System-Based, Customer-Centered Quality Plan For Manufacturers
System-Based, Customer-Centered Quality Plan For Manufacturers
System-Based, Customer-Centered Quality Plan For Manufacturers
Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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include engineering, manufacturing, production materials, pro- 8.4 Technical RequirementsSpecifications, drawings, and
cesses, quality assurance, cost accounting and outside sourcing purchase orders shall define and communicate applicable
as applicable to ensure that all of the customers requirements requirements to the supplier of materials and services.
can be met.
6.2 Ongoing ReviewThe activity specified in 6.1 shall be 9. Production
subject to a periodic internal audit/review which will evaluate 9.1 Production ResponsibilitiesA production procedure
its ability to respond to the purchaser in a timely and accurate manual shall establish a controlled approach for product
manner. Frequency of the internal audit/review shall be deter- quality in production encouraging interaction with engineering,
mined on past audit/reviews, but shall be conducted at least procurement, materials, processing, and quality assurance. The
once a year. The results of the review shall be reported to and manufacturer or alteration distributor shall have in place a
reviewed by management. production procedures manual defining all elements of produc-
tion which shall include as a minimum the elements listed
7. Engineering under 9.2.
9.2 Production and Planning Elements:
7.1 Specification RequirementsFor products defined by
9.2.1 CapacityThe manufacturer or alteration distributor
recognized standards, there shall be evidence that the appli-
shall have evidence that production is related to his manufac-
cable specifications for material, configuration, processing,
turing or alteration capacity.
finishing, inspection testing and packaging, were based upon
9.2.2 Equipment CapabilityThe manufacturer or alter-
established requirements specified in these standards and are
ation distributor shall have evidence that capability studies
related to fit, form, and function. Unless otherwise specified in
have been conducted to verify ability to manufacture or alter
the contract or purchase order, the latest revision of any cited
and to process fasteners to specification requirements. Practice
or applicable specification shall be used.
F1503 may be used for these studies.
7.2 Drawing RequirementsDrawings shall define all fea-
9.2.3 ToolingEvidence shall be present that a system
tures and characteristics of the fastener. The use of informal
exists for the design, purchase, inventory, and control of
sketches, uncontrolled drawings, and red lined changes to
perishable and nonperishable tooling.
drawings, specifications, and process documents shall not be
9.2.4 Equipment OperatorsThere shall be evidence that
permitted in the purchasing, fabrication, process, test, or
equipment operators have appropriate training in accordance
inspection operations.
with their specific responsibilities.
7.3 Design Change/Configuration ControlA documented
9.2.5 Repair and MaintenanceThere shall be in place a
procedure shall exist for controlling and authorizing the
program for preventative maintenance of manufacturing and
development, release, change, use, and control of design
processing equipment. Maintenance shall be performed at
documents. The procedure shall be adequate to prevent the use
prescribed intervals. Records shall be maintained of mainte-
of obsolete design documents.
nance and repair on manufacturing and processing equipment.
9.2.6 SchedulingThere shall be in place a system to
8. Procurement
evaluate and schedule the manufacturing or alteration capacity
8.1 Responsibilities of ProcurementThe system and pro- to meet stated customer requirements, including timeliness.
cess for procurement of fastener materials, services, compo- 9.2.7 Production PlanningProduction shall be carried out
nents, and assemblies shall be formally planned, documented, in accordance with a production plan of the process. This
and controlled. The authority and responsibility of the organi- controlled approach should include tooling, material, pro-
zations involved in interaction with the control of suppliers cesses, specifications, and the sequence of operations including
shall be established by management and documented. The outsource services. Process Flow Diagrams are helpful in
fastener manufacturer and alteration distributor shall have an documenting these requirements.
active documented system to verify the performance of sup- 9.2.8 Lot Control/SegregationThere shall be in place a
pliers. system to identify product in-process by lot identifiers trace-
8.2 Supplier EvaluationThe appropriate representatives able to the mill heat of raw material from which it is
from all segments of the organization shall participate, as manufactured.
needed, for approval of sources of materials and services. 9.2.9 InspectionsIn-process inspection, testing, and final
8.3 Source Approvals and ControlsThe organization shall verification shall be in place in accordance with requirements
formally audit on-site the suppliers or sources capability to for in-process control (10.14.1), and verification (10.14.2).
furnish conforming materials and/or services relevant to sup-
ply, manufacture, processing, or alteration of fasteners. This 10. Quality Assurance Program/System Elements
audit shall be documented with procedures that include input as 10.1 Quality System OrganizationThe organizational
required, from quality assurance, engineering, materials, pro- structure, functional responsibilities, levels of authority, and
cessing, and procurement. Subsequently, the suppliers or lines of communication for activities affecting quality shall be
sources shall be evaluated on the basis of on-site surveys, documented. Top management shall appoint a member of
physical audits, or current quality history. Such evaluations management who, is independent of other responsibilities and
shall be conducted on an ongoing basis, but no less than shall have responsibility and authority that includes:
annually. Evidence of evaluations shall be current and on-site 10.1.1 Ensuring those processes needed for this standard are
audits shall be conducted at least once every four years. established, implemented and maintained,
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10.1.2 Reporting to top management on the performance of a mill test report. A system shall be in place to control the
the organization to this standard, and any need for improve- identity, storage, and handling of raw material from receiving
ment, and to the production operation.
10.1.3 Ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer 10.7 In-Process Material Control and TraceabilityA sys-
requirements throughout the organization. tem shall be in place that maintains product traceability back to
10.2 Quality System Self AuditThere shall be in place a the original mill heat of raw material. This system shall be
system for internal audits to ensure compliance with this capable of maintaining lot identity with respect to factory
standard to verify the presence of, the adequacy of, and order, part number, strength levels, manufacturing event, and
compliance with all aspects of the quality assurance system and all subsequent processing inspections and testing events.
to determine its effectiveness. These audits shall be performed 10.8 Finished Product Lot Control and IdentificationA
in accordance with written procedures or checklists by person- system shall be in place for the handling, storage, and
nel who do not have direct responsibility or involvement for identification of finished products based on segregation by lot
performing the activities being audited. Audit results shall be number. Distribution entities shall ensure lot control in their
documented, reported to, and reviewed by responsible man- storage and movement operations from receipt of product to
agement. These internal audits shall be conducted at least shipment of said product to their customer.
annually in accordance with the provisions of the Quality 10.9 Packaging and Inventory of Finished ProductLot
Assurance Manual. Documented corrective and preventive purity, lot identity, and traceability shall be maintained
action shall be taken, where indicated, in a timely manner. throughout the entire operation in such manner to prevent
10.3 Quality System RecordsRecords that furnish docu- commingling.
mentary evidence of product conformance and traceability 10.9.1 All products shall be packaged to prevent damage
shall be specified, prepared, and maintained. Records shall be during storage and/or shipment. Containers shall be labeled to
legible, identifiable, and retrievable. Records shall be protected identify the contents, responsible party, country of origin, and
against damage, alteration, deterioration, or loss. Requirements lot number.
and responsibilities for record transmittal, distribution, reten- 10.9.2 When required, the manufacturer or alteration dis-
tion, maintenance, and disposition shall be established and tributor shall be able to issue a certified test report for each lot
documented. of fasteners in each respective container.
10.4 Document ControlThe manufacturer or alteration 10.9.3 There shall be in place a system to accurately account
distributor shall have in place a system governing the prepa- for all products with respect to size, type, quantity, location,
ration, change and distribution, of documentation that specifies and lot number.
dimensions, mechanical, chemical, and performance require-
10.10 Product Conformance in Manufacturing, Processing
ments of the fastener. This system shall provide for the
and Alteration (ppm)In this standard, the quality of a
assignment of responsibility for preparing, reviewing, approv-
manufacturing or shipping lot is defined in terms of ppm. This
ing, and issuing documents. Persons other than those so
means that a lot may contain no more than a certain number of
designated shall make no changes to any documents.
nonconformities per million to be acceptable. In this standard
10.5 Testing Equipment, Measuring Devices, and Gages we define and control ppm through the use of process statistical
All testing equipment, measuring devices, and gages used to control. See Appendix X1 for a further explanation of ppm.
verify conformance to applicable standards and specifications
10.10.1 Manufacturing shall apply such controls as neces-
shall be controlled and, at specified intervals, shall be cali-
sary to assure a process capability: Cpk $ 1.33 for all signifi-
brated to maintain accuracy within necessary limits. All cali-
cant design characteristics (see 10.16 for definition of signifi-
brations shall be traceable to applicable national or interna-
cant design characteristics). (This will yield at least 99.994 %
tional standards or special certified masters if no international
acceptance rate to product specifications, and provide no more
standard exists. Such equipment shall be uniquely numbered/
than between 0 and 60 ppm out of specification when the
identified and have a documented plan for maintenance,
process is exactly centered.)
control, and repair actions. All testing equipment, measuring
devices, and gages used in statistical quality control shall be 10.10.2 All post manufacturing operations (i.e., heat treat,
qualified using Guide F1469. A system shall be in place that coating, packaging) shall maintain a Cpk $ 1.33 for significant
will, if necessary, identify and retrieve material or product design characteristics.
found to be nonconforming because of equipment, measuring 10.11 Control of Nonconforming Material and Product
devices, or gages out of calibration. For fasteners that are The manufacturer and alteration distributor shall have in place
subject to the FQA, laboratory accreditation by an independent a documented system to facilitate an orderly and timely
third party shall serve as evidence of conformance. disposition of nonconforming material or product. See Guide
10.6 Raw Material Control and TraceabilityThe raw F1470 for guidance on disposition of nonconforming fasteners.
material requirements shall be described by a document such as This system shall provide for identification, segregation, evalu-
a recognized standard or specification such as Specification ation, documentation, and disposition of nonconforming mate-
F2282. This description shall include size, type, chemistry, rial or products.
source, condition, and any other information deemed necessary 10.12 Corrective ActionThere shall be a documented
to satisfy the product specification and manufacturing process. procedure established to define requirements for:
All raw materials shall be fully traceable and accompanied by 10.12.1 Identifying nonconforming conditions,
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10.12.2 Reviewing nonconformities (including customer tation of statistical methods and continuous improvement shall
complaints), be supported by action plans. Suggested statistical and con-
10.12.3 Determining their causes, tinuous improvement methodologies include Statistical Pro-
10.12.4 Accessing the need for action to ensure that non- cess Control, Statistical Sampling, FMEA (Failure Mode &
conformities do not recur, Effects Analysis), and the criteria for business excellence
10.12.5 Identifying and implementing action needed, described in the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program,
10.12.6 Evidence of results of action taken, and and in Manual 22, Total Quality Management-Guiding Prin-
10.12.7 Auditing corrective action taken. ciples for Application.
10.13 Preventive ActionThe organization shall take ap- 10.17 Training and EducationThere shall be evidence of
propriate action to eliminate the causes of potential noncon- continuous training and education in all phases of the manu-
formities. There shall be a documented procedure established facturers operation. This program shall be documented with
to define requirements for: respect to subject, material, instructors, attendees, training
10.13.1 Determining potential nonconformities and their materials, and length and frequency of the sessions. Manage-
causes, ment shall assure those personnel holding positions with
10.13.2 Evaluating the need for action to prevent occur- critical job skills requiring government, industry, or profes-
rence of nonconformities, sional society qualifications are certified.
10.13.3 Identifying and implementing action needed, 10.18 Change ControlAny change that would affect the
10.13.4 Evidence of results of action taken, and performance of a fastener, or otherwise deviates from the
10.13.5 Auditing of preventive action taken. specification, shall be approved by the customer in writing
10.14 Inspection and TestingInspections and tests re- prior to implementation. The manufacturer or alteration dis-
quired to verify conformance of a fastener to its specification tributor shall have in place a documented system for describing
requirements shall be planned, executed, and documented. A the methods of obtaining approvals and lot identification from
complete program outline may be found in IFI-139. the customer for deviations on the product specification or
10.14.1 In-Process ControlAt each machine or process- customer requirements.
ing station, the part shall be checked during production for
designated characteristics imparted to it by that machine or
11. Document Management
process. In-process control levels, frequency, and sample
selection shall be planned, and documented. 11.1 Retention and DispositionThe manufacturer or alter-
10.14.2 VerificationThere shall be a system in place for ation distributor shall develop and implement a program for the
the verification of each lot of fasteners where applicable. The establishment of the retention period for records pertinent to
verification is to assure that the lot consists of the ordered parts, product history and traceability and the method for retiring or
to check for mechanical property conformance, mixed stock, disposing of these records. The retention and disposition
and to reinspect certain functionally important characteristics program shall not violate or conflict with customer require-
that may have been altered during heat treatment and/or ments stated in the purchase order. Identification of the records
finishing operations. Verification shall also include examina- to be retained for each functional organization or operation
tion of any applicable characteristic not verified in-process. shall be evident. Inspection and testing records shall demon-
Verification records shall be maintained. Verification levels, strate compliance with customer requirements relating to the
frequency, and sample selection shall be in accordance with required product and services quality. Records shall be pro-
applicable standards or specifications. tected from damage, deterioration, and loss.
10.15 Control of Purchased Items and ServicesPurchased 11.2 Security and AuthenticationEvidence shall exist to
items and services shall be controlled by the applicable ensure that prudent steps have been taken to ensure authenticity
provisions of Section 8. and controlled reproduction of certificates of conformance,
10.16 Statistical Methods and Continuous Improvement laboratory test reports, mill certifications, certified test reports,
Manufacturers and alteration distributors shall use statistical and other relevant documents to prevent unauthorized use,
methods for process control and continuous improvement copying, alteration, counterfeiting, or distribution of these
methods for operational performance. The minimum capability documents.
for significant design characteristics shall be Cpk $ 1.33.
Significant design characteristics are those characteristics that 11.3 Document QualityEvidence shall exist that all origi-
significantly influence the ability of a fastener to fulfill its fit, nal and reproduced documents are fully legible to the unaided
form, and function. Such characteristics are listed in Guide eye with the exception of corrective lenses.
F1470, ASME B18.18.1, and ASME 18.18.2. Tables 1 and 2 of 11.4 ControlA system shall be in place for recording the
this standard are based on those documents and list specific receipt, identification of document number, revision level, and
characteristics that shall be selected by the purchaser based on distribution of documents within the facilities. The system
intended application. The purchaser and the supplier shall shall provide for the retrieval and/or replacement of documents
agree on this selection of the significant design characteristics made obsolete by recall, revision, mutilation, marking, obso-
at the time of order. lescence or wear. Assurance shall exist that the appropriate
10.16.1 There shall be evidence that management is com- revision level of documents is used in the purchase, receipt,
mitted to this operating practice. Statistical training, implemen- fabrication, verification, and delivery of products.
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TABLE 1 Dimensional Characteristics
NOTELegend: NA = not applicable; WA = when applicable
Internally Externally
Characteristic Non-Threaded
Threaded Threaded
1 Shank diameter (body or shoulder)A NA WA WA
2 Shank length (body or shoulder)A NA WA WA
3 Grip length NA WA WA
4 Total thread length NA WA NA
5 Concentricity of shank to thread or pitch diameter NA WA NA
6 Length-overall WA WA NA
Heads, Protrusions, or Nuts
7 Width across flats WA WA WA
8 Width across corners WA WA WA
9 Head height or nut thickness or head thickness WA WA WA
10 Wrenching height WA WA NA
11 Head or nut diameter NA WA WA
12 Flange diameter WA WA WA
13 Flange thickness WA WA WA
14 Flange flatness WA WA WA
15 Head and/or flange location WA WA WA
16 Chamfer or radius, top or bottom of head or nut NA WA WA
Bearing/Head to Shank/Runout/Protrusion
17 Mandrel protrusion NA NA WA
18 Blind side protrusion NA NA WA
19 Mandrel diameter NA NA WA
20 Location between thread and shank NA WA NA
21 Location between head and shank NA WA WA
22 Bearing surface diameter (washer face diameter) WA WA WA
23 Bearing surface (washer face) thickness WA WA WA
24 Location between thread and outside dimension for nuts WA NA NA
25 Angularity of bearing surface WA WA WA
26 Diameter of undercut NA WA WA
27 Depth of undercut NA WA WA
28 Width of undercut NA WA WA
29 Radius or fillet under head NA WA WA
30 Underhead fillet transition diameter NA WA WA
31 Underhead fillet transition length NA WA WA
32 Shoulder chamfer NA WA WA
33 Thread neck fillet NA WA WA
34 Thread neck width NA WA NA
35 Head countersunk angle NA WA WA
36 Runout of the bearing surface with respect to the shank or thread WA WA WA
37 Head protrusion/flushness NA WA WA
38 Point diameter NA WA WA
39 Point length NA WA WA
40 Dog point diameter NA WA WA
41 Dog point length NA WA WA
42 Dog point concentricity NA WA WA
43 Oval point radius NA WA WA
44 Angles-all points-all set screw configurations NA WA WA
45 Corner radius NA WA WA
Drive/Cross Drill
46 Recess or socket depth penetration NA WA NA
47 Angle, bottom of socket NA WA NA
48 Wall thickness NA WA NA
49 Location of recess NA WA NA
50 Location of hole or socket WA NA NA
51 Socket or hole size NA WA NA
52 Countersink diameter and depth WA NA WA
53 Angularity of tapping by tapping screws NA WA NA
54 Slot width WA WA WA
55 Slot depth WA WA WA
56 Slot alignments and location WA WA WA
57 Cross-drilled holes-location NA WA WA
58 Cross-drilled holes-diameter NA WA WA
59 Cross-drilled holes-chamfers or burrs NA WA WA
60 Cross-drilled holes-hole alignment NA WA WA
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TABLE 1 Continued
Internally Externally
Characteristic Non-Threaded
Threaded Threaded
Washers for Assembly
61 Type of washer(s) NA NA WA
62 Washer outside diameter NA NA WA
63 Washer inside diameter NA NA WA
64 Washer thickness NA NA WA
65 Bearing width NA NA WA
66 Section width NA NA WA
67 Thread acceptabilityB WA WA NA
68 Visual inspectionC WA WA WA
69 Straightness NA WA WA
The term shank includes body diameter, shoulder diameter, and any length of unthreaded cylinder whose diameter is approximately pitch diameter.
Refer to ASME B1.3M, or other applicable standards.
Visual inspection for grade and source identification, presence of finish, duds, head and/or flange eccentricity, flange flatness, radius under head, type of washer,
presence of locking features, closeness of threat to head, and general workmanship.
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TABLE 2 Performance and Mechanical Characteristics
NOTELegend: NA = not applicable; WA = where applicable
Description of Control
Characteristic Internally Threaded Externally Threaded
Non-Threaded Washers
Parts Parts
Adhesion (coating) WA WA WA WA
Assembly tension test NA WA NA NA
Bend, body (nails) NA NA WA NA
Bend, notched (bolts) NA WA NA NA
Bend, body (track spikes) NA NA WA NA
Breaking strength (eyebolts) NA WA NA NA
Carbide precipitation WA WA WA WA
Case depth/decarburization WA WA WA WA
ChemistryA WA WA WA WA
Compression (washer direct tension) NA NA NA WA
Cone proof WA NA NA NA
Drive test WA WA NA NA
ElongationMachined specimen NA WA WA NA
Extension at failure NA WA WA NA
Grain sizeB WA WA WA WA
HardnessC WA WA WA WA
Bend, head (track spikes) NA NA WA NA
Humidity WA WA WA WA
Hydrogen embrittlement WA WA WA WA
Impact NA WA WA NA
Lubrication WA WA WA WA
Magnetic permeability WA WA WA WA
PackagingD WA WA WA WA
Plating/coating thickness (weight) WA WA WA WA
Product identification markingE WA WA WA WA
Proof loadFull size WA WA NA NA
Reduction of areaMachined specimen NA WA WA NA
Bend, rivet NA NA WA NA
Flattening, rivet NA NA WA NA
Rotational capacity WA WA NA WA
Salt sprayF WA WA WA WA
Shear strength NA WA WA NA
Stress corrosion WA WA WA WA
Surface discontinuities WA WA WA WA
Surface roughness WA WA WA WA
Tensile strengthFull sizeG NA WA WA NA
Tensile strengthMachined specimen NA WA WA NA
TorqueH (prevailing) WA WA NA NA
Torque (torsional strength) WA WA NA NA
Yield strengthFull size NA WA NA NA
Yield strengthMachined specimen NA WA NA NA
A certified copy of the materials chemical or product analysis shall be furnished with each shipping lot, and the shipping lot shall have documentation providing
traceability to this chemical analysis. It is required that the purchaser of the raw material (used to manufacture) shall verify that the material is the material specified on
the purchase order.
Steel making practice (course or fine grain) shall be included with the material producers chemical analysis report.
Surface, core, or both, as applicable.
All packaging requirements shall be in conformance with the applicable packaging standard.
Visual inspection for conformance.
Continuous monitoring of salt spray performance in accordance with the recommendation of Control Check 18 in Appendix III of ASME B18.18.2 constitutes compliance
with the requirements for salt spray testing outlined in this table.
Wedge angle or axial test as applicable.
Prevailing torque test includes thread start, all specified torque requirements, and retention of locking feature, when applicable.
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(Nonmandatory Information)
F2688 08
X2.1 In order for an organization to improve, it must have the mission, vision, values, competitive environment, and
a complete understanding of where they currently are in strategic challenges, impact the way your organization is run
relation to where they wish to be. They also must have a clearly and the decisions you make.
defined understanding of the internal and external factors that
shape their operating environment. X2.3 To determine your organizations profile, please
acquire a copy of the criteria from the Baldrige National
X2.2 Therefore, what your organizational profile does is to
Quality Program, and simply follow the guidelines for com-
address your operating environment, your key organizational
relationships, your competitive environment and strategic chal- pleting your profile. The profile may be downloaded from
lenges, and your approach to performance improvement. It, and it is free.
gives a critical insight into the key internal and external factors This could be one of the more important and cost effective
that shape your operating environment. These factors, such as things you can do to improve your business operations.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website