RheologyFalguera Et Al 2010

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2194 International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2010, 45, 21942200

Original article
Rheological behaviour of concentrated mandarin juice at low

Victor Falguera,1* Jorge Fernando Velez-Ruiz,2 Veronica Alins1 & Albert Ibarz1
1 Food Technology Department (University of Lleida), Av. Rovira Roure, 191 25198 Lleida, Spain
2 Chemical and Food Engineering Department, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla Sta. Catarina Martir, Cholula, Puebla 72820, Mexico
(Received 9 June 2010; Accepted in revised form 19 July 2010)

Summary Several rheological properties of concentrated mandarin juice were investigated, quantifying thixotropic
behaviour and tting experimental data to the Hahn, Weltman, and FigoniShoemaker equations. The latter
one proved best for modelling the time dependency response. Pseudoplastic behaviour tted well with the
HerschelBulkley model in the interval between )12 and 6 C, in which yield stress and the ow behaviour
index scarcely changed with temperature. The consistency coecient and apparent viscosity both decreased
as temperature increased. Fitting these consistency data to the Arrhenius-type equation, a value of
33 kJ mol)1 for activation energy was obtained. Concentrated mandarin juice displayed viscoelastic
properties in the temperature range between )12 and 6 C, with the elastic character (determined by the
juices pectin content) predominating over the viscous nature at low frequency values, but with this
behaviour being inverted for high values. Furthermore, as the temperature became higher, the elastic
character became more important than the viscous nature.
Keywords Fruit juices, mandarin, rheology, viscoelastic properties, viscosity.

essential for optimum processing, to prevent facilities

becoming over-dimensioned and to subsequently reduce
Plant food uids represent a very extensive and impor- or prevent the wasteful use of economic resources.
tant sector of the food industry. Most of them are The rheological behaviour of food uids may be
manufactured by industrial processes that change their described by dierent constitutive equations that corre-
original structure, generating a uid in which the late the two basic parameters: shear stress and shear
suspended material (formed by pulp and pectin) makes rate. Although there are a good number of rheological
a signicant contribution to their rheology, giving them models, according to several researchers (Rha, 1978;
some singular properties like thixotropic and elastic Rao et al., 1984; Kokini, 1992; Canet et al., 2005), the
behaviour. In this way, pectin content has a direct Herschel and Bulkley model provides one of the most
relationship with the strength of the structure that can useful and applicable equations for tting the ow
be created inside the juice matrix (Ramos & Ibarz, responses of experimental data for uids:
2006). r r0 K_cn 1
The manufacturing of uid products includes numer-
ous food-processing operations from the raw material to Where r is the shear stress (Pa), r0 is the yield stress
the nal product. The processes involved include trans- (Pa), c_ is the shear rate (s)1), K is the consistency
portation, by passing the product through pipelines, coefcient (Pa.sn), and n is the ow behaviour index
pasteurisation, ltration, evaporation, and sterilization, (dimensionless).
and processing to maintain the shelf life, such as The ow behaviour of fruit juices and their uid
refrigeration and freezing. derivatives is strongly aected by both juice and fruit
The rheological properties of food uids need to be characteristics. The presence of pulp solids, as in the
known to predict the engineering parameters required dispersed phase of fruit juice, contributes to their non-
for processing and performance and to design equip- Newtonian nature and especially to the development of
ment. An appropriate design of operating units is the yield stress parameter. It has been observed that
many fruit juices and purees t well to the Herschel and
*Correspondent: E-mail: [email protected] Bulkley model (Maceiras et al., 2007; Velez-Ruiz,

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Rheological behaviour of mandarin juice V. Falguera et al. 2195

2009a). On the other hand, some fruit uids show Federation of Fruit Juice Producers (IFFJP, 1972, 1984)
thixotropy. This is characterised by a continuous methods.
reduction in apparent viscosity with the shear time and
with a subsequent recovery of viscosity once the shear
Soluble solids content
rate has stopped (Lozano & Ibarz, 1994). The thixotro-
pic response of a uid may be determined by measuring This was determined by using an Atago RX-1000 digital
shear stress as a function of time at a given shear rate refractometer (Atago Bussan Co., Tokyo, Japan). The
that is kept constant throughout the instrumental test. results were expressed as Brix degrees.
Furthermore, the presence of pulp in fruit juices and
purees may cause a viscoelastic response. In such cases,
viscoelastic properties, particularly the storage and loss
modules, may be measured by dynamic tests (Ma & pH was measured at 20 C with a previously calibrated
Barbosa-Canovas, 1995). Crison MicropH 2001 instrument (Crison Instruments,
Concentrated mandarin juice is obtained by an Alella, Spain).
industrial process including several food process oper-
ations. This starts with juice extraction and an
Total acidity
evaporation process in which water is eliminated until
63.3 Brix is obtained in the nal concentrate. During Total acidity was measured by potentiometric titration,
the evaporation treatment, in addition to physical applying 0.1 m NaOH to pH 8.1, which was when the
changes (Velez-Ruiz, 2009b), some deteriorative reac- titrated juice developed a pink colour if phenolphthalein
tions may occur that reduce the quality of fruit was used as an indicator. The results were expressed as
concentrates; for this reason was decided to study mL NaOH 0.1 m per 100 mL of juice.
alternative process operations. One such operation is
concentration by freezing, or cryoconcentration. This
is an operation in which the water content is elimi-
nated from a juice at low temperature, below freezing The pulp content was measured by centrifugation
point. This makes it possible to separate the ice phase at 12 000 g, using a P-Selecta Medifriger centrifuge
from the fruit juice, producing a fruit juice with a high (Selecta, Abrera, Spain) and following the IFFJP
content of soluble solids and also preventing chemical method (IFFJP, 1972, 1984). The results were expressed
reactions favoured by high temperatures. There is a in grams of pulp per 100 g of concentrated juice.
wide range of cryoconcentrating equipment, but in all
cases, operations are performed at temperatures below
Formol index
freezing point. A given cryoconcentrator therefore
needs to be specically designed or improved in line The formol index was measured according to the
with the physical properties of the food uid to be method established by the IFFJP (1972, 1984). This
treated. Knowledge of the rheological properties of a index is used as a measure of the amino acid content of a
given fruit uid at temperatures below 0 C is there- juice. It consists of titrating the acidity of compounds
fore indispensable when designing processing equip- formed by the reaction of formaldehyde and amino
ment. acids where 25 mL of juice are neutralised with NaOH
The main purposes of this work were to analyse the 1 m up to a pH 8.1, and 10 mL of a basic formaldehyde
rheological behaviour of concentrated mandarin juice solution at a concentration of 35% is added to the
(63.3 Brix) and study its ow response, thixotropic neutralised sample. After approximately 1 min, a poten-
nature, and viscoelastic properties within a range of tiometric titration was carried out to pH 8.1. Results
temperatures from )12 to +6 C. were expressed as mL NaOH 0.1 m per 100 mL of juice.

Materials and methods Hydroxymethyl furfural

This was determined by colorimetry at 550 nm, using a
Raw material
Helios gamma spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Sci-
Concentrated mandarin juice was provided by a juice- entic Inc., Waltham, MA, USA) and following the
processing industry located near Lleida (Spain). In this IFFJP method (IFFJP, 1972, 1984). It involved mea-
industry, mandarins are washed and squeezed with a suring the maximum intensity of the red coloration of
citrus juice extractor, and the juice is concentrated by a the compound formed by combining hydroxymethyl
multi-phase evaporation process. The physicochemical furfural (HMF), barbituric acid and p-toluidin after a
characteristics of the samples were analysed in accor- period of 3 to 4 min. Measurements were taken from a
dance with standard AOAC (1980) and International sample diluted to 6 Brix. Quantication of the HMF

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2196 Rheological behaviour of mandarin juice V. Falguera et al.

sample was based on a standard curve. HMF content Where r is the shear stress (Pa), at any time t (s), ri and
was expressed as mg L)1. re are the initial and equilibrium stresses (Pa), which are
respectively related to initial and long times. A, B, p, a,
and k are the kinetic parameters for each equation.
Flow behaviour tests were carried out within the shear
These were determined by the reduction in the Fehling rate interval ranging from 0.01 to 400 s)1 after rst
reagent by the reducing sugars present in the sample, submitting samples to a rotation of 400 s)1 for 180 s to
following the IFFJP method (IFFJP 1972, 1984). The break the thixotropy. Linear viscoelasticity assays were
Cu2+ ions contained in the Fehling reagent that were performed through dynamic experiments. First, two
responsible for the blue colour of the sample were stress sweeps at frequencies of 0.1 and 10 Hz were made,
converted to Cu+ ions by the reducing sugars. When to be certain that the assays were carried out within the
associated with oxygen, these ions formed Cu2O, giving a linear zone. The optimum stress was determined to be
reddish precipitation. The Fehling reagent became pro- 0.2 Pa. Frequency sweeps were carried out between 0.05
gressively discoloured until equivalence was reached and 50 Hz and at temperatures of )12, )6, )3, 0, +3
when its blue colour disappeared. Before measuring total and +6 C. Temperature was controlled using a Phoe-
sugar content, it was rst necessary to perform an acidic nix C25P bath lled with a 50% ethylene glycol solution,
hydrolysis of the non-reducing sugars in the juice sample. with a deviation of less than 1 C. Preliminary tests
were run to verify that a relaxing time of 300 s would be
sucient to obtain reproducible results for all thixot-
ropy and viscoelasticity assays. All experiments were
The determination of total carotene content was carried carried out in duplicate.
out at 450 nm after extraction with a methanolether
mix. The orange colouration of the mandarin juice is
Statistical analysis
because of the presence of carotenes, which must be
measured and whose evolution needs to be monitored The experimental results obtained from this study were
during thermal treatment. Results are expressed in mg of tted to dierent kinetic and mathematical models using
b-carotenes per 100 g of juice (IFFJP, 1972, 1984). Statgraphics statistical data processing software (Plus
Colorimetric measurements were performed with a 5.1 version; STSC Inc. Rockville, MD, USA). The t
Helios gamma spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Sci- and estimates were calculated at a signicance level of
entic Inc.). 95%. The root mean squared error (RMSE) index was
also used to decide which model provided the best t for
the experimental data. This index was dened as:
Rheological measurements
Rheological measurements were carried out using a 1
Haake RS-80 RheoStress Rheometer (Gebruder Haake RMSE Rrexp  rpred 2 5
GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany). Measurements were car-
ried out using a 60cm-diameter plate plate rough Where n is the number of measurements, rexp is the
sensor (to avoid slide problems) with a 1-mm gap. experimental shear stress (Pa), and rpred is the predicted
Temperature was controlled with a Phoenix controller, shear stress (Pa) corresponding to each tting model
with a deviation of less than 0.3 C. (Hahn, FigoniShoemaker, and Weltman).
Thixotropy measurements were taken by applying
constant shear rates of 3, 10, and 30 s)1 to each sample
Results and discussion
for 700 s, at temperatures between )12 and +6 C.
There are several rheological models that t the thixo- The physicochemical characteristics of the 63.3 Brix
tropic behaviour of uid foods (Weltman, 1943; Hahn mandarin juice are shown in Table 1. All parameters
et al., 1959; Figoni & Shoemaker, 1983; Velez-Ruiz, (corrected to SSE concentration) are within the limits
2009a); three of the most useful relationships are established by the AIJN (2001).

Weltman: r A  B ln t 2 Thixotropy
The experimental values for shear stress as a function of
Hahn: logr  re p  at 3 time corresponding to a given shear rate were tted
using the Weltman, Hahn, and FigoniShoemaker
Figoni and Shoemaker: r re ri  re expkt models. The respective RMSE were computed from
the thixotropic parameters for the three models (data
4 not shown). The values for this index were highest with

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Rheological behaviour of mandarin juice V. Falguera et al. 2197

Table 1 Characteristics of the 63.3Brix mandarin juice 140

Experimental shear stress (Pa)

Parameter Value 120

Pulp content (% w w) 22.30 0.12
pH 3.4 0.1 80
Total acidity (mL NaOH 0.1 M 100 mL)1 juice) 66.5 0.2
Soluble solids (Brix) 63.3 0.1 60
Reducing sugars (g 100 mL)1 juice) 50.44 0,14
(Dilution 1:6)
Non-reducing sugars (g 100 mL)1 juice) 16.81 0.08 20
(Dilution 1:6)
HMF (mg kg)1 juice) 4.4 0.2 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Formol index (mL NaOH 0.1 M 100 mL)1 juice) 24.6 0.1 Predicted shear stress (Pa)
(Dilution 1:6)
Carotenes (mg of b-carotens per 100 g juice) 1.63 0.04 Figure 1 Parity chart for FigoniShoemaker thixotropic model.

out in the studied ranges of these variables, obtaining

the Weltman model, so that this expression tted
the expression:
experimental data in a minor level. The FigoniShoe-
maker model produced the lowest values for RMSE, ri  re 21:51 8:49 c_ 0:08T  0:03 c_ T R2 0:9395
indicating the best t of experimental values for the
thixotropic nature of concentrated mandarin juice at where (ri)re) is the structure breakdown (Pa), c_ the
low temperatures. In addition, to determine the good- shear rate (s)1) and T the absolute temperature (K)
ness of the three models, experimental values of shear within the studied range. k is the breaking time
stress were faced with the ones predicted by the coefcient for thixotropy, and its magnitude demon-
equations. Table 2 shows the result of tting these strates the existence of this phenomenon. This param-
values to the expression rExp = a rTheor + b. If the eter did not follow any dened trend. Some authors
adjustment were perfect, parameter a would take the reached the same conclusion regarding the parameter k
value 1 and b 0, so then rExp = rTheor and R2 = 1 (Ramos & Ibarz, 1998; Basu et al., 2007; Tavares et al.,
(Falguera & Ibarz, 2010). 2007). The reason by which this kinetic constant does
The highest determination coecient was obtained not follow any trend can be found in the fact that it is an
with the FigoniShoemaker model. Moreover, for this empirical parameter that explains various processes
expression, the obtained slope is closer to 1 and intercept responsible for the thixotropic behaviour, and that
to 0. Therefore, the FigoniShoemaker model can occur at dierent times. Thus, according to Ramos &
predict experimental values with the greatest accuracy.
Figure 1 shows the parity chart for this expression.
Table 3 shows the magnitude of the parameters Table 3 Rheological parameters for the FigoniShoemaker model for
corresponding to the FigoniShoemaker equation. ri concentrated mandarin juice
represents the shear stress needed to start the process of 
breaking down the structure. This parameter increased c (s)1) T (C) ri (Pa) re (Pa) k (s)1) ri )re (Pa) R2
linearly with shear rate and decreased as temperature 30 )9 121.4 102.6 0.0016 18.8 0.998
increased. One of the most important parameters in 30 )6 105.8 85.8 0.0021 20.0 0.989
thixotropic analysis is (ri)re), which is a representative 30 )3 82.5 71.3 0.0014 11.2 0.988
value of the structure that is broken during shearing 30 0 67.0 58.9 0.0024 8.1 0.988
time (Ramos & Ibarz, 1998). This dierence is aected 30 3 60.4 52.0 0.0008 8.3 0.997
by shear rate and temperature. To quantify this inu- 30 6 52.2 46.6 0.0016 5.5 0.998
ence, a multiple nonlinear regression has been carried 10 )9 60.5 54.8 0.0015 5.8 0.966
10 )6 55.1 49.7 0.0010 5.4 0.989
10 )3 42.0 38.0 0.0028 4.0 0.988
Table 2 Thixotropic model goodness. rExp = a rTheor + b 10 0 36.8 33.3 0.0022 3.5 0.970
10 3 28.1 30.8 0.0027 2.8 0.980
Model a b R2 3 )12 38.0 34.0 0.0034 4.0 0.904
3 )9 30.6 26.3 0.0098 4.2 0.931
Weltman 1.042 0.003 )0.89 0.06 0.9986 3 )3 22.0 20.2 0.0016 1.8 0.989
Hahn 1.0195 0.0005 )0.76 0.03 0.9992 3 0 20.8 19.1 0.0015 1.7 0.965
FigoniShoemaker 1.0023 0.0003 )0.149 0.015 0.9997 3 3 17.2 15.9 0.0020 1.3 0.903
3 6 15.8 15.1 0.0025 0.7 0.897
Significance level: a = 0.05.

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2198 Rheological behaviour of mandarin juice V. Falguera et al.

Ibarz (1998), in a rst phase, the disintegration of the Table 4 Flow behaviour parameters of mandarin juice Herschel
irregular structures that form the pulp into smaller and Bulkley model
homogeneous particles would be more important,
T (C) r0 (Pa) K (Pa sn) n ()) gap (at 100 s)1) (Pas) R2
whereas in a second stage, the decrease in shear stress
would be because of the reorientation of these particles )12 0.78 8.77 0.692 2.131 0.999
owing to the deformation movement. )9 1.83 10.00 0.705 2.592 0.999
)6 1.51 6.24 0.713 1.676 0.999
)3 1.98 4.16 0.712 1.122 0.999
Flow behaviour 0 1.94 4.10 0.705 1.073 0.999
3 1.90 3.98 0.699 1.014 0.999
Figure 2 includes rheograms for 63.3 Brix mandarin
6 1.97 4.10 0.691 1.006 0.999
juice at seven dierent temperatures. These rheograms
do not correspond to a straight line that passes through
the origin of coordinates as in the case of a Newtonian
uid, but a characteristic curve of a pseudoplastic uid within which the magnitude of the consistency coe-
(if the yield stress is null) or HerschelBulkley (if it is cient was 4.0 Pasn. Tavares et al. (2007), working with
dierent from zero), as it is usual in the juices that have concentrated orange juice of 65 Brix at temperatures
pulp and pectin (Falguera & Ibarz, 2010). Table 4 between )18 and 0 C, observed a similar behaviour
summarises the ow properties for the Herschel and with the consistency index calculated using the power-
Bulkley model (eqn 1) at the corresponding tempera- law model. In that case, however, the values were
tures obtained from a non-linear correlation. Both t slightly higher. Consistency coecient is strongly
and ow parameters were signicant at the 95% aected by the juice content in soluble solids, bre and
probability level (P > 0.05). A similar response to that pectin. However, it has a smoother eect on ow index
obtained for mandarin juice at low temperatures was (Ibarz & Lozano, 1992).
observed by other authors (Tavares et al., 2007; Falgu- The fact that yield stress is very small (always lower
era & Ibarz, 2010) for orange juice at temperatures than 2 Pa) suggests that it could be neglected, and
below 0 C. therefore the power-law model could provide a good t.
In Table 4, a yield stress with low variation (0.78 Table 5 shows the parameters resulting of these ttings.
1.98 Pa) is observed and for most of the samples it was Indeed, the removal of one parameter did not have a
close to 1.5 Pa. Values for the ow behaviour index decreasing eect on determination coecients. Regard-
remained relatively constant (0.690.71), corroborating ing consistency coecient and ow index, most of their
the minimal inuence of temperature. Similar behaviour values hardly changed in comparison with the ones
for these two parameters was observed in previous obtained with HerschelBulkley equation. Thus, power-
works carried out with concentrated persimmon and law model would result more appropriate to describe
orange juices (Ibarz et al., 1993; Falguera & Ibarz, ow behaviour of concentrated mandarin juice because
2010). Neither yield stress nor ow index was signi- of its simplicity. With these new adjustments, the
cantly aected by low temperature. A dierent eect obtained values for consistency coecient follow the
was observed for the consistency coecient, which expression: K = 0.028T2)15.433T+2125.8 (R2 =
showed a tendency to decrease as temperature increased. 0.9964), where K is the consistency index (Pasn) and T
It was very clear from )12 to )3 C, but it was basically the absolute temperature (K) within the studied range.
constant at around 0 C, with a range from )3 to 6 C To obtain an overall response for all the ow
parameters of mandarin juice, apparent viscosities at
100 s)1 were calculated and noted a decreasing trend as
600 temperatures rose in the resulting values of both ttings.
500 12 C
Shear stress (Pa)

9 C
400 Table 5 Flow behaviour parameters of mandarin juice power-law
6 C
300 3 C
0 C
T (C) K (Pa sn) n ()) gap (at 100 s)1) (Pas) R2
200 3 C

100 6 C )12 8.94 0.730 2.574 0.999

)9 6.91 0.746 2.146 0.999
0 )6 5.38 0.742 1.637 0.999
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
)3 3.98 0.721 1.101 0.999
Shear rate (s1) 0 3.76 0.724 1.056 0.999
3 3.66 0.718 1.000 0.999
Figure 2 Flow behaviour of 63.3 Brix mandarin juice at different
6 3.97 0.699 0.993 0.999

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Rheological behaviour of mandarin juice V. Falguera et al. 2199

To quantify the eect of temperature on the consis- Table 6 Effect of temperature on the viscoelastic properties of man-
tency coecient, an Arrhenius-type equation was used darin juice at a frequency of 10 Hz
(Saravacos, 1970; Rao et al., 1984 Ibarz et al., 1994 and,
1996), obtaining a magnitude of 32 kJ mol)1 for the
T (C) G (Pa) G (Pa) tan d

activation energy. Comparable values have previously )12 576.1 810.0 1.406
been reported for other juices (Saravacos, 1970; Khalil )9 394.8 534.6 1.354
et al., 1989; Ibarz et al., 1994). )6 307.9 496.9 1.614
)3 250.1 351.1 1.404
0 253.4 330.9 1.306
Viscoelasticity 3 224.2 240.7 1.073
6 256.8 256.7 0.999
As the concentrated mandarin juice had not been
claried during its manufacturing process, it would be
logical to suppose that it should exhibit viscoelastic on a smaller scale, with the tan d parameter. Neverthe-
behaviour because of the network formed by pectin less, Fig. 3 and Table 6 show that it is possible to nd a
molecules that remain in the juice. Thus, this kind of frequency value at which the values of G and G are
juices is composed of an elastic solid matrix and a equal and below which the elastic modulus is greater
viscous liquid phase. In this way, increasing insoluble than the loss modulus (crossover frequency). This shows
solids content would result in a higher elastic behaviour that the elastic character prevails over the viscous
(Ramos & Ibarz, 2006). nature. The frequency value at which there is a balance
Frequency sweeps were therefore carried out at between the two parameters seems to increase as
dierent temperatures and at a constant stress of temperature increases.
0.2 Pa to obtain values corresponding to the elastic
modulus (G) and loss modulus (G) (Ma & Barbosa-
Canovas, 1995; Velez-Ruiz, 2009a). Figure 3 shows the Conclusions
results obtained at )12 C and 0 C as an example of Concentrated mandarin juice exhibits thixotropic
the variation of these two modules as a function of behaviour that can be satisfactorily described with two
frequency. of the three mathematical models tested (Hahn and
To enable a correlation of viscoelastic results at FigoniShoemaker). The FigoniShoemaker model was
dierent temperatures, Table 6 shows the corresponding judged the most appropriate because it had the lowest
values of G and G and also tand, for a frequency value RMSE.
of 10 Hz. As previously stated, the loss modulus was The ow behaviour of concentrated mandarin juice at
greater than the elastic modulus at 10 Hz, indicating temperatures between )12 and +6 C can be accurately
that the viscous character predominated over the elastic described by the power-law equation. The ow behav-
one in this particular mandarin concentrate, and that its iour index slightly changed with temperature. However,
liquid nature was maintained, even at low temperatures. the consistency index decreased as temperature
Ramos & Ibarz (2006) found the inverse behaviour in increased.
quince pulp. The general tendency of parameters G and Concentrated mandarin juice behaves like a viscoelas-
G was to decrease as temperature increased, except at tic material within the temperature range )12 to +6 C.
6 C. This same tendency was also observed, although At high frequencies, this product behaves like a semi-
liquid, and it exhibits more viscous than elastic charac-
teristics. For the same frequency, the values of the
G' 12 C
storage and loss modules and the tangent of the phase
G'' 12 C angle rise as temperature falls. For a given temperature,
G' 0 C the three parameters show a tendency to increase with
G' (Pa), G'' (Pa)

G'' 0 C
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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2010  2010 The Authors
International Journal of Food Science and Technology  2010 Institute of Food Science and Technology

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