Student Profiles

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Name: Danny Grade: 12th School: FHN Class: self-

Diagnosis Educ Label Native Lang
Down syndrome Cognitively Impaired English
Interests in School Interest outside School
Gym (sports), Music Downhill Skiing, Drumming,
Neurodevelopmental Strengths
- Memory he will memorize words instead of reading them; he will
memorize names, movie quotes, etc.
- Attention relative strength; he can pay attention for the most part,
but he gets distracted by random things around him (noises,
materials, etc.)

Neurodevelopmental Challenges
- Language hard to understand when he talks aloud
- Social Cognition he struggles to get along with most kids; he
fights, yells, and talks badly about others around him if they look at
him, touch him wrong, or take anything of his.
Behavioral Characteristics
- Gets upset easily when unexpected changes come into his daily
- Seeks attention in everything he does (positive or negative).
- Strives to get all green every day because he gets a reward.
- Struggles with social skills because of his behavior.

Skill Strengths
- Counting
- Spelling (relative)
- Adding on a calculator
- Reading Comprehension
Skill Challenges
- Decoding words
- Reading words
Name: Corey Grade: School: FHN Class: Self-
Sophmore contained
Diagnosis Educ Label Native Lang
Cognitive Impairment MoCi English
Interests in School Interest outside School
Gym, Art, Music Dinosaurs, movies
Neurodevelopmental Strengths
- Language Corey is able to explain his thoughts pretty well
- Neuromotor Function He is coordinated and able to use fine and
gross motor movements

Neurodevelopmental Challenges
- Temporal-sequential ordering he struggles to figure out the order of
the days of the week, and orders of numbers
- Memory has a hard time remembering months and days
- Higher Order Thinking has a hard time thinking deeply about
questions that are asked of him
Behavioral Characteristics
- Likes to play with toys
- Falls asleep easily during class
- Struggles with social problems

Skill Strengths
- Counting
- Memory of facts of interest
- Knows locations inside the school building

Skill Challenges
- Knowing months vs. days
- Memory of personal information
- Attentive listening
Name: Nolan Grade: 9th School: FHN Class: Self-
Diagnosis Educ Label Native Lang
Hearing Impaired; HI, PI, CI (In English
Cerebral Palsy process)
Interests in School Interest outside School
Math Basketball
Neurodevelopmental Strengths
- Higher order cognition He is able to do a lot of the higher level
- Language his voice is raspy, but he can explain his thoughts and
have a full conversation
- Memory good short term and long term memory (especially
Neurodevelopmental Challenges
- Social Cognition Since he does not have a cognitive impairment,
he thinks he is better than everyone in the room and therefore
doesnt get along with them.
- Neuromotor Function Because of his CP, he has a harder time
utilizing his gross motor functions.
Behavioral Characteristics
- Asks for help all of the time when he doesnt actually need it (learned
- Treats other students rudely because he thinks hes better than the
other students
- Constantly needs affirmation on every portion of an assignment
Skill Strengths
- Able to type on a computer well
- Calculating math problems
- Able to handwrite neatly; it is readable
- Cutting
- Gluing
- Spelling
Skill Challenges
- Struggles to act appropriate with his peers
- Struggles to follow directions; Nate does what he wants to do.

Name: Alex Grade: 12th School: FHN Class: Self-

Diagnosis Educ Label Native Lang
Down syndrome Cognitive Impairment English
Interests in School Interest outside School
Work Advanced Packaging, Senior The Wiggles, technology, food
Neurodevelopmental Strengths
- Social Cognition Alex gets along with everyone, whether it be
through verbal or nonverbal interactions
- Neuromotor Function Relative strength; he is pretty good with gross
motor functions, however, some fine motor functions are harder for
him (cutting)
- Spatial-ordering He is good at using visual material to figure out an
Neurodevelopmental Challenges
- Language He is very hard to understand because his speech is
blurred together
- Attention He struggles to pay attention; looks down a lot in his seat
and plays with his straw.
Behavioral Characteristics
- Sweet mannered, doesnt get into trouble ever.
- Cries when he hurts, has certain thoughts, or has to put his iPad away
- Will sit on the ground and not get up if he doesnt want to do
Skill Strengths
- Counting up
- Reading Comprehension
- Utilizing technology

Skill Challenges
- Writing (has to copy so that he can spell words correctly; writing is
- Decoding words while reading
- Struggles to explain what he is feeling
- Struggles to make conversation with others because of his echolalia

Name: Carissa Grade: 12th School: FHN Class: Self-

Diagnosis Educ Native
ADHD, Congenital Hypertonia, Speech and Label Lang
Language Impairment OHI English
Interests in School Interest outside School
Babysitting kids (KTC), Math Capernaum, Horseback Riding
Neurodevelopmental Strengths
- Social Cognition Carissa is well liked and gets along with the other
students very well
- Neuromotor Function (relative) Carissa plays on the special
Olympics basketball team and is able to perform other gross and fine
motor activities; however, her hypertonia will sometimes cause her
to have muscle stiffness.
Neurodevelopmental Challenges
- Higher Order Cognition Carissa has a harder time with the deeper
thinking questions in various subjects.
- Attention Has an ADHD diagnosis, and therefore struggles to pay
attention for a long time.
- Language Carissa has a speech and language impairment that she
has been working on for a long time.
Behavioral Characteristics
- Social butterfly
- Can be mean to other girls because she thinks highly of herself.
- Follows directions

Skill Strengths
- Adaptive Behavior just a hair under the average range (86)
- Decoding words
- Spelling
- Typing
Skill Challenges
- Reading comprehension
- Math
- Verbalizing her thoughts and feelings

Name: Amy Grade: 11th School: Class: Inclusion

FHN (History)
Diagnosis Educ Label Native Lang
Learning Disability; Epilepsy; OHI, LD, PI English
Cerebral Palsy
Interests in School Interest outside School
U.S. History, Art Horseback Riding, Capernaum
Neurodevelopmental Strengths
- Memory can remember specific facts fairly easily
- Social Cognition (relative strength) Amy gets along with all of her
peers, however, she does treat some of the other peers like they are
much younger which is not good
Neurodevelopmental Challenges
- Language Amy has a hard time speaking because she has a hard
time getting a breath in, so it is difficult to understand her
- Neuromotor Function Amy has a harder time with gross motor
functions because of her CP
Behavioral Characteristics
- Loves to be social with her friends
- Follows directions
- Obeys rules

- Reading Comprehension
- Decoding words
- Typing
- Writing
- Getting to destinations on time
- Speaking (she gets Botox on her vocal chords because otherwise she
can only whisper).
- Jumping/running etc. because of her CP

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