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SCHOOL: UWA DEMO YEAR: 8 SUBJECT: Digital Technologies TOPIC: Should we have Marine and Maritime Studies in our school?



LESSON Digital General Aims that you EXPERIENCES/CONTENT What will they Formative or
Technologies Capabilities want them to What students are doing/learning/ engaging activities use? summative?
Strands- Sub /Cross achieve How
Strands / ICT Curricular achievement
Capability will be judged?
How results will
be recorded?
Week 1, Create and General - Investigate Lesson 1: - Engaging Formative:
Lesson 1 communicate Capabilitie what Marine (Design thinking stages: Empathise) images of Can students
interactive ideas s: and Maritime is Marine and research
collaboratively Literacy individually, by Introduction: Maritime information on
online, taking into using the Ask students How can we make school more Studies related their own?
account social ICT internet exciting? (Expected responses will be things (Observation)
contexts unrealistic). - Paper and
(ACTDIP032) Critical and - Show the What if we can incorporate something like this pens Can students
Creative results of this into our classrooms? Play a short YouTube clip - Devices choose the
Creating Thinking investigation by of a scuba diver doing an underwater experiment - YouTube appropriate
Solutions by: creating a mind to engage students Reef check survey work clip: information to
Cross map on along a 100m underwater transect 1minute 35 https://www.yo display on mind
- Curricular Bubbl.us seconds. utube.com/wat maps?
Investigate a : Floorstorm: To find out students prior ch? (Observation)
given need or Sustainabili - Describe knowledge on the unit. Engaging pictures laid v=fgsDnjOISo
opportunity for a ty positive and out on the floor of all things related to Marine o Can students

negative factors and Maritime Studies (marine animals, boats, - Projector. identify positive
specific purpose in regards to scuba-diving, water survival skills, different - Whiteboard and negative
Marine and relationships, etc). Students to work out which of markers attributes to
- Consider Maritime these images are things that are taught in high - Internet Marine and
components/resou Studies and school (Expected answers: marine animals and access Maritime
rce to develop reflect on relationships, definitely not scuba or survival - Icy pole Studies? (Group
solutions, whether it can skills). Group discussion on how Marine and sticks with discussion)
identifying be implemented Maritime Studies is actually a high school students names
constraints in our school subject. on them Summative:
- Rockingham Creation of the
Activity: Senior High mind map
Students to research what Marine and Maritime School (Viewed on
studies is by using information from SCSA, Specialist Bubbl.us)
South Fremantle Senior High School, Marine
Rockingham Senior High School and other Program:
sources. http://www.roc
Students to use Bubbl.us to create a mind map of kingham.wa.ed
what is involved in the unit including the u.au/programs/
positives and negatives of undertaking Marine specialist-
and Maritime Studies. maritime-
Closure: - South
Reflect on what Marine and Maritime Studies is Fremantle
by asking students (using the icy pole stick Senior High
method) to tell us their findings on the topic. School
What are the positives of learning this unit? Specialist
(Expected answer: for fun, interesting, new Marine
skills) Program:
What are the negatives of learning this unit? http://southfre
(Expected answer: not everyone is interested in mantleshs.wa.e

it, not everyone is a good swimmer, sharks) du.au/specialis
Could this be a unit that we should teach in our t-
school? programs/mari
Would the unit be just for Years 11 and 12, or a ne/
whole school program like Rockingham and
Fremantle Senior High Schools. Student ICT
Tool 1: Using
Bubbl.us to
create mind
maps. Students
will need to
create an
account in
order to save
their mind
map, however
it can be used
signing in.
Week 1, Create and General - Identify which Lesson 2: - YouTube Formative:
Lesson 2 communicate Capabilitie students are (Design thinking stages: Empathise and Define) clip: Can students
interactive ideas s: interested in https://www.yo work as a team?
collaboratively Literacy Marine and Introduction: utube.com/wat (Observations)
online, taking into Maritime studies Begin with a YouTube clip of students in a ch?
account social Numeracy and who are not Marine and Maritime Class Should be v=1TyX3DhD Have the
contexts so interested via engaging and show how much fun they are c24 students created
(ACTDIP032) ICT a show of hands having. Year 11 Marine Studies expedition - Projector an appropriate
Abrolhos Islands 2013 6 minutes 9 seconds. - Devices presentation?

Critical and - Create a Ask students to raise their hand if they would be - Pens and (Observations
Creating Creative presentation in interested in doing this unit themselves. paper and discussion)
Solutions by: Thinking groups on what The ratio for students wanting to do it will be - Whiteboard
- Evaluate and is Marine and much larger than those who dont. Put students markers Have the
apply a given Personal Maritime into groups of 4 (using icy pole stick method for - Internet students asked
brief and Social Studies interested students), with any students not access the right
- Produce a Capability interested in Marine and Maritime Studies in a - Icy pole questions in
simple plan - Create a group where all other members are interested in sticks with their
designed to solve Cross questionnaire it. students names questionnaire?
a problem, using Curricular via Kahoot in Think, pair, share: ask students how they think on them (Anecdotal
a sequence of : order to identify we will be able to know if other students in the - SCSA notes and
steps Sustainabili other students school are interested in doing it too. (Expected website for discussion)
- Work ty details and answer: a poll/questionnaire) more Marine
independently, preferences on and Maritime
and the topic Activity: Studies
collaboratively In their groups, students are to prepare a short 5 information:
when required, to minute presentation to show to a different class http://senior-
plan, develop and what Marine and Maritime Studies is, including secondary.scsa.
communicate a questionnaire if the students in the class are wa.edu.au/syll
ideas wanting to undertake it or not. Students should abus-and-
and information refer to research from last class and their mind support-
when managing maps. materials/scien
processes Questionnaire to be created using the online tool ce/marine-and-
Kahoot. Students need to identify whether the maritime-
answers for the questionnaire are coming from a studies
male/female, what year level they are in and
whether they are interested in Marine and
Maritime Studies or not. Student ICT
Each member in the group is to be assigned a Tool 2:
different role for creating the presentation Students will

scribe (writing what is to be said in the use Kahoot to
presentation), editor (creating the presentation, create their
eg. PowerPoint), speaker (presenting to the other own poll for
class, although still helping with preparation), the interest in
questionnaire/poll (creating poll and running it undertaking
in the class). Marine and
Closure: Studies
Teacher to ask each group how they are going to https://kahoot.i
present and what questions in their questionnaire t/#/
are being asked.
Advise students that next week they will be
going to different classrooms to give the
presentation, so finalise anything over the
Show students the short feedback form that will
be given to other teachers in regards to the
Week 2, Evaluate and General - Present to a Lesson 3: - Student Formative:
Lesson 3 visualise data, Capabilitie fellow class the (Design thinking stages: Define) feedback Could students
using a range s: groups findings forms for work as a group
of software, to Literacy on what Marine Introduction: teacher to successfully
create informatio and Maritime Students to meet as normal in the classroom, but watching complete and
n and Numeracy Studies is then distribute the classes that they will each be presentation present their
use structured visiting for the 5 minute presentation. - Google presentation?
data to model obj ICT - Collect data on Engaging statement to be said before they go off Sheets (Observations
ects or events other students to present their findings: Marine and Maritime document for and teacher
(ACTDIP026) Critical and opinions to Studies is an incredibly fun way to learn all data feedback form)
Creative introducing this about the marine environment. I know it, you - Projector
Create and Thinking unit to the have just researched it, so you know it, so now - Devices Could students

communicate school our goal is to educate our fellow school mates - Whiteboard summarise their
interactive ideas Personal and teachers as to what Marine and Maritime markers findings
collaboratively and Social - Collate and Studies is, and to find out how many people - Pens and verbally through
online, taking into Capability discuss the data want to join in on the fun. This is something that paper class
account social that was can be achieved! If we have enough support and - Access to discussion?
contexts Cross collected using enough passion, we will be able to spend our internet (Observations)
(ACTDIP032) Curricular Google Sheets class at the beach, surfing in waves or exploring - PowerPoint
: and class reefs! presentation on
Sustainabili discussions the way to Summative:
Creating ty Activity: present data Feedback form
Solutions by: Students to go to their distributed classrooms from
- Evaluate and and do their presentation and questionnaires. supervising
apply a given Teachers of other classrooms are aware that the Student ICT teacher
brief students are coming to present to their class and Tool 3:
- Work have already got the feedback forms for the Students to use
independently, group. Google Sheets
and After presentations, come straight back to to add all of
collaboratively normal classroom and start to look at the data their data
when required, to that was collected from the classes. together. This
plan, develop and Teacher to show examples of the different sheet will have
communicate graphs they can use and ways to communicate the columns
ideas their findings in this way using a PowerPoint gender, year
and information presentation and a test set of data. level and
when managing Students to upload all of their findings into the preference, for
processes prepared Google Sheet. Columns include gender, the students to
- Investigate a year level and preference (yes, no, maybe). then add their
given need or data to.
opportunity for a Closure:
specific purpose Discussion of the results that were found without Teacher ICT
seeing the finalised graphs just a generalisation Tool 1:
of what the students saw whilst inputting data PowerPoint
and performing the presentation/questionnaire. presentation on
What did the students expect the results to be? the way to
Did males or females want to do Marine and present their
Maritime Studies more? data. The
Were different year levels more interested than presentation
others? will include
Any limitations to the way that we collected the how to create
data today? (Expected answers: absent students, different types
fake answers) of graphs
using Google
Sheets as well
as the
types of graphs
for the
particular data
we collected.
Week 2, Evaluate and General - Create Lesson 4: - Projector Formative:
Lesson 4 visualise data, Capabilitie appropriate (Design thinking stages: Define and Ideate) - Devices Have students
using a range s: graphs/tables to - Whiteboard contributed to
of software, to Literacy display the Introduction: markers the worst
create informatio collected data Problem statement How might we get Marine - Pens and possible ideas
n and Numeracy and Maritime Studies into our school? paper and 50 ideas in
use structured - Work in Teacher to explain how Worst Possible Ideas - Access to 5 minutes?
data to model obj ICT groups to works. (Instead of the pressure of constructing internet (Observations)
ects or events creatively think great ideas, finding the worst ideas is a fun way - PowerPoint
(ACTDIP026) Critical and of the worst to get students to think, communicate and work presentation on Was each group
Creative possible ideas to as a team) the way to able to come up
Create and Thinking how we might Students work in their presentation group of 4 present data with an idea to

communicate get Marine and people, for 10 minutes, to think of as many get the unit into
interactive ideas Personal Maritime Worst Possible Ideas in regards to the problem our school?
collaboratively and Social Studies in our statement. This allows students to be creative, be (Anecdotal
online, taking into Capability school silly and maybe even get some good ideas. Teacher ICT notes)
account social After 10 minutes, groups are to choose 1 idea Tool 2: Tagul
contexts Cross - Work in that may actually work, 1 idea that really wont to create a Summative:
(ACTDIP032) Curricular groups to work and 1 idea that is their favourite silly one word cloud of Have students
: creatively think and discuss with the class. the responses presented their
Sustainabili of the reasons to why they data and
Creating ty why we dont Activity: believe Marine findings
Solutions by: have this unit in Students to create graphs/tables/diagrams to and Maritime accurately?
- Evaluate and our school present the data that was collected from the Studies has not
apply a given already questionnaires. been
brief Recap on PowerPoint presentation that the introduced to
- Work - Groups to teacher showed on how to present data leave the school
independently, select an idea on information on projector screen for students to already
and how to get refer to if needed.
collaboratively Marine and In their groups of 4, students are to decide how
when required, to Maritime they will get Marine and Maritime Studies into
plan, develop and Studies into our our school. (Expected options: letter to the
communicate school principle, presentation to teaching staff, video
ideas presentation, poster presentation)
and information Teacher to go around to every group and make
when managing sure they have an idea to work with for the next
processes two lessons.

50 ideas in 5 minutes. Students to work in their
same groups as above, writing down as many
ideas as they can for why they believe Marine
and Maritime Studies has not been introduced to
the school already. Students to pick their top 5
ideas to read out to the class.
Teacher to use the word cloud program Tagul
to input all of the students responses as they are
reading them aloud. Therefore you will see the
responses that occur the most by the size of the
words in the word cloud.
Class discussion on the most popular answers as
to why the unit hasnt been already introduced.
(Expected answers: money, staff, time,
Week 3, Create and General - Create a Lesson 5: - Projector Formative:
Lesson 5 communicate Capabilitie solution to how (Design thinking stages: Prototype) - Devices Are the students
interactive ideas s: students will get - Whiteboard able to work
collaboratively Literacy Marine and Introduction: markers collaboratively?
online, taking into Maritime Teacher to show Prezi presentation which - Pens and (Observations)
account social Numeracy Studies in our summarises everything that the class has paper
contexts school achieved over the past 2 weeks. It will lead the - Access to Are the students
(ACTDIP032) ICT students onto what they are doing this week internet able to give,
- Share ideas creating a prototype of how they will get Marine - Prezi accept and
Creating Critical and with another and and Maritime Studies into our school. presentation receive
Solutions by: Creative give - Arts and constructive
Thinking constructive Activity: crafts for criticism?
- criticism Students to choose an idea on how to get Marine creating (Observations)
Investigate a Personal and Maritime Studies in our school, in their presentation
given need or and Social - Refine the groups. This could include working on a - Cameras etc Have students
opportunity for a Capability solution by computer presentation such as PowerPoint or for progressed
specific purpose taking on the Prezi, using arts and crafts to create a poster presentation if adequately with
Cross constructive presentation, designing a poster/infographic required their

Curricular criticism using ICT, making videos or movies with presentation?
- Consider : iMovie, etc. (Anecdotal
components/resou Sustainabili Once students have decided on an idea, write out Teacher ICT notes)
rce to develop ty a rough draft of what they will do and present Tool 3: Prezi
solutions, their idea to another group. Groups to give each presentation
identifying other constructive criticism in order to refine and summarising
constraints enhance each others ideas. the past 2
After receiving feedback, groups to work on weeks and
- Design, their modified idea. leading onto
develop, evaluate what is
and communicate Closure: happening this
alternative Groups to pair up with a different and final week
solutions, using group and share their ideas with each other.
appropriate Groups to give each other constructive feedback
technical terms one last time.
and technology Teacher to be walking around the class and
making sure students are on task and giving
- Work useful feedback, so the groups can adjust their
independently, idea.
when required, to
plan, develop and
and information
when managing

Week 3, Create and General - Refine one Lesson 6: - Projector Summative:

Lesson 6 communicate Capabilitie solution to how (Design thinking stages: Prototype and Test) - Devices Students final
interactive ideas s: students will get - Whiteboard presentation or
collaboratively Literacy Marine and Introduction: markers summary of
online, taking into Maritime Explain to students that with the feedback they - Pens and their findings.
account social Numeracy Studies in our were given last class, they have this lesson to paper (Anecdotal
contexts school finalise their presentation for how we can get - Access to notes and hard
(ACTDIP032) ICT Marine and Maritime Studies into our school. internet copy of
- Present to the Emphasise that this assignment could actually - Arts and presentation)
Creating Critical and class the groups make a difference to our school, by hopefully crafts for
Solutions by: Creative presentation or introducing a fun, new and exciting unit of work. creating
Thinking summary of presentation
- what the group Activity: - Cameras etc
Investigate a Personal has completed Students to continue to work on their idea on for
given need or and Social how to get Marine and Maritime Studies in our presentation if
opportunity for a Capability school in their groups, with refining their idea required
specific purpose due to the feedback that was received last class.
- Consider Curricular Closure: Student ICT
components/resou : Students to finalise their work and each group Tool 4:
rce to develop Sustainabili present to the class. For some groups that may Students will
solutions, ty be presenting the whole presentation that they present their
identifying have created (for example a PowerPoint final
constraints presentation), but for some instances it may just presentation to
be talking through what they have done to the the class and
- Design, this will most
class (for example a letter to the principle).
develop, evaluate Teacher to encourage students to do something likely be using
and communicate with what they have created. For example, if the an ICT tool of
alternative students have written a letter to the principle, some sort.
solutions, using actually send it to the principle! Creating an Examples
appropriate assignment for a purpose will be more engaging include:

for students, than creating an assignment just to PowerPoint,
technical terms be put away in a folder as soon as its done. Prezi,
and technology infographics,
videos, mind
- Work maps etc.
when required, to
plan, develop and
and information
when managing

Teacher Reflection: Identify what are the most and least effective changes you would make in the future.
Self Evaluation:
- Was the topic too specific?
- Was there enough variation in activities?
- Were group skills or public speaking skills needed to be taught before this investigation?
- Were the assessments appropriate?
- Was there sufficient scaffolding for the tasks?
- Were the objectives achieved?
- Were my instructions clear?
- Did this investigation allow for diversity?
Student Evaluation:
- Were the students interested in the topic?
- Was the investigation able to incorporate all aspects of the Design Thinking Process?
- Were the students able to work in groups?
- Were the students able to present to the class?
- Were the students able to use the ICT tools?
- Were the students able to come up with creative ideas?
- Were the students engaged throughout the whole 6 lessons?


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