoospores and
with one distinct pyronoid in each cell

Culturing of algae Maintenance and subculturing

After identification, isolated microalgae were used as inocu- Stock cultures were maintained in 60 ml liquid medium
lants for algal monoculture. Identification of species fol- incubated standing in an average 25C growth room under
lowed by the genus was done with the 4, 8 and 15 days old continuous light (ca 40 Em-2s-1.). Subcultures to fresh
monoculture. In vitro algal culture was done in modified medium were made after about three months. Stocks for
Chu-10D culture medium (Sinclair and Whitton, 1977) incu- experimental purposes were maintained at 32C under con-
bated in the controlled growth room, at 23 to 28C tempera- tinuous light of average 71 Em-2s-1..
ture in an average light flux of 71 Em-2s-1.
186 Microalgal isolates of biofuel 51(3) 2016

Table I. Composition of modified Chu-10D medium (mg l-1 of salts) used in the present study with Chu-10D of Sinclair
and Whitton (1977)

Salts Modified Chu-10D medium (Aziz and Whitton 1987) Chu-10D

Ca(NO3)2.4H2O (for GA) 57.6 57.6

KH2PO4 7.8 7.8
MgSO4.7H2O 25 25
Na2SiO3.5H2O - 10.88
NaHCO3 23.73 15.85
CaCl2.2H2O (for BGA) 35.84 -
- 2.42
Fe-EDTA FeCl3.6H2O - 3.18
0.045 0.045
0.007 0.007
Micronutrients ZnSO4.7H2O 0.056 0.056
CuSO4.5H2O 0.02 0.02
CoSO4.7H2O 0.01 0.01
H3BO4 0.72 0.72
NaOH* ca 59.0 -
*added as 1M NaOH solution (ca 1.48 ml l-1 medium) during buffering with HEPES to pH 7.2

Estimation of growth
Table II. Composition of modified Chu-10D medium
(mg l-1 of elements) of Aziz and Whitton (1987) Total chlorophyll and optical density (O.D.) have been used
used in the present study and comparison with to estimate growth. During early stage of growth, the whole
Chu-10D of Sinclair and Whitton (1977) contents of each flask were used for either total chlorophyll
or O.D.
Elements Modified Chu-10D medium Chu-10D
N (only for GA) 6.83 6.83 Chlorophyll a (for blue-green alga) was estimated by follow-
P 1.78 1.78
ing the procedure based on the recommendations of Marker
K 2.24 2.24
et al. (1980).
Na ca 40.0* 6.69
Ca 9.78 9.78
Chlorophyll a and b can be calculated by following formu-
Mg 2.47 2.47
lae according to APHA (American Public Health
S 3.25 3.25
Association), 1985.
Fe 0.5 0.5
Si - 1.44
By measuring the optical density at 750 nm growth was esti-
Cl 17.26 0.016
mated using a spectrophotometer as described by Rodolfi et
Mn 0.012 0.012
al., 2009. During early stage of growth, the whole contents
Mo 0.0028 0.0028
Zn 0.013 0.013 of each flask were used for O.D.
Cu 0.005 0.005
Optimization of growth conditions
Co 0.002 0.002
B 0.125 0.125
The need for clean and low-cost algae production demands
*Na concentration increased from 6.69 to 40.0 mg l-1 due to
for investigations on algal physiological response under dif-
the addition of 1M NaOH solution (ca 1.48 ml l-1) during
buffering with HEPES to pH 7.2 ferent growth conditions. Experiments were carried out in
batch culture under continuous light. In the growth room
Ali, Tarin, Mondol, Chamon, Aziz and Rahman 187

illumination was provided by white fluorescent tubes (aver- Media concentration

age 71 Em-2s-1.) above and below the alga. The flasks were
usually randomly rearranged at 24 h interval. The tempera- Three concentrations of media, i.e. 1x, 1.5x and 2x had been
ture was set at a range of 24 to 26 C. used to find out the optimum concentration of media for two
algal growths.
Air bubbling
Seven pH values (i.e. 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5 and 8.0) for
GA and five pH values (i.e. 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 and 8.5) for The effect of air bubbling on the growth of the selected
BGA had been used to find out the optimum pH value for microalgae had been observed by supplying air-bubbles in
respective algal growth in the medium. the culture-flasks with control at the flux of 8 Lmin-1 and the
pressure of 0.0067 M Pa using a SOBO aquarium air pump
Temperature (SB-348 A).

The growth of both GA and BGA was observed at four dif- Results and discussion
ferent temperature (i.e. 20, 25, 30 and 35 C) to find out opti-
mum temperature for respective algal growth in the medium. The effect of different growth conditions, namely pH, light
intensity, temperature, nutrient concentration in growth
Light intensity medium, vitamins and air-bubbles supply were evaluated to
optimize the conditions of growth as well as the production
Five light intensities (i.e. 30, 50, 70, 90 and 110 Em-2s-1.) of biomass for selected microalgal samples (Chlamydomonas
had been used to find out the optimum light intensity for the noctigama and Nostoc spongiaeforme). The standard devia-
growth of selected algal strains. tion was done to measure the sample fluctuation, analysis of
variance (ANOVA) of the data was computed to determine
Vitamin supplements the F-value and the test of significance was computed by
Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT), using IBM SPSS
Four vitamin solutions, individually (i.e. B1, B6, B7, B12) Statistics V.22.
and in six combinations (i.e. B1+B6, B1+B7, B1+B12,
B7+B12, B1+B7+B12 and B1+B6+B7+B12) had been used pH
to find out the effect of vitamin for two algal growths in the
The pH can affect the growth of microorganisms and each
species has a definite pH growth range and pH growth opti-

Fig. 3. Effect of pH on the growth as total chlorophyll Fig. 4. Effect of pH on the growth as chlorophyll
(chl a and b) of Chlamydomonas noctigama (chl a) of Nostoc spongiaeforme
188 Microalgal isolates of biofuel 51(3) 2016

mum. Extreme pH conditions influence photosynthesis, the activity of Nostoc punctiforme as 7.6 which was also
growth and nutrient assimilation in algae (Gensemer et al., very close to the findings of this research. Lang et al. (2008)
1993). The effect of different pH values on growth of found optimum growth of Nostoc sp. at pH 7.0.
Chlamydomonas noctigama (as total chlorophyll) and
Nostoc spongiaeforme (as chlorophyll a) was presented in
Fig. 3 and 4, respectively. The result was statistically signif- The effect of different temperature on growth of
icant at 5% level. This means pH had significant influence Chlamydomonas noctigama and Nostoc spongiaeforme as
on the growth of both algal species. O.D. (750 nm) was statistically different from each other.

Fig. 5. Effect of temperature on the growth as Fig. 6. Effect of temperature on the growth as
O.D. of Chlamydomonas noctigama O.D. of Nostoc spongiaeforme

The highest growth (4.052 gml-1.) and the lowest growth The highest and lowest growth as O.D. (750 nm) was found
(3.116 gml-1.) as total chlorophyll (chlorophyll a and b) per at the temperature of 25C and 35C, respectively for both of
ml of Chlamydomonas noctigama were found at pH 6.5 and the isolates.
pH 7.0, respectively. The highest growth was slightly differ-
ent from the growth at pH 7.0, 5.5, 6.0 and 8.0, whereas the From the result of the study the optimum temperature
lowest growth was slightly different from the growth at pH Chlamydomonas noctigama is 25C which is similar to that
5.5 and 7.5. of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii found by Akimoto et al.
(1997). Harris (2009) reported that the usual laboratory
The optimum growth of Chlamydomonas noctigama in this species of Chlamydomonas grow well in the range of 20-
research was determined at pH 6.5 which is near about the 25C. Pocock et al. (2004) used 29C as optimum tempera-
pH condition of the habitat from which the species was iso- ture for the culture of Chlamydomonas noctigama in Bold's
lated. Skjanes et al. (2008) also found optimum pH for the basal medium. The result varies might be due to the change
growth of Chlamydomonas noctigama collected from fresh in medium.
water as 6.5.
The growth increases with the increase in temperature up to
The highest growth (19.019) and the lowest growth (9.951) its optimum and then declines with the increase in tempera-
as chlorophyll a per ml of Nostoc were found at pH 7.5 and ture. The optimum growth condition for the selected blue-
pH 6.5, respectively. The highest and the lowest growth were green alga was achieved at temperature of 25C which is
statistically different from all other growth. similar to the finding of Li-Juan et al. (2011) on Nostoc com-
mune. Spencer et al. (2011) found optimum growth of
The optimum pH range for Nostoc sp. was reported by
Rodriguez et al. (1986) as 6.4-8.2 which was almost similar Nostoc spongiaeforme at 26C on BG-11 medium.
to this research. Granhall (1975) reported optimum pH for
Ali, Tarin, Mondol, Chamon, Aziz and Rahman 189

Light intensity 40 Em-2s-1.. For, Nostoc spongiaeforme the result showed

an increase in growth with increasing light intensity up to 70
The effect of different light intensities at 0 hr on the growth
Em-2s-1. and then declines. So, optimum light intensity for
as O.D. (750 nm) of Chlamydomonas noctigama and Nostoc
the growth of this blue-green alga is 70 Em-2s-1.. But
spongiaeforme was not statistically significant but the
Spencer et al. (2011) found that 227 Em-2s-1. of light was
growth after 72 hr was statistically different from each other.
optimum for the growth of Nostoc spongiaeforme on BG-11
The highest growth (0.727) and lowest growth (0.621) were medium. The reason behind this might be the variation
found at the light intensity of 110 and 30 Em-2s-1. for among the growth media. Besides, it is the limitation of the
Chlamydomonas noctigama and of 70 and 30 Em-2s-1. for research that it was not feasible to provide light intensity
Nostoc spongiaeforme. The highest growth of Chlamydo- more than 110 Em-2s-1. in the growth room.
monas noctigama had no statistical difference from the
growth at the light intensity of 90 Em-2s-1..

Fig. 7. Effect of light intensity on the growth Fig. 8. Effect of light intensity on the growth as
as O.D. of Chlamydomonas noctigama O.D. of Nostoc spongiaeforme

The result showed an increase in growth of Chlamydomonas Vitamin supplements

noctigama with increasing light intensity. The optimal aver-
The effect of different vitamin on growth of
age light intensity for H2 production in Chlamydomonas
Chlamydomonas noctigama and Nostoc spongiaeforme as
reinhardtii was found by Laurinavichene et al. (2004) as 30-
O.D. (750 nm) was presented in Fig. 9 and 10, respectively.

Fig. 9. Effect of vitamins on the growth as O.D. of Fig. 10. Effect of vitamins on the growth as O.D. of
Chlamydomonas noctigama Nostoc spongiaeforme
190 Microalgal isolates of biofuel 51(3) 2016

The result was statistically significant for Chlamydomonas statistically significant. But the result was statistically signif-
noctigama and not statistically significant for Nostoc spon- icant for both of them at 48 hr and 72 hr.
giaeforme at 5% level as the growth had no statistical differ-
ence to each other and also to the control. The highest growth (0.346) and the lowest growth (0.315) as
O.D. (750 nm) of Chlamydomonas noctigama were found at
The result showed that the highest growth (0.226) and the 2x and 1.5x, respectively after 48 hr. whereas the highest
lowest growth (0.171) of Chlamydomonas noctigama were growth (0.788) and the lowest growth (0.671) as O.D. were
found at the vitamin B1+B6 and B1, respectively. The high- found at 2x and 1x, respectively after 72 hr. On the other
est growth was slightly different from the growth at B7, B12, hand, the highest growth (0.347) and the lowest growth
B1+B7, B1+B12, B7+B12 and B1+B6+B7+B12. (0.319) as O.D. (750 nm) of Nostoc spongiaeforme were
found at 1x and 2x, respectively after 48 hr. The highest
Croft et al. (2006) found that many algal species require growth (0.536) and the lowest growth (0.515) as O.D. were
exogenous cobalamin (vitamin B12), thiamine (vitamin B1) found at 1x and 1.5x, respectively after 72 hr. Miller et al.
or biotin (vitamin B7) for growth. In this study, it had been (1999) found that the increased nutrient concentration in
found that the addition of vitamin B1+B6 in the media had a medium resulted in better growth and higher biomass of blue
positive effect on the growth of Chlamydomonas noctigama. green algae.
McVeigh and Brown (1954) found stimulating effect on the
growth of Chlamydomonas noctigama after including vita-
min B12 with the medium.

Kartz and Myers (1953) stated that numerous attempts to

elicit a growth response from Nostoc muscorum by the addi-
tion of vitamins to a culture medium had proved fruitless.
However, the addition of vitamins in the large scale commer-
cial system might be proved to be advantageous.

Media concentration

The effect of different media conc. on growth of

Chlamydomonas noctigama and Nostoc spongiaeforme as
O.D. (750 nm) at 0 hr on the growth of both isolates was not

Fig. 12. Effect of nutrient concentration in medium

on the growth as O.D. of Nostoc spongiae-
Air bubbling on growth

The effect of air bubbling on growth of Chlamydomonas

noctigama and Nostoc spongiaeforme as O.D. (750 nm) was
presented in Fig. 13.

The growth as O.D. of Chlamydomonas noctigama and

Nostoc spongiaeforme with and without air bubbling were

Fig. 11. Effect of nutrient concentration in medium

on the growth as O.D. of Chlamydomonas
Ali, Tarin, Mondol, Chamon, Aziz and Rahman 191

the morphological characteristics of the isolates.


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psychrophilic green alga from Lake Bonney
Received: 27 January 2016-; Revised: 03 March 2016;
Antarctica: Chlamydomonas raudensis Ettl. (UWO
Accepted: 24 April 2016.

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