Along The Danube

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Along the Danube

An introductory scenario for Blcher.

This scenario is provided free as a simple learning experience for first-time players of Blcher, the grand-tactical
Napoleonic tabletop game by Sam Mustafa.
All material herein Copyright 2014 by Sam Mustafa Publishing LLC. HONOUR is a registered US Trademark. Permission
is granted to copy and distribute this document for personal and recreational use.
Using the Unit Cards
This PDF includes unit cards for both sides. Print them out on the colored paper of your choice (for example: white
for Austrians, light blue or French). Using a thicker paper or cardstock will make it easier to mark them with pencils
and move them on the table without bending or wrinkling them.
The cards have been deliberately simplified with minimal color, to make them printer-friendly and easy to see and
write upon.

Preparing the Table

This scenario is for two players, on a 6 X 4 table, Austrian Setup Area
divided in six sections as shown at right.
It is strongly recommended that players use the
free unit cards, as provided on this file, and use
a base-width of 3 (75mm). If you prefer to play
with miniatures, then do so with units that have
a frontage of approximately 3 (75mm).
Terrain should be placed as shown, either using
miniature terrain pieces or cardboard cut-out
representations of terrain areas.
Setting Up

French Setup Area

The Austrians set up first, anywhere on their
half of the table (from the centerline to their
edge). The French set up second. They may set
Hills Minor River Woods
up anywhere within 4BW of their table edge.
Ploughed Field Special Objective
As per the rules on page 23 of Blcher, each
player places one objective marker in his oppo-
nents setup area.
In addition, there are two special objectives, as shown on the map, both of which begin in Austrian control. If an
Austrian turn ever ends with both of these special objectives in French control, then the game ends immediately in a
French victory.
The Armies
Because this is an introductory scenario, we have deliberately simplified the orders of battle and do not introduce a
wide variety of unit types or traits. Neither side is expecting any reinforcements. The corps are deliberately small and
the units relatively plain so that no advanced rules are needed.
Both sides have an army morale of 8.
The game lasts for 30 turns. The French have the first turn.
French I Corps

Line Infantry Line Infantry

2-1 2-1

I 1 I 1

Line Infantry Line Infantry

2-1 2-1

I 1 I 1

Light Cavalry Foot Artillery

4-2 2-1

I 1 I 5 4 4 3 2 2
French II Corps

Line Infantry Line Infantry

2-1 2-1

II 1 II 1

Line Infantry Line Infantry

2-1 2-1

II 1 II 1

Light Cavalry Foot Artillery

4-2 2-1

II 1 II 5 4 4 3 2 2
French III Corps

Line Infantry Line Infantry

2-1 2-1


Line Infantry Line Infantry

2-1 2-1


Light Cavalry Foot Artillery

4-2 2-1

III 1 III 5 4 4 3 2 2
French Reserve Cavalry

Cuirassiers Cuirassiers

4-2 4-2

C 1 C 1

Dragoons Dragoons

4-2 4-2

C 1 C 1

Light Cavalry Horse Artillery

4-2 3-1

C 1 C 5 4 4 3 2 2
Avant-Garde Brigade Line Infantry

2-1 2-1

1 1 1 1

Line Infantry Line Infantry

2-1 2-1

Austrian 1 Korps
1 1 1 1

Line Infantry Line Infantry

2-1 2-1

1 1 1 1

Foot Artillery Foot Artillery

2-1 2-1

1 5 4 4 3 2 2 1 5 4 4 3 2 2
Avant-Garde Brigade Line Infantry

2-1 2-1

2 1 2 1

Line Infantry Line Infantry

2-1 2-1

Austrian 2 Korps
2 1 2 1

Line Infantry Line Infantry

2-1 2-1

2 1 2 1

Foot Artillery Foot Artillery

2-1 2-1

2 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 5 4 4 3 2 2
Cuirassiers Cuirassiers

4-2 4-2

R 1 R 1

Light Cavalry Light Cavalry

4-2 4-2

Austrian Reserve Korps

R 1 R 1

Grenadiers Grenadiers

2-1 2-1

R 1 R 1

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