Towards An Improved Stone Mine Pillar Design Methodology Observations From A Mistake

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26th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining



Francis S. Kendorski, Principal

Agapito Associates, Inc.
Lombard, Illinois, USA

ABSTRACT mechanical means, such as mechanical miners or rippers, the rock

mass relaxes, dilates, and loosens from the load reduction.
The mining engineering design professional has limited practical
and reliable tools for planning successful room-and-pillar stone Over the years, a number of methodologies have been developed
mines using readily-available and collectible information. Three to calculate full-scale room-and-pillar mine pillar strengths based
techniques are in common use today: the hard rock CANMET upon laboratory-scale strengths obtained from diamond-drill core
method of Hedley and Grant, the hard rock method of Stacey and or saw-cut specimens. For square pillars, a relationship developed
Page, and the oil shale method of Hardy and Agapito. Other usually follows the form:
methods have been proposed, such as the USBM method of Obert
and Duvall, the CSIR/Penn State method of Bieniawski, and the
soft rock confined core method of Abel, Wilson, and Ashwin. p =C0 (wa hb) (Eqn. 1)
However, the latter have practical shortcomings when applied to
room-and-pillar stone mines such as developed for construction
aggregate production. Ideally, the use of multiple techniques where p = Pillar strength
resulting in the same acceptable and reliable answer is the goal. C0 = Unconfined compressive strength of rock in the
Recently, in several underground stone mines areas of undersized laboratory
pillars were examined. These undersized pillars apparently resulted w = Pillar width
from non-adherence to a mine plan. These undersized pillars now h = Pillar height
exhibit strong evidence of incipient failure such as slabbing, a,b = Constants found from field observations or
opening of through-going fractures, and hour-glassing. This laboratory experiments
situation allows examination of pillar designs at a safety factor of
essentially one. This rare opportunity allowed the examination of Numerous publications describe, in detail, derivation of pillar
the suitability and adjustment of the first three design methods strength formulae, especially for coal, and the interested reader is
discussed, resulting in greater overall confidence in the directed to rock mechanics texts and the papers referenced in the
methodologies. discussion below.

To overcome obstacles to design arising from the profound

INTRODUCTION difference between laboratory specimens and in-situ mine pillars,
several different methods of pillar design are in use in hard rock
There are no generally accepted deterministic (calculational) mining throughout the United States, Canada, and South Africa.
methods for underground mine pillar design in hard rock. In this However, all methods have several common factors:
paper, we differentiate between hard rock and coal and
evaporites, sometimes termed soft rock. Hard rock can be Use of laboratory-determined intact rock strength
considered to include most igneous and metamorphic rocks and
well-indurated sedimentary rocks such as limestones, dolomites,
and sandstones. The subject of this paper is hard-rock pillar design. Use of empirically-derived (experience-based) factors to
Pillars are composed of the intact rock substance, such as is tested discount the rock strength to a rock mass strength
in the laboratory from cores or pieces extracted in the field and the
naturally-occurring discontinuities, such as fractures, joints, and Use of geometric-shape factors to adjust pillar strengths
bedding planes. The presence of discontinuities results in an
overall pillar strength (rock mass strength) considerably less than I have used several different methods in concert, and recognizing
the laboratory strength. Rock mass strength is further reduced by which methods are more or less appropriate for the situation, seek
the process of excavation by blasting, which damages and loosens to obtain an agreement among the method results, yielding a high
the rock at the blasted surface. Even when excavated by purely level of confidence. The individual methods are described below.
26th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
In each case, the pillar stress due to overburden for flat-lying STACEY-PAGE METHOD
formations with a regular pattern of square or rectangular pillars is:
Stacey and Page (2) in South Africa have proposed a pillar design
method specifically developed for large-span excavations in hard

( / 144 )D (Eqn. 2)
rock. The formulation is:
v 1 E
p = k Weff
) (Eqn. 5)
where v = Vertical stress in pillar (psi)
= Unit weight of overburden (pcf)
D = Depth (ft) to pillar roof level where p = Pillar strength in MPa (1 MPa = 145 psi)
E = Extraction ratio where k = Design rock mass strength in MPa, which is
calculated by a series of steps using a process
given in Stacey and Page (2) which results in a
wl reduction factor of approximately 50% to 60% for
E = 1 many limestones and dolomites

(w + R )(l + C ) Weff = 4 [(wl) / (2w + 2l)] or
[4 (pillar area / pillar perimeter)]

where w = Pillar width (ft) where w = Pillar width

l = Pillar length (ft) l = Pillar length
R = Room width (ft) h = Pillar height
C = Crosscut width (ft)
with all dimensions in meters (1 meter (m) = 3.28 ft), and the pillar
stress, due to overburden, is calculated using Equation 2.
The pillar strength is then compared to the pillar stress (using
Hedley and Grant (1) proposed a pillar design method for very consistent units):
hard rock, such as found in the former uranium mines in Ontario,
Canada. The formulation for square pillars is: SFStacey Page = p / v (Eqn. 6)

( )
where SFStacey-Page = Factor of safety in crushing by the Stacey-
a b
p = C0 w / h (Eqn. 3) Page Method
v = Pillar stress (in MPa) calculated using
Equation 2
where p = Pillar strength
= Discount factor to obtain estimated strength of a
12-inch-cube specimen from test data on smaller HARDY-AGAPITO METHOD
diamond-drill cores (here taken at 0.70 for a
Hardy and Agapito (3) in the United States developed a pillar
nominal 2-inch diameter core)
design method from observations in oil shale mines. Oil shale is
C0 = Unconfined compressive strength in the
neither oil nor shale, but a hydrocarbon kerogen distributed in
laboratory of a cylindrical rock core
a fresh-water limestone. The pillar strength is estimated from:
w = Pillar width
h = Pillar height
a = 0.5
(w p hs )
0.118 0.833
b = 0.75 Vs
= c
(w s h p )
p (Eqn. 7)
and the pillar stress due to overburden is calculated using V
Equation 2. p

The pillar strength is then compared to the pillar stress as in

where p = Pillar strength
c = Compressive strength of a sample measured in the
SF = p /v (Eqn. 4) Vs = Volume of sample tested
Hedley Grant
Vp = Volume of pillar
wp = Width of pillar
hs = Height of sample
where SFHedley-Grant = Factor of safety in crushing for the
ws = Width of sample
Hedley-Grant Method
hp = Height of pillar
v = Pillar stress calculated using Equation 2
The pillar strength is then compared to the pillar stress as in
26th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
SFHardy Agapito = p / v (Eqn. 8) where p = Pillar strength
1 = Unconfined compressive strength of a large
cube of rock in the laboratory
or 1 = Co (d 0.5) / ( 36 0.5)
where SFHardy-Agapito = Factor of safety in crushing by the
Hardy-Agapito Method where Co = Laboratory-determined rock core
v = Pillar stress calculated using Equation 2 unconfined compressive strength
d = Diameter of rock core
In most cases using NX- or NQ-sized diamond-drill core, the w = Pillar width and length
laboratory-tested sample dimensions are cylindrical with a nominal h = Pillar height
diameter of 2.0 inches and height of 4.0 inches.
The pillar strength is then compared to the pillar stress as in

SFBieniawski = p / v (Eqn. 12)
Obert and Duvall (4) proposed a pillar design method for rocks in
general, but based mostly on strong rocks such as found in zinc and
lead mines. The formulation is where SFBieniawski = Factor of safety in crushing for the
Bieniawski Method

p = c [0.778 + 0.222(w / h)] (Eqn. 9)


where p = Pillar strength Abel (10) developed the Soft Rock Pillar Method based upon
c = Unconfined compressive strength of a laboratory the work of Wilson and Ashwin (11) that uses the concept of a
specimen confined core of a pillar which is the principal load-carrying
w = Pillar width and length element in the system; the confining restraint around the pillar core
h = Pillar height being provided by the broken rock resulting from the pillar
excavation. The formulation for a wide rectangular pillar is (10)
The pillar strength is then compared to the pillar stress as in

SFObert-Duvall = p / v (Eqn. 10) ( )

) [ )
( ) ( )
L = 144 / 2000 v pl p + l y + 4 / 3 y ] (Eqn. 13)

where SFObert-Duvall = Factor of safety in crushing by the where L = load-carrying capacity in tons (2,000 lbs/ton)
Obert-Duvall Method )
v = peak stable stress in pillar in psi = h (tan B) + o
v = Pillar stress calculated using Equation 2

Obert and Duvall (4, p. 458) recommend a safety factor of at least where o = pillar edge strength (psi)
four for room-and-pillar mining with a checkerboard pattern using h = horizontal stress (psi)
this method. The Obert and Duvall Method is thus either very tan B = (sin + 1 ) / ( sin 1)
conservative or unrealistic, depending on the point of view. It [from Obert and Duvall (4, p. 288) as
should be noted that the original application of this formula to pillar referenced by Wilson and Ashwin (10);
design was by Bunting (5) for use in the anthracite mines in note Abel (10) used B in this context while
northeastern Pennsylvania. Bunting reported that Johnson (6) Obert and Duvall (4) and Wilson and
derived the formula given in Equation 9 from laboratory strength Ashwin (11) used ]
data obtained by Bauschinger (7) for sandstone samples of different
shapes. Close scrutiny of Buntings paper shows that there was no where = angle of internal friction of pillar rock
attempt to account for reduction in strength of a pillar due to the y = yield zone thickness (ft)
effects of scale or discontinuities. )
= {h / [ (tan B) 0.5 (tan B) 1)]} loge ( v / y )

BIENIAWSKI/PENN STATE METHOD where h = pillar height (ft)

y = distance from pillar edge to confined core at
Bieniawski (8) and Bieniawski, Alber and Kalamaras (9) point of interest (ft)
proposed a pillar design method (also the CSIR or Penn State p = pillar width (ft)
Method) for coal, based on research in South Africa and the United l = pillar length (ft)
States, which is useful for weaker non-coal rocks. However,
Agapito Associates, Inc. (AAI) experience is that the method is The load-carrying capacity is then compared to the load bearing on
overly conservative in many hard-rock environments. The the pillar using the tributary area theory.
formulation is

p = [ 0.64 + 0.36 ( w / h ) ] (Eqn. 11)

26th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
CRITIQUE Another stone mine of similar dimensions has two pillars
undersized for unknown reasons that also exhibit distress. The
AAI has seen all of these methods in use (or misuse) in stone mine is no longer operating and is at least 40 years old. The area is
mine design and planning. Of these methods, we have found that known to have high horizontal stresses. Some normal pillars have
the Obert-Duvall Method over-estimates the pillar strength slabbed sides and corners. Interestingly, no clear horizontal stress
considerably, yielding doubt as to its validity without using effects were evident in these pillars, but the immediate roof
arbitrary discounting factors. The Bieniawski Method, developed exhibited shearing and cutter development.
for coal, must be used with caution in weaker sedimentary rocks,
and has been found inappropriate by AAI for limestone and Figure 3 is a plot of the Hedley-Grant, Stacey-Page, and Hardy-
dolomite. The Abel-Wilson-Ashwin Method requires the Agapito methods where the actual encountered pillar dimensions
incorporation of rock mechanics parameters that are difficult to and conditions in the first mine are used to calculate safety factors.
measure or estimate such as the pillar edge strength, the passive All three methods indicate that the 15-ft square pillar in the large
pressure coefficient, and the thickness of the material surrounding rooms and crosscuts are near a safety factor of one. The original
the confined core in hard rocks. The results of the Abel-Wilson- 45-ft square pillars and 45-ft wide rooms have very high safety
Ashwin Method are extremely sensitive to the values of these factors and are clearly not strictly rock-mechanics stability-driven.
parameters, and users must be careful to understand the Rather, I suspect, the pattern has been adopted from another mine
consequences of the outcomes. and found successful, if not conservative. Rooms 45 ft wide are
typical to accommodate large front-end loaders and haul trucks
For these reasons, I now use only the Hedley-Grant, Stacey-Page, without overly-wide roof spans. Pillars planned at 30 or 35 ft in
and Hardy-Agapito methods (until something better comes along). width will often be excavated even narrower by mine crews unless
continual survey control and careful blasting techniques are
adopted. In my opinion, in stone mines, pillars with width-to-
FIELD OBSERVATIONS height ratios significantly less than unity are to be avoided.

Recently, while examining existing shallow room-and-pillar These three methods yield a safety factor of near one for this
stone mines, a few pillars were noted that had been excavated narrow pillar situation, which is indicative of distress. Had the
undersized. In one mine, the plan in place and performing calculated safety factors for the encountered narrow pillars been
successfully uses 45-ft by 45-ft square pillars with 45-ft wide significantly higher than unity or significantly lower than unity, as
rooms and 45-ft wide by 40-ft high crosscuts. The rock strength is indicated by the three methods, the result would be
approximately 20,000 psi, and the roof was at a depth of unrepresentative of encountered field in-mine conditions.
approximately 200 ft. The noted pillars were isolated, irregular,
and approximately 15-ft square and 40-ft high, with the room and The meaning of a Factor of Safety of 1.0 is that the load brought
crosscut widths widened to 75 ft (full width, not half-width) to keep to bear on the pillar is well-understood and properly characterized
the same center-to-center distances. While there are no known in- and that the strength of the mine rock has been correctly measured
situ rock stress measurements in the vicinity of the observed mine, and projected to the pillar rock mass scale, conditions, and
a literature search revealed twenty in-situ stress measurements of geometry, resulting in equilibrium. Such a circumstance of an
various kinds within a 150 mile radius. When averaged, the understanding of both the load and the strength (ability to resist
horizontal stresses were approximately four times the vertical load) can be problematic. For instance, natural materials such as
stress. However, no clear signs of horizontal stress effects were rock, in our experience, will vary in laboratory-measured strength
noted. Figure 1 shows the encountered situation in the mine. The by at least 25% from a mean strength. Practitioners will use
undersized pillars exhibited slabbing, opening of through-going something greater than unity for a factor of safety, based upon their
fractures, and hour-glassing, and were clearly distressed. Figure 2 understanding or their ignorance of the environment. I use
shows a photograph of one such pillar. different safety factors depending on the degree of acceptable risk.

Figure 1. Idealized Isometric Drawing of Encountered Undersized Mine Pillar (not to scale)
26th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
and at lower pillar width-to-height ratios for extending the use of
these formulae. This present field study can supply a lower pillar
width-to-height ratio data point of 15/40 or 0.375 for consideration
in comparisons. The 0.375 width-to-height ratio is lower than any
reported by Iannacchionne (12). For comparison with information
presented by Iannacchionne (12), Figure 4 shows the calculated
pillar strengths on this low 0.375 ratio (using a laboratory
unconfined compressive strength of 20,000 psi), while Figure 5
shows the average pillar stress with 200-ft overburden for these
same width-to-height ratios.



15-ft Width, 40-ft Height

w/h = 0.375

Average Pillar Strength (psi)



Hedley-Grant Method
Figure 2. Photograph of Distressed Undersized Mine Pillar 2,000
Stacey-Page Method
Encountered Hardy-Agapito Method

17.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
16.0 Width/Height Ratio
14.0 Figure 4. Calculated Pillar Strengths (divide psi by 145 to obtain
Hedley-Grant Method
13.0 MPa)
Stacey-Page Method
Hardy-Agapito Method
10.0 50,000
Safety Factor

7.0 40,000
Average Pillar Stress (psi)

5.0 35,000
3.0 Minimum Stable Width
0.0 20,000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 15-ft Width, 40-ft Height
Pillar Width (ft) 15,000 w/h = 0.375

Figure 3. Calculated Safety Factors using Hedley-Grant, Stacey-
Page, and Hardy-Agapito Methods 5,000

Without engaging in a lengthy and interesting discourse on rock 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
mass loads, strength variability, and characterization, the pillar Width/Height Ratio
design practitioner should develop as good an understanding of the
mine design environment as practicable (not possiblewe will Figure 5. Calculated Pillar Stresses (divide psi by 145 to obtain
never have that degree of knowledge implied by possible, at least MPa)
with foreseeable technological developments).

Iannacchionne (12) presents a summary of stone mine pillar CONCLUSIONS

performance based upon USBM and NIOSH field visits to United
States mines. Iannacchionne also uses the Hedley-Grant, Stacey- In conclusion, stone mine design methodology is workable if
Page, and Hardy-Agapito methods as examples of design practices, experienced practitioners utilize empirical formulations such as the
but points out the lack of data at higher pillar width-to-height ratios Hedley-Grant, Stacey-Page, and Hardy-Agapito methods with a
26th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining
careful understanding of the origins and limitations of the methods. (4) Obert, L. and W. I. Duvall, Rock Mechanics and the Design of
The agreement of the three methods for a narrow pillar that clearly Structures in Rock, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1967,
exhibits distress characteristics and behavior is encouraging, and 650 p.
the practitioner should seek out case histories to further refine the
methods. (5) Bunting, D., Chamber-Pillars in Deep Anthracite-Mines,
Transactions A.I.M.E., v. 42, 1911, pp. 236245.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (6) Johnson, J. B., The Materials of Construction, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., New York, 1897, 795 p.
The author is grateful to the various mining/construction
aggregate companies who have been the subject of the studies that
(7) Bauschinger, J., Mitteilungen aus dem Mechanisch-
have led to the development of these concepts, but, who, in the
Technishen Laboratorium der K, Technishen Hochschule in
highly competitive nature of the construction aggregate business,
Munschen, 6, 1876. [Cited in Abel (10)]
wish to remain anonymous. Special thanks are owed to
Drs. Michael P. Hardy and Douglas F. Hambley of Agapito
Associates, Inc., whose numerous discussions have immensely (8) Bieniawski, Z. T., Rock Mechanics Design in Mining and
helped the author. The author gratefully acknowledges the time Tunneling, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1984, 272 p.
and assistance provided by Agapito Associates, Inc., in the
preparation of this manuscript. (9) Bieniawski, Z. T., M. Alber, and G. S. Kalamaras, Time
Dependent Strength of Coal Strata for Long-Term Pillar Stability,
Proceedings 13th Conference on Ground Control in Mining, West
REFERENCES Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 1994, pp. 8190.

(1) Hedley, D. G. F. and F. Grant, Stope-and-Pillar Design for (10) Abel, J. F., Jr., Soft Rock Pillars, Intl J. Mining and Geol.
the Elliot Lake Uranium Mines, CIM Transactions, v. 75, 1972, Eng., v. 6, 1988, pp. 215248.
pp. 121128.
(11) Wilson. A. H. and D. P. Ashwin, Research into the
(2) Stacey, T. R. and C. H. Page, Practical Handbook for Determination of Pillar Size, The Mining Engineer, v. 131, part 9,
Underground Rock Mechanics, Trans Tech Publications, Clausthal- June, 1972, pp. 409417.
Zellerfeld, Germany, 1986, 144 p.
(12) Iannacchione, A. T., Analysis of Pillar Design Practices and
(3) Hardy, M. P. and J. F. T. Agapito, Pillar Design in Techniques for U. S. Limestone Mines, Trans. Instn. Min. Metall.
Underground Oil Shale Mines, Proc. 16th U.S. Symposium on (Sect. A: Min. Industry), v. 108, September-December, 1999,
Rock Mechanics, New York, American Soc. Civ. Eng., 1975, pp. A152-A160.
pp. 257266.

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