Syllabus BE Merged

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Gujarat Technological University

BE- Sem - I


Review of limits, continuity, dierentiability.

Mean value theorem, Taylors Theorem, Maxima and Minima.

Riemann integrals, Fundamental theorem of Calculus, Improper inte-

grals, applications to area, volume.

Convergence of sequences and series, power series.

Partial Derivatives, gradient and directional derivatives, chain rule,

maxima and minima, Lagrange multipliers.

Double and Triple integration, Jacobians and change of variables for-


Parametrization of curves and surfaces, vector Fields, line and surface


Divergence and curl, Theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes.


1. Hughes-Hallett et al., Calculus - Single and Multivariable (3rd Edition),

John-Wiley and Sons (2003).

2. James Stewart, Calculus (5th Edition), Thomson (2003).

3. T. M. Apostol, Calculus, Volumes 1 and 2 (2nd Edition), Wiley Eastern


4. G. B. Thomas and R. L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic Geometry

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 1


1. Water Technology :
Introduction, sources of water Impurities in water, hard and soft water, Degree of
hardness, Types of hardness, Scale and sludge formation in boiler Boiler corrosion.
Caustic embrittlements, Priming and Foaming, Softening of water. Potable water,
Break point of chlorination, Desalination of Brackish water etc.

2. Metals and alloys :

Introduction, Physical properties of metals, cast iron, wrought iron, steel, Heat
treatment of steel. Definition of alloy, purpose of making alloys. Classification of alloys.
Alloys of steel and its applications. Non-Ferrous alloys and its industrial applications.

3. Corrosion and its inhibition :

Introduction, Theories of corrosion, Types of corrosion, Protection of metals from
corrosion organic and inorganic materials, Inhibitors, Cathodic protection.

4. Fuels and Combustion :

Definition, types of fuel solids, liquids, gaseous and Nucleon fuels. Calorifio
Value, Characteristics of good fuel. Solid fuels coal, coke. Analysis of coal ultimate
and proximate Liquid fuel Petroleum. Refining of Petroleum by Fractional distillation.
Gaseous fuel coal-gas, bio gas produces gas and water gas. L.P.G. & CNG.

5. Lubricants :
Definition : Types of lubrication, classification of lubricants and their properties.
Functions of lubricants.
6. Cements :
Introduction Manufacturing of Lime, Gypsum and Cement and their properties.
Manufacturing of Portland cement, chemical composition of cement chemical
constituents of Portland cement, Setting and hardening of cement.

7. Polymers and Plastics :

Introduction, Definition of Polymer. Types of Polymers, Types of Polymerization
reactions and their mechanism. Plastics, Classification of plastics Thermo plastics
and Thermo setting plastics. Molding constituents of plastics Engineering properties
and uses of plastics.
Definition of Rubber, Types of Rubber, Vulcanization of rubber. Application of

8. Multidisciplinary nature of Environment Study :

Introduction, Nature of environment and its problem due to over utilization of
natural sources. Environmental degradation Green house effect, acid rain, Ozone
depletion, Photochemical smog. Environmental problems in India, Environment
management and laws. Public awareness.

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 2

9. Natural and Synthetic Fibers :
Introduction Definition of Fiber, Types of fibers Natural, semi synthetic,
synthetic fibers. Physical properties of fibers. Essential requirement for fiber for
formation. Preparation, properties and uses of Cellulose acetic, Viscose Rayon, Nylon,
Polyesters acrylic, Glass fibers etc. Differentiate between wool and silk fibers. Spinning
processes Melt and Wet spinning.

10. Chemical aspect of Biotechnology :

Definition, Benefits through biotechnology Agriculture, Food quality, Medicines
etc. Fermentation, Fermentation processes, Enzymes and its application in industries.
Bio fuels and Bio membrane.

11. Protective Coatings :

Introduction, Types of protective coatings metallic, chemical, organic,
electroplating. Paints and varnishes Ingredients, properties and uses, Enamels,
Lacquers etc.

12. Renewable and Non-renewable energy of sources :

Resources of energy, Appraisal resources problems, classification of Natural and
renewable resources. Destruction and Conservation.

13. Refractories, Abrasives and Insulators :

Definitions of refractories, Abrasives and insulators. Properties of refractories.
Classification of refractories.
Classification, properties and uses of abrasives. Classification, properties and
uses of Insulators.

14. Analytical Techniques :

Introduction Types of analysis Physical, Chemical and instrumentation.
Physical analysis Specific gravity, Melting point, Boiling point, Crystallization.
Purification of compounds etc. Chemical analysis Quantitative and Qualitative
analysis of organic and inorganic compounds.
Instrumental analysis Spectroscopic, Chromatographic PH measurement,
Conductinity, Turbidity etc.

The topics No. 12, 13 and 14 are to be taught during practical hours as a part of

References :
1. Engineering Chemistry by Jain and Jain Publisher Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co.
2. Engineering Chemistry by Dr. O.P. Agrawal Khanna Publishers Delhi
3. Engineering Chemistry by N. Krishnamurthy, P. Vallinaygam and D. Madhavan
Publisher Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
4. Engineering Chemistry by R. Gopalan, D. Venkappaya and Sulochana Nagarjan
5. Engineering Chemistry by C. Parameswara Murthy, C.V. Agrawal and Andra Naidu,
B.S. Publication, Hyderabad A.P.

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 3

6. Environmental Science by Y. Anjaneyulu B.S. Publishers, Hyderabad A.P.
7. Environmental Studies and Disaster Management by S.G. Shah, S.G. Shah and
Gopal N.Shah
8. Engineering Chemistry by B. Sivsankar The M.C. Grawhill Companies, New Delhi

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 4


1) Architectural Acoustics
Classification of Sound : Loudness Weber Fechner law Decibel Absorption
Coefficient Reverberation Salines formula Factors affecting acoustics of
buildings and their remedies.

2) Ultrasonic
Introduction, production, properties and detection of ultrasonics. Determination of
velocity and application of ultrasonic in Engineering.

3) Crystal Physics
Introduction and classification of solids-crystal structure The crystal systems and
Bravias Lattice Space Lattices of cubic systems Miller Indices Relation
between Interplanner Distance and cubic Edge and Laws Formula.

4) Band theory of Solids

Based theory of Solids Classification of solids Energy band structure of
conductors, insulator and semi conductions types of diodes (simple diode, Zener
diode, varactor diode, LED Solar cells, photovoltaic cell, Photo Conductivity, Hall

Introduction and properties of Lasers, Stimulated and instantaneous emersion
Relation between Eciensteins A and B Coefficients-Population Inversion Optical
Pumping Nd-Yag Laser and CO2 Laser Application of Laser in Material
Processing Holography Application of Lasers

6) Optical Fibre Communication Introduction Fibre Optic System advantages of

Fibre optics Basic principle Acceptance angle and Numerical Aperture Types
of optics preparation through optical fibre

7) Conducting Materials :
Introduction conduction in Metals, Electron theory Q.M. treatment Free electrode
theory of metals Electrical Conductivity Thermal Conductivity Wildemann
Franz law Drawbacks of classical free electrode theory

8) Super Conducting Materials

Introduction to super conductor properties of super conductor Type I and Type II
super conductor Comparision between I and II High T conductors Application

9) New Engineering Materials

Introduction Metallic glasses, types, properties, preparation and its application
Introduction to nano technology method of producing, properties and its
application shape memory alloys types shape Memory effect Pseudo

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 5

elasticity properties application Bio-materials General information
Biomedical compatibly of Ti-Al-Nb alloys for implant application.

10) Non-Destructive Testing

Introduction The objective of NDT Types of Defects Methods of NDT (Liquid
Penetrate Dye Penetrate Radiographic) x X-ray Radiography X-ray Fluoroscopy
Ultrasonic Inspection method Pulse Echo System Visual Display units.

Reference Books :
1) Engineering Physics K. Rajagopal Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi
2) Engg. Physics G. Vijayakumari Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
3) A Text book of Engg. Physics M.N. Aavadhalula S. Chand
P .G. Kshirsagar
4) Engg. Physics Abhijit Nayak S.K. Kataria & Sons.,

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 6


1. Introduction: Scalar and Vector Quantities, composition and
resolution of vectors, system of units, definition of space, time,
particle, rigid body, force.
2. Fundamentals of Statics: Principles of statics, coplanar, concurrent
and non-concurrent, parallel and non-parallel forces, composition and
resolution of forces, moments & couples - their properties,
combination of coplanar couples and forces, equilibrant, equilibrium,
free body diagrams, analytical conditions of equilibrium for coplanar
force systems.
3. Truss: Simple determinate plane trusses and analysis for member
forces using methods of joints and methods of sections.
4. Distributed forces, center of gravity and moment of inertia:
Center of gravity of lines, plane areas, volumes and bodies, Pappus
Guldinus theorems, moment of inertia, polar moment of inertia &
radius of gyration of areas, parallel & perpendicular axes theorems.
5. Friction: Theory of friction, static and sliding friction, laws of friction,
angle and coefficient of friction, inclined plane friction, ladder friction,
wedges, belt and rope friction.
6. Simple Machines: Velocity ratio, mechanical advantage, efficiency,
reversibility of machines, simple machines such as levers, pulley and
pulley blocks, wheel and differential axle, Single purchase/double
purchase crab, compound screw jacks.

7. Physical & Mechanical properties of structural materials:

Properties related to axial, bending, and torsional & shear loading,
Toughness, hardness, proof stress, factor of safety, working stress,
load factor.

8. Simple stresses & strains: Elastic, homogeneous, isotropic

materials; limits of elasticity and proportionality, yield limit, ultimate
strength, strain hardening, section of composite materials, prismatic
and non-prismatic sections.
Strains: Linear, shear, lateral, thermal and volumetric, Poissons ratio.
Stresses: Normal stresses, axial tensile & compressive, shear and
complementary shear, thermal and hoop,. Applications to composite
material stepped & tapered bars.

9. Beam:
(a) Types of loads, Types of supports, Types of beams, Support
reactions for statically determinate beams
(b) Bending moment and Shear force , Bending moment and shear
force diagrams for statically determinate beams subjected to couples,

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 7

concentrated forces, uniformly distributed loadings, relation between
bending moment, shear force and rate of loading, point of contra-
10. Stresses in beams: Theory of simple bending, bending stresses and
their distribution, moment of resistance, modulus of sections,
distribution of shear stresses in different sections.
11. Principal stresses and strains: Compound stresses, analysis of
principal planes and principal stresses, principal strains, angle of
obliquity of resultant stress, principal stresses in beams.

1. Engineering Mechanics (Statics) Beer and Johnston
2. Applied Mechanics S. B. Junnarkar & H. J. Shah
3. Mechanics of Structure Vol. I S. B. Junnarkar & H. J. Shah
4. Mechanics of Materials Beer and Johnston.

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 8

Engineering Graphics

1. Introduction to Engineering Graphics, Drawing instruments and accessories, BIS - SP

46. Use of plane scales and Representative Fraction.

2. Engineering Curves: Classification of Engineering Curves, Construction of Conics,

Cycloidal Curves, Involutes and Spirals.

3. Loci of Points: Path of the points moving on simple arrangements and simple
mechanisms, slider crank mechanism, four bar chain mechanism etc.

4. Projections of Points & Lines: Introduction to principal planes of projections, Projections

of the points located in same quadrant and different quadrants, Projections of line with
its inclination to one reference plane and with two reference planes. True length of the
line and its inclination with the reference planes.

5. Projections of Planes: Concept of different planes, Projections of planes with its

inclination to one reference plane and with two reference planes. Concept of auxiliary
plane method for projections of the plane.

6. Projections of Solids & Section of Solids: Classification of solids. Projections of solids

like Cylinder, Cone, Pyramid and Prism with its inclination to one reference plane and
with two reference planes. Section of such solids and the true shape of the section.

7. Development of Lateral Surfaces: Concept of development of the different surfaces.

Parallel Line Development and Radial Line Development.

8. Orthographic Projections: Principle of projection, Principal planes of projection,

Projections from the pictorial view of the object on the principal planes for View from
Front, View from Top and View from Side using first angle projection method and third
angle projection method, Full Sectional View.

9. Isometric Projections and Isometric View or Drawing: Isometric Scale, Conversion of

orthographic views into isometric projection, isometric view or drawing.

NOTE: Topic No. 1, 8 and 9 of the above syllabus to be covered in Practical Hours.

Text Books:
1. A Text Book of Engineering Graphics By P.J.Shah
S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi
2. A Text Book of Machine Drawing By P.J.Shah
S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi
3. Elementary Engineering Drawing By N.D.Bhatt
Charotar Publishing House, Anand
4. Geometrical and Machine Drawing By N.D.Bhatt
Charotar Publishing House, Anand

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 9

Reference Books:

1. Engineering Graphics I and II By Arunoday Kumar

Tech Max Publication, Pune
2. Engineering Drawing & Graphics using Auto CAD 2000 By T. Jeyapoovan
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
3. A text book of Engineering Drawing By R.K.Dhawan
S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi
4. A text book of Engineering Drawing By P.S.Gill
S.K.Kataria & sons, Delhi
5. Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to AutoCAD By D.A.Jolhe
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi
6. Computer Aided Engineering Drawing, S. Trymbaka Murthy
I.K.International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 10

Computer Programming and Utilization

1 Introduction to Computer & Programming: Introduction, Basic block

Diagram and functions of various components of computer. Concept of
Hardware and Software. Concept of basic types of software. Introduction to
programming and programming languages. Flow charts and algorithms.
2 Introduction to C Language:
I Fundamentals of C: Data types in C. Operators and their hierarchy,
Concept of header files, I/O functions, control structures in C, looping
structures in C, arrays and strings.

II Functions and recursion: Concepts of functions with various types of

parameters. Various types of parameter passing mechanisms. Recursive
functions and implementation of these concepts in C.

III Pointers and structures: Concepts of pointers and simple programs using
pointers. Introduction to simple structure and its implementations.

3 Introduction to C++ language

I Principles of object oriented programming, Comparison with procedural
languages, Tokens, expressions and control structures
Introduction to functions, classes, objects, constructors, destructors in C++.
Classes and Objects: Declaring classes, defining member functions, Making
an outside function inline, nesting of member functions, private member
functions, Arrays with in a class, Memory allocation of objects, static data
members, static member functions, arrays of objects, objects as function
arguments, friend function, returning of objects, const member function.

Text books:
1. Title : Programming in ANSI C, 4th edition
Author: Balagurusamy E
Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company limited
2. Object oriented programming with C++, 3rd edition
Author: Balagurusamy E
Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company limited

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 11

Communication Skills

Unit 1 Communication skills

Process, types and levels of communication.
Technical Communication and General Communication. Factors to be
considered in technical communication.

Unit 2 Verbal and non-verbal communication (kinesics)

Components of Non-verbal Communication (Kinesics)
Barriers to effective communication. (Noise in oral and written
communication) Communication across cultures.

Unit 3 Listening skills - Types of Listening Active Listening V/s Passive Listening
Empathetic Listening. Traits of a good listener, barriers in effective listening,
Tips for effective listening.

Unit 4 Effective presentation strategies. Defining purpose, analysis of audience and

locate, organizing contents. Preparing an outline of the presentation. Visual
aids, nuances of delivery, Body language and effective presentation.

Unit 5 Interviews
Introduction, General preparations for an interview, Types of questions
generally asked at the interviews. Types of interviews, Importance of non-
verbal aspects.

Unit 6 Group Discussions

Introduction, Group discussions as a part of the selection process, guidelines
for group discussion. Role functions in group discussion.

Unit 7 Paragraph Development, Introduction, Topic sentence and supporting

sentences. Attributes of a good paragraph. Types of paragraphs.

Unit 8 Letter - Writing

Business Letters, Structure and types of a business letter, Letter of Inquiry,
Letters of complaint, regret and adjustment.

Unit 9 Technical reports

Introduction, types of reports, structure of reports, objectives and
characteristics of reports.

Unit 10 Technical Proposals

Definition, Purpose, Types, Characteristics, Structure, Style and appearance.

Unit 11 Technical Descriptions

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 12

Introduction, Definition of an object or a process. Guidelines for writing good
description - organization, content, structure.

Unit 12 Effective Reading Skills

Purpose of reading, skimming and scanning. Tips for improving
comprehension skills.

Unit 13 Job application

Essential parts - Cover Letter and the resume. Types of resumes
(Curriculum Vitae) Chronological resume, functional resume.

Unit 14 Grammar and Vocabulary

Tense and the concept of Time. Passive Voice, Conditionals Prepositions,
Concord. Idioms, Confusables, one-word substitutes, homonyms,
homophones eponyms.

Reference books:

1. Technical Communication
Principles and Practice
- Meenakshi Raman, Sangeeta Sharma (OUP)

2. Personality Development, Harold Wallace and Ann Masters,

Cengage Publishers.

3. Basic Communication Skills for Technology

Andrea J. Rutherford (Pearson Education)

4. Communication Skills for Technical Students

T.M. Farhathullah (Orient Longman)

5. A Textbook of English for Engineers and Technologists.

Prepared by Humanities & Social Sciences Division.
Anna University, Chennai. (Orient Longman)

6. Communication Skills for Engineers

- Sunita Mishra, C, Murali Krishna (Pearson Education)

7. English for Technical Communication

- K.R. Lakshminarayanan
(Scitech Publications, Chennai.)

8. Basics of Management and Communication Skills

- Dr. P.C. Shejwalkar (Everest Publishing House)

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 13

9. Business Communication Strategies
- Matthukutty M. Monippally
(Tata McGraw Hill)

10. Body Language

- Allan Pease
(Sheldon Press, London)

11. A Communicative Grammar of English

- Geoffrey Leech, Jan Swartvik (ELBS with Longman)

Gujarat Technological University B.E Sem I 14

Gujarat Technological University
Semester II

Maths II
Vectors in Rn, notion of linear independence and dependence, linear
span of a set of vectors, vector subspaces of Rn, basis of a vector

Systems of linear equations, matrices and Gauss elimination, row space,

null space, and column space, rank of a matrix.

Determinants and rank of a matrix in terms of determinants.

Abstract vector spaces, linear transformations, matrix of a linear trans-

formation, change of basis and similarity, rank-nullity theorem.

Inner product spaces, Gram-Schmidt process, orthonormal bases, pro-

jections and least squares approximation.

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, characteristic polynomials, eigenvalues

of special matrices ( orthogonal, unitary, hermitian, symmetric, skew-
symmetric, normal). algebraic and geometric multiplicity, diagonaliza-
tion by similarity transformations, spectral theorem for real symmetric
matrices, application to quadratic forms.


1. H. Anton, Elementary linear algebra with applications (8th Edition),

John Wiley (1995).

2. G. Strang, Linear algebra and its applications (4th Edition), Thom-


3. S. Kumaresan, Linear algebra - A Geometric approach, Prentice Hall

of India (2000).

4. E. Kreyszig, Advanced engineering mathematics (8th Edition), John

Wiley (1999).

Gujarat Technological University. B.E Sem II 1

Elements Of Civil Engineering

I Scope of Civil Engineering

Introduction: Impact of Infrastructural Development on the Economy of a Country,
Role of Civil Engineers, Importance of Planning, Scheduling and Construction
II Surveying
Introduction: Surveying and levelling, Object and uses, Primary divisions,
Fundamental principles, Classification of surveying, Plans and maps, Scales, Units of
Linear measurements: Methods, Instruments used in chaining; Chain surveying,
Ranging; Obstacles; Errors in chaining, Tape corrections, Conventional symbols
Compass surveying: Types and uses of compass, Bearings, Whole Circle Bearings,
and Reduced Bearings, Computation of angles; Meridians; declinations and dip of
needle; Local attraction; Chain and compass surveying field work.
Elevation measurements: Levelling, object and uses, terms used in levelling, levelling
instruments, methods of levelling, recording and methods of reducing, errors in
levelling, contours; characteristics and applications.
Areas and volumes; use of a Planimeter.
Modern Tools of Surveying and Mapping: Introduction to Theodolite, Electronic
Distance Measurement Instruments, Total Station, Global Positioning System, Remote
Sensing and Geographic Information System.
III Construction Materials
Requirement, types, uses, properties and importance of Civil Engineering materials like
Stone, Bricks, Lime, Cement, Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metals, Ceramic Materials,
Timber, Sand, Aggregate, Mortar and Concrete, Paints and Varnishes, Glass , Plastic,
Conducting, Magnetic, and Miscellaneous Materials.
IV Elements of Building Construction
Planning: Elementary principles and basic requirements of a building planning, layout
of residential & industrial buildings.
Construction: Classification of buildings based upon occupancy and structure, Design
Loads, Common building components, their functions, and nominal dimensions.
Elements of building drawing. Introduction to building byelaws.
V Water Resources Development
Elementary Hydrology, Sources of water, Watershed Development, water requirements
and its conservation, Hydraulic Structures of Storage, Water Conveyance System:
Canals; Water Conduits.
VI Transportation Engineering
Role of Transportation in National development, Transportation Ways, Surface
Transportation and Aviation, Elements of Highway materials properties and highway
construction, BOT Projects for Highways, Elements of Traffic Engineering and Traffic
Reference Books:
1) Title :Surveying Vol .I & II
Author: Dr. B. C. Punamia
Publisher : Laxmi Publication Delhi

Gujarat Technological University. B.E Sem II 2

2) Title :Surveying Vol. I and II
Author : S. K. Duggal
Publisher : Tata Macgraw hill Publication New Delhi
3) Title: Civil Engg. Drawing
Author : S. C. Rangwala
Publisher: Charotar Pub. House Anand
4) Title : Building Construction
Author : Dr. B. C. Punamia
Publisher: Laxmi Pub. Delhi
5) Title : Engineering Material
Author : Dr. S.C. Rangwala
Publisher: Charotar Pub. House
6) Title : Building Materials
Author: Dr. S. .K. Duggal
Publisher : New Age International Pub.House Delhi
7) Title : Civil Engineering Material
Author : Jakson and Dhir
Publisher : ELBS Publishing London
8) Title : Civil Engineering Material
Author : Jakson and Dhir
Publisher : ELBS Publishing London
9) Title : Highway Engineering
Author: Khanna S. K. and Justo C. E.G.
Publisher : Nemchand and Brothers
10 ) Title : Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures
Author : Santoshkumar Garg
Publisher : Khanna Publishers Delhi

Gujarat Technological University. B.E Sem II 3

Elements of Electrical Engineering

I D.C. Circuits:- Effect Of Temperature Upon Resistance, Solutions Of series,

parallel in brief, star-delta combination of Resistances, KVL & KCL.
II Electrostatics & Capacitance:- Definitions of Electrostatic, types of capacitors,
series, parallel combinations & related circuit calculations in brief charging &
discharging of capacitor. Energy stored in capacitor.
III Electromagnetics:- Magnetic Circuit , Comparison Between Electric And
Magnetic Circuits , Series/Parallel Magnetic Circuit Calculations , Magnetic
Hysteresis, Hysteresis And Eddy Current Loss, Magnetic Materials,
Electromagnetic induction, Statically And Dynamically Induced E.M.F.S in brief,
Fleming's Right hand rule-Left hand rule, Coefficients Of Self And Mutual
Inductances , Coefficient Of Coupling, Series/Parallel Combinations Of
Inductances, Rise And Decay Of Current In Inductive Circuits , Force
Experienced By Current Carrying Conductor Placed In Magnetic Field.
IV Single Phase A.C. Circuits:- Generation Of Alternating Voltages &
Currents, Their Equations, Definitions , R.M.S. And Average Values , Vector
Representation Of Alternating Quantities , Addition And Subtraction Of Vectors
, Complex Algebra., Phasor Relations Between Voltage And Current In Each Of
Resistance, Inductance And Capacitance , A.C. Series And Parallel Circuits ,
Power And Power Factor , Methods Of Circuit Solution (Analytically &
Vectorially), Resonance In Series And Parallel Circuits.
V Polyphase Circuits:- Generation Of Polyphase Voltages , 3,Phase System ,
Phase Sequence, Inter Connection Of 3 Phases , Voltage, Current And Power
Relationships In Balanced Three Phase Circuits , Power Measurement In
Single Phase And 3 Phase Circuits.
VI Batteries, Cables:- Battery, life of batteries, charging & discharging of battery.
Cables, 2, 21/2, 3 and 4 core armored & unarmored cables.
VII Electrical Wiring:- Connectors & switches, system of wiring, domestic wiring
installation, sub circuits in domestic wiring, simple control circuit in domestic
installation, industrial electrification.
VIII Illumination:- Types of lamps, fixtures & reflectors, illumination schemes for
domestic, industrial & commercial premises, Lumen requirements for different
IX Safety & protection:- Safety, electric shock, first aid for electric shock other
hazards of electrical laboratories & safety rules, use of multimeters, grounding,
importance of grounding, equipment of grounding for safety. Circuit protection
devices, fuses, MCB, ELCB & relays.

Reference Books:
I Electrical Technology Vol.1 By B.L.Theraja
II Basic Electrical Engineering By V.N.Mittal
III Electrical Estimating & costing by Surjitsingh ( Dhanpat Rai & Co.)

Gujarat Technological University. B.E Sem II 4

Elements Of Mechanical Engineering
I Introduction: Prime movers, Sources of energy, Types of prime movers, Force and
mass, Pressure, Work, Power, Energy, Heat, Temperature, Units of heat, Specific
heat capacity, Interchange of heat, Change of state, Mechanical equivalent of heat,
Internal energy, Enthalpy,Entropy,Efficiency, Statements of Zeroth Law, First law
and Second Law of Thermodynamics.
II Fuels and Combustion: Introduction, Classification, Solid fuels, Liquid Fuels,
Gaseous fuels, LPG,CNG and biofuels ,Calorific values.
III Properties of gases : Gas laws, Boyle's law, Charle's law, Combined gas law,
Gas constant, Internal energy, Relation between Cp and Cv, Enthalpy, Non flow
process, Constant volume process, Constant pressure process, Isothermal process,
Poly-tropic process, Adiabatic process.
IV Properties of Steam : Introduction, Steam formation, Types of Steam, Enthalpy,
Specific volume of steam and dryness fraction of steam , Internal energy, Steam
tables, Non-flow process. Measurement of dryness fraction, Throttling
calorimeter, Separating calorimeter, Combined calorimeter.
V Heat Engines : Thermal prime movers, Elementary heat engines, Sources of heat,
Working substances, Converting machines, Classification of heat engines, Heat
engine cycles, Carnot cycle, , Rankine cycle, Ottocycle, Diesel cycle.
VI Steam Boilers : Introduction, Classification, Simple vertical boiler, Vertical multi-
tubular boiler, Cochran type, Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler, Babcock and
Wilcox boiler, High pressure boilers, Boiler details, Boiler performance.
Functioning of different mountings and accessories.
VII Internal Combustion Engines : Introduction, Classification, Engine details, otto
four-stroke cycle, Diesel-four-stroke cycle, Difference between otto cycle and
Diesel cycle, Two-stroke cycle, Difference between two-stroke and four-stroke
cycle, indicated power (ip), Brake Power (bp),Efficiencies.
VIII Speed Control: Introduction, Governors, I.C. Engine governing, Fly wheel.
IX Pumps : Introduction, Reciprocating pump, types and operation, Bucket pump, Air
Chamber, Centrifugal pumps, Types and Priming, Rotary pumps.
X Air Compressors: Introduction, Uses of Compressed air, Reciprocating
compressors, Operation of a compressor, Work for compression, Power required,
Reciprocating compressor efficiency, Multistage reciprocating compressors, Rotary
XI Refrigeration & Air Conditioning: Introduction, Refrigerant, Types of refrigerators,
Vapour compression refrigerating system, Window and split air conditioners.
XII Couplings, Clutches and Brakes: Introduction, Couplings, Clutches, Brakes,
Types of brakes. Difference between a brake and a clutch.
Transmission of Motion and Power: Introduction, Methods of drive, Power
XIII transmission elements, shaft and axle, Belt-drive, Pulleys, Power transmitted by a
belt, Chain drive, Friction drive, Gear drive

XIV Important Engineering Materials: Properties of materials, Ferrous & Nonferrous

materials and other important engineering materials such as Timber, Abrasive
material, silica, ceramics, glass, graphite, diamond, plastic, polymer and composite

Gujarat Technological University. B.E Sem II 5

Reference Books:
I Elements of Mechanical Engineeringby K.P.Roy and Prof.S.K . Hajra Chaudhary ,
Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt.Ltd.Bombat
II Introduction to Engineering Materials by B.K. Agrawal Tata McgraHill Publication
New Delhi
III Thermal Science and Engineering by Dr. D.S. Kumar, S.K. Kataria & sons
Publication New Delhi
IV Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering by G.S. Sawhney, Prentice Hall
of India Publication New Delhi
V Thermal Engineering by R.K. Rajput ,S.Chand Publication New Delhi

Gujarat Technological University. B.E Sem II 6

Basics of Environmental Studies

1. Introduction to Environment, Ecology and Ecosystem

Definition and Inter-relationships amongst and between them
Components of Environment, Relationship between different components
Man-Environment relationship
Impact of Technology on the environment
Environmental Degradation:
2 Ecology & Ecosystems
Introduction: Ecology- Objectives and Classification
Concepts of an ecosystem- structure & function of ecosystem
Components of ecosystem- Producers, Consumers, Decomposers
Bio-Geo- Chemical Cycles- Hydrological Cycle, carbon cycle, Oxygen Cycle,
Nitrogen Cycle, Sulfur Cycle
Energy Flow in Ecosystem
Food Chains: Grazing, Detritus, & Food webs
Ecological Pyramids
Major Ecosystems: Forest Ecosystem, Grassland Ecosystem, Desert Ecosystem, Aquatic
Ecosystem, Estuarine Ecosystem
3 Population & Natural Resources
Development of Habitation patterns and Environmental factors governing human settlement
Population & Pollution , Reasons for overpopulation ,Population Growth, Demographic
Projections and Population Structures ,Production of food
Renewable & Nonrenewable Resources: Renewable Resources, Nonrenewable
Resources, Destruction versus Conservation
Water Resources: Water Resources-Indian Scenario, Water Sources- Surface & Ground
Water Sources, Uses & overuses of water resources, problems due to Overexploitation of
Water Resources
Forest Resources : Forest Resources - Indian Scenario , Importance of forests- Ecologically &
Economically, Uses of forest products, Forest Types, Deforestations-Causes and effects,
Forest Degradation in India

Energy Resources : Energy Resources - Indian Scenario , Conventional Energy Sources & its
problems, non-conventional energy sources-Advantages & its limitations , Problems due to
Overexploitation of Energy Resources

4 Environmental Pollution
Types of Environmental Pollution
Water Pollution : Introduction Water Quality Standards , Sources of Water Pollution,
Classification of water pollutants, Effects of water pollutants , Eutrophication

Gujarat Technological University. B.E Sem II 7

Air Pollution : Composition of air , Structure of atmosphere, Ambient Air Quality Standards,
Classification of air pollutants, Sources of common air pollutants like SPM, SO2, NOX
Natural & Anthropogenic Sources, Effects of common air pollutants
Land & Noise Pollution : Introduction- Lithosphere, Land Uses, Causes of land
Degradation, Sources of Noise Pollution, Effects of noise pollution
Current Environmental Global Issues : Global Warming & Green Houses Effects, Acid Rain
, Depletion of Ozone Layer
1 Environmental Studies: R. Rajagopalan,Oxford University Press
2 Environmental Pollution: Causes, Effects & Control by K.C Agrawal
3 Environmental Science by Richard T Wright & Bernard J Nebel
4 Environmental Science by Daniel B Botkin & Edward A Keller
5 Environmental Engineering & Management by Suresh K Dameja
6 Environmental Management by Dr. Swapan C Deb
7 Environment & Ecology by Dr Gourkrishna Dasmohapatra
8 Introduction To Environmental Engineering and Science by Master Gilbert M.

Gujarat Technological University. B.E Sem II 8


Objectives: Exposure to Industrial environment, work culture, hand tools and general purpose
Developing Creativity, Craft man skill, approach to work and Planning capability


Demonstration of Hand tools, Power tools, Machine tools, Processes, Materials, Marking, and
Measurement in following shops:Carpentry, Pattern making, Foundry, Fitting, Smithy, Welding,
Tin smithy,Plumbing, Machine shop and Electroplating.

Making Jobs in Fitting, Carpentry, Smithy, Tin smithy and Welding shops

Journal is to be prepared covering the topics of demonstration and Report about Process /
Methodology / Inspection for making jobs.

Text Books & Reference Books:

Choudhary, Hajara Elements of Workshop Technology, Media Promotors & Publishers, 1997

Raghuvanshi B.S. Workshop Technology Vol. I & II, Dhanpat Rai & Sons

Chapman W.A. J and Arnold E. Workshop Technology Viva low priced

Student edition, 1998

Gujarat Technological University. B.E Sem II 9

B.E Semester: 3
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Subject Code 131101
Subject Name Basic Electronics

Sr.No Course Content

1 Energy Bands in Solids:
Charged Particles, Field Intensity, Potential Energy, The eV Unit of Energy,
The Nature of the Atom, Atomic Energy Levels, Electronic Structure of The
Elements, The Energy Band Theory of Crystals, Insulators, Semiconductors
and Metals

2 Transport Phenomena in Semiconductors:

Mobility and Conductivity, Electrons and Holes in an Intrinsic
Semiconductor, Donor and Acceptor Impurities, Charge Densities in a
Semiconductor, Electrical Properties of Ge and Si, The Hall Effect,
Conductivity Modulation, Generation and Recombination of Charges,
Diffusion, The Continuity Equation, Injected Minority Carrier Charge, The
Potential Variation within a Graded Semiconductor

3 Junction Diode Characteristics:

Open Circuited p-n Junction, p-n Junction as a Rectifier, Current
Components in a p-n Diode, Volt-Ampere Characteristic, Temperature
Dependence of the V/I Characteristic, Diode Resistance, Space Charge ,
Transition Capacitance, Charge-Control Description of a Diode , Diffusion
Capacitance , Junction Diode Switching Times, Breakdown Diodes, Tunnel
Diode, Semiconductor Photodiode, Photovoltaic Effect, Light Emitting

4 Diode Circuits:
Diode as a Circuit Element, Load-Line Concept, Piecewise Linear Diode
Model, Clipping Circuits, Clipping at Two Independent Levels, Comparators,
Sampling Gate, Rectifiers, Other Full-Wave Circuits, Capacitor Filters,
Additional Diode Circuits

5 Transistor Characteristics:
Junction Transistor, Transistor Current Components, Transistor as an
Amplifier, Transistor Construction, CB Configuration, CE Configuration, CE
Cutoff region, CE Saturation Region, Typical Transistor, CE Current Gain,
CC Configuration, Analytical Expressions for Transistor Characteristics
Maximum Voltage Rating, Phototransistor
6 Transistor at Low Frequencies:
Graphical Analysis of the CE configuration, Two-Port Devices and the
Hybrid Model, Transistor Hybrid Model, h-Parameters, Conversion
Formulas for the Parameters of Three Transistor Configurations, Analysis
of a Transistor Amplifier Circuit Using h Parameters, Thevenins and
Nortons Theorems and Corollaries, Emitter Follower, Comparison of
Transistor Amplifier Configurations, Linear Analysis of a Transistor Circuit,
Millers Theorem and its Dual, Cascading Transistor Amplifiers, Simplified
CE Hybrid Model, Simplified Calculations for the CC Configuration, CE
Amplifier with an Emitter Resistance, High Input Resistance Transistor

7 Transistor Biasing and Thermal Stabilization:

Operating Point, Bias Stability, Self-Bias , Stabilization against Variations in
ICO, VBE and , General Remarks on Collector-Current Stability, Bias
Compensation, Thermistor and Sensistor Compensation, Thermal
Runaway, Thermal Stability

8 Field Effect Transistors:

Junction FET, Pinch-Off Voltage, JFET Volt-Ampere Characteristics, FET
Small-Signal Model, MOSFET, Digital MOSFET Circuits, Low Frequency
CS and CD Amplifiers, Biasing the FET, The FET as a Voltage Variable
Resistor, CS Amplifier at High Frequencies, CD Amplifier at High

9 Power Circuits and Systems:

Class A large Signal Amplifiers, Second Harmonic Distortion, Higher Order
Harmonic Generation, Transformer Coupled Audio Power Amplifier
,Efficiency, Push-Pull Amplifiers, Class B Amplifiers, Class AB Operation,
Regulated Power Supplies, Series Voltage Regulator

Reference Books:
1. Integrated Electronics By Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias, Tata McGraw
Hill Publication
2. Electronics Devices by Floyd , Pearson Publication [Seventh edition]
3. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky
[Ninth Edition]
B.E Semester: 3
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Subject Code 130901
Subject Name Circuits and Networks

Sr.No Course Content

1 Circuit Variables and Circuit Elements:
Electromotive Force, Potential and Voltage - A Voltage Source with a
Resistance Connected at its Terminals - Two-terminal Capacitance - Two-
terminal Inductance- Ideal Independent Two-terminal Electrical Sources -
Power and Energy Relations for Two-terminal Elements - Classification of
Two-terminal Elements - Multi-terminal Circuit Elements, Dot Convention.

2 Nodal Analysis and Mesh Analysis of resistive Circuits:

Nodal Analysis of Circuits Containing Resistors and Independent Sources -
Nodal Analysis of Circuits Containing Dependent Voltage Sources - Source
Transformation Theorem for circuits with independent sources - Source
Transformation Theorem for circuits with Dependent sources -Nodal
Analysis of Circuits Containing Dependent Sources - Mesh Analysis of
Circuits with Resistors and Independent Voltage Sources- Mesh Analysis of
Circuits with Independent Sources - Mesh Analysis of Circuits Containing
Dependent Sources

3 Circuit Theorems:
Linearity of a Circuit and Superposition Theorem - Substitution Theorem -
Compensation Theorem - Thevenin's Theorem and Norton's Theorem -
Determination of Equivalents for Circuits with Dependent Sources -
Reciprocity Theorem - Maximum Power Transfer Theorem - Millman's

4 Time domain response of First order RL and RC circuits:

Mathematical preliminaries Source free response DC response of first
order circuits Superposition and linearity Response Classifications
First order RC Op Amp Circuits

5 Time domain response of Second order linear circuits:

Discharging of a Capacitor through an inductor Source free second order
linear networks second order linear networks with constant inputs

6 Initial Conditions: Initial conditions in elements, procedure for evaluating

initial conditions, Solution of circuit equations by using Initial Conditions.
7 Laplace Transform Analysis: Circuit Applications:
Notions of Impedance and Admittance Manipulation of Impedance and
Admittance- Notions of Transfer Function- Equivalent circuits for inductors
and capacitors Nodal and Loop analysis in the s-domain Switching in
RLC circuits- Switched capacitor circuits and conservation of charge

8 Laplace Transform Analysis : Transfer Function Applications:

Poles, Zeros and the s-plane- Classification of Responses Computation of
sinusoidal steady state response for stable networks and systems

9 Two Port Networks :

One port networks Two port admittance Parameters Admittance
parameters analysis of terminated two- Port networks - Two port impedance
Parameters Impedance and Gain calculations of terminated two- Port
networks modeled by z-parameters Hybrid parameters Generalized
Two-port Parameters Transmission parameters - reciprocity

10 Introduction to Network Topology:

Linear Oriented Graphs (Connected Graph, Subgraphs and Some Special
Subgraphs) - The Incidence Matrix of a Linear Oriented Graph -Kirchhoff's
Laws in Incidence Matrix Formulation - Nodal Analysis of Networks - The
Circuit Matrix of a Linear Oriented Graph- Kirchhoff's Laws in Fundamental
Circuit Matrix Formulation - Loop Analysis of Electrical Networks ( Loop
Analysis of Networks Containing Ideal Dependent Sources- Planar Graphs
and Mesh Analysis Duality)- The Cut-set Matrix of a Linear Oriented
Graph ( Cut-sets - The All cut-set matrix Qa- Orthogonality relation between
Cut-set matrix and Circuit matrix - The Fundamental Cut-set Matrix Qf -
Relation between Qf , A and Bf) - Kirchhoff's Laws in Fundamental Cut-set

Reference Books:
1. Electric Circuits and Networks :- By K. S. Suresh Kumar Pearson Education
2. Linear Circuits Analysis 2nd edition :-By DeCarlo/ Lin Oxford University Press
(Indian edition)
3. Network Analysis :- By M.E Van Valkenburg PHI Publication
4. Engineering Circuit Analysis : - By W H Hayt, J E Kemmerly, S M Durbin 6th
Edition TMH Publication
5. Network Analysis & Synthesis By Franklin S. KUO, Wiley Publication
B.E Semester: 3
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Subject Code: 130701

Sr.No Course content

1. Binary System:
Digital computer and digital systems, Binary Number, Number base
conversion Octal and Hexadecimal Number, complements, Binary Codes,
Binary Storage and register, Binary Logic, Integrated Circuit

2. Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates :

Basic Definition, Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra, Basic Theorem
and Properties of Boolean Algebra, Minterms And Maxterms, Logic
Operations, Digital Logic Gates, IC digital Logic Families

3. Simplification of Boolean Functions:

Different types Map method, Product of sum Simplification, NAND or NOR
implementation, Dont Care condition, Tabulation method

4. Combinational Logic :
Introduction, Design Procedure, adder, subtractor, Code Conversion,
Universal Gate

5. Combinational Logic With MSI AND LSI :

Introduction, Binary Parallel Adder, Decimal Adder, Magnitude Comparator,
Decoder, Multiplexer, ROM, Programmable Logic Array.

6. Sequential Logic:
Introduction, Flip-Flops, Triggering of Flip-Flops, Analysis of Clocked
Sequential Circuits, State Reduction and Assignment, Flip-Flop Excitation
Tables, Design Procedure, Design of Counters, Design with State

7. Registers Transfer Logic & Micro-Operation :

Introduction, Inter-register Transfer, Arithmetic, logic and shift Micro-
Operations, Conditional Control Statements, Fixed-Point Binary Data,
overflow, Arithmetic Shifts, Decimal Data, Floating-Point Data, Instruction
Codes, Design of Simple Computer

8. Registers, Counters and the Memory unit :

Introduction, Registers, Shift Registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous
Counters, Timing Sequences, Memory Unit
9. Processor Logic Design :
Introduction, Processor Organization, Arithmetic Logic Unit, Design of
Arithmetic and logic circuit, Design of ALU. Status Register, Design of
shifter, Processor Unit,Design of Accumulator.

10. Control Logic Design :

Introduction, Control Organization, Hard-Wired Control, Micro-Program
Control, .

Reference Books:
1. Digital Logic and Computer Design By M Morris Mano
2. Principle of digital Electronics By Malvino & Leach
3. Modern Digital Electronics By R.P.Jain
B.E Semester: 3
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Subject Code 131701
Subject Name Electrical Machine

Sr.No Course Content

1 Transformers:
Single Phase Transformer:
Working principle, Construction, types, EMF equation, Transformer losses,
effect of load, magnetic and resistive leakage, equivalent circuit,
transformer testing, regulation of transformer, transformer efficiency, effect
of power factor variation on efficiency, auto transformer.

Three Phase Transformer:

connections, Power supplied by V V bank, Three phase to Two-phase
conversion, Two phase to Three phase conversion, Parallel operation of
three phase transformers, Instrument transformers, Current transformers,
Potential transformers

2 Principles of Electromagnetic Energy Conversion:

Forces and Torques in Magnetic Field Systems; Singly Excited and Multiply
Excited Field Systems; Elementary Concepts of Rotating Machines; Losses
and efficiency, ventilation and cooling, machine ratings, leakage and
harmonic fluxes

3 Induction Machines:
Constructional features of poly-phase induction machines; Stator and
Rotating Magnetic Field; Torque production; Slip; Equivalent circuit of a
Polyphase Induction Machine; equivalent circuit from test data; Three-
phase induction machine performance; Torque-Slip characteristic; Circle
diagram; Speed control of Polyphase induction motors, Starting methods for
polyphase induction motors; Induction generator, Cogging and crawling;
Single-phase induction motors; No-load and Blocked-rotor test; Starting
methods for single-phase induction motors; Application

4 Synchronous Machines:
Constructional features of synchronous machines; Elementary synchronous
machine; Equivalent circuit of a synchronous machine, Voltage regulation;
Power angle and other performance characteristics; Effect of Saliency;
Determining reactance by test data; Parallel operation of interconnected
synchronous generators; Steady state stability; Excitation systems;
Hunting and damper winding; Applications
5 Direct-Current Machines:
Constructional features of DC machines; Elementary DC machine; Methods
of excitation of DC machines; Equivalent circuit of DC machine;
Commutator action; Armature reaction; Interpoles and compensating
windings; Magnetization characteristic of a DC machine; Characteristics of
a separately excited DC generator; Self excitation; Characteristic of a DC
shunt generator; Characteristic of a DC series generator; Characteristic of a
DC compound generator; DC motor characteristics; Control of DC motors;
Testing and efficiency; Applications

Reference Books:
1. Electrical machines; Mulukutla S. Sharma, and Mikesh K. Pathak; Cengage
2. A Text of Electrical Technology; B. L. Theraja, and A. K. Theraja; S. Chand
B.E Semester: 3
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Subject Code 131103
Subject Name: Electronics Workshop

Sr.No Course content

1 Soldering techniques, stripping and tinning standed wires, mounting
components- plated through hole and surface mount technology, hand wire
soldering, de-soldering techniques, electrostatic discharge.

2 Analog Troubleshooting:
Electronics troubleshooting basics, troubleshooting with Oscilloscopes,
signal injection and signal tracing, system analysis, diagnostics methods,
servicing close loop circuits, troubleshooting noise and intermittent.

3 Digital Troubleshooting:
Introduction to troubleshooting digital logic, Introduction to logic analyzers,
working with Digital circuits and use of logic analysis system for
troubleshooting Digital circuits.

4 PC Hardware basics:
How computers work, system board, CD/DVD Drives and Hard Drives,
Troubleshooting Fundamentals, Device Manager, Different Hardware and
its Drivers, Multimedia Technologies, Power Supplies.

5 Study of Soldering Techniques and PCB Design :

Students are expected to select any experiment. Soldering and testing is to
be done for the selected experiment. Perform simulation of the same
experiment by using CAD tools. Schematic as well as PCB design is to be
carried out using CAD tools.

6 Design, Simulation and Implementation of Analog/Digital/MixMode Project :

Students are expected to design any analog/digital/mix mode application of
their choice. Perform simulation using software tools. PCB design,
fabrication of PCB, testing and implementation should be done.
Documentation of the project is to be done in standard IEEE format. Project
report should include abstract in maximum 100 words, keywords,
introduction, design, simulation, implementation, results, conclusion and

Reference Books:
1. Jean Andrews, Enhanced guide to managing and maintaining your PC, edition, 2001,
Course Technology Thomson learning publishers
2. Rashid M.H. SPICE for circuits and electronics using pSpice, Prentice Hall
3. Bosshart, Printed Circuit Boards: Design and Technology, Tata McGraw Hill
Orcad/PCBII , Users Guide.
B.E Semester: 3
Subject Code 130001
Subject Name Mathematics - 3

Sr.No Course content

1. First order ODE:
Methods for solving them, homogeneous equations, exactness, methods for
finding integrating factors, Linear and Bernoullis equation.

2. Higher order ODE:

Linear ODEs (generalities) complimentary function as and particular
integrals, linear dependence and independence of functions, Wronskians,
Abel-Liouville formula, use of a known solution (for reduction of order)
method of variation of parameter.

3. Linear ODEs with constant coefficient and the Cauchy Euler equation. the
characteristic polynomial and indicial polynomial, discussion of the case of
complex roots and repeated roots, extracting the real form of the solution via
Eulers formula = + , method of undetermined coefficient for
finding the particular integral for special right hand sides. (forcing functions)
both for constant coefficient ODEs as well as Cauchy Euler ODEs.

4. Beta Gamma functions and their basic properties, statement of Eulers

reflection formula, duplication formula via beta gamma.

5. Laplace transforms:
Definition of functions of exponential type with examples. Definition of the
Laplace transform and its basic properties as well as examples of Laplace
transforms of exponential function, polynomials and trigonometric functions.
Statement of the Riemann Lebesgue lemma. Finding the inverse transform.

Laplace transform of and )(Heaviside unit step function and shifting

theorems. Convolution and the convolutions theorem. Beta gamma identity.
Use of Laplace transform for solving IVP for ODEs and systems of ODEs.
Computing certain important integrals via Laplace transforms.

6. Series solution of ODEs, Illustrative examples as the equations of Legendre,

Tchebychev etc., Legendre polynomials, their Orthogonality and
7. Ordinary differential equations with regular singular points and the method of
Frobenious. Detailed discussion of Bessels equations and Bessels
functions of first kind only. Basic properties of J p ( x ) , the recurrence relation

between J p 1 ( x ) , J p ( x ) and J p +1 ( x ) . Integral representation of J n ( x )

(where n is a non negative integer).

8. Fourier series and Fourier transforms Basic formulae in Fourier series.

Statement of the theorem on pointwise convergence of Fourier series.
Parsevals formula (statement only) and Bessels inequality with examples.
Mean convergence of Fourier series.
Fourier transforms and its basic properties. Fourier transform of the
Gaussian and the Fourier inversion theorem (statement only). Riemann
Lebesgue lemma for Fourier series and Fourier transforms (statement only).

9. Basic partial differential equations of mathematical physics and their origins

(vibrating strings, vibrating membrances heat conduction in solids etc.,).
Solving PDEs via the method of separation of variables. The Laplace
operator in cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates. Brief discussion of
Fourier Bessel series. Solution via Fourier series/Fourier-Bessel series for
rectangular and circular domains in R and spherical and cylindrical
domains in R .

Reference Books:
1. E.Kreyszig, Advanced engineering mathematics (8th Edition), John Wiley

2. W. E. Boyce and R. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations (8th Edition),

John Wiley (2005).

3. R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Fourier series and boundary value problems

(7th Edition), McGraw-Hill (2006).

4. T.M.Apostol, Calculus , Volume-2 ( 2nd Edition ), Wiley Eastern , 1980

B.E Semester: 3
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Subject Code 131102
Subject Name Simulation and Design Tools

Introduction to SPICE
Introduction to PSpice software, file types, netlist commands. Basic analyses: DC, AC,
Transient. Analog behavioral models (ABM): equations setup, IF statement, voltage/current/
frequency dependent sources. Advanced analyses: noise, Monte-Carlo, worst-case. Spectral
description of signals (FFT), measuring the total harmonic distortion (THD). Circuit
optimization using PSpice Optimizer software.

Models of resistor, capacitor, inductor, energy sources (VCVS, CCVS, Sinusoidal source,
pulse, etc), transformer, DIODE, BJT, FET, MOSFET, etc. sub circuits.

Laboratories should include

Simulation of following circuits using spice (Schematic entry of circuits using standard packages.
Analysis- transient, AC, DC, etc.):

a) Potential divider.
b) Integrator & Differentiator (I/P PULSE) Frequency response of RC circuits.
c) Diode, BJT, FET, MOSFET Characteristics.
d) Simulate and study half-wave, full-wave, and bridge-rectifier using PSPICE windows
e) Simulate and study diode clipper and clamper circuits using PSPICE windows
f) Voltage Regulators.
g) Simulate and study emitter bias and fixed bias BJT and JFET circuits using PSPICE
windows, and determine quiescent conditions.
h) Simulate a common emitter amplifier using self biasing and study the effect of variation in
emitter resistor on voltage gain , input and output impedance using PSPICE windows .
i) Determine the frequency response of Vo/Vs for CE BJT amplifier using PSPICE windows.
Study the effect of cascading of two stages on band width.
j) Simulate and study Darlington pair amplifier circuit using PSPICE windows and determine dc
bias and output ac voltage .
k) Simulate RC Coupled amplifiers - Transient analysis and Frequency response.
l) Simulate FET & MOSFET amplifiers.
m) Simulate Multivibrators.
n) Simulate Oscillators (RF & AF).
o) Study an operational amplifier using PSPICE windows and find out: CMMR, gain band width
product, slew rate, 3-db frequency, and input offset voltage.
p) Simulate and study active low pass, high pass, and band pass filters using PSPICE windows.
q) Simulate and study class A, B, C, and AB amplifier using PSPICE windows.
r) Study the operation of 555 timer oscillator using PSPICE.
s) Simulate logic expression..and determine its truth table.
t) Simulate logic expression of full adder circuit and determine its truth table.
u) Simulate a synchronous 4-bit counter and determine its count sequence.
v) Simulate a master-slave flip-flop using NAND gates and study its operation. Study the
operation of asynchronous preset and clear .

NOTE : At least ten experiments have to be performed in the semester; out of which at least
seven experiments should be performed from above list. Remaining three experiments may
either be performed from the above list or designed and set by the concerned institution.

Introduction to PCB Design

Using OrCAD, Altium, Eagle, PowerPCB or others Package.

Learning objectives:

This module conveys knowledge on the design and specification of PCBs, fabrication basics,

classes of packages as well as basic technologies of packaging.

Learning outcomes and competences:

The student himself will be able to design, carry out simulation and manufacture the printed
circuit board.

Contents to be cover:

Principles of circuit design, design tools, layout techniques.

Characteristics and materials of printed boards, layout and simulation
PCB Fabrication : Mechanical production, pick and place, conventional components and
SMD, via and
Plated through connections, soldering, surface coating, multilayer boards, thermal effects.
HYBRID PCBs: Thick film and thin film technology, material properties and fabrication.
PACKAGING: Packaging of ICs, PCBs and hybrids, cases and thermal effects.

Laboratories should include

Schematic Entry
Netlist Creation
Working with component libraries
Design of Boards
Layout of Parts
Optimizing Parts Placements
Pads and Via
Manual and Auto Routing
Handling Multiple Layers
Introduction to MATLAB
Learning objectives

Introduction to Matlab, study of matlab functions. Writing simple programs using matlab, for
handling arrays, files, plotting of functions etc. Writing M files for Creation of analog &
discrete signals, plotting of signals etc. Filtering of analog & digital signals using convolution.
Generation of noise signals (Gaussian, random, Poisson etc) Simulation using Simulink.
Simulation study
Laboratories should include

Design of analog low pass, bandpass, high pass and band elimination filters using
Butterworth, Chebyshev etc.
Anti-aliasing filters
Bode plot
Steady state and Transient analysis
Z Transforms
Fourier Analysis

Note: Practical examination to be conducted covering entire syllabus given above.

B.E Semester: 4
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Subject Code 141101
Subject Name Advance Electronics

Sr.No Course content

1. Transistor at High Frequencies:
Hybrid pi CE Transistor Model, Hybrid pi Conductances, Hybrid pi
Capacitances, Validity of Hybrid pi Model, Variation of Hybrid pi
Parameters, CE Short-Circuit Current Gain, Current Gain with Resistive
Load, Single-Stage CE Transistor Amplifier Response, Gain-Bandwidth
Product, Emitter Follower at High Frequencies

2. Multistage Amplifiers:
Classification of Amplifiers, Distortion in Amplifiers, Frequency Response of
an Amplifier, Bode Plots, Step Response of an Amplifier, Bandpass of
Cascaded Stages, RC Coupled Amplifier, Low Frequency Response of an
RC Coupled Stage, Effect of an Emitter Bypass Capacitor on Low-
Frequency Response, High-Frequency Response of Two Cascaded CE
Transistor Stages, Multistage CE Amplifier Cascade at High Frequencies

3. Feedback Amplifiers:
Classification of Amplifiers, Feedback Concept, Transfer Gain with
Feedback, General Characteristics of Negative Feedback Amplifiers, Input
Resistance, Output Resistance, Method of Analysis of a Feedback
Amplifier, Voltage Series Feedback, A Voltage Series Feedback Pair,
Current Series Feedback, Current Shunt Feedback, Voltage Shunt

4. Stability and Oscillators:

Effect of Feedback on Amplifier Bandwidth, Double-Pole Transfer Function
with Feedback, Three Pole Transfer Function with Feedback, Approximate
Analysis of a Multipole Feedback Amplifier, Stability, Gain and Phase
Margins, Compensation, Dominant-Pole Compensation, Pole-Zero
Compensation, Compensation by Modification of the Network, Sinusoidal
Oscillators, Phase-Shift Oscillator, Resonant Circuit Oscillators, A General
Form of Oscillator Circuit, Wien Bridge Oscillator, Crystal Oscillators,
Frequency Stability

5. Operational Amplifiers:
Basic Operational Amplifier, Differential Amplifier, Emitter-Coupled
Differential Amplifier, Transfer Characteristics of a Differential Amplifier, An
Example of an IC Operational Amplifier, Offset Error Voltages and Currents,
Temperature Drift of Input Offset Voltage and Current, Measurement of
Operational Amplifier Parameters, Frequency Response of Operational
Amplifiers, Dominant Pole Compensation, Pole-Zero Compensation, Lead
Compensation, Step Response of Operational Amplifiers
6. Logic Families :
Diode Transistor Logic, High Threshold Logic, Transistor Transistor Logic,
Resistor Transistor Logic, Direct Coupled Transistor Logic, Comparison of
Logic families.

7. Analog To Digital And Digital To Analog Converters:

Digital to Analog Conversion, R-2R ladder type DAC, Weighted resistor
type DAC, Switched current source type DAC, Switched capacitor type
DAC, Analog to Digital Conversion, Counter type A/D converter, , Flash-
type A/D converter, Dual slope A/D converter, Successive approximation

Reference Books:
1. Integrated Electronics By Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias, Tata McGraw
Hill Publication
2. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Robert Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky
[Ninth Edition]
B.E Semester: 4
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Subject Code 141701
Subject Name Control Theory

Sr.No Course Content

1 Introduction to Control Systems:
Introduction, Examples of Control Systems, Closed-loop Control versus
Open-Loop Control

2 Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Systems:

Introduction, Transfer Function and Impulse-Response Function, Automatic
Control Systems, Modeling in state Space, State-Space Representation of
Dynamic Systems, Transformation of Mathematical Models with MATLAB,
Mechanical Systems, Electrical and Electronic Systems, Signal Flow
Graphs, Linearization of Nonlinear Mathematical Models

3 Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Systems and Thermal systems:

Introduction, Liquid-Level Systems, Thermal Systems

4 Transient and Steady-State Response Analyses:

Introduction, First-Order Systems, Second-Order Systems, Higher-Order
Systems, Transient-Response Analysis with MATLAB, Rouths Stability
Criterion, Effects of Integral and Derivative Control Actions on System
Performance, Steady-State Errors in Unity-Feedback Control Systems

5 Root-Locus Analysis:
Introduction, Root-Locus Plots, General Rules for Constructing Root Loci,
Root-Locus Plots with MATLAB, Positive Feedback Systems, Conditionally
Stable Systems, Root Loci for Systems with Transport Lag

6 Frequency-Response Analysis:
Introduction, Bode Diagrams, Plotting Bode Diagrams with MATLAB, Polar
Plots, Drawing Nyquist Plots with MATLAB, Log-Magnitude-versus-Phase
Plots, Nyquist Stability Criterion, Stability Analysis, Relative Stability,
Closed-Loop Frequency Response of Unity-Feedback Systems
Reference Books:
1. Modern Control Engineering by Katsuhiko Ogata, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of
2. Automatic Control Systems by Benjamin C.Kuo, 8th Edition, Farid Golnaraghi,
John Wiley & Sons.
B.E Semester: 4
Subject Name: Management I

Sr. Course content

1. Introduction to Management and Organizations

Innovative management for Turbulent times

Functions of management
Planning, Organizing, Controlling and Leading
Types of Managers
Managerial Roles

2. Management history

Schools of Management
Scientific management
The Behavioral Approach
The Systems approach
The contingency approach

3. Organizational Structure and Design

Types of structures
Work specialization
Chain of Command
Span of Control
Centralization and Decentralization

4. Organizational Culture and Environment

Concept of culture and its importance

Attributes of culture
How does culture affect managers and employees

5. Social responsibility and Managerial ethics

Concept of corporate social responsibility and ethics

Stakeholders and its management
Ethical issues in management
Reference Books:
1 Management Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter, Neharika Vohra
Pearson Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, Tenth edition
2 Essentials of Management, Koontz and Weihrich, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004,
6th Edition
3 Essentials of management Adrew J. Durbrin, India edition, 7th Edition,
Thomson South Western
4 Principles of Management, Charles WL Hill and Steven L McSane, The
McGraw Hill Companies, 2008
5 Principles of Management, Richard L. Daft, Cengage Learning, 2009
B.E Semester: 4
Subject Name Mathematics-IV

Sr.No Course content

1. Complex numbers and functions:
Limits of Functions, Continuity, Differentiability, Analytic functions,
Cauchy-Riemann Equations, Necessary and Sufficient condition for
analyticity, Properties of Analytic Functions, Laplace Equation, Harmonic
Functions, Finding Harmonic Conjugate functions
Exponential, Trigonometric, Hyperbolic functions and its properties.
Multiple valued function and its branches: Logarithmic function and
Complex Exponent function.

2. Complex Integration:
Curves, Line Integrals (contour integral) and its properties. Line integrals
of single valued functions, Line integrals of multiple valued functions
(by choosing suitable branches). Cauchy-Goursat Theorem, Cauchy
Integral Formula, Liouville Theorem, Fundamental Theorem of Algebra,
Maximum Modulus Theorems.

3. Power Series:
Convergence (Ordinary, Uniform, Absolute) of power series,
Taylor and Laurent Theorems, Laurent series expansions. Zeros of
analytic functions. Singularities of analytic functions and their classification
Residues: Residue Theorem, Rouches Theorem, Argument Principle.

4. Applications of Contour Integration:

Evaluating various type of definite real integrals using contour integration

5. Conformal Mapping and its applications:

Mappings by elementary functions, Mobius transformations, Schwarz-
Christoffel transformation.

6. Interpolation:
Interpolation by polynomials, divided differences, error of the interpolating

7. Numerical integration:
Composite rules, error formulae, Gaussian integration.

8. Linear algebraic equation:

Solution of a system of linear equations: implementation of Gaussian
elimination and Gauss-Seidel methods, partial pivoting.
9. Roots of equation:
Solution of a nonlinear equation: Bisection and Secant methods, Newtons
method, rate of convergence, Power method for computation of Eigen

10. Ordinary differential equations:

Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, Euler and Runge-
Kutta methods.

Reference Books:
1) R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Complex variables and applicati (7th Edition),
McGraw-Hill (2003).
2) J. M. Howie, Complex analysis, Springer-Verlag (2004).
3) M. J. Ablowitz and A. S. Fokas, Complex Variables- Introduction and
Applications, Cambridge University Press, 1998 (Indian Edition).
4) E. Kreyszig, Advanced engineering mathematics (8th Edition), John
Wiley (1999).
5) S. D. Conte and Carl de Boor, Elementary Numerical Analysis- An Algorithmic
Approach (3rd Edition), McGraw-Hill, 1980.
6) C. E. Froberg, Introduction to Numerical Analysis (2nd Edition), Addison-Wesley,
B.E Semester: 4
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Subject Code 140701

Sr.No Course content

1. Introduction to Microprocessor, Microprocessor systems with bus
organization, Microprocessor Architecture & Operations, Memory, I/O
Device, Memory and I/O Operations

2. 8085 Microprocessor Architecture, Address, Data And Control Buses, Pin

Functions, Demultiplexing Of Buses, Generation Of Control Signals,
Instruction Cycle, Machine Cycles, T-States, Memory Interfacing.

3. Assembly Language Programming Basics, Classification of Instructions,

Addressing Modes, 8085 Instruction Set, Instruction And Data Formats,
Writing, Assembling & Executing A Program, Debugging The Programs,
Decision Making, Looping, Stack & Subroutines, Developing Counters And
Time Delay Routines, Code Conversion, BCD Arithmetic And 16-Bit Data

4. Interfacing Concepts, Ports, Interfacing Of I/O Devices, Interrupts In 8085,

Interfacing of Data Converters (D-To-A And A-To-D), Programmable
Interfacing Devices Like 8279 Keyboard/Display Interface, 8255A PPI,
8253/8254 Timer, 8259A PIT, 8237 DMA Controller, Serial I/O Concepts,
SID And SOD, 8251A USART. Interfacing of above chips With 8085,
Programming them In Deferent Modes, Practical Applications

Reference Books:
1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 -
Ramesh S. Gaonkar Pub: Penram International.
2. Microcomputers and Microprocessors: The 8080,8085 and Z-80 Programming,
Interfacing and Troubleshooting by John E. Uffenbeck.
3. Microprocessor and Microcontroller fundamentals. The 8085 and 8051 Hardware and
Software by William Kleitz.
B.E Semester: 4
Mechanical Engineering

Course content
1. Introduction to Energy Sources:
Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, energy consumption as
a measure of Nation's development; strategy for meeting the future
energy requirements Global and National scenarios, Prospects of
renewable energy sources.

2. Solar Energy :
Solar radiation - beam and diffuse radiation, solar constant, earth sun
angles, attenuation and measurement of solar radiation, local solar time,
derived solar angles, sunrise, sunset and day length. flat plate
collectors, concentrating collectors, Solar air heaters-types, solar driers,
storage of solar energy-thermal storage, solar pond , solar water
heaters, solar distillation, solar still, solar cooker, solar heating & cooling
of buildings, photo voltaics - solar cells & its applications.

3. Wind Energy :
Principle of wind energy conversion; Basic components of wind energy
conversion systems; wind mill components, various types and their
constructional features; design considerations of horizontal and vertical
axis wind machines: analysis of aerodynamic forces acting on wind mill
blades and estimation of power output; wind data and site selection

4. Energy from Biomass:

Biomass conversion technologies, Biogas generation plants,
classification, advantages and disadvantages, constructional details,
site selection, digester design consideration, filling a digester for
starting, maintaining biogas production, Fuel properties of bio gas,
utilization of biogas.

5. Geothermal Energy:
Estimation and nature of geothermal energy, geothermal sources and
resources like hydrothermal, geo-pressured hot dry rock, magma.
advantages, disadvantages and application of geothermal energy,
prospects of geothermal energy in India
6. Energy from the ocean:
Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion (OTEC) systems like open cycle,
closed cycle, Hybrid cycle, prospects of OTEC in India.
Energy from tides, basic principle of tidal power, single basin and
double basin tidal power plants, advantages, limitation and scope of
tidal energy.
Wave energy and power from wave, wave energy conversion devices,
advantages and disadvantages of wave energy.

7. Magneto Hydro Dynamic ( MHD) Power Generation :

Principle of MHD power generation, MHD system, Design problems and
developments, gas conductivity, materials for MHD generators and
future prospects.

8. Fuel Cells:
Introduction, Design principle and operation of fuel cell, Types of fuel
cells, conversion efficiency of fuel cell, application of fuel cells.

9. Hydrogen Energy:
Introduction, Hydrogen Production methods, Hydrogen storage,
hydrogen transportation, utilization of hydrogen gas, hydrogen as
alternative fuel for vehicles.

10. Energy Management:

Energy economics, energy conservation, energy audit, general concept
of total energy system, scope of alternative energy system in India.
Term work is based on above mentioned syllabus

Reference Books:

1. Non-conventional energy sources by G.D. Rai, Khanna Publishers

2. Solar Energy: Fundamentals and Applications by H.P. Garg & Jai Prakash, Tata

McGraw Hill

3. Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage by S,P Sukhatme,

Tata McGraw Hill

4. Alternative Energy Sources by B.L. Singhal Tech Max Publication

5. Non Conventional Energy Resources by S.Hasan Saeed and D.K.Sharma

6. Fuel Cells by Bockris and Srinivasan; McGraw Hill

7. Magneto Hydrodynamics by Kuliovsky and Lyubimov, Addison

8. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes by Duffic and Beckman, John Wiley

Electronics Engineering/Electronics & Communication
Engineering/Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Subject Name: Applied Electronics (Institute Elective-II)

Subject Code: 151006

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Exam Practical
(Theory) (Theory) (I)
(E) (M)
4 0 2 6 70 30 50

Course Content
1. Power Supplies:
Introduction, Ideal voltage and current source, Dependent sources, Power supply and
regulated power supply ICs (7805, 7812, 7905, 7912), Switched Mode Power Supply

2. Operational Amplifiers:
Ideal operational amplifier, Operational amplifier Stages, Operational amplifier
parameters, Equivalent circuit of op-amp, Ideal Voltage transfer Curve, Open-Loop
Op-amp configurations, Closed-Loop op-amp configurations.

3. 555 Timer Circuits:

Block diagram, Use as Astable multivibrator and monostable multivibrator.

4. Transducers:
Capacitive Transducer, Inductive Transducer, Linear Variable Differential
Transformer, Oscillation Transducer, Potentiometric transducer, Electrical strain
gauges, Resistance thermometer, Thermistor, Thermocouple, Piezoelectric
Transducer, Photoelectric transducer.

5. Optoelectronic Devices:
Photoconductive sensors, Photovoltaic sensors, Photoemissive sensors, Light
emitters, Liquid Crystal Display, Optocoupler.

6. Thyristors:
PNPN diode, SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier), Rectifier circuits using SCR , LASCR
(Light Activated SCR), TRIAC (Triode A.C. Switch), DIAC (Diode A.C. Switch ), UJT
(Unijunction Transistor).
7. Measuring Instruments:
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Digital multimeter, Measurement of R, L, C and Q,
Frequency counter, Digital Storage Oscilloscope .

8. Consumer Electronics:
Washing machines (Electronic Controller, Fuzzy logic machines and automatic
washing Machines), Audio systems, I-pods, RFID, Barcode Scanner and decoder,
Photocopier machines.

9. Digital Systems, Memories, Microprocessors and Microcontroller:

Logic Gates, Combinational Logic Designing, Karnaugh map representation of logical
functions, Some common combinational circuits, Sequential circuits, A/D and D/A
converter circuits, Introduction to semiconductor memories, Introduction to
microprocessors, Microcontroller: The 8051 architecture and applications such as
Temperature Controller, Elevators, Electronic voting machine etc.

Suggested List of Practical:

(I) Implementation and measurement of basic electronic circuits:
i. Zener Regulator circuit
ii. Opto-coupler (using LED and Photodiode)

b. Op-amp Circuits
i. Inverting and Noninverting Amplifier
ii. Summing Amplifier
iii. Saw-tooth waveform generator

c. Thyristor Circuits
i. SCR triggering technique
ii. UJT as a relaxation oscillator
iii. TRIAC firing using DIAC

d. 555 Timer Circuits

i. Astable multivibrator
ii. Monostable multivibrator

e. Digital Circuits
i. Basic Gates
ii. Half and Full Adder Circuits
iii. Decade counter using 74XX and displaying using seven segment display.

f. Seminar based on Microcontroller Applications in a group of 3 students is


(II) Simulation exercises on basic electronic circuits.

Reference Books:

1. Electronic devices and circuits, S Salivahanans, N Kumar, A Vallavaraj, TMH publication.

2. Basic Electronics Devices, Circuits and its Fundamentals:Santiram KAL, PHI publication.
3. The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems using Assembly and C By K. J. Ayala, D.
V. Gadre (Cengage Learning , India Edition).
4. For simulation students can use either Pspice or SEQUEL (freely downloadable circuit
simulation tool) (Website to download SEQUEL:
Electronics Engineering/Electronics & Communication
Engineering/Electronics & Telecommunication

Subject Name: Electronic Communication

Subject Code: 151004

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Exam Practical
(Theory) (Theory) (I)
(E) (M)
4 0 2 6 70 30 50

Course Content
1. Communication Introduction
Communication system, Analog and digital Messages, Channel effect, Modulation and
detection, Historical review of telecommunication.

2. Passive Circuits :
Series tuned circuit, Parallel tuned circuit, Self-capacitance of a coil, Skin effect, Mutual
inductance, High frequency transformers, Tapped inductor, Capacitive tap, Low-frequency

3. Noise :
Noise (Thermal noise, Shot noise, Partition noise, Low frequency or flicker noise, Burst noise,
Avalanche noise, Bipolar transistor noise, Field-effect transistor noise, Equivalent input noise
generators and comparison of BJTs and FETs, Signal to noise ratio, S/N Ratio of a
tandem connection, Noise factor, Amplifier input noise in terms of F, Noise factor of amplifiers
in cascade, Noise factor of a lossy network, Noise temperature, Measurement of noise
temperature and noise factor, Narrowband band-pass noise.

4. Receivers :
Superheterodyne receivers, Tuning range, Tracking, Sensitivity and gain, Image rejection,
Spurious responses, Adjacent channel selectivity, AGC, Double conversion, Electronically
Tuned Receivers(ETRs), Integrated-Circuit Receivers.

5. Analysis and Transmission of Signals:

A periodic signal representation by fourier integral, Transform of some useful function, Some
properties of the fourier transform, Signal transmission through a linear system,
Ideal and practical filters, Signal distortion over a communication channel,
Signal energy and energy spectral density, Signal power and power spectral density.

6. Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation:

Baseband versus carrier communications, Double-Sideband amplitude modulation,
Amplitude modulation, Bandwidth-efficient amplitude modulation, Amplitude modulations:
Vestigial sideband, Local carrier synchronisation, Frequency division multiplexing, Phase-
locked loop with applications, Frequency synthesizers.
7. Angle Modulation and Demodulation:
Nonlinear modulation, Bandwidth of Angle-Modulated waves, Generating FM waves,
Demodulation of FM signals, Effect of non linear distortion and interference,
Superheterodyne analog AM/FM receivers, FM Broadcasting System.

List of Experiments:
List of experiments with emphasis on test kits and breadboard implementation for the
following communication circuits.

1. To generate amplitude modulation (AM) waveform and to measure modulation index

of AM wave using waveform method and trapezoidal method.
2. To observe frequency modulated waveform and to measure peak frequency deviation
for 2V peak to peak modulating signal.
3. To extract information signal from the AM wave using diode detector.
4. To extract information signal from the FM wave using FM detector.
5. To obtain frequency response of pre-emphasis and de-emphasis circuits.
6. To generate SSB signal using balance modulator and single sideband filter.
7. To demodulate SSB signal.
8. To obtain frequency response of RF amplifier.
9. To obtain frequency response of RF amplifier of AM receiver.
10. To understand block diagram of super-heterodyne AM and FM receiver.
11. To understand working of AGC circuit.
12. To obtain fidelity of the AM and FM receiver.
13. To design implement and obtain the frequency response of single tuned amplifier.

Mini Project:
To construct FM transmitter and receiver.

Note: Visit to nearest Radio Station.

Reference Books:
1. Electronic Communications by Dennis Roddy & John Coolen IV Edition PHI.
2. Digital and analog communication system by B.P.Lathi .Zhi Ding (international 4th
Edition), OXFORD university press.
3. Electronic Communications by Kennedy McGraw Hill Publication.
4. Electronic Communications Systems by Wayne Tomasi. Pearson education India.
5. Electronic Communication Systems by Roy Blake By Cengage learning.
6. Communication Systems By Simon Haykins By Wiley India.
7. Theory and Problem Of Electronic Communication By Lloyd Temes and Mitchel
E.Schulz(Second edition), McGraw Hill Publication.
Semester - V
1 Management - II 2 0 0 2
2 Microcontroller and Interfacing 3 0 2 5
3 Engineering Electromagnetics 3 0 0 3
4 Integrated Circuits and Applications 4 0 2 6
5 Electronic Communication 4 0 2 6
Electonics Measurements and
6 0 0 2 2
Instrumentation Laboratory
7 Applied Electronics ( Ins Elective - II ) 4 0 2 6
TOTAL 20 0 10 30
Electronics Engineering Electronics Engineering/Electronics &
Communication Engineering/Electronics & Telecommunication

Subject Name: Electronics Measurements & Instrumentation Laboratory

Subject Code: 151005

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Exam Practical
(Theory) (Theory) (I)
(E) (M)
0 0 2 2 0 0 100

The laboratory work in Electronics Measurements & Instrumentation Laboratory is divided
into two parts: (1) Practical performance (II)Seminar Presentation. The practical performance
should include understanding of the operational features of various analog and digital test and
measurement equipments, practicals on basic measurement parameters and measuring devices,
analysis of various standard bridges for measurement of unknown resistance, inductance and
capacitance, Q factor, study of characteristics of different types of transducers, generation of
waveforms, simulation of simple system using LABVIEW and Seminar presentation by students
on topics pertaining to electronic measurements and instrumentation including high-end
equipments and calibration procedures.

Part 1: List of Experiments

Note: Students will have to perform at least 10 experiments from the following.

List of Experiments
1. To find the value of unknown resistor using Wheatstone bridge.

2. To find the value of unknown capacitance and inductance using Maxwells bridge.

3. To find the value of unknown capacitance using Weins series and parallel bridge.

4. To extend the range of given voltmeter and ammeter.

5. Measurement of frequency using Lissajous method.

6. To study and verify characteristic of variable resistor transducer (strain gauge).

7. To study and verify characteristic of LVDT

8. To study and verify characteristic of Thermocouple/RTD.

9. To study the front panel controls of storage CRO

10. To analyze analog and digital multi meter for various measurements

11. To verify the performance characteristics of compensated attenuator.

12. To demonstrate the functionality of function generator and its use as a test and
measurement equipment.

13. Measurement of LCRQ meter.

14. To demonstrate the functionality of IC tester and test various ICs.

15. Fourier series analysis of a square wave using spectrum analyzer.

16. To study and simulate any two measurement system using LAB VIEW

17. To generate various signals using arbitrary waveform generator

18. To demonstrate the functionality of distortion meter.

Part II: Topics for Seminar

Note: *Students will have to give minimum five seminars from the following topics.

1. Detailed study of CRO and its types

2. Digital measurement methods for measurement of time, period, frequency, phase,

voltage, current, etc.

3. Detailed study of measurement lab equipments like function generator, frequency

counter, synthesized function generator, spectrum analyzer, arbitrary waveform
generator, wave analyzer, logic analyzer etc.

4. Study of Data Acquisition System and data loggers.

5. Study of various recorders

6. Study of various types of electrical transducers.

7. Various display devices and printers.

8. Virtual Instrumentation

9. Smart sensors

10. White paper on (SEM) Scanning Electron Microscope, AFM(Atomic Force

Electronics Engineering/Electronics & Communication
Engineering/Electronics & Telecommunication

Subject Name: Engineering Electromagnetic

Subject Code: 151002

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Exam Practical
(Theory) (Theory) (I)
(E) (M)
3 0 0 3 70 30 50

Course Content
1. Review of Vector Analysis and Vector Calculus:
Scalars & Vectors, Dot and cross products, Co-ordinate systems and conversions,
Review of line, Surface and volume integrals Definition of curl, divergence and
gradient Meaning of Divergence theorem and Stokes theorem

2. Electrostatics:
1. Coulombs law and electrical field intensity: Coulombs law, Field due to
different charge distributions.
2. Electric flux density, Gausss law and divergence: Concept of electric flux
density, Gausss law and its applications, Differential volume element,
Divergence, Maxwells first eqn. and divergence theorem for electric flux
3. Energy and potential : Energy expanded in moving a point charge in electrical
field, Line integral, Definition of potential difference and potential, Potential field
of a point charge and system of charges, Potential gradient, Dipole, Energy
density in electrostatic field.

3. Static Magnetic Field:

1. Steady Magnetic Field: Biot-Savarts law, Amperes circuital law, applications
of this law for an infinitely long coaxial transmission line, solenoid and toroid,
point form of Amperes circuital law ,concept of flux density, scalar and vector
magnetic potential. Stokes theorem for magnetic field. Point and integral forms
of Maxwells equations for steady electric and magnetic fields.

4. Electric and Magnetic Fields in Materials:

1. Conductors, dielectrics and capacitance :
Definition of currents and current density, Continuity equation, Metallic
conductors and their properties, Semiconductors, Dielectric materials,
Characteristics, Boundary conditions, Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor,
Coaxial cable and spherical capacitors.
2. Poissons and Laplace equations:
Poissons and Laplace equation, Uniqueness theorem, Examples of solution of
Laplace and Poissons equations.
3. Magnetic forces, materials and inductance :
Force on a moving charge, Force on a differential current element, Force and
torque on a close circuit, magnetization and permeability, Magnetic boundary
conditions, Magnetic circuit, Self inductance and Mutual inductance.

5. Time Varying Fields and Maxwells Equations:

Faradays law, Displacement current, Maxwells equations in point and integral forms
for time varying fields .

6. Electromagnetic Waves:
1. The uniform plane waves:
Wave motion in free space, Perfect dielectric, Dielectric, Poynting vector,
Power consideration, Propagation in good conductor, Phenomena of skin
effect, Reflection of uniform plane waves, Plane waves at normal incidence,
and at oblique incidence, Standing wave ratio.

Reference Books:

1. W H.Hayt & J A Buck : Engineering Electromagnetics TATA McGraw-Hill, 7thEdition

2. Elements of Electromagnetics by Matthew Sadiku, 4th Edition,Oxford University Press.
3. Electromagnetics Joseph Edminister-Schaums Outline Series, TMH
4. Electromagnetics with applications by J.D.Krauss and Daniel Fleisch fifth edition,
Mcgraw Hill
Electronics Engineering/Electronics & Communication
Engineering/Electronics & Telecommunication

Subject Name: Integrated Circuit and Application

Subject Code: 151003

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Exam Practical
(Theory) (Theory) (I)
(E) (M)
4 0 2 6 70 30 50

Course Content
1. Introduction to Operational Amplifiers:
Introduction, Block diagram representation of a typical op-amp, its equivalent circuit, types
of ICs, Manufacturers designations and package types for ICs, Power supplies for ICs

2. Interpretation of Data Sheets and Characteristics of an op-amp:

Interpreting datasheet, Ideal op-amp, Equivalent circuit of an op-amp, Ideal voltage transfer
curve, Open-loop op-amp configurations

3. An Op-amp with Negative Feedback:

Voltage-series feedback amplifier, Voltage-shunt feedback amplifier, Differential amplifier

4. The Practical op-amp:

Introduction, Input offset voltage, Input bias current, Input offset current, Total output offset
voltage, Thermal drift, Effect of variation in power supply voltage on offset voltage, Change
in input offset voltage and input offset current with time, Other op-amp parameters which
changes with change in temperature and supply voltage, noise, Common-mode
configuration and common-mode rejection ratio, Slew rate and it equations, Effect of slew
rate in applications, Difference between bandwidth, Transient response and slew rate

5. General Linear Applications:

DC and AC amplifiers, AC amplifiers with single supply voltage, Peaking amplifier,
Summing, Scaling and Averaging amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier - its block diagram
along with applications, Differential input and differential output amplifier, Voltage-to-current
converter with floating load (low-voltage DC voltmeter, low-voltage AC voltmeter, Diode
match finder, Zener diode tester, Light-emitting diode tester), Current-to-voltage converter,
Very high-input impedance circuit, Integrator, Differentiator.
6. Comparators and Converters:
Comparator, Zero Crossing Detector, Schmitt Trigger, Voltage limiters, Clipper and
clampers, Absolute value output circuit, Peak detector, Sample and hold Circuit, Precision
rectifier Half/Full Wave, Square, Triangular and Saw tooth Wave Generator, Log/ Antilog

7. Active Filters:
Classification of filters, Magnitude and frequency scaling, Magnitude and attenuation
characteristics of ideal and practical filters, Design parameter Q & 0, Biquad (Universal)
filter design, Butter worth Low pass and Highpass filters - 1st and 2nd order circuits design,
Butterworth pole location, Sallen & Key circuit, Butterworth Bandpass Filters-Frequency
Transformation, Deliyannis- Friend circuit , Chebyshev filter characteristics, Band reject

8. Specialized IC Applications:
a. 555 Timer and its Applications:
Block Diagram, Monostable and Astable Multivibrator, Applications as Frequency
Divider, Square Wave Generator.
b. Free-Running Ramp Generator
c. Phase Locked Loop and Its Applications:
Block Diagram and Operation, Applications as Frequency Multiplier, Frequency Shift
d. Design of Power Supply:
Simple OP-AMP Voltage regulator, Three terminal Voltage regulators, Fixed and
Adjustable Voltage Regulators (78XX, LM317), Heat Sink, Dual Power supply (LM320,
LM317), Basic Switching Regulator and its characteristics.
e. Power Amplifiers:
Monolithic Power Amplifiers (LM380)
f. Function Generator: IC XR 2206

9. Operational Trans-conductance Amplifier:

Introduction, Internal diagram, Analysis, Active Filter

Suggested List of Experiments:

1. Measurement of input and output offset voltage of 741 ICs.
2. To configure op-amp in voltage follower mode and to measure its slew rate.
3. To configure op-amp in inverting and non-inverting amplifier mode and measure
their gain and bandwidth.
4. To prepare precision rectifier using op-amp and verify its operation using
5. To prepare full-wave rectifier using op-amp and verify its operation using
6. To measure PSRR and CMRR of given op-amp.
7. To design Schmitt trigger circuit using op-amp and take measurements.
8. To design, build astable and monostable multi-vibrators using 741 IC and verify their
operation using measurements by observing waveforms.

9. T design, build and obtain the frrquency responses of First order Low-Pass and
Band-Pass Active Filters.
10. To design triangular wave generator using op-amp and verify it operations with
11. To design and build second order Low-pass ,Band-pass, High-pass, All pass and
Band Elimination filters using BIQUAD Circuit.
12. To design Butterworth low-pass filter (Sallen-key citcuit), construct the same circuit
on breadboard and take necessary measurements
13. To design Friend Deliyannis band-pass filter, construct the same circuit on
breadboard and take necessary measurements.
14. To design monostable and astable multi-vibrators using 555 timer IC and verify their
operation using measurements.
15. To design,build and test Linear Voltage Regulators.

Miniproject based on 555/741/PLL applications/Analog filter is mandatory.

Reference Books:
1. Op-amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, by Ramakant A. Gayakwad.
2. Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, by Sergio
Franco, Tata Mcgraw-hill 2009 Edition.
3. Linear Integrated Circuits, by D. Roy Choudhury and Shail B. Jain, New Age
International Publishers, 3rd Edition.
4. Design of Analog Filers, by R. Schaumann, and Mac E. Van Valkenburg.
Instrumentation & Control Engineering/Bio-Medical
Engineering/Electrical & Electronics/Electronics
Engineering/Electronics & Communication
Engineering/Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Subject Name: Microcontroller and Interfacing

Subject Code: 151001

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Exam Practical
(Theory) (Theory) (I)
(E) (M)
3 0 2 5 70 30 50

Course Content
1. 8051 Microcontrollers:
Microcontrollers and embedded processors, Overview of the 8051 family

2. 8051 Assembly Language Programming:

Architecture of 8051, Introduction to 8051 assembly programming, Assembling and
running an 8051 program, The program counter and ROM space in the 8051, 8051
data types and directives, 8051 flag bits and the PSW register, 8051 register banks
and stack

3. Jump, Loop, And Call Instructions:

Loop and jump instructions, Call instructions time delay for various 8051 chips.

4. I/O Port Programming:

8051 I/O programming, I/O bit manipulation programming.

5. 8051 Addressing Modes:

Immediate and register addressing modes, Accessing memory using various
addressing modes, Bit addresses for I/O and RAM, Extra 128-byte on-chip RAM in

6. Arithmetic and Logic Instructions and Programs:

Arithmetic instructions, Signed number concepts and arithmetic operations, Logic and
compare instructions, Rotate instruction and data serialization, BCD, ASCII, and other
application programs.

7. 8051 Programming in C:
Data types and time delay in 8051 C, I/O programming in 8051 C, Logic operations in
8051 C, Data conversion programs in 8051 C, Accessing code ROM space in 8051 C,
Data serialization using 8051 C.
8. 8051 Hardware Connection and Intel Hex File:
Pin description of the 8051, Design and test of 8051 Minimum Module, Explaining the
Intel hex file.

9. 8051 Timer Programming in Assembly and C:

Programming 8051 timers, Counter programming, Programming timers 0 and 1 in
8051 C.

10. 8051 Serial Port Programming in Assembly and C:

Basics of serial communication, 8051 connection to RS232, 8051 serial port
programming in Assembly, Programming the second serial port, Serial port
programming in C.

11. Interrupts Programming in Assembly and C:

8051 interrupts programming, Timer interrupts, Programming external hardware
interrupts, Programming the serial communication interrupt, Interrupt priority in the
8051/52, Interrupt programming in C.

12. LCD and Keyboard Interfacing:

LCD interfacing, Keyboard interfacing.

13. ADC, DAC, and Sensor Interfacing:

Parallel and serial ADC, DAC interfacing, Sensor interfacing and signal conditioning.

14. 8051 Interfacing to External Memory:

Semiconductor memory, Memory address decoding, 8031/51 interfacing with external
ROM, Flash RAM, 8051 data memory space, Accessing external data memory in
8051 C.

15. RTC Interfacing and Programming:

RTC interfacing, RTC programming in C, Alarm, SQW, and IRQ features of the
DS12887 chip.

16. Motor Control: Relay, PWM, DC and Stepper Motors:

Relays and Optoisolators, Stepper motor interfacing, DC motor interfacing and PWM.

List of Practical:
Assembly language programming for the 8051 Microcontroller

1. a) Write a program to add two 8-bit numbers stored in registers or internal/External

memory locations.
b) Write a program to multiply two 8-bit numbers stored in registers or
internal/External memory locations.
c) Write a program to multiply two 16-bit numbers.

2. a) Write a program to add block of data stored in internal/external memory

b) Write a program to transfer block of data from internal memory locations to
external memory locations.
c) Write a program to sort block of data in ascending or descending order.

3. a) Write a program to perform the following.

1. Keep monitoring P1.2 until it becomes high.
2. When P1.2 becomes high write value 45H on P0.
3. Sent a high to low pulse to P2.3
b) A switch is connected to P1.7. Write a program to check the status of switch and
perform the following.
1. if switch = 0, send letter N to P2
2. if switch = 1, send letter Y to P2.

4. a) Write a program to generate 5 KHz pulse waveform of 50% duty cycle on pin
1.0 using timer 1 in mode 2.
b) Write a program to generate 1 KHz pulse waveform of 70% duty cycle on pin
1.0 using timer.

5. a) Write a program for the 8051 to transfer letter A serially, continuously.

b) Write a program to transfer the message YES serially. Do this continuously.
c) Program the 8051 to receive bytes of data serially, and put them in P1.

Microcontroller Interfacing

6. Interfacing ADC and DAC.

7. Interfacing Matrix Keyboard.

8. Interfacing LED and LCD Displays.

9. Interfacing Stepper Motor.

10. Controlling DC motor using PWM.

Miniproject based on 8051 family microcontroller in a group of 2 to 3 students is


Practical number 1 to 5 is programmed in assembly language as well as in embedded C.

References Books:

1. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C, 2/e by
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi and Rolin McKinlay ( Second
Edition , Pearson Education ).
2. The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems using Assembly and C By K. J.
Ayala, D. V. Gadre (Cengage Learning , India Edition).
3. 8051 Microcontrollers: MCS51 family and its variants by Satish Shah, Oxford
University Press.

4. 8051 Microcontroller: Internals, Instructions, Programming and Interfacing by

Subrata Ghoshal, Pearson Education.
5. The 8051 Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming and Applications by K Uma
Rao, Andhe Pallavi, Pearson Education.
Electronics Engineering/Electronics &Communication
Engineering/Electronics &Telecommunication

Subject Name: Antenna and Wave Propagation

Subject Code: 161003

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Exam Practical
(Theory) (Theory) (I)
(E) (M)
4 0 2 6 70 30 50

Sr. Total
Course Content
No Hrs.
1. Basic antenna concepts: 3

Definition and functions of an antenna, comparison between an antenna

& transmission line, radio communication link with transmitting antenna
and a receiving antenna, radiation patterns of antennas-field and power
patterns, all antenna types.

2. Radiation of Electric dipole: 5

Potential functions and the electromagnetic field, Oscillating electric dipole-

derivations for E and H field components in spherical coordinate systems,
Power Radiated by a current element, Application to antennas, Radiation
from quaterwave monopole and half wave dipoles, Derivation for radiation
resistance, application of reciprocity theorem to antennas, equality of
directional patterns and effective lengths of transmitting and receiving
antennas, directional properties of dipole antennas,antenna feeding

3. Antenna parameters and definitions: 5

beam area, beam width- Half-Power Beam width (HPBW)and First Null
Beam width(FNBW) ,Polarisation,Radiation Intensity ,Beam Efficiency,
Directivity and directive gain, radiation resistance, radiation efficiency,
resolution, Antenna aperture-physical and effective apertures, effective
height, transmission formula, antenna field zones, Transmission loss as a
function of frequency.Antenna temperature and signal to noise ratio.
4. Arrays of point sources : 6

Expression for electric fields from two, three and N element arrays- linear
arrays: Broad-side array and End-Fire array- Method of pattern
multiplication- Binomial array-Horizontal and Vertical Antennas above the
ground plane, Effect of ground on ungrounded antenna, Schelkunoff
theorems for linear arrays, Dolph-Tchebysheff distribution for linear arrays.

5. Loop Antenna: 2

Small loop short magnetic dipole, comparison of far field of small loop and
short dipole loop antennas, field pattern of circular loop antenna &
radiation resistance of loop antenna, directivity of circular loop antennas
with uniform current.

6. Helical antenna: 2

Helical geometry, transmission radiation modes, practical design

considerations, wide band characteristics of helical antenna.

7. Arrays of dipoles & apertures: 4

3 element dipole Array with parasitic elements,Yagi-uda array-function and

its design, Phased arrays, frequency scanning arrays, smart antennas,
long wire antennas, location methods of feeding antennas, folded dipole
antennas, matching arrangements.

8. Reflector antennas: 4

Parabolic reflector, paraboloid reflector, aperture Pattern of large circular

apertures with uniform illumination, off axis operation of paraboloid
reflectors ,Cassegrain feed system.

9. Slot patch & Horn antennas: 3

Slot antenna, its pattern,Babinets principle and complementary antennas,

impedance of slot antennas, and horn antenna-function and types.

10. Microstrip ( patch) antennas : 4

Rectangular and circular types-function, features analysis ,design

considerations and applications

11. Lens antennas: 2

Nonmetallic Dielectric lens and artificial dielectric lens antennas, reflector

lens antennas.

12. Broadband & Freq. Independent antennas: 2

Broadband antenna, Frequency.independent antenna, log periodic

13. Antennas for special applications: 2

Antennas design consideration for satellite communication, antenna for

terrestrial mobile communication systems, GPR, Embedded antennas,
UWB, Plasma antenna.

14. Antennas measurements: 2

Experimental set ups for Measurement of radiation patterns, gain, phase

polarization, terminal impedance.

15. Radio wave propagation : 6

Modes of propagation, Ground Wave Propgation,Structure of troposphere

and ionosphere, Characteristic of Ionospheric layers, Sky wave
propagation, Definitions for Virtual height, MUF and Skip distance, OWF,
Fading,ionospheric absorptions, Multi-hop propagation, Space wave
propagation and Super refraction.

Text Books:

1. Antennas for all applications 3 edition. by J.D.Krauss, TMH.

2. Electromagnetic wave & radiating systems by Jordan & Balmain, PHI Publication.
3. Antenna & Wave Propagation by K.D. Prasad, Satyaprakash Publications.

Reference Books:

1. Antenna Theory: Analysis and design C. Balanis ,Wiley India.

2. Antenna and wave propagation By G.S.N. Raju,Pearson Education

List of Experiments:
1. To study the variation of field strength of radiated with distance from transmitting
2. To plot the radiation pattern of an Omni directional antenna.(Polar plot on
log/linear scales & Cartesian plot on log/linear scales)
3. To plot radiation pattern of directional antenna.(Polar plot of Azimuth &
Elevation planes on log/linear scales and Cartesian plot on log scales)
4. To study the phenomenon of linear and circular polarization of antennas.
5. To demonstrate that the transmitting and receiving radiation patterns of an
antenna are equal and hence confirm the reciprocity theorem of antennas.
6. To study and plot the radiation pattern of the dipole/Folded dipole antennas.
7. To study and plot the radiation pattern of the monopole/whip/collinear antenna.
8. To study and plot the radiation pattern of the end fire array (L/2) antenna & L/4
phased array (W8JK antenna).
9. To study and plot the radiation pattern of broad side array antenna.
10. To study and plot the radiation pattern of the loop antenna.
11. To study and plot the radiation pattern of biconical antenna.
12. To study and plot the radiation pattern of crossed dipole antenna.
13. To study and plot the radiation pattern of vee antenna.
14. To study and plot the radiation pattern of log-periodic antenna and LPDA-PCB.
15. To study and plot the radiation pattern of slot antenna.
16. To study and plot the radiation pattern of sleeve antenna.
17. Design of Yagi-Uda antenna, folded dipole,loop antenna,helical
antenna,microstrip antenna etc
18. To study different types of antenna characteristic using simulation exercise.
Electronics Engineering/Electronics &Communication
Engineering/Electronics &Telecommunication

Subject Name: Audio-Video Systems

Subject Code: 161002

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Exam Practical
(Theory) (Theory) (I)
(E) (M)
4 0 2 6 70 30 50

Sr. Total
Course Content
No Hrs.
1. Sound Fundamentals : 6

The Physics of Sound, Sound and the Ear, The Cochlea, Mental
Processes, Level and Loudness, Pitch, Frequency Response and
Linearity, Audio Level Metering, The Decibel in Acoustics, Acoustic
Intensity Level, Acoustic Power Level, Acoustic Pressure Level, Inverse
Square Law, The VU and the Volume Indicator Instrument, The Phon,
Velocity of Sound, Reflection and Refraction, Absorption, Root Mean
Square Measurements, selection of sound absorbing
materials.Architectural Acoustics.

2. Sound Amplification: 5

Preamplifiers Requirements, Signal Voltage and Impedance Levels,

Preamplifier Stages, Voltage Amplifier Design, Constant-Current Sources
and Current Mirrors, Performance Standards, Power Amplifier Classes,
Thermal Dissipation Limits, Single-Ended Versus PushPull Operation,
Switching Amplifiers, Amplifier Grounding, Cross Over Network. Audio
Terminations Line-in/out, Aux-in/out, Mic In.

3. Digital Audio : 4

Digital Audio Fundamentals, Sampling and Quantizing, PCM, Audio

Compression, Disk-Based Recording, Rotary Head Digital Recorders,
Digital Audio Broadcasting, Digital Filtering, Stereophony and Multi-
channel Sound.
4. Audio Devices and Applications: 4

Microphone Sensitivity, Nature of Response and Directional

Characteristics, Measurement Microphones, Various Types of
Microphones, Various Types of Loudspeakers, Characteristic Impedance
of Loud Speakers, Headphone Types, The basics of Magnetic Recording,
Sound Cards, Sound Mixers, PA Systems & Installations, Digital Consoles.

5. Introduction to Video Signals: 7

Video signal dimensions, Horizontal sync composition, Vertical sync

details, Function of vertical pulse train, Scanning sequence details,
Geometric form and aspect ratio, Image continuity, No. of scanning lines,
Interlaced scanning, Resolution, Brightness, Contrast, Picture
transmission, TV transmitter, TV receiver, Synchronization, Receiver
controls. Perception of brightness and colour, Additive and subtractive
colour mixing, Video signals for colour transmission, Luminance signal (Y),
Compatibility, Colour-difference signals, encoding of colour difference
signals, Formation of chrominance signal

6. Television Signal Transmission & Propagation : 7

Picture Signal transmission, Positive and negative modulation, Vestigial

sideband transmission, Standard channel BW, Television transmitter, TV
Signal propagation, Interference suffered by TV channels. TV broadcast
channels for terrestrial transmission.

7. Television Receiver : 8

RF Tuner, IF Subsystem, Video amplifier, Sound section, Sync separation

and processing, Deflection circuits, Scanning Currents in the yoke, DC
power supplies. Electronic tuners, IF Subsystem, Y Signal channel,
Chroma decoder, Separation of U and V colour phasors, Synchronous
demodulators, Sub carrier generation and control, Matrixing for drive

Receiver Servicing, Video pattern generator, Sweep & Marker generator,

Colour TV Pattern Generator, Vectroscope.

8. Digital Video & Standards : 3

Digitizing Video, Chroma Subsampling, Basics of Video Compression

(MPEG-x, H.26x), Digital VTR, Non-Linear Editing, 4:3 Vs 16:9 for Digital

9. Advances in TV Technology : 6

HDTV, Display Technologies (CRT, LCD, Plasma, LED, Projection), Video

Interfaces (Composite, Component, S-Video, DV, SDI, HDMI, DVI),
10. Television Systems and Standards : 2

NTSC Colour System, PAL Colour System, French Colour TV System,

ATSC, ISDB-T & DTMB, Overview of DVB-T, DVB-S, DVB-C & DVB-IP,
DVB-H, Cable Television Network

Text Books:
1. Audio Video Systems Principles Practices and Troubleshooting, by Bali & Bali,
Khanna Publishing Company.
2. Audio Engineering, Know it all series, Newnes Press, ISBN 978-1-85617-526-5

Reference Books:
1. Modern Television Practice by R.R. Gulati.
2. Audio Video Systems by R.G. Gupta, Technical Education.
3. Essential Guide to Digital Video by John Watkinson, Snell & Wilcox Inc
4. Guide To Compression By John Watkinson, Snell & Wilcox Inc Publication

List of Suggested Practical Assignments:

1. Study of PA Systems and its components.

2. Study of Audio Metering Tools like DB Meter, Audio Metering Software.
3. Study of Effects Processors.
4. Measuring Direction Pattern of Microphones.
5. Measuring Direction Pattern of Loudspeakers.
6. Design of an Auditorium considering the selection of various sound absorbing
7. Digitizing Sound Signal and Editing it using Computer Software.
8. Study of Pattern Generator.
9. Study of Vectroscope.
10. Tracking of Block schematic for Color TV.
11. Study and Analysis of Composite Video Signal using CRO, Vectroscope, Pattern
Generator and Spectrum Analyzer.
12. Voltage and Waveform Analysis for Color TV.
13. Digitizing Video Signal using Computer Software and editing video.
14. Study of Direct to Home system.
15. Frequency Response of microphones
16. Frequency Response of loudspeakers
17. Design and Frequency Response of Cross- over network.
18. Simulation of Video Compressing Technique.
19. Study of CD/DVD/MP3 Player.
20. Study of Digital TV.
21. Study of High Definition TV.
22. Study of Digital Satellite Radio.
23. Study of Cable TV System.
24. Visit to a Cable TV Operator/TV/Radio stations
25. Any other practicals relevant to the course content.
Electronics Engineering/Electronics &Communication
Engineering/Electronics &Telecommunication

Subject Name: Digital Communication

Subject Code: 161001

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Exam Practical
(Theory) (Theory) (I)
(E) (M)
4 0 2 6 70 30 50

Sr. Total
Course Content
No Hrs.
1. Probability Theory & Random Variables : 8

Information, Probability, Conditional Probability of independent events,

Relation between probability and probability Density , Releigh Probability
Density , CDF, PDF, Random Variables, Variance of a Random Variable,
,correlation between Random Variables, Statistical
Averages(Means),Mean and Variance of sum of Random variables, Linear
mean square Estimation, Central limit theorem, Error function and
Complementary error function Discrete and Continuous Variable, Gaussian
PDF, Threshold Detection, Statistical Average,Chebyshev In Equality, Auto

2. Information Theory : 7

Concept & Measure of information, Source Coding, Error Free

Communication Over a noisy channel, Shannon Theorem, The channel
capacity of a Discrete Memory less Channel, Optimum System, The
channel capacity of a Continuous Channel, Practical Communication
System In Light of Shannons Equation.

3. Formatting a Base Band Modulation : 5

Base band system, The Sampling Theorem, Sampling and interpolation

functions,Spectra,Nyquist Theorem, Under sampling, Applications
,Aliasing, PCM, DPCM, ADPCM, Uniform and Non-uniform Quantization,
Quantization Error in PCM,Delta Modulation, Adaptive Delta Modulations
,SNR Calculation,Non-uniform Quantization, Phase Modulation..
4. Digital communication system : 6

Digital multiplexing ,line coding, PSD on /off signaling, Bipolar signaling,

Duo binary signal, pulse shapping, Nyquist first and second criterion for
zero ISI,Regenerative repeaters,Detection error Probability, M-ary System,
Scrambling,Digital Carrier System

5. Error Correcting Codes : 6

Introduction, Linear block code, cyclic code, convolution code, Burst Error
Correcting and detecting code, Interlaced code for burst and random error
Generation, Comparison of coded and un-coded system.

6. Digital Modulation Techniques : 8


of various digital modulation techniques.

7. Digital Communication Systems in the Presence of Noise : 5

Noise Figure, Signal to noise Ratio, performance of communication system

with channel noise, Optimum Binary Receiver.

8. Digital Carrier Demodulation Techniques : 3

Coherent and non-coherent detection of ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK,DPSK.

9. Spread Spectrum Communications : 4

Introduction to Frequency hopping, Introduction to direct sequence Spread

Spectrum, Introduction to CDMA, Overview of latest trends in digital

Text Books:
1. Digital and analog communication system by B.P.Lathi .Zhi Ding(international 4th
Edition), OXFORD university press.
2. Principle of communication system by Taub . Schilling (2nd Edition), TATA

References Books:
1. An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications by Simon Haykin, Wiley India.
2. Digital Communications by Simon Haykin, Wiley India.

List of Suggested Practical Assignments:

1. To understand and the concept of Pulse Code Modulation and To observe the
Performance of PCM system.
2. To understand and the role of signal compression/Expansion on S/N ratio.
3. To understand the concept of Delta Modulation and to achieve the Delta Modulation /
De- Modulation.
4. To study the performance of An-adaptive Delta modulator/De-modulator circuits
5. To Study and observe the performance of Digital carrier systemASK.
6. To Study and observe the performance of Digital carrier systemFSK.
7. To Study and observe the performance of Digital carrier systemPSK.
8. To Study and observe the performance of Return to Zero (RZ) types of line codes.
9. To Study and observe the performance of Non- Return to Zero (NRZ) types of line
10. To establish a PCM based transmission-reception link.
11. To Study and observe the effect of signal Distortion using EYE-Diagram.
12. To Study and Perform sampling theorem and reconstruction.
13. To Study and perform Error Detection and Correction codes.
14. To perform TDM-PCM Transmission and Reception.
15. To study and perform Data Conditioning carrier modulation.
16. To study and perform Data Re-Conditioning carrier De-modulation.
17. To study and perform TDM pulse amplitude modulation/demodulation.
18. To study and perform PAM, PWM, PPM.
19 Few simulation exercises on digital communication techniques / basic systems

Mini Project
Mini project with emphasis on design and implementation is compulsory with the help of
hardware and simulation tools.
Electronics Engineering/Electronics &Communication
Engineering/Electronics &Telecommunication

Subject Name: Optical Communication

Subject Code: 161005

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Exam Practical
(Theory) (Theory) (I)
(E) (M)
4 0 2 6 70 30 50

Sr. Total
Course Content
No Hrs.
1. Overview of Optical fiber Communications : 3

Electromagnetic spectrum, Optical Spectral bands, Evolution of fiber optic

system, Multiplexing Techniques, Elements of an optical fiber
transmission link with the functional description of each block, WDM
concepts, transmission widows, advantages of optical fiber link over
conventional copper systems, applications of fiber optic transmission

2. Optical fibers : Structures, Waveguiding and Fabrication : 7

Optical laws and definitions, optical fiber modes and configurations, Mode
theory, Step Index and Graded Index (GI) fibers ,single mode and graded
index fibers, Derivation for numerical aperture, V number and modes
supported by step index fiber, mode field ,Numerical aperture and modes
supported by GI fibers, fiber materials, linearly Polarized modes fiber
fabrication techniques, and mechanical properties of fibers, fiber optic

3. Signal Degradation in Optical Fibers : 5

Attenuation, signal distortion in optical waveguides, pulse broadening in

graded index fiber, Characteristics of Single Mode Fibers, mode coupling,
International Standards for optical transmission fibers.
4. Optical Sources : 6

Semiconductor Physics background, Light emitting diode (LEDs)-

structures, materials, Figure of merits, characteristics & Modulation. Laser
Diodes -Modes & threshold conditions, Diode Rate equations, resonant
frequencies, structures, characteristics and figure of merits, single mode
lasers, Modulation of laser diodes, Spectral width , temperature effects,
and Light source linearity.

5. Power Launching and Coupling : 4

Source to fiber power launching, Lensing schemes, fiber-to-fiber joints,

LED coupling to single mode fibers, fiber splicing, Optical fiber connectors.

6. Photodetectors : 4

Principles of operation, types, characteristics, figure of merits of detectors

photodiode materials, photodetector noise, detector response time,
temperature effects on gain, comparison of photodetectors.
7. Optical Receiver Operation : 5

Receiver operation, Preamplifier types, receiver performance and

sensitivity, Eye diagrams, Coherent detection, Specification of receivers.

8. Transmission Systems : 3

Point to-point link system considerations, Link power budget and rise
time budget methods for design of optical link, BER calculation

9. Optical Amplifiers : 3

Semiconductor optical Amplifier, EDFA, Raman Amplifier, Wideband

Optical Amplifiers

10. Advances in Optical Fiber Systems : 5

Principles of WDM, DWDM, Telecommunications & broadband application,

SONET/SDH, MUX, Analog & Digital broadband, optical switching.

11. Overview of Optical Components : 3

Optical couplers, Tunable sources and Filters ,optical MUX/DEMUX,

Arrayed waveguide grating, optical add drop multiplexer (OADM), optical
cirulators, attenuators, optical cross connects, wavelength converter,
Mach-Zender Interferometer,

12. Fiber Optical Measurements : 3

Test Equipments, OTDR , Set ups for Measurement of Attenuation,

Dispersion, NA and EYE pattern .
Text Book:

1. Optical Fiber Communications by Gerd Keiser, 4th Edition (Mc Graw Hill)

Reference Books:

1. Optical Fiber Communication by John M. Senior (PHI/Pearson)

2. Fiber optical communication Technology by Djafar Mymbaev & Lowell L,
Scheiner. (Pearson)
3. Fiber optic Communication Systems by G. Agrawal (John Wiley and sons)

List of Suggested Practical Assignments:

1. Setting -up of Analog/ Digital Optical communication Link
2. Measurement of attenuation characteristics of an optical fiber
3. Measurement of NA of a multimode fiber
4. Measurement of Mode field diameter of a single mode fiber.
5. Measurement of Dispersion of optical fiber
6. Performance of PAM on fiber optic link
7. Performance of PWM on fiber optic link
8. Performance of PPM on fiber optic link
9. Measurement of attenuation with OTDR
10. Measurement of emission wavelength of LED/LASER source
11. Measurement of Data quality with EYE PATTERN
12. Preparation of optical fiber end and practices on splicing/connectorization.
13. Performance of TDM on fiber optic link
14. Setting -up of voice link on Optical communication Link.
15. Performing Experiments on the VI characteristics of the optical Sources.
16. Performing Experiments on the characteristics of the optical detectors.
Electronics Engineering/Electronics &Communication
Engineering/Electronics &Telecommunication

Subject Name: VLSI Technology and Design

Subject Code: 161004

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Exam Practical
(Theory) (Theory) (I)
(E) (M)
4 0 2 6 70 30 50

Sr. Total
Course Content
No Hrs.
1. Introduction: 2

Overview of VLSI design methodology, VLSI design flow, Design

hierarchy, Concept of regularity, Modularity, and Locality, VLSI design
style, Design quality, package technology, ,computer aided design
2. Fabrication of MOSFET : 4

Introduction, Fabrication Process flow: Basic steps, C-MOS n-Well

Process, Layout Design rules, full custom mask layout design.

3. MOS Transistor: 8
The Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) structure, The MOS System under
external bias, Structure and Operation of MOS transistor, MOSFET Current-
Voltage characteristics, MOSFET scaling and small-geometry effects, MOSFET

4. MOS Inverters: Static Characteristics: 7

Introduction, Resistive load Inverter, Inverter with n-type MOSFET load

(Enhancement and Depletion type MOSFET load), CMOS Inverter

5. MOS Inverters Switching characteristics and Interconnect Effects : 8

Introduction, Delay-time definitions, Calculation of Delay times, Inverter design

with delay constraints, Estimation of Interconnect Parasitic, Calculation of
interconnect delay, Switching Power Dissipation of CMOS Inverters

6. Combinational MOS Logic Circuits: 5

Introduction, MOS logic circuits with Depletion nMOS Loads, CMOS logic
circuits, Complex logic circuits, CMOS Transmission Gates (TGs)
7. Sequential MOS Logic Circuits : 4

Introduction, Behaviour of Bistable elements, The SR latch circuit, Clocked

latch and Flip-flop circuit, CMOS D-latch and Edge-triggered flip-flop

8. Dynamic Logic Circuits : 7

Introduction, Basic Principles of pass transistor circuits, Voltage

Bootstrapping, Synchronous Dynamic Circuit Techniques, CMOS Dynamic
Circuit Techniques, High-performance Dynamic CMOS circuits
9. Chip I/P and O/P Circuits : 2

On chip Clock Generation and Distribution, Latch Up and its Prevention

10. Design for testability : 3

Introduction, Fault types and models, Controllability and observability, Ad

Hoc Testable design techniques, Scan based techniques, built-in Self
Test (BIST) techniques, current monitoring IDDQ test

11. Introduction to Programmable Logic Devices: 2


Text Book:

CMOS Digital Integrated circuits Analysis and Design by Sung Mo Kang, Yusuf
Leblebici, TATA McGraw-Hill Pub. Company Ltd., Third Edition.

Reference Books:

(1) Basic VLSI Design By Pucknell and Eshraghian, PHI,3rd ed.

(2) Introduction to VLSI Systems by Mead C and Conway, Addison Wesley
(3) Introduction to VLSI Circuits & Systems John P. Uyemura
(4) Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design with VHDL, Brown and Vranesic

For Laboratory:
1. Minimum 9 practicals Based on VHDL/Verilog
2. Minimum 3 Practicals Based on Pspice/spice of MOSFET Characteristics
3. Minimum 2 Practicals on Layout Tools

VLSI design methodologies should be covered during Laboratory sessions.

Suggested List of Experiments
1. Introduction to programmable devices (FPGA, CPLD), Hardware Description
Language (VHDL), and the use programming tool.
2. Implementation of basic logic gates and its testing.
3. Implementation of adder circuits and its testing.
4. Implementation 4 to 1 multiplexer and its testing.
5. Implementation of 3 to 8 decoder and its testing.
6. Implementation of J-K and D Flip Flops and its testing.
7. Implementation of sequential adder and its testing.
8. Implementation of BCD counter and its testing.
9. Implementation of two 8-bit multiplier circuit and its testing.
10. Simulation of CMOS Inverter using SPICE for transfer characteristic.
11. Simulation and verification of two input CMOS NOR gate using SPICE.
12. Implementation and simulation of given logic function using dynamic logic.
13. To generate layout for CMOS Inverter circuit and simulate it for verification.
14. To prepare layout for given logic function and verify it with simulations.

Mini Project
VHDL/Verilog based mini project with emphasis on design and implementation is
Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Communication
Engineering /Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering


Subject Name: Digital Signal Processing

Subject Code: 171003

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Practical
(E) Exam (Internal)
Theory Practical (Theory)
4 0 2 6 70 30 30 20

Sr. Total
Course Content
No Hrs.
1. Introduction: 5
Signals, systems and signal processing, classification of signals, elements
of digital signal processing system, concept of frequency in continuous and
discrete time signals, Periodic Sampling, Frequency domain representation
of sampling, Reconstructions of band limited signals from its samples,
general applications of DSP

2. Discrete-Time Signals and Systems: 10

Discrete-Time Signals, Discrete-Time Systems, LTI Systems, Properties

of LTI Systems, linear convolution and its properties, Linear Constant Co-
efficient Difference equations,. Frequency domain representation of
Discrete-Time Signals & Systems, Representation of sequences by
discrete time Fourier Transform, (DTFT), Properties of discrete time
Fourier Transform, and correlation of signals, Fourier Transform

3. The Z- Transform and Analysis Linear Time-of Invariant System: 10

Z-Transform, Properties of ROC for Z-transform, the inverse Z-transform

methods, Z- transforms properties, Analysis of LTI systems in time domain
and stability considerations. Frequency response of LTI system, System
functions for systems with linear constant-coefficient Difference equations,
Freq. response of rational system functions relationship between
magnitude & phase, All pass systems, inverse systems,
Minimum/Maximum phase systems, systems with linear phase.
4. Structures for Discrete Time Systems: 5
Block Diagram and signal flow diagram representations of Linear
Constant-Coefficient Difference equations, Basic Structures of IIR
Systems, Transposed forms, Direct and cascade form Structures for FIR
Systems, Effects of Co-efficient quantization.

5. Filter Design Techniques: 9

Design of Discrete-Time IIR filters from Continuous-Time filters-

Approximation by derivatives, Impulse invariance and Bilinear
Transformation methods; Design of FIR filters by windowing techniques,
Illustrative design examples of IIR and filters.

6. Discrete-Fourier Transform: 9

Representation of Periodic sequences: The discrete Fourier Series and its

Properties Fourier Transform of Periodic Signals, Sampling the Fourier
Transform, The Discrete-Fourier Transform, Properties of DFT, Linear
Convolution using DFT.

7. Fast Fourier Transform: 6

FFT-Efficient Computation of DFT, Goertzel Algorithm, radix2 and radix 4

Decimation-in-Time and Decimation-in-Frequency FFT Algorithms.

8. Architecture of DSP Processors- : 6

Harward architecture, pipelining, Multiplier-accumulator (MAC) hardware,

architectures of fixed and floating point (TMSC6000) DSP processors.

Text Books:

1. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithm & Application,4th edition,Proakis,

Manolakis, Proakis, Manolakis, Pearson
2. Discrete Time Signal Processing:Oppeheim, Schafer, Buck Pearson education
publication, 2nd Edition, 2003.

Reference Books:

1. Digital Signal Processing fundamentals and applications, Li Tan , Elsevier

2. Fundamentals of digital Signal Processing Lonnie c.Ludeman, Wiley
3. Digital Signal processing-A Practical Approach ,second edition, Emmanuel
Ifeacher, and Barrie W..Jervis, Pearson Education.
4. Digital Signal Processing, S.Salivahanan, A.Vallavaraj, C.Gnapriya TMH
5. Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, programming and applications by B.
Venkatramani, M Bhaskar, Mc-Graw Hill
Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Communication
Engineering /Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering


Subject Name: Embedded Systems (Department Elective - I)

Subject Code: 171005

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Practical
(E) Exam (Internal)
Theory Practical (Theory)
3 0 2 5 70 30 30 20

Sr. Total
Course Content
No Hrs.
1. Introduction:
Embedded system and general purpose computers, Embedded system
components, Embedded System Design Process, Classification of an
embedded system, Examples of an embedded system, Applications of an
embedded system.

2. ARM Processor: 14

The Acorn RISC machine, Architectural inheritance, The ARM

programmers model, ARM development tools, ARM instruction set: Data
processing instructions, Data transfer instructions, Control flow
instructions, Conditional execution, ARM Condition codes, Software
interrupt (SWI), Multiply instructions, Writing simple assembly language
programs for ARM, 3-stage pipeline ARM organization, 5-stage pipeline
ARM organization, Understanding of ARM instruction execution,
Exceptions in ARM, Thumb programmers model and instruction set

3. Device and Communication Bus: 08

IO types and examples, Serial communication devices, Parallel Device

ports, Watch dog timer, Real time clock, Writing device drivers, Serial bus
communication protocols, Parallel communication using ISA, PCI, PCI-X
and advanced buses, Network protocols, Wireless and mobile system

4. Interprocess Communication and Synchronization of processes, 10

Thread and Task:

Multiple process and thread in application, Task and Task state, Task
control block, Task coding, Task scheduling, Semaphores, Semaphores
for synchronization, Data sharing and deadlocks, Inter process
communication, Sockets and remote procedure call.

5. RTOS: 10

Operating system service, Process management, Timer and Event

function, Memory management, Device , File and I/O subsystem
management, Interrupt routine in RTOS environment and handling of
interrupt service calls, Basic design using RTOS, RTOS task scheduling
models, Interrupt latency and response of tasks as performance metrics,
OS security issue.

Reference Books:

1. Embedded System: Architecture, Programming and Design by Rajkamal, TMH

2. ARM System on Chip Architecture by Steve Furber, Pearson Education
3. Computer as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design,
Wayne Wolf, Morgan Kaufmann Publication
Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Communication
Engineering /Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering


Subject Name: Microwave Engineering

Subject Code: 171001

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Practical
(E) Exam (Internal)
Theory Practical (Theory)
3 0 2 5 70 30 30 20

Sr. Total
Course Content
No Hrs.
1. Introduction to microwaves: 1

Microwave frequencies, advantages of microwaves, general and Industrial

applications of microwaves

2. Microwave transmission lines and waveguides: 15

Transmission line equations & solutions, reflection and transmission

coefficient, standing wave and standing wave ratio, line impedance and
admittance, impedance matching, using stub line, application of smith
chart in solving transmission line problems Introduction to strip lines,
Microstrip lines, parallel strip lines, coplanar strip lines, shielded strip lines ,
Rectangular waveguides-theory and analysis, principle of circular

3. Microwave components & their s-parameters: 5

Wave-guide tees, magic tees, wave-guide corners, bends, twists,

directional couples, circulators and isolators. S Matrix and its applications
in analyzing microwave components

4. Microwave tubes and circuits: 8

Limitations of conventional tubes at UHF & Microwave, Klystrons, velocity

modulation, multicavity klystron, reflex klystron, traveling wave tube,
Magnetron. (Without derivations).
5. Semiconductor microwave devices and circuits: 8

Microwave transistors and integrated circuits, varactor diodes, step-

recovery diodes, parametric amplifiers, tunnel diode and its applications,
Gunn diode and its applications IMPATT diode, TRAPATT diode, PIN
diode, schottky barrier diodes.

6. Radar systems: 8

Basic principle, radar range equation: powers and frequencies used in

radar, basic pulsed radar system, Factors Influencing maximum range,
Effect of noise, Display Methods, Search and Tracking radar systems,
Moving target indicator (MTI), CW Doppler Radar, Frequency Modulated
CW radar

Text/Reference Books:

1. Microwave Engineering,David M.Pozar, Wiley India 3rd Edition

2. Microwave Devices And Circuits,Samuel Liao, PHI
3. Microwave Engineering, Annapurna Das, Sisirk. Das, TMH 2nd Edition
4. Microwave Engineering, Manojit Mitra, Dhanpatrai & Co.
5. Microwave And Radar Engineering, M Kulkarni, Umesh Publishers
6. Microwave Engineering, Sanjeev Gupta Khanna Pub.
Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Communication
Engineering /Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering


Subject Name: Power Electronics

Subject Code: 171002

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Practical
(E) Exam (Internal)
Theory Practical (Theory)
2 0 2 4 70 30 30 20

Sr. Total
Course Content
No Hrs.
1. Power semiconductor devices: 8

Introduction, Power Diodes, Power BJT, Thyristor Characteristics, Two

Transistor model of Thyristor, Series and Parallel operation of Thyristors,
Power MOSFET, GTO, IGBT, SIT- Device Structures and Characteristics,
Handling precautions and power dissipation in all these devices, Turn ON-
Turn OFF methods and Circuits, Protections, Ratings and applications,
Handling precautions and power dissipation in all these devices..

2. Controlled Rectifiers: 6
Controlled Rectifiers, Single phase power circuits, Three phase controlled
rectifier circuits, Analysis of Controlled Rectifiers with resistive and
inductive load and speed control of motors.

3. DC Chopper: 6

Introduction, Principle of operation, analysis with waveforms of Step-Down

and Step-Up choppers, buck, boost and buck-boost Converter. Chopper
classifications, Chopper control of motors

4. Invertors: 5

Principal of Operation of Pulse Width Modulated Inverters, Performance

Parameters, Single Phase and Three Phase Bridge Inverters.
5. Applications: 5
Uninterruptible Power Supply, Switched mode Power Supply, RF Heating,
Battery Charger.

Text/Reference Books:

1. Power Electronics Circuit, Devices and Applications, M. Rashid, Pearson Education

2. Power Electronic, M.D. Singh and Khanchandani, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.
3. Power Electronics: Essential and Applications, L. Umanand, wiley India pvt.Ltd.
4. Power Electronics: Joseph Vithyathil , Tata McGraw Hill Publications
Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Communication
Engineering /Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering


Subject Name: Project-I

Subject Code: 170001

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Practical
(E) Exam (Internal)
Theory Practical (Theory)
0 0 4 4 0 100 0 50

1. Every student individually or in a group (group size is of 2-3 students. However, if

project complexity demands a maximum group size of 4 students, the departmental
committee should be convinced about such complexity and scope of the work.) shall
take a project in the beginning of the seventh semester in consultation with the guide
and the project must be completed in the eight semester. The individual or group can
complete two different projects in both semesters (i.e. 7th and 8th) if they wish to do

2. The project proposal must be submitted in the institute in the beginning of the seventh
semester. While submitting project proposal care is to be taken that project will be
completed within the available time of two terms. The individuals or groups project
should involve analysis, design, and implementation and testing of substantial
hardware, software or any combination thereof in the field of study in the seventh
semester. The final title of the project work should be submitted at the beginning of
the eighth semester.

Topic should be related to

Any application in the field of Electronics and Communication.
Investigation of the latest development in a specific field of Electronics and
The investigation of practical problem in manufacture and / or testing of electronics or
communication equipments
The Microprocessor / Microcontroller based applications projects
Software development/Simulation project related to VLSI, Communication,
Instrumentation, Signal Processing , Image Processing,GIS, Remote sensing applications
Interdisciplinary projects should be encouraged. The examination will be conducted
independently in respective departments.
3. Periodical monitoring and assessment will be done by the internal guides

4. A project report will be prepared and submitted for a viva - voce examination at the
end of term.
Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Communication
Engineering /Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering


Subject Name: Wireless Communication

Subject Code: 171004

Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Theory Tutorial Practical Total University Exam Mid Sem Practical
(E) Exam (Internal)
Theory Practical (Theory)
4 0 2 6 70 30 30 20

Sr. Total
Course Content
No Hrs.
1. Introduction to Wireless Communication System: 3

Evolution of mobile communications, Mobile Radio System around the

world, Types of Wireless communication System, Comparison of Common
wireless system, Trend in Cellular radio and personal communication.
Second generation Cellular Networks, Third Generation (3G) Wireless
Networks , Wireless Local Loop(WLL), Wireless Local Area
network(WLAN), Bluetooth and Personal Area Networks

2. The Cellular Concept- System Design Fundamentals: 14

Cellular system, Hexagonal geometry cell and concept of frequency reuse,

Channel Assignment Strategies Distance to frequency reuse ratio,
Channel & co-channel interference reduction factor, S/I ratio consideration
and calculation for Minimum Co-channel and adjacent interference,
Handoff Strategies, Umbrella Cell Concept, Trunking and Grade of
Service, Improving Coverage & Capacity in Cellular System-cell splitting,
Cell sectorization , Repeaters, Micro cell zone concept, Channel antenna
system design considerations.

3. Mobile Radio Propagation Model, Small Scale Fading and diversity: 12

Large scale path loss:-Free Space Propagation loss equation, Path-loss of

NLOS and LOS systems, Reflection, Ray ground reflection model,
Diffraction, Scattering, Link budget design, Max. Distance Coverage
formula, Empirical formula for path loss, Indoor and outdoor propagation
models, Small scale multipath propagation, Impulse model for multipath
channel, Delay spread, Fehers delay spread, upper bound Small scale,
Multipath Measurement parameters of multipath channels, Types of small
scale Fading, Rayleigh and rician distribution, Statistical for models
multipath fading channels and diversity techniques in brief.

4. Multiple Access Techniques: 8

Introduction, Comparisons of multiple Access Strategies TDMA,CDMA,

FDMA, OFDM , CSMA Protocols

5. Wireless Systems: 14

GSM system architecture, Radio interface, Protocols, Localization and

calling, Handover, Authentication and security in GSM, GSM speech
coding, Concept of spread spectrum, Architecture of IS-95 CDMA system,
Air interface, CDMA forward channels, CDMA reverse channels, Soft
handoff, CDMA features, Power control in CDMA, Performance of CDMA
System, RAKE Receiver, CDMA2000 cellular technology, GPRS system

6. Recent trends: 9

Introduction to Wi-Fi, WiMAX, ZigBee Networks, Software Defined Radio,

UWB Radio, Wireless Adhoc Network and Mobile Portability, Security
issues and challenges in a Wireless network.

Text Book:
1. Wireless Communication, Theodore S. Rappaport, Prentice hall

Reference Books:

1. Wireless Communications and Networking ,Vijay Garg, Elsevier

2. 'Wireless digital communication', Kamilo Feher, PHI
3. Mobile Communications Engineering, William C. Y. Lee, Mc Graw Hill
4. Mobile and personal Communication system and services by Rajpandya, IEEE press
5. Wireless Communications-T.L.Singh-TMH
6. Adhoc Mobile Wireless network, C.K.Toh Pearson


Sr. Total
Course Contents
No. Hrs
Network Hardware, Topology, Network Software, Reference Models, Example
Networks, Uses of Computer Networks, ARPANET, Connection Oriented Networks, 5
X.25, Frame Relay, ATM

The Theoretical Basis for Data Communication, The Public Switched Telephone
Network, The Mobile Telephone System


Data Link Layer Design Issues, Error Detection and Correction, Elementary Data Link
Protocols, Sliding Window Protocols, Example Data Link Protocols


The Channel Allocation Problem, Multiple Access Protocols, Ethernet, Wireless
LANs, Broadband Wireless, Bluetooth, RFID, Data Link Layer Switching

Network Layer Design Issues, Routing Algorithms, Congestion Control Algorithms,
Quality of Service, Internetworking, The Network Layer in the Internet.

The Transport Service, Elements of Transport Protocols, Congestion Control
Algorithms, The Internet Transport Protocols: UDP, The Internet Transport Protocols: 7
TCP, Performance Issues, Delay Tolerant Networks.

DNS--The Domain Name System, The World Wide Web, Real-time Audio and Video,
Content Delivery and Peer-To-Peer, SMTP and HTTP Protocol

Cryptography, Symmetric-Key Algorithms, Public-Key Algorithms, Digital
Signatures, Management Of Public Keys, IPsec, Firewalls, Virtual Private Networks,
Wireless Security, Security Issues And Challenges in Wireless Networks,
Authentication Protocols, Email Security, Web Security, Social Issues

Practical/TW : Practical / Term Work [minimum 8-10 experiments based on above topics.]

Reference Books:

1. Computer Networks, Andrew Tanenbaum, 5th Edition, Pearson Education.

2. Data Communication And Networking, Behrouz Forouzan, 4th Edition, TMH.
3. Introduction to Data Communication and Networking, Wayne Tomasi, Pearson


Course Contents
1. Digital Image Fundamentals
Human visual system, Image as a 2D data, Image representation Gray scale and
Color images, image sampling and quantization
2. Image enhancement in Spatial domain:
Basic gray level Transformations, Histogram Processing, Spatial Filtering
3. Filtering in the Frequency Domain:
Preliminary Concepts, Extension to functions of two variables, Image Smoothing,
Image Sharpening, Homomorphic filtering, 2D- DFT, 2D- FFT, 2D- DCT,
Fundamentals of 2D-wavelet transform, Image pyramids, sub-band coding.
4. Image Restoration and Reconstruction:
Noise Models, Noise Reduction, Inverse Filtering, MMSE (Wiener) Filtering
5. Color Image Processing:
Color Fundamentals, Color Models, Pseudocolor image processing.
6. Image Compression:
Fundamentals of redundancies, Basic Compression Methods: Huffman coding,
Arithmetic coding, LZW coding, JPEG Compression standard.
7. Image Segmentation: Edge based segmentation, Region based segmentation, Region
split and merge techniques, Region growing by pixel aggregation, optimal
8. Morphological Image Processing:
Erosion, dilation, opening, closing, Basic Morphological Algorithms: hole filling,
connected components, thinning, skeletons

Practical/TW: Practical / Term Work [minimum 8-10 experiments based on above topics.]

Reference Books:

1. Digital Image Processing, Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Third Edition,
Pearson Education

2. Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods,

and Steven L. Eddins, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publication

3. Digital Image Processing, S Jayaraman, S Esakkirajan, T Veerakumar, Tata

McGraw Hill Publication

4. Digital Image Processing, S Sridhar, Oxford University Press.

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