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by Steve Wilson

V ibration will exist in all pumps and indeed

all rotating machines. It is unavoidable, and
not a problem in itself: Pump designers (and mo-
3. Externally-caused
Often vibration caused through one category will
stimulate vibration to such a level that it will lead
tor designers) design machines to withstand nor- to difficulty in another.
mal vibration limits. These limits vary by pump
type, mounting configuration, power require- Misapplication, Design, or Manufacture-caused
ments, rotative speed and fluid being pumped. While this category is by far the most rare, it is
The Hydraulic Institute publishes a complete set often the first one thought of when dealing with
of standards adopted by ANSI, which cover vibra- a vibrating pump.
tion dynamics, measurement standards, and
Examples of the main causes of vibration which
allowable limits. The standard is ANSI/HI 9.6.4.
fall into this category include:
Details of that standard are not discussed here.
Critical speed issues - This issue is practically
Typically (but not recommended), vibration goes
non-existent in horizontal pumps running at
largely ignored until it results in a symptomatic
full speeds: Manufacturers design their prod-
issue. Excessive vibration may lead to excessive
ucts so that the first critical speed is above the
noise, equipment damage, and premature fatigue
highest rotative speed. (Critical Speed is the
failure. Developments in recent years such as
theoretical angular velocity which excites the
BACnet, SCADA systems, and other building man-
natural frequency of the rotating equipment.
agement systems and manufacturer designed and
As the speed of rotation approaches the natu-
developed systems frequently measure and record
ral frequency, vibration and resonance occur.)
vibration in pumps. Developing a benchmark
In vertical pumps such as vertical turbines with
reference, establishing limits, and incorporating
a variety of lengths and heads, critical speeds
vibration measurement as part of any preventa-
should be considered prior to manufacture. In
tive maintenance program will often allow pump
horizontal pumps, critical speed will typically
service before vibration causes catastrophic failure
result from over-speeding, lack of piping sup-
or other unacceptable results.
port, or on multi-pump packages where it was
Yet vibration itself is not the root problem: It is not considered. (In the lack of piping support,
caused by something, either internally in the the piping becomes part of the pump in es-
pump or within the system. Those problems are sence, and the critical speed of the system is
discussed in this paper. different than the critical speed of the system.
This is akin to the external issues discussed as
follows. There are two ways to correct critical
CAUSES OF VIBRATION speed issues and reducing the vibration to ac-
The causes of vibration can be divided into 3 broad ceptable levels:
categories: 1. Change the natural frequency of the pump.
This should be done in consultation with, or
1. Misapplication, design, or manufacture- assistance from, the pump manufacturer. Com-
caused mon approaches.
2. Internally-caused 2. Change the rotative speed (useful on VFD

systems). Lock out, or accelerate through cally issues identified as motor rotor imbalance
the critical speed to prevent the machine from (by disconnecting the motor and running it by
operating there. itself) are, in fact, either bent shaft or bearing
Severe cavitation - When cavitation is severe failure issues, and are discussed elsewhere in
enough (whether NPSH caused or entrained air this paper. Imbalance of motor rotating parts
caused) the energy of the implosion may cause will virtually always be apparent upon (or
the entire unit to vibrate excessively. Of course, soon after) startup. The motor manufacturer
as the cavitation continues, the material of the should be consulted if warranty is required, or
impeller will erode and vibration will worsen. a reputable motor service shop, such as one
Proper selection of pumps will avoid this, but that is associated with the Electrical Apparatus
of course it may occur as a system ages and Service Organization (EASA).
piping changes. NPSH will need to be increased (
or entrained air evacuated in existing systems. Soft foot - This vibration causing issue, a rela-
Corrosion and erosion - While these issues may tively frequent one, results when the mounting
easily be deemed internal issues, they really feet (typically on the motor, but also on pumps
have their roots in improper selection of without a one-piece foot) are not in the same
material for the pumpage. Damage from corro- plane. As the foot is tightened down, the frame
sion or erosion may damage impellers or rings, twists, and vibration results. This also can, and
leading to a machine which vibrates beyond does, occur on cast motors, and may be dif-
acceptable limits. Correcting the problem may ficult to initially identify, since the resonance
require analysis of the pumpage. Even in the is transmitted throughout the machine, and
case of severe erosion from sand and grit, steps often the piping. Soft foot usually shows up
may be taken to change materials to eliminate on startup, or after maintenance. Because of
the problem or extend the MTBF. its frequency, unless other vibration-causing
Imbalance of the impeller - Impellers should be issues can be easily identified, checking for soft
trimmed and dynamically balanced to the foot is recommended early on in the
proper diameter at the maximum operating troubleshooting procedure. One approach uses
speed in accordance with ISO standard 1940/1, dial indication to check mounting. Another
grade 6.3, which allows 0.0014 ounce inches frequently used approach, is simply to loosen
of unbalance per ounce of impeller weight at hold down bolting - one at a time - slightly and
1800 rpm (.0007 oz. in./oz. at 3600 rpm). Initial see if the vibration is reduced or eliminated. If
failure to balance the impeller to these stan- found and loosening was excessive, shimming
dards or failure to re-balance if an impeller is and re-alignment may correct it. If left loose,
trimmed on an existing pump may well cause the culprit bolt(s) should be clearly marked so
vibration outside of acceptable areas. This is that it is not inadvertently tightened in the
important on small machines as well as large, future.
since the standard has been established taking Coupling out of balance - This is not to be
into account the total mass of the machine and confused with misalignment, in rare cases cou-
the impellers impact on vibration. The only plings themselves can be out of balance. This
remedy is removal of the impeller and re-bal- virtually never appears at four-pole speeds and
ance. only very infrequently at two-pole speeds. It,
Imbalance of motor rotating element - This is a rightly, should be investigated when all other
rare manufacturing flaw. Motor balance causes of vibration have been eliminated.
testing requirements are established by NEMA While re-balancing a coupling is possible, com-
in standard MG-1, 2007, Section 1, part 7. Typi- plete replacement is often more cost effective.

Mechanical tolerances - Mechanical tolerances pump manufacturers recommendations (NOT to

may cause vibration in the machine, even if the the coupling manufacturers limitations) is
individual component tolerances are within critical. (Couplings can generally tolerate greater
the manufacturers specifications. Simply put, misalignment than can the pumps or motors,
the more pieces that are put together to as- but the loads will be transmitted to the pump
semble the pump, the greater the risk (all else and motor.)
being equal) that tolerances will stack up to Incorrect rotation - While pumps will pump
yield a vibrating machine. Individual compo- when rotating in the wrong direction, flow
nents, when checked, may be within specifi- and head will be reduced and vibration due
cation (typically to ASME/ANSI Y14.5). This is to fluid dynamics may result. Rotation should
further complicated by the fact that the ma- be checked and corrected. (Change any two
chined parts that may be the problem are used leads on a three-phase motor, and check the
to locate and determine other possible issues. nameplate on the motor for lead correction on
A full check of trueness and plumbness will be one-phase motors, after ascertaining that the
difficult to measure accurately in the field but pump can run in the desired rotation.)
may be the only way to determine this.
Bent shaft - A bent shaft may be caused by a
On the other hand, mechanical tolerance- number of field related issues and will result in
caused vibration may be simple to diagnose if vibration. Typically, it will impart unequal loads
the tolerances directly involve rotating pieces. to the bearings and seal and cause premature
Parts machined out of round or out of wear there, even if the level is not sufficient to
square may cause binding or grinding of one be detected under normal observatory practic-
piece into the other. See below in the Exter- es. Of course, checking the shaft for trueness or
nally-Caused section on how to differentiate run-out is relatively simple on foot-mounted
this from pipe alignment issues. framed pumps, since the frame forms a plat-
Mechanical looseness - For discussion sake, form for the check. Examination of all failed
mechanical looseness here refers simply to components will usually indicate the cause of
those cases where nuts and bolts are not prop- failure, both in the seal and bearings.
erly tightened. Individual cap screws may not Bearing wear / failure - Lack of lubrication or
have been tightened on assembly, or may have improper lubrication may hasten bearing wear
loosened during transport and installation. All and cause vibration, as discussed elsewhere.
external cap screws should be loosened during Yet even under perfect conditions, bearings
transport and installation. All external cap will wear and fail due to fatigue. Examina-
screws should be tightened per the manufac- tion of the bearings, and the wear paths and
turers recommendations upon assembly and spalling within the races will help determine
periodically thereafter. (Annually is recom- whether or not extraneous forces hastened the
mended for most machines.) wear and helped cause the vibration.
Internally-Caused Clogging - Clogged pumps may not always
For purposes of this discussion, internally- vibrate excessively, but certainly usually do.
caused refers to within the machine, whether If impeller parts become clogged, either fully
inside the pump or outside the pump. These or in part, they will contain less fluid and may
causes include: cause vibration. Before a pump is disassembled
Misalignment of the pump and motor - This is for clogging, it is advisable to check the motors
arguably, the most common cause of vibration current draw. A clogged impeller will draw
in pumps. (See Externally-Caused issues for the lower than expected amperage unless the clog
contender.) It should be noted, alignment to the causes enough imbalance (and vibration) that
there is a rub between the impeller and the

amplifying the resonant frequency and thereby

case. (In that case, the vibration would most
increasing the vibration within the pump. This
likely be accompanied by rubbing or grinding
may cause component failure. Akin to critical
noises and an increase in amp draw.)
speed issues, adjustment of the piping may be
External-Caused Issues required to remedy this.
Experience has shown that externally-caused is-
sues cause the majority of vibration problems.
Pipe strain (misalignment between the pump
and the piping) - Pipe strain is arguably (to- Excessive vibration is easily noted and causes
gether with pump to motor misalignment) the much difficulty. It is important to determine the
number one cause, and should be of primary root cause of vibration, so that it can be properly
focus in the investigation of vibration issues. corrected. Since the majority of vibration-causing
Important to consider is adjustment of the pipe problems are external or alignment issues, those
supports after water has been introduced. The should be of primary focus of investigation to as-
weight of the water may be considerable, and sure long life and lower life cycle costs.
pipes which seemed properly supported when
empty are found to need adjustment when full.
The weight of the water may cause enough
strain to result in vibration, but also in binding
and misalignment or catastrophic failure.
Poor foundation or anchoring - If the pumps
foundation is not flat or the baseplate not
properly secured or grouted, vibration may
and will likely result, as would be symptom-
atic of soft foot. While this may be obvious
immediately upon startup, it also may worsen
as time passes and the system settles in.
Adjustments to baseplate and shims may cor-
rect this, assuming the defect is not too large.
Not incidentally, this problem is frequent on
close coupled pumps after repairs are made. If
a sub-base of either cast iron (preferred) or
steel is not used, the motor is affixed directly
to the floor, usually using pieces of all thread
buried in the concrete, with nuts atop it to hold
the pump down. Since back pullout is not
possible with this configuration, the all thread
is usually cut to allow pump rotating element
and motor removal. The all thread is seldom
replaced, and the pump not attached to the
floor at all. Vibration and premature failure will
System resonance - Since every system has a
number of resonant frequencies, it is possible
that acceptable vibration within the pump
will cause vibration at the system frequency,
there is a rub between the impeller and the

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