Transit Interpretations: Manika

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Transit Interpretations

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (May 6,2017 01:01:00 to May 8,2017 11:20:34)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (May 8,2017 11:20:34 to May 10,2017 23:06:53)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (May 10,2017 23:06:53 to May 13,2017 11:40:41)

Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,

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clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (May 13,2017 11:40:41 to May 16,2017 00:04:55)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Sun in the 9th house from Natal Moon (May 14,2017 14:00:13 to Jun 14,2017 21:17:57)
Sun in the ninth house has some significant results in your life. This period could mean blame games, change
of place and lack of mental peace.

Take extra care at your work place to avoid disappointing your employer. You may feel humiliated and
chances are that some false charges would be imposed on you. Avoid any tricky situation during this time.

Financially this period could be taxing on you. You may also find it difficult to recover pending dues from
others. Be extra careful to avoid unnecessary expenses. Misunderstandings, disagreements may occur between
you and your teacher, or spiritual/religious leader. Opinions of your family and friends may clash with that of
yours leading to fights and discontentment.

Health would require your attention as you may develop physical and mental discomforts at this time. You
may also feel more tired and mentally depressed than usual.

However, you may also consider doing some virtuous deeds, as you are more likely to accomplish this
successfully. Travel would be on the cards.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (May 16,2017 00:04:55 to May 18,2017 10:40:59)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

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Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (May 18,2017 10:40:59 to May 20,2017 17:48:48)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (May 20,2017 17:48:48 to May 22,2017 20:52:58)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (May 22,2017 20:52:58 to May 24,2017 20:58:28)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with

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anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems
in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (May 24,2017 20:58:28 to May 26,2017 20:04:07)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Mars in the 10th house from Natal Moon (May 26,2017 14:10:38 to Jul 11,2017 04:13:25)
During this period, Mars will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This signifies a ruffled path to
success. You are likely to face a lot of trouble ranging from misbehaviour of your superiors, failure in efforts,
sorrow, disappointments, exhaustion and so on. However, you are also likely to meet with success in your
field of work at the end. Some of you would be able to perform better than ever at work. You may also have
to undertake some hopping about around places, as your work is likely to demand the same.

This period is likely to bestow a rise in your prestige, position and authority at work. You are also likely to
get scripted in the good books of your superiors and enlarge your circle of good friends.

Your glory is also likely to bring in some new friends into your life.

Health however, would require your attention. Keep note of what you are eating and keep up your mental
health as well.

Some of you may also feel relieved of your worries and would win over your enemies. However, never under
estimate your enemies and stay away from weapons.

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Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (May 26,2017 20:04:07 to May 28,2017 20:23:28)

The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (May 28,2017 20:23:28 to May 30,2017 23:44:27)

The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Venus in the 8th house from Natal Moon (May 30,2017 16:33:07 to Jun 29,2017 04:50:51)
During this period, Venus will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This signifies good times.
During this particular period you may expect to gain physical comforts and overcome all your previous
miseries. You may consider acquiring landed property or a house as well.

If an eligible bachelor or maiden lady, you may also expect to get a good match who could also bring in good
fortune. During this period, Venus will move through your first house from the Moon. This may also expect
the company of pleasant and beautiful women during this particular time.

Health is expected to remain good at this time.

If a student, you would be more progressive. Your brilliance will be noticed and you would command more
respect and honour in your social circle.

Professionally a good time. Trade and business is expected to flourish with the help of well-wishers and

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friends. There is a possibility of meeting a higher government authority.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (May 30,2017 23:44:27 to Jun 2,2017 06:48:49)
Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Jun 2,2017 06:48:49 to Jun 4,2017 17:03:05)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Mercury in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Jun 3,2017 06:59:23 to Jun 18,2017 12:28:22)

During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings
from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take
care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your
actions done at this time.

Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new.

Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons.

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Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with
your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels.

During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to
religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any
task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard.

Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired
result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Jun 4,2017 17:03:05 to Jun 7,2017 05:04:39)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Jun 7,2017 05:04:39 to Jun 9,2017 17:41:06)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Jupiter in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Jun 7,2017 23:38:18 to Aug 8,2019 19:25:23)
During this period, Jupiter will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This brings in good times in
your life. You may expect to enjoy bodily and material comfort, savour exotic cuisine, acquire property, pass
your leisure time being entertained and even expect to be honoured by higher authority.

A good time could also be expected in your social life. You may expect to meet and befriend men of
distinction, who could also prove to be beneficial for you. Personally you would also be noticed for your
smart speech and intellectual eminence. This time may make you stay outdoors performing auspicious deeds.

Health would remain fine. Your profound character and bodily grandeur will be noticed at this time.

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You are likely to experience fulfilment of your desires and a comfortable home. Singles may consider tying
the knot and couples may consider an addition in the family. If married, you are likely to enjoy heightened
conjugal bliss with your partner during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Jun 9,2017 17:41:06 to Jun 12,2017 05:59:36)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Jun 12,2017 05:59:36 to Jun 14,2017 16:57:23)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Jun 14,2017 16:57:23 to Jun 17,2017 01:13:39)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period

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would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Sun in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Jun 14,2017 21:17:57 to Jul 16,2017 08:25:03)
This is a favourable period. It denotes gains, promotions, progress and success in all your endeavours.

You may expect a promotion at the work place. Favour of your seniors, honour from the authorities and even
more opportunities could be expected during this time.

This period also denotes success in your endeavour and favourable culmination of any stuck up deals.

Socially you may expect an even more respectable position. Your social circle will get widened, meaning
more positive and gainful interactions particularly with the opposite sex, honour from your circle of friends
and acquaintances. You may even expect to be honoured by the highest of authorities. You could expect more
gains from unexpected quarters as well.

Your health will be at its best during this time. Overall happiness would surround you.

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Jun 17,2017 01:13:39 to Jun 19,2017 05:56:08)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Mercury in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Jun 18,2017 12:28:22 to Jul 2,2017 14:07:33)

During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment
and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very
good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on

Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting
during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the
opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time.

Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you
may expect other monetary gain as well.

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This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may
command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social
welfare work.

Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would
find calmness in life during this particular time.

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Jun 19,2017 05:56:08 to Jun 21,2017 07:17:48)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with
anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems
in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Saturn in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Jun 20,2017 20:12:21 to Oct 26,2017 02:32:27)
Saturn's journey through the third house is auspicious, especially relating to work and finances. You are likely
to make money in more than one way. Success comes from new undertakings or enterprises.

This is particularly good time to profit from activities relating to poultry farming or agriculture. You may also
consider buying land or fixed property during this time.

If you are unemployed, you may hear opportunity knocking at your door or get some lucrative job offers.
Those employed may get a promotion, increase in authority, or a pay rise. Attention is given to your
intelligence, ability and effort and you are likely to climb up the social ladder. There is a good chance of
getting assistance with your work. You will succeed in any kind of discussions and be able to put your point
across much more easily than before.

You will feel a spring in your footstep denoting good health and vitality of spirit. Any previous ailments will
vanish, bringing you comfort and happiness. Home life too will be nourishing and full of conjugal bliss. Your
spouse will be doting and more loving than ever. Your siblings and children will treat you well and be very
helpful. Your enemies will be defeated and good luck and fortune will bless you during this time. For some,
travel may also be on the cards.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Jun 21,2017 07:17:48 to Jun 23,2017 06:48:27)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

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Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Jun 23,2017 06:48:27 to Jun 25,2017 06:30:55)
The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Jun 25,2017 06:30:55 to Jun 27,2017 08:28:26)
The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

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Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Jun 27,2017 08:28:26 to Jun 29,2017 14:02:57)
Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Venus in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Jun 29,2017 04:50:51 to Jul 26,2017 02:59:52)
During this period, Venus will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies the
onset of a new wardrobe. Moreover, it also denotes bodily or material comfort and happiness.

Financial gain and indulgence in precious jewellery is also indicated during this period.

Businessmen will find this period to be a smooth one with satisfactory profits.

Success in education is also indicated during this time. Health would remain in good shape.

At home, your siblings would be more cooperative and affectionate than ever. Some auspicious deeds are
likely to be performed at your home and you may also decide on your own marriage if eligible. During this
time you are likely to get a match of your choice, who would also bring in fortune for you.

A socially conducive period could also be expected where you are likely to make new friends. You may also
get a mentor to show you the spiritual path. Your interest in the artistic field would increase during this time.
Your good qualities and virtuous deeds would be noticed and would bring in good reputation in the society.

This time could see your desires fulfilled and enemies defeated. If you get involved in any kind of discussion,
you are likely to be winning the same. You may even consider going on a long journey during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Jun 29,2017 14:02:57 to Jul 1,2017 23:22:00)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

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Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Jul 1,2017 23:22:00 to Jul 4,2017 11:12:52)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Mercury in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Jul 2,2017 14:07:33 to Jul 21,2017 00:52:35)

During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates
achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to
receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments
are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are
likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity
especially during this time.

Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and
very cordial in your behaviour.

At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may
also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort.

Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant
company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people
flock around you.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Jul 4,2017 11:12:52 to Jul 6,2017 23:50:42)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the

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possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Jul 6,2017 23:50:42 to Jul 9,2017 11:54:04)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Jul 9,2017 11:54:04 to Jul 11,2017 22:32:11)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Mars in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Jul 11,2017 04:13:25 to Aug 26,2017 18:56:49)
During this period, Mars will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This brings in happy times

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for you and your family. This period bestows you with landed property, and profit in your field of business
or trade. Some of you are also likely to gain from your siblings during this time. This could also prove to be a
good time for those who are employed. Some of you may expect a rise in your income or position at this
time. Moreover, all your endeavours are likely to succeed bringing you more gains.

This could be regarded as a time when you would see improvement in not only your professional life but also
in your personal day-to-day life. You may also expect an upward move in your social status, prestige and
respect during this time. Your personality would glow reflecting your accomplishments.

Some of you may also expect the birth of a new member in your family bringing you more happiness and
domestic peace. Your children and siblings would bring you more happiness.

Health sector should be fine keeping you hale and hearty, free from diseases. You are also likely to feel more
fearless than ever.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Jul 11,2017 22:32:11 to Jul 14,2017 07:03:15)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Jul 14,2017 07:03:15 to Jul 16,2017 12:48:55)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Sun in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Jul 16,2017 08:25:03 to Aug 16,2017 16:22:32)
This transit of the Sun mostly means monetary gains, improved economic and social status.

This is a suitable time for you to approach your boss/employer for any favors such as asking for a promotion.
You will rise in your position at the work place, and get unexpected benefits from your superiors or

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You could also expect profit in trade and attainment of wealth during this time and even gains from your

Your social prestige would see a rise and you would gain more honour in your neighbourhood.

Health would remain fine during this time and your sound health could be a happy occasion for the family.

This period also signifies the commencement of some spiritual constructive deed at your home leading to
even more happiness. Merrymaking, distribution and indulgence of good food and sweets at home could also
be expected during this time. Overall, a comfortable period is denoted for you and your family leading to
familial peace during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Jul 16,2017 12:48:55 to Jul 18,2017 15:46:17)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with
anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems
in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Jul 18,2017 15:46:17 to Jul 20,2017 16:39:38)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away

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from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Jul 20,2017 16:39:38 to Jul 22,2017 16:58:15)
The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Mercury in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Jul 21,2017 00:52:35 to Aug 11,2017
During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for
you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations
as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish
any of the task undertaken by you.

Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect
and try and keep your honour in the society.

You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness
during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase.

You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you
during this particular point of time.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Jul 22,2017 16:58:15 to Jul 24,2017 18:30:15)
The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

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This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Jul 24,2017 18:30:15 to Jul 26,2017 22:54:18)
Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Venus in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Jul 26,2017 02:59:52 to Aug 20,2017 22:22:44)
During this period, Venus will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This brings in mental anguish,
agitation and restlessness. Physical health also suffers during this particular time.

You may have to be extra careful with your finances and try to avoid any kind of loans, as you are likely to be
under debts during this particular phase.

Beware of your enemies and avoid unnecessary and useless, discussions, as it might lead to quarrels
increasing the number of your enemies. Be careful to avoid defamation and humiliation in the society.

Be cautious while handling your relatives and women folks as a silly misunderstanding may add on to the
number of your enemies. Avoid all kinds of arguments with your spouse to maintain the healthy equilibrium
in the marriage.

You are likely to face trouble caused by higher authority of your chosen field or by the government. You may
have to put in extra hard work to meet with success in all your endeavours.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Jul 26,2017 22:54:18 to Jul 29,2017 06:56:48)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from

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your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Jul 29,2017 06:56:48 to Jul 31,2017 18:08:47)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Jul 31,2017 18:08:47 to Aug 3,2017 06:42:53)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Aug 3,2017 06:42:53 to Aug 5,2017 18:39:35)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

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This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Aug 5,2017 18:39:35 to Aug 8,2017 04:45:26)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Aug 8,2017 04:45:26 to Aug 10,2017 12:37:19)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Aug 10,2017 12:37:19 to Aug 12,2017 18:20:05)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you

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would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall
happy period.

Transit of Mercury in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Aug 11,2017 18:34:49 to Aug 19,2018
During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates
achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to
receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments
are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are
likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity
especially during this time.

Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and
very cordial in your behaviour.

At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may
also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort.

Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant
company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people
flock around you.

Transit of Mercury in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Aug 11,2017 19:34:49 to Jun 25,2018
During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment
and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very
good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on

Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting
during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the
opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time.

Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you
may expect other monetary gain as well.

This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may
command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social
welfare work.

Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would
find calmness in life during this particular time.

Transit of Mercury in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Aug 11,2017 20:34:49 to Jun 9,2018 21:01:13)

During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings

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from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take
care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your
actions done at this time.

Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new.

Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons.

Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with
your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels.

During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to
religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any
task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard.

Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired
result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind.

Transit of Mercury in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Aug 11,2017 21:34:49 to May 26,2018
During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies
wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect
financial stability and gain in financial ventures.

Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would

This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your
children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also
remain happy and content during this particular period.

This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make
right decisions.

Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also
expect help from all the sides.

However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food
intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay.

Transit of Mercury in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Aug 11,2017 22:34:49 to May 9,2018 07:57:39)

During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some
trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience
physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase.

Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with
the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and
communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you

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may have to face humiliation.

You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may
not yield the expected result and could be troublesome.

Transit of Mercury in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Aug 11,2017 23:34:49 to Mar 2,2018 19:26:52)

During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag
of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your
personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the

You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings.

This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be

Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment.

However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies.

You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer.

It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you
during this particular period.

Transit of Mercury in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Aug 12,2017 00:34:49 to Feb 14,2018 16:07:18)

During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a
troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of
arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to
be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved

Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely
to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk
to your life.

Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out.

This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort.

There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you
need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction.

Transit of Mercury in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Aug 12,2017 01:34:49 to Dec 2,2017 18:49:29)

During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in

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every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would
succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be

Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or
property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex.

At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your
mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the

You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with.

Transit of Mercury in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Aug 12,2017 02:34:49 to Nov 24,2017
During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a
rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and
employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings.

Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give
you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life.

Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any
loss of wealth.

This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress
and unexpected hassles in your endeavours.

Transit of Mercury in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Aug 12,2017 03:34:49 to Nov 1,2017 11:59:19)

During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary
gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems.

This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of

This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary

However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy
could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a
near friend.

Transit of Mercury in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Aug 12,2017 04:34:49 to Oct 13,2017 13:45:19)

During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some
negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone
unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over

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the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best
should be the focus during this time.

You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be
cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances.

You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing
with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle.
Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self
worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and
experience to avoid any glitch in your life.

Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or
ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up
related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious
work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly
during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of

Transit of Mercury in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Aug 12,2017 05:34:49 to Sep 26,2017
During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for
you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations
as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish
any of the task undertaken by you.

Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect
and try and keep your honour in the society.

You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness
during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase.

You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you
during this particular point of time.

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Aug 12,2017 18:20:05 to Aug 14,2017 22:05:57)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with
anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems

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in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Aug 14,2017 22:05:57 to Aug 17,2017 00:25:13)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Sun in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Aug 16,2017 16:22:32 to Sep 16,2017 15:29:44)
This particular period signifies monetary challenges. You would have to take extra care while handling
finances during this period.

If employed, you may find yourself having a bit of a hard time with your employer. He will tend to not
appreciate your work and you may feel a threat of being given less responsibilities or less pay. Do not get
disheartened if your efforts and hard work do not give you the desired result at this time.

If you are into trade, you may have to go through a few setbacks. Be careful in your dealings.

This period may also take you through a rough weather socially. Avoid arguments with anybody, as quarrels
with friends and seniors could not be ruled out during this phase.

You may also have to go on long trips, which may not bring in the desired result.

Avoid activities that involve physical risks and make safety your first priority.

Take care of your health and that of your family during this time as you may develop fever, stomach trouble
and some discomfort in the eyes. Discontentment during this particular time may affect peace and harmony at

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Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Aug 17,2017 00:25:13 to Aug 19,2017 02:06:58)

The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Aug 19,2017 02:06:58 to Aug 21,2017 04:21:28)

The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Venus in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Aug 20,2017 22:22:44 to Sep 15,2017 00:09:10)

During this period, Venus will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This mostly signifies
financial security and relief from debts. You may also expect solutions to your other economic problems as

This period also brings in success in your endeavours. Your popularity increases and your reputation would
also see an upward move during this period.

You are likely concentrate on acquisition of material comfort, means of pleasure, good food, clothing, jewels
and other exotic accessories. You may consider owning a house as well.

Socially a bright period could be predicted. You could expect a rise in your status and prestige in the society
and cooperation of your friends.

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You may also expect good times with the members of the opposite sex. If married you are likely to savour
conjugal bliss with your spouse.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Aug 21,2017 04:21:28 to Aug 23,2017 08:30:10)

Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Aug 23,2017 08:30:10 to Aug 25,2017 15:38:57)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Aug 25,2017 15:38:57 to Aug 28,2017 02:01:14)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too

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hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Mars in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Aug 26,2017 18:56:49 to Oct 13,2017 06:12:52)
During this period, Mars will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This signifies body pain and
general sufferings. This period may prove to be taxing for you if care is not taken in time. Pay attention to any
health related issues, as you are likely to develop discomforts or ailments particularly related to eyes and
stomach. Take care of your feet as well. This is the time when you must stay away from activities that might
be risky to your life. Some of you may even suffer from nightmarish dreams or dream disorders.

Your work life could also be strenuous and you may also have to put in loads of hard work to see the face of
success in your projects. If measures are not taken, some of you may even risk your position at work and be
humiliated and dishonoured.

Take care of finances and avoid any kind of unnecessary expenditure.

At home, maintain a congenial relationship with your wife, children, sibling and relatives. Avoid any kind of
arguments with them. Stay away from further conflicts with your enemies and be cautious enough not to
create some new ones.

This period may bring in some opportunities for you to travel abroad. However, some of you may not get the
desired result from travelling and may end up wandering aimlessly.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Aug 28,2017 02:01:14 to Aug 30,2017 14:23:11)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Aug 30,2017 14:23:11 to Sep 2,2017 02:29:27)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

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Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Sep 2,2017 02:29:27 to Sep 4,2017 12:24:03)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Sep 4,2017 12:24:03 to Sep 6,2017 19:29:17)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Sep 6,2017 19:29:17 to Sep 9,2017 00:11:50)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

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Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Rahu in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Sep 8,2017 17:59:05 to Mar 23,2019 01:13:39)
During this period, Rahu will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This brings in good times
for you. This period could be regarded as particularly favourable for matters related to your finances. You
may expect the inflow of money, some of which could be sudden, from several sources including foreign
travel, sea voyage and business relating to the waterways. You may even acquire some landed property and
buy some jewellery during this particular time.

Domestic life would be good. You are likely to enjoy exotic dishes at home. Your ailing spouse would
recover from diseases and would be glowing with health. If you have children of marriageable age, you may
plan their marriage with suitable person during this time. Ailing children, if any, would travel the road of fast
recovery during this period.

This could be regarded as a socially good time as well, as you would be able to command more respect and
honour in the society. Your interest in religious and spiritual field would increase and you may also get
providential help from these disciplines.

Transit of Ketu in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Sep 8,2017 17:59:05 to Mar 23,2019 01:13:39)
During this period, Ketu will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This brings in significant ups
and downs into your life. There could be, on one hand, unusual gain of money and excessive expenditure on
the other. You may find it hard to stop unnecessary expenses especially if it is a period of the waning moon.
These expenditures could be because of your children's mental agony. However, some of you may also expect
sudden gain of money during this time. Avoid taking any loan at this time.

During the time of the waxing moon, you may have to go through a rough phase worrying about the health of
your children. Do not neglect any physical complaint of your child, as it could also become life risking one.
Death of a family member or relative may also happen during this time. Avoid being caught in tricky
situations with your relatives. Maintain a cordial relationship with your family and relatives, as there is a
chance of them becoming your enemies.

Keep your spirits high as due to unsuccessful or suspended endeavours, you are likely to suffer from deep
mental anguish during this particular phase.

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Sep 9,2017 00:11:50 to Sep 11,2017 03:29:15)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with

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anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems
in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Sep 11,2017 03:29:15 to Sep 13,2017 06:13:48)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Jupiter in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Sep 11,2017 21:06:06 to Oct 11,2018 08:05:31)

During this period, Jupiter will move through your second house from the Moon. This mostly denotes good
times. This could be a rewarding phase for you where you are likely to add on to your present financial
earnings, gain profit in trade, agriculture and also spend happily on charity. This period may also see you
investing in landed property or real estate and would help you repay your debts if any.

On the home front, this should be a happy phase bringing happiness to your family. You may also expect to
enjoy married life. You may also expect a new member in the family.

At work, you would be able to gain confidence of your seniors and would also be able to influence others.

You would gain over your enemies during this time. Socially, this should be a satisfying period for you, as
you are likely to command more respect and you would experience heightened grandeur and dignity.

Mentally you would be at peace and you are also likely to sharpen your intellect during this particular time.

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Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Sep 13,2017 06:13:48 to Sep 15,2017 09:05:17)
The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Venus in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Sep 15,2017 00:09:10 to Oct 9,2017 11:36:43)
During this period, Venus will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag
of positive and negative happenings. On one hand this period signifies financial gain and on the other, it also
denotes some unforeseen losses of wealth and clothing. This period also indicates unnecessary expenditure
and wastage of money on a trip to a foreign country.

This period would see you indulging in good attire of which you may also lose some. Take extra care to avoid
any theft in the house particularly during this time.

However, at home you would enjoy conjugal bliss. If unmarried, you may expect to savour some sensual
pleasure with member of the opposite sex.

Friends would be good to you and would be cooperative and helpful towards you.

Try to stay away from sharp weapons and doubtful people. If you are involved with agriculture, you may have
to take extra care to avoid any loss during this particular time.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Sep 15,2017 09:05:17 to Sep 17,2017 12:36:51)
The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

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Transit of Sun in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Sep 16,2017 15:29:44 to Oct 17,2017 02:47:47)
The Sun's transit through the first house has a noticeable influence on your work as well as personal life.
There could be a permanent or temporary change of place, difficulty at the work place, or a ruffled time with
your superiors at work or your employer. You need to take extra care to avoid getting a bad reputation at the
workplace, as you may feel more irritable, tired and prone to have disagreements.

To complete the tasks on hand or to meet your set objectives may take more effort than usual. There is a
heightened chance for going on long trips, which may not bring the desired result, or may turn out not to have
been necessary in the first place.

During this period you could feel more tired than usual. Your health would need extra attention as you are
susceptible to stomach problems, disturbed bowel movement, discomfort in the eyes and heart related
problems during this time. Avoid activities that are physically risky, as there is a tendency toward accidents.

On the home front, you need to put extra attention on avoiding disputes among family and friends, and make
sure you get the extra rest to minimise irritability and mental tension. Disagreements may crop up between
you and your spouse, and may affect your married life. Overall harmony and peace at home could also be
challenged during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Sep 17,2017 12:36:51 to Sep 19,2017 17:28:26)
Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Sep 19,2017 17:28:26 to Sep 22,2017 00:32:09)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

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This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Sep 22,2017 00:32:09 to Sep 24,2017 10:20:38)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Sep 24,2017 10:20:38 to Sep 26,2017 22:27:13)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Mercury in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Sep 26,2017 11:25:04 to Oct 13,2017 13:45:19)

During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some
negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone
unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over
the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best
should be the focus during this time.

You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be
cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances.

You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing
with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle.
Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self

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worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and
experience to avoid any glitch in your life.

Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or
ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up
related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious
work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly
during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Sep 26,2017 22:27:13 to Sep 29,2017 10:56:24)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Sep 29,2017 10:56:24 to Oct 1,2017 21:20:00)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Oct 1,2017 21:20:00 to Oct 4,2017 04:15:22)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that

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object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Oct 4,2017 04:15:22 to Oct 6,2017 08:00:33)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Oct 6,2017 08:00:33 to Oct 8,2017 09:58:53)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with
anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems
in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Oct 8,2017 09:58:53 to Oct 10,2017 11:45:54)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome

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chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Venus in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Oct 9,2017 11:36:43 to Nov 2,2017 12:24:32)
During this period, Venus will move through your first house from the Moon. This mostly signifies material
and sensual comfort for you. You may expect a lot of happenings on the personal front. If eligible, you are
likely to find your perfect match during this time. Some of you may also expect the arrival of a new member
in the family.

Socially, this is a good period to meet new people and enjoy the company of the opposite sex. You would be
honoured and your status is also likely to be heightened in the society. You would also get plenty of
opportunity to enjoy and would also indulge in exotic culinary dishes. This period would also let you acquire
sensuous material and accessories to enrich your life. You are likely to indulge in clothes, perfumes,
cosmetics and vehicles as well.

Financially, you would sail through smoothly during this period. Your economic condition would also
improve during this particular time.

If you are a student, this could prove to be a very good period for you to succeed in your field of learning.

You may also expect the annihilation of your enemies during this time. Stay away from any influence that
might create a negative outburst in you.

Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Oct 10,2017 11:45:54 to Oct 12,2017 14:32:21)
The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

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If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Oct 12,2017 14:32:21 to Oct 14,2017 18:50:22)
The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Mars in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Oct 13,2017 06:12:52 to Nov 29,2017 17:34:20)
During this period, Mars will move through your first house from the Moon. This mostly connotes
difficulties. This period may take you through a bumpy road in matters of your business or profession. You
may find it difficult to finish your projects successfully on time. It is better not to start anything new during
this particular period. If employed, try and avoid any kind of arguments and misunderstanding with your
seniors, employers and government departments. Some of you may also see a change of your position during
this time.

Keep an eye on your enemies as they may create more problems for you at this time.

Your finances would also require proper attention, as you are likely to lose on undesired expenses. Cut down
on your urge to spend money.

This period also brings in ample opportunities or reasons to travel. Moreover, this period may also keep you
away from your near and dear ones. Those who are married may have to stay away from your spouse and
children, if any.

Your health needs proper attention during this period. You are likely to feel lacklustre and be unenthusiastic
about everything in life. You are also susceptible to developing fever and some ailments related to blood and
the stomach. Stay away from sharp weapons, fire, poisonous animals and from everything that might risk
your life.

You must keep up your spirits at this time, as you may suffer from bouts of depression, bewilderment and
may develop unnecessary fear.

Transit of Mercury in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Oct 13,2017 13:45:19 to Nov 1,2017 11:59:19)

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During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary
gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems.

This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of

This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary

However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy
could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a
near friend.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Oct 14,2017 18:50:22 to Oct 17,2017 00:47:09)
Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Oct 17,2017 00:47:09 to Oct 19,2017 08:29:42)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

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Transit of Sun in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Oct 17,2017 02:47:47 to Nov 16,2017 02:20:09)
The Sun's transit through the second house could prove to be a monetarily challenging for you. This period
mostly portends absence of expected result or profit in trade and decline in wealth. If you deal in agriculture
or trading, this period may bring you some setbacks.

This is the time when you are more susceptible to fears than usual. You may feel at risk of being cheated, or
experience anxiety for no apparent reason at all. As a result, you may find it difficult to handle ordinary
affairs of your life as smoothly as you would otherwise do.

You may find yourself not so happy and getting irritated easily even at your near and dear ones, and you may
feel less compassion and flexible than usual.

If you are susceptible to headaches or problems with your eyes, this is a time were the symptoms may

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Oct 19,2017 08:29:42 to Oct 21,2017 18:18:38)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Oct 21,2017 18:18:38 to Oct 24,2017 06:14:40)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Oct 24,2017 06:14:40 to Oct 26,2017 19:05:57)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

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Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Saturn in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Oct 26,2017 02:32:27 to Jan 23,2020 22:25:46)
Saturn in the fourth house from your Moon sign brings an uneasy time. Apart from other aspects of life, your
finances will require careful handling during this transit. Avoid wasting money. You may develop a lack of
enthusiasm when it comes to your work or profession. You may even start disliking your job and may face the
wrath of your boss or a higher authority. Some of you are likely to be transferred to another place of work
during this period. Socially this may not be a good time for you. Make efforts to maintain popularity in your
social circle. Avoid any activity that might cause you humiliation. Health matters require your focused
attention. Some of you are likely to develop lethargy, stomach discomfort, flatulence and other minor
ailments. You may also experience anguish, fear, mental confusion and anxiety during this time. Some of you
may have bad thoughts or feel the urge to do sinful deeds.

Avoid getting into any arguments with your enemies. You may be separated from your friends and
supporters. At home, take care of your wife and children, as they may be susceptible to disease or other life
threatening situations. There may be a death in the family. Avoid getting involved in any kind of unpleasant
situation with your relatives and near and dear ones. This period may see you creating enemies within your
immediate family or with relatives. Beware of hidden enemies during this time. On the other hand, some of
you may expect childbirth in your family.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Oct 26,2017 19:05:57 to Oct 29,2017 06:28:36)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

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Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Oct 29,2017 06:28:36 to Oct 31,2017 14:13:02)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Oct 31,2017 14:13:02 to Nov 2,2017 17:58:39)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Mercury in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Nov 1,2017 11:59:19 to Nov 24,2017 00:05:05)

During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a
rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and
employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings.

Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give
you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life.

Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any
loss of wealth.

This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress
and unexpected hassles in your endeavours.

Transit of Venus in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Nov 2,2017 12:24:32 to Nov 26,2017 08:57:57)
During this period, Venus will move through your second house from the Moon. This mostly denotes
pecuniary gain for you. Moreover, this period also sees you having a great time with your spouse and other
family members. If applicable, you can also expect a baby in your family.

Financially you would be comfortable and the prosperity of your family in general is expected to be on the

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upward move. Personally, you are likely to acquire great attire and accessories including precious gems for
yourself. Your interest in art and music would increase. You may also expect some favour from the higher
authorities or the government.

Health is expected to be fine and you may consider improving your present look as well.

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Nov 2,2017 17:58:39 to Nov 4,2017 18:57:21)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with
anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems
in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Nov 4,2017 18:57:21 to Nov 6,2017 19:10:48)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Nov 6,2017 19:10:48 to Nov 8,2017 20:32:21)

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The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Nov 8,2017 20:32:21 to Nov 11,2017 00:13:52)
The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Nov 11,2017 00:13:52 to Nov 13,2017 06:29:36)

Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Nov 13,2017 06:29:36 to Nov 15,2017 14:59:20)

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This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Nov 15,2017 14:59:20 to Nov 18,2017 01:19:18)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Sun in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Nov 16,2017 02:20:09 to Dec 15,2017 17:03:50)
This transit of the Sun brings a positive boost in your professional and personal life.

You are likely to progress in your career with an increased recognition from the employer or authorities.
There is an increased chance for promotion or better employment. You feel energetic and enthusiastic, and
will experience a heightened ability to overcome obstacles, resolve problems, and overcome possible
obstruction from adversaries. Your work is most likely to be successful and bear fruit. This will result in
financial gains, and absence of money related worries

You will do well socially, and feel successful, respected, and appreciated. Friends, family and acquaintances
will love you and you have a chance to spend time with them. Your mind is at peace, and you feel happy and
comfortable with your life. If you have children, you will enjoy parenthood.

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Your heightened mental and physical fitness will come along with sound health, and absence of diseases.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Nov 18,2017 01:19:18 to Nov 20,2017 13:17:33)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Nov 20,2017 13:17:33 to Nov 23,2017 02:15:35)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Nov 23,2017 02:15:35 to Nov 25,2017 14:29:52)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

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Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Mercury in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Nov 24,2017 00:05:05 to Dec 2,2017 18:49:29)

During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in
every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would
succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be

Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or
property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex.

At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your
mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the

You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Nov 25,2017 14:29:52 to Nov 27,2017 23:43:13)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Venus in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Nov 26,2017 08:57:57 to Dec 20,2017 06:12:13)
During this period, Venus will move through your third house from the Moon. This denotes happiness and
contentment for you. You may expect an upward move in your financial condition giving you financial

This could also be a professionally good period for you and you may also expect a rise in position. You may
also expect a gain in authority. Your ventures are likely to earn profits as well.

Socially this should be a good time for you, as you are likely to overcome all your fears and worries. Your
colleagues and acquaintances would be cooperative and helpful towards you. You are also likely to widen
your circle of friends and win over your enemies during this particular time.

Your rapport with your immediate family would be cordial and your siblings are also likely to enjoy good
times with you. Moreover, you may also indulge in good clothes and great food during this time. Your
interest towards religion would rise and an auspicious happening may cheer you up as well.

Health is likely to be in good shape. If eligible, you may also consider marriage, as this seems to be a good
time to find the perfect match. Some of you may also expect a new member in your family.

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However, this period may not be as good. Some of you are susceptible to face loss in trade and finances.
Your enemies may also create problem for you during this time. Stay away from all kinds of arguments and

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Nov 27,2017 23:43:13 to Nov 30,2017 04:41:46)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Mars in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Nov 29,2017 17:34:20 to Jan 16,2018 14:51:23)
During this period, Mars will move through your second house from the Moon. This mostly suggests a period
of loss. Take good care of your finances and focus on the safety of your valuables as you may suffer some
losses due to theft during this period.

You may also face a rutted phase at your work place due to several unpleasant happenings. Keep yourself
away from arguments. Watch your words before uttering them to anybody. Your work or profession may see
a very low phase during this time and some of you may even lose your position if not handled carefully.

Beware of your old enemies and avoid creating new ones. You may develop the negative emotion of jealousy
towards others during this time. Beware of any wrath of the government or the state authority. During this
particular period, you are also likely to befriend some wicked people and get involved in quarrels with your
family and dear ones.

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Nov 30,2017 04:41:46 to Dec 2,2017 05:57:16)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with
anybody particularly at this time.

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Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems
in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Dec 2,2017 05:57:16 to Dec 4,2017 05:19:38)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Mercury in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Dec 2,2017 18:49:29 to Feb 14,2018 16:07:18)

During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a
troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of
arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to
be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved

Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely
to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk
to your life.

Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out.

This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort.

There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you
need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction.

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Transit of Mercury in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Dec 2,2017 19:49:29 to Mar 2,2018 19:26:52)
During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag
of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your
personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the

You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings.

This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be

Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment.

However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies.

You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer.

It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you
during this particular period.

Transit of Mercury in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Dec 2,2017 20:49:29 to May 9,2018 07:57:39)
During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some
trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience
physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase.

Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with
the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and
communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you
may have to face humiliation.

You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may
not yield the expected result and could be troublesome.

Transit of Mercury in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Dec 2,2017 21:49:29 to May 26,2018 20:27:50)

During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies
wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect
financial stability and gain in financial ventures.

Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would

This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your
children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also
remain happy and content during this particular period.

This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make
right decisions.

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Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also
expect help from all the sides.

However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food
intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay.

Transit of Mercury in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Dec 2,2017 22:49:29 to Jun 9,2018 21:01:13)
During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings
from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take
care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your
actions done at this time.

Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new.

Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons.

Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with
your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels.

During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to
religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any
task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard.

Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired
result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind.

Transit of Mercury in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Dec 2,2017 23:49:29 to Jun 25,2018 05:04:03)

During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment
and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very
good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on

Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting
during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the
opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time.

Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you
may expect other monetary gain as well.

This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may
command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social
welfare work.

Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would
find calmness in life during this particular time.

Transit of Mercury in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Dec 3,2017 00:49:29 to Aug 19,2018 06:35:13)

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During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates
achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to
receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments
are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are
likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity
especially during this time.

Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and
very cordial in your behaviour.

At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may
also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort.

Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant
company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people
flock around you.

Transit of Mercury in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Dec 3,2017 01:49:29 to Sep 18,2018 15:25:13)

During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for
you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations
as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish
any of the task undertaken by you.

Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect
and try and keep your honour in the society.

You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness
during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase.

You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you
during this particular point of time.

Transit of Mercury in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Dec 3,2017 02:49:29 to Oct 6,2018 02:19:19)
During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some
negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone
unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over
the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best
should be the focus during this time.

You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be
cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances.

You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing
with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle.
Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self

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worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and
experience to avoid any glitch in your life.

Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or
ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up
related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious
work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly
during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of

Transit of Mercury in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Dec 3,2017 03:49:29 to Oct 26,2018 09:20:57)

During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary
gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems.

This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of

This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary

However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy
could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a
near friend.

Transit of Mercury in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Dec 3,2017 04:49:29 to Dec 22,2017 06:06:37)

During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a
rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and
employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings.

Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give
you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life.

Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any
loss of wealth.

This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress
and unexpected hassles in your endeavours.

Transit of Mercury in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Dec 3,2017 05:49:29 to Dec 10,2017 12:45:33)

During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in
every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would
succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be

Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or

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property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex.

At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your
mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the

You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with.

Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Dec 4,2017 05:19:38 to Dec 6,2017 05:02:02)
The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Dec 6,2017 05:02:02 to Dec 8,2017 06:57:45)
The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Dec 8,2017 06:57:45 to Dec 10,2017 12:10:43)
Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during

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this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Dec 10,2017 12:10:43 to Dec 12,2017 20:35:03)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Mercury in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Dec 10,2017 12:45:33 to Dec 22,2017 06:06:37)

During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a
rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and
employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings.

Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give
you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life.

Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any
loss of wealth.

This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress
and unexpected hassles in your endeavours.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Dec 12,2017 20:35:03 to Dec 15,2017 07:22:07)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out

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of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Dec 15,2017 07:22:07 to Dec 17,2017 19:36:39)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Sun in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Dec 15,2017 17:03:50 to Jan 14,2018 04:02:56)
The period when the Sun travels through the fourth house may connote decline in your present social status
and difficulty in maintaining your position at the workplace. It would be better to avoid any arguments with
your seniors, mentors or well wishers during this time.

This period could prove to be distressful, prone to experiencing grief and a time of misery. Your mind may
have a hard time staying focussed on constructive thoughts, and instead be drawn to find an escape in
something of an addictive nature, compensating for it's restless state.

Married life during this particular period may become tense and there could also be a considerable decline in
conjugal ecstasy. Don't let the disturbance in your mind project itself in creating any kind of quarrels with
your family, or the peace at home may suffer. Overall, you may experience a dip in your happiness in the
domestic and social realm.

On the health front, your mental disturbance may reflect in some physical complaints or even ailments.

Plans for journeys may face obstacles, and when you do travel you may have problems being comfortable,
such as lack of food.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Dec 17,2017 19:36:39 to Dec 20,2017 08:31:10)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try

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to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Venus in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Dec 20,2017 06:12:13 to Jan 13,2018 04:21:21)
During this period, Venus will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This mostly denotes financial
growth for you. You could also expect a rise in your prosperity. If you deal in agriculture, this could prove to
be a good time bringing you profit in your agricultural venture.

At home, you are likely to spend quality time with your spouse and children discussing matters of
importance. Moreover, you would also enjoy good food, gorgeous attire and perfumes.

The social aspect of your life would be full of happenings. Your popularity would increase and you are most
likely to acquire new friends. The company of your old and new friends would give you much happiness and
you may even consider staying away from home having fun. This period is also likely to see you enjoying the
company of the opposite sex.

Health should remain fine and you would feel more energetic than ever. Acquisition of material comfort could
also become a priority for you during this particular period.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Dec 20,2017 08:31:10 to Dec 22,2017 20:59:23)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Mercury in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 06:06:37 to Jan 27,2018 12:33:50)

During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in
every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would

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succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be

Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or
property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex.

At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your
mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the

You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with.

Transit of Mercury in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 06:24:44 to Feb 14,2018 16:07:18)

During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a
troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of
arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to
be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved

Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely
to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk
to your life.

Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out.

This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort.

There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you
need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction.

Transit of Mercury in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 06:42:52 to Mar 2,2018 19:26:52)

During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag
of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your
personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the

You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings.

This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be

Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment.

However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies.

You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer.

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It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you
during this particular period.

Transit of Mercury in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 07:01:00 to May 9,2018 07:57:39)

During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some
trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience
physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase.

Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with
the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and
communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you
may have to face humiliation.

You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may
not yield the expected result and could be troublesome.

Transit of Mercury in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 07:19:08 to May 26,2018
During this period, Mercury will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies
wealth and success. It indicates success in all your work and projects. During this period you may expect
financial stability and gain in financial ventures.

Socially you would see a rise in your status. People would respect you more and your popularity would

This period may also let you acquire a comfortable lifestyle. You are also likely to gain happiness from your
children. You are likely to receive happiness with a newborn member in the family. Your children would also
remain happy and content during this particular period.

This period sees a more alert and clever you. You would be able to use your intuition and intellect to make
right decisions.

Your enemies are likely to be defeated and will be mellowed down by your aura. Moreover, you may also
expect help from all the sides.

However, your health would require your attention, as you are susceptible to fall sick. Take care of your food
intake and keep your spirits high to keep gloominess and unnecessary fears at bay.

Transit of Mercury in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 07:37:16 to Jun 9,2018 21:01:13)

During this period, Mercury will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This signifies sufferings
from diseases. This particular phase may bring in obstruction and interruptions in your field of work. Take
care to keep your respect and position in the workplace intact. Make sure you don't have to regret any of your
actions done at this time.

Watch out for probable hurdles before venturing into something new.

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Mentally you may feel hassled, over burdened, and unstable due to several reasons.

Beware of your enemies as they could harm you more during this particular phase. Avoid any arguments with
your family and relatives as this may lead to unnecessary quarrels.

During this period you are susceptible to become irritable and may try to find out faults in matters related to
religion, common belief etc. This period may also demand more labour from you in order to accomplish any
task undertaken. However, a feeling of lack of interest may stop you from working hard.

Avoid undertaking any long distance travel, as it is likely to be troublesome and may not give you the desired
result. Take care of your food habits and try and keep yourself in a positive frame of mind.

Transit of Mercury in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 07:55:24 to Jun 25,2018
During this period, Mercury will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This denotes contentment
and good times for you. You would be happy and successful in all your endeavours. Professionally a very
good period could be expected as well. You would be able to finish off the work given to you successfully on

Happiness at home is also indicated during this time. You could also expect to meet someone interesting
during this time. Some of you may also expect to spend some passionate time with someone new of the
opposite sex. Possibility of gain from this person is also indicated during this particular time.

Financially, this could be a good time for you. The success in your endeavours will be gainful for you and you
may expect other monetary gain as well.

This period may also bring in a rise in your status in the society. You are likely to be honoured and may
command more respect in the society. You may become socially more active and may get involved in social
welfare work.

Mentally peace and calmness is indicated. Your enemies are likely to be defeated with ease and you would
find calmness in life during this particular time.

Transit of Mercury in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 08:13:32 to Aug 19,2018
During this period, Mercury will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This indicates
achievement and monetary gain. This period is likely to bring in financial gains for you. You may expect to
receive higher monetary gains from different sources. Your personal endeavours, businesses and investments
are likely to bring in higher financial gains and more profits. If you are a professional or employed, you are
likely to be more successful during this particular period. You are likely to prosper in your field of activity
especially during this time.

Health should be good. You are likely to be at peace with yourself. You may become more soft-spoken and
very cordial in your behaviour.

At home, you may expect a good time. Your spouse and children will also be happy and cordial. You may
also expect to get some favourable news. You are likely to be surrounded by material comfort.

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Socially this is a good phase as well. You would be able to command more respect in the society. Pleasant
company of the opposite sex would also surround you. Your wit and pleasant nature would also make people
flock around you.

Transit of Mercury in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 08:31:40 to Sep 18,2018
During this period, Mercury will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes expenses for
you. You may have to spend more than expected in order to live a comfortable life. Stay away from litigations
as this may also cause some loss of money. Moreover, you may also have to work extra hard to accomplish
any of the task undertaken by you.

Beware of your enemies and stay out of their way in order to avoid any humiliation. Hold on to your respect
and try and keep your honour in the society.

You could be mentally disturbed due to several reasons. You are susceptible to worries and restlessness
during this particular time. You are also likely to be distressed and feel discontented during this phase.

You are likely to lose interest in food and conjugal life. A feeling of sickness and suffering may trouble you
during this particular point of time.

Transit of Mercury in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 08:49:48 to Oct 6,2018 02:19:19)
During this period, Mercury will move through your first house from the Moon. This may bring in some
negative results in your life. This mostly brings in a situation where you may have to serve someone
unwillingly. You are also susceptible to face oppression of some kind. Take care to avoid facing a haul over
the coals and the lashes of unsympathetic words from others. Keeping a low profile and doing your task best
should be the focus during this time.

You may also have to watch out for unnecessary expenditure as this may cause a big hole in your wallet. Be
cautious with your spending and pay attention to the safety of your finances.

You are also likely to befriend some bad personalities who may cause harm. Watch your words while dealing
with your near and dear ones. Your insensitivity may create some unnecessary enemies within your circle.
Avoid any kind of lawsuits and bad company. Be careful not to do anything that may make you lose your self
worth. You would always need your good fortune, so, save it. Take advantage of your education and
experience to avoid any glitch in your life.

Be flexible during this period, as you may have to make some last minute changes in your plan, project or
ideas due to pressure from different quarters or due to some anticipated fear. Obstructions may crop up
related to your foreign residence if applicable. You may also find obstacles in performing any auspicious
work at home. Take care of your family and yourself as you may become susceptible to deception particularly
during this phase. Avoid travel if possible as you may not get the desired pleasure or expected result out of

Transit of Mercury in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 09:07:56 to Oct 26,2018 09:20:57)

During this period, Mercury will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies pecuniary
gain and growth of income especially to those who deal in precious gems.

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This period is also likely to bring in happiness to you in the form of success in learning and attainment of

This period also brings in the company of good people and gives you an opportunity to savour exotic culinary

However, for some, this particular period may bring in sufferings, bad name in the society and your enemy
could also be more harmful than usual. This phase also indicates a probable loss of one of your relatives or a
near friend.

Transit of Mercury in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 09:26:04 to Dec 22,2017 06:06:37)

During this period, Mercury will move through your third house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a
rough phase with your superiors. You may have to be extra careful while dealing with your superiors and
employer. Avoid any kind of argument that may lead to differences of opinion and misunderstandings.

Stay away from your known enemies and be careful of unknown ones. However, this period may also give
you few new and worthy friends whom you would treasure for life.

Handle your finances carefully as money needs extra attention during this period. Be cautious to avoid any
loss of wealth.

This journey of Mercury may make you suffer from depression, trouble in recollection of facts, mental stress
and unexpected hassles in your endeavours.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Dec 22,2017 20:59:23 to Dec 25,2017 07:21:35)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Dec 25,2017 07:21:35 to Dec 27,2017 14:05:02)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

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Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Dec 27,2017 14:05:02 to Dec 29,2017 16:54:16)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with
anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems
in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Dec 29,2017 16:54:16 to Dec 31,2017 16:54:06)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Dec 31,2017 16:54:06 to Jan 2,2018 16:02:03)
The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of

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worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Jan 2,2018 16:02:03 to Jan 4,2018 16:23:57)
The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Jan 4,2018 16:23:57 to Jan 6,2018 19:43:32)
Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Mercury in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Jan 6,2018 10:49:41 to Jan 27,2018 12:33:50)
During this period, Mercury will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This signifies progress in
every aspect of your life. On the personal front you are likely to be content with your life and you would

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succeed and gain in all your undertakings. Your status in the society will be heightened and you would be

Financially this is a very good phase as this period indicates attainment of wealth in the form of money or
property. You may also gain from your spouse or other members of the opposite sex.

At home, this period indicates the arrival of a new member to the family. You are also likely to make your
mother be proud of you. Your mere presence in the family may bring in success to the other members of the

You may also make new friends who are highly educated and gentle people to be with.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Jan 6,2018 19:43:32 to Jan 9,2018 02:50:35)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Jan 9,2018 02:50:35 to Jan 11,2018 13:18:27)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Jan 11,2018 13:18:27 to Jan 14,2018 01:44:04)

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Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Venus in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Jan 13,2018 04:21:21 to Feb 6,2018 02:00:55)
During this period, Venus will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This signifies a time mostly
spent being entertained. This period also denotes a good time financially, as you would be able to increase
your funds.

If you are taking any examination under any government department during this time, you are most likely to
be successful.

If employed you are also likely to get promoted during this time. Moreover, you may also expect a rise in
position in the society. Your friends, elders and teachers are also expected to be good to you during this
particular period.

Relationships are expected to go smoothly and you may expect intense and sensuous times with your
beloved. You may also enjoy conjugal bliss or the physical company of someone special of the opposite sex.
You may also expect to meet someone new in your family or may even bring in someone new into the

Health should be fine during this time. This period also sees you enjoying delicious food and gain of wealth
and objects that you desire.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Jan 14,2018 01:44:04 to Jan 16,2018 14:36:56)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Sun in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Jan 14,2018 04:02:56 to Feb 12,2018 17:15:15)

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This particular time mostly denotes a period of monetary challenges, and decline in mental peace. On the
work front, you have to take extra care not to get into the bad books of your seniors. Avoid arguments with
your employer or senior staff at your workplace. You may have to deal with some obstacles, which could be
related to competitors, authorities or people you have unfriendly relations with.

If you express your mental anxiety, you are likely to loose goodwill amongst friends and children.

Health would require your attention, as you may feel sick and lethargic. Mental anguish, fear and restlessness
may cast their spells on you, and make you're more prone to be offended by others. You may also become
unstable in your temperament.

Issues related to children may become a matter of concern for you. Avoid discussing anything at this time, as
you are likely to cause disagreements between you and your son.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Jan 16,2018 14:36:56 to Jan 19,2018 02:46:46)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Mars in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Jan 16,2018 14:51:23 to Mar 7,2018 09:04:55)
During this period, Mars will move through your third house from the Moon. This brings in good times and
could be regarded especially well for financial gains. During this time, you are likely to make money in your
trade and profession. You are also likely to acquire valuable ornaments during this phase.

Work should be on a smooth sail and you are likely to succeed in matters of importance. Your new
endeavours would also see success. If employed, you are likely to be promoted to a position of greater
authority and honour. Your success would boost your self-confidence and strengthen your will power during
this time.

Health would remain good and you would shine with health and vigour. Your enthusiasm is likely to be at its
top and you would be relieved from all the past confusion or obstacles. This time also sees you indulging in
exotic culinary delights.

Your enemies would be defeated and you would be at peace with your mind.

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Avoid any trip abroad as it may not bring in the desired result during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Jan 19,2018 02:46:46 to Jan 21,2018 13:13:59)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Jan 21,2018 13:13:59 to Jan 23,2018 21:02:42)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Jan 23,2018 21:02:42 to Jan 26,2018 01:39:52)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with
anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems
in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

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Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Jan 26,2018 01:39:52 to Jan 28,2018 03:25:11)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Mercury in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Jan 27,2018 12:33:50 to Feb 14,2018 16:07:18)

During this period, Mercury will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a
troubled personal life. During this particular period you must try and avoid getting involved in any kind of
arguments with your wife, children and other members of the family. This is not a conducive period for you to
be headstrong and opinionated while dealing with friends as well. Be extra careful while handling your loved

Health could be a matter of concern at this particular point of time. Take care of your food, as you are likely
to suffer from heat stroke or body heat during this time. Do not undertake any activity, which would put a risk
to your life.

Mentally you may feel agitated and all drained out.

This period may also give you some bodily pain leading to much discomfort.

There may also occur troublesome and difficult circumstances in the work front. If you are a student, you
need to be more determined and focused in your studies to avoid any kind of distraction.

Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Jan 28,2018 03:25:11 to Jan 30,2018 03:29:22)
The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

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This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Jan 30,2018 03:29:22 to Feb 1,2018 03:36:13)
The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Feb 1,2018 03:36:13 to Feb 3,2018 05:35:54)
Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Feb 3,2018 05:35:54 to Feb 5,2018 11:00:25)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal

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life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Feb 5,2018 11:00:25 to Feb 7,2018 20:15:19)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Venus in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Feb 6,2018 02:00:55 to Mar 1,2018 23:55:38)
During this period, Venus will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This may bring some trying
times for you. This period sees you going through a lot of trouble in your endeavour. There is a chance that
your enemies will increase and you may even get involved in fights with your business partner. You may have
to compromise with your enemies against your will as well.

Avoid any kind of arguments with your wife and children particularly during this phase.

It is advised that you avoid travelling long distance, as you are susceptible to face with an accident during this

Health would require your extra attention, as you are likely to suffer from ill health, mental unrest, anxiety,
fear and an untimely rise in sexual desires.

Hold on to your respect in the society and your honour at workplace as these could be at risk during this
particular time. Otherwise you may have to face humiliation, useless discussions and litigations.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Feb 7,2018 20:15:19 to Feb 10,2018 08:22:26)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

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This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Feb 10,2018 08:22:26 to Feb 12,2018 21:17:46)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Sun in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Feb 12,2018 17:15:15 to Mar 14,2018 14:06:39)
The period brings success in every aspect of life. You will find yourself overcoming obstacles easily, and it's
a great time for successful problem solving. If anyone gets in your way, you will be able to deal with it easily,
with a minimal of aggravation.

It is a good time to complete any unfinished projects, and you are likely to succeed in whatever you put your
efforts in. Financially you will also do well, and will find it easy to gain in general.

Your mental and physical health will be excellent. Your body will stay healthy and your mind will be free of
too much stress and anxiety. It's a time to enjoy comforts and social relations, especially friendship with
people in powerful positions.

There are good chances for promotion and honour, especially from authorities or government related people

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Feb 12,2018 21:17:46 to Feb 15,2018 09:08:52)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted

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and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Mercury in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Feb 14,2018 16:07:18 to Mar 2,2018 19:26:52)

During this period, Mercury will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This indicates a mixed bag
of positive and negative happenings. This particular period indicates success, stability and progress in your
personal life. Your plans and projects will be successfully accomplished and you would also gain from the

You are also likely to do better in the work front. You may expect progress in all your undertakings.

This period also indicates your popularity in the society. Your status in the society is also likely to be

Health should be fine and you would also have mental peace and contentment.

However, for some, this movement of Mercury may bring in worries and troubles from enemies.

You may have to be extra careful with your finances. Avoid any kind of arguments with your employer.

It is better you stay away from activities involving risk to your health. However, body heat may trouble you
during this particular period.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Feb 15,2018 09:08:52 to Feb 17,2018 18:58:36)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Feb 17,2018 18:58:36 to Feb 20,2018 02:31:49)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could

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be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Feb 20,2018 02:31:49 to Feb 22,2018 07:52:56)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with
anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems
in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Feb 22,2018 07:52:56 to Feb 24,2018 11:12:24)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

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Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Feb 24,2018 11:12:24 to Feb 26,2018 13:00:42)
The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Feb 26,2018 13:00:42 to Feb 28,2018 14:14:37)
The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Feb 28,2018 14:14:37 to Mar 2,2018 16:17:03)
Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You

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may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Venus in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Mar 1,2018 23:55:38 to Mar 26,2018 02:35:09)
During this period, Venus will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This mostly indicates a
troublesome period caused mostly by women. Stay away from any litigation involving women and try and
maintain a good rapport with your wife. Moreover, this phase also indicates ill health of the female whose
birth chart is housing Venus in the seventh house. Your wife may suffer from various gynaecological
diseases, bodily pain, mental anxiety and so on.

Financially a not-so-good period and it would be better to stay away from dealing with women to avoid
monetary loss.

You may also realise that you have some wicked friends who would try to harm you. Involvement with
unnecessary womenfolk may create grief during this particular time. Chances are, you may even create new
enemies due to some conflict related to a woman.

This period may also see you suffer from mental agitation, distress and anger. Take care of your health, as you
are likely to suffer from venereal diseases, urinary tract disorder and other minor diseases.

Professionally this period could not be regarded as conducive. Avoid wicked colleagues as they might create
obstacles in your progress. However, you are likely to get honour from the higher authority in your field of
work or the government.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Mar 2,2018 16:17:03 to Mar 4,2018 20:42:19)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Mercury in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Mar 2,2018 19:26:52 to May 9,2018 07:57:39)

During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This may bring in some
trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period indicates illness. You may have to experience
physical pain and bodily weakness during this phase.

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Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental perplexity and misunderstanding with
the family is also indicated during this time. You may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and
communication gaps while dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you
may have to face humiliation.

You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may
not yield the expected result and could be troublesome.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Mar 4,2018 20:42:19 to Mar 7,2018 04:37:57)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Mar 7,2018 04:37:57 to Mar 9,2018 15:57:10)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Mars in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Mar 7,2018 09:04:55 to May 2,2018 10:56:30)
During this period, Mars will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This brings in some hard times
in a few of your life's segments. Most of you are likely to face a difficult time when it comes to managing
your old enemies. You are also likely to encounter some new enemies who could also be from your own
circle of family and friends. Some of you may also befriend some wicked people for whom you may suffer
later. Keep an eye on your behaviour as it might become cruel during this phase.

However, a few of you may also go in for some kind of settlement with your foes.

Your health would require more attention than usual as this period makes you susceptible to developing fever
and discomfort in the chest. Some of you may also suffer from diseases mostly related to the blood and the

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Mentally you are likely to remain worried and under a spell of grief.

Relationships would be demanding during this time. Make peace with your family and other relatives to avoid
further sorrow during this phase. Hold on tightly to your honour and position in the society as well.

Avoid any issues related to land and property especially during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Mar 9,2018 15:57:10 to Mar 12,2018 04:49:24)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Mar 12,2018 04:49:24 to Mar 14,2018 16:42:32)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Sun in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Mar 14,2018 14:06:39 to Apr 13,2018 22:08:47)
The Sun's position in the seventh house gives a tendency for travel, but such travel will tend to be tiring and

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You need to be extra careful not to challenge your seniors or superiors at the workplace, as they are likely to
oppose you, resulting in enmity and humiliation. Even the relationship with your partner and neighbours may
be a bit strained at this time.

Your level of enthusiasm may be at a low, resulting in an inability to overcome obstacles that come in the way
of achieving your dream objectives or goals during this particular time. This period may take you through
some set backs in your professional activities, will a general lack of progress and success.

Your health would require your care and attention, as you are more susceptible to health problems,
particularly discomfort in the stomach, blood related problems, fever, and fatigue. Be extra cautious with
your diet to avoid indigestion, food poisoning and food allergies. The health of your wife and children may
also be under pressure.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Mar 14,2018 16:42:32 to Mar 17,2018 02:00:27)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Mar 17,2018 02:00:27 to Mar 19,2018 08:37:47)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Mar 19,2018 08:37:47 to Mar 21,2018 13:17:50)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements

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with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with
anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems
in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Mar 21,2018 13:17:50 to Mar 23,2018 16:50:10)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Mar 23,2018 16:50:10 to Mar 25,2018 19:46:28)

The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

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However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Mar 25,2018 19:46:28 to Mar 27,2018 22:30:52)

The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Venus in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Mar 26,2018 02:35:09 to Apr 19,2018 13:52:41)
During this period, Venus will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This signifies good times.
During this particular period you may expect to gain physical comforts and overcome all your previous
miseries. You may consider acquiring landed property or a house as well.

If an eligible bachelor or maiden lady, you may also expect to get a good match who could also bring in good
fortune. During this period, Venus will move through your first house from the Moon. This may also expect
the company of pleasant and beautiful women during this particular time.

Health is expected to remain good at this time.

If a student, you would be more progressive. Your brilliance will be noticed and you would command more
respect and honour in your social circle.

Professionally a good time. Trade and business is expected to flourish with the help of well-wishers and
friends. There is a possibility of meeting a higher government authority.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Mar 27,2018 22:30:52 to Mar 30,2018 01:41:12)

Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

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On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Mar 30,2018 01:41:12 to Apr 1,2018 06:19:52)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Apr 1,2018 06:19:52 to Apr 3,2018 13:40:45)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Apr 3,2018 13:40:45 to Apr 6,2018 00:12:54)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make

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friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (Apr 6,2018 00:12:54 to Apr 8,2018 12:52:29)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Transit of Moon in the 5th house from Natal Moon (Apr 8,2018 12:52:29 to Apr 11,2018 01:05:48)
Moon's journey through the fifth house brings along some mixed negative results. Especially when the Moon
is slender you tend to be disappointed in all your undertakings. Generally this movement signifies obstacles.
If you are into business and trade you may face a few difficulties in closing any profitable deal. If you are
planning to go abroad, you may have to go through a few obstacles before you get the green signal for your

This period may make you mentally upset due to non fulfilment of your desire in any of your undertakings.
However, you are also likely to entertain yourself hard, while your friends get all the recognition they wanted
and this may make you feel even more disgusted at yourself.

Financially also this could be a trying time for you. Take control of your finances as you may lose some
money or may incur loss in your venture.

Health may need more than the usual attention. Problem of the stomach and airborne diseases may make you
feel sick. A feeling of dejection may also make you slack.

Take care, so that your respect in the society and in your workplace is intact and avoid doing anything that
may affect the same.

Transit of Moon in the 6th house from Natal Moon (Apr 11,2018 01:05:48 to Apr 13,2018 10:32:11)
The Moon's journey through the sixth house indicates fiscal gain. This is the time to go ahead and grab that
object of your desire as you could be successful. This period may also bring you your share of fame and
recognition in society.

You would also be able to gain over your enemies and make new friends, especially with the opposite sex.

Health would remain good and you would enjoy the comfort of a disease free body. Generally this period
would see you in a happy mood.

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Transit of Moon in the 7th house from Natal Moon (Apr 13,2018 10:32:11 to Apr 15,2018 16:34:13)
Moon in the seventh house brings in some positive changes in your life. This period mostly signifies
happiness and success in your endeavours.

Financially also this could be a good time for you. You could expect gains in your venture and may also be
able to recover your stuck up money during this period. If you are planning to buy a vehicle, well, this could
be the time for it. This celestial movement also indicates attainment of honour, worldly comfort, and
enjoyment of exotic cuisine.

This period may also help you to win over your enemies. Moreover, this period could also be favourable for
you to make new friends of the opposite sex. Happiness in conjugal life would prevail and you are likely to
have great fun with your spouse. Children could also bring in more happiness into your life.

Health should remain fine during this time of the year. Tranquillity of the mind would be restored and you
would feel more at peace with yourself and with your family. This period could be termed as an overall happy

Transit of Sun in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Apr 13,2018 22:08:47 to May 14,2018 17:57:07)
The Sun's journey through the eighth house could incur loss and bodily suffering in general. Be extra careful
to avoid unnecessary expenses and avoid making important decisions about finances.

Support from your community, family members and even partner may seem absent to you. There could be a
change in the work you do, possibility forcing you to let go of your current position, or there could be a lot of
travel, which may turn out stressful.

Consciously avoid getting involved in any kind of quarrel with your enemies or anyone else, as it is likely to
be totally fruitless.

Take care of your health as you may develop physical ailments like stomach disorder, blood pressure and
piles, causing you discomfort. You may develop needless fear; especially fear of death or loss of honour,
meaningless anxiety and a restless mind during this phase. It is wise to avoid activities that involve any kind
of risks with your life and that of your family. A relative's issue may come up unexpectedly causing you some

Transit of Moon in the 8th house from Natal Moon (Apr 15,2018 16:34:13 to Apr 17,2018 20:04:59)
This period may not bring very good news for you, as this movement of the Moon through the eighth house
brings in some troubled times. This period portends trouble and obstacles in your everyday life. This period
may bring along peril and untoward happenings.

Monetarily also this period may prove to be challenging. You could find difficulty in recovering your dues
and close favourable and profitable deals. Maintain a cordial relationship with your employer and seniors at
work place as you don't want to be on the bad books of them during this period. Avoid any disagreements
with them.

You are also susceptible to make new enemies during this phase. Do not get rapt in unnecessary conflicts with
anybody particularly at this time.

Health would require your attention too. Take care of your health as you are susceptible to develop problems

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in the digestive as well as the respiratory system. Be gentle with your joints as well. Avoid unnecessary fear
and anxiety as this may prove to be taxing your mind. Make an effort not to compromise on good food during
this time. Avoid putting your life to risk particularly during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Apr 17,2018 20:04:59 to Apr 19,2018 22:32:29)
The Moon's journey through the ninth house denotes threats. During this period, you may have to work
harder than usual in your work place or trade.

Health may need more attention as you may become susceptible to stomach disorders and a troublesome
chest. You may also suffer from insomnia.

Mentally you may feel tired and may also become lethargic.

However, there is period also has a silver lining to it as you would successfully perform some religious work
and would also actively participate in charity related work. You are also likely to gain fame in the society.

A slender moon however could try your ability to face adversity as it brings in some trying time in the
monetary front as well as home front. Take caution while handling money as you are likely to lose some
during this time. You may also have to keep an eye on your enemy as you may also incur loss because of

Avoid any kind of disagreements or fights with your children. Chances are that they might want to stay away
from you.

Hold on to your respect and honour in the society by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. Mentally you may suffer
from anxiety and may feel overburdened.

Transit of Venus in the 9th house from Natal Moon (Apr 19,2018 13:52:41 to May 14,2018 10:35:49)
During this period, Venus will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies the
onset of a new wardrobe. Moreover, it also denotes bodily or material comfort and happiness.

Financial gain and indulgence in precious jewellery is also indicated during this period.

Businessmen will find this period to be a smooth one with satisfactory profits.

Success in education is also indicated during this time. Health would remain in good shape.

At home, your siblings would be more cooperative and affectionate than ever. Some auspicious deeds are
likely to be performed at your home and you may also decide on your own marriage if eligible. During this
time you are likely to get a match of your choice, who would also bring in fortune for you.

A socially conducive period could also be expected where you are likely to make new friends. You may also
get a mentor to show you the spiritual path. Your interest in the artistic field would increase during this time.
Your good qualities and virtuous deeds would be noticed and would bring in good reputation in the society.

This time could see your desires fulfilled and enemies defeated. If you get involved in any kind of discussion,
you are likely to be winning the same. You may even consider going on a long journey during this period.

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Transit of Moon in the 10th house from Natal Moon (Apr 19,2018 22:32:29 to Apr 22,2018 01:08:16)

The Moon in the tenth house would bring along fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and attainment of
worldly comfort and material gains. If you were planning to start something new, this could be the time to do
so as this period assures you success in all your endeavours. As this period would be favourable for you, you
and your family would generally be happy and content.

This is a good time in your workplace as well. You may expect honour, promotion and appreciation at
workplace. This period may also bring you a position of authority and accomplishment of your objectives at
the workplace.

Your respect in society is also likely to rise during this particular time.

If you are a female, be cautious and avoid any conception related trouble. This period may see you going
through an abortion if at all applicable.

However, health would generally remain fine. You could also get to taste some of the finest culinary delights
during this period.

Transit of Moon in the 11th house from Natal Moon (Apr 22,2018 01:08:16 to Apr 24,2018 04:28:38)

The movement of the Moon through the eleventh house denotes financial gains. This period would help you
increase your income and gain riches. If you deal in agriculture, you may see more produce than usual. You
may also be able to attain stuck up wealth during this period.

On the more personal front, this period brings you joy, happiness and good times with people of the opposite
sex. Family reunions and getting together of old friends is also likely during this time. Those who are married
may expect a happy conjugal life. If you are eligible, you may find a perfect match during this time.

This period also brings along the opportunity for you to have delicious food and enjoy worldly comfort at

Health will be fine. Mentally also you would feel much happy and relaxed during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 12th house from Natal Moon (Apr 24,2018 04:28:38 to Apr 26,2018 08:48:07)

Moon in the twelfth house signifies loss. This period would see your finance going through a rough period.
Expenses may increase. Take care of your riches as you are susceptible of losing something valuable. Avoid
doing anything that may create a hole in your wallet. Be careful with your endeavour as you may not get the
desired result. Health may need attention. Take care of your eyes as they are susceptible to infections,
particularly during this phase.

Mentally you may become restless and distressed. You are also likely to develop lethargy and jealousy during
this period. Be careful with your decisions and while dealing with people, as you may become impulsive in
your behaviour during this time. Think before going forward with your plans as you may indulge in doing
unjust deeds and get carried away with your power or position of authority.

On the home front, be careful with relations as you may develop unnecessary enmity with your relatives. You
may also have to take care to maintain your respect and honour.

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Transit of Moon in the 1st house from Natal Moon (Apr 26,2018 08:48:07 to Apr 28,2018 14:27:04)
This period ensures that you get excellent and tasty food on time and in the most convenient way. Physical
comforts of various kinds, nice clothes, perfumes and other desired worldly things will come to you more

It's a good time to enjoy the best of friends and acquaintances, especially friendships with females. These
kinds of acquaintances would ensure more physical as well as emotional satisfaction to you. Your conjugal
life would also get a happy boost, with some improvement and love in the relationship with your spouse.
Overall, you will be happy.

Some good fortune may come to you in other realms of life as well. You may experience appreciation from
your community or at the workplace that make you feel honoured.

This could also be termed as a disease free time for you and your family. You would be out of any physical
ailments. A feeling of tranquillity will give you contentment. However, try not to become too sensitive in
your feelings than what is good for you.

This period could also signify a good few days financially. You might be able to recover some old dues, attain
financial goals and achieve progress in your undertakings.

Transit of Moon in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (Apr 28,2018 14:27:04 to Apr 30,2018 22:06:28)
Be careful with finances, as there a tendency to loss of wealth in these few days. Keep an eye on your
expenditures as you may get tempted to spend unnecessary.

Be extra careful while dealing with people during these days. Unnecessary fights may come to pass as you
tend to get involved in arguments more easily than usual. Carefully guard any mentally tendencies to act out
of frustration or stress, as this may backfire on your reputation.

Obstacles in your work place may come up, but stick on, as these are of temporary nature. Avoid working too
hard, which could cause a build up of physical and mental fatigue.

Physically you may feel down and your eyes may create problems during this particular time. Mentally also
you may feel less content than usual. Moreover, this time may see you not enjoying your food as much as you
used to. A general feeling of discontentment may prevail during this phase.

Transit of Moon in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (Apr 30,2018 22:06:28 to May 3,2018 08:21:55)
Enjoy the achievement of desired goals and success in your endeavours for those few days, with the
possibility of some recognition from others.

This period also brings good fortune on the monetary front. You could expect clearance of past dues,
attainment of wealth and monetary success in your venture.

On the home front, this period signifies ultimate happiness. During this time you could have the best of food,
clothing and physical closeness with the opposite sex. You would feel generally happy with whatever comes
to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. Chances are that you would make
friends with the opposite sex and have a very good time with them.

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Transit of Mars in the 5th house from Natal Moon (May 2,2018 10:56:30 to Jul 2,2018 06:29:58)
During this period, Mars will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This signifies a ruffled time. It
would be a wise move to curtail your expenses as much as possible as this period sees you losing control on
your finances and expenses.

Take care of your children as they may suffer from sickness. Avoid any kind of unpleasantness between you
and your son, if any, as this may give you agony.

Handle your enemies with care and be cautious enough to avoid creating some new ones. Your enemies are
likely to give you some more harassment during this particular time.

Your health would require more attention during this period. You are likely to feel lacklustre, weak and
feverish. Some of you may catch some diseases that would require proper diagnosis. Take care of your food
habits as well.

Some of you may also go through a personal behavioural change during this time. Some of you, though very
unlikely of you, may become furious, apprehensive and very estranged from the near and dear ones. Some of
you may even tend to lose their glory and fame during this phase. Development of some needless needs and
urge to do some immoral deeds may land some of you in thick soup. Stay away from quarrel with family
members during this time.

Transit of Moon in the 4th house from Natal Moon (May 3,2018 08:21:55 to May 5,2018 20:49:20)
The Moon in the fourth brings along some negative results mostly related to your health. Hence, utmost care
is required when it comes to your own health as well as of the family. You may have to handle a problematic
stomach and a not-so-comfortable chest. Generally a slight decline in health may become a cause of concern
for you. Moreover, the health of a family member or a relative may worry you during this particular time.

Mentally you may feel restless and doubtful of everybody around you. Consciously try to keep grief,
unnecessary fear and mental agony at bay. Hold on to your self-confidence particularly during this time. Try
to keep your mental equilibrium stable and balanced especially at this time.

Financially this could be a trying time for you. Expenses may soar and your wrong indulgence may affect
your venture. Be careful with your money.

This is the time when you must take care of your relationship with your close ones as this period may incur
enmity with them. Watch out and avoid anything that may make you unstable in your temperament.

Parashara's Light 7.0.1 GeoVision Software Inc. Licensed to .

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