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Frank Valnalla

2010 by Frank Valnalla & LLC; All Rights Reserved worldwide under the Berne Convention. May
not be copied or distributed without prior written permission -- if you have this file (or a printout) and
didn't pay for it, you are depriving the author and publisher of their rightful royalties. Please pay for
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every page to reduce illegal sharing of this document. Thank you very much!

None of the models, by appearing in this book, give their endorsement for the information or content of
this book. Non-original pictures are used under the Creative Commons License and have been credited.

This book is dedicated to Bob & Tom for making me laugh in the morning for all these years.

This book is for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Do Not Attempt ANYTHING in this book
without reviewing it with a licensed Health Practitioner beforehand. Nothing in this book should be
attempted without it being under the very strict guidance of a Licensed Health Care Practitioner; and
only then, when it has been adequately reviewed by them. The author and publisher are not responsible
for any effects (direct or indirect) from the use of the information in this book. Anything attempted that
has been outlined in this book is At Your Own Risk and you assume 100% responsibility for your own
actions and state of mind.

Please note that much of this publication is based on personal experience and anecdotal evidence.
Although the author and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy
of the content in this Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use
HEALTH PRACTITIONER. Your particular situation may not be exactly suited to the examples
illustrated here; in fact, it's likely that they won't be the same, and you should adjust your use of the
information and recommendations accordingly.

Finally, use your head. Nothing in this Guide is intended to replace common sense, legal, medical, or
other professional advice; and is meant to just inform and entertain the reader. If you have any changes
you want to make to your physical body or want to attempt something, such as Autofellatio, you are
advised to seek out professional medical expertise and get under this professional's guidance and
program to accomplish your goals. Nothing in this Guide should be taken as fact. Consider every part
of this document to be completely fictional with no basis in reality. This book is for Entertainment and
Informational Purposes ONLY.



This Book is INTENDED FOR ADULTS ONLY. Not that it is Pornographic but because it has an
Adult Content level. If you are under 21 years of age do not READ THIS BOOK. By reading the
information in this book you are stating that this material is not unacceptable in your town, city, state,
or country. If it is unacceptable, please DO NOT READ THIS MATERIAL AND DO NOT SHARE IT.

1) The Most Important Page in This Book - 7
2) Read This First - 8
3) Who Am I? - 9
4) Contraindications to Autofellatio - 10
5) What is the History of Autofellatio? - 11
6) Why do Dogs Like Their Balls (and Penises)? - 11
7) Basic Outline of Book - 13
8) Definitions - 14
9) More Definitions - 17
10) Yoga - 21
11) Hatha Yoga - 21
12) Kriya Yoga - 21
13) Biomechanics Structure Function * Important Autofellatio Insights - 23
14) First Things First - 24
15) Cervical Region - 26
16) Thoracic Region - 31
17) Lumbar Region - 33
18) Pelvic Region - 35
19) Pelvic Positions - 36
20) The Sacroiliac Joints - 43
21) The Linea Alba - 44
22) On the Topic of Excess Weight - 47
23) Let's Discuss Ligaments - 48
24) Let's Talk About a Straight Spine - 51
25) When is the Best Time to Autofellate? - 53
27) Inversion - 54
28) Hanging Upside - 55
29) Autospinal Distraction - 55
30) Back Walk - 56
31) Hot Tub - 57
32) Hot Shower - 57
33) Massage - 57
34) Pelvic and Spinal Manipulation - 58
35) Steam Rooms - 59
36) Finnish Sauna - 59

37) Saunasolmu - 60
38) Increasing Seminal Output - 61
39) The Achilles Tendon - 75
40) The Calves - 77
41) Posterior Thigh - 79
42) Lateral Thigh - 81
43) Pelvis - 82
44) Lower Back - 83
45) Mid-Back - 86
46) Shoulder Area - 86
47) Neck - 88
48) Sub-Occipital Region - 90
49) I Know What You're Thinking - 94
52) First Things First The Lotus Position - 96
53) Neck Stretches - 97
54) Gomukhasana - 100
55) Middle Back Stretch - 101
56) Dhanurasana - 102
57) Matsyendrasana - 104
59) Back Foot Raise Flex - 106
60) Front Foot Raise Flex - 106
61) Pavanamuktasana - 107
62) Dwi Pada Pavanamuktsana - 108
63) Supta Padangusthasana - 108
64) Paschimottansana - 109
65) Padangusthasana - 111
66) Padahastasana/Padangusthasana Variations - 112
67) A Note, Again, About Not Being in a Hurry - 113
68) A Word About Breathing - 113
69) A Note About Safety - 114
70) The Abdominal Muscles - 115
71) The Ab Wheel - 117
73) The Exstasy (X) Position - 122
74) The Plow Position - 125
75) The Bishop Position - 129
76) The Chair Position - 131
77) The Curl (C) Position - 133
78) So, What's the Best Way to Yogafellate? - 135
79) Yogafellatio Stuff - 137
80) Yogafellatio Sense - 138
81) Pulleys, Straps, Devices - 138
82) Sensory Bombardment and Maintaining an Erection - 139

83) Maintaining that Erection with Yogafellatio - 140
84) Meeting God through Yogafellatio - 141
85) Sensory Deprivation and Yogafellatio - 142
86) The Mouth and the Rectum are One and the Same - 144






Autofellatio is a serious endeavor. It needs to be taken very seriously. In order to accomplish
this task changes in your body need to take place. Whenever one works on changing the body or
modifying it, caution, care, and common sense must prevail.

Autofellatio is not a game. It is not a fad. It is not a gimmick. It is not a party-novelty trick you
can perform for your friends for a few laughs. No. There exists in the autofellatio world, something
called autofellatio culture. A culture is the underlying principles, art, or methodology that is followed
and treated with respect. The culture of autofellatio requires that men embark on this journey with
serious intentions, that they will respect this culture, and treat it as they would a serious philosophical
or religious endeavor. No, that doesn't sound stupid. Respect is paramount in this field. Without respect
for this ancient art, you will never be able to truly experience all the wonders it has to offer. When
working on autofellation, act and think as if you are in a church or temple.

Being respectful to the culture will enable you to proceed at a steady and profitable pace. This
will enable your body to respond in the proper methodology needed to obtain your desired goals. Take
your time and don't get in a hurry. Learning Autofellatio techniques is not a race or a competition.

Please note that nothing in this book should be attempted unless under the guidance and advice
of a licensed physician.


My name is Frank and I can suck my own penis to orgasm. I can get my mouth fully over my glans
(head) and completely down my shaft.

At the time of this writing, I am 37-years old. I tried sucking my own penis as a teenager. This came
about because I had a dream about doing so and, as I had never had a blow-job, wondered what it felt
like to receive one. As a teenager I could not suck my own penis. I couldn't even come close. I couldn't
even get the tip of my tongue near my penile head. As a teenager (finished with puberty) I had a 5.5
long penis.

In my 20s I tried again and nearly killed myself using some makeshift pulleys and straps and even
utilizing an old exercise bike.

In my 30s I thought I would give it another shot.

I have been sucking my own penis now for seven years with techniques I developed/discovered myself.
Did I invent all of the stuff in this book? Of course not. I just researched and researched until I had all
the information that worked for me. I have a background in medicine (my profession) and this has
helped me immensely. Especially in understanding the biomechanics and structures of the muscles,
joints, and ligaments.

I weigh 150 pounds. I am 5'7 tall. I am of mixed-ethnic origin of European Descent (I'm an All-
American Mutt and proud to be a mutt).

Chances are, you aren't much different than I am. After all, a Man is a Man.

If I can perform Autofellatio, chances are you can, too.

Oh, yeah, it seems some people have tried to quantify the number of men who can actually Autofellate.
Quite a daunting task and nearly impossible to measure, I would think. Anyway, the bottom line is that
the experts believe that only One in about 3,000 Men is able to Autofellate.

I would just like to say that only One in every 50,000 Men can properly explain Wave-Particle Dualilty
in Quantum Mechanics...

But nearly every man can learn...

Frank Valnalla


Contraindication is a word used to denote a situation where some form of

therapy, exercise, drug, lifestyle, etc. is not advised because it may produce direct
and harmful effects if utilized.

If you have any of these maldies below, see your doctor before you attempt any form of
Autofellatio. Actually, see your doctor anyway if you want to try Autofellatio:

History of Any Spinal Trauma including Moderate to Severe Whiplash Injuries

Spina Bifida
Arthritis of the Spine or Pelvis; Of and Including the hip Joints
Moderate to Severe Scoliosis
Any History of Fracture to/of the Spine
Vertigo (Dizziness)
Inner or Middle Ear Problems
Balance and Motor Control Problems
Chronic/Severe Undiagnosed Headaches
Any History of Spinal or Pelvic Tumors
Any History of Rib Fractures
Any History of Spinal or Pelvic Fracture
Any History of hip Dislocation or Moderate to Severe hip Trauma
Sciatica and/or Lower Back Pain
Numbness or any form of Paraesthesia in the Upper or Lower Extremities
Any form of Spinal Surgery
Vertebral Artery Stenosis
Spinal Stenosis
Any Form of Ruptured or Herniated Vertebral Disc
Thoracic Kyphosis (Scheuermann's Disease)
Spinal Instability
Any Neurological Disease
Any Other Previous or Current Malady that May Compromise the Head, Spine, or Pelvis


When the first man walked the earth and realized his sexuality, he probably pondered the idea of
sexually pleasing himself through autofellatio. After all, if one wants something done right, it's best to
do it themselves. Autofellatio has been an integral part of many ancient cultures. Such examples have
survived through artifacts and architecture over time. This includes: Greek, Egyptian, Meso-American,
and Asiatic Indian, that I am aware of. That is the history of autofellatio: Every man has pondered it at
one time or another and will continue to do so. That's the history of autofellatio.


Because they can, as the saying goes... Apparently, they also seem to enjoy it.

Autofellatio is no different than a woman licking and sucking on her nipples out of curiosity. Even for
sexual stimulation, for that matter. What woman hasn't tried to taste her own nipples to see what the
flavor is like or what sort of sensation she might feel? Hell, even my sister admitted she's done it. It's a
normal part of being human trying to understand how others perceive us. Taste is one of those methods.
How do we taste? That sounds a bit bizarre, but consider it from your partner's point of view. Taste
and smell are an essential ingredient in sexuality, companionship, and relationships. Relationships
not just being segregated to sexual relations, but doctor-patient, teacher-student, employee-employer,
and all other forms of relationships in our everyday lives. If your breath smells horribly and you are not
aware of this problem, chances are that it will not only take its toll on your sexual potentials with other
partners, but will also hamper other relationships in your life. The more we know about ourselves,
means we know more about how people will perceive us. Taste/smell is one of way of gauging how
people (and partners) react to us. Once we understand who and what we are made of, then we can go
about improving ourselves.

So, back to Autofellatio. What about men and their penises? Is it really so different than a woman, her
mouth, and her nipples? Really, I'm sure I can come up with all kinds of reasons and logical deductions
as to why a man wants to suck his own penis and why it's so incredible and wonderful. Any man can,
really. Of course, some people think it is a bit odd; perhaps even strange or perverse. I hardly think so,

but that's just my opinion. Truly, if you knew what most of your puritanical neighbors got up to in
private it would probably blow your mind right out of your head. Some of the freaky stuff that goes on
behind closed doors is downright disturbing and bizarre and makes masturbation through sucking one's
own penis seem rather tame. So, if you have a hang up about sucking your own penis, don't worry
about it or get another hobby that won't weigh on your conscious so heavily.

I just stumbled upon a web-site recently of a woman who wishes to become the fattest woman in the
world. Apparently this is her goal in life. In order to pay for all the food she eats, she has set up a web-
site where men can watch her eat on camera for a fee. She makes her living from men who watch her

This is not my cup of tea. For others, however, it is. Does it seem strange that men would get off on
watching an extremely obese woman eat all day? What's strange to some is normal for others. I don't
judge people and what they do in life and don't want other people to judge me. So, I can suck my own
penis. Great. Who really cares?

What about the psychological component or aspect of sucking one's own penis? What does it say about
a man's sexuality...? Well, hell, I never really thought about that either, to be quite truthful. There was
a French study on the subject but I haven't bothered to read it (I don't speak French). Why waste time
trying to psychoanalyze myself when I have better things to do? Just take a look at most of the people
who write these really deep and in-depth psychology books. Usually a picture of them will be on the
back cover or on the flyleaf of the dustjacket and tell me what you see...? Most of them look like total
psychos, in my opinion. Of course, you can't judge a book by its cover, but most of these people are the
last people on earth I would ever listen to or ever take advice from, especially psychological or sexual
advice. Hey, if you're interested in trying to figure out why you (or me or anyone else) wants to suck
their own penis, then knock yourself out. Personally, I have better things to do.

Anyway, many animals and other creatures perform autofellatio. From goats to dogs to walruses to
aliens from Roswell. As Man is an animal, it seems appropriate that he would autofellate himself if he
was able to do so. If Man can build a rocket (that looks just like a penis) and use it to land on the Moon,
then he ought to be able to suck his own cock if he so chooses. Such is the nature of Man. Men,
as well as women, seem to be fascinated by a man being able to suck his own penis. So
why not make the best of it for yourself and for your partner?


This book is made up of these main sections:

1) Definitions
2) Biomechanics, Structure, Function, Important Autofellatio Insight
3) Nutrition
4) Yogafellatio

Each section is very important. Not one section is more important than another. Most men want to jump
headfirst into stretching/strengthening to start seeing results immediately. Big mistake. Read all four
sections numerous times and treat every one with equal importance. Diet may be just one of the most
important aspects. Without it, the stretching/strengthening section will be quite frustrating, painful, and
you'll fast lose interest.

One other thing, once you get to the point where you can autofellate, it becomes easier with each
session. You will get a feel for what stretches and exercises you need to focus on. Once you have your
main body sorted out and can autofellate, you won't have to spend as much time stretching and doing


Definitions to Help You Along Your Path to Yogafellatio:

FELLATIO Oral Stimulation of the Penis

FELLATE To engage or perform fellatio

AUTOFELLATIO Oral Stimulation of one's own penis as a form of


AUTOFELLATE To perform fellatio on one's own penis as a form of


AUTOSEXUAL Stimulation of one's own genitals to the point of

orgasm. Therefore Autofellatio is a form of Autosexuality

YOGA A form of physical and mental discipline that originated in

India. Most Westerners are familiar with Hatha Yoga which is used as
a form of relaxation and exercise

YOGAFELLATIO A term coined that incorporates some Yoga

postures to help a man achieve Autofellatio

SPINAL COLUMN The bones in your back (vertebrae) that protect your spinal cord

FLEXION (In the Spinal Column) Bringing two parts closer together. In the case of the spinal
column, Flexion is an increase in one's ability to bend forward. Bringing your head closer to your
penis is a form of flexing the spine

EXTENSION The opposite of Flexion. Instead of becoming closer, the angle becomes larger or
farther away

ROTATION (In the Spinal Column) Twisting of the trunk in a clockwise (Right Rotation) or
counterclockwise (Left Rotation) without Flexion, Extension, or Lateral Flexion

LATERAL FLEXION (In the Spinal Column) Bending the trunk to one side (as in Right
Lateral Flexion) with no Rotation, Flexion, or Extension

VERTEBRAE The bones that make up your spine. 7 Cervical (Neck), 12 Thoracic (Mid-Back),
5 Lumbar (Lower Back). The Sacrum is made of 5 fused vertebrae and sits between your pelvic
bones (Ilia). The Coccyx is the end of the bony spine and is made of 4 fused vertebrae

HUMAN SPINAL COLUMN (Sacrum at bottom)


ARTICULATE The Movement/motion in a joint. All the vertebrae articulate with another
vertebrae One above and one below Apart from the First Cervical Vertebrae which
articulates with the base of your skull and the Fifth Lumbar Vertebrae which articulates
with your Sacrum

HUMAN MALE PELVIS (Sacrum in middle)

PELVIS The Pelvis is the area which connects the trunk (of your body) to your lower
legs. Through Joint Articulation, it allows one to walk, sit, stand, run, jog, and flex the
trunk forward and backward (Flexion and Extension). The pelvis allows the legs to
articulate through the Femur-Acetabular Joint at the Acetabulum (see next page). Flexion
and Extension articulation is possible through the Sacro-Iliac Joints; and Rotation,
Flexion, Extension, and Lateral Flexion are possible through articulation of the Lumbo-
Sacral Joint (Lumbar Five and the Sacrum)

SACRUM The 5 fused vertebrae which articulate with your last Lumbar Vertebrae
(Lumbar Five) and which sits between your two Ilia and forms another articulation. The
sacrum is the central aspect of your boney pelvic structure

ILIA The two bones on either side of your pelvis (Ilium) that make up your hips

ACETABULUM The two sockets in your hips. One on the Left and one on the Right.
This is where the leg bone (ball) inserts. This is a ball and socket joint


The Head of the Femur (leg bone) has the ball portion of the joint. It inserts into the
Acetabulum which makes up the socket portion of your hip joint. This is visible in
the picture above



All of these bones, joints, and articulations are held together by ligaments:

LIGAMENT Strong fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone, bone to muscle, etc. This
is important to learn and understand. Ligaments are what keeps your joints strong,
stable, and functional. If you stretch them out too much they will get ligamentous laxity
(loosening of ligaments) and this will compromise their function and your joint stability.

Most people when they are interested in Autofellatio and increasing the Flexion of their spinal column
think that they will be able to increase their flexibility if they just increase the flexibility of their spine.
Nothing is farther from the truth. This is why I've taken the trouble to outline these definitions and
show example pictures. We are interested in increasing flexion and mobility in all of these joints:

1) Skull and Neck Articulation (Atlanto-Occipital Joint)

2) Neck (Cervical Vertebrae)
3) Dorsal Spine (Thoracic Vertebrae)
4) Lumbar Spine (Lumbar Vertebrae)
5) Lumbo-Sacral Articulation (Lumbar Five and Sacral One Joint)
6) Sacro-Iliac Articulation (Left and Right Sacro-Iliac Joints)
7) Femur-Acetabular Articulation (Left and Right Hip Joints)

Increasing FLEXIBILITY in these regions Does Not mean we just focus on FLEXION. No. Extension,
Rotation, and Lateral Flexion are also needed to increase flexibility of most of the aforementioned
joints (but not all).

The biomechanics of the spine include more joints than just the spinal vertebrae. To get the most out of
all aspects of increasing flexibility we must target all related joints. For example, The amount of
flexibility in the hip joints is one example of the importance of learning these structures. Simply by
having hamstrings and calves that are too tight (and need to be stretched) will impede your ability to

Learning all of these structures and how they function is paramount in autofellatio. If one just tries to
just stretch out the ligaments of their spine, this can cause hypermobility (an unstable spine that moves

too much). A much safer and correct approach would be to target all aspects of increasing flexibility
through all available joints, ligaments, and muscles so that the biomechanical structures and health of
the person is not compromised.

With that said, let's talk about Yoga.


Yoga has been around for nearly forever and is gaining in popularity more and more in the Western
world. There are many factions of Yoga and many different people and groups discussing how one is
better than the other. In fact, new forms of Yoga are surfacing all the time and one wonders where they
are coming from and what they are really truly all about. It's a full-time job just trying to keep up with
what new form of Yoga someone is trying to sell you on next.

I'm not going to go into a treatise on Yoga or the different types of Yoga. This isn't the place. However,
we will bring a few points to mind that will help you on your journey to autofellation. This is Hatha
Yoga and Kriya Yoga And the difference and why it is important to the autofellationist.

Hatha Yoga (or similar types) are quite popular in the West. This type of Yoga has people doing special
stretches and holding special Yogic positions for a period of time. You'll see them doing this sort of
thing on exercise mats and usually in groups. This results in a (mainly) physical form of relaxation
(non-physical, too, of course) and helps people unwind and helps bring a peacefulness to their chaotic
lives. Unbeknownst to most Westerners, Hatha Yoga is the main and original reason for performing
Kriya Yoga.

Kriya Yoga is a form of spiritual awakening and soulful quietness. It is a form of meditation that
allows people to evolve spiritually and become closer with Nature (or the God-force of all things).

Okay, so what's really the difference Hatha and Kriya Yoga and why should I care?

That's a good question....

Hatha Yoga is the mechanism one needs to be able to sit for/in extended-long periods of meditative
poses in order to reach the higher spirituality treasures of Kriya Yoga. With Kriya Yoga we need to

cut off all external stimuli to the body in order to focus on a higher consciousness. This means we need
to block out all sounds, lights, annoyances, and anything else that might distract us when we are in our
meditative state. Our minds must be clear, unclouded, and undisturbed or we get nowhere.

This type of strength of will takes lots of practice and it's really quite hard to block out all of the
stimulus that surrounds us. The phone is ringing, we can hear the neighbor's Harley roar off down the
road, and someone's banging on the front door... In order to really focus and concentrate we need to be
able to cut all of this nonsense out. This is why you hear the stories of Yogis running off to go live in a
cave for years on end. They do this to get away from all the distractions that come with day-to-day life.
This is so they can truly concentrate on their spiritual awakening.

Since these meditative postures usually require one to sit cross-legged (Lotus Position), with the spine
fully erect and with the arms outstretched, we need to start to paying attention to this sort of posture.
For, even if one can cut off all of the sounds and distractions of the world around us, we will inevitably
be distracted by our own minds (of course) and one other very important and nagging thing we can't get
away from. And that thing is our own physical bodies.

Consider sitting in such a cross-legged position for more than a few minutes. What usually begins to
happen? The muscles get tired, the back starts to ache, and our foot falls asleep. More than ten minutes
or so of this and most un-trained people are in physical agony. This is because we are not used to sitting
in such postures for long lengths of time. This is a problem for the person who is meditating, as it's
damn near impossible to focus on a higher consciousness if our lower back is hurting like crazy.

You see, that's what Hatha Yoga is originally intended to prevent. By learning how to stretch the body
and limbs properly, this allows the Kriya Yogaist to do what? To be able to maintain these long sessions
(some for hours and hours) of positioned meditation without their back, legs, and muscles killing them.

This is entirely applicable to Autofellatio. In order to practice autofellatio and to be able to fully
autofellate yourself, this will, inevitably, take time. If your muscles, joints, and ligaments aren't up to
the task, it makes things a bit difficult and painful. That is, if you are hurting from physical pain within
only minutes of starting your autofellatio session, it's going to be a bit hard to concentrate on an
erection and getting yourself off, unless, of course, you are someone who enjoys pain (this is called a

By understanding the basis for Hatha Yoga, then we will be able to educate our bodies to be able to
hold autofellatio poses for long enough periods of time to reach our goal. This is especially important
in the early trials of autofellatio: If one is truly uncomfortable and experiencing pain during the
learning process, it's not uncommon for one to lose interest in the whole idea of autofellatio.

This is the lesson we learn from Hatha Yoga. By mastering it, then we shall be better able to achieve
our true goal and that is the Kriya (pain free) aspect of Autofellatio with all its Rewards.

Anyway, let's get started...

Biomechanics Structure Function

Important Autofellatio Insights


Before we launch into the Nutritional aspects of Autofellatio, let's give you some extra information to
think about before we do so.

The three main areas that we are interested in increasing their flexibility is the atlanto-occipital joint
(head and neck), the spinal column itself, and the femur-acetabular hip joints. Let's discuss each one
of these and see what else we can learn about their biomechanical properties.

Firstly, let's go back and look at the spinal column again:


The spinal column is very important as it needs to do a number of functions:

1) To protect the spinal cord

2) To allow mobility of the spine
3) To allow the spinal nerves to exit the spine to go to muscles, organs, bones, etc.

If you look at the skull, it is made up of very thick and strong bone. It's tough enough that, in most
cases, a .22 calibre bullet will bounce off of the skull instead of entering the skull and into the brain.
The reason the skull is designed this way is to protect the brain. The brain is the computer of the body
and when it gets damaged, it means trouble. This is why it has such a strong protective armor-like

However, the spinal cord itself is just as sensitive and important as the brain. It is made up of similar
tissues, so it, too, needs to be protected properly. The problem is, if we encase the spinal cord in a
boney tube (sort of like the skull), then the spine won't be able to move, rotate, or bend. We would lose
mobility and this would severely limit our physical abilities.

This is why the spinal column is divided into all of these bones (vertebrae). Seven in the neck, Twelve
in the Thoracic region, and Five in the Lower Back. These bones are designed to not only protect the
spinal cord, but to also allow movement in the spine.

The spinal cord also has nerves branching off from it, at all the levels, between the vertebrae. So, not
only do we have to protect the spinal cord and allow mobility, but we must also provide access (from
the spinal column) for these nerves to exit the spinal cord and then go to the muscles, organs, and other
tissues that they innervate (electrically connect to) for proper functioning of the body.

It truly is an engineering marvel. You will also notice that the spine has an elongated S type curve to
it when looking at it from the side. It curves in at the lower back and neck and curves in at the mid-
back and lower-sacral area. This S curve acts as a coiled spring or shock absorber. So when you
stand, sit, run, jump, and all other activities like this, the S itself will spring up and down and take a
lot of stress and strain off of the vertebrae itself. Biomechanisists have noted that the S type curve
make the spine ten times stronger and more resilient than if there were no curves in it.

When we talk of the spine, we will be addressing these regions:

Cervical Region (Neck) Seven Vertebrae Noted as C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7

Thoracic Region (Mid-back) Twelve Vertebrae Noted as T1 T12

Lumbar Region (Lower back) Five Vertebrae Noted as L1 L5

All of this is of interest to the autofellationist because we are interested in flexing the spine as much as
we possibly can. Think about it: What is the one structure that connects your mouth to your penis,
while at the same time, separates your penis from your mouth? The answer is the Spinal Column.


There are many portions of the cervical spine that need to be addressed by the autofellationist. We will
cover some of the most important joints that should be targeted to increase flexion in the neck the most.

We are especially interested in the Atlanto-Occipital Joint. This is the base of the skull (Occipital bone)
and the First Vertebrae C1 (Cervical One). C1 is called the Atlas bone, as the skull rests and
articulates on this bone, hence the relation to Atlas in Greek Mythology destined to hold (support) the
world on his shoulders.

PICTURE OF ATLAS (C1) The RED portion is what Articulates with the Base of the Skull

The Second Cervical Vertebrae C2 is referred to as Axis. This is because it has a small odontoid
process or tooth-like structure (it looks like a small penis, actually) that allows C1 to rotate on C2. This
is where most of the rotation comes from in your neck, from the Atlanto-Axial Joint or C1/C2 Joint.

Second Cervical Vertebrae Axis (C2) Notice the Odontoid Process (e) which looks like a penis

Here is an Anterior (Front) Picture of the Atlanto-Axial Joint (C1 & C2)

Posterior (Back) Picture of the Atlanto-Axial Joint. Note that d is the portion that articulates with
your Occiptal Bone (base of skull) and is what we are most interested in for increasing neck flexion for
autofellatio. You can see how the greatest amount of rotation in your neck occurs by seeing how C1
will Rotate on C2 with the help of the odontoid process Labeled as c in the picture shown above

Typically the neck can flex to about 70 degrees. This is the act when you bring your chin toward your
chest. Numbers vary, but 20% of the flexion is believed to occur at the Atlanto-Occiptal joint (Cervical
One and the Occipital Bone), 20% at the Atlanto-Axial Joint (Cervical One and Cervical Two), and
20% at the joint of Cervical Four and Cervical Five. The rest of the flexion in your neck occurs at the
other vertebral levels.

Because so much of neck flexion occurs at this SPECIAL Atlanto-Occipital Joint, we

will pay special attention to this joint when we assess Flexion in the neck:


In the above drawing, you can see Atlas as the First Vertebrae (C1) under the skull and Axis as the
Second Cervical Vertebrae (C2) under C1. Remember 40% of neck flexion occurs between the skull
and C1 and with C1 and C2. For this reason, we will especially target these areas for increased

Note the Atlanto-Axis Picture (again) and compare to the picture above The RED coloring in the
picture denotes the portion of the Atlas that articulates with the Occipital Bone of the Skull

Here is the Bottom of the Skull:

The RED colored portions denotes the area that the Occiput portion of the skull articulates with
the Atlas Bone (C1) for increased flexion and extension in the cervical (neck) region.

Again -- Atlanto-Axial Joint (C1/C2) -- RED color notes articulation with skull (pictured above)



Now we will move below the Cervical Spine to the Thoracic (Mid-Back) Region of the spinal column
and examine it.

The Thoracic Spine can flex about 40 degrees under normal conditions. This may sound like a lot,
but remember that it takes up a large portion of the spinal column. It is restricted in its movement
because of the ribs. This is because the ribs are attached to these 12 thoracic vertebrae and this limits its
flexibility and range of motion.

This is why some people claim to have their lower ribs removed surgically to be able to perform
autofellatio. One of the restrictions of flexion is the trunk will inevitably be the lower ribs. By
removing them, it allows more forward flexion of the spinal column and make autofellation much
easier to perform. I am not interested in removing my ribs to autofellate and you probably aren't either.
However, this is a surgical option if you are courageous enough. Personally, I am against this form of
surgery for autofellation.

Here are two lovely pictures of the thoracic vertebrae and ribs. It's easy to see how flexion will be
decreased in this area because of the Ribs & Rib Structure. The lower thoracic vertebrae have the most
mobility, as these ribs are floating & do not attach to the sternum (like the upper ribs) with cartilage



The lumbar spine can normally flex about 70 degrees forward. Interestingly enough, about 40
degrees of the flexion in the Lumbar Spine occurs at the Lumbar Five (L5) Sacrum Joint, or the
Lumbo-Sacral Joint. This joint is shown below in an X-Ray view from the side (L5 and Sacrum):


Here one can see Lumbar Vertebrae 1 5 (L1 L5), the Sacrum, & the Pelvis. L5 & the
Sacrum form the Lumbo-Sacral Joint where nearly 40 degrees of flexion occurs in the
lumbar region of the spine

We have discussed the three main regions of the spine and their importance in flexion. A fourth
category is the Pelvic region, especially the Femur-Acetabular Joints which we've briefly discussed
already. We will next discuss the Pelvic Region, as it is a very important aspect of being able to gain
increased flexibility for autofellatio.


All in all, for the average person, the flexion of the spine (total) is about 140 degrees. Some of this will
be enhanced or restricted by the pelvis, more importantly, the hip joints or the Femur-Acetabular
Joints that we mentioned earlier.

Normal hip flexion is about 110 degrees. Hip flexion occurs when the leg is brought closer to the chest.


How does flexing the hips impact the flexion of the spinal column and pelvis? That's a great question
we are going to answer to help one understand the importance of increasing hip flexion and conversely,

stretching out the hamstrings and calve muscles.

When the hips are flexed, especially bilaterally (both left and right) we begin to see a phenomena called
Pelvic Rotation or Pelvic Movement. This means that the Pelvis, itself, actually moves once the hips
are flexed. The larger the degree of hip flexion means a larger degree of Pelvic Rotation. Hip
Flexion (as it is measured) can have up to (and even more than) 35% of its flexion originating from

This is important because what happens when we get Rotation of the

Pelvis, through Flexion of the Hips we get Posterior Pelvic Tilt and THE





You can see with the POSTERIOR TILT (which, again, occurs with flexion of both hips) the bottom
portion of the pelvis rocks forward and the top portion of the pelvis rocks backwards. You can visualize
this in the picture above and compare it to the ANTERIOR TILT and NEUTRAL Pelvis shown on the
previous page.


Because when the pelvis rotates with POSTERIOR TILT it

brings our penis closer to our mouths!








This teaches us that if we can stretch out our hamstrings and calves that this will

allow more flexion of the hips which leads to more Posterior Pelvic Tilt. The calve
muscles also need to be stretched as they will compromise the hamstrings if they are too tight.
Anything we can do to increase hip flexion will aid in our efforts to being able to autofellate. You
might also have realized that the autofellatio positions which incorporate the most hip flexion will yield
the most positive results.


We showed a diagram of the spine before (lateral or side view) and showed the curves in the spine.
Remember the S curve? Here is a spinal picture again:

You will notice that the curves in the neck region and lower back region curve inwardly. These are
called lordotic curves. The curves in the midback and pelvic (sacral) areas curve inwardly. These are
called kyphotic curves.

When one flexes their spine forward into Flexion, these curves will change in their curvature. The
curves in the neck and lower back will tend to flatten out. This is true in the lumbar (lower back) region
and with hip flexion we start to see a flattening of this curve towards flexion. This is great news
because it allows us more flexion in the spine without actually flexing the spine physically!


These diagrams (above) are of a person laying on their back. Notice that the spine WITH Hip Flexion
has a flattened lumbar spine lacking its normal lordotic curve with a tendency towards Flexion.

(Ravi standing on one leg in Times Square, NYC About 155 degrees Left Hip Flexion!)

Looking at the photo of Ravi (above) and his increased hip flexion in the photo, it is easy to understand
that not only is the spine important in gaining flexibility for autofellating, but so is increasing the
range of motion of the femur-acetabular (hip) joints, especially in regards to their secondary effects of
Posterior Pelvic Tilt and Lumbar Lordosis Flattening during Autofellatio.

This is important not only from a flexion aspect, but from a relation aspect, too. Flexion of the spine
and trunk involves numerous muscles and ligaments We are quickly learning that it is all just not
in the spine and its sole degrees of flexibility. A large number of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that
are not necessarily spinal in their main function and structure are related to increasing one's ability to

autofellate. Also, it must be noted that the entire biomechanics of the body work as a unit.
So many tissues and joints work work hand-in-hand with other tissues and joints of the
body. The biomechanics of the body must be looked at as a single and contiguous unit. It
is all related together in some way.


While we are discussing the biomechanics of the pelvis we should also make note of the Sacroiliac
Joints. These are formed from the articulations of the Sacrum with the Ilia on either side (forming the


The Sacroiliac joints are important to the body as they help distribute the weight of the upper body into

the pelvis and down into the legs. The weight and structure of the upper body is channeled down

through the spine until the last lumbar vertebrae (L5). As this vertebrae articulates with the Sacrum
(the Lumbo-Sacral Joint) and is the last connection of the upper body with the lower body. This weight
is then distributed through the Sacrum to the Sacroiliac Joints (seen on the previous page). From there
is is channeled into the Femur-Acetabular Joints (hips), down the legs, and into the feet.

The sacroiliac joints have some limited range of motion. However, it is quite small. As we already
mentioned, the joint(s) is used more for distribution of weight (axial load). Among the ranges of
motion, Flexion and Extension are usually up to about 2 degrees each in healthy sacroiliac joints. With
autofellatio we are looking for every possible opportunity to extract flexibility in the body, so we will
cover some workouts for these joints later in the book.

We've discussed the importance of stretching out the hamstrings and calve muscles but there is also
another important aspect of tight hamstrings and that is that one of these muscles connects with a
ligament that helps stabilize the Sacroiliac Joints. By stretching out the hamstring (muscle group) we
will be able to free up the extra tension on the Sacroiliac Joints which will allow them freer movement.
Even though their Flexion and Extension ranges are rather limited, every little aspect helps in
autofellatio. We will be targeting the hamstrings later in the book, but it's good to know that working on
them will have numerous positive affects. This is another example of how the biomechanics of the
tissues and joints of the body work synergistically (together) and not individualistically (alone).


Since we're discussing Pelvic Tilt, now would be a good time to introduce the Linea Alba and its
importance in the body and for autofellating.

The Linea Alba is a group of fascia and connective tissue that originates from the Abdominal Muscles.
All these distinct fascia run together to create the Linea Alba which is anchored to the skeleton at the
Pubic Symphysis of the Pelvis.

This is important because most people have an Anterior Tilt to their Pelvis. This is due to weak
abdominal muscles, poor posture, and for sitting too long for prolonged periods of time. While we can
rotate the Pelvis into a Posterior Tilt with Hip Flexion, this only occurs during the autofellation process

(though exercises can be utilized to help restore an Anterior Tilt to a Neutral (or no Tilt) Pelvis. Even if
we do use Hip Flexion to increase Pelvic Posterior Rotation, if we already have an Anteriorly Tilted
Pelvis, this will reduce our ability to create a Posterior Rotation upon Hip Flexion in the autofellating

If the abdominal muscles are weak, they won't be able to put tension on and pull up on the Pubic
Symphysis to equalize this imbalance. By strengthening our abdominal muscles we will be able to
increase our spinal flexibility, as well as increasing our ability to create and maintain a stronger
Posterior Pelvic Tilt with Hip Flexion during the autofellation process.

The Linea Alba can be seen in people who have a muscular abdomen that is lacking in excessive
abdominal fat. It's that line that runs down the middle of their abdomen (in red, below):



Especially when looking at the side (lateral) view we can see how weak abdominal muscles will be
unable to pull this part of the Pelvis Up and can contribute to an Anterior Tilt and drive your penis
farther away from your head during the autofellation process.


As we've just briefly discussed the abdominal area, this is as good a time as any to introduce the
concept of excessive weight and its negative effects of the ability for one to autofellate.

There are two major culprits with excessive weight and autofellatio. One of them is the build-up of fat
underneath the chin. Call it double- or triple-chin if you like. Some men seem to easily deposit fat in
this area. This will restrict the ability for the neck to flex forward as far as possible. Not only that, but it
will put excessive pressure on your adam's apple and throat and be, not only uncomfortable, but
potential dangerous during autofellation. Start slimming down and get rid of any extra weight under
your chin. Exercising the muscles of your neck won't decrease the amount of fat under your chin. It
will tone up the muscles, though. What one needs to do is a generalized cardio-vascular workout and
burn calories over all. Decrease your intake of calories and increase your output of calories. This is the
best way to lose wight.

The second region of importance is the abdominal area. Men have a gut for one of three reasons:

1) They have excess fat in their abdominal region.

2) They have weak abdomen muscles that are untoned and allow the intestines to protrude.
3) They have both weak abdominal muscles and excess abdominal fat.

To determine if you have fat in your abdominal region one needs to apply a simple test. Simple contract
your abdominal muscles and grab the skin and underlying (fat) tissues with your hand. If you can get a
handful or more in your hand, then, chances are that you need to burn some calories.

If you contract your abdominal region and can't grasp any moderate amount of excess tissue, then
chances are you just need to tone up and strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Excess fat in this region will restrict the ability for you to flex forward. It will also force too much
pressure on the lower portion of your rib cage, as the fat tends to roll up (when in the flexion) position
and will especially put pressure and strain on the two lower floating ribs that we discussed earlier.
This is a great way to fracture these ribs and strain the muscles between the ribs (intercostal muscles).

If you have excess weight in your abdominal area you need to lose it.

Again, doing sit-ups isn't going to burn this extra fat. One needs to start walking, jogging, running, or
using something like a rowing machine. This burns calories all around your body and is what you need

to do to burn this fat off. Eat less and eat healthier. Losing weight is very simple: You must burn more
calories every day that the amount of calories you are ingesting through eating and drinking. Eating
correctly (healthily) and increasing your time exercising is the best way to lose excess weight.

Having a slimmer body will not only make one feel much better, active, and healthier, but it will also
increase your ability to autofellate more than you can ever imagine. It is one of the simplest and easiest
steps toward autofellation if a man has an excessive amount of fat under his chin and in his abdominal


We briefly discussed ligaments earlier, but let's go into them a little bit deeper.

Ligaments generally refers to fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone or bone to tissue. The ligaments
that hold a woman's breast upright are called Ligaments of Cooper. With time and due to the effect of
gravity on the breasts, they begin to stretch out. This is why women's breasts sag with age. Ligaments
also help anchor your penis to your body. Ligaments are also what adds stability to your joints. They
stabilize the joints by keeping them properly snug and in proper alignment. This is why when someone
damages, tears, or ruptures one of their ligaments (let's say the knee), it will usually leave them with a
weak joint for the rest of their lives; as the damage to the ligament allows too much play in the knee
joint which sets it up to be more easily traumatized or damaged due to the decrease in stability from the
weakening of the ligament.

The spine and the pelvis are loaded with ligaments. There are ligaments that help keep the bones in the
spine in proper juxtaposition and keep the vertebral joints snug and in perfect working biomechanical
order. If these ligaments are damaged, ruptured, stretched too much, or abused, it will weaken the
strength of the spine and the spine's integrity:


In the picture above you can get some idea as to the immense number of ligaments that hold your spine
together. At the very back we have the Supraspinal Ligaments, Between the Spinous Processes (these
are the bumps you can see or feel when someone's back is flexed over) there are Inter-Spinal
Ligaments, Ligamenta Flava Ligaments which connect Lamina to Lamina, Anterior and Posterior
Longitudinal Ligaments for the Vertebral Bodies, and others. The Intervertebral Discs are also
considered to be ligaments.

You will notice in the picture above that there is a rounded portion in the center of the Intervertebral
Discs between the Vertebral Bodies. This nodules are referred to as the Nucleus Pulposus. These are
centered in these discs and have a very important function. When there is pressure (axially) applied to
the spine, such as through walking, lifting, or running, they help to distribute these forces more evenly
through the Intervertebral Discs. They also make the spinal joints more of a bearing sort of joint. This
is because they allow the vertebrae to swivel on these ball bearings for easier mobility of the spine.
When someone talks about having a slipped disc or herniated disc, they are referring to these ball
bearings (one per Intervertebral Disc) and what happens to them. With a slipped or herniated disc,
these ball bearings are traumatized enough that they tear through the fibers that hold them in the center
of the disc. They then tend to migrate to the edge of the Intervertebral Disc (Disc Bulge) itself and can
put pressure on nerves and cause much pain and discomfort. If the Nucleus Pulposus ruptures out of the
Intervertebral Disc, this is an Extruded Disc and can be a medical emergency if it impinges on the
spinal cord.

This is important information to know, as we certainly don't want too put too much strain on the
spine during autofellatio that we compromise or injure these discs. This is why if you ever feel any
sharp pains or stabbing in your back while autofellating, or start to feel numbness or tingling into your
arms and hands or legs and feet, then you want to discontinue your autofellatio session immediately.

Just look at all the amazing ligaments from rear views of the back of head, neck, and lower back:


All of these ligaments are important for proper posture, biomechanics, and health. With autofellatio
exercises, we are interested in stretching these ligaments ever so slightly through specific stretches. We
do not want to stretch them too much or this can lead to instability in the spine. This is why it is so
important to target all areas of potential stretch in the head, back, and pelvis. By extracting each little
bit of possible flexion and mobility from all portions of these areas, we will be better able to autofellate
without compromising these structures.

It is also why proper nutrition is so paramount with autofellatio. By ingesting the correct nutrients we
will be able to ensure that our ligaments are as healthy and as responsive as possible to stretches. This

is especially true of the Intervertebral Discs. The healthier they are, the less chance they will be strained
or injured.


We've all heard of such terms as scoliosis and chances are the nurse at your elementary school tested
you to see if you had one. Let's talk about what a scoliosis is and if it affects the ability to autofellate.

Obviously, as we begin to realize the amazing mechanical structure that makes up our spines, we grasp
the importance of the spine being properly balanced and aligned. This is from both a lateral (side)
perspective, as well as a frontal perspective.

We noted that the side view of the spine shows an S type curve and how this makes the spine ten
times stronger than if it were just straight. With time, trauma, poor posture, handedness (dominant hand
like right or left handed), and weak muscles, it is easy to lose the correct degree of these curves in
the resting state. Some curves get straighter and some get an increase in curvature. This affects the
spine's ability to function at 100% efficiency. They also work less efficiently when they are flexed or
extended, as the normal biomechanical properties have been removed.

The same can be said about a spine that has a curving to it from looking at it from the front or back,
such as in this view. This is called a Scoliosis:


A scoliosis is simply a lateral curvature to the spine when seen from the front or back. Most people
have a scoliosis to some degree. Some are more apparent than others. They can be due to muscular
imbalance, one leg shorter than the other, deformed vertebrae or pelvis, spinal trauma/fracture, or
deformed vertebrae. Below you can see a scoliosis with the accompanying x-ray. Notice the scapula
(wing bones or shoulder blades) on her back and the depression the scoliosis makes on the musculature
in her upper, middle, and lower back:


Obviously, a scoliosis like this is going to have an effect on one's ability to flex forward. Because of
this type of curvature the normal biomechanics of the spine will be compromised and normal motion
and function of the back will be impeded. Since such a marked scoliosis like this will also alter the rib
cage and the normal setting of the ribs, if one has a moderate to severe scoliosis it may interfere and put
undue pressure on the ribs with flexion and could prove to be dangerous. Anyone with such a scoliosis
should reconsider autofellatio and most certainly discuss with their physician whether it is
contraindicated or not.

Those who have a minor type of scoliosis (and most of us do) are wise to try and correct the curvature.
This should be done with the help of a specialist (an orthopedist or chiropractor can be quite helpful).
However, a lot of times handedness plays a role in the formation of a scliotic spine. Handedness
refers to whether someone is right handed or left handed, as this will be the dominant hand and arm in
their body and will also represent the dominant foot and leg. Those who are right handed will have
developed stronger musculature on the right side of their body, as they use it more than their left side.
This causes muscular imbalance and will affect your spine. By starting to use your non-dominant hand

(side) more than your dominant hand (side), you can help alleviate some of the spinal and musculature
imbalance. Remember, everything we can do to increase the functionality and flexibility of the spinal
regions (and associated structures) is Important. Even a small scoliosis will affect flexion (and
extension and rotation) abilities in your spine.

Also, too, take note of your posture. Some folks like to sit on one leg or sit off to one side in their
chairs; even when driving. Try to make an effort to sit more symmetrically. If you've slept on one side
for most of your life (let's say in a lateral position with your left side down) then even things like this
can contribute to the formation of muscle imbalances in your pelvis and spine and contribute to a
scoliosis. Try to do things in a symmetrical fashion in all your daily and night-time activities. Make an
effort to switch over and use your non-dominant hand and side more often.


That's certainly a good question when we discuss the biomechanics of the spine, pelvis, and body.
Certainly the best time to autofellate is when you are relaxed, have plenty of time, and certainly won't
be disturbed or distracted by other people. The last thing you want is to have your sister walk in on you
when you are performing this technique. In instances when you are unsure that you won't have 100%
privacy (which, I know, may be difficult) it's probably best to hold off and wait until you have some
true undisturbed time to yourself.

Night versus day is also a question with autofellatio. On one hand it's best to autofellate after you've
had a decent night's sleep. When you sleep this helps your muscles and ligaments relax and this will
help one to flex more easily. Your muscles and ligaments will certainly be more taught and tight after a
hard day's work. Especially if you are doing physical activity or sitting poorly in a non-ergonomic
(poorly designed from a biomechanical point-of-view) chair.

However, the night time is recommended, too. The reason for this is the same reason why you are taller
in the morning than at night. And this is due to those Intervertebral Discs we discussed. They are filled
with fluid. When they are compressed during activity during the day, the bones of the Vertebral Bodies
absorb the fluid from the discs. When one sleeps (or lays down for long periods) and gravity is no
longer compressing the spine and discs, then the fluid migrates out of the Vertebrae and back into the
discs making them thicker. This is why you are taller in the morning. But at night, the length of your
spine will be decreased and make it easier to reach your penis with your mouth during spinal flexion.

One should experiment and discover which time of morning, day, or night is most suited for
themselves. With time you will easily be able to discern which is the most opportune time for
autofellatio to get the most out of your positioning.

This a topic that is well worth reading numerous times and doing whatever you can to implement these
concepts. As we noted earlier, every possible thing you can do to encourage flexibility in your back and
pelvis is going to be extremely worthwhile. Especially when we reach the point where we can actually
put our glans in our mouths and want to work our way down the shaft; you, too, will realize that every
little bit counts. Here are some ideas worthy of implementation for you. Some may be out of bounds,
while others may just require a little ingenuity and creativity to utilize in your autofellatio work-out

Inversion, when we discuss the human being, is the act of inverting or turning upside-down the body.
This may seem fairly inconsequential but it definitely has positive results for the autofellationist.
Humans spend most of their daily lives either sitting, standing, or walking around. This puts an axial
force on the spine and helps compress our intervertebral discs. Gravity is the culprit here and it puts
undue pressure on our spines and pelvises (not too mention other parts of our body).

The idea is to invert the spine (or human frame) and reverse the negative affects that remaining in an
upright or sitting state does to us day after day. By inverting the human frame, we reverse the
gravitational pull on our bodies and help distract or traction our bodies to encourage more
circulation to the spine and its ligaments, as well as stretch out the same muscles and ligaments of these

Some sports therapists, physical therapists, and chiropractors have Traction Machines. If you can get
your hands on one of these, it will have the same results without having to invert your body. Problem
is, if you don't have access to this type of equipment you will have to do something on your own to
compensate for your lack.

There are Inversion Machines/tables that you can purchase. These are basically cots that one lays on
mounted on a rotating frame. You pull on the sides or redistribute your weight and they invert
themselves so that you are lying on this cot, however you are in the upside-down position with your
head at the floor and your feet (properly held in place) up in the air. Gravity pulls your body in the
opposite direction it is used to and it is a wonderful way to distract your spine. These can be purchased
on-line for about $200.00 and are very healthy and worthwhile, especially for those who suffer with
headaches or lower-back pain of a mechanical nature.

You can also purchase Anti-Gravity Boots which do, essentially, the same thing. You can also install a
hanging bar and hang upside-down with your knees locked around the bar. Be careful, of course.

What I utilized was a ladder wedged at 45 degrees under my back porch. I put a towel on the fifth rung
(the rungs will dig into the back of your knees and hurt like hell) and hung upside-down from my
knees. You will feel the blood rush instantly to your scalp (BTW, they say it's great for baldness). I
would gently hang from the rung and feel my spine stretch out. Occasionally you will feel one of your
vertebrae lightly pop into place. I would then hang and gently rotate my trunk from side to side. It
feels wonderful and will really help you stretch out your back. Relax your muscles and let gravity do
the trick Don't fight it.


While hanging upside-down may be a little difficult, one can also utilize simple hanging methods to
stretch out and distract their spines. Simply hang by your hands from an overhead bar so that your feet
are not touching the ground. Relax all the muscles in your body (apart from your grip) and let gravity
stretch you out. You should feel your pelvis pull down (from gravity) and help distract your spine.

This is a rather simple technique that should always be performed before autofellatio. Either lay on
your back, sit cross-legged, or you can stand still for this maneuver. However, laying on your back is
preferred, as you won't have the affects of gravity to combat. This is similar to the Urdhva Hastasana
Yoga position. Simply stretch your hands and arms out over your head, as if you are reaching out to
touch the stars in the sky. Stretch your arms out toward the sky as intensely as you possibly can while
pushing your fingers as far up as they will possibly go. You should feel some small pops in your back
as your spine is being distracted (the vertebrae will begin to naturally separate and fall into place). You
can also try flexing your neck (while tensed) forward and backward and the upper part of your back to
encourage more balancing and distracting of the vertebrae. Slight extension of the spine is also
rewarding in this position to ease back tension. If one can contract the muscles that pull the scapula
(shoulder blades) toward the spine, this is especially helpful in straightening your upper back and will
usually reveal a few pops in this area. This is also a great way to relieve tension if you've been sitting
at a desk all day. Again, this should always be performed before autofellatio. The picture is on the next



This is a method they use in Oriental cultures to help with back tension, pain, and to help relax the
muscles of the back. Typically, a person lays face down on a cushioned table and there are ropes
hanging above. A petite person (usually a woman) of about 100 pounds will gently walk on your
back. This is generally targeted on either side of the spine. They have to be careful not too walk to far
outside of the spinal region, as they can fracture a rib if they are not careful. They use the ropes

overhead to help stabilize themselves. The neck muscles can also be massaged this way, as well as
the buttocks. This type of pressure on the buttocks is exceptional for helping release a locked up pelvis.
It feels wonderful and is great for relaxing tension in the back. It is also common to hear small pops
as the vertebrae help get realigned from this method.

If you have a partner, child, or brother or sister who is not very heavy and can understand this concept,
then have them try gentle walking on your back. Remember that they shouldn't walk on the center of
the spine (the spinal area, this is where the bumps of the spinous processes are) but more on either side
of the spine. Again, be careful that they don't get too far away from the spine so that they are putting
undue pressure on the outer areas of the rib cage. This is an excellent way to relax the back and help re-
align it.


If you have access to a hot tub type of spa, take advantage of it. The increased heat will help relax the
ligaments and muscles of your back and spine. Do your best to ensure your neck muscles are under
water, too. This is a great preparatory measure before autofellating, as your muscles and ligaments will
be much more supple. The hotter the better.


This utilizes the same concept as the Hot Tub. Turn your water heater as high as it will go (don't burn
yourself) and let the hot water hit your neck, back, and back of your legs. Flex your spine and neck
while the water pelts against your body. Again, the hotter the better. This will aid in your flexibility
more than you can imagine.


A hard-core massage is definitely advised for the autofellationist. Don't waste your time with a feel
good massage. No. You need some serious muscle work. Rolfing is a deep form of massage that will
bring tears to your eyes but will do wonders for relaxing your back muscles. Have them concentrate on
your neck, sub-occipital muscles, Muscles of the Scapula (Shoulder Blades) Especially those Next
to the Spine & Deep and Superficial Muscles, too, mid-back and lower back, pelvis, posterior and

lateral leg muscles, calves (with special attention to your achilles tendons), and the bottom of your feet.
Truly the concept No Pain No Gain is essential here. Make them work their tails off getting every
little knot and tensionized muscle fiber out of your system.



Manipulation is the term where your spine is set into proper alignment. Most people are familiar with
chiropractic treatments, as chiropractors are quite skilled and educated in this type of medicine.
Osteopaths and some other practitioners utilize manipulation but, personally, I would stick with
chiropractic for this type of manipulation of the spine and pelvis.

I believe most health insurance covers these types of treatments so it's worth looking into to see if your
health insurance covers it. They may also have traction machines that can help with spinal alignment
and physiotherapy devices to help relax muscles. Ask them to help straighten any spinal vertebrae that
are out of alignment and to help align your pelvis. This will do wonders for your ability to autofellate.

Steam rooms are similar to hot showers and hot tubs. Your best bet of finding one of these is at a local
exercise gym. Again, the longer and the hotter (the steam room session), the better. Anything you can
do to loosen up your muscles will make a world of difference. Especially before starting to stretch out
these same muscles, as they will respond so much better (and less stressfully and painfully) if they are
relaxed. Wet heat is more penetrative than dry heat, so this is a great way to relax and loosen up your

I say Finnish sauna as I have no experience with devices that are called Infrared Saunas. A true
Finnish Sauna is a wood-lined room with benches and a heater. The idea is to sit or lay in the sauna for
long periods of time and sweat. Through the sweating process, the body detoxifies (through sweating)
and the muscles/ligaments/tissues get very relaxed. Again, the hotter and the longer the better;
However, one must be acclimated to the sauna before they try excess temperatures for longer than
fifteen minutes. In North America (USA and Canada) sauna temperatures, by law, are not allowed to
exceed about 200-degrees fahrenheit. This is truly a shame. Most saunas in the rest of the world get up
to 300-degrees fahrenheit (for male saunas) and allow the person to sit on the level of bench which is
most comfortable for them (regarding temperature The lower the bench, the lower the temperature).
Fifteen minutes in a 300-degree fahrenheit sauna and you'll be able to suck yourself mad after you've
finished. Again, it'll cost you about $2000.00 to have one fitted in your home or you can visit a gym to
gain access to a sauna, just like a steam room.


If you do have access to a sauna, I would use as much water on the rocks as possible to generate as
much humidity as possible. It's a more intense sauna, but, as we mentioned earlier, wet heat is much
more penetrative than dry heat and you will have much better relaxation and loosening up of all of your
muscles and ligaments.

That begs the question - Can I suck myself off in a sauna...?

Let's See:


Saunas, in most European countries, are typically associated with prostitution. That is, a man enters a
sauna center, has a massage, relaxes in the sauna, and then has sex with the woman/man of his

People who have never visited such establishments commonly mistake that one would have sex in the
sauna with the prostitute. This is hardly the case. The oxygen levels are severely decreased in a sauna
and any type of activity (including talking) will quickly tire one out and leave them short of breath. Of
course, the benches are made out of wood that is rather hard and it would be quite an uncomfortable
place to have sex (but, who knows, really I've never tried sauna sex). A bed, in my opinion, is and
would be much more comfortable.

What about Saunasolmu? Some of you may have heard of this term or technique regarding autofellatio
and the Finnish Sauna. This is a word that is attributed to the religious expressionist Ior Bock from
Finland (Finland is the home and origination of the sauna, though it is now believed to have gained root
in Ukraine and then headed up into Finland and East into Russia). Bock is quite interested in
spiritualism and Yoga practices. The practice of Saunasolmu (Literally Sauna Knot), according to
Bock, is (at least) a two-thousand year old ancient tradition where men would learn special Yogic poses
so that they could autofellate in the sauna. The idea was to bring oneself to true autofellatio (which
actually does mean that you actually reach orgasm Technically it doesn't count if you don't or can't,
BTW) and ingest one's own semen. This is to help ensure that not even one drop of semen is wasted; as
this is a very magical and special fluid and it should never be discarded.

Bock's favorite Yoga pose for Saunasolmu is Yoganidrasana:


Bock has some other interesting ideas about autocunnilingus (where a woman eats herself out in the
sauna) and the sharing of sacred fluids (sexual fluids between friends, the same sex, and others) for
its effects on increasing fertility, health, and to help encourage their neurological flow and vitality
through oral sexual practices, including, but not regulated to, 69-ing. This all starts, according to
Bock, at the age of seven, as this is when these special Yoga techniques and recycling of fluids needs
to be implemented.

While the sauna will most certainly help one relax both mentally and physically I can admit that I
have never tried to fellate myself in the sauna (I, thankfully, have access to a private sauna). I've never
even gotten an erection in the sauna. Perhaps I will try it one day. The reader is welcome to experiment;
however, I wouldn't try it at your local gym. That could be quite an embarrassing situation.


While we are on the subject of ingestion of seminal fluid, I would consult with your doctor before
attempting such delicacies. There are many ways of increasing seminal output. For one, it takes sperm
about 30 days to mature. So, give your body time to get some sperm up to maturity level. This means

not masturbating or having sex for at least 30 days That means NO orgasms for 30 days.

Sperm, when they are ejaculated in the vagina, utilize seminal fluid as a food source, as a fluid to travel
in, and to decrease the acidity of the vagina so that they can survive. By increasing your number of
healthy sperm what do you also increase? You increase the amount of seminal fluid you ejaculate, for
the reasons stated above. So creating healthy and strong sperm is one way your body increases your
seminal fluid output.

Stop smoking and stop drinking as these will harm the quality and quantity of your sperm. Eat foods
that are high in zinc or take a decent zinc supplement (get it at the health food store). Celery, wheat
germ, and albumin are great -- You can get these at the grocery store. If you have a juicer start juicing
celery like crazy. These will all help you naturally increase your seminal output. Rice (whole grain
brown rice is best) and other starchy foods will help send your seminal output to porn-star levels.

Increasing your consumption of water will increase the volume of your ejaculate but it will become
thinner and not as thick.


The best way to improve the taste of your semen for you and your partner is to remember that you are
what you eat. If you eat crap, your semen will typically taste like crap. Booze and cigarettes will also
make your semen taste horribly bitter and nasty. Remember, your body is basically one huge chemical
plant. Your body ingests food-stuffs and then breaks these down and extracts amino acids, minerals,
nutrients, and vitamins that your body needs to manufacture such things as chemicals and hormones
that your body needs in order to function. If you dump all kinds of crap into this chemical factory, then
crap is what you will get in return. If you're popping ibuprofen and other over-the-counter drugs all
day, the taste of these drugs will definitely carry over into the taste of your semen, too.

Stop eating junk food. Stuff like chicken wings, potato chips, and the burritos they sell on the corner.
Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and grain products. If it looks like it will affect the taste of
your semen, it probably will. Again, you are what you eat.

You can sweeten the taste of semen with some juices. Pineapple juice is excellent as a semen sweetener
-- The fresher the better. Stay away from the highly-processed junk that's made from concentrate that
you will get at your typical grocery store. This stuff has been pasteurized so intensely that it's basically
nutritionless and dead. Opt instead for the juices they sell at the organic food stores. These stores are
all over the place now. If you can get some fresh pineapple and eat it that way, this is great, too.
Strawberries and kiwis also seem to have a positive taste on seminal fluid. Make yourself a smoothie in
the blender with some ice cubes, juiced celery, wheat germ, strawberries, albumin, and pineapple.


Nutrition is an important factor in the ability to autofellate. It is also important as a preventative
measure against injuring your muscles or ligaments during autofellating. Proper nutrition will help
increase the flexibility, strength, and health of the tissues needed to allow you to autofellate. Its
importance can not be stressed enough. Please, take all of this very seriously.

First of all, since we will be re-training or newly-training our muscles, joints, connective tissue, and
bones to deal with this new added amount of flexion and mobility we want in our backs and pelvis, it is
important that we supplement the proper nutrients that will allow our bodies to HEAL FASTER. The
exercises and stretches involved in autofellatio are typically positions and strains that your body is not
used to. This means that they will be put under more intense pressure and stress than they are used to. It
also means that for them to change shape and form to fulfill their new duties, they will have a much
greater need to Repair Themselves. This is very important. We want to build the healthiest and
strongest tissue possible. Without the proper nutrients to do this, we will only weaken our systems.

What you need to rebuild and heal these tissues:

Vitamin C
Vitamin A
All B Vitamins
Vitamin K
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Amino Acids (Especially L-Lysine)
Plenty of Water
Cod Liver Oil (Omega-3 Fatty Acids)

It is essential to feed your body these nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. I would
start at least one week before you start seriously stretching and working on your
autofellatio techniques by adding these to your diet.

Connective Tissue Joints, Ligaments, Muscle Tendons:

These fibers are typically made up of something called Collagen. Collagen is dense with proteins and
water. The best way to ensure these fibers are healthy and up to the task is to take plenty of Amino
Acids and Water. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. A good-quality Amino Acid
supplement will do wonders for these fibers. Get a good quality supplement at a organic grocery
store. Don't go for the cheap brands at the more conventional types of stores. With supplements, you
truly get what you pay for. They make cost 10% more, but the results are 90% better.

Also take:
Antioxidants Especially Vitamins A, C, & E
Cod Liver Oil (for Fish Oils)

Sweating is also an incredible necessity. This is why serious weight lifters head for the sauna after their
workouts: Because they know they will heal up much faster and have less pain and soreness after a
good sweat. Sweating helps detoxify and flush out the toxins and biochemical end products from a
joint, muscle, and connective tissue workout. One doesn't need a sauna to sweat. A healthy jog or run
during the hot day will also help. Also, any other type of cardio-vascular workout should get you
sweating. Anything you can do to get rid of this waste and replace it with healthier nutrients is
definitely to your advantage. Again, water is essential in this process, too. If you sweat a liter of fluids
in the sauna, then you need to replace this fluid. Don't replace it with soda pop or some other junk.
Replace it with pure and clean water to help your body become cleaner, stronger, and healthier.

Connective Tissue Intervertebral Discs:

Autofellatio and these types of stretches in general put a very large load and strain on the Intervertebral
Discs. As we mentioned before, the last thing you want to do is injure or herniate one of these discs. So
anything we can do to keep them properly nourished is of extreme importance. Ensure these are in your

Vitamin A
Vitamin B6

Vitamin C
Sunshine for Vitamin D
Tons and tons of fresh and clean water
Cod Liver Oil

Water is an extremely important necessity, very especially when we are going through the growth
process of allowing our bodies to become autofellatio ready. When tissues are pulled, strained, or put
under any other form of tension, water is needed. Water will help filter out the used nutrients and
deadened cells from this process and help expel them from the body.

Your bones also need to be addressed, as they will be put under new strains and loads that they are not
used to dealing with, much less with even being familiar with.

Sunshine for Vitamin D

Bones are also made up of Collagen, so we also need:

Amino Acids (Especially L-Lysine)


Stop drinking coffee or sodas with Caffeine Caffeine increases Calcium loss through urination.

Ensure that you get plenty of Magnesium. 50% of your body's magnesium is in your bones. Under
stressful conditions Magnesium is lost in the urine. By stressful condition I don't mean things like
just getting fired from your job. Simple things such as not getting enough sleep or having the stereo on
too loud can have your body excreting Magnesium like crazy. Booze, cigarettes, and caffeine can
wreak havoc with Magnesium, too. So can some medications. Magnesium is a very sensitive mineral
and the typical Western diet is sorely lacking in enough Magnesium.

When bones are being strained and are being repaired, your need for Magnesium goes through the roof.
Do not underestimate the importance of Magnesium when you are going through your autofellatio
journey. It's a very essential mineral that most of us don't get enough of.

Get out in the sunshine at least once a day. The sun's rays are extremely healthy and needed for proper
body function. Don't go out and get a sunburn, just ensure that you get some direct sunlight onto your
body and skin at least once a day. Sunlight is also very invigorating and acts as a libido enhancer.

Reducing Pain & Inflammation from Autofellatio Workouts:

Since we will be utilizing muscles we haven't frequently used before and stretching ligaments that have
yet to be stretched, it's inevitable that some pain and inflammation will occur, as well as some possible
spasms and cramping. What are some of the things that one can do to reduce the incidence and intensity
of these symptoms?

Drink Plenty of Water

Free Radical Production Start taking Anti-Oxidants
Cut Sugars (Especially Refined) Out Of Your Diet
Eat Lean Red Meat with Little Fat
Naturally-Forming Vitamin E Supplements (Not Synthesized in a Chemical Plant)
Increase Intake of Potassium
Get Plenty of Sunlight
Increase Vegetables in Your Diet (Uncooked is Preferred), Fruits are Not Preferred
Increase Your Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Fish are a Great Source or Cod Liver Oil)
Ginger Root (Juice it, Cook with It, or Get a Supplement)

Fats get a bad rap these days but fats are extremely important in the building of cells (cells can't be
made without fat) and for hormone production. The problem is what type of fats to ingest. Any sort of
cooking oil that comes in a clear container should be avoided at all costs. Light breaks down natural
oils so these real oils will come in either dark brown, dark green, or black bottles. If it's in a see-
through bottle, don't use or purchase it.

Fish are high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids so increasing your intake of fish is a great way to get natural and
healthy fats into your diet. Nuts are also a wonderful source of nutrients and healthy fats. If they are
unroasted, this is even better. Take some natural Cod Liver Oil supplements. This supplement is
extremely healthy and will work wonders for your joint health and reducing joint and ligemantous


Most of this has already been covered in the prior discussions with the exception of Potassium.
Potassium is essential for increasing the functionality and strength of muscles, as well as keeping them
from becoming strained and from cramping.

Amino Acids, again are high on the list, as proteins are important for muscle strength and health.

Don't forget Antioxidants to help the muscles heal. Omega-3 Fatty Acids, again, are at the top of our
list for healthy muscles Get some Cod Liver Oil.


That's the best question of all. It's easy for someone to give you a list of minerals, vitamins, enzymes,
and amino acids to take. However, buying twenty bottles of pills is likely to be the last thing anyone
wants to get involved with. It's expensive and a pain to keep track of all of these things. Here's what I
suggest the Autofellationist does to help him in his autofellation journey:

1) Drink Tons of Water

2) Cut Out Refined, Canned, or Processed Foods
3) Eat Nuts as a Snack (Preferably Raw)
4) Stop Drinking Sodas, Alcohol Beverages, and Quit Smoking
5) Get a GOOD Cod Liver Oil Supplement and Take It
6) Get a GOOD Amino Acid Supplement and Take It
7) Get a GOOD Multi-Vitamin/Mineral and Take It
8) Get a GOOD Anti-Oxidant Supplement and Take It
9) Take an Additional Zinc Supplement
10) Take an Additional Magnesium Supplement
11) If Eating Meat Eat Fish and Lean Red Meat
12) Eat Plenty of Vegetables Fruits, too, but More Vegetables than Fruits
13) Stop Eating Anything Cooked in Processed Oils or Any Type of Margarine
14) Get Out in the Sunlight and in the Fresh Air
15) Get Plenty of Sleep
16) Cut Out Stress in Your Life Easier Said than Done, I Know. If Necessary and Possible, Dump
the People or Situations in Your Life that Stress You Out You'll Be Better Off For It.

And one more thing... I know this is cheating, but this is what I do: You can get Joint supplements at
the Health Food Store or Organic Grocery Store. These are typically tablets or capsules with many of
the important ingredients needed for muscle/joint/connective tissue healing. They aid in flexibility and
the health of these tissues. They cost about $25/bottle and will last about a month. Get the best quality
available. Over time you can ween yourself off these supplements so that you only need a tablet or two
a week.

We've covered this before, but it should be repeated: A lot of the supplements you can pick up in the
Typical Mart stores are hardly anything worth taking. A lot of them are synthetically produced and
the quality is quite poor. Some of these tablets are packed so tightly together that your body won't even
digest them and they'll be eliminated in your fecal material (trust me, I see these all the times in X-Rays
of the Lower Intestine). If you purchase the cheap stuff, literally, you are just making expensive urine.
Spend the extra time to seek out one of these Organic Grocery Stores (like Whole Foods) and talk to
the folks who work in the supplement section. Surprisingly, most of these people really know what they
are talking about and can direct you to the best supplements available; especially one of these muscle-
joint-connective tissue supplements. You'll pay extra for these types of products, but they will actually
have a very positive affect on your body. Again, with this sort of thing you get what you pay for.

One other thing... Minerals, Vitamins, and Nutrients are better absorbed by the body if they are
naturally-occurring in the foods you eat. Just changing your diet to focus on vegetables, grains, and
lean red meat or fish meat will do wonders for your system. Juicers are also a great way to juice
vegetables and fruits and get all the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals just as Mother Nature originally
and properly designed them. If juicing, throw in a little fresh Ginger Root or fresh Garlic (easy on
the garlic, it's pretty intense). These are both Anti-Oxidants and just about help with everything in the


This section will be composed of four areas, all of which are important:

1) Specific Muscle Targeting Superficial Back Line

2) Specific Release Mechanisms
3) Specific Stretching
4) Specific Yogafellatio Techniques

Yogafellatio is the term I use to define using Yoga positions/stretches to perform Autofellatio.



We are going to utilize specific muscles/fascia to help break up locking and tension in these muscles.
This will help increase flexibility and mobility in the upper neck, spine, and pelvis. A great way to test
how amazing these simple exercises is, before doing these exercises, stand up and bend over and try to
touch your toes. Note how far you can flex. Then, after the exercises have been completed, stand and
bend over again to see how far you can flex. The results will amaze you.

We all know what Muscles are. These are what moves are joints so that we can perform mechanical
tasks. Fascia is the fibrous covering of muscles. It has many purposes, one of which is to keep the
muscle fibers tightly packed together for better performance.

We noted before that the body works synergistically and not individually. The Superficial Back Line is
a great way of showing how this works. The muscles of different portions of the back of the body all
connect (through fascia or muscles) to form a daisy chain. This way they can help communicate with
each group when we are performing movements, such as walking. If the calf muscles can better
communicate with the thigh muscles to let each other know what they are doing then mechanical
movement will be much smoother and more easily attained.

The Superficial Back Line maps out these muscle groups and how they are connected to each other
through segmenting fascia and muscle connectivity. One of the important aspects that the Superficial
Back Line does is to help keep your body in the erect state. These are composed of very strong and
dense fascia and muscles. For example, your achilles tendon is part of this system. Without this system,
the muscles on the front of your body would be strong enough that they would make you curl up in a
fetal position (Spinal Flexion in a C Curve). So, they counter-balance the effects of the flexor

muscles in the front of the body.

This is important to the autofellationist, for if the muscles and fascia in the Superficial Back Line are
unhealthy, knotted up, or too tight, then what will happen? They will put more of an extensive
(extension) force on the spine and restrict flexion of the spine. This is really important, especially as
the Superficial Back Line incorporates the Pelvis and Base of Skull, which we want to increase
mobility in order to autofellate. Again, as noted above, if you want to see what really happens when we
target these muscles, you only have to try and touch your toes before and after the exercises to see the
difference. You will be amazed at the increase in flexibility.

The Superficial Back Line starts at the fascia at the bottom of your feet. Then it connects with your
achilles tendons and your calve muscles. From there it connects to your posterior thigh muscles
(hamstrings), from there it goes into the Pelvis via the Sacrotuberous Ligament to connect with the
lower back muscles and fascia. It heads up the spine and into the neck, hooking into the sub-occipital
muscles (back of skull) and fascia. It then runs up over the top of the skull to interlock with the muscles
of the forehead and ends in the ridge above your eyes. Why an interest in this line? Because it can
cause Anterior Pelvic Tilt and releasing this Line will do wonders for performing Autofellatio.

Interestingly enough, the anatomical center of this Line is at your Pelvis. Which, to the
autofellationist, is paramount for properly be able to autofellate! However, the most
Functional aspect of this Line is the muscles in back of the skull and just
below the skull. Again, of extreme importance to the autofellationist, as
we previously explained its importance with the Atlanto-Occiptal Joint
(Skull and First Vertebrae).
The Superficial Back Line is shown on the next page:


There is also a Superficial Front Line that works to counter-balance the Back Line. In this way, these
two planes balance out the body. However, we are mainly interested in unlocking the Back Line, as it
will allow us much more forward flexibility. There are a series of exercises and massages that you can
do that will work wonders for releasing this Line. Again, test your range-of-motion bending forward as
far as you can before the exercises. The try it again after the exercises have been performed. You will
see a world of difference.

We are going to start at the feet and work our way up through the body (to the head) to release this line
for an increase in spinal, head, and pelvic flexion.



The feet are the very foundation of the body and are an integral part of all joint and body functions.
Make no mistake about it, this is a VERY important part of your body you need to target. Above is a
drawing of the Plantar Fascia. It runs at the bottom of the foot and helps create the arch of the foot.
Over time and abuse, this fascia gets knotted up and fails to work and respond properly. Especially
from poorly fitted and improperly designed shoes. Just releasing the knots in the plantar fascia will
work miracles on your ability to flex forward. Trust me. It will blow your mind.

The main areas we want to target are colored red. Simply take a wooden pencil with a full eraser at the
end. Using the eraser portion of the pencil, gently work it (massaging) into the red areas above. Some
of these areas are likely to hurt like hell. This is great. This shows you have a problem (remember pain
is a warning sign that tells you something isn't quite right). Work the eraser in harder and harder into
these sore spots, over time and sessions. You should spend about five minutes per foot. Go easy at first,
as you may get some residual soreness that makes your feet rather uncomfortable.

Perform this exercise every day, Five Minutes per Foot.

Once you have finished using your eraser, use both thumbs and slide them from the bottom of these
areas to the top of these areas. This more generalized form will also help loosen up the fascia and
should feel good.


Next, get yourself a golf ball. You can perform this sitting or standing. Standing is
preferred but be careful with your balance. Simple roll the golf ball under the areas of
your foot. Put as much pressure down on the foot as possible. This will also help work
out these knots. Perform for Three Minutes per foot, every day.

Perform this exercise every day, Three Minutes per Foot.


Next we will target the Achilles Tendon:


The achilles tendon is the strong tendon that inserts into the back bone of your foot (calcaneus bone). It
is labeled Tendo Calcaneus in the pictures on the previous page. The achilles tendon is the next phase
of unlocking the Superficial Back Line. Take off your shoes and sit with your legs crossed. Using one
hand, take your first two digits (Thumb and Forefinger) and grasp the tendon. Work up and down the
tendon with moderate pressure, as you use your other hand to push the top of your foot forward (as you
would if you are standing on your tip toes see the red arrow in the picture for direction to push).

Here is the area to target with thumb and forefinger (in brushed red):

Push with your one hand against the foot in the direction of the arrow. This will put extra tension on the
Achilles Tendon. As the tendon and muscle start to loosen up, you can apply more tension. Stroke the
RED area with your thumb and forefinger (of your free hand), as if you were masturbating this
tendon. Massage deep and light, hard and soft while you flex the front of the foot upward. This will
do wonders for loosening up your hamstrings and calve muscles.

Perform this exercise every other day, Three Minutes per Foot.

Next we will move on to the calves. The calf muscles help stabilize the body and act as shock absorbers
when we squat, walk, and run. They also act as a propulsion center to get you moving in a forward
direction. With poor posture, sitting for too long of periods, and general abuse over time, the calves
tighten up and restrict the body. These restrictions will be felt in the hamstrings, knees, pelvis, and
lower back. We are interested in releasing them, as it will allow the autofellationist to reach greater
degrees of flexion.

This next exercise will amaze you as you probably had no idea how painful and tense this area is. To
work on the calves, you can use your thumbs or use a cross-legged approach and use the outside of
your kneecap to work out and release these knots. If you are seated, just feel to the outer edge of your
knee cap. You will feel a bony and hard surface. This is merely the lateral aspect of your knee cap. This
release method is very simple and you can perform it anytime you are seated. Let's take tightness in the
Right Calf for example. Seated, simple bring your Right Leg up (and crossed) so that the Calf is sitting
on the left knee cap. Then, using the chart with the outlined red areas, work your left calf into this
boney process. You can also put pressure down with your hands on your Right leg to have more of an
effect. Here is a generalized picture showing the positioning and the area of the knee cap you will use
to work out these knots:


Here are the areas (on the next page in RED) you will work out through this type of massage. You will
be amazed at how painful and tight these areas are. By releasing and working this knots out we will
have more mobility in our spine and pelvis. Pay special attention to the undersides of the bottom of the
knee joint. You can also work these areas out with your thumbs:


Perform this exercise every other day, Five Minutes

per Calf.
You should feel some discomfort and pain on your back and legs from doing these targeted exercises.
People are so used to being so knotted up and tense, that our minds start blocking these pain signals out
after a while. We then wind up with all of these biomechanical problems and don't even realize they
exist. Just from doing these forms of release, you will have more energy, feel younger, and feel much
healthier. Let's move onto the posterior (rear) thigh:



Again, these areas need to be worked out and addressed. All of these examples will do wonders for
increasing your spinal and pelvic flexibility. I realize that these areas may seem totally unrelated but
they are completely related and are of extreme importance if one wants to be able to autofellate. Most
men can get within two or three inches of their penises from their mouths without any work or special
training. Getting those extra inches is the really difficult bit. If we can pick up just a degree of flexion
here or a tiny amount of suppleness there, when we add them all up together, it allows us to be able to
properly autofellate. Think of it as a car that you want to increase its performance. You add stiffer
springs, thicker sway bars, better shocks, and everything else you can. One small change may not make
much of a difference, but improving every little thing you possibly can will boost your handling to
extremes. Same with the engine. Add a windage tray, add some free-flowing headers, install a higher
lift cam shaft, get a better coil and distributor... Again, one of these changes isn't going amount to
much, but if you add everything you possibly can, you'll wind up with an engine that can blow
anybody's doors off.

For the back of the thigh, you can utilize a golf ball again and use it to roll and knead into the these
areas. They, too, will be tender and painful. With time they will release and you will need to apply
more pressure to really get to the bottom of these knots. The pain is caused from the tissue being
unhealthy. When tissues like this knotup, it restricts proper blood flow (and hence fresh nutrients) to
the area and you get a build up of toxins. The pain, again, is you body telling you that these areas have

I have a set of silverware that has a fat and rounded handle (at the end). I typically use this to knead
into the muscles behind the leg. If you utilize something like this, be careful to target the muscles and
fascia. Don't dig into any nerves are arterial areas.

Perform this exercise every other day, Five Minutes per Thigh.

We are now going to target the Lateral Thigh or the side of the thigh. These muscles and fascia wrap
into part of the back of the thigh muscles and fascia so we need to address these muscles, too. One
great way to work these out is to use a small rolling pin. Just lay on your side (on your bed, for
instance) and deeply roll the rolling pin into these muscles to break up the knots. Be careful up toward
the hip, as you don't want to bruise any of your pelvic bones. You can also use your fingers (thumbs) to
knead out these areas or you can use your golf ball. Something like a tennis ball will also work
extremely well in these areas. You want to work on both sets of muscle and fascia on the Right and Left
sides. Again, you will feel tenderness and pain initially. With time and numerous sessions, this
tenderness and pain will begin to subside.


Perform this exercise every other day, Five Minutes per Thigh.

We're now going to move onto the lower back and unlocking the pelvis. There are two dimples on your
back that are level with your pelvis. These are where the Poster Superior Sacral Iliac Spine (PSIS) is (a
boney protrusion of your pelvis). These dimples are caused by the connection of the ligaments and
fascia to this area. First we want to locate these dimples. Standing, deeply press your thumbs just under
the dimples. If you don't have dimples, you should be able to find them by feeling for the PSIS in this
area (on the next page):


To release pelvic tension, simply depress your right thumb below your right dimple and your left thumb
below your left dimple...

NOW... Press Moderately Hard.

Now, SLOWLY extend your back (arch your spine backwards) while continuing to put pressure on this
area just under the dimples. Increase the pressure as you arch back as far as possible (within reason, of
course). Once you have extended as far back as is safely possible, continue to add pressure with your
thumbs and hold this position for ten seconds. Now, SLOWLY flex your spine and body forward as far
as you can (like you are going to touch your toes). Continue to apply as much pressure as possible.
Hold this far flexed position for ten seconds and then slowly (with continual pressure by the thumbs)
return your body to the normal upright position.

Perform this exercise every day, Ten times per Day.

This will do wonders for releasing tension in your pelvis and increasing flexion in your pelvis. Now we
want to perform the same technique on the lower back:

Recall that we mentioned that the greatest amount of flexibility in your lower back comes from the L5-
S1 Joint. This is also what is known as a transition area, as we go from Lumbar Vertebrae to Sacral
Vertebrae. The same happens at the lower part of the mid-back, where the Thoracic Vertebrae (T12)
transitions to Lumbar Vertebrae (L1):


If you look at your back or the back of someone else, you will see bumps in the middle of the back.
These extend from the neck down to your Pelvis. These bumps are formed from the Spinous Processes
of the Vertebrae. Muscles and ligaments attach to the bones to help move the spine. You also have
something called Transverse Processes. These are on either side of the vertebrae and also have muscles
attached to them that allow you to have mobility in your spine.




We now want to do what we did with the Pelvis just a minute ago. And that is, we want to put pressure
with our thumbs on the areas of the Transverse Processes, Extend our backs with continual pressure

(from our thumbs), then flex forward with continual thumb pressure:


Start with L5, then L4, L3, L2, L1, T12, and Tll. For each vertebrae, slowly extend the spine backwards
with pressure from your thumbs (Right Thumb on Right Transverse Process, Left Thumb on Left
Transverse Process). Go as far back as you safely can, then hold the position for ten seconds. Slowly
Return back to Neutral and then slowly flex forward. Hold for ten seconds. Then slowly return to

Do L5 through T11 (in this sequence: L5-L4-L3-L2-L1-T12-T11). One right after each other. Take a
break if you feel tired or strained. Then rest a moment and then start the process again. You should
perform each of these seven levels five times, apart from L5 which you should do ten times.

Perform exercise every day, L4-T11 Five Times, L5 Ten Times.

The next logical step would be for the mid-back. However, there isn't much flexion in this area due to
the rib cage. If you are able to reach your hands up high enough to perform the exercises we just
discussed in the Lower Back (up into the lower Thoracic Vertebrae), you are welcome to do so. They
certainly will help loosen up these muscles and help unlock this region. Remember, every little bit we
can add to increasing our flexibility is priceless.

We can, however, unlock these areas and take pressure off of the Superficial Back Line in this area. It is
a simple exercise. All you need is a tennis ball. Stand with your back against a wall and place the tennis
ball on the muscles on the left part of your mid-back and roll the ball with these muscles against the
wall. Tender and sore areas will stand out immediately. Work these out as you continue to roll the ball
with your back muscles. Then simple transfer the ball to the Right side of your mid-back muscles. This
will not only feel great but help relieve a lot of tension in your mid-back, especially if you work at a
desk (sitting) all day. About Five Minutes for the Left and Five Minutes for the Right should be fine.

Perform exercise every day in Mid-Back Muscles.

While the Shoulder Area isn't a direct part of the Superficial Back Line, there are, however, areas that
will restrict forward motion and to interact with the Superficial Back Line. These are known as Trigger
Points and we need to release them for improved autofellatio abilities. These will also work as a great
exercise to get more range of motion in your shoulder. Notice the drawing below:


There are two on the muscles of the shoulder blade and one next to the shoulder blade near the spine.
They are on both sides of the body. There are other trigger points but these are the five we are most
interested in.

Using your Right hand, reach around the back of your head and push into these three areas on and
around the Shoulder Blade. They will typically feel like semi-hard nodules and be sore to the touch.
Using whatever fingers are most comfortable and strongest for you dig into these with the tips of your
fingers for about a minute. Then hold pressure on the knot for about two minutes. Keep applying
pressure while you hold it. Relax and proceed to other Trigger Points. First do the Right Side then the
Left Side. Do each one, on each side, Five times. Remember these are only the three bottom ones.

Perform exercise every day, Five Times at The 3 Knots - Both Sides.

Next we move to the upper two Trigger Points shown in the last picture in Blue. Using your Right
Hand, start with the outer Trigger Point on the Right Side. Reach and front and press firmly down on
this area. Again, you will feel a knotted area and it will likely be sore and tender to the touch. Now,
take your Left hand and place it at the back of your head. Using Resistance with Neck Muscles, Flex
your head as far forward as possible (your chin toward your chest). Continue to apply pressure to this
Trigger Point with your Right Hand. You should feel it pull under your hand. Hold this position for ten
seconds and then slowly return to neutral. Then move to the second Tirgger Point closes to the spine.
Repeat process. Do both knots Five times each on both sides.

Perform exercise every day, Five Times, Both Knots, Both Sides.

Now we want to unlock and release the neck region. We will be doing a similar extension/flexion
exercise to release the neck muscles. Here are the bones of the neck:


You will see and feel a large bump at the bottom of your neck (at the back side) in the center. This is
the Spinous Process of C7 and is the largest and most prominent bump in the area. It is also known as
the Vetebra Prominens:


Here is an X-Ray of the neck looking at it from the front:


We are showing these landmarks to give you an idea as to where you should target pressure to release
the muscles. The Transverse Processes on either side of the Vertebrae must be targeted. We will only
use C7, C6, & C5. We will unlock the upper area of the neck when we go to the Sub-Occipital area.

This can be performed standing or sitting. Feel the Vertebra Prominens on your neck. The big bump in

the center. Simple move to the side of this bump just a bit, so that your fingers are up against the side of
the bump. Use your third finger on your hands. Press your Left third finger on the Left side of this
bump. Now press your Right third finger on the Right side of this bump. Press hard and extend your
neck back as far as you can (like you are looking up at the ceiling). You may feel some instant release
in your muscles and joints. Keep pressing and hold this position for Five Seconds. Now, slowly flex
your neck forward as far down is it can go (bring chin to chest). Press harder with your fingers as you
slowly flex your neck. Hold this position for 10 seconds and slowly return to Neutral. Perform Five
times at Vertebral Levels C5, C6, & C7.


Perform exercise every day, Five Times at C5, C6, & C7.


Here's the last area we will be targeting that will help us release not only the Atlanto-Occiptal Joint, but
the Superficial Back Line, too. It is one of the most important segments to target in unlocking your
body's ability to flex forward. There are devices and gimmicks one can purchase to help work out these
areas but they are hardly needed.

[Continued on the next page]


You can see where all those small muscles insert into the back of your skull. That's called the Occipital
Line. The Mastoid Processes are located just behind the bottom of your ears. They are also part of the
Occipital Bone. Atlas (C1) is also visible in the diagram, as well as some reddened areas. The reddened
areas are where we want to focus (on both sides of the head, of course).

You can feel where these muscles insert into the back of the bottom of your skull. Just Extend your
head back and resist with the muscles of the back of the neck and you will feel where they attach to this
Occipital Line. Starting with the First Red Dot (seen above) that is in the mid-line of the skull. Locate
this area on both the Left and Right sides of your skull. Press your Right thumb into the Right knot
and your Left thumb into the Left knot. Dig into these knots with pressure and a circular movement.
They should be sore and tender. While continually putting pressure on these knots with your thumbs,
Extend your Head back with resistance (from the muscles as far as it can go). Keep applying pressure.
You will feel the muscles tighten and they will become even sorer as you extend your head back.
Extend back as far as possible and hold for Ten Seconds. While still applying Pressure with your
Thumbs. Flex your Head Forward and continue to resist with the muscles in your Neck. You will feel
the muscles pull and tighten. Keep Applying Pressure! Flex forward as far as possible and hold this
position for Ten Seconds. Slowly Extend your Head to the Neutral Position and continue to apply
pressure with your thumbs. Relax. Even without the pressure you should still feel soreness in these


This should be performed on all three of the Red Dots Above (on both sides). THREE TIMES PER
DAY. Initially, you should perform them every other day for about a week, as they are likely to be sore

and tender. After a week you should be able to perform them every day, three times per day. This works
marvels for headaches that are caused by tension and strain. You might even find that your eyes feel
much better and don't tire out so easily.

Perform exercise Every Day, Three Times/Day at Three Areas.

You will notice, too, in the picture that the Mastoid Bone has a Red Area on it. This is another area we
want to target to help release the muscles that attach to this bone. These muscles help with Neck/Head
Rotation as well as Flexion and Lateral Flexion.

Here are two better drawings to help you visualize and locate the Mastoid Process (on the next page):



Find your Mastoids. They will be a little pointed at the bottom and sore when you apply pressure. We
will release these muscles like the other Sub-Occipital Muscles. But be careful not to slide your thumbs
off of them. Find the more pointed bottom and move your thumbs up about 1/4 so you have a solid
place to place your thumbs. Right Thumb Right Mastoid. Left Thumb Left Mastoid. With Resistance
from the Neck Muscles and with Pressure from Your Thumbs, Extend your Head Back as far as it will
go. Continue to add pressure with your thumbs. Hold this Extension for Ten Seconds. Slowly return
your Head to Neutral and Flex Your Head Forward with Neck Resistance (from the Muscles) and by
keeping Pressure applied with your Thumbs. Go forward as far as you can. Hold for Ten Seconds.
Slowly return back to Neutral (still apply thumb Pressure) and relax. You should feel soreness. Three
times each day every other day for about a week. After that, Three times per day.

Perform exercise Every Day, Three Times per Day.
These aforementioned exercises are a fantastic way to release your Superficial Back Line and increase
Flexibility in Your Spine, Head, and Pelvis. They will also help relieve enormous stress in your back.
When muscles and fascia are too tense, they continually contract and this robs us of energy and makes
us feel tired. So, not only will these releases help you to autofellate, they should make you more active
and help reduce your physical stress and tension.


After reading through this you're probably thinking you need to treat this as a full-time job in order to
autofellate. This isn't the case. Releasing the Superficial Back Line should be done at least three times a
week for the first week of starting your autofellatio training. After that, try to fit it in every other day or
so for two weeks. By that time it should be unlocked enough that it won't pose a major barrier to your
ability to flex. Once you do start autofellating, you will get a feel for the areas in your body that need
the most attention. You'll really be able to feel the areas that are restricting you. Then you just need to
utilize the unlocking techniques that are more in line with what's holding you back.

However, targeting the bottom of the Foot and the Sub-Occipital areas
are of extreme importance. These will help you out tremendously. So
they should be done as often as possible.


Before we get into the Specified Stretches, there are three other release mechanism that will help take
your spinal flexibility to the Moon. These should be performed at least once a day and
should be performed BEFORE every autofellatio session.

1) Golf Ball Method on bottom of Feet as outlined previously. This will do wonders to relax your
entire spine. Trust me on this. It should be utilized every time you are going to autofellate. You

can use a tennis ball, too. Take one to work with you and utilize it when you can. It will also do
wonders to release tension in your back.

2) Unlock Your Glutes. Your glutes are the muscles that make up your butt. These are
ferociously strong muscles and if they are tense they are going to seriously inhibit your ability
to flex. Unlocking them ans relaxing them is a very easy process! Take something the size of a
Volley Ball or even a solid paper towel roll that is full. Lay on your back. Place the ball or the
paper towel roll (the paper towell roll should be standing up) between your upper thighs.
Now, press against the ball/roll with your thigh muscles. Contract your muscles and continue
to press firmly. Relax your buttocks at the same time. Within a few minutes you should feel
your glutes release and relax. Do this before every autofellatio session.

3) Release Your Pelvis This is a simple technique that will help you put more motion into your
Sacroiliac Joints and free up mobility in your Pelvis. Simply lay on your back on an exercise mat.
Now, Dorisflex your Feet (this means that the toe portion points toward your head, as if you were
standing on your tip toes, but laying down). Now, Dorsiflex as much as possible and tense the
muscles in your lower back and pelvis. Your legs should be straight and side by side. Now, slowly
raise your legs (together and straight with the feet still dorsiflexed) as high as you possibly can.
Raise them as high as you can while continuing to tense the muscles in your pelvis. Now, slowly
lower your legs. Many times you will hear a light pop as one of the Ilia of your Pelvis click into
place. Do before every autofellatio session for increased pelvic mobility.


I remember stretching from PE class in Junior High and High School. Man, we all hated it. But, even
back in the stone age, people knew that stretching out your body structures properly does wonders for
your energy levels, posture, and flexibility. When I started getting back to doing some of these old
stretches, I was totally amazed at what a basket case my body had turned into over the years. Poor
posture, car accidents, slips, falls, poorly-fitted shoes, straining the back, doing physical work
improperly, sleeping wrong, repetitive exercises and motions... Well, they just beat the crap out of your
body and make it tense and knot up. Little by little things get tighter and worse, but we block them out
or ignore the small aches and pains until they go away. The problem is, the problems are still there, we
just don't feel them anymore until we try and do something about them.

I'm not trying to give a lecture on how you should live your lifestyle, but you will find that even simple
stretches, such as we will outline, will truly make you feel younger and more energetic. Of course, they
will also enable you to autofellate a whole lot easier.

Most of these techniques will utilize something called Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation or
simply known as PNF. What the hell is PNF? Good question. PNF stretch techniques are a fabulous

way to get the most stretch and joint range of motion during your stretching than just about any other
method and it's safe, too. There are more other dynamic and extreme methods of stretching but they
won't buy us much here and it's best to try to keep this as simple as possible. We're not here to learn
how to be Sports Medicine experts, just to get the right information we need to get us going on the road
to autofellatio.

With PNF, you simply stretch yourself to as far as you can in a normal stretch.
Then you hold this stretch and (without movement of the joint) strongly contract
all the muscles involved in that stretch. Then you relax the muscles and try to
stretch farther than before. What happens? You can now stretch farther. Trust me,
this works like magic. It has to to with receptors in the tendons, fatigue, and all
kinds of other muscle-joint physiology that we don't really need to know. We just
need to know how to properly utilize to get the most out of our stretches.



This is a Yoga Position but I'm bringing it to your attention first, even though it may seem out of
place in the Stretching portion of this book. The reason is that when we are seated and performing
exercises or stretches, or even reading this book; then it's best to get accustomed to this position.

NOTICE: Cross-legged, feet on opposing thighs, knees at the floor. And just look at the hip
joints... This is what we want to get in the habit of, which is, making our hips more flexible for
autofellatio. A great way to practice this pose is to utilize it when eating or watching television;
actually, any time you have a chance to sit.

If you can only do a partial portion of this position, keep practicing until you are able to do it fully and
easily. It's also essential for helping tone the lower back muscles and helps set up or spinal region for
autofellatio. While in this position, one can press down on the edge of the knees. This stretches out the
Sartorius Muscles and also helps with Hip Flexibility.

When you are comfortable with this position, then we want to use this position to even further add
Flexibility to the Hip Joints. This is done by sitting in this position and grasping one foot and bringing
it up as far as you can (with tilting of the base of the foot) so that you can view the bottom of it. Think
of it as looking at the bottom of your foot to see what you may have stepped in. Do this on both sides.
This will aid in creating mobility in the Hip Joints via Flexion, Abduction, External Rotation of the



Stretching out your neck is also a great way to strengthen your neck. We want to strengthen our
muscles, too, so as to allow us to have strong spinal support during autofellatio. You've probably seen
these types of stretches before, so they should be easy to get the hang of. We will be using PNF with
these. Remember, take all of these SLOWLY at first! It's not a Race or Competition.

Best performed seated. Your neck should be in a Neutral Position. Looking forward with eyes level.
Extend your neck back as far as it will go (back of head toward back of upper back). Now, use one of
your hands and press it against your forehead to push your head back. Extenend back as far as it will
safely and reasonably go. Now, HOLD THIS STRETCH FOR TEN SECONDS. Now, contract the

Neck Muscles as Tightly As Possible in this Extended Position for FIVE SECONDS. Now, Relax the
Neck Muscles and push against your Forehead, again, to encourage more Extension. You will see your
Neck Extends Farther Back. HOLD THIS FOR ANOTHER TEN SECONDS. Now, Contract Your
Neck Muscles Again for FIVE Seconds. Relax and Push Your Forehead farther back with your hand.
Your neck will extend farther back. Hold for THREE SECONDS. Now, relax and slowly bring your
head back to the Neutral position.


1) Extend your head back using a free hand against your forehead.
2) Hold this for Ten Seconds.
3) Contract the Neck Muscles (Tightly) Contract for Five Seconds.
4) Relax the Contract and push your Forehead for more Neck Extension.
5) Hold this position for Ten Seconds.
6) Contract the Neck Muscles, again, Tightly Contract in this Position Five Seconds.
7) Relax Contraction and push against forward for more Extension.
8) Hold for Three Seconds.
9) Relax and Bring Head to Neutral.

These Stretches Only Need to be Performed Once in this Sequence per Session.

Same as Extension, though we will be Flexing the Head forward and using the back of our hand to push
against the back of our Head. Use same sequence as Extension. Perform this Series Only Once.

In Lateral Flexion we will start, again, at Neutral Position. We want to bring our Right Ear to our Right
Shoulder and our Left Ear to our Left Shoulder. As your Head is being flexed to the side, make a point
to keep your Shoulder Pulled Down for an Extra Stretch. Again, take these slowly at first and GO

Same as other neck stretches. You can reach above your head (with your Right hand) and grab the
upper part of the left portion of your Skull. Pull your hand (with your head) to bring your Right Ear
closer to Your Right Shoulder.

Perform the same sequence as the other neck stretches. If you feel burning or stinging, lay off and don't
push it so hard. It's better to take it easy and not strain your neck muscles. Perform Only One Series on
the Left and Right sides.

Same series as other neck stretches. We simply want to start in the Neutral Position and without any
Flexion, Extension, or Lateral Flexion, Rotate our Heads to the Right and Left. It's best to push on your
left Zygomatic Arch (cheek bone) to turn your Head to the Right; then change for the Left side. DO
NOT PUT PRESSURE ON YOUR JAW! Use the Zygomatic Arch (cheek bone) or try and get
leverage on the side of your skull.

Again, utilize same sequence as other Neck Stretches for the Left and Right. Perform only once per
session (day).

If you feel any lightheadedness, dizzyness, nausea, double vision, sharp or stabbing neck pain,
head pain, shooting pain into shoulders or arms, any sort of burning or numbness then
Discontinue these stretches immediately.


Because we are using PNF with these stretches, there is no need to perform them more than once
per day or session. This form of PNF will yield the same results with one session as five sessions will

This is a great Yogic pose that will do a lot for the Autofellationist. It works wonders to help stretch out
the back muscles, straighten your spine, and put more mobility in our lower neck and shoulders:


While it is a Yoga position it is invaluable to the autofellationist as a stretching aid and for its help
with spinal alignment. It's also a great way to check your upper-body muscle imbalances. Typically, one
side is easier to do than the other side. This could be due to a previous shoulder injury or a muscular
imbalance, such as those caused by handedness or repetitive work using only one set of muscles on one

There are many different ways to position the legs for this Stretch/Position. Utilize the Lotus Position,

Start by flexing the Left Elbow and pointing it straight up into the air (we'll use the picture as a guide).
Then reach underneath and behind your back and try to clasp your Left Hand with your Right Hand.
This may be difficult at first. Even if you can get your fingers to touch tips, this is a great start. Keep
working at it until you can hook your fingertips of one hand with your other hand. When you have
really mastered stretching these muscles/fascia/tendons/ligaments, you will be able to clasp both hands
together, as if you are shaking your own hand.

Once you have (at least) been able to get your fingertips hooked together, you can accentuate the
stretch by pulling the upper elbow (arm) toward your back. The lower elbow can then be brought in
closer to the body. You can also get a lovely traction effect in your upper back and neck by clasping
your hands (or fingers) and pull them apart while maintaining finger/hand locking. Try to keep your

upper elbow pointed at the ceiling and lower elbow pointed at the floor. Do both shoulders.

If you have any history of shoulder dislocation, DO NOT PERFORM THIS STRETCH. Any history of
moderate to severe shoulder arthritis or fractures of the scapula or clavicle are also contraindicated with
this stretch. People with Rotator Cuff tears or injuries should also stay away from this stretch unless
under the supervision of an orthopedist.

Once you are able to (at least) lock your fingertips together, relax and gently pull your fingers apart
(while, still, maintaining contact) to help further stretch out your shoulders, neck, and spine.


Lack of mobility in the Thoracic Spine (Middle Back) is fairly common; nearly as common as reduced
Pelvic Mobility. When we fail to properly utilize the biomechanics of our Thoracic Spine, we put more
strain on our neck and lower back region to make up the difference. We do not want this. We do not
want to strain any joint(s) unnecessarily. We want BALANCE and a fair distribution of joint strain for
safety and peak performance.

Here are some simple ways to stretch out your mid-back and increase its mobility.

1) Get a broom handle or long stick. Put it on the back of your upper shoulders, as if you were going to
carry two buckets of water (on either side of the stick) for long distances. You will grasp the stick with
both hands and this will bring your Scapula (Shoulder Blades) together. Stack up two cinder blocks or
use something about 2 Feet high. Start by putting your Right Foot on the cinder blocks, but leave your
Left Foot on the Floor. Contract your Pelvic Muscles and simply rotate your Upper Body to the Right.
OR NECK. Rotate to the right and hold the position for Five Seconds. Slowly come back to Neutral.
Wait Five Seconds and Turn again to the Right. Perform Ten Times on the Right. Then perform the
Same with the Left side (Ten). Relax and do Ten More on the Right and Ten More on the Left.

2) Lay on the Floor or Mat on your Back. Flex Your Knees, as if you were doing sit-ups. Your hands
should be at your sides. Now, bring your hands above your head with your Palms Up. If you were
standing, your hands would be pointing to the sky. Now, stretch your hands and arms out as far above
your head as you can. Stretch, stretch, and stretch. Hold for Five Seconds. Relax. Return hands to sides
of body. Relax Five Seconds. Repeat. This should be done for 15 Repetitions. You will feel your spine
distract and relax during this stretch. Take a deep breath when you extend your arms/hands and slowly
breath out upon bringing to your sides.

These Thoracic Stretches are very important for the autofellationist. This is one key area of the body
that most people are lacking in mobility. What happens then? Well, we utilize our lower backs and

necks instead. This puts more of a strain on our lower backs and necks. By mobilizing the Thoracic
Spine, it will put less load on your lower back and neck when performing autofellatio. This means you
will have a decreased chance of injuring your neck or lower back. Remember, the Thoracic Spine is
pretty solid because of the Rib Cage. It's time to loosen it up.



This pose looks a bit intimidating but it really isn't. This pose helps us strengthen the neck muscles in
the neck, mid-back, and lower back. It also stretches out all of the muscles and tissues in the front of
the body. While we are focused on Flexion of the Spine, we must also counteract this by stretching out
the Extension (front) part of our bodies. By strengthening our back muscles, this pose/stretch helps us
reduce the risk of injury during Flexion while performing Autofellatio.

Get a decent exercise mat for the floor. The Yoga mats seem to be the best and offer the most
cushioning. Lie face down with your Arms at your Sides with your Palms Face up. Take a deep breath
and breathe out. As you breathe out, bend your knees and try to bend your knees as close to your
gluteal region (buttocks) as possible. (The breathing part really helps with this, so don't forget to breath
out as you flex your knees). Your knees should be about Eight Inches apart. Now, grab your ankles
with your hands.

Now take a deep breath and push your knees back (away from your buttocks and away from your
body). This will pull on your arms because they will be resisting the knees going back. Lift your thighs
off of the floor while you extend your knees back.

If it's too tough to get your thighs up and off of the floor, then just use a rolled up blanket under them
while you are still at the beginner level with this pose/stretch. You can also use a makeshift strap and
wrap these around your ankles (to grasp with your hands) if you can't reach far back enough.

You will feel that your upper body will be pulled up as a sort of counter-balance to the thighs being
elevated. Hold this position for about 30 Seconds. Contract and Relax your Back Muscles and the
muscles between your Shoulder Blades On and Off, while you breathe. Feel the Frontal side of your
body stretch out. Look up at 70 Degrees with your head and neck. Slowly relax and rest for a minute in
the original starting position. Repeat this Exercise Three Times Per Day.


Once you are comfortable with the Regular Dhanurasana Pose, you can alter it by adding a rocking
movement to it. Just gently rock yourself back and forth as you breathe in and out. This is great for
your Abdominal Muscles (which we will be working on later) and will help strengthen your back
muscles (especially Upper Back) even more. Do either version at least three times a day. Obviously,
as you get used to the positions and stretches and begin to feel what areas of your body are weaker or
stronger, you can tailor the poses/stretches to target the areas you need the most work and focus on
doing these primarily.



The Matsyendrasana Pose/Stretch is also known as the Half Lord of the Fishes Pose. It works very
well in stretching out the middle and upper middle back, stretch out the hips, and add mobility to the
spine. It appears to be a difficult pose but is quite simple. This pose works wonders for the


This is one of my personal favorites for autofellatio probably for what it does for my shoulders, upper-
and mid-back, and even the hips. You'll find that a lot of these poses will invigorate you and boost your
energy levels, as well as making you feel younger, healthier, and more limber.

Simply sit on the floor with your knees bent. Slide your Left Foot over and under your Right Hip. Now,
bring your Right Leg over your Left Leg so that the bottom of your foot is firmly planted on the floor.
The Right Knee should, initially, point straight up at the ceiling.

Anchor your body by placing your Right Hand on the Floor next to and slightly behind your Right
Hip/Buttock. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, use your Right Hand as a external fulcrum point,
and use it to gently twist your Trunk to the Right. Make a point to keep your body and extremities (legs
and arms) snug with each other. Turn your Head (neck) to the Right.

Gently use your Left hand on your Left Knee as a leverage device to put more rotation into your Trunk.
Keep your back fully erect and concentrate on rotation of the Entire Spinal area, just don't focus on the
Loewr Back. Hold this position for One Minute and Return to Neutral. Rest a minute and then perform
the same on the other side. Do Three Times per Day on Both Sides.

We're now going to target getting overall increased Flexion in your Spine. These exercises are a
necessity for autofellatio, so do these diligently and as often as possible!

As a side note, if you can perform your exercises in the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening, this would
be the best plan of action. You can also do a lot of these at work, that is, if you have some privacy, such
as your own private and personal office. Even doing some of these spine stretches while you take a
shower is a great idea and, as we mentioned, the heat will make your body more flexible. Taking a golf
ball or tennis ball to work and work on your Plantar Fascia (bottom of feet) while you're at your desk.
Make the best use of your time. The following stretches work best after you have unlocked your
Superficial Back Line.


Simple to perform. Get a piece of 2x4 wood about two feet long, or any other object with this amount
of thickness (like a thick school textbook). Place the back of your feet on the 2x4 with your heels
elevated and your toes normally on the floor. Keep your back straight and just flex forward AT THE
HIPS. Do not try to flex your Spine. Let your arms fall forward and let the extra weight of them pull
your hips forward through gravity. Try to force more flexion in your trunk through your hips. Hold this
position for three seconds, then slowly return to normal. Repeat Ten Times. This should increase your
hip flexibility.


Same as above; however, put the front portion of your feet (balls and toes) and perform the same
stretch Ten Times. You will feel more of a pull on your Acihlles Tendon and Calve Muscles. This is a
great Flexion Stretch.



This is a simple stretch that will strengthen your Abs and add Flexion to your hips and Pelvis.
Everyone loves this pose as it is so simple to do, not exceedingly technical or difficult and has
great side effects for the autofellationist.

Lay on your back with legs extended. Pull up your right knee and wrap your hands around it and pull it
toward your head as closely as possible. KEEP THE LEFT LEG FULLY AGAINST THE FLOOR
WITH NO BEND. Feel the pulling in your hip and leg joints. Now, Contract the muscles of Your
ABDOMEN, Legs and Pelvis (Especially on the Right Side). Hold for Ten Seconds. Relax these
contractions for Five Seconds, but keep your Knee in this position. Now, pull Your Knee Up Even
More (you can do this more since we are using PNF!). Again, Contract Your Abs, Legs, and Pelvis
Muscles very intensely. Hold for Ten Seconds. Relax for Five Seconds (keeping knee in this position).
Contract again, Pulling Knee even closer for Ten Seconds. Relax and slowly return your knee to the
floor and put your arms at your sides. Relax for a Few Minutes. Now, Repeat on Left Side. Do Three of
these on Each Side every Day.

Once you get good at this exercise, move on to:

This is simply the Same Exercise as Pavanamuktasana but you use BOTH LEGS AT THE SAME
TIME. This is even a better exercise to do, as the body is Symmetric (proper aligned on both sides)
while it is being performed. While Autofellatio is symmetrical, too, it helps if we train the body to be
balanced. Perform the Single Leg Three Times per Leg and then Perform with Both Legs Three Times
per Day.



This looks a little daunting but within a short amount of time, even the most inflexible of you will be

able to do stretches like the Supta Padangusthasana. The picture above is a little advanced, here's how
to do it in a simple method.

Go back to the previous stretch we just did (Pavanamuktasana) and get a FOOT STRAP:

Get in the position pictured on the previous page. When the Knee is bent up, take your strap (something
like a used neck tie) and wrap it around the bottom of your Left Foot. Hold the ends of the strap in your
Left and Right hands. Then extend your leg using the strap as an anchor point. Try to extend your leg
fully to 90 Degrees. You should feel pulling in your calves and hamstrings. Extend as far as possible
and hold this stretch for 30 Seconds. Contract your Ab Muscles. Do each leg Three Times per Day.
When you get good at it, start doing both legs at the same time.

Here is a pose that should strike fear in the heart of any man who has tight hamstrings and calves. Just
looking at this pose made me shudder when I first saw it, as I was so intimidated by. There is no reason
to fear, however; even with the tightest hamstrings and calves, unlocking your Superficial Back Line
and following these stretch plans should have you well on the way to be able to perform this in a few
weeks. This is a KEY Stretch You Must Be Able to Perform. If you can't master it, I doubt
you will be able to autofellate. So, with that being said, work on this pose. Just practicing this
pose/stretch will do wonders toward you bringing your penis closer to your mouth.



It's simple enough to perform. Just sit on the floor with your legs extended. You may find elevating the
back of your buttocks with a small pillow might help. Keep your legs fully extended and in full contact
with the floor.

Take a deep breath and breathe out. Press down with your Heels toward the floor and slowly start to
bend forward with arms extended straight out (the weight of the arms will help you). RELAX your
Back muscles, Contract Your Abdominal Muscles, Feel Yourself Pulling Your Groin Into Your Pelvis.

Chances are your knees will want to kink up a little to take the strain off of them. DON'T LET THIS
HAPPEN. If you can only flex forward a little with the legs perfectly flat, then do it this way. I would
go as far as possible Forward with your head bowed. Hold this for Ten Seconds, while Strongly
Contracting Your Calf Muscles, Hamstring Muscles, and Your Pelvic Muscles. Relax (still Flexed
in this position) for 15 Seconds. Now you should be able to flex forward a little more. Do so and Hold
this position for Ten Seconds with Intense Contraction of the Muscles again. Relax (still flexed
forward) for 15 Seconds. Flex forward more. Hold and Contract Ten Seconds. Relax for 20 Seconds,
then Slowly Return to Neutral.
Using PNF Techniques will drastically cut down the amount of time you will need to perform this
exercise. This is a tough stretch. I'm not going to lie to you, but it is a Very Simple Stretch! It will just
take a little time and effort to perform. Never push yourselves with stuff like this. Take it Slowly and
Firmly. It's better to spend an extra week stretching out than pulling a muscle if one gets in too much of
a hurry.



Padangusthasana is another stretch that you need to master for autofellatio. While it is comparable to
Paschimottanasana, since it is performed standing, we put different loads on the lower back (Lumbar
Spine) and Pelvis, as they are weight-bearing in this position. Because this axial weight is distributed
much different than when sitting on the Pelvis, we must master this exercise, too.

Again, this is a very simple stretch, but is difficult to do. PNF should help us get a head start in
mastering this stretch. It's also great for the Abs, which will be the last portion of this section, so make
sure you contract your abdomen during this maneuver. In the image, the woman has her fingers curled
under her toes, as this is the final step in this position. Initially, try to touch your ankles, then feet, then
your toes, then to curl your fingers under your toes. Take it easy at first. Again, this is no race or

Stand upright. Your feet should be about a foot apart. Firstly Contract your Thigh Muscles (in Front) so
that your Patellas (Knee Caps) get pulled up from the contraction. This is important and will help
stabilize your knees for the Stretch. Take a deep breath and while you exhale, keeping your legs
straight, Lower Your Head and Slowly Bend Forward, trying to Flex mainly from your Hip Joints.

The Goal is to interlock your Fingertips under your Toes. At first, unless you are very flexible, this is

going to be difficult to do. You should really feel your Hamstrings and Calves stretch with this
maneuver. If you are unable to get your fingers under your toes, then utilize two straps. Loop them and
hold them in your hands as you Flex forward. Once you've flexed as far as possible, then loop them
under the front part of your feet. Contract your Abdominal Muscles and take a deep breath in. Now, as
you exhale, pull with your fingers (or straps) against your feet and straighten out your elbows. You will
feel the resistance in your torso as you try to stretch yourself in this locked position. Your legs should
be contracted, as well as your back and abdominal muscles. Contract these muscles intensely for Ten
Seconds. Relax these muscles (still flexed) and wait Fifteen Seconds.

Now, pulling on your toes (through strap or fingers) should allow for more Flexion than before.
Contract all your muscles,again, and hold for Ten Seconds. Relax Fifteen Seconds and Repeat. Do
Three Repetitions. Then, slowly, stand up. Relax for a minute and repeat the Thee Repetitions. Do
Three Sets of Three Repetitions.




Once you have mastered the basic Padangusthasana/Padahastasana Exercise, then you can explore
different versions of it. These should only be attempted once you are 100% comfortable in your
flexibility. I found that some work better to target certain areas of my body than others; and some just
plain work better for me. I especially like when the arms are extended back (Third Picture from Left on
Bottom Row) because this helps counter-balance my trunk and I am more stable in this position. The
extra extension of the weight of the arms also encourages gravity to have a larger effect on my stretch
and works wonders on strengthening my upper back (I do this by Contracting my Periscapular Muscles
The Muscles that bring my shoulder blades closer to my spine and elevated But this is just a
personal preference). Over time your body and your autofellatio experimentation will help guide you to
what poses work best.


We've discussed this before but it is truly worth discussing again. Learning these poses and stretches is
changing the physical shape of your body. If you are Thirty Years old and you haven't done these types
of stretches before, it is definitely going to take your body some time to get used to them. By overdoing
things and getting in a rush, you're likely to only injure yourself. If it takes Three Months to Autofellate
instead of One Month by taking your time and not screwing yourself up in the process, then that is what
you must do. It won't kill you to wait an extra month or two by taking your time and doing things


Breathing is an integral part to Yoga. Especially from a relaxation point-of-view. Different theories
exist on when the correct time to breath in and to breath out is. Some say to breath in on contraction,
some say to breathe out. Those who breathe in on contraction, it is said, get more oxygen in the blood
stream to nourish the muscles (this really isn't the case, though; you're not going to deplete your blood-
oxygen levels with one Yoga move); while the people who are interested in fatiguing a muscle or
ligament state that breathing out on contraction is best. So what's the best method? Simple: Whatever
you are most comfortable with. However, strong and deep breaths will surely help you focus your
exercises, as it creates a rhythm pattern to follow; and does, indeed, give your tissues the extra
oxygen levels they may require.


You only have one body and you don't want to screw it up. As a kid I played baseball and dreamed
about pitching for the team. This was during my Little League years. My dad, who pissed me off at the
time, said that it wasn't a good idea and wouldn't let me be a pitcher. And why not? I asked. He said
that when we're young and still growing that you can really screw up your arm and shoulder by
throwing a ball like that. Anyway, he was the law, so I wound up being a catcher instead. I even played
all the way through High School, but never as a pitcher.

Fact is, my dad didn't know much about medicine but he was right about most things. When I got out of
school and practiced medicine, I was amazed at the amount of guys who came in, most in their 30s,
who had screwed up necks, frozen shoulders, lower back problems, arthritis, and all kinds of
mechanical problems in their joints and spines. Doing a Case History provided what information? Nine
times out of ten their problem was caused by a football injury, wrestling injury, or something similar
way back in Junior High or High School! When I tried to explain to these guys the cause and effect of
their problems, they just didn't want to believe it. They felt that Coach wouldn't have let them screw
themselves up so easily. After all, Coach was their friend! But they forget that Coach's job relied
on him winning that trophy and he was probably a worthless and selfish bastard anyway. Now,
unfortunately, these guys are screwed up and will have pain and discomfort for most of their lives.
Surgery might help in a lot of cases but the Risk/Benefit is at hand. Risk/Benefit means you have to
decide if the Risk is greater than the Benefit. For most of these men, the Risk of surgery is greater than
the potential Benefit. Only if their problems eventually worsen, will the Benefit of Surgery outweigh
the Risk.

Let me make this analogy a little clearer. Autofellatio is like playing Baseball. You can play many
positions on the Field and play your game Safe and have a Great Time. You can play in the outfield
and not screw your body up. You can be a pitcher and not screw yourself up. But, when you start going
to extremes and doing stupid things to ensure that The Team Wins! you'll likely only fuck yourself
up. Play it safe, not stupid. There is no trophy to be won here.

Hey, I know what it feels like to be constantly horny. I sometimes wonder if I'm not the horniest man
ever born. I read this stuff about Viagra and can't believe guys need to take this stuff to be able to enjoy
themselves sexually. Heck, the wind blows and I get an erection; and I'm nearly Forty Years Old (not
that that should have anything to do with it, but most folks get it in their head that a Man's sexual peak
starts burning out after 18-Years of Age Something I refuse to believe for one minute). Anyway, I also
know what it feels like to get sexually supercharged to such a degree that you will do anything, come
heaven or hell, to get yourself off... Our Sexual Drive is one of our most basic, primal, raw, and
intense instincts. Its effects and desires are embedded in our DNA through the activities of all of our
previous ancestors. These deeply embedded needs must be addressed. If you try to ignore them or

dampen them, they just continue to build up more and more pent-up energy that is just screaming to
explode like a Hydrogen Bomb...

My best advice is: KEEP IT COOL.

Don't get overly anxious and screw up your body in the process. I know it sucks, but trust me, it will be
some of the best advice you ever get. You don't want to be in the Doctor's office with a screwed up
neck because you tried to suck yourself off ten years ago. It just isn't worth it. Trust me.

Anyway, enough wisdom for now. Let's get on with the Last But Not Least The Abdomen:


The Abdominal Muscles are incredibly important to the Autofellionist. They must be Stong and not
weak. Just like if your Hamstrings are as tight as trampoline springs, having a weak abdomen will
pretty much stop you from performing Autofellatio. Not only is a strong abdomen important for
Autofellatio, but it is also very important for proper posture and for proper digestion of food. When
people's abdomens get weak and protrude, this allows the intestines to distend forward and stretch out
and makes proper digestion a real problem. So not only will strengthening up your Abs make you look
sexier, feel sexier, have better posture, and aid in digestion, it will also help you to Autofellate.

The first stretch/posture we will look at his a take on the basic Inversion Position in Yoga:

This is one of the basic ways to enter into an Inversion Position. Simply lay on your back with your
hands at your sides and you legs straight with your hips at 90 Degrees. Utilize your hands as downward
leverage as you bring your pelvis and trunk off of the floor. DO NOT USE YOUR HIPS TO LIFT
YOUR PELVIS. This is very important. Use your ABDOMINAL MUSCLES. Once you have most of
your trunk elevated, then extend your (extended) legs so they are again at 90 Degrees.

Most should be able to get into this position with little difficulty. If you do have difficulty with this, you
can brace your hips on either side with your hands. This should help you remain upright in this
position. Always concentrate on using your Abdominal Muscles to stay in this pose. Do not use
your Hip Flexors to remain erect. PUT A THIN PILLOW UNDER YOUR HEAD FOR COMFORT IF

One of the great points about this exercise/stretch is that it not only strengthens your abdominal
muscles, but it also helps Mobilize your Pelvis and Hip Joints. It strengthens your Back Muscles, too.

Abdominal strengthening is especially important to the Autofellationist, as he is going to need to keep

his Abdominal Muscles contracted for extended lengths of time. If you don't have the strength and the
ability to contract your Abdominal Muscles for a long length of time, you will start to cramp up and get
stomach pains. Strengthening your Abdominal Muscles is really important if you want to take your
Autofellatio Journey to the Orgasmic End. One can hardly do this if their Abdominal Muscles are
cramping up and aching after two minutes.

Now, while in this position, remember something you probably did in Gym Class at High School. And
that is to do the Bicycle Exercise. While you are in this position starting working your Hips, Knees,
and Legs as if you were pedaling a Bicycle. It's quite simple. Again, remember to keep your Abdominal
Muscles Contracted.

Pedal your imaginary Bicycle for about Three Minutes in this position. Now, lower your legs (while
you are still pedaling) to about 70 Degrees. Pedal for another Three Minutes. Now, Lower your legs to
about 45 Degrees. And keep pedaling. The lower your legs go, the more abdominal strength you will
need to keep them at this elevation. Feel Your Abs Contract! Do this for Three Minutes and now
lower your legs so that your feet are about 20 Degrees (about two feet off of the floor). This should be
the toughest part of this maneuver as you will really have to contract your abdominal muscles to keep
this position. Relax.

This is one magical way to get what is called Six-Pack Abs. This exercise really works your Rectus

For some men, this exercise will be a piece of cake. That's great. If so, then move on up to Five
Minutes in each position. Those men who find it difficult, keep at it until you are able to do at least
Five Minutes in each position (with arms at side, palms down, as in the photos), CONSECUTIVELY.
This may seem like a long time, but this is a great way to strengthen your abs, mobilize your
hips/pelvis, and to strengthen your back muscles. It's also one of the easiest and most fun exercises to
do. I don't suggest it, as I think everyone should concentrate on what they are doing when they are

exercising, but this is one of those easy-enough exercises you can do and still watch television at the
same time.

You should do this Every Other Day. Do it as long as possible (within reason). You really need to
strengthen your Abdominal Muscles.

There are tons of methods of strengthening your Abs. All kinds of gadgets and gimmickery (yeah, that's
a real word) have invaded late-night television and the Internet for years on strengthening your Abs.
Then there's the entire Six-Pack Ab craze that's had everyone's attention for the last twenty years and
still seems to be on the minds of most men interested in looking their physical best.

There are many areas of the abdomen that can and should be targeted. However, these exercises I've
provided will do the best for the Autofellationist. This isn't a book on Six-Pack Abs, so I'm not going to
waste your time with all the Muscle groups and their Function.



People think these are a new invention that exploded on late-night television about ten years ago. That's
hardly the case. My grandfather had one of these he made by hand that he used to train with when he
was a boxer and that was in the 1930s. I even have a small booklet (I forget where it came from) that I
came across, as a little kid by Joe Bonomo on becoming stronger (he was a famous lifter from the Old
School) who discussed how to use one of these things. Actually, that was a really cool little book and I
wish I still had it. It had all kinds of ways of developing strength by using simple objects like a sheet of
newspaper, believe it or not...

Anyway, you can't improve upon this simple device for Strengthening your Abs and that's why it's been
around forever. Heck, the Greek Olympiads probably even used these devices. The beauty is that

they're inexpensive to make on your own (or purchase), they're simple, and, of course, THEY
ACTUALLY WORK. Forget all the Super-Ab-Flex-Monster-Machine contraptions that cost $150.00.
This little puppy is all you need.

You can pick one of these up at any sporting goods store. Having said that, they probably won't have
one if you go, so call ahead before you head out. If not, you can make one with a wheelbarrow wheel
and a thick wooden dowel. They probably even sell them at the 'Mart stores that seem to be taking
over the known universe. I've tried to keep all the devices down to a minimum in this book, to make
things more natural, hands-on, and simple. Things like Foam Rollers, Kinetic Exercise Balls, Stretch
Bands, and the like are great, but they tend to become reliant aids you shouldn't need. However, an Ab
Roller is a device worth having. Also, if you don't have one already, get a decent and THICK Yoga
Pad (Mat) to do your stretches and exercises on.


They are more stable (safer) and we can utilize the additional wheel for more advanced maneuvers
when we get our abs stronger and more powerful.

The simplest way to use the wheel is in this fashion. Don't worry if it's tough at first. I hadn't used one

of these in five years and was amazed that I couldn't use it any longer. After a week I had no problem at
all, but my abs were sore as hell after the first workout:


Simply Kneel on the floor with your body as upright as possible (you will have some forward tilting
(but not Flexion) of your trunk because your trunk is longer than your arm length. The wheel should be
resting in front of your knees. Your Left Hand on the Left Handle and Right Hand on Right Handle.
Keep your head in the Neutral Position (not Flexed or Extended) or with Slight Flexion (No
Extension). Your Arms Need to be Fully Extended (Straight).

Slightly Contract your Abdominal Muscles and Buttocks to keep your Pelvis from Tilting and Straining
your Lower Back. Allow your body to lean forward using the Ab Wheel as the focus of Weight
Transfer. This will get the Wheel Rolling Forward. Keep your Abdominal Muscles Contracted to
STABILIZE YOUR TORSO. You should feel your back stretch out as you Roll Forward.

The Key is to be able to Roll Out Enough so that you Fully Extend your Body with your Arms Straight
Out and Legs Fully Extended. Then, you CONTRACT YOUR ABS to FLEX YOUR TRUNK and
bring your body back to the Kneeling position. You Should Utilize your Abdominal Muscles during
these movements to both LIMIT the Speed of your Forward Roll and to Introduce your Forward Roll
and Pull Your Trunk into a jacknife position to return to your Kneeling Position. Remember TO USE

If you feel you are rolling too far forward and are having difficulty returning to Neutral, then simply set
up with a wall in front of you to stop your forward roll. With time you can increase the distance from
you to the wall and won't have any other need for the wall once you have developed your abs. NOTE
Always Concentrate on Your Abs. Do not use the upper-body strength of your arms to bring the wheel
back Use Your Ab Muscles. Think Abdominal Muscles Constantly with these Exercises.

A note about Foot Placement: Some advocates of this exercise believe you should interlock the end of
you legs with one foot over the other. Since we are interested in creating Symmetry in the body, do not
use this method. Ensure that both feet are NOT interlocked and about Six Inches apart. Crossing the
legs will cause an imbalance in the Pelvis that we do not want to encourage while strengthening these


The Advanced Method is similar to the Basic Method. The difference is that you start from a Standing
Position with your Legs Straight (no bending of the knees) and with your trunk flexed over. This is
more difficult that the kneeling method, as you have to work harder against gravity because you are
standing. Don't try this method until you have fully mastered the Kneeling Method.

Once you have mastered both methods, you can then go to the One Arm Method. This is best
performed in the Kneeling Position and is why you want an Ab Wheel with two wheels. Put a spacer
between the two wheel so that they are comfortable a Hand Width apart. Now, instead of using Both
Hands, simply perform the exercise with only One Hand in the Middle of the Ab Wheel. However,
repeat both sides the same. Which is to say, if you do Ten Reps with the Left Hand, then make sure you
do Ten Reps with the Right Hand.

You can also grab the handles from below instead of above. Only try this if you're Wrist Flexors are
very Strong. This format won't help you Autofellate, but will certainly strengthen your Forearms.

Of course, I have my pride and would love to say that all the information you need to perform exercises
like this is all in these pages and in the words I've written in this book. But that would be a lie. Every
man is different in physical build, physical potential, and in his thinking and understanding of things.
So, there are always alterations and alternatives of methods and better ways of doing things that may be
better suited to the individual. Really, it wouldn't be that hard to write an entire book on the Ab Wheel
and what you can accomplish with it. But that's not our goal with this book. If you are having
difficulties with something like the Ab Wheel, then check out places like YouTube on the Internet
where you can find examples (videos) of such exercises being performed. The key is to get you to
Autofellate, not to convince you that I know everything (because I don't) and can explain everything
perfectly (because, inevitably, I can't). Use all the tools you can that are at your disposal to reach
your goal!

Now, on to the Specific Yogafellatio Techniques...


Well, here we are. The aspect of the book that introduces the best positions in order to Autofellate.

After all, this is why we are reading this book.

None of these positions should be attempted until you have at least worked on stretching/exercising
with the previous techniques. This is a big deal. If you jump headfirst into these positions and can't
even begin to accomplish them, chances are you might get frustrated and give up on attempting
Autofellatio. My goal is to help you Autofellate. If you follow what I've outlined, you shouldn't have
any problem; so, please, try not to jump into the tough stuff until the easier stuff is possible.

The previous exercises and stretches are there for a reason. They have been provided as your
Foundation for Yogafellatio. Just like a House has a foundation. If you don't build a proper foundation
and build a house on some worthless foundation, the house is going to collapse all around you. Same
with Yogafellato. Get your foundation sound and solid. Then you have something from which to truly
build your Autofellatio abilities. Without this foundation you are likely to get discouraged and injured.

Always warm up before ANY of these Positions are tried. Warm up by some of the Preparatory
Measures we noted (like a nice hot bath or shower), Work out your Superficial Back Line, and utilize
the Specific Stretches. You don't need to go crazy exercising your abs before performing these
Positions. In fact, you want to do just the opposite. Your pre-Yogafellatio exercises should be about
stretching and relaxation, not working out on your Ab Wheel. With time you will find and feel what
works best for you.

Any pain or discomfort you might feel is a Warning Sign for you to Back Off. Any weird numbness or
tingling and Back Off. Any strange sensations or burning and Back Off. Let's repeat it, again Don't
Push or Strain Yourself or Your Body. There is plenty of time in your life to learn how to Autofellate
properly. Use it all wisely.



We saw this pose/stretch earlier in the book (remember Ior Bock?). It seems quite intimidating but you
need to start mastering this pose/stretch as soon as you can. It will help you in all the various
autofellatio positions that a man can utilize. Obviously, unless you are excessively limber and quite
skilled in Yoga already, you probably won't even come close to mastering this immediately. However,
as we practice this pose it will help us to reach this pose and help our ability to autofellate.

Strangely enough, once one is able to master this pose, it's actually a very pleasant and peaceful
position. I know it hardly appears that way, but it is. This makes it one of the better Autofellatio
Positions, as you can relax more on the fellatio portion than on your body being in an uncomfortable

Again, don't expect to master this in an instant. But start working on this pose for your own benefit. As
they say, Fake It Till You Make It. Make sure you have unlocked your Superficial Back Line and
limbered up for this pose.

Note: This will compress your thoracic cavity (lungs) and intestinal system. So, take it slow and
breathe easily. If you get too much shortness of breath, then lay off and take it even slower. You can
perform this either sitting on your pelvis (Ischial Tuberosities) or from a laying position. Laying is
typically easier until you are well versed in this pose. Some people will do both legs at the same time
Don't worry about doing that. One foot after the other is easier at first. Do all the poses/stretches
possible to release your Pelvis and Hip joints.

1) Always warm up with the Matsyendrasana pose/stretch, no matter what.
2) Lay on your back. We are going to start with your Handedness leg/hip first. Which is to say, if
you are Right Handed, then we will start with your Right Leg/Hip.
3) Bring your Right Hip up to your chest. Keep your Knee Flexed at 90 Degrees (or thereabouts).
4) Move your Knee and Hip around with your arms to loosen up the joint as best as possible.
5) Return Your Right Hip/Knee to the floor and do the same with your Left Hip/Knee.
6) Relax.
7) Now, back to your Right Hip/Knee. Stabilize your body by bending your Left Knee about 30
Degrees with your foot firmly on your Mat.
8) TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Bring your Right Knee to your chest and try to bring your Right
Knee as Close to your Chin as possible.
9) If this feels comfortable, then reach under the Right Leg, flex your head forward and extend the
Right Leg (at the Knee Joint) and just try to place it behind your head.

With the proper flexibility of our earlier stretches and releasing the Superficial Back Line, you should
be able to do this. If not, it's not a big deal! Just keep practicing and stretching your Right Leg until you
can do this.

Of course, after you work with the Right Leg, then you work on the Left Leg. Return your Right Leg to
the Mat and use it to Stabilize your body with the Knee flex at 30 Degrees with the foot firmly down on
the Mat. Then do the same Process with the Left Leg.

Don't try to do the Left and Right legs both at the same time when you are first beginning. JUST DO
WITH THE OTHER LEG. Always BREATHE IN DEEPLY when you go to put your leg(s) behind
your neck.

Once you are comfortable in this position with either leg, then simply start with your Handedness
Leg and once that is positioned behind your neck, then proceed by adding your other leg. Your other
foot will interlock under your previous foot.


Handedness is important in this exercise. Typically, the musculature on your Handed side will be
more pronounced. So if you are Right Handed, you will have more muscle on your Right Side. This
will typically make the Left Side more Flexible (less muscle density). The second Leg you put behind
your neck will have to be the most Flexible of your Two Legs, as it must Bend farther to go Behind the
Other Foot. This is why we start with the Handedness Leg.

It's easier than it appears. You will realize how important strengthening your Neck has been and in
gaining that flexibility in your Hips and Pelvis we discussed.

10) Now, simply lay with your hands at your side, face down, near your buttocks. Practice holding
this pose and just mellow out and breathe in and breathe out.

11) The breathing part is important to get down, as I already mentioned, because your thoracic
cavity is going to be compressed and breathing will be more difficult in this position. Get Used
to It. Remember, your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate are going to go through the
roof once you start Autofellating. Make sure you develop the proper Stamina for this with this
posture. Don't just jump in all at once.

12) Get used to performing this pose until you are comfortable with it and don't have any cramping
or discomfort. Take your Time and Master it.

Once you feel comfortable in this pose and can do it easily, then we move onto utilizing it for

12) Get in this pose with both legs behind your neck. Breathe and relax.
13) Instead of having your hands on the floor at each side of your buttocks, grasp your Right
Buttock with Your Right Hand and your Left Buttock with your Left Hand. You may also find
grabbing your pelvis at the sides of your hips works just as well or better.
14) Simply use your arms and hands to pull your Pelvis closer to your Face. You should easily be
able to get another inch closer just by pulling your Pelvis closer in with your Hands. Flex your
head (now you will know why we unlocked the Sub-Occipital Muscles to give you better
Translation {a special movement of the Atlas and Occiput} of your Head on Your Neck).
15) Now, it's all a matter of inches.


Never Push It.

Never Force or Strain Anything.
Never Rush Things.
Back Off if Any Pain, Weird Sensations, or Sickness Occurs.
Relax and Breathe Easily.
Make It an Enjoyable Experience.
Don't Do Anything Stupid.





[Continued on Next Page]


The Plow Position is one favored by many Autofellationists as it is one of the easiest to perform and it
is also the easiest to get added leverage. Leverage isn't always a good thing, but we will discuss this
more later.

You need a really thick mat to perform this position, especially in the early stages (when you are
getting used to it) because you will tend to put too much strain on your neck. Which you don't want!
Let the weight of your body rest and be distributed across your upper back and shoulders. Remember
the Veretbra Prominens? The big Spinous Process at the bottom of your neck that sticks out more than
any of your other spinal bones? You'll be putting pressure around this area, so this is why you need a
thick mat. You don't want to jam this vertebrae or unnecessarily strain it. Actually, using a decently
solid bed is great for this posture, but you need a very good and solid mattress. If you want, put a piece
of plywood (or two side by side) under your mattress to make your mattress stronger and firmer.

Anyway, the position is simple enough:

1) Lay on your back with your hands (palms up) at your side.
2) Flex your hips to 90 Degrees, so that your legs are standing straight up.
3) Bring your hips over your head and shoulders. Your legs should remain straight.
4) You should be able to flex your hips enough so that your toes are touching the floor behind your
head. You can see this illustrated in the Basic Position above. You can bend your knees a little if
you prefer.

If you can't master this portion of the pose, then don't try to take it any farther. Keep practicing with
this introductory portion to ensure your body is ready for the next phase. Again, we are not in a rush or
hurry. It's best to spend a week practicing this portion before moving on. You can see why we were so
interested in increasing your Hip Flexion earlier in the book. For at this point in time you are really
only Flexing your Hips.

5) Once you have mastered getting your toes to the floor behind your head and are comfortable in
this position, then move your hands so that they are supporting your back at the level of the
Dimples we pointed out earlier in the book. Look straight up.
6) Now, bring your shoulders closer together and under your body, so that you are supporting your
lower body with your shoulders and Not Your Neck. This is important.
7) Relax.

Work on this position so that you can get comfortable managing this position for at least Five Minutes.

Then practice holding this position without stabilizing your back with your hands, as is seen in the
Halsana Yogafellatio position pictured on the previous page.

8) Now, look at the Halasana Yogafellatio picture on page 125 and notice that the legs are now
spread with the Knees Bent and that the Knees are resting on the floor. This is important and we
need to practice this portion of the exercise before we continue.
9) Once you are comfortable with the knees in this position, simply spread them apart and
now brace your back with your hands (like before).
10) Spreading the Knees will bring the Pelvis closer to the Head and Closer to Your Goal
The Wider the Better. Now this is why it is so important to get your shoulders under your
body to support you. If you stay in this position with this strain on your neck it's not going to do
you any favors, in fact, you'll probably screw it up, so remember that. The shoulders will also
help lock your upper body (and shoulders, of course) in place for the next step.
11) Now that our shoulders are firmly anchored and our body weight is properly positioned, we can
now use one or both hands to pull our pelvis closer to our body due to the stabilization of our
arms. This can be done by pulling on both buttocks, or if you have a strong arm, you can use
one arm to pull on the center of your pelvis.
12) Adding more Flexion to the Spine is now possible with the arm(s) and will bring your penis and
mouth even closer together.
13) You shouldn't need to Flex your neck too much in this position. Let it lay comfortably on the
Mat. If your neck is being strained, then you are doing it incorrectly. Continue to bring your
shoulders together and under your upper body for support.

Your end result should be the last Halasana Picture shown, with the Legs Spread but Without the Legs
Crossed (Like the Lotus Leg Position). Some find it easier to perform with the Legs Crossed but I find
that my Feet and Legs get in the way.

There is a way to use leverage in this position, as I mentioned earlier. And that is that you can
maintain more of a Basic Halasana pose and use a Wall. The wall should be opposite your head
when laying down. Now, simply walk your legs down the wall and use them to help bring your
pelvis closer to your head. This is actually quite helpful in the beginner phases. However, using the
wall is a crutch and it allows us to use this as leverage. This isn't always good or safe, as it encourages
us to force things farther than they are intended. So, if you utilize this method, Do Not Push It.

Again, don't expect to be autofellating the first time you try this or any position. Work on the positions
until you are comfortable with them for Five, Ten, or Fifteen Minutes. Then once you have mastered
them, you can work on closing up the gap between your mouth and penis. Remember when we talked
about PNF and being able to stretch more? You got it. Use this technique in your positions to
encourage more stretching. Simple flex as much as possible. Then Contract all the Muscles involved
as strong as possible (without going too crazy) for about Five Seconds. Then relax the Muscles and try
to Stretch Farther. What happens? You got it, again: You can stretch more and further close your gap.
You see, this is why these types of concepts were introduced in this book. To give you every possible
edge imaginable.

Please guys, go slow and be careful. Don't ever force anything or go beyond your limits. Be smart
about this so you can enjoy a lifetime of Autofellatio.


Never Push It.

Never Force or Strain Anything.
Never Rush Things.
Back Off if Any Pain, Weird Sensations, or Sickness Occurs.
Relax and Breathe Easily.
Make It an Enjoyable Experience.
Don't Do Anything Stupid.



The Bishop Position is one of my favorite's and is the most comfortable for me. Initially it was very
difficult but was one of those positions where I could clearly see my progress grow with each
Autofellatio attempt.

1) Assume a Lotus Position. However, assume it With Your Back Up Against a Wall for
2) Use your hands and grasp underneath both of your Knees. Pull up on your Knees and Bring
your Legs/Pelvis Closer to Your Body.
3) Continue to Practice this until you can bring your Knees up to your Body (as in the picture
above) without having to use your hands to bring your Knees up.


You can practice sitting in the position above with your Arms intertwined under your legs to help you
get used to being in this pose for long durations.

4) Once you have mastered bringing your Pelvis fully to your chest without having to use your
hands, and can remain in this position for long periods that you proceed to Autofellation.
5) Simply grasp under your Hamstrings (close to your buttocks) and Not Your Knees with both of
you hands and pull up on your Pelvis.
6) Flex your head down toward your penis.

Again, this is where PNF will definitely help you and come into Play. When you have Flexed your head
and Pelvis as close together as possible, then contract all of the associated muscles very strongly. Hold
this contraction for Five Seconds and then relax. Now, you will be able to bring your head and pelvis
even closer together. Only use PNF Two or Three Times per Session.

This is great to perform on a couch. Once you have mastered the stability portion of it, you won't need
to use a wall as a support any longer; however, you still can if you so desire.


Never Push It.

Never Force or Strain Anything.
Never Rush Things.
Back Off if Any Pain, Weird Sensations, or Sickness Occurs.
Relax and Breathe Easily.
Make It an Enjoyable Experience.
Don't Do Anything Stupid.



Not every Yogafellatio position has to be based on a Yoga Posture. The Chair Position is one of those.
The great part about learning how to unlock your Superficial Back Line and learn to Stretch out your
body properly is that you can perform and experiment with different Autofellatio positions. One of the
simplest is The Chair Position.

1) Get a padded chair where the seat does not extend to the floor. There needs to be an opening
under the chair. The underside of the chair should be solid. If you have a chair with thin lining
underneath that is covering the springs, you can nail a piece of plywood underneath it to make it
solid. The chair, too, should be solid.
2) Sit in the chair with your legs about Three Feet apart at the knees. This measurement can be
altered as you realize what width is best for you.
3) Simply Flex your Head and Spine toward your Pelvis. You can now Pull on the Underside of
the Chair with Your Hands. This will Bring Your Head and Upper Body into a great degree of
Flexion toward your Pelvis. Be careful not to overstrain or pull something.
4) You can also Pull on the underside of your Thighs. The best position is just behind and under
the Knee. Make sure the chair is sufficiently stable.
5) One can also Pull on the Underside of One Thigh with one Hand. With the other Hand, Pull

on the Underside of the Chair. If you utilize this method, switch hands every time you perform
it to ensure you keep flexing symmetry into this Autofellatio Technique. So, if you do this on
Monday with your Left Hand pulling on your Left Thigh and your Right Hand pulling on the
Underside of the Chair, when you next perform this position, simply use your Right Hand to
pull up on your Right Thigh and utilize your Left Hand to pull up on the Left Underside of the
chair you are utilizing.
6) This position, I have found, provides best alignment with my mouth and penis.

Again, remember your PNF stretching trick. Get in your position and flex as much as you can. Contract
all the applicable muscles strongly and hold this contraction for Five Seconds. Relax the contraction
and wait Five Seconds. Then see how much Farther you can Flex. Only do a PNF Stretch Release Two
or Three Times in a Session. Don't overdo it.

Since you are using your arms to increase your Flexibility, be careful! Don't overdo it and don't stress
your back, neck, or pelvis in the process. Go slow and easy at first and little by little you will be able to
flex farther and farther.


Never Push It.

Never Force or Strain Anything.
Never Rush Things.
Back Off if Any Pain, Weird Sensations, or Sickness Occurs.
Relax and Breathe Easily.
Make It an Enjoyable Experience.
Don't Do Anything Stupid.



The C Position has always seemed to me to be the most handiest of all positions. I say that because I
have entered into this position in some awkward places and situations. The importance of this position
is the same with the original Paschimottanasana pose. And that is that your Hamstrings and Calves
need to be fully stretched out.

1) Always Unlock Your Glutes. Remember, we discussed this under Specific Release
Mechanisms. Don't attempt this unless you unlock your Glutes.
2) The positioning is easy enough. Sit on your buttocks with your legs fully extended.
3) Flex forward with your spine and neck to bring your mouth to your pelvis.
4) You can place your Arms and Hands under your Middle Thighs to help encourage more of a
Posterior Tilting to Your Pelvis.
5) Slight Flexion in the Knees may help reduce pressure on the Pelvis from the Hip Flexors and
allow you to get closer than if the Knees stay bent.

Don't forget PNF with this posture. Again, Flex as close as you can and contract all associated muscles
and hold for Five to Ten Seconds. Relax the Muscles (keep your Flexed position) and then proceed to
Flex farther than before. Only do PNF Two or Three Times during a Session.

Unlocking the Glutes is paramount in this position. It's useful in every position, but especially in the
C Position.


STANDING C POSITION - This pose can also be performed while standing. Instead of Grasping
under the Thighs, try Grasping the Buttocks or closer to the Buttocks. I Do Not Recommend the
Standing C Position. It is easy to lose one's balance in this posture and it is much more awkward and
uncomfortable than relaxing on a solid bed or Yoga mat. It also puts tremendous strain on your Knee
joints. Because Gravity is axially bearing down on your body, the biomechanics are altered from the
natural postures and stretches we have been working on.

LATERAL (LAYING) C POSITION - This is a simple enough position but I've never really
utilized it and I'm not sure why. It seems one of the most natural positions, as we are born in the Fetal
Position and most of us Sleep in this Position. Simply do the C Position while you are Laying on
Your Side.

Again, don't forget PNF!


Never Push It.

Never Force or Strain Anything.
Never Rush Things.
Back Off if Any Pain, Weird Sensations, or Sickness Occurs.
Relax and Breathe Easily.
Make It an Enjoyable Experience.
Don't Do Anything Stupid.


Everyone is going to develop their own patterns and guides as to what they prefer to do to best
Yogafellate. This is typically what I do:

1) SET ASIDE PLENTY OF TIME Never be rushed Before or After. Try to set aside a
special Day or Night that you will Autofellate.

2) DRINK PLENTY OF WATER THAT DAY Keep your joints, discs, and Muscles well

3) EAT LIGHTLY Don't eat Heavy Meals that Day and Don't eat or drink Three Hours before

4) HAVE AN ENEMA This can easily accomplished at home. There is a HUGE difference if
your lower intestines have been flushed out in your ability to be relaxed, comfortable, and
to aid in increasing your Flexibility.

5) SOFTEN UP Take a Hot, Hot Shower or Hot, Hot Bath. Saunas, Steam Rooms, and Hot-
Tubs are also Recommended. Try to keep your thoughts peaceful and relaxing. Do some gentle
stretches in the hot water (or air). I also find massaging my body with my hands seems to
loosen me up quite a bit whether in the tub, shower, or sauna.

6) LIMBER UP Do Your Stretches!

gotten most of the tension unleashed but it will still creep into your back, time and time again.
At a bare minimum, work on your Feet and Sub-Occipital Muscles.

8) UNLOCK YOUR GLUTES It only takes a few minutes and makes a huge, huge difference.

9) MAKE SURE YOU WON'T BE DISTURBED That goes without saying, but I can't tell
you how many times I've been in a Position and the phone starts ringing. Cut out all these
potential annoyances before you begin.

in a cold room to make things more difficult.

11) GET YOUR TOOLBOX READY This includes whatever toys you might want to use,

towels, tissues, pillows, plugs, pumps, whatever. I have one of those fishing tackle boxes that I
keep with the stuff I usually use. I can't tell you how many times I've set myself up and got
going, only to realize my favorite toy is in another room. Prepare yourself.

12) TAKE YOUR TIME Again, this is not a Race or a Competition.

13) PLAY IT SAFE Look, guys, never push yourselves. Remember that Pain is a Warning Sign.
Don't let your Goal or your Horniness stop you from using Common Sense. There is always
another day and another time to Enjoy yourself.

14) EXPERIMENTATION That's Right. This isn't the Bible on Autofellatio. Add to it and
improve upon it.




Everybody likes Stuff. So, let's go over some Yogafellatio Stuff:

Let's start with this Stuff. Don't Autofellate if you are in a bad and angry mood and have had a
horrible day. The Autofellatio experience should be one of relaxation and peace of mind. Don't mix
negative emotions, frustrations, and bitter energy while getting yourself off. These things don't mix and
you don't want to correlate pleasure with feelings of anger. I know sex and masturbation are great ways
to relieve stress, but if you're really pissed off at (or about) something, save sucking yourself off for
another day.

If you're plastered on Vodka and pissed out of your mind; do yourself a favor and don't autofellate.
Chances are you will do something very stupid and harmful. The same thing should be said about drugs
that screw with your mind or disconnect your body from your mind. That includes prescription drugs,
too. Heck, they're the worst kind. Same with Pain Killers. This is a big one! Pain is a warning sign your
body sends to you to tell you that something is damaged or is being damaged. If you are trying to
autofellate and have severe pain, there's a reason you are feeling that pain! It's your body telling you to
stop whatever the heck you're doing. So! Don't take pain killers before you autofellate. Or if you are on
pain killers for some other problem, don't autofellate while you're taking them.


Whatever sex toys you are into and want to include in your Autofellatio sessions is up to you. Just
make sure they aren't dangerous or compromising.

When I first started out on this quest I became a little obsessed. I rigged up all kinds of pulleys with
straps to try to flex my body using these types of instruments. I would use those belts that Furniture
Moving Companies would use (you know, the nylon ones with the clasped gears you can pull on and
tighten like a car seatbelt) and create these make-shift harnesses that I could tighten trying to get closer
to sucking my penis. I even got an old exercise bike at a garage sale. This was an old one from the
1950s or older that worked like a pair of scissors. You'd start this thing up and it was like a ride at the
amusement park. Actually, it was pretty cool and had this chrome metal seat and would actually have
made a great torture device in a horror movie. Anyway, this thing caught my attention at a garage sale
so I purchased it and dragged it home; my mind buzzing with ideas on how I was going to use this
contraption to help myself autofellate. I rigged this thing up thinking I could position myself perfectly
to have it help me flex my spine better. I would then only need to turn it on for a second and have this
thing scissor my body so I'd be closer to sucking my penis. Obviously, you can see where I'm going

with this. It's lucky I'm still alive after that flash of brilliance. I kid you not. I donated the bike to the
Salvation Army before I got any more wonderful ideas for its use.

Yeah, I was stupid. Really stupid; but like I mentioned, I was really keen to be able to Autofellate. Trust
me, don't try anything as stupid as I did. Especially with any type of mechanical machinery. Speaking
of belts and straps that you can tighten to try to encourage your pelvis closer to your head or your head
closer to your pelvis DO NOT TRY ANYTHING LIKE THIS! I don't care if you're the reincarnation
of Harry Houdini. Stuff like this is dangerous and stupid. You'll get yourself definitely injured or killed.


Have you ever been nailing a nail into a piece of wood and have the head of the hammer slide off and
smash your thumb? Sure, we all have. What happens? Your reflexes react and you pull your hand back
as you feel immediate pain. Your thumbs starts to swell as more blood flows to the area to help
immobilize the joint and to bring fresh blood to the area to heal faster. Some other physiological events
happen, too, that we won't go into...

Anyway, after your initial Reflex Response what do you instinctively do? As long as you're pretty
sure you haven't smashed your bones all to bits, you will take your other hand and rub your injured
thumb. Why do we do this? Because it MAKES IT FEEL BETTER.

The reason for this is that after you smash your thumb, the pain receptors are sending all these impulses
to your brain stating: PAIN! These are the predominate signals being sent to your brain that your
brain is focusing on. So the brain reacts by making you feel this pain. It's a simple protective
mechanism that all human beings should have. Just like when you burn your hand on the oven stove as
a kid and it hurts like hell. What does it teach you? It teaches you not to do it again. This is what pain is
for: To Protect us and Teach Us.

So, now your thumb hurts and you start rubbing it. The reason it feels better is because you are
stimulating many more nerve receptors that communicate to the brain. So instead of just sending Pain
signals, you are also sending temperature, vibration, pressure, deformation, and all kinds of other
neurological perceptions to the brain. This is called SENSORY BOMBARDMENT. Because you are
bombarding the brain with tons of neurological receptions from your thumb. So what happens?
Because your brain is being bombarded with all of this information, the Pain receptors get watered
down with all of the rest of information your brain is receiving. So instead of your brain just focusing
on these Pain impulses, it has to sort out all the rest of this sensory information, too; so the Pain
signals are weakened by all the other information at hand.

What does this have to do with Yogafellatio? Good question. Trust me, especially when you first start
out, you'll get a good idea as to how this works. Maybe not initially, as you may be very excited about
really being able to blow yourself, but in a short period of time here's what happens:

Typically when a man is masturbating, he'll be relaxing on a bed looking at some pictures in a
magazine, watching a porn movie, or sitting at a computer looking at on-line erotica. So, the man
becomes focused on two main things: 1) The erotica that is arousing for him. 2) Masturbation. This all
changes when your body is knotted up in a twisted contortion that you are not necessarily very used to.
Even if you are used to it, all the ligaments, muscles, tendons, and joints that are being put into these
extreme positions are constantly sending data to the brain to tell the brain what? To tell the brain
something called Spatial Orientation. Spatial orientation is what you brain needs to know in order to
know your place in your three-dimensional world. It mainly gets these from the joints, as the joints
send information to the brain as to what degree they are flexed, extended, stressed, etc. Using this
information, the brain gets a feeling as to where you actually are in this Three-Dimensional Space. Just
imagine how complicated walking is. Dozens of muscles are contracting while dozens of other muscles
are relaxing, all at very specific degrees in these joints. Your brain gets all this data from these joints
and tissues and uses this to determine what muscle(s) to contract or relax next, in order, so that you
CAN actually walk and not fall on your face.

When Yogafellating, it's inevitable that your brain is going to be bombarded with all of this sort of
information that it is not used to. The good thing is that, like I mentioned, in the beginning it isn't so
bad because you're journeying on this new adventure to sucking your own penis, so this overruns pretty
much anything else your brain wants to monitor. But, as you get used to it, it may become difficult to
maintain an erection because your brain is now taking all this sensory data from your joints that are all
contorted and trying to figure out what's going on in your three-dimensional world.

However, with time this becomes less and less of a problem, as your brain and body finally begin to
reach a neutral position where they both understand what you want and what is going on.

Which brings us to Maintaining that Erection:


When I'm masturbating, I'm typically fantasizing about some sex scene in my head, watching a porn
film, or checking out some pictures. This helps me stayed focus on the sexual part of it, which helps
keep me aroused, and therefore, erect.

You can get creative, of course, but it isn't so easy to watch a porn film on the television or check out
some raunchy pictures in the Yogafelltio positions. So, for some guys, it may be a bit hard to maintain
an erection. Heck, even if you're totally turned on by your own penis in your own mouth, sometimes a
little help is needed.

Cock rings come to mind. I'd say these aren't something I'm really comfortable with during my
autofellatio sessions. They get uncomfortable and can get caught in some of these positions which
could be dangerous. Especially when in extreme flexion, they can get caught in the folds of skin.

However, a penis pump is quite handy to have at your side. In fact, it's a great way to really maintain
that super-rock hard erection, to be honest with you. They don't get much in the way and they can
usually be fairly easily applied even in the most extreme positions. Be careful with these things, as they
can cut into the skin where they apply to the body. There are also stories about guys who screw up
blood vessels in the penis and all other sorts of horrors from using a penis pump. I'm not an expert on
these things and can't vouch for all the different makes and models, so I would just mention that it's to
your best advantage to read what the guy who made it has to say about using a specific penis pump
properly and safely.

Also, don't ever become reliant on something like this to get hard, just use one if you want to keep
yourself going in a Yogafellatio position. The last thing you want to do is let your penis need a crutch
to get an erection. Bad habits are tough to break.

Of course, you are welcome to experiment with other orifices and things that turn you on at your
discretion. That's where it becomes quite a fun and enjoyable experience.


Okay, that should get your attention. No, I didn't just escape from a Hippie Commune in the Desert. I'm
serious about this. I'm not going to get into Tantric Sex and Sex Magik and all of that. If you are
interested in such things, then I suggest you get serious and explore them yourself. However, there is
some pretty incredibly stuff you can accomplish if you know how with Autofellatio.

When a man orgasms, it is an act of Nature (or God). This is why it feels so good. Because Nature is
rewarding man the feeling of pleasure for spreading his seed. Because spreading his seed does what?
IT CREATES LIFE. No matter if you are masturbating, either. No. It doesn't matter because you are
practicing to spread your seed (through masturbation, we are rewarded with pleasure for practicing,

When a man orgasms he is releasing the seed and energy needed to create LIFE. That may sound a bit
corny, but think about it. That's why most people yell out something like, Oh My God!!! When they
are really having a kick-ass orgasm. That's because they are becoming part of Nature by Creating Life.

Hopefully you are still with me... When a man orgasms when he Autofellates, he's doing the same
thing, but yet on a personal and intimate level with himself. He's actually committing Autosex by
literally sharing and recycling his sexual energy with himself. This is pretty heavy stuff I'm not going to
go into too deeply, but, trust me, you can do some really unbelievable exploration with Autofellatio.

Here's one way to do it:

Sensory Deprivation is the exact opposite of Sensor Bombardment, which we recently just discussed.
Instead of sending too much sensory information to your brain, you send as little as possible. By
filtering out all of this extra sensory data it allows one to concentrate on other thoughts or activities
with extreme acuity and sensitivity.

Sensory deprivation has been used for thousands of years to get witches to admit they were witches
when they weren't (like at the old Salem Witch Trials) and by Occultists and Religious Explorers to
explore higher states of consciousness and journeys. Basically, sensory deprivation entails cutting off
your ability to sense what is going on in your environment. One way of doing this is in a salt chamber.
You fill a chamber full of salt water. Lay inside of it and close the lid. The salt water will make you
float and you will have a sense of weightlessness. The chamber will cut out any sounds so you can't
hear anything. The chamber is dark so you can't see anything. You wear nose plugs so you can't see
anything. For all practical purposes you become suspended in total darkness with nothing for your
brain to perceive to let it know what is going on in your world.

This makes the brain wander like crazy and explore the darkness in which it finds itself. With no
physical space to tell the brain what is going on, the brain typically starts coming up with interesting
fantasies, hallucinations, and all sorts of wild and interesting things. To those who are used to dealing
with this sort of thing, they can use it to solve difficult problems, find answers to things they seek, and
just about anything else.

Another good example of sensory deprivation is from what people experience in an avalanche and are
trapped under a mountain of snow. Because they've been tossed around so much, they no longer know
which way is up, down, or any other direction. Being immersed in the snow cuts off all ability to
determine where they are oriented in space. People in these circumstances go crazy before they starve
to death; simply because they cannot possibly orient themselves in their environment. They are
completely lost.

Well. When you start to do things like this with Yogafellatio, some interesting things happen, yet on a
more sexual and God-based level. Of course, do not even think about trying this unless you are
under the direct supervision and guidance of a doctor, you are a professional Autofellationist,
have a 100% safe and sound mind, have a Priest standing nearby, and are invincible. But, if you
do decide to take this path, prepare to be sexually blown out of your mind. I'm serious. People spend
lifetimes studying Kundalini Yoga trying to reach such intense states of sexual power and
consciousness that can be had with Yogafellatio if you know what to do.


You must be in a room you are comfortable with and have prior knowledge of. Decent temperature, no
sharp objects, nothing to hurt yourself. The room must be totally dark. Cover up the windows. Towels
under the doors. No lights. Get some really heavy-duty industrial ear plugs to block out all sound. Get

one of those sleep masks to block out all vision. Get some nose plugs. Ensure that no noises like the
television, telephone, door bell, or anything else will disturb you.

Get comfortable and shut out all other sensory data that comes into your brain through your senses.
That is, apart from your penis in your mouth. Then, you start to Autofellate. Without anything else to
disturb you no sounds, no smells, no light You will become part of a sexual journey that will be
unbelievable. You will feel that you have become your penis. I kid you not. You will feel that you ARE
actually your penis. You are this massively hard, throbbing, penis that is a thousand stories high up in
the air. You can leap tall buildings in a single bound and can run amok having wild sex with mountains,
cities, planets, and even the sun.

Sound crazy? Don't knock it until you've tried it. I can write a book on some of the out-of-this-world
experiences I have had with Sensory Deprivation and Autofellatio. When you are shut off from the
entire world, where you are only left with the act of one of the most primal functions of man, which is
achieving orgasm for pleasure and for reproduction, and are completely engaged in this process... Then
watch out.

Why do you think the Indian Tantrists have sculptures and architecture showing Autofellatio? The
Tantrists were the people who viewed Sex as a Religion All about Life, Death, and Rebirth. Their
architecture shows every form of sexual act imaginable. Every form. And, yes, they practiced Yoga,
too. See any connection here?

How about Kundalini? This is another Hindu ancient form of Sexual Religion that means coiled.
Like the coiled serpent or Ouroboros. Ouroboros is the Ancient Symbol of a Snake or Serpent
swallowing its own tail. Sound familiar? He pops in Scandinavian, Meso-American, Celtic, and many
other forms of Mythology.


The whole concept of Autofellatio is deeply embedded in these ancient symbols and religious
practices. Think about it. With no satellite television, no movie theaters, no books stores or libraries, no
cell phones, no computers, and none of the other crap we have been smothering our lives with, these
beautiful and adventurous people set out to understand, explore, and enjoy the things that were
especially and naturally rewarding. Things like Sex. That's why you see these old Greek mosaics,

Egyptian Paintings, Aztec, Mayan, Asian, and African depictions, and on and on and on, that totally
show that these people were into Sex. They were REALLY into SEX. And not just the ole'
Missionary Position with Jack and Jill snuggled up in bed, these guys were into some really incredible
and mind-bending sexual thoughts, theories, and acts.

Consider a simple, possible ramifaction of Autofellatio:


This is basic medical science. Your mouth is the start of one very long and open tube. It is hollow and it
ends as, and at, your anus. The mouth is the entrance, the anus is the exit. It's true, it's just one long
tube. It starts at your lips, down your esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines, and ends at
your rectum. It is one single tube. There are valves that close off (and open) to keep food stuffs from
not travelling down the tube until your body is ready for them, but for all practical purposes it is one
long and open tube and Your Mouth and Rectum are One.

Okay, well, I never really thought of it like that before... But, yeah, that does make sense. The whole
body is made up of interconnections and similarities like this. When you start to explore these concepts,
especially when you are in a higher consciousness, like with autofellatio under sensory deprivation, all
kinds of interesting thoughts and evolutionary ways of thinking starts to blossom.

For example, and this one happens to me quite often: I Sensory Deprivate and start Autofellating. My
penis grows in my mouth and with each suck it seems to feed itself deeper and deeper down my throat.
Like an oiled snake or a giant eel slithering inside of me. It makes its way to my stomach and then
starts snaking its way through my intestines. It truly feels like a snake slinking down and deep in my
belly and it feels good; it feels sexually gratifying. It continues its passage and journey through my
insides and finally thrusts out of my rectum which is extremely sexually stimulating. Then, it curls up
and twists around my rectum and heads straight toward my head. It then enters into what occultists call
The Third Eye. This is on your forehead. I can feel my Third Eye blink and Open Up as my penis-
snake then inserts itself and burrows into my third eye straight into my brain; then it passes through my
brain and spinal cord to twist under and burrow back into the insides of my mouth (from behind), at
which time it ejaculates its venom (seminal fluid) into my mouth (AT WHICH POINT I ALSO
ORGASM AND EJACULATE). And I feel my semen and the snakes semen (which is in some way my
semen) mix together and then slither and slink down my throat, much like my penis did when I first
started fellating. It's as if it is one continuous process with no entrance and no exit. No start and no
finish. I really can't properly describe it. It is something that needs to be experienced to understand. It's
like trying to explain to someone what an orgasm feels like if they've never had one. No, actually, that's
not true. It's much more difficult.

Now, I've had some great sex in my life. Hopefully, every one of us have! But trust me. And I mean
trust me. I doubt you have EVER experienced any Orgasm that comes even relatively close to this.
Words truly cannot describe this experience.

This might sound a bit crazy to some of you out there. That's cool, I'm not trying to sell you on doing
this; I'm just bringing your attention to it. And trust me, I don't do any drugs and I'm not into any
really freaky stuff in my sexual life. I'm a down-to-earth person. But when you start experimenting with
this type of energy and symbolism during Autofellatio, it will totally blow your mind. And when I start
envisioning these things happening during Autofellatio, it isn't like something I'm just thinking about in
my mind. No. It's as if this stuff is really happening. Physically Happening. I'm feeling the entire
experience and process. It Is Real. It can be scary if you're not up to it.

Take it for what's it worth. For those interested in such things do some further research on Tantra and
Kundalini. They'll help you explore Stuff that will change your life. Just be careful and tread

Enough Stuff for now... Now, get started on the greatest form of Masturbation Available to Man!



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